Almost all dogs need training. Even for indoor-decorative breeds, there are the basics of training, with which pets simply need to be introduced, not to mention representatives of serious breeds, and primarily shepherd dogs.

The need for dog training

The dog training system primarily depends on the nature of the pet. - the breed is universal, and most importantly, dog loves learning, no matter what role the owner is preparing her for - a security guard, watchman or assistant in the search business. But it should be noted that it is impossible to teach a German shepherd dog all the tricks of the dog at the same time, since the dog is able to perform only one specific type of work.

The majestic and graceful animal is taught literally from the cradle. Her intellectual development is proceeding rapidly. The owner just needs to meet the deadline from 6 to 10 weeks of the puppy's age in order to lay those primary foundations for the formation of the dog's behavior in society, which the German Shepherd will appeal to throughout his life.

So at what age is a German Shepherd trained and taught basic commands? As soon as the puppy got into new house- from the first walk, the designation of the place—the Booth for the German Shepherd—, from the acquaintance with the leash and the neighbor's dogs.

Did you know? German Shepherd puppies from two to five months of their life require maximum attention from the owner.

As soon as the puppy completely switches to independent nutrition, and this is about four to six weeks old, he is taught the first lessons of obedience. This is exactly the moment when it becomes necessary to start training a German Shepherd puppy.

So that an adult dog does not conflict with representatives of other breeds, a shepherd puppy is taught to communicate with other dogs at that time. The process of perception and identification of a person of the “friend or foe” category for an amateur owner is complicated, and only professional cynologists deal with it as soon as the dog reaches a certain age criterion.

Basic principles of German Shepherd training

Before you start training a German Shepherd, you should remember that a dog grows up in several stages:

  1. Neonatal period- the stage of the first two weeks of life. A puppy physiologically needs only warmth, sleep and food. The main indicator of development is the baby's biotonicity - the speed of finding the nipple, the force of suction and the rate of absorption of milk. It is these qualities that determine the life potential of the dog.
  2. Transitional stage- the third week of a puppy's life, when separation from mother's milk and the transition to another type of food is carried out. During this period, personality begins to form.
  3. Imprinting period. Lasts four to seven weeks old. At this stage, the puppy is laid, which is based on obedience and the execution of primitive commands. It is at this stage that the puppy adapts to the outside world and contact with the owner is established.
  4. Stage of socialization. It lasts until the puppy is 10 weeks old. It starts as soon as the baby moves to a new home. It is desirable that the age of the dog at this stage corresponds to 8 weeks, since the owner has only two weeks left to socialize the dog as much as possible - to teach him to walk on a leash, to teach the simplest and most necessary commands, to work out obedience.

    Important! At the age of 8 to 10 weeks, a German Shepherd puppy is noted by cynologists to have the highest level of learning. At this age, the basics of training are laid in the dog without much effort. The main commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie down", "Next", "Place", "Fu" - the puppy begins to be taught no earlier than when he reaches 8 weeks of age.

  5. Stage to determine the dog hierarchy. The German Shepherd has a period when she tries to build her own hierarchy and lead it. The beginning of this period falls on the 13th week, regardless of gender identity dogs. The orderliness of relationships occurs by the age of five months.
  6. From the age of six months comes teenage years in the life of a dog, and it can be assigned to a training group with a cynologist. At this stage, the dog's psyche, character and behavioral type should be fully formed.

By the age of six months, the owner must have fully worked out and fixed the basic commands for controlling the dog. The teenager must unquestioningly shut up or give a voice on command, stick to the indicated place, be able to wait, stop or continue moving, and well fetch the diarrhea.

Teaching the "Voice" command

This team does not apply to the main exercises, but, nevertheless, is quite important. Training is carried out at the moment of intense barking at the object by praising and drawing the attention of the pet to barking with the command “Voice! Well done, / nickname /, Voice!

Teaching the "Sit" Command

Refers to the basic dog training commands. It is best to start practicing the command at the time of feeding the puppy.

You should plant the dog and achieve obedience at the time of placing the bowl of food on a tripod, so that the puppy additionally learns to wait when he is allowed to start. You can start teaching the "Sit" command as early as eight weeks of age, by treating the puppy gently but persistently. Use treats on walks, forcibly seating the dog, issuing a command. The trained animal is gestured to sit down, followed by a reward for following the command.

Teaching the Down Command

With a puppy, all commands are worked out with the help of treats.. Start training at early age, reinforcing the material covered daily.

First, the delicacy is brought to the dog's nose and, not allowing it to be taken, they lower their hand to the floor, pronouncing the command. As soon as the dog lies down, place your hand on the withers. While holding in this position, praise her, give her a treat, but do not let go, forcing her to lie down until the “Stand” command. Then again reward for good performance.

Teaching the Close command

Before you start practicing the “Near” command, the dog is accustomed to the collar and leash.. Practicing the “Next” command, the puppy is not allowed to move ahead of the owner by more than a third of the hull. The dog must walk on the left side at the pace of his owner, his shoulder should be at the level of his knee. In this case, the leash should not be stretched, but hang freely. The dog should not stray from the intended course, not get ahead, not lag behind and not go away from the owner.

Did you know? For a puppy, the duration of such a promenade should not exceed 10 minutes, since the dog gets tired much more on a leash than in free movement.

Final command processing

Basic commands accompany any dog ​​throughout its life. But the German Shepherd is a universal breed of service dogs, carrying guard, guard, search, protective service. In addition, dogs perfectly cope with the work of guides, rescuers and even sled dogs. That's why for German shepherds there is a whole range of special training with specific commands defining the functional range of duties of the dog.

The end of working out commands is the moment when the dog independently begins to make the only right decision in the current situation. German Shepherds involved in operations to neutralize terrorist groups do not need teams. They independently assess the situation and act according to the situation, working unaccompanied by a person.

Protective service teams at home

The German Shepherd training system includes OKD and ZKS norms. There are a number of methods for training service dogs, depending on the nature, temperament and performance of the animal. To independently work out the commands of the protective service, you must:

  • achieve impeccable obedience of the pet;
  • teach the dog to follow the trail;
  • learn how to properly lead a dog on a leash;
  • work out a neutral reaction to the shot;
  • to work out the landing and styling from the movement, as well as the approach to the owner from any position.

In addition, it is necessary to work out the fetching of objects, unsupported jumps over obstacles with and without objects, and also not to react to various stimuli - cats, provocations of people, shots.

When Should You Seek a Professional Instructor?

If the owners of a German shepherd can work out the basics of the general course of training on their own, then dog owners turn to the help of professional cynologists for training and practicing the norms of protective guard service:

  • designation of the suspect by barking;
  • search of the suspect;
  • the arrest of the evader;
  • escort;
  • attack on the enemy;
  • checking the courage of the dog;
  • acquiring tracking skills.

German Shepherd training video

A series of methods on how to train a German Shepherd - video from the training ground of professional cynologists of the K-9 Club. Practicing basic commands with dogs:

Our site is dedicated to dog breeds - indoor-decorative and service, rescuers and companions, small and large. Here you can ask questions to professionals on the general development, education and training of pets. Professional cynologists work with us. They will be happy to answer your questions and help resolve the situation. We will be glad to have your comments left at the bottom of the article. Tell us about your success in training smart and loyal pets.

Many dog ​​breeders think that if they bought a German Shepherd puppy, then this little dog, by virtue of its breed, must and even is obliged to carry out commands, in their opinion, a German puppy must understand its owner and be able to carry out a standard set of commands and a OKD course at an early age . I want to disappoint you.

puppy it Small child Yes, he has a great desire to serve his master, but in any case, in order for a dog to become smart, obedient and trained, it must be taught this. Of course, the German Shepherd has in its genes loyalty, courage, intelligence, the desire to serve, love, and so on. But all this needs to be developed, and this must be done from an early age, because it is in youth that obedience is laid, and then you will train your pet in the right direction: guide, bodyguard, bloodhound, etc.

Team to me

If you decide to start training your puppy, I will give you some advice from my own experience. I will tell you how we taught our shepherds at an early age team Come to me.
At an early age, you should do everything in a playful way, you should not yell or force the puppy, you should arouse interest in the dog. In order for the puppy to come to you, it is enough to call him by his nickname, but you want the dog to come to you on command. Start small.

Before starting classes:

  • Walk your four-legged friend properly (the dog will be less distracted).
  • Don't forget to pause between commands.
  • Do not repeat the command a huge number of times, the dog hears perfectly, 1 time is enough.
  • Try to train your dog alone
  • Do not rush things, the puppy needs a rest
  • Show patience and restraint
  • Don't punish your dog or use a threatening tone

So. Boil a small piece of meat, cut it into small pieces (or take another treat) Take your four-legged friend and go for a walk. Let the dog run around, relieve himself, and then start doing the following. Call your dog by name, as soon as you see that the dog heard you and went to you, say the command to me, when the dog comes to you, say the command to me again, praise the puppy and give him a treat. Do not skimp on compliments, speak well, well done. Release the puppy with the walk command, then let the puppy run a little and call him again and repeat what we described above. But do not overdo it, and here's another thing, when you are about to go home, call the dog with a command to me, but do not take the dog on a leash, otherwise your pet may have an erroneous opinion that the command to me entails being taken on a leash, And not a single puppy will like it.

Teaching a German Shepherd Puppy the Sit Command

Now let's talk about team sit and lie. The sit command is easy to teach your puppy. Firstly, you should be guided by the recommendations described above, or rather, do not forget to pause, this applies to absolutely all teams. Take all the same treats, and at the moment when you command the puppy to sit, raise the treat over his head, and slowly move your hand away from head to tail, thereby forcing the puppy to raise his head for the treat, after which the puppy will begin, as it were, to tip his head back , and at this point the puppy sits down. In some cases it may be necessary to press a little with your other hand on your puppy's croup, then the dog will sit for sure, at these points you re-command Sit, and after doing it, praise the dog. Remember! The scheme will always be like this, your command, the correct execution of the command by the dog, praise and treats.

Teach your puppy to lie down

Sit the puppy near your left leg, hold a treat in your hand, let the dog sniff your fist, thereby showing the puppy's interest in the treat. Next, command Lie down firmly and confidently, and lower your hand to the ground, usually the dog lies down, if the command is completed, give a treat and praise with your voice, you can also rub behind the ear. If the dog did not follow the command, but simply lowered its head, repeat the command and pull the leash down, but not very hard. But! For such execution of the command, you should not praise the dog. It is better to try again without jerking the leash and, if successful, praise the dog. Remember. Strictness is necessary in the process of raising a puppy.

Summing up. A dog needs a leader-leader, this is how this one works animal world. Do not forget that severity and physical punishment are not the same thing. You can't hit a dog! You can lose trust at an early age once and for all! Good luck in education.

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent and reserved animal, becoming a guard, protector, searcher and hunter. The breed has been created for decades. There is an assumption that the German Shepherd was bred during the Great Patriotic War but the opinion is wrong. It took a long selection before the modern German Shepherd was born. The animal is extremely intelligent. Thanks to its high intelligence, it lends itself well to training. Consider how to train a German Shepherd.

To bring up a restrained and smart dog, it is necessary to engage in education for a long time and hard. The German Shepherd is a complex dog breed that requires a multifaceted upbringing. Let's note the main features of education and training.

Dog capabilities

The German Shepherd is an intelligent animal, demonstrating colossal possibilities and potential. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • The ability to protect a family or a subject territory. The beast decides to attack if it considers it necessary. Doesn't bark for no reason.
  • Has an amazing scent. Due to the property of German shepherds, they are used in state drug control, moreover, on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries.
  • Protective functions. The German Shepherd is a selfless fighter who will go to the defense or into battle with the appropriate command of the owner. Able to make decisions independently.

The possibilities of German Shepherds are almost limitless, animals are distinguished by high intelligence. It cannot be said that shepherd dogs are distinguished by tenderness and kindness; these animals are used to keeping their own emotions under control. The owners are madly in love. Only in the circle of their beloved family they allow themselves to soak up or fool around. Madly love to play and often have a favorite toy.

As puppies, German Shepherds tend to try everything they can get their hands on, causing the owner to resent, but you can’t use physical force on a naughty puppy.

The main question of education

The pet must feel the superiority of the owner. The question is considered leading in the process of education. For some breeds, it will take a lot of effort to gain authority. The undeniable and impeccable authority of the owner makes the dog extremely docile.

The German Shepherd is an imperishable symbol of endurance and discipline. German Shepherd training requires a professional approach, for this reason, dog breeders have to seek advice from cynologists. Animal education starts early. At a young age, puppies learn the elements of education much easier and faster.

Training a German Shepherd puppy is strictly and confidently required. A number of difficulties are known to manifest in an ill-mannered dog. For example, an animal bites and barks for no reason at the moment of excitement, play. This only testifies to the restless disposition of the puppy. At such moments, you should lightly press the muzzle of the dog to the floor and look intently into the eyes. Usually two or three such moments are enough for the dog to calm down and begin to behave with restraint.

If the dog respects and accepts the undeniable authority of the owner, but continues to bite, change tactics. At the time of the game, when the puppy again casually grabs the person by the hand or clothes, it is supposed to scream, as if the dog had hurt. The cry will cause fear in the dog, indignation. Then the person must get up and leave the pet. The moment of upbringing will not go unnoticed by the shepherd dog, the dog will begin to analyze what happened, drawing the right conclusions.

When to start training a shepherd dog, it is easy to find out from dog handlers.

Periods of life

Any animal has certain periods in life, laying the foundation, foundation in education and general perception of the world. The German Shepherd was created for harmonious coexistence in human society. The animal undergoes a period of socialization, the process begins at the age of one and a half months, and ends at three. During this time, the dog completely puts together in the mind a model of behavior with a person, with relatives. This is an extremely important period in the upbringing of the animal, pay maximum attention to the weeks of puppy growth.

The training of the German Shepherd starts at the indicated time interval: the knowledge gained in 2-3 months is readily absorbed by the animal. We note important periods of life and commands for training an animal at a certain age:

  1. The period of adaptation or socialization. At 2-3 months of life, a shepherd dog is already amenable to training. It is recommended to start learning the commands “sit”, “lie down”.
  2. From 8 to 11 weeks, it is supposed to communicate affectionately with the pet; during the mentioned period of life, the puppy is emotionally unstable. Vaccination is carried out in a friendly and affectionate manner, so as not to inflict psychological trauma on the dog, leading to illness.
  3. From 13 to 16 weeks, you will need to designate a hierarchy for the puppy. Upon reaching the age of 4 months, the animal should already clearly know who is in charge in the family. Otherwise, the shepherd will grow up uncontrollable and dangerous.
  4. Adolescence begins at six months of age. Similar to human transitional age. The animal begins to show disobedience, disposition and independence. The period is marked by a person. Try harder to educate the animal, establishing the steadfastness of the master's authority.

Training a shepherd puppy relies on early childhood. A high level of intelligence allows the breed to quickly perceive, learn commands, but you should not count on instant success.


The German Shepherd shows an impressive adaptive intelligence quotient. This allows the animal to quickly adapt to the environment and act according to the situation. There is a vivid instinctive intelligence indicating the animal's strongest instincts. The intelligence of obedience indicates the pliability of the animal and the desire to cooperate with the person and get the maximum benefit. The animal gets used to its own nickname after 4 days of regular pronunciation of the pet.

The German Shepherd is one of the 3 smartest dog breeds in the world. Such a significant advantage makes the breed popular and in demand, but not everyone is familiar with the basics of education and training.

Properly training a German Shepherd is an overwhelming problem for individual dog breeders. Training is an art that requires competent possession. Cynologists strongly recommend German Shepherd owners to contact them for the purpose of correct and, most importantly, timely training.

Properly training a shepherd dog is the key to success in education. Do not press hard on the animal. Everything happens gradually. Teams are trained up to six months. It is recommended to start with simple ones that the dog is able to remember as early as 2 months. Do not expect instant results, patience will certainly be required. But then the efforts will be rewarded in full.

It is supposed to reward the animal for a correctly executed command. The reward system is, in the case of most dogs, the basis of training. The German Shepherd is a talented animal with physical potential. For this reason, the animal requires regular long walks with exercise. They start at 4-5 months. Sheepdogs get along with other dogs, react to relatives with restraint. They do not like cats, but, accustomed, they react indifferently.

The German Shepherd is considered the most trainable breed, and in order to teach a pet simple commands, it is not necessary to visit the training ground. German Shepherd puppy training can be done at home. Tight learning from the first day of being in the house will help the baby learn and remember the most important words for him.

Cynologists claim that the period from 4 weeks to 2 months is the most important for the puppy, at this time he is able to perceive the maximum amount of information. The connection with the pet established at this time remains for life.

Even a two month old puppy can be taught simple tricks if repeated and reinforced daily. Several conditions are required for success:

  1. Pet's trust in the owner. It is important to be consistent and patient, not to get annoyed or yell at the puppy, even if he is messing around or uncooperative. The check-test for trust is the cry “to me!”. The puppy should rush joyfully and cheerfully to the owner from all legs and sit down in anticipation of a treat.
  2. Mandatory presence in the pocket of goodies. For work, the pet should receive remuneration. Always and under any conditions, performance is encouraged with a small piece of your favorite cookie, cheese or sausage.
  3. Well-being of the pet. The puppy should not want to sleep, be tired or hungry. The ideal condition for learning is the morning hours or an evening walk.
  4. Before class, even if it is carried out on a walk, the puppy must be told the word “engage!” in a strict and calm voice, taken on a leash and seated next to the left leg. After a few sessions, the pronunciation of this word will set the dog in a working mood.

The age of training a German Shepherd is not important, regular training can start as early as 4 months, and an adult dog can be taught everything, if the owner wishes.

Patience will be needed when working out commands that require perseverance, endurance, as young German Shepherds are mobile and temperamental animals that find it difficult to sit still.

Team training « voice »

The most cheerful, beloved by German Shepherds, and although it is not mandatory and is not required when passing a general training course, almost all dogs know it. Puppies are the easiest to learn, after which they are happy to demonstrate their skill to everyone.

To work out:

  1. The puppy is called up and shown to him a piece of delicacy, clasped in the palm of his hand.
  2. The kid shows interest, after which the delicacy is raised above his head, repeating in a gambling tone "voice!". Most often, the puppy starts jumping, trying to get a tidbit, then, frustrated, sits down and starts yapping.
  3. That's when you need to praise the baby, rejoice violently and give him a cookie.
  4. Immediately fix, repeating everything from the beginning.

If the puppy is not interested enough in food to get it, you can try the same trick with a toy. A ball that cannot be taken from the owner is no worse than a cookie. After trying to bark, even if it is a thin squeak, the puppy is praised and given a toy, after which you need to play with him a little.

There is another way to learn with clicker. This is a small clothespin that makes a clicking sound when pressed. This sound encourages the correct action of the puppy, performed voluntarily. For example, the puppy barks during the game, the owner clicks the clicker, says the command “voice!” and feed the pet. This happens several times, after which the baby executes the command on its own, on demand.

« Sit »

The "sit" command is required in different situations, it is included in the list mandatory OKD course. It is very easy to teach a dog to sit by word or gesture using the contact or non-contact method.

  1. When the puppy is called, he usually runs up and sits down or stands in front of the owner, waiting for a treat.
  2. After the puppy approaches, say "sit!", taking it by the collar with one hand, and with the other press on the croup. The dog will sit down, after which it is treated. IN
  3. the next calls of the pet are sure to force them to sit down, and after several repetitions the order is automatically carried out.

To teach the “sit” command in a non-contact way, a treat is raised above the puppy’s head and repeated. After the baby sits down, he is praised and treated.

« Lie »

The “down” command is more difficult to train a puppy, so it is recommended to master it. after 4 months.

  1. The dog is seated at the left leg, held by the collar with his hand, slightly pressing, and with the other hand they offer a piece of delicacy near the ground.
  2. The animal lies down to take a treat, you should immediately praise for this, but do not allow the pet to get up.
  3. If the puppy tries to immediately jump up, it must be held, strictly saying "lie".

If the dog is sitting in front of the owner, then they are offered a treat on an outstretched hand, taking a step in the direction of the animal. This forces the dog to lean back, as if folding at the joints, and lie down. For control, the leash is held in the hand, and if the dog tries to jump up, it is held.

« Near »

The German Shepherd is a strong dog that is physically impossible to hold when trying to attack a person or animal. That is why this dog needs to be trained. A trained animal will not cause problems during a walk and will not force the owner to drag the leash through the bushes.

Team "close!" difficult enough for puppies, so you can only teach to walk at the left foot six-month-old dogs. To practice, you need a short leash, a strict collar for strong and aggressive dogs, as well as a constant treat.

  1. The dog is seated nearby, after which they say the command "near!", make an inciting jerk with the leash and start moving.
  2. For the first time, the dog will not pay attention to the jerks of the leash and voice commands.
  3. The actions of the owner must be consistent: first a command is pronounced, then a short strong jerk is made. You do not need to say the command often, it is best to do it periodically, combining it with a strong jerk.

Even if the dog is absolutely not trained and does not know how to walk the streets, it is necessary to start training from going outside the house or yard. The difficult beginning will gradually be replaced by a calmer behavior of the dog, and after a couple of walks, or even during the return home, when the dog throws out energy, he will become more obedient.

For pets who are accustomed to walking regularly on a leash, "close!" more easily learned. A dog sitting in an aviary for up to six months cannot cope with emotions, so it will take more time to train.

final working out

For the first time, any new command is studied in conditions familiar to the dog, gradually the dog is taught to perform on the street, surrounded by people, among animals or cars. The German Shepherd must unquestioningly obey their owner The safety of the dog itself, as well as the safety of others, depends on this.

In the process of working out commands, it is desirable complicate execution, complement and combine with other tricks. For example, walking nearby in a straight line is periodically interrupted by the landing and laying of the dog. After a minute of exposure, the movement continues again.

Approaching the road, the dog is given a command "road!" "sit!". The owner stops, after holding for about two minutes, even if there are no cars, the movement continues. This ritual can save a dog's life.

By the way, if the dog suddenly finds himself on the other side of the road with heavy traffic, you cannot call him up, but you should give the command "sit" and approach the dog as quickly as possible.

Protective service teams at home

Home training does not involve training in guard duty teams, but the German Shepherd is a service breed that does not need additional education for aggression. A one-year-old pet may well independently protect the territory, and rush at strangers on the street.

With aggressive antics of the dog in relation to the people around you, you can’t slow him down by pronouncing a forbidding command, but you need to make a jerk and make the pet walk or sit next to you.

Teaching the command "face" or "take!" impossible at home but warning "stranger", which is given to the dog by the owner in case of a real or training threat, also causes the German Shepherd to show aggression. But still, it’s not worth it on your own, without the help of an instructor, to train a dog to attack people, since aggression can get out of control.

In addition to the commands of the general training course, the German Shepherd can be taught many interesting tricks at home. Dogs of this breed love to do, learn something, and in the game they master the commands they need in everyday life.

Many pets, without special training, are able to bring slippers or serve toys and objects, knowing their name. They carry a leash after a word "walk" and bowls at the word "eat" waiting near the store and looking for car keys in a dark hallway. German Shepherds are so smart that they intuitively understand the intentions of the owner and seek to help him. But this happens only and exclusively in the case of full contact and understanding with the dog.
