Vladimir Koltsov-Navrotsky
Orthodox churches of Lithuania
Remarks of the pilgrim, on travel tickets

In Lithuania, there were once many churches built in honor of St. Alxandra Nevsky, the heavenly intercessor of the Orthodox our region. Five left, and one of them in the city of Anikishyiy, the Apple Capital of Lithuania - a stone, spacious, well-preserved, inspected and well-kept temple, erected in 1873. To the church to get from the bus station through the entire city, on the left side, on the street Biluno house, 59. It opens unexpectedly. Bells hang over the entrance, a well died nearby, and the fence - now the centenary oaks planted with a lively hedge around.
The temple in the city of Kibaretai, on Basanavichus Street 19, since 1919 he became a Catholic church, but the parishioners did not accept and complained about various ministries, the Sejm and the President of the Republic. The rarest case was achieved. In 1928, the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the decision of the Cervis of St. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox to return. In the time of the USSR, at the railway area, Kaliningrad-Moscow, sometimes full buses of Babegle - Frontovichki from the next buses of the Kalinigrad region, and until the parents of the kids were built by the bright future of communism, they baptized their grandchildren here, reasonably believing that this neighboring The republic and the information then "will not go where it is necessary." The temple of the Handsome, erected in 1870, the only one in his architecture in the region became the ship of salvation by many and Russians and Russian Lithuania. Now this is the border city and the church lost a significant part of its parishioners.
The city is also famous for the fact that the famous Russian painter-landscape of the late X1x century Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), later a member of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions and exhibitions of art, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, subsequently, were born in the cybartes.
In the capital of the edge of the region, the city of Rokiskis, the Government of Bourgeois Lithuania in 1921 transferred the Orthodox church of the Nativity of the Virgin of the Catholic Church, but the Government of Soviet Lithuania in 1957 decided that the temple to demolish. In 1939, the funds allocated to the bourgeois government, as compensation for the old church, the parishioners were built on the street Gedimino, a kind of architectural solution of the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. Under his roof, 84 Summer Varvara lived in his roof. Under priests about. Gregory, oh. Fedor, oh. Precellent, oh. Anatolia, about. Oleg. The current priest of the priest Sergiy Kulakovsky.
Lee fellow countrymen that this is the birthplace of Lieutenant General of the USSR Aviation Yakova Vladimirovich Smushkevich (1902-1941) of the legendary pilot, Teret in the USSR awarded the second medal "Golden Star".
Stone, very beautiful church of St. Alexander Nevsky, the construction of 1866, stands on the shore of the lake village of Svisalya, Jonavsky District. From 1921 to 1935, the rector here was a priest Stepan Semenov, a native of this village. Subsequently, the Orthodox Priest - Military Capelian Lithuanian Army of the Interwar period, repressed in 1941 (3). In the period of World War II, as Starright said, Irina Nikolaevna Zhigunov, Liturgy was committed in a complete temple and sang two choirs. Children's Children's Children of the Left Closer was offended that the vocal parties were smaller. Nowadays, Kauna parish organized a summer camp for children with a temple.
Then the grown and breathed guys from all over Lithuania, come to their church for festive liturgies.
In the resort of Druskininkai Church of the Icons of the Mother of God, "" Allorrow's joy "" stands since 1865. It is a wooden, high, five-core temple, painted in white and blue tones and located in the center of the square on the street. Vasario 16, enhanced by a few traffic flows. Probably the only Orthodox church in the outback of Lithuania, having an electrical evening light illumination, which makes it even more unique and fabulous. It was once a "All-Union Parish" as jumped by the abbot Nikolai Craidic, because for a long time, it was the Church of Siberians and Economic, who did not have the opportunity to visit the temples at home and from year to year specially came on vacation to the resort to their father about. Nikolai, who spent in conclusion, only for the fact that he is a priest, in their harsh edges in camps for many years.
Church of St. George Victorious in the village of Gayshkes, the former village of Yuriev, not very far from Vilnius in the direction of the city of Kernave - the ancient capital of Lithuania, was built in 1865 by peasants, the descendants of which are going to Prazniki peace and soline. There is no longer a village, the leadership of the neighboring Millionaire collective farm in the 60s of the twentieth century is not on it, and the collective farmers moved to the central manor, leaving only the church in a clean field. And lived, also the last abbot of O. Alksandr Adomaytis, the only one on the entire district, with life, as well as the first migrants, without using "the electricity of the whole country". With independent Lithuania, the collective farm is no longer there, and the church parish, thanks to at all, not yet the old father, did not dissipate, but survived and comes from all over the country and neighboring states. It is in the field of the Temple of the Krasnokripkin, updated, but where everything has been preserved as insert, only the years the cross slightly tilted.
The village of Hegabrase Passavalsky district with the Church of St. Nicholas, 1889. Wooden temple, aside from large roads, well-groomed and eyened. From the conversation with 84 Summer Mother Barbaroa from Rokshshchis, he learned about the pre-war life of the Orthodox community of this region, about how local manthrum walked for 80 versts on the temple Praznik to hegabrasts, where, together with Catholic parishioners, from the nearby Passaboli Church, and decorating Its wildflowers. The local Orthodox priest and Catholic xenz were in friendly relations.
From 1943 to 1954 The abbot of this temple was Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov (1909-2002), a starry old man, one of the modern pillars of Russian olderism, warmly revered and ordinary Orthodox, and Patriarch Alex II. "Clearly seen last, true and future life of his children, their inner dispensation." In Lithuania in 1952, he was awarded the right to wearing a golden inheritant cross. (19) Now in the summer in these picturesque surroundings, the summer camp of children of Sunday parish schools and pilgrims from various cities of Lithuania, from Panevezis, under the guidance of a young priest Sergius Rumyantsev, laid the beginning of a good tradition - to perform with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, the heavenly intercession of our region, Hiking one-day pilgrim procession. This path is shorter, on the country roads about 42 kilometers and by the evening of reaching and taking the tavering and decorating the temple, the children manage to sing and sing by the fire.
Intourka, Molets district, the stone church of the Pokrov Virgin, 1868, one of the few in Lithuania, adjacent to the rustic Catholic church. About 500 Russian families lived in Derevne, about 500 Russian families lived, the neighborhood remained in the name of the temple. The elder of Elizabeth, over 70 years living near the temple and remembering many rebels - about. Nicodemia Mironova, Oh. Alexey Sokolova, oh. Peter Sokolova planted in 1949 by the NKVD bodies, said, as "in the baptism of parishioners came from all over Lithuania, to swim in the congestion, led by the father about. Nikon Voroshilov in the hole - "Jordan". Sharps a few flock ... Young priest Alexei Sokolov.
The Orthodox Church in Kedainay Lithuanian Prince Janusz Radzian ordered to build back in 1643 for his wife who confessed Orthodoxy Maria Mogilyanka, "Metropolitan Peter Mogily's nieces."
In 1861, a plan for restructuring a stone house of Count Emerik Gutten-Chapsky (1861-1904) was carried out, on whose coat of arms was inscribed: "Life - Fatherland, Honor - to anyone", in the parish Orthodox Church, consecrated in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. After the fire of 1893, the Archpriest John Kronstadsky (1829-1908) was sacrificed to restore the church of 1.700 rubles. And, over this, oh. John were ordered at the Gatchina factory for the Kedainay Church of 4 bells, which today announce the start of worship. The parishioners of Gorda in that the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Church in the period from 1896 to 1901 was the Koven Prevoryanism, the Camvering of the Yard of their Imperial Majesty, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin (1862-1911). In 1865, the 22-year-old priest Anthony Nikolayevich Likhachevsky came to this temple in 1865 (1843-1928) and served in it 63 years old, until his very death in 1928, at the age of 85 (8). From 1989 to the present, the rector of the arrival of Archpriest Nikolai Murashov, who told in detail about the history of the temple.
An honorary citizen of Kedainay, there was a native of these places of Cheslav Milos (CZESAW MIOSZ) (1911-2004) - Polish poet, translator, Essheist, Professor of the Department of Slavic Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures of the University of Berkeley, USA, the only leather from Lithuania, awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature ( 1980).
It is difficult to find the village of Kaunatava, who is not designated, but wandering for farms with interest are compensated by joy - the church of the icon of the mother of God's Mother "" Allorrow's joy "" 1894, - another saved Orthodox house of God in the outback of Lithuania, though near which In the summer there are cows. The temple is wooden, looked after, is in the field surrounded by several trees. Recently replaced the front door and alarm is installed. "The priest comes and suits the procession with the flags around ...", the local girly told on Lithuanian about our church.
The only Orthodox Church, the construction of which local Russians in the outback of Lithuania were completed during World War II in 1942 - the village of Kolaynay Kelmesky district. For the work on the construction of the temple of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, at this difficult time, the sacredist Mikhail Booth was awarded the Metropolitan of the Vilensky and Lithuanian Exarm Exarch of Latvia and Estonia Sergius (Voskresensky) (1897-1944), the Golden Interesting Cross. A modest, wooden Orthodox Temple - as praiseing people for the last funds in the Liphethery he was erected in the village, once called Hagona (11). Colanyay, too, not on every card you can find, the church is located away from the big roads, there was not almost in the town and Orthodox inhabitants, but it is watched and well-groomed by the efforts of the rector of Jeromonach Nestor (Schmidt) and several old women.
In the town of Cronis, "As ancient Romans called Neman" in the possession of the Prince of the Orthodox monastery with the Church of the Orthodox Monastery with the Church of St. Treyshetsy, since 1628. In the Liphethet of 1919, the community lost to the stone beautiful church of the Holy Trina. In 1926, the state materially helped during the construction of an Orthodox modest wooden temple, allocating wood for this purpose. The new Temple of the Pokroa The Mother of God is consecrated in 1927. From 1924 to 1961, a long-term rector of the arrival of Archpriest Alexei Grabovsky (3). In the temple, a pre-revolutionary bell was preserved, resembling Staroslavyansky, that "Cay Bell Molds for the Church of Croes". "Cunigas Sagraga" - xenz sick, crushed in Lithuanian. And only by calling the abbot, Father Ilya realized that the woman was talking about the Orthodox priest. And worried about his health not in vain. It was very hoping that soon the father would recover and would tell more about the modern life of this arrival, but Father Ilya Ursul died.
In the port city of Klaipeda - the sea gates of the country, the church in honor of all Russian saints, a little unusual in architecture, because the only Orthodox Temple of Lithuania, rebuilt from the empty Evangelical German church in 1947. And since I had to see Kirchi turned into a warehouse, then the fate of this temple is more than prosperous. The arrival of numerous and liturgia served three convainies. The people had a lot, but much and on the porch of asking alms. Go to the church from the railway station, past the bus station and a little left, through the park with a lot of decorative sculptures.
Soon the pride of Klaipedac and all Orthodox Lithuania will be under construction, according to the project of the Penza architect Dmitry Boronunov, the Intercession-Nikolsky Temple Complex, on the street of Smiltyales, the new microdistrict. For those who want to help build the Temple of bank details-in litains, Klaipedos Dievo Motinos Globejos IR SV. Mikalojaus Parapija - 1415752 Ukio Bankas Klaipedos Filialas, Banko Kodas 70108, A / S: LT197010800000700498. Travel from the railway station by bus 8 route, through the entire city, the temple is visible from the right window in another microdistrict of the city of Rybakov, the Orthodox school-temple in honor of St. Faith, hopes, love and Sophia, very beautiful from the inside. All icons are written by the father about. Vladimir Artomon and Mother, real modern church associates. Several steps on an ordinary school corridor and get into a superbly arranged temple - the kingdom of God on Earth. You can only envy the disciples of this school that they grow under the Senius of the Church.
In the summer capital of Lithuania - Palanga, the beauty of the Church in honor of the Iberian icon of the Mother of God, was built in 2002, for the means of Alexander Pavlovich Popov, awarded for the temple construction by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of the Order of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh II degree. This is the pride of the whole post-war generation, the first built temple in the last 60 years and the first built temple in the Lithuania of the new one thousandthly. In any weather, at the entrance to the city of the Spirit captures from the brilliance of its golden domes. Erected in modern forms, but with the preservation of old architectural traditions, he became a decoration of the resort city. The interior of the temple to the smallest detail is thoughtful and executed - the work of art. This is another temple of the Penza architect Dmitry Borunov, abbot of Igumen Alexy (Babich).
Not far from Palanga, in the small town of Cinting, there is German, Prussian, Lithuanian and Russian cemeteries. An elegant chapel, in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, from heavy-sized granite boulders and with a blue dome easily shot in the sky, built on Orthodox necropolis in 1905. In 2003, the restoration of the temple, which makes the funeral and the temple of Praznik served the Divine Liturgy. Near the town hall area of \u200b\u200bthe city, once stood the large stone five-football church of St. Vladimir, lit in 1876 and destroyed in peaceful 1925. From this area, which stops route taxis from Palanga, to the chapel to reach Vitauto, or kiashad to the end and centenary oaks will indicate the location.
In honor of which saint consecrated 1909, the rural church of the village Lebedishkees, the Birzheskiy district predetermined the fact that Archbishop was the ruling archipership of the Vilen Diocese from 1904 to 1910 (Molchanov) (1852-1910). Amazingly beautiful, harmoniously designed, well-saved wooden church of St. Nikandra, with standing in the field in rye and visible from afar. Next to the church of the grave of the rector of St. Nikandrovsky Church Archproley Nikolai Vladimirovich Krukovsky (1874-1954). Behind the fence, the house, in the window of which is still visible by the simple furnishings of the life of the rural priest of the Lithuanian depth.
In Mariympol, how to walk to the chapel, in honor of St. Troyza in the old Orthodox cemetery it is better to ask the older women, "where the son of Lenin is buried." So in this city they call the grave of the son of revolutionary, Colonel of the Soviet Army Andrei Armand (1903-1944), who deceased here. His grave is a little west of the well-preserved churches of 1907, from red bricks. In the city, in 1901, another church was consecrated, 3 Gusar Elisavetrrad Regiment in honor of St. Treztsa with the inscription on the front: "In memory of the king of the peacekeeper Alexander III" ... (4)
In the city of Lithuanian oil workers, the Majkey Temple on the street. Republics d. 50, the Assumption of the Virgin, find very difficult. We must ask for help from drivers of local route taxis. Since 1919, the Majkey Church of the Holy Spirit has ceased to operate and since she turned into a church, Orthodox, having received material assistance from the state, in 1933 on the outskirts, built this small wooden church. Painted in heavenly blue color with asterisks on the domes, she became unique.
The building of the Cross Exaltation Church in Merkin on the street. Darius Il Gireno, Stone, 1888 Buildings, well-preserved, belongs to a local local history museum. The town is almost one street aside from the Vilnius-Druskininkai highway, but the church on the central square is visible from afar and thanks to his employees who did not rebuild the temple.
Once there was a club building nearby, but he was blown up with the audience those who, after the Second World War, resisted with weapons in their hands, establishing a new government. The cross when the bell tower is like a reminder of that time.
In the estate of Merche-Mikhovsky - der. Miktishkes, the Earth of his estate, now fenced with countercake trees with several dozen nests and hundreds of storks, nobles Koretsky, in 1920 they themselves gave the Orthodox community. The inspiration and confessor of this unique community was a priest about. Pontius Rupyshev (1877-1939). So there still lives with a common economy for the processing of land, with prayers for God's glory and the commandment "" from each of the abilities and everyone according to the needs ". The community of Dala Diopace Five Priests: Konstantina Avdeya, Leonid Gaidukevich, Georgy Gaidukevich, John Kovaleva and Veniamine Savier. In 1940, next to the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, "" Allorrow's joy "", built in 1915, the community elevated the second temple-chapel in honor of St. John Kronstadsky, stone and unusual in shape. In it, the tomb of about. Pontiya Rupyshev, the former flagship priest of the mine division of the Baltic imperial fleet, founder and confessor "Pontievsky parish". Then the confessor of this Orthodox crossing for 50 years was its pupil, the priest Konstantin Avedea - the farmer, the beekeeper and the breeder. It is necessary to go from Vilnius to Turgeli, and there everyone will show where the only place that wishes to live in Christ is preserved. And the temple by removing shoes in socks. And where I want to return again and again.
In the vicinity of Panevezis, in the monastery of the town of Surdegis, once there was one of the most famous Orthodox shrines in the Western Territory, the miraculous Surdegian icon of the Mother of God, manifested in 1530. Before World War I, the icon was kept in this church half a year, then transferred to the congestion in the Kauna Cathedral. To go to the Temple from the bus station - to the left, towards the church of the Holy Trina towering 200 meters away, until 1919 built in 1849 as the Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. From her through the area, among the trees, the Surveillance of the Resurrection of Christ is 1892 - a wooden, well-kept temple painted in white-blue tones and located on an Orthodox cemetery in the old part of the city. Soviet soldiers are buried here. Prior to the arrival of the priest about. Alexey Smirnov.
Rocky, st. Vitauto Digiioio (Vitautas Veliky) 10. Citty-Trinity Church, 1870. Stone, surrounded from three sides by the park, flush adjacent to the street cycle. After the revolution, it served about. Simion Grigorievich Onufrienko, a leaving of the peasants, before appointing a priest who worked at school and in 1910 he was awarded a silver medal for working on public education. In 1932, he was awarded the Metropolitan of Vilensky and Lithuanian Elevferey (1869-1940) in an inuit cross (8). The time of World War II left the church remained non-destructive, the service in it continued - the children were baptized, the children were crowned and fled deaders. In the late 90s of the last century, the church is outdoor: the walls of the walls were made, the roof and dome was updated. In the temple of the Blessed Library Trinity of the city of Rasnyay, at present, the priest is about. Nikolai Murashov.
At the highway Vilnius Panevezys, five pointers resemble the road to Ragus. And even with off-road it is worth coming to this beautiful, stone, compact church of the Nativity of the Virgin, lit in 1875, one of the main attractions of the town from the "Odnaya Street". Several parishioners with love look after him and on holidays here is made by Divine Liturgy. One is strange that in the Tolstaya Foliance at 1128 pp., Extensive monograph "Raguva", published in 2001 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania, and where Articles 68 of the authors are presented to All themes, the churches of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary are given only one page, with a small pattern. (26)
In the village of Rudamin, the church in the name of St. Nicholas, 1874, is located on the Orthodox cemetery. The temple is wooden, cozy and well-groomed. Several times, in different years driving past, always saw him freshly painted. Sadly, but once on a weekday, an elderly couple met by the grave with the Orthodox Cross, a few meters from the church. On the question of the name of the temple, the woman dispelled his hands helplessly: "I don't know," and only a man thinking, "Nicolskaya" corrected it. During the Second World War, during the reparation of the edge of the Germans, in the village of the Stone Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord 1876, unknown people set fire up. And this temple, as a mute ukore, is slowly turning into ruins, and the "Holy Fathers" said that an angel keeper is standing on each church throne and will be so standing to the second coming, even if the temple is defiled or destroyed. "(13).
Small rural town in Trakai district, Semexiskes, one street long, but having two temples: Wooden Catholic St. Laurinas and Orthodox stone in honor of St. Nikolai 1895. Buildings are not far away, but do not dominate and in beauty is not inferior to each other. A rare case, some time before the Second World War, the rector of this church was Russian Lieutenant General Gandurin Ivan Konstantinovich (1866-1942), awarded in 1904 by St. George Cross. After the defeat of the White Armies went to emigration and adopted San. During World War II, he joined the Russian liberation movement and in 1942 consisted of the chief priest of the Russian security case (5).
City of Schwenchenyys, ul. String, d. 1. The Church of the Holy Trinity is 1898. The percentage of this beautiful stone church in the Byzantine style for a long time was about. Alexander Danilushkin (1895-1988), arrested in 1937 in the USSR Soviet NKVD, and in 1943 by the Germans. He is one "of the three prisoners who served during the war the first divine Liturgy in the Alitka Kots Berler of the Soviet prisoners of war ... For the feast of the Transfiguration, the Lord gathered on the liturgy of the camp barns of the crowd of crying people - it was an unforgettable service" (9). A month later. Alexander was released and appointed by the abbot of the church of the Holy Trinity in which she served another thirty-five years.
The local authorities of the city of Shauliai, in the interwar period, decided to transfer due to the state of the Stone Orthodox Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul from the center of this city on the outskirts, in the cemetery. The temple on the brick was destroyed and moved by reducing it in size and not recovering the bell tower. On the external western side, on one of the granite stones of the foundation, the dates of the consecration of the temple were knocked out - 1864 and 1936. The city did not lose an important town-planning acent, because the church from an architectural point of view is very beautiful. To reach it from the bus station, on Tilsit Street, the former sir of Sv.Nikolaya was visible to the right, from 1919, since 1919, Church of St. Jurgis. A few minutes later the bell tower of the Catholic Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul, and a little further on Rigos 2A Street, and the Orthodox Church. The same name of God's houses arrive nearby, but on tourist maps of the city ... Only one is indicated. On the old city Orthodox cemetery there is also a forgotten, desecrated and several times, a wooden chapel in honor of the Icon of God's Mother of all the mournful joy of 1878, which only High pale and walls of the altar speaker, remind of the house of God. A little indeed - a memorable granite cross with an inscription with pre-revolutionary spelling - "the bodies of those killed in affairs with Polish rebels are resting." In the battles under Shauliy, in 1944, the Martherometer give Stanigylene, for the heroism, the attacks manifested in the reflection was awarded the Order of Glory I degree and became one of the four women with a complete cavalier of the Order of Glory.
SHALCHININKATS, thanks to the abbot about. The village of Kishkun, build in its town on the street Jubileyus d. 1, the stone temple, in the name of St. Nichon. The Lithuanian and Belarusian and Belarusians helped. Prior to the Prime Minister of Russia, Mikhail Kasyanov in 2003, registered letters with a notice of the presentation, where there was a request to provide the government of Russia in the construction of the temple, did not reach ... The Orthodox community is not numerous, but cohesive. Many energetic youth and these happy people are already praying under the Senius of the Church, built with their own hands.
In the city of Silut's Church of Archangel Mikhail, on Liped Street 16, it is easier to find a Russian school. It is located in a small room of a sample school, the construction of Soviet times. Outside, nothing reminds that this is the house of God, and only crushing the threshold you understand - that in the temple.
One of the most beautiful little stone temples of Lithuania, erected as a tribute to the memory of victims for the Orthodox faith in 1347 by Anthony, John and Efstafia. Holy Vilensky Martyrs, is located in the city of Taurage on the street. Sandel. In the modern church there is an icon donated by the parishioners of the Archpriest Konstantin Baykovsky "for the semi-a century ministry of the Taurogenic Church," from the temple destroyed in 1925. Reconstructed by the effort and labor of parishioners from Russia and locals, under the guidance of about. Veniamine (Savchits) at the end of the 90s, this house of God on the day of consecration after the construction is completed, was fired from a sniper rifle by an unhealthy atheist ...
In the village of Tituenai, Kelmes district st. Siluvos d. 1a. The Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, 1875 is a small, stone in the center of the Central Street, in Square. Not far to the beautiful Bernardine Catholic monastery of the 20th century. Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church - the statue of Christ. A small town, but the Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Khristorovich Bagraman, mentioned him in his book "So we went to victory," in the release of Lithuania from the Germans.
Before the revolution in our region, the population census, and the Lithuanians and Zhemiteitsy lived .. in the capital of the G. Teltshai, the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, built in modern architectural forms in 1938 on ul. Jalgirio d. 8. Square, stone, stands on a hill in the old part of the city near the bus station. White walls and gold cross in early spring is visible from all sides from afar. Abrovers of Jeromona Nestor (Schmidt)
In the ancient capital of Trakai, the church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of 1863 is a stone, in light brown tones, on a central street. Musoly, always accomplished baptism, wedding and funerals. There are photos of the community at the church of the pre-revolutionary era. In the brutal 1920 by the rector at the same time was about. Pontius Rupyshev, the confessor of the famous Merche-Mikhnovsky Orthodox community. Near the fence in 1945, the priest Mikhail Mironovich Starikevich was buried, who deceased saving inadstand children. Currently, the rector of the arrival of Archpriest Alexander Schmailov. On the Divine Liturgy, the sons help him in the altar, and a mother with her daughter sing on the closer. Recently, some impoverished parishioners, former collective farmers from the surrounding villages, after all the night, returned to the houses on foot.
After entering the city of Ukmerge, behind the bridge, through the river Schweatia, which is translated from Lithuanian as a holy, for the entrance to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, it is necessary to turn right. Moving the Old Believer Church, the road will lead to Orthodox cemetery. It stands on it wooden, simple, but a cozy little church, built in 1868. At the entrance to the cemetery is a small house of the priest o. Vasily. In my first visit there was a bell ringing from a small bell tape, inviting the temple to the service, a bell of the Old Believers fled to the tact. The Divine Liturgy began, it happened, for the first time for me one, the three more parishioners approached later. A year later, the second time visited the father, the long-term supervisor of a few poor arrival. For the third time I had already come to bow on his grave, filled with snow, near the orphaned temple. The path from the house where I lived Archpriest Vasily Kalashnik, to the church, was cleared ...
If you leave Vilnius on the first route bus to the city of Utena, you can have time to the local minibus to the village of Upaley. To the church of St. Nikolai, 1872 to go left from the majestic church of St. Trothers before stopping the majestic church. Temple Stone, a little dilapidated, located in the park. I happened to see this church at once at twenty easel students from the school studio located next door. The most important holiday of the town of Upaleye is the atlands-co-order of scape of sins in St. Trinity. Then there is a lot of patients and just pilgrims who are praying and wrapped in water from the spring (20). Under this church, in August 1997, there were strange events, the relatives of the relatives - Negazenesses of Europe, "traveling to pre-Christian beliefs and cults, rituals and magical practices engaged in their revival and reconstruction ... "(21).
In the capital of Lithuania's brewers, Two Russian churches, both wooden and well-groomed. Local residents are better to ask where the street is Mayronio, and not where the Russian church can show on the old supplementary one. From Vilnius - the first intersection with the traffic light, to the left and the modest temple of the Ascension of the Lord of 1989 - visible from afar. During World War II, the Church of St. Sergius Radonezh, built in 1867.
In the north of Lithuania, in the village of Vekniay Novo - Akmansky district, a very beautiful, snow-white stone temple of St. Sergius of the Radonezh 1875. Local residents are very friendly and if you ask where the Orthodox Church will be shown. In June 1941, atrigens occurred in Vastness. The retreating soldiers of the NKVD broke into the house of the Catholic Canononik Novitsky, grabbed him and customizing the bayonets, led to the cemetery, where brutally cried themselves with him, the bumps of his bayonets. A few days later, the power was changed, the Germans and the group "Shaulist" came to the former assistant to the church's abbot of the Church, "Viktor Majik, and with the Germans again, who did not serve in the Church, and presenting him the lists exported to Siberia fellow villagers with His and his wife signature, immediately finished them, shocks off. (24) from 1931-1944. The abbot of the temple of Alexander Cernai (1899-1985), who survived the four shifts of power, subsequently the priest of the Cathedral of the Russian Church Abroad in New York and Missionary in South, East and West Africa. Under it in 1942, the Germans were evacuated in the village and surroundings. Over 3.000 Novgorod residents and the temple took the great Novgorod shrines under his backwards - Cracks with relics: St. Nikita Novgorodsky, Blessed Princes of Fyodor (Brother St. Bligv. KN. Alexander Nevsky), sv. BLGV. Vladimir Novgorod, St. kn. Anna, his mother and also St. Mstislav, St. John Novgorod and St. Anthony Roman (23). In this time, the rector of Jeromona Nestor (Schmidt).
In the city of Lithuanian nuclear scientists, Visaginas on Alley Sedoslos 73a - Church of the Christmas of John the Forerunner, stands since 1996. Harmoniously inspired between two high-rise buildings, this small church of red brick is the first temple of the city. Here, as in the Church of Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, many icons written by a local modern icon painter Olga Kirichenko. The pride of the parish choir church, a long-term participant in the international festivals of church singing. Primer priest Georgy Salomatov.
On Taikos Avenue, the second temple of the city, which still allows our country to proudly be called an atomic power - the church of introducing to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Naznodel Mary, with the chassis of St. Panteleimon. There are no rich Orthodox traditions at the arrival, compared with the communities that built the churches in the past and by last centuries, but for the fifth time the preponal holiday of this temple has been celebrated and the first day of the first Divine Liturgy will be served, after the construction work is completed in the construction of monolithic Building. Primer Proteroire Joseph Zetaishvili.
Vilnius Kaunas, driving around the highway, can not not be noticed by the restored white church of the Assumption of the Virgin of the city of Veveis, the old name of the settlement - "Evie", by the name of the second wife of the Grand Prince Lithuanian Gedimin (1316-1341), Eva, Polotsk Orthodox Princess. The modern temple was built by Archimandrite of the Vilnius St. Monastery by Plato, subsequently by the Metropolot of Kiev and Galitsky in 1843. At the temple from 1933, there is a chapel in the name of the Holy Vilnius Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustafia.
Through the freeway, opposite the Veveis Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, stands on the Orthodox cemetery a small elegant chapel in honor of all saints, 1936 buildings. This in the Vilnius region is one of the last erected stone orthodox temples. It for his own funds from the grave of the Son and his wife, the priest Alexander Nedland, buried here (3). The town is small and the community is not a few, but with ancient strong Orthodox roots, leaving for the depths of the centuries, because in the local printing house in 1619 the church-Slavic grammar of the Meltyo of the Pochotsky was published. Such a stronghold of Orthodoxy is entrusted to the abbot of Igumen Veniamin (Savchitsa), resting in Lithuania, for all modern construction canons, already the third temple.
In the lake capital of Lithuania, Zarasai, local authorities in 1936 decided to transfer all saints at the expense of the state of the Orthodox Church of all saints from the city center. Zhaulyai city, along with the city of Shauliai, where the temple also destroyed and moved, it added the glory of the persecutors of Christ. In 1941, the church burned down and the city was not spoiled by architecturally significant buildings, God's house lost everything. In 1947, the chapel in honor of all saints in the Orthodox cemetery was registered in the parish church. Nowadays, a monument to the fellow party, the Hero of the Soviet Union, is demolished in this city.
In the city of Kaunas, a small snow-white resurrection church of 1862. At the Orthodox in the cemetery, for some time it was destined to become the Cathedral, because Cathedral SVV. Peter and Paul, located in the city center, as the property of the military garrison of the Russian Empire, after the First World War, the Orthodox seized. This was limited to, the temple did not destroy, considering it by the architectural landmark of the city only the Russian inscriptions from the facade were removed. On the expansion of the Resurrection Temple, the pre-warning of the Republic of Lithuania has allocated a loan, but in the diocese, it was decided to begin construction of a new urban food cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The bookmark of the temple was conducted in 1932 and in a novopyostric cathedral, after five years they first cooked Miro. In 1936, in connection with the 25-year-old archpastric ministry, the President of the Republic of Lithuania Antanas Smeton, awarded the Lithuanian Metropolitan Eldephieria Order of the Grand Prince Gediminas 1 degree. The parishioners of the oldest age remember that the long-term rector of two Kauna cathedrals from 1920 to 1954, on whose shoulders lay the load of the structure, was the Archpriest of Eustafia Kalisky, until 1918, the former renunal border division of the Russian Imperial Army. In Kaunsky, the Kaefred Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God is the miraculous Survival icon of the Mother of God, shown by 1530, and the list of the fire icon of God's Mother of God, written in 1897. Over time, the cathedral turned out to be in the center.
In the city, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Botanical Garden, on the left bank of the river, near the mountain on which the legend says, Napoleon stood during the transition of troops through Neman, on Barcoon Street built in 1891, "depending on the highest military authorities of the Coven fortress artillery and donations of military officers The ranks, the stone snow-white church, in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh ... The main dome was heavenly color, and the dome of the altar was completely covered with a golden grid on which millions of rays, evening light was spread. "(4) who survived after the two world wars, but lost in the trenches of his parishioners, this temple stands all forgotten, abandoned and desecrated.
Locals his age, in the former temporary capital, in oblivion and church of the 3rd Dragun Novorossiysk Regiment, in memory of the Transfiguration of the 1904 Lord. This hiking church has existed since 1803 and accompanied the shelf in the campaigns of the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. But, on his misfortune turned out to be in the location of the territory of the regiment of the Soviet military unit. Two World Wars did not cope with this Soldier Temple of Red Brick, but "kinship do not remember," he was brought to the repair shop and that this is the house of God, now reminds only decorative embossed crosses, from brickwork on the walls, and outlines. Icons on the facade under the roof. The left wall does not exist - it is a solid opening of the angry gate, the floor is saturated with fuel oil with a layer of garbage, and the surviving walls and the ceiling inside the black building from the soot.
Kaunastsy remember that in the fence of the fire monastery, on the shore of the man-made lake - "Kaunskaya Sea", was buried Russian Scripper, composer and conductor - Prince, Major General, Flygel Aditant Emperor Nikolai I - Alexey Fedorovich Lvov (1798-1870), author Music of the first Russian national anthem - "God, King Gran!" ("Prayer of the Russian People"), who deceased in the Kovensky kinderbody estate.
The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius Slavna Fourteen Orthodox churches and two chapels, the main one is the Cathedral Church of the Vilnius Monastery in honor of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. All roads of Orthodox residents and guests of the capital lead to it. In the old part of the city, the temple is visible from everywhere and according to historians, the first preserved document, which refers to the holy monastery, dates back to 1605. But in 1374, the Kostantinopol Patriarch Filofee Kokkin († 1379) was canonized by the victims of Anthony, John and Eustafia affected by the Orthodox faith, during the rule of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Algirdas (Olgere) (1345-1377). In 1814, their non-relics were found in the underground sclepe, and now a cozy cave church is equipped in the name of the Holy Vilen Martyrs. One of the first senior persons,
Having visited the monastery, was the emperor Alexander I, who allocated subsidies for the repair of buildings (14). The local pastry is proud that since December 22, 1913, Tikhon (Belavin) (1865-1925) (1865-1925) was appointed Archbishop Lithuanian and Vilensky (1865-1925), later Metropolitan Moscow and Kolomensky, elected in 1917 at the All-Russian Local Cathedral, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. On the day of the memory of the apostle and the evangelist of John the Theologian in 1989, the family counted (28).
In the spring of 1944, the diocese shook the tragedy, Metropolitan Vilensky and Lithuanian Sergius (Voskresensky), Exach Latvia and Estonia, was shot on the Wilnius Road - Kaunas unknown in German uniform. Vladyka Sergius, in this difficult time tried in the conditions of "new order", to lead a cautious policy, in every way emphasizing his loyalty to the Moscow Patriarchate. The Baltic region, at the entire occupied territory of the USSR, was the only one where the Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarchate was surveyed and even increased (27)
The only native of Vilnius, who became the ruling archipership of the Lithuanian department, was Archbishop Alexy (Dehtererev) (1889-1959). The Second World War found him Beloamigrant, the abbot of the Alexandro-Neva Church of Alexandria in Egypt. According to the denunciation, the Egyptian police arrested him in 1948, holding almost a year in Turma (6). The passenger ship, former captain of long-range sailing, who took him to his homeland was called ... "Vilnius" and on his native Lithuanian land, since 1955, Lord Alexy remained until his last days (22).
During the marked 400th anniversary of the monastery and the 650th anniversary of the death of SVV. Vilen Martyrs, Diocese visited the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. In the holy monastery there is a residence of the ruling archiving - Metropolitan of Vilensky and Lithuanian Chrysostom, the Sacred-Archimandrite of the Monastery.
Vilnius Prechistan Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1346, rebuilt in 1868, is located ten steps from the Russian street, registered on Mayronio d.14. On the front of the inscription "the temple was built at the Grand Duza Algirdas (Olgere) in 1346 ... and put his body in the Church of the Blessed Virgin in Wilna, southerly created. The Church of the Prince elevated for his wife Julia, Tver Princess.
In 1867, the restored cathedral was visited by the sovereign Emperor Alexander II, and overlooking the church, ordered the missing amount from the state treasury. (14) The names of the Cathedral were inscribed by the names of the people who were crowded for Orthodoxy and the dedication to Fatherland, the modern experts argue that during construction Bricks used the same variety as on the Gediminas Tower. (15) The Sunday School, headed by the Archpriest Dionysia Lukoshavichus, is operating here, pilgrimage trips and goddes, concerts, exhibitions are organized. The church has grown a new generation of active, incerer youth - the future support of the Orthodoxy of our country.
Five minutes from the Prechistensky Cathedral, on DJ Street 2, in all its glory there is a temple of St. Great Martyr Parasis-Friday. A few churches have the preserved old wall with letters - "SWNG", which in the churchly the Slotan account means "1345" - an irrefutable testimony of antiquity of this temple. It is evident a memorable board that: "Emperor Petr Great in this church in this church ... Baptized African Ganibal Pradeda A.S. Pushkin. " The Xams are located on one of the most beautiful streets of the city and visible from the Gediminas Tower and, after the independence of Lithuania, adjacent to him, the old trading area of \u200b\u200bthe traddy, thanks to artists again became in demand.
In honor of St. Nicholas in Lithuania, eight temples and two of them in the capital. "The Church of St. Nicholas (transferred) the most ancient in Wilna, why, unlike other Nikolaevsky, was called Great. The second wife of Algirdas (Olgerda) - Juliania Aleksandrovna, Princess Tverskaya, about 1350, instead of a wooden erected stone ..." - reported on Memorial board installed in 1865 on the front of the temple. In 1869, with the permission of Emperor Nikolai 1, an allocated fundraising for the restoration of "oldest in Wilna Church" was announced. At the assembled funds rebuilt the temple and attached a chapel for him in honor of Mikhail's archrest. With this time, the temple was not subjected to essential rebuildings, remained in force during the first and second world wars and in Soviet times.
On Lukishkes Street is the prison church of St. Nicholas, from the yellow brick, erected in 1905 next to the prison church and synagogue. From the conversation with the priest, Vitaly Seratepinas learned that inside it was divided into separations in the severity of the guilt of convicts. Reques pass in one of the rooms arranged for these purposes and the administration of the institution promises a cross on the dome to restore. On the facade from the street there is still a mosaic Lick of the Savior, which reminds the house of God. Before the revolution, this prison temple opened the priest Georgy Spassky (1877-1943), to which the future Vserude Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin) / 1865-1925 /, as the "Vilensk Goslastuist," presented a steam cross with a particle of the relics of the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Efstaphia. Since 1917, Archpriest Georgy Spassky - the chief priest of the Imperial Black Sea Fleet and the confessor of the Russian emigration of the city of Bizert in Tunisia. With warmth, he recalled this convunie and Fyodor Shalyapin, he was the confessor of the Great Singer (6).
Now, almost in the center of the city - on Basanavichus Street, on the enrollment of Emperor Nicholas II, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reigning house of Romanov, in 1913 it was built once with gold domes, for the funds of the actual Stat adviser Ivan Andreevich Kolesnikov, the Church of St. Mikhail and Constantine. The Great Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova (1864-1918) was presented at the celebrations of the sanctification of the monument temple (1864-1918). A year later, in October 1914, the representative of the Romanovsky dynasty - Oleg Konstantigovich, fought in this temple, was fatally wounded in battle with the Germans. More than forty years, since 1939, the community of this church fought about. Alexander Nesterovich, who was arrested by the German administration, and then the Soviet NKVD. Now inside the temple from the former grandeur, only the iconostasis remained, but in the people it is later called Romanovskaya (15).
In 1903, at the end of St. George Avenue, renamed Mitzkevich's Avenue, Stalin, Lenin, and finally Avenue Gediminas, on the opposite side from the cathedral area, from a yellow brick in the Byzantine style, a three-piece church was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Znoman". In addition to the main throne, there is a snack in the name of John the Baptist and the Prescripts of Evdokia. From the day of the consecration of the Znamensky church, the divine service was not interrupted during the world wars, nor in the Soviet period. In 1948, the Patriarch of the Moscow and All Russia of Alexy I presented the Temple of the Kursk-indigenous icon of the Mother of God. Lander of Archpriest Peter Müller.
By Kalvarian Street, under 65, the number of the Archangel Mikhail Church is located, 1895. "The beginning of this church was found in 1884, when the opening of the parish school followed on the shrinkles, at the end of the Calvarian Street." (14) The building of the temple is stone and in excellent condition. On both sides, the flaggel is adjacent to it. Primer of Archpriest Nikolai Ustinov.
One of the few Orthodox churches of Lithuania, which can be seen in the photographs of the end of the nineteenth century photographer Yuzf Chekhovich (J. Czechowicz, 1819-1888), chasing wine and its surroundings and buried in the Bernardian cemetery, the temple of St. Katerina. On the banks of the Neris River, the Beloamennaya Orthodox Church, in the respectable area Zhevinas was erected in 1872, which resembles the preserved memorable plates - by the efforts of General - Governor Alexander Lvovich Potapov. Until the Second World War, the parish in the name of St. Catherine - "Patriarch", the only one in vigilant, retained the loyalty to the Moscow Patriarchate, going to Vasilyevich Bogdanovich Vasilyevich Vasilyevich. In 1940, the NKVD bodies managed from Moscow did not accept this by merit Vyacheslav Vasilyevich and he was shot without trial in their dashes. (12) The irony of fate - now this church is visible from the windows of the new Russian embassy, \u200b\u200bbut this did not change her . None of this outstanding agency wants neither to pray here, nor put a candle, not just to ask when and in this church will be allowed to pour citizens and the first post-war liturgy will pass.
Wooden and unusual for the modern European capital, a little elongated church in honor of SVV. The first apostles Peter and Paul are located in the proletarian district of Vilnius, New Vilnia on Koyalavichus Street 148. Erected as temporary in 1908 on the means of railway tracks. This is one of the temples of the city in which services have always been carried out. At the entrance on Sundays, there are always a lot of strollers and people in the church in the church, a family atmosphere is felt, where everyone knows each other well and came to the service of families in several generations. The hostess of the candle drawer confestedly: in a few years a centenary anniversary and we are looking for a sponsor. To take a picture of the church, it was necessary to take on the horrowstroke. Here and caught me unexpectedly approaching the owners. "A, the church is photographing, nothing, nothing, do not get ..." Already at least the temple of parishioners is already small, an angel standing near him is unlike him, in contrast to the Sv. Catherine in respectable Zhvurinas.
Church of St. Alexander Nevsky in the new light on the street 1/17, so called this area of \u200b\u200bVilnius, was erected in 1898, as a tribute to the memory of the king Alexander III "Peacemaker". Before the war, the Polish authorities were transferred to the female Orthodox Monastery of St. Mary Magdalene. Since the airfield was located nearby, for the temple, as for the city, the Second World War began twice. September 1, 1939 German troops invaded Poland. According to the memoirs of Novo-Liosky, Sokolova Zinovia Archka, was subjected to a bombardment of the airfield and the streets of Vilna. Teenager, he remembers airplanes with black crosses and heard Echo of explosions. June 22, 1941, upon the invasion of German troops in the USSR, everything was repeated on Vilnius streets again. When the city is released from the German-fascist troops in the summer of 1944, the aircraft building of the temple was destroyed almost completely. All the nuns were loved on their own, but were evicted. In Soviet times, a colony "hard-educated girls of adolescents" was located here, and since my classmates lived nearby, at the beginning of the seventies, we ourselves, 17 Summer, specially came to pass the cigarettes or candies of unfamiliar colonists for whom the temple became Turma. For a deaf fence, this church has already been given to the diocese and now, worship services are not held.
"Not far from Marcuz is the most elevated area in the vicinity of the city of Vilno ...- The favorite place of the walk of Emperor Alexander I" (16). In Markuchey, as this suburb is now called, on the street. Subacheus 124, next to the house of the Museum of Pushkin, on the hillock, since 1905 there is a small stone and very elegant home Cervory, consecrated in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Varvara. In this temple, once there was a little iconostasis, the throne and services were held. Here in 1935, Barbar Pushkin, the wife of the challenge son Alexander Sergeyevich, Grigory Pushkin (1835-1905) did not have time to see the embodied plan - the house of the Church. Barbara Alekseevaa did a lot to preserve the relics in the manor associated with the name of the poet, whose great-grandfather, African Hannibal, dubbed in the Friday church of our city in 1705 Peter Great.
At the old Orthodox Holy Evphrosynievsky cemetery, the temple in the name of the St. Euphrosynia Polotsk, was built in 1838 by Vilensky merchant, church old-fashioned Tikhon Frolovich Zaitsev. In 1866, on the means of the former city general-governor Stepan Fedorovich Panytin (1822-1885), it was arranged iconostasis (14). At the beginning of the twentieth century by the efforts of the priest Alexander Karaseva, the church adopted a modern appearance.
In 1914, the second "Cemetery Winter Church" was covered, in honor of St. Tikhon Zadonsky, the Heavenly patron of the Tekhon Frolovchi temptor, at that place where he had been the tomb of Lithuania since 1839, since 1960, there was a warehouse and stone warehouse in the cave church workshop. In July 1997, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II committed lithium at the entrance to this temple. (15) by the efforts of the arrival of St. Euphrosinia by Polotsk, and the chapel of the monument-memorial of the patron of Russian Violas St. George Victorious supplied in 1865, at the site of the burial of Russian soldiers who died in 1863 during hostilities within the North-West Territory. Once at the chapel "... there was an openwork cast-iron door with bronze jewelry, a large icon of St. The Great Martial Party George Victorious in Massive Kyote and the disgusting lamp was grieving, "but in 1904 it was stated that there are no lamps at this time and the chapel itself requires repair" (14).
In the suburb of the capital at the Vilnius-Ukmerge motorway, in the village of Bukishkes, on the street soda, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin of the end of the X1x century - Double time was the warehouse of the school of agricultural mechanisters. The five-populated, built of yellow brick, for the agent of the army, whose daughter is already in old age, after World War II, unsuccessfully applied to the authorities about the return of the Church's building (3). Recently, this temple is reborn and restored by the efforts of the Archbishop of the Vilensky and Lithuanian Chrysostom.

Vilnius 2004.

Literatra literature literature

1. Religijos Lietuvoje. Duomenys Apie Nekatalikikas Religijas, Konfesijas, Religines Organizacijas IR Grupes. Vilnius: Prizms Inynas, 1999.
2. Laukaityt Regina, Lietuvos Staiatiki Banyia 1918-1940 m.: Kova DL Cerkvi, Lituanistica, 2001, Nr. 2 (46).
3. Laukaityt Regina, Staiatiki Banyia Lietuvoje XX Amiuje, Vilnius: Lietuvos Istorijos Institutas, 2003.
4. Priest G. A. Zitovich, temples of the Army and Fleet. Historical and Statistical description, Pyatigorsk: type-lithography b. A. P. Nagorova, 1913.
5. Zalessky K. A., who was who in the First World War. Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary, M., 2003.
6. Hegumen Rostislav (Kolupaev), Russians in North Africa, Rabat, 1999-Obninsk, 2004.
7. Arefieva I., Plutvis G., "and became a priest Lesorb ...", Orthodox Moscow, 1999, No. 209, c. 12.
8. Priest Nikolai Murashov. The history of the Orthodox Church of the city of Rasyeniy. The emergence of Orthodoxy in Kedainay, typey.
9. Ustimno Svetlana, he lived for the church, worked for the church, a lively source (newspaper of the Visaginsky Orthodox community), 1995, No. 3.
10. Koretskaya Varvara Nikolaevna, I will not leave you as orphans, Klaipeda: Society of Christian Enlightenment "Word", 1999.
11. Kolayn Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, Vilnius ,.
12. Priest Vitaly Siterapins, Orthodox Church in Lithuania in the interwar period (1918 G.-1939). Thesis on the history of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, typey, 2004.
13. Zatrennik Yaroslav Shipov, refuse not to be right, Moscow: "Lodia", 2000.
14. Vinogradov A., Orthodox Vilna. Description of Vilen temples, Vilna, 1904.
15. Sluts, Orthodox shrines Vilnius, Vilnius: Monastery Holy Spirits, 2003.
16. Picturesque Russia. Fatherland ours. Tom the third. Lithuanian Polesie. Under total. ed. P. P. Semenova. St. Petersburg, 1882.
17. Girininkien V., Paulauskas A. Vilniaus Bernardin Kapins, Vilnius: Mintis, 1994.
18.Topographic maps. General Staff, Lithuanian SSR. Compiled by the filming materials 1956-57, updated in 1976
19. Ieromona Nestor (Kumysh), the bright memory of the elder Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov, Orthodoxy and Life (St. Petersburg Diocese), 2002, No. 9-10.
20. R. Bakkut, Healing rites from holy sources in Lithuania: Holy Source in Upaley, III Russian Festival of Anthropological Movie. International seminar. Abstracts, Salekhard, 2002.
21. Guidukov A., Youth subculture of Slavic neo-language in St. Petersburg, seminar in the sector of sociology of public movements of the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1999.
22. Savitsky Lion, chronicle of the church life of the Lithuanian diocese, (typey, 1971, 117 l.).
24. Archimandrite Alexy (Chernai), Shepherd during the war years, St. Petersburg Diocesan Vedomosti, 2002, No. 26-27.
25. Lietuva IR Kaliningrado Sritis. Keli Emlapis Su Vilniaus, Kauno, Klaipedos, Iauli, Panevio Irkaliningrado Miest Planas, 2003/2004
26. Raguva (68 Aut., 130 Str., 1128 p., 700 EGZ., 2001 m., 8-Oji Serijos Knyga)
27.Gazet "World of Orthodoxy" №3 (60) March 2003
28. http://www.ortho-rus.ru Archings

ROC, established in Feb. 1839 with the name Lithuanian, included the territories of the Vilen and Grodno province of the Russian Empire. From 6 Apr. 1840 Lithuanian and Vilensk, from April 13. 1945 Vilensk and Lithuanian. Sovr. Territory - within the borders of the Republic of Lithuania. The cathedral city - Vilnius (up to 1795 - Vilna, then - Wilna, since 1920, again, with 1939 - Vilnius). Cathedral - in honor of the Assumption of the CVA. Virgin Mary (Prechistensky). The ruling bishop is archive. Vilensky and Lithuanian Innocent (Vasilyev; at the department from December 24, 2010). The diocese is divided into 4 adolescent districts: Vilnius (cities of Vilnius and Druskininkai, Rh Vilnius, Trakai, Salchininksky), Kaunassky (Caunas and Siauliai city, Rh Yonavsky, Kedainski, Kalyypedsky, Rasinsky, Ukmärgsky), Klaipeda (Cities Klaipeda and Palanga, Rh-Klaipeda, Akmansky, Mazeik, Tauragsky, Taulshia) and Visaginsky (cities Visaginas and Panavezhis, District Aikishtyani, Birja, Zarasaysky, Molesky, Panavezhsky, Passavalsky, Rokishksky, Uttanesky, Svyanchensky). By January 1 2004 in V. e. There were 50 parishes, 2 mon-rods (husband and wives). The clergy of the diocese consisted 43 priests and 10 deacons.

Establishment of the Diocese

After the conclusion in 1596, the Brest Ulya, most of the Orthodox, who lived on litas. Lands and those who were Polish. The subjects were addressed to the uniate. As a result of the 3rd section of Poland (1795) of litas. Earth, including wine, entered the Russian state-based, the Vilen and Slonim province were created, combined in 1797 in one. Decrees 9 Saint. 1801, Jan. and 28 Aug. 1802 Both of these provisions were restored with the names of Lithuanian Vilenskaya and Lithuanian Grodno, later renamed to Vilensk and Grodno. In 1793, a few ourselves. The Lithuanian community entered Minsk, Izyaslavskaya and the Brazlav diocese, K-paradium was formed in the territories attached to Russia in the 2nd section of Poland (1793); with 16 oct. 1799. Minsk archion. Job (Potemkin) became referred to as Minsk and Lithuanian. In 1833, the Orthodox was recreated. Polotsk and Vitebsk Diocese, which included the territory of the Vilen Lip.

To start. 30s. XIX century Most of the population of the Vilen Lip. were Greek Catholics. According to Polotsk Archiep. Smaragda (Kryzhanovsky), residents of Urtus. Religience in the province was approaching. 1 thousand. In Wilna, there was not a single rule. The parish church, only the Holy Sprats of the Monastery Temple acted, in 1838 it was consecrated by the Cemetery Cemetery Cemeter. In the name of the PRP. Evphrosnia Polotsk.

12 Feb. 1839 In Polotsk, the Cathedral of the Bishops of the Uniate Polotsk and the Vitebsk Diocese, which decided to reunite with the Ultrasound. The church (see Polotsky Cathedral), in the same year an ultrally was formed. Lithuanian diocese, he headed the archite. Joseph (Semashko; from 1852 Metropolitan), adopted in communication with Orthodi. Church with flock. In 1840, the building Catholic. Church of St. Casimir was drawn to Orthodox. The church consecrated in the name of SVT. Nicholas Wonderworker. On May 9, 1845, the Department of the Lithuanian Bishopheus, in 1839-1845. Wowing at Zhirovitsky in honor of the Assumption of the PRAC. The Mother of God Mont-Rea, was transferred to Vilno, the Cathedral was C. SVT. Nicholas. In 1840, the Brest Vic. Lithuanian Diocese was created to manage parishes on the territory of the Grodno lips. In 1843, the territory of the newly formed Koven lips was included in the Lithuanian diocese. And Coven Vicariate was established.

Lithuanian diocese in the 2nd floor. XIX - NCH. XX century

Before 60s. XIX century The diocese practically did not receive funds from the Russian treasury for the construction of temples, local resources were not allowed to carry out it in the desired volume. The position in the root changed after the suppression of Polish. Uprising 1863-1864, when MN. Chostels and Catholic. MONT-RES "For promoting rebels" by the main head of the edge of M. N. Muravyov, were submitted to the Orthodox. Dioceses or closed. In the 60s. Russian treasury allocated 500 thousand rubles. For the construction of 57 temples in the Lithuanian diocese, in addition, from all the ends of Russia, donations came to the land. In 1865-1869. The ancient farmented, built in the XIV C is restored: Assumption Metropolitan Cathedral (Prechistensky), C. MPC. Paraskeva Friday, c. SVT. Nicholas, K-Roy attached a chapel in honor of the arch. Michael, in 1851 in the holy of the mon-re in the previously existing cave was equipped with C. In the name of the Vilen Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustafia, where they placed the relics of these saints, newly acquired in 1814 to con. 60s. XIX century On the territory of the diocese operated more than 450 ourselves. Temples.

With archive. Makaria (Bulgakov; 1868-1879), who replaced the Mether at the Department. Joseph, the dioceses were built and redesigned to the Orthodox 293 parish churches. Archite Macarius introduced the election of adolescent, with it regularly passed diocesan, adolescent and school congresses. In 1898, the Lithuanian department took Archipen. Juvenali (Polovtsy), attached great importance to the arrangement of monastic life. According to his application before the Synod in 1901, Berezvestian was revived in honor of the Nativity of the PRA. The Mother of God wives. MON-PL, significantly increased the number of people of Vilensky Holy Dukhov, Mont-Rya, the sacredarchimandrites of which were Vilensky bishops. In 1909, the Church-Building Committee was established in the Vilensky Orthodox Holy British fraternity, which took care of organizing the collection of funds for the depths of depths in the diocese. In 1899, in connection with the institution of the Grodno Department (see Grodno and Volkovysk Diocese), the territory of the Grodno lips. It was excluded from the Lithuanian diocese, the existence of the Brest Vic-property ceased.

During the management of the Lithuanian diocese archite. sv. Tikhon (Belavin; Dec. 1913 - June 1917; Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia) The church was opened at the headquarters of the military corps in Wilna, it was laid. In the name of the AP. Andrei is married in p. Andronov Disney's., Built temples in the disyn and places. Ugrian-bthinsky (bthino). Representatives of imp. Families in different years have repeatedly visited Wilna, participated in worship services in local temples, 24-25 Saint. 1914 On the way to the front, Vilna was visited by the honorary chairman of the Vilna Brotherhood of Imp. sv. Nicholas II Aleksandrovich.

Spiritual educational institutions

Wilna. Plan of part of the city with the testimony of the existed and now located in it in the Orthodox churches, monasteries and chapels. "Lithograph. 1874 (GIm)

Wilna. Plan of part of the city with the testimony of the existed and now located in it in the Orthodox churches, monasteries and chapels. "Lithograph. 1874 (GIm)

In 1839, Uniate Seminary in Zhirovitsky Assumption Mont-Rea was transformed into Orthodox, in Aug. 1845 translated into the Vilensky Holy Trinity Husband. Mont-ry, the rector of the fourth was a seminary rector. In 1839-1915. 170-195 people studied annually in it. At first, teaching was conducted in Polish. language; After the appearance in DS Rus. teachers rus. The language began to dominate in the educational process, although some theological disciplines were taught for a long time to Latin for the preparation of seminarists for the disputes with Catholic. clergy. In the 40s XIX century At DS, the Ethnographic Committee worked, under the supervision of the swarm, the descriptions of the customs of the inhabitants of the Western Territory were compiled, published by the Russian geographical geographical. The DS library in 1885 numbered 12,500 volumes, among them were rare editions of the XV-XVII centuries.

8 Saint. 1861 Diocesan 3-class wives opened in Wilna. School, to-ryom imp. Maria Alexandrovna testified capital. In 1867-1872. The diocese operated 5 doors: Berezvest, Vilenskoye, Zhirovitsky, Kobrinsky and Suparskoye, who were under the jurisdiction of the seminar board. In 1872, 3 schools were closed, we were tested in the warnesses and in Wilna, in 1895, 307 students were studied in them. 25 Oct. 1894. Vilensky Holy Andreevsky Guide was established to provide benefits to poor students.

After the publication in 1884, the "Rules on Church Greater Schools" in the Lithuanian Diocese began to create this new type of educational institutions (previously in the diocese, national schools were dominated). In 1886, an exemplary counseling school was opened at DS. In 1885, upon proposal Archp. Alexandra (Dobrynina) The Council of the Vilen Brotherhood accepted the duties of the Diocesan School Council, his branches were organized in all the districts of the Vilen, Grodno and Koven province. In 1888, the Council established teacher 2-year schools in Wilna and in the Grodno lips. To prepare teachers of christmas schools (2 releases took place - in 1890 and 1892). In 1895, 148 chick-party schools were operating on the territory of the diocese with 6205 students, 693 folk primary schools with 43385 students and 1288 schools of diplomas with 24445 students. Schools have existed in the Vilensky Holystic Holy Spirit, Borunsky (assigned to the Holystic), fire, Surdeg, Berezvest, Antalepte Mont-Ry.

Missionary, educational, publishing

Since the Orthodox in the Western Territory lived in the advantage of the Alupic medium, the missionaryness was one of the main activities of church and rus. Public structures in the Lithuanian diocese. Since 1880, non-military-service religious and moral interviews began to be held in some temples, since 1892, weekly religious and moral readings were held at DS. In the house belonging to the Vilen Brotherhood, there were interviews with Jews on Saturdays. The diocese existed the position of an anti-rader missionary to work with the Old Believers. From 1898, a missionary train was kiced in the Vilen region - "Church of the Polessian Road". With archive. schishmch. Agafangele (Preobrazhensky; 1910-1913) The Diocesan Missionary Committee began the work, which was headed by EP in 1911. Elevferai (Bogoyavlensky), Vic. Coven. Missionary courses were also organized, the "anti-cellulic controversy" became the main subject. With archive. Agafangle in perfumes day annually accomplished solemn processions from all Vilen temples and Mont-Rey to the Nikolaev Cathedral, then to the holy mon-Ryu.

From 1863 in the diocese went out. "Lithuanian diocesan statements", since 1907, the "Bulletin of the Vilensky Holy Holy Brotherhood". Jan 20 1895 In Wilna, a typography of the Holy Church of the Holy Brotherhood was opened, by 1909 more than 100 names of books were printed in it.

By 1895, 38 adolescent and 86 christmasry bs acted in the diocese. From January 1 1880, with all temples, the parish chronicles were conducted. In aw 1886 Archive. Alexy (Lavrov-Platonov) approved the program of the historical and statistical description of the parishes of the Diocese, in accordance with the Swarm in 1888, a multi-volume document was drawn up in the consistory.

Brotherhood, other church-public organizations

The Vilensky Sacticoan Brotherhood was the oldest and largest church-country organization in Lithuania (operated in Con. XVI - Con. XVIII century, revived in 1865, ceased existence in 1915). The fraternity led the active educational, publishing, charitable activities, contained a shelter for 12 children, as well as a house, 40 families lived in concessional conditions. The shelter for 30 girls-orphans from the families of spiritual persons existed in Vilensky Marie Magdalinsky wives. MON-RE From other fraternity, the Koven St. Nicholas Petropavlovsk (1864-1915, resumed in 1926, existed before 1940). With most parishes, the diocese acted guardianship, in 1895 there were 479.

Lithuanian diocese in 1917-1945

In June 1917, after the election of SVT. Tikhon (Belavin) on the Moscow Department, the manager of the Lithuanian diocese was appointed Coven EP. Elevferey (Bogoyavlensky). In 1918, Lithuania proclaimed independence, it was included in the new state-wa. Coven lips. And a slight part of the former. Vilen lips. Justice. The Lithuanian community remained in the canonical submission of the Russian Church, June 28, 1921. Patriarch Tikhon and Sagra. Synod appointed EP. Elevferey Archbishop Lithuanian and Vilensky.

In 1920 most of the former. The Vilna Lips., Including Wilina, has departed to Poland, in 1922 the Vilen and Lida diocese of the Warsaw Autochet Metropolia was established on this territory. In February 1923, the Samoye Department of Polish Justice occurred. Churches from the Moscow Patriarch and its transition to the jurisdiction of the K-Polish Patriarchate. Archite Elevferai, who was then in Vilna, protested against these non-canonical actions. In the fall of 1922, the decision of the Church Court of the Warsaw Metropolis of Vladyka was fired from the Vilensky Department, then he was arrested by civil authorities and sent to Catholic. Mont-ry under Krakow. Archite was put on the Vilensky Department of the Polish autochetal church. Feodosius (Feodosiev). The Vilna and Lida diocese of the Polish Church existed before the beginning of World War II.

After 3 months. Conclusions archive. Elevferey was expelled from Poland, went to Berlin. In Apr. 1923 he received a proposal to head the part of the Vilen Diocese, the territory of K-Roy was within the Republic of Lithuania. After the arrival of Lord in Kaunas (Kovno) - the temporary capital of Lithuania - at the meeting of representatives of the Ugra. The parish was elected the Diocesan Council from 3 priests and 2 laity. The Council was re-elected annually, his composition was approved by the Department of Religious Min-Va of the Interior of Lithuania. Relationships between righteous. The diocese and authorities were regulated by the "temporary rules of relations between the Lithuanian Orthodox Church with the Lithuanian Government."

In 1926, the Minister of Internal Affairs V. wished encouraged the archive. Eleveria to take action for the acquisition of the Lithuanian diocese of autocephaly. The bishop refused, referring to the fact that he managed part of the Lithuanian diocese and the question of her fate could be solved only after the return of the Vilen region of Lithuania. Since the accession of the territories occupied by Poland was the main political task of the Lithuanian state, the plans of the government on autocephaly were postponed at the time. In the autumn of 1928, at the invitation of the deputy seat of the Patriarcharchy Patriarchard Mer. Sergius (Strahgorodsky) Archipel. Elevferey arrived in Moscow. At the meeting of Holy. Synod he was erected in San Metropolitan, while at the same time having received the right to "autonomously independently solve all issues relating to the church-administrative interests of the Lithuanian diocese." In 1930 miter. Elevferai was appointed to the post of Temporarily Managing Western Europe. Apartments of the ROC, 30 Apr. Approved in position.

The diocese within Lithuania was divided into 3 puments: Kaunas, Panavezhskoye and Siauliai. By 20th. XX century Number of Ugra. The temples in the edge declined sharply: dozens of temples were destroyed or used for shopping needs, Catholic. Churches, churches and Mont-Ri, taken away from Catholics in the 2nd floor. XIX century, were returned. In 1920, 10 ourselves were registered in the Lithuanian Religious Department. parishes. After returning the archive. Elevferey in Lithuania The number of parishes grew to the Ser. 30s. reached 31. In 1923, Archipel. Elevferey had 5 priests, until 1930, another 5, but the clergymen did not have enough. In 1923-1939. Gas was published in Kaunas. "The voice of the Lithuanian Orthodox Diocese", published articles in defense of Orthodoxy. Since 1937, in response to the creation of the Uniate Church Mission in Kaunas, the newspaper has released a special application about it and its goals.

In 1926, Kaunasy St. Nicholas Brotherhood resumed its activities (existed until 1940), the number of its members in the 30s. was 80-90 people. Brotherhood spent on relig. and moral and ethical issues, issued benefits to those in need of disciples of Kaunasy Rus. Gymnasium, assisted the poor parishes, issued funds from Rus. Scout detachment to bring in order the graves Rus. Warriors.

In oct. 1939, after the defeat of Poland, Germany and the conclusion of Soviet. Agreements, wine and insignificant part of the Vilen region were attached to Lithuania, 14 churches operated on this territory and 12 thousand Orthodox lived. Most of the Vilen Region (formerly. Disney, Vilesky, Lidsky, Oshmyansky is observed) departed to the Belarusian SSR. In oct. 1939 Mitr. Elevferai came to Vilnius, who again became the Cathedral Center, the bishop abolished the Vilen Consistory of the Polish Church.

10 Jan. 1940 Archive. Feodosius, former. The head of the Vilensky diocese of the Warsaw Metropolis, sent a letter to Mer. Sergia (Stragor), in K-Rom brought repentance in the sin of the split, refused to manage the Lithuanian diocese and asked him to accept him and his flock into the jurisdiction of the Russian Church. Archite Feodosius was written on peace, lived in the Vilnius Holy Spirit Mont-Re. However, in the spring of the same year, Feodosius told the Council of Ministers of Lithuania that his letter to Moscow was a mistake that he comes out of the miter's submission. Elevferey and creates a temporary diocesan council. On May 22, 1940, he sent a letter to the K-Polish Patriarch, he wrote in to Rom that he still considers himself the head of the Vilen Diocese and asks him to take him into the jurisdiction of the K-Field. The following letter addressed to the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Lithuania, Feodosius, noted that his appeal to K-Paul is "the first step to independence from the Moscow Patriarch Sergius is not only the Vilensky region, but also the entire historical Lithuanian Orthodox Church." Feodosia supported the Minister of Internal Affairs of Lithuania K. Skhod, in direct jurisdiction there were religion issues. relationship. Further actions to announce the autochefali of the Lithuanian Church were impossible, after in June 1940, Soviet troops entered Lithuania.

In aw 1940 Lithuania became part of the USSR. Mer. Elevferey ruled the Lithuanian and Vilensky diocese of the ROC to his death of 31 dec. In 1940, Dmitrovsky archite was then the authorized representative of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Baltic States. Sergius (Resurrection), Feb 24. 1941 appointed by Metropolitan Lithuanian and Vilensky, Exarm Latvia and Estonia. During it. The occupation of Lithuania during the Second World War Exarch Baltic was not interrupted by Moscow. In 1942 MTER. Sergius (Voskresensky) did notice the bishop of the Koven Archim. Daniel (username), former. Secretary Mitre. Elevferey. After the murder of Mitr. Sergius 29 Apr. 1944 In the position of temporarily administered to the Lithuanian and Vilensky diocese and deputy examination of the Baltic States entered the San Archbishop Daniel (Yuzvyuk), which performed these responsibilities before joining the Soviet Army to Lithuania in the summer of 1944

Spiritual educational institutions

In 1915, the Lithuanian seminary was evacuated from Wilna to Ryazan, where the student was 1916/17, the classes resumed in 1921 in a wine. In 1923, Lithuanian DS passed into the jurisdiction of the Polish autocephalous church. In con. 1939 DS returned to the jurisdiction of the ROC with the name "Vilnius". At Miter. Sergia (Voskresensky) in Vilnius on the basis of DS acted pasto-theological courses for the preparation of clergymen, the Protoper was led by K-Ryim. Vasily Vinogradov; Courses graduated from 27 people, the release took place on Apr 27. 1944 In 1944, the seminary was closed, in 1946, resumed, in Aug. In 1947, under pressure from the authorities, the students were translated into the seminary in the warves.

Justice. The clergy of Independent Lithuania in the 20s of the 20th century did not appeal to the government with a request to open Orthodi in Kaunas. Spiritual school. In con. 1929 Min-in enlightenment allocated 30 thousand litas on the organization of 2-year-old theological courses. Classes led archive. Elevferai, teachers of the Parisian Saint-Sergievsky Theological Bogoslovsky Institute and the head of the Kaunas Cathedral of the Annunciation Cathedral. The courses were 1 release, they graduated 8 people. In 1936, 2-week diocesan courses of Psalmiers operated.

VE. In 1945-1989

In the first years after the end of World War II, the situation of the Orthodox. The communities in the Lithuanian SSR were relatively prosperous. At the time when most chosets were closed in the republic and all Catholic. Mont-Ri, Orthodox. Temples and Mont-Ri (Holy Spirits and Marie Magdaline in Vilnius) continued to act. Per litah. The language was translated by orthos. liturgical texts. The most important event in the life of V. E. Return to Vilnius on July 26, 1946, the relevant of the Vilen Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustafia, taken to Moscow in the summer of 1915 in 1946-1948. Justice. The parishes passed the state. Registration, the rights of legal entities received 44 communities. In 1946, 76 clergymen consisted in the diocese clearing. Until 1949, more than 20 temples were repaired at the expense of the Patriarchate, including the monastery temple of St. Spirit suffered from the bombing. Patriarchate also highlighted funds for the salaries of clergymen and pension to orphans from the families of spiritual persons, in particular, in 1955, 21 of 41 came the eparchy received various kinds of help from Moscow.

Overall. The policy of the attack on the Ultimate. The church began to affect the righteous. Lithuanian communities in the beginning. 50s. In 1953, the Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR ordered not to let the righteousness. Communities building materials from the state. Funds. In the 50s. Lithua. The government has repeatedly appealed to Moscow with a petition for the closure of Holy Dukhov Mon-Rya. The diocesan clearing was not replenished - the clergymen who came from Belarus and from Ukraine, reinforced insurmountable obstacles to registration in Lithuania. By 1961, the number of clerics of the diocese decreased in comparison with the post-war more than 2 times and amounted to 36 clergy (of which 6 deaconov). In 1965, 15 parishes did not have their priests from 44. In the summer of 1962, a decree was followed by prohibiting the preparation of the diocese of material assistance from the Patriarchate. In 1946-1965 In the diocese closed OK. 30 temples, removed from registration Marie Magdalin Mont-Pl. Under the unlawful ban was to commit the sacraments of baptism and marriage, execution of other church requirements. In the 70s In VE. there were approx. 30 clergymen, the number of parishioners amounted to just over 12 thousand people. Natural migration processes - the relocation of residents of villages in cities - led to the fact that in most rural temples there was no parishioners. In the 70s and 1980s. Church life was relatively active only in major cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Schäulya, as well as in the border with the Kaliningrad region. The settlements of Kibaretai and Taulshai, the believers from the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bRSFSR came to the Temples of the RSFSR, where at that time there was not a single righquish. churches. In 1988, 41 church operated in the diocese.

VE. In 1989-2003

On March 11, 1990, independent Lithuanian state was restored. According to the new Constitution of Lithuania, Orthodoxy has been among the 9 traditions. For the edge of the denominations, the Government of the Republic annually allocates funds distributed in proportion to the number of believers; The average annual assistance of ourselves. Churches from the budget of Lithuania is approx. 60 thousand dollars under the Property Return Law, the Diocese returned part of the real estate, which was owned by 1940, in particular, 5 residential high-rise buildings in Vilnius, several. Church buildings in the province, residential buildings belonging to certain parishes. Alexander-Nevsky and Ekaterininskaya church in Vilnius, Evhrosiniyevskoe cemetery were transferred to Orthodox, the Holy Tikhonian chapel was resumed; Allocated funds for the restoration of C. MPC. Paraskeva Friday.

In con. 90s. In the diocese consecrated several. New temples: In the name of Martyrs of faith, hopes, love and mother of their Sofia in High School Klaipeda, in the name of SVT. Tikhon in the district center of Salchininkai, John-Forerovsky in Visaginas. In 2002, in Palanga on the project of the Penza Archite. D. Borunov was built by the temple in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, the project of the same architect in Klaipeda is built by Pokrovsko-Nikolskaya century, Nikolsky came to-Roy consecrated on Dec. 2002 In Visaginas, a two-storey temple is being built in honor of the introduction of the CV. The Mother of God, in 2001, consecrated Panteleimonovsky's attack of this temple.

The most important event in the life of Orthodox. Lithuania was a visit to the republic of the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia by Alexia II on July 25-27, 1997, dedicated to the celebration of the 650th anniversary of the death of Vilen Martyrs and the 400th anniversary of the Holy Dukhov Mon-Rya. Lithuanian President A. Brazauskas presented to Patriarch Alexy II, the highest award of the Republic of Lithuania - Order of Lithuania. led. kn. Gedimin 1st degree. During the visit, Patriarch Alexy II visited the boarding school number 3 in Vilnius and handed out a donation for its improvement. From the balcony of the chapel, in Ki-Roy there is a vilensk ostroglamian icon of the Mother of God, revered by both Orthodox and Catholics, the Primate of the ROC appeared with the appeal to the people of Lithuania.

Educational, publishing

In the diocese, there are 10 parish Sunday schools, the largest - under the Kaunasovsky Annunciation Cathedral, more than 200 people are visited. of different ages. In 2001, the Diocesan Commission was established, supervising the work of Sunday schools. In 2001, 12 students from Lithuania graduated from the correspondence departure of the Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Bologosovsky Institute.

In 1997, the permanent Diocesan Commission on the certification of teachers of the subject of the "Basics of Religion", studied in litas. secondary schools (on the choice of students) since 1992 for Orthodi. Teachers-catechochizers of the diocese annually holds republican seminars. In the present time in schools with rus. Language of training employs 55 ourselves. Catechist teachers.

In the beginning. 90s. The diocese issued 3 of the Orthodox. Sat "Lose", "essays on the history of Russian holiness" of John Cologrya, prayermen, individual works by Rus. Relig. philosophers.

Church-public organizations

In 1995, the Diocesan Orthodox Brotherhood of Lithuania was established (Chairman of the Council - the rector of the Anatoly Cathedral in Kaunas. Anatoly Stalbovsky), the majority of the diocese parishes were included in the cure. In many ways, thanks to the initiative of the Council of the Brotherhood, hundreds of young men and girls became participants in summer orthos. camps organized annually on the Baltic m. and places. Saw under Kaunas. In addition, young people make pilgrimages in St. Places of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. For the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Easter are the festivals of youth creative teams. Justice. Oh-in St. Evphrosynia Polotsk organizes summer orthos. Camps, youth chorus Oba participates in worship services. OK Society. Enlightenment "Living Kolos" takes towards orphans and children from disadvantaged families within the framework of the previous 12 years of the program "Criss and gods". The "Living Colos" leads the program at the Lithuanian National Radio, religious and moral issues, historical and modern issues are consecrated in the fourth. Aspects of Russian life in Lithuania.

The most revered cover of the airproke is the relics of Martyuricantonia, John and Eustafia, which are revered in the Cathedral Church of the Vilnius Holy Dukhov Mon-Ry. In the refectory Vilnius Marie Magdaline wives. Mont-Rum is stored with particles of the relics of St. Equal Mary Magdalene, brought to Vilna from the Pochaevsky Lavra in 1937 in the Cathedral in honor of the Annunciation of the CV. The Mother of God in Kaunas is the Surdegian icon of the Mother of God, according to the legend that was visiting in 1530 above the source in places. Supairh, 38 km from Panavezhis; This source and today is the place of pilgrimage of believers.


By January 1 2004 In the diocese, 2 mon-series were operating: Vilnius Holy Spirits (husband., Based on the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries) and Vilnius in the name of St. Equal Mary Magdalene (wives, founded in 1864).

In the XIX - beginning. XX century On the territory of the diocese, Vilensky in the name of St. Trinity (husband was founded, founded in the 2nd floor. XIV century, in the beginning. XVII century. transferred to unitam, resumed as Orthodox in 1845, abolished in 1915), Surrivsky in honor of the Descent St. Spirit on the Apostles (Husband., Founded in 1550, abolished in 1915), fire in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God (Husband. Transformed in 1839 to the Orthodox Catholic, abolished in 1915), Berezvesti in honor of the Nativity of PRAC. The Mother of God (in 1839, transformed into Orthodox from Union, was abolished in 1872, revived in 1901 as a woman., Abolished in 1923), Antalepte in honor of the Nativity of PRES. The Mother of God (wives, founded in 1893, is completed in 1948).


Mer. Joseph (Semashko; March 6, 1839 - 23 Nov. 1868, from March 25, 1839 Archiep., From March 30, 1852 MTER.); Archite Macarius (Bulgakov; 10 Dec. 1868 - 8 Apr. 1879); Archite Alexander (Dobrynin; May 22, 1879 - 28 Apr. 1885); Archite Alexy (Lavrov Platonov; May 11, 1885 - 9 Nov. 1890, from March 20, 1886 Archp.); Archite Donat (Babinsky-Sokolov; 13 Dec. 1890 - 30 Apr. 1894); Archite Jerome (copy; 30 Apr. 1894 - 27 Feb. 1898, from May 6, 1895 Archp.); Archite Juvenali (Polovtsy; March 7, 1898 - 12 Apr. 1904); Archite Nikandra (Molchanov; 23 Apr. 1904 - June 5, 1910); Archite Agafangel (Preobrazhensky; 13 Aug. 1910 - 22 Dec. 1913); Archite Tikhon (Belavin; Dec. 1913 - June 23, 1917); Mer. Elevferai (Bogoyavlensky; 13 Aug. 1917 - 31 Dec. 1940, from August 13, 1917 Temporary manager, from June 28, 1921, the ruling bishop in San Archbishop, from Oct. 1928 Mer.); Mer. Sergius (Voskresensky; March 1941 - 28 Apr. 1944); Archite Daniel (Yuzvyuk; Temporary Managing 29 Apr. 1944 - June 1944); Archite Cornelius (Popov; 13 Apr. 1945 - 18 Nov. 1948); Archite Fothy (Topiro; 18 Nov. 1948 - 27 Dec. 1951); Archite Filaret (Lebedev; Temporarily Managing 1952-1955); Archite Alexy (Dekhterev; November 22. 1955 - 19 Apr. 1959, from July 25, 1957 Archipel.); Archite Roman (Tang; May 21, 1959 - July 18, 1963); Archite Anthony (Varzhansky; 25 Aug. 1963 - May 28, 1971); EP. Ermogen (nuts; June 18, 1971 - 25 Aug. 1972); EP. Anatoly (Kuznetsov; 3 Saint. 1972 - 3 Saint. 1974); EP. Hermann (Timofeev; 3 Saint. 1974 - 10 Apr. 1978); Archite Victorin (Belyaev; 19 Apr. 1978 - 10 Apr. 1989, with 9 Sep. 1982 Archive); EP. Anthony (Cheremsov; 22 Apr. 1989 - 25 Jan. 1990); Mer. Chrysito (Martishkin; January 26, 1990 - 24 Dec. 2010, C25 Feb. 2000 Mer.); Innokenty (Vasiliev; from December 24, 2010).

Arch: Litov. CGA. F. 377. OP. 4. D. 695, 697, 617; F. 377. OP. 4. D. 25, 87, 93; F. R-238, OP. 1. D. 37, 40, 59; F. R-238. Op. 3. D. 41, 50; Savitsky l., Prot. Chronicle of church. Lithuania of the Lithuanian diocese. Vilnius, 1963. RCP.

Lit.: Izovov N. D. East. Estimation of the state of orthlee. Churches in the Lithuanian diocese for the time 1839-1889. M., 1899; Dobryansky f. N. Old and new wilna. Vilna, 1903; In memory of high-grade. Juvenities, Archpiece. Lithuanian and Vilensky. Wilna, 1904; Milovidov a. And. Church. - Construction business in Naz.-Zap. edge at gr. M. N. Muravyov. Vilna, 1913; Bokkov d. About the centralization of church. East.-Archaol. institutions. Minsk, 1915; SAPOKA D. A. Lietuvos Istorija. Kaunas, 1936; Athanasius (Martos), archive. Belarus to the East., State and church. Life. Minsk, 1990; LaukaityTe r. Lietuvos Staciatikiu Baznycia 1918-1940, Mm.: Kova del Cerkviu // Lituanistika. Vilnius, 2001. Nr. 2.

G. P. Plouthis

Monuments of Church Art Vilnius


Features of the church construction of Vilnius are due to the history of Middle Ages. Lithuanian state, to-ryom is inherent in multinationality and multicorphismality. The interaction of various art crops is clearly traced: the visant, the next glory. Peoples (Belarus., Polish., Rus.), a big role was played by the closest connection with Zap. Europe, especially after the adoption of Catholicism as a state. religion. The denominations that existed for centuries (Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Uniate) received priority in different historical periods, the shrines of Vilnius (Temples, Mont-Ri, Icons) were repeatedly crossed from one confession to others. The city suffered from destructive fires, after which he had again Touch many, including church, buildings. All these factors caused repeated changes in the appearance as ivos. And Catholic. Vilnius temples.

According to legend, the first wooden Christ. The buildings arose in the XIII century. At the site of the ancient pagan sanctoes. Led. kn. Lithua. Olgend, his first spouse Maria Yaroslavna, KNZH. Vitebskaya, and the second - Juliania Aleksandrovna, KNG. Tverskaya, founded in a wine of the first righteous. Temples, even several. Churches were built after the establishment of a separate orthosle. Metropolis (1415). After officer. The adoption of Christianity (1387) in the country was built mainly Catholic. Temples: Vladislav-Yagailo, adopting Catholicism, laid in 1387 the Cathedral in the name of St. Stanislav, established the EP-Stem and granted a modern Magdeburg law. At Casimir, the IV yagelite in 1469 was a ban on building and rejection of ultra. Rus. Temples. Ancient churches or their images, with a rare exception, have not been preserved (in the XIX century. From the oldest in Vilnius Assumption (Prechistenskaya) and Pyatnitsky churches remained only fragments of walls). After the conclusion of the state. Lublin (1569) and Relig. Brest Yeni (1596) Catholicism and UNIATSIY began to be placed forcibly, in 1609, Ugra. Churches and Mont-Ri (except Holy Dukhov) were transferred to unitam. In the XVII century The absolute majority of the population were Catholics and Greek Catholics. The XVII-XVIII century - the period of Ital. Influence in architecture when invited Ial. Architects and artists actively participated in the construction and decoration of the chostels, it was then there was a model. The appearance of the city.

Mont-ry holy spirits in Vilnius is one of the main centers of Orthodoxy in Lithuania and Belarus. The first church in honor of the Descent of St. Spirit (XIV century) was wooden, in 1638. In her place, a stone baroque was built, rebuilt after a fire (1749). The Cathedral has lost its initial species, but retained the former plan in the form of a cross and its spatial solution (3-apside, 3-nebral construction with a transpondt and 2 towers). In 1873, the Cathedral was crowned with a massive dome, a bell tower was renewed, built in 1638. Wooden baroque iconostasis was made by the architecture project. I. K. Glaubitz in 1753-1756. All R. XIX century 12 images for iconostasis were written by Academician of Painting I. P. Trutnev. MN. Monastic buildings belonging to the XVI century. (Classes, ADM. Buildings), later repeatedly rebuilt; The gate was erected in 1845

Holy Trinity Mont-Pie stands on the site of the martyrdom of the Vilen Saints, K-Roe led. kn. Olgerd gave Christ. The community, built with the assistance led. king. Julia in 1347-1350. Wooden church in the name of St. Trinity, where the power of martyrs moved. In 1514 Polish. Cor. Sigismund I allowed KN. K. I. Ostrogsky to build 2 stone churches in a fairness, including Holy Trinity. In the XVII century Already in the territory captured by UNIAT-RAM (1609) to the building of the church were attached chapels - from the south. Parties in the name of the Exaltation of St. Cross (1622), from North .- AP. Luke (1628) and Family Tomb Yana Tyshkevich. After the devastating fires (1706, 1748, 1749), the church was rebuilt with uniats on the project archite. Glaubyan in the style of late baroque. This is a 3-apse, 3-oil rectangular in terms of a chill type. In general, the architectural ensemble of the Holy Trinity Mont-ry was formed in the XVII-XVIII centuries, but construction work continued to 20 years. XIX century Entrance doors (1749, Archite. Glaubs) from the street. Aushros-Warta is an example of litas. Late Baroque: winding horizontals of eaves, walls, complex rhythms Pilaster and arches create a dynamic silhouette. In 1839-1915. Mont-Pie belonged to Orthodox.

Assumption (Prechistensky) Cathedral, one of the oldest, was built in the 1st floor. XIV. Kiev architects according to the Sofia Temple in Kiev. In 1348, Vladimir EP. Alexy (Bud. Metropolitan All Russia) at the invitation led. kn. Olgere consecrated this temple. According to the remains of the foundation and later descriptions, it is possible to judge that the plan of the church was close to the square, the building had a dome, the bell tower was standing separately, the garden was broken from the cathedral. The height of the ancient temple is unknown, in the south-east. The corner of the model. The buildings have survived the tower with the inner course under the roof, on the outdoor side, fragments of the former architectural decor are visible. Only the foundations remained from 3 angular towers, on the reasons. Erected new towers, like preserved. The thrones of the temple were devoted to the Virgin Holidays: Christmas, the introduction of the temple, Annunciation and Assumption (the main throne) and gave the name of the church - Prechistenkaya. With the election in 1415 Metropolitan for Zap. Rus led. kn. Vitovt proclaimed the cathedral of the Cathedral Metropolitan. 15 Feb. 1495 The meeting of the daughter Rus was held here. led. kn. John III, led. king. Elena John, Bud. Spouses led. kn. Lithuanian Alexander Yagaillonik. The mulabrats performed Schchmch. Archim. Makariya, in the same year erected Kiev Metropolitan Kiev. In 1513, Elena John was buried here, on the tomb of the Icon of the Mother of God, who later visited by the Mother of God, was established over the tomb of the Mother of God, later in the Holy Trinity.

In 1609, the church moved to unitam. During the wars of the XVII century. It was destroyed and came to launch, in the XIX century. She was rebuilt, one time there was an anatomical theater. In 1865 under the hands. prof. A. I. Rezanov and Acad. N. M. Chagin began the restoration of the Prechistensky Cathedral, consecrated 22 Oct. 1868; 12 Nov. 1868 was consecrated to the famous SVT. Alexia; In 1871, it was arranged and consecrated by Schchmch. Makaria Kiev.

Ts. In the name of the Navy. Paraskeva Friday was constructed in 1345 by the command of the first spouse led. kn. Olgere Mary Yaroslavna, KNZH. Vitebsk, Kraya was buried here. The church in 1557 burned down during a large fire, after 3 years he was restored with the permission of Polish. Cor. Sigismund II of August and is consecrated in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord, but continued to be called Friday. In 1611, after another fire, the Holy Trinity Mon-Ryu was transferred, at that time was under the rule of uniats. In 1655-1661, when the city temporarily passed under the power of King Alexei Mikhailovich, Pyatnitskaya C. It was restored and transferred to Orthodox. In 1698, her inner species was arranged for a sample of ancient. Temples. It has repeatedly prayed imp. Peter I is brought to the fair and baptized here Arape Ibrahim, ancestor A. S. Pushkin. After 1796, when the roof collapsed, the temple was in ruins until 1864 by order of the Governor-General of the region c. M. N. Muravyova Restoration of the church building was performed on the project Archite. A. Martzinovsky under the hands. Chagin, in 1865 the church was consecrated.

Among the oldest Christ. Shrine Vilnius belongs to. SVT. Nicholas (transferred). The first mention of this church refers to 1511, in 1514 to resolve Cor. Sigismund I is rebuilt in stone KN. K. I. Ostrog, along with Holy Trinity. In 1609-1827 Among others, the churches of the city belonged to unitam. The initial appearance of the church was close to the Gothic Temples, but the presence of 3 apsid testifies to its original construction in the style of Upholstery. architecture; Rebuilded after the fire of 1748 by the project Archite. Glaubitz and in 1865 in the Russian-Visant. Style on the project Rezanov. In 1866, a solemn consecration of the resumed temple took place (Lithuanian Ear. 1866. No. 21. P. 92), in 1869 the chapel was consecrated in honor of the ArchReart Mikhail, built on the project of Rezanov. This is a massive chopper type building on the eighth, with a round dome adjoins close to the south. The facade of the church, a multi-tier bell tower was also attached to a high tent, the lower tiers of K-Roy - the fourthics, the top - octa. The facades are decorated with ornamental belts of colored brick; Windows and portals are separated by platbands. In the decoration of the interior used stained glass windows. Mosaic "ArchReart Mikhail" in the chapel is performed in the workshops imp. OH. In the temple, particles of relics are stored. Nicholas brought from Bari.

Church in the name of equivalea. Constantine and PSP. Mikhail Maleina. 1913 photo. 2003

All R. XIX century ROCs were transferred to MN. Catholic. And Uniate Chosets and Mont-Ri, in which the necessary restructuring were performed according to Orthodi. canons. In 1840, former. Church of the Orden of Jesuites in the name of St. Casimir was consecrated in the name of SVT. Nicholas and became the Cathedral of Wilna (until 1925), his facades were granted the features of the Orthodox. Temple (according to the project Rezanov, see: Lithuanian Ear. 1867. No. 19. P. 793). In 1864, Catholic was closed on the highest command. Mont-Ri. Mont-ry Trinitariyev with a church of Jesus Christ (built in 1696 hetman Jan Casimir Sapagoy), consecrated in honor of the arch. Mikhail, acted until 1929; Mont-ry Order of business cards (visits) was transformed in 1865 in Orthodi. Mont-ry sv. Mary Magdalene. His main temple (formerly. Church of the heart of Jesus) represented in terms of Greek. The cross, by type, it was a centric dome building in the style of Rococo, on the Zap. The facade, which had a decoratively concave contour, did not have traditions. For Catholic. Temples 2 towers; The temple was built with the support of the Cor. August II strong on projects of architects J. M. Fontana and Glaubitz, led the works of J. Paul.

In 1890-1910. Parish temples were built in new areas of the villaged Vilna, schools for children were opened. Were consecrated: 3 seconds. 1895 c. Arch. Mikhail, built in memory of gr. M. N. Muravyov; 25 Oct. 1898 ts. In the name of BLGV. kn. Alexander Nevsky in memory imp. Alexander III; June 1, 1903 Znamenskaya c. All these temples were erected in the Russian-Visant. Style using medieval. architectural traditions.

In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the house of Romanov and in memory of the KN. Konstantin Ostrogo was built a monument temple in the name of St. Equal imp. Constantine and PSP. Mikhail Malein on the project Archite. A. Adamovich with the participation of the diocesan archite. A. A. Shpakovsky on the means of the famous Terampraentist I. A. Kolesnikova, (a valid Stat adviser, director of Nikolskaya Manufactory of Savva Morozov). In Moscow, memorable gifts were made, intended for the consecrated archite. Lithuanian and Vilensky Agafangela (Preobrazhensky), for example. Panagia (1912-1913, Collection of state. Values \u200b\u200bof the RF values; See: Woldeva. Yu. Silver Panagia from the Gokhran Collection of the Russian Federation and new data on the company N. V. Nemirova-Kolodkin // Pcno, 1997. M., 1998. P. 455-458)). The temple was laid on May 14, 1911 and consecrated on May 9, 1913 in the presence of led. kn. Programmer Elisabeth Feodorovna. The five-chapter, with the bell tower at the church, it was designed in the new for Vilna Neorus. Style, decorated in the traditions of ancient Rostov-Suzdal architecture, inside - crucible. Vilen masters carried out construction work and outdoor decoration of the building; Moscow - internal decoration of the temple: iconostasis, icons, crosses, bells, utensils, etc.

Iconography and book miniature

The preserved fragments of the frescoes in the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Stanislav testify to the ties of the masters who worked in a wine, with the picturesque traditions of Serbia and Bulgaria. From the XV century Painting began to spread in Western Europe. Gothic style, paintings for altars and miniatures of handwritten books were created in monastic workshops. First facial manuscript - so on. Lavrushevo Gospel (beginning of the XIV century, Krakow, B-ka Charterny) - with 18 miniatures was created under the influence of the vistent. art. Bulg influence. and Novgorod manuscripts can be traced in the Gospel of the XIV century. And the gospel of Sapega Kon. XV century (Both in B-KE An Lithuania).

In the XIX century For sculptural and picturesque works in new and newly-excited temples, Wilna invited artists of the academic school. So, the icons of the 5-tier iconostasis of the Prechistensky Cathedral wrote Trutnev, I. T. Khrutsky - for the Trinity Church, F. A. Bruni - a copy of the painting "Passion about the Bow" for wives. Mont-a sv. Mary Magdalene. The same artists in the 60s. XIX century worked on trim c. SVT. Nicholas and the decoration of the Cathedral of the Nikolaev Cathedral, for the local row of the iconostasis icons and the image of Savaof wrote prof. K. B. Venig, etc. Icons - K. D. Flavitsky; SVT images. Nicholas and St. Alexander Nevsky - Acad. N. I. Silveries; The recent image of the resurrection of the Lord, as well as cardboard images of SVT. Nicholas, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. Joseph Wrap for Frontone - V. V. Vasilyev (he also wrote icons for the Alexander Nevsky Chapel and the image of the IML. George for St. George Chapel). The Icon of the F. P. Bryullov and Trutnev and Trutnev were transferred to the niches and on the walls of the Nikolaev Cathedral and Trutnev from St. Petersburg Cathedral with the assistance of Rezanov.

Lit.: Muravyev a. N. Rus. Wilna. St. Petersburg, 1864; Wilna // PRSH. 1874. Vol. 5-6; Kirkor a. To. Lithuanian Polesie // Picturesque Russia. St. Petersburg; M., 1882. T. 3. Part 1; Dobryansky f. N. Wilna and surroundings. Vilna, 1883; Sobolevsky and. IN . Prechistan Cathedral in Vilna. Wilna, 1904; Vinogradov a. BUT . Guide for Vilna and its surroundings. Vilna, 1904. Part 1, 2; Milovidov a. And. Celebration of the Building of East. Temple-monument in Wilna and the significance of this monument. Vilna, 1911; Savitsky l. Justice. Cemetery of the city of Vilna: to the 100th anniversary of the cemetery c. sv. Evphrosynia 1838-1938 Vilna, 1938; Ozer g. Znamenskaya Church // Vilnius. 1994. No. 8. C.177-180; He is Prechistensky Cathedral // ibid. 1996. No. 6. P. 151-159.

I. E. Saltykova

The statistics of the Orthodox Lithuania are: 50 parishes (2 monastery), 43 priests and 10 deacons.

Four puments are located on the territory of Lithuania, Vilna, Kaunas, Klaipeda and Visaginskoye.

In the Visaginsky Anchor District is located 12 parish.

Renunity center, this city Visaginas,which is just 10 km away. from the border of Latvia (152 km from Vilnius) until 1992 the city was called SNCHCUS.The city inhabits a little more than 21,000 people, over the past 10 years, the number of residents of Visaginas decreased as much as 25%. This is the most Russian city of Lithuania with 56% of the Russian populationand only 16% Lithuanian. 40% of the Orthodox population lives in the city and 28% Catholic. An interesting fact that Visaginas is a city with the highest percentage of the Muslim population of Lithuania, 0.46%

Today in Visaginas two Orthodox churches. The first was built only in 1991 in honor of Christmas of John the Forerunner

After in 1990, Visaginas visited the Vladyka Chrysostom, the first Orthodox community was registered in the village of Atomchikov Snekkus. To meet the needs of local believers here from Vilnius, priests began to come from time to time, which committed worship in the assembly hall of the local technical school and the people baptized there. But there were believers who have needed in constant spiritual communication and prayer. They were going to private apartments, read the psalter, akathists, sang.

In the spring of 1991, a permanent shepherd was sent to the community about. Joseph Zetaishviliwhich is today and is a chance to the Visaginsky district.

And then in one of the residential accommodations under construction, the village administration has allocated an Orthodox community for a challenge for a challenge house.

The first worship service held on July 7, 1991 in the already finished room of the Church, coincided with the holiday of Christmas Day John the Forerunner. People involuntarily thought about special participation in the spiritual life of their village of Holy Baptist of the Lord. And a year later, the Church officially received the name of the Prophet John officially received the church.

September 15, 2000, according to the definition of Metropolitan of Vilensky and Lithuanian chrysitian, the abbot of the christmas christmas of John the Baptist is appointed archpriest Georgy Salomatov. He began his pastoral ministry just in this temple.

For a long time, the church had to pay taxes for renting the premises and the land on which it is. It was unlikely that the building of the temple will be transferred to the ownership of Orthodox. But the situation was recently resolved miraculously. For a symbolic fee, the arrival received the right to church building.

In 1996, the second Orthodox church in honor is being built in Visaginas Introduction to the Blessed Virgin.

The rector of this temple is the father of the delicent Joseph Zadeishvili. This year, Batyushka turned 70 years and 24 years he lived in Visaginas, (the father himself comes from Tbilisi).
God works in mysterious ways. Being in Tbilisi in the fall of 2014, I met his sister in the temple, which I gave me the book of the Batyushka Joseph and then I did not know at all that the author of the book is a charity of the Visaginsky district and serves in a few km. From my place of residence. I learned about this on the Internet only today browsing church sites, I found out in the photo the staff of the book "Martyrdom Chushanik, Evopeau, Abo which I just just these days and read !!!.

In Visaginsky degree in city Rayna.

The name of the city of Uten comes from the name of the River River. It is one of the oldest Lithuanian cities. In 1261, you can find the first written mention of the city. In 1416, the first church was built here. In 1599, the clutter received a privilege for trade. In 1655, she survived the invasion of Russian troops, and in 1812 - suffered from Napoleon's troops. During the uprising of 1831 and 1863 in urban surroundings, battles were held. In 1879, three-quarters of the city were destroyed by fire.

As a transport node, the city has developed, first of all, due to its successful location. In the XIX century, the Kaunas Highway was laid here - Daugavpils.

In 1918, Lithuania becomes an independent state, and at the same time the clutch begins to grow rapidly. For several years, about 30 kilometers of streets were laid, 400 houses and 3 mills and 34 stores appeared on the market.

The city of Utena can be familiar with local attractions. The most ancient preserved Utenan building is the postal station, erected in 1835 in the style of classicism. Once there were or changed the Russian king Nikolai I with the son of Alexander, the famous French writer Onor de Balzac, Russian artist Ilya Repin.

In the Utenn district, the oldest Aukshtaithi national park, rich in forests, lakes and ethnographic villages is located in Lithuania. Through the city, the rivers of the Whorele, the Vie, Krashona, Rashev, the calmness of the lakes of Vioonaytis and Dowuniškis beside the calmness. In the Utensky district - 186 lakes. Klovinsky reservoir attracts numerous vacationers.

Beautiful nature, fresh air and local attractions are a great opportunity to distract and enjoy a wonderful holiday in a small picturesque town of Uten.

In this town, there is also an Orthodox Church in honor of the Ascension of Christ.The Orthodox community in the city of Uten was registered in November 1989 and began to apply to the state authorities about the return of the church house. Archpriest Joseph Zateishvili made the first divine service in the melon room in March 1995. The building was fully transferred to the community in 1997, which was renovated with the help of sponsors. In the arrival of permanent parishioners - 30 people ..

Abbot of the Temple of Ieria Sergius Kulakovsky .

Sergius priest is also the abbot of the temple in the city Zarasai.

The old town is mentioned since 1506. In different years he was called
Novoaleksandrovsk, Ezeros, Yezoros, Elesenai, Elesen.

In 1836, Russian Tsar Nikolai I was visited here. It was fascinated by the local nature and elegance of urban architecture. And for this reason, the king ordered to change the name of the city of Hiseros to Novo-Aleksandrovsk in honor of the birth of the son of Alexander (there is another opinion - in honor of the wife of Alexandra Fedorovna).

In 1919-1929, the city had the official name of Eleseni, from Lithuanian - "Ezeras", which means "lake". But in 1930, after long disputes, a new name was approved - Zarasai. But, despite this, in the Lithuanian literature of the 1930s, it was possible to meet along with the new official name for the previous one.

The city of Zarasai is interesting to his unique layout resembling the rising sun. Five street rays converge in the heart of the city - on the Siela Square, which is one of Zarasay's attractions. This area was known as the city center in the early XVII century. Today has acquired in the XIX century. It was designed by Russian architects at a time when Lithuania was part of the Russian Empire.

Lives in the city less than 7,000 people. Located between seven lakes (Zarasas, Zarasaitis and others), on the Kaunas - Daugavpils highway, 143 km north-east of Vilnius and 180 km from Kaunas.

Few people know that one of the leaders of the White Russian movement was born in this Lithuanian city, Lieutenant-General Peter Nikolaevich Vrangel .

In 1885 in the city was built orthodox Church in honor of all saints.
In Zarasai, the lake capital of Lithuania, the local authorities in 1936 decided to transfer all saints at the expense of the state of the Orthodox Church of all saints from the city center. Zhaulyai city, along with the city of Shauliai, where the temple also destroyed and moved, it added the glory of the persecutors of Christ. In 1941, the church burned down and the city was not spoiled by architecturally significant buildings, God's house lost everything.

In 1947, the chapel at the Orthodox cemetery was registered in the parish church.

City Rokyskis. Founded in 1499. Lives more than 15,000 people.Located on the border with Latvia, 158 km from Vilnius, 165 from Kaunas and 63 km from the boom. Railway station on Panevezys - Daugavpils. Motherland first after-Sovetsky president, Algherdas Brazauskis.

In 1939, the Orthodox Church of St. Alxandra Nevsky was built here.

Initially a small wooden temple in the city of Rokiskis was built in 1895 for government funds. But the constant arrival at the temple was formed only in 1903. During the First World War in the place of the temple, the Germans equipped the hospital. In 1921, worship served from April to May, but then the Ministry of Internal Affairs handed over the Temple of Catholics. The Catholic Bishop of P. Karyavičius and the priest M.Jankauscas were rocked about this since 1919. The Orthodox church was reconstructed to the Church of St. Aavgustin for schoolchildren.

The Diocesan Council requested to return the temple and his property. Since 1933, the priest Grigory Vysotsky committed worship at home. In May 1939, a small, occupying part of the priest's house was consecrated, a new temple in the name of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky (the parish received compensation for the old church). According to the Diocesan Council in 1937, 264 people were 264 permanent parishioners.

In 1946 there were 90 parishioners. The Soviet government, Alexander Nevsky Parish, was officially registered in 1947. In the church of St. Augustine was equipped with the authorities of the gym, and in 1957 the church building was demolished.

Currently, the superior of the Alexander Nevsky Temple is the priest of Sergius Kulakovsky.

Panevezys. Founded in 1503. 98.000 inhabitants.

The city is located on both shores of the Nezhisk River (the influx of Nemman), 135 km north-west of Vilnius, 109 km from Kaunas and 240 km from Klaipeda. Total area ok. 50 km².

The city intersects the most important highways of Lithuania and the international highway "Via Baltika", connecting Vilnius with Riga. Railway lines are connected to Daugavpils and Schiaul. There are two aerodrome of local importance.

In Soviet years, the main enterprises of Panevezis were numerous plants: cable, kinescopes, electrical, automotive components, metal products, glass, feed, sugar. The combines: dairy, meat, alcohol and flax and sewing and furniture factory also operated. Now the city still remains the main production center.In Panevezis is the Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

A small wooden temple in honor of the resurrection of the Lord in Panevezys was erected in 1892.

According to the Diocesan Council in 1937 permanent parishioners in the Resurrection Church there were 621 people.

In 1925-1944, the rector and adolescent was about. Gerasim Shorets, the efforts of which Panevowsky parish became an important center of church and public life. In the Voskresensky temple from March to November, Surdegian icon of the Mother of God was placed. At the temple they acted a charity society, which contained the shelter. Apologetic leaves were produced, etc.

In 1945 there were about 400 parishioners. In Soviet times, the Resurrection parish was officially registered in 1947.

Until 1941, Surdegian miraculous icon of the Virgin, who is now in the Cathedral of Kaunas, was kept in this temple.

Currently, the abbot of the temple is a priest Alexy Smirnov.

City Anikishyi. Founded in 1792. 11,000 inhabitants.

The name of the city of Anikishyyy is connected with the Lake Rubiciai, which occupies a territory of 1000 hectares and includes 16 islands. The Aniktska River originates from this lake. The legend states that people who looked from the mountains and admirement of the beauty of Lake Rubiciai, compared him with his palm, and the River Anikshta - with a thumb (Kaipnykštys). On another legend, it is known that a long time ago, one girl was washed by the lake and, strongly injected with a roller finger, began to shout: "Ai, nykštį! Ai, nykštį! ", What does it mean:" Ay, thumb! Ah, big finger! " And the writer Antanas Veuolas was narrated by Nixten, drowned in the river, having learned about the death of his beloved husband. That is why the river arising from the lake has become called Aniksht, and the town has grown nearby - Anikishyy.

Some writers and scientists tried to find near the first capital of Lithuania - Warpet. It is here, not far from the village of Sheminisheli, the Kurgan rises, which, perhaps, is the capital of Mindaugas. Here it was crowned, and this place, by assumptions, is the location of the disappeared Warp Castle. According to the archaeologists, the settlement, its trips and the device refers to the X-XIV centuries. According to the legend, under the castle there were huge cellars with treasures, and a stony place located nearby - these are the damned enemies of the defenders of the Warp castle, frozen forever in the rocks. Now Kurgan is investigated by Lithuanian scientists. In 2000, the bridge was built through Varylis, and in 2004, the observation tower appeared near Kurgan

Around the city there are 76 lakes !!!

The first wooden temple in the city of Anikishyi was built in 1867. In 1873, a new stone church was erected near him in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky, who was built on donations and is equipped with officials.

During World War I, the temple was looted. In 1922, the Office of the district requested the department of religion to transfer the buildings belonging to the parish, school. But this request was not completely satisfied. Only 56 hectares of the Earth and the church house in which the school class was equipped were selected, teachers settled.

According to the Diocesan Council in 1937, 386 people were in the parish. In 1946 - about 450 people.

The Soviet government was officially registered in 1947.

Currently, the priest of the temple is the priest Alexy Smirnov.

In Lithuania, once there were many churches built in honor of St. Alxandra Nevsky, the heavenly intercession of the Orthodox Our region remained five. The temple in the city of Anikishyy, the Apple Capital of Lithuania - a stone, roomy, well-preserved, looked and well-groomed. To the church to walk on Bilyuno Street, from the bus station through the entire city, on the left side, it opens unexpectedly. A bell hang over the entrance, a well, a well, and the fence of the church - now the centenary oaks planted with a lively hedge around.

Another city of Visaginsky degree, Svanchenis. The first mention is 1486 year. 5.500 inhabitants.

the city is in the east of Lithuania, 84 km north-east of Vilnius.

In 1812, with the approach of Napoleon, the emperor Alexander and those who accompany his military leaders left Wilna and stopped in Svenzian. At the end of the same year, at the retreat from Russia, Napoleon stopped in Svenzians with his army. The city is mentioned in the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity Built in the town was at the end of the nineteenth century. This is once a very beautiful temple. White-shaped walls, many domes, Orthodox crosses. Unfortunately, today the Holy Trinity Church of the Veshvenis looks very modestly, the plaster flew from the exterior walls in some places, the courtyard is clean, but without any special decorations. It is clear that Orthodox in the city is either significantly less than Catholics, or is the poorest part of the population.

Abbot of the temple archpriest Dmitry Shathenoko.

Also in the Visaginsky degree are five rural temples. 4 of them serves Batyushka Alexey Smirnov from Panevezis.

Place Raguva. Temple in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin.

A small stone church in the town of Raguva was erected in 1875 for government funds.

In 1914 there were 243 permanent parishioners. After World War I, the church farm in Velzhis was confiscated by the Earth was given to school, a dairy factory and a local administration, and teachers settled in the church house. The temple was attributed to Panevis.

According to the Diocesan Council in 1927, there were 85 Orthodox in the vicinity.

The Soviet government was officially registered in 1959. Then the number of parishioners was only 25-35 people. The priest once a month came from Panevezis. In 1963, local authorities offered to close the parish. The church was not closed, but worship worked irregularly, sometimes every few years.

Place Gegobroty. Church of St. Nicholas.

The temple in the name of St. Nicholas in the town of Gegobrosts was built in 1889 for Russian colonists, who in 1861 about 563 hectares of the Earth were distributed (the settlement was called Nikolskoye).

According to the Diocesan Council in 1937 there were 885 permanent parishioners, the arrival had the abbot. In 1945 there were about 200 parishioners. The Soviet government was officially registered in 1947. In 1945-1958, the abbot was Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov Subsequently, the future elder became famous on the island of Zamus, later the priest came from Rokiskis and Panevezis.

Place Lebeneshki. Nikandrovsky Temple

Orthodox church. Built on behalf of Vilensky Lord archbishop Nikandra (Molchanov). Work on the construction began in 1909. At the request of local residents, the church is consecrated in the name of the Sacred Martyr Nikandra, the bishop of the world. Consecrated on October 18, 1909 by Wilcoma (Ukeyyharg) by the adolescence of Pavl Levikov, with the large presence of peasants from the surrounding villages and in the presence of members of the Panevowskiy department of the Russian people.

The wooden church in the town of Lebedinas was erected in 1909 to the merchant of Ivan Markov, who sacrificed for the construction of 5,000 rubles. Then there were about 50 Russian families in the Swanes, which were allocated under the temple about two tents of the Earth. The royal authority was given a timber.

In 1924, 150 Orthodox ocked the priest from Hoodie. In 1945 there were about 180 permanent parishioners.

The Soviet government was officially registered in 1947. Prior to his death in 1954 was the priest Nikolay Krukovsky. After that, the priest once a month came from Rokiskis.

Liturgy in the St. Nicandrovsk Church is performed only once a year - in the throne holiday. Expenditure article of the temple is only one - fee for electricity.

Place Interns. Pokrovskaya church.

The stone temple in honor of the Pokrov of the Mother of God in the place of intricacies was built in 1868 on the means of the royal power (10,000 rubles), allocated after the suppression of the Polish uprising in 1863.

According to the Diocesan Council in 1937 there were 613 permanent parishioners. In the Pokrovsky temple in 1934-1949, the confessor of O.Petre Sokolov, who served the term in the Camps of the NKVD from 1949 to 1956.

1946 there were 285 parishioners. The Soviet authority of the temple was registered in 1947.

Place Upaley. Nikolskaya church.

Source place.

The spacious stone church in the town of Upaleye was erected for Russian colonists, resettled to the places of the exiled participants of the uprising of 1863. Governor-General M N.Muraviev allocated funds for the construction of the church from the Contribution Foundation exiled.

During the First World War, the worship was interrupted, the building of the temple was not injured. In 1920, worship in the Nikolsky temple resumed. At first, the Upalyan community was attributed to the Utenan parish. From 1934 he served a permanent abbot.

According to the Diocesan Council in 1937 there were 475 permanent parishioners. In 1944, due to hostilities, the building was damaged.

In 1945 there were about 200 parishioners. In Soviet times, the temple was officially registered in 1947. But in the summer of 1948, the decision of the Utenan Executive Committee was closed, the grain was widespread in the temple building. But due to the protests of believers and the Commissioner, the Council of Ministers did not sanction. In December, the Nikolsky Temple was returned to believers.

Newly appointed in Lithuanian rural parish shepherd hieromona David (Grishech) Rode from the Ryazan province was headed by the struggle of the church community for the temple.
December 22, 1948 The Nikolskaya Church community was returned, and the parishioners under the leadership of Hieromonach David led the temple in order - after using the church, blatant traces remained as a granaries: all the glasses in the frames are knocked out, the grain-stamped clearance was mixed with glass. According to memories of one of the parishioners, then the teenage girls, she had together with other children to clean the floor from the multilayer mold and roll it up to the abrasion on the fingers.
In Lithuania, at that time it was a difficult time: in the forests, it also broke out a shootout, Batyushka accounted for the request of their relatives that did the day of those killed Orthodox.
"Forest brothers" took food in humans, Soviet agitators recorded a farm in the collective farms. When Selyan was asked by O.David, if they refuse them from the usual farm living in favor of the collective farm, he told people to conscientious about what he knew about collectivization in his homeland on Ryazanchin.

In 1949, Hieromona David was arrested and in 1950 he died in the NKVD camp.

From the testimony of "Witnesses":
"When I urged O. David agitating Farming to join the collective farm, he objected:" Do you want people in Lithuania to starve and walked with Torbami like a collective farmers in Russia, which are frightened with hunger? "
"On April 15, 1949 in the morning I approached the ass Pearshina near the church and asked him to not make religious rites of [the funeral] over the killed gangsters of the younger lieutenant of the police Orlov Peter. Pop flat refused to obey, referring to the request of the father of the killed Orlov to bury him in church.
I began to explain to him that we will bury the dead workers of the police with the Military Humans. For this, Sulzha replied: "What do you want to bury him without funeral, like a dog?" ....

From the institution of Metropolis to 1375

In the Lithuanian Metropolitan of Ferofil, in 1328, at the cathedral, in which the bishops of Mark Mozlylsky, Feodosij Lutsky, Grigory Kholmsky and Stefan Tourovsky, and the Bishop of Vladimirsky were put in Athanasia, and Galitsky - Feodora.

In 1329, a new Metropolitan Feogunost came to Russia, who did not recognize the Bishop of the Rostov Gabriel, delivered this year with the participation of Theodore Galitsky. While in Novgorod, Feoganost on the initiative of Ivan Kalita excreted by Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy and Pskovich from the Church from the Church. Alexander Mikhailovich went to Lithuania and, having received the support of the Bishopath of Lithuanian Metropolis and Prince Gedimin, returned to Pskov. In 1331, in Vladimir-Volynsky Feognost refused to chiroton-bishops in the bishops of Novgorod and Pskov Arseny (elected by the Cathedral of Bishops: Theodore Galitsky, Mark Mozlyl, Grigory Holmsky and Afanasiy, Vladimir). Feogunoste put in Novgorod his candidate Vasily. On the way to Novgorod, Vasily in Chernigov concluded with the Kiev Prince Fedor's agreement on the admission of Fedor's nephew - Narimunt (Gleb) Gediminovich with Kiev. Feognost in 1331 went to the Orda and Constantinople with complaints about Russian-Lithuanian bishops and princes, but Patriarch Isaiah was erected by the Galich Bishop of Theodore in the rank of Metropolitan. The Lithuanian Department of Metropolis in the 1330s - 1352 was "unsubstantiated", and not "abolished".

At the Cathedrals of Galico-Lithuanian bishops in 1332, Paul was put in 1332, in 1335, John was delivered to the Bishop of Bryansk, and in 1346 Eupmy's Bishop was supplied. In the delivery of Eviefmy participated Bishop Belgorod Kirill. In 1340, Lubart (Dmitry) Gediminovich became Prince Galitsky. By 1345, Polotsk, Turovo -pinskaya, Galitskaya, Vladimirskaya, Peremyshlskaya, Lutsk, Kholmskaya, Chernihiv, Smolensk, Bryansk and Belgorod Diocese were part of Galician Metropoline. For the Tver Dioceve and the Pskov Republic, there was a struggle between Lithuania and the coalition of the Moscow Principality with the Novgorod Republic. For the rentest, Galician, Vladimir and the Kholovsky diocese, the war was behind the Galician-Volyn inheritance (BC), as a result of which the South-Western lands of Russia were part of Poland. Byzantine historian Nikifor Grigor in the 1350s, wrote that the people "Rus" are divided into four Rus (Malaya Rus, Lithuania, Novgorod and Big Rus), of which one is almost invincible and does not pay Dani Horde; I called this ruus Lithuania Olgere. .

In 1354, a year after the death of Feoganoste, Constantinople Patriarchate was in the rank of Metropolitan of the Moscow Student of Feoganost - Bishop of Vladimir Alexia. The Tyrnovsky Patriarch in 1355 heed the Lithuanian Metropolitan of the Roman's department, which the Rogozhsky chronicler called the son of Tver Boyarin, and historians attributed to the relatives of Julia - the second wife of Olgere. There was a dispute for Kiev between Roman and Alecism, and in 1356 they both came to Constantinople. Patriarch Kallist secured the Lithuanian and Small Rus, but the novel was established in Kiev. In Russian chronicles, it was reported that Metropolitan Alexy in 1358 came to Kiev, was arrested here, but was able to escape to Moscow. In 1360, Roman came to Tver. By this time, Polotsk, Turovskaya, Vladimirskaya, Menyshlskaya, Galitskaya, Lutsk, Holmskaya, Chernihiv, Smolenskaya, Bryansk and Belgorod Diocese were located as part of the Lithuanian-Russian Metropolis. Claims of Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Alexy to Metropolitan Lithuanian Romani disassembled at Constantinople Synod in July 1361, which consolidated the Western Bishopia of Lithuania (Polotsk, Torovskoye and Novgorod Bishopria) and the Diocese of Malaya Rus. The spore of the novel with Alexy for Kiev ended with the death of the novel in 1362. In 1362, Lithuanian princes freed the areas of the South of the Kiev region and Galician land from the Tatar authorities, attaching the ancient Belgorod (Akkerman) of the Diocese and part of the Moldovan Navy, the Orthodox population of which was crumbling with Galician bishops.

In Metropolitan Cyprian (1375-1406)

Shortly before death (November 5, 1370), the Polish king Casimir III wrote Patriarch Philofy a message, in which he requested to put the Polish possessions of the Galich bishop Anthony in Metropolitans. In May 1371, the cathedral definition signed by the patriarch was issued by the Cathedral definition, which the Bishop of Anthony was presented with Metropolitan Galitskaya with the Kholmskaya, Turovskaya, Menum and Vladimir dioceses. Anthony was supposed to put bishops in the hill, tours, moving and Vladimir with the assistance of the Metropolitan of the throat. Expressing the will of the Orthodox People, the Grand Duke of Olgerd wrote to Constantinople Messages with the requests of Metropolitan independent of Poland and Moscow on Lithuania, and in 1373 Patriarch Filofee sent to the Kiev Metropolitan of his Ecclysiarch Cyprian, who had to reconcile Lithuanian and Tver princes with Alexia. Cyprian managed to reconcile the warring sides. But in the summer of 1375, Alexy blessed the troops of his diocese on a campaign to Tver, and on December 2, 1375, Patriarch Philofee has ordained Cyprian in Metropolitan Kiev, Russian and LithuanianAnd the Patriarch Cathedral ruled that after the death of Metropolitan Alexy Cyprian should be "one Metropolitan of All Russia." For this, Emperor John V Paleologist and the Patriarch of Phyphlae in Moscow were called "Litvini". On June 9, 1376, Cyprian arrived in Kiev, managed by Lithuanian Prince Vladimir Olghadovich. In 1376-1377 and from the summer of 1380, Cyprian was engaged in church and church-house issues in Lithuania. After the death of Alexy in 1378, the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich refused to accept Cyprian (his people robbed Metropolitan and did not let him into Moscow), for which the prince and his people were excommunicated from the Church and cursed by the rank of Psalmocatara with a special message Cyprian. In 1380, Cyprian blessed the Orthodox Great Principality of Lithuanian to win in the Kulikovsky battle. In the office of Metropolitan Cyprian, the list "All Grave Rusky Dalnoz and Middle" was drawn up, which lists the cities of Orthodox dioceses (except for Lithuanian actually, many cities from the Danube in the south, Mix and Bryneska in the west to Ladoga and Bela Lake in the north).

In the summer of 1387, Cyprian convinced Vitovt to lead the resistance of the Polish-Latin expansion to Lithuania and laid the foundation of the future union of the great principalities of Lithuanian and Moscow: he gained the daughter of Vitovt Sophia with Moscow Prince Vasily. After the February 1389 of the Konstantinople Cathedral with the Patriarch Anthony, the northeastern Russian dioceses submitted to Metropolitan Cyprian. In 1396-1397, he kept talks about the Union of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches in the fight against Muslim aggression. After 1394, the church power of Metropolitan All Russia spread to Galicia and Moldo-moisture.

Period 1406-1441.

In 1409, a new Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Fotius arrived in Kiev from Constantinople. In addition, the final elimination of Galician Metropolis is the final elimination. In the first half of the 1410s, Fotius was accused of a gravitant sin, according to which Hierarch is worthy of eruption from the church and curse. Lithuanian-Kiev bishops wrote a fotio message, in which they substantiated their refusal to subordinate the non-Canonic Hierarch. The Grand Duke Vitovt expelled Foto from Kiev and turned to the emperor Manuil with a request to give Lithuanian Russia worthy Metropolitan. The emperor "for the arrogants of the wrong" did not satisfy the request of Vitovt. . Without having satisfied with his request, the Grand Duke Vitovt collected Lithuanian-Russian princes, boyars, nobles, archimandritis, igumen, the inkom and Popov to the Cathedral. November 15, 1415 in the Novogodka Lithuanian Archbishop Polotsky Feodosius and Bishops Isaac Chernigovsky, Dionyski Lutsky, Gerasim Vladimir, Galasi Menisksky, Savastian Smolensky, Khariton Holmsky and Evftiy Tourvsky signed the Cathedral certificate of election of Moldo-Vlahi Bishop Gregory and Dedication to His Metropolitan and All Rus according to the rules of the Holy Apostles and according to the recognized Universal Orthodox Church, examples, formerly in Russia, in Bulgaria and Serbia. Fotius sent diplomas with Brave in Lithuanian Christians and the call not to recognize Gregory by canonical metropolitan. In the Konstanz Cathedral in 1418, Grigory Tsamblak refused to translate Lithuanian Metropolitan to submission to the Roman throne. Based on the false report of the Russian chronicler on the death of Gregory in 1420 and information about Fothia's travel to Lithuania to negotiations with Vitovt, in historiography, the opinion was approved about the recognition of Lithuanian dioceses since 1420 of the church power of Metropolitan Fetiya. Now it is known that Gregory about 1431-1432 moved to Moldo-moist, where he worked about 20 years old on a book field, adopting a schima in Nyametsky Monastery with the name of Gabriel). In late 1432 or early 1433, Patriarch Iosif II struck the San Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia Smolensk Bishop Gerasim. On May 26, 1434, Gerasim Herotonisal Evfimia II (Vyazhitsky) in the Bishop of Novgorod. In Moscow, he did not want to recognize Gerasim, and against him in the Ordan-Moscow-Polish Embassy mug, a suspicion of Gerasim with Catholics was fabricated. According to this suspicion, the prince of Swidrigailo during the civil war between the adherents of the "Old Faith" and supporters of Polish-Catholic Hegemony in 1435 ordered the burning Gerasim in Vitebsk (as a result of this crime, Svidrigaylo suffered a defeat from the Sports Party).

In 1436, Patriarch Iosif II was in the San Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia of the most educated representative of the Constantinople's clergy of Isidore. Thanks to the authority of Metropolitan Isidor The Union of Orthodox and Catholics against the coalition of the Ottoman Empire and the Horde on July 5, 1439 was decorated at the Ferraro-Florentine Universal Cathedral, where the canonism and Catholic, and Orthodox church organizations of believers were recognized. Dad Evgeny IV December 18, 1439 Added to the Orthodox title of Isidore, equal to the Metropolitan Titard of the Cardinal of the Roman Church and appointed him to the legitimate of the Catholic provinces of Poland (Galicia), Russia, Lithuania and Livonia. Returning from Florence, Isidore, at the beginning of 1440, sent a district message from Buda-Pest, which announced the recognition of the Roman Church of the Canonomicity of Orthodox and called on Christians of various denominations to peaceful coexistence, which helped Lithuanians to put on the position of great Prince Lithuanian 13-year-old Casimir (Son Sophia Andreevna, the former Orthodox, Fourth Wife Yagailo -Ladislava), who then built in Lithuania, several Orthodox churches of John the Forerunner. In 1440 - early 1441, Isidore traveled around the dioceses of the Grand Ductility of Lithuania (he was in Peremyshl, Lviv, Galich, Hill, Wilna, Kiev and other cities). But when Metropolitan Isidor in March 1441 came to Moscow, he was detained and under the threat of death demanded a renunciation of the Antimuslim Union, but he managed to run out of imprisonment. In 1448, the Cathedral of Russian bishops was elected to Metropolitans Kiev and All Russia, the saint ion was elected. The supply of ions is considered the beginning of the actual independence (autochefalia) of the northeastern Russian dioceses. The successors of ions (c) were only Moscow Metropolitans.

Period 1441-1686.

In the 1450s, Metropolitan Isisidor was in Rome and Constantinople. In 1451, Kazimir IV called on his subjects to "honor the ion, like a father of Metropolitan, and obey him in the affairs of spiritual", but the orders of Miryanin Kololik did not have canonical power. Isidore in 1453 participated in the defense of Constantinople, he was taken by Turks captured, sold to slavery, fled, and only in 1458, becoming Patriarch Konstantinople, put the Metropolitan of Kiev, Galitsky and All Russia of his former Prododiakon Grigory (Bulgarian). Isidor carried out the management of the Orthodox dioceses of the Constantinople Patriarchate not from the captured by Turks of Constantinople, but from Rome, where he died on April 27, 1463. Grigory Bulgarian was not allowed by the management of exploited Moscow by the biscures and for 15 years only managed by the Diocesses of Lithuania. In 1470, the status of Gregory was confirmed by the new Constantinople Patriarch Dionisia I (Greek)russian . In the same year, Novgorod people considered it necessary to send a candidate for the deceased Archbishop of Ions to supply in San not to the Moscow Metropolitan, but to Kiev, which became one of the reasons for the first campaign of Ivan III to Novgorod ().

The unification of Christians in Florence the unification of Christians to combat Muslim aggression turned out to be ineffective (Catholics did not save Constantinople from the seizure of Ottomans). After the fall of the capital of the Byzantine Empire and the replacement of the authorities of the Constantinople Christian Emperor to the authorities of the Muslim Sultan in Metropolis of Constantinople Patriarchate significantly increased the meaning of the secular rulers, the power of which became stronger than the power of the spiritual lord. On September 15, 1475, at the consecrated cathedral in Constantinople in Metropolitan Kiev and All Russia, the monk of the Afonov Monastery Spiridon was elected. However, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke Lithuanian Kazimir IV, obviously, at the request of his son Casimir, did not allow the new hierarch of the Russian Church to manage his dioceses and exiled Spiridon to Punya, and at the Metropolitan throne approved Smolensk Archbishop from the genus of Russian princes of Pestrucia - Misaila, who On March 12, 1476 signed a letter to Pope Siksta IV (on this letter Papa answered Bullah, in which he recognized the eastern rite of the equal Latin). Being in the link, Spiridon continued to communicate with his flock (the "presentation of the Orthodox True of Our Vera" written in Lithuania and "The Word on the Descent of St. Spirit" was preserved. The supply of Spiridon Metropolitan All Russia was disturbed by the Moscow rulers who called Metropolitan Satan. In the "approved" diploma of the Bishop of Vasian, who received the Tver Department in 1477 from Moscow Metropolitan, specifically stipulates: "And to Metropolitan Spiridon, Nurizable Satan, recovers in Tsarigada, in the field of godless Turks, from the Tsar's Fargo, or who will be another Metropolitan delivered From Latin or from Turscago region, do not proceed to me, nor the introduction, nor the United Nikaki with him. " From Lithuania Spiridon moved to the territory of the Novgorod Republic (in 1478 by Ivan III) or the Tver Principality, which in 1485 was captured by Ivan III. The arrested Metropolitan of Kiev, Galitsky and All Russia was exiled to the Monastery in Ferapontov, where he managed to have a significant impact on the development of the non-stop monastic movement in the northern lands of the Moscow Metropolis, led the development of the Belozerskaya icon painting school, in 1503 he wrote the lives of Solovetsky Wonderworkers Zosima and Savvatiya. In the last years of his life, Spiridon, fulfilling the order of Vasily III, composed the legendary "Message on the Monomakh Vental", which described the origin of the Moscow princes from the Roman emperor of Augustus.

After the departure of Serapion from Lithuania, Orthodox bishops of the Kiev Metropolis chose themselves by the Metropolitan of the Archbishop of Polotsk Simeon. King Casimir IV allowed him to approve in Constantinople. Konstantinople Patriarch Maxim approved Simeon and sent him a "blessed letter", in which he applied not only to him, but also to all bishops, priests and the faithful holy church. The Patriarchard Message brought two Exarch: Metropolitan of Enecean Nifont and Bishop Ipanonese Feodorith, which in 1481 made the intronization of the new Metropolitan together with the bishops of Metropolis of Kiev, Galitskaya and All Russia in Novgorod Lithuanian. The election of Simeon ceased misunderstandings associated with the arrest of Spiridon and the activities of the nonsenonically nanked Metropolitan Misaile. After the approval of Simeon, Crimean Khan Mengli Gary in 1482 took and burned Kiev and the Pechersk Monastery, the Sophia Cathedral robbed. Metropolitan Simeon put Archimandrite of the Vilensky Trinity Monastery of Makaria (the future Metropolitan of Kiev) and ordained Archimandrite Vasyan in San Bishop of Vladimir and Brest.

After the death of Metropolitan Simeon (1488), the Orthodox elected to the throne of the Kiev Metropolis "Holy Music, purely punished in Pisanii, mighty and other use and opposing the law of our Salnago exposure" Archbishop of Polotsk Ion (GLAZN). The chosen for a long time did not agree, called himself unworthy, but was "missed by the requests of the princes, the entire clergy and the human, and will be ravened by the Lord." Before receiving the patriarchal approval (in 1492), Ion managed the Kiev Metropoline with the title "Elekt" (informed Metropolitan). During the reign of Metropolitan ions, the Kiev Metropolitan was in the relative world and freedom of oppression. According to the evidence of Uniate writers, the church was obliged to the attachment of this tranquility, which Metropolitan Ion used the King Casimir Yagelon. Metropolitan of Jonah died in October 1494.

In 1495, the Cathedral of the Bishops elected Archimandrite of the Vilensky Trinity Monastery of Makariya and decided in urgency, the cathedral forces of the local bishopath, first devote Makaria to the bishop and in Metropolitan, and then send the post Factum Embassy to Patriarch for the blessing. "Then the bishops of Vladimirski Vasian, Polotsky Luka, Tourovsky Vasian, Lutsk ion and decided to Archimandrite Makaria, to nicknamed the line, Metropolitan Kiev and all of Russia. And to the Patriarch for the blessing sent the elder Dionysius and German diakon-ink. Soon the embassy returned with the affirmative answer, but the Patriarch's envoy made a reprimand for violation of a normal order. The ambassadors were explained by the causes of consideration, and he recognized them convincing. Metropolitan Macarius lived in Wilna, inclined the Lithuanian Grand Duke Alexander to Orthodox, and in 1497 he went to Kiev to engage in the restoration of the destroyed Sophia Cathedral. On the way to Kiev, when Metropolitan spent the Divine Liturgy in the temple on the shore of the River Pripyat, Tatars attacked the temple. The saint called on those present to save, and himself remained at the altar, where he accepted a martyrdom. Contemporaries hotly mourned the death of Makaria. His body was brought to Kiev and put in the Church of St. Sophia. During the same years, Moscow troops in the Union with the Kasimov and Kazan Tatars captured Vyazemsky, part of the Verkhovsky lands of Kiev Metropolis and from 1497 Ivan III was informedly referred to as the Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia, although Russia actually was outside the Moscow Principality. In 1503, Ivan III was captured by Toropetsky Test Mets of the Great Principality of Lithuanian, having passed him to the management of Moscow Metropolitan. Son Ivan Vasily III in 1510 captured Pskov. In 1514, Moscow troops seized Smolensk and drove in Lithuania deep into Lithuania, but on September 8, the 80,000 Moscow army was defeated near Narosh 30th army under the command of Konstantin Ivanovich Ostrog. In honor of the Orsha Victory in Wilna, the Triumphal Arch was arranged, named by the people of Ostrogo Brahma (later called acute brother), known as the location of the Ostrobram icon of the Mother of God. The Cathedral Cathedral, Troitskaya and Nikolskaya Church, was reproached for the money of Konstantin Ivanovich Ostrogovsky in Wilna.

After the conquest of the Turks of Montenegro (1499), the Kiev Metropoline remained the only Metropoline of the Orthodox Church of the Konstantinople Patriarchate, free from non-Christian rulers. But the Metropolitans from Kiev, Galitsky and All Russia since the end of the 15th century, gentry, family, rich people, more careful not about the Christian enlightenment of the flock, but about the economic state of their possessions, which contradicted 82 Rules of the Carfhagin Cathedral, prohibiting the bishop "more properly exercise in his own Business and make a care and adjacent about your throne. " Decisive importance in the election of candidates for the Metropolitan department in Lithuania received not Christian values. Already in the XV century, a part of the representatives of the Lithuanian aristocracy, focusing on the Kings of Catholics, passed from an Orthodox church to Catholic, but this transition, due to the influence of the Gusitsky movement in the Czech Republic, was not massive. Polochanin Francis Skorinov, who began the printing of church-orthodox books in Prague in Prague in 1517, was supported by Orthodox Litvinami, and in 1520 he founded a printing house in Wilna. In the middle of the XVI century, many aristocrats were passionate about the ideology of Luther and Calvin and moved to Protestantia, but after the success of the counter-process, joined the Catholic Church. The division of the Litvinsky community to several confessional groups was used by Ivan Grozny, the troops of which during the Livonian war in 1563 captured Polotsk. The threat to the conquest of Lithuania by the troops of Eastern Tirana forced Litvinov to the search for confessional and political consent. The equality of the rights of Orthodox, Protestants and Catholics was announced. Poles took advantage of the situation and captured the Lithuanian lands of modern Ukraine and Eastern Poland. In 1569, Litvini was forced to sign the Lublin act, according to which the confederation of the Crown of the Polish and Grand Principality of Lithuanian (Commonwealth) was established.

According to the testimony of contemporaries, in the middle of the XVI century, Wilna was twice as much as the Orthodox churches than Catholic. The situation of Orthodox worsened after the conclusion in 1596 by the Brest Union. After the transition to the uniate of five bishops and Metropolitan Mikhail Rogoz, the struggle against the uniations behind the church and monasteries began. In 1620, the Jerusalem Patriarch of Feofan III restored the hierarchy into a part of the Lithuanian Metropolis, dedicated to the new Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia with a residence in Kiev. As part of the Kiev Metropolis in 1632, the Orsha, Mstislavskaya and Mogilev bishopia, which was located on the territory of the Grand Principality of Lithuania. Since May 1686, when Konstantinople Patriarch Dionysius IV agreed to subordinate to the Kiev Metropolis of Moscow Patriarchate, the church organization of the Orthodox Church of the Constantinople Patriarchate in the territory of Central Europe ceased to exist.

List of Hierarchov Lithuanian Metropolis

Metropolitan Metropolitan titles changed to Metropolitan Lithuania, Metropolitan Lithuania and Lithuania, Metropolitan Kiev and All Russia, Metropolitan Kiev, Galitsky and All Russia.

  • Ferofil - Metropolitan Lithuania (until August 1317, after April 1329);
  • Feodorith - title unknown (1352-1354);
  • Roman - Metropolitan Lithuania (1355-1362);
  • Cyprian - Metropolitan Lithuania and Malaya Rus (1375-1378);
Metropolitans Kiev and All Russia
  • Cyprian (1378-1406);
  • Grigory (1415-after 1420)
  • Gerasim (1433-1435;
  • Isidore (1436 - 1458)
Metropolitans Kiev, Galitsky and All Russia
  • Gregory (Bulgarian) (1458-1473);
  • Spiridon (1475-1481);
  • Simeon (1481-1488);
  • Ion I (Glusna) (1492-1494);
  • Macarium I (1495-1497);
  • Joseph I (Bulgarian) (1497-1501);
  • Ion II (1503-1507);
  • Joseph II (Soltan) (1507-1521);
  • Joseph III (1522-1534);
  • Macarium II (1534-1556);
  • Sylvester (Belkevich) (1556-1567);
  • III III (Protasevich) (1568-1576);
  • Elijah (bunch) (1577-1579);
  • Onysifor (G.) (1579-1589);
  • Mikhail (Rhoze) (1589-1596); Accepted Brest Ulya.

From 1596 to 1620, the Orthodox speeches that did not accept the Brest Ulya remained without Metropolitan.

  • Jobs (Boretsky) (1620-1631);
  • Peter (grave) (1632-1647);
  • Sylvester (cosos) (1648-1657);
  • Dionysius (Balaban) (1658-1663);
  • Joseph (Nerulubovich-Tukalsky) (1663-1675);
  • Gideon (Four) (1685-1686).

see also


  1. Metropolitans who managed the diocesses of Northeastern Europe Feoganoset, Alexy, Fotius and Effective by Constantinople Patriarchate Ion, were called "Kiev and All Russia".
  2. Golubovich V., Golubovich E. Krivoy City - Vilna // Ksiimk, 1945, Vol. Xi. P. 114-125.; Luhthan A., Ushshinskas V. To the problem of the formation of the Lithuanian land in the light of archaeological data // Ancient times of Lithuania and Belarus. Vilnius, 1988. P. 89-104.; Kernave - Litewska Troja. Katalog Wystawy Ze Zboryow Panstwowego Muzeum - Rezerwatu Archeologii I Historii W Kernawe, Litwa. Warszawa, 2002.
  3. 82 The Rule of the Carthage Cathedral prohibits the bishop "to leave the main place of his department and to move to any church, in his diocese of consisting, or more properly exercise in their own business and make a care and adjacent about their throne."
  4. Darrouzes J. Notitae Episcopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae. Paris, 1981; Miklosich F., Muller J. Acta Et Diplomata Graca Medii Aevi Sacra et Profana. Vindobonnae, 1860-1890. Vol. 1-6. ; Das Register Des Patriarchat von konstantinopel / hrsg. v. H. Hunger, O. Kresten, E. Kislinger, C. Cupane. Wien, 1981-1995. T. 1-2.
  5. Gelzer H. Ungedruckte Und Ungenugend Veroffentlichte Texte Der Notitiae Episcopatuum, Ein Beitrag Zur Byzantinischen Kirchen - und VerwaltungsGeschichte. // Munchen, Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Hist., L, Abhandlungen, XXI, 1900, BD. III, ABTH

The Lithuanian diocese was established in when, in the Cathedral of Uniate Bishops, Polotsk and Vitebsk Diocese decided to reunite with. The borders of the diocese included Vilen and Grodno. The first Bishop of Lithuanian was the former Uniate Bishop Joseph (Semashko). The Department of the Lithuanian Diocese was originally in the Zhirovitsky Assumption Monastery (Grodno Province). In the department moved to. In front of the Lithuanian diocese, the rallying of the Vilen and Koven province was:

  • Vilensk city
  • Vilenskoe county
  • Trokskoye
  • Shuman
  • Vilcoma
  • Kovena
  • Vileska
  • Deepskoye
  • Volozhinsky
  • Disnenskoye
  • Druisky
  • Lidskoye
  • Molodezhenskoye
  • Madelskoye
  • Novo-Alexanovskoye
  • Shavelskoye
  • Oshmyyanskoye
  • Radoshkovichsky
  • Svyazanskoye
  • Shchuchinskoye

Lithuanian Orthodox Diocese

Vilense Diocese

The Vilensky Diocese of the AvtoKhetal Orthodox Church of Poland, headed by the Archbishop of Vilensky and Lida Feodosius (Feodaud), forged the degree of Vilensky and Novogrudsky Voivodes:

  • Vilenskoye
  • Vilensko-Trokskoye
  • Braslavskoye
  • Vileska
  • Disnenskoye
  • Molodezhenskoye
  • Oshmyyanskoye
  • Delvaya
  • Volozhinsky
  • Lidskoye
  • Stupetskoe
  • Shuchenskoye

Total numbered 173 arrival.

With the inclusion of Lithuania, the arrivals of the Vilen region were reunited with the Lithuanian diocese. The residence of Metropolitan Elevferey was transferred to. At the same time, the Lithuanian diocese has lost budget allocations, nationalized lands and buildings. In January, the Metropolitan Lithuanian and Vilensky (with also Exarch and) appointed Archbishop, managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate Sergius (Voskresensky).

The Second World War

From January, the authorized Council on the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Council of Ministers of the USSR began. In March, the temporary manager of the Diocese Archbishop Vasily (Ratmirov) reorganized the management of the diocese. In July, the power of the Great Martyr Anthony, John and Eustafia was returned to the Male monastery in the form of an exception. Orthodox spiritual seminary, open in October of the same year, at the request of the Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR closed in August. In the diocese, 60 registered churches operated, of which 44 parish, 14 assignments, 2 prayer houses; served 48 priests, 6 deacons and 15 psallers; In Vilnius, the Male Monastery of St. Spirit and the female Mariinsky Monastery with his churches acted.
