MOU "Verkhnevolskaya primary comprehensive school»

Protocol #4

meeting of the pedagogical council of February 18, 2011.

Total team - 3 people

There were 3 people

Missing - 0 people.


1. The results of the implementation of the decisions of the previous pedagogical council

2. The study of new educational standards in elementary school.

3. Discussion of new educational standards.

1. On the implementation of the decision of the previous pedagogical council (see Protocol No. 2 of October 29, 2010), the director of the school E.V. Morozova spoke. She said that the decisions of the teachers' council are being implemented.

An application, materials of self-examination of a general educational institution to the Department of Education of the Vologda Oblast with a request to carry out the state accreditation procedure of the Verkhnevolsk Primary School of General Education were submitted for consideration. The procedure for state accreditation is scheduled for March 2, 2011.

When conducting class hours class teachers they try to diversify the forms, methods and techniques of their organization.

The results of academic performance for the second quarter were communicated to parents.


1. Accept the implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council

2. On the second question, they listened to the director of the school, Morozova E.V., who familiarized those present with the standards of the new generation in elementary school.

She noted that the new standards include three groups of requirements: to the structure of basic general education programs, to the results of their development and to the conditions for their implementation. The leading document of this triad of requirements is “Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs. “Requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs” is a kind of social and state order for the education system, and the school must provide conditions for the implementation of this order.

Methodological basis of the Standard

n System-activity approach

n Theory of learning activities

n Developmental learning theory

n Axiological approach

n Person-centered approach

The main result of education is considered on the basis of the activity approach as the achievement of development levels by students on the basis of their mastery of both universal methods of action and methods specific to the study of subjects. This requires a new organization in the educational process based on the planning of joint activities of the teacher and students. This obliges the educational institution to create a certain package of documents that will ensure the functioning of the new standards (basic educational plan, curricula, integral part which are “Planned results of the development curricula”, assessment models, the program of education and socialization of students, and others).

Objectives of the standard

n Upbringing and development of the student's personality, meeting the requirements of an innovative economy, the tasks of building a Russian civil society

n Personal development based on the development of universal educational activities (UUD)

Planned results are considered as a system of personality-oriented goals of education and indicators of their achievement. The target component of the planned results is presented both in a generalized and technological form. This component implements a system-activity approach to learning. It describes not only the material being studied (leading ideas, basic concepts and facts), adapted to the capabilities of younger students, but also the main methods of learning activities inherent in a particular subject, through which children master this educational material. Thus, the planned results guide teachers both in terms of the amount of educational material and expected results, and ways of organizing educational process in primary school.

The new standards apply an integrated approach, which involves the active use of knowledge gained in the study of one subject in lessons in other subjects. Information and communication technologies are one of the active tools of educational and cognitive activity.

ICT is used to form the primary skills of working with information. The leading role in the implementation of new educational standards belongs to the teacher.

Graduate portrait elementary school

n Curious, interested, actively learning about the world

n Possessing the basics of the ability to learn

n Loving his land and his homeland

n Respectful and accepting of family and community values

n Ready to act independently and be responsible for actions to family and school

n Friendly, able to listen and hear a partner, able to express his opinion

n Living a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others

Conditions for the implementation of the standard - an important requirement of the standard

n Personnel

n Financial and economic

n Logistics

n Informational

n Presence of an agreement with parents

n develops a work program on the subject, course on the basis of exemplary basic general educational programs and ensures its implementation, organizing and supporting a variety of different types activities of students, focusing on the personality of the student, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes independent activities of students, including research, implements problem-based learning, connects learning in the subject (course, program) with practice, discusses current events with students . Ensures the achievement and confirmation by students of the levels of education (educational qualifications). Evaluates the effectiveness and learning outcomes of students in the subject (course, program), taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, development of experience creative activity, cognitive interest of students, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities.

On the third issue, primary school teachers took part in the discussion:

Vorobyova O.Yu. in the new educational standards, various types of teacher activities, including out-of-class employment, are well thought out. But how will this be taken into account in the wage fund? Work according to new standards involves equipping the office with modern technology. How will this issue be resolved?

Each of us is now concerned about the question of how to build our activities in such a way as to meet the requirements of the time. New educational standards provide an answer to this question. But the introduction of new disciplines will lead to an additional burden on students. Will children and parents cope with the “new load?”

Zateynikova I.A. believes that the study of new standards is not enough to understand the final result. The teacher must first of all break the established stereotypes, learn to work in a new way, because the educational standard of the new generation sets new goals for primary education. We must now teach not only to read, write, count, but also must instill two groups of new skills. Firstly, universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: the skill of solving creative problems and the skill of searching, analyzing, interpreting information. Secondly, to form children's motivation for learning, to help them in self-organization and self-development. For the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard, methodological seminars for elementary school teachers are definitely needed in order to retrain teachers.



To accept the implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council.

To every teacher primary school individually work out the standards of the new generation, think over the ways of transition to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Chairman Morozova E.V.

Secretary of the Pedagogical Council Zateynikova I.A.

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1 MINUTES of the 6th meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the MKDOU Shubinsky Kindergarten dated April 15, 2016 “The state of the work of the preschool educational institution team on FEMP among preschoolers” Plan of the teachers' council: 1. Implementation of the decisions of the previous pedagogical council. 2. The results of the thematic test "The state of FEMP in preschoolers" 3. The development of EMT through intellectual games (from work experience). 4. Modern requirements to the mathematical development of children preschool age. 5. The decision of the teachers' council, its discussion, additions, approval Progress of the teachers' council: On the first question "Implementation of the decisions of the previous pedagogical council." head Chernova O.N. familiarized the team once again with the decisions taken at the council of teachers of March 21, 2016. 1. Plan educational and educational work taking into account the recommendations of the program “Introducing preschoolers to the rules traffic» T.F. Saulin 2. Include in the work plan and conduct joint excursions, entertainment, holidays, quizzes with parents and children. 3. Fill the corners for parents with information about the prevention of accidents. 4. Continue work on the Federal State Educational Standard to the PLO DO. 5. Actively participate in ongoing competitions of pedagogical skills, periodically publish their work in electronic media. At the end of Chernova O.N. noted that the decisions are being implemented: children actively participate in competitions, the corners for parents are periodically replenished with information on the prevention of accidents, etc. On the second question “Results of thematic control “the state of FEMP in preschoolers and its management” Chernova O.N. read out a certificate on the results of the thematic audit: Certificate on the thematic audit

2 "The state of the work of the team on FEMP among preschoolers and its management." In accordance with order 33 of the city of MKDOU Shubinsky kindergarten. “On the organization of a thematic audit”, from year to year, a thematic audit ““The state of the work of the FEMP team among preschoolers and its management” was carried out. In the course of the check, the teachers were reviewed direct educational activities on FEMP, monitoring of regime moments, the use of mathematical games and exercises during other classes, fixing forward and backward counting, fixing the shape, size, color, orientation in space and in time. The documentation was studied, a survey was conducted. 1. In both groups, conditions have been created for the development of elementary mathematical representations, there are mathematical corners where mathematical games accessible to children are hung out, colorful posters depicting numbers, geometric shapes, desktop printed games are laid out. Handout and demonstration material is available: toys, picture cards, sets of counting sticks and geometric shapes, magnetic board. All games and materials offered to children are pedagogically appropriate and age-appropriate. 2. The formation of mathematical representations in a preschooler is carried out in the process of all the various activities of the educator, but one of the important ones is directly educational FEMP activities. The analysis of GCD according to FEMP showed a good level of its implementation among teachers. On April 11, there was a show of NOD by Varaksina A.G. in the younger age group (number of 13 children), it lasted 15 minutes. The program content corresponded to the age group and knowledge of the children, the children were active. The educator used such methods and techniques as showing, explaining, using surprise moments, artistic word, physical education, sedentary play, evaluation of children's answers. The relationship of the teacher with the children is built on the principles of cooperation, the teacher communicated with the children kindly and tactfully. April 12 was shown GCD on FEMP Ganikel N.M. in the older age group (number of 16 children), lasting 30 minutes. The teacher showed “Journey to the fairy tale“ Teremok ”whose purpose was: to fix the ordinal and quantitative account within 10, the ability to solve addition examples. The NOD consisted of several parts, each of which revealed its tasks. The teacher carried out preliminary work, made visual aids, both in the form of demonstration material and handouts. The children were interested, methods such as showing, explaining,

3 individual work, physical education was used, surprise moments. But there are also some small remarks to which it is necessary to pay attention. Notes: 1. In both groups, it is necessary to achieve more independence from children, not to give ready-made answers, but to lead to the correct answer, especially in the senior preparatory group, to achieve an answer with a full sentence; 2. Educators to make an emphasis on individually differentiated learning; 3. When performing exercises during games, classes, the teacher needs to use "mirror reflection"; 4 When working with handouts, the educator needs to use a sample of the finished product and explain specifically and clearly what needs to be done and in what sequence. Recommendations: 1. Use audio recordings for relaxation in class; 2. Invite parents to attend direct educational activities; 3. When examining an object and working with demonstration material, it is advisable for the educator to use a pointing detail (pointer, pencil). On the third question, the teacher Ganikel N.M. read out the report "Development of EMF through intellectual games (from work experience)." (the report is attached "Many scientists emphasize the role of preschool age in the intellectual development of a person. Knowledge given in an entertaining form of play is acquired by children faster, stronger and easier. However, a game drawn out in time, devoid of emotional intensity can be harmful, as it reduces the child's interest in games and the learning process itself.We do not always take into account the peculiarities of the thinking of a child of preschool age.Vivid-active thinking, characteristic of a child of 3-5 years old (i.e., thinking that is activated in the process of activity), is based on developed sensory, which is realized in the process of actions with objects.As a result, the child develops certain ideas and concepts.Children of the sixth year of life are characterized by visual-figurative thinking.The visual-figurative style of thinking is characterized by the fact that its activation requires a visual image, a model that reflects the essential features of an object or all objects, united by this concept.And only by the age of seven does a child form abstract thinking

4 What does it mean to make learning visible? The teacher must remember that visibility is not an end in itself, but a means of learning. Poorly selected visual material distracts the attention of children, interferes with the assimilation of knowledge. Properly selected increases the effectiveness of training. What are the two types of visual material used in kindergarten? Demonstration, distribution. Visual material must meet certain requirements, which ones? - items for counting and their images should be known to children; - visual material should be varied in one lesson; - visual material should act on different senses (hearing, sight, touch); - visual material should be dynamic, convenient, in sufficient quantity, to the requirements. meet the hygienic and aesthetic main mistakes encountered in the classroom for FEMP: - Verbosity, inaccuracy in the formulation of questions; - monotony of visual material, tasks; - incorrect location of the material; - the use of non-aesthetic visual material, aids that do not meet pedagogical requirements. For the fourth question, the educator junior group, Varaksina A.G. read out a report on the topic “Modern requirements for the mathematical development of preschool children” Children of four actively master counting, use numbers, perform elementary calculations on a visual basis and orally, master the simplest temporal and spatial relationships, transform objects various forms and magnitudes. The child, without realizing it, is practically included in a simple mathematical activity, while mastering the properties, relationships, connections and dependencies on objects and on a numerical level. The volume of representations should be considered as the basis of cognitive development. Cognitive and speech skills constitute, as it were, the technology of the process of cognition, a minimum of skills, without mastering which further knowledge of the world and the development of the child will be difficult. The activity of the child, aimed at cognition, is realized in meaningful independent gaming and practical activities, in cognitive developmental games organized by the educator. The adult creates conditions and conditions favorable for involving the child in the activity of comparison, counting, reconstruction, grouping, regrouping, etc. At the same time, the initiative in deploying the game,

5 actions belongs to the child. The educator singles out, analyzes the situation, directs the process of its development, and contributes to obtaining the result. The child is surrounded by games that develop his thought and introduce him to mental work. For example, games from the series: "Logic cubes", "Corners", "Make a cube" and others; from the series: "Cubes and color", "Fold the pattern", "Cube-chameleon" and others. You can not do without didactic aids. They help the child to isolate the analyzed object, to see it in all its variety of properties, to establish connections and dependencies, to determine elementary relationships, similarities and differences. Didactic aids that perform similar functions include Gyenes logical blocks, colored counting sticks (Kuizener sticks), models, and others. Playing and studying with children, the educator contributes to the development of their skills and abilities: - to operate with properties, relations of objects, numbers; identify the simplest changes and dependencies of objects in shape, size; - compare, generalize groups of objects, correlate, isolate patterns of alternation and succession, operate in terms of representations, strive for creativity; - show initiative in activities, independence in clarifying or putting forward a goal, in the course of reasoning, in fulfilling and achieving results; - talk about the action being performed or performed, talk with adults, peers about the content of the game (practical) action. on the fifth issue “The decision of the teachers' council, its discussion, additions, approval” First, the head Chernova O.N. held a business game "Pedagogical run" with teachers, and then decisions were discussed and made. Business game "Pedagogical run" Members of the teachers' council are divided into two teams using a lottery. 1 stop "Warm-up" Warm-up is presented in the form of tasks. Task 1: Three boys Kolya, Petya, Vanya went to the store. On the way to the store they found 5 rubles. How much money would Vanya find if he went to the store alone? (5 rubles) Task 2: The father has a son who is half his father's age. The son was born then. When my father was 24. How old is your son now? (24 years old) Task 3: There are 4 apples in the basket. Divide them among four people so that each person gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket? (Give one apple along with the basket) Task 4: Three brothers had 9 pencils. The youngest has one less pencil than the middle one; the older one has one more pencil. How

6 for the average. How many pencils does each brother have? (The younger one has 2, the middle one has 3, the older one has 4.) Task 5: If 10 pieces are transferred from one pile of notebooks to another, then there will be equal number of notebooks in the piles. How many more notebooks were in one pile than in the other? (for 20 notebooks). 2 stop "Guess" Solving mathematical crossword puzzles. The first command is the solution of the crossword on the topic " geometric figures". 1- A geometric figure with 6 angles 2- Geometric shapes similar to the sun 3- A section of mathematics at school that studies geometric shapes 4- The first geometric figure that preschoolers are introduced to 5- A lesson in a preschool educational institution in which geometric shapes are fixed with the help of buildings 5 - Geometric figure and headdress. POLYGOON CIRCLE (SPHERO-SHAPED) GEOMETRY SQUARE DESIGN CYLINDER The second command is the solution of the crossword puzzle on the topic “Mathematical riddles” I am a dash in grammar, And who am I in mathematics? Live in a difficult book Cunning little brothers. Ten of them, but these brothers Will count everything in the world. I don't look like a nickel, I don't look like a ruble.

7 I'm round, but not a fool, With a hole, but not a donut We are funny marks And we often meet In the diligent in the diary. Who often receives them will never get bored. The neck is long, the tail is crochet. And it's no secret: She loves all the lazy ones, And her lazy ones - no! I’m not an oval and not a circle I’m a friend of a triangle, I’m a brother of a rectangle, After all, my name is MINUS NUMBERS ZERO FIVE TWO SQUARE 3 stop “Kaleidoscope of fine arts” First team Make math puzzles on the topic “Numbers” Second team

8 Make puzzles on the theme "Geometric shapes" The jury summarizes the results of all competitions and announces the winning team. Decision: 1. Until the end of the academic year, use the teaching aid "Mathematics in Kindergarten" by V. P. Novikova to conduct classes on FEMP. 2. In the second half of the year we will work on the following task: "To educate the child's need for healthy way life, to improve the health-saving environment in kindergarten. In this regard: * hold a consultation "The role of preschool educational institutions in maintaining the physical and mental health of children" * bring physical education corners in the proper form in groups * carry out daily hardening procedures * observe the methodology and structure physical education classes, use physical culture uniform for children and teachers Crosswords for teams. 1. Horizontally: -polygon -geometry 2. Vertically: -cylinder -construction -circle -square 1 Horizontally: -digit -square -zero 2 Vertically: -figure -square -zero 2

9 minus Decisions of the pedagogical council: 1. Continue work on creating conditions aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. 2. Educators should focus on individually differentiated learning. 3. Adopt recommendations based on the results of the thematic review. 4. Supplement the existing file cabinets with the Express Games section. 5. When organizing a developing subject-spatial environment in groups, comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 6. Actively organize and conduct didactic games on mathematical topics with preschoolers.

MBDOU " Kindergarten 1 combined type "pgt. Zheshart Pedagogical Council "Development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers: problems and ways to solve them" Prepared by the senior teacher Belova A.A. 03/28/2016.

Message for the teachers' council on the topic "Formation of mathematical abilities in children, ways and forms of implementation" Objectives: to increase the level of knowledge of teachers on the FEMP methodology; master the methodology of development in children

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Protocol number 2.

CHAIRMAN: Guseva Olga Alexandrovna.

SECRETARY: Smolina Tamara Nikolaevna.

Total members of the pedagogical council: 12


Absent: 0


1.Report on the implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council Art. teacher Guseva O. A.

2. Monitoring analysis. Art. teacher Guseva O. A.

3. The results of the thematic control "Organization of the work of a kindergarten to preserve, improve the health of children, the formation of personal safety skills" and the competition of corners according to traffic rules Art. teacher Guseva O. A.

4. Analysis of incidence by groups. Art. teacher Guseva O. A.

5. "Psychological health of children as a goal and criterion for the success of the preschool educational institution" teacher-psychologist Dulinets M. O.

6. "The use of health-saving technologies in working with children" educator Chmir T.N.

7. "Game therapy, puppet therapy, Art therapy" music. leader Demidova V.V.

8. "Methodology for conducting gymnastics for the eyes" educator Lemeshova O.V.

9. Brainstorming Art. teacher Guseva O. A.

10. Reflection

1. Speaker: Atroshko Marina Mikhailovna, the teacher proposed to adopt the agenda of the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 2 in the proposed version.

"against" - 0 people.

Decided: To adopt the agenda of the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 1 in the proposed version.

2. Listened to: Guseva Olga Alexandrovna, Art. the educator announced the results of the implementation of the decisions of the previous teachers' council No. 1. She said that all decisions were implemented.

Speaker: Ivshina A.V., the teacher suggested taking the information into account

"against" - 0 people.

Decided to take note

3. Listened to: Guseva O. A. St. the educator acquainted the participants of the teachers' council with the analysis of monitoring. Voiced the OO with the lowest level: artistic, aesthetic and cognitive.

Speakers: Lemeshova O.V., the educator proposed to strengthen the work in these areas.

Makarova Olga Nikolaevna spoke, the teacher suggested holding seminars in these areas, where one could get acquainted with new technologies.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: Strengthen work in these areas and hold workshops in these areas, where you can get acquainted with new technologies.

4. Listened to: Guseva O. A. St. the teacher announced the results of the thematic control and the competition on traffic rules.

According to the results of the competition "The best corner for traffic rules" in the first place - the groups "Semitsvetik" and "Fairy Tale".

Speakers: Lemeshova O.V., the teacher suggested filling up the corners on traffic rules in all groups with didactic material.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: to replenish the corners according to traffic rules in all groups with didactic material.

5. Listened to: Guseva O. A., art. the teacher voiced the analysis of the incidence of children in MBDOU No. 86, made by nurse Petrogradova I. G.

Morbidity analysis in MBDOU No. 86:

Group "Rainbow" - 26 cases of morbidity 11% per month

Group "Rodnichok" - 73 cases of morbidity 28% per month

Group "Why" - 46 cases of morbidity 16% per month

Group "Fairy Tale" - 30 cases of morbidity 12% per month

Group "Semitsvetik" - 31 cases of morbidity 13% per month

Speakers: Ivshina A.V., the teacher proposed to develop a hardening system in groups and systematically harden children.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: Develop a hardening system in each age group to systematically harden children

6. Listened: Dulinets M. O., a pedagogue-psychologist, brought to the attention of teachers the report “Psychological health of children as goals and criteria for the success of the preschool educational institution”. Conducted an analysis of the work of MBDOU in this area and made recommendations to teachers

Speakers: Guseva O. A., Art. The teacher suggested using these recommendations in the work.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

7. Listened: Chmir T.N., the teacher acquainted the audience with the report “The use of health-saving technologies in working with children”.

Speakers: Atroshko M. M., the educator proposed to introduce new health-saving technologies in working with children.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: Introduce new health-saving technologies in work with children.

8. Listened to: V. V. Demidov, music. the leader brought to the attention of educators practical material on play therapy, puppet therapy, art therapy.

Speaker: Sazonova L.V., suggested using elements of play therapy, puppet therapy, Art therapy in her work.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Aleksandrovna put the proposal to the vote.

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: use elements of play therapy, puppet therapy, Art therapy in your work.

9. Listened to: Lemeshova O. V., the teacher brought to the attention of teachers a presentation on the topic "Methods of conducting gymnastics for the eyes."

Speakers: Smolina T.N., the educator proposed to study the methodology for conducting gymnastics for the eyes and introduce it into activities.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Alexandrovna put the proposal to the vote

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: study the methodology for conducting gymnastics for the eyes and introduce it into the activities of the preschool educational institution

10. Art. educator Guseva O.A. held a brainstorming session for teachers.

The speaker was: Kerzhentseva A.A., with a proposal to get acquainted with the regulatory documentation regulating the work to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

The Chairman of the Pedagogical Council Guseva Olga Alexandrovna put the proposal to the vote

"against" - 0 people.

Solution: get acquainted with the regulatory documentation regulating the work to preserve and improve the health of children.

Board decision:

1. Adopt the agenda of the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 1 in the proposed version.

2. Take note of the information

3. Strengthen work in these areas and hold workshops in these areas, where you can get acquainted with new technologies.

Timing: permanent

4. Fill up the corners according to traffic rules in all groups with didactic material.

Responsible: Art. educator, educators

Deadline: until May 20, 2014

5. Develop a hardening system in each age group to systematically harden children

Responsible: Art. educator, educators

Terms: until 20.08.2015

Deadline: permanent

7. Introduce new health-saving technologies in work with children

Responsible: educators, physical instructor. education, music leader, teacher-psychologist

Timing: permanent

8. Use elements of play therapy, puppet therapy, Art therapy in your work

Responsible: educators, physical instructor. education, music leader, teacher-psychologist

Timing: permanent

9. To study the methodology for conducting gymnastics for the eyes and introduce it into the activities of the preschool educational institution

Responsible: educators, physical instructor. education, music leader, teacher-psychologist

Terms: from 09.01.2015

10. Get acquainted with the regulatory documentation regulating the work to preserve and improve the health of children.

Responsible: Art. educator, educators, physical instructor education, music leader, teacher-psychologist

Chairman of the Pedagogical Council _______________

Guseva O. A.

Secretary of the Pedagogical Council _______________

The minutes of the meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution indicate:

1. Number of teachers' council;
2. Date of the event;
3. The number of those present, absent (the reason for the absence is indicated);
4. Subject;
5. Purpose;
6. Agenda.

This part of the protocol will look like this:

Protocol #2

meetings of the pedagogical council of MDOU

"..." from 12.10.2012

Total members of the teachers' council:


absent - 1 (vacation)

Subject: Cognitive-speech development of children through research activities. (Educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction")

Target: to increase the level of knowledge of teachers on the cognitive and speech development of children in the course of research activities.


1. Analysis of the cognitive-speech and social-personal development of preschoolers. Report of the senior educator

2. Exchange of experience in the development of search and experimental activities among preschoolers.

3. Results of open events.

4. Discussion and decision making.

At the beginning of the meeting of the pedagogical council, they listened to the information of the senior educator, full name, on the implementation of the decisions taken during the meeting of the pedagogical council No. 1 of 08/30/2012.

1. The senior educator F.I.O. spoke on the first question. She noted that the preschool educational institution has created conditions for working on the cognitive and speech development of preschoolers: card files on articulation gymnastics, finger games, didactic games, and manuals that contribute to the development of children's speech. In addition, there are table theaters in the groups, conditions have been created for organizing role-playing games, which contributes to the development of children's role-playing speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue with a peer partner, an adult partner. Kindergarten teachers successfully develop communication skills, both in natural communication and in non-traditional forms of speech activity. Work is underway to correct and develop the pronunciation side of speech, lexical volume and grammatical structure of speech, and literacy training. The institution has created optimal conditions for the development of mathematical concepts in children. Teachers in their work use developmental techniques aimed at developing intelligence and mastering communication skills.

2. Educator full name prepared a report on the topic: "Exchange of experience in the development of search and experimental activities among preschoolers."

The influence of the environment on the development of the child is enormous. Acquaintance with endless, constantly changing phenomena begins from the first years of a baby's life. The phenomena and objects of nature attract children with their beauty, brightness of colors, diversity. Watching them, the child enriches his sensory experience, on which his further creativity is based. The deeper the child learns the mysteries of the world around him, the more questions he has. The main task of an adult is to help the child find answers to these questions on their own.

The development of research abilities is one of the most important tasks of modern education. The knowledge gained as a result of one's own experiment, research search is much stronger and more reliable for the child than the information about the world that is obtained by reproductive means.

A wonderful means of intellectual development of children is experimentation. Experimentation permeates all spheres of children's activity: eating, playing, exercising, walking, sleeping. Children show a cognitive interest in practical experiments, which contributes to the awakening of children's curiosity, involving the child in the active development of the world around them.

In the process of experimentation, children get the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, researcher, discoverer. At the same time, an adult is not a teacher-mentor, but an equal partner, an accomplice in activity, which allows the child to show his own research activity.

Educator Full name prepared a report on the work done on the topic: "The development of cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation."

The exploratory behavior of a preschooler is the main source of obtaining ideas about the world. The task of educators is to help children in research. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the research topic: it should be interesting to the child, meet the age characteristics of children. The group has created conditions for conducting research - a corner of experimentation, the material in the corner of experimentation corresponds to the average level of development of the child. Experimental work arouses the child's interest in the study of nature, develops mental operations, stimulates the cognitive activity and curiosity of the child, activates the perception of educational material to familiarize with natural phenomena, with the basics of mathematical knowledge, with the ethical rules of life in society.

FULL NAME. spoke about the principles that she adheres to in her work: the principle of consistency, the principle of seasonality, the principle of integration, the principle of continuity of interaction with the child in a preschool and family. She also said what role the family plays in the development of the search and research activity of the child.

3. The senior educator F.I.O. spoke on the third question. She said that in preparation for the teachers' council, open viewings of GCD were organized in the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten.

In the middle group, the GCD was viewed on the topic: "One and two." Educational area "Cognition". Educator Full name

Educator Full name prepared and conducted GCD in the middle group on the topic: "Vegetables - fruits." Educational area "Communication".

Master class in the senior group

information about those present and absent, determining the eligibility of the council of teachers;

information on the implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting and the progress of implementation of decisions with a longer term;

Introductory speech by the chairman of the council of teachers on the topic, agenda, the significance of solving the problem posed for the entire staff of the preschool educational institution;

Discussion of issues in accordance with the agenda;

· concluding remarks by the chairman of the council with an analysis of the work done, discussion of the draft decision;

Usually, during the meeting, a draft protocol is drawn up, which is then, within five days, properly executed. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. Competent protocol writing is a kind of art. It is recommended that a secretary be elected for at least an academic year. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

It must be remembered that protocols are mandatory reporting documentation. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the secretary clearly records the speeches of the participants in the meeting, i.e. his notes should reflect an objective picture of how the discussion went, on what issues the discussion unfolded, how the teachers' council came to certain decisions. If the members of the pedagogical council make a report, report, message presented in writing, then an entry is made in the protocol: “The text of the report (report, message) is attached.” When making decisions requiring a vote, it is mandatory to note how many votes are for, against, or abstained.

Due to the fact that in kindergartens the meetings of the council of teachers are thematic in nature, it is possible to make general decisions on the issues stated on the agenda.

At the meetings of the pedagogical council are discussed:

Issues of upbringing and educational work with children;

use of new achievements in science and teaching practice;

existing shortcomings, decisions taken to eliminate them;

questions of deception by experience.

The final word of the chairman of the teachers' council should be short, specific, contain constructive suggestions. It is not always justified to include minor issues of a domestic, economic and organizational nature in it. These issues need to be discussed at meetings. In the topics submitted to the teachers' council, the nature of their consideration, the behavior of teachers at the pedagogical council, as well as in relation to it, the professional level of the leadership of the preschool educational institution is manifested.

In order for the teachers' council to be a governing body, and its decision to be effective and conducive to improving work with children, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

An important condition for the organization of the teachers' council is the relevance of the issues under consideration. Teachers are only interested in those that help the practical solution of problems that cause difficulties for most members of the team, as well as new ones. pedagogical technologies, copyright developments.

The thoughtful placement of its participants also contributes to the creation of a working mood at the teachers' council. For example, depending on the purpose of the council of teachers, their workplaces can be arranged as follows:

frontal arrangement (chairman against those present) is necessary when the meeting is informative;

· « round table» useful for equal collective discussion of pressing issues;

The "triangle" allows you to highlight the leading role of the leader and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;

work in "small groups", i.e. 3-4 people at separate tables (solution of pedagogical situations);

· for the discussion, it is possible to provide for the frontal arrangement of groups - participants defending their positions.

A detailed agenda with questions for discussion should be posted no later than two to three weeks before the meeting of the pedagogical council. An exhibition is being arranged in the methodological office, for example, "we are preparing for the teachers' council." Within two months, preparations are underway for the teachers' council, at this time it is recommended to create a working group that will organize it.

The teachers' council of any form necessarily requires an analysis of the results with answers to next questions: what was achieved and what was not possible during the discussion; which of the educators was active and who was passive and why; what lessons can be learned from the experience gained; how to influence individual passive teachers. Various services of the preschool educational institution and pedagogical workers take part in the preparation of the teachers' council.

The Pedagogical Council helps in the formation of a team of like-minded people, creates conditions for the analysis and evaluation of existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements modern science and best practice.

Algorithm for the preparation of the teachers' council

Self-analysis of work on the problem, followed by a conversation with a methodologist.

Preparation of draft decisions of the teachers' council.

When planning the teachers' council, it is necessary to provide for the active participation of all age groups and all teachers.

Any teacher of a preschool educational institution can be elected the chairman of the teachers' council, but most often they are heads or a methodologist. Like the secretary of the Council, he is elected for the period specified in the charter of the DOW, but not less than 1 year.
