Never thought before, but to think unwittingly.

On June 29, 1941, the Directive of the Soviet Council of the USSR and the Central Committee of the KVP (b) party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions, which indicated the need to create partisan detachments: "In busy by the enemy, creating partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the parts of the enemy army ... Create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all of his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, disrupt all their events. "

The contribution of the partisan-"fighters of the invisible front fighters", acting underground, literally under the nose of the tricky and bloodthirsty enemy, in the victory won it was impossible to overestimate. Thanks to the selfless actions of the Soviet partisans, the Nazis in the literal sense burned under their feet. From the very beginning of the war against our country, before that, the invader could not feel in security, neither the day or at night. Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor in the occupied major city, nor in a small village in a deep rear - everywhere, the self-satisfied calm of the Nazis violated the noble revenge of the Soviet partisans. The colossal material damage caused by the enemy by the actions of the Soviet partisans, together with the strongest moral pressure exerted by the opponent's rear, brought the day of the Great Victory.

All Belarus, Bryanshchina, Smolenshchina and Orlovshchina, many areas of Ukraine, Crimea and the southern regions of the RSFSR were covered by a well-organized partisan struggle. Grateful descendants will always remember the names of twice the heroes of the Soviet Union of the leaders of the partisan movement of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak and Alexey Fyodorovich Fedorova, hundreds of heroes who died in battle and confused in fascist bunches, thousands of brothers, sons, husbands and fathers Belarus, in the Kuban Limans, Donetsk steppes and the hills of the Crimea.

As is well known from historical documents, the actions of the partisans and the work of the underground workers played great importance in the successful outcome of the Great Patriotic War. In the rear of the enemy, in total, more than one million partisans are men, women, teenagers. Probably the most famous name was the name of Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, brutally executed by the fascists in the first year of the war. The partisans were destroyed, wounded and captured over a million fascists and their accomplicesMore than four thousand tanks and armored vehicles, 65 thousand cars, 1100 enemy aircraft were destroyed. 1600 railway bridges were destroyed and damaged in mass operations, more than 20 thousand railway echelons of the Hitler's troops were destroyed.

Currently, many documents telling about the true feat of partisans and underground workers during the war years are still stored in state archives under the vulture "Top Secret." Perhaps the introduction of this "military" memorable date will serve as a reason for the research and the opening of unknown pages of partisan glory. And it is undoubted that the establishment of the Day of Partizan and underground workers will be a tribute to deep respect for the lives and feat of people, thanks to which the Motherland was liberated in 1945.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes-partisans! Good health and cheerfulness of the spirit of living participants of the heroic struggle!
Happy holiday !!!

The day of guerrilla and underground workers appeared in the calendar of memorable dates relatively recently. This year, about partisans and underground workers who defended the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War will be remembered separately only in the fourth time *.

* In accordance with the changes made by the President of the Russian Federation in Article 11 of the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorial Dates of Russia" on April 11, 2009, the day of partisans and underground workers was included in the list of memorable dates and received official status.

The partisans and underfloor agers are remembered on June 29, because on this day of the 1941th USSR Soviet Council and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) issued a directive addressed to party and Soviet organizations operating in the country's front-line areas, the need to create an organized territory on the occupied enemy Partisan resistance. The directive prescribed: "Create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the opponent's army in the fields employed ..., create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, to pursue them at every step and destroy, disrupt any of their events."

The contribution of the detachment of partisan-"fighters of the invisible front", operating underground, literally under the nose of the tricky and bloodthirsty enemy, in the victory obsessed with our people it is impossible to overestimate. Thanks to the selfless actions of the Soviet partisans, the Nazis in the literal sense burned under their feet. From the very beginning of the war against our country, before that, the invader could not feel in security, neither the day or at night. Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor in the occupied major town, or in a small village in the deep rear - everywhere, the self-satisfied calm of the Nazis violated the noble revenge of the Soviet partisans, inspiring them fear and tremble before the unreleased Russian spirit. The colossal material damage caused by the enemy by the actions of the Soviet partisans, together with the strongest moral pressure exerted by the opponent's rear, brought the day of the Great Victory.

All Belarus, Bryanshchina, Smolenshchina and Orlovshchina, many areas of Ukraine, Crimea and the southern regions of the RSFSR were covered by a well-organized partisan struggle. Grateful descendants will always remember the names of twice the heroes of the Soviet Union of the leaders of the partisan movement of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak and Alexey Fyodorovich Fedorova, hundreds of heroes who died in battle and confused in fascist ducts, thousands of brothers, sons, husbands and fathers In the forests and swamps of Belarus, in the Kuban Limans, Donetsk steppes and the hills of the Crimea.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes-partisans! Good health and cheerfulness of the spirit of living participants of the heroic struggle!

The partisan movement has repeatedly proved its effectiveness during wars. The Germans were afraid of Soviet partisans. "Folk Avengers" destroyed communications, bridges exploded, took the "languages" and even made weapons themselves.

History of concept

Partisans - the word who came to Russian from the Italian language, in which the word Partigiano denotes the participant of the irregular military unit, which enjoy the support of the population and politicians. Partisans are struggling with the help of specific funds: war in the rear of the enemy, sabotage or sabotage. A distinctive feature of the partisan tactics is hidden movement in the territory of the enemy and good knowledge of the nature of the terrain. In Russia and the USSR, such tactics are practiced by time immemorial. It is enough to remember the war of 1812.

In the 30s in the USSR, the word "partisans" acquired a positive connotation - only the partisans protruding for the Red Army called this. Since then, in Russia, this word is extremely positive and is almost not used in relation to enemy partisan groups - they are referred to by terrorists or illegal military formations.

Soviet partisans

Soviet partisans during the Great Patriotic Was managed by the authorities and were carried out similar to the army of the task. But if the army fought on the front, the partisans had to destroy the enemy ways of messages and means of communications.

During the war years in the occupied lands of the USSR, 6,200 partisan detachments worked, in which approximately a million people took part. They managed the central headquarters of the partisan movement, developing across the partisan associations a coherent tactic and directing common goals.

In 1942, Marshal of the USSR, Cleele Voroshilov, was appointed commander-in-chief of the partisan movement, and they were invited to create a partisan army in the rear at the enemy - German troops. Despite the fact that partisans often think about the randomly organized detachments of the local population, "Folk Avengers" behaved in accordance with the rules of strict military discipline and took the oath as real soldiers - otherwise they were not survived in brutal conditions of war.

Life partisan

Worst of all the Soviet partisans, forcedly hidden in the forests and mountains, had to be in winter. With the problem of the cold, no partisan movement in the world faced - in addition to the difficulties of survival, a disguise problem was added. In the snow, the partisans left footprints, and her vegetation no longer hid them asylum. Winter dwellings often harmed the mobility of the partisans: they built in the Crimea mostly ground dwellings like Wigwam. In the other areas the dugouts prevailed.

Many partisan headquarters had a radio station with which he contacted Moscow and transferred news to the local population in the occupied territories. With the help of the radio, the command was ordered to guerrillas, and those, in turn, coordinated the air strikes and gave intelligence information. [C-Block]

Among the partisans were women - if for the Germans, a thoughtful woman only in the kitchen, it was unacceptable, then the advice in every way agitated the weak sex to participate in the partisan war. Scout women did not fall under suspicion of enemies, women doctors and radio players helped in diversions, and some brave women even participated in hostilities. It is also known about officer privileges - if there was a woman in the detachment, she often became a "hiking wife" commanders. Sometimes everything happened on the contrary and wives instead of her husbands commanded and intervened in military issues - such a mess of the highest authorities tried to stop.

Tactic partisan

The basis of the tactics of the "long hand" (so the Soviet leadership called partisans) was the implementation of exploration and sabotage - they destroyed the railways for which the Germans delivered echelons with weapons and products, broke high-voltage lines, poisoned the enemy water pipes or wells in the rear.

Thanks to these actions, it was possible to disorganize the rear of the enemy and demoralize it. The big advantage of the partisans was also the fact that all of the above did not require large human resources: even a small detachment could realize the subversive plans and sometimes one person. When the Red Army fell, the partisans were hit from the rear, breaking the defense, unexpectedly disappeared enemy regrouping or retreat. Before that, the forces of the partisan detachments were hidden in the forests, mountains and swamps - in the steppe areas, the guerrilla activity was ineffective.

A particularly successful partisan war was in Belarus - forests and swamps hid the "second front" and contributed to their successes. Therefore, still in Belarus, the feats of partisans are remembered: it is worth remembering at least the name of the Minsk Football Club of the same name. With the help of propaganda in the occupied territories, "Folk Avengers" could carry out the replenishment of combat rows. However, the partisan detachments were recruited unevenly - a part of the population in the occupied territories kept the nose in the wind and waited, the other people familiar with the terror of the German occupiers were more worse in partisans

Rail war

"The second front", as partisans called German invaders, played a huge role in the destruction of the enemy. In Belarus in 1943 there was a resolution "On the destruction of the enemy's railway communications by the method of the rail war" - the partisans were to lead the so-called rail war, undermining the trains, bridges and in every way the enemy ways.

During the operations, the "Rail War" and "Concert" in Belarus was 15-30 days the movement of trains was stopped, and the army and technique of the enemy were destroyed. Undermining the enemy compositions, even in the conditions of a lack of explosives, the partisans destroyed more than 70 bridges and killed 30 thousand German fighters. Only on the first night of the operation "Rail war" 42 thousand rails were destroyed. It is believed that for all the time of the war, the partisans destroyed about 18 thousand enemy compositions, which is truly a tremendous number.

In many ways, these achievements have become a reality thanks to the invention of the partisan craftsman T. E. Shavgulidze - on marching conditions, he built a special wedge, allowing trains to succeed: the composition was driving to a wedge, which in a few minutes was attached to the paths, then the wheel was rearred with the inner side Rail, and the train completely destroyed, which did not happen even after the explosions of the min.

Partisan gunsmiths

The partisans brigades were mainly armed with light machine guns, machine guns and carbines. However, there were detachments with mortars or artillery. The partisans were armed with advice and often trophy weapons, but this, in the conditions of war in the rear, the enemy was not enough.

The partisans were deployed large-scale manufacture of handicrafts and even tanks. Local workers created special secret workshops - with primitive equipment and a small set of tools, however, engineers and fans techniques managed to create excellent samples of parts for weapons from scrap metal and improvised parts. [C-Block]

In addition to repairing partisans, they were engaged in design work: "A large number of self-made mines, automata and grenade partisans have an original decision as the entire design as a whole and its individual nodes. Not limited to the inventiveness of the "local" character, the partisans sent a large number of inventions on the larger land and rationalizing proposals. "

The most popular handicrafts were homemade pistols-machine-guns PPS - the first one was made in the brigade of the partisan "defeat" under Minsk in 1942. Also, the partisans were manufactured "surprises" with explosives and unexpected varieties of mines with a special detonator, whose secret knew only their own. "Folk Avengers" with ease repaired even undermined German tanks and even organized artillery divisions from the mined mortars. Partisan engines did engineers even grenade launchers.

On June 29 - the day of partisan glory and underground workers

The partisans and underfloor agers are remembered on June 29, because on this day of the 1941th USSR Soviet Council and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) issued a directive addressed to party and Soviet organizations operating in the country's front-line areas, the need to create an organized territory on the occupied enemy Partisan resistance. The directive prescribed: "Create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to combat the opponent's army in the fields employed ..., create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, to pursue them at every step and destroy, disrupt any of their events."

The contribution of the detachment of partisan-"fighters of the invisible front", operating underground, literally under the nose of the tricky and bloodthirsty enemy, in the victory obsessed with our people it is impossible to overestimate. Thanks to the selfless actions of the Soviet partisans, the Nazis in the literal sense burned under their feet. From the very beginning of the war against our country, before that, the invader could not feel in security, neither the day or at night. Neither in the forest, nor in the field, nor in the occupied major town, or in a small village in the deep rear - everywhere, the self-satisfied calm of the Nazis violated the noble revenge of the Soviet partisans, inspiring them fear and tremble before the unreleased Russian spirit. The colossal material damage caused by the enemy by the actions of the Soviet partisans, together with the strongest moral pressure exerted by the opponent's rear, brought the day of the Great Victory.

All Belarus, Bryanshchina, Smolenshchina and Orlovshchina, many areas of Ukraine, Crimea and the southern regions of the RSFSR were covered by a well-organized partisan struggle. Grateful descendants will always remember the names of twice the heroes of the Soviet Union of the leaders of the partisan movement of Sidora Artemyevich Kovpak and Alexey Fyodorovich Fedorova, hundreds of heroes who died in battle and confused in fascist ducts, thousands of brothers, sons, husbands and fathers In the forests and swamps of Belarus, in the Kuban Limans, Donetsk steppes and the hills of the Crimea.

Eternal memory to the fallen heroes-partisans! Good health and cheerfulness of the spirit of living participants of the heroic struggle!

Chernigovshchina, 14 regions of Zhytomyrchina and Belarus became a real partisan edge. The party and Soviet bodies were opened in them, economic work was carried out, postal and telegraph communications were established. In the territory of the Ukrainian SSR during the Great Patriotic War, 46 partisan compounds operated, 1993 partisan intelligence and divergers, more than 500 Komsomol, pioneering and youth underground organizations and groups. In total, more than 2 million people took part in the nationwide struggle in the enemy of the territory of the Ukrainian SSR.
Folk Avengers killed 465 thousand German soldiers and officers, destroyed 790 guns, 915 warehouses with ammunition, 248 communication sites, 5019 echelons, 1566 tanks and armored vehicles, 211 aircraft, 13 thousand 535 cars, 44 railway hubs, 467 enemy garrisons, surfacing 29 boats 22 ships, over 50 barges.

This photo album seems to show - who is true sons and and patriots of the Ukrainian people, and who are collaborators and traitors.

Those who want to know the truth about our late past - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-9145, those who are not indifferent to the fate of our Motherland today and in the future, the album's lusty page, has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the truthful story of the partisan movement in the territories of the Ukrainian SSR and European countries occupied by the fascists.

Such heroes, and not the Bandera fight in Western Ukraine with the Nazis. Speaking today Veteran - the army intelligence officer told how the partisans helped the Soviet Army in the forcing Dnieper. They helped with the guidance of 25 crossing the creation of the Book and Litezki bridgeheads. He received an order for undermining a bridge in the Khmelnitsky region, a few his comrades were killed by Bandera who tried to not give by Soviet soldiers to undermine the bridge, so necessary to the retreats of the Germans. And after the war, his cousin was killed by Bandera Sister-teacher. Came home, put it on the wall and drove his wife ...
