Tuberose, polyanthes (lat.Polianthes tuberosa) are the names of the same plant, which, along with dracaena, aloe, hosta and lily of the valley, belongs to the Asparagus family (lat.Asparagaceae) and the subfamily Agave (lat.Agavoideae). The nodule type of the root system (in Latin tuber - root) and appearance (from Latin polianthes - multicolor) determined the name of the plant.

Mexico is recognized as the birthplace of tuberose. The Aztecs used the flower for rituals and hair decoration. In the countries of Central America, tuberose grows in wildlife, and after the discovery of America, it was transported to Asia, Europe and Africa. The plant has successfully taken root in a zone of tropical and equatorial climate, and today it is successfully cultivated in China, Korea, India, Morocco. Upon arrival in Hawaii, you will be sure to put on a wreath of flowers, among which the most fragrant will be polyanthes. In Europe, tuberose is grown exclusively in greenhouses, because it is demanding on temperature and humidity.

Depending on the species, the plant reaches 100 cm in height with the inflorescence released on the stem. At the base, tuberose is covered with elongated leaves, the length of which is 30-45 cm. It blooms according to the same principle as other agave plants - hosta, antericum. Polyantes produces a stem that grows upward, which at the top is covered with spike-shaped inflorescences of flowers 5-6 cm long and 3-5 cm in diameter, as if molded from white wax. One spikelet can have up to 30 flowers, which, after flowering, form a box with seeds.

The uniqueness of tuberose is that, blooming, the inflorescence retains its original appearance for three weeks, exuding a unique, indescribable aroma. It has long been recognized in the world of perfumery as an aphrodisiac, and is used in the manufacture of eau de parfum or eau de toilette (Michael by Michael Kors, Narcotic Venus by Nasomatto, Tubereuse Criminelle by Serge Lutens), aromatic oils, and extracts for the chemical industry. The wonderful aroma of tuberose is also indicated by its popular names - "Queen of aromas", "Queen of smells".

Tuberose species suitable for home cultivation

There are 13 types of tuberose, but only two types are grown at home: broadleaf polyanthes (P. platyphillus Traub et Moldenke) and tuberous polyanthes (P. tuberosa L.).

The broadleaf polyanthes is a wild plant. Propagated by small bulbs with a diameter of 2-3 cm.After the plant has taken root, it releases a stem up to 100 cm long in April-May, at the top of which single flowers are formed with a diameter of 4-5 cm

Tuberous polyanthes is a botanical species. The bulbs are large, of which grass-like leaves sprout up to 45 cm long. The stem with a peduncle reaches 100 cm along with the peduncle (terry varieties are much lower, do not grow up to 50 cm). Flowers do not grow singly, but in pairs, gathering in the form of a spikelet. Cultivated tuberose blooms in August-September and blooms for a whole month. The aroma is much stronger and richer than that of broadleaf polyanthes.

The most common steel grades:

  • Polianthes tuberosa "The Pearl" (English "pearl"). It is an ornamental variety characterized by large double flowers that form an ear. The plant is not tall, it cannot be taller than 65 cm with the peduncle. It is used for growing in room conditions.
  • Polianthes tuberosa "Sensation" (English "Sensation"). The variety stands out for its bright mauve flowers.

Variety "Pearl" and "Sensation"
  • Polianthes tuberosa "Yellow Baby" (English "Yellow doll"). The flowers are colored pastel yellow.
  • Polianthes tuberosa "Pink Sapphire" (English "Pink Sapphire"). Spectacular variety with large purple flowers.

Variety "Yellow Doll" and "Pink Sapphire"
  • Polianthes tuberosa "Shringar" (hindi "decoration"). An industrial variety characterized by pinkish flowers that exude a powerful, dizzying aroma. Poorly adaptable to home conditions, grown for the needs of perfumery in China and India on plantations.

Collection of tuberose flowers

Tuberose care at home

Now tuberose is undeservedly forgotten - the most beautiful and fragrant flower can be seen only in greenhouses and in the apartments of the most enthusiastic florists. And even in the 19th century, tuberose adorned many noble houses, bouquets were made from it, flowers were dried for herbariums, and even poets dedicated their poems to the queen of smells.

Time passed, other house plants appeared, not so refined, but at the same time well adapted for indoor use. But tuberose has become. Is it really that hard to grow tuberose at home? Definitely yes. The hot and humid climate of the tropics is difficult to recreate in an apartment. But still, knowing some secrets, it is quite possible. So, let's listen to the advice of a specialist ...

Temperature and lighting

Tuberose grows naturally in the countries of Central America, where the air temperature during the year rarely drops below +20 0 C. The plant dies when the thermometer reading drops to +15 0 C. When growing polyanthes in a pot at home, you need to remember that that the beginning of the growing season should coincide with a stable heat in the room.

The plant is as demanding for lighting as for heat. If you live on a ground floor darkened by other houses, or in an apartment with windows facing the north side, stop breeding tuberose. If in the summer the sun burns out all living things mercilessly, cover the glass from the flower side with plain white paper to create partial shade. In the case when you can't get away from the sun's rays, increase the watering of the plant and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Watering and humidity

Watering with moderate solar activity is done every other day. Apply soft standing water. If possible, water the plant with bottled still water. A pot with a diameter of 17 cm uses half a liter of water heated in the sun. If tuberose grows on the south side and there is too much sun, water a glass of water daily. After the liquid collects in the pan, drain it. Stagnant water at the bottom will adversely affect the condition of the bulbs.

Dry air is intolerable for a plant. Keep a spray bottle of water near the flower pot and spray it several times a day. Maintain air humidity between 50% and 80%. Spray the foliage on particularly hot days if the flower is in diffused light. Direct sun rays may burn foliage if it contains water droplets.


With the help of pruning, tuberose can be sent to forced rest. This manipulation is carried out in two cases:

  1. In autumn, after the end of the flowering period, the leaves droop and turn yellow. So that the nutrients go not to the greens, but to the rhizome, the ground growth is completely cut off, and the watering of the plant stops at the same time.
  2. In the event of improper care of tuberose (overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers, excessive soil moisture), it stretches upward, and the peduncle can weaken and destroy it. In this case, the leaves are cut off, feeding and watering ends, and the bulb is sent to a forced rest in a cool place (for example, a basement).

When a stem with flowers is released, the leaves may wilt. Trim injured and dry foliage to maintain the aesthetic appearance of tuberose.

Soil and fertilizing

The soil for growing tuberose must be fertile and light. You can make a ground cocktail yourself.

Option 1. Based on orchid substrate. We use a pot of 17 cm in diameter.

  • at the bottom of the pot, put a drainage mixture of equal proportions of fine expanded clay, sand and dry chicken manure. The layer will take up ¼ of the volume;
  • mix orchid substrate, sphagnum moss and sand in equal parts. The layer will take up another ½ of the pot's volume;
  • pour a thin layer of charcoal on which the bulbs are laid out;
  • pour a 2-3 cm layer on top of the orchid mixture;
  • after the sprouts appear, the soil must be covered with expanded clay or sphagnum so that moisture in the sun does not quickly evaporate;

Option 2. Based on a universal primer.

  • pour boiling water over sawdust;
  • let them dry completely;
  • dissolve the universal fertilizer "Nitrofoska" (2 grams per 1 liter);
  • mix sawdust with solution and put them in a pot;
  • corms are laid out in them;
  • put mulch on top;

Tuberose responds well to fertilizing, which should be applied 3-4 times per season. In addition to the usual liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, you can use a solution of bird droppings (1 g per 2 liters of water) or mullein (1 g per liter of water). Do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the plant will stretch out and weaken. It is enough to insert a fertilizer stick to provide the necessary microelements.

Transplant and reproduction

Tuberose blooms at a temperature of +15 0 С, but she does not like transplants and divisions to such an extent that it can die even if all the rules are followed.

There is a myth that the polyanthes tuber produces a peduncle only once in a lifetime. Yes and no. This flower belongs to the amaryllis family, because the bulb throws out an arrow with a peduncle, as do daffodils, snowdrops, amaryllis. But, unlike them, the tuberose bulb dies off after flowering, dries up and, naturally, cannot give more arrows. However, during the dormant period, many young bulbs appear in place of the mother bulb, which gain strength in a year, and after 8-9 months they themselves will release an arrow with flowers.

Tuberose is very sensitive to transplantation and division. If manipulation is made even at the very beginning of the growing season (the first signs of life), the plant may not survive this, it will dry out or rot right in the ground. Therefore, division is carried out in early April, provided that tuberose has not been transplanted during the year. If tuberose has shown the first signs and the vegetation process has begun (green shoots have appeared), division is no longer possible. Wait for the polyanthes to release the leaves, flower stalk and bloom.

The rest period begins around September-October. To prepare tuberose, prune all terrestrial vegetation and stop watering until March-April of next year. Before the first spring watering, remove the tubers from the ground and separate the children. The plant tolerates spring separation painlessly. Hold the nodules in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours to disinfect the wounds.

[!] An arrow with a peduncle is given by a bulb larger than 2 cm in diameter. Small "kids" still need to grow 1-2 seasons and not wait for flowering.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Tuberose is susceptible to the same diseases as others houseplants... An excess of nitrogen fertilizers leads to the appearance of mites and slugs. As a preventive measure, regular loosening is used, sprinkling the surface with wood ash.

Spider mites, which appear on plants due to an excess of sunlight and a lack of moisture, are fought with the help of "Kleschevit", "Aktellik", "Fitoverma". The signal to fight insects is dark spots on the leaves. Yellowed tips and twisted foliage indicate an infestation of the bulb. If you plant tuberose in dense soil, the rhizome will be susceptible to fusarium, a fungus that causes rot. The only method of struggle is to dig up the plant, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate or "foundationol" and dry it at a high temperature.

For preventive purposes, before planting in the soil add a few peas "Trichodermina". The drug will prevent fungal pests from damaging the bulb and speed up the rooting process.

Personal experience of growing tuberose

As mentioned above, tuberose is very capricious and whimsical in cultivation. I also tried to grow a fragrant beauty at home, but unfortunately I failed. I am describing my story.

April, the leaden haze in the sky, which has been hanging since October, dissipated. The snow melted, the smell of spring smelled outside, the windowsills were filled with boxes with seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. It's time to start growing tuberose, I decided. I prepared a beautiful pot, poured fine expanded clay on the bottom, warmed the earthen substrate to room temperature. I took out from the refrigerator a polyanthes bulb, bought a month ago in a well-known and respectable online store. I planted the rhizome according to all the rules, watered it and put it on the windowsill. A week later, tender light green sprouts emerged. And suddenly the unexpected happened. Who knew that at the end of April, when the heating was already turned off, frost would suddenly hit. And so that heating was resumed throughout the city, and it was announced on television that agriculture huge damage was done.

Despite the fact that the windows in my apartment are plastic, they still somehow let the cold air through. If I could wrap myself in a sweater or a blanket, then it was impossible to do this with a flower. The water bottle for watering the flowers was so cold that it was put in the refrigerator for an hour. It was +18 0 C in the apartment, and it was during the day, and it is difficult to imagine what the poor exotic tuberose had to endure, especially at night.

The frosts lasted for about five days, after which came a real violent spring with warmth, sun and swelling buds. But tuberose could not live to see it. The sprouts softened, I realized that something had happened. She stopped watering, put it in a sunny place. But resuscitation was useless. I took out the onion, it was half-decomposed, while the soil was not too wet. I think the tender tuberose bulb could not withstand such a sharp drop in temperature.

What conclusion can be drawn? Wait, don't rush. Plant the bulbs only when no frost is scary. Even in indoor conditions, because the windows freeze and the cold from them reflects on the plants. Let the polyanthes be planted in early May. Yes, it will bloom later, but nothing threatens it. On a warm windowsill, with abundant feeding, tuberose will grow faster, and the peduncle will give earlier.

Conclusion: to grow tuberose on your windowsill, you need to follow the commandments:

  • Watch the temperature, it should not drop below 20 0 С.
  • Choose a loose soil, or make the mixture yourself.
  • Do not keep the flower pot in the sun, create diffused light.
  • Do not overmoisten the soil or take long breaks between watering.
  • Tie up the stem with the flower stalk so that it does not break under the weight of the flowers.
  • Feed several times per season.
  • After flowering is over, stop watering and rest the plant in a cool place until spring.
  • Remember to separate the mother plant from the babies.
  • Let the baby bulbs harden and reach a diameter of 2-3 cm, only then they will give an arrow with flowers.

Both in the world of people and in the world of plants, all beauties are very capricious. But their beauty is worth taking good care of. Take a little time for tuberose and the result will not be long in coming: your home will be decorated with wonderful flowers, and the magic aroma will charm and bewitch.

(13 assessments, the average: 4.46 of 5)

Tuberose or polyanthes (lat.Polianthes) is a genus of perennial flowering corms herbaceous plants subfamily Agave (lat. Agavoideae) of the family Asparagus (lat. Asparagaceae). Mexico is considered the homeland.


The root system is represented by a corm with a filmy coating and a diameter of 2-7 cm. At the bottom, powerful cord-like roots are formed, reaching 30 cm. Leaves of parallel venation, linear, elongated, about 40 cm, are located at the base of the stem. The leafy stem ends in a spike-shaped inflorescence, the height reaches 1 m.


The inflorescence consists of 15-30 flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm. The buds are pink, the blossoming flowers are white, funnel-shaped, waxy, with dense petals and a legendary aroma. In culture, since the 16th century, as a result of long-term selection, terry forms, pink, yellow, purple or lilac, have been bred. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds are flat.

In natural conditions, flowering lasts from July to October. In culture, each flower does not fade for 4-5 days, and the inflorescence as a whole lasts about 3 weeks. Each corm blooms only once in a lifetime, in the following seasons it can be used to reproduce tuberose.

Promising species for floriculture

The genus has 13 species. Deserve attention:

Polyantes broadleaf (P. platyphillus) has broad-linear, shiny, light green basal leaves. The bulbs are 5 cm long and 3 cm across. Single flowers with a diameter of 4 cm, drooping with a barely perceptible fragrance. Spring bloom (April-May), lasts about a month.

Industrial plantation of polyanthes

Tuberous polyantes (P. tuberosa) 0.8-1 m high. Basal leaves reach a length of 50 cm, located on a stem up to 6 cm. Flowers 5-6 cm in diameter, tubular. Their number in a spike-like loose inflorescence is from 10 to 30, depending on the strength of the root system and agricultural technology. The original look with white flowers, but it is based on varieties that have pink, salmon, purple color and a double shape. The corm is filmy, gives a large number of children. The aroma is very strong, it can change depending on the time of day. Used in perfumery.

  • The variety "The Pearl" is terry, very fragrant, the leaf plate is up to 30 cm. The height of the perennial is 45-65 cm. The flowers, opening, become like white stars, up to 5 cm in diameter. In our climate, it is often used for planting in pots.
  • The variety "Pearl" is semi-double, with an amazing aroma. The leaves are long, bright green, slightly blue. A well-lit and drained place for planting is chosen, light partial shade is possible. The height of this varietal form is 0.6-0.9 m, the flowers are white waxy. Blooms in late summer, early autumn.
  • Shringar is used for industrial floriculture, pinkish in color.

Photo gallery of views

Growing and care

In our country, it is widely cultivated in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. AT middle lane successful breeding of polyanthes in open ground difficult taskbut doable. If in the south the corms can simply be planted in a permanent place, then in colder conditions they are first germinated. To do this, they are placed in moist moss or peat, and kept warm and dark until sprouts appear. First, the corms are placed in pots with a light nutrient substrate, and only in May, when the threat of frost has completely passed, are they transplanted into the soil. It is advisable to plant it on a sand cushion to avoid stagnant water and improve drainage.

The cultivation of this southern beauty using gladioli technology is no less popular. Before freezing, underground parts are dug out, washed, and if necessary, disinfected. Dried and stored at a temperature of 10-15 ° C, sprinkled with sawdust or sand. The leaves are removed after they have completely dried out. You can store healthy dumplings with babies with a clod of earth.

Sprouted tuberose corms with undivided babies

Growing tuberose in a container way gives good results in temperate latitudes. Tuberose is planted in a container in February. Sprouts appear only after a month. When they grow up, the container is placed in the light, watered regularly. As soon as the air temperature becomes high enough, the container with the grown perennial is taken out into the street, first placed in a shaded place, and only after 2 weeks it is exposed to direct sunlight. They feed them several times during the season. Flowering occurs in late summer. In autumn, before frost, the container is brought into storage (dry cellar or shed). The leaf mass is not cut off, it dries slowly, giving nutrients to the root system. This method is also suitable for growing at home.

Polyantes container growing

Polyantes successfully develops in open sunny areas with fertile and not too light soil, good drainage is required. It does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil. The bulbs are not buried, their tops do not need to be covered.

It is better to water it with warm water. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers is recommended, but they must be balanced, an excess of nitrogen provokes stretching and lodging. Organic addition gives good results too. Vegetation is slow, from the emergence of shoots to flowering takes 3-6 months. When buying planting material, choose corms more than 2 cm in diameter (smaller ones will not bloom in the current season), cone-shaped, the base should be convex.

Polyantes at the beginning of the growing season

Tuberose is not able to winter in our climate in the open field. Already at a temperature of -2 ° C, it can freeze. The entire perennial or its underground parts must be stored indoors until the next season. Cultivation in pot culture or for distillation is widespread. This way you can achieve flowering at any time of the year. For forced immersion during a dormant period, cut off the leaf mass and stop watering. Then it is dug up and stored.

Exquisite tuberose bridal bouquet


During the season, the corm forms many children (up to 20 pcs.), Their size depends on nutrition and other conditions. In the middle of summer, young plants can be separated from mother plants. From them, by the end of the season, they receive a full-fledged planting material that can bloom next year. But it happens that flowering occurs only in the 2-3rd year. It is not necessary to do this, the children can be removed after digging.

Children are not separated from the dug out corms prepared for storage. There is a danger of drying out. This is done only in the spring before planting and then only when necessary. Some flower growers advise not to disturb the natural harmony by planting the nest of bulbs as they are. This is not true, since each child does not even bloom, forms its own children. As a result, the corms lack space and nutrition, and they grow poorly.

Growing tuberose from seeds is possible only under specially created conditions, in regions with a warm mild climate.

Tuberose corm with babies

Diseases and pests

Tuberose is not susceptible to diseases in the open field. The essential oils exuded by the plant repel many pests. But sometimes it suffers from spider mites and aphids. Control measures are standard, spraying with insecticides helps well. With a large distribution of bears throughout the entire area, they also damage polyanthes.

Cut polyantes

Use in landscape design

Once upon a time, tuberose was incredibly popular, it was sung and poems were written about it. Then it was forgotten for quite a long time. However, now the well-deserved success is returning, these beautiful flowering plants in retro style returned to garden fashion. Of course, this tender culture is most popular in the southern regions. But she is so attractive that she will become the highlight of any flower garden.

Outdoor tuberose

Good neighbor for polyanthes, gladiolus is considered. They are similar in cultivation technology and are in perfect harmony. When gladioli have already faded, tuberose buds bloom. Thus, a section is formed continuous flowering... Exceptionally effective in flower beds, look great in plantings in dense curtains. They are used in rabatkas, in front of them it is worth planting undersized flowering or decorative deciduous plants. Designers like to place containers with tuberose on open terraces, in gazebos. It is believed that the fragrance of this plant and all its beauty are revealed on a quiet summer evening.

In the potting culture, it decorates rooms, loggias, balconies. It must be understood that the aroma of tuberose is very rich and bright, it is better to keep it in a well-ventilated room. Used by florists for cutting. This type of application is promising, is gaining more and more popularity and is becoming fashionable. Does not fade in a vase for about 2 weeks. The essential oils of this plant have been used in the perfumery industry for a very long time. They are considered among the most expensive.

Tuberose, garden form with lilac flowers

The famous French perfumer Francois Demachy, the creator of fragrances under the Christian Dior brand, calls tuberose an incomparable exotic flower. For many years in a row, he travels to India to the Madurai flower market in the city of Tamil Nadu, where he personally buys polyanthes for the J'adore fashion series.

1389 03/10/2019 7 minutes

For modern gardeners, there is a huge variety of ornamental plants: both exotic and unusual, and with a particularly attractive appearance... However, there are plants that remain in vogue all the time, thanks to their unsurpassed decorative qualities and other advantages.

Such representatives of the flora include tuberose - Byron's favorite flower, and the most popular garden plant 19th century. Tuberose has an extremely decorative appearance and has a delicate, attractive aroma. In the article, we will consider the features of this plant: we will find out how to grow tuberose in the open field, and how to properly care for this delicate beauty.


Tuberose has another name - polyanthes, and refers to plants of a perennial type of the asparagus family, the agave subfamily. The plant is native to Mexico, and today there are 13 varieties of tuberose. Polyantes was cultivated in the 16th century - and since then it has been pleasing to the eye not only of villagers in the outback of distant countries, but also of townspeople around the world.

The plant is distinguished by straight stems, rather dense, wide leaves. Delicate decorative flowers collected in beautiful inflorescences. The tuberose inflorescence consists of 15 to 30 small flowers, each of which has a diameter of 3-5 cm. After flowering ends, the tuberose fruit ripens: a small flat seed capsule.

The plant can reach a height of half a meter to a meter, and the color of its flowers is predominantly white, yellowish or pinkish. By the way, now breeders have already bred new varieties of polyanthes, which have wonderful flowers of purple, pink color, and a double texture.

Tuberose is prized by gardeners for its decorative effect, and by perfumers for its delicate, delicate aroma. This fragrance has served as the basis for many renowned and world famous perfumes. Interestingly, some varieties of polyanthes exude such a strong odor (albeit pleasant) that it even causes a headache in some people.

The video shows the blooming of tuberose:

In addition to perfumery, tuberose petals are also used to create a special cosmetic oil. This substance has extraordinarily valuable properties and is one of the most expensive types of cosmetic products.

The flowering of the plant is long lasting, and lasts from July to October. This is also an important reason for the popularity of tuberose among gardeners.

We will find out what rules must be followed in order to competently plant tuberose in open ground.

Tuberose is usually not planted immediately in open ground: too cold climate is an obstacle. At first, the tubers are germinated at home, and only then are they transplanted outside. To germinate, the tubers are placed in peat or moss, placed in a warm place, and watered. Keep in mind that tubers germinate best in the dark. After the shoots appear, the seed is transplanted into pots with an earth substrate.

It is best to plant tuberose in open ground at the end of April-May, and not earlier. It is in this month that stable heat is already established in most territories of our country, and the likelihood of frosts and nighttime cold snaps is excluded. The best time - from April 20 to May 10: this period is suitable for most regions of Russia, except for the Far North and Siberia. But how the planting takes place, and how the grooming of the Gatsania flowers takes place, this will help to understand

For the plant to take root well outside, prepare the soil for it in the garden bed. It is important that the tuber is planted in a sandy cushion, which will provide excellent drainage to the roots: the plant does not like stagnant water.

Before placing the bulb in open ground, treat it with Biostim or Fitosporin. This measure will warn possible diseases plants, its damage, decay.

When transplanted into the ground, the plants deepen by about one to two centimeters. As a rule, the transplant of tuberose tolerates "with a bang", so there should be no difficulties in this case. By placing the tubers in the ground, you do not need to cover them with earth from above: the polyanthes will take root even without much deepening.

On the video - planting tuberose in the ground:


Useful tips for caring for a delicate beauty tuberose.

If gladioli or freesias are already growing in your garden, then caring for tuberose will be almost the same as caring for these flowers. You can simply combine all the stages of caring for these plants. For those who have no experience in flower care, it is worth listening to our useful recommendations.

The soil

The land must be well-drained: tuberose does not tolerate swampy soil. For the successful cultivation of tuberose, fertile, loose soil and a sunny garden area are needed. If the sunny meadows in the garden are already occupied, then the polyanthes will agree to a place with diffused lighting. The main thing is that there is no wind there, and there is enough light.

The plant needs intense, abundant lighting: darkness and shade are not for tuberose. An exception is midday direct sunlight: it is better to protect the plant from them, shading for a while.


Than sunniest place the growth of tuberose, the more moisture it needs. But in any case, watering should be regular, but not too abundant: tuberose has delicate roots, and does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil.

Keep in mind that the water for irrigation should be warm: in this case, the plant will feel much more comfortable and will thank you decorative floweringand good growth... No watering is required in rainy weather.

It will also be interesting to see what a horizontal Andorra compact juniper looks like:

Top dressing

The plant needs and reacts remarkably to competent feeding. She loves both mineral and organic species. Per summer period it is necessary to feed the flower three times, evenly distributing the food over time.

It is worth knowing that the lack of nutrients is difficult for tuberose, and immediately demonstrates this by the lack of flowering, and the loss of decorative leaves.

It is not necessary to feed the polyanthes with too much nitrogenous fertilizers. An excess of nitrogen can provoke an ugly stretching of plant stems and, as a result, their occurrence.


After the plant has bloomed in October and a seed capsule has formed, it is necessary to dig out the polyanthes bulbs from the ground: they will definitely not survive our harsh winter in the freezing soil.

So, in the fall, before frosts, the tubers are removed from the ground, washed, and lightly disinfected. After that, the seed is dried and stored in a dark, dry place until spring.

The storage temperature should be within + 10-15 degrees. You need to store tuberose tubers in sawdust or dry sand. And remove the leaves only after they are completely dry. Suitable for this

Diseases and pests

In general, in the open field, the plant is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. This resistance is due to the strong scent of the flower: most pests are simply afraid of it. However, sometimes aphids or thrips can attack tuberose. To cope with these harmful insects, you can use the appropriate fungicides.

Sometimes tuberose can also be affected by spider mites. They also fight this insect by spraying. If a bear has multiplied in the garden in large numbers, then it will also hit the polyanthes.

Growing in a container

We will learn about the features of the so-called "container" growing of tuberose. Many gardeners recommend this method of growing a plant outdoors.

In this case, the tubers are placed in the container as early as February. After the first shoots appear in March, the container is exposed to the light, and regular watering must begin.

When it becomes already warm outside, containers with tuberose can be taken out into the air and placed in a shaded area of \u200b\u200bthe garden. When the plants get used to it, after a couple of weeks you can already expose them to the sun.


Tuberose bulb for summer season overgrows with many children - sometimes it reaches up to 20 "offspring". Already in the middle of summer, children can be separated from the mother's tuber. Viable babies are those that have a diameter of about 2 cm: by the end of the current season, it is quite possible to get a full-fledged seed for the next season from them. Keep in mind that babies left on the tubers after digging up should overwinter on the mother's bulb.

As for seed propagation, this method is only suitable for areas with a very mild, warm climate. In addition, the plant will need special conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.), which is too complicated. And this information will help to understand how it happens.

Tip: If you buy tubers from the store, carefully inspect them before purchasing. It is best to choose bulbs with a diameter of no more than 2 cm, with a pronounced cone-shaped, convex base.

Application in design

Tuberose looks great in a company with gladiolus. Plants are somewhat similar, caring for them is the same, so it is also convenient to grow them nearby. In addition, the beginning of flowering of tuberose falls exactly at the end of the decorative period of gladiolus. Thus, the bed will not be empty.

Tuberoses look great in rabatkas, in a company with undersized ornamental plants... In addition, they can be used as a pot plant for open balconies, terraces. And this is how they look coniferous trees at landscape design, can be seen in this

Tuberose is well worth cutting: this quality is appreciated and used by florists with might and main. The plant, under favorable conditions, may not wither in the cut state even for two weeks. But when making bouquets of tuberose, keep in mind that the aroma of the flower is very dense and intense. Therefore, it is advisable to keep these bouquets in a well-ventilated area.

Nowadays it is very difficult to surprise gardeners engaged in the cultivation of garden flowers. After all, there are a lot of flowering plants - perennial or annual - for landscaping garden plots. Knowledgeable growers can make a choice in favor of certain plants for sites. But beginner growers have a hard time - what flowering plants are better to choose for the site, if the choice is so huge? There is an excellent choice - tuberose. These flowers have a lot of advantages, the main ones of which are a beautiful decorative appearance, an unearthly aroma and sufficient ease of care.


Tuberoses were especially popular two centuries ago, but in the last century they were practically forgotten. Now the fashion for growing tuberose is returning, so let us remind you how to grow this flower, care for it, and what flowers will be the optimal neighbors for this plant.


Tuberose (bot. Name - polyanthes) refers to perennials from the Asparagus family. Originally from Central America, this flower is mainly found in Mexico. There are 13 known varieties of this plant.


Tuberose, or Tuberous Polyantes (lat.Polianthes tuberosa) - perennial genus Polianthes of the subfamily Agavoideae of the Asparagaceae family.


This corm perennial has erect stems, foliage is most often alternate, wide. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, the petals seem to be molded from wax. Fruits are capsules in which flat small seeds ripen.

The height of the stems ranges from 0.45 to 1.0 m, and the inflorescences are colored white or pink. Over time, thanks to the efforts of breeders, varieties with other petal colors - yellow, purple, violet - appeared, and the flowers themselves became double. These varieties of tuberose are very beautiful, they will decorate any garden, as they are incredibly beautiful, very fragrant, and flowering continues from the first decade of July to mid-October.

The aroma of the flowers is so strong that if you stay near tuberoses for a long time, you may get a headache.

But the aroma changes during the day. When the tuberose buds begin to bloom, they are like bells, small, delicate and very delicate.

This perennial is propagated by tubers and their children. Occasionally propagated by seed. Tuberose can be propagated by cuttings, as well as by shoots growing from lateral buds.

Varieties of tuberose

There are more than ten varieties of tuberose, but only two of them and a few more decorative species are cultivated in our country.

In this type of tuberose, the corms are oblong, in length it grows to 4.5 - 5 cm, and in width - about 3 cm. Only one stem grows from one bulb, straight. Foliage grows in this tuberose only at the base of the flower. The foliage is wide, linear, shiny, bright emerald in color, collected at the base of the stem in a rosette. The inflorescence is spike-shaped, the flowers in it are bright white with a radius of about 2 cm. The inflorescences exude a delicate, delicate, not strong aroma. Broad-leaved tuberose blooms in mid and late spring.

Tuberose tuberous

The height of this variety of polyanthes is 0.8 - 1.0 m. The narrow flexible foliage is collected in a basal rosette, the length of one leaf is up to 0.5 m. At the bottom of the stem, sessile small foliage grows. The length of each leaf is no more than 4.5 - 5 cm. The peduncle is erect, not pubescent, at the end of which snow-white tubular flowers bloom, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of a loose shape. The radius of each flower is 2.5 - 3 cm. Their aroma is very strong. Each of the inflorescences contains from 10 to 30 blossoming buds.

Decorative varieties of tuberose


Terry variety with a persistent strong aroma. The height of the variety is 0.45 - 0.65 m. The radius of the flowers is 2.5 cm, and the color of the petals is bright white. This polyanthes is thermophilic, therefore it is grown only in containers.


The main difference between this variety is the color of the flowers in the inflorescences. The flowers are small, lilac with a pink tint.

This variety is highly decorative. Its inflorescences are tightly stuffed. Flowers - double, large. Their middle is light color pink, along the edges of the petals - a lilac border.

Planting and leaving

In warm regions of our country, these tuberous plants are grown without digging out of the flower bed every autumn. Therefore, tuberoses are common in these areas. But in other regions, where winters are cold enough, growing tuberose is not an easy task. In such areas in autumn, at the end of flowering, the tubers are dug up, washed in running water, dried and stored until the next season in a cool room with an air temperature of + 10 ... + 12C. Better to place in boxes filled with sawdust or sand. Leaves are removed when they are completely dry... Children are separated from the tuber most often in the spring, when the corms are germinated.

Before planting in open ground, the corms are germinated, observing the following conditions:

  1. This should be done in mid-February.
  2. For germination, they are placed either in moss or in peat.
  3. Germinated tuberoses should be kept in a dark but warm place.
  4. When the shoots appear on the bulbs (this usually occurs 25-30 days after the start of germination), they are transplanted into containers with nutrient soil and taken out into a bright room, as well as regular watering.
  5. When the air temperature outside rises to + 18 + 20⸰С, containers with tubers are taken outside, where they are kept in partial shade.
  6. After 10-14 days, the germinated tuberose is exposed to a sunny place.

Sprouted tubers can be planted on flower beds no earlier than the third decade of May, when the probability spring frosts will pass. When planting corms, make sure that the neck of the bulb is above the ground.

The landing pits are dug shallow, a layer of sand (6 - 8 cm thick) is poured onto the bottom. Sand is a drainage material through which excess moisture is removed faster when watering, without accumulating at the bottom of the hole. Excessive moisture accumulating in the soil leads to rotting of the root bulbs, and as a result - to the death of the plant. To prevent this is the task of the grower.

The place for planting these flowers is chosen sunny, without drafts and gusts of wind, the soil is nutritious, and also do not allow stagnation of water in the ground. Transplantation into prepared tuberose planting holes is well tolerated. But these plants grow and bloom well in slightly shaded areas, as well as in areas with diffused light. In sunny areas, tuberose is watered more often.

Watering tuberose

Watering should be regular, but not plentiful. Moisture should not stagnate in the soil, and the water for irrigation should be warm enough. Consider climatic conditions areas - in hot weather, the number of watering is increased, and during the rainy season, watering is stopped altogether.

Plant feeding

These flowering perennials should be fed several times per season.

These flowers are very fond of organic matter, as well as mineral fertilizers. But it is better to alternate these two types of fertilizers.

The first time the flower is fertilized before the buds appear, but not earlier than two weeks after the plant is transplanted into open ground - tuberose takes root in new conditions and acclimatizes. The next feeding is carried out during the period of active flowering. And the last top dressing is applied to the soil after flowering.

The lack of nutrients immediately affects the general condition of the plant. This perennial can stop flowering, the foliage dries and curls for no apparent reason, and then falls off.

Pests, diseases

This perennial plant is resistant to most pests and diseases. However, sometimes the following pests attack it:

Also, sometimes the plant is damaged by gray rot.

The first sign of an attack by harmful insects is spots of a different color that appear on the foliage. Wiping the foliage of the plant with soapy water and spraying the flower with a stream of water helps well against spider mites. But then treat the flower with fungicidal preparations.

Against and use special means

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Due to its powerful and very interesting scent tuberose (or tuberous polyanthes) conquered the whole world. She was praised by the Aztecs, who scented the drink of the gods with it - chocolatl.

She is also called the queen of fragrances or queen of the night, as the fragrance of flowers intensifies with the onset of dusk. In Europe for a long time this plant was known as the "hyacinth from India".

the fact is that in France, namely in Provence, tuberose was brought in 1632 from India. Europeans began to grow it not only in gardens, but also on plantations to be used for perfumery purposes. After all, tuberose oil is one of the most expensive in the world. Today, industrial cultivation of this plant has migrated to Morocco, India and China.

As for the garden history of this flower, it had two peaks in popularity - during the Renaissance and in the 19th century. And today tuberose is back in vogue, and largely due to the fact that its planting material has appeared on the market. In our climate, this wonderful plant does not hibernate in the open field, but in general it is not capricious, even a novice gardener can grow it.

The history of tuberose-polyanthes

In India and Europe, it was previously believed that girls should not walk in the evening near a blooming tuberose flower bed, especially when accompanied by gentlemen, because its fragrance obscures the mind, intoxicates and excites erotic dreams. And in Italy during the Renaissance, unmarried young ladies were generally forbidden to enter the gardens where polyan-tes blossomed. Similar rules were once in force in India, however, they applied to large plantations of tuberose. In modern India, the tradition of decorating the bride's sari with flowers of this plant has taken root. And in Hawaii and in some other warm countries, beautiful fragrant garlands for newlyweds are woven from tuberose.

In fact, the scent of tuberose planted in the garden calms the nerves and relieves stress rather than excites. But in high concentrations, the smell of tuberose can cause a headache, for example, if you spend a long time in a room with a bouquet of these flowers.

Varieties and types of Tuberose

The genus Poliantes has 13 species. In decorative floriculture, polyanthes tuberosa is most often used, this particular species is called tuberose. Its leaves are similar to those of cereals: 1-2 cm wide, 35-50 cm long. garden forms usually high. 80 100 cm. Flowers are very graceful, like porcelain, collected in 18-20 pieces. in a spike-shaped inflorescence.

Tuberose blooms 4-6 months after planting, in July-August or September. Flowers in the inflorescence bloom from bottom to top, each of them remains fresh and fragrant for 3-4 days, in general, the inflorescence is decorative for three weeks. We sell mainly white tuberose, but in general there are varieties with cream, pink and even purple flowers.

The most common variety with white double flowers The pearl, new varieties: Pink sapphire with pink double flowers, Sensation - with simple pink, Cinderella - with lilac-pink, the edges of the petals are purple.

Many gardeners consider tuberose with simple rather than double flowers to be more effective for the garden. The "queen of aromas" is planted in curtains in the middle plan of the flower garden, it goes well with gladioli, mallow, delphiniums. Looks great in container landing.

And this is how tuberoses grow in the open field in the wild

How to accelerate the flowering of tuberose and other features of agricultural technology

Tuberose corms are tall, covered with a brownish or brown film, peduncles give those that are more than 2 cm in diameter. Corms with a diameter of 3.5-4.0 cm are considered large.

Heat-loving tuberose is planted in the ground when it warms up well enough and the threat of frost has passed, usually at the end of April - beginning of May.

For early flowering, corms are grown at home, starting in March. For this purpose, only large corms are selected that will bloom, the rest are planted directly into the ground. The optimum temperature for growing is 22-25 ° C. Corms can be planted in pots of soil or grown in sawdust. To do this, the steamed and squeezed sawdust is first dried for two days, and then impregnated with a solution of nitrophoska (2 g per 1 liter of water). For planting corms, you need a 10-centimeter layer of sawdust. Tuberose is transplanted into the garden in May.

Corms are planted in open ground in such a way that a 2-3-centimeter soil layer covers them on top. The baby is buried even shallower and placed separately from the adult corms. The distance between the corms is at least 5 cm, between the rows - 15 cm. It is impossible to plant tuberose more densely, since it gives a lot of children.

A place for tuberose is chosen well warmed up, sunny. The plant is not demanding on the soil, but it feels better on nutritious, organic-rich soil. The introduction of manure, chopped straw, plant residues accelerates the development and flowering of plants, since when decomposed in the soil organic fertilizers give off extra heat.

If the soil is heavy, dense, it is advisable to add sand before planting plants to improve its structure. Water the tuberose regularly and in moderation.

Top dressing is also important, during the season they are carried out 3-4 times: with a weak infusion of mullein (1:10), as well as full mineral fertilizer (40 g per 10 l of water). Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied carefully, their excess causes stretching and lodging of plants. When tuberose has faded, watering is reduced.

Digging corms and winter storage of tuberose

You should not rush to dig up tuberose, because after flowering, corms need time to ripen. It is best to dig it up at the end of October, before the onset of frost or immediately after the first frost.

The dug out corms are dried in the warmth, some growers do this with a fan heater. Then cut dry leaves on the plant, leaving a stump about 2 cm high, and cut the roots. The baby is left on the mother's corms, so it is better stored and does not dry out. Separate the baby in the spring, just before planting.

The tuberose planting material is stored in a dry room at a temperature of about 10 ° C. It should be borne in mind that there is no point in planting corms that have already bloomed - they will no longer bloom. It is convenient to grow tuberoses in containers in order to simply bring them indoors in the fall and not dig out the corms every year. If there are few plants, then in the fall tuberose bushes can be transplanted into pots and stored like this until spring. But for any storage method, it is important to remember that in a humid and cold environment, corms rot.

Tuberose is propagated by corms-babies. Large ones grow 1-2 years old, and small ones take at least 3-4 years to mature.
