On this page you will learn about significant and memorable datessummer today 21 Julywhich in thisjuly day famous people were born, events took place, we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events took place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day was no exception.21 July, which is also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. We must always remember and know about those who have left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

Day twenty first July, left his indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born in thissummer in the afternoon, once again confirm this. Find out what happened intwenty first day of July 21 July, what events and significant dates he was noted and what he remembered, who was born, what folk signs characterize him and much more, what you should know, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on July 21st (twenty-first)

Ernest Miller Hemingway (English Ernest Miller Hemingway; July 21, 1899, Oak Park, Illinois, USA - July 2, 1961, Ketchum, Idaho, USA) - American writer, journalist, Nobel Prize in Literature 1954.

Viktor Viktorovich Chanov (July 21, 1959, Stalino - February 8, 2017, Kiev) - Soviet and Ukrainian football player, goalkeeper. International Master of Sports of the USSR (1980). Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1986).

Ilya Anatolyevich Noskov. Born on July 21, 1977 in Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson region. Russian theater and film actor.

Lyudmila Vasilievna Zaitseva. She was born on July 21, 1946 on the Vostochny farm in the Ust-Labinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. Soviet and Russian film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989).

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov (born July 21, 1948, Jurmala, Latvian SSR) is a Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, humorist, comedian, one of the first stand-up comedians in Russia, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Avraam Russo (07.21.1969 [Aleppo]) - Russian pop singer;

Elena Dobronravova (07.21.1932 - 01.24.1999 [Moscow]) - Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR;

Mikhail Pogorzhelsky (07.21.1922 [Anchikrak] - 03/08/1995 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor;

Gleb Strizhenov (21.07.1925 [Voronezh] - 04.10.1985) - Soviet actor;

Eduard Streltsov (07.21.1937 [Perovo] - 07.22.1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet footballer, forward. Olympic champion in 1956, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR;

Nani Bregvadze (21.07.1938 [Tbilisi]) is a Georgian singer. People's Artist of the USSR (1983);

Nina Drobysheva (07.21.1939 [St. Petersburg]) - Soviet actress;

Viktor Alksnis (07.21.1950 [Tashtagol]) - Soviet and Russian politician;

Konstantin Odegov (07.21.1959 [Omsk]) - Russian actor;

Tatiana Lebedeva (07.21.1976 [Sterlitamak]) - Russian athlete, specializing in long jump and triple jump;

Miguel (07.21.1982 [Khimki]) - Russian dancer, choreographer, director, producer;

Artem Karasev (07.21.1984 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian actor;

Marina Bogomolova (07.21.1993) - Russian actress;

Rebecca Ferguson (21.07.1986 [Liverpool]) - British singer and songwriter;

Justin Bartha (07.21.1978 [Fort Lauderdale, Florida]) - American actor, producer and director;

Charlotte Gainsbourg (21.07.1971 [London]) - Anglo-French actress and singer;

Nikolay Berezin (07.21.1956 [Moscow] - 11.26.2011 [Irkutsk]) - actor and theater director, People's Artist of Russia;

Don Knotts (07.21.1924 [Morgantown] - 02.24.2006 [Los Angeles]) - American comedian;

Molly Sugden (07/21/1922 [Keely] - 07/01/2009) - English actress, comedian;

Vasily Sokolovsky (07.21.1897 [Kozliki village] - 05/10/1968 [Moscow]) - Marshal of the Soviet Union;

Gladys Hewlitt (07.21.1896 [Arcade] - 08.08.1991 [Montebello]) - American silent film actress;

Rene-Jeanne Falconetti (07.21.1892 - 12.12.1946) - French theater and film actress;

Jean Picard (07.21.1620 [La Flèche] - 07.12.1682) is a French astronomer.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of Orthodox (folk) holidays -Honey Savior (Macaway) , Apple (Great) Spas , and Nut (Khlebny) Spas until 2035 ...

Dates July 21

Belgium celebrates a holiday called National Day

Racial Harmony Day celebrated in Singapore

On Guam Island - Liberation Day

According to the popular calendar, this is the Kazan summer, or other names for this day - Procopius the Reaper and Zazhinki

On this day:

in 356 BC, Alexander the Great was born, who dreamed of conquering the whole world, and instead fought in India with a small hairy people climbing trees

robert Burns died in 1796, in whose garden love bloomed like a red rose

in 1898 Leonid Sobolev, a writer with a sea soul, was born

ernest Hemingway was born in 1899, who also had a great love for the sea

in 1937, Eduard Streltsov, the cult footballer of the Moscow Torpedo, was born

in 1938, Nani Bregvadze was born, a Georgian singer who sang Tbiliso and Snowfall

in 1948, Mikhail Zadornov was born, who knows that Americans are stupid people, and the Russian language is full of discoveries

in 1951, Robin Williams was born, the actor with the kindest smile, whose dreams have taken much further Jumanji

abraham Russo was born in 1969, a singer who probably follows the events in Aleppo

in 1969 Neil Armstrong made a small step on the lunar surface, but a big one in the history of mankind

charlotte Gainsbourg was born in 1971 - Jane Eyre forever

josh Hartnett was born in 1978, despite this he knows how the Japanese destroyed Pearl Harbor

in 2010, Luis Corvalan, a Chilean communist, who was offered to be exchanged for a hooligan Bukovsky in ditties, died.

July 21 events

The first steps of standardization were taken in Russia under Ivan the Terrible. When he signed a decree, which stipulated the constant dimensions that must be adhered to in the manufacture of cannonballs. The lack of a unified state standard led to great inconvenience.

In the industry of pre-revolutionary Russia, three systems of measurement were used - metric, British and old Russian. The same inconsistencies were observed in other countries. To provide a single international metrological standard, in 1875. seventeen countries, including Russia, signed an international treaty - the Metric Convention.

It was the first international agreement on scientific activities in the field of standardization of units of measurement. July 21, 1925 The Soviet Union also recognized the International Metric Convention. A gradual transition to the metric system of measures began, which was fully completed by January 1927.

This man was American astronaut Neil Armstrong. The Apollo 11 crew went into space on July 16 with a single mission: to reach the moon, land on its surface, and then return. About three days after the start of the flight, the astronauts reached lunar orbit.

Michael Collins, according to the flight plan, remained in the spacecraft, and Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong moved to the lunar module, and landed safely on July 20 in the Sea of \u200b\u200bTranquility. The honor of being the first to touch the surface of the moon was entrusted to the commander of the ship, Neil Armstrong, half an hour later Edwin Aldrin entered the lunar soil.

The astronauts installed television equipment for communication with the Earth, took photographs, took the materials necessary for research, and hoisted the American flag. After staying on the moon for about two hours, the astronauts on the lunar module returned to the spacecraft and safely reached Earth.

On July 21, 1999, by the decree of the President of Ingushetia, polygamy was officially allowed in the republic

Ruslan Aushev motivated the decree he signed by the unfavorable demographic situation in the republic. First of all, the decrease in the birth rate, as well as the excess of the female population of childbearing age over the male. From now on, officially every man was allowed to have up to four wives in marriage at the same time.

According to the Qur'an, all of them had to be provided with equal attention and material benefits. This decree did not last long. It was formally suspended first by President Yeltsin and then by the Supreme Court of the Ingush Republic, as contrary to the Family Code of Russia.

All previously registered many feminine marriages were annulled, and the corresponding notes were made in the passports.

Signs July 21 - the day of Procopius the Reaper, the Harvester

They say that it is on Procopius that the harvest begins. In addition, by July 21, milk mushrooms appear, for which they go to the forest. Rye and blueberries ripen almost simultaneously. At this time, people are in the fields all day long, since rye is being harvested. It was customary to tie the first sheaf compressed on July 21.

It was tied up with a towel and kept in the front corner of the hut until the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin, after which it was fed to livestock, believing that cows and goats in this case in winter would more willingly eat the food prepared for them.

The people also revered the Kazan Mother of God on July 21. They held various festivities, went to visit friends and relatives. They said that by the weather on July 21 one can judge what winter will be like.

They say that blueberries begin to ripen with Procopius the Reaper. On July 21, the Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Procopius, who was born in Jerusalem during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who persecuted supporters of the Christian faith. His father was a Christian, but died early, and therefore, Procopius raised his mother, who was a pagan.

Having received an excellent education, Procopius began to serve the emperor and quickly advance in the service. When in 30 3 the persecution of Christians began, Procopius was sent to Alexandria in order to kill the followers of the teachings of Jesus.

However, a miracle happened on the way: Procopius saw the crucifixion and heard the voice of Jesus Christ, after which he became a follower of his teaching. Matya.

Upon learning of this, she decided to come to the emperor herself and complain that her son had betrayed the pagan gods.
After that, Procopius was arrested and thrown into prison. According to legend, at night Jesus himself appeared in prison to Procopius, baptized the prisoner and gave him a new name - then instead of Neanius, they began to call him Procopius.

After that, Procopius was subjected to a large number of tortures, during which he was forced to renounce his faith. In the end, the emperor realized that he could not in any way influence Procopius, and executed him.

On this day, the holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is celebrated, the appearance of which took place in 1579. Several times Matrona saw the icon of the Mother of God in her dreams. After that, an ordinary girl was able to indicate the place where the icon was buried. John the Terrible ordered to build a temple and place this icon there.

In addition, the memory of Onuphry of the Pechersk (Silent), an ancient Russian saint, a monk who lived on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, is honored.

Folk omens on July 21

In Russia, Procopius was called the Harvester, since from that time they began to harvest rye.

Before work on July 21, it was customary to serve a prayer service, and then set the tables with a rich treat.

On July 21, a variety of conspiracies were uttered, which were aimed not only at successful work, but also so that, for example, the back did not hurt, the wasps did not sting, etc.

If July 20 falls on the New Moon, then by the weather on this day you can judge what August will be like

Blueberries are ripe - winter bread is ready for harvest

The peasants believed that it was on July 21 in the fields that kamakha, an insect pest that coiled into a ball and rolled on the ground, could be found.

If this tangle falls under the feet of a person, then this, according to omen, portends a prosperous year. Therefore, the tradition was widespread to go on this day in search of Kamakha.

They started picking blueberries on July 21, but this was considered a difficult task, since mosquitoes were getting in the way. Blueberries themselves were considered a berry with miraculous properties, and modern medicine confirms this. So, blueberries are especially useful for visual impairments, rheumatism, digestive diseases, gout, etc. It turns out that some of the signs are quite informative!

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and you were satisfied with what you read? Agree not superfluous, but very useful to learn the history of events and dates, which of the famous people was born in twenty first day second summer month July 21what a trace this man left by his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on July 21, science, sports, culture, politics?

July 21, what events in world history of science and culture is this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on July 21?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on July 21? What religious holidays are celebrated on July 21? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of July 21 on the calendar?

What folk omens and beliefs are associated with July 21? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on July 21?

What significant historical events on July 21 and memorable dates of world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial day of what famous and great people on July 21?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on July 21?

July 21, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Now we will offer a table of three Spas for the coming years - Honey (Macavey), Apple (Great) and Nut / Bread Savior, we hope this information will be useful to you, at least it will always be at hand and you can refresh your memory at any time. ..in the links of these tables ...

Honey Savior -


Wet Poppy,


Apple Spas -

Great On the mountain,


Peas day

Nut Spas -

Bread Autumn,


Cold, Small

Events of the day 21 July 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2017, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2018, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2019, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the nineteenth month.

Events of the day 21 July 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2020, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day 21 July 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2022, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 21 July 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2023, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the twenty-third month of the month.

Events of the day 21 July 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2024, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 21 July 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2028, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day 21 July 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the twenty-ninth month.

Events of the day 21 July 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2031, find out who was born of famous people, folk signs, and so on, what is needed, it is important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 21 July 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2032, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first day of July of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day 21 July 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2033, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the twenty-eighth month.

Events of the day 21 July 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2034, find out who was born from famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the twenty-ninth month.

Events of the day 21 July 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of July 21, 2035, find out who was born of famous people, folk omens, and so on, what is needed, important and useful to learn about the twenty-first July day of the month of the thirtieth year.

According to legend, on July 21, 356 BC, a then unknown citizen of Greece named Herostratus burned down the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, which stood for a hundred years.

During interrogation, the attacker explained his act by the fact that he wanted to become famous. Wishing to punish the ambitious with the most terrible execution - oblivion, the inhabitants of the city decided not to mention his name anywhere and never. The gods laughed at the wise Ephesians. All Hellas said: "Do you know how this scoundrel was punished? He will now be forgotten forever. By the way, what was his name?" So Herostratus acquired what he longed for - immortality.

On July 21, 1783, the Russians began to develop the fertile Crimean region, which was quite recently Tatar. Prince Potemkin was the first to start growing grapes here. Grigory Alexandrovich did this on the basis of the latest achievements of European science.

4 winemakers with Tokay vines who arrived at his request from Hungary, planted vineyards in the Old Crimea, on Kacha and in Sudak. In addition, His Serene Highness ordered saplings of fig, almond, pomegranate, laurel, cypress from different countries and planted them in the gardens of Alupka himself. Less than 10 years later, the Crimean wine was sold from Kherson to Kursk at a price of no more than 1 ruble 80 kopecks per bucket.

At this point, as Vysotsky noted, "both Byron and Rambo went down," and Mayakovsky lay down on the barrel with his head. And not only them. And Pushkin, and Mozart, and many other poets, artists, composers passed away at the age of 37. One of them was Robert Burns. He passed away on July 21 exactly 220 years ago.

His first collection, Poems Mainly in Scottish Dialect, came out just ten years before the author's death and was a huge success. Despite his poverty, Burns stubbornly refused to take money for his poems and songs, which are now translated into many languages, including Russian. Here Burns is known mainly from Marshak's translations, but Marshak, in the spirit of his time, strongly "revolutionized" Burns, for which he deserved the rough epigram of Sergei Vasiliev: “For all that, for all that, for all that, this, Marshak remained Marshak, and Robert Burns - a poet. "

On July 21, 1804, the first and most liberal censorship charter in the history of the 19th century was adopted in Russia. According to its provisions, the supervision of printed publications was entrusted to censorship committees under the jurisdiction of the Main Directorate of Schools of the Ministry of Public Education. The censors were obliged to interpret in favor of the writer in the place that they considered "double in meaning". It was forbidden to write only against God, power and personal honor of citizens

On July 21, 1869, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov was born - a scientist and publicist, one of the founders of the cadet party. Father of the writer Vladimir Nabokov.

Korney Chukovsky recalled: “He had a special game: to list all the names of Dickens's heroes - almost three hundred names. He competed with me. I was exhausted after the first hundred. " According to his son, "he thoroughly knew the prose and poetry of several countries, knew hundreds of poems by heart ..."

Nabokov Sr. was an example of intellectual and civil neatness. Obituaries that appeared in the émigré press after his death, when he shielded Pavel Milyukov from the bullet, noted the logic of his dying act, which completed the noble picture of his life.

In 1925, the so-called monkey process was completed in the American town of Dayton (Tennessee).

Probably all American newspapers wrote about the trial of the 24-year-old school teacher John Scopes, who dared to teach children Darwin's evolutionary theory, prohibited by state law. Many journalists from all over the world came to watch the litigation. The town itself resembled a festive fair these days, where traders, taking this opportunity, tried to sell as many products, souvenirs and religious literature as possible. A huge poster was posted in front of the courthouse: "Read the Bible every day!"

The parties were represented by two of the largest lawyers of the time. The prosecutor was William Jennings Brian. He was Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson and has previously been nominated by Democrats for president three times, albeit to no avail. In addition, he was a committed evangelist and was involved in the adoption of the ban on the teaching of Darwinian theory in Florida. His opponent was Clarence Seward Darrow, a famous criminal lawyer who saved at least 50 defendants from death and lost only once in his life.
In fact, the entire trial was reduced to a duel of lawyers. This is exactly how - “a life-and-death duel” - the prosecutor Brian called this trial. At first, public opinion was clearly on his side. But when the lawyer was refused to involve scientists as experts, he decided to involve his opponent in the discussion on the content of the Bible. When Darrow asked if the Earth was created by God in six days in a literal sense, Brian replied that it cannot be taken literally and that the creation of the world took a certain period. Two more questions, and Brian didn't even notice how he fell into the trap when he said that this could last for millions of years. That is, he actually took the side of evolutionary theory. With a direct answer, Darrow achieved everything he wanted.

The jury, after eight minutes of deliberation, still found Scopes guilty and fined the teacher $ 100 for violating state laws. But this was the minimum punishment provided for in such cases.
A couple of days after the trial, Prosecutor Brian lay down to rest after lunch and never woke up. He suffered from diabetes, but one way or another, the fight was indeed fatal.

Only at 3:25 am the hang-up sounded and the radio announcer announced: "Citizens! The first massive raid by fascist German aviation against Moscow has been repelled by our valiant pilots and anti-aircraft gunners. The danger is over!" In total, the air raid siren sounded 141 times in military Moscow.

On July 21, 1960, 44-year-old Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the world's first female prime minister.

In this position, she replaced her husband, Solomon, the national leader of Ceylon, a Christian who was shot by a fanatic Buddhist monk. The country proclaimed the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in 1972, Sirimavo Bandaranaike (who also headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense) ruled with short interruptions for about 40 years. And since 1994, she took the helm of power with her daughter, Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, who was elected president of Sri Lanka.

356 BC e. - Alexander the Great, a Macedonian military leader, was born.

365 - the earthquake partially destroyed one of the seven wonders of the world - the Alexandria lighthouse. The lighthouse was finally destroyed by another earthquake in 1375.

1542 - Pope Paul III established the Roman Inquisition to combat Protestantism.

1620 - Jean Picard was born, a French astronomer, who was the first to accurately determine the arc of the meridian, thus establishing the size of the Earth. He also concluded that our planet does not have an exact ball shape.

1796 - died Robert Burns, Scottish poet.

1816 - born Paul Julius Reuters, founder of the largest English news agency Reuters

1899 - born Ernest Hemingway, American writer, Nobel Prize for Literature 1954.

1904 - completed the construction of the Great Siberian Railway, which lasted for 13 years. The official opening of the railway took place on January 1 of the following year.

1918 - The Tatars turned to Germany with a request to declare the occupied Crimea a Tatar Khanate.

1920 - Isaac Stern, American Jewish violinist, was born. (Born in Kremenets, Ukraine).

1933 - born John Gardner, American writer (Dialogues with the Sun, October Light).

1937 - The Soviet government accused the Ukrainian state radio of nationalism.

1940 - The command of Nazi Germany began to develop a military campaign against the Soviet Union - the Barbarossa Plan.

1941 - the first Luftwaffe raid on Moscow.

1944 - Creation of the Polish Committee for National Liberation. Adoption of the People's Law on the Creation of the Polish Army by the Home Rada.

1953 - The USSR demands from the American authorities to stop distributing free food to the residents of East Berlin.

1973 - Mars-4 launched.

1975 - completion of the Soyuz-Apollo experiment.

1983 - at the Vostok Antarctic station, the lowest temperature on the planet in the entire history of observation was recorded - 89.2 ° C.

1992 - traffic on the Brateyevsky bridge in Moscow opened.

2004 - died Edward Lewis, American geneticist, 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

2007 - publication of the seventh Harry Potter book in English.

2011 - the last flight of the shuttle Atlantis has ended. The Space Shuttle program has been officially closed.

Material prepared by Korrespondent.net from open sources

Published on 7/21/18 00:10 AM

What a holiday today: July 21, 2018 is the Kazan Summer Church holiday (Prokopiev Day, Zazhinki)

On July 21, 2018, the Kazan Summer or Prokopiev Day is celebrated as a folk holiday. The church today recalls the appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in the city of Kazan, honors the memory of the martyr Procopius (Neanius) of Caesarea and the righteous Procopius, the Ustyug miracle worker.

The popular name of the day "Zazhinki" is associated with the beginning of the last agricultural work during this period.

According to legend, in Kazan in the summer of 1579, after a terrible fire that destroyed part of the city, one girl during intcbatch dream the Mother of God dreamed. She pointed out where her image was hidden. The girl told her parents about the strange vision, but no one believed her. The Blessed Virgin came to the baby three times before the mother believed the words of her daughter. In the indicated place, they found a face written on a cypress board, where the Mother of God holds little Jesus on her left hand. Since then, the Church has established a celebration of the image of the Kazan Mother of God on this day.

Neanius (Procopius at Baptism) lived during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. When the persecution of Christians began, he persecuted the Orthodox. But one day Jesus appeared to him and filled his heart with spiritual joy. The youth turned from a persecutor to a follower. When he was arrested, Jesus again came to him and baptized him with the name Procopius. The pagans subjected the martyr to sophisticated torture. Not having achieved his renunciation of Christ, they cut off his head. It happened in 303.

Ustyug miracle worker Procopius was from Lubeck. The exact date of his birth has not been established. He spent part of his life in Veliky Ustyug. He had the gift of foresight. He died on July 8, 1303. The Church established a holiday in his honor in 1547.

According to signs, if there is no rain during the Kazan week, then it will go to Ilyinskaya. The blueberries are ripe - it's time for the harvest, and if the pods are ripe for the acacia, then the rye is ripe.

Rediscount day

Rediscount Day is celebrated on July 21, 2018. The holiday is dedicated to the accounting of material values, without which no company can fully function.

Rediscount (also known as inventory or rediscount) is carried out at a predetermined time or retroactively. The second option is a difficult task, so it is not popular.

Alexander, Dmitry, Nikolay, Fedor.

  • 1613 - Mikhail Fedorovich, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, was married in Russia.
  • 1711 - Peter I, during the Prut campaign to the European possessions of Turkey, was surrounded.
  • 1774 - Russia and Turkey signed the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty.
  • 1804 - the first censorship charter was adopted in Russia.
  • 1917 - Alexander Kerensky became the head of the Russian government.
  • 1969 - man first stepped on the surface of the moon.
  • Alexander the Great 356 - Macedonian king.
  • Jean Picard 1620 - French astronomer.
  • Desiree Artaud 1835 - French singer of Belgian descent.
  • Vasily Sokolovsky 1897 - Soviet military leader.
  • Ernest Hemingway 1899 is an American writer.
  • Vladimir Kasatonov 1910 - Soviet military leader.
  • Vladimir Serov 1910 - Soviet painter.
  • Gleb Strizhenov 1925 - Soviet actor.
  • Pyotr Shcherbakov 1929 - Soviet actor.
  • Dmitry Kholodov 1967 - Russian journalist.
