Hello dear subscribers. Recently, in the life of Internet marketers there are more and more new and interesting tasks. One of these tasks is the holding of drawings and competitions. If you are interested in this question, then for sure you are concerned about another question, namely, how you can sum up the results of the draw and determine the winner. That's exactly what this article is about.


If you are thinking about holding a raffle or contest in your group, be sure to read official Vkontakte rules for contests. So you can protect yourself from unnecessary problems such as bans and blocking the community.

Follow all the rules of Vkontakte, and most importantly, be honest with your subscribers, and they will certainly appreciate it. After the draw, do not forget to indicate the winners.

TOP-5 applications for summing up the results of Vkontakte draws

To determine the winners of the draws, it is best to use special applications. Below you will find the top best applications for summing up Vkontakte draws. The performance of each of them, I personally checked, at the time of publication of this article (June 2019). So you can rest assured that everything works.

1. Application VKontakte "Randomizer"

Features of Randomizer app:

  • Authorization: In contact with
  • Checks for: like, repost
  • Peculiarities: Multiple winners and prizes can be selected
  • Proof of Integrity: yes, certificate for social networks, picture
  • Price: for free

A very convenient application, it is possible to select several winners at once. The results of the competition can be saved both in text form and as a picture.

2. Application VKontakte "Competitions"

Features of the Contests app:

  • Authorization: VKontakte, you need to connect to the community
  • Checks for:
  • Peculiarities: you can choose several winners (all at once or one at a time)
  • Proof of Integrity: yes, link to summary
  • Price: for free

This application is installed in the community in which you want to sum up the results of the contest or draw. It is possible to select winners one at a time. In general, the application is cool and suitable for groups in which draws often take place.

3. RandomPromo

Features of RandomPromo :

  • Authorization: via VKontakte login
  • Checks by: like, repost, repost and intro
  • Peculiarities: not detected
  • Proof of Integrity: There is. Members can log in and watch the results being tallied in real time.
  • Price: for free

An interesting service that creates a separate page for each contest or draw. Winners are determined relatively quickly.

4. Rand Stuff

RandStuff app features:

  • Authorization: VKontakte, administrator rights
  • Checks for: like, repost, repost and intro
  • Peculiarities: city, whether it is in a group, you can choose several winners, postponed drawing
  • Proof of Integrity: yes, link to the results (only 3 days are stored)
  • Price: for free

A cool service allows you to determine the winner both immediately and through deferred tasks. By the way, it’s very convenient if you don’t want to wrap up with a raffle or a contest. The only drawback is that free results are stored for only 3 days.

5. Random Up

Features of RandomUp app:

  • Authorization: In contact with
  • Checks for: repost, repost and intro
  • Peculiarities: postponed draw
  • Proof of Integrity: yes, link to summary
  • Price: for free

It is possible to conduct the drawing immediately or to make a delayed draw. If desired, you can specify the exact prize of the winner.


In general, there are still quite a few applications for summarizing the results of drawings and contests. Which of the applications to use is up to you. The main thing is to be honest with your subscribers, and they will begin to subscribe to you. If you are just starting to develop your community. I recommend taking the course How to promote a Vkontakte group". That's all, as always, I wish you well and a lot of positive

If this information was useful to you and you liked the article about the top applications for summing up the results of Vkontakte draws. Write your comments and suggestions..

In Vkontakte, various drawings and contests have recently begun to gain popularity. With the help of which the winners can win: a new phone, a jacket, an iPhone, equipment, travel, a gaming computer or a computer, free food, concert tickets, a cash prize and much more. It all depends on which group decided to hold this contest or draw.

Rules for holding contests and drawings of reposts in VK

Before you create and start a draw, you must first familiarize yourself with the main rules for holding such contests.

  • Users who, when using this social network to create sweepstakes, are prohibited from liking and sharing reposts on behalf of their friends or acquaintances;
  • Users who use the site to create a contest start mass mailing messages to other users - it is forbidden to do this;
  • In the community, discussions and on the wall of the group, it is forbidden to post reposts that contain texts of a commercial and political nature.

How to draw VKontakte by reposts

A repost is when a user posts a photo or text from a group that he likes on his wall.

Well, now we will talk about how to make a VKontakte draw for reposts . Usually such reposts allow you to draw more attention to your group. In order to make a draw you need:

  • Simply and clearly explain the terms of the draw. That is, your text should be exceptionally creative and interesting.
  • Correct and high-quality registration of repost. In order to draw attention to your group, you need to beautifully design it, and so that it is not only visually attractive, but also the text of the repost should be interesting.
  • The image must be clear and colorful. The picture also has great importance to attract the attention of users and therefore you need to find a suitable image, if you did not find the desired image, decorate the text with emoticons.
  • Free catalog of draws. In order to repost a draw, you need to add it to the free draw directory, this placement method will easily allow you to post a repost.
  • The prize must be real. The main thing in such reposts is that the prize must be real, if in this case the prize turns out to be not a real group and the user can be blocked.
  • Don't force users to join the group. If the user decides to repost in the group, then it is strongly not recommended to force others to join the group, since the user and the group can also be blocked.
  • Keep a close eye on the competition. Practice has shown that if you leave the drawing and remember about it only at the moment when you need to choose the winner, many users do not follow all the rules of the competition. To avoid such situations, keep an eye on the draw and on each user who participates in it.
  • Correctly summarize the results of the competition. When the competition has come to an end, you should responsibly approach the choice of the winner. To do this, there are many different applications to choose a random winner.
  • Proof. After the winner has been chosen, you need to ask him or her to take a picture with the prize and tell about it to the group. To ensure that the other members of the group are sure that the prank was real and not fake.

most interesting and effective way attracting members to the community, as well as increasing loyalty to your brand is repost contest in contact. Thanks to such a competition, you can tell many users about a new product, service or brand. Raise awareness of your brand and get real reviews about your products.

Before the technical organization, you need to decide on the main points that you want to solve with the help of a competition in VK. If you have no idea why you are holding a competition in the community, then the results of your activities will be unclear. It is best to set a goal that is measurable in numbers.

For example, double the size of the group. Get a certain number of reposts and likes. Decide on prizes. They shouldn't be too expensive.

No need to promise users a car in exchange for a repost or a trip to the Maldives. Most likely, no one will believe this. Also, too cheap prizes will not work. People simply won't see the value in participating.

If you're promoting your brand or service, the prize could be a branded garment, a featured product, or a trial membership. To make it easier to determine the winners, the conditions of the competition should not be too complicated. The most popular contests are those where you just need to repost.

Set deadlines. It is best if your VK contest takes place within a week or a month. If you set a deadline of six months, there is a risk that people will forget about it.

Also, before the competition, it is important that you have sufficient , which would include at least . Once you have a clear goal in mind, selected prizes, and set deadlines, you can post on the community wall. To get started, pick a nice picture that people would love to add to themselves. Make a note of it. Describe in detail the conditions of the competition point by point. Don't forget to write a deadline and make a colorful headline. Decide how many prizes will be in the competition. in the group and on your wall. Wait a couple of days and see what the response is.

How to determine the winner of the Vkontakte contest by reposts

Determine the winner of the Vkontakte contest by reposts You can do it with the help of a jury, by voting in a poll, or by random selection.

If you choose the first way to determine the winner, then it is best to write in the conditions of the competition according to what criteria the evaluation will take place. Otherwise, instead of gratitude from the players, you can only get dissatisfaction. In the conditions, note that in addition to reposting, users who claim to win must also actively participate in group discussions, upload beautiful photos to the album and to the records. Then the most active of them can be identified using a special service, such as https://socialstats.ru/

This resource allows you to track community statistics, understand who liked you the most and posted pictures, and highlight the most active ones.

The simplest and most transparent method of determining the winners is the random method.

Random Vkontakte repost contest

When determining the winners Vkontakte repost contest by random method special services are used. For example, https://vkonkurs.rf/

To select a random winner, you will need to enter a link to the post that you had to repost and drive in how many prizes you designated. Next, run the program. After a few seconds, she will choose a random winner. With this evaluation method, do not forget to take a screenshot.

In the social network VKontakte, in many communities, the administration holds drawings of various valuable prizes by randomly selecting people from the list of reposters. In this article, we will talk about how to implement such draws with the subsequent selection of the winner.

First of all, you should definitely read the article on our website, in which we touched on the process of reposting a post in detail.

In addition to the above, it is recommended to visit the most popular communities on the VK website in order to see how the implemented draws look like with an example. Moreover, with this approach, you can create something unique and high-quality, starting from previously studied blanks.

Now, understanding the process by which a user can become a participant, you can proceed directly to the implementation of the idea.

Create an entry for the draw

First of all, you need to create a special entry on the wall, filled in in accordance with the essence of the draw. To do this, you will need to strictly follow the described procedure, excluding what, in your opinion, will be superfluous specifically in your case.

You can implement the draw not only in the community, but also on the VKontakte page.

  1. Being on the wall where the entry with the draw will be placed, go to the block "Add a note".
  2. Create a description for the draw in a concise and simplified form.

    Here you can also mention the main prize and the title.

  3. Next, you need to describe the main conditions of the competition according to your idea.
  4. Remember to indent between paragraphs so that the description is easy to read.

  5. As a next step, you should describe all the prizes that are raffled off in the repost contest that you are creating.

    If, as planned, prizes should be received by users from a certain range, then specify it specifically.

  6. To end the text part of the contest, add a few words about when the draw will end.
  7. It is recommended to decorate the created text with various design elements, for example, emoticons.
  8. Attach one or more themed images representing each prize to be drawn to the post you are creating.
  9. Click the button "Send" to post on the community wall.
  10. After following the recommendations, the entry will appear on the main page.

Please note that it is best for you not to edit the entry after posting, as changing the conditions during the draw will certainly greatly affect the attitude of the participants towards your public.

Now, having completed the preparation, we can proceed to consider the methods for choosing the winner of the created draw from the list of reposts.

Method 1: Mobile version of VK

This technique allows you to choose a winner among the list of reposters, regardless of the number of participants in the contest. Note that this method is recommended only when the number of participants does not allow the use of special applications.

  1. Switch to mobile version VK site using the appropriate link.
  2. You need to get to the entry with the draw, from where you need to choose the winner.
  3. Scroll down the page to the page navigation bar and go to the very end.
  4. Remember the number corresponding to the last page.
  5. Go to the site of the random number selection service.

    Count Min leave the default equal to one, and in the field Max enter a value corresponding to the number of the last page of the list of reposts.

  6. Click the button "Generate", return to the mobile version of VK and go to the page under the number that was issued by the random number generator.
  7. Next, you need to return to the specified service again and generate a random number from 1 to 50.
  8. The number 50 corresponds to the number of people on one page.

  9. Returning to the VKontakte website, count the participants on the page up to the user whose number corresponds to the previously received number.

As you can see, this method is quite difficult to understand. However, in the process of frequent holding of various contests, it is extremely easy to get used to the procedure for choosing a winner.

Method 2: Random.app

In order to simplify the process of choosing the winners of the repost contest and not only, VKontakte has many different applications. One such special add-on is Random.app, a powerful and easy-to-use tool.

  1. Go to the application page and launch it.
  2. Check out short instruction on using the add-on and click the button "Go to Application".
  3. In the block User Filter set highlight on paragraph "Shared With Friends".
  4. Navigate to the contest entry that entrants should repost and copy the URL of the page from the address bar.
  5. in the graph "Enter a post or group URL" insert a direct link to the entry with the draw.
  6. Fill in the last field in accordance with the number of participants announced in the contest rules.
  7. Check the box "Group Members Only" to exclude users who are not members of the community.
  8. Check the entered data and click the button "Further".
  9. Wait for the user upload process to complete.
  10. The waiting time depends on the number of people in the community.

  11. Click the button "Find out the winner(s)".
  12. Next, you will be presented with a list of winners.
  13. In order to post the results of the drawing on the wall, click the button "Tell".

Please note that the application is not capable of handling many requests, and as a result, freezes sometimes occur. However, developers are currently working on new version application, which is sure to be more stable.

Method 3: Lucky you!

This method is quite similar to the previous method, but has unique features. Moreover, the application in question can help you out in cases where Random.app cannot provide results.

As you can see, the add-on does not provide the ability to select multiple winners at once. But despite this, the application is able to handle communities with a large number of participants, unlike many other similar programs.

On this, the process of creating the draw and choosing the winner can be completed. We hope you don't have any difficulties. Good luck!

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “competition on VKontakte”? Countless reposts (if you are a regular user) and the fight against professional “prizes” (if you are an SMM). We have already made a detailed guide to drawings on Instagram, today we’ll talk about VKontakte: how to conduct competitive activities on this social network in order to do well for both subscribers and the company, and bypass those same “prizes”.


One of FAQ beginner SMMs: how many contests per month is optimal to hold? The answer depends on the brand. I also worked with large federal companies (there we held four competitions a month: regional ones to increase sales at specific points, all-Russian ones for the image component, with large partners, and weekly, quick draws so that the accumulated specific “sub-audiences” of communities remain warm), and with small brands that could not "pull" more than one or two contests a year.

The duration of the competition depends on its scale, but the universal advice is this: the faster the participants can get the prize, the higher their motivation.

If you use a randomizer application on VKontakte, make sure that it does not freeze at the right time: this happens quite often, especially if a lot of people took part in the draw.

Be sure to use applications that show the date and time of summing up and the total number of participants: participants like to pay attention to these parameters, and the results will look transparent and open. Take a screenshot, or even better - take a video of the moment of determining a random number and post it in the comments to the post so as not to litter the community wall.
