Car tires have long and firmly taken their place among garden design materials. No wonder. For the reliability of vehicles, the highest quality rubber is used, which is not afraid of aggressive environmental influences, it is plastic and durable. Craftsmen have learned to build entire sports towns, artificial reservoirs from this simple material, and cut out various figures. Use a car tire and to create flower beds. This article will discuss how to turn out such a versatile material as a tire for a flower garden in order to create original stemmed flower beds. The recommendations will be supplemented by a visual video at the end of the text.

To make a flowerpot on a leg, you need a whole wheel with a disk. Not everyone on the site has a large assortment of used wheels, however, and not all of them are easy to use for this purpose.

For the first trial version, it is worth choosing a wheel, taking into account the following nuances:

  • old domestic rubber is hard and unyielding, it turns out worse than modern, especially imported;
  • tires with a heavily worn tread are thinner and softer, so they are easier to work with;
  • winter tires are more pliable than summer tires and, accordingly, are better suited for such crafts.

If among the available stocks of a suitable wheel was not found, you can go to the nearest tire shop, where with great pleasure they will give away a few of any of your choice for nothing. Before starting work, the wheel must be cleaned of dirt and dust. Such a procedure is necessary not so much for aesthetic reasons, but to ensure that the sand does not dull the tools.

We take the desired tire and make markings on it

The work on making a flower bed on a leg includes several stages:

  • marking lines for patterns;
  • blank pattern;
  • directly eversion of the tire;
  • product decoration.

Line marking

To make the flowerpot neat and even, it is necessary to draw lines for future cuts. To do this, you need to lay the tire horizontally and draw zigzag lines from the disk to the periphery. Outwardly, the drawing should resemble flower petals. Petals can be made sharp or rounded, thin or thickened - in general, to your taste. It is only necessary to take into account that the openwork edge will be important not only for the future bowl, but also for the leg.

You can draw lines with a marker or even chalk. When working with chalk, there is a significant drawback: it is easily erased, and it may happen that the markup disappears during work, and, accordingly, cutting inaccuracies may occur, so it is more reliable to make a contour with a marker.

The video below shows how to make a flower bed from a tire:

Figured cutting on the tire

Many high-quality tires, for reliability of use for their intended purpose, are reinforced with metal reinforcement - metal cord. This metal wire greatly complicates the eversion process. But there is a little trick: you can make cuts with a grinder on the outside of the tire to cut the metal cord, but at the same time preserve the integrity of the future flowerpot. Incisions should be made every ten centimeters.

Perform this procedure carefully so as not to cut through the rubber through. The fact that the metal cord is cut will be indicated by light metal dust on the tire, smoke and sparks in the cut area when in contact with the angle grinder. Seeing these signs, you should not deepen the cut further, so as not to make a hole in the vase, the goal has already been achieved.

The picture shows in detail how to cut and then unscrew the tire

The operation of cutting out the flowerpot pattern is carried out with a knife. The knife must be very sharp, then the vase will turn out to be even and neat. The upper part of the wheel must be completely separated from the lower part along the marked lines. This results in a bowl with a lid. The cover is held from the side of the disk. It turned out a champignon mushroom turned upside down. This is clearly visible in the video.

tire eversion

The main and most time-consuming process in the work. It requires a certain physical preparation and brute male power. A woman is unlikely to cope with such a task. It is more convenient to do this part of the work together. It is necessary to turn the product with the cut side down (put the champignon on the leg). Pick up the edge of the tire with a strong object, such as a crowbar or pry bar, and proceed to turn the tire inside out.

Raw material for the flower bed

At this time, it is necessary to firmly press the wheel disk to the floor. As soon as you manage to turn out a small area, the process will go faster. After half of the tire is turned out, you need to press on the tire from the sides, bringing its shape closer to an oval, this will allow the second half to turn out quickly without additional effort. The video at the end of the article will help visualize the process. In a global sense, the flower bed is ready.


A black rubber flower vase has an unpresentable appearance and is unlikely to become a garden decoration. In order for it to become a beautiful flower bed, you need to paint and decorate it. It is not worth postponing with painting, because immediately after manufacturing the rubber is shiny and clean, which will make the decorative finish smooth and durable.

Before painting, it is necessary to treat the vase with a degreaser. You can choose a universal degreaser or a special one for rubber. Various paints are suitable for applying color: enamels, oil and nitro paints. Suitable and car paint. More uniform and accurate will be staining with a spray or can.

Our raw version of the flower garden can be decorated like this

Pro tip: flowerbeds made in light colors look more spectacular. But the choice of color and further decoration completely depend on the imagination of the master and the wishes of the owner of the flower bed. You can use multi-color staining, as in the video, as well as use glass, pieces of ceramics and other materials to decorate such a flower bed.

After the paint has dried, drainage and earth are laid in the flowerpot. Everyone, you can plant flowers! Vegetables will also look original in such flower beds, so you get a small impromptu garden. This technique will allow you to combine business with pleasure, especially in a small area. Or, conversely, flowerpots are easy to fit into a garden with beds, since the undoubted advantage of such decorations is mobility.

The video clearly demonstrates how to independently make a flower bed from tires, including turning and decorating a finished flowerpot:

Very often, gardeners accumulate things on suburban area which it is a pity to throw away, but what to do with them so that they serve a second life is not clear. However, it is worth a little imagination, and the garden plot will be decorated beautiful flower beds from tires and other improvised material. And old tires that have already served their time can help in the design of flower beds.

About how from old automobile rubber tires to make beautiful flower beds than to paint them, and will be discussed below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be softer after a long period of use and easier to mold into the desired shape. Tires can be asked from neighbors - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, because otherwise they will simply be thrown into a landfill. And if there is an opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. Because tires of foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it is easier to give them various forms, turn inside out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned as much as possible from dirt and sand. Indeed, it is more pleasant to work with clean material, and the blades of knives will become dull faster when working with tires soiled with mud and sand.

Stages of creating a flower bed from tires

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the form of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flower bed, in which the edges will be cut off by waves, or a vase in the shape of a flower with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pot - lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily applied with ordinary chalk.

If the owners decided to make a flower bed out of the old tire, then along the edge of the product, draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each of the petals should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, then the tire cannot be turned out, and the shape of the flower bed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then along the grooves it is necessary to cut the tires in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, the tire is first turned inside out. Many gardeners do not get this the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn the tire in this way.

The metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. Rubber is cut smoothly with this saw. The cuts are made over the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then you can start turning the tire. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire, then it will be much easier to turn the product out.

How to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It is great if it is possible to use a jigsaw to cut coatings. With this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from the wheels.

For sawing metal discs, you need to use a saw - a grinder.

You can cut tires in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off just the top.

How and how to paint tires for flower beds

However, it is not enough to give the old tire an unusual shape. After all, black or dirty - gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background. garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled slopes.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

  • oil;
  • enamel;
  • nitro enamel.

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie on it evenly, and it will last more than one season on the tires. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use aerosol cans of paint for painting work. In this case, it is possible to paint all prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only the outer part of the tires. However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire on the inside (at least its upper part).

Decor options

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of various colors of paint.

You can combine different colors and shades. Moreover, it is possible to paint the lower part of the flower bed with a darker paint, and the upper one with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outer part of the flower bed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles on the tire petals, creating a dew effect.

The right combination colors when painting flower beds from car tires, which is "consonant" color scheme plants planted in such flower beds will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands (video)

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you should not hold back your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds,. Tires can be used in the manufacture of garden swings, chairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around the flower garden or along the path, separating the flower planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors, as well as painted, for example, with flowers or.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a pedestal of several tires stacked on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made of tires mounted on legs, like stools, look original. It is possible to install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with earth, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and place flowers in the upper one throughout the space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve various birds or animals from tires, planting flowering plants in the inner part of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires carved in the form of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers, or structures made vertically will look better.

Hill of car tires

Slides from used tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides of several tires look beautiful, staggered on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant different varieties of flowers.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden both in the same way and by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a flower garden from tires

Planted in flower beds from car tires better flowers that will delight with their flowering all season. Flowers planted in a flower garden from tires are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of various heights and shades of flowers. Curly flowers can be used.

It can be such plants:

  • fragrant tobacco;
  • petunias;
  • marigold;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • tuberous begonias;
  • calendula;
  • sunflower;

  • carnation Grenoble;
  • tradescantia;
  • nasturtiums;
  • Phlox subulate.

Free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with spruce cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

What can be done from tires (video)

Combining different kinds and varieties of flowers, you can create compositions of extraordinary beauty in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends on what colors the grower wants to see on his site.

old car tires can be perfectly used to improve the overall interior of the garden plot. Most often they are used specifically for the design of flower beds or flower beds. And here it all depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flowerbeds from old tires.

I think it will be clear from the picture: why cut the tire. Indeed, they do not rot and do not spread from the sun-frost. Accidental blows, unlike asbestos-cement sheet, do not harm them. After all, there are many applications for rubber bands. Even if you don’t turn over the beds, like mine. Even if not cut the tire on the tape, the hoops obtained from it can be used as a compost bin or a vertical bed. Yes, one has to hear a lot that, they say, it's harmful, terrible and all that ... I don't know. But my ants, it is near the rubber, that they arrange their summer masonry-incubators, where they keep their pupae. Whether from rubber harm - I do not think that they would have worked like that. And if they are not afraid, then I somehow do not fit.
OK. Everyone decides this question for himself. But who decided to cut the tire for their needs - so a few tips:

You need to start cutting the tire with a shoe knife. We carry out several times on the same cut, pressing on the board so that the cut diverges and cuts through. Now we insert a good knife into the cut, sharpening towards ourselves (I made a special cutter from an industrial hacksaw blade) and cut with an “up-and-on” movement, simultaneously bending the cut to the side. cut the tire how to cut bread - do not. Rip up the rubber. And it is not necessary for a knife to be razor-sharp: a slight sawtooth of burrs is only good.

I recommend turning the tire out for the winter and letting it mature. Otherwise cut, it will become a wave. It is necessary to remove the trough shape, which will give a long aging of the hoop. And you can do it differently. Make a bunch of cuts on the inverted tire ...

You can cut hoops into ribbons with an ordinary, small grinder. Take care only that the wind is not on the neighbors, otherwise you cannot avoid an untranslatable pun (in one of the local dialects) because this is a stinky business. BUT! The rubber is nicely cut off by a grinder, the metal cord is also striped with it and ... In general, cutting a tire is a quick business if you see how once. And to make it completely clear - here's a video for you, where the tire cutting takes place in real time.

Tire Pitfalls

When processing and manufacturing products from an old tire, there are pitfalls that are hidden from view, and appear only directly in the process. This article is devoted to these stones.

Trick number 1. Material - rubber.

The tire must be rigidly fixed, or at least to fix the part that is currently being cultivated. In our case, an original technique for cutting tires has been developed. Based on this, it is necessary to cut the tread first of all while the tire has maximum rigidity. If there is, you need to cut the protector and not rest against anything, a bull glass jar will come to the rescue, although after sawing 5-6 centimeters, the jar needs to be moved.

The threads of old and new tires are different, and the results i.e. the properties of the cutting elements are different. For clarity, if you make a swan from a bald tire, then the head of the swan falls into the front, and if from an almost new one, on the contrary, the head is thrown back.

Trick number 2. The presence of a metal cord and the thickness of the tread.

The metal cord is located only over the entire area of ​​the rubbing surface. The metal cord, together with the thickness of the tread itself, creates additional difficulties when cutting the tire.

Using a hacksaw for metal, cutting a tire is very, very difficult, and in some places it is completely impossible.

When processing the main rubbing surface, use:

  • electric jigsaw (most good option- rubber does not burn, and is well processed). Having tried several jigsaws, I was surprised that not every jigsaw can cut a tire.
  • grinder (in some cases it is convenient, but rubber burns - a lot of smoke)

But the sides of the wheel are easily cut with an ordinary knife. Rarely, but aptly, there are tires without a metal cord at all - probably 1 out of 40.

Trick number 3. The ring on which the tire sits on a metal disk.

The ring is a hardened stranded metal rod bent into a ring. Cutting with a hacksaw for metal is unrealistic, but it can take a long time. The only way out is to use Balgarka. I think it's called the seat ring. Many immediately want to get rid of the ring in some cases, the rigidity of the ring is used in the design.

Trick number 4. Tire painting.

You can paint the wheels with any paint. Nitro enamel dries quickly, and allows you to immediately place and use the figures. But since rubber has to be painted, which deforms during transportation, the paint also cracks and bursts - regardless of the type of paint. Since the chemical reaction goes on constantly, therefore the colors fade, the white becomes with a yellow tint, so it is better if it is possible to repaint the figures every year.

Trick number 5. Injuries.

Since the cord is metal mesh, therefore, metal hairs are formed on the cut, which strive to cut through the skin. Metal shavings are not a pleasant splinter. Be especially careful with the eyes when sawing with a jigsaw.

Trick number 6. Energy costs.

I would like to immediately warn, but not to scare or dissuade, that the tire weighs quite a bit, and working with a cord and a metal nozzle ring implies the presence male hands. On average, wheels of 13, 14, 15 radii - the most popular ones weigh on average in the range from 5 to 8 kilograms, and if you judge that one cutting can take about 1 hour, then you will have to turn the wheel more than once.

We conclude from the above.

For processing, cutting the old tire, you must:

  • a desktop on which the old tire will be cut (see catch 1) or at least just a table;
  • a hacksaw, a jigsaw, a drill, a grinder (see catch 2.3) - in a word, you may need everything;
  • hand protection (gloves), eyes (mask, goggles) + all protective equipment necessary when working with power tools.
  • perseverance and patience, and not least physical strength (try turning the wheel several times)

Reader Tips:

  1. It is easy and simple to cut even Belaz rubber. I bought a RAGE disc and put it on a simple hand-held circular saw. Can also be used with original circular saw RAGE to buy, but it's cheaper to just buy a disk, as I did.
  2. if cut - Across - then a grinder and a disc for metal.
    did not cut once. the disks did not burn out :-) only a bunch of black muck flies around :-(
    if it's fast.
    if there is no grinder - an ordinary hacksaw for metal.
    for metal is needed because when the cut is across the tire, you need to cut the metal cord.

    If you cut ALONG (along the circumference), then ... FIG knows he didn’t cut it. perhaps a sharp knife and soap as advised above or a jigsaw.
    this again - if you don’t run into a cord.

  3. good hour! An electric jigsaw with the coarsest saw blade for wood and machine oil. A tire from a Belarus tractor for about 10 minutes, it’s more convenient for two, pulling off the cut off part.
You can watch a video on how to cut a tire

Easiest to expose old tire on the site, throw land there and plant seedlings. This, of course, is simple, but it does not pull on an exclusive decoration. Well, let's try to improve the situation. Take bright acrylic or oil paints, choose from them a few of the most matching colors and paint a few tires. Then we install them on top of each other and get a wonderful multi-level flower bed.

An original vertical flowerbed of tires with your own hands is created from several tires of different diameters, stacked on top of each other like a pyramid. You can put a flower pot on top if there is no small tire on the farm. After painting and filling the inner space of the tires with earth, you can grow ampelous plants in the resulting flower bed, for example, petunias or strawberries.

Tire beds can also be suspended. Fasten a strong metal chain (thick cord, rope, etc.) to the tire and hang it on a tree. In order to be able to fill the flower bed with earth, the bottom of the tire must be covered. For example, fix inside a planter with a diameter slightly larger than the inner circumference of the tire. Or put a dense piece of rubber inside - think for yourself, for sure there is a material suitable for overlapping on the farm.

A snow-white suspended flower bed made from a car tire is a spectacular "highlight" of modern style

And if you dream up a little, then you can build a composition from tires on the theme of ... well, for example, home tea drinking. A few tires will perfectly play the role of a teapot and a cup - it is enough to supplement them with simple details - cutting a pipe and bent pieces of metal tape.

Teapot and cup - original composition from old tires

Red cup with white polka dots - exclusive for flower tea drinking

Turtle flowerbed - fun creative

From a tire and a tread cut into equal 4 parts, you can make a flower bed in the form of a turtle. We make cuts on the sides of the tire and insert the tread trim there - these will be the paws of the turtle. We fix them with wire staples. The tail is cut out of a piece of rubber and also fixed with staples. For the turtle's neck, we take a piece of plastic pipe, on which we fix the head from crumpled newspapers with tape. You can wear a straw or plastic panama hat on your head.

Tire turtle - an entertaining flowerbed for a playground

This do-it-yourself flower bed of tires must be painted according to all the "turtle" rules, otherwise it will not be clear what you wanted to portray. Draw eyes, a mouth on the head, paint the torso and paws in a bright color.

A flower bed from an inverted tire

Flowerbeds of inverted tires resemble pot-bellied flowerpots of a rounded shape, to create which you will need:

1. Cut out the design of the petals of the flower bed on the top of the tire

Petals can be rectangular, triangular, rounded and even wavy. First, they should be drawn with chalk or soap, and then cut with a sharp knife, hacksaw or electric jigsaw. If you decide to use a knife, we recommend that you moisten it with soapy water during work - it will be easier to overcome the resistance of dense rubber.

Carefully cut out the petals with any sharp cutting tool

2. Turn the tire inside out

Many are interested in how to turn the tire inside out for a flower bed, because this is not an easy task and requires considerable effort. To do this, you need to turn the tire upside down with the side on which we did not cut anything, take hold of the cuts from the bottom with your hands and, pressing on the tread, carefully turn it out. After you've done about half of the tire, flatten it into an oval and easily turn the rest out.

3. Paint the flower bed in a spectacular color

We paint the resulting flower bed in any color that will be in harmony with the rest of the landscape objects of your site. You can stop at a monochromatic color, but multicolored colors will look more impressive, for example, in the form of stripes or a bright pattern.

Flowerpots on a leg - a more difficult option

Let's look at how to make a flower bed out of a wheel. It means that to create a flower bed, we will use a tire with a metal disk in the middle. To do this, put the wheel on a flat surface and cut out the pattern of the petals, reaching the tread with a knife (or other cutting tool).

Then we turn out both the upper and lower parts of the tire without removing the disc. As a result, you will get a kind of flowerpot in the form of a flower on a stem, into which soil is poured and plants are planted.

After that, you need to take care of how to color the flower bed from the wheel. The upper part can be painted in a bright "floral" shade, and the lower part in green. Then a huge rubber flower with living plants in the middle will bloom on your site.

Master level - a flower bed in the form of a swan?

A flowerbed-swan is made similarly to a flowerpot made of tires, the difference is only in a more complex carved pattern. If for a flowerpot-vase it was necessary to form the same type of petals, then here - the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan. We transfer the scheme to the surface of the tire and begin to cut out the figure of a swan. The head and neck are cut out along the black contours, the tail along the red ones, and the wings along the blue ones. After that, the tire turns out in the same way as in the previous two cases.

We make a beak from a piece of rubber (wood, plastic or other material) and paint it with red paint. We put the two halves of the head together, insert the beak between them and fix all parts of the head together with self-tapping screws. We screw the screws on both sides of the head in the places of the future eyes of our swan. Then, so that the screws are not visible, they are closed with the help of two circles cut out of black electrical tape - these will be the eyes. We raise our head straight and up, slightly pressing it into the tire. In this case, a fold is formed, which also needs to be fixed with self-tapping screws.

At the last stage of work, the swan is painted - here you can show your imagination and come up with any color for the plumage of the bird.

"What paint to paint the tires for the flower bed?" - one of those questions that inevitably arise when creating a flower garden from tires. Decorating your own backyard or garden plot is one of the main tasks that the owner of the house faces. At the same time, each of us selects the style and placement of various elements based on individual preferences and our own capabilities. Recently, due to the deteriorating economic situation in the country, decorating and creating elements with your own hands has become especially popular. One of these solutions is to create a flower garden from improvised means. This process contains many nuances and even more questions to be answered.

Car tires and their use in garden design

Creating your own flower garden is a rather complicated and time-consuming task. At the same time, it requires from us a good knowledge of the matter and the manifestation of extraordinary talent, which is the basis of future construction. Any construction, whether it is a residential building or an ordinary flower bed, requires a significant study of all the details and the creation of a plan for future work. You can, of course, purchase a ready-made version of the flower bed and not suffer with its creation and decorative trim. However, such a solution requires significant financial costs, and this may not always be appropriate, especially in today's reality. Based on this, the best option is to create a similar object with your own hands.

When making such a decision, the question inevitably arises, what material to choose for the work. The answer to it is quite simple, since absolutely any waste material, available, is quite capable of concisely merge into such a building. wooden beam, metal sheets, plastic bottles and even car tires - all these materials can harmoniously fit into the project of creating a flower garden and serve as its basis. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the use of car tires, since they are the ideal material for creating an impromptu flower garden, which allows not only to significantly save money, but also to achieve excellent visual characteristics of the object.

The very process of creating a flower bed using a car tire is quite simple, but its decoration requires a responsible approach. After all, the visual perception of the object depends to the greatest extent on the external characteristics of the flower garden and the plants inhabiting it. Tradition of the aesthetic appearance a similar construction can be carried out both by painting the materials underlying the flower bed, and by cutting out various figures and images from the surface of the products. Each of these options is a good enough solution, and all of them can be used both in combination and separately. The resulting images will significantly diversify the garden, as well as give it individuality.

Spring, flowers, the beginning of the summer season ... What do you want to do in the very first days of your arrival at the dacha? Of course, decorate it. The best decoration all suburban areas have always had flower arrangements.

To do this, you can simply buy stereotypical flowerpots and plant them with flowers. But you can put in a little effort and make your site individual and different from everyone else.

Old tires are a wonderful material for such creativity. Instead of throwing them to the curb, you can give them a second chance. Free time, a little imagination - and old car tires will turn your suburban area!

The simplest flower bed- this is the wheel in its original form, laid on the ground and painted with paint. This is a long-bored option for the lazy.

By connecting desire and imagination, you can make such flowerpots and flower beds that it will never even occur to anyone what they are made of.

All these garden architectural forms (pot, flower bed, flower bed) have some differences between themselves:

  • flowerpot- This is a decorative outdoor flower vase where plants are planted. Made from an old wheel and decorated, for example, with mosaics, it will look much more interesting than its plastic counterpart from the store.
  • flower garden- a section of a garden or park planted with ornamental plants. Plants are selected so that they are in harmony with each other. Various terms and time of flowering provide decorativeness of the flower garden all season.
  • Flowerbed- this is one of the types of flower garden, a small area framed and planted with flowers in the form of a pattern. Usually geometric in shape, but you can create a flower bed from the wheels in the shape of a frog, turtle, swan and even a parrot.
  • Which tires are better to choose

    It's great if you have plenty to choose from. Choosing the right old tire will make the job much easier.

    Here are some conditions to consider when choosing:

  • Tread pattern, i.e., the part of the tire that is most in contact with the road should be as worn as possible. Such a tire is much easier to turn inside out.
  • If there is a choice between imported rubber and domestic, then preference should be given to the first. The rubber of imported tires is better and thinner.
  • Winter tires softer than summer therefore, it will be easier for you to cut it.
  • The size of car tires - depends on your preferences and plans. Tires the same size suitable, for example, for creating chamomile flower beds with the same petals or small hanging planters.
  • wheels different diameter can be used for multi-tiered flower beds and creating flower beds in the form of animals.
  • We make a flower bed from a wheel with our own hands

    Consider step by step instructions for the manufacture of flower beds from an old tire:

      1. Start with cleansing tires from dust and dirt. This must be done for the simple reason that working with a dirty surface will dull the tool much faster.
      2. Decide what kind of product your product will have, i.e. what forms will be the edges of your flower bed. They can be rounded or wavy, smooth or with sharp teeth.
      3. The size of the teeth or petals of the flower bed should not be more than 12 cm, otherwise, in the process of eversion, the rubber will not be able to bend enough and the edge of the flower bed will be uneven.
      4. Draw the contours on the side of the tire with chalk or a felt-tip pen. To make the lines even and the petals have the same size, you can use a paper-made stencil. A sharp one is suitable for cutting a tire shoe knife. Even better if the house has jigsaw. With it, cutting curly elements is much easier.
      5. After the curly cut is completed, you can turn a tire inside out. This work is not easy. Dense rubber provides sufficient resistance. The hardest part is turning out the first section. When this can be done, the further process of turning the tire around in a circle will be much easier.

    Attention! If there are no assistants, press each inverted section with your foot so that the tire does not turn out in the opposite direction and you do not have to start all over again.

    Flowerbed decoration

    Agree that black flower beds and flowerpots do not look aesthetically pleasing at all. Pick up bright colors and take care of the design of your product. This is exactly the moment when you need to fully use your imagination. You can combine different colors and shades, as well as apply patterns or geometric patterns.

    Oil paint It will adhere more strongly to the rubber surface if it is pre-primed. This will help smooth out the bumps and roughness of the rubber surface, as well as save paint. Primer GF-021 quite suitable for a rubber surface, and if you add a little PVA glue to it, the coating will become even stronger.

    Advice! Your flower bed will be much more beautiful if you paint not only its outer side, but also the inside.

    The primer is applied with a regular brush and after it dries, you can start painting. Paint in aerosol can will save your time and the whole painting process will take no more than half an hour.

    Various options for decorating flower beds from tires:

  • Flowerbed-frog

  • Turtle flowerbed

  • Multi-tiered flower bed

  • Hanging planters

  • How to choose plants for flower beds

    The flower bed is ready, it remains only to pour fertile soil into it and plant flowers. It can be ampelous(with flexible long shoots) and cascading plants such as pelargonium, petunia or tumbelina. Their long shoots, decorated with flowers, will hang down spectacularly.

    You can create a whole composition consisting of high plants in the middle of the flower bed and undersized along the edges. Undersized marigolds, petunias, pansies are great as background plants.

    As focal plants in the center you can plant phloxes, annual dahlias or flowers that attract attention due to their shape or unusual leaves.

    Having tried your hand at creating a flower bed or a vase, you can start creating more complex figurines and crafts. From old tires you can make flower beds in the shape of a swan, frog, cup, turtle, snail.

    In a word, your imagination and ingenuity will help transform the suburban area and make it more beautiful and interesting.
    How to make flowerpots and pots for petunias with your own hands: simple and original ideas for decorating the garden, step by step photos and videos

    A few decades ago, flowerbeds made of tires could rarely be found on personal plots. Disposal wheel tires so in an unusual way It was carried out only in villages remote from big cities and was of an exclusively practical nature. It was not customary to decorate a flower bed from a wheel or somehow modify the main material that served as a fence for a flower garden.

    Today everything has changed. Man-made fashion interesting details in the decor, it touched not only the interiors of apartments, but also household plots. The flight of fantasy of modern masters of household design is huge. This allows you to create unique compositions that are not only useful in the country, but also giving it a unique style. Such original details can be found in almost every dacha. Among them are flower beds made of tires, which are quite simple to make with your own hands.

    Almost every second person in the country owns a car. Some families have several four-wheeled vehicles. Every car requires periodic tire changes. It's not just about seasonal types of wheels. Modern roads and weather conditions contribute to the fact that the rubber used to make tires quickly becomes unusable.

    The culture of recycling such waste in our country is very poorly developed. Therefore, you can often see a picture when on the outskirts of settlements and in forest belts whole mountains grow from wheel tires.

    Tire flower bed painted in the style of nesting dolls

    Once again, it is not necessary to talk about how much such garbage harms nature. Even schoolchildren know that the half-life of rubber is hundreds of years. Therefore, it is better to take the unnecessary wheel to a collection point, which can be found at the nearest car service, or offer it to a familiar summer resident who knows how to make a flower bed out of a tire with his own hands.

    Advantages of tires as a decorative material

    Tireless seekers of the most original way to decorate a personal plot, more and more often they opt for such an interesting element of decor as a flower bed from a wheel. The most enthusiastic craftsmen willingly share their creations, showing numerous photos in which the floral design of the territory, created with the help of a flowerbed of tires with their own hands, looks unusual, beautiful and harmoniously combined with general design dachas.

    The choice of such material for decorating a flower garden is explained by several factors:

    1. Rubber can serve for a long time in the country.
    2. The material is available, it can be obtained completely free of charge.
    3. Tires are relatively easy to process, can take on a variety of shapes, and can be dyed in a variety of colors.
    4. A flower garden made from car tires allows you to change the design if necessary, because its elements are easy to replace.
    5. A flowerbed of tires does not require special skills and the use of complex tools for its manufacture.

    Types of tire railings for flower beds

    It seems incredible, but the usual rough rubber wheels removed from the car provide a wide field for creativity for a landscape designer. This material allows you to create compositions that are distinguished by a variety of shapes and designs.

    The most famous option, how to make a flower bed out of a tire, is simple and does not require any additional funds. It is enough to take a tire, paint it in desired color, cover with earth and plant ornamental plants in the center of an impromptu flower garden. Such round low single-tier flower beds are suitable for small areas.

    In a large area, it is better to create massive structures. Tires of different sizes allow you to make multi-level compositions that become a bright accent in any garden. Such a bed of tires can be narrow, but high. In this case, the tires are laid out one on top of the other, from largest to smallest, creating a bizarre tower, the top of which is decorated with bright flowers.

    There is another way to create a multi-tiered flower garden. You can choose tires of the same diameter, but put them in a checkerboard pattern, gradually reducing the number of elements used from the bottom up. Each tire in this case will be a miniature flower bed, which will be an integral part of a flowering pyramid.

    Flowerbeds from wheels can have different shape. Most often you can find rubber flowerpots, as well as bizarre figures carved from tires. Animals and birds, fairy-tale characters, flowers, household items - all this can become a decor idea embodied in an ordinary car wheel.

    Another unusual method of creating decorative elements for the garden is suspended structures from tires. They resemble planters and give the whole site a special charm. To create such a flower bed, it is enough to close the bottom of the tire with improvised means so that the earth does not spill out through a wide hole, then you need to hang the finished product with an iron chain or cable to a support. It can be a house wall, a tree or a special metal frame. After that, earth is poured into the finished flower garden, and plants are planted.

    A variety of options for compositions that can be created on the basis of rubber tires open up great scope for creativity and make this material very popular on household plots.

    How to choose and prepare tires for making flower beds?

    Almost any type of tire is suitable for creating individual decor elements in the country. However, there are a few secrets that can greatly facilitate the work with these products:

    1. Winter tires are much better processed, it is more plastic. It is easier to make curly compositions from this type of tires.
    2. To create a bed of tires, it is better to choose the most worn out wheels, they are easily cut. A tire with a worn tread is easier to turn inside out if needed.
    3. Rubber for domestic automobile wheels is rougher and thicker. It's harder to work with her. If there is a choice, import types of tires should be preferred. They are more plastic and allow you to make beautiful compositions with less physical effort and time.

    Before starting work, the materials must be properly washed from dirt and sand. Then it is necessary to mark the future details of the flower garden. This is done with bright markers, chalk or plain soap. The preliminary drawing greatly facilitates the work and guarantees that individual elements will be the same in shape and size.

    After the product is ready, you need to paint it. It is not enough to apply the color composition only to the outer surface of the future flower bed, as some internal areas may also be visible. Therefore, the tire must be painted completely. The color that fits into the overall style of the site is determined in advance.

    Several types of paints are suitable for working with rubber: oil, enamel, automotive. If it is decided to make the flower bed monophonic, you can use an aerosol. This method is very convenient, the paint lays down evenly, giving the surface a rich and bright shade. Patterns and ornaments can also be created using this method using special stencils.

    To avoid small irregularities and prolong the life of the patterns, a thin layer of primer should be applied to the tire before painting. Sometimes PVA glue is added to it, which increases the durability of the pattern.

    How are flower beds made from car tires?

    To work with tires, you will need a minimum set of tools:

    • sharp knife or electric jigsaw;
    • a marker, chalk or soap for marking on which the figure will be cut;
    • wire different thickness for connecting various decorative elements;
    • paints and brushes;
    • gloves.

    Creating an ordinary round single-tier flower bed does not require much time and effort. But if you decide to make a flowerpot or an original rubber figure, you will have to work a little.

    Often you can see flower beds in the form of a tea set or a free-standing mug. To create them, one car tire with a disk is enough. The upper part of the tire is cut across the entire width, the lower part is cut along the diameter of the disk with a small indent. Both received parts are turned inside out.

    The smaller element serves as a stand, on which most of the product is placed in the form of a bowl. On the side, a handle made of wire or other improvised material is attached to it. It remains only to pour the earth and plant the seeds of perennial ornamental plants. Such a flower bed in the form of a tea or coffee cup will decorate any area.

    In a similar way, you can make an original pot or beautiful vase from the wheel. A large number of color options are made from tires turned inside out, cutting out the edges of the product in the form of leaflets of various shapes. To create such decorations on the site, you need tires, paints and an electric jigsaw. Flowerbeds with a figured contour can be made both single-tier and multi-stage, depending on the general idea of ​​landscape design.

    Easy Tire Animal Shape Ideas

    The most popular details for decorating a personal plot have recently become figures of animals, birds and representatives of the underwater world, made from car wheels. The properties of rubber allow you to create quite realistic works that will not only decorate the territory, but will also serve as flower beds or original boxes for seedlings.

    The simplest variants of living creatures made from tires are considered to be a turtle and a spider. Their creation does not require complex work with source material. It is enough to cut the required number of legs from one tire and attach them to another whole wheel. The head of a turtle or spider can be made from an old rubber ball, then draw eyes, nose and mouth on it.

    Schematic images of fairy tale characters are simply made. Often on the plots you can meet Masha and the Bear from the modern cartoon of the same name. The manufacturing technology of such flower beds is simple. The only difficulty is to securely fasten tires of different sizes, which should stand one on top of the other, denoting the torso and head of the hero of the fairy tale.

    The ears and paws of a bear can be made from the remains of a tire used in another product. On the upper wheel, you should draw the muzzle of the animal, and in the central one, which serves as the body, you can plant flowers.

    The most difficult but favorite figures in every garden are swans.

    Their manufacture requires the application of complex markings on the car wheel. The result of painstaking work will depend on its accuracy. The figure of a noble bird is cut out according to a sketch made in advance, and then the tire is turned inside out in such a way that the wings, torso and gracefully curved neck become clearly visible. A wire is used to maintain it in this position. The bird's beak is made from rubber scraps separately and attached to the product at the end of the work.

    It is much easier to make a vertical flower bed in the shape of a dolphin. To do this, an incision is made on the side of the tire. On the one hand, it is sharpened so that it resembles the shape of the nose of this amazing marine mammal, on the other hand, the tail is cut out. In the opposite part of the wheel, a fin made of an oblong piece of medium-sized rubber should be attached. Complete the image with the appropriate color of the tire. Such a flower bed can stand on the ground or be hung on a special frame, resembling a dolphin that has just emerged from the depths of the sea.

    Household things from car wheels in the design of a summer residence

    The fantasy of summer residents knows no bounds, so on personal plots you can see a flower garden in the form of almost any familiar object made of tires. An interesting option- this is a clock. Round form tires allows you to create all kinds of models of such devices. The most popular are flower beds in the form of alarm clocks or wall clock with a fight.

    In both cases, the flowers are planted in a tire turned upside down. Only in the first - the wheel stands on the ground, and in the second - it is hung on the wall of a house or other building, and sometimes it is fixed on a tree branch. The clock hands are made of wire, the dial is applied with paint. Additional elements can be made from any improvised means: from plastic bottles, to wooden bars.

    Flower gardens in the form of round mirrors, vintage telephones, and even tables and chairs - all this can be done from tires with your own hands. Such an activity allows not only beautifully, saving on expensive materials, but also discovering new talents in yourself, including in landscape design.

    Hundreds of times we have seen old car tires filled with earth, in which flowers grow. They stand in dachas in gardens, in old parks and on playgrounds. One thing is for sure: they look ugly. However, with a little imagination and effort, you can make very original and beautiful flower beds from tires. See the most interesting ideas.

    To make these flower gardens from tires pretty and use them to create a decor for a summer cottage, you can apply various methods:

    • they can be dyed in bright colors;
    • various patterns can be cut on them;
    • from them you can make various shapes;
    • You can hang them on the wall or dig them into the ground.

    Craftsmen came up with a wide variety of tire products. You can place some of them in your own garden.

    Wheels suspended on a branch, on a thick rope, are a popular solution not only for creating children's swings, but also for creating flower beds. Choose a place for a flower bed right away. After filling the tire with earth and watering, it will be too heavy to move. It can be placed in the lowest part of the garden or near, then the earth in a pot will "suck" water from the soil.

    The easiest way to create flowerbeds from tires with your own hands is to put it in the right place and fill it with earth in which to plant flowers and ornamental plants.

    A tire bed can be dyed and cut to form a star or flower, or even a swan. This task is more difficult, but gives quite interesting effects.

    Smaller tires can be painted, filled with earth and hung.

    The advantage of tires is that they are durable and can be made into many interesting jewelry. Some drawback is the inability to completely disguise the nature of this subject. No matter what we do with them, it will still be clear that these are tires.

    Therefore, such tire recycling would be appropriate in a summer cottage or in a sandbox, but in a country house in a romantic, English or Japanese style they will not look very harmonious.

    These tire beds, or rather even flower pots, look quite aesthetically pleasing, especially after painting. To do this, you can use wheels from a car, tractor or other vehicle.

    The wheel must be at least 10 cm wide. For example, bicycle wheels are too narrow. You can use tires with or without a cap. If you are using the hood option, the holes in the hood will serve as drainage.
    Work order

    Other Applications

    How larger size wheels, the more earth will fit in it and the larger a flower bed can be made from it. In addition to flower beds, you can also make other decorations and accessories for the garden. For example:

    • Fence. Many of you have probably come across wheeled fences. They can be buried in the ground and make a small fence for the garden or fenced with their help. garden path from gravel. Thanks to them, the gravel will not wake up in the beds, and the earth - on the path.
    • Swing. As a rule, the tire is hung from a chain or rope from a tree. It is very cool and fun if you use an old wheel from a truck or tractor, because then several people, even adults, can take part in the fun and enjoy it at the same time.
    • Furniture. Old wheels are also suitable for making furniture. You can just put two wheels on top of each other, fix them, and then put the tabletop on top and you get a table. If one gets a little more creative, one can also make a chair and even benches.
