- Summer gymnaster of the command and superior composition of the Red Army: Introduced by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 005 of February 1, 1941.

Summer gymnaster is made of cotton fabric protective colors with a postponed collar fastened by one hook. At the ends of the collar nasting the buttercups of protective color with signs of differences.

The gymnaster has a breastplate with a fastener of three buttons and two magnifying attractive pockets with valves on one button. The sleeves have trimmed with two buttons. Gymnaster buttons Metal sample set.

- Sharovari team and the superior composition of the Red Army: Entered by order of the USSR Defense People's Commissar No. 005 dated February 1, 1941.

Sharovari existing sample without edging. Summer hacks are made of cotton khaki cotton fabric, and winter from a half-walled fabric of the same color. Sharovari consist of two front and two rear halves, have two side sloping pockets and one posterior pocket, behind the back of the lintel and at the bottom of the strateg. Sharovari fasten on five buttons and one hook.

- Shubach of the ordinary and younger boss of the RKKKA: Commissioned by the Order of the Russian Federation of the USSR No. 190 dated July 19, 1929.

Shubach Summer Sample 1928 for the Land and Air Force RKKA. The shirt is made of cotton fabric (gymnasters), dark protective colors, with a postponed collar, fastened in the middle for one metal hook and having at the ends of the loop, in the form of a parallelogram, color of the family of assigned troops; On the loopes are placed signs of differences in position and installed encryption. The shirt is fastened with three buttons, parallel to which on the chest there are two patch pockets covered by valves, fastening on one buttons. The sleeves end with the abbreviations with two buttons, with the sewer's sewing sites, two folds that are one from the other by 7 - 8 cm. Letterbahi are manufactured by six Rostov.

Shubach Sukonnaya RKKA arr. 1928 for the land and air forces of the Red Army. The shirt is made from the cloth of the protective color of the merino or coarse wool with a stand-post-folded collar, fastened in the middle into two metal hooks and having an at the ends of the loop, by the form of the parallelogram, with the sides of 8 cm. X 3.5 cm color of the family of assigned troops; On the loopes are placed signs of differences in position and installed encryption. The shirt is fastened with three buttons, parallel to which on the chest there are two patch pockets covered by valves, fastening on one buttons. The sleeves end with the abbreviations, fastened for two buttons.

Note. Buttons on the shirt should be metallic, oxided, small size with a star, a sample established by the Order of the USSR of 1924 No. 992.

Summer shirt with non-calumbers of the 1931 sample for all types of troops. Letrubach [Type A] is made of gymnaste (cotton-paper) diagonal of khaki color with two overhead pockets covered by valves, with a postponed collar, fastened by one shaped button, and sleeves with trunks. The camp of the shirt is stitched from the sides and in the shoulders of two parts: front and rear. The front part of the mill from the neck to the bottom of the pockets has a cut, covered by planks. The planks are located in the middle of the mill and fastened with one button on the loop of the tissue segment paved from the inside of the upper strip. The top ends of the planks at the collar itself are fastened with one shaped buttons of small size, sewed at the top of the bottom plank on a through transverse loop of the top strip. The hook collar does not have under the known conditions under the wearing form, can be disclosed with an unbuttoned top button. Sleeves in the sewing are collapsing have two folds. Behind the sleeves over the elbow suture there are overhead elbows. On both sides of the collar sewn the edged buttons of the colors of the cloth, the nature of the assigned troops. The loovers have the form of a parallelogram in the finished form of 8 cm and 3.25 cm wide, counting with edge. The transverse ends of the loop must, be parallel to the twist of the front ends of the collar. The installed metal signs of differences in positions and badges according to the installed encryption are placed on the buttercons. [...]

Between the larbach type B [...] differs from the laverbahoha type a by the fact that the larbach type B has an extended bar in all heels of 4 cm; Hook with a loop for an ignition of the collar and three through loops on the upper bar [...]. Three small downtrodial buttons in the respective hinges are seized on the lower bar. In the right end of the collar, the hook is sewn, and in the left end - loop.

Swubach Sukonnaya with rubber pockets of the 1931 sample for all types of troops. Sukonnye shirt consists of the following parts: front part, in the middle of having a bar, fastened three through loops on three metal buttons with a red-Army star, back, a stand-postponed collar, fastened in the middle of two metal hooks, two valves of breast pockets fastened to the Krasnoarmeysian shirt Button, sleeves without folds at thenime with the collaps, fastening two loops on two red Army buttons. Valves are slit internal pockets.

Canceled by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 25 dated January 15, 1943. The whole composition of the Red Army, go to new signs of differences - epaulets from February 1 to February 15, 1943. Allow the impact of the existing form of clothing with new signs of differences to the future to the next issuance of uniforms according to the current terms and norms of the supply.

№1 - Handling in gymnastrics. 1941; №2 - Handling in gymnastrics. 1942; №3 №4 -T. Lieutenant in a gymnaster with everyday differences signs; №5 -Ofezer in a gymnaster with field signs differences; №6 -Thisteraction of the gymnastric officer of 1940-43.

Summer uniforms of the Red Army for the period 1943-1945.

- Gymnasters: The new type of gymnastrock was introduced by the orders of the People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR No. 25 dated January 15, 1943.

They represented the same gymnasters of an existing sample with the following changes:

Collars of gymnasters of all samples instead of the postponed - standing, soft fastening through the front loops on the two shaped buttons of small size.

The top plank is located in the middle and fastened with three shaped buttons with small loops.

Shoulders are fastened with the shoulders of the installed sample.

Introduction signs (broken officer triangles) from gymnasters are canceled.

The gymnasters of the superior composition instead of the invoices of pockets have slit (internal) pockets covered with valves. No elbow.

Gymnasters for ordinary and sergeant composition - without pockets. With elbow - ().

On August 5, 1944, breastplate pockets were introduced on gymnasters of the women of ordinary and sergeant composition.

On September 16, 1944, Sergeants and Krasnoarmeys were also officially allowed to have breastplate pockets, but only in case of obtaining an unsuitable officer uniform after bringing it in order. During the whole of 1943, it was possible to meet the gymnastrics of an old sample with a postponed collar, which was allowed to be left before issuing new uniforms.

№1 -Adovaya in soldiers' gymnastrics (on the left of the ordinary in the officer gymnasther) 1944; №2 - Just sergeant. Left - in the soldier's gymnasther, on the right - in the officer; №3 -Wellustration of the soldiers gymnastrock arr. 1943; №4 - Soviet and American officers during a meeting on the Elbe; №5 -T.Serzhent in an officer gymnaster; №6 - Officer Gymnastrian Obr. 1943

- Parade uniform: Senior and secondary team and the superior composition of all kinds of troops

The uniform uniform, with a cutting bodice, is fastened with a left side of five large buttons. Collar hard, standing, fastened on two or three hooks and loops. The top edge and the ends of the collar are trimmed by Crate. On the collar of the uniform, on an equal distance from its upper and lower edges and 1 cm from the ends, the nassed buttons (without edging) from the instrument cloth (color by the nature of the troops) with a length of 8.2 cm and 2,7 cm wide. On the buttercins, respectively The established form there is one or two shded gold or silver strips, passing by silver or gold thread: strips with a length of 5.4 cm and 6.5 mm wide with a lumen between them 0.5-1 mm. The sleeves of the uniform is bicker, with direct pricious handlasses, edged at the top edge and ends. On the settings of the sleeves, respectively, there are two or one shied with gold or silver vertical butterms (column). On the peldochka, the backs are cocked by leaves, at the ends of which are sewn over one large button. Kant on the edge of the left side, collar, leaflets and overalls, color - by the nature of the troops. All buttons shaped, brass.

Color edging for infantry, intenntenant and military legal services - raspberry, for artillery, auto-armored troops, medical and veterinary services - red, for aviation - blue, for cavalry - Light and for engineering troops - black.

The color of the loover for infantry, intennant and military legal services - raspberry, for artillery and auto-armored troops - black, for aviation - blue, for cavalry - Lights, for medical and veterinary services - dark green and for engineering and technical troops - the black. The color of sewing on the lets for the intennant, military legal, medical and veterinary services is silver, for everyone else - gold. Shoulder straps. Exactly installed sample.

№1 - Pilant-artillerist in the parade uniform; №2 - Requirements for the 150th Idrice SD against the background of its assault flag, licked on May 1, 1945 over the Reichstag building in Berlin (Victory Banner). In the photo Participants of the Reichstag Sturm, who had a flag in Moscow from the Berlin Aerodrome Tempelgof on June 20, 1945 (from left to right): Captain K.Ya. Samsonov, Jr. Sergeant M.V. Cantarius, Sergeant M.A. Egorov, Senior Sergeant M.Ya. Soyrans, Captain S.A. Nestower (06/20/1945); №3 - Calusing the front uniform of the OBR. 1943

Literature / Documents:

  • Types of tissues used for sewing of the uniform of the Red Army (Article, Composition, Color, Application). ()
  • Rules of wearing shape of clothing by the personnel of the Red Army of January 15, 1943 (Download / Open)
  • A typical list of the unfinished property of the junior and ordinary composition of the Red Army for summer and winter on a peaceful and wartime. Commissioned by order of the NKO USSR No. 005 of February 1, 1941 ()

In 1943, a new uniform was adopted in the Red Army. The new gymnastrock was very much like that was used in the royal army and had a rack collar, fastening two buttons. The main distinguishing feature of the new uniform has become epaulets. Two types of pursuit were envisaged: Field and Casual. Field epaulets were made of protective color fabric. On the chains near the buttons wearing a small gold or silver badge, designating the bodies of troops. The officers wore a fodder with a black leather chipper. The color of the chain in the cap depended on the kind of troops. In winter, the generals and colonels of the Red Army were supposed to wear dads, and the rest of the officers received ordinary ruins.

And now more thorough:

Back in the summer months of 1941, preparation was deployed to ensure the personnel of the Red Army with warm things for the winter. The main warm things, first of all, fur coats and boots were sought for at various warehouses of pre-war storage, gathered as the assistance of the army from the population, were made by an impact pace with the tolerances towards simplification and cheaper. As a result, the existing army was completely satisfied with warm things. What led to some diversity in color and the main form in the winter of 1941/1942.

File Air Force 1943-45, Senior Sergeant, Don Cavalry Parts 1943

By the way, the German industry could not provide his army in winter outfit, and it is not necessary to say that Blitzkrieg, the seizure of Moscow was expected before the winter, it was clear that Bluzkrieg was not smelled. Yes, and the capture of Moscow did not mean the end of the war, they walked in the tropics, so somewhere German trips were launched, so on time in winter fighting, the losses of the Wehrmacht from frostbite exceeded the number of combat losses.

The composition of the rear parts and institutions, motor vehicles of combat connections, as well as the chauffs of all kinds of troops, instead of overcoats, began to produce a double-breasted cotton jacket. A large stress with the provision of broad property was due to a decline in the production of light industry products, some enterprises of which has not yet established production in evacuation, and the remaining on the ground have experienced difficulties with raw materials, energy and workforce. For lovers to argue whose shape or whose tanks and airplanes are the best and so on, the answer is simple.

The transformation of a very large number of defense enterprises for the Urals, and their launch on the technological cycle in such a short time. It has no analogues in history, simply in such volumes and for such distances, no one and never industry has moved, and it will hardly perk in the future, the largest industrial migration. So only for this feat, it is necessary to build a huge, premium monument. By the way, the German industry was completely translated into military rails only in 1943, and before that only 25% went to military needs from general indicators.

For the same reason, the project prepared for May 1942 was postponed on the introduction of new signs of difference, which assumed October 1, 1942 to provide the whole red army with the shoulders.

Sea aviation pilot 1943-45, tanker Winter form 1942-44g.G.

And only in 1943, the order of January 15 of the People's Commissar of Defense I. Stalin No. 25 "On the introduction of new signs of distinction and changes in the form of the Red Army" introduced new signs of differences, the military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945, but also The order of the change itself.


Establishing the wearing of the shoulder: field-servicemen in the current army and the personnel of parts prepared for sending to the front, everyday - military personnel of the rest of the units and institutions of the Red Army, as well as when wearing the parade form of clothing.

The whole composition of the Red Army, go to new signs of differences - epaulets from February 1 to February 15, 1943.

Make changes to the form of clothing of personnel of the Red Army as described.

Enter the "Rules of wearing the shape of clothing by the personnel of the Red Army."

Allow the desisted of the existing form of clothing with new signs of differences to continue to the next issuance of uniforms, according to the current periods and regulations of the supply.

Commanders of parts and chiefs of garrisons strictly monitor compliance with the form of clothing and the right wearing of new signs of differences.

People's Commissar Defense I. Stalin.

And how many small changes and nuances, then followed, with the introduction of a new form, take such a gymnasther. For the gymnastrock of an existing sample, the following changes are introduced: the collars of gymnasters of all samples instead of the postponed - standing, soft fastening through the front loops on the front of the two shaped buttons of small size. Shoulders are fastened with the shoulders of the installed sample. Hanging signs from gymnasters are canceled.

Red Army Infantryman and Lieutenant 1943-45.

Infantryman of the Red Army in the second half of the war. M1940 Helmet Olive-Green, 1943 Gymnastrog has a standing collar, without breast pockets, on the left medal for the "defense of Stalingrad" was established on December 22, 1942. The difference in the shade between elements of clothing does not matter; Tolerances in production and a large number of manufacturers enterprises led to a wide range of khaki color, or as it is called protective color. Flashing with glass design, bags for grenade F-1 and PPS-41 drum store. On the back simple x / b backpack or a douse bag.

Lieutenant. The cap has a raspberry kant, like the gymnast cuffs. Gymnastrock of 1943 Internal pockets with valves, still bearing blue breeches. With two teeth, the belt buckle was led in 1943, in Kobura Tokarev or TT, behind the rocket belt.

Red Army. Standard field form of infantryman 1943

The gymnasters of the superior composition instead of the invoices of pockets have slit (internal) pockets covered with valves. Gymnasters for ordinary and sergeant composition - without pockets. On August 5, 1944, breastplate pockets were introduced on gymnasters of the women of ordinary and sergeant composition.

Red Army, a form of medical staff 1943

Most medical personnel were women. Dark blue berets and skirts were part of the front-end shape for the Red Army with pre-war days, in May and August 1942, khaki colors were appointed, but most women used a standard male shape, or wore mixed clothes that was more convenient.

76 women were awarded the title, "Hero of the Soviet Union", many of them posthumously. From September 16, 1944, sergeants and redarmeys were also officially allowed to have breastplate pockets, but only in case of receiving an unsuitable officer uniform after bringing it in order.

Major General Ground Forces 1943-44.

Combinations of shapes from different time periods were very common during the war. Gymnastrock of 1935, a folding gate, but sewed straps, with lace weaves hand-embroidered khaki color and silver stars. The khaki wrathua colors - all the officer ranks in the second half of the war were widely used. Commander bag of this type comes on Land Liza.

Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945

Camouflage clothes.

Camouflage clothing, Red Army 1943-1945

A large number of different masters of camouflage were produced during the war, and used mainly snipers, scouts, as well as for mountainous troops. Camouflages are made free, whatever you can wear on top of any combination of uniforms and equipment, with large hoods, for cleaning helmets.

From left to right. The most common camouflage consists of two parts, but there were whole overalls. Colors have a variety, brown, black or dark green stain on a pale green olive background. Further, the simplest camouflage form: garlands of grass, body wrapping, equipment and weapons to break the image of their visual structure.

Script. By the end of the war, an alternative type of costume was produced - although not in the same quantities. It was olive green, with a large number of small loops over the entire surface on which herb beams were mounted. And the latter type of robe was used by the troops during the Winter War with Finland in 1939-40. And much more widely during the Great Patriotic War.

Some photos of that time can be seen that some combs were reversible, but it is not clear when it was introduced and how widely used.

Scout RKKKA, 1944-45 g.

This camouflage suit, produced during the Great Patriotic War, first appeared in 1944, and it seems, and was not very widespread. The complexity of the pattern: more pale background, sawdust type "seaweed" and splasing large brown spots to destroy the image. Scout is armed with a PPS-43 submachine gun, the best gun-machine gun of the Second World War, the German MP-40 and nearly not lying around. PPS-43 is easier and cheaper than PPSh-41, which to some extent began to replace the last two-year-old war. The boxed store was much more convenient and easier than a complex round drum of PPS. Three spare stores in a simple bag with a valve on wooden buttons. Knife model 1940, helmet model 1940g; Loaded lend lesov boots.

Junior lieutenant rifle parts, winter form, 1944

A fur coat or a fur coat, from the sheepskin was a popular item of winter clothes, produced both in civil and military execution. Depending on the length, used both in infantry and in the mechanized parts.

Captain of the border troops of the NKVD, the parade uniform of 1945.

Officer's front cuitel, double-breasted, fitted skirt. He was introduced in 1943. The version of the border troops was distinguished from other NKVD troops, only the green Cant and the color of the fool's tuli, the color of the collar and cuffs. On the chest "Order of the Red Banner", established in August 1924; Medals "for military merit" and "For the victory over Germany."

On the forage of the cokard made of gold-plated metal, V-ways a manual embroidery sign. Blue Cant on the collar and cuffs. At the chest medal for "for the defense of Moscow", established on May 1, 1944.

Lieutenant General, 1945 Parade Uniform.

Marshals and generals, front-line commanders and compounds who took part in the parade, in honor of the victory over Germany, in Moscow on June 24, 1945.

The form of clothing introduced in 1943, but was not issued until the end of the war.

Sergeant. Head uniform 1945.

Unidir with a standing collar with loops, a flap in the rear skirt, scarlet karts on the collar, cuffs and closures of pockets. The form was tailored to everyone according to individual standards, more than 250 major general forms of a new sample were sewn, and in total in the factories, in the workshops and the student of the capital, more than 10 thousand sets of various uniforms were produced for the parade participants. In the hands of the German infantry battalion. On the right side of the chest of the Order of the Red Star and "Patriotic War", above the sign "Guard". On the left breast, the Golden Star "Hero of the Soviet Union", and a block of awards. At the parade, participants were presented all fronts and fleets, participants should be awarded orders and medals. That is, the parade took part, real selected front-line.

After passing with lowered banners and standards of Germany, they were burned along with the dyshill, the gloves of the banners and the standards were also burned and the gloves.

In February 1946, the People's Commissariat of Defense and the Navy were merged and transformed into a single Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Armed Forces themselves found new names: "Soviet Army" and "Naval Forces".

Since 1946, the work on new form samples begins.

You can also order straps of the Second World War.

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1 form of clothing of the younger team, the younger superior and ordinary composition of the RPC Air Force, 1936. Summer casual clothing form 1. Pill 2. Schinel in a clip 3. Gymnaster 4. Summer shaders 5. Boots or boots with kragami 6. Wall belt Winter casual form of clothing 1. Helmet Sukonny dark gray color 2. Schinel 3. Gymnaster 4. Sukonny jackets

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Frontovik Efreitor 1 In the Uniform of the Sample 1943. The signs of differences from the loop are transferred to epaulets. School of SS-40 has been widely distributed since 1942. At about the same time, guns-machine guns began to enter the troops in mass quantities. This efreitor is armed with a 7.62-mm machine gun-machine gun - PPS-41- with a 71 charging drum shop. Spare stores in the socks on the waist belt next to the peason on three hand grenades. In 1944, along with the drum

Military uniform calls the clothes established by the rules or special decrees, the wearing of which is mandatory for any military unit and for each kind of troops. The form symbolizes the function of its carrier and its belonging to the organization. Sustainable phrase honor Mundira means military or generally corporate honor. Even in the Roman army, soldiers were given the same weapon and armor. In the Middle Ages on the shields it was customary to depict the coat of arms of the city, the kingdom or feudal,

Bodies and troops GPU 1922 - Valery Kulikov Employees of the transport department GPU 1922 - Valery Kulikov GPU bodies - OGPU 1923 - Valery Kulikov Troops GPU - OGPU 1923 - Valery Kulikov Employees of the Transport Department GPU 1923 - Valery Kulikov Organs and Troops OGPU 1924 Year - Valery Kulikov Employees of the Main Directorate of the Camps of the NKVD 1936 - Andrei

In the North Caucasus, there were three types of Cossacks, Kuban and Donskiy. In 1936 By order of the NGO of the USSR 67 for these parts, a special output of the naja shape of clothing is established. For the Teresk and Kuban Cossacks, she consisted of Kubanka, Beshmeta, Circassies with a Bolk, Burka, Sharovar and Kav Kazkoga. Don Cossacks as a wearing outfit, Cossakin, harenaries and boots.

Camouflage clothing appeared in the Red Army in 1936 Although the experiments began 10 years earlier, but received their widespread distribution only during the war. Initially, these were mascakelates and capes spotted stains in the form of ameb and got a chemless name of ameba four color hammies Summer, spring autumn, desert and for mountain areas. In a separate row there are white maskhalates for winter camouflage. Much more massively manufactured.

Types of fabrics used for sewing uniforms of the Red Army. Name, Article Fabric composition Color Application Diagonal Merino art. 1408 Wool khaki, steel, dark and light blue uniforms, twigs and breeches generals Gabardin Merino art. 1311 Wool hacks, steel, dark and light blue uniforms, twigs and bridegi generals

In the working and peasant Red Army of the Red Army in the summer, they wore the semi-shots, they were shoes and boots, boots were outstanding in the cold winter time. The highest team composition in winter could wear winter boots burki. The choice of shoes depended on the title of serviceman officers always relied on boots and from their position. Before the war, there were many improvements and changes in the field

Summer uniforms of the Red Army for the period 1940-1943. The summer gymnaster of the command and the superior composition of the Red Army was introduced by the order of the USSR Defense Commissar 005 of February 1, 1941. Summer gymnaster is made of cotton fabric protective colors with a postponed collar fastened by one hook. At the ends of the collar nasting the buttercups of protective color with signs of differences. The gymnaster has a checked strap with a fastener

The pilot was introduced by order of the USSR Defense People's Commissar 176 of December 3, 1935. The pilot for the command composition is made of woolen fabric, uniform with a jumper by a gymnaste. The color of the pilot for the command composition of the air forces is blue, for the command composition of auto-armored troops steel, for all other hacks. The pilot consists of a cap and two sideboards. The cap is made on a cotton lining, and flights of two layers of the main fabric. In front

By order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR 005 dated February 1, 1941, a new typical list of items of non-private property constituting the robe of the younger and ordinary composition of the Red Army for summer and winter on a peaceful and wartime will be introduced. For an ordinary composition in the summer at peacetime I. Outfit 1. Pilot of the clouds of khaki. 2. Khaki cotton cotton colors only in building parts for field training. 3. Sound chinel gray

The clothing of servicemen is set by decrees, orders, rules or special regulatory acts. Wearing the naval form of the naval form of clothing is mandatory for military personnel of the armed forces of the state and other formations where military service is provided. In the Armed Forces of Russia, there are a number of accessories that were in the naval form of clothes of the Times of the Russian Empire. These include straps, boots, long overcoats with loops

Tabel about the ranks of the USSR Military Service 1935-1945 1935 1 by the Decree of the CEC and the Soviet Union of the USSR of September 22, 1935 on the introduction of the personal military ranks of the head of the Red Army and on the approval of the Regulations on the passage of the Service by the Command and Head of the Red Army, command and special military titles of the superior The composition of the military titles of the command and employment of land and air

The order of the Revoensuit of the Republic of 572 of April 3, 1920 was introduced by violating signs of the distinction of the Red Army. A detailed analysis of the history of the stripes and the Chevrons of the Red Army of all periods in the Material Material. Introduction of the RKKA stages, features, symbols, distinctive signs of smart type are used to identify military personnel of certain types of troops. To better understand the specifics of the violating signs of the Red Army, the Red Army Chevrons, recommend

Black Death So German soldiers during the 2 World War called Soviet maritime infantry, dressed in black boys. And the unknown combat cry of the midnrand Germans perceived as Fall Under Falling NIC. When the marines moved to the universal form, the vests and the fighters were saved and the attack went to the attack and in the tubes, biting ribbons in the teeth. Let the enemies see who they deal with. The history of marines is already in the second half of the XVI century as part of the crews of ships

The first mass Soviet steel helmet SSh-36 appeared in the Red Army in 1936, and by the end of the year it became obvious that he had a weighing of flaws. The most fundamental of them were fragility of steel and low boilers in places of bending. Attempts to improve the helmets led to the emergence of a number of experimental samples, some of them were trooped tests. Red Army women on a parade in Steel helmets SS-36. http forum.guns.ru in June

Metal helmets, widely used in the world's armies long before our era, by the XVIII century lost their protective importance due to the mass spread of firearms. By the period of Napoleonic wars in European armies as protective equipment, they were used mainly in heavy cavalry. Throughout the XIX century, headdress of military personnel defended their owners at best of the cold, heat or precipitation. Returning steel helmets, or

The abundance of samples of uniforms and equipment adopted for supplying in the Red Army led to the fact that tankers even inside one military unit or divisions could be equipped in different ways. Shown in the photo Commanders of the Light Tanks of the Red Army and Wehrmacht look like thousands of tankers looked at the first day of war. If possible, the most common versions of uniforms and equipment are indicated in the descriptions, but, of course, the material cannot claim comprehensive completeness.

The image presents two infantry of the Red Army Red Army of the personnel army on June 22, 1941 and sergeant-winner on May 9, 1945. Even in the photo it can be seen how the form simplified and the equipment was simplified and something turned out to be too expensive in the manufacture in wartime, something did not fit, something did not like the soldiers and was removed from the supply. And individual elements of equipment, on the contrary, spied at the enemy or taken as a trophy. Not all in the placement of items

Afghan Zagannaya name used by some servicemen for the name of a set of field summer winter shape of the military of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and later the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The field was later used as everyday due to the poor supply of military formaved to the Soviet Army and the Navy of the USSR Marine infantry, coastal rocket and artillery troops and the fleet Air Force, in the initial period used in Savo and Oxawa

Until the end of the 70s, the field uniforms of PV KGB did not differ from the one that was in the land of the Soviet army. Unless green epaulets and loops, and more frequent and ubiquitous use of KLMK suit summer camouflated camouflage. At the end of the 70s, in terms of the development and implementation of a special field uniform, some shifts occur, the result of which the appearance of summer and winter field costumes is accustomed to an unusual cut. one.

In 1985, the Order of the USSR Minister of Defense 145-84g introduces a new field form of clothing, the same for all categories of military personnel, which received the resourceful name of Afghan, the first reception and units located on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. In 1988, in 1988, the Order of the USSR 250 from 4.03.88 is introduced by carrying out the shared output form by soldiers, sergeants and cadets without a nipper in a green shirt. From left to right

From left to right, summer major marshals and generals beyond the Air Force - for the system. Winter parade marshals and generals except the Air Force - out of order. Summer major Marshals and Air Force Generalists - for building and out. Summer on-weekend marshals and generals in the WHO forage and pants of blue. Summer casual marshals and generals - out of building pants. Summer field marshals and generals

Officials Differences of the RKKK servicemen 1919-1921. With the arrival of the RCP to power in November 1917, the new leaders of the country, relying on the thesis of K. Maks on the replacement of the regular army by the universal armament of the working people, was actively working to eliminate the imperial army of Russia. In particular, on December 16, 1917, all military ranks were repealed by all military ranks on the election and organization of power in the army and the election and organization of power in the army and the equity in the rights of all servicemen.

Signs of the differences in the RKKK servicemen on the titles of 1935-40. The period under review covers the time from September 1935 to November 1940. By the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR of September 22, 1935, the personal military titles are established for all servicemen, which are strictly related to positions. Each position corresponds to a certain title. The soldier may have a title lower than defined for this position, or appropriate. But he can't get

Signs of differences and buttercups of the Red Army 1924-1943. The working and peasant Red Army is abbreviated by the Red Army, the term Soviet Army army appeared later, the beginning of the Second World War, as not strangely met in the military uniform of the 1925 sample, the People's Commissariat of Defense with its order of December 3, 1935, introduced for the entire personnel of the Red Army, new uniforms and insignia. Old job titles partially persist for military-political, military-technical.

Personal military titles of military personnel 1935-1945 Personal military ranks of military personnel of the land and sea forces of the RKKKA 1935-1940 were introduced by the Resolutions of the People's Commissar Council 2590 for the Land and Air Force RKKA and 2591 for the Marine Rark Forces of September 22, 1935. Declared by order of the People's Commissar Defense 144 of September 26, 1935. Private and Command Party Political Composition

On January 6, 1943, drafts for the personnel of the Soviet army were introduced in the USSR. Initially, the epaulets were practical meaning. With their help held a strap of the cartridge bag. Therefore, the pursuit at first had only one, on the left shoulder, since the cartridge bag was rushed on the right side. In most fleets of the world, the epaulets were not used, and the rank was marked by the stripes on the sailor sleeve, the cartridge bag was not worn. In Russia, tremors

Outfit RKKE Headgear RKKKA Difference Signs Difference Signs Differences Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Signs Difference Difference Signs Difference Signs

This attribute of military equipment has deserved a worthy place in a number of others, due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and, most importantly, complete indispensability. The very name of the helmet comes from French Casque or from Spanish Casco Skull, helmet. If you believe Encyclopedias, then under this term is understood as a leather or metal headdress, used to protect the head by military and other categories of persons acting in hazardous conditions by miners,

The name from the hectares to Frunzovka in journalism lives the version that Bududovka was developed in the first world war in such helmets, Russians were supposedly supposedly a parade of Victory on Berlin. However, confirmed evidence was not found. But according to the documents, the history of the competition for the development of a uniform for the working and peasant Red Army is well traced. The competition was announced on May 7, 1918, and on December 18, the rewarding of the Republic approved the sample of the Winter Heap - helmet,

June 3, 1946 In accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, signed by I. Valin, the airborne troops were derived from the Air Force and are subordinated directly to the Ministry of Armed Forces of the USSR. Colors at the November parade of 1951 in Moscow. A visionary sign on the right sleeve in the first rank is visible. Resolution prescribed the head of the rear of the USSR Sun, together with the Commander of the Airborne Forces to prepare proposals

The emblem of airborne troops - in the form of a parachute surrounded by two aircraft - is known to everyone. It has become the basis for the subsequent development of all the symbols of parts and airborne connections. This sign is not only an expression of the belonging of a serviceman to the winged infantry, but also a kind of symbol of spiritual unity of all paratroopers. But few know the name of the author's emblem. And there was this work Zinaida Ivanovna Bocharov, a beautiful, smart, hardworking girl who worked as a leader in the headquarters of airborne

RKKKA Shedsheets 1. Ranger Fighter Equipment - Infantry Arrow Hiking Equipment Fig. 5-9 Fighter - The Infantry Arrow is divided into a full hiking gear when all the equipment is taken, including a wretcher with the layout and b assault With the layout of wearable reserves is not taken. Assembly and fit of assault equipment on the belt belt Pasta in order of sequences The following items,

Instructions for fitting, assembling and savings of single hiking equipment Nachsostav RKKA Order of the Russian RVS of the USSR 183 1932 1. General provisions 1. The uniform equipment of the Nachs station of the land and air-air forces of the RKKKA enters the supply and one size designed for the greatest growth of the host and sock on top Sintels and warm overalls leather wear, fur clothing used with waist and shoulder straps of three sizes 1 Rostov names 1 Equipment

From the loop to the pursuit of P. Lipatov, the form of clothing and signs of the distinction of the land forces of the Red Army, the internal troops of the NKVD and the border troops in the period of the Great Patriotic War, the working and peasant Red Army RKKA joined the second world in the uniform of the sample of 1935 at about the same time found the usual We are the appearance of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht. In 1935, a new outfit and signs of differences were introduced by order of the People's Commissariat of Defense of December 3 for the entire personnel of the Red Army.

The Soviet system of signs of differences is unique. This practice is not found in the armies of other countries of the world, and it was perhaps the only innovation of the communist power in the rest of the order was copied from the rules of the army signs of the difference in Tsarist Russia. Signs of differences The first two decades of the existence of the Red Army were the buttercups, which subsequently arrived at the shift. The rank was determined by the shape of the figures of triangles, squares, diamonds under the star,

They do not make a militant screen, they do not sparkle with the surface, are not decorated with chased coat of arms and plumes and quite often generally hidden under the jackets. However, today without these armor, non-plastic looks, it is simply unthinkable to send soldiers into battle or ensure the security of VIPs. Bulfurgeele clothing, which prevents the penetration of bullets into the body and, therefore, protecting a person from shots. It is made of materials that dispel

In the past century, during the Soviet Union, the highest title of generalissimus existed. However, this title was not over the entire existence of the Soviet Union, not a single person, except Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. The highest military rank was assigned to this person, asked the proletarian people himself for all his merits to the Motherland. This happened after the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany in the 45th year. Soon about the fact that the working people asked for such honor

Start the story of the introduction of signs of differences in the Soviet Army will have to have some common issues. To all, it will be useful to be a small excursion to the history of the Russian state, so as not to formulate empty references in the past. The pursuit themselves represent a kind of product that is on the shoulders in order to indicate the position or title, as well as the kind of troops and official affiliation. This is done in several ways to fasten the skies, asterisks, making lumen, chevrons.

The epoch, long in a couple of decades, which begins after coming to power the Bolsheviks, marked themselves with numerous changes in the life of the once former empire. The reorganization of almost all structures of peaceful and military activity turned out to be quite long and complete disputes with the process. In addition, from the course of history, we know that immediately after the revolution, Russia was overwhelmed by the bloody civil war in which it was not without intervention. It is difficult to imagine that the ranks initially

The entire period of the existence of the USSR can be divided into several stages on various epochal events. As a rule, changes in the political life of the state lead to a number of cardinal changes, including in the army. The pre-war period, which is limited to 1935-1940, went down in history as the birth of the Soviet Union, and the attention should be paid not only to the state of the material part of the armed forces, but also on the organization of the hierarchy. Before the start of the specified period existed

Even during the Second World War, the troops of the marines instilled horror in German soldiers. Since then, the last name was secured by the second name Black death or black devils, indicating an inevitable violence over those who will encroacitate the integrity of the state. Perhaps this nickname is somehow due to the fact that the infantryman wore black bustle. One thing is just known if the enemy is afraid, then this is the lion's share of victory, and, as you know, the symbol of the marines is considered the motto

Considering all the stages of the creation of the Armed Forces of Russia, it is necessary to deeply immerse themselves in history, and at least at the time of the principalities are not talking about the Russian Empire and even more so about the regular army, the birth of such a concept, as defense capability begins with this era. In the XIII century, Russia was represented by separate principles. Their military squads, though they were armed with swords, axes, spears, sabers and onions, but could not serve as a reliable protection against extraneous encroachments. Unified Army

Even before the First World War in the Russian army, a form appeared from the protective color of the trousers, gymnaster shoes, sinels and boots. We have repeatedly seen it in films about the Civil and Great Patriotic War. Soviet form of the Second World War. Since then, several uniform reforms have been carried out, but they have affected mainly the only parade form. We changed in uniforms of releases, purses, petakers, and the field form remained virtually unchanged.

Organs and internal troops of the NKVD 1935-1937. Let me remind you that the internal troops over the years have undergone numerous reorganization, renaming, etc. With the creation immediately after the October coup of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the SNK was immediately created as one of the Thirteen People's Commissariats People's Commissariat of the Interior of the Russian Republic of NKVD. Then he became called the NKVD RSFSR. Then, as the union republics are found - added

The worker-peasant Red Army Army RKKA joined the second world in the uniform of the sample of 1935. At about the same time, the appeal to us the appearance of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht. In 1935, the order of the People's Commissariat of Defense of December 3, for the entire personnel of the Red Army, a new outfit and difference signs were introduced. The previous job ranks in the categories were abolished, personalities were established for the commanders, the same partly persisted for military-political, military-technical,

In the Red Army, two types of petitions casual color and field protective were used. There were also differences in the lecturers of the command and superior compositions so that the commander from the boss could be distinguished. The field butterms were introduced by order of NPO USSR 253 dated August 1, 1941, which was canceled by the wearing of color signs of differences for all categories of servicemen. It was ordered to go to the loovers, emblems and signs of distinction of a completely green protective color.

Soviet mountain arrow gunners in ambush. Caucasus. 1943 Based on a significant combat experience, accumulated during the Great Patriotic War, the Main Department of Combat Training of the Gubb of Ground Forces of the Red Army took the fundamental solution to the issues of providing the latest weapons and equipment of the Soviet infantry. In the summer of 1945, a meeting was held in Moscow on discussing all the problems facing general-official commander. At this meeting with reports performed

Different types of rifle and cold weapons weaponing partisans trophy weapons partisans Various independent alterations of copies of Soviet and trophy weapons of action Partisans in the rear of the enemy damage to power lines, spreading propaganda leaflets, intelligence, destruction of traitors. Ambushes in the rear of the enemy, the destruction of the columns and the alive force of the enemy undermines of bridges and railway tracks, methods

As a result of the adoption of two decrees on December 15, 1917, the Council of Europe and the military ranks remaining in the Russian army and military ranks remaining in the Russian army. The period of the formation of the Red Army. The first signs of the differences. Thus, all soldiers of the working and peasant red army organized as a result of the order of January 15, 1918 had no longer any uniform military form just like the special signs of differences. Neverthether in the same year for the fighters of the Red Army is injected by a badge

Signs of the distinction of the Red Army, 1917-24. 1. Vorced infantry sign, 1920-24. 2. The bandage of the Red Guard of 1917. 3. The violating stripter of the Kalmyk cavalry parts of the south-east Front, 1919-20. 4. Badge of the Red Army, 1918-22. 5. Writing sign of the convoy of the republic, 1922-23. 6. Vyssive sign of the internal troops of OGPU, 1923-24. 7. Vigilanive Barper Sign East Front, 1918-19. 8. Watching the commander

Based on the above-mentioned norms in secret mode, the detailed provision on the supply of the service of the army leading the hostilities was carried out. On June 30, 1941, hastily refined due to the unexpected attack of Germany in the USSR, this information was declared a circularity of the main internant for the information of the Red Army. However, at that moment, in the first place was the question of not the supply of the front, but the rescue of front stocks from those areas where the troops retreated. The beginning of the war was

Uniforms of the Red Army 1918-1945 The fruit of the joint efforts of a group of enthusiasts of artists, collectors, researchers who give all their free time and means in tribute to one common idea for them. Recreation of the realities of the era disturbing their hearts gives the opportunity to approach the truthful perception of the central event of the 20th century of the Second World War, undoubtedly continuing to provide a serious impact on modern life. Experienced by our people of the decade of intentional distortion

We continue to tell about the uniform of the Red Army. In this publication, it will be about the period of 1943-1945, that is, the very rapid of the Great Patriotic War, attention is paid to changes in the form of the Soviet soldier who occurred in 1943. Senior Air Force with his father who is Major. Winter and summer clothing form, 1943 and later. Winter gymnasters looks neat and clean, summer dirty

In the first days. The Bolsheviks that followed by the Great October Socialist Revolution began to form armed groups from the proletaries of physical labor, the sailors of the royal fleet and deserters of the Imperial Russian army. These detachments received fame as the Red Guard. The official date of the creation of the Red Army is considered on February 23, 1918. Until 1946, the officially armed forces were called the Worker-Cresan Red Army. RKKA, since 1946, the Soviet Army.

Commanders of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov born on February 12, 1900 in silver ponds, near Vienne, Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov was the son of a peasant. From the age of 12, he worked as a student of Shornik, and when he was 18 years old, he joined the Red Army. In 1918, during the Civil War, he participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn later - Stalingrad, and in 1919 he joined the WCP B and was appointed commander of the regiment. In 1925, Chuikov graduated from the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze, then participated

Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, German troops attacked the border of the Soviet Union on a wide front from the Baltic to the Black Sea - the Great Patriotic War began. The tank troops of the Wehrmacht and the Red Army by this time were the strongest and numerous in the world. What did people like the places behind the arms of combat vehicles on both sides of the front?

The abundance of samples of uniforms and equipment adopted for supplying in the Red Army led to the fact that tankers even inside one military unit or divisions could be equipped in different ways. Shown in the photo Commanders of the Light Tanks of the Red Army and Wehrmacht look like thousands of tankers looked at the first day of war. If possible, the most common versions of uniforms and equipment are indicated in the descriptions, but, of course, the material cannot claim comprehensive completeness.



In the summer of 1941, on the heads of German tankers, the pilot (Feldmütze M34) was most often seen. This headdress came to replace the special tank beret (Schutzmütze) introduced together with a set of tank uniforms on November 12, 1934.

Berta was made of black woolen cloth, equipped with an internal frame of thick felt-fabric pillows and performed a protective function, a preventing head from shocks inside the tank. However, the wearing of beret along with headphones was difficult, he looked not very beautiful on his head and was uncomfortable in everyday life. All this led to the fact that the tankers take not loved and tried to replace at any opportunity to replace with an universal pilot.

Finally, on January 15, 1941, the berets were officially removed from production and replaced with the tank units with a clouded pilot. It did not concern the crews of PZ.KPFW.38 (T) tanks and drivers of armorAutomotivers. Occasionally takes continued to wear in other parts, but it was rather an exception.

The pylot for tankers completely repeated the cut of the usual pilot of the Wehrmacht, but was not made from the gray-green tissue adopted for army teams, but from black cloth used for the rest of the uniforms of tank troops. A round of the colors of the national flag was laughed in the front of the pilot, over her angle from the sution of the color of the order of troops (Waffenfarbe), and on top of the eagle - the national emblem. For each kind of troops in the Wehrmacht used its color of the edge of the cant (the so-called dashboard). The tankers were pink.

2. Safety glasses.

Often, the tank commander watched the battle, leaning in the hatch, and various glasses were used to protect the eyes. One of the common options is presented in the photo - such glasses for the shape of the stalk called "chanters". In them, aluminum frame with strip-triplex chapels and rubber seals were held on the head with a ribbon with a rubber band.

2. Binoculars.

In the land forces of the Wehrmacht, the spread of 6 × 30 binoculars (six-time increase and the diameter of the front lens 30 mm) was obtained. The military binoculars caused a visitor grid that allowed to determine the distance and size of objects on the ground. The binoculars were kept and transferred in cases from various materials: the skin, bakelite, etc. The case could wear on the belt, which has been done through special slas, or on the shoulder strap. Could wear binoculars and without a case, putting it on the neck.

In addition to the German binoculars, trophies were often used - so, the photo shows the binoculars of Soviet production, externally practically fully corresponding to German.

3. Shirt and tie.

Under the tank jacket, it was assumed to wear a statutory shirt (Heershemd) with a tie. Tankists had gray, with a postponed collar. The shirt, put on the head, was long, until the middle of the hips, had cuts from the bottom on the sides and stuck on the buttons at the top. Buttons did not reach the niza shirt. Sleeves are long, with cuffs, fastening on buttons. Pockets on the chest shirt was not provided. The tie was black, we were wearing civilian options.

In the early summer of 1941, in a combat atmosphere, German tank workers often shot quite warm tank jackets and remained in some shirts. Because of this, it was difficult to determine the title of tankers - officers were distinguished only by the appropriate variant of the pilot. In rare cases, to eliminate the confusion, the officers independently silent shoulder straps on the shirt.

4. Tank jacket.

Sonderbekleidung der Deutschen Panzertruppen) was introduced in the German army on November 12, 1934 for wearing tank troop servicemen. It was used with insignificant changes up to 1945. There is a legend that the then chief of the headquarters of the motorized troops Colonel Geinz Guderian is involved in the development of a tank uniform, which he chose a color and invented a design with a short jacket based on a popular ski suit of that time. Black color was chosen because it is less visible to dirt, soot, oils and gasoline, which is inevitably present in each tank or armored person.

The tank jacket (Fieldjacke) sewed from black woolen cloth. On the sides on the jacket, hooks were envisaged to support the belt belt. It did not have protruding buttons or pockets, who could cling to something in the grindness of the tank, and the double smell on the chest protected well from the wind or draft. In general, the jacket was similar to modern leather jackets of bikers, famous "koshuhi". The upper two buttons of the jacket during wearing were not fastened, the lapels were turned off. In the case of bad weather, the jacket could be fastened with all buttons, and the collar raise up and cover them with the neck.

On the shoulders of the jacket through the cut and the buttons were fixed by epaulets, on the right side of the chest since 1936 the eagle was laughed in the national emblem of Nazi Germany, there were corner Unter-Officers-Winkets on the left sleeve. The edge of the wide collar had a convection on the color of the order of the troops (Waffenfarbe), and on the collar, the loops of the tank troops with turtles were attached.

Black cloth petters of German tank workers had the shape of a slanting parallelogram. In the perimeter, they were separated in dormitory, in the center there was an emblem of tank troops - a skull with crossed bones. Due to the similarity of the tank emblem with a skull with a cap of the troops of the SS Tankists, Banzerwaff often accepted the SSEs with all the consequences for them. Until now, black uniforms and skull with bones are easily introduced to the error in an inexperienced reader.

Ribbon to the Iron Cross.

On September 1, 1939, with the beginning of the war, the Order of the Iron Cross was restored to guitler. In general, the general view of the award repeated the design of the predecessor, but had some differences: the swastika in the center of the Cross and the year of the institution award in the Third Reich on the lower beam.
The lowest stage of the award was the Iron Cross II class. Awarded them wore the flag flowers with the flag of Nazi Germany, which would sell a field shape or tank jacket into the second turbine. Sometimes tankers allowed liberty in wearing tape: in many photos it is trained through the first pettits.

Chest sign "For a tank attack".

This breastplate for the crews of Banzerwaff tanks, established on December 20, 1939, there are several names in Russian: "For tank fight", "For a tank attack", "Chest assault tank mark". In German, it is called easier, but also not quite briefly - Panzerkampfwagenabzeichen (letters. "Tank icon"). To reward this sign, it was necessary to participate in three or more separate tank attacks, or get wound during a combat operation, or to show special courage during the battle operation, or get another award for courage on the battlefield.
By June 22, 1941, there were two varieties of this sign: silver and bronze. The introduction of the bronze sign was required for awarding military personnel of tank troops that are not related to the crews of tanks: the infantry of tank divisions, doctors, members of the crews of assault guns, etc.

5. Waist belt.

The belt belt with buckle (Leibriemen Mit Koppelschloss) in the Banzervaffa used the standard adopted for the other parts of the Wehrmacht. By June 1941, two main types of soldier buckles were common in the ground forces, which differed visually: with the eagle of the Wehrmacht and the Swastika and the Eagle of Rehensover.

An ordinary and nonsense belt was manufactured from a thick wide strip of the skin, to which a hook and vibrant with holes for teeth buckles were sewn to adjust the completeness of the belt. The buckle was put on the belt of the belt, and her teeth were included in the strying holes, after which the belt was stuck with a hook.

At Tankists, the belt was not the basis for the placement of all gear, like infantry, and a more decorative function - cut the uniform allowed to work fine and without a belt, which can be seen in many historical photographs. The belt was necessary on the construction, as well as to carry personal weapons in the holster. In this case, holster was placed on the left side or in front of the left on the stomach.

6. Low weapons.

German tankers most of them were armed with one of the two types of pistols under the 9 × 19 mm cartridge - "Luger" P08, he is the famous "parabelum" or "Walter" P38 (in the photo).

Luger was designed at the beginning of the twentieth century, but established himself with powerful, reliable and accurate weapons. Because of its characteristics and recognizable appearance, it was the desired trophy among the soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition armies. Walter was a relatively new design developed in 1938, and by the beginning of the war from the USSR, a large number of these pistols were in service with the tank crews of Banzerwaff.

A pistol in the holster hanging on the belt belt either side either on the left either shifted forward to the left side of the abdomen. In the photo, the German tanker is armed with the Walter P38 gun, which used two types of Cobur: one massive, from molded skin, which is often called among the "suitcase" collectors, the second simplified - it is shown in the illustration.

7. Tank pants.

Complete to Bereret and Jacket Tankists on November 12, 1934, Pants were introduced (Tuchhose). Just like a jacket, they were made from black woolen cloth.

Circus pants reminded ski pants of that time, tightly clapping her waist and non-shyless movements of the legs, with wide straight croes, gathering around the ankles. On trousers there were two brazy pockets with curly valves in front and two pockets with valves from behind. All valves closed on buttons. Also in front was made small pockets for hours. Pants on the buttons were stigled and drove in front of the waist with the help of a strap crawled to the belt.

Pants without change sewed until 1945. The same in the picture, they were worn by all tankists regardless of the title, from ordinary to the general, because there were no edges or lamps.

8. Boots.

The main types of shoes of Panzerwaff Tankers in the summer of 1941 were two. The first - shoes on the laces (Schnürschuhe). Tank pants gathered around their top and fastened to a button, closing the top of the boot and forming a characteristic silhouette.

Typanists usually used standard shoes supplied to the Wehrmacht. However, the service in the tank troops did not provide for long hiking transitions, therefore, traditional iron spikes and horseshoes on socks and heels were extremely rarely used. In addition, the boots or boots shoven the boots or boots alone along the armor of tanks and armored cars, which presented an additional danger to the shoe owner.

In addition to shoes, tankers wore ordinary marching boots (Stiefel) with wide short tops, sometimes shorting them specially. Soles and heels boots just like the shoes, they tried not to pour. In the event that the tankman wore boots, pants trousers refuel in the top and worn with nasup. The boots were more convenient than the shoes: they did not require lacing, they could be quickly shore or removed. In historical photos, it can be seen that wearing boot was widespread in the Troops of the Wehrmacht.


9. Headset.

The RKKK tank headset, developed in the mid-30s of the twentieth century, by virtue of its design created the silhouette of the Soviet tanker to this day. It turned out to be so successful that the same design is still used in the Army of Russia as the crews of tanks and other armored vehicles, and with some simplifications, in the Airborne Forces as a jumping helmet.

By 1934, the USSR troke troops grew and actively developed, the number of tanks had already been calculated by many hundreds. There is a need to develop tank overalls, one of whose elements was a headset. Sheltered headsets from durable and dense black matter, which in documents is sometimes called "krza" (photo at the top), but in this case it is important not to confuse it with the material of the soldiers' boots, with which the fabric has nothing to do. Another, more rare, material was thin black leather (in the photo).

The helmet had a lining from the bike, which was climbed by rollers stuffed with horse hair, felt, sliced \u200b\u200bcloth or technical wool. Opposite the ears were made by pockets with valves, in which headphones could insert, and at the expense of the straps on top and on the back of the head, the size of the headset under the head of the tanker could be adjusted. Sheltered headset with a chiffer strap. Summer and winter versions of the headset - the latter had inside the fur lining.

Protective glasses.

To protect the eye of tankers from dust, branches and small stones during the movement, special safety glasses were relying. They had a different design, but the photo contains the most common type, which almost unchanged can be found now.

The glasses were relying to everyone without exception to members of the crews of tanks, transport trucks, car chaffins and their assistants, tractor drivers, mechanics, carving, carbuildings, military personnel of the military and auxiliary parts of mechanized compounds.

Structurally, glasses were ordinary glasses in the frame, fixed on a leather or dermal headband, which retained from falling out with a rubber band with an adjusting buckle. Thanks to the design, the glasses were compactly folded and did not occupy a lot of space during storage.


Until February 1, 1941, the uniforms of tankers, including the gymnastrock, was distinguished from other labor of troops with color: it was "steel". However, then this difference was eliminated, and in the spring of 1941, the tank worms received the summer gymnasther and the sharovar of a single green color. By June 22, 1941, the ordinary and junior team composition of the tank troops was dressed in the soldiers of the 1935 sample soldiers, which were naked tank buttons.

The 1935 sample gymnastrod was introduced into the Red Army instead of the 1931 gymnasther. There were two pockets closed with buttons with buttons closed on the chest. She also flooded with buttons hidden under the plank. On the elbows were lack of caps of an additional layer of fabric. Sleeves - with cuffs, staging on two buttons. The gymnastrics made of cotton melange fabric were manufactured.

The gymnasther had a postponed collar, which was laughed with colored buttercups with a field and karts by the family of troops, in this case - black with red. In the corner of the loop, the emblem of the order of troops was mounted - a golden stylized silhouette of a BT tank. The tank emblem was introduced on March 10, 1936. Tank loops were made of black velvet from the older and secondary team formulation, the ordinary and junior commanders met the clouds.

11. Map Lanya.

For carrying and convenient use of topographic maps in the Red Army, a special two-sided pallet bag was used. It is this item that is often called the tablet, often confused with a field bag. The pallet was attached to the field bag and rushed inside either instead of her.

The pallet was made of leather, closed on top to the valve. In order for the valve accidentally, two buttons were provided, and in order not to open the entire bag, a small strap with the same button was made in the lower right corner. Inside the Palest was one large branch in which a folded topographic map was laid. For ease of use, the inner partition of the Palest was made of transparent celluloid, which protected the map from rain and scratches.

When carrying a pallet or clung to the coupling of a single hiking equipment of 1932, or shifted over the shoulder on a thin leather strap. After the Great Patriotic War from this item, the equipment refused, making a compartment for cards inside the field bag.

12. Sample gear of 1932 and 1935.

On July 1, 1932, a single hiking equipment was introduced for the middle, older and highest boss of the land forces of the Red Army, which is often referred to as a year. The belt from this gear is very similar to the one that was used later in the Soviet and Russian armies. The main difference is in the material buckles: it was not brass.

Equipment made of leather of different shades, from dark brown to brown-red or almost yellow. The set of equipment included a belt belt with a double buckle, which was put on two couplings with semirings from above and below. The ends of the shoulder straps were fasted to the upper semirings, the field bag and straps for checkers were fastened to the bottom (those whom she relied). In addition, the equipment included holster for a revolver, a field bag and a pallet for cards.

In the hiking and guard, it was assumed to wear a whistle in a cover with a cord on one of the shoulder straps, a flask in a cover on the belt and binoculars in the neck case, and the gas mask in the bag was put on top. Depending on the shape of clothing and the kind of troops, a single hiking equipment was worn with one or two shoulder straps. The pilots wore only one shoulder strap.

On December 3, 1935, new outfit and signs of differences for the entire personnel of the Red Army were introduced. He undergone significant changes to the belt belt, the buckle of which began to make from brass with a slit five-pointed star. He began to fasten one shine, refused from double shoulder belts.

In the troops by 1941, both types of equipment were used for the middle, older and highest boss, tankers were not regulated, wearing one or two shoulder straps. In addition, judging by the photographs and films, the United Hiking Equipment of 1932 or 1935 could wear elders and assistants of political officers.

13. Personal weapon.

The main personal weapon of the commander of the tank and the driver of the driver was the Nagana Revolver of the sample of 1895 with some minor changes made to the design in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s.

One of the important reasons why the revolver was the main personal weapon of tankers was the presence of specially closing tanks in the tanks, through which the crew, if necessary, could shoot from the enemy. The main Soviet pistol TT was poorly suitable for these purposes: his barrel could not be put into the boot. Nevertheless, with a lack of Naganov, Tankists were given precisely TT.

Wearing a revolver in the holster on the right side. Holster (top photo) was used from a set of hiking equipment of 1932, and in this case, the shoulder straps cling to the semiring on it. In another embodiment, the holster was simply put on the waist belt of the sample 1932 or 1935.

An ordinary and junior commander could wear a holster on a simple soldier belt, but more often a holster version with a special shoulder strap was used. In this case, the belt belt pressed the holster strap to the body, excluding her swing when moving. In 1940, a universal holster appeared for a TT pistol and a revolver Nagan (the bottom photo). She was worn like an early holster.

14. Field bag.

Used by the command staff first in the army of the Russian Empire, and later in the Red Army. In the 20s, she had undergone some constructive changes, and in 1932 he entered into a single hiking equipment of the command composition of the Red Army.

There was a bag for storing and carrying documents, compass, cevimimeters, ruler, written accessories and tools. Often, personal belongings were placed in her. A field bag was worn on the belt either on a special strap over the shoulder. Closed valve, which was fixed with a strap through the buckle. A field bag was made initially of the skin, but in 1941 some bags began to sew dark green color from KRIZ. After the Great Patriotic War in the design of a field bag made a significant change - they made a compartment for cards, closed with a transparent celluloid to protect against moisture when used in the rain.


The oldest military compass was constructed in 1907 by V.N. Adrianov. He had a simple design and phosphorescent illumination of the arrows and limb to work at night.

The body of the compass was made from the Bakelite, which was put on a rotating ring from brass (later aluminum). Inside the compass enclosure, a circular Lamb scale was placed, separated by 120 divisions. To sight to local landmarks and removal of samples on the compass scale on the rotating ring of the compass, the sighting device is made: a fly, a cable and a reference pointer in the form of an arrow on the inside of the ring. The compass could be put on the hand, in the marching position was transferred in a field bag. He was part of the single hiking equipment of 1932. Used when working with a map and orientation on the ground.

15. Jumpsuit.

As the type of special clothing of tankers, the jumpsuit appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century. In RKKA, overalls for tankers were adopted for supply in the next decade. Early samples of this clothing sewed from a durable painted cotton fabric of dark blue and fastened to buttons. Later, a folding valve appeared behind the back, zipper was introduced. The main purpose of the overalls is to protect the outfit from dirt when driving in the tank and conducting technical works.

The overalls was a combination of a jacket and a sharovar that constitute one unit. Rear on the waist was made a flap valve. The overall collar is postponed, with a hook. Sleeves are three-way, with elbows and with protracted hlystics for tightening the sleeves, without a cuff. At the bottom of the sleeves, two adjusting buttons for hlystics were sewn. Pants at the bottom had stucks for tument, also fastening on adjusting buttons. Front on the side of the front pods in the form of a rhombus, and on the back - amplifiers-lei.

The belt sewn up to the rear connector valve and delayed the metal buckle in front. Two hooks were sewn on the skokes of the overalls on the waist, for which the metal loops of the valve, held it in the fastened position. The jumpsuit had one pocket with a valve on the left half of the chest and one pocket on the right hip, covered by a semi-chamber; Pocket valves fastened on a button.

Along with the zipper, the overalls were made with a button of buttons, covered with a plank. The color of the fabric of the overalls was not necessarily dark blue - he could be gray, there are mentions about khaki color overalls. Black overalls appeared in the troops only after the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. On the postponed collar of overalls could be fervently similar to gymnast. In historical photos, you can see overalls both with loops, and without them.

16. Boots.

Initially, leather Yuft boots were the only footwear of the Russian soldier: shoes with windings were introduced only at the beginning of 1915, when the army added sharply in numbers and the boot began to be lacking. In the Red Army, the boots came to the supply of all kinds of troops.

In the mid-30s, the USSR was invented by the material, which is now called "Kirz". Artificial butadiene-sodium rubber with imitation of skin texture was applied to the tissue basis. This material was used to make individual parts of equipment and sewing soldier boots. The tank parts of the Red Army received leather boots made of UFTTI or YALO skin. Shoes with windings or kiza boots Tankers did not rely.
