Anyone who loves rest in nature (especially not a picnic, and active - hunting, fishing, hiking), knows how relevant a proper bonfire is correct. If you do not drag the brazier, you need to worry about security, so as not to run away from the forest fire and do not feel the criminal. And he to ignite the fire in the snow, and so as not to Gus every minute, and at all the vertex of the skill of the fire. However, experienced travelers know how to build a hearth with the observance of fire safety, so that he burned for a long time, not the tuh even in slush and did not require regular feeding. It is called everyone in different ways: finnish candle, Taiga candle, Indian or Swedish, but the essence remains unchanged. There is even a few ways to make it easily.


The most successful Finnish candle is obtained if you "landed" not far from sawn logs. No effort will be required: pick three sleeves of approximately the same height and diameter, put in a circle to the screen and incite in the middle of the fire. To bonfire burned smoothly and the rooting was the same in all directions, it is required to competently choose a scrabble in height. The Finnish candle holds the longest, the lamps should be long in two diameters. The power of such a fire is enough for a five-liter boiler for a third in one third, and it is not necessary to even hang it - it will rely on the logs themselves. As you burn, the chumbachs as it were for shalashik. If the Bonfire "Finnish Candle" needs you for a long time, at this stage you can support it as the most ordinary, lining of firewood.

If there is benzaw

In the absence of the need for a large focus and the presence of an appropriate tool in the hands of the appropriate tool. A piece of a thick log is taken to half a meter long and will be cut down (not to the end, somewhere on three quarters of the segment). If the diameter of the sleeve is large, you can work chainsaw a little more to get eight "poles". More propilov should not be made, because the already the sector, the faster your Finnish candle will be prohibiting. The log is firmly fixed on the ground (it is possible to peel or leaving the stones), the extracts are laid inside (from its own sawdust, or simply liquid ignition) - and several hours of fire at your service.

Field fashion

Suppose there are no saws, but I need Finnish it in this case? Well, there is an ax in nature in any case. The chorbak closed for this goal is to ourselves, as on ordinary firewood, only slightly prigidize so that the lamps are not too different in thickness. Then they are going to the original log, only around a thick branch - it will be a hearth. Below, closer to Earth, and approximately in the middle of the Finnish candle is dragging, preferably wire - she definitely does not fall. But if it is not, the twine, and a fishing line, and flexible rods are suitable. Especially reliably you need to pull down at the bottom, because in the middle of the lamps will run faster, and without good fixation near the soil your fire will fall apart. The central twig of three-quarters is pulled out from below and drank, after which the Finnish candle is put on the ground. By the way, if the source chumbach is not too massive, you can use this branch as a leg and just stick to the ground.

Manual candle

If there is no nearby (or a suitable dry object for spill, or saws and even a normal ax), then Finnish is somewhat different. There are quite thick porshi in the district, at least centimeters in five diameters, and they are collected in a bundle again around the center branch. The side of the jelia that will be inside, you need to lie a little a knife - it will be better. The remaining manipulations - as when creating "Ficks" from the lane.

Candle Primus

It is used precisely as a stove for cooking. Highlights - as in the manufacture of a campfire with a field in a field. Nuances two:

  1. The initial log must be partially retired from the inside. Alternatively, you can not greet the core, but split it on the haul and clean them already. Such a bonfire is assembled on the snow in the same way, around the branch, but the cavity inside must be made artificially, and the outer walls are closed whenever possible without cracks.
  2. From two opposite sides of the lamps or less trimmed, or stronger put forward upwards, centimeters for five or six. Due to such a design in the center, the fire will bloom with air, and its languages \u200b\u200bwill be directed primarily upwards.

For heating, such a Finnish candle is not suitable - the fire is all focused inside. But the food is preparing much faster.

What can the Finnish Candle come in handy?

In addition to cooking and heating (except for "primus") such a fire is simply indispensable as a lighthouse. Experienced fishermen walking on the evening dawn, leave on the shore as a signal for rapidly - in the dark it can be seen from afar.

It is very convenient when using the Finnish candles and the fact that almost to complete exercise you can easily move from place to place. A considerable plus can be considered the long-term fire: medium sized chumbach gives the light and the heat of four. A maxi-bonfire without additional fuel can perform their functions all night.

If you are not a fan of "wild" tourism and fishing, but love to meet New Year At the cottage, Finnish candles placed along the tracks will bring romance and decorate the garden is not worse than the garlands and Chinese lanterns.

In the campaign or journey "Dickarem", on a picnic or fishing, there is a task of cooking hot food. Someone breeds the sizes of the Koster, someone drags the primus or dry fuel.

I want to introduce you to one old way, more precisely by the device with which you can and cook food, heating or shine the road. According to the legend, it was borrowed from the North American Indians with Colonizers of Christopher Columbus. In view of this, the name "Indian Candle" received.

The principle of an Indian candle is very simple. As in the samovar, the combustion occurs in the furnace, and the thrust provides a pipe. Single mini pepper. But in the Indian candle, the role and fireboxes and pipe performs the fuel itself - a tree, hollow in the middle. The inner walls of the very poleno are burning.

In my tourist experience, I can declare without fear that the Indian Candle is one of the most effective and cheap hot food cooking methods.

Make an Indian candle can anyone in a few minutes.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to borrow any log, with a diameter of 10 cm and more. Up to 30-40 cm. It is necessary without bitch, whatever it could be split enough. The tree view does not matter much, but it is necessary to memorize that resinous trees - "shoot" and give a number of sparks. Operate the candle from the Christmas tree and pine is not recommended for heating. Birch is burning hot and does not shoot, but her fire is strong and need to be careful. In addition, in the birch bark excess tar and fire slightly smoking, especially at the end of the burning. In fact, the perfect candle comes out of a well-dried aspen. It burns extremely smoothly, light and colorless flame.

In any case, it is not bad to exploit the dryer (but not a rot). Otherwise, the candle or its workpiece will have to dry continuously.

So, out of the logs, cut out the blank of 15-40 cm long. When using the candle is planned for cooking, it is easier to take short, but thick blanks. Here you can install the dishes directly on the candle, and it will be firmly standing on the ground. If the lighting is important, then it is better to take the workpiece is authentic and fond. What would be comfortable to wear it. And when it is necessary to heating, it is necessary to take a thick and long billet. Such a candle can burn for many hours.

1. The tree is split along approximately in the middle. Just because it has great importance Use a piece of log without bitch. They are very difficult to split. In case you get a sticky tree - this is generally the best option! This is a ready Indian candle, it is enough for it simply to fill on a piece of 20-30 cm long and scolding the fired inside of the hollow.

With the help of the toporist, the core of the tree is cut down so that after the channel was formed with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

2. Both halves are re-folded and fasten between them in any way. Let's say, with wire, sticky ribbon, nails, glue ... So we got a wooden pipe. It is important to guarantee the minimality of the gaps at the sink connections. Otherwise, right by sim slit candle will progrit.

3. To burn the candle in the pipe, a little birch bark (Berriests) are stuffed. At the same time, it is followed that the unoccupied air access on the pipe would not be blocked, and it will not be thrust. When there are no BERESS, you can use for your own purposes with several messengers. The candle itself is set so that its lower end had a small lumen for air intake. For example, on stones or a couple of lane.

4. Beresto ignites and pushing the tube in the middle of her middle. If it will be in the top of the pipe, the candle will burn lasting, but a weak flame. Such mode will be for heating or warming a minor food. And if to promote Beresto to about the bottom (or to light the candle at the bottom), the candle burns faster, but the fire will be strong. Such mode will be for cooking or lighting.

5. When burning candles, the flame stream is quite simple to set up air access overlapping at the bottom of the candle (say, earth or snow). For cooking, the flame is sufficient at 10-15 cm.

6. The candle can be used as a torch. The tree is a brilliant heat insulator and even if the hot candle can even be free to keep with your hand, lighting the road or put decently torches for illuminating the camp of tourists.

7. For heating of food, maintaining it in a hot condition or for heating it is important to be able to translate the candle to the intensive heating mode. In this case, the candle is smoldering from the inside almost without flame. In this case, it turns out enough hot smoke. This is achieved by overlapping air access to the bottom of the candle.

8. For heating, say, can be canned cans even in winter time, you need a total of a few minutes. Enough to install the jar on the candle so that there remains a small lumen for the exit of smoke. If you need to cook food in a saucepan, it is put on a pair of pinch - pads, like on the burner gas stove. When there is a bowler, it is simply suspended above the candle at an altitude of 5-10 cm.

Sometimes for air access and for the release of gases, they simply make the corresponding cuts on the ends of the candle. But this is perhaps only in a decay with a diameter of 20-25 cm and more. High and thin candles are not stable and do not need to risk.

When using a candle as a heater in a tent, you need to take care of the burning of combustion products.

And perfect proper heating It looks like this. The burning candle is left outside. Over it with a slope is suspended short metal pipe. A higher end pipe is inserted into the tent. The candle heats the pipe and, accordingly, the air in it, which enters the tent. Thus, the tent is heated with hot, but fresh clean air, and not smoke.

Once the candle is not necessary to survive to the end, before her death. As soon as the food is cooked, the candle is quenched by overlapping air access as at the bottom and on top. Let's say, by closing with some non-flammable item can be the cover of the bowler or a wet cloth embroider. Thus, with the help of one Indian candle, you can cook food several times.

Undoubtedly, such a candle is much harder to primus or dry fuel package. But dry fuel is quite expensive. And unlike the preims, it is necessary to drag in both ends of the trip, as well as bother with smelly kanishly combustible for him, the candle has a ticket one-way. She dies, providing us with hot food, warm and light.

But with automotive or other motorized travels on wild, and especially flavored and mountainous places - the candle will serve you faithfully. Spend some time on its manufacture and you will always be and fed and warmed.

In the campaign or journey "Dickarem", on a picnic or fishing, there is a task of cooking hot food. Someone breeds the sizes of the Koster, someone drags the primus or dry fuel.

I want to introduce you to one old way, more precisely by the device with which you can and cook food, heating or shine the road. According to the legend, it was borrowed from the North American Indians with Colonizers of Christopher Columbus. In view of this, the name "Indian Candle" received.

The principle of an Indian candle is very simple. As in the samovar, the combustion occurs in the furnace, and the thrust provides a pipe. Single mini pepper. But in the Indian candle, the role and fireboxes and pipe performs the fuel itself - a tree, hollow in the middle. The inner walls of the very poleno are burning.

In my tourist experience, I can declare without fear that the Indian Candle is one of the most effective and cheap hot food cooking methods.

Make an Indian candle can anyone in a few minutes.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to borrow any log, with a diameter of 10 cm and more. Up to 30-40 cm. It is necessary without bitch, whatever it could be split enough. The tree view does not matter much, but it is necessary to memorize that resinous trees - "shoot" and give a number of sparks. Operate the candle from the Christmas tree and pine is not recommended for heating. Birch is burning hot and does not shoot, but her fire is strong and need to be careful. In addition, in the birch bark excess tar and fire slightly smoking, especially at the end of the burning. In fact, the perfect candle comes out of a well-dried aspen. It burns extremely smoothly, light and colorless flame.

In any case, it is not bad to exploit the dryer (but not a rot). Otherwise, the candle or its workpiece will have to dry continuously.

So, out of the logs, cut out the blank of 15-40 cm long. When using the candle is planned for cooking, it is easier to take short, but thick blanks. Here you can install the dishes directly on the candle, and it will be firmly standing on the ground. If the lighting is important, then it is better to take the workpiece is authentic and fond. What would be comfortable to wear it. And when it is necessary to heating, it is necessary to take a thick and long billet. Such a candle can burn for many hours.

1. The tree is split along approximately in the middle. Just because it is of great importance to use a piece of log without bitch. They are very difficult to split. In case you get a sticky tree - this is generally the best option! This is a ready Indian candle, it is enough for it simply to fill on a piece of 20-30 cm long and scolding the fired inside of the hollow.

With the help of the toporist, the core of the tree is cut down so that after the channel was formed with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

2. Both halves are re-folded and fasten between them in any way. Let's say, with wire, sticky ribbon, nails, glue ... So we got a wooden pipe. It is important to guarantee the minimality of the gaps at the sink connections. Otherwise, right by sim slit candle will progrit.

3. To burn the candle in the pipe, a little birch bark (Berriests) are stuffed. At the same time, it is followed that the unoccupied air access on the pipe would not be blocked, and it will not be thrust. When there are no BERESS, you can use for your own purposes with several messengers. The candle itself is set so that its lower end had a small lumen for air intake. For example, on stones or a couple of lane.

4. Beresto ignites and pushing the tube in the middle of her middle. If it will be in the top of the pipe, the candle will burn lasting, but a weak flame. Such mode will be for heating or warming a minor food. And if to promote Beresto to about the bottom (or to light the candle at the bottom), the candle burns faster, but the fire will be strong. Such mode will be for cooking or lighting.

5. When burning candles, the flame stream is quite simple to set up air access overlapping at the bottom of the candle (say, earth or snow). For cooking, the flame is sufficient at 10-15 cm.

6. The candle can be used as a torch. The tree is a brilliant heat insulator and even if the hot candle can even be free to keep with your hand, lighting the road or put decently torches for illuminating the camp of tourists.

7. For heating of food, maintaining it in a hot condition or for heating it is important to be able to translate the candle to the intensive heating mode. In this case, the candle is smoldering from the inside almost without flame. In this case, it turns out enough hot smoke. This is achieved by overlapping air access to the bottom of the candle.

8. For heating, let's say, can be canned cans even in winter, you need a total of a few minutes. Enough to install the jar on the candle so that there remains a small lumen for the exit of smoke. If it is necessary to prepare food in a saucepan, it is put on a pair of pinch - pads, like a gas stove on the burner. When there is a bowler, it is simply suspended above the candle at an altitude of 5-10 cm.

Sometimes for air access and for the release of gases, they simply make the corresponding cuts on the ends of the candle. But this is perhaps only in a decay with a diameter of 20-25 cm and more. High and thin candles are not stable and do not need to risk.

When using a candle as a heater in a tent, you need to take care of the burning of combustion products.

And absolutely correct heating looks approximately so. The burning candle is left outside. A short metal pipe is suspended above it. A higher end pipe is inserted into the tent. The candle heats the pipe and, accordingly, the air in it, which enters the tent. Thus, the tent is heated with hot, but fresh clean air, and not smoke.

Once the candle is not necessary to survive to the end, before her death. As soon as the food is cooked, the candle is quenched by overlapping air access as at the bottom and on top. Let's say, by closing with some non-flammable item can be the cover of the bowler or a wet cloth embroider. Thus, with the help of one Indian candle, you can cook food several times.

Undoubtedly, such a candle is much harder to primus or dry fuel package. But dry fuel is quite expensive. And unlike the preims, it is necessary to drag in both ends of the trip, as well as bother with smelly kanishly combustible for him, the candle has a ticket one-way. She dies, providing us with hot food, warm and light.

But with automotive or other motorized travels on wild, and especially flavored and mountainous places - the candle will serve you faithfully. Spend some time on its manufacture and you will always be and fed and warmed.
Source -

This is a wooden device, with which in the field you can make food, and heated or illuminate yourself. According to the legend, the colonizers of Christopher Columbus were seen and borrowed from the North American Indians. That is why the Indian candle got the name, and now it is also called it - a wooden primus, Swedish fire, Finnish candle and the like. On the peculiarities of manufacturing and inciting such a Finnish candle and will be discussed below.

For such a Finnish candle, as in the photo below, with a diameter of 8 cm and 10 cm long, it will take about 15-20 minutes to manufacture, and it will work for 30-35 minutes. During this time, due to a good efficiency, this wooden primus allows you to boil up to 2.5 liters of water. And in general in such small sizes This product is controversial and an amateur. Much more efficiently for the work of the Finnish candle will be the diameter of 12 cm at a length of 18 cm. However, in this case, the dimensions were selected based on the fact that there was only a knife. Make something more would be possible, but somewhat difficult.

Tree variety from which will be made of wooden primus of particular has no. However, it should be remembered that such as spruce or during burning "shoot" and give a lot of sparks, so the use of such a Finnish candle for heating will not be quite comfortable and comfortable. Birch burns well and hot, not "shoots", but she has a little smoking, especially at the end of the burning. The dry aspen is most suitable, which burns smooth and colorless flame. In any case, in the manufacture of Indian candles, it is necessary to use if possible, as dry, but not a rotten tree.

Features of the manufacture of wooden primus, Indian candle, Finnish candle.

The external proportions of the Finnish candle depends on the intended use - for example, for cooking the most suitable, but thick, but thick, for lighting - the long and thin so that it was comfortable to wear. But for heating - fat and long, it will burn for several hours. The process of manufacturing a wooden primus itself is very simple. First we spill the workpiece of the desired length.

We split the wooden rounding in half and then half once again in half. I would like to notice that it is not necessary to split the workpiece into four parts at all. The smaller the slots will be the same later, the Indian candle will progrit. However, cut the core of two halves of the workpiece for a long time, more tediously and more difficult than cutting the corners of Quarters.

Cut the core from Quarters and make notches on them so that it is like that.

Tightly connect the wires of the wooden quarters of our future Finnish candle, seeking as much as possible fitting them to each other, and press the middle of small pieces of barks, lady or remaining with planing sawdust so that it is not blocked by the free passage of air through the channel, otherwise There will be thrust. If there is an opportunity, the Indian candle should be installed on stones or hauls, so that its lower end has a small gap for air access. If not, it should be cut in advance at the bottom of the workpiece with a small side duct.

Small video of the finished Finnish candle.

Features of incitement of a wooden primus, Indian candle, Finnish candle.

Groide the manufactured wooden primus. It should be borne in mind that if the main focus of the fire focuses in the upper part of the Indian candle channel, then it will burn for a long time, but weak flame, and if you have a light flame, it burns faster, but the flame will be strong. The problem of incitement requires some skills and practices, but every time it will be faster.

Small video inciting wooden primus.

Adjusting the strength of the flame of a wooden primus, american candle, Finnish candle.

Wooden primus flame force is enough to simply adjust the air flow overlap below. For cooking, the height of the flame is 8-10 cm. When using the Finnish candle as a torch, it is even strongly burning, you can keep the tree a good thermal insulator.

Small video combustion of wooden primus ..

With a complete blocking of air access to the bottom of the Indian candle, it goes into the intensive heating mode, which is convenient for heating already ready, but cooled food. In addition, the Indian candle is not necessary to survive from the beginning to the end. As soon as it disappears, it disappears simply by overlapping air access at the same time and from above. But for example, the same wooden primus, but made in larger sizes.

In the campaign or simply on vacation a bonfire from a log can perform not one function, such as lighting, heating, or cooking, scaring animals, and at the same time several. It is possible to regret it in a traditional or exotic way, while the tools are needed the most elementary. In addition, such a type of fire, like the Finnish candle (other names of Indian, Swedish, wood primus) replaces the tripod for Kazan.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of Finnish candles

Before making a Finnish candle, prepare a saw, wire or sticky ribbon., Nails and log, which will be candles. And then for the manufacture of Indian candles, follow the instructions:

1. Find a dry log in diameter of 10-40 cm without bitch. A tree can be any, just consider that each view has its own characteristics. For example, the Christmas tree and pine on burning sparkle, so it is better not to take them for heating. We need to be with a birch, because it burns very much, you can burn, and smoking a little about the designer located in the crust. Best option - Well dried aspen. When burning her flame smooth and colorless.

2. Cut it depending on the purpose of the candle (15-40 cm). If the fire will be breeding for cooking, take the log in the thick and short, so that you can put the dishes directly on it. Candle will be stable. For lighting, on the contrary, there will be a long and thin candle, which can be transferred if necessary. And for heating is needed fat and long to burn for a long time.

3. Coline into four parts dry log. Of these, the Swedish fire will be gathering.

4. In each part, remove the middle so that when assembling the logs it turned out a hole with a diameter of 5-7 cm, and make small serifs. Perfect optionIf you find a sticky tree. You will need to squeeze the fired middle of the heap after cutting or ringing.

5. Fold 4 fully in a single log, swinging them with wire, trying to leave the slots as little as possible. So they will not break down and will not quickly burn through large gaps. Thus, you should have a one-piece log with an empty middle.

6. In the resulting opening for incitement, put the sawdust, which remained after stump of the middle or bark. The filling of the wooden primus and its location affects the degree of burning. Located at the top of the opening, the berst will burn for a long time, only weakly. Such a candle is more suitable for heating food or for heating. Well, if Beresto put on the bottom, the fire will be very strong, which is good for cooking or lighting, but the candles are not enough for a long time. Optimal option is her stay in the middle. Also watch the burning traction. For this candle put on stones or lamps.

That's the whole instruction how to make a taiga candle.

Now you can use a Swedish fire, which will be very convenient for cooking. Convenience lies in the possibility of setting up the strength of the flame, breaking the air access from below with a lid, earth, snow and other things. Food will be prepared for hot smoke, because the bonfire Finnish candle will smooth from the inside, and not burn.

Hello, dear users of this website. In the yard summer. The most convenient and good time for trips to nature, on picnics, fishing. In general - most best time For active leave.

Each time, leaving in nature, many people take a bunch of wood or coals with them, on which food will be prepared. Not always at the venue you can find a dry dry to use it as fuel material. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make the so-called Finnish candle. It is good for the fact that for her manufacture does not need a lot of time and it burns long enough. For the manufacture of such a thing, you will need only a piece of log, drill with a drill and chainsaw.

The author of this master class initially took a small log and confused on it to be comfortable to cut. To do this, he drills the hole in a shorter blobach, drives the stick and in the second, a longer log also makes the hole. Little Fubbach and Long and already saws. This is how it happens and what it turns out.

Further, it takes a conventional paraffin candle and rolls the pearani pertils from the inside.

Then he takes a newspaper, a few centimeters longer than the depth of the slot in the log and crush the candle chips into it. The edges also cry out the molten paraffin. The resulting detail inserts a chumbachk slot.

Then this wick is ignited and the candle flares up.

This is just one of the options. Usually, in nature, I am friends, having made a blank of a candle, thicker logs and any candles with a phytylene. Excessive spending time. In our slots, small wood chips are embanked in nature, dry grass and is set on fire. Much faster and more convenient. The author, according to him, this candle is burning no more than half an hour. And the time of manufacture twenty minutes. In our case - the manufacture time is not more than five minutes. And burning longer. But it depends on the thickness of the log. It is installed simply - either itself, if the bottom of the log is wide enough, or is added to the ground. Grabs and ear to cook and boil the tea. So that's the case. But in general, a fairly comfortable and useful thing. Save time and strength!

The Swedish or Finnish Candle is a simple and convenient alternative to the trinity with a kitel or in general in a stationary street oven.

Let's talk about such a simple, but very effective method Build a fire, a real torch for lighting and cooking, like a Swedish candle. This method has other names: "Finnish Primus", "Hunting Candle", "Indian Candle", "Canadian Torch". The option is simple, but very interesting.

How to make a Finnish Primus

For the Finnish Primus, candles are not needed at all! All that is required to create a Swedish candle - a suitable trimming of a log, is fully.

Wood for such an original hearth can be any. According to the reviews, pine and spruce are often used as the most available optionsHowever, these tree breeds sparkle during burning, caution should be taken. Bereza burns very much and smoking at the same time. But the aspen is the perfect tree for the Swedish candle.

A piece of wood is needed a height of the half-meter height, although sometimes takes it a little higher or lower. The main thing is that it was smooth, it might stand vertically. The diameter of the Pole can be from 10 to 40 cm.

Dimensions are fully dependent on what purpose you will use it. If you want to cook on an open fire, it is possible to take a thicker, but relatively short, stable. For lighting it will be customized with higher, but more subtle, it can be transferred if necessary.

Important! A slice of a log must be dry! Wet Polysee burns very badly, heavily smokes, most likely, the fire will not turn out at all.

In the pole make cuts using chainsaws. You can use a conventional saw, but the process will be much more long, you will have to make more effort. Cuts must be about three quarters from the height of the PLAN. They are made crosswise. It is very similar to the cutting of the cake, the pieces of top look like this.

How much to make cuts - to solve you. Four is a minimum, you can do six, and eight. Remember that the more cuts, the faster your crawl burns!

To start the combustion process, we advise to splash into the center of propyl a little gasoline, and then set fire. The Swedish candle is burning much more economical than a conventional fire. Long, the flame is even, and you can put the kettle, butter, frying pan. Just time to cook food on live fire.

The second way to make a Swedish candle - saw, split the chumbach completely into four parts. The core is slightly removed so that empty space remains inside. Then four are folded again into one log, secure, wedged with wire. In this case, the hole can be put in the hole in the center, which will serve for extractors.

To make a Swedish candle or Finnish Primus on its own very simple, although you can buy blanks with cuts if you go to nature and are not sure that you can find the right hand in the forest.

Simple, but comfortable, bright and long burning fire can be built on any flat site, sometimes put on stones or another stand.

With the help of a Swedish or Taiga candle, even kebabs are prepared. We are confident that you will appreciate this option to create a focus, especially if they are often chosen on nature. However, during a picnic in his own yard, you can also surprise guests in this way of breeding a fire. Published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Long before the appearance on the sale of hiking candles, made of logs, impregnated with oil or diesel, we, almost every trip with a long parking lot in one place, made the same ones. Call such a candle in different ways: and Swedish fakl, I. Indian candle, I. Taiga fire And a bunch of all sorts of options and is used both for lighting and cooking.

They say that in Sweden they appeared in the 17th century during a long war, when soldiers used them as effective method Always have in the field with itself heat, light and fire for cooking. The Indian option was invented by the North American Indians before Christopher Columbus. Anyone will not make a special difficulty. The main thing is to find a suitable log and have a chainsaw, saw or ax.

Beautiful torches who like everyone without exception, especially children, will delight you with their light all evening. If you make a torch of confusion, it can be easily carried without difficulty, without fearing to burn your hands. And for the preparation, it is better to use a low candle with a diameter of 10 cm.

Breed different breeds They have the following properties: resinous trees crack and shoot, as well as highlight many sparks. Candle of ate or pine will give a little heat. But birch is burning perfectly, it is hot and does not shoot. Fire from birch strong and requires some caution when cooking. In addition, she is flying a lot in the crust and she smokes slightly, especially at the end of the combustion. But the perfect tree of wood for the candle is the dried aspen, the burning is quite smooth, and its flame is colorless and light. In any situation, it is better to use a dry, the main thing is not rotten. Otherwise, the split log for making a candle will need to dry.

So, we take a suitable in diameter and a log in your taste. The height for the torch does not play a special role, but the diameter is better to choose such that it stands calmly and did not fall, although if desired, it can be just inserted into the ground. For cooking, short and thick logs will be better fit: there will be a better tableware and it will be possible not to fear that the candle will turn over.

With the help of a chainsaw from one end log, we make deep cuts on 4-8 parts.

The difference between the Indian candle from Swedish is that the log is not saw, but they split the ax along in the middle also into several parts. Then, with the help of the ax, cut the core to turn out to be a channel in 5-7 cm with a diameter. The halves are folded and tightly fasten with a rope, wire, tape or glue. In general, what is at hand. The main thing is that there is a minimum of cracks, otherwise the fire MiG will burn the entire candle.

Fall inside the oil or diesel fuel, if there is nothing, then they just put inside the Beresto, sinters or dry grass. Installing an Indian candle in such a way as not to block the craving from the bottom, otherwise the fire will not. With this traction, by the way, the flame value is adjustable. It is necessary to reduce - simply overlapping the access of the air from the bottom, with the help of the Earth, for example. Swedish candle burns due to access of air from the gaps.

Swedish Candle, Taiga Candle, Indian Candle, Finnish Candle, Swedish Fire, Swedish Primus And many other names - wears the simplest, but interesting and popular device that is easy to make independently, however, successfully sold in stores at prices from 170 rubles per product.

What is Swedish fire?

Swedish fire, burning log - as seen from the name is a way of breeding a fire from Polynen. The combustion time of this is PLAN - 1 ... 1.5 hours. It is suitable for the frying of something in a pan of the delivered licenses. Great for picnic, departure on nature and fishing.

Swedish fire is a dry clip (from birch or coniferous wood) with a diameter of 25-30 cm, with a height of 40-50 cm. Called longitudinally, the cross is cut into a cross for 70-80% of length, so that 10-20 cm remains unchanged.

In the center of the Polyn, you can additionally choose wood, in order to make it easier to place a flammable substance, the so-called, extracts are washed paper, fabric, chips, wood bark and so on.

After the crawling turns around from the extracts and stabilizes the flame, you can put a frying pan on it, hanging the pot or cauldron over it.

Benefits of Swedish Fire:

  • High flame temperature
  • Small size
  • There is no need to "put the firewood",
  • Long burning time.
Swedish fire production in numbers: business plan

The cost of birch forest-rounding on firewood, with a diameter of 30 cm and 6 meters long, from 900 rubles per cubic meter. One log is about 0.75 m³.

We assume that you will take 100 logs. The cost of this party is 67 500 rubles. From 100 logs you will receive 1200 lane, each length 50 cm. Simple and rapid actions, gun gasons, you will get the Swedish candles from them. Wholesale price of finished Swedish fire - 90..100 rubles, retail - from 180 rubles. Thus, by implementing a batch wholesale - you will get 120 000 rublesBy realizing retail - 216,000 rubles.

Net profit, at least 2 times more initial costs.

Sure, this species Business is extremely seasonal and cannot be independent. But like seasonal earnings or extension of business on firewood - a great business idea.
