A garden in which dahlias bloom always looks beautiful and attractive. Beautiful flowers do not lose their attractiveness until the very end of autumn. However, not a very large number of gardeners plant dahlias, as they are unfamiliar with the technology of growing dahlias from tubers and storing them.

Features of growing dahlias from tubers

The first reason for the reluctance to grow dahlias is the storage of tubers. Gardeners always doubt that they will be able to create all the necessary conditions for storing tubers until next spring. They believe that they can easily buy tubers in stores, the cost of which is low.

In principle, this is exactly what is done in all European countries. Foreign gardeners do not store roots in winter time. With the onset of autumn, they dig up the tubers and throw them away. With the onset of spring they buy new dahlias, cultivation and care, which is carried out constantly.

We don't do that in our country. In late autumn, dahlias are carefully dug up, put in a well-closing box, then the tubers are sprinkled with sawdust. Store tubers of flowers in a deep cellar.

With the onset of spring, the tubers of these flowers are taken out of the cellar and carefully examined. Rotted parts can be removed by cutting with a sharp knife. Small wounds can sprinkle with wood ash.

The first question that always worries gardeners is how to grow dahlias from tubers, when should you start germinating flowers? Early varieties you can start "awakening" at the end of March. Late varieties are planted directly in open ground.

The earth must be well warmed up when no more frost is expected. This usually happens in the last days of May.

When buying dahlia tubers in the store, you need to make sure that each of them has live "eyes" that sprout. Dahlia roots are sold by weight, regardless of the number of sprouts. Very often in colorful bags you can find dead tubers, all kinds of debris and dry stems.

In this regard, it is necessary take a good look at the root. It is very important that the cervix has green buds that will soon begin to grow.

Large tubers must be divided into several parts. If this is not done, the growing stems will begin to interfere with each other.

Undoubtedly, the bush will grow large, but the flowers will be small and inconspicuous.

Tubers that have been prepared planted in pots. Soil for dahlias can be:

  1. Sand mixed with sawdust.
  2. Coconut substrate.
  3. A mixture of peat and sand.

For good growth the soil must be well moistened with water. Planting of tubers is carried out so that the neck with the kidney is not very deep.

The tubers germinate within a few weeks. The kidneys finally wake up, green shoots appear. After the length of the sprouts reaches 15 cm, allowed to start cuttings.

The shoot, which has several internodes, is cut off and immersed in water. Usually a couple of drops of a growth activator are added to it. Gardeners often use epin for this.

A tuber, with a cut cutting, will wake up another "eye", a new shoot will appear. By constantly cutting cuttings, you can get more than 30 new dahlias from one tuber.

If there are two eyes on a tuber with a cut cutting, it is also can be divided into parts. Each should have one eye.

After all operations, sprouted roots, well-rooted cuttings are planted in the ground. When planting, the neck of the dahlia should have a slight depression so that it can breathe easily.

For convenience, each well should have small pole, to which it will later be possible to tie a bush. Of course, the pole can be installed in the summer, but there is a danger of injury to the rhizome of the dahlia. In winter, it just rots.

Soil preparation

If you are planning to start growing dahlias, then you need to start thinking about planting them with the onset of autumn. The soil must be dug well in advance. It needs to be fertilized with garden compost or manure.

With the onset of spring, the soil must be loosened with a pitchfork and add bone meal. It is forbidden to plant dahlias if plants that were infected with fungal diseases grew in this soil. To protect dahlia tubers, the soil needs to be fertilized with granular insecticides.

landing pit. The size of the recess depends on the size of the tuber. In addition, space for fertilizers is also taken into account. The hole should have approximately the following dimensions:

  • depth - 25–30 cm;
  • diameter - 30–35 cm.

The planting hole is watered with water and fertilizers are added. There should be a distance of at least 50 cm between the pits.

When to start planting dahlias

Dahlia tubers are afraid of even small frosts. Usually, frosts completely disappear with the onset of May. Therefore, dahlias are best planted at the end of the month. Of course, these terms are highly dependent on the climate of a particular area.

You can, of course, plant dahlias earlier, but with any, even the smallest cold snap, they need to be covered with some kind of material.

What care is needed for dahlias

In order for the flowers to be stable in strong winds, it is necessary to form bushes. When the flower begins to grow, to get a bright and large inflorescence, you need cut off growing shoots.

Bushes that have reached a great height, be sure tied to a pole, to strong wind did not break the stem. Proper Care for flowers consists of several operations.

For good growth and dense flowering, flowers must have:

  • Fertile soil.
  • Sunlight.
  • Much water.

Growing dahlias requires constant watering. Water should moisten the soil to a depth of more than 25 cm. If water is poured, the flower may get sick and die. The reason is very simple, high humidity, the enemy of dahlia roots.

Fertilizer and top dressing

When the plant begins to grow, it is necessary to feed it once every two weeks. Dahlias are watered with slurry.

When buds appear, the soil is fed using fertilizers, which include superphosphate and potassium. For ten liters of water, 30 grams of fertilizer is enough.

If fertilizers have already been added to the soil before planting dahlias, you can not do top dressing. The development of the plant will tell you if you need to do additional feeding.

Garter and flower support

Dahlias are distinguished by a hollow and very fragile stem. It breaks easily in strong gusts of wind, even jets of rain can break it. Because of this, the flower must be bound. Any material can become a support:

  1. Wooden pegs.
  2. Metal pipe.
  3. Arches.
  4. Veranda walls.
  5. Wooden fences.

The garter must be done before the flower stem begins to grow.

Pruning and shaping the bush. To make the buds large and beautiful, only three shoots are enough. Each peduncle should consist of 2 buds. All flowering buds must be cut with garden shears, otherwise the growth of new inflorescences will be stunted.

Growing high varieties of dahlias requires the removal of lateral and lower shoots during the flowering period. If the plant is undersized, to create splendor, the shoots can not be cut.

How to store dahlias in winter

Usually tubers stored in a box where they are sprinkled with sawdust or sand substrate. It is best to store dahlias by sprinkling them with ashes. It will protect the tubers from the occurrence of all kinds of diseases. The tubers should fit snugly into the sand. There should not be any empty space in the box.

To protect the tubers from drying out in the winter, they can be stored in plastic bags. In this case, the tuber and the film should be separated by a layer of sawdust or sand. This is necessary, because during storage, the tubers release a small amount of moisture. It settles on the film, the tubers begin to rot.

Storage of tubers in a plastic bag requires constant monitoring of the state of the substrate. With its high humidity, the packages need to be opened and well ventilate the contents. If the substrate is very dry, it needs to be slightly moistened.

If a rotting area is found on the tuber, it must be cut off. Sprinkle the cut with powdered charcoal. This tuber is left for 24 hours in the air to dry. Then it is again placed in a plastic bag.

If you follow all the rules described above and adhere to the technology, then growing dahlias will be a common thing, and good care behind a flower, let you decorate your garden beautiful flowers, pleasing to the eye before the start of frost.

Anna Belyaeva

The name of this flower sounds very proud and majestic. For the first time they began to be grown in our country in the 18th century, and they became so widespread that only a few centuries ago they began to be called the "village flower", since not a single villager's garden could do without bright, large and magnificent flowers.

Today they are back in fashion. Breeders have bred a huge number of bright and colorful varieties that experienced housewives begin to buy in early February. Because plant this beautiful flower possible only in the spring. And now it's time to learn how to plant dahlias.

Where to begin

There are several ways to plant dahlias. They propagate by seeds, but the best result can be achieved if tubers are used for planting. You can buy them in the market from gardeners or use old ones that you have left from a flowering plant.

Here are some easy ways:


Let's take a closer look at how to plant dahlia tubers and seeds. These are unpretentious plants, but the cold is fatal to them. Often in the spring there is an unstable climate. Cold and heat alternate, so when the time comes to plant perennial dahlias in open ground depends on the weather.

It should be warm and sunny in summer (usually it is the middle - the end of May). The first thunderstorm and rains that may begin at this time will already be warmer than in early spring, and you should not be afraid that the tubers will rot or deteriorate from excess moisture and cold. Therefore, both tubers and seeds begin to be grown first in the greenhouse, and only at the end of May does the time come when it is time to plant dahlias in open ground.

Some experts allow them to be planted as early as April. It depends on the type of plant. Early varieties are sometimes planted at the end of April, and late varieties are planted in May - early June.

But in any case, dahlias are planted in the spring.

Before planting the tubers in a greenhouse or in a special box for seedlings, you need to carefully inspect them, smear the damaged areas with greenery and soak for half an hour in water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, you need to properly prepare the soil for planting. Mix equal parts peat, sand and earth, then place everything in a seedling box so that the peat is slightly higher than the mixture of earth and sand. After that, set the lighting and spread the tubers or seeds to a shallow depth.

What is the optimal depth to plant dahlia seeds?

For seeds, grooves are dug 15-20 cm deep, which are abundantly wetted with water. For tubers
holes are dug 30 cm deep, the same in width and length. They put manure or compost on their bottom, mineral fertilizers that mix with the ground.

Then, a tuber is placed and buried so that its neck is 2-3 cm below the soil level. A peg (preferably 2-3) 30 cm high is dug in near the hole. This is done to support the stem of tall flowers. In a week the first cuttings will appear, and they will grow very quickly.

You can cut them, dip them in water and treat them with Rhizome plant mix, then plant them in the ground. They take root very well and can even give the first flowers. Nothing wrong with that.

But, already in May, you can plant dahlias in the ground. To do this, you need to treat the landing site with humus and sand, then cut a large container with seedlings into two parts and plant dahlias in the ground. Time and weather conditions play an important role here, so before planting them, you need to wait for the weather, when there will definitely be no return frosts characteristic of April, and in middle lane Russia and for the beginning of May.

If warm and dry weather lasts for 3 days, then you can plant. The soil is already warm enough for this. But if frosts nevertheless come, then you need to use a special tool to strengthen them "Lutrasil". Even if the frosts spoil the plant, the roots will survive and give new shoots. But if the cold was strong, nothing will help.

Is it possible to plant dahlias in June?

Yes, in the first half of June, in the second half of the month - if it is not dry (you can see the weather in the long-term forecast). Under the opposite conditions, the plant may not take root, or even die altogether.

For this plant, the landing site is also important. Like sunflowers, they turn their heads towards the sunny side, and the northern cold winds are very harmful for them.

Therefore, dahlias must be planted in such a way as to protect them from the north wind with objects, a gazebo, or even their own home.

But experts do not recommend growing even perennial dahlias in one place. Therefore, you will have to come up with several options for landing sites. The earth, after you dig up the flowers, should be treated with "Lutein". And next time, plant the plant in a different place, when the time comes for planting.

Nothing captures the eye like a beautifully arranged front garden. He can become original decoration and a great addition to any private home. Many people believe that creation harmonious design- an incomprehensible and extremely difficult task. But this is not so at all. The main thing is to correctly combine all the elements (house, fence and plants) and carefully plan how to decorate the front garden with your own hands.

Essential elements

The design of the front garden depends on its shape, size and location. Sometimes a spacious plot is allocated for this territory. But some owners can leave only a narrow strip resembling a flower bed.

In addition, it can be located on both sides of the track. Such moments should be taken into account when planning how to decorate the front garden with your own hands. For example, if the territory is divided by a path, a symmetrical composition will look original.

It is important to think over the main elements of your front garden in advance:

  • Fence. This detail may be missing. But if you provide for this element, then approach its creation creatively. For the fence, you can use any material: wood, stone, metal. Looks original hedge from low ornamental plants. However, do not forget that we decorate the front garden with our own hands with improvised means. Therefore, consider options for creating an original and stylish fence from car tires, slate, beautiful stones, plastic bottles.
  • Bright accent. The focal point located in it will give an unforgettable effect to any front garden. This is a bright original detail that will immediately attract the eye. What kind of element it will be depends entirely on the imagination of the owner. bright accent can be decorative beautiful tree, a pillar entwined with a climbing rose, an interesting sculpture, a small fountain. Sometimes an unusual stone can become the central part of the composition.
  • Plants. Think in advance of the most attractive and harmonious combination of vegetation. The front garden should look beautiful all year round. Designers recommend to provide in it coniferous plants. Plant flowers very thoughtfully. It is unacceptable for the front garden to look dull. Therefore, consider the flowering time of plants. Competent composition will be attractive throughout the year. Choose it so that the flowering of some plants is smoothly replaced by others.
  • Decorative elements. Complement the composition with various pots, baskets, tubs, flowerpots, flower boxes. Such details can be part of the front garden, or located along the path. A wonderful decoration will be: a small fountain, a sculptural composition, figurines of fairy-tale characters or animals. The main thing is that such elements fit the style of the house and the front garden. If the territory allows, on a dedicated area you can arrange a guest corner with a table and a bench.
  • small front garden

    There are many tricks to visually enlarge the territory. When thinking about how to decorate a small front garden with your own hands, use a few secrets:

  • A lot of details that you want to consider for a long time always visually increase the area. Small figurines, beautifully placed, a small fountain, original stones - such elements do not take up much space, but they will always attract attention.
  • If trees grow near the front garden, be sure to use them. They can hang the original decorative birdhouse. Plant figurines of birds or animals on the branches.
  • Enough simple solution I can be beautiful plants planted in tubs. Highlight them with a backfill of pebbles or decorative gravel.
  • Small coasters built from improvised material look interesting: brick, stumps. They will lift your plants above the overall composition. Thanks to this, the front garden will acquire an interesting volume.
  • To create tiers in the front garden, you can use miniature retaining walls. This option will give originality to even the simplest front garden. It is enough just to raise one of the tiers of plants by 20-30 cm. Differences can be arranged decorative brick or pebbles.
  • Many ideas have been developed on how to decorate the front garden with your own hands. But most importantly - do not forget that the site should have a common compositional and stylistic design. Only in this case it will become a real highlight of homeownership.

    Large front garden

    An impressive area is the dream of any owner. After all, there is a place where you can "roam around" and realize all your creative ideas. On such a site it is possible to plant trees, bushes, flower beds, place flower beds. And even equip the patio.

    If you plan to use this part for gatherings, consider how to protect it from prying eyes. It can be a hedge or a structure with a camouflage net. It is important to understand how to decorate the front garden with your own hands. The photo shows original solutions.

  • One Ensemble. Be sure to consider appearance your home, its stylistic direction. Shouldn't be broken Japanese garden stones near the room, made in a rural style.
  • The same materials. Try to use the same finishes for the design of the front garden as for the house. It is important to consider not only materials. The combination looks harmonious colors front garden and facade.
  • Now let's look at what do-it-yourself details will allow you to decorate your front garden.

    Original flowerpot

    This is the easiest way to demonstrate how to decorate a front garden with your own hands. The photo located in this article shows how original this idea can be realized. Flowerpots can be purchased. But you can make them yourself.

    A few simple ideas will help you create your own masterpiece:

  • The flowerpot can be made of concrete. For this you need a form. It can be a deep basin, a bath, a plastic bucket.
  • As a flowerpot, you can use any improvised means. Old barrels, deep basins, tubs, buckets, boxes, hemp are perfect.
  • Be sure to apply multi-colored paints to the flowerpot. This will give a new look to old things.
  • To highlight the country style, you can wrap containers with flowers with burlap.
  • Unsightly flowerpots look much better when placed in wicker baskets.
  • old tires

    They are the perfect material for your creativity. Imagine a little how to decorate the front garden with your own hands.

    Quite simple and original solutions:

  • Use tires in the form of flowerpots. To do this, it is enough to paint them. You can apply any pattern or ornament.
  • Originally placing them in the front garden, you can get an excellent composition.
  • By making wedge-shaped cuts and turning the tire inside out, you can get a beautiful flowerpot.
  • The wheel makes a beautiful swan. To do this, put the wheel upside down and make certain cuts. Having unbent such parts, we make out the head, wings and tail.
  • Be sure to apply several coats of white primer before painting tires. Otherwise, the black color of the wheel will surely drown out even the brightest palette.

    Plastic bottles

    Do not rush to throw away the used container. A few tips will demonstrate how to decorate the front garden with your own hands from bottles:

  • Plastic will make an excellent fence for your front garden.
  • For a variety of flower beds, you can make flowers. You need to cut the bottle. You will need the top part, along with the lid. Make cuts all the way to the lid. Carefully unfold the resulting parts in different directions. These are flower petals. Give them the desired shape. Such plastic flowers will be a beautiful decoration for your front garden.
  • The bottle can be used as a flowerpot. Approach this issue in a non-standard way. For example, if you put a bottle and make a hole in the side surface for flowers, then the upper part with the lid forms a good muzzle of a hedgehog or mouse.
  • Wooden garden figurines

    Original masterpieces can be created from different materials. But the most harmonious are the figures made of wood. After all, it is part of nature.

    Consider how you can decorate the front garden with your own hands with the help of figurines. Of course, they are easy enough to purchase in the store. But the greatest pleasure will be delivered by masterpieces created by oneself.

    Everything will fit:

  • old stumps;
  • driftwood;
  • tree branches.
  • The main thing is to see amazing images in them. So, for example, in an old stump you can see the face of a gnome. And a tree branch can resemble a mermaid with its curves.

    It remains only to paint this material, add a little, and the original figure will become the most the best decoration your front garden.

    big stones

    How to decorate the front garden with your own hands? Easy enough! If you have developed creative imagination, you can easily see in an ordinary boulder:

  • dog
  • sleeping cat;
  • newborn deer;
  • funny turtles;
  • a whole family of ladybugs.
  • Having painted such a stone, you will get an original figurine that will delight and fascinate your relatives and guests.

    Mounting foam

    So, have you already figured out how to decorate the front garden with your own hands from improvised materials? If not, then another piece of advice will come in handy.

    To create figures, you can use the usual mounting foam. Models are waterproof and durable.

    Most often, mounting foam is used for the manufacture of:

    Build the frame first. You can use plastic bottles for it. cans, boards. And on top of such a frame, apply mounting foam.


    Now you know how to beautifully decorate the front garden with your own hands. And this is not such an unthinkable task as it seemed at first glance. Any idea can be easily implemented using improvised means and showing a little imagination. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the exclusive decoration will become a real highlight of your possessions.

    Dahlia flowers in the photo or what a real queen of flower beds looks like

    Every gardener dreams of having a beautiful well-groomed plot with chic flower beds and various flower arrangements. Some plant flowers in any free space on the site, others make out separate flower beds. The choice of flowers becomes a whole ritual and takes a lot of time. Usually we start looking at photos in magazines and the Internet, and we look at everything, from the simplest types to exotic ones.

    And as soon as a photo with lush dahlias comes across. all doubts disappear. Dahlia forever becomes a favorite flower. This plant looks like royalty. You can spend hours looking at images of magnificent dahlias of various colors and shapes.

    flower description

    Dahlia is a rather interesting and diverse flower that will be a wonderful decoration for any garden. It blooms later than other flowers, usually at the end of July and continues to bloom until the first frost.

    The varieties of this plant differ in height: there are high border varieties, the inflorescences of which are about 25 cm in diameter, there are undersized flower bed and dwarf varieties with small flowers.

    Even a novice gardener can handle growing dahlias. These flowers grow well in grassy areas and in the garden. The main thing is that the place where dahlias will grow is well lit by the sun. Although nothing bad will happen if the site is a little shaded. It is desirable that water does not stagnate in a flower bed with dahlias. In summer, regular watering is important.

    In order for the flowers to be lush and look really royal, it is necessary to thin out the bushes. In dense bushes, the flowers will be small. For the whole season, flowers need to be spudded and fertilized a couple of times.

    Planting dahlias

    You can grow chic dahlias on your site from seeds, root cones or cuttings. The soil for dahlias should be well-drained, as tubers will not develop well in dense black soil or clay. If the soil in your area is still dense, you can mix it with river sand or peat to make it looser.

    Before planting, approximately three weeks before planting, it is necessary to remove the tubers from the storage place and carefully divide along the root collar. This must be done before the tubers germinate. so as not to damage the roots.

    It is not necessary to divide the tubers into too small parts. The smaller you separate them, the worse they will develop and the less flowers they will have.

    In order to germinate already divided tubers, they are laid out on a damp cloth, moistened with plenty of water from above and covered with a film. Every two days, the film should be lifted and the tubers moistened. After some time, your tubers that have dried up over the winter will again acquire a healthy appearance and germinate by 4-5 cm.

    In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, they begin to plant tubers in the ground.

    Since the earth is still very cold, before planting the tubers in the ground, they make a hole 30x30x30 cm in size and leave it open for several days so that the earth warms up. Add to the bottom of the dug hole organic fertilizers. You can put compost mixed with urea, at the rate of 2 liters per 1 tablespoon of urea. A peg is immediately stuck into this hole, which will later be used to tie the flower stem. This procedure is done immediately, so that later this peg does not damage the roots.

    Dahlia tubers are planted quite deep so that the root neck is 15 cm from the top of the pit. Immediately planted tubers do not fall asleep with earth. This is done gradually. After planting, they are sprinkled with heated earth with a layer of about 3 cm. When the shoots begin to grow, the earth is also sprinkled. It is not necessary to fill a hole in the level with the ground, it is better to leave a small hole for watering.

    Dahlia Care

    In order for the queen of flower beds to grow well and give an increase in tubers, she still needs to be looked after. Before the plant begins to bloom, you can add a solution of mullein and superphosphate 4 times in proportion to 10 liters of water 1 liter of mullein and 20 grams of superphosphate. You can feed with the following solution: for 10 liters of water, 50 grams of superphosphate and 0.5 liters of wood ash. Such top dressing will provide violent flowering and large flowers.

    It is important not to forget about the formation of the bush. At the same time, shoots that appear in the axils of the leaves are removed.

    If the weather is hot outside, it is advisable to spray dahlias warm water only in the evening. So you save the bushes from diseases powdery mildew and from aphids. It does not hurt to feed with urea. Closer to autumn, dahlias are spudded to a height of 10 cm to protect them from the first autumn frosts.

    With the onset of autumn, the plant is no longer watered and fed, allowing the tubers to ripen well. Then they are dug up, dried and put away for storage.

    These simple tips will help you grow chic flowers on your site that will look like in the photo, and for a long time please the eye with their multi-colored lush inflorescences.

    12 beautiful photos - How to decorate a front garden with your own hands (tricks of small and large front gardens)

    The design of the front garden is not an easy task for several reasons. Usually, too small a plot is allocated for it so that the gardener's soul can "turn around". On the other hand, the front garden is the “face of the house”. Although it is located next to a dusty road, it should look its best!

    Of decisive importance in the composition of the front garden are its dimensions. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot allotted for the front garden dictates to us how to design it as follows.

    How to arrange a small front garden in front of the house

    There are techniques for visually enlarging a very small front garden. They are similar to those used when planning a small area. For example, make the track going through it a little longer, giving it a curve.

    If there are a lot of details in a small front garden that you want to consider, then it will always seem a little larger.

    For example, a very tiny fountain, figures on the lawn, beautiful stones, standard rose - all this will not take up much space, but it will attract attention.

    If your front garden is bordered by trees, then you can use them by hanging a decorative birdhouse on the branches, plant figurines of birds or some animals.

    One of the simple ways to decorate a front garden is to display beautiful plants in tubs, highlighting them with decorative gravel or pebbles. You can make small coasters from improvised materials (stumps, bricks, etc.) that will lift your plants above the overall composition, giving it an interesting volume.

    Another way is to make "tiers" in the front garden, using such simple techniques as retaining walls, only in miniature. If one tier of plants is raised above the others by 20-30 cm, this will also make the front garden more interesting. For example, you can arrange height differences as in the photo - using pebbles and decorative bricks.

    The main thing is that in a small area there should be a common stylistic and compositional design. Then such a front garden can become the highlight of your household.

    How to decorate a large front garden

    The front garden of a larger area allows us to “roam around”, arranging a lawn on it, planting bushes, trees, flower beds, ridges, and even equipping a patio.

    About what flowers to plant in the front garden. you can learn from one of the previous articles.

    If you want to use this part of the site for gatherings, then it is recommended to protect it somewhat from prying eyes- for example, a hedge, a pergola with climbing plants or (in extreme cases) a design with a camouflage net.

    When designing a front garden, the appearance of the house should also be taken into account, since the front garden, garden and house should be a single ensemble created on your site.

    This can be achieved different ways. Firstly, the stylistic direction in the design of all components is important. If your house is built in a rural style, but you should not set up a Japanese rock garden near it, etc.

    The second way is to use the same materials in the design of the front garden as in the construction and decoration of the house, as well as use the colors that are present on the facade. WITH brick walls the house will harmonize well garden path lined with clinker bricks. You can plant flowers to match the color that the exterior walls of the house are painted in, you can decorate the front garden with snags that match the style of the log walls, etc.

    Choose a design and beautiful decoration for the front garden in front of a private house

    The front garden is the calling card of the yard

    Most people treat the front garden as something that does not need special attention. And in vain, because it is a very important element of all country houses, no less important than the lawn, the planting technology of which we described earlier http://2gazon.ru/ozelenenie/trava/gazon-svoimi-rukami.html. as it has a number of very important decorative and practical functions. For example, it is there that you can install a mailbox or garbage containers.

    Photo of a flowering front garden

    The front garden is the hallmark of any home, shows its character and speaks about the habits of the owners. A luxurious and well-groomed flower garden can turn any building into a fabulous picture that you will definitely want to see with your own eyes, because it is so charming and able to mark bright, advantageous sides in the building and obscure the details that are not expressive enough.


    Before starting the design of a flower bed in front of the house, it is necessary to get acquainted with the diversity and features of the adjacent territories.

    By type of openness flower beds are divided into two types:

    1. open. who do not have a fence. The space adjacent to the house can be perfectly viewed both from the porch and from the roadway. As it is right, this is a neatly trimmed lawn with flower beds and a path leading to the entrance.
    2. Closed front gardens are fenced off from the street with a hedge or fence with fast-growing climbing plants for the fence.
    3. Some designers, when drawing up a project, are interested in the owners of the house, what is more important for them: the opinion of neighbors, passers-by or personal preferences. Taking into account the opinion, front gardens can be conditionally divided into two types :

    4. Russian type the flower garden suggests everything that is outside the windows of the house, should delight the eyes of the owners in the first place, and then please the guests and neighbors. Naturally, the view from the windows will be much more attractive than from the road. The plot in front of the house is fenced on all sides and decorated with wooden painted decor, clay figurines and various lush flower beds.
    5. European type the palisade is arranged according to rigid standards. Measured line geometry, carefully trimmed blue juniper bushes, about planting and caring for which read here http://2gazon.ru/ozelenenie/derevo-i-kust/posadka-i-uxod-za-mozhzhevelnikom.html. and trees, even lawns, beautifully decorated flower beds and paths. This type of flower garden is not fenced, so that everyone who passes by can appreciate the level and quality of the design.
    6. European type photo

      Step-by-step arrangement of a flower garden from a picket fence

      Very often the question arises of how to decorate the front garden with your own hands inexpensively and quickly? Everything is very easy if you build a simple picket fence.

      A low picket fence only conditionally performs a protective function, in most cases it serves for zoning and decoration. Neat and even picket fence front gardens are an excellent option for owners who want to try their hand at arranging the site on their own.

      If you have a small set of materials and tools at hand, you can assemble a figured or simple fence for a flower garden. To work, you will need the following wood material:

    • bars with a section of 100x100 mm;
    • boards 25x80 mm;
    • horizontal strips for fixing the picket fence 40x100 mm.
    • You will also need these tools and additional materials :

    • shovel;
    • saw (jigsaw);
    • hammer;
    • screwdriver (drill, screwdriver);
    • self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, washers;
    • mixture for concreting;
    • loops for the gate.

    The first step is to dig the posts into the ground at the same distance from each other, starting from the corners.

    The most practical option is to install them on concreted metal anchors.

    It is necessary to dig a hole, and insert a pipe into it, and a galvanized anchor into the pipe. Pour all this with a mixture of cement and sand. Screw crossbars to the posts, and boards to them. Externally, the gate is part of the fence, its fastening is carried out with the help of loops on the support post.

    The next step involves painting the posts and boards.

    If you want the fence to serve for a long time, then you need to process it with special composition against mold and fungi, and then apply paint, which contains mineral pigments and alkyd resins. Thanks to this combination, the wood will be protected from decay and retain its natural texture. A cheerful and bright picket fence can be obtained if it is painted in different colors.

    Building a flower garden with your own hands is very simple, but it is very important to learn how to care for it. To do this, you must adhere to the following fence care tips :

  • The tree perfectly absorbs moisture, hence it follows that the picket fence elements are located at least 15 cm above the ground. You also need to remove the thickets of grass that grows along the fence.
  • Once every three years it is necessary to update the picket fence. To do this, you can change the color of the fence, the appearance of the flower garden, from which it will immediately become different.
  • The tree tends to dry out, cracks appear on its surface, which can be simply eliminated: gently puttied, and then rubbed with sandpaper and painted.
  • The hinges on the gate should be lubricated so that it does not creak.
  • Next fence option - metal. It is made of steel sheets and coated with a special polymer coating. Such a fence is very strong and durable, as it is not afraid of temperature changes, humidity and sun.

    It will not work to call it purely decorative, unlike wood, since its strength at a certain height and design makes it possible to effectively protect itself from various kinds of animals and intruders.

    Like wooden picket fence, it is mounted on poles. They need to be dug to a depth of at least 1.2 m in order to give them a certain stability, it is also recommended to concrete the supports.

    The distance between the supports is in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 m, taking into account the height of the fence and its weight. by the most best material for supports is considered metal pipe or profile, as they are durable and have a relative cost.

    Decorating a flower garden with plants

    How to design a front garden without using complex technical techniques and construction? Naturally, plants will help in solving this issue. Vegetation should be selected taking into account the general style and its orientation, purely decorative or practical.

    Fruit bushes and trees

    Spreading pears and apple trees are best planted in the backyard; it is recommended to use standard plants to decorate the front garden. They are not the usual bushes, wild and neglected, but decorated on a flat crown trunk. Raspberries, standard currants or gooseberries look very unusual, but this is the neat decorative touch that will give the flower garden an extraordinary sophistication. When correct design trees are better purchased in a nursery, where experts know the secrets of growing it.

    The choice of landing site is great importance For successful cultivation dahlias.
    To get beautifully flowering plants, it is better to plant dahlias in a sunny, draft-protected place. Planted in the shade, dahlias stretch and bloom poorly.

    perennial dahlias

    Since tubers are prone to rotting with excess moisture, the planting site should not be in a lowland where moisture can stagnate. It is undesirable to grow dahlias in one place for more than two years in order to avoid damage to flowers by diseases and pests.

    Preplant preparation of beds

    Soil preparation is carried out in autumn and spring immediately before planting tubers or seedlings. The earth should be loose, air and water permeable, slightly acidic or with neutral acidity.

    In autumn, apply organic fertilizers to the ground: rotted manure - 3-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m or bird droppings in the amount of 100 g per 1 sq.m. You can add humus, compost. If the earth is heavy, clayey, the addition of coarse-grained sand and ash will help improve the structure. Dig up the beds to a depth of 30-35 cm. The width of the beds is about 1 m, the length is arbitrary.

    In early spring, go through the beds with a rake to retain moisture in the soil. And immediately before planting dahlias, dig up the ground with a pitchfork or treat it with a flat cutter to a depth of 5 cm. This is necessary to clean the beds from germinated weeds and roots of thistle, wheatgrass, bindweed.

    Preparing dahlia tubers for planting

    • Preparation of planting material begins in late March - early April when planting dahlia seedlings.
    • If it is decided to plant tubers immediately into the ground, then preparation is carried out two weeks before planting - in the first half of May.

    We take out the dahlia tubers from the storage place and carefully examine them. It is necessary to remove all dried roots and nodules, cut out the rotten parts. Treat all cut points with green paint or sprinkle with ash, crushed activated carbon.

    These tuber roots must be divided into divisions with 1-3 tubers.

    If the rhizomes were not divided in the fall, then this must be done before planting. Why share? From a large tuber with a large number of buds, a thickened plant will turn out, which will shade itself and bloom poorly. This is especially true for large-flowered tall varieties. Tubers of undersized curb dahlias can not be divided before planting.

    If the buds on the root neck have not yet woken up, the tubers should be placed in a bright, warm place. As soon as the sprouts hatch, you can begin to divide.

    Division of dahlia tubers.

    With a sharp knife, starting from the hemp, it is necessary to carefully cut the root tubers so that the resulting divisions are with a root collar and have 1-3 growth points. One division can contain 1-3 nodules. Sprinkle the cut points with ash or crushed coal, grease with brilliant green.

    For planting with tubers, the resulting delenki are placed in boxes or transparent bags with holes for air access and lightly sprayed. This is done two weeks before planting. In a bright, warm place, the buds will quickly wake up and sprouts will hatch. The tubers are ready for planting.

    We grow seedlings

    Seedling cultivation is used to obtain earlier flowering.
    The resulting divisions are planted in small plastic containers or pots, which must have drainage holes. We use light soil: coco substrate, sand, sawdust, light earth.

    We cover the tubers with a substrate so that the root neck with buds is on the surface. This planting will protect the root neck from rotting.

    Growing dahlia seedlings

    Seedling care: The place for seedlings should be bright, but straight Sun rays detrimental to tender shoots. The optimum temperature is 15-18 degrees. Watering is minimal. Top dressing is not needed, since the tuber contains enough nutrients that will last until the seedlings are planted in open ground.

    Planting perennial dahlias in the ground

    Planting dahlias in open ground with seedlings is carried out in late May - early June. By this time the threat is usually over. spring frosts and the weather was warm.

    Seedlings need to be hardened off before planting. To this end, pots with plants should be taken out into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

    Planting holes are dug with a spade bayonet depth at a distance of 30 cm for undersized species and 50-80 cm for tall varieties of dahlias. The size of the hole should be such that the seedlings, along with a clod of earth, are located freely.

    We plant the dahlia in the prepared hole.

    Water the seedlings well an hour or two before planting. Pour a quarter of a bucket of rotted manure or humus into the bottom of the planting hole, add mineral fertilizers and mix with the ground. Place the seedlings together with a clod of earth, stick a peg next to the garter of the bush as it grows and cover it so that the soil covers the lower pair of leaves. Water the planted plant and mulch with dry soil.

    Planting tubers

    Dahlias can be planted in open ground with tubers by mid-May. Planting holes are dug deep on a shovel bayonet, with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm. Add rotted manure, humus, mineral fertilizers, mix with part of the excavated earth.

    The prepared sprouted tubers are placed horizontally, a peg is inserted for the future garter and covered with soil so that the root collar is covered with a layer of 5 cm. After planting, the bed is watered and mulched with dry soil.

    Dahlia Care

    Dahlia care includes weeding, watering, fertilizing, bush formation, garter.


    Weeding is necessary to keep the beds clean so that weeds do not interfere with the development of plants. If the dahlias were planted with tubers, then the places around the pegs must be weeded by hand without using a flat cutter or hoe, so as not to damage the small sprouts.

    Caring for perennial dahlias is common: weeding, watering, top dressing.

    Plants that have grown to 15 cm must be spudded. This will cause the formation of additional roots, improve the growth of the stems and the resistance of the bush to the wind. Hilling dahlias at the end of summer will help protect the root neck from damage by autumn frosts. It is desirable to carry out weeding and loosening of the soil after each watering or rain.

    Don't forget to water your dahlias

    Watering is required abundant - for each bush 4-5 liters of water. The frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. In a dry, hot summer, we water often, but so that there is no stagnation of water. Two waterings per week is sufficient. Mulching the soil with peat, humus, compost after watering helps retain moisture longer.

    Plant nutrition

    Top dressing is done 2-3 times before flowering. The day before top dressing, dahlias must be watered. There are many options for using fertilizers. We give just a couple of examples.

    1. Dahlias are very responsive to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in the form of mullein infusion (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20). For 10 liters of water, 2 liters of infusion are taken. Under each plant, 1.5 - 2 liters of the prepared solution is poured.
    2. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers have a good effect on the development of tubers, budding and flowering. For 10 liters of water, a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate is taken. Under each bush, 2-3 liters of solution are poured.

    The first dressing is carried out two or three weeks after planting, the second - during budding and the third - before flowering. Starting from the second half of August, dahlias no longer feed. When overfeeding, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, the tubers will not store well.

    Bush formation.

    The young plant leaves 2-3 of the strongest shoots, all other stems are removed. All lateral stepchildren are also pinched to a stem height of 40-50 cm. This is necessary for better growth and flowering. The flowers will be larger and richer in color.

    Side shoots are best removed.

    The very first flower can be broken out without regret, then the side shoots will begin to grow faster and flowering will be more lush. Regular removal of dried flowers stimulates the growth of new inflorescences and prolongs the flowering period.

    In August, you need to cut off all the lower leaves on the stems to a height of 30-50 cm in order to speed up the ripening of the root collar. All these measures are relevant for tall and medium-sized dahlias.

    Dwarf undersized dahlias grow in a lush bush with several stems. Such varieties do not need stepson. The only thing you can do is pinch the stem at a height of 30 cm.

    A garter of dahlias is necessary for tall and medium-sized varieties. Dahlias have a hollow brittle stem that can easily break under the pressure of the wind. To protect the bushes, already when planting, a peg about 1 m high is placed in the hole. The plant begins to be tied up at a height of 50 cm and higher as it grows.

    Reproduction of perennial dahlias

    Perennial dahlias reproduce vegetatively: by dividing tubers and cuttings. Seeds reproduce only annual varieties.

    Division of dahlia tubers.

    You can divide dahlia tubers in autumn and spring.
    autumn the rhizomes dug out and cleared of the ground are cut into several parts-divisions. If the bush grew in two or three shoots, then first you need to divide the nests so that each one has one stump. We loosen and carefully stretch the nests to the sides, trying not to damage the root neck, which is attached to the stump from the stem. On the root neck there are renewal buds - eyes.

    Now you need to cut the tubers so that each part has a piece of the root collar with one, two or three eyes. You need to divide with a sharp tool (knife, pruner, scissors), starting with a hemp. Each such division can have from one to three tubers and necessarily a part of the root collar with 1-3 buds.

    At spring division We take out the tubers from the storage place and carefully examine them. All rotten parts must be cut off, dried roots and nodules removed. Treat the cut points with green paint or ash. To make it convenient to share, we put the tubers in boxes with sand or sawdust and put them in a warm, bright place.

    When the buds wake up and sprouts appear, it will be clearly visible how best to cut the tubers. You can start dividing. The procedure is the same as in autumn.

    Cuttings of dahlias.

    Dahlias are propagated by cuttings when there is little planting material, but you need to get a lot of bushes. This method is also good for rejuvenating a degenerate variety.

    In early March, tubers intended for cuttings are taken out of storage and inspected. Prepared tubers are planted in boxes or other containers, covered with a light substrate (sand, sawdust, coconut substrate, and other mixtures), and moistened. The root neck should be on the surface uncovered.

    Try to cut the stalk with part of the tuber.

    Place the containers in a bright, warm place for germination. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the temperature is reduced to 16-18 degrees so that the shoots do not stretch. After two to three weeks, you can start cuttings.
    Shoots with two or three pairs of leaves are cut with a very sharp tool, trying to capture a small piece of the tuber. Such cuttings with a “heel” take root better. But you can simply cut off the shoot at the very base without damaging the tuber. In this case, the cuttings will take root longer.

    For better rooting, it is necessary to dip the cutting in a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, heteroauxin). Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2 cm in a light nutrient soil, water and cover with a plastic bag or transparent top. plastic bottle. The optimum temperature for rooting is 20-25 degrees. Care is normal. Periodically, the cuttings should be ventilated, moistened if necessary.

    Dahlia shoots take root within two to three weeks. When the roots grow, the cuttings start to grow, the shelter can be removed and the temperature reduced to 16-18 degrees.
    Before planting in open ground, seedlings need to be hardened, accustoming them to fresh air. Plant in late May - early June, when the danger of frost has passed.

    Other useful articles about dahlias:

    1. . From seeds you can grow wonderful dahlias. They'll bloom all summer, cost a lot less, and can be changed every year.
    2. On this page you can get acquainted with a variety of varieties of dahlias: small, large, just huge. There are varieties for growing in pots and on balconies.
    3. . Dahlias should be dug up in time in the fall and properly stored in the winter. You can save tubers not only in the cellar, but also in a city apartment. All this will be discussed in this article.
    4. Detailed recommendations on how to deal with pests and diseases of dahlias.

    Dahlias are luxurious, bright flowers of the Astrov family, blooming from mid-summer until frost. This flower is from Mexico. It was brought to Europe in the 18th century and became widespread. Now dahlias or Dahlia are used by many flower growers to beautifully decorate flower beds and flower beds. And in order for these flowers to please the eye, you need to know some of the features of planting and caring for them.

    Main characteristics

    Dahlias (Dahlia) are perennial. In height, flowers can reach 2-2.5 meters. They have hollow stems and paired simple leaves. The inflorescences look like baskets, the diameter of which can be from 3 to 30 cm. In the center of the inflorescence are tubular petals, which are surrounded by reed petals of various colors. The root system of the plant is very powerful and consists of tuberous, fleshy, thickened roots.

    Every year, in the fall, the aerial part of the plant dies. Only powerful roots remain, which accumulate nutrients for the growth of new buds.

    In our conditions, Dahlia tubers cannot be left to winter. They freeze and die. Therefore, in the fall they should be dug up and stored until the new season.

    The buds from which new stems and leaves appear are located on the root collar of the plant. Therefore, not only root tubers should be preserved, but also part of the stem above them.

    Types of dahlias

    Breeders have bred a large number of varieties of dahlias. Today, there are about 15,000 varieties. Flowers come in all sorts of shapes and colors, from white to black.

    The main types of dahlias:

    Still exist:

    Due to the variety of varieties of dahlias, they very beautifully arrange flower beds on the site, form borders, and are also used as separate potted plants.

    Reproduction features

    Dahlias reproduce by seeds and tubers.

    Reproduction by seeds

    Many flower growers when growing Dahlia are stopped by the fact that the tubers of this flower cannot winter in the ground, but in order to keep them in winter period certain conditions must be met. In this case, seeds can be used to plant dahlias. These will be annuals. Mostly non-double (simple) or collared dahlias are propagated by seeds.

    Planting seeds can be carried out in the spring directly into the ground. But then beautiful flowering Dahlia will please you only towards the end of summer. In order for it to bloom from the beginning of summer, it is necessary to grow flowers through seedlings.

    For seedlings, seeds are sown in April. Seeds are placed in a prepared container with sand and covered with a sandy layer on top. Having moistened well, the container is covered with a film or a transparent lid and placed in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. After the third leaf appears on the seedlings, the seedlings dive into separate cups, where it grows until planting on the prepared site.

    Reproduction by tubers

    The best result in breeding Dahlia can be achieved if tubers are used for planting. They can be purchased on the market from flower growers or in special flower shops, or you can use the old ones that you have grown.

    If you are purchasing new tubers, then you do not need to do this in the fall or winter. It is better to purchase tubers in late spring, when they will already need to be planted in the ground. Healthy tubers should be firm and fleshy, preferably with small sprouts.

    If you are going to use old tubers for planting next year, then first of all, they must be properly stored. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the plant, separate the tubers from the ground part of the plant and sprinkle them with sand and ash. The place where the tubers of this flower will be stored should be warm and without drafts. Periodically, it is necessary to inspect and moisten the tubers.

    How to plant dahlias?

    It is better to plant the tubers of these perennials in open ground from mid-May to early June, when the soil is already warm enough.

    Tuber preparation

    It is necessary to start preparing the tubers that remained after the winter for planting in April.

    First of all, the tubers are cleaned of dried roots and the damaged areas are treated with brilliant green. Then they are planted in containers with prepared nutrient soil, peat or sawdust and left for two weeks. Tubers should remain 2-3 cm above the ground.

    After the buds appear on the tubers, they divide. It is necessary to divide so that each separated tuber has a kidney with a root neck. Delenki are left in the ground for some time, periodically watering them, and then planted in open ground.

    Site selection and soil preparation

    It is better to choose a landing site in advance and prepare it in the fall.

    Dahlias prefer a well-lit, draft-free area with well-drained soil so that the roots of the plant do not rot. Planting Dahlia in the same place is not recommended. And it is also not advisable to plant these flowers where asters used to grow. Next to other plants, dahlias feel great, so they can be planted next to lilies and roses.

    Land for planting dahlias should be nutritious and neutral in acidity. If the soil has a high acidity, then slaked lime should be added to it. If, on the contrary, it is slightly acidic, then peat is added to the soil.

    For the nutritional value of the soil, in the fall, compost and humus are added to the selected area and then dug up. In the spring, before planting, it is necessary to scatter mature non-leaf compost and ash over the surface of the site, and evenly distribute it with a rake.

    How to plant dahlias?

    Landing Rules

    Dahlia Care

    Dahlias are quite unpretentious in cultivation. For abundant flowering, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting, follow the rules of watering and feed on time. And also care includes weeding and pinching.

    Watering this plant should be plentiful, but with a frequency of 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather. To preserve moisture, you can hill or mulch dahlias. Before watering, the ground or a layer of mulch from the stems must be raked, and after watering, the flower should be spud again. Mulching not only helps retain moisture, but also helps keep weeds and pests like slugs out.

    In addition to regular watering, Dahlia need to be fed. Top dressing is carried out at least 3-4 times per season, using both mineral and organic fertilizers. The plant responds very well to fertilizing with slurry. And during the flowering period, it is necessary to use phosphate and potash fertilizers.

    Dahlias with large inflorescences need pruning or pinching. This is done to obtain larger and more lush flowers. To do this, on each shoot, 2-3 of the strongest buds are selected, and the rest are removed. And they also need to remove the lower shoots, which take away strength from the main shoots. Faded inflorescences consume the nutrients that are needed to form new buds. Therefore, as soon as the flower begins to fade, it must also be immediately cut off.

    Caring for dahlias also consists in the timely support of the plant so that large flowers cannot break the stem. You can start tying dahlias when the stem height reaches 50 cm.

    Thus, following all these secrets of growing Dahlia will allow you to grow this beautiful, bright, ornamental plant on your site.
