15 (28 According to the old style) January 1918, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) adopted the decree on the organization of the working and peasant Red Army (RKKA), built on a strictly class basis. RKKKA was completed on a voluntary basis and only from conscious peasants and workers.
Here: >> Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1941-1945
Already by the spring of 1918 it became clear that "conscious volunteers" from the peasants and workers are not so much. And the Bolsheviks planned the Red Army to bring to 1, 5 million bayonets. IN AND. Lenin refuses the principle of volunteering and initiates the transition to the mandatory military service of the working people. About 5 thousand officers and generals of the Tsarskoy Army mobilize in the Red Army.

During the years of the Civil War (generals and officers), they were called military specialists (WarSpets), held the most responsible posts in the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (Revoenset) - which was led by the construction and combat activities of the Red Army. Further fate is the topic of another article, just for reference, in the most difficult period of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (from August 1941 - in May 1942) The head of the General Staff was: Shaposhnikov B.M. Former colonel of the royal army, in 1917 the commander of the Grenadier Regiment. One of the few to which comes itself. Stalin appealed by name and patronymic.

krasnoamec 1918 and volunteer of the Bashkir Red Army 1918

In connection with the difficult situation of the industry, a lack of money, it was decided to fit the existing outfit for the needs of the Red Army. Entering a number of distinctive features of belonging to the Red Army.

Almost until the end of the 1920s, the army used the uniforms of the former royal army, devoid of imperial emblems, signs of differences and symbols. Also, there were significant reserves left by the troops of former allies by Entente Fought in Russia (1919-1922). So at first, the Red Army represented a very different look. The photo of the military form of the Soviet Red Army, taken from private collections, stored in various owners, that is, these are real samples, and not so-called reproductions or namalo artists pictures have a kind of lobal picture.

budnenovka sample 1922 and 1939-41gg

A distinctive feature of the uniforms of the Red Army soldiers were - colored tabs through the front around the buttons, and Budyonnovka was called a stacked helmet from the cloth in the surprise, (Besnunnoy's first equestrian army is owned by the fighters.).

Military form of the Soviet Red Army

Budennovka, disputes about the time of her appearance do not subside until now. Whether it was manufactured in large quantities in 1913, as part of the 300-anniversary celebration of the Romanov House. Whether on December 18, 1918, after the announcement of the competition approved a new type of winter headdow - a cloth helmet, whether they made them for a parade in Berlin at the expected victory in the First World War. You decide...

Military form of the Soviet Red Army Photo

So far, the industry has been established, reformed the army, the military form developed by the type of bonuses, dumb, pick up. New, strictly regulated form of clothing worker-peasant Red Army (RKKKA) introduced January 31, 1922., Included all the necessary items and was united for redarmeys and commanders.

RKKA Krasnoamec in summer and winter uniform 1923

Already by 1926, one hundred percent provision of military personnel on all standards and tables was achieved in the RKKA on all standards and tables, which indicates a serious approach to strengthening the young Red Army.

red Army Red Army in Summer and Winter Uniform 1924

In the late 1930s, in the amount of industrial production, the USSR was published in the first place in Europe and on second place in the world, and in terms of the growth of industrial production began to occupy the leading position, and the growth rate of military production became more than twice the pace The growth of industrial production as a whole, you know when the victory in the war began to bother.

Commander of the 1920-22 squadron commander of Kavdivizion 1920-22g.

By 1935, all throwbacks were completed, most of the traditional ranks were restored and a large number of uniform military species was adopted.

commander of a separate squadron cavalry 1927-29 Krasnoarmec Field shape, armored troops 1931-34.

The production of various types of weapons grew by unprecedented pace, should not think that our grandfathers won solely with meat and tri-liners.

RKKA arrows Infantryman in winter camouflage and soldier OGPU 1923

Return to the article "Military form of the Soviet Red Army", Until now, undervalued uniforms and gear of the Red Army, in terms of convenience, color, design and diversity, although the lack of certain types of materials and quantity will pursue our army and this day.

major Tereg Cossack Cavalry Parts and ML. Pilant Gorsion Cavalry Parts. Sample 1936-41

They included distinctive uniforms for air and tank troops.

It was on these troops that the propaganda stops, increasing from prestige and significance, it was already clear from which the victory on the battlefields will be dependent on the battlefields, and then everyone praises the Wehrmacht's troops, especially the military air Forces (Luftwaffe) Not knowing that those have no, such as strategic aviation, "miscalculate?" And what else.

captain and Lieutenant in the flight form of the Air Force 1936-43

1935 year. For the entire personnel of the Red Army, new outfit and difference signs were introduced. The previous job ranks in categories were abolished, personalized personalities were established for the commanders; The same partly persecuted for the military-political, military-technical, military legal, military medical and junior command-bunching staff. On May 7, 1940, the general titles were established for the top command of the Red Army and on July 13, 1940, the general form was introduced.

The gymnaster appeared in 1924 with breast pockets and stand-postponed collar with oblong shakeled buttons by the family of troops, since the 1935th mandatory wearing of white house drivers were established. Until 24, there were no differences between the uniform and the quality of the material and the quality of the material, but to strengthen the uniqueness, significant differences in the face of Franch were introduced for the command, administrative and economic and political composition of the Red Army.

Gymnaster color - protective, khaki; For car troops - gray-steel. For the superior composition, sewed from woolen and cotton fabrics.

In winter, the redarmeys and the younger natch believed the clouded outfit, almost in most parts all year round wore x / b. On the edge of the collar and the collaboration of the Commander Gymnasters, on the seam of Bridge - the dark blue or gray tank walkers - they walked a clouded cauldock.

The commander usually had flying blowing pockets, and on the Red Army pockets were simply attached and the sleeves were strengthened with pentagonal elbows.

Breeches commanders had an extended silhouette of the middle part, two waistly liners, less often - one tightening rear hlystics. The fold-arrow on the breeches did not cite. Stripes Pantian - on buttons, belt - with a belt clip or in the form of a high stricken corsage. Sharovars of Krasnoarmeys Kantov did not have. The side pockets and watch piston piston were also on the Red Army pants, but the rear pocket - only on the commander, the harshs were with pentagonal knees, the pants were tied on thin ribbons. Komostavu was relied on boots or yalovy; With pants at an outline - shoes. Instead, boots allowed shoes with kraga. Superforces were provided by Yali boots. In winter, it was allowed to wear warm felt boots with leather trim, white or black boots. Out of service superforge was allowed Burkey boots. Red Army soldiers were affected in Yufta or Yulia boots; Later, with the addict C.K. Tymoshenko, Kizzi appeared, at the moment, more than 150 million shoes were made from KRIZ, mainly military (score a lot of things to find a lot of things in the search). Because of the lack of raw materials, boots with green or black windings were used. From a piglet grown on a private farm, it was supposed to hand over the skin, and in no case to fill as now. Before the war, it was possible to see even a cavalryist in the windings! Spurs on boots were worn only by those commanders who had riding horse on staff.

Com-beginning composition - besides aviation and car troops - for everyday wearing, a single-breasted Franch was relied on six large buttons, with a postponed collar, breastpid patch and slotted side.

The front-end shape of the room was an open french steel-colored with overhead pockets and slotted side, with a scarlet edging over the collar and direct abbreviations. Worn it with a white shirt and black tie, straight trousers or breeches; In the ranks - with equipment. Franchka had a cap, a pilot was allowed with the gymnaster. The command-to-bunch of the composition - besides aviation and car troops - for everyday wearing, a single-breasted Franch was relied on six large buttons, with a postponed collar, breastpid pages and slotted side.

Shinel for the command and superior composition of the ground troops sewed from the drape or shine cloth of dark gray (in tankers - steel). It was double-breasted, 35 - 45 cm from the floor, with edged bottom, with 4 buttons on board, with open lapels, with the floor-covered valves with pockets, with a counter fold on the back and direct vane on the buttons sewn to side half-mines. The incision was fastened for 4 small shaped buttons.

The cavalry chinel was longer than infantry and with an enlarged rear section with five buttons. Krasnoarmeyskaya had the same coolness and differed from the commander's worst quality of Sukna. The belt belt was obligatory - he was selected only from the arrested.

Casual cap, adopted for all categories of military personnel, had a color shaker from the nature of troops and the top of the protective color with Kanti. Over the angled elongated "Voroshilovsky" visor with rollers on the edge fastened to two brass buttons with a star black adhesive pickup strap.

Tulla was slightly above the near, with a convex front part; The steel spring bezel was inserted inside (by the way our invention, look at the torn caps of that time of other armies). In the middle of the chain attached a large red star.

Headgear of the Red Army: Officer Pilot, Summer Fragrance of the Red Army, Highcup of Armored Forces, Kubanka Cossack Parts 1935

The top of the caps of the Red Army and younger commanders often made cotton, commander - only woolen, the commander had a black velvet, the Red Army was a cloudy. Sharbles and Kanta differed in colors, depending on the type of troops, the preseigned colors of the caps remained in the 70s. Pilots, intended for both combined socks with a steel helmet, were made of the same tissue as uniform. The com parties on the donkey, the cap and the edge of the challenge walked colored edging, the cloth was laughed in the front by the nature of the troops, a little enamel was attached over her on top of her. In early 1941, protective cells were introduced without color details for wartime.

In March 1938, the cotton Panama for hot areas, with wide shifted fields, with ventilation blocks in the wedges of the cap, reached our days with almost no change.

For the Teresk and Kuban Cossack parts in 1936, papahi-kebanks of black fur were adopted: for the first - with a light blue dononym, for the second - with red, in ordinary, it twice crossed in black souts; At the room, either them, but golden or narrow golden galoon. A separate cavbrigada of the mountainous nationalities wore the hats of brown fur with red riding, crossed in the same way. Black Merlushkova, slightly narrowed up the dad of the Don Cossack parts was somewhat higher than Kubanka; Red Donets just like the latter, crossed in two rows of black sake or gold galoonher; The star was mounted in front. The traditional outfit was complemented by the Red Army symbolism and difference signs.

Krasnoameman Cell shape of the Kuban cavalry parts 1936-41. The frontal form of the Don Cossack Cavalry Parts 1936-41.

Due to the lack of military parade form (adopted in 41), it was in this sample of 36 years old, the cavalrymen of the winners warriors were marched at the victory parade in 1945.

For the TERSK Cossacks, the Circassians were sewed from gray-steel cloth, for Kuban - from dark blue; The edges and attacks were finished with black narrative; In the gazead jacks (9 each), ammunition cartridges with a white or nickel-plated head were inserted. The board was fastened to the oncoming hooks to the waist, the rear cut came up to it. The lining of the Circassian was one color with Beshomet - Light blue Teresky and red Kuban. He sewed in the waist cut, with a cut from the transverse seam, reliefs on the back and fastener on hooks. Light blue cloth finished board to the waist and collar; Cavalry loops were laughed at him, and on the straight sleeves of Beshet (and slightly expanding - Circassians) - signs of differences. The Golden Galunchik was decorated with onboard and collar of Komstava Beshmeta; Casual was the colors of khaki, with light blue clouds. The ternts and Kubanians relied the Sharovar of the Public Course - respectively with light blue and red edge. Black soft boots were with a visor; Blocks in Circassy or Besht - Caucasian type: narrow, black leather, with a set of white metal. In addition to papacham and Kubankov, the Caucasian Boycase Basholyk was worn, with a black meal rod: light blue - in the Terek Cossacks, faith-in Kuban. A long shaggy black Caucasian-type felt rumble was trimmed with a neck of black leather and fastened with cord string or crochet.

Donskaya Dark Blue Casakin with folds from behind on the cutting skirt edged with a red cloth on a standing collar and abandoned with a myster and fastened on hooks. The cavalry loops were laid on the collar, and on the collar (by 2.5 cm above the mysterious) - the distinguished signs of differences, the cavalry sharovars of the Donets decorated the scarlet single-row lamps 4cm width. In addition to the dad, wearing a gray with a black braid Caucasian bolk.

The weekend shape of a separate cavalry brigade of mountainous nationalities included, in addition to the brown fur hat, a red Caucasian shirt, a sharovar with a red cant, a black cherkest, with trimmed black twisted cords, sleeves, neck and gazenes, in which the team composition had cartridges with artistic Caucasian silver tips , and in private - nickel plated. A set of Caucasian belt was separated accordingly.

Standing collar of a parade satin shirt and front incision was fastened on black cord buttons and loops. The same fastener had large rectangular valves of false breast pockets.

Continued look here: \u003e\u003e Military form of the Soviet Red Army Pre-war period.

Here: \u003e\u003e Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1941-1943 .

Here:\u003e > Military form of a Wehrmacht Soldier East Front.

Here: \u003e\u003e German military form of World War II.

A new outfit and signs of differences for the land and air forces of the Red Arior Forces were introduced, and the signs of the difference in the Navy forces of the Red Army, respectively. For the command composition of the land and air force, personal search were established: Lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, Major, Colonel, Combridge, Committee, Comkor, Commarm 2 and Commander 1 rank. For military personnel of the remaining sense of troops and types of service activities, the corresponding titles:

  • for the military-political composition of all kinds of troops: Politroh, Senior Political Commission, Battalion Commissioner, Regiment Commissioner, Brigadier Commissioner, Division Commissioner, Corrugated Commissioner, Army Commissioner 2 and 1 Rank;
  • for the military-technical composition of all types of troops: Militaryhnik 2 and 1 rank, millennger 3, 2, and 1 rank, briginener, divineger, Corinzher, Arminger;
  • for the military-economic and administrative composition of all kinds of troops: Independent technician 2 and 1 rank, intensity 3, 2, and 1 rank, Brigintendant, Divintendant, Corintendant, Armindant;
  • for military medical composition of all kinds of troops: Voirnofeldsher, Senior Voinorfeldsher, Voigvach 3, 2 and 1 rank, Brigorrat, Wativrach, Korvarch, Armed;
  • for the military-veterinary composition of all kinds of troops: Voilvetheldheldsher, Senior Valvetefeldsher, Military Warter 3, 2 and 1 Rank, Brigvetvrach, Avivatvrach, Korvetwrach, Arvevrach;
  • for the military-legal composition of all kinds of troops: Junior Military lawyer, military lawyer, military lawyer 3, 2 and 1 rank, brigvyurist, divaureurist, a korvoenyurist, Armenianist.

The same resolution was introduced by the title of Marshal Soviet Union.

In order to popularize and attract more of those who want to serve in the auto-thin troops and the air force of the Red Armed Forces, their own colors of uniforms were adopted - steel and dark blue, respectively.

For the command and commanding compositions (from the middle to the highest inclusive) of all kinds of troops, except for the Air Force, the juicy wagbell of the khaki color was introduced for the summer period (for car troops - steel color) with the color of the dashboard by color by the nature of the troops, and the pilot with Edging of the same color. In front of the pilot of the com- and notable, the star from the cloth of one color with Kantse, which was superimposed by the Red Emaley Red Army Star, were additionally laid out. The edges of the sewn tissue star were over the edges of the enamel Krasnoarmeysky about 2 mm.

In the RKKE air force for all compositions (including ordinary), the cap was replaced by a pilot: dark blue for com- and notable (from average to higher inclusive), and khaki color for the younger command (junior commanding) and ordinary compositions, with blue edging and sewn tissue star of the same color - with superimposed on top of the Red Army Star.

For the younger team (the younger bilge) and the ordinary compositions of the Land Forces of the Red Army, the same forage was introduced as for the com- and notable, but not a cloth, and cotton. In addition, for these compositions of all generics of the RKKK troops, including the Air Force, the chuck's color saw was also relying without edging and the sewn tissue star, with a red enamel redarmeysky stars - for combined socks with a steel helmet. In winter, for socks with steel helmet to all rKKKA servicemen An relied on a woolen gratephele of gray, by bed, resembling Balaklava.

For the command formulation, starting from the average and above, a double-breasted sequel was introduced: steel color for car tape troops, dark blue for the Air Force, and dark gray for all others. On the chinelles of the highest commander on the edge of the collar and the collar was laid Kant Color the genus of troops, and on the joints of the Marshals of the Soviet Union, Comandarmov of the 1st and 2nd ranks, Kant passed on sides.

On the supply of land forces of the Red Army (except for car troops and the Air Force), a single-breasted closed french (with closed lapels) of khaki color was enrolled. On the edge of the collar and the collar was laid the color of the genus of troops. On the collar Frencha were laid out. The pants of the same color with a junk and Breeze were installed - blue for cavalry and equestrian artillery and dark blue for all other types of troops. Both on trousers and on the breeches there was a cauliflower in the family of service.

A single-breasted outdoor french (with open lapels) came to supply the command composition of auto-rotary troops and the Air Force - with a red or blue edging along the edge of the collar and abbreas. Franch was rushed with a white shirt, black tie and pants at an outline (under shoes) of one color with a junk, or bridges (under boots) of set colors for the corresponding kind of troops, with color edging by the family of service.

For everyday socks in the system for the command formulation of all kinds of troops, a gymnastrod of the color of the khaki, on cuffs and the edge of the collar with the edges of the color of the kind of troops and with the butter was on the collar were approved. Gymnastrog washed with a pilot.

With the exception of the headdress, the uniform of the younger command and ordinary composition remains the same.

For the command and superior composition, new equipment was introduced: a waist belt with a five-pointed star, long and short shoulder straps made of brown skin.

New signs of differences were established, both in the ground forces and in the sea fleet, determined by the buttercasters and for the command and political composition - on violating signs.

Also in 1936, petition emblems of the delivery of troops were approved in the amount of 17 varieties.

Order of the NGO USSR No. 67, in 1936 a special day off shape of clothing for the Teresk, Kuban and Don Cossacks was established. For the first two form, the form consisted of Kubanka, Beshmeta, Circassies with a Bolkom, Bourges, Sharovar and Caucasian boots. The form differed in color: The Terek Cossacks, the top of Kubanka was light blue, and in Kuban - red, etc. Don Cossacks wore dad, Cossakin, harenaries and boots. Another special form of clothing was established for the personnel of the cavalry brigade of the Mountain Nationalities. The casual form, with the exception of the Caucasian shirt, generally did not differ from the ordinary cavalry, and the front-end shape included a fur hat, a Caucasian shirt, sharovar, a creek with a bawberry, a burku, boots, equipment with a dagger and a caucasian checker.

In the same year, a single form was introduced for the service of military communications (EBO). The objects of uniforms were commonarmes, but had their dormitors, emblems, and sleeve dressings.

The special form of clothing was introduced in 1936 for the team and teaching staff and listeners of the Academy of the General Staff of the Republic of Redek. For them, it was provided for a hack-powder cap with raspberry shaker and white edge, two-breasted dark gray chinel, woolen single-breasted Franch and gymnastrock of khaki. All clothing items were with a postponed collar of black velvet, on which rectangular raspberries were located with a golden cant of the loop (on overcoats - diamonds). The pants of the eye were made of woolen khaki flavors, Breeches - from dark blue woolen fabrics. And trousers, and Breeches had raspberry lamps and white candy on the seam.

In March 1938, partial changes were made to the form of clothing of the Red Army: the command composition was allowed to wear a french with dark blue pants in the outline and for parts deployed in the south, a cotton panama of khaki color was adopted as a summer head. In 1940, special loops were introduced for cadets of military schools and regimental schools.

In July 1940, new titles were introduced: Lieutenant Colonel and Senior Batalion Commissioner, respectively, introduced new signs of differences, and in November 1940 new military ranks and signs of differences for an ordinary and junior team were established.

In January 1941, full marching infantry equipment for red-Armenians was introduced. It consisted of a belt, shoulder strap, cartridge bag, spare tissue cartridge bags, bags for a grenade, cover for shovels, bags for products, food bag, covers for flasks, fabric wreck, cover for tent equipment, a rifle bag.

The composition of the winter shape of the command composition (from the middle to the highest inclusive), as well as the Michmans of the superior service, included: Hat-Ushanka, Black Shine Surveillant Schinel, Two-breasted Poohedral from Black Merino Cloth with a White Shirt and Black Tie (for non-mailing form of clothing) , Dark Blue Sukonnyen with a standing collar, black pants in an eye from merino cloth, shoes and chrome boots (for the coastal shape of clothing, when wearing with boots, pants were allowed to refill in boots). The composition of the summer form included: a cap with a white case, a black peeper with a white shirt and a tie (for non-mailing clothes), dark blue cloth or white cotton cakes with standing collars, black cloth or white cotton trousers, shoes. The commander outfit also included a rubberized cloak coat, and in the polar areas, a leather combined coat with a fur that was allowed to wear only out.

The winter shape of the Red Flothes and Starrels of the Urgent Service was: head-tap-Ushanka, Black Shine Sun Shine, Shubach Flannel Dark blue (woolen or cloth) and shaped white shirt from Flammable Wall with a blue sailor collar (Dark-blue flannel washed only on top White Forms, the blue sailor collar of which was released outside), Telnashka, a cloth tie-tie wear with a chinel or a bump, black cloth pants, black leather belt with brass nickel-plated fucking (with stamped anchor and star), chrome shoes (similar com - Both Nachsostavovsky) and boots (for the coastal shape of clothing, when wearing with boots, pants were allowed to refill in boots). The demi-season top clothing was Black Bushland from Merino Suk with a lining. Summer clothing consisted of a shirt of flannel dark blue (for wearing in the cold time on top of the shirt shaped white with a sailor's collar straightened out), shaped white shirt with a sailor collar, vests, black closet or white trousers from the flamesky cloth, waist belt, Cooks - for ordinary composition (reddiffs and senior redflowers), or caps - for the younger com- and notable (for foreman 2-y. and 1-y. Articles - with a star, for the Glavstanshin - with an emblem sign [Cocardia] in the form of anchor with the intertwing rope and the stars). Workwear of an ordinary and junior component of the USSR NAMF consisted of a gray canvas shirt with a baked strap and a standing collar, and gray canvas trousers (when wearing a working shirt on top of white formen - a plank and the collar were left off, the blue sailor collar was released outward ). For machine teams of ships (electromechanical combat parts), a jacket made of blue Bosi with a standing collar was installed as a working clothing, along the trousers resembling the cuitel, and blue blank pants.

Happers-Ushanki For the whole personnel of the Navy of the Red Army were originally uniform - from black erails and riding from black dashboard, distinguished only by the sign-emblems: for an ordinary and younger com- and notes - a red enamel star (after 1940 for Glavstan's and senior sergeants Navy - its own emblem); For the middle, senior and higher compendium and notable, the Crab Commander Cockade. Order NK Navy № 426 dated October 20, 1939 for the command and supervisory compositions of the Navy of the USSR (from the middle to the highest inclusive) the black junction cap of the hats was replaced with a leather with a sewn buttons on the painter as a decorative element. Button also covered with skin. For ordinary and junior components and hostilities of the Navy caps-Ushanki, this order was established as previously with a clouded cap without decorative buttons, but the Merlushkaya fur was replaced with cygic.

The combination of various sets of clothing was indicated by the number, for example, for the command composition, a combination of caps with a white case, a white jelly, black trousers and a boot was a summer everyday form No. 2 at a temperature of +20 ° C to +25 ° C, and a combination of black cap, dark - Single of the nipper, black trousers and a boot - summer casual form No. 3 at a temperature of +15 ° C to +20 ° C. For an ordinary and junior component, for example, a summer casual form could be as under No. 3 at temperatures from +15 ° C to +20 ° C (black short-circuit or cap, dark blue flannel. Having reliably on top of a shaped white shirt [Sailor collar outward], vest, black pants, shoes and a waist belt) and under No. 1 at temperatures from +25 ° C and higher (Cutness or cap with white case, white shaped shirt, vest, white pants, shoes and waist belt - In addition to the CBF and the SF, for which the above-mentioned rules, this form of clothing was installed only out of order).

War 1941-1945

With the beginning of the war, some items and details of clothing, demasking servicemen (signs of differences, stars, buttons, lacquered visors and pastes on caps) were replaced by the same, but protective color. Twisted signs of differences were canceled, color chains and kants are canceled, and for the generals and higher for everyday socks, the protective color of the gymnastrics and trousers without lamps were introduced.

Many women were called up to RKKA and a special form of clothing was introduced for them. In addition to conventional sinels and gymnastrock, the supply of women came in the summer, a coat and a woolen dress of protective color.

In 1942, the personal military ranks of the engineering and technical composition of the Air Force, artillery and auto-drift troops were introduced. The form of clothing was similar to the command composition, but special emblems were laid on the left sleeve. In April 1942, special ranks were introduced for the intenntener service, the form of servicemen did not differ, the emblem introduced for the generals of the intenntener service was used. In May 1942, the Guards Military titles were introduced and the HVARDER soldier was issued a special badge, common for all types of troops. The exception was the military personnel of the Guards ships, for which his own guards sign was installed. In addition, the Private Makeup was established by the rep to the Orange-Black Guards Tape on Chatter. In July 1942, stripes were introduced for injuries: dark red color per lung and golden - for a heavy wound.

The most radical changes in the form followed January 6, 1943, when epaulets were introduced.

Shoulder shares shared on the field and everyday. Their difference for the epaulence of the team composition was that the field shoulder field was independent of the kind of troops always protective color, and casual - golden or silver (for the intrinsic, military lawyers, doctors and veterinarians). Emplooks were framed by the kate of the color of the sort of troops; The lumens on the field shoulders were Bordeaux (for the foreheads, military lawyers, physicians and brown veterinarians), on everyday pursuit - the colors of the genus of troops. On the field and everyday chains of the generals and Marshals there was no emblem of the order of troops (with the exception of the initiants, military lawyers, doctors and veterinarians); There was also no emblems on the chains of the entire personnel of infantry. On the cuts of officers of other labor of the troops there were emblems. Field straps of ordinary and junior commanders were also a protective color with the kate of the color of the troops and with the stripes of Bordeaux color (for the medical and veterinary brown service). Casual straps of an ordinary and junior commander were the colors of the kind of troops, edged with black (infantry, aviation, cavalry, technical troops) or red (artillery, car troops, medical and veterinary service) Cant, with golden color stripes (for medical and silver veterinary service ). On everyday chains, the emblem of the order of the troops (except for infantry) was attached and digital and alphabetic encryption names of military units were applied. For military cadets, only everyday shoulder shoulder straps were established, which differed from the everyday pursuit of ordinary and junior commanders with the presence of golden (for the intrinsic, military technicians, physicians and silver veterinarians) Galun around the edge of the pursuit of the field.

Parade and everyday epaulets were also introduced for the personnel of the Navy, while maintaining the distinguished signs of differences only for the middle, senior and higher components of the ship's service, and without the distinguished signs of differences for the coastal service. The front shoulder epaulets of the admirals, generals and officers were from the gold (plastic) or silver (coastal parts of the Navy) Galun, with colored cants and stars - silver on the golden Galun and vice versa. Casual straps were made of black cloth. Also from black cloth there were straps in ordinary and junior commanders. On the shirts rushed a moment - a shortened pursuit. On the chains of military personnel of engineering and engineering, technical, medical and veterinary services, emblems were strengthened.

Together with the pursuit of the loops were changed. As for the loop on the chinel, they were only two types in the form of clothing - field and everyday, and two types of composition - buttercups for marshals and generals and butters for the rest of the RKKE composition. Field buttons for those and others had a protective color. At the same time, the button at the top of the buttonhole was laughed: Marshals and generals with the coat of arms of the Soviet Union, all others with the RKKK star. Marshal and general buttercups were asked gold (in the medical and veterinary service with silver) Kant, all the rest of the kart of the kind of troops. Casual buttercups were exactly the same, but Marshals and generals had a field of buttercups: red with Marshals and general general generals, artillery generals and tank troop troops, aircraft, the intensity and technical services of Rasin, medical and veterinary services, dark green. All other field, the buttercups were the color of the order of troops.

The nippers on the uniform were different for marshals, generals, senior command and superior composition, the middle command and the superior composition, the younger team and the superior composition and ordinary. The Marshal of the Soviet Union on the collar of the parade uniform was a double Golden Cant and embroidered gold oak leaves, which were also embroidered on the collapse. The generals had a double gold (for medical and veterinary services silver) Kant and embroidered gold (silver) laurel leaves. Three gold (silver) butt-"columns" were embroidered on the generals. In case of everyday shape, the sewing and the buttercups were absent, but there was a kant of the color of the order of troops on the collar and the abbreasses.

The senior command composition in the head shape of the clothing was carried away on the collar in the form of two gold strips, diverated by silver thread and located on the parallelogram of color of the genus of troops. The collar was trimmed by the kate of the color of the troops. The petters of the servicemen of engineering and technical, military legal, medical and veterinary services were silver, gated golden thread. Two gold (silver) butt-"columns" were embroidered on the lap of the uniform. In case of everyday shape, the sewing and the loovers were absent, but there was a kant of color of the order of troops on the collar and the abbreasses, during the field form of the loop and the kant were absent.

Button and signs on the arrangements of the middle team and the superior composition proceeded from the same principle, but the strip on the buttercasters was alone, and the sign on the ovelast was also alone.

The loop of the younger team and the superior composition and ordinary were the same form and colors as from the officers. On the loovers of the younger command formulation, one longitudinal golden strip (the superior - silver) was laisted; In ordinary buttercups were clean. The loops were worn only with the front-end clothing.

Back in the summer months of 1941, preparation was deployed to ensure the personnel of the Red Army with warm things for the winter. The main warm things, first of all, fur coats and boots were sought for at various warehouses of pre-war storage, gathered as the assistance of the army from the population, were made by an impact pace with the tolerances towards simplification and cheaper. As a result, the existing army was completely satisfied with warm things. What led to some diversity in color and the main form in the winter of 1941/1942.

File Air Force 1943-45, Senior Sergeant, Don Cavalry Parts 1943

By the way, the German industry could not provide his army in winter outfit, and it is not necessary to say that Blitzkrieg, the seizure of Moscow was expected before the winter, it was clear that Bluzkrieg was not smelled. Yes, and the capture of Moscow did not mean the end of the war, they walked in the tropics, so somewhere German trips were launched, so on time in winter fighting, the losses of the Wehrmacht from frostbite exceeded the number of combat losses.

The composition of the rear parts and institutions, motor vehicles of combat connections, as well as the chauffs of all kinds of troops, instead of overcoats, began to produce a double-breasted cotton jacket. A large stress with the provision of broad property was due to a decline in the production of light industry products, some enterprises of which has not yet established production in evacuation, and the remaining on the ground have experienced difficulties with raw materials, energy and workforce. For lovers to argue whose shape or whose tanks and airplanes are the best and so on, the answer is simple.

The transfer is very large the number of defense enterprises for the Urals, And their launch on the technological cycle in such a short time. Has no analogues in history, just in such volumes and for such distances, no one and never industry has moved, and it is unlikely to pervert in the future, the largest industrial migration. So only for this feat, it is necessary to build a huge, premium monument. By the way, the German industry was completely translated into military rails only in 1943, and before that only 25% went to military needs from general indicators.

For the same reason, the project prepared for May 1942 was postponed on the introduction of new signs of difference, which assumed October 1, 1942 to provide the whole red army with the shoulders.

Sea aviation pilot 1943-45g, tanker Winter form 1942-44

And only in 1943, the order of January 15 of the People's Commissar of Defense I. Stalin №25 "On the introduction of new signs of differences and changes in the form of clothing of the Red Army" introduced new signs of differences, Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945, And here is the order of change itself.

  1. Establishing the wearing of the shoulder: field-servicemen in the current army and the personnel of parts prepared for sending to the front, everyday - military personnel of the rest of the units and institutions of the Red Army, as well as when wearing the parade form of clothing.
  2. The whole composition of the Red Army, go to new signs of differences - epaulets from February 1 to February 15, 1943.
  3. Make changes to the form of clothing of personnel of the Red Army as described.
  4. Enter the "Rules of wearing the shape of clothing by the personnel of the Red Army."
  5. Allow the desisted of the existing form of clothing with new signs of differences to continue to the next issuance of uniforms, according to the current periods and regulations of the supply.
  6. Commanders of parts and chiefs of garrisons strictly monitor compliance with the form of clothing and the right wearing of new signs of differences.

People's Commissar Defense I. Stalin.

And how many small changes and nuances, then followed, with the introduction of a new form, take such a gymnasther. For the gymnastrock of an existing sample, the following changes are introduced: the collars of gymnasters of all samples instead of the postponed - standing, soft fastening through the front loops on the front of the two shaped buttons of small size. Shoulders are fastened with the shoulders of the installed sample. Hanging signs from gymnasters are canceled.

Red Army Infantryman and Lieutenant 1943-45

Infantryman of the Red Army in the second half of the war. M1940 Helmet Olive-Green, 1943 Gymnastrog has a standing collar, without breast pockets, on the left medal for the "defense of Stalingrad" was established on December 22, 1942. The difference in the shade between elements of clothing does not matter; Tolerances in production and a large number of manufacturers enterprises led to a wide range of khaki color, or as it is called protective color. Flashing with glass design, bags for grenade F-1 and PPS-41 drum store. On the back simple x / b backpack or a douse bag.
Lieutenant. The cap has a raspberry kant, like the gymnast cuffs. Gymnastrock of 1943 Internal pockets with valves, still bearing blue breeches. With two teeth, the belt buckle was led in 1943, in Kobura Tokarev or TT, behind the rocket belt.

Red Army. Standard Field Infantry Form 1943g

The gymnasters of the superior composition instead of the invoices of pockets have slit (internal) pockets covered with valves. Gymnasters for ordinary and sergeant composition - without pockets. On August 5, 1944, breastplate pockets were introduced on gymnasters of the women of ordinary and sergeant composition.

Red Army, form of medical staff 1943

Most medical personnel were women. Dark blue berets and skirts were part of the front-end shape for the Red Army with pre-war days, in May and August 1942, khaki colors were appointed, but most women used a standard male shape, or wore mixed clothes that was more convenient.

76 women were awarded the title, "Hero of the Soviet Union", many of them posthumously. From September 16, 1944, sergeants and redarmeys were also officially allowed to have breastplate pockets, but only in case of receiving an unsuitable officer uniform after bringing it in order.

Major General Ground Forces 1943-44

Combinations of shapes from different time periods were very common during the war. Gymnastrock of 1935, a folding gate, but sewed straps, with lace weaves hand-embroidered khaki color and silver stars. The khaki wrathua colors - all the officer ranks in the second half of the war were widely used. Commander bag of this type comes on Land Liza.

Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945.

Camouflage clothes.

Camouflage clothing, Red Army 1943-1945

A large number of different masters of camouflage were produced during the war, and used mainly snipers, scouts, as well as for mountainous troops. Camouflages are made free, whatever you can wear on top of any combination of uniforms and equipment, with large hoods, for cleaning helmets.
From left to right. The most common camouflage consists of two parts, but there were whole overalls. Colors have a variety, brown, black or dark green stain on a pale green olive background. Further, the simplest camouflage form: garlands of grass, body wrapping, equipment and weapons to break the image of their visual structure.
Script. By the end of the war, an alternative type of costume was produced - although not in the same quantities. It was olive green, with a large number of small loops over the entire surface on which herb beams were mounted. And the latter type of robe was used by the troops during the Winter War with Finland in 1939-40. And much more widely during the Great Patriotic War.
Some photos of that time can be seen that some combs were reversible, but it is not clear when it was introduced and how widely used.

Scout RKKA, 1944-45

This camouflage suit, produced during the Great Patriotic War, first appeared in 1944, and it seems, and was not very widespread. The complexity of the pattern: more pale background, sawdust type "seaweed" and splasing large brown spots to destroy the image. Scout is armed with a PPS-43 submachine gun, the best gun-machine gun of the Second World War, the German MP-40 and nearly not lying around. PPS-43 is easier and cheaper than PPSh-41, which to some extent began to replace the last two-year-old war. The boxed store was much more convenient and easier than a complex round drum of PPS. Three spare stores in a simple bag with a valve on wooden buttons. Knife model 1940, helmet model 1940g; Loaded lend lesov boots.

Junior Lieutenant Rifle Parts, Winter Form, 1944g

A fur coat or a fur coat, from the sheepskin was a popular item of winter clothes, produced both in civil and military execution. Depending on the length, used both in infantry and in the mechanized parts.

Captain of the Border Troops of the NKVD, parade uniform 1945

Officer's front cuitel, double-breasted, fitted skirt. He was introduced in 1943. The version of the border troops was distinguished from other NKVD troops, only the green Cant and the color of the fool's tuli, the color of the collar and cuffs. On the chest "Order of the Red Banner", established in August 1924; Medals "for military merit" and "For the victory over Germany."
On the forage of the cokard made of gold-plated metal, V-ways a manual embroidery sign. Blue Cant on the collar and cuffs. At the chest medal for "for the defense of Moscow", established on May 1, 1944.

Lieutenant General, 1945 Parade Uniform

Marshals and generals, front-line commanders and compounds who took part in the parade, in honor of the victory over Germany, in Moscow on June 24, 1945.

The form of clothing introduced in 1943, but was not issued until the end of the war.

Sergeant. Parade uniform 1945

Unidir with a standing collar with loops, a flap in the rear skirt, scarlet karts on the collar, cuffs and closures of pockets. The form was tailored to everyone according to individual standards, more than 250 major general forms of a new sample were sewn, and in total in the factories, in the workshops and the student of the capital, more than 10 thousand sets of various uniforms were produced for the parade participants. In the hands of the German infantry battalion. On the right side of the chest of the Order of the Red Star and "Patriotic War", above the sign "Guard". On the left breast, the Golden Star "Hero of the Soviet Union", and a block of awards. At the parade, participants were presented all fronts and fleets, participants should be awarded orders and medals. That is, the parade took part, real selected front-line.

After passing with lowered banners and standards of Germany, they were burned along with the dyshill, the gloves of the banners and the standards were also burned and the gloves.
In February 1946, the People's Commissariat of Defense and the Navy were merged and transformed into a single Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Armed Forces themselves found new names: "Soviet Army" and "Naval Forces".
Since 1946, the work on new form samples begins.

In 1943, a new uniform was adopted in the Red Army. The new gymnastrock was very much like that was used in the royal army and had a rack collar, fastening two buttons. The main distinguishing feature of the new uniform has become epaulets. Two types of pursuit were envisaged: Field and Casual. Field epaulets were made of protective color fabric. On the chains near the buttons wearing a small gold or silver badge, designating the bodies of troops. The officers wore a fodder with a black leather chipper. The color of the chain in the cap depended on the kind of troops. In winter, the generals and colonels of the Red Army were supposed to wear dads, and the rest of the officers received ordinary ruins.

And now more thorough:

Back in the summer months of 1941, preparation was deployed to ensure the personnel of the Red Army with warm things for the winter. The main warm things, first of all, fur coats and boots were sought for at various warehouses of pre-war storage, gathered as the assistance of the army from the population, were made by an impact pace with the tolerances towards simplification and cheaper. As a result, the existing army was completely satisfied with warm things. What led to some diversity in color and the main form in the winter of 1941/1942.

File Air Force 1943-45, Senior Sergeant, Don Cavalry Parts 1943

By the way, the German industry could not provide his army in winter outfit, and it is not necessary to say that Blitzkrieg, the seizure of Moscow was expected before the winter, it was clear that Bluzkrieg was not smelled. Yes, and the capture of Moscow did not mean the end of the war, they walked in the tropics, so somewhere German trips were launched, so on time in winter fighting, the losses of the Wehrmacht from frostbite exceeded the number of combat losses.

The composition of the rear parts and institutions, motor vehicles of combat connections, as well as the chauffs of all kinds of troops, instead of overcoats, began to produce a double-breasted cotton jacket. A large stress with the provision of broad property was due to a decline in the production of light industry products, some enterprises of which has not yet established production in evacuation, and the remaining on the ground have experienced difficulties with raw materials, energy and workforce. For lovers to argue whose shape or whose tanks and airplanes are the best and so on, the answer is simple.

The transformation of a very large number of defense enterprises for the Urals, and their launch on the technological cycle in such a short time. It has no analogues in history, simply in such volumes and for such distances, no one and never industry has moved, and it will hardly perk in the future, the largest industrial migration. So only for this feat, it is necessary to build a huge, premium monument. By the way, the German industry was completely translated into military rails only in 1943, and before that only 25% went to military needs from general indicators.

For the same reason, the project prepared for May 1942 was postponed on the introduction of new signs of difference, which assumed October 1, 1942 to provide the whole red army with the shoulders.

Sea aviation pilot 1943-45, tanker Winter form 1942-44g.G.

And only in 1943, the order of January 15 of the People's Commissar of Defense I. Stalin No. 25 "On the introduction of new signs of distinction and changes in the form of the Red Army" introduced new signs of differences, the military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945, but also The order of the change itself.


Establishing the wearing of the shoulder: field-servicemen in the current army and the personnel of parts prepared for sending to the front, everyday - military personnel of the rest of the units and institutions of the Red Army, as well as when wearing the parade form of clothing.

The whole composition of the Red Army, go to new signs of differences - epaulets from February 1 to February 15, 1943.

Make changes to the form of clothing of personnel of the Red Army as described.

Enter the "Rules of wearing the shape of clothing by the personnel of the Red Army."

Allow the desisted of the existing form of clothing with new signs of differences to continue to the next issuance of uniforms, according to the current periods and regulations of the supply.

Commanders of parts and chiefs of garrisons strictly monitor compliance with the form of clothing and the right wearing of new signs of differences.

People's Commissar Defense I. Stalin.

And how many small changes and nuances, then followed, with the introduction of a new form, take such a gymnasther. For the gymnastrock of an existing sample, the following changes are introduced: the collars of gymnasters of all samples instead of the postponed - standing, soft fastening through the front loops on the front of the two shaped buttons of small size. Shoulders are fastened with the shoulders of the installed sample. Hanging signs from gymnasters are canceled.

Red Army Infantryman and Lieutenant 1943-45.

Infantryman of the Red Army in the second half of the war. M1940 Helmet Olive-Green, 1943 Gymnastrog has a standing collar, without breast pockets, on the left medal for the "defense of Stalingrad" was established on December 22, 1942. The difference in the shade between elements of clothing does not matter; Tolerances in production and a large number of manufacturers enterprises led to a wide range of khaki color, or as it is called protective color. Flashing with glass design, bags for grenade F-1 and PPS-41 drum store. On the back simple x / b backpack or a douse bag.

Lieutenant. The cap has a raspberry kant, like the gymnast cuffs. Gymnastrock of 1943 Internal pockets with valves, still bearing blue breeches. With two teeth, the belt buckle was led in 1943, in Kobura Tokarev or TT, behind the rocket belt.

Red Army. Standard field form of infantryman 1943

The gymnasters of the superior composition instead of the invoices of pockets have slit (internal) pockets covered with valves. Gymnasters for ordinary and sergeant composition - without pockets. On August 5, 1944, breastplate pockets were introduced on gymnasters of the women of ordinary and sergeant composition.

Red Army, a form of medical staff 1943

Most medical personnel were women. Dark blue berets and skirts were part of the front-end shape for the Red Army with pre-war days, in May and August 1942, khaki colors were appointed, but most women used a standard male shape, or wore mixed clothes that was more convenient.

76 women were awarded the title, "Hero of the Soviet Union", many of them posthumously. From September 16, 1944, sergeants and redarmeys were also officially allowed to have breastplate pockets, but only in case of receiving an unsuitable officer uniform after bringing it in order.

Major General Ground Forces 1943-44.

Combinations of shapes from different time periods were very common during the war. Gymnastrock of 1935, a folding gate, but sewed straps, with lace weaves hand-embroidered khaki color and silver stars. The khaki wrathua colors - all the officer ranks in the second half of the war were widely used. Commander bag of this type comes on Land Liza.

Military form of the Soviet Red Army 1943-1945

Camouflage clothes.

Camouflage clothing, Red Army 1943-1945

A large number of different masters of camouflage were produced during the war, and used mainly snipers, scouts, as well as for mountainous troops. Camouflages are made free, whatever you can wear on top of any combination of uniforms and equipment, with large hoods, for cleaning helmets.

From left to right. The most common camouflage consists of two parts, but there were whole overalls. Colors have a variety, brown, black or dark green stain on a pale green olive background. Further, the simplest camouflage form: garlands of grass, body wrapping, equipment and weapons to break the image of their visual structure.

Script. By the end of the war, an alternative type of costume was produced - although not in the same quantities. It was olive green, with a large number of small loops over the entire surface on which herb beams were mounted. And the latter type of robe was used by the troops during the Winter War with Finland in 1939-40. And much more widely during the Great Patriotic War.

Some photos of that time can be seen that some combs were reversible, but it is not clear when it was introduced and how widely used.

Scout RKKKA, 1944-45 g.

This camouflage suit, produced during the Great Patriotic War, first appeared in 1944, and it seems, and was not very widespread. The complexity of the pattern: more pale background, sawdust type "seaweed" and splasing large brown spots to destroy the image. Scout is armed with a PPS-43 submachine gun, the best gun-machine gun of the Second World War, the German MP-40 and nearly not lying around. PPS-43 is easier and cheaper than PPSh-41, which to some extent began to replace the last two-year-old war. The boxed store was much more convenient and easier than a complex round drum of PPS. Three spare stores in a simple bag with a valve on wooden buttons. Knife model 1940, helmet model 1940g; Loaded lend lesov boots.

Junior lieutenant rifle parts, winter form, 1944

A fur coat or a fur coat, from the sheepskin was a popular item of winter clothes, produced both in civil and military execution. Depending on the length, used both in infantry and in the mechanized parts.

Captain of the border troops of the NKVD, the parade uniform of 1945.

Officer's front cuitel, double-breasted, fitted skirt. He was introduced in 1943. The version of the border troops was distinguished from other NKVD troops, only the green Cant and the color of the fool's tuli, the color of the collar and cuffs. On the chest "Order of the Red Banner", established in August 1924; Medals "for military merit" and "For the victory over Germany."

On the forage of the cokard made of gold-plated metal, V-ways a manual embroidery sign. Blue Cant on the collar and cuffs. At the chest medal for "for the defense of Moscow", established on May 1, 1944.

Lieutenant General, 1945 Parade Uniform.

Marshals and generals, front-line commanders and compounds who took part in the parade, in honor of the victory over Germany, in Moscow on June 24, 1945.

The form of clothing introduced in 1943, but was not issued until the end of the war.

Sergeant. Head uniform 1945.

Unidir with a standing collar with loops, a flap in the rear skirt, scarlet karts on the collar, cuffs and closures of pockets. The form was tailored to everyone according to individual standards, more than 250 major general forms of a new sample were sewn, and in total in the factories, in the workshops and the student of the capital, more than 10 thousand sets of various uniforms were produced for the parade participants. In the hands of the German infantry battalion. On the right side of the chest of the Order of the Red Star and "Patriotic War", above the sign "Guard". On the left breast, the Golden Star "Hero of the Soviet Union", and a block of awards. At the parade, participants were presented all fronts and fleets, participants should be awarded orders and medals. That is, the parade took part, real selected front-line.

After passing with lowered banners and standards of Germany, they were burned along with the dyshill, the gloves of the banners and the standards were also burned and the gloves.

In February 1946, the People's Commissariat of Defense and the Navy were merged and transformed into a single Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR, and the Armed Forces themselves found new names: "Soviet Army" and "Naval Forces".

Since 1946, the work on new form samples begins.

You can also order straps of the Second World War.

- Shinel: It was introduced by order of the USSR RVS No. 733 of December 18, 1926. Single-breasted chinel from chine sulfur. The collar is postponed. Fastener counted on five hooks. Personal pockets without valves. Sleeves with confined straight trim. The back of the fold ends with a slot. Wasp is fastened to two butt columns.

The sequel for the team and the superior composition was commissioned by order of the USSR Defense People's Commissar No. 005 dated February 1, 1941. Two-breasted chinel, with cut-off long on his chest. The fastener was seated with five loops on buttons. Floors with side shades and two transverse, slit pockets, covered valves. The collar is postponed, with nassed on the ends of the loops. The collar is fastened with a hook on a loop. The back in the middle has a counter fold along the entire length. Through the back of the waist on the back, columns with buttons, which are fastened by the vaults. In the middle of the back, the waist is a cut (slot), fastened by four buttons on the buttons. Swimming sleeves, end in straight hand.

№1 - commodity in sinels of ordinary composition; №2 - Siszhantes in Schineli, 1945; №3 -Elustration - a single-breasted soldier Sintel of the Red Army; №4 - Soviet officers in chinels. In the center of the officer in the sinel of the rank. Neighborhood of the city of Zubtsov, 1942; №5 - Soviet officers in overcoats 1943; №6 -Lestusing is a two-breasted officer Sintel RKKA.

- Crescent jacket and pants: The first sample of this new type of winter uniforms was. The jacket is made from the tricon diagonal of the melange waterproof impregnation of the khaki color. On each board the jacket there are five-through loops and five large shaped buttons. The postponed collar is fastened with one metal hook and loop. From the side of the lower collar there is a hrying (turntable). The jacket has two side oblique, propelled pockets with straight valves. On the floors and the back there is a fixed coquette. Beach back. On the back, at the angles of the coquette to the bottom, two strips are adjusted from the main material along the shell line. On the stands at the waist level left holes to make the belt belt. On lateral seams, one metal hook is sewn to maintain the waist belt. The jacket has a bicker sleeves without overalls, with a twighter, sewn into the front seam of the sleeve, and fastened on one loop and a large shaped button. Collar, onboard, valves, top of pockets, semi-chest sleeves, stitching belts and coquette passed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge. The bottom jacket begins 2.5 cm.

The next sample was the jacket wadded stigma, introduced by the orders of the USSR defense defense №283 dated August 25, 1941. The jacket with a stand-post-folded collar came to the change of an old tag-carrying shine. Now either a jacket either sinel. The frame of the jacket straight, sealed onto cotton parallel lines, is fastened with five buttons. From the sides of the floor there are targeted pockets embedded in the side seams. On the waist to maintain the belt there are two sidelords. The sleeves end at the bottom of a small slot and cuffs, fastening one buttons with a bump, brought to the end of the cuff outside the cushion.

Wadded pants are also stewed parallel lines. Fixed 4 buttons. On the belt slang belt. Downstairs, run-down straps.

№1 -What jackets arr. 1935 on tankers 116 TBR. 1942; №2- Crescent arr. 1942 (no photo); №3 -Tustration - Crescent jackets arr. 1935 and 1942; №4 -Remotters in the tag; №5 - Molden mortar in the tag with a postponed collar; №6 - Illustration - Wadded stegan jackets (tanks).

- Single winch coat: It was introduced by the Order of the Russian Federation of the USSR No. 20 dated December 23, 1931. The coarse fur coat is made of born sheepskin and fastened on the hooks *. The fur coat has a long skirt, two vertical slotted pockets with leaves and steep reliefs on the back. The postponed coat collar is made of white sheepskin fur and fasten on one hook and stuck collar sewn.

* Since 1940, the fur coat was fastened on the outer hlystics from the main skin with a cut fur and large light or shaped buttons.

- Winter mittens: Threepal, textile.

№1 - Soviet officers in the fur coat, inspect the German winter shoes for the guard; №2 -Polovnik A.I. Lieseukov talks with tankers in the seruners. 1941; №3 -Lustration - RKKA serrated coats; №4 - Sideways on the commander of the zenith calculation. Stalingrad district; №5 - Major in a sermon. 1941; №6 -Ofizers of the 4th Airborne Case in the serum, during the Vyazemoy Airborne Operation, Winter 1942

Literature / Documents:

  • Types of tissues used for sewing of the uniform of the Red Army (Article, Composition, Color, Application). ()
  • Rules of wearing shape of clothing by the personnel of the Red Army of January 15, 1943 (Download / Open)
  • A typical list of the unfinished property of the junior and ordinary composition of the Red Army for summer and winter on a peaceful and wartime. Commissioned by order of the NKO USSR No. 005 of February 1, 1941 ()
