Rhodiola is a plant native to the cold mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. It is known as arctic or golden root of rhodiola rosea and its scientific name is rhodiola rosea. It is used as a food additive.

The main beneficial property of Rhodiola is to help the body adapt to physical, chemical and environmental stress.

How to take Rhodiola Rosea

For cooking medicines use the root of Rhodiola rosea. Its extract is available in liquid, capsule, tablet, or tea form. Most often, tablets are preferred because they have an accurate dosage.

It is best to take Rhodiola on an empty stomach, but not at bedtime, as it stimulates the nervous system. The optimal dose of Rhodiola to relieve symptoms of stress, fatigue, or depression is 400-600 mg per day.

Dose 200-600 mg. per day is considered effective and safe. The individual dosage of Rhodiola depends on the state of health, weight and age.

The effectiveness of the extract does not increase with increasing dosage, and exceeding the recommended norms will make the intake useless, causing side effects.

In addition to the usual intake of tablets, capsules or liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea, you can diversify the menu with the help of a plant. Add tincture or powder to different dishes. Rhodiola is often added to yogurt, smoothies, coffee, pudding, and tea. You can take rhodiola root with a healthy fat, such as coconut oil, to help absorb the nutrients.

Composition of Rhodiola Rosea

The root of Rhodiola rosea contains 140 biologically active components. Roots and rhizomes contain organic acids - citric, oxalic and malic.

Rhodiola is rich in carbohydrates in the form of fructose and glucose. It contains rosavin and salidroside, aromatic compounds and essential oils. The plant also boasts flavonoids, tannins and beneficial nutrients.

Rhodiola rosea has become famous as a drug to combat fatigue and the effects of stress. However, this is not its only property. The plant has a positive effect on the condition of all organs.

For muscles

The use of Rhodiola rosea improves the efficiency of physical exercises. The plant increases endurance, enabling the muscles to cope with a more intense load. Rhodiola root reduces perceived tension, making it popular with athletes.

For nerves and brain

Rhodiola is known as an adaptogen, or a natural substance that increases the body's resistance to stress. The use of adaptogens during times of stress helps to cope with them better, relieving fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety.

Depression impairs the performance of the body. It occurs when chemical substances in the brain, called neurotransmitters, become unbalanced. To correct this imbalance, antidepressants are prescribed. Rhodiola has the same effect as antidepressants, but has less side effects.

Rhodiola root is a powerful nootropic. It improves cognitive abilities, including memory, associative thinking, calculation, concentration, and mental work ability.

For the lungs

The use of Rhodiola in medicinal purposes common in Mongolia. Despite its adaptogenic properties, rhodiola root has been used to relieve symptoms of lung conditions such as coughs, asthma, and other respiratory infections.

For the gastrointestinal tract

One of the benefits of Rhodiola is that it helps the body burn stored fat for fuel faster. Its root, combined with moderate physical activity, destroys visceral or internal abdominal fat, the accumulation of which is dangerous to health. This is due to rosavin, which stimulates lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat.

For the hormonal system

Rhodiola helps maintain normal levels of cortisol in the body. When the hormone cortisol remains high for a long time, such as from emotional or physical stress, it can cause thyroid disease. Thus, by using Rhodiola rosea, you can avoid some diseases and maintain the health of the endocrine system.

For skin

For immunity

The substance slidroside, present in the composition of the root of Rhodiola rosea, stops the growth of cancer cells. Bladder, colon, breast and liver. Thus, Rhodiola is useful in the treatment of many types of cancer.

Rhodiola rosea has been shown to be beneficial for people who are about to undergo chemotherapy. Taking an extract from its root reduces heart damage caused by Epirubicin, the drug used in the procedure.

Rhodiola rosea tincture has been used in folk herbal medicine since ancient times and has long been recognized in official medicine. This is an excellent tonic, a panacea for many diseases. Prices for the extract (alcohol tincture) of Rhodiola rosea are very low, and it is sold without a prescription; for those who like to prepare their own medicine, we will tell you about this plant and how to make and how to take the tincture.

Rhodiola rosea in folk medicine

The list of diseases in which Rhodiola rosea (another name is golden root) helps is very impressive. Decoction and tincture of rhizomes treat diarrhea, headache, fever. They are used for scurvy, overwork, reduced performance, poor appetite. Preparations of this plant heal from respiratory infections, anemia, malaria, nervous diseases. In addition, they are drunk to treat liver diseases, toothache and headaches, jaundice and for problems with the lungs. These drugs are also believed to improve hearing.

Remember! Rhodiola products are also used externally: for abscesses, wounds, conjunctivitis, various rashes, for the treatment and strengthening of the gums. A decoction of the aerial part of the plant is useful for the treatment of trachoma.

The golden root came to our pharmacology from the east. In Tibetan folk medicine it has been used and continues to be used cardiovascular diseases, with bone fractures, with oxygen starvation, and as an antipyretic. In Tibet, rhodiola has also found application in veterinary medicine - its decoction is given to weakened and emaciated animals. In Altai, it is also considered a universal remedy: it is used to treat nervous diseases, uterine bleeding, fever and other ailments.

Rhodiola rosea in scientific medicine

In the Russian official pharmaceutical industry, the tincture (extract) of the roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea also has a wide range of applications: for hypotension, neurosis, overwork, for vegetovascular dystonia, impotence, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, adnexitis, mastopathy, trachoma, as well as for rehabilitation after illnesses.

Rhodiola tincture has a beneficial effect on the body in many ways:

  • Increases mental performance.
  • Stimulates memory.
  • Improves resistance to adverse effects.
  • Improves the function of the reproductive system.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries.

plant description

Rhodiola rosea - low, not higher than half a meter herbaceous plant, perennial. It has powerful roots and rhizomes. The leaves are oblong, green. Flowers are usually yellow, rarely reddish. Rhodiola rosea got its name not for its color, but because of the smell at the break of the rhizome, reminiscent of the smell of a rose. Grows in areas with a cold and temperate climate. It is undemanding to light and heat, but needs a sufficient amount of moisture, and prefers running water. Rhodiola blooms in June and July. Harvest the roots in late summer - early autumn; this is due to the task of preserving the population of the plant, and therefore harvesting begins when the seeds have already begun to crumble.

Good to know! It should be remembered that the plant is listed in the Red Book, so it is better to grow it in the garden or on suburban area. The golden root propagates both by seeds and vegetatively. By the way, it is quite possible to grow it as ornamental plant- Rhodiola looks quite original and beautiful.

Harvesting roots

  1. Dig up the plant from the ground.
  2. Cut off the unnecessary part (leave the roots and rhizomes)
  3. To clear from the earth, to wash out.
  4. Remove hardened crust, rotten parts.
  5. Dry in a shady place.
  6. Cut the roots lengthwise and dry in a dryer or in a low-heated oven. The color of a properly dried root is golden, on the cut it is white, light pink or light brown.
  7. Place in linen bags or paper bags. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Instructions for preparing the tincture

  1. 50 g of dried roots and rhizomes finely chopped with a knife or chopped with a grater.
  2. Place the raw material in a glass, preferably dark, bottle and pour 40% alcohol (vodka) in an amount of 400 ml.
  3. Leave the mixture for two weeks. It is recommended to shake the vial periodically (every two or three days).
  4. Strain.

Ready tincture - when proper preparation a dark fragrant liquid is obtained - store in a cool place.

Mode of application

  • Rhodiola rosea tincture is taken 2-3 times a day before meals - 20-25 minutes before meals.
  • Reception time: first half of the day (last reception no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime).
  • Single dose: 5-10 drops, which are diluted in a small (about 50 ml) amount of water.
  • Duration of treatment: 10-20 days. (For psychiatric diseases - up to 50-60 days.)

An aqueous solution of the tincture is also suitable for external use - treating wounds, rashes, washing eyes (weak solution), gargling.


  • Excited or nervous state.
  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Feverish state.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children's age - up to 12 years.
  • Care should be taken to take the tincture for people with constantly high blood pressure, prone to excessive excitability, suffering from sleep disorders.

Attention: possible side effects- headache, insomnia, nervous excitement, increased blood pressure. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to change the dosage or stop taking the medication altogether.

Other golden root preparations


Recipe: pour 1 tsp into an enamel bowl per liter of boiling water. crushed root. Boil for 10 minutes, cool at room temperature.

Dosage: drink this decoction in a glass or half a day. This drink helps well during the period of spring beriberi, helps prevent colds, in which, by the way, it is useful for them to gargle. You can wash your face with a decoction of the aerial part of Rhodiola - according to some reviews, this improves complexion and eliminates skin microdefects.

By the way, in addition to this, to improve the condition of the skin, you can use chamomile tincture.

Broth prefabricated

Take in equal proportions: Rhodiola root, zamanihi, rose hips and hawthorn. Finely chopped mixture (1 tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Insist 3-4 hours, strain before use. Add water to the liquid - up to 1 cup. Take 1/4-1/3 cup three times a day. The decoction perfectly improves immunity, improves resistance to infections.

Remember! In addition, you can use echinacea tincture, which is also great for boosting immunity.


Pour 10 grams of root with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours; strain before use. Take 100 ml three times a day. Useful in heart weakness and nervous diseases.

Team tea

Herbal tea (infusion) with rhodiola is also highly praised. For him, they take in equal proportions the leaves of strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, St. John's wort flowers, cinquefoil, thyme grass and golden root. Tea is infused in a thermos for an hour, pouring boiling water in a ratio of 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture per liter of water. Such tea with a pleasant spicy taste (honey or sugar is also added to it) has a tonic property, gives strength in painful and weakened conditions, and helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparations from Rhodiola are used not only for treatment. They are also useful for absolutely healthy people, especially during periods of great physical exertion, fatigue, just a bad mood, as they give strength and help overcome despondency. However, you should not abuse them, so as not to get the side effects mentioned earlier.

We remind you that the tincture of Rhodiola rosea, as well as its decoction and infusion, as well as other tonic and stimulating drugs, should be taken no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime. And do not forget to ask the opinion of your doctor before starting treatment.

The healing properties of Rhodiola rosea and contraindications to its use are important to know for everyone who wants to improve their well-being without resorting to synthetic drugs. In its composition, the plant contains a large amount of antioxidants, collagen synthesis enhancers, and immune system stimulants. In addition, it can stabilize the state nervous system relieving fatigue and relieving stress. However, the remedy has a small list of contraindications, for example, it is not recommended to take Rhodiola for people with high blood pressure.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea (second, more famous name- golden root) affects almost all systems human body. The complex effect is due to the rich composition of the plant, it is able to increase arterial pressure, stimulate the production and secretion of bile, improve heart function. Rhodiola rhizome contains substances that affect the composition of the blood, helping to stop bleeding and saturate tissues with oxygen. Also, funds based on this medicinal plant tone the whole body, help to cope with overwork.

The golden root is used for the rapid healing of wounds, burns, and the treatment of various kinds of inflammation. The plant has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract - increases appetite, improves digestion, and stabilizes metabolism. In addition, it has an antipyretic and antihistamine effect, which allows it to be used for various diseases and allergic reactions. Also, the tool is able to increase the acuity of hearing and improve human vision.

Rhodiola rosea tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a tonic effect on the entire body. In practice, it is often used to combat tuberculosis and skin diseases. In addition, it contributes to the speedy fusion of bones in fractures.

Means based on the golden root are used not only inside, they can also be used as an external application. Lotions, trays and baths are most often made.

For men and women

A large percentage of men cannot cope with the pace of modern life, as a result of which they are constantly in a state of stress and fatigue. These factors contribute to the development of psychogenic impotence. That is, there are no problems at the anatomical and physiological level, but a man cannot fully enjoy communication with his second half.

Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to stress, improves overall well-being, gives strength. As a result, all the problems associated with sex life men, the intimate area becomes more sensitive, and after stimulation, a stable erection quickly occurs.

This is interesting: golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications

Women often suffer from heavy discharge during menstruation, dysfunctional bleeding, and menstrual irregularities. These problems are most often associated with an imbalance in the hormonal background, which is constantly changing. To bring it back to normal, it is recommended to take funds based on the golden root. They will reduce blood loss, stabilize hormones and the menstrual cycle, and improve overall well-being.

It is also recommended to take medicines from the extract of Rhodiola rosea during menopause. At this time, women feel a breakdown, complain of headaches, pressure surges, hot flashes. The golden root will help minimize discomfort.

In addition, Rhodiola will help restore the body's strength after childbirth, increase the flow of milk, and reduce the amount of discharge. Reception of the golden root in the postpartum period is the prevention of depression, which often occurs some time after the birth of the baby.

For children

Children are allowed to use a medicinal plant only after consulting a pediatrician, in addition, it is not recommended to give radiol to babies in the first year of life.

Impact on the child's body:

  • stimulates active games;
  • improves memory;
  • helps to concentrate;
  • used for the complex treatment of angina;
  • reduces toothache;
  • improves digestion.

External reception of the plant accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions.

The use of Rhodiola rosea

A perennial plant has a versatile positive effect on the body, so it is used in various fields of medicine:

  • oncology - inhibits the growth and development of tumor formations;
  • therapy, pediatrics - knocks down high temperature;
  • allergology - struggles with the manifestations of allergies;
  • geriatrics - improves memory, promotes a surge of strength;
  • gynecology, obstetrics - minimizes blood loss;
  • cosmetology - stimulates collagen synthesis.

Sleep also improves, blood pressure rises, a person becomes more efficient, resistant to stressful situations.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the golden root is used for external and internal use. It is often added to creams that fight age-related skin changes. The plant does not act aggressively, therefore it is suitable for sensitive girls.

Regular use of cosmetics with Rhodiola rosea has a positive effect on the skin:

  • moisturizes the skin;
  • slows down the changes associated with aging;
  • leaves an imperceptible film that protects against the negative effects of sunlight;
  • increases elasticity;
  • relieves inflammation.

Rubbing the skin with golden root tincture clears acne and tightens pores, preventing them from clogging.

The use of tinctures, decoctions or teas inside also helps to improve the condition of the skin, slow down aging.

In folk medicine

Used in folk medicine different types medicines, which include the golden root:


Pour a tablespoon of dry root with 300 ml of boiling water, wrap it carefully with a warm cloth and infuse for four hours. After the specified time, strain the mixture and refrigerate. Drink 100 ml three times a day, preferably shortly before meals.

Tincture (extract)

In the form of an extract, Rhodiola rosea can be bought at a pharmacy, but if you have a dry root, you can cook it at home. To do this, you need to take 50 g of finely chopped root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and set aside for 14 days in a dark place, every 1-2 days you need to shake the tincture. After two weeks, the product will be ready, take approximately 20 drops, can be diluted in a spoonful of water. It is usually recommended to take the medicine half an hour before meals three times a day.


For one liter of boiling water, take one small spoonful of chopped roots, pour into boiling water and, stirring occasionally, cook for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from heat and let cool, then strain. Drink 200-400 ml throughout the day, to improve the taste, you can add a little sugar or honey.

Depending on the reason for which Rhodiola rosea root is used, the dosage and number of doses may vary. In order not to harm your health, before using medicines, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use, possible harm

Since preparations based on the golden root affect the entire body, it is important to take into account the state of all organs and systems while taking the drug.

  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) - the remedy will aggravate hypertension, in severe cases it can provoke a hypertensive crisis;
  • organic brain damage;
  • a state of overexcitation - the drug will not be able to calm, but only excite the nervous system even more, which can lead to exhaustion;
  • the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding;
  • sleep problems, insomnia.

Uncontrolled, excessive use of the drug provokes the appearance of unwanted body responses. In case of an overdose, patients complain of a strong and rapid heartbeat, heaviness and pain in the region of the heart, increased irritability, inability to sleep, and headache. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking Rhodiola and seek help.

Rhodiola rosea is an indispensable plant for various ailments. "Golden root" - this is the name of this noble plant for its bronze-pearl root. Rhodiola grows half a meter tall, has oblong leaves with teeth along the edges. yellow flowers golden root are inflorescences. Another name for Rhodiola rosea is rose root. The fruits ripen in August, and the aroma of rose oil comes from them.

Useful properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rose root has many health benefits. The plant is able to prevent, cure a lot of diseases, as well as strengthen the immune system and speed up mental activity.

Consider the useful basic properties of Rhodiola:

  • the root is able to improve the sharpness of the sense organs, accelerates the fusion of bones in fractures, and quite successfully fights pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • ability to soothe nerve cells has long been the hallmark of the plant. With loss of appetite, overexcitation or severe fatigue, it will have a calming effect;
  • the root of this plant will have a stimulating effect on mental abilities, improve the functioning of heart valves, increasing blood pressure;
  • pink root will help stop bleeding;
  • hypothermia and overheating of the body will easily cure Rhodiola, which has antipyretic properties.

Important! Read about the benefits of golden root for men in our article.

This is not the whole list of advantages of Rhodiola rosea. To appreciate all the benefits of this plant, you need to consider in detail when it is worth resorting to its help.

When the golden root is applied - instruction

The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea are used to treat many diseases. But first you need to figure out whether you should use such a medicine. So, here are the indications for use for healthy people:

  • increased mental work;
  • predisposition to asthenia;
  • various kinds of overwork;
  • the need for recovery after intense physical exertion.

The plant will perfectly cope with the solution of all these problems, these are far from all the healing properties of Rhodiola. In medicine, the root tincture is used to treat various kinds diseases. We will consider some of them below.

Rhodiola rosea with VVD

With vegetovascular dystonia, Rhodiola rosea will have a number of positive effects on the body, namely:

  • increase the body's resistance to weather conditions, stress, nervous disorders;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

It is thanks to these properties of the plant that it is recommended to be used by patients with vegetovascular dystonia. The root will contribute to the further normalization of nervous processes, the future recovery of the body.

For depression

The use of tincture of Rhodiola rosea for depression will help to cope with an unpleasant ailment quickly and without consequences, significantly improving mood and stamina. This is explained by the presence of essential oils, glucose, proteins and manganese in the root of the plant. These components can be taken by people of any age.

Application is possible as:

  • tincture;
  • decoction;

A few drops of this wonderful plant will relieve you of a bad mood and surprise you with the ability to maintain the effect for a long time.

With hypertension

Despite all the beneficial properties of the pink root, you need to know that with hypertension it is categorically contraindicated.

Important! With hypertension, the use of golden root tincture can lead to a severe headache, to a hypertensive crisis.

It is imperative to remember this in order to maintain your health.

Pink root for mastopathy

With mastopathy, Rhodiola rosea is used together with other drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.

To prevent or treat this ailment, it is recommended to take a few drops of the root tincture about two times a day. An option for using the tincture is mixing the root with sea buckthorn oil, beets and carrots. The resulting mass is used as a compress every four hours for fourteen days.

Rhodiola rosea for diabetes

Rhodiola contains a large amount of fructose, which is why it is used in cooking dietary products food especially for people with diabetes. The tincture of this plant does a great job of reducing blood sugar.

15 drops of Rhodiola rosea tincture per day will reduce the chances of developing diabetes to almost zero. However, this drug should not be used for medical purposes for more than 10 days.

Attention! An overdose of the golden root in the treatment of diabetes can lead to unpredictable consequences. You may get the opposite effect of the expected result. In some cases, death is possible. Use the tincture with diabetes very carefully.

root tincture for immunity

Rhodiola rosea is able to strengthen the immune system and produce antibodies that will not allow infections of various kinds to enter the body and get along there.

The tincture stimulates and strengthens immune system with two options:

  • direct effect on the immune system, which is produced directly for the body to produce substances that prevent toxins;
  • Improving immunity by developing resistance to stress and nervous tension. Stress can greatly reduce the protective properties of the body and the ability to resist "bad" bacteria and viruses. The medicine reduces the level of stress in the body, increasing resistance to various diseases.

Thus, this plant is indispensable by nature for almost every person who cares about their health and does not want to spend money on the purchase of medicines.

Application to improve various indicators of the body

The golden root is popular among many people for many reasons. In particular, the plant is used:

  • for libido, which is very important for both women and their life partners. If you are facing such an unpleasant problem as a decrease in libido, the rose root will surprise you with its properties intended to increase libido. The root contributes to the normalization of excitatory processes, so for arousal an hour before sex, take two tsp. Rhodiola rosea extract.
  • for potency, it is useful to use the golden root, since it normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, significantly speeds up the work of all the gonads, which helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Important! For women's health, the level of libido is an important component. Low libido can negatively affect the quality of the heart. But be careful! Overdose leads to a sharp increase in irritability, which can lead to the opposite result.

Thus, we have seen how many problems the plant can solve, but we should also separately consider how Rhodiola affects athletes.

Application for athletes

As mentioned above, the property of the root is the restoration of the body after strong physical exertion. In addition, the tincture will maintain the tone of the body at the right level, increase strength for new exploits.

  1. With various injuries and pain in the muscles, the root has an analgesic effect and promotes speedy healing.
  2. Alcohol tincture of Rhodiola improves the elasticity of the ligaments. This property will be especially appreciated by gymnasts.
  3. Tincture in bodybuilding will be appreciated by representatives of this sport much higher than others, as it helps to build muscle mass while being a natural and environmentally friendly product.

We were able to evaluate a huge number positive properties golden root, so now we need to talk about how to prepare a wonderful tincture.

How to prepare tincture of Rhodiola rosea

The recipe for making golden root tincture is simple to the point of banality. There are several options for tinctures. Choose the one that will be more profitable for you or just like it more:

  1. Pour the golden root with a 40% alcohol solution and leave to infuse in a dark place, preferably cool. Instructions for using this type of tincture are not complicated. It is advisable to use about 10 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Grind the root and pour 40% alcohol, send to a dark place for 25 days, then strain with gauze. How to take such a tincture, said above. The only difference is that in the first case we take the same amount of root and alcohol, in the second - in a ratio of 2: 1.
  3. Another nuance is that if you use vodka instead of alcohol, the effect of this will not change. How to make a vodka tincture is described above, but instead of alcohol in the same ratio, you need to use vodka.

Having talked about the beneficial properties, application and preparation of rose root tincture, one cannot fail to say a few words about contraindications, because ignorance of this item can lead to various kinds of bad consequences.

Contraindications for use

The plant has such a great effect on the body that in some cases this plant cannot be used. Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypertension;
  • overexcitation;
  • fever;
  • damage to the cerebral cortex.

Important! Knowledge of contraindications will help to avoid side effects, which are manifested in excessive irritability, pain in the heart and chronic fatigue. As a rule, these effects appear on the third day after the start of application.

In any case, you must not exceed the required dosage, otherwise the remedy can turn into a real enemy of your health.

So, we talked about the beneficial properties of a plant such as Rhodiola rosea. The choice is yours whether to use it or not, but, having made a choice in favor of the tincture, be sure to consult your doctor or read the instructions very carefully to avoid harm to your health.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of Rhodiola rosea until the middle of the last century remained practically unknown to science, little studied. The reason for this is the limited area of ​​distribution of the culture, small areas of its natural population. The local population of Altai kept the territory of the golden root in secret. Only in 1961, plant samples were found in the taiga by an expedition Siberian Branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Features of Rhodiola Rosea

This culture is associated with many legends and traditions that live among the local population. Altai Territory. The plant is credited miraculous properties, And modern science I agree with many of them.

But in last years Rhodiola rosea has become a fashionable trend, a “cure for all diseases”, an expensive and rare drug for cancer and severe blood pathologies. The properties of a plant do not always justify the hopes placed on it, since it repeatedly embellishes the actual possibilities of medicinal raw materials.


Perennial herbaceous plant has a large, powerful root. It develops horizontally, becoming stiff on the surface. The color of the root is close to the shade of bronze or old gilding with a characteristic sheen, for which the plant received the second, common name "golden root".

Numerous adventitious roots depart from the rhizome, allowing the culture to extract enough nutrients from the poorest stony soils. A compact herbaceous part of the golden root plant develops on the surface. It consists of many stems from ten to forty centimeters high. Usually in one plant the number of stems reaches ten, although there are also specimens with single stems.

The grassy part is covered with paired opposite leaves. They are oblong, egg-shaped, pointed, with carved edges. In June, the first half of July, inflorescences form on the tops of the stems. They are shields of numerous yellow flowers collected in compact groups.

In August, in the place of inflorescences, fruits in the form of cocoons of green leaves ripen. They contain seeds that propagate the golden root grass. By vegetative means, the culture reproduces much weaker than by seed.

Geography and distribution

There are only a few areas of natural distribution of Rhodiola rosea in the world. Her landings are found in Bulgaria, China, Mongolia. The densest natural populations are located in Russia. Rhodiola rosea grows in cold and temperate climates. Optimal conditions for it are observed in the tundra.

culture prefers rocky soils, so you can meet single specimens in mountainous, foothill areas. According to the clarification of the Soviet botanist Schroeter, in the region of the Western and Eastern Sayan, along the banks of the Irkut, Uda, Urgud rivers, in the immediate vicinity of Lake Baikal, multi-ton harvesting of vegetable raw materials is possible. However, in practice, this seems impossible, since the populations are scattered over several ridges of Altai, and Rhodiola rosea grows in isolated individuals, without forming thickets.

Potentially attractive areas for harvesting plant materials are areas with rocky and pebbly soil, located near water bodies. Despite the ability of the golden root to grow literally on stones, the culture needs abundant moisture and good soil drainage.

Collection and preparation

In many regions Russian Federation the culture is listed in the Red Book, which is why the use of Rhodiola rosea is limited. Its collection for the pharmaceutical industry is carried out in extremely small volumes. A high interest in it from the side of medicine supports the development of small farms, where golden root is cultivated on plantations. However, there is an opinion that only under natural growing conditions does Rhodiola rosea form a truly healing composition.

The herbaceous part of the plant is used for food, used for making salads. For medicinal purposes, the root is harvested. Previously, the collection was carried out from the beginning of flowering until the full maturation of the seeds. It is important not to harvest raw materials in the same areas all the time. Restoration of the population requires a minimum of ten years, during which no recollection from the site should be made.

It has been experimentally established that the process of crop vegetation significantly changes the volume of its root part. In the period from flowering to seed ripening, the root of Rhodiola rosea increases twenty times. This discovery corrected the recommended terms for the procurement of raw materials. It is necessary to collect the root at the end of August, when the seed boxes are fully formed on the stems.

For harvesting use the largest bushes. The rhizome is dug up as completely as possible, cleaned of soil, quickly washed with running water. Then the large parts are split, the cork peel is removed from them, crushed into small pieces. They are left to air dry for several hours. The further drying process is carried out under a canopy, where the raw materials are covered with a thin layer on newspapers. When using an electric dryer, set the temperature to fifty to sixty degrees.

Composition and properties

Modern research has made it possible to find out the composition of the medicinal plant most fully. Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) contains at least one hundred and forty organic compounds, many of which are extremely rare in the wild.

The presence of a high concentration of tannins was established - from sixteen to twenty-two percent. According to this indicator, the raw material surpasses the composition of oak bark. The presence of such a high amount of tannins explains the high astringent properties of the plant.

The culture also contains flavonoids, essential oils, sugars, organic acids. In a small volume, it determines the glycoside salidroside, which, according to Professor Tomsky medical university Albert Saratikov, and is the main agent of the therapeutic effect of the medicinal plant.

Glycoside salidroside has a complex stimulating effect.

  • Stimulates the nervous system. It helps to accelerate the work of the nervous system, stimulates mental activity and muscle activity, reduces the manifestations of fatigue, increases efficiency. Alcoholic tincture of the golden root shows stimulating properties within four hours after ingestion.
  • Protects from stress. The plant is classified as a natural adaptogen, along with eleutherococcus, ginseng, St. John's wort. Adaptogenic properties are manifested at the cellular level. Taking the dosage form of Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to stress caused by negative environmental factors. It has an antioxidant effect, reduces the manifestations of oxygen oxidation toxicity at high muscle load, fatigue, in the treatment of concomitant pathologies, including lymphosarcoma, prostate cancer.
  • It has an antimicrobial, antiviral effect. The activity of salidroside against Staphylococcus aureus and gonorrhea has been experimentally confirmed. In the experiment of Russian scientists, high immunomodulatory properties were determined. So in 2011, employees of the Amur State Medical Academy conducted an experiment on the use of golden root tincture in a group of frequently ill toddlers (two to three years old). The tincture was given to children for twenty-eight days. During this time, in twenty-five percent of children, the acute form of inflammation, previously observed in the respiratory system, passed into the "normal" phase or the symptoms of inflammation significantly decreased. The number of allergic reactions when taken decreased by half. The state of the nasal mucosa changed with an increase in immune properties, which indicated a general improvement in immunity and an increase in the resistance of the child's body to infections.

Specialists of the Amur State Medical Academy clarified how the golden root is useful. Its intake is recommended for younger children, including toddlers, in order to prevent respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by biochemical and morphological studies.

Application of the golden root

In recent years, the healing properties of the golden root have been comprehensively studied by science. Researcher M. I. Zotova confirmed the stimulating effect when taking an extract prepared with alcohol. The experiment was carried out on animals. Repeated studies by a group of scientists led by S. Ya. Arbuzov showed that the endurance of mice when taking an alcohol extract of Rhodiola rosea increases two and a half times.

The use of the golden root in people subjected to intense physical or mental stress helps to increase the energy activity of the brain, reduces the intensity of oxidative processes in the muscles. A stimulating effect on the functioning of the brain, the thyroid and thymus glands, and the gonads is achieved, which has been experimentally proven.

Instructions for use of tincture of Rhodiola rosea include recommendations for its use as a soothing, refreshing agent to improve performance. In some sources, the culture is mentioned as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, due to its antimicrobial and antiviral activity. Astringent properties allow the use of Rhodiola rosea in gynecology as an anti-inflammatory agent for colpitis, vaginitis.

In official medicine

It is allowed to use in the form of a purified extract of rhizomes according to indications. It is recommended as an adaptogenic agent for stimulating the immune system and mental activity.

  • In healthy people. According to reviews, Rhodiola rosea improves memory, increases concentration, and increases efficiency.
  • In people suffering from neuroses. Reduces excitability and irritability, improves sleep. When receiving patients, drowsiness, apathy and fatigue do not bother, which manifests itself when using other sedatives.
  • In patients with schizophrenia. It is used as a remedy for side effects in the treatment of neuroleptic drugs. The frequency of side effects is reduced by two and a half times.
  • In patients with hypotension. The extract increases blood pressure, which normalizes the condition, eliminates headaches, weakness.
  • The athletes. For people involved in swimming, bodybuilding, athletics and other sports with a high intensity of exercise, it is recommended to use it as an adaptogenic herbal remedy. Under the influence of intense physical activity in the brain, metabolic processes are disturbed. The concentration of glycogen decreases, while the volume of lactic acid increases. This leads to the activation of anaerobic processes with a decrease in the energy reserves of the brain. The result of these processes is fatigue, weakness, increased fatigue. Reception of tincture normalizes metabolic processes in the brain and improves resistance to stress factors.

How to take the golden root depends on the condition of the patient.

  • With high mental stress. 5-10 drops morning and afternoon. You should start taking two weeks before the upcoming intensive work.
  • With schizophrenia. 20-25 drops twice a day in combination with the main nervous breakdown therapy.
  • To increase physical endurance. 15-30 drops two to three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

The dosage of the drug should be increased gradually, starting with five drops. Five drops are added every three to four days, observing the patient's condition. The course is continued for fifteen to twenty days.

In folk medicine

The use in folk medicine is wider. Recommend tincture of vodka for men as a remedy for impotence. In women, it is used for amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation of an unexplained nature. They treat conditions of neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion, loss of strength after infectious diseases, psychoemotional disorders.

Astringent properties allow the use of a medicinal plant for disorders of the stomach and intestines, for malaria. The effectiveness of the remedy for diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, liver diseases and anemia has not been proven.

Alcohol tincture is used externally as an antiseptic for wound healing, reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes in the throat, oral cavity.

Alcohol tincture

You can prepare an alcohol tincture of Rhodiola rosea at home according to the following recipe.


  1. Put prepared roots in a container. It will take ten grams of dry raw materials or twenty grams of fresh.
  2. Fill with vodka with a volume of one hundred milliliters.
  3. Leave to brew for eight days.
  4. Strain.

For internal use, use at a dosage of fifteen to thirty drops. For treatments of the skin, mucous membranes, dilute a teaspoon of tincture in one hundred milliliters warm water. Use for rinsing, in the form of lotions.


The recipe for how to brew a golden root is useful for low blood pressure and physical and mental exhaustion. Drink a decoction, like tea, in the morning and afternoon.


  1. Place a dry root in a container, it will take ten grams.
  2. Pour hot water two hundred milliliters.
  3. Simmer in a water bath for fifteen minutes.
  4. Strain.

In the process of boiling, the broth loses part healing properties, so herbalists prefer to use an alcohol tincture. But in everyday life, a decoction will be useful for nervous disorders, insomnia, low blood pressure. Drink half a glass of it twice a day. Do not use at night, as the product has a stimulating effect.


There are few contraindications for Rhodiola rosea. It is forbidden to use it without consulting a doctor with severe symptoms of nervous disorders. It is not recommended to use for hypertension, as a hypertensive crisis is possible.

With an overdose, pain in the region of the heart, insomnia, increased irritability develop. It is recommended to strictly adhere to a safe dose, to administer the medicinal product with a minimum number of drops.

Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) has a proven stimulating effect on the nervous system. It improves brain performance, stimulates muscle activity and performance. The use in nervous disorders can reduce the side effects of the main drugs. In folk medicine, it can be used to reduce the severity of stress, support the body during high stress, helps with sexual weakness and a tendency to colds.

Rhodiola rosea (pink, golden root) - herbaceous perennial from the Tolstyankovye family. It has distinguishing feature: root and rhizomes of the color of bronze or old gilding with a noticeable mother-of-pearl luster, thanks to which it received its second “precious” name. The plant is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

It occurs in regions with a temperate and cold climate, including Great Britain, North America and Ireland, grows well in alpine mountain meadows (in the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians), occurs in Kazakhstan, is grown in China, Bulgaria, India. In the Russian Federation, it is found in Altai and the Urals, in mountainous regions Far East, Eastern and Western Siberia, in the polar regions of Yakutia, on the coasts of the Barents and White Seas. The plant is undemanding to light and heat, but needs abundant moisture. It grows on rocks and stony placers, in the plain tundra, on the banks of mountain rivers and streams.

It has long been used in folk and official medicine as an effective adaptogen that increases resistance to adverse factors. external environment, as well as a stimulant of the central nervous system. It belongs to the group of adaptogens, combines and competes with eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Morphological description

The rhizome is horizontal, powerful, covered with brown (bronze) cork, has thin adventitious roots. At a break, the root is white, has a bitter-astringent taste, and is distinguished by a special aroma similar to the smell of a rose.

Most often, the plant has several (10-15 pieces) non-branched erect stems, 10-40 cm high, less often there is only one stem. The leaves are alternate, sitting on stems, have an oblong-ovate, elliptical or pointed shape with an entire or serrate-toothed upper part.

Flowering occurs in June-July, fruits reach maturity in July-August. The inflorescence is many-flowered, has a corymbose shape. The flowers are yellow, unisexual, four-, rarely five-membered. The fruits are upright multi-leaf green.

It reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively.

Collection, preparation and reproduction

For the future, the root of Rhodiola rosea is harvested (the age of the plant is 3-4 years). Do this from the end of July to September. The roots are dug up, thoroughly washed from earth particles in cool water, cleaned of brown cork and rotten, dry areas. The rhizome is cut into pieces, each 10 cm long and dried at T 50 degrees in a dryer.

The finished raw material at the break has a pinkish or White color. If the root is brown at the break, it is unsuitable for use, because it loses its beneficial features. Store dry raw materials in canvas bags in a dark place. Shelf life - 3 years.

Most often, the plant is propagated by seeds: planted in late autumn or winter in a box with nutrient soil, providing good ventilation (expanded clay is laid on the bottom). The soil is pre-moistened with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, slightly compacted. The seeds are evenly distributed over the surface and lightly pressed, covered with soil (2 mm layer), covered with foil and placed on the balcony. In March, the box is transferred to a warm, lit place, and shoots will appear in a couple of days. They can be transplanted when two true leaves appear.

It is possible to propagate a plant (which is at least 2 years old) by dividing the rhizome into 2 parts, which are planted in prepared holes with humus, compost is also laid on top, leaving renewal buds on the surface.

Chemical composition

The root of the plant contains more than 140 useful elements, which determine the complex positive action.

  • Phenols and their derivatives: tyrosol, salidroside. Strengthen the circulatory system, protect blood vessels from constriction. Prevent the oxidation of cholesterol;
  • Carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sedoheptulose, sucrose. Participate in energy metabolism;
  • Organic acids:
    • oxalic (stimulates the secretion of the stomach and intestines),
    • apple (normalizes digestion, improves the condition of blood vessels, improves eyesight and participates in metabolism),
    • amber (neutralizes free radicals, reduces uric acid levels, restores joint mobility, stimulates insulin production),
    • lemon (increases appetite, stimulates cell renewal, activates immunity);
  • Terpenoids: rosiridin, rosiridol. Increase tissue resistance to damage;
  • Flavonoids: kaempferol, astragalin, kaempferol 7-rhamnoside, rhodiolin, tricine, rhodionin, tricine 5-glucoside and 7-glucoside, rhodiosin, acetylrodalgin, 8-methylherbacetin. They reduce vascular permeability, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, reduce intraocular pressure, participate in the processes of bile formation, stimulate the function of the adrenal cortex and regulate urine production;
  • Glycosides. They are characterized by cumulative and cardiotonic properties, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. Have a calming and diuretic effect;
  • Trace elements: silver, copper, manganese, zinc, involved in vital processes;
  • Anthraquinones. Strengthen the immune system, participate in the formation of immune cells. Have a laxative effect;
  • Coumarins. They have antitumor, anticoagulant and anticoagulant effects. They affect the genetic apparatus of the tumor, thereby inhibiting the ability of cells to metastasize;
  • Essential oil. It has bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, wound healing, analgesic effects;
  • Tannins. They change the structure of proteins and participate in the formation of a protective albuminate film, which has a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. Have an astringent effect;
  • Alkaloids. They have antispasmodic, hemostatic, analgesic, sedative and hypotensive effects;
  • Sterols. Reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase immunity, affect the quality and quantity of helper cells that protect against the development of autoimmune reactions;
  • Aromatic compounds: rosavin, rosin, rosarin, cinnamon alcohol. Improve the work of the central nervous system.

The composition of the essential oil contains aliphatic straight-chain alcohols and monoterpene hydrocarbons. The composition of the essential oil varies depending on where the plant grows.

The aerial part of the plant is saturated with organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, succinic), phenols and their derivatives, phenolcarboxylic acids (gallic, coffee), coumarins, tannins, flavonoids.

Beneficial features

Golden root (rhodiola) is characterized by many useful properties:

  • is a powerful antioxidant and adaptogen;
  • protects the body from the development of cancer and prevents tumor metastasis;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • improves heart function;
  • fights pathogenic microorganisms;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes bile secretion;
  • stops bleeding;
  • restores the body after overwork, tones well;
  • has a general strengthening effect and increases the body's resistance to the influence of adverse environmental factors;
  • has a neuroprotective effect;
  • stimulates the work of the central nervous system;
  • maintains the energy potential of the brain at a high level;
  • improves cognitive functions;
  • accelerates the course of oxidative processes;
  • accelerates wound healing.

Scientific research

Scientific research began in the 60s of the 20th century. In 1961, an expedition led by G.V. Krylov was carried out, during which scientists managed to find a plant in the taiga of the Altai Mountains. According to the results of research, the plant was introduced into scientific medicine and began to be used in the form of a liquid extract with adaptogenic and stimulating properties.

Numerous studies have been carried out to study the effect of the plant on the central nervous system. Plant preparations change the bioelectrical activity of the brain and improve cognitive functions: due to increased resistance to stress factors, memory and the ability to remember information improve.

It is reported about the positive effect of plant preparations to eliminate the side effects of psychotropic therapy for schizophrenia.

Several studies have shown that roseola rosea can improve physical performance. In an experiment conducted on animals (white rats), a decrease in the rate of glycolysis, the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, the preservation of a high level of phospholipids in the muscles and liver, as well as blood sugar after 2 hours of swimming in individuals treated with the plant preparation was recorded.

The possibility of using plant preparations as hepatoprotectors is also being considered. On animals, the effectiveness of the use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for liver damage induced by organophosphorus compounds has been proven.


Rhodiola rosea is a powerful adaptogen that has a visible effect after the first use of the drug! But it is impossible to take plant preparations daily without reason. Constant stimulation of the body, even if herbal preparations, may lead to an effect opposite to the expected one.

Rhodiola is used in many diseases and pathological conditions, and is characterized by a whole range of pharmacological properties. The most common indications for the use of herbal preparations:

  • poor appetite;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • neuroses;
  • asthenic condition after prolonged illness;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • radiation injury (acute and chronic);
  • reduced visual acuity;
  • poor hearing;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bone fracture;
  • menorrhagia;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • amenorrhea primary and secondary;
  • gynecological diseases (adnexitis, polycystic ovaries, fibrocystic mastopathy);
  • early menopause;
  • impotence;
  • oligospermia;
  • late puberty;
  • toothache;
  • headache;
  • gout;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • angina;
  • pyorrhea;
  • diarrhea;
  • wounds, skin lesions, rashes, abscesses.

The golden root is often used for men and women: it helps with impotence and is indicated for many diseases of the female reproductive system. Plant preparations enhance the work of the sex glands, stimulate the ovaries and are widely used in the treatment of early menopause. The plant has a positive effect on potency, and its effectiveness is higher than that of ginseng root.

It has been proven that the plant enhances the effect of cytostatics that cause necrosis of cancer cells: the shell, nucleus and parts of the cell are destroyed, which leads to its death.

In cosmetology

A unique plant has found its application in cosmetology. Golden root extract has a positive effect on fading, sensitive skin, improves its general condition. The rich biologically active composition allows the use of plant extracts in various creams to give them stimulating and adaptogenic properties, slow down the aging process of the skin, and increase resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Cosmetic preparations with golden root:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the skin;
  • improve energy metabolism in cells;
  • accelerate the processes of skin regeneration;
  • minimizes transepidermal fluid loss;
  • increase the barrier functions of the skin;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • reduce the level of depression.

The most popular cosmetics with a golden root: day cream for sensitive skin from Natura Siberika, face cream Pure Line, day cream Grandmother Agafya's Recipes.

Pharmaceutical preparations with Rhodiola rosea

The golden root has also found application in official medicine - many drugs and dietary supplements are actively used in the treatment of a number of diseases. Consider the most popular.

Liquid Rhodiola Extract

The drug is indicated for increased fatigue, hypotonic neurocirculatory dystonia, neurasthenic conditions, during the recovery period after severe somatic and infectious pathologies, during periods of mental and physical overstrain, and also as a means for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections during periods of epidemics.

Rhodiola +

Vis rhodiola rosea extract capsules

Herbal complex with golden root and vitamin C, characterized by a stimulating, restorative and tonic effect. Recommended for improving physical and mental performance, acclimatization during flights, restoring health after long-term illnesses. It is also used in sports - before and after training, it helps to achieve better results and recover faster after exercise.


Dry vegetable raw materials, which are used for the preparation of water and alcohol preparations, decoctions, teas, which are characterized by high adaptogens and stimulating properties. The instructions for the golden root describe how to prepare this or that remedy.

Also, the plant is part of various herbal teas and fees.

Folk recipes with Rhodiola rosea

Folk healers have long and successfully used plant preparations for many diseases. The duration of use is set individually, but it is recommended to take no more than 5 days in a row, and then take a seven-day break.

Golden root tincture on vodka for hypotension

  • Take 50 gr. dry root of the plant, grind to a powdery consistency, pour 2 glasses of vodka. Insist in the dark for 14 days, shake occasionally. Strain the finished tincture.
  • Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day. 30 minutes before meals. You can start taking with 5 drops, gradually bring the volume to the recommended one.

Golden root tincture for colds and heart weakness, nervous diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Take 10 gr. roots, chop and pour 1 cup boiling water. Leave for 4 hours to brew and strain.
  • Take half a glass 3 times a day. It is used externally as an effective wound healing agent for the treatment of wounds, cuts, for rinsing the mouth with angina.


  • Improves the work of the heart, blood vessels, making them more resilient. Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, impotence, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalizes blood sugar levels. Eliminates headache and toothache. Can be used externally to rub the skin.
  • Take 20 gr. roots, chop and pour 500 ml of boiling water, keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse until cool, then strain.
  • Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

Tonic decoction

  • It has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system, which is superior to the effect of black teas and coffee. Therefore, it is not worth taking it every day, but only when necessary.
  • Take 1 tsp. root (previously crushed) and pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. and insist another 40 minutes. in a warm place.
  • Take 2-3 glasses during the day (no later than 4 hours before going to bed), if desired, adding sugar or honey to the drink.

Collection to strengthen immunity

  • Take 20 gr. Rhodiola roots, rose hips and zamaniha roots. Add 15 gr. hawthorn fruit, 15 gr. dry nettle, 10 gr. St. John's wort, mix. 1 tbsp collection, pour a glass of boiling water, put for 10 minutes on a small fire. Leave for 4 hours to infuse under the lid and strain. The resulting volume is diluted with 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Take 70 ml 3 times a day.

Tincture for anemia and diseases of the female reproductive system

  • It also helps with age-related decline in strength, impotence, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver pathologies and diabetes.
  • Take 100 gr. crushed roots and pour them with 400 ml of good vodka. Put in a dark place for 7 days.
  • Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day. 30 minutes before meals.

Collection from colds and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Take in equal parts Rhodiola rosea, bergenia, blackberry leaves, strawberries, raspberries, black currants, flowers of shrub cinquefoil, St. John's wort flowers and thyme, mix everything. Take 3 tbsp. dry collection and pour them with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Add honey or sugar to taste.
  • Take 1-2 glasses per day.


  • Hypertensive crisis.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.
  • Postinfluenza encephalitis.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Marked nervous excitability.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Individual intolerance.

Side effects

It is very important to follow the dosage described in the prescriptions or prescribed by the doctor - this is a guarantee that side effects will not occur. Drugs are taken no later than 4 hours before going to bed.

In rare cases, the following undesirable effects may develop:

  • excitation;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • discomfort in the region of the heart;
  • headache.

In patients who suffer from hypotension caused by menopause, VVD or diencephalitis, plant preparations can lead to a sharp increase or decrease in pressure, which leads to a deterioration in general well-being.

With the development of any side effects, treatment is immediately stopped.

The herbaceous perennial Rhodiola rosea is also known as the golden or pink root due to the shade of the root system and the aroma of the rose, which can be felt when the rhizome is broken.

Siberian ginseng is also called this medicinal plant.

Rose Rhodiola has pronounced medicinal properties.

Belongs to the genus Rhodiola and the Tolstyankovye family. The plant is rare and included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Where does it grow?

Prefers cold and temperate climates. In our country, rhodiola can be found in Altai, the Urals, beyond the Arctic Circle in Yakutia, in mountainous areas in the East and West of Siberia, the Far East, in humid areas along the shores of the White and Barents Seas.

What is useful?

Rhodiola rhizome has medicinal properties. The chemical composition of the plant is very rich, so Rhodiola rosea is a storehouse of various substances and compounds.

The composition of the golden root found:

  • glycosides;
  • phenols;
  • various aromatic compounds;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • rich essential oil;
  • terpenoids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthraquinones;
  • alkaloids.

These substances heal the cardiovascular system, help to calm down, are a diuretic, i.e. have a diuretic effect.

You will learn more about the benefits of Rhodiola rosea from the video:

Rhodiola rosea tincture, how to take?

Based on the root of Rhodiola rosea, an alcohol tincture is prepared. To make the product, you will need a piece of root weighing 50 g, which must be finely chopped and pour 1/2 l. vodka. The tincture gains strength within 3 weeks.
It is necessary to take tincture of Rhodiola rosea 1/2 hour before the start of the main meals, 20 caps. about a month.
It is not necessary to strain the tincture. Store in a refrigerator.
This natural remedy has a curative effect on the body with pulmonary tuberculosis, female ailments, impotence in men, and strengthens the entire body.

It is also an excellent tool for strengthening the body. This plant is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators used to prevent and treat colds, inflammatory processes and deficient conditions.

For men

Rhodiola activates the nervous system and prevents the appearance of problems with potency in men, sharpens sensations, relieves erective dysfunction, and heals the genitourinary system.
The medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea for men are due to the presence of flavonoids in chemical composition pink root. These valuable substances help to make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and flexible, respectively, the potency improves.
The form of reception is infusion.

The pink root contributes to the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma and other male ailments. For their treatment, a liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea is used in the amount of 25 caps. several r./d.
Rhodiola rosea is an excellent remedy for restoring potency.

Rhodiola rosea for women

The golden root also stands guard over women's health. The plant has the ability to stop the blood, so its use is indicated for uterine and postpartum bleeding.
Rhodiola will help with imbalance of hormones, eliminate cycle failures, reduce the manifestations of menopause, give vigor and normal sleep, and help recover after childbirth.

In the postpartum period, it will also be useful to take. After childbirth, the centaury helps the uterus to return to its natural state as soon as possible.

Sports loads

Preparations based on Rhodiola rosea are successfully used in power sports. The plant gives the body energy, increases its endurance, stimulates the regeneration of muscle tissue, improves coordination, and is a natural alternative to anabolics.

Athletes are also advised to take. All components of bee bread-perga are completely absorbed by the body. It is a rich source of high quality carbohydrates and protein. Therefore, perga for athletes becomes a real lifesaver in the search for effective and safe means that increase physical endurance, muscle mass.

The effect is achieved by using tincture of Rhodiola in alcohol up to 2 ml 1 r. / 8 tsp.


Rhodiola rosea is a popular ingredient in anti-aging creams. Suitable for sensitive skin, noticeably improves its condition.
The presence of the extract of the golden root in cosmetics provides the skin with hydration, protection from harmful external influences (UV rays, wind, cold), increases its elasticity, stops age-related changes in the skin, and treats inflammation.

Rhodiola rosea will transform the skin

To cleanse the skin of acne and the subsequent narrowing of the pores, you can wipe the problem areas with a tincture of the plant.

And will help get rid of acne. The product is applied locally to pimples and acne - the foci of inflammation quickly dry out, the skin is cleansed and acquires a normal color.

The use of the pink root inside will have a positive effect on the quality of the skin.
Also in this area, an aromatic essential oil obtained from the root of Rhodiola is used.

For children

Rhodiola rosea is given to children older than a year with weak immunity, as a stimulant for inactive children, for the development of good memory and concentration, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Externally, the herbal remedy helps to heal abrasions and cuts.
A decoction of the golden root soothes toothache, is useful in complex therapy sore throats.

It is also an excellent remedy for angina. Tea from agrimony contains tannins that help to defeat the disease.

Before using the plant internally, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Application in oncology

The pink root is an important component of herbal preparations used for tumor diseases due to its antimetostatic and immune-stimulating properties of the rhizome.
Siberian ginseng supports the body after chemotherapy and surgery.
It is better to prevent any disease, therefore, Rhodiola is recommended for use in cases of predisposition to oncological diseases (hereditary factor), in diseases that can lead to cancer: ulcers, colitis, gastritis, etc.

Gastrointestinal diseases can lead to cancer

With oncological problems, it interacts most effectively with Rhodiola rosea.
To do this, use an industrial alcohol extract of Rhodiola (20%) with a similar preparation of propolis in the proportion of 10 × 10 drops. both drops. The received funds are taken some time before meals. Treatment lasts 21 days, then a break is made for 7 days.

Rhodiola rosea is a plant source of nutrients, has a number of medicinal properties for the treatment of ailments, but this remedy has contraindications.

Among them:

  • hypertension during an exacerbation;
  • fever;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pregnancy and HB;
  • children's age up to 7 years.

In order not to harm your body, you need to use Rhodiola Rosea in any form only after studying the instructions for using the product and after visiting a therapist.

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