The task of modern egg poultry farming is to satisfy the population's need for food, and specifically for eggs. Breeds of laying hens play a decisive role in this matter. The high productivity of poultry allows reaching new volumes in egg production. Breeders are working to ensure that new breeds of laying hens not only have high egg production, but also produce better quality eggs.

A bit of history

The lively temperament makes the bird be in constant motion in search of food, pebbles or insects. Early maturation, fast acclimatization, endurance - these qualities make leggorns attractive for breeding in private households. The highest egg production is observed in the first year, then it falls.

There are also brown leghorns that produce dark colored eggs. Recently, consumers prefer eggs with such a shell. Compared to white leghorns, brown ones acclimatize much worse. The bird is demanding on the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Leghorn chickens are used both in the industrial production of eggs and for home keeping. In private farms, they are famous for their improving qualities for local chickens.


Highsec laying hens are also not deprived of the attention of poultry farmers. Excellent adaptability to new conditions and resistance to many diseases, along with an excellent ratio of feed costs to the amount of production received, contributes to the wide distribution of this bird.

The breed was bred in Holland in 1970. If we take into account the parameters of official livestock breeding, then highsec is a leghorn hybrid.

Through the efforts of breeders, two varieties were created: highsec white and highsec brown laying hens. The first hybrid has white plumage, the second has brown. This is a "gift" from New Hampshire chickens that were used by breeders. Laying hens of the Highsec Brown breed have higher productivity.

Highsec white

chickens small size, with light bones. Outwardly, they are very similar to leghorn chickens. Distinctive feature of all birds is the presence of a chic crest. Its size does not allow it to maintain a vertical position, and it coquettishly hangs to one side.

Another characteristic feature is a silky, very pleasant to the touch plumage. Despite an active lifestyle, the character of the bird is quite balanced.

Highsec white laying hens have the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 280 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 65 grams (sometimes the value reaches 90 grams);
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 95%;
  • egg color - white;
  • features - endure infectious, helminthic and fungal diseases;
  • chicken weight - up to 1.8 kg;
  • cock weight - 2.0 kg;
  • temperament - calm;
  • productivity - egg.

Hens require good conditions content, they need mineral supplements. Any violation of zootechnical standards of maintenance immediately affects their productivity. Especially sharply they react to deterioration of feeding.

Hisek brown

For any breeder involved in the development of a new cross, productivity comes first. Highsec Brown has a narrower specialization than a white hybrid, respectively, better egg production. They have the same disease resistance as white highsec. The plumage color of the bird is brown, sometimes the tips of the feathers are painted white.

Laying hens of the Highsec Brown breed have the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 315 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 70 grams;
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 99%;
  • egg color - red;
  • features - hardy, sensitive to temperature changes (with an increase, feed consumption decreases, this does not affect productivity);
  • chicken weight - up to 2.0 kg;
  • cock weight - 2.6 kg;
  • incubation - the instinct is poorly expressed;
  • temperament - phlegmatic;

broken brown

Breeders in Germany set themselves the task of bringing out a cross that does not depend on the conditions of detention. The original breeds were Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. Individuals of the first generation interbred with each other.

The paternal hybrids were carriers of the color gene. The offspring had a brown color interspersed with black feathers on the tips of the wings and tail. On the mother's side, the hens had white feathers. The plumage of the broken brown cross has a reddish-brown color.

Laying hens of the broken brown breed are characterized by the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 320 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 65 grams;
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 98%;
  • egg color - brown;
  • features - unpretentious content;
  • chicken weight - up to 2.0 kg;
  • cock weight - 3.5 kg;
  • incubation - the instinct is poorly expressed;
  • temperament - calm;
  • productivity - egg and meat.

Chickens start laying eggs at 21 weeks of age. Peak egg production occurs at 26-30 weeks. From one laying hen of the broken brown breed, up to 320 eggs of excellent quality are obtained. At the very beginning of laying, the eggs are smaller, then they reach their average size of 63-65 grams.

After 80 weeks, egg production drops sharply, therefore, further maintenance of the bird to obtain eggs is unprofitable. It is advisable to score it on the meat. From each individual, you can get a carcass weighing up to 2 kg, meat of excellent quality.

Unpretentiousness in content makes this breed very popular. Variety climatic conditions have no effect on bird performance. But any violation in nutrition (norm, frequency of feeding, volume, balance of feed) entails a sharp decline productivity. The nutrition of chickens and adult laying hens differs in composition and norm.

It will not work to get highly productive offspring from such chickens in a private household. The best qualities of the breed are reproduced only with selective breeding. It is recommended to purchase chickens of this breed at poultry farms. In a spontaneous market, a purchase can turn into a disappointment. It is very difficult to distinguish by eye a broken brown chicken from an ordinary laying hen, similar to it in plumage color.

Breeds for home breeding

Which breed of laying hens is better, each owner of the yard decides for himself. Of course, it is more profitable to keep chickens that can produce a lot of eggs. The second type of product is meat. It is desirable that the chicken carcass has a decent weight and good taste.

Depending on the purpose, a breed is chosen for breeding and maintenance. Selection criteria can be:

  • the availability of the breed;
  • specialization (meat, eggs);
  • productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • ability to acclimatize;
  • the possibility of using local feed;
  • presence of a market.

For commercial egg production, the Leghorn is the best breed. In the first year, they give maximum egg production, later it begins to decline. At the age of one year, the bird is slaughtered and the herd is renewed. This allows you to maintain the production of eggs at a consistently high level, and meat provides additional profit.

Laying hens of the Leghorn breed tolerate cage content well, which is an additional plus when choosing a breed.

In addition, Leghorn roosters can be used to improve local chickens. The productivity of the first generation, due to the phenomenon of heterosis, will differ significantly from the parent breed in increased egg production.

Breeds of domestic laying hens of combined specialization are in especially high demand. Of the above, the Broken Brown breed is most suitable for keeping in a private household. With high egg production rates, the bird is able to produce a meat carcass of decent weight with excellent taste.

They perfectly adapt to the cellular content, but require strict adherence to the norms and diet of feeding. Another nuance is that in a private economy it is impossible to obtain high-quality offspring in a natural way. To update the livestock, you will have to contact the poultry farms.

Many amateur poultry farmers select breeds according to one more criterion - plumage color. They find it very aesthetic sight when snow-white laying hens walk around the yard. White breeds are numerous and varied. In addition to the representatives already listed, breeds can be noted:

  • Russian white: productivity - 255 eggs weighing up to 62 grams;
  • alstein (white): egg production - up to 200 pieces, egg weight - up to 64 grams.
  • tetra (white): egg production - 310 eggs, weight 67 grams;
  • shaver white: amazing productivity - 405 eggs weighing 62 grams (these are averages);
  • high-line, egg production reaches 350 eggs, weight up to 65 grams;
  • isobraun, egg production - up to 320 eggs, weight up to 63 grams

It has been noticed that the breeds of laying hens with white plumage differ from their comrades in terms of productivity, they have higher productivity and larger eggs. This is one of the main reasons why geneticists around the world treat the gene pool of these birds so carefully.

In private farms, such chickens will be invaluable material for obtaining highly productive poultry, regardless of whether they are bred "clean" or used as an improving breed.

Prospects for poultry farming

The growing need of the world's population for food remains the most powerful incentive to continue breeding work. Modern breeds of the egg direction are capable of producing more than 200 eggs in the first year of life. Such successes have been achieved since the twenties of the last century, when, in fact, the purposeful breeding of chickens for productive specialization began.

During this time, more than a hundred breeds of chickens for egg, meat, decorative or universal purposes have been bred. Today, geneticists are faced with the task of not only maintaining the high egg production of chickens, but also ensuring the quality of the product itself. Pay attention to:

  • shell strength;
  • egg composition;
  • egg weight.

New technologies for keeping poultry are being developed. Work is underway to optimize the composition of feed for laying hens. This will allow you to get eggs with the specified parameters for the qualitative and quantitative content of certain nutrients.

Despite the variety of breeds, breeders around the world continue to work on the development of new lines and crosses. Particular emphasis is placed on crosses. It has long been known that if we compare a purebred bird and a cross-breed, then the second is preferable.

Crosses are more resilient, enduring, easier to adapt to new conditions, resistant to diseases and have higher productivity. They are used in industrial poultry farming, regardless of the type of product obtained - eggs or meat.

Breeding chickens is one of the most popular varieties of livestock. Among the many breeds, preference is mainly given to egg-oriented chickens. They provide the family with fresh eggs. There is also an opportunity to feed the young for meat. The article contains best breeds laying hens.

Breeding chickens of egg-laying breeds is beneficial for the owner of the site or cottage.

Egg and meat-egg birds have a number of advantages over meat chickens, including broilers:

  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • stronger immunity than broilers;
  • the possibility of free-range (and, therefore, independent foraging);
  • high and stable egg production rates.

As for the possibility of using "egg" chickens for meat, then of course, they are far from 6-kilogram broilers, but a chicken weighing 2.5-3.0 kg is quite suitable for meat. A great advantage of egg-oriented hens is their "early maturity". Birds aged 125-130 days can lay eggs. After a short time, they can already carry fertilized eggs and become hens. In year good laying hen brings about 250 eggs. In this regard, heavy meat chickens are significantly inferior to light-boned egg chickens.

Laying hens of many breeds serve as decoration of the site.

How to choose good breed chickens? Breeders, working in this direction, brought out several universal, meat-and-egg breeds. Such birds are calm, unpretentious, 1.5 times heavier than classic egg laying hens. However, the final choice is up to the poultry farmer. Having carefully studied the breeds of birds, you can choose the best option for yourself.

The best bird species for the Moscow region

The review presents birds bred specifically in the Moscow region, and therefore adapted to this area. The exception is the leghorn, but these chickens are popular everywhere.

white leghorn

White leghorn chickens.

If we are talking about "professional" light-boned laying hens, then. Chickens are mobile, mature quickly and are a kind of egg-laying champions. The hen starts laying at 4-5 months. The mass of one egg is about 60 g. The annual productivity of the leghorn layer is 250 pieces. Meat quality can not be called outstanding. The mass of an adult bird is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. However, with increased fattening of young animals, the use of these snow-white beauties for meat is quite possible.

Important! The dwarf leghorn is ideal for country breeding and small farmsteads. The mass of an adult chicken is not more than 1.7 kg. At the same time, egg production indicators are the same as for ordinary chickens of this breed.

Zagorskaya salmon

The meat of Zagorskaya salmon chickens is distinguished by a delicate shade of reddish color.

This variety was bred by breeders near Moscow. The unusual name of the bird was due to the very beautiful salmon shade of meat. The meat has excellent taste and dietary qualities. The rooster weighs about 3.5 kg, and the chicken - 2.5-2.7. Interesting feature breeds is that daily cockerels and hens differ from each other. And as they grow older, the final color is formed. Roosters black and white color, and chickens - all shades of beige and brown.

Pushkin striped motley

Chickens and roosters of the Pushkin striped-motley breed are distinguished by a special comb shape.

The breed has a good performance. The egg production of one laying hen is 270 pieces. The meat characteristics are also quite decent. The weight of the female is about 2.0 kg, the male - 2.5 kg. Externally, the birds are very attractive. Spots of black and brown shades on white plumage make the birds look like charming slugs. These birds cannot fly, so their owners do not need to think about building a high fence, it's worth knowing more . The breed is hardy, perfectly adapted to walking content, the birds do an excellent job with an independent search for food. In addition, the meat has wonderful taste.

Kuchinsky anniversary

The Kuchinsky breed of chickens is one of the most popular.

These chickens are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, rapid maturation and attractive appearance. The breed is universal. The average egg production of one chicken is 180 eggs / year. The bird is quite suitable for fattening for meat. Roosters weigh 3.7 kg, females are lighter per kilogram. Birds are picky about their diet and tolerate low temperatures well. fits perfectly.

Moscow black

The Moscow black breed was bred immediately after the war, in 1946.

Breed meat and egg direction with excellent performance. The mass of the hen and rooster is 2.5 and 3.5 kg, respectively. The laying capacity per year is 250 eggs. The shell is colored cream or brownish. They are great in winter as well.

Overview of popular breeds for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

Each of the breeds of chickens listed in the review has truly unique qualities.


The Oryol breed of chickens is famous for its unusually beautiful plumage color.

The name here does not come from the locality, but in honor of Count Orlov, who did a lot to breed this unusually beautiful variety of chickens. The breed has a wide variety of colors. Characteristic of the "Orlovtsy" is a predatory curved beak, a low knobby crest and a special stature. Not to be confused with any other birds. . In the first year, the hen brings 160 eggs, then the productivity decreases slightly. The taste and dietary qualities of meat are excellent.

Hisex White, Hisex Brown

Chickens breeds Hisex White and Hisex Brown have plumage of different colors.

The birthplace of these highly productive birds is Holland. The practical Dutch brought out a universal variety of poultry, with quite decent indicators of egg and meat productivity. Of course, Hisexams are far from the “classic” meat breeds, but on the other hand, they begin to rush from 4 months. The weight of one egg is 65 g, the volume of production from one chicken is about 300 eggs. The breed is distinguished not only by high, but also by stable productivity. Egg production rates persist for 2-3 years, then decrease. You can learn more interesting things about the characteristics of the Highsex breed in this article:

Loman Brown

Broken brown chickens have a calm disposition.

Laying hens of this German breed are distinguished by a calm disposition, unpretentiousness and endurance. For a farm yard with many different pets, this is almost perfect option. hardy, unpretentious, and you can’t call them shy. The eggs of these chickens are large (62-64 g), painted in a brownish tint. The female rushes at 5.5 months. The annual productivity of 1 hen is 320 eggs.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island chickens lay large eggs.

American general breed. She is not only productive, but also unusually beautiful. The plumage of the birds is red, the tails are black-green. delight the owners with an unusual appearance, stable egg production and fairly meaty carcasses. The mass of hens is about 2.8 kg, males are 1 kg heavier. The annual productivity of a chicken is about 200 eggs. Rhode Islands start laying at 7 months.

Russian White

Chickens of the Russian White breed are unpretentious and productive.

Outwardly, these beauties resemble leggorns. In fact, they also have Leghorn genes. However, Russian White chickens are more unpretentious and better tolerate poor quality feed and insufficiently mild climate. Chickens become laying hens from 5 months. The weight of 1 egg is 58 g. The annual production of 1 bird is 200 eggs. Egg production rates remain consistently high even with insufficient nutrition or under not very favorable conditions.

Adler silver

The Adler silver breed is common in southern Russia.

Meat-eating breed bred in Krasnodar Territory. The birds are fleshy, strong, with unusually beautiful plumage. They are distinguished by endurance and calm disposition. Unlike ordinary laying hens, the skeleton is quite strong. If you opt for this breed, then there will be eggs and dietary meat of excellent taste on the table.


Chickens of the Kotlyarevskaya breed regularly incubate eggs.

Another South Russian variety with a very interesting “cozy” color is the real Hen Ryaba from a fairy tale. The average annual egg production is 240 eggs. They are quite large (up to 63 g in weight). At good care performance remains high for several years. Chickens of this breed are caring hens, which is important for the economy..


Dominant chickens have a calm, friendly character.


Chickens of the fireball breed are unpretentious and get along with other inhabitants of the poultry yard.

The birthplace of these beauties and beauties with an aristocratic appearance is France. Birds are popular due to the unusual golden color of the plumage and the excellent quality of the meat. The live weight of hens and roosters is 3 and 4 kg, respectively. The hen brings about 180 eggs weighing 60 g per year. The shell is colored brownish. With good meat productivity, the skeleton of chickens is thin. indicated that chickens can gain excess fat.


Chickens of the maran breed are demanding on the conditions of detention.

Chickens are distinguished by beautiful colorful plumage and fast maturation. The breed is meat-and-egg. The egg shell is a beautiful chocolate shade. !

Hollow-necked Transylvanian

A feature of the breed is the absence of feathers on the neck of birds.

This chicken is so named because of the absence of any hint of plumage in the neck area. On other parts of the body with plumage is also not dense, part of the body of the bird is naked. At the same time, the weight of the birds is 3.5 kg, which makes them suitable for meat fattening. And hens bring from 150 to 180 eggs a year. So this variety, although not the most attractive in appearance, deserves attention, especially since.


Minorki is a very heat-loving breed of chickens.

The name of these chickens comes from the Spanish island of Minorca. To learn more about Minorca chickens,. The beginning of the breed was laid by the Spaniards, then the British improved its qualities. The hen has been laying since 5 months. Eggs of medium size, white shell. The mass of 1 piece is 55 g. The laying hen brings 160 eggs per year.

Isa Brown

Isa Brown are hardy, strong laying hens.

Typical laying hens. The skeleton is light, the dimensions are miniature. The color is brown (this can be guessed from the name). There is a variety of chickens with white plumage (Isa White). One laying hen brings more than 300 eggs a year. The weight of 1 piece is 63 g. Chickens are hardy, have good immunity. The safety of chickens is about 94%.

Breeds of chickens, which today there are more than 100, were created for different purposes in the process of many years of painstaking selection work. More than eight thousand years ago, chickens were tamed by people, since then the breeds have evolved independently, and were selected by man for their best qualities. The modern catalog of breeds is replete with unusual names, but they are all different in their egg production, meat productivity, characteristics and appearance. To decide which breed to get, you need to get acquainted with its description and characteristics. Consider the most common breeds and their representatives.

Egg chickens, their description and growing features

The name itself speaks of their high productivity in terms of egg production. The catalog of egg hens consists of the following breeds:

  • Leghorn chickens;
  • chickens Orlovsky;
  • Ukrainian earflaps.

Leggorn and Russian White chickens are especially popular, so let's get to know them better.

Hens Leghorn

The description must begin with the fact that today it is the most common breed of chickens in the world. Color palette their plumage is quite large, it has more than 20 colors and their shades, the most common among them are white, but there are black, red, etc. They are beautiful, they have a proportional body and head, a leaf-shaped comb, red earrings, a long neck and flesh-colored skin.

Despite the fact that the breed was bred in the 19th century, they are still used as breeding material to create new egg breeds. They are resistant to adverse environmental conditions, easily adapt to a new environment and quickly gain weight. Chickens lay 200 days a year, so they are considered a good business solution.

They are not demanding on the conditions of detention, live in cages or in chicken coops, get along well with representatives of other breeds, as shown in the video below, but are prone to noise hysteria. In conditions of constant noise, the bird experiences stress, screams, beats, attacks can be repeated several times a day, which negatively affects its health and egg production.

Average weight of chicken, rooster: 1.5-2 kg - chicken, 2.3-2.5 kg - rooster.
Egg production per year: 300

Egg crosses created thanks to leggorns are distinguished by high egg production rates.

Russian white chickens

Russian white chickens have increased egg production and high rates of meat productivity. Differ in strong immunity and immunity to infectious diseases. Their name corresponds to their appearance, they are white in color, large in constitution, they have red eyes, a medium head and long earrings. The rooster has a large, hanging comb, high legs and dense plumage. What chickens of this breed look like can be seen in the video below. Work on this breed was started back in 1929, and today chickens are distinguished by the rapid growth of young and early egg-laying.

Meat - egg chickens, their description and distinctive properties

The catalog of meat - egg breeds of chickens consists of:

  • Moscow blacks;
  • and other names of chickens.

Meat - egg chickens have high meat and egg productivity, let's consider some breeds in more detail.

Kuchinsky anniversary chickens

The homeland of chickens is Russia. Chickens of this breed are easy to identify by color, as shown in the photo, they are distinguished by black plumage with a golden mane. Chickens are very popular among poultry farmers because of their productivity and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention (see video).

This breed is grown in industrial environment for meat and eggs. The eggs are medium in size, one hen lays two eggs in three days. Chickens are kept on the run, they have good immunity, the chickens are energetic, grow quickly and gain weight. You can see how the chickens look and behave in the video below. These are new chickens, selection work on their creation was started in the post-war years and completed in 1990.

Adler silver chickens

This domestic breed. Columbian plumage coloration (see video) makes it easy to distinguish chickens from their relatives. They have high productivity rates, so they are very popular among the population. Chickens are medium-sized, medium in size, they have good meatiness. Their cultivation, as shown in the video below, is simple. Chickens are active, they have a good appetite, strong immunity and immunity to infectious diseases. The bird is not cellular, adapts well to any conditions, does not require special conditions of detention. They begin to rush at the age of 5 months, the eggs are tasty, but not large.

New chickens have become widespread in Russia. They have good indicators of egg production and meat, therefore, they are grown in backyards and in farms. A typical representative meat - egg breed is considered (see video below). The homeland of chickens is Australia, but, due to its productivity, the breed is popular all over the world.

This breed of birds is universal, therefore it is indispensable in personal farms. Chickens differ from specialized breeds in endurance, low feed consumption and livestock safety.

Meat breeds of chickens, their description and brief characteristics

Meat poultry farming has been developed simultaneously with the growth of cities. The catalog of meat chickens recites several breeds:

  • breed Plymouthrock;

Plymouthrock and Cochinchin are the most widespread due to their rapid growth and low feed intake, so we will pay special attention to them.

Plymouthrock chickens

This breed of chickens was bred in America in the 19th century, and appeared in Russia in 1911. As shown in the photo, chickens have a distinctive coloration, thick plumage, red eyes and a small comb. Chickens are not large, but are used for meat and eggs. The body is proportional, as shown in the video below, they have bright red crest, light yellow paws and red eyes. Chickens have excellent immunity and adaptation to adverse weather conditions. They love free-range, have an affectionate and obedient character.

Hens Cochinchin

Chickens are from China. Appearing there in the middle of the 19th century, the breed quickly spread throughout the world. The body of the chicken is powerful, as seen in the photo, covered with thick plumage from head to toe. The bird may be kept in cages, may be free range. Despite the fact that the breed is meat, egg production in chickens is high. The bird comes in black, fawn, golden and other colors. As shown in the video below,

majestic appearance, serves as their distinctive external feature. Fawn cochinchin looks original: their thick plumage protects chickens even in the coldest winters.

You can listen to the story about the difference between the Cochinchin breed and its relatives by watching the video.

Fighting breeds of chickens

The catalog of chickens would be incomplete without representatives of fighting breeds (see photo): Malay, Moscow, English, etc. chickens are new to our country, since this type of competition, which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, was immediately banned in Russia and Europe. You can get to know better fighters, for example, representatives of the Azil breed, in the video below. They have their own, special tactics, thanks to which they win more often than they lose. What position to take, how to calculate the height of the jump - they have no equal in this.

The breeds participating in “cockfights” are new to the Russian poultry industry, but exciting competitions that demonstrate the strength, temperament and assertiveness of chickens are becoming more and more popular.

Decorative breeds of chickens

The purpose of creating decorative breeds was to satisfy the aesthetic needs of wealthy people. Phoenix chickens were cult, lived in temples and palaces, were shown to guests as a curiosity, and were considered the pride of the state. Arriving in Russia from Japan and China, these beautiful birds were used to create brighter, more original and refined breeds.

Modern decorative chickens are new discoveries in poultry farming that followed the fighting breeds. As shown in the photo, they have a miniature appearance and exotic appearance. decorative, for example, such as in the video below, cannot but amaze with their beauty and grace. What breed of decorative chickens you would not start, their “hairstyles”, combs and tails are beyond praise and deserve the best compliments. , The Dutch white-crested is a new breed that appeared in our country not so long ago, but already has its fans in different parts of the globe. What kind of bird you get - decide for yourself, taking into account your taste preferences.

Are new breeds of chicken being bred now?

Of course. To do this, the best breeds of chickens are selected, and parent pairs are formed from them. New breeds are carriers of the desired properties, have greater productivity, resistance to diseases and excellent taste qualities of products.

First you need to think carefully about what you need chickens for, what products you want to get from them, and only then, look for the answer to the question: “What breed should I use for this?”.

Roosters in all their diversity differ in the main features: exterior, size, temperament, productive and decorative qualities. Selection work in this direction has been conducted since the time of Ancient Egypt and today has stepped far ahead. The best achievements in the breeding of new breeds are the work of specialists from the countries of the East, the impetus for which was the emergence of the cult of cockfighting.

Description of fighting breeds of roosters

Fighting roosters are the most ancient among existing breeds. At different sizes(from 500 grams to 7 kg) the bird looks impressive and is characterized by:

  • muscular strong chest;
  • strong long legs;
  • powerful head on;
  • solid hard beak;
  • aggressive character, allowing you to quickly attack the enemy in the fight for your own life.

Types of roosters by fighting style

According to the style of conducting a duel, the breeds of fighting cocks are conventionally divided into 4 types:

Roosters different breeds can be fighters from birth and fight using all tactics. Sometimes it seems that these versatile warriors, depending on the style of the opponent, are considering which one to use in order to win.

A characteristic feature of the fighting breed of roosters is poor plumage, which causes poor retention of heat by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to keep such birds in a heated room. The key to caring for fighting cocks is a diet high in protein.

Description of popular fighting breeds

Popular breeds of roosters (photo and description):

  • Azil. Almost all purebred breeds of roosters intended for fighting were called this word.

    Imported to Germany in 1860, it is characterized by the following features: strong muscles, squat, bony, angular forms, short legs, hard plumage and a pronounced character of a real fighter. Such a bird is considered to be fully formed and sexually mature in the 2nd year of life.

  • Araucan. It is characterized by brown-red plumage with a black stripe along the feather shaft. The chest, lower legs and belly are black. A feature of the breed is taillessness - the dominant trait, inherited and due to the absence of tail vertebrae.

    Among experts, it is believed that the tail interferes with the fight. Araucan roosters are very pugnacious. In size reach 1.8 kg. A feature of the breed are the greenish-blue eggs that the hens lay.

  • Belgian fighting. A fairly old breed of roosters (photo), bred approximately in the 17th century specifically for fighting.

    The birthplace of such a large, courageous bird with an aggressive posture is Flanders. The back is horizontal, the tail is moderately developed. Weight from 4.5 to 5.6 kg, weight less than 4 kg is considered unacceptable.

  • Madagascar. They got their name from the island where they were bred by the natives. The bird is strong and hardy, widespread in Europe. Despite their formidable appearance, roosters are very friendly to representatives of other breeds and are even able to lead chickens instead of a hen. The mass of the rooster is 2-5.5 kg. characteristic feature The breed is bare neck and legs. Color black, red, white, brown.
  • Lutticher. A strong muscular bird with a broad-shouldered elongated body and coarse plumage. The head is powerful, with strongly arched eyebrows. The beak is curved, strong, the color of a dark horn. The chest is wide, somewhat convex. Wings adjacent, long. The legs are long, bony, straight set. The belly is barely covered by wings, tucked up. The tail is slightly open, with good braids. The live weight of a rooster is 4-5 kg. The lütticher bird has a very grumpy character and a gloomy expression on its face.
  • Old English fighting. Representatives of this breed of roosters are characterized by strong muscles, a dense body, broad shoulders, covered with neck plumage. The chest protrudes noticeably forward, rounded on the sides. The neck is long, strong, widening towards the back of the head. The legs are long, with muscular ankles. Set not very wide, well bent at the joints. The spurs are firm, deep-set, and the rear toe lies optimally on the ground. Males and females practically do not differ in appearance, except that the hens have more best decoration back and fan-shaped tail. Breed Old English fighting temperamental, mobile, cocky. Easily adapts to any conditions of existence. Roosters are friendly to their owners, have a negative attitude towards rivals.
  • Kulangi. The breed of roosters (photo) is widespread in the countries of Central Asia. Such a bird is characterized by an even vertical delivery of the body, a strong physique, a small, well-sharpened beak.

    The neck is long, sinewy, slightly arched forward. The head is small, strong, slightly flattened laterally. The scallop is small, ridge-like. The wings are small and close to the body. The color of the plumage is salmon, light brown and black tones. The legs are high, powerful, constantly in a widely separated position. Behind there are sharp and very strong spurs. The color of the paws is light yellow, often with fine black pigmentation. The live weight of roosters is 4-7 kg. Due to their natural characteristics, the roosters of this breed are very conflicted, they do not tolerate the neighborhood of other breeds. The bird is adapted to training and lends itself to the development of the necessary fighting qualities.

  • New England Fighting Modern. Bred in England in 1850. During the last century, after the cockfight was vetoed, it has been a decorative type of graceful structure. Roosters of the breed New England Fighting Modern are small. Weight - 2.0-3.5 kg. The body is wide, tapering towards the waist. The plumage is short, angular, well-defined and set back shoulders. strongly drooping, long neck. The wings are placed high, close to the body. The tail is narrow, small.

Fighters from the East

    Vietnamese combat. An extremely rare breed, numbering several hundred specimens. Distributed only in Vietnam. The bird is broad-bodied, rather compact (weighing 3-4 kg), with a small tail and short wings. A characteristic feature of the Vietnamese Fighting breed is a hypertrophied crest and unrealistically short legs with shortened fingers. The specific structure of the paws is due to the purpose of the bird, which was used not only for fighting, but also for the production of meat. Currently, the breed is bred as meat and ornamental.

    Tuso. An ancient Japanese breed, quite rare. Bred exclusively for cockfighting. Bettas are small, elegant, have a straight posture and a well-developed tail with poor plumage. Bettas have an average weight of 1.2 kg. Plumage color - black, with a green tint.

    Shamo. Translated from Japanese "fighter". One of the best representatives of the fighting breed of roosters, photos and descriptions of which are of considerable interest to fans of cockfights. It is divided into 3 types: dwarf, medium, large. Tall muscular breed with close-fitting scanty plumage, almost vertical posture, a small, splayed head at the back of the head and a predatory gloomy look. Chest with protruding bare bone, convex, wide. There is sparse plumage on a long broad back. The short wings are slightly raised in front, with clearly visible bare bones. The tail is not wide, with curved feathers of braids. Legs with sharp spurs, strong. The advantages of the breed are endurance, strength, muscularity. Shamo roosters are very aggressive, constantly rushing into battle, in which they act thoughtfully, persistently, stubbornly, fighting to the last. Never step back. Amenable to training, they need to be carried out.

  • Malay. This breed is very ancient, with more than 3000 years of history. There is a version that her ancestors are long-extinct wild giant chickens. Roosters are characterized by a rough, dense constitution, a vertically set body, a small, laterally flattened head, and well-developed superciliary ridges, which gives a stern look. The neck is long, the wings protrude at the shoulders. The crest is small, the wattles are almost undeveloped, the beak is thick, short, and curved. The back is long, wide, sloping towards the tail. The dense plumage is walnut brown and brown.

Domestic wrestlers

About representatives of the meat breed of roosters

Meat breed roosters in relation to representatives of other areas of cultivation are characterized by rather large sizes, horizontally set, stocky body, thick short legs, loose plumage and calm character.

Broilers - poultry for home rearing

  • Broiler. It is the result of crossing such a breed of roosters as a white Cornish (meat) and a white Plymouthrock (meat). Roosters are characterized by a wide chest, powerful strong legs and snow-white plumage. Above a strong massive beak is a bright red small crest. The earlobes are the same color. They have a high ability to quickly gain weight, at the age of 40 days the average weight is about 2.5 kg.
  • Foxy Chick(or red broiler). Roosters of this breed stand out unusual color plumage resembling fox fur (from reddish brown to fiery red). Outwardly, the bird is squat, dense in physique, undersized. The average weight of roosters reaches 6 kg, which is a fairly high figure. The meat is tender and juicy, with a minimum percentage of fat. The breed is undemanding in care and easily adapts to different conditions content.

About french cockerels

  • Faverolles. Attractive look with lush leg plumage and sideburns on the head, bred in France. The meat is very tasty. The average weight of roosters is 3.2-3.8 kg.
  • Barbezier. Breed of ancient French origin. Large roosters of the barbezie breed are characterized by black plumage with a greenish tint, gray legs, and a highly developed crest. Average weight from 4.5 kg.
  • Bress Gallic. Snow-white meat roosters with blue legs and a bright red comb are a national treasure of France and are considered the most delicious on the planet. The image of the Gallic rooster is even minted on the coins of this country, whose inhabitants are kind to a bird of this breed and grow it according to strictly defined rules. Bress Gallic roosters are subject to castration, after which they do not trample chickens, do not sing, have a good appetite, and therefore gain a lot of weight. With good care, a white rooster (Bress Gallic breed) can grow up to 5 kg. An excellent replacement for well-known broilers, however, it is several times higher in cost.

About the Kuchin breed

black cochinkin

  • Cochinchin. Released in China. Meat-type poultry, currently grown for ornamental and display purposes. It is characterized by lush plumage, covering the entire body and limbs (including toes) with the formation of lush "panties" at the ends. The body shape is rounded, spherical. The color is white, blue, fawn, partridge, but the black rooster is the most popular. The Cochin Chinese breed is prone to obesity. Cold resistant. The live weight of males is from 4.5 to 5.5 kg.

Hello dear beauty lovers. Yes Yes exactly! Under this motto, we offer you today's communication. Unusual breeds of chickens in our material. The relevance of the theme of beauty and the aesthetic component of the bird care hobby cannot be exhausted, since they are a gift from Nature and a real decoration of Her Majesty!

So, few people will deny that chicken is far from always banal: “egg or meat”, although in the sense of gastronomic perception it is more familiar. And if you try to change the viewing angle and look at the heroine of our review differently?

Agree, its undeniable advantages become obvious, it suddenly opens up to the eye that this creature is very, very good-looking. An elegant arsenal: an amazing fluffy tail, a magnificent comb, “downy boots” - why not decorate any backyard yard, front garden and aviary?

Let's take a closer look at decorative beauties who have confidently established themselves as an original segment of the poultry industry. We watch the most unusual breeds of chickens video.

A bit of history

Chickens are birds from a number of galliformes, the pheasant family. The familiar modern one, all currently known selections and crosses taken together are the distant descendants of the “banking rooster”.

Experts point to several different periods, which dates the domestication of these feathered inhabitants of the Earth: the amplitude of the research data gives a wide range: from 2000 to 6000 (according to a number of sources - 8000) years BC. That is, intermediate data indicate the number 3200.

Agree, any information of this kind is impressive in itself. Also, the initial territory is also a matter of disputes and scientific horizons, where the states of Southeast Asia, India and China appear. There is evidence that the line of distribution of this beauty leads to Ancient Egypt and to the Middle East.

The beginning of antiquity in Greece was also marked by the breeding of this species, and from the shores of Attica, the path of bird migration ran throughout the European territory of the mainland.

What can the most common feathered inhabitants of the modern household yard do and what benefits do they bring to mankind from unusual breeds of chickens today?

Here is the most typical list of everything that the Ryaba Chicken gave us:

  • Protein products: meat and eggs;
  • Household direction: feathers and down;
  • Sports and aesthetic value: decorative and fighting birds.

Unfortunately, for such a long history of existence, some types have not survived to this day, and even now some species are on the verge of extinction.

Unusual breeds of chickens - TOP 10

Unusual breeds of Silky chickens

"Silkie" (from the English. "Silkie") pets became famous for their unique obedience, everyone was subdued by their delicate and soft, like silk, temperament. The uniqueness of the breed lies in the tactile sensation of touching their silky plumage, which gives the name to the family. In addition to this effect, the bird boasts several other attractive features.

Unlike the vast majority of "pale-faced" relatives, it has an amazing dark blue skin and bones, in addition, it has five-fingered legs, while ordinary relatives have only four fingers. The history of the origin of these amazing birds is shrouded in mystery, and Ancient China is considered to be the likely point of their appearance to the world.

A chicken with a solid history is also attractive due to a number of unique qualities that belong exclusively to it: the feathers of the “silk Chinese woman” do not have adhesion to each other and are more reminiscent of fur or wool, in addition, they are not subject to juvenile molting.

Fur hats flaunt on the heads of unusual fluffy woolen klushas, ​​covering the entire surface, and individual strands delicately fall over the eyes.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ga Dong Tao

A rare family, one of the rarest in the world - originally from Vietnam, lives exclusively in the homeland. Livestock is limited to just a few hundred. With its average size (the male weighs 3-4 kg, and the female weighs 2.5-3 kg), the breed was initially positioned as a fighting one.

Far from the prettiest, but hallmark of these savory creatures are thick, somewhat ugly, legs.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ayam Tsemani

The translation of the name of this lovely creature sounds like: “black rooster”, which is fully confirmed by the appearance, because these chickens are actually completely black!


So our “TOP-10” unusual breeds of chickens came to the finish line, where we tried to present information about the brightest cases of modern poultry farming.

Of course, there are many amazing birds in the world, descended from the progenitor - the wild Asian "bank cock", which could compete in all sorts of ratings, but we limited ourselves to describing the "team of the most incredible" of them.

Personally, I like tailless ones. The taste and color, as they say!

Best wishes to you!

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, rooster and chickens! Or other poultry. We are wondering what kind of chicken coop you have?
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