
oetticort.rf, - a set of reference books to independently search for information about the fate of servicemen (including the Handal Directory of the RKKE field postal stations in 1941-1945, the Certificate of Conditional Names of Military Parts (agencies) in 1939-1943, Hospital Distribution Directory of Hospitals of the Red Army in 1941-1945 years); - Handbook of military cuts (as well as statutes, instructions, directives, orders and personal documents of wartime).

Libraries - old newspapers (including military period); - a description of military operations of World War II, post-war analysis of the events of World War II, military memoirs.

Military cards - Military topographic maps with a combat situation (by period of war and operations).

Sites of search engines - the official website of the search movement of Russia.

Archives - Federal Archival Agency (Rosarhiv); - sectoral portal "Archives of Russia"; - Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense;

rGAVMF.RU - Russian State Archive of the Navy (RGAVMF). The archive stores the documents of the Navy of Russia (the end of the XVII century. - 1940). The Naval Documentation of the Period of the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period is kept in the Central Naval Archive (TsVMA) in Gatchina, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; - a list of federal and regional archives of Russia (with direct references and descriptions of collections of photographers and film documents of the Great Patriotic War period).

Partners of the project "Star Victory" - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. - Russian Military Historical Society. - Russian Geographical Society.

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Database - publicly available electronic bank of documents on awarded and awarding period of the Great Patriotic War period 1941-1945; - a generalized data bank on the defenders of the Fatherland who died and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period; - a publicly available bank of data on the fate of the participants of the Great Patriotic War. Search for places of primary burials and documents on awarding, about the passage of service, about victories and deprivation on the battlefield; - awarded the Order of the Red Banner in the period from 1921 to 1931; - information about the participants in the Great Patriotic War, including the workers of the rear - the living, dead, dead and missing. Collected and replenished by participants of the all-Russian action "Immortal Regiment"; - information about those killed in captivity in Germany; - information about the Soviet and Russian soldiers missing in the wars of the 20th century (including the "Great Patriotic War" and "Unbelievable Awards" Pages); - photos and descriptions of military burials; - Database on the website of the Perm State Archive of the Newest History. Includes the main biographical information on the former military personnel of the Red Army (the natives of the Perm region or called to military service from the territory of the Kama region), which during the Great Patriotic War were surrounded and (or) captured to the enemy, and after returning to their homeland, special state check (filtering);

fatherland.rf, - electronic version of the book "Names from soldiers' medallions", volume 1-6. Contain alphabetical information about those killed during the war years whose remains found during the search works were able to identify; / - memory books (by regions of Russia, with direct references and annotation); - memory books (in separate regions, childbirth forces, individual parts and compounds, about the dead in captivity who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya); - Crimean Virtual Necropolis; - Electronic Book of Memory of Ukraine; - a set of reference books to independently search for information about the fate of servicemen (including the Handal Directory of the RKKE field postal stations in 1941-1945, the Certificate of Conditional Names of Military Parts (agencies) in 1939-1943, Hospital Distribution Directory of Hospitals of the Red Army in 1941-1945 years);

rGVARCHIVE.RU - Russian State Military Archive (RGVA). The archive stores documents on the fighting of parts of the RKKKA 1937-1939. In Lake Hasan, on the Khalkhin-goal River, in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. Here are the documents of the border and internal troops of the HCHK-OGPU-NKVD-MVD of the USSR from 1918; Documents of the Main Directorate for Prison Protection and Internal Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the institutions of its system (GUPVI MIA USSR) of the period 1939-1960; Personal documents of Soviet military leaders; Documents of foreign origin (trophy). On the archive website you can also find guidebooks and reference books that facilitate work with it. - Russian State Archive of Social Policy Information (RGASPI). The period of the Great Patriotic War in RGASPI is represented by documents of the emergency authority of state power - the State Committee of Defense (GKO, 1941-1945) and the rates of the Supreme Commander;

Not everyone returned from the front in 1945, the ancestors of many of us still sign in the missing lists. But we continue to look for those who gave life for us and presented the pure sky above the head.


Thanks to the document, you can find out when and where the participant of the WWIA died, as well as the primary burial place and the place of reburial (in the event that it is).

Memory of the people

If your relative is listed missing, you can search for information about his fate in the database of Soviet prisoners of war of fascist Germany.

It was possible to find me: On request in Google "Multi-Monitor War" managed to find information that Batukhtin Mikhail Vasilyevich fell in battle with German bombers on August 16, 1942 at the train station a lot. From the report No. 24967 on irrevocable losses of September 22, 1942, we learn that 8 soldiers were killed during the bombardment. All of them, including my great-grandfather, were buried here. The fraternal grave, unfortunately, was failed to find on the Internet.

Maria Batukhitin

A few years ago, the project was started, the purpose of which was to be made accessible to familiarize the list of Soviet soldiers awarded by combat orders and medals during the Great Patriotic War. For this, an electronic bank of documents was created, which in digital form contains orders on awarding and other documents about the soldiers distinguished in battles. All information in the form of a database is available on the website. "Feat the people" Search by name awarded will give a fairly full result.

Information can be found in both the name of the awarded and number or date of the order. If you want to get detailed information about what feat or a combat difference was awarded your relative who participated in the Great Patriotic War was awarded, then on the main page you choose the item "People and Awards" and in the form of the form I enter his last name - the name - patronymic (see drawing below)

Next, the list of all records that are related to the data introduced. Of course, there may be a cavalry named, about which you want information about. If there are information on multiple awards in the database, then for each award there will be a separate line. As can be seen on the example above (see the image below), the list of awards three times the hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Tashkin, interspersed with four differences with its named after him by Alexander Ivanovich, the younger sergeant of 1911 of birth.

By pressing the cursor to the selected string, you can read the description of the feat that the reward was made in the document.

Also, there is access to very detailed accompanying documents, such as premium sheets.

In addition to sophisticated search, it is possible to get acquainted with a large number of orders that are grouped by dates, as well as orders and medals with which awards were made. To do this, you need to choose the name of a specific award and a period that interests.

As a result, it will be an accessible full list of orders containing information about the award of this reward at the specified time.

Reference service address - But the "feat of the people" portal, created in 2010, is only one of the projects, allowing you to learn the fate of close people who participated in the Great Patriotic War, trace their fighting path, read the descriptions of the feats for which they were awarded. Thus, in this way, the connection of times and generations, realize the history of his family as part of the big history of his homeland. Even earlier, in 2007, the Memorial website was created on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic bank data on the soldiers of the war in the war years. It was created to give the opportunity to learn the descendants today to learn about the place of the last refuge of his ancestors - the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, establish the fate of missing relatives and loved ones, and, most importantly, help keep memory about them.

OBD "Memorial" Search for those killed in the Great Patriotic - Memorial - website of the Ministry of Defense for the search by the name-name-patronymic of the burial site of the deceased soldier, according to which information is found. The search is also available by the large number of other input data - date and place of birth, date and place of calling to the army, the last place of service, military rank, the date of death, country, the region and the place of burial. Information in a generalized data bank (PBD) contains digital copies of documents from a large number of sources - confidence of combat parts about irretrievable losses, documents of hospitals and medical banks, trophy cards of Soviet prisoners of war, passports of the burials of military personnel, orders to exclude from lists, execution protocols, other archival documents .

The request to the database is issued information on the places of primary burials soldiers and officers who died in battle or died from wounds and diseases in hospitals and nursanes. Entries of documents for filling a generalized data bank, taken from a large number of state archives, including from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The total number of documents to which access is available on the site is almost 17 million digital copies. These documents contain information about more than 45 thousand passports of military burials, about 20 million registered entries on the losses of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War, the primary burial places of more than 5 million Soviet soldiers and officers are indicated. The answer to the database request, in many cases may contain several documents from various sources, this will allow you to identify with greater accuracy. Many documents contain information about the personalities, in particular, the names and addresses of relatives who were sent by the funeral.

The portal also has access to data that decades were classified, namely, the Soviet soldiers and officers who came to German captivity. Presented documents indicating the name and number of the camp for prisoners of war, which were compiled after the release of captivity. In some cases, documents issued on request make it possible to establish the place and circumstances of the death of a soldier.

It is possible to search for military commissariats and military renovations, such as the name of the runway, the date of arrival and departure, from where the place of departure arrived, the last place of service, the team number and others. Thanks to this tool, you can learn more about the fate of your ancestor-warrior, trace his military path. The site database is constantly updated with new information.

"Memory of the people" - the third draft of the Ministry of Defense - Launched in May 2015, by the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is the largest portal on the Internet containing databases of digital copies of archival documents of military years. When creating this site, a truly tremble job has been done. Without exaggeration, we can say that on the site - almost the story of the Great Patriotic War, embodied in the Personal and Battles.

The basis of the portal was taken generalized banks of the data of the first two projects of the Russian Federation "Memorial" and "feat of the people", which were significantly expanded and new data was added to them. Site database contains more than 425 thousand copies of armies and front documents, in addition, there are copies of the original documents on holding 216 military operations.

It is possible to search for many types of input data - the names-name-patronymic of the warrior, the number of the premium sheet, the place of burial and others.

The feature of the project is its visibility when these documents are binding to geographical maps and a chronological scale of military events. On interactive maps, you can track the fighting paths of parts of the Red Army to more than 6 million points of document binding. Also, more than 12 million places of Soviet soldiers are marked on modern maps, with a detailed description and indication of the awards. More than 100 thousand original host cards were superimposed on modern geographic maps. Thanks to this, any user, even familiar with history and geography, can clearly see the course of the war globally. And taking into account the geo betes to the cards of personal data from archival documents, it has the opportunity to trace in the space and time of the combat path of his ancestor of the warrior from the place of calling to the place of the last battle and the last refuge or to return home, for those stayed alive.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation recently developed a portal, which works on the principle of an electronic data bank.

The portal is intended for the exploits of the Great Patriotic War. On the portal, users can find various information about the exploits, awards and other achievements of their parents, grandparents and other relatives.

How this portal works can be found in this article.

The significance of the portal is the feat of the peoples not to evaluate. After all, in the period from 2010 to 2015, the Ministry of Defense managed to make practically 30 million records for awarding various orders, award-winning and other achievements.

The site also has about 2000 thousand archival affairs, which allow you to find a statement about a particular soldier. Today, this base is expanding.

Attention! At first, the portal was developed as a site where it would be possible to learn about the awards that were obtained during the Great Patriotic War.

But today this information is only part of the data you can find on the portal.

It is worth noting, That the technical support of the portal provides Elar Corporation, which provides a material and technical base for the portal.

The portal project was created on the basis of the data bank of the two previous projects of the RF MEMORIAL, and the feat of the people.

After these two projects were connected and new data added to them in 2015 to honor the anniversary of the Great Patriotic War.

As a result, a new portal was developed and put into effect, which collected almost the entire history of the war from the beginning and before the end of hostilities in Japan.

The Ministry of Defense itself indicates that the purpose of creating this portal is the desire to perpetuate the memory of the heroes of victory, regardless of the title, the scale of the attachment, the status of the award.

The main task is to educate the military-patriotic mood of youth on the example of the military fees.

Also, the portal was created to counteract the falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

The creation of the portal of the exploits of the people today has no analogues by the number of information that is contained in it, as well as by the number of historical personalities and data on these personalities.

Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation may in the database find his grandfather or another relative, who not only participated in the Great Patriotic War, and also took part in other military operations for the period 1939-19 8.

At the same time, the user can not only view information about a personal personality, but also to observe the development of events to binding with a chronological map, where the path of development of war events is displayed.

We just use the site just and even those who are not particularly owned by the computer can do it.

How to use the portal?

Going to the main page of the portal feat of the people you can see three sections:

1. People and awards. In this section, you can find the right person on his last name and initials, marks in premierate sheets, orders in card files and so on.

2. Premium documents. Here the user can find decrees and orders about awarding

3. Geography of war. If it was not possible to find a person, then you can use this section that allows you to track the development of a particular event on the map in almost detailed details.

Attention! Users can go to the previous version of the site that works in the Flash version mode. Such a transition is needed for those who have some problems with access to information on an updated portal or problems with immersion of cards or pages.

In order to find a person on IFO, you need to go to the section People and awards and in the search bar, enter any minimal about the person you need to find.

This may be full name, date of birth or other data that allows individualizing personality.

In order to specify its search, the user can use the advanced search, which allows you to enter such data:

  • date of birth;
  • rank;
  • call place and place where you can find a person, for example, in premium documents, accounting card file and so on.

You can also use even more advanced search, where you can already specify information about the award, title, deposit, and so on.

All this information is needed in order to accurately identify the person and learn about it as much information as possible.

After entering all the information you need to click on the Search button.

After entering information about the personality, a list of persons who match the parameters entered should appear on the next page.

The task of the user is now just finding the right person. Near the person will also be provided with documents about this person.

For example, you can familiarize yourself with the digital form and explore the documentation about the reward received and so on.

As a result, such information gives almost unique information that it was simply impossible to get before.

Now these data are declassified and provided on the portal feat of the people.

The Documents section works on the same principle as the previous one. The only thing that needs to be entered into the search string number of the document, the date of its issuance, restaurants, and so on.

There is also an advanced search, which allows you to enter a more detailed description of the document for its identification.

So, the user can enter such data as the author of the document, inventory it.

Also in this section you can find awards, indicating which award needed.

Thus, if the user has at least some information about the document or award, obtained by sometimes close, then it can be easily recognized about it if you enter certain data.

After entering all the data you need to click on the search and from the list of results, select the desired reduction.

The third section dedicated to the geographical location of the event passed. In the search bar, you can enter data about the city, area where the event occurred.

It is worth noting that the geography of war is needed to identify any document and its coordinates.

Therefore, all sections are distributed in such a way that the user, based on the general searches in geography, can enter the right person, a document or a reward obtained by a relative.

There are practically no barriers to obtain reliable information and restoring memory of their once lost relatives.

Questions and answers

1. Hello! I was looking for a pilot of the peoples of Petrova Nile Grigorievich, 1913. Called 07.08.41 Kargapol RVC, the written link ceased from 14.08.41. Gone b / c., (Date of unknown).

On the portal could find such information: the reporting of Kargapol RVK dated 04.01.47 years.

Answer: The RVC report is drawn up on the basis of information received by the RVC employees under the following bypass and survey of the relatives of the soldier after the war.

2. The mother of the soldier of Shamine Praskovya S. reported that the written connection with the soldier ceased from 14.08.41. And, as I think it was a letter, sent on the way to Front, i.e. without reverse address.

Answer: In the report in which you saw the date "b / c., February 42g." It is written in the other hand and this is all the soldiers listed in the report, and the soldier there is 575 people there and there are no information about their fate, they all almost disappeared b / c. in 41g.

4. You sorry me, during the war and after (I myself was a witness) was so much sorry "Tales" someone, somewhere, once, someone saw, and where exactly, without an answer.

Answer: only in 41g. It was formed without small 200 rifle divisions, and a huge number of art, tank and pr. pp.

5. Where to look for a soldier if there is no string for which you can cling to and keep searching?

7. Today, the Great War (Chronicles) is not fiction on TV today (chronicle), and the echelons running to the front, bombed and all the soldiers in Echelon died without reaching the front, the regiment, pursuing the fascists, went to an open place and everyone saw the field , destroyed by the bodies of our soldiers killed.

Who will search in the pockets of the gymnasters medallion with a soldier's data? All of them later will be listed missing b / c.

8. You mention Kalininsky FR. In this meat grinder, the fighting was conducted several divisions of only Rowers, in each division more than 10 thousand dollars. In which your soldiers fought, how to determine?

Answer: Find in the information addresses of search detachments Kalininskaya oblast. In case, if they raise the remains of the soldier.

In the Book of Memory of Kargapolsky district, see FULL NAME, designed by this RVK, is 07.08.41. Perhaps someone knows the number in / h., P / p., PPS., P / me, there is hope that the soldiers got water to / division, write a request to the Central Assembly and ask to check the archives' workers, whether your soldier was in This regiment, divisions.


I am looking for a grandfather Mamontov Nikolai Ivanovich 1905, disappeared 18.11.1941. Karelian-Finnish SSR 71 CD from the report on irrevocable losses No. reported.2199, Date reported.23.02.1942g. Sokolsky RVK, Ivanovo region. Will I be able to find it on the portal of the feat of the peoples.

I found my uncle of the died in the Rostov region. At that time, the Mosquest P / He. Currently, Kuibyshev R / He. He fought in 387SD.1271sp. Krasnoamec. Mius Front. Died on August 26, 1943 near H. Novoaleksandrovsky.

He was buried in a fraternal grave, which has not yet been found so far. I would like to live before that time when it is possible to bring the earth from the grave of his parents in the Novgorod region. On his burial and bow all, those who gave their lives for us. Thank you.

Attention! On this site, all information is presented only to familiarize. The site is not engaged in the collection and processing of personal data. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" is not violated.

The memory of the Great War of the 20th century, we are stored for her heroes for more than 70 years. We convey it to children and grandchildren, trying not to lose a single fact, surnames. Almost every family touched this event, many fathers, brothers, husbands never returned. Today we can find information about them Thanks to the painstaking work of employees of military archives, volunteers who dedicate their free time for finding the soldiers' graves. How to do how to find a member of the BB in the surname, data on his awards, military ranks, the place of death? We could not get around such an important topic of attention, we hope that we can help those who are looking for and wants to find.

Losses in the Great Patriotic War

It is definitely unknown now, how many people left us during this great human tragedy. After all, the calculation began not immediately, only in 1980 with the arrival of publicity in the USSR historians and politicians, employees of archives were able to start official work. Until that time, the fragmented data were profitable at that time.

  • After celebrating the Day of the Victory of 1945, I. V. Stalin stated that we buried 7 million Soviet citizens. He spoke, in his opinion, about all, and about those who left during the battle, and the German invaders were captured. But he missed a lot, did not say about the employees of the rear, stood from the morning to the night of the machine, who had fallen from the exhaustion. I forgot about sentenced diversansants, traitors of the motherland who died in small villages of ordinary residents and blockadicists of Leningrad; missing. Unfortunately, they can be listed for a long time.
  • Later L.I. Brezhnev provided other information, he reported 20 million dead.

Today, thanks to the decryption of secret documents, search work, the figures acquire a real character. Thus, you can see the following picture:

  • Combat losses obtained directly at the front during battles are about 8,860,400 people.
  • Not combat losses (from diseases, wounds, accidents) - 6,885,100 people.

However, these figures do not yet correspond to full reality. War, yes, this is not only the destruction of the enemy at the cost of his own life. These are destroyed families - not born children. These are huge losses of the male population, thanks to which the balance required for good demography will not be restored.

These are diseases, hunger in the post-war years and death from him. This is a negotiation of the country again, again in many respects, the price of people's life. All of them are also necessary to take into account, doing calculations. All of them are the victims of the terrible human vanity, the name of which war.

How to find a member of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 by last name?

There is no better memory to the stars of victory than the desire for the future generation to know ,. The desire to keep information for others to avoid such a repetition. How to find a member of the BB in the surname, where to find possible information about the grandfather and great-grandfathers, fathers - participants in battle, knowing their name? Especially there are now electronic storage facilities, which everyone has access to which.

  1. oBD-MEMORIAL.RU - here are the official data containing reports of parts about losses, funerals, trophy cards, as well as information about the title, status (died, was killed or disappeared, where), scanned documents.
  2. is a unique resource containing information about the workers of the rear. The most, without which we would not hear the important word "victory". Thanks to this site, many have already been able to find or help find lost.

The work of these resources is not only wanted by great people, but also a collection of information about them. If you have at least some kind of, inform it to administrators these sites. Thus, we will make a large common cause - save memory and history.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense: search by the name of the participants of the Second World War

Another one is the main, central, large-scale project - The documents preserved there for the most part are single and remained due to the fact that they were exported to the Orenburg region.

Over the years, the employees of Central Asia was created by a magnificent reference apparatus showing the content of archival accumulations, funds. Now it is to ensure that there are access to people with possible documents through electronic computing technology. Thus, we earned the site where you can try to find the military who participated in the Second World War, knowing his last name. How to do it?

  • On the left side of the screen, find the "Memory of the People" tab.
  • Specify its name.
  • The program will issue you the available information: date of birth, rewards, scanned documents. All that is in the card files on this person.
  • You can set the filter to the right by selecting only the desired sources. But it is better to choose everything.
  • On this site, there is an opportunity to see the combat operation on the map, and the path of the part in which he served as a hero.

This is unique in its essence project. Such a volume of data collected and digitized by all existing and affordable sources: card files, electronic memory books, documents of medical banks and commander reference books are no longer there. In truth, so far there are such programs and people providing them, the memory of the people will be eternal.

If you did not find the necessary person there, do not despair, there are other sources, maybe they are not so large-scale, but their informativeness does not become less from this. Who knows, in which folder the information you need could be lit up.

Went participants: search by name, archive and awards

Where else can you look? There are more narrow-controlled storage facilities, for example:

  1. As we said, the victims of this terrible war, were those who were in captivity. Their fate can be displayed on foreign sites like this. Here in the database there is all about Russian prisoners of war and burials of Soviet citizens. You need to know only the surname, you can watch the lists of prisoners. The research and development center of the documentation is located in the city of Dresden, it was he who organized this site to help people from around the world. You can not only search for the site, but send a request through it.
  2. Rosarhiv - agency, which is the authority of the executive power, which keeps the account of all state documents. You can contact your request or via the Internet, or by phone. There is an electronic circuit sample on the site in the "Appeals" section, the left column on the page. Some services here turn out to be paid, the list can be found in the section "Archive's activities". Given this, you will definitely ask if you need to pay your request.
  3. rGAVMF.RU - Directory of the Military Marine Fleet on the fate and the great affairs of our sailors. In the "Orders and Applications" section there is an email address for registration of documents left for storage after 1941. By contacting him with the archive employees, you can get any information and find out the cost of such a service, most likely it is free.

War Awards: Search by name

To search for awards, feathers are organized an open portal dedicated to exactly this It published information about 6 million cases of awarding, as well as 500,000 unbelievable medals, orders, and not reached the recipient. Knowing the surname of his hero, you can find a lot of new things about his fate. Posted by scanned documents of orders and premium sheets, data from account card files will complement your knowledge.

Who can you ask for information about awards?

  • The Central Defense Ministry site in the section "Awards is looking for their heroes" published a list of awarded fighters who did not receive them. Additional surnames can be found on the phone.
  • - Encyclopedia of the Red Army. It published some lists about the appropriation of senior officers, specials. Information may not be so extensive, but you should not neglect existing sources.
  • - a project created in order to popularize the feats of defenders of the Fatherland.

A lot of useful information, which is sometimes no anywhere, can be found on the forums of the above sites. Here people share precious experience and tell their own stories that can help you. There are many enthusiasts ready to help everyone anyway. They create their own archives, conduct their research, they can also be found only on the forums. Do not take care of such a type of search.

Warm veterans: search by name

  1. - an interesting project created by people ideological. The person who wants to find information enters the data, they can be any: name, the name of the awards and the date of receipt, the line from the document, the description of the event. This combination of words and will calculate search engines, but not just on sites, but in old newspapers. According to the results you will see everything that managed to find. Suddenly it is here you will be lucky, you will find at least a string.
  2. It happens that we are looking for among the dead, but finding among the living. After all, many have returned home, but due to the circumstances of that heavy time changed the place of residence. To search for them, use the site People seekers send letters, where they ask to help find their fellow soldiers, random counter wars. The project capabilities allow you to choose a person according to the name and region, even if he lives abroad. Seeing it in these lists or similar, you need to contact the administration and discuss this question. Good, attentive employees will help and make everything they can. The project does not cooperate with government organizations and cannot provide personal information: telephone, address. But publish your search for search is quite possible. For more than 1000 people were able to find each other thus.
  3. 1941-1945.The people are not thrown their veterans. Here on the forum you can communicate, to bring references among the veterans themselves, they may have met and own information about the person you need.

Searches for alive are no less relevant than the search for dead heroes. Who else will tell us the truth about those events, about the experience and stunned. About how the victory was met, the very first, most expensive, sad and happy at the same time.

Additional sources

Regional archives were created throughout the country. Not such large, holding, often on the shoulders of ordinary people, they retained unique single records. Their addresses are on the site of movement to perpetuate the memory of the victims. As well as:

  • - "Seeker".
  • - memories, letters, archives.
  • - International Biographical Center.
