Household dust and street dirt clogs door hingesand moisture contributes to the formation of rust. A signal of trouble is a nasty creak that accompanies the use of interior doors. How to lubricate the door to get rid of the squeak and prolong the life of the hinges?

How to lubricate an interior door

How to lubricate the door hinges

To remedy the situation, you can use several types of lubrication:

  • silicone;
  • lithium;
  • sewing;
  • culinary.

Silicone and lithium lubricants are available from your auto shop. They have a wide range of applications: car grease can perfectly lubricate doors. If the farm has sewing machine, there will certainly be machine oil. It can also be used to solve a problem.

But how to lubricate an interior door when none of the listed funds are at hand at all, and the door creaks and spoils your nerves? Any food grade is suitable as a short-term express option. vegetable oil... True, the effect of it will disappear after a few days, since such a product will quickly drain over the treated surface.

Another non-standard move is a school pencil lead. You need to find the softest pencil, remove a piece of lead from it and insert it into squeaky noose... It will remain three or four times to close and open the door again, and it will stop creaking. The slate crumbs will do the trick.

How to lubricate the hinges and door lock

Armed with a tool for processing loops, you can start the process itself. How to lubricate door hinges? Pretty simple. The work consists of the following stages:

  • open the door as much as possible;
  • put any solid object (wooden block, rolling pin, hatchet, etc.) under the lower part of the door leaf in order to slightly raise it;
  • make sure that the metal pin connecting the two parts of the loop comes out of the socket;
  • depending on the design of the hinge, remove the pin or provide access for lubricant to the inside of the hinge;
  • draw grease into a syringe (without a needle) or a pipette and drip into the pin hole. If spray lubricant is used, direct the jet inside the hinge structure;
  • insert the pin into place, remove the object supporting the door leaf;
  • close and open the door five to six times, allowing the grease to be evenly distributed over the hinge.

After the hinges are processed, the door lock can also be processed. Maintenance lubrication should be done once a year to increase the life of the machine.

Squeaky door hinges annoy everyone. They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface, and general wear of parts. Often, in order to get rid of the annoying squeak, it is enough to simply lubricate the hinges, and for this it is not at all necessary to remove the door leaf. There are ways to do this without resorting to radical methods.

If the interior or front door in the apartment began to creak, then there are reasons for this. As a rule, this happens when the door structure is in motion, that is, it opens or closes.

To find out exactly what exactly creaks: the hinges or the canvas itself, you need to slowly move the door back and forth, tightly holding the handle and listening to the sounds emitted.

Why does the door creak and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, the hinges are incorrectly installed. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the door or call the masters who will quickly and efficiently do this work.
  2. The door lining touches the hinges - to eliminate this cause, you just need to remove the lining and make it the right size.
  3. There are not enough balls in the door hinges - in this case, they must be put in the necessary places.
  4. The hinges are simply loosely fixed - it is worth tightening them well.
  5. Sagging of the canvas has begun - such a problem can affect, first of all, a plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the top or bottom eyelet, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bsagging.
  6. The ends of the door leaf touch the platbands - in this case, the fastening grooves should be deepened.
  7. Mountings door structure have not been lubricated for a long time - here it is enough to simply perform this action;
  8. Rust has appeared - this problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the loops from plaque and only then lubricate them. If the corrosion has managed to penetrate deeply into the material, then the loops will have to be replaced.
  9. Incorrectly selected lubricant - in this case, you need to remove the old product and apply a new one.
  10. The hinges have already become very loose and their service life has come to an end - here it only remains to replace them.

These are the main reasons for the terrible squeak of the door. But basically it's all about the lack of lubricant on the hinges. Therefore, you should figure out what is the best way to lubricate them.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges so that they do not creak

If the door squeaks due to unlubricated hinges, the correct lubricant will help solve the problem.

The better to lubricate the interior loops door leaves:

  • Oil for sewing machinesoK;
  • Machine oil used for a car engine;
  • Diesel oil;
  • Tsiatimom - perfectly removes not only squeak, but also protects parts from corrosion and the effects of aggressive components;
  • A special agent WD-40 - in addition to the usual lubricant, this substance is excellent at fighting rust, and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Do not grease the squeaky door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly, a short-term effect, and secondly, it causes the formation of excess plaque on the fittings, and as a result it will have to be changed.

An excellent homemade way to lubricate a door is to use a soft pencil lead. This is very simple to do - just put the lead on the hinges and move the door a little in different directions. The material will crumble and fall on all loops.

If the front door of the house creaks, then it is better to lubricate it with substances such as:

  • Litol - this grease is not afraid of frost and can withstand the temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solid oil - pretty cheap remedycapable of acting in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the front door leads to the vestibule or staircase, where the positive temperature is constantly maintained, then you can use ordinary engine oil or WD-40.

To prevent the hinges from creaking, they need to be coated with special grease. Moreover, sometimes this needs to be done without removing the door leaf from the hinges.

In the case of a plastic door, it looks like this:

  • A syringe is taken, filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the fittings;
  • If a pencil lead is used instead of lubricant, then the door must be slightly raised so that the slots into which the agent is poured are visible.

If a plastic door leads to the balcony, then you need to start lubrication from its side. In this case, the door must be open.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of an iron door

Creaking iron or metal door need to be lubricated. If the parts of the door structure are non-separable, then you will have to do this without removing the structure.

A metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door leaf opens wide open;
  • Further, it rises a little (for these purposes, you need to put something under the end of the door, for example, a thick file);
  • After that, old grease and accumulated dirt are removed from the fittings;
  • Then the lubricant can be applied with a cotton swab, brush, syringe, or using an oil can with a nozzle;
  • After completing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times in different directions so that the product is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess substance must be removed with a dry cloth.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper hinges, since the main load during door operation falls on them.

If the hinges are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its pivoting parts and lubricate. Sometimes there are special holes for filling oil.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door (video)

The main reason for a door squeak in a room is the lack of grease on the door hinges. Naturally, to remove this problem, you need to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use more in a simple way and do all the necessary actions with the help of assistive devices. The main thing is not to forget about security measures.

It will be useful for every owner to know how and with what to lubricate the doors. When a comfortable silence in a home is disturbed by an unpleasant piercing creak emanating from the movement of the door leaf, one feels negative emotions and unpleasant sensations arise. Irritation builds up if you can't quickly fix it by making the door mechanism work silently.

The reasons for the squeak

No one is safe from the appearance of a door squeak. Hardware needs not only correct installation, but also in periodic adjustment, lubrication. If the door starts to make a sound while moving, you should first find the cause of this phenomenon. And there may be several of them:

    The lubricant should be checked and options for its absence should be excluded, namely: drying, thickening, spreading. In its absence or insufficient quantity, the fittings, being overwritten, first stop working correctly, and then completely fail.

    A squeaking sound can be caused by corrosion. Rust slowly but surely eats up the metal door leaf, making it difficult to move. Noticing it, you need to grease the front door with a special anti-corrosion agent.

    It is worth looking at the details, analyzing the degree of their wear and tear.

    Often debris, dust gets into the hinges and, being heavily soiled, the structure begins to creak. Before you grease the hinges of interior doors, all dirt should be removed.

If the creak appeared as a result of a lack of lubrication or debris turned out to be the cause, for many it becomes an urgent question how to lubricate the door so that it does not creak.

Lubrication options

It doesn't matter, or, hinges, mechanisms periodically require attention and care. To do this, it is not superfluous to have a special jar with a product on the farm that will help find the answer to the question of how to lubricate the door and fittings. It could be Solidol, Tsiatim. If you need to lubricate the entrance door structure or wicket, universal products are suitable: Litol (frost-resistant, water-resistant) or WD 40 (a universal agent that fights rust, corrosion).

Alternatives for lubrication

If there is no special tool in the household, then in search of an answer how to lubricate the door hinges, you can find an alternative. Motorists always have old, once drained engine oil. It is perfect for lubricating hinges and locks.

Usually, those who sew or do needlework using a sewing machine also have a full oiler in their bins. This oil is convenient to apply, for door hinges it will do great.

In cases where there is nothing to lubricate the hinges with, you can use ordinary vegetable oil. True, such a lubricant will not last long.

How to lubricate fittings with oil

There are several rules in how to lubricate door hardware with oil.

    It is convenient to work with a special oil can. It can be replaced with a medical syringe.

    The disassembled fittings are lubricated with a brush or cotton swab wound on a long skewer or tweezers.

    After lubricating with a napkin, remove excess oil.

When choosing how to lubricate the door leaf, its fittings, it is best to use high-quality thick products. It is important for prevention purposes to do this regularly.

A syringe can be used to lubricate the door hinges.Squeaky door hinges annoy everyone. They can creak for various reasons. This can be both the presence of rust on their surface, and general wear of parts. Often, in order to get rid of the annoying squeak, it is enough to simply lubricate the hinges, and for this it is not at all necessary to remove the door leaf. There are ways to do this without resorting to radical methods.

If the door in the room creaks: what to do and why it happens

If the interior or front door in the apartment began to creak, then there are reasons for this. As a rule, this happens when the door structure is in motion, that is, it opens or closes.

To find out exactly what exactly creaks: the hinges or the canvas itself, you need to slowly move the door back and forth, tightly holding the handle and listening to the sounds emitted.

Hinge lubricants can be purchased at any hardware store

Why does the door creak and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, the hinges are incorrectly installed. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the door or call the masters who will quickly and efficiently do this work.
  2. The door lining touches the hinges - to eliminate this cause, you just need to remove the lining and make it the right size.
  3. There are not enough balls in the door hinges - in this case, they must be put in the necessary places.
  4. The hinges are simply loosely fixed - it is worth tightening them well.
  5. Sagging of the canvas has begun - such a problem can affect, first of all, a plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the top or bottom eyelet, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bsagging.
  6. The ends of the door leaf touch the platbands - in this case, the fastening grooves should be deepened.
  7. The fasteners of the door structure have not been lubricated for a long time - here it is enough to simply perform this action;
  8. Rust has appeared - this problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the loops from plaque and only then lubricate them. If the corrosion has managed to penetrate deeply into the material, then the loops will have to be replaced.
  9. Incorrectly selected lubricant - in this case, you need to remove the old product and apply a new one.
  10. The hinges have already become very loose and their service life has come to an end - here it only remains to replace them.

These are the main reasons for the terrible squeak of the door. But basically it's all about the lack of lubricant on the hinges. Therefore, you should figure out what is the best way to lubricate them.

If the door squeaks due to unlubricated hinges, the correct lubricant will help solve the problem.

An excellent low-cost solution is to lubricate the hinges with the WD-40

The better to lubricate the hinges of interior door leaves:

  • Sewing machine oil;
  • Machine oil used for a car engine;
  • Diesel oil;
  • Tsiatimom - perfectly removes not only squeak, but also protects parts from corrosion and the effects of aggressive components;
  • A special agent WD-40 - in addition to the usual lubricant, this substance is excellent at fighting rust, and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Do not grease the squeaky door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly, a short-term effect, and secondly, it causes the formation of excess plaque on the fittings, and as a result it will have to be changed.

An excellent homemade way to lubricate a door is to use a soft pencil lead. This is very simple to do - just put the lead on the hinges and move the door a little in different directions. The material will crumble and fall on all loops.

If the front door of the house creaks, then it is better to lubricate it with substances such as:

  • Litol - this grease is not afraid of frost and can withstand the temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly cheap tool that can act in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the front door leads to the vestibule or staircase, where the positive temperature is constantly maintained, then you can use ordinary engine oil or WD-40.

To prevent the hinges from creaking, they need to be coated with special grease. Moreover, sometimes this needs to be done without removing the door leaf from the hinges.

Before you start lubricating the hinges of plastic doors, it is worth watching a training video

In the case of a plastic door, it looks like this:

  • A syringe is taken, filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the fittings;
  • If a pencil lead is used instead of lubricant, then the door must be slightly raised so that the slots into which the agent is poured are visible.

If the plastic door leads to the balcony, then it is necessary to start lubrication from its side. In this case, the door must be open.

Instructions: how to lubricate the hinges of an iron door

A creaking iron or metal door must be lubricated. If the parts of the door structure are non-separable, then you will have to do this without removing the structure.

A metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door leaf opens wide open;
  • Further, it rises a little (for these purposes, you need to put something under the end of the door, for example, a thick file);
  • After that, old grease and accumulated dirt are removed from the fittings;
  • Then the lubricant can be applied with a cotton swab, brush, syringe, or using an oil can with a nozzle;
  • After completing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times in different directions so that the product is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess substance must be removed with a dry cloth.

Before lubricating the hinges of iron doors, they must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and old grease.

During lubrication, more substance should be applied to the upper hinges, since the main load during door operation falls on them.

If the hinges are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its pivoting parts and lubricate. Sometimes there are special holes for filling oil.

Tips: how to lubricate door hinges without removing the door (video)

The main reason for a door squeak in a room is the lack of grease on the door hinges. Naturally, to remove this problem, you need to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use a simpler method and do all the necessary actions with the help of auxiliary devices. The main thing is not to forget about security measures.


If the door creaks every time someone enters the room, it gets on the nerves of everyone present. Even with the slightest draft, the sash can make an unpleasant sound.

This is not surprising if the hinges are rusted through. But even relatively new mechanisms can cause discomfort due to improper installation or use. Lubricating hinges is the easiest and most versatile way to get rid of squeaks.

As long as the door is working properly, no one even thinks about possible problems. But when they appear, in each case, the reasons may be different. It is necessary to carefully check why the sash cannot open and close silently.

Fixing defects

Installing a leaf in a doorway is not like that simple taskas it might seem. Imperceptible, at first glance, defects turn into a serious problem over time.

Incorrectly selected or fixed hinges lead to distortion of the entire structure and accelerated material wear. This is where the creak comes from.

Sometimes the door trim rubs against the protruding hinge parts. To eliminate such problems, it is worth calling a qualified technician. Self-directed attempts to improve the situation often lead to the opposite result.

Lack of lubrication

During the initial installation of the doors, the presence of grease is usually monitored. However, over time, the lubricant dries out and becomes too thick. It ceases to have the desired effect, and the friction between the parts of the door mounts increases greatly.

Parts are overwritten, which leads to incorrect load distribution. At the same time, a creak occurs, and the door itself opens with effort, which in a normal situation should not be. With severe wear, a complete blocking of the mechanism is possible.

No balls in the loops

Lightweight interior doors can be hung on simple hinges, which do not include bearings or special balls. But the weight of heavier door leaves, for example, metal, ordinary fasteners will not withstand.

If you find that there are no balls in the hinges, you can remove the door from the hinges and put them inside. This will reduce friction and help eliminate the grinding noise.

Garbage has accumulated

Over a long period of use, as well as in dusty rooms, various small debris accumulates inside the hinges. It absorbs the lubricant and acts like an abrasive powder. The metal is grinded and the hinges begin to creak.

Various types of lubrication

Lubricating door hinges is the first thing you can do to counter annoying squeaks. You can use both an industrial-made lubricant and improvised home remedies.

But it should be remembered that only a properly selected lubricant will have a long-term and effective effect.

Universal remedies

Well-known and affordable tools that are easy to buy in a store or find in your garage:

  • WD 40 - comes in a can with a handy dispenser for easy access to hard-to-reach places... Highly effective remedy, cleans the surface and improves the sliding of parts. Acts instantly, but not for long. After it, it is imperative to use oil
  • Lithol - due to its pronounced water resistance and frost resistance, it is widely used for lubrication entrance doors and the gate. Not afraid of adverse weather conditions.
  • Solidol is a popular inexpensive remedy, the effect of which will last for a long time. This is due to the grease's thick and viscous consistency.

A good lubricant for door hinges is regular machine oil. Almost every household has a bottle of this technical liquid.

Car owners will always have a waste - the oil left over after replacing it in the car with a new one. Oil for the engine or car parts is also suitable. It is better to choose one with a higher viscosity.

Sewing machine oil

On the farm, needlewomen are likely to find oil for sewing machines. A small plastic bag with a thin spout will allow you to place the drop of oil exactly in the right place. Sewing machine oil is usually light in color and does not leave a dirty residue.

Vegetable oil

As a last resort, you can take vegetable oil in the kitchen. A short-term effect will be achieved, but some negative consequences are also possible.

Vegetable oil is too liquid, it spreads a lot and dries quickly. Also, a lot of dust and dirt adheres to it, which leads to wear of the mechanisms. Over time, this oil can darken and thicken, which leads to damage to the fittings.

Pencil lead

An alternative to oil is dry graphite lubricant. The door is lifted and small pieces of pencil lead are placed in the hinges. When opening and closing the door, the lead crumbles, and the resulting powder protects it from squeaking. An easier way to use is to put the crushed lead into the slots of the hinges.

Paraffin or wax

Candles made of wax or paraffin are sure to be found in every home. A piece of the substance is heated to a liquid state and buried inside the creaking mechanism. When cooled, the wax hardens and forms a smooth sliding surface.

What types of lubricants should be avoided

Even if a creaky door is annoying, you don't need to try to grease it with the first grease that comes along. It is highly undesirable to use organic matter - lard, butter and vegetable oil. They contain a large amount of water, which will react with the metal and cause it to slowly corrode.

Over time, this will only make the creak louder. Also, animal fats decompose quickly, they can even become moldy.

The popular WD 40 agent should also be used with caution. It is not so much a lubricant as a washing composition. It cleans the mechanism of dirt, but at the same time flushes out the old grease. The quick effect of the first application will give way to worsening problems. Therefore, after applying WD 40, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges with a thicker lubricant.

How to apply the lubricant correctly

So that efforts are not wasted, you need to follow simple rules applying lubricant. Then the result of the work will be of better quality and will last longer.

  • It is best to apply lubricant using a handy oiler or from a bottle with a fine nozzle. In case of poor access to the inside of the loops, you can use a syringe or pipette.
  • If the door is removed from the hinges, then it is easier to lubricate their open parts with a brush or cotton swab.
  • Carefully wipe off excess grease with an absorbent material.
  • Worn moving areas need to be treated more carefully. It is very possible that they are the cause of the squeak.
  • The rubbing parts are usually located inside the hinges. You should try to provide them with sufficient lubrication.
  • Before processing, all surfaces must be well cleaned of dirt.

Video instruction on how to properly lubricate the hinges.

Lubrication of the hinges

The hinges can be lubricated directly on the existing door. But in order to better get to the inner surfaces, it is recommended to remove the door.

Without removing the door

If the creak is light, and the mechanisms are not very worn out, then it is much easier to lubricate the door without removing it from its hinges. The bottom edge of the blade is lifted up with a stop, and the top of the loop comes out of the nest.

It becomes possible to introduce the lubricant inside through the formed gap. This is done with a syringe without a needle or directly from a can using a narrow nozzle. At the end, you need to open and close the flap several times to make sure that the squeak disappears.

It is recommended to cover the surface of the wall and the canvas around the hinge with foil. Contamination from lubricants is very difficult to wash off.

Removing the door from its hinges

The hinges on the removed door can be processed deeper and more thoroughly. To remove the door, it is not easy to lift it slightly, but move it upward until the inner parts of the hinges come out of the recesses. Then rust is removed from the metal and treated with a degreasing agent. The hinges over the entire surface are lubricated with thick grease, the excess is erased with a rag.

The most reliable lubricant is considered to be for drill drills. This treatment will give a durable and stress-resistant result.

Lubrication of various types of doors

Doors differ in purpose, material of manufacture, construction details. Each type has its own characteristics for lubrication.

The main reasons that iron door begins to creak - this is sagging due to the large weight and corrosion of the metal. Non-separable welded structures are often found on such doors. In this case, the door must be lubricated on the spot. If possible, you need to raise it by sliding some kind of emphasis down.

The hardware is cleaned of rust and dirt and a lubricant is applied to the points where friction occurs between the moving parts. The leaked grease is removed and the leaf is moved several times to distribute the grease to the hinges.


Plastic doors are usually internal. If such a door leads to the balcony, then grease it first from the side of the street. The door must be opened wide and raised slightly. A few drops of oil are applied to the metal of the hinges, and the canvas is returned to its place.

When working with white plastic, care must be taken to ensure that the lubricant does not stain. This may not happen immediately, but after prolonged contact of the lubricant with the material. Therefore, it is advisable to make a test on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe surface.


Lubrication wooden door held by general scheme... Usually wooden sashes are easily removed from their hinges, allowing all surfaces to be thoroughly coated with grease. Otherwise, grease is introduced into the gaps on the hinges. Natural wood Protect from contact with grease, as oil can leave a permanent stain.


Glass doors, despite their aerial view, weigh a lot. Given the fragility of the material, when installing them, special hinges with rubber gaskets are used. During installation, the hinges are lubricated with special glue for greater reliability.

All these features, in principle, do not interfere with the lubrication process, but it is better to keep them in mind. Although the oil will wash off the glass, it is more practical to use non-residue formulations such as WD 40.

Folding door

Folding doors are usually easy to dismantle. First of all, you need to clean the wheels and the groove along which they move. Then the wheels are lubricated, but not with oil, but with silicone grease. If you use regular grease, debris will adhere to them, which disrupts the movement of the rollers.

Also, the accordion door has many movable elements that allow it to fold. In accordance with the design of these elements, they also need to be cleaned and lubricated.

Sliding door

Sliding doors can make noise and do not close properly due to debris trapped in the track they slide on. Hard deposits on the wheels and in the groove can be removed with a stiff metal brush. Then the formed small debris is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Lubrication of door parts

Hardware parts may have different kinds constructions. In accordance with the structure of the mechanism, it is necessary to choose the method of lubrication.

How to lubricate the hinges

Hinge loops are often one-piece. A door with such hinges can only be dismantled by unscrewing all the screws. Such hinges consist of a large number of elements. Therefore, they have many rubbing surfaces that regularly need lubrication.

Despite the difficulty in maintenance, these loops are very popular. They are versatile and fit both right and left doors.


Detachable hinges, or awnings, in the simplest case, consist of two parts. The door can be easily removed without unscrewing the hinges. If the sheds are badly rusted, you need to put a rag soaked in machine oil on them and leave for several hours. The oxide is then easier to clean. Finally, the metal is oiled, and the door is hung in place.


They must be cleaned before lubricating the guides. Only after making sure that dirt does not interfere with the movement of the flaps can silicone grease be applied.

Preventive door care

If you properly care for the interior and exterior doors, the problem of squeaking simply will not arise. Recommended:

  • lubricate the hinges regularly;
  • tighten the fastening screws;
  • avoid high humidity in the room.

So that the creak of the door does not disturb the peace of people in the house, you need to take care of the doors and take care of their condition. If you hear an unpleasant sound every time you open and close the door, it's time to pick up the oil can. A few quick, simple movements, and the comfortable silence reigns again. In order for the result to last for a long time, the door will have to be removed from the hinges and the rubbing parts must be subjected to more serious processing.
