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Metlakh tiles have gained wide popularity and fame due to their unique beauty, amazing strength and impeccable functionality. The first examples of this decorative material appeared about 125 years ago and since then, it has remained one of the most sought-after options facing tiles. So, why is the product of such an “ancient” technology still able to compete on an equal footing with cutting-edge building materials? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

History of creation

The peak of demand and prevalence of metlakh tiles occurred during the era of early industrialization (mid-19th century). She even became one of distinctive features, which arose a little later than the Victorian-style eclectic retrospectivism. Possessing an exceptional combination of wear resistance and picturesqueness, metlakh tiles were actively used for decorating both luxurious apartments and small squares, palaces, railway stations, theaters and factories.

Nowadays, fragments of antique decoration, created from extravagant metlakh tiles, can be seen in many popular historical places, for example, in the Bolshoi Theater, the Hamburg Underground, the Cologne Cathedral, etc. In addition, it was used in the design of cabins and reception halls on the famous "Titanic". During recent deep-sea research, numerous fragments of this particular ship were raised from the wreck. finishing material.

Curious! The tile got its name in honor of the German city of Mettlach, where the first large-scale production of ceramics was established in the middle of the century before last. Today, the classic production, which has preserved all the original stages of production, can be visited in the south of France!


The main area where metlakh tiles are actively used is the decorative decoration of public places and large private houses. In terms of operational characteristics, the tile is almost identical to durable porcelain stoneware, but in terms of decorative parameters, it significantly surpasses it. It can safely boast of a variety of colors, patterns and shapes. Thanks to these advantages, metlakh tiles transform the floor into a real work of art that retains its original beauty for three to four decades.

Of all the options, the most popular is the Metlakh flooring tile, which has outstanding properties that determine its long service life without noticeable damage.

In the interior of any room, metlakh tiles will create a unique exclusivity that forms a creative entourage. For example, in the bathroom, it will successfully withstand water splashes from the sink, shower or faucet, in the kitchen it will easily withstand regular temperature changes and fluctuations in humidity levels, and in the entrance area it will prevent street dirt from spreading. This finishing material will also be appropriate in a restaurant, small office or boutique, where it will create a unique atmosphere.

Concerning country houses, then metlakh tiles are lined with verandas, terraces and a porch. The material is not afraid of heavy loads, rain, heat, snow and frost. If decorated with metlakh tiles adjoining territory(paths, paths, barbecue area), then it will turn into a spectacular place for recreation and entertainment.

Due to a fairly large variety of colors and shapes, metlakh tiles can be advantageously used not only to create decorative cladding walls and unique floor coverings, but even for the purpose of decorating furniture.

Manufacturing technology

Despite the industrial progress and the wide possibilities of modern manufacturers, the manufacturing technology remains unchanged. As the main component for the production of metlakh tiles, special high-strength clay is used.

After molding, clay blanks are covered with a layer of glaze and placed in a kiln, where they are fired at a temperature of 125-140°C. During the heat treatment, the glaze and clay are so tightly sintered that the products acquire amazing wear resistance, durability, and resistance to the damaging effects of aggressive chemical compounds. These qualities also allow the tiles to be used in streets, factories and public places.

It seems unrealistic that over the course of a century and a half of history in manufacturing process no modifications were made other than increasing the options for ornaments and expanding the color range. Simply put, the tile has become richer and better without losing its merits, while losing almost all the shortcomings.

Some master enthusiasts, in various ways, try to learn all the secrets of the original recipe in order to create primary tile samples. Their products are absolutely identical to the options used during the reign of Queen Victoria. As a rule, most of it is used for restoration work in archaic buildings.


It was noted above that the metlakh tile is very similar to porcelain stoneware in terms of its performance. But it has a more diverse (shape, colors) and extensive model range. The dimensions of the tiles vary from 3.0 to 14.5 cm, and the shape is always classic - square, rectangle, triangle, six - and sometimes an octagon.

A large assortment of shapes and sizes of Metlakh tiles gives you the opportunity to lay out patterns of the rarest beauty, as well as transform the floor into a unique work of art.

According to the production method, cast, pressed and extruded tiles are distinguished.

There is also a division into coarse or fine ceramics. The difference is clearly visible on the fault: rough - has a fine-grained surface, and fine - the structure is smooth, uniform.

The main classification is based on the technical performance of the tile and represents the coefficient of wear resistance on the four-step Mohs scale.

It helps to decide on the choice of a specific tile for the room, when the approximate daily load on the floor is known.

Modern industrial enterprises produce four classes of products that differ in wear resistance:

1st strength class - this option is the most "gentle". Such metlakh tiles can only be laid in residential premises in the most remote from front door premises. On the floor with such a coating, it is better to walk in slippers with soft soles.

2nd class of wear resistance - more durable than the previous version. It is used in places with average daily traffic, where a direct hit on the tiled floor at the entrance from the street is excluded. This best option for hospital wards, kindergartens, bathrooms and other similar premises.

Tiles of the 3rd strength class are suitable for laying in corridors, kitchens, hallways. This option has a high strength factor and is capable of safely sand, clay, earth and other contaminants. The surface of the material does not crack, is resistant to scratches and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Strength class 4 is the most stable option that can withstand damaging factors for a long time. It is used in buildings and public buildings with significant traffic, such as theaters, supermarkets, shopping centers, large banks, etc. In addition, fourth-class tiles are often laid on the terraces of townhouses, country cottages and garages.

Properties and features

Metlakh tile, thanks to the optimal formulation of the composition and competent production technology, has a number of exceptional features and unique properties:

Color stability - achieved due to the uniform distribution of the coloring pigment throughout the volume of the tile and subsequent sintering with clay during firing;

Durability - high resistance to destructive influences;

Endurance - the finishing material is not afraid of hail, rain, frost, snow, etc. It has amazing resistance to alkalis, saline solutions and acids;

Strength - the tile has an amazing hardness, which determines the ability to withstand tremendous pressure;

Versatility - metlakh flooring is used not only indoors, but also outdoors on the street.

In addition, a wide selection of colors allows you to lay out almost any ornament or pattern on the floor.

Exquisite choice

When it becomes necessary to create exquisite design, a noble interior and a floor with excellent performance parameters, you should stop at the choice floor covering from metlakh tiles. With its help, you can create non-standard, eccentric colored carpets that decorate the floor and form a single harmony in the overall interior of the room.

At least a dozen new varieties of finishing materials appear on the market of finishing materials every year. Some of them successfully replace the old ones with better technical characteristics and performance.

But this is not always the case. For example, metlakh tiles appeared more than a century ago in the German city of Mettlach (hence its name) and still remains one of the most popular types of tiles.

It was made of multi-colored porcelain and was used mainly in the decoration of palaces, for which it received the second name - "Victorian".

What is this article about

Metlakh tiles - manufacturing features

Refractory clay is used as raw material for tiles. In Russia, the main place of its extraction is the Dmitrovsky quarry. In his district, the main factories involved in the production of products are located.

A tile is formed from this clay, different forms and standard sizes, then glaze is applied to it and sent to ovens, where it is baked in a temperature range from 1100 to 1300 degrees.

Due to the powerful compaction, the resulting product becomes wear-resistant and is able to withstand a large number of freezing cycles, which allows its installation not only in residential premises, but also in various administrative and public ones.

Technical parameters and advantages

Those who already know what Metlakh tiles are in operation note its high strength, color fastness, and ease of maintenance.

Even from heavy objects installed on its surface and regularly moved, cracks and scratches do not appear on the material. Many experts recommend it for use in those places where a significant operational load is regularly practiced.

Also, the material is practically non-porous, so metlakh floor tiles are used not only for cladding indoors, but also outdoors. The same quality makes it possible to install it in rooms with strict hygiene requirements.

If we talk in more detail about its technical coefficients, the following parameters should be highlighted:

  • On the Mohs coating hardness scale - 7 units out of 10 possible for tiles;
  • Hydrophobicity from 0.1 to 0.5%;
  • The bending strength is also high - 250 kgf / sq. cm;
  • Water absorption is 0.1-0.5%. These indicators allow installation even in places with extremely high humidity and temperature fluctuations - in pools, baths, saunas;
  • Thermal stability complies with existing standards - this is the ability of a tile to withstand a certain stress during dimensional deformation, as a result of a sharp change in the temperature range;
  • Deep scratch resistance - 2.4 cm;
  • Pressure holding - 3200-5550 kg/cm2;
  • Frost resistance - 150 cycles at temperatures from -15 to +25 according to the results of the study. Lower temperatures have not been officially tested in laboratory tests;
  • Acid resistance is higher than standard indicators - 97.71;
  • Compressive strength - 90.8 MPa kg / cm2;
  • High hollow wear resistance;
  • Coloring elements penetrate almost the entire depth of the porcelain tile, which allows us to speak of high resistance to UV rays.

All these technical indicators are checked and in practical application. So, for example, ceramic metlakh tiles are perfectly preserved in the historical interiors of ancient buildings of the capital and St. Petersburg, in the palace premises of the Victorian era, centennial plants and factories.

Sizes and shapes

Metlakh tiles can be patterned, glossy, corrugated and even grainy. It can be plain or patterned.

She also has a variety of shapes - rectangular, triangular, cruciform, square, octagonal.

Size range - 6.5-15 cm.

Its thickness is 6-8 mm.

Areas of use

As mentioned above, the possibilities of using this product are practically unlimited.

  • Floors in residential premises, administrative, industrial, public buildings;
  • Pools, baths, saunas, bathrooms;
  • facades;
  • Arrangement garden paths, terraces, porches.

Step by step installation

Metlakh floor tiles are no more difficult to install than ordinary tiles, except for the fact that even in one pack, products may differ slightly in size from each other. It also freely allows you to combine prints, shapes and sizes, due to which the effect of an incredibly beautiful, exotic tiled carpet is achieved.

Stage 1 - Foundation preparation

Preparing the surface carefully is very important, since you have chosen such an expensive type of tile, it must lie perfectly. Therefore, the surface must be carefully leveled, excluding drops, cleaned and primed.

Stage 2 - Layout

At this stage, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor from the central point of the plane, and also, if the pattern is complex and was selected independently, create a preliminary drawing of the location of the elements.

At the same time, please note that the joint gap to achieve the greatest effect should be no more than 2 mm. These actions will allow you not to spoil the given floor print and simplify the work of creating a specific layout.

Stage 3 - Installation

Laying begins with large elements if products of different sizes are used.

The thickness gauge is adjusted by increasing or decreasing the adhesive layer.

Do not forget to regularly check the level of evenness of the coating.

Stage 4 - Curbs

Borders are laid from the corner to the center. If trimming is required, this should be done with a special machine and a porcelain stoneware cutting disc.

Stage 5 - Joint grout

If you are laying out a colorful carpet, the grout for the seams should be plain, dim.

First, clean the joints from dust and degrease them. Then wet the seams with a brush or spray.

Mastic is applied rubber spatula, tamping it into the surface so that there are no gaps.

When the grout dries, dampen it lightly with water to prevent cracking.

Metlakh tile care

Caring for this tile is easy. Especially if the Metlakh tiles are of high quality and properly laid, it will not be necessary to repair and replace parts for a long time, at least 50 years.

To ensure the long-term coloring, the coating is washed with warm water by adding vinegar (a glass to a bucket of liquid) or using specialized household chemicals.

Every month in the global market building materials there are more and more new types of facing ceramic material. However, often people do not trust new samples of design art and acquire brands that are either well-known or have already proven themselves. Metlakh tile is one of the few giants of the construction industry, which to this day is a really popular product for Russian and foreign buyers.


The history of metlakh ceramic tiles originates in Germany, in the city of Metlakh. In 1894, the production of this high-quality ceramic product began. To date, there are factories in France ("Winkelmans") and in Russia ("EuroCeramics") - these are the largest production facilities for this building product in the world, which maintain the unsurpassed quality of the goods. Also, small factories are scattered throughout Europe, but these factories are the main ones.

This tile is a small-format ceramics, made in a variety of interesting configurations. Thanks to the porcelain component and firing at high temperature the resulting products have the best qualities, which are similar to the characteristics of porcelain stoneware. It is used in almost all areas of cladding: at home, in rooms with a large stay of people, on the street.

Metlakh tile is unique, because with the help of various molding of this ceramics, a designer highlight is created: a complex graphic picture for the floor and walls. A loyal price approach for this product makes this tile affordable for almost any ordinary buyer.


All technical indicators of this wonderful cladding material are much higher than the norm:

  • Water absorption according to GOST 473.3-81 is 2.5% (the norm for the highest grade is 3.5%, no more).
  • Acid resistance according to GOST 473.1-81 - 97.71% (standard for the highest grade 97%, not less).
  • Strength (compression) according to GOST 473.6-81 - 90.8 MPa for 200x200x20, 92.8 MPa for 200x200x30, 75.2 MPa for 300x300x20 (the norm for the highest grade is 50 MPa, not less).
  • Strength (bending) in accordance with GOST 473.8-81 - 42MPa (the norm for the highest grade is 25MPa, not less).
  • Water permeability according to GOST 13993-78 - 24 hours after testing, there are no drops on the tile.
  • Frost resistance according to GOST 473.5-81 - 300 cycles (norm - 20 cycles, not less).
  • Thermal resistance according to GOST 7025-91 - 2 shifts (standard - 3 shifts).
  • Wear resistance according to GOST 961-89 p.3.13 - 0.11g/cm2.
  • Radiological control - a complete list of applications.

Summing up the qualities of this product, we can characterize metlakh tiles as follows:

  • The unsurpassed hardness of ceramic is a great indicator for those looking for a tile that can withstand the toughest conditions.
  • Extensive applicability - such a product, due to its resistance to temperature extremes, is applicable in all weather conditions.
  • Durability - due to the deep penetration of paint into the structure of the tile and subsequent firing, ceramics receive excellent properties that allow the tile to not fade over time and not lose its original appearance.

Tile types

Like any facing ceramic material, this product is divided into wall and floor tiles. Mostly metlakh ceramics are used for decorating flooring.

The division into types also occurs according to the principle of production.

There are three varieties in total:

  • Cast ceramics. Such tiles have a large number of defects due to the low quality of the goods received. First, clay masses are poured into molds, then they are dried and sent for firing at a kiln temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius. The marriage lies in the fact that such a tile has a different thickness.
  • Tiles formed by pressing. This category of ceramics is obtained by pressing under pressure a mixture made of clay in the form of a powder, water and the additives required by the manufacturing technology. After pressing, geometric shapes of the required dimensions are cut out from the obtained elements. This type facing material has a non-porous structure. Due to this, its use is reduced mainly to decorating the floor.
  • Products made with an extruder. The raw material passing through the mouthpiece forms a ribbon, which is subsequently cut and fired. To set the required thickness of the product, the mouthpiece is pre-adjusted.

Metlakh tiles are also divided into classes according to strength characteristics:

  • First grade. Characterized by its low strength. Therefore, this category of finishing material is used exclusively in places remote from the entrance from the street. On such tiles you can not walk in street shoes.
  • Second class. It is used in places where the permeability is not too high. For example, such tiles can be placed in patient wards, toilets and other similar rooms.
  • Third category or class differs in application for places with higher traffic. It can be used in corridors, kitchens or hallways.
  • Fourth variety ceramics has found its application in places with a large stay of people: supermarkets, concert halls and many other similar places. The price for such products is much higher than for other classes of this material.


The dimensions of this finishing material are very diverse, as is its shape: the range of building material sizes varies from 6.5 to 15 cm, thickness - 6-8 mm. The geometric structure of the products is made in the form of many different shapes: a rectangle, a square, a triangle, a hexagon, an octagon, and even a cruciform shape is commercially available, often used as a wall decor.

The surface structure of finished products can be patterned or unpatterned, patterned, embossed, granular or simply smooth.

Styling nuances

Laying this tile is no different from laying any other. However, there are some nuances of lining.

Before starting the installation process, it is necessary to prepare the floor surface.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Level the floor surface. Any difference in height promises problems in installation work. To increase the service life of the tiled base, you can first install waterproofing and concrete screed. A frost-resistant base is installed for outdoor ceramic coating.
  • Measure the surface of the lining. But this must be done in such a way that all possible zigzags and protrusions are taken into account - this also applies to doorways.
  • Next, we find the center of the surface, from which we draw centerlines in different directions.

Soaking this category of ceramics is considered by some experts to be a necessary step for an ideal veneering effect. This procedure must be carried out within 2 hours.

The installation process itself takes place in several stages:

  • It is necessary to first lay out the tiles in one vertical and horizontal row without adhesive, while leaving a gap between the tiles of 1-2 mm. Thus, during the preliminary laying out, it is possible to adjust the position of each element. Such a visual approach will help to lay out a difficult ornament correctly and without flaws and “fit” ceramic products to the desired result.
  • Then you need to dilute the adhesive, which should be fully suitable for this ceramic, and prepare a trowel with 3-6 mm teeth for work.
  • First, the largest elements of the ceramic coating are planted on the glue, then the smaller ones. However, we draw your attention to the fact that some of the goods in one collection may differ from the rest in their dimensions and thickness. This difference is usually 1-2 mm. But this variation is easily eliminated by applying glue: where the tile is thinner, you need to use a thicker layer of glue.
  • After the adhesive has set, the resulting joints are grouted. Choice of grout color - important point. Its color should not be striking and you need to choose it a few tones less than the main color shade. A neutral solid color is the best option. Usually the choice of buyers stops at white, gray or beige grout. Rubbing should be carried out to the entire depth of the joint gap. Often, cement mortar is also used for such purposes.
  • During the laying process, it is important to maintain the same level of new floor decor. If the work is carried out on the street, then it is recommended that the laying be carried out with a slight slope so that during precipitation, water does not accumulate on the surface of the ceramics, but flows, for example, into a specially designated gutter.
  • After finishing laying the horizontal coating, you can proceed with the installation of curbs. The process of this event usually starts from the corner to the central part. It is advisable to protect yourself from unnecessary unnecessary work, such as cutting off the remaining material, and purchase edging in several sizes, among which there should be not only long borders, but also short ones. After all, for trimming you will need a special tool: a machine with a disk for porcelain stoneware.
  • To check how well the work was done, water is poured onto the surface of the laid tiles. Uniform drying without puddles - excellent quality of work performed.

Metlakh tiles, or simply brooms, are made according to a technology discovered many years ago. The production of such a flooring material was first started back in the Middle Ages in the German city of Mettlach, from where the name of the tile came from. Because of the beauty of the patterns that this tile allows to form, its popularity continues to this day.

True, now it is not only the Germans who produce it. One of the most famous broom manufacturers in our time is the French company Winckelmans, which has existed for over 120 years, during which it invented its own special firing methods and ceramic recipes. This company produces almost 5 thousand different types of floor and wall tiles.

The broom is a small format ceramic tile (usually 10x10). It has a variety of shapes and colors. Thanks to high-temperature firing and dense pressing, Metlakh tiles acquire decent performance characteristics and similar properties to porcelain stoneware.

Ceramics of this type are highly resistant to moisture, cold, chemical compounds, including strong acids. It is very wear resistant and durable. All this allows the use of metlakh tiles in a variety of situations: when facing the floor in residential buildings and public buildings, for exterior finish facades and yard paths. Due to its peculiar aesthetics, brooms are also used in the decoration of elite premises like expensive hotels.

A huge variety of colors and shapes provided this material with a place not only in modern houses. At one time, metlakh tiles were one of the elements of the English Victorian style. In those days, this coating lined the floors of all types of premises: from stations and factories to palaces.

Broomstick coatings could even be found on the notorious Titanic. Compositions from the old broom can still be found in architectural monuments. Over time, significant changes were made to the production process, and modern ceramics of this type differ markedly from the original. However, manufacturers are trying to restore the old colors and shapes of the broomstick.

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Characteristics of metlakh tiles

Ceramic tiles of this type are significantly superior to conventional ceramics and are closer in quality to modern porcelain stoneware. It is distinguished by the following features:

The highest hardness. Broomsticks are quite difficult to damage by mechanical action. Objects falling on its surface small size- for example, metal utensils in the kitchen will definitely not lead to cracking. It is almost impossible to scratch such material.

Fortitude. Broom is resistant to almost all environmental conditions that can affect it. These are critical temperatures, water, acids and alkalis. Due to this, Metlakh tiles can be used as a floor finish in any operating conditions.

Endurance. Metlakh tiles are famous for their high resistance to mechanical stress. You can even drive a car on the coating of this material, which makes it possible not only to finish the floor with it in the house, but also to lay it out in the yard.

Durability. Service life, as practice shows, can reach more than one century. The color of the coating will not fade over time, as the dye impregnates its entire thickness, reliably baking during firing.

Laying metlakh tiles

Surface preparation

First of all, the surface of the base is carefully leveled. If the tile is not laid indoors, it is imperative to treat the base with a frost protection agent. It is also important to clean the base of all debris, sweep and wash so that the tile lays flat and does not wobble.

After that, the surface is carefully measured, taking into account all the curves of the walls, doorways, pipes, radiators, etc. Based on these measurements, the center point of the room is found, from which guide lines are drawn in all directions. These lines can be either drawn on the floor or formed from stretched threads.

Laying process

The initial laying out of the coating elements is being carried out. It is laid along a row of tiles in three directions: vertically in width and length and diagonally from corner to corner over the entire area of ​​the floor to be covered. Between separate elements be sure to leave a gap of at least one millimeter wide. The tile is laid out and adjusted until absolute symmetry is achieved.

The building materials market today offers customers all sorts of housing design options: from unimaginable color shades to novelties of an unusual structure. However, many to this day are admirers of proven building materials, so to speak, classic. It is the classics that can be called metlakh tiles, which for more than one decade has been a worthy decoration of the floor and walls of different rooms. And if in the distant Soviet years this ceramic tile could not boast of a rich color solution, then today the imagination of manufacturers has no boundaries.

What it is?

Small ceramic tiles of various shapes appeared on the construction market more than 100 years ago and became an indispensable element of interior decor in those days. The composition of the tile includes porcelain, so after painting at firing at a temperature of 1200 degrees, it acquires a surprisingly strong structure, comparable to porcelain stoneware. A pigment is added to the mixture from which the tiles are obtained, as a result of which the color is almost natural, natural. Then the manufacturers apply a decorative pattern to the received material - they lower the model into a container with paint or use a method resembling silk-screen printing.

As a result, when the tile is completely laid, its pattern becomes like a carpet. Thanks to the capabilities of the metlakh tile, it can be used in any style, but an interior with an oriental motif is the ideal “environment” for this type of decoration. It will also fit perfectly into a design with a predominance of geometric patterns - a zigzag, Christmas tree, rhombuses or squares, and in different rooms- in the hallway, bathroom, kitchen and even the living room.

History of creation

Small-sized ceramic tiles appeared more than 100 years ago in Germany, in the city of Mettlach, having received the appropriate name. It was produced at the Villeroy & Boch factory. Appearing on the banks of the Rhine, it was actively used in the UK, and the most famous plant for its production is located in France - Winckelmans. At one time, the style, when high-quality tiles were used in the premises, was called Victorian. Metlakh tiles were especially popular in the era of Queen Victoria.

Its difference from competitors is its small size and high strength., which allows designers to achieve amazing designs with rich color.

To this day, French manufacturers use centuries-old traditions in the production of broomsticks, which is probably why the number of fans of such tiles does not decrease. There is a factory for the production of metlakh tiles in Portugal, but in Russia, Portuguese tiles can be found very rarely.

Metlakh tiles came to Russia only in the 19th century and firmly gained popularity among lovers of beauty and durability. She decorated palaces, apartments, and state institutions.

In the era of total shortages, durable metlakh tiles were almost the only decoration of state institutions: they were used in hospitals and schools. The only drawback of the decor was its soft color - it was believed that stains and stains of dirt would stand out on it.

Today we can also enjoy tiles Russian production. The EvroKeramika plant, which produces it, was built in Pechora back in Soviet times. In terms of quality, it is not inferior to its Western counterparts, but in terms of price - Russian tiles, the size of which is 300x300x20 mm, are much cheaper - about 200 rubles per meter.

For comparison, Western-made tiles reach 20 euros per square meter. Moreover, few of the imported manufacturers can boast of hundred-year-old technology.


Many floor coverings have excellent wear resistance characteristics, but metlakh tiles are unmatched. According to experts, the main reason for this is the complete sintering of the material. Therefore, such a coating is not afraid of moisture, you can put heavy things on it, as well as move large objects along it. The broom is absolutely resistant to chemicals, it does not show signs of corrosion. The tile is not afraid of temperature differences, it is frost-resistant.

True, many people call any small tile “broomstick”, often even cement, sometimes a large mosaic, however real ceramics, made in the best traditions of a hundred years ago, have the following features:

  • The composition includes clay and water.
  • It is not glazed.
  • Made of refractory clay at a high firing temperature.
  • She has a very low water absorption coefficient - 0.1-0.5%, while in Europe these standards are about 0.6%.
  • The color of the tile is uniform, usually it is painted in one color.

To this day, during archaeological research, church premises are found, the walls of which were laid with this tile, and it has retained a fairly decent quality. Such characteristics make it possible to use tiles as a facing material for floors and walls, both inside the building and outside.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following advantages of metlakh tiles can be distinguished:

  • Amazing strength and color fastness. This statement is supported by the fact that a considerable number of century-old European buildings are still decorated with metlakh tiles to this day.
  • Perfect frost resistance - after repeated experiments, it has been proven that ceramic tiles can withstand about 300 cycles of freezing at low temperatures and the reverse process - thawing.
  • The moisture resistance of the broom allows it to finish not only buildings, but also rooms with high humidity - a bathroom, a pool and even baths.

  • Fireplaces and stoves can be lined with such facing material, since synthetic materials are not included in the composition of the broom and when heated, the tile does not emit fumes that are harmful to human health.
  • The tile is able to withstand a weight of 380 to 450 kg per cm².
  • Such material is not afraid of scratches, it does not wear out over time.
  • The price of a tile is quite democratic and accessible to everyone.

The most significant drawback of this tile is coldness. The floor covered with it is very unpleasant to the touch, and walking barefoot on it is uncomfortable.

Another point - the tile is rather inconvenient to cut with a tile cutter. Some ordinary people believe that material such as brooms is outdated, and more refined analogues are coming to replace it.


The Russian plant "EuroKeramika" is practically the only one in our country that produces high-quality acid-resistant ceramic tiles. It is quite inexpensive and is used in almost all technical premises.

Material is used that is resistant to all kinds of chemical solutions and in various car repair shops, sanitary facilities, lobbies, latrines. Many facing materials, which technical oil or alkali gets on, inevitably lose their presentable appearance, unlike a broom.

The tiles were tested in a solution in 70% sulfuric acid, where the tiles were kept for more than twenty days, after which the experts were able to verify that none of them specifications did not "give up" its positions: neither the color nor the shape changed.

Today, many manufacturers produce tiles that look very similar to metlakh, the so-called imitation. Not every factory can afford to use the technology of centuries-old German masters, so ceramics that have some qualities similar to real brooms are quite common on the shelves of hardware stores.

For example, Italian manufacturers are ready to offer customers an interior design option that imitates metlakh tiles - from plain to decorated with various geometric patterns.

There are several types of metlakh lining. Thin - when the cut surface on the fracture line is smooth and uniform. In the production of rough tiles, the surface consists of large, granular inclusions.

Today, manufacturers create ceramics in various ways:

  • Casting. The tile obtained in the process of pouring the alloy into special forms and its further drying and firing has a drawback - it turns out to be of different thickness, and the manufacturer has to reject a considerable amount of products.
  • Pressing. Clay, water and special additives are pressed under strong pressure, then tiles of the required size are cut from the raw materials obtained. As a result, it turns out to be porous, it is often laid on the floor.
  • Extrusion. The raw material in this production process is obtained using the so-called mouthpiece and has the shape of a tape. Then it is cut and sent for firing. Special equipment allows you to adjust the thickness and size of the tiles.


Despite the usual small-format broom shape, its dimensions do not always repeat each other. Externally, the tile resembles a mosaic.

Today, manufacturers are ready to offer us ceramics in sizes from 3.5 to 15 cm. The sides of a rectangle, for example, can be 48 mm and 23 mm. As for the thickness, it can be 200, 300 and 350 mm. Width according to GOST ranges from 200 to 300 mm.

The broom shape can be hexagons, triangles, squares and rectangles, as well as crosses.

True, some manufacturers do not always adhere to GOSTs and offer us tiles different sizes- from 65x65 to 150x150 mm. The thickness of such tiles is from 6 to 11 mm.

Colors and design

When choosing a broom, think not only about fashionable design trends, but also about the practical aspects of its use:

  • Light colors will visually expand the room. In addition to white, it can be blue and pink tones, beige and light yellow.
  • Any stains will be less noticeable on a dark tile, which also has a grainy texture.
  • When choosing a color, remember the lighting in the room and the harmonious combination of colors.
  • If you lay the elements at right angles, each of them will appear to you in a different shade.
  • If your room is illuminated by several lamps, then different tones of the cladding can take on completely different tones.
  • Burgundy and burgundy go well together. beige colors, as well as classic - black and white.

Metlakh tiles will surprise all lovers of sophistication and style. Indescribable patterns on the walls and on the floor will create a unique atmosphere. If you wish to place a panel on the floor in your cozy kitchen, then the hexagons in the form of bee "honeycombs", covering part of the floor, will create a unique and refined Art Nouveau style. This arrangement will make it possible to zone the open space in a very original way.

The black and white checkerboard pattern in the living room is a classic of the genre. decorative trim floors with metlakh tiles - this is an opportunity to choose both a monophonic high-quality coating and patterns of a unique shape. Bright geometric figures on the floor, meeting you in the corridor or lobby, will create a festive mood.

Brooms are perfect for decorating the so-called apron on modern kitchen. Bright hexagons with intricate patterns applied to them will certainly decorate the interior of the room.

Due to its wear resistance, such a cladding is also suitable for an open veranda, as a result of which it is possible to “revive” the space in front of the entrance.

The ceramic “carpet” made of Metlakh tiles will be the perfect covering in your bathroom – thanks to its qualities and color stability, you will not have to worry at all that water can get on the floor. By the way, if you like floor tiles, and you need to clad the walls, you can safely use brooms: it is much stronger and will perfectly complement the interior of the premises.
