The appearance of a child is associated not only with joy, but also with numerous concerns, one of which is the creation of a comfortable children's room. It is especially problematic if a common nursery is needed for children of different sexes, because in this case the task becomes more complicated due to the fact that each of the children will need personal space. Although the process of creating such a nursery for two children is difficult, it allows you to show all your imagination, having previously familiarized yourself with the photo options on the Internet.

Before starting repairs, you should draw up an action plan, a sketch of the future premises. The division of one large room into two small parts is the basis for future repairs. Each of the two children should be allocated a space where he will be the full owner.

Options for dividing the space in the room:

Parallel zoning of the nursery
Diagonal zoning
Zoning with common areas

The choice of one of the above items depends on the room reserved for the nursery, its size and shape. An important factor is the age of the children, and the most in a simple way division is an option with common areas. It is ideal for two small children of about the same age who enjoy playing together and do not need privacy. It is enough for kids to have separate places to sleep, and the rest of the space is given for games.

Parallel and diagonal divisions are suitable for older children, when each of them already has their own interests. A mandatory element is a partition, in its role can be a wardrobe, whatnot, desks, bookcases, screens. These types of division are suitable for large rooms. The diagonal will become ideal option if the room has two windows on adjacent walls, which is found in private houses. Parallel division is great for large square rooms, but can also be used in a narrow elongated one, for which you will have to think carefully and explore various options first.


The main principle of zoning is the allocation of places for each of the two children to sleep, play, work, store things and their individual design. The task is successfully carried out with the help of the color of the walls, different relief, different levels of the floor and ceiling, lighting.

Another main factor to keep in mind when designing a nursery is the age of the children. If they are just babies, parents rely entirely on their own taste and imagination. The opinion of children older than three years will already have to be listened to. Usually they have color preferences, favorite heroes of fairy tales, cartoons, girls dream of being princesses, fairies, sorceresses, boys dream of being racers, superheroes. Therefore, each part of the room should be designed individually.

A particularly difficult case is one in which one child is much older than the other. In this case, parents will have to try very hard to make each of the children feel cozy and comfortable in the nursery.

places to sleep

You can't do without sleeping places in the room. When it comes to children of different sexes, the issue becomes more complicated. Even if they are still very small, in the future, each of the two will want to have their own corner, in which the brother or sister will not have access. This should be foreseen in advance.

by the most simple option The way out is to purchase two beds. The room is divided in half, each part is decorated in its own colors. The style is observed alone, or the children's fantasies are given the opportunity to roam. There are several options for arranging beds:

  • near the walls;
  • perpendicular to the wall;
  • in the corner.

If the beds are placed side by side, they should be separated by a nightstand, curtain, shelving or a partition. When choosing an angular arrangement, children should sleep head to head.

If the room is small, narrow, it is preferable to use a bunk bed. This will significantly save space. You should decide in advance with the children who will sleep on top and who will sleep on the bottom. Often this issue becomes a problem, especially if the children are about the same age, and each of them claims to be on the top of the bed. If an agreement cannot be reached, better idea discard. Also, it should be abandoned if the room has very low ceilings, as it will be uncomfortable and stuffy for children.

Game Zone

Games are an important part of the life of children, especially young ones. We must not forget that the source of energy lies in the kids, so the space for its splash should be quite extensive. On the territory of the boy, you can install a Swedish wall. Girls love to play with dolls, they will need a table, chairs, a crayon board, an easel. Children will be happy to visit each other.

While they are small, one large carpet or carpet will do for the floor, in the future it will be possible to replace them with two different ones. Making repairs in the nursery, it is worth considering additional soundproofing. This will protect not only children, but also neighbors.

For teenagers, the role of the play area is changing and they need a place to meet with friends, it will not be superfluous to stock up on soft ottomans that can be easily stored in the pantry.

Area for classes and lessons

In the nursery for two children, each needs to organize comfortable spot for study. This may be one common desk. A great idea would be a long countertop, located by the window and occupying the entire length of the wall. Children will have enough not only space, but also natural light. You can buy separate tables. Don't forget about comfortable chairs helping to maintain correct posture.

A modern child has a poor idea of ​​his life without a computer, ideally everyone should have their own. Given the need to save space, you should prefer laptops or tablets.

For young children, furniture should be appropriate for their height. Of course, they are less engaged, but still they like to draw, sculpt, put together puzzles. Transforming desks are very convenient for kids, which are very functional and do not take up much space.


There is an opinion that boys have few clothes, girls have a lot. In fact, this is not true. Therefore, a nursery for children of different sexes requires a large closet. Installing two separate ones will be an ideal option that will eliminate confusion and disputes about cleaning.

Of the things children have, not only clothes. Kids usually have a lot of toys, the number of books is gradually increasing. Teenagers love to collect, they have a lot of secrets that need to be kept somewhere, which is very convenient to do in boxes, baskets, and also on shelves.

Beds with a podium in which drawers are installed will help save space.

Color solution

A nursery for children of different sexes is often designed in one neutral color, confirmation of which can be found in the photo. For young children, the theme of their favorite cartoon, zoo, birds, forest is ideal. On the walls you can hang photos of funny animals and the owners of the room themselves. In this case, soft pastel shades should be used, because excessive brightness has a bad effect on the child's psyche.

A much more interesting option would be to use different colors that will help divide the room into two parts. It is best to abandon the hackneyed options with pink and blue zones, because both children should like the room, not hurt the eyes, be one, despite the presence of two owners.

Interesting combinations that will look harmonious (there are many photos of color combinations):

  • lilac with green or gray;
  • pale pink with silver;
  • yellow with orange, blue, green.

Having shown imagination, you can try to play with shades. The unchanging classics in this direction are yellow, sand tones, Brown color. To make the room brighter, you should use various accessories: interesting lamps, flower pots, photos in bright frames.

Furniture: the complexity of choice

It is preferable to entrust the design of a children's room for children of different sexes to professionals who know all the possibilities and offers that exist at the moment. If you want or need to do repairs yourself, you should figure out what will help save valuable space.

Many options for cabinet and modular furniture will allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable living space from any room:

  • bunk beds;
  • chair-beds;
  • beds with built-in shelves, racks, drawers;
  • loft beds, in which there are workplaces, wardrobes on the first tier;
  • retractable, folding beds;
  • racks that successfully play the role of partitions;
  • long tables.

bunk bed
Armchair bed

Loft bed
Pull-out beds
Long table top
Wardrobe shelving

It is best not to buy ready-made furniture in stores or from photos in catalogs, but to order its manufacture according to individual measurements. But in any case, it should be made of environmentally friendly materials, strong, all fittings are well fixed.


The right selection of accessories will help make the room more comfortable, emphasize the individuality of the owners. Boys need a sports corner, especially if they like to play sports. Girls will be delighted with the elegant dressing table, in the drawers of which they can store their jewelry and cosmetics. Toddlers are very fond of children's houses. You can buy nest beds for them, in which they are arranged on the ground floor. Older children like to place photos of musicians or movie characters on the walls, which should be taken into account when considering the design style.

An important element of the decor is textiles. These are bedspreads, blankets, pillows, bed linen, curtains. With their help, you can diversify the interior of the room, make bright notes. If the nursery is decorated in one color, then textiles should be chosen with neutral patterns. You can make unique items by decorating them with prints of children's drawings and photos of babies.


An important role in the nursery for two children is played by lighting. It helps in zoning and is necessary for the normal functioning of the child's eyes. Daytime is often not enough, here the system for creating light levels comes to the rescue. The overhead light is great for the play area. The recreation area will have enough diffused lighting from the sconce. Required for work desk lamp, and each of the two children should have their own.

What to look for depending on the age of the children

Equipping the nursery, one should take into account not only the different sex of the children, but also their age. There are some features that must be remembered when equipping a nursery.

If the children have a large age difference, the best solution would be bunk bed. The baby must be placed on the first floor, from above it can fall. It is important to cover the bed. This will create for the child cozy corner and will allow you to sleep peacefully while the elder does his homework, works at the computer, reads. Each child must have a place for personal belongings, toys, clothes. One desk is enough, the kid will draw when the elder is at school. Before you start designing a nursery, you should study photos of interiors, where you will always find many interesting ideas.

It is not very easy to equip the interior of a room for children of different sexes. It is necessary to create a comfortable personal space for both the son and the daughter, taking into account their preferences and interests.

It is good if the room is spacious and you can allocate enough space for each child. But if this small apartment, you need to make an effort to create the optimal design of a nursery for two children with different needs and tastes.

There are many different ideas for arranging a children's brother and sister.

First of all, such a nursery needs to be conditionally divide into two equal parts. If the area, for example, 16 sq. m, then each child must be allocated the same territory, 8 square meters. m. Then, each part should be conditionally divided into zones:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Place to work;
  • Wardrobe area or place where things will be stored;
  • Game Zone.

IN sleeping area beds are provided for both children. A girl can put a four-poster bed to make her feel like a princess. The boy is perfect bed in the shape of a car. If the children are teenagers, then you need to separate the sleeping areas of the girl and the boy with a partition. As a rule, in the nursery for the son and daughter they use decorative curtain, screen, partition made of drywall or other materials. They also install beds with high backs, this option will help to visually divide the sleeping area in half. The main thing is that each of the children feel personal space.

So that there are no questions and scandals because of whose turn it is to sit at the computer, everyone needs to equip working area with two separate devices. This zone should contain a computer, a desk, a place to store books and notebooks. It is not at all necessary to put a large table for each child. Today, many prefer to use a modular system in which the lower tier is workplace, and the second tier sleeping. This saves a lot of usable space and leaves more room for other areas.

Please note that a nursery for two children of different sexes should have a lot storage spaces. A good option would be a built-in closet with sliding doors. That way everyone will have their place. For toys, you can get baskets or a separate chest of drawers. You can also store various personal items in additional drawers built into the bed. In general, there is more than enough space for storing things in the room for children of different sexes, the main thing is to properly dispose of square meters.

The nursery should have a large play area especially if children preschool age. For the boy, a sports area is being set up, for example, a Swedish wall. It is enough for a girl to set a table at which she will hold tea parties with dolls. In the room for teenagers of different sexes, you can organize a common recreation area, where they can also spend time with friends. It contains a sofa or ottomans, a game table, a TV.

What color to use in the design of the nursery for two children of different sexes

For zoning a room for two children of different sexes, it is best to use two primary colors in the interior. We are talking about pink and blue shades. This is a great option if the kids are small. After all, kids love everything bright. Also, the design can be unusual, using various themes: jungle, fairy-tale characters, cartoons, animals, and more.

If this is a room for teenagers, then you can choose other tones. For example, wallpapers in purple-gray, pink-green, yellow-blue shades will look good. And also for wall decoration, you can use wallpaper in peach and apricot tones. Looks good in interior design color sea ​​wave, especially in combination with gray or khaki.

In addition, wallpaper right color can visually enlarge small space. In this case, it is better to give preference to light colors in the design. : beige, pastel, vanilla.

Remember that zoning a room with color is not just about choosing wallpaper. It is also a choice of furniture, carpets, textiles, accessories.

Gallery: children's room interior (25 photos)

Children's room design (video)

Criteria for choosing furniture for a room of children of different sexes

Cabinet furniture significantly saves space in the nursery if you use the following options:

  • bunk beds;
  • Folding chair-beds;
  • Pull-out beds
  • Loft bed, when the first tier acts as a workplace;
  • Bed with drawers;
  • Embedded corner cabinets coupe;

It is very important that the furniture is made of environmentally friendly materials. Thus, it will not harm the health of the child.

In addition to aesthetic value and saving space, furniture in design should fulfill its main task - to be functional. If, for example, we are talking about a desktop, then not only should a computer fit on it, but there should also be room for writing. And a bunk bed can become not only a sleeping place, but also great for storing things if it is equipped with drawers.

Also, when choosing furniture, pay attention to so that there are no sharp corners, protrusions, defects. So that the child, during active movement around the room, does not get injured.

It is very important that there is a lot of light in the children's room. This will allow the child to do any business: read, draw, play, write, embroider and so on. Psychologists say that good lighting forms a correct and healthy psyche in a child.

To ensure full lighting of the children's bedroom, two light sources are used: artificial and natural.

The children's bedroom should have a lamp on the ceiling, as well as separate lamps in the working and play area. You can also install a sconce near the bed so that the child before going to bed could read your favorite book.

The source of natural light is, of course, the window. Do not cover it with several layers of curtains. Firstly, they will block the natural access of light, and secondly, dust will accumulate in them. It is better to replace the usual curtains with blinds. It can be horizontal or vertical blinds plastic or fabric. If you want to add a twist to the interior of a children's room for teenagers of different sexes, then install blinds with a picture or photo on the windows. Your kids will love this idea for sure.

Room decorating secrets

After gluing wallpaper and arranging furniture, it is time to introduce some elements into the interior of the room that emphasize the individuality of the owners premises.

What is a children's room without pictures, toys, photographs and other little things that are so dear to a child's heart. Each decorative element must find its place and not invade "foreign" territory.

In decorating a room, it is very important to involve the child in the process. The more work and emotions he invests, the more carefully he will treat everything that surrounds him.

Creating the interior of a children's room for two children of different sexes is a complex, but very interesting process. Having put your soul into this business, in return you will receive children's gratitude and love!

Children's room for children of different sexes (video)

Many families in our country cannot afford to have private rooms for heterogeneous children. For this reason, parents have to select various design solutions that will help make the space of the room comfortable and convenient for both children to live. Children's room design for two children of different sexes - 80 photo examples in our article:

Experts recommend visually dividing a room for a boy and a girl already when they grow up and go to school. It is necessary to allocate a place for the game and a work area for doing homework, and we should not forget about sleeping places.

When developing the design of a children's room for children of different sexes, it is worth considering the psychological, physical and aesthetic aspects of the influence of the interior on children.

Interior design of a children's room for children of different sexes

Unlike adults, children need much more space in the house, since their development directly depends on the amount of energy thrown out. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to when decorating a nursery is to allocate as much space as possible from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for games.

Usually the middle of the room is left free, and furniture is placed along the walls or windows. Two children of different sexes will need even more space, so you need to purchase compact and multifunctional furniture in a children's room for children of different sexes, and if the size of the room allows, for each child his own.

Junior school age

In the children's room for two heterosexual children of schoolchildren, there must be comfortable tables, a bed or a sofa, wardrobes for clothes and textbooks.

The easiest way is to allocate a place by the window for the working area - you can place a long table near it, at which both schoolchildren will fit perfectly, while natural light will allow them not to strain their eyesight.

You can separate the workplaces on the table with a modular shelf with books, and on the sides it is recommended to put bedside tables for school supplies. See photo design - children's room for children of different sexes:

To divide the children's room for a boy and a girl into two zones, you can use different color solutions or a smooth transition from one tone to another.

In stores there are children's modular walls of the same design, but in different colors, which include:

  • bed,
  • closet,
  • dresser,
  • table,
  • various shelves, etc.

Before buying, be sure to check how spacious all the drawers, shelves and places under outerwear. Also, experienced parents are advised to purchase beds with lower drawers on wheels - with a lack of space, it is convenient to store toys in them.

For heterogeneous children narrow room you can buy a double decker sleeping area. Models are now being produced, at the bottom of which there is a sofa, and at the top there is an ordinary bed.

The purchase of such furniture will allow both children to sit, play or watch TV during the day, and in the evening the sofa quickly transforms into a sleeping place.

For small rooms, it is also advised to choose compact equipment - very thin TVs, monoblock computers or laptops that are easy to fold and put away. drawer table. Children's room for children of different sexes photo gallery:


Zoning a children's room for children of different sexes - experts advise using transparent partitions made of tempered glass. They do not darken the room and at the same time help to allocate a corner of personal space for each child without any special financial expenses.

Transformer partitions are also produced, moving apart to the sides and turning around their axis. By installing such a design, it will be possible to share a room at night or during homework.

When planning a children's room for children of different sexes, of course, a room with two windows and a large area provides more opportunities for imagination, in which, without building a solid wall, but using only transforming cabinets, you can create a design of a different style.

Also interesting option, which will be very popular with children - it is transparent partition, inside which there is a special gas. Using the remote control, you can make the glass panel completely transparent or covered with a slight haze.

Options for a children's room for children of different sexes

  1. When decorating one room for two children of different sexes, it is advisable to choose light-colored furniture and translucent curtains - this approach will help to visually expand the room.
  2. How to choose the color of the children's room for children of different sexes? A room decorated in pastel colors can be made bright by choosing a colored rug or wall murals.
  3. A dark room will brighten up if transparent curtains are hung on the windows, and miniature lamps are mounted on the walls and ceiling.

Finally, I would like to say that when equipping a nursery, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of children. In addition, if possible, buy furniture made from environmentally friendly materials and, it is desirable that there are fewer sharp corners and ledges on tables, chairs, bedside tables and cabinets, because children are not always careful during noisy games.

Brother and sister: one room for two

Children of different sexes living in the same room require special attention from adults. Start with the decor in the children's room, pay attention to the place to sleep.

Often in a family where children of different sexes grow up, the question arises of the sexual education of such children in a small apartment.

In a situation where there is no opportunity to acquire a more spacious living space, where each child could have his own room, given puberty, as well as the obvious difference in the rest and sleep patterns of children, other measures must be taken.

How to equip a children's room for children of different sexes? If there is an older child in the family who has to go to school, he needs to be allocated a separate table, and also be sure to isolate from the younger child so that there is no interference with homework.

However, when the younger child needs a daytime nap, you need to ask the older child to stay in another room. Simply put, it is in the interests of all children that everyone should try to identify in their common room own space.

You can divide the common room into zones using curtains or screens, shelving, mobile partitions and so on. The room should have two tables, two chairs, and so on.

As a rule, as soon as one kid starts doing something, the other wants to do the same. A separate table and chair will help to avoid many problems. Of course, each toddler should also have their own bed.

Ideas for children's rooms for children of different sexes

Children of different sexes over the age of three should never sleep in the same bed. At this age, children first begin to pay attention to the difference between girls and boys, begin to explore their own genitals. This is a normal process, however, it is not recommended to artificially stimulate such interest.

If you are buying furniture for a children's room, sofas can become great solution. The choice of sofas is very rich, however, if you are looking for an option for sleeping and relaxing, then you can pick up a sofa bed.

When a children's room for children of different sexes has small size to achieve comfort and the greatest possible convenience - this type of sofa can be the best option.

The sofa bed unfolds, thereby increasing the sleeping space. When assembled, such a sofa significantly saves space. Transformers-cabinets with a folding bed are also produced.

Also, pay attention to the mattress. It is better that the sofa is equipped with a built-in orthopedic mattress and has a box for linen.

Sofas from the manufacturer are made different kind However, it is important that the children's sofa bed is very durable, so that a mobile child will not break it.

Thus, when planning the interior design of a children's room for two children of different sexes, it is important to take into account many points, as well as take into account the size of the room and the age of the children.

When designing a room for children of different sexes, the desires and needs of each of them should be taken into account. For example, caring parents select accessories and furniture for their babies in advance, based on catalogs and photographs. It will be better if the furniture you choose will last more than one year.

Furnishings need to be bought practical, easily moved, this will allow you to adjust the room to the interests and age of children. You do not have to buy new furniture every 5-6 years, when the needs of children will change with age and change of interests.

If you equip a room for a long time, a desk and some kind of divider will come in handy in it, helping to divide the room between children into certain zones, where everyone will live with pleasure and comfort. A screen, shelving or a through cabinet can ideally handle this.

Children's room for two

When creating a room for children of different sexes, you need to think about zoning in advance, it will help children feel comfortable and cozy. For example, wallpaper can help with this: let the children choose different wallpapers for themselves, cover exactly half of the room with each. Wallpaper different color or textures will be a kind of border between the territory of a girl and a boy. Specialized catalogs or many photographs that are easy to find on the Internet will help in choosing the right ones.

When choosing wallpaper for a child's room, you need to consider:

When creating a children's room, one must not forget about the integrity of the image. For example, blue paint for boys and pink paint for girls are perfect for a room in caramel or pastel shades. Remember, the integrity of the design can be shown not only by a lot of textile pillows and various blankets, but also by ordinary ceiling paint. Parents should help children feel comfortable in their room.


For young children, zoning is not as important as for schoolchildren. A good separation option would be ordinary accessories or a light curtain. For example, on the walls you can hang photos of the children themselves or their favorite characters from cartoons and books.

Multi-colored wallpaper and paint in the room will only add additional variety. You should know that children love to draw on the walls, so the wallpaper should be easy to clean, and ideally even wash. They must also be safe and durable.

Also, a lot of themed accessories will help in zoning, which will display the interests of children. Let them choose these items on their own, this will instill in them aesthetic taste and even financial literacy. It is very important to make diagrams and plans before zoning itself, they will help not to get confused.

Furnishing a room for schoolchildren

For a room, a good arrangement of furniture is very important, it will help save space for work, play, and sleep. For zoning, you can use, for example, a closet or an ordinary screen. This will allow you not to change the furniture too much, when the children grow up, you will only need to buy new beds, a desk. It will be enough just to rearrange the furniture in some places and add a few little things. Although it won't take long, the children's room will be instantly transformed, it will have a more solid look.

For two students it will be more convenient to buy two tables or one, but a long one, at which they can do their homework without interfering with each other. Different sets of furniture will also help to divide the room between the children, the main thing is to make sure that the children have equal space.

However, you should not choose completely different sets, do not forget about the unity of style and the possibility of disputes. The best option there will be a purchase of similar sets of furniture, but in different shades. This will avoid conflicts.

It is very important to allocate work areas for children, this will allow them to study without endless disputes and quarrels. If the room is small, then definitely, you should not litter it with extra furniture. Zoning small rooms should start from one corner, gradually moving to another. So that zoning is not ubiquitous, it is quite appropriate to paint the ceiling in one color, and cover the floor with the same coating.

Furniture and accessories

The best choice for small room there will be green oak furniture. The children's room should be fully lit by natural light from the window, which will allow children to use less artificial lighting. To complement this joyful and clear picture, pick up wallpaper in delicate shades, as well as a light coating for the floor and ceiling.

If both the boy and the girl are addicted to about the same thing, this will help in decorating their room. However, this happens extremely rarely, and the room is secretly, but quite noticeably, divided into two approximately equal parts. Different interests will help children learn to accept people with different views and positions on issues, which will only benefit them.

Items necessary for their hobbies or interests, such as musical instruments, various scientific equipment, or even simple photographs from various meetings or events, will brighten up and diversify even the most austere children's room.

Also, when rearranging furniture, you need to take into account that the girl will soon need her own closet, a large mirror, a dressing table and different shelves for her own cosmetics and other small things.

The boy will need a Swedish wall and a place for other sports equipment. Therefore, when designing a room, you need to think ahead, thinking in advance about future alterations and rearrangements.

Despite different views on design, furnishings, furniture and accessories for children of different sexes, furniture should be comfortable for both the boy and the girl.

For both girls and boys

Particular attention should be paid to objects made of ordinary colored plastic. It can be used correctly by both boys and girls. And he will add brightness and a touch of fun to the room environment. With the help of bright plastic furniture Parents will be able to teach their child to clean up their toys. This will be very helpful as two small children can make a big mess. The interior of the nursery will be more attractive with this:

Giving the environment its own style

Children's room for a child should be a place where he is comfortable, safe and comfortable, where he really likes. Most The best way to find out if the child likes the room, it is to ask if he wants to return there. It is difficult to make a room desirable for a child, but it is possible, the atmosphere will have to be given special meaning, since the tastes of the child will be formed with the basis for his nursery. The room should be liked by the son and daughter, not only because of the large number of toys in it, but also for its walls, furniture and general furnishings. All this together should form an ideal room that will influence the child, his life and his tastes.

Photo of children's rooms for a boy and a girl

The interior of a children's room designed to accommodate two children of different sexes is sometimes an overwhelming task for parents, especially financially. The design and zoning of such rooms has many nuances, both in terms of ergonomics and in terms of design solutions. How to properly plan and divide the space for a boy and a girl - in our article.

Repairs in the room for a boy and a girl must begin with preliminary planning and zoning, because both children need their own personal space. But it is better to maintain a single design style, dividing the room with a color or another zoning method - this is what we will talk about.

At first glance, there are no pluses in the fact that a brother and sister will share one room, no. Especially if they are of different ages. However, this is not quite true:

Firstly, none of them will be bored and, if necessary, each can turn to the other for help or advice.

Secondly, it is living together that strengthens the relationship between brothers and sisters.

Thirdly, children learn to respect the personal space of another, not to spoil other people's things, and to better observe order and discipline.

Also, when decorating a room in different color shades, children understand their belonging to a particular gender.

It should be noted that by placing children in one room, parents in a sense save space, especially if they share a two-room apartment with their children. Well, the ideas of rooms for a girl and a boy will help to get out of the situation.

How to share a room for a boy and a girl

If we are talking about a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 18 square meters, then for separation, you can build full-fledged plasterboard partitions in order to allocate each child their own space, even if it is very small. Most often, for children of different sexes, parents allocate the largest and most spacious room in the apartment - this is the only way to talk about some kind of separation. The erected partition will help not only divide the room into two living areas, but also serve as a support for the built-in wardrobe.

But if the room has an area less than the specified one, then every square meter is counted and we are not talking about a capital partition. Then a reasonable question arises: how to zone a room for a boy and a girl living together?

  • Open shelving and cabinets. They serve not only as a partition, but also as storage places for toys and books.
  • Drapes, curtains. Light and airy curtains will not overload the space, but will make it clear that the room has two purposes.
  • Screen. The advantage of this item is its mobility - if you remove the screen, you get a large, spacious room. The screen can be used, for example, in the evening, when one of the children is already getting ready for bed, and the second is still doing homework.
  • Different floor levels. For one of the children, you can equip the space on the podium, and if there are high ceilings, equip the "attic".
  • Partitions from wooden beams and bars. The modern solution is to use wooden beams to share space. Such a partition allows light to pass through, but can be used as a support for a table or hanging shelves.

A modern approach to arranging the interior of a children's room for a girl and a boy will allow you to use all the space to the maximum, using it both horizontally and vertically.

What zones should be provided in a room for two children - a girl and a boy together, and which ones should be separated exactly?

The place near the window is considered the brightest and can be used to equip the working area. If the children are both schoolchildren, then they will need two desktops or one large one. Designers suggest using a window sill combined with a work surface arranged along the window. On both sides of the window, you can equip racks or shelves where educational materials will be stored.

It is customary to place sleeping places near the wall, away from sounds and drafts. In addition, children will need a place to play and create. If the guys attend some circle or section, then it will be necessary to provide a place for sports equipment, stationery and other tools that help children develop.

If it is decided to make one common closet for storage, then it is better to place it at the entrance, and so that both children have free access to it.

Children's room for a girl and a boy: design

After the parents have decided functional purpose each zone and divided the room into two equal parts, you can start choosing a style direction. The task is complicated by the fact that not every style is suitable for a girl and not every one for a boy. So, for example, the characteristic "girlish" direction of Provence does not fit in with the male brutality necessary for a teenage boy. Well, a purely masculine loft is certainly not suitable for a preschool girl. So, what style to choose for decorating a room for a girl and a boy together?

Modern or contemporary minimalism

Most perfect solution for a children's room where two children will live - a girl and a boy. Modern style involves the use of only a minimal set of furniture, the absence of unnecessary decor, the presence of pieces of furniture that do not clutter up the space. Thanks to its versatility, the style is suitable for both toddlers and teens, as well as children. different ages. In minimalism, mostly light colors and shades are used, which push the boundaries and visually expand the space.

Modern style also involves the use of transforming furniture that can be moved and quickly changed its purpose. Another advantage modern style in its economy - parents do not need to bear additional costs for decorative details.


Of course, the classic in its classical sense (sorry for the pun) requires a fairly large space, however, for two children it is more appropriate to use modern classics with a minimum of decorative elements and stucco.

As the designers say, "classic is always in fashion", while it involves the use of natural materials and fabrics. And it is not at all necessary to have a rubber budget for arranging a beautiful classic bedroom for children.

Children's in classical style provides for minimal decor, such as moldings on the ceiling, walls and furniture facades. It is not at all necessary to choose a central chandelier as lighting, although its presence characterizes the classical direction. You can complement the lighting with wall lamps that match the style of the entire room. Light shades create a relaxed and uncluttered space.

High tech

Technological progress makes us follow many rules, including the interior design of a room for a girl and a boy. Although high-tech can be called cold and restrained due to the abundance of metal and glass, it will fit perfectly into the life of the younger generation. The technical equipment of the room will look especially organic - computers, laptops, modern LED lighting, built-in cinema. But this does not mean at all that parents will go broke on buying technology, one or two eye-catching gadgets are enough.

As for the color for the high-tech style, in the case of a small room, it is better to give preference to light shades - white, gray, milky with bright splashes.


Many may call the loft too masculine style, brutal and cold. However, this is not quite true. The loft is multifaceted, so it can be safely used in the case of interior design for teenage boys and girls. Character traits loft:

  • open communications (in this case, the main thing is safety), in the nursery it can be ceiling beams, a decorative ventilation duct, lamps without lampshades;
  • high ceilings and large windows without textiles. Of course, this item hardly applies to our apartments, but if there is such an opportunity, then it is better not to close the windows from natural light with heavy curtains;
  • open brickwork or concrete walls. The role of such a decor can easily be performed by plaster or plaster bricks.
  • industrial elements - metal lamps, headboard or bedside table with rivets;
  • deliberately rough furniture, as if hastily made from improvised old boards.

Thematic interior for a girl and a boy

Many parents are afraid to decorate a room for two children of different sexes in a certain theme, arguing that children's tastes and hobbies change almost every day. A grown up child may no longer take several children's interior with butterflies or cars on the wallpaper. Well, if the kids are also of different ages, then you can forget about the thematic interior? Not at all: you just need to choose a topic that will be relevant for a child at any age.

These areas could be:

  • lego style, where all interior elements are folded and laid out according to the principle of a transformer constructor;
  • forest or zoo (safari, jungle, main colors in this case, green or yellow and their shades will appear;
  • a medieval castle: in the girly half it can be something beautiful and magical, but in the boy’s half it can be chivalrous and more brutal;
  • marine theme, relevant for both kids and teenagers;
  • fairy tales and heroes of cartoons or comics.

Having chosen a topic, determine with what details this topic will be revealed: photo wallpaper or a fresco on the wall, textiles on the windows and on the bed, decorative elements in the form of wall posters, paintings, clocks. Even the design matters. bookshelves and work chairs.
Create a room design for a boy and a girl together with the children, listen to their opinion, because they will have to live in this room for more than one year, and the imposed interior can suppress creativity in a child.

Choosing a color for the nursery

When the question arises: how to make a room for a boy and a girl - two children of different sexes, you need to listen not only to architects and designers, but also to psychologists. Color content affects both the development of the child and the mood at a particular point in time. According to experts, the following colors and their shades are suitable for children's rooms:

  • Yellow is truly sunny, uplifting and increases brain activity. The most neutral shade of all, suitable for both boys and girls.
  • Blue or blue. If there is too much of this color, the interior becomes too cold and depressing. Well, in a dosed amount, shades of blue soothe. In a room for a girl and a boy, it can be used in conjunction with other shades and highlight the area for the boy.
  • Green. It is precisely known that green has a positive effect on vision and gives rest to the eyes. It is he who is associated with us with nature, which means that it gives some peace and tranquility. The interior for a boy and a girl can contain green shades in any of the zones.
  • Red and its shades. Quite aggressive, enhances brain activity and is more suitable for phlegmatic people. Well, in the nursery it should be used in small quantities, only to highlight some details.
  • Peach or pink. Pretty gentle, positive colors. Ideal for decorating a zone for a girl in a common room - in such a space she will be comfortable and cozy.

Of course, when a room for a boy and a girl is being designed together, the interior contains at least two pronounced colors - often this is how the space for children is divided. You don't need to be a design expert to understand that these shades should be combined with each other. The following color schemes and combinations are possible (for the space of a boy and a girl):

  • Blue + pink or peach;
  • Blue + yellow;
  • Green + yellow;
  • Green + pink;
  • Gray + pink;
  • Brown + cream;
  • Turquoise + beige.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the entire area for the child should be highlighted with one of the colors. For the background, it is better to choose neutral and light shades, while bright and contrasting tones are suitable for accents.

When choosing a room design for a boy and a girl with children, consider their color preferences, because only in such an interior will they be pleased to be and develop. It will be much easier to choose a color if the boy and girl like the same ones - in this case, you can designate personal zones only with different shades of the same color.


Of course, the most important furniture in the room for two children is the bed. It is they who are allocated the most “trump” place - where there are no drafts. Most often, beds are placed with a headboard or one side to the wall. If the parents decided to use a two-tier structure, then most often it takes place along the wall.

bunk beds

How else can you put two beds in a room (you can find out from the article:), where do children of different sexes live? The most optimal arrangement is tiered, when the entire height of the room is used.

You can even “relocate” both children to the attic, under which to equip a work area or play area. This solution will especially appeal to parents who cannot allocate more than 10 square meters for two children.

Such furniture should always be safe: the bed is equipped with special railings. Please note that there should be enough space up to the ceiling for the child to sit comfortably.

Transformer beds

A sofa bed, an armchair bed or a sleeping place hiding in a closet - such transforming furniture will always save space, but at the same time provide a comfortable rest at night. Another furniture option is a bed that rolls out from under the podium. The bed itself in such structures is quite spacious, and during the day it can be hidden, freeing up space for games.

A sofa bed or chair bed will allow you to lie down and relax during the day, without wasting time folding and unfolding transforming beds. But such models take up more space.

Working space

Even if a girl and a boy living in the same room do not go to school yet, they still need a place to practice creativity, drawing, modeling and crafts. Moreover, it is unlikely that parents will want to make repairs in a couple of years. So, it is necessary to provide in advance a corner for arranging the working space.

If the children are already schoolchildren, then in addition to the desktop, they will need a rack or cabinet for educational materials and stationery. We have already said that it is more expedient to allocate the brightest place for study - near the window.

You can equip a spacious work area by using the surface of the window sill, combining it with the countertop. And on both sides of the window, you can make shelving or bookshelves.

Storage spaces

Storage spaces in the children's room for a boy and a girl are not only closets or wardrobes for clothes and shoes. Parents need to consider where toys will be placed, Board games and books, stationery and study items.

If the children get along well with each other, then for them you can equip one spacious wardrobe, divided into sections. In this case, each child is allocated half of the closet, shelves and rods for clothes are built. Designers recommend looking at corner models of cabinets that save space.

Toys can be stored in drawers under the bed or on the lower shelves of the closet. But for the office and books, you will have to equip separate places, closer to the workplace. After all, while doing homework, the child should not be distracted by anything, which means that all important books and supplies should be at hand.


To keep the eyes of the kids healthy, and to create a cozy atmosphere, you will have to think over the lighting scheme at the planning stage. After all, the laying of the electrical wire and switches depends on where and what lamps will be located.

When two children live in a room, and even of different sexes, one central chandelier will obviously not be enough, so you will have to consider the placement of the following light sources:

  • main lighting - ceiling built-in or central;
  • directional light source for work and study;
  • night lights in private areas that can be turned on if necessary.

When choosing a lighting design, it should be taken into account that in the children's room there should not be a sharp transition between light and shadow, and the light itself should not tire the eyes. So, another important aspect is the choice of the right lamps. Modern LED bulbs with neutral light perfectly cope with the task.

Depending on the chosen style for a children's room for two children of different sexes, you can also mount the illumination of niches, furniture, cornices.

Room for a girl and a boy together - photos of interiors

Of course, you can talk a lot about the cohabitation of two children of different sexes, but, as they say, “it’s better to see once than hear a hundred times” (or read), so we have prepared an impressive collection of photo ideas for room interiors for a boy and a girl together. Perhaps the photos seen will help many parents arrange such a room in their apartment, creating a cozy and safe environment for their children.
