In this article we will talk about how do-it-yourself crafts are made for a summer residence and a garden. We will consider the instructions for making crafts using the example of well-known decorative figures that are used in the arrangement of courtyards and areas adjacent to a country house.

You can buy such figures in specialized stores or to order. In both cases, the price of these decorative elements will be high, and therefore, it would be much more correct to make an ornament for your garden with your own hands.

In the photo - a sculptural composition of old car tires

Selection of production materials

When planning to make crafts for the dacha and the yard with your own hands, first of all, you should decide on the selection of production materials. To do this, you need to take into account the conditions in which the crafts will be used.

Typically, garden statues are set up outdoors.

Therefore, they must be resistant to such negative factors. external environment as:

  • sharp temperature drops;
  • excess humidity in the air;
  • precipitation;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • bark beetles and other insect pests.

Considering the listed requirements, wood, metal, natural stone and concrete. All of these materials are strong, relatively durable and, most importantly, all these materials can be given the required shape by seeing life in them.

Choosing images for sculptures

In the photo - a crocodile made of car tires

Today, even country houses made of block containers are usually decorated and ennobled in every possible way. Moreover, garden figures will take their rightful place among the decorative elements used in the design country house or adjacent area.

But the question arises, which image is advisable to choose for embodiment in sculpture or composition? Of course, the choice of the image depends on the type of material used. Nevertheless, the simpler the chosen image or plot is, the easier and faster you will achieve your goal.

Working with wood

The instruction for making figures from wood is simple and directly depends on the selected sketch. Let's start with something simple, for example, with figures made of plywood, as shown in the photo below.

In fact, this kind of crafts is decorated boxes into which you can fill the earth and use it as flower pots.

To make a flower bed figure you will need:

  • multilayer plywood;
  • small bars with a section width of 50 to 50 mm;
  • self-tapping screws.

Of the tools you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • measuring accessories.

The instructions for performing the work are as follows:

  • On initial stage a frame is assembled from the bars in the form of a hollow square with small legs.

Tip: Instead of hammering the frame from scratch, you can use an old unnecessary stool with a dismantled seat.

  • In the lower part of the frame, a bottom cut from plywood is attached to the screws.
  • Likewise, side walls are cut out of plywood and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Tip: To prevent the plywood from cracking when screwing in the screws, we drill holes in advance with a smaller diameter than the thickness of the self-tapping screw.
We also drill small indentations in which the screw head will fit.

  • After the plywood box on wooden legs is assembled, it's time to start decorating it.
    For these purposes, you can limit yourself to using paints and brushes. If the craft will be constantly located in the open air, we use waterproof paints. For example, the use of PF115 enamels will be an inexpensive and at the same time effective choice.
  • If staining alone is not enough, you can cut various decorative elements from the plywood remnants and fix them on the box, as shown in the photo.

Another type of wood crafts is decorative mushrooms.

Sometimes stumps remain on the site, which are too lazy to uproot.

Why make an effort, clearing the site, if you can give the stump the required shape and turn it, thus, into a decoration for a garden or vegetable garden.

  • We make a mushroom leg from a stump with a height of at least 30 cm. To do this, it is enough to use an ax, cutting down a cone truncated upwards with it.
  • We make the hat from the wider part of the trunk. In this case, we combine the ax with the chisel.

Advice: you can do it easier and not waste time processing wood.
For example, you can make a head from polyurethane foam or use an old unnecessary basin instead of a head.

  • The finished head is fixed with screws at the top of the pre-made leg.
  • After the sculpture is ready, it remains to paint it in suitable colors.

Important: More complex figures, for example, the notorious gnomes, will require you not only to show the talent of a carver, but also to use one or another professional tool which you may not have.

Crafts from natural stone

In the photo - a figure of a cat made of polished stone

Natural stone is beautiful in itself. For example, if you have rubble stone left after building the foundation, you can use it for. To form any figures from this material, it is enough to prepare a cement mortar.

There is a variety of large rounded smooth stones, which, collected in certain quantities, already represent a finished composition, and if they are painted in different colors, the impression of such a decorative element will be simply indescribable. Again, you can arm yourself with a brush and paints and paint the stones, as shown in the photo.

The good idea is that you don't have to resort to mechanical stone processing.

Metal crafts

It is not easy to make figures out of metal, since you will need blacksmithing equipment or at least to work with this material.

However, for sure, many have an old Soviet bicycle lying around in the barn or in the attic, which they forgot to take to the landfill in time. Old metal bicycle and other unnecessary iron structures, if correct locationcan serve garden figures as shown in this photo.

Important: A suitable power tool is required for machining metal or other hard materials.
The use of such a tool will be difficult if the electricity is on country cottage area is served intermittently and in this case it may be necessary to purchase or rent a diesel generator for a summer residence.

Cement crafts

The instructions for making such figures are simple and do not require the use of special tools.

As molds for casting sculptures, you can apply a volumetric imprint in the ground or wet sand. In order to provide the cement sculpture with sufficient strength, wire reinforcement is placed in the mold before pouring the mixture.

In order for the finished product to gain the required strength faster, cement and sand should be mixed with marble chips in a ratio of 1 * 1 * 2. After curing, about a week after drying, the product is sanded with sandpaper and stone. Optimum results are guaranteed by wet sanding.


Now you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow handicrafts are made for a summer residence and a yard with your own hands. The knowledge gained can be applied in practice by arranging your country house or garden plot. More useful information can be found by watching the video in this article.

Beautiful crafts for a summer residence can be made with your own hands from all sorts of things - from what is at hand. We offer you several simple projects that will take no more than half an hour.

Crafts for giving with your own hands.

The owners of old Soviet chandeliers probably immediately recognized what the "water" was made of in this original garden stream.

So, if you have an old chandelier with transparent plastic or glass pendants, then you can make yourself such beautiful crafts for your summer cottage. This option is made with a watering can - we attach the beads or pendants to a wire, thread it into the spout of the watering can and fix a stud on the inner end of the wire - it will hold our stream of their beads.

The number of beads depends on the size of the watering can - if the watering can is large, there should be enough of them to be seen from afar. The watering can can be hung on a tree, or fixed to a rod in the middle of the flower bed.

A faucet with water can also be decorated with a bead - if the faucet is active, then it is better to think over a spout cover that would be convenient to remove.

For those who do not have an old chandelier with pendants in stock, we offer another project: we concretize metal rods on a small platform, attach a watering can to their upper ends.

You can leave our original craft in this form, or you can put a container with flowers below or break a flower bed.

Beautiful crafts for a summer residence made of glass.

Crafts for giving with your own hands - the topic is simply inexhaustible! We will also use the rest of the dishes and make a garden angel out of them.

It is not necessary to put the first experiment on unnecessary crystal dishes - it is quite possible to start with ordinary bottles, old salt shakers and glass salad bowls. We connect everything with a universal glue. If our base is a bottle, we will also need a metal rod on which we will plant our figurine.

Oddly enough, such crafts made from scrap materials can be quite functional, for example, they can be a shade for a garden lantern.

If not every shape of tableware is suitable for a garden angel, then for magic glass colors fit almost everything that is not needed in the household - plates, saucers, vases, bowls, etc.

We select the shape of a flower from the presence of unnecessary dishes - it is not necessary to take only a transparent one, the basis for a flower may well be an ordinary plate. We glue the dishes together with universal glue.

Think in advance how you will fix this flower in the garden. There are two options: first - on the back wall of the flower you glue a bottle (jar, vase, etc.) - a container that you can put on a rod.

The second option - you can simply glue a piece to the plate plastic pipe and put it on a rod.

The options for such colors are just the sea: different shapes, colors, combinations ... try it!

Crafts for giving from metal.

In any summer resident, over time, all sorts of pieces of iron accumulate on the farm, whether these are old garden tools, or the necessary pieces of metal, which are a pity to throw away and have nowhere to use. From all this metal, you can make wonderful crafts for a summer residence.

Such country crafts can be from old gardening tools, pipe scraps and all the metal that every owner can find in a barn.

The best way to attach such crafts is by welding, although there may be other attachment methods for different designs.

Check out the character of this fun garden figurine made from unnecessary metal cans and old springs.

And this "master's dog" is distinguished by its special thoroughness and friendliness.

As already mentioned, metal crafts for a garden can be made without the help of welding. For example, this openwork wire panel is made on a metal frame made of thick wire, to which the entire image is fixed with a thin wire. Maybe it's a garden nymph, or maybe the owner of the estate.

Stainless steel garden crafts look more neat and do not require regular maintenance, but they are more difficult to manufacture.

For the bravest: a letterbox grasshopper can not only surprise your good friends, but also scare intruders.

Our imagination is amazing - this is either a pig, or a puppy that is waiting for us in the back of the garden - charming and makes us smile.

Crafts for a summer residence made of metal require not only availability suitable materialbut also having your free time. Don't regret wasting your time making garden figurines instead of painting your fence.

Original crafts for giving.

Look around - is there a metal mesh left in the shed after the repair? Great material for garden lights.

Old spoons were lying around - teach your son to solder, and he will be happy to remember what funny things he did in childhood with his father.

After all, such crafts for a summer residence suggest that we not only know how to work well, but are also able to have fun and have a rest from the heart.

Create a mood for yourself - make your own version in the country original crafts for garden.

You can decorate the interior of a house or a country cottage not only with store trinkets, but also with handmade metal products. Moreover, it is available to everyone, since this requires a minimum set of tools and knowledge. Moreover, such things can be done to decorate any interior.

Thinking about creating such items, everyone can choose for themselves manufacturing technologyfocusing on your experience and knowledge. Although in each case, the selected technique will require certain costs necessary for the acquisition or manufacture of special equipment.

Everyone can create a lot of various metal products, decorate a garden with their help. It can be as crafts and pieces of furniture, as well as various decorative bridges and forging elements.

Manufacturing technology of things from metal

Hand-made metal products can make any designs more attractive, including benches, cornices, pieces of furniture and other things. Moreover, the owner can choose the style of his choice, paying attention to the fact that the created thing looks harmonious in a particular room.

In shops, metal products are offered at fairly high prices due to the fact that they are made by hand. However, if you wish, you can master the science of creating these objects on your own, thanks to which it will be possible save a lot of money on this... The only costs that may arise here will be related to the purchase of materials.

You can choose any technique you like to create metallic patterns and details. Quite common among them are forging, stamping, cutting, bending, embossing and filigree. After the diagram or drawing of the product is received, as well as the necessary materials are prepared, the person will be ready to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an unusual and beautiful product.

Metal is the material on the basis of which you can create a whole composition of various crafts for the garden.

Therefore, there are many different methods that allow you to create at home pretty original stuff:

  • Casting. The essence of this technique is filling with a special form of liquid alloy.
  • Forging. This method is based on the impact on the workpiece with a hammer, temperature, press and other deformation methods.
  • Bending. This technique is in many ways similar to forging, it is based on riveting and welding of product elements.
  • Differentiation. This method is characterized by the use of a hammer, with the help of which the necessary shapes are formed into thin sheets of iron.
  • Stamping and cutting. Using this technique, you can effortlessly reshape the workpiece and create holes.
  • Filigree. This method involves the use of cast or smooth wire as raw material, from which the product is created by soldering the bent pattern elements.
  • Chasing. This method of processing is simple in execution, and its essence lies in placing a special tool on the workpiece, which is affected by a hammer, thereby changing the shape of the product.

There are several ways to make drawing for a metal product... It can be developed manually or you can use special computer programs... Thanks to the drawing, you can know in advance how much material is required to create things. First of all, it is indispensable for those who plan to make large items, for example, gates, lattices. Having a ready-made sketch in hand, it will be easier for the master to understand even before starting work how harmoniously this product will look in the place chosen for its placement.

Simple things made of metal

If you do not have experience in making such things with your own hands, then you are advised to start by creating the simplest metal objects. This can be a metal box, which can act not only as a decorative element, but also perform practical functions.

Required tools

As a basis for it, ordinary tin can... To make such a box, you will need to prepare a number of tools:

The process of making a box with your own hands begins with cleaning the surface of the can from paint, for which use sandpaper... It is advisable to perform the operation when the jar is still full. Otherwise, you will have to perform such preparation as carefully as possible, because if the metal is deformed, then you are unlikely to be able to make a beautiful box.

After that, they begin to cut the can: this must be done in such a way that a rectangular blank is obtained. Before that, you need to cut off the bottom, after which the upper part is cut along. In the course of this operation, irregularities will necessarily appear along the edges, which it is advisable to sharpen immediately.

Next, it must be placed on a hard surface, where the images contained in the drawing are already applied using a pencil. After that, proceed directly to the creation of the pattern. You will not have any restrictions on the choice of jewelry for the box, but it is still advisable to use symmetrical details. To create a pattern would need ball pen , with which you can easily push through aluminum. It is possible to achieve the effect of a pronounced texturedness if you draw more than once along the lines of the pattern contour. After completing the steps listed above, you will only need to collect the box.

If you have welding equipment and skills in handling it, you can make a very beautiful metal owl with your own hands. In addition, you will have to prepare the following tools:

At the first stage, it is necessary draw a sketch of an owl on paper, after which it is transferred to cardboard. So you make it easier for yourself to cut individual elements... To create an owl, we will have to make eyes, a torso, which includes feathers, wings and a tail. To make it easier for you to cut metal parts, you can use a grinder.

When creating the eyes for the owl, make sure you make large holes in them so you can insert the bolts. You will have to create notches on all scales, thanks to which the plumage effect will be provided. To do this, you will have to use a chisel. Feet can be made by connecting parts of a rod to each other, using welding for this. A piece of bent metal is used to create the beak. During the assembly of the product, the beak and legs must be welded at the very end. When all the elements are in place, the owl can be additionally decorated by treating it with a special varnish.

How to make frosty patterns?

Making frosty patterns is not a very time-consuming procedure, but at the same time it is able to provide a rather spectacular appearance to the product, giving it a resemblance to the ancient products of masters. Contributes a lot to this tin structure manifestationthat looks like crystals. To make frosty patterns, it is recommended to use cans, since a tin layer is already applied on their surface.

The drawing can be developed as follows: this requires a candle, over which it is necessary to hold separate parts of the metal for some time. The jar must be heated for a strictly defined time. If you overexpose it, it will damage the product. The main goal that must be achieved during the heating of the tin layer is to allow it to manifest.

You can also make a frosty metal pattern with your own hands if you place tin on the surface of a steel plate in advance, and then heat or melt.

A burner is suitable for this purpose: thanks to a stable flame, you can easily heat the required area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet. As the tin heats up, you can see how a gloss appears on it, which disappears after a few seconds. Try to process the metal sheet in such a way that its sections heat up unevenly, as otherwise you will get a uniform pattern. To give the workpiece original viewhaving created a unique pattern, it is enough to warm up the sheet in the corners.

When the required pattern is obtained, the temperature of the metal sheet must be drastically reduced. To do this, it is dipped in cold water or splashing. To make the created pattern visible on the sheet as clearly as possible, the surface can be additionally treated with hydrochloric acid. For safety, you need to prepare the tool - a stick to which a cotton swab is tied.

Sometimes, after warming up, it is not possible to achieve the required clearance. In this case, you can remove it once with sandpaper. It is not recommended to repeat this technique, as otherwise it will lead to the complete removal of the tin layer.

For decoration purposes, you can also turn to wax paint, which is used to treat certain areas of a metal sheet, after which they are heated. You can ensure the durability of the pattern created on the can by processing it with a special varnish. It's even better if you apply a colored transparent varnish on it, thanks to which your item will look even more original.

How is cold forging done?

The cold forging method can also be used to create metal products at home. Using this technique, you can make things with an unusual shape with your own hands, this is done using a press. With a small metal thickness there is no need to resort to heating it, this will help to avoid many difficulties.

Cold forging tools

Although this manufacturing method is more simple, unlike the technique of creating metal products by hot forging, certain tools are also needed here:

  • Gnutik, with the help of which bends of the workpiece will be performed to give the desired shape;
  • A snail, which is also used to deform a sheet of metal;
  • Special flashlight used for weaving;
  • Wave, allowing you to make wavy patterns;
  • A twister that allows you to twist the rods together, thereby you can get spiral elements.

Manufacturing steps

Even before the manufacture of metal products by forging, it does not hurt to depict sketch or product diagram.

Then, using the available tools, they begin to manufacture the constituent elements of the product, and then they are connected to each other by welding.

The last stage in the manufacture of metal products using the cold forging method is the elimination of seams, grinding and applying special varnishes.

The most common options for cold forging were considered above, but it can be performed in a slightly different way - in the form of embossing. To use this method, there is no need to purchase special complex tools... This technique is based on work with a workpiece, on which a pre-drawn pattern is applied by metal extrusion. After the sketch of the pattern or image is prepared, it must be cut out. Then you need to take care of the availability of space for bending the material.

After that, the board is covered with a layer of resin, where the finished workpiece is already laid out. From this moment, the process of its design begins by transferring the pattern to it.


You can decorate your home not only with the help of modern accessories and beautiful little things that are offered in stores. If you wish, you can make your own metal things that will look no worse. Naturally, in the absence of skills in the manufacture of such products, it is possible that the first casket or other other thing that will be made by your hands will not be as beautiful as you would like.

However, as you hone your skills, you will be able to get better at this task, and afterwards it will not be difficult for you. create more complex things... This will allow you to turn your hobby into a fairly profitable pursuit. After all, things that were made by hand are very much appreciated.

Probably, all the owners of their own allotments, be it a courtyard or a summer house, are forever seized by the desire to decorate the controlled territory. Of course, for these purposes it is easier to purchase everything you need in the store. However, making crafts for the garden with your own hands, and new and unusual, is a unique pleasure.

Especially for those who succumbed to such a desire, we have selected the latest craft ideas. We made many of them ourselves and publish descriptions, drawings and diagrams for repetition. Thus, you can see all the latest news from the world of homemade garden products.

Best DIY Garden Decorating Craft Ideas

Incendiary novelties of the current year

When deciding to decorate the yard with homemade products, you should not rush. Definitely, first you need to familiarize yourself with what others have already done. The desire to build something unusual and new is commendable.

However, it is much more important to ensure harmony landscape design Your yard with future design elements.

For example, a charming flower cart is placed in the shallow water of a reservoir, without which the decor becomes familiar and standard.

If you want to get an interesting and thoughtful garden design, follow the instructions below:

  • examine possible options homemade products;
  • draw up a diagram of their placement on the site in accordance with the landscape;
  • evaluate your capabilities, discuss the project with friends and adjust the plan.

It will be logical and correct to place the crafts in accordance with their purpose:

  • frog, duck and snail are appropriate at the reservoir;
  • a small bird, a squirrel and an owl will take root on a tree;
  • a cheerful hedgehog can peek out from behind a bush;
  • place on the ground for a large animal or figure.

A charming donkey with a cart has impressive dimensions and will be appropriate on a plot of at least 6 acres. To make it, you need to act according to the following plan:

  1. The frame of the sculpture is made of metal mesh PVC coated. The body, head and legs are made of separate parts of a mesh with a cell of 50x50mm, rolled into rolls of different sizes. The parts are connected with each other by pieces of wire.
  2. A plastic mesh with a fine mesh and geotextiles are laid inside the body.
  3. The cavities inside the donkey's body are covered with fertile soil.
  4. Plants that are undemanding to moisture are planted in the ground.
  5. The trolley is made of wooden blocks. Wheels and pots are conveniently selected from available waste materials.

The palms look original, which never get tired of holding the flowers placed in them. An easy master class for making crafts:

  1. A solution of cement and sand diluted to the state of liquid sour cream in a ratio of 1: 3 is poured into rubber gloves. It is necessary to use clean fine sand.
  2. During the solidification of the solution, the desired position of the hand elements should be ensured using cardboard, rags and sand.
  3. After the cement has set, the rubber mold is removed. You may need to putty on small flaws. The workpieces must be primed and painted.
  4. Hands made of cement are placed near low plants, soil is poured into the palm of the hand and flowers are planted.

Obviously, do-it-yourself metal figurines are rarely made due to the complexity of execution. The more interesting and valuable are the presented specimens. The iguana is made of steel sheet, a couple of lovers are made of rebar, a shovel fit for an owl, and ants are assembled from a steel bar and a fine mesh. In all cases, welding was used for the installation of homemade metal products. As you can see, metal crafts can be even more interesting without painting.

Here are images of handicrafts made by hand from plywood. From it it turns out to make rather large and colorful figurines for giving.

Wood is the most ancient material for creativity. Here are the easiest figurines to make. Nothing prevents you from taking advantage of the charge of imagination and offering something of your own.

For example, it is possible to build an entire submarine out of planks. Everything is so simple that there is no need to explain.

Stone is no less ancient craft material than wood. Nevertheless, creative personalities from the land of masters continue to amaze us. The simplest ladybug or caterpillar is made in accordance with a short master class:

  • stones suitable in shape and size must be washed and dried;
  • a dye of the main color is applied with a brush to the surface of the pebble;
  • after the first layer has completely dried, the largest decorative elements are applied;
  • dyes of subsequent layers are applied after the previous layers have completely dried;
  • the decorations covered with a protective layer of varnish will retain their attractiveness for a long time.

Spatial figures of stone are made using a frame made of thick wire or reinforcement. Thus, it is possible to build a dragon from the cartoon "Shrek" with your own hands and other novelties:

  1. First of all, you should schematically depict the future figurine and select the required number of stones. Limestone that can be drilled and processed well is suitable.
  2. Heavy sculpture will require a small concrete foundation. Sections of wire or reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm are placed in concrete, on which stones will subsequently be planted.
  3. After the foundation has completely solidified, the stones are drilled with a perforator and placed on the frame segments. Individual pieces of wire are bent to create the desired shape. To prevent the stones from rotating, they should be fixed with cement mortar.
  4. With a grinder, it is necessary to finalize individual stones to indicate the dragon's mouth, eyes, etc.
  5. Applying paint will help create missing accents.

Dragon boy also happens

These funny little dogs are also made of stone. To collect them, I had to choose stones suitable shape... To connect individual elements of the craft, holes are drilled in them, where pins are inserted from wire with a diameter of 4-8 mm. Additionally, the parts are fastened with cement mortar.

A stone flower for a garden and a vegetable garden is easy and simple to build with your own hands. The idea is obvious: we select suitable stones and fasten them with cement mortar. For reliability, it is necessary to equip a very small foundation 5-10 cm high under the base of the flower.

The gnome, ladybug and cartoon characters are all made of concrete. The examples given mean that it is realistic to build both very simple and rather complex homemade products for home and summer cottages from cement mortar.

A variety of homemade products are made from old car cylinders at home. The photo shows the most typical new tires. We present other interesting examples, as well as techniques for working with car tires, in a special article.

For your assessment, there are several more successful homemade products for home and garden:

  1. An old bathtub is often used in the country. The shape and size of the object are great for imitating the body of a cow. A bit of black paint, a plywood head and a rubber glove udder complete the image of the animal.
  2. This beautiful butterfly is made on the basis of a plywood sheet. The surface of the base is primed. Mosaic is applied to the plywood with glue.
  3. The bushes, which were given an oval shape during the shearing, resemble the bodies of ostriches. The long neck of the bird is imitated by a stick stuck into the ground. The head of an ostrich is conveniently made of plaster or foam.
  4. The hedgehog is beautiful in its embarrassment! It is convenient to make it from polystyrene, into which it is easy to stick needles from toothpicks. Legs are good from wooden sticks. It is better to put content in a cloth bundle that is not afraid of moisture.

Original and simple garden figurines from scrap materials

In this section, we have grouped products made from scrap materials. Thus, it is possible to select an object to repeat on your own by comparing several options. Most of them are easy to make at home.

Computer CDs sparkle in the sun like a bright rainbow and are not afraid of bad weather:

  1. In combination with the body of a bird cut from a tire, an original peacock figurine is obtained. A knitted metal mesh is used as the basis for the bird's tail.
  2. If you glue the fins cut from plastic to the discs, you get adorable fish.
  3. Several discs, bolted by wire to the fence mesh, form a cheerful caterpillar. It remains to add the hairstyle and legs.
  4. We paint 6-8 discs with bright colors and put them on a stick. We fasten the ends of the disks with a glue gun - we get another caterpillar.

Decorations for the garden and vegetable garden can be made of foam. It can be birds, mushrooms, and other figures. The material is well processed with emery cloth. It is highly desirable to protect it from solar radiation with a coating. Acrylic paint will not dissolve the foam, but the surface of the figure must be primed before applying it.

Decorations for summer cottages made from glass bottles will last a long time. It is convenient to make plant fences from glass containers. Glass bottles can be used to create a futuristic plant by putting them on the ends of wires sticking out of the ground.

Old 200L barrels will get a second life if they are brightly colored. Barrels can be used for water, as flower beds of different designs, or made garden furniture... The barrels laid on their side resemble a freight train with tanks. To make the composition lively and cheerful, you need to decorate and fill it with flowers.

Many children like to sculpt homemade products from polymer clay... Your child will be proud of the figurine that will decorate the dacha. In such a situation, it is better to make an exception and first make a figurine from polymer clay, and then choose a place for it on the site.

Beautiful figures are obtained from flower pots. It is convenient to fasten them by stringing them on a cord or wire. Of course, the more additional attributes, the more expressive the product.

Flower pots are especially good for their intended purpose: for planting flowers. Of course, additional handles, legs and decor provide a bright expression to the pot products.

Cones are an excellent natural material for garden crafts. Pine cones can be glued to a plastic bottle with a glue gun. Add a couple of cork eyes, and you get a wonderful hedgehog. In the same way, you can paste over a concrete flowerpot with cones. It is convenient to mulch the soil under the plants with cones: the grass does not grow, moisture remains, and the bed looks neat and unusual.

PVC pipes for water supply provide ample opportunities for summer cottage creativity. To assemble the samples shown in the photo, you will need a special welding gun. Seams and joints are neat and durable.

A variety of things, from a greenhouse frame to a trolley, can actually be assembled from PVC pipes. Of course, you can find many new ideas for making the necessary equipment in the household from plastic pipes.

As you can see, there are no unnecessary things with regard to decorations for the infield. Old plates will make a nice and durable flower bed fence. Beautiful fungi are made from plastic plates. The mushroom caps are glued to the legs from the mayonnaise buckets. White spots of paint complete the mold.

A basin on a stump - the plot is familiar. However, you can complement the design with taste and zest. Check out the ideas of mushrooms from basins presented in the photo and make it even better!

Miniature decorative house for a flower bed it is possible to do it yourself in a very different design. The house is complemented with landscape design elements on a scale. The author is given the opportunity to implement those ideas that are personal plot until it is possible to implement. If you build a house for a flower bed from small stones on cement mortar, it will stand for a long time.

What is a summer cottage without butterflies? Consider different variants step by step:

  1. Option # 1 is made from a plastic bottle. The base of the butterfly is cut out according to a previously prepared template. You can paint the wings with nail polish, acrylics and other paints. The insect's body is made of beads worn on a thin copper wire. The antennae do the same. The body of the butterfly is attached to the wings with wire through the holes in the latter.
  2. Butterfly # 2 is made of plywood. It is better to read about how to work with plywood in a separate article, which we have already mentioned.
  3. Butterfly # 3 is also made of plywood sheet with plastic bottle caps fixed on it. The covers can be fixed with glue or screws.
  4. The fourth butterfly is assembled from a PVC coated metal mesh, which is held in place on a steel reinforcement frame. In the cavity of the wings, geotextiles are laid and fertile soil is covered. You will have to water the flowers more often, as the earth will dry out quickly.

As you can see, old buckets make interesting compositions, so don't throw them away. Of course, flowers in pots must be watered periodically like houseplants. You can give the only recommendation for making garden decorations from old buckets: do not slow down your imagination.

The mill enjoys the attention of owners of garden plots. This option is based on the use of leftovers building materials... On the roof we see scraps shingles, the second floor in the form of a ring is made of the remains of linoleum, the body of the building is made of scraps of plastic siding. The whole structure is assembled on a frame made of scraps wooden beam... It will be correct to use your own set of junk material.

Our own homemade master classes for the yard

We repeat: the following items for the design of the site are made by us ourselves and for this reason are original. You can familiarize yourself with the corresponding master class and repeat the homemade product. Particularly interesting are the techniques for working with scrap materials, using which you can compose your own work.

The base of the garden donkey figurine is made up of plastic bottles. A solid-looking design requires relatively little time, tools and materials.

There is no simpler craft from canisters for the garden. This design uses an interesting method of attaching the horns, so it's better to see how this is done in the same article where we write about the donkey. Currently, the head of a ram from a canister plays the role of a "hunting trophy" in the garage and cheers up when you return home. Interesting bird feeders are also made from plastic cans, which we talk about in the corresponding article.

The plastic bottle palm is famous and popular. Artificial tree may be of various sizes.

A native from plastic bottles will decorate the territory of your garden. We made it a bird scarecrow.

At first glance, it may seem that flowers from plastic bottles in the country are inappropriate. However, practice refutes such an idea: neither drought nor autumn is afraid of such a decoration.

A swan from plastic bottles can be made using several technologies. The photo shows a simple and effective way: the plastic plumage is attached to a plywood base.

It so happens that there is no sink in the country. It can be made from plastic bottles.

Mole, snake and bird repeller is often made from plastic bottles. We decided to give the rattle an attractive look and make it look like an airplane.

A reliable bird feeder can be assembled from a plastic eggplant. Our version is an imitation of a snowman, and the best time to think about it is autumn.

The simplest bird feeder is made from a bag. We decided to design the feeder in the form of a bus. This option is also described in the mentioned article about making feeders.

A simple-looking birdhouse made according to " canadian technologyยป: Cardboard inside, plastic outside. We made a reliable, warm and comfortable birdhouse without boards and a hacksaw.

Best of all, a lamb is obtained from polyurethane foam. In our version, the hooves of the animal are successfully imitated plastic bottles brown color.

Fungus is a classic use of plaster for decorating a summer cottage. There are an incredible number of methods for decorating a fungus.

What can be used to build unique garden crafts?

For those who have looked through the contents of the entire article, the question posed by the title may seem redundant. However, looking at the above picture, you understand the erroneous impression. Let's try to list the possible options for improvised means for crafts in the garden, complementing the above:

  • unnecessary furniture;
  • old car;
  • unusable household appliances;
  • remnants of various building materials;
  • branches, tree trunks, driftwood, stumps;
  • metal and plastic cans;
  • unsuitable clothes and shoes;
  • unnecessary children's toys;
  • unusable garden tools.

Obviously, the list can be continued. Thus, the most correct answer to this question is any available means!

For those who are eager to decorate their yard and home with their own hands, there is a simple advice: rummage through the back streets of your property and, before throwing away the unnecessary, ask yourself the question - what can be built from this?

What crafts can you do in the yard yourself?

At first glance, it may seem that you can make figurines, dolls and funny crafts for your summer residence. The presented images demonstrate that it is possible to build both the simplest useful things and full-fledged serious attributes of the country interior. Those who show perseverance, diligence and imagination will inevitably be rewarded with the result obtained. For everyone who is seriously passionate about (10 appreciated at 4,40 of 5 )

The fastest and most reliable way to fix metal parts is by electric welding. Anyone can learn to handle it. Having bought or an inverter, as well as having spent half a pack of electrodes to gain practical skills, you can safely try to create crafts from metal with your own hands. Installation of structures, repairs in the country, the manufacture of garden accessories and much more from this moment becomes available.

The first metal crafts

Many people now have welding. The device is often purchased in case of construction or repair. Not even necessary for yourself. If the need arises for him, you can call a self-taught neighbor or a familiar welder-specialist. After the completion of the work, the unit is simply idle.

But sooner or later the moment comes when you should decide and try to cook something yourself. There is nothing wrong with that, there would be a desire. The main thing at this stage is not to get burned and not to catch bunnies, and experience comes with practice. If available or vacation home, there is always an application for welding. With its help, it is possible to solve the problems of territory development much faster.

Not always and not everything can be bought in the store. To weld a gate, to build a base for a bench or a table, to "grab" a hook to a metal post for attaching a rope or an additional support for weaving grapes is kind of a trifle, but it seems inconvenient to call a welder on this occasion. So you need to master the basics and solve everyday problems with your own hands.

Basics of welding

Of course, it's not worth taking on serious work with responsible connections right away. You can practice on a piece of scrap metal. The first step is to learn how to ignite the arc and hold it while maintaining a constant working gap between the workpiece and the electrode as it burns out.

After that, you need to work out the technique of forming a weld by fusing a layer of metal onto a flat surface. Then you can proceed to adjusting the current for different thicknesses of the workpieces being welded. Welding is a technique of joining two metal parts, based on melting their surfaces at the junction. In one piece, they are connected by adding a layer of bonding material of the electrode.

The current is chosen in such a way as to ensure that only the surface layer melts without the formation of holes. It is better to master the technique on electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm. They should not be old and always dry, otherwise the first experience will most likely be ineffective, which may discourage learning to create crafts from metal.

Welding makes it possible to correct minor and sometimes serious flaws in work or installation errors. It is enough to cut the "tack" seam, and the parts are disconnected. After cleaning the place of unsuccessful welding, the process can be repeated.


Any owner of a country house or owner of a summer house will surely have metal waste on the farm. These may be the remains of pipes after the installation of a gas pipeline, water supply or heating systems. The real owner usually does not throw away the remains of the channel or pieces of reinforcement. You can also find used nails, bolts and nuts.

Such scrap metal very often becomes material for new repairs or improvement of the old one. Surely you will find in the garage or shed outdated garden tools, chains, old dishes, as well as spare parts from a car, motorcycle or bicycle that have not yet been handed over to collection points.

All of this can be used to make useful and practical metal crafts. With your own hands, with the help of welding and existing assistants, you can repair old garden tools or make a new one from waste, taking into account personal experience, their preferences and business conditions.

You can equip comfort in your backyard without buying new equipment. From used, but still strong metal, you can build a base for a country table or bench. Find a suitable sheet particle board for a table top and a board for a bench will not be a problem. Racks can even be made of substandard inch pipe.

If there is a supply of material, you can swing on the swing. It is better to make the structure capital, with concreting of the base. You need two sidewalls of angled welded pipes with bridges for rigidity. The more massive the swing seat is, the larger this angle should be. Jumpers can be welded at ground level or even below so that they are not visible.

Hangers are best made from chains, but a reliable rope can also be used. The beam for fastening must be massive. A thick-walled pipe, a piece of rail or channel is suitable. It is best to fasten the frame parts and hanger brackets by welding.

At any cottage, with rare exceptions, there is a brazier or other similar device. A couple of logs for sitting, an old stump as a table and burnt bricks to restrict the fire pit and stack skewers - for some, this may be relaxation, but it is better and more convenient to use a more perfect structure.

The brazier can be knowledgeable. It can be brought with you to the dacha, it can also have a permanent place of registration with the possibility of transporting it to the place of storage. For such a solution, a brazier from an old steel barrel is quite suitable. It can be made on your own and you can do only with a grinder and a drill. However, it will be better and easier if you use a welding machine.

The empty and washed drum is cut along the vertical centerline into two halves. Legs from a rod, fittings or pipe sections are welded to one part. The upper part serves as a hinged cover and can be mounted for convenience on welded old door curtains.

Crafts made from sheet metal can be fastened by welding only after gaining some experience. In order to reliably weld the parts and not burn a hole with the electrode, you should select the welding current accurately and work with short tacks with constant control of the seam quality.

Metal sculpture

The garden around the country house is not only an area where trees and shrubs are grown for picking fruits and berries. It is also a place to relax! Garden sculpture will be a great addition to the well-groomed plantings.

It may not necessarily be made of concrete or plaster. For a person with creativity, there are no boundaries to express it. If at the moment only a welding machine, half a pack of electrodes, scrap and a desire to create are at hand, then from all this you can build an original and unique composition. Moreover, the complexity of the execution can be different.

It depends on the material available and on the idea. In one case, such metal crafts for a garden can consist of a dozen different, at first glance, incompatible parts of different origin and purpose. In another case, it can be made up of hundreds of the same type of repetitive elements connected by welding into a three-dimensional model.

Where to get ideas from?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Someone, seeing in one place accidentally found details, imagine how they will be combined together if they are combined into a common composition. Another purposefully drives to a scrap metal collection point and wanders around the mountains of this trash in search of a suitable part for the chosen sculpture.

You can get ideas or just take someone's already implemented idea as a basis from specialized book publications that are dedicated to metal crafts. There is nothing shameful in creating the thing you like from the available materials at the household.

In any case, DIY metal crafts, created according to an existing drawing or sketch, will be original. Welding is not about copying, but a kind of creativity. Anyone that is made with a decorative concept and repeats a pattern or composition is perceived as a kind of masterpiece.

Safety engineering

So that do-it-yourself metal crafts do not serve as a constant reminder of bad experience welding work involving burns or injury, care must be taken. It is strictly forbidden to work without a mask or visor, otherwise you can get ultraviolet irradiation.

A protective suit will protect clothing and body skin from flying sparks and splashes of molten metal, and tight gloves or gloves made of dense material will protect your hands. It is not recommended to knock down scale from a seam without protective glasses, sharp fragments flying in all directions may get into the eyes.

Keep a bucket of water and a wet rag handy when working near wood or surfaces prone to fire. Accidental sparks or electrode residue bouncing off and falling on such materials may cause smoldering and subsequent fire. When working indoors, attention should be paid to proper ventilation.
