Russian Spaniels were originally bred for hunting by crossing English subspecies of the breed - Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels. On the hunt, he was tasked with finding a waterfowl, making it fly up, and after a shot, having received the hunter's command, bring the shot game.

The Russian Spaniel has in the characteristics of the breed all the qualities necessary for a gundog: high endurance, a keen sense of smell, energy and perseverance. The innate predisposition to serve prey saves the owner from many hours of grueling training. Hunters consider Russian spaniels suitable for hunting not only small and middle bird, but also on larger prey, like a hare, or even a wild goat.

But dogs of this breed are now less often used for work, remaining for people just loyal and affectionate pets. They make excellent companions for their owners due to their pleasant appearance and cheerful nature. Spaniels joyfully greet friends and guests, but they can also recognize a suspicious person, because they are endowed with subtle intuition.

Russian Spaniel Appearance and Grooming Requirements

The average representative of the Russian Spaniel breed is a medium-sized, long-haired dog. The height at the withers varies from 36 to 44 cm, and the weight is from 13 to 18 kg, but you can often find a deviation from the standards upwards. The physique of these dogs can be described as squat, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The tail is usually thick and continues the line of the back, often docked at half the length. A striking feature of the Spaniel's appearance is large hanging ears. They are so long that they can reach the tip of the dog's nose.

Almost the entire body of the animal is covered with thick, long and soft curly hair, except for the head and paws in front - there the hair is noticeably shorter. Colors are provided in 3 varieties:

  1. Solid - black, chocolate or red.
  2. Piebald - all variants of a solid color with tan or patches of a different shade.
  3. Tricolor.

The long, wavy coat requires regular weekly brushing, but does not need clipping. Many lovers of the breed are categorically negative about the haircuts of Russian spaniels, because this violates their natural cover and leads to malfunctions of the body's heat exchange functions. During seasonal molting twice a year, you need special devices comb out excess undercoat and wool.

The ears and eyes of Russian Spaniels require special attention. Eyes are prone to excessive tearing, so they need to be washed regularly with special products from a veterinary pharmacy or pet store. All lop-eared animals suffer from a tendency to infectious diseases Spaniels are no exception. Therefore, they will need careful examination and keeping their ears clean.

Like any other dog, the Russian Spaniel needs periodic cleaning of the teeth from the formed plaque and trimming of the nails, if self-grinding is not enough. Also, walking and exercising with the animal should be given enough time to maintain a satisfactory physical shape.

Breed characteristics of the character of Russian spaniels

Due to their small size, spaniels easily adapt to living in small areas in ordinary apartments. But we must not forget that these animals are very active and energetic, they need long walks and moderate exercise. They are well suited for training on shells at special sites or agility classes.

Distinctive features inherent in all representatives of the breed:

  • friendliness. Although the dogs were bred as hunting dogs, this did not prevent them from being reverent and warm towards their owners, and cautiously optimistically meeting strangers;
  • restraint at home. Spaniels on the street are extremely mobile, very fond of swimming in ponds and long forest walks. Receiving high-quality walking, the pet will be calm at home and will not spoil either the interior items or the things of the owners;
  • great intuition. Although Russian spaniels love to meet guests, they behave kindly with them, this does not prevent them from being good watchmen. A smiling dog, sensing danger, can instantly turn into a dangerous defender and begin to defend his home and "flock";
  • patience with children and loyalty to other animals. Dogs of this breed are able to endlessly play with children and humbly endure all their harassment, never injuring or harming the child. Spaniels are not very jealous, so they are ready to share their master's attention with other animals. Also, despite their hunting characteristics, dogs will never touch poultry and livestock;
  • high learning ability. The lively mind of dogs helps to quickly remember not only the requirements of the owners, but also the situations in which they are applied. Teaching a Russian Spaniel a basic set of commands does not require tedious repetitive repetitions; dogs grasp information literally on the fly.

Be sure to know about the only significant negative feature of the behavior of Russian spaniels. All dogs of this breed are completely unaware of the feeling of fullness, they are able to eat shocking amounts of food at a time. Overeating can lead to the development of chronic diseases of the digestive tract and cause pet obesity. And fat dogs are more prone to developing cardiovascular diseases. As you know, in animals with excess weight, life expectancy is reduced.

During walks, you must either not let go of the spaniel from the leash, or carefully monitor all his actions. The ever-hungry dog ​​has a pernicious habit of picking up everything more or less edible from the ground and will never pass indifferently past the garbage, and eating something on the street often leads to poisoning.

Among hunting dogs, the Russian spaniel breed occupies a special place: having appeared in the USSR in the fifties, it was bred specifically for Russian natural conditions, which the previously imported English spaniels could not cope with.
An energetic and hardy dog ​​instantly gained popularity among Soviet breeders, who appreciated its hunting qualities and easy, good-natured character. To this day, it is widely known on the territory of the former Soviet Union, although it is not recognized by the international cynological community.

The reasons for the "people's love" for the spaniel are not difficult to understand, having understood the features of this unique, truly Russian companion of the hunter. In this article, we will consider not only the characteristics of the spaniel and the characteristics of the breed, but also pay attention in detail to its hunting qualities.


In the twenties of the last century, Leningrad scientists began fundamental work on breeding a new type of spaniel, better than European "short-legged" breeds adapted to hunting in swampy areas and water meadows. The result was the appearance by the end of the thirties of a dog that differed significantly from the English in physique and endurance. But for the first time, the Russian spaniel officially received the breed standard only ten years later - in 1951.
Thus began the history of the Russian hunting spaniel - a gun dog hunter for waterfowl, meadow, upland birds.


Russian hunting spaniel Characteristics of the breed - a strong, "dryish" small dog:

  • Coat: thick, shiny, slightly wavy and long - at the withers, chest, sides. Short: on the front of the paws and on the head.
  • A strong curl on the chest, neck, or, conversely, too short hair is a marriage.
  • Colour: varies from single color to tricolor. Colors: black, red, brown, in combinations, with tan marks and strokes.
  • Build: strong, lean, with well-developed muscles. The withers are high. Height from 38 cm (females) to 44 cm (males), weight - between 12 and 18 kilograms.
  • Tail: thick, mobile, position - along the back line, docked.
  • Head: Ears - hanging, close fitting to the head, the hair on them is long and wavy. Eyes - brown, muzzle - moderately long.
  • Movement: fast, free.
  • Average life expectancy: 10 to 14 years.


The Russian Spaniel dog has a calm and kind disposition, loves children, gets along with cats. The apartment feels comfortable. At home: affectionate, cheerful, has a strong attachment to the owner.
During the hunt, the spaniel is an active, attentive assistant. Obedient, does not show aggression towards a person. Hardy, swims with pleasure and dives for prey even in icy water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Advantages of the Russian Spaniel:

  • Size: Designed for hunting, the Spaniel is also suitable for life in the big city. A compact pet can be transported in a bag, on the subway and other public transport.
  • Does not require grueling training, has a high intelligence.
  • Russian Spaniel puppies have a minimum percentage of genetic abnormalities due to the strict selection of breeding dogs in breed selection.

Unfortunately, the spaniel has its own "weak" sides:

  • In difficult conditions: in high marsh grass, in places not rich in birds, it quickly exhausts and gets tired.
  • It is dangerous to keep it together with rodents and exotic animals, birds.
  • Young dogs can be slightly dominant or hyperactive, which can be easily corrected with training.
  • Sometimes jealous and touchy.
  • Prone to otitis and other ear infections due to the structure of the ear.

The Russian Spaniel requires daily exercise and is not suitable for people with an inactive lifestyle.

Hunting qualities

The Russian Spaniel dog breed is endowed with a whole set of qualities that are indispensable for hunting:

  • versatility: the spaniel "works" with almost any kind of game;
  • compactness: small size and the weight of the spaniel helps him to easily make his way through the places where a large dog will get stuck;
  • high performance in all weather conditions: the spaniel is not afraid of heat (as, for example, a cop) or complete calm;
  • rapid achievement of "hunting" age: a puppy of autumn litter with proper training by spring - summer goes on the first hunt;
  • acute sense of smell: the dog will not make a mistake when looking for a wounded animal or a hidden bird, it will find prey in the thickets, in the dark.

Choosing a puppy

The Russian Spaniel is a faithful friend and companion of man. In order to acquire a dog with a declared breed standard, the choice of a puppy should be taken seriously, especially if the animal is planned to be taken on a hunt.

Attention should be paid:

  • On health, physical characteristics. Russian Spaniel puppies should be active, well-developed, well-fed. From two months they stand firmly on their paws, playful, curious.
  • Compliance with general hunting standards. The animal should not have visible defects: rickets, malocclusion, disproportionate physique (large head, shortened limbs).
  • The puppy's parents must have all the necessary documents for a thoroughbred dog: a pedigree with an "excellent" exterior rating, a field diploma.

You need to buy a puppy from a trusted professional breeder. So the probability of acquiring a rejected or not viable dog will be reduced to a minimum.

Being a "city hunter" dog, the spaniel is also adapted to difficult field conditions (frost, strong wind, rain, heat), and to a small apartment.

The main requirement for his comfortable and happy life at home is:

  • long daily walking (an hour and a half a day);
  • proper feeding;
  • hair care;
  • care for the health of "problem" ears and eyes.


The diet of the Russian Spaniel should be balanced, contain all the necessary nutrients and elements.

Suitable for dogs:

  • veal, chicken, chicken liver, beef and chicken offal in boiled form;
  • boiled fillet of sea fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • premium feed.

Adult pets are fed twice a day. Puppies - 5-6 times a day in small portions, avoiding overfeeding.


This breed does not require complex care: the dog must be combed regularly (at least 2-3 times a month), bathed if necessary.

health care

Dogs of this breed are strong, healthy animals.

The weak points are:

  • Ears. The dog's long, floppy ears need to be checked and cleaned regularly due to the spaniel's predisposition to ear infections. Teach your puppy to clean his ears from an early age;
  • Eyes. An infection often gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis develops, so they must be cleaned of dirt, washed with clean water when tearing.

Education, training and coaching

A description of the Russian Spaniel breed would be incomplete without mentioning its susceptibility to training.

Training should begin no later than the age of two to three months:

  • from simple commands "to me", "place", "sit", "lie down";
  • distinguishing between what is permitted and what is not permitted by the commands “can” and “impossible”.

Training of hunting qualities

If the dog is planned to be used for hunting, then training, as a rule, also begins in the first months of life:

  • from learning to “fetch” game: a 2-3 month old puppy is taught to serve things at home, a 4-5 month old puppy is taught outdoors and in the water (in summer);
  • accustoming to search by "shuttle" - from 4 - 5 months;
  • training an animal for specific types of game - not earlier than 5 - 7 months.

Nataska for game

  • after identifying the characteristics of the character of the spaniel and his behavior;
  • after the dog has mastered a minimum of general training techniques, knowledge of the basic commands;
  • you need to train a puppy alone, do not allow other family members at this time to take the dog out of town, into the forest, for "mushrooms";
  • during the training, keep the dog in sight, do not let go more than 40 steps away from you;
  • train in places strictly designated for this by the hunting community;
  • avoid impenetrable swamps, marshes, thick grass when training;
  • take care of the natural scent of the dog: stop smoking in her presence, do not keep near chemicals, do not feed spicy food.

Hunting Features

Russian Spaniel on the hunt - specialist in different types feathered game. A four-legged hunter on a hunt looks for a bird in places that are hard to reach for a hunter, raises it “on the wing”, and then, after a shot, brings prey.

Types of hunting with a spaniel:

  • duck hunting;
  • snipe and snipe hunting;
  • corncrake hunting;
  • hunting for black grouse and capercaillie.

duck hunting

It is believed that this breed owes its appearance to duck hunting: it was originally bred to hunt waterfowl.

The specifics of the hunt are as follows:

  • hunting time: spring - autumn;
  • place: meadow swamps, lake shores;
  • process: the dog goes ahead of the owner, moving near the water, in overgrown areas. Having found the hidden duck, the spaniel raises it on the “wing” and exposes it to the hunter’s shot, then it looks for the dead bird or dives for the wounded animal. Without the participation of the dog, a large percentage of the wounded duck hides in the thickets, goes to places inaccessible to the hunter.

Snipe and great snipe

Many lovers of "beautiful" hunting prefer spaniels to cops in the hunt for this game. The spaniel does not make a “stance”, but works expressively and emotionally - so that even before the bird takes off, an experienced hunter will prepare a shot.


  • time: August - early September;
  • place: floodplain meadows, sedge marshes in the predawn time;
  • process: the dog moves "short", "shuttle". Sensing game, the dog freezes, tries to bring the owner to the bird before it takes off.


The main feature of the bird is its "laziness" - it is extremely reluctant to rise "on the wing", preferring to exhaust the dog by running. That is why the “stand” of the pointer does not cope well with the jerk, but the hardy and active spaniel works well.


  • time: mid-September;
  • place: shores of meadow lakes and ravines, border of sloping meadows;
  • process: the spaniel “drives” the corncrake in circles, sometimes for half an hour or more. With his voice, "candles", jumps, in the end, he raises the stubborn bird "on the wing".

Black grouse and capercaillie

Black grouse and capercaillie are very shy and cautious birds, so the main thing in hunting them is not to frighten away the game ahead of time. Only the most "professional" dogs are suitable for this hunt - seasoned and patient.


  • time: autumn;
  • place: forest glades, wastelands, overgrown fields;
  • process: the dog is in constant close contact with the person, bringing him close to the prey. Taking the trail, the spaniel bypasses the bird from the side and directs it directly under the hunter's gun.

The pet is also taken for other types of hunting: for example, a trotter hare, a hare, sometimes even a wild boar. Possessing a real "hunting passion", this four-legged hunter will make any hunt reckless and rich in prey.

The nature and abilities of the dog largely depend on the person. The caring and attentive attitude of the owner to the pet will help him become an indispensable companion, both on the hunt and in everyday life.


In the 19th century, hunting with dogs was extremely popular in our country. In particular, Cocker Spaniels were brought to Russia to hunt waterfowl or wading birds. But such cockers, so popular in their country, in Russia, could not fully satisfy the demands of hunters, because their short limbs could not help the dogs in winter bird hunting, as the animals simply got stuck in deep snow.


The lack of a dog suitable for the Russian climate made breeders think about breeding a suitable breed on their own. They chose the longest-legged representatives of the breed, ordered sprinters from Europe to improve the livestock with their blood. This process was repeated over several herds, resulting in spaniels that did not fit the English breed standard.

By the thirties of the last century, Russia had many dogs that did not fit the standards of the breeds available at that time, but had common features. Nevertheless, it was too early to talk about the emergence of a new breed that meets the needs of hunters.

Full-fledged breeding work began after the Second World War, and in 1951 the original breed standard was put into effect. The final, slightly modified standard appeared in 1966.

Appearance of the dog

The hunting breed of the Russian Spaniel is represented by individuals with a dry physique, rather short stature. In contrast, these dogs have high legs relative to their height. The length of the forelegs from elbow to ground is 50% of the height at the withers.

The height of males is 38-44 cm, females are 35-42 cm at the withers. The norms do not indicate the weight of the animal, but for working individuals, 12-16 kg are the most comfortable.

The Russian Spaniel has a rather long coat, very soft to the touch, slightly curly. On the chest, ears, limbs - feathering, on the tail - dewlap. The color can be one-color, two-color or consist of 3 colors. Permissible both in a mono-color version and with a multi-colored color: black, white, red, brown.

Running at work - gallop. On rather crossed space - a lynx.


The Russian Spaniel is a rather balanced but agile dog. The attitude towards the person is friendly. Most often, the dog has a cheerful and affectionate disposition. for her is the owner. Controlling a dog is easy.

Dogs have a well-developed instinct, they are unusually energetic, have high endurance, and are incredibly persistent. An innate quality is considered to be a thirst for search and a strong need for submission.

This dog is comfortable both at home and in the field. The hunting spaniel does not offend pets, caring for children. He will be happy to carry balls, toys and more. Training does not require much effort. Excellent caretaker.

Choosing a puppy

A breed such as a spaniel (Russian hunting), photos of this dog are presented in this article, loved by many and often purchased for children. If you buy an animal for a family, life in the city, you can not make special requirements for a puppy. But if you plan to take a dog for hunting, then you need to approach the choice very seriously.

The main requirement: you need to purchase a puppy from good working parents. The puppy's parents must have documents confirming the breed, and in the pedigree the exterior must be rated as "excellent". If the dogs have field diplomas, even better. This means that her working abilities are judged by experts.

Purchasing a puppy

It is best to purchase a puppy through a kennel club. They will recommend a breeder who has a dog that matches your needs. If you buy a pet through ads, there is a very high risk of getting a breed marriage or a puppy not from purebred dogs at all. If you are not an expert in this field, it is better not to risk it and go to reputed breeders.

It is often quite difficult to buy a dog of hunting breeds in large cities. So, amateurs gather in clubs, kennels, sections in order to help beginners, arrange competitions, just communicate with the same lovers of the Russian hunting spaniel breed. Moscow presents several nurseries where you can buy a pet and an assistant. In the future, here you can get advice and assistance in training and developing working skills. These are "Forest Hunter", "Section of lovers of ROS MOOiR", "Section of lovers of spaniels" and several others.

dog care

The coat needs to be combed weekly while examining the ears. All sorts of inflammations on the ears are characteristic of this breed. Often it is not necessary to wash the animal, it is better to do this after a long hunt, after running through swamps or rivers.

Features of feeding

Every dog ​​needs good nutrition to stay healthy and active. Dry food should be left for a time when there is a shortage of time and there will be no time to prepare a complete meal.

Feeding a Russian Spaniel is no different from feeding dogs of other breeds. The only thing to remember is that the pet is very active, so he needs to consume a little more protein.

Having decided to feed him with natural food, it is worth using mainly fish (if possible - sea), offal and lean meat, fruits and vegetables, which dogs of this breed love very much. Once every two weeks, it is advisable to arrange a fasting day for the animal.

Feeding puppies

Once a puppy has been taken from a breeder, there is no need to rush to establish a new routine for him. In order to mitigate the stress of a change of scenery, you need to allow the pet to live in its usual mode for at least a few days. Change the diet, adjusting to your abilities and habits, you need to gradually.


Not even the most experienced dog breeder can teach the basic working skills of a puppy of this breed.

The training of the Russian Spaniel should begin in early childhood. First the puppy is trained general rules behavior: let him know what he can do in the house and what not. When training, you need to be patient, as any dog ​​needs time to understand what is required of it.

Outdoor toilet training is an important learning step. The first 2 months the puppy should not be taken out into the street, but a matured dog must be taken out every time it begins to look for a place to satisfy its natural needs (you cannot force the puppy to walk up the stairs - in order not to harm the joints, it must be carried on hand).

Incorrect and untimely education threatens with serious problems in the future. Ill-mannered dogs, not trained in the limits of what is permitted, are the causes of serious difficulties for the owner.

The main mistake of many dog ​​breeders is to succumb to the charm of the sad eyes of a pet asking for a handout from the table during a meal. The first thing a puppy should learn is that you can't beg in this house. If the owner understands that he is unable to refuse the pet a piece from the table, it is necessary to forbid the dog to be present when people eat.

After the puppy of the Russian Spaniel breed has mastered the basic concepts, it will be useful to go through the OKD (general training course) with him. This will allow him to better understand his master and teach the owner to control the animal. OKD can be passed in specialized schools, but you can also master it yourself, since there is a lot of literature on this issue and it is not at all difficult to find it.

Training in hunting skills is best done under the supervision of an experienced instructor, especially if the owner himself is still a beginner. Training for young dogs should take place in the form of a game - so the pet will better learn the necessary knowledge. The best option game for this breed will be an imitation of hunting. In the club of dog breeders they will be able to suggest sites where you can most effectively teach the animal working skills.

Training these animals is not too difficult due to their intelligence and great desire to please the owner. If it is not possible to turn to instructors, it is quite possible to independently teach hunting skills to dogs of the Spaniel breed (Russian hunting). Photo with detailed step by step instructions can be found in books on dog breeding.

Application of dogs

The Russian Spaniel was bred to hunt a bird that chose water expanses as its habitat. The dog is widely used throughout the country. The main task of the dog is to find the bird and frighten it by "lifting it on the wing." After the hunter makes a successful shot, the animal must find and bring the game.

Russian Spaniel puppies are often purchased as a companion for children. The breed is great for home keeping due to its cheerfulness, friendliness, affectionate disposition and responsibility. The dog enjoys spending time with his beloved owner everywhere - even in the mud of a swamp, even on a cozy sofa.

The search instincts of animals of this breed are so developed that today they are widely used to search for drugs or explosives or to rescue people from avalanches.

The responsibility of the dog allows it to demonstrate excellent watchdog skills, protecting the owner's property if necessary.

The Russian Spaniel is not only an excellent hunting dog, but also a devoted, loving pet.

Dogs of this breed are quite small and adapt well to life in conditions small apartment. However, they are very active outdoors.

Charming and friendly, Russian Spaniels will gladly greet guests, but it should be remembered that they have excellent intuition and are able to recognize suspicious people.

In general, the Russian Spaniel is an easy to train, alert, athletic and friendly dog.

The Russian Spaniel has all the necessary qualities of a gun dog: stamina, excellent scent, energy, perseverance and an innate desire to bring prey. These dogs start working early and do not require much training. During the hunt, the Russian Spaniel looks for a bird, raises it on its wing, and after a shot, on command, brings it to the hunter.

This dog is not well suited for hunting in areas poor in prey, very dense thickets, or in extremely difficult conditions. Russian Spaniels are small dogs and can get exhausted. But in places rich in prey, they are very enthusiastic and energetic.

Hunters often use the abilities of Russian Spaniels to hunt quail, tit, sandpiper, hare, and wild goat.

Pleasant appearance and a cheerful, cheerful disposition made excellent companions from dogs of this breed, who never lose sight of their master.

Also, these dogs get along well with children and will always warn of danger.


Russian Spaniels are a relatively healthy dog ​​breed. Most often they have the following diseases:

  • food allergy
  • obesity


Caring for a Russian Spaniel is quite simple. As a rule, it consists in periodic combing and bathing.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes and ears of the Russian Spaniel. The eyes of these dogs are often watery, respectively, they need special attention and care. The long, hanging ears of the Russian Spaniel are prone to infections. Therefore, it is recommended to check them periodically and clean them regularly.

Just like any other dog, the Russian Spaniel needs to brush his teeth periodically and cut his claws in time if they do not wear down on their own.

No matter where the Russian Spaniel lives, in any case, he needs a lot of walks and exercises to stay in good shape.

Keep in mind that every dog ​​is different. This description is characteristic of the breed as a whole and does not always fully coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

The Russian Spaniel is the only domestic gun dog. It is used for hunting various game birds, sometimes it works on a blood trail. In addition to the fact that the Russian Spaniel has good working qualities, he is also a wonderful companion. The breed is not recognized by the FCI, but is registered in the RKF.

In total, there are more than 10 breeds of spaniels in the world, the Russian hunting spaniel among them occupies not the last place in terms of popularity and working qualities. Since the breed is not recognized by the International Cynological Federation, the livestock is very small outside the Motherland and the CIS countries.

The first spaniels, mostly they were brought to Russia from England, they belonged to the royal family. Small dogs were used for pheasant hunting, which was very fashionable then in Western Europe.

Most of the visiting spaniels were cockers, but they did not work well enough in Russian conditions. Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, breeders began to select more temperamental and high-legged dogs for breeding, and also added springer blood to them. By the end of the 30s, a heterogeneous livestock was formed, which did not fit into the standard of any of the existing breeds, but had a number of common features. Breeding work was concentrated in Leningrad and Moscow, there were few dogs in Sverdlovsk. In the war and post-war years, the formation of the Russian spaniel stopped, but then continued again with renewed vigor. The preliminary standard was drawn up in 1949, then it was revised twice in 1966 and 2000.

Video about the dog breed Russian Spaniel:


The Russian Spaniel is a small, proportionally built dog of an elongated format with a strong, dry constitution. The muscles are well developed, moderately embossed, the skin is elastic, dense, the coat is long.

There are several important proportions in the breed standard:

  • The height at the withers for males is 40-45 cm, for females - 38-43 cm.
  • The oblique length of the body (from the anterior protrusion of the sternum to the ischial tuberosity) is 115-120% of the height at the withers in females and 110-115% in males;
  • The height to the elbow is equal to 1/2 of the total height;
  • The length of the skull is equal to the length of the muzzle.

The head is moderately long, dry. The skull, seen from above, is oval, in profile the lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel. Stop distinct, but smooth. The muzzle is long, slightly narrower than the skull. Well filled under the eyes, tapering slightly towards the nose, which should be black. The lips are dry and close-fitting, pigmented to match the color. Teeth are strong, healthy, complete. Scissor bite. The eyes are brown or dark brown, oval in shape, set straight, moderately large. Light brown eyes are allowed in brown-white and brown dogs. The ears are long, hanging, close to the cheekbones, set at eye level or slightly higher. The auricle is lobe-shaped, very mobile, the ear cloth should reach the nose.

The neck is moderately long, oval in cross section. The topline is sloping from the neck to the base of the tail. The withers slightly exceed the height at the sacrum. The back is wide. The loin is slightly convex. The croup is of moderate length, slightly sloping. The tail is a continuation of the croup, thick at the base, mobile, straight. In a calm state, it is kept at the level of the back; in an excited state, it rises a little higher. The chest is moderately wide, deep, rather long with developed false ribs. The abdomen is moderately tucked up, the transition to the groin is smooth. The limbs are dry, bony when viewed from the front, straight and parallel. The hind legs are set wider than the forelegs, with well-defined articulation angles. Paws with tightly compressed fingers, arched.

In working dogs, the tail can be half docked.

The coat is made up of undercoat and top coat. The awn is moderately long, shiny, straight or slightly wavy, close to the body. The hair on the head and front of the legs is short and straight. Moderately long on the upper side of the neck, back, flanks, croup. On the underside of the neck, chest, abdomen, back of the limbs. On the lower part of the tail and ears, the dressing hair is long, soft and wavy. Between the fingers the hair is thick, forms brushes.


The coat of a dog breed Russian Spaniel can be of several colors, which form a large number of colors.

Acceptable coat colors:

  • Black - It is important that completely black dogs have dark eyes and a smooth, not curly, not wavy coat.
  • Brown - very rare in all its shades (liver, coffee, chocolate). Unfortunately, the brown color is very often associated with an undesirable quality of wool, which rolls into tangles very much and often needs to be cut. The eyes, as a rule, are light brown and they pass on all these negative qualities to their descendants.
  • The red color is an interesting and promising color, but so far very little common. Red dogs must have a dark nose and dark brown eyes.

For convenience, the colors of spaniels are divided into groups:

  • Solid - may be with or without white marks on the throat, chest, tip of the tail, belly, paws, muzzle, forehead.
  • Pied - on a light gray or white background, large and small spots are visible that cover the entire body. According to the color of these spots, the color is called. There are two types of piebald color: contrasting and speckled. The colors are the same as for solid ones. Black and piebald dogs are the most common, they are well seen hunting at dusk and their coat is usually of good quality.

With age, piebald dogs of a contrasting color are covered with rare specks and by the age of 10 it is very difficult to distinguish them from light speckled ones.

  • Tan - red marks are located in certain areas: on the ears, cheeks above the eyes, on the paws, chest, under the tail. Red tan is present in all colors. On a red background, it is not visible, but dogs may be carriers of the recessive gene that is responsible for it.


The Russian Spaniel is a reckless hunting, active, persistent, strong dog that is selflessly devoted to the owner, obedient and quite emotional. The breed is characterized by a balanced, mobile temperament and a friendly attitude towards people. Some males may try to dominate the "pack", however, with proper upbringing and a strong character of the owner, this defect is quickly corrected.

Due to the sense of territoriality they can be good watchmen, but it is believed that the deliberate development of aggression harms hunting qualities. It is not given to strangers, leaves or turns out, but usually does not snap back. As for the attitude towards other animals and children, much depends on the dog's socialization and upbringing.

Training and exercise

Spaniels are easy to train, but at a young age, when puppies are hyperactive and inattentive, they should not be overworked. The spaniel needs a firm hand and a dedicated owner who will work with the dog despite its stubbornness and independence. Spaniels can be trained after 4-5 months, but only after learning the basic obedience commands.

Physical activity should be very good. The dog is walked 2-3 times a day, preferably at least an hour. It is good if the pet will have the opportunity to periodically run in the open without a leash.

Hunting with a Russian Spaniel

The Russian Spaniel is a gun dog used for hunting field, upland, marsh, and meadow game. The spaniel is an excellent swimmer and dives for a wounded duck. The task of the dog is to find the bird, raise it on the wing, then, on command, bring the wounded animal to the owner. Very rarely, Russian Spaniels are also used for blood trail hunting.

Among themselves and on forums on the Internet, hunters use the abbreviation ROS to designate the breed.

Work style

When searching, it moves at a light, fast gallop. Upper sense is preferred, however the spaniel may drop its head below the level of the back during the transition to tracking. A well-placed dog itself determines a rational pattern of search, depending on the terrain and wind direction. He is constantly in contact with the owner, periodically looks back at him, and in lands with high vegetation, jumps out of the grass, making a candle. This allows you to catch the upper odor air currents and visually determine the location of the owner. When the spaniel is accustomed to the prey, it suddenly perks up and lets the hunter know the location of the bird. At the moment of lifting the dog stops. He finds a downed bird without delay and gives it with a soft grip.

Content Features

Spaniels do not adapt well to life on the street. Not only because the dog can freeze in severe frosts. She needs constant contact and communication with the owner. The breed is recommended for those who are going to keep a dog in a house or apartment. The number of damaged things during the period of growing up a puppy depends on his character. Adult dogs in apartments behave calmly. The only drawback is their shedding coat, which will be everywhere during the seasonal molt. If the dog is well looked after and bathed regularly, there will be no specific smell.

Hair care and hygiene procedures

Spaniel grooming involves regular combing and trimming the hair around the anus, prepuce, between the paw pads. Dogs that are not exhibited can have their feathers cut off for the summer, in which burdocks constantly get tangled. It is worth considering that after a haircut, the hair grows thicker, it becomes more difficult to care for it.

Bathe the spaniel as needed. Full, with shampoo and conditioner, usually once every two to three months. Also monitor the condition of the eyes and ears. Abundant lacrimation is a feature of the breed. It is important to keep the tear ducts dry and clean, as well as to closely monitor the condition of the conjunctiva so as not to miss the first signs of inflammation. Ears are cleaned once a week. If necessary, hair is removed from the ear canal, which contributes to the accumulation of sulfur. To avoid otitis media, it is very important to dry the ears well after water procedures or swimming in ponds. Claws are cut once a month using special scissors.

It is very important to accustom the dog to hygiene procedures with early childhood. An adult spaniel simply will not let you do with him what he does not like.

special problems with oral cavity they are not observed in the breed, but it will not be superfluous to brush the dog's teeth once a week to prevent stone.


It is better to decide on the type of food in advance and accustom the body to natural or ready-made feeds from puppyhood. Both the first and second options are allowed. A lot has been written and said about the advantages and disadvantages of the two types, the choice always remains with the owner.

Health and longevity

In general, the breed is relatively safe genetically. Most diseases are caused not so much by heredity as by improper care or nutrition. Most often found in spaniels:

  • Otitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • food allergy;
  • Obesity.

Life expectancy is usually 11-13 years.

Selection and price of a puppy

Hunters are well aware of the importance of adopting a puppy from working parents. Hereditary inclinations will certainly manifest themselves in practice. When choosing a dog, you can go two ways. The first is to find a baby from an unplanned mating, without documents, but cheaper and take the word of the seller that this is a litter from real working parents. The second option is to choose a puppy exclusively in kennels, in which they are more strict in the selection of breeding producers, dogs have high scores for conformation and working diplomas confirming hunting skills.

A true working spaniel must have diplomas in the main types of game birds.

Of course, it will be difficult for beginners to deal with all the subtleties, titles and titles, so many turn to the Service Kennel Club for help or find an expert spaniel on thematic forums.

It makes no sense to look at a puppy up to a month old, when neither character nor external data is visible. Babies are chosen, usually from 8-10 weeks. An active, energetic, flirtatious puppy will be reckless on the hunt. More phlegmatic puppies are better suited to apartment life. Outwardly, babies should be healthy. By the age of 3 months, they should be rid of worms and given their first vaccinations.

The price of a puppy fluctuates in a very wide range. You can buy a dog from the hands for a symbolic price. Sometimes there are advertisements for the sale of a Russian hunting spaniel for 500-1000 rubles. If we talk about puppies from working parents, but without documents, the price range usually ranges from 5,000-15,000 rubles. Puppies from kennels from titled producers with working diplomas cost 15,000-25,000 rubles.


The gallery contains photos of puppies and adult dogs of the Russian Spaniel hunting breed.
