One of the inhabitants of Australia decided to check how the device works, a drawing of which he took from old books. Inside the post you will find his detailed story about creating a fly trap from Australian colonialists, as well as an impressive "catch" (the view, of course, is not for the faint of heart).

This is a dry trap, falling into which flies die from dehydration.

I made it myself from boards and mesh in just a few hours and after 10 months of operation I can say that this is the most high-tech solution without the use of chemicals. At the end, you will see a visual result of her work and, I am sure, will be very surprised.

Outwardly, the trap resembles a small wooden bedside table. The design of the trap must be transparent to sunlight, so its walls and lid are made of fine mesh mesh.

The main secret of the design is the pyramidal bottom. Flies always fly up towards the light, so the bottom of the trap is made in the shape of a pyramid. The transparent mesh "deceives" the fly, no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

I can’t resist not to spoil about its effectiveness. Guess how long it took for this to happen? You will find the answer at the end of the article.

As you can already clearly see, the design of the flycatcher is quite simple, and it can be assembled from improvised means: the remains of a lining or timber, boards from an unnecessary fence, an old stool or even a bedside table.

I got to work creatively and decided to make a fly trap so that it gave the impression of a professional.

For this:

First, I developed a design on a computer.
- I decided to use Australian red cedar as a material.
- The walls will be made of stainless steel mesh.
- The base pyramid will also be made from this mesh.

The first thing to do is figure out what size of your frame you can have with your wood. In my case, this is a 40 × 40 mm bar.

With the help of a grinder, I bring the wood to its normal state and proceed to making the grooves for installing the mesh.

Note! The mesh can be screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws, but, again, I wanted to make a high quality flytrap, so I approach the process professionally.

I set the saw depth to 12 mm, clamp the bar and make the first cut. Then I repeat the same operation on the other side of the timber so that they are at a 90 degree angle.
- Again we recall our task - to make a professional model. Therefore, I arm myself with a plane and chamfer in the corners to give the legs a more noble look.
- Then I process the wood with wax in order, firstly, to give more saturated color, and secondly, to protect it from moisture.

Let's start creating the most important part of the flytrap - the pyramidal bottom. This process should be given maximum attention.

When the mesh has been cut and curved, I turn over the body of the wooden flycatcher and screw on the first element of the pyramid mesh. I repeat the same steps with the other three pieces of the mesh so that the top of the pyramid is inside the body of the trap.

Later, once everything is dry, I cut out the top of this pyramid to create a larger hole.

This is an important part of the job that affects efficiency:

The hole is too small and the flies will not enter;
- too big - and they will run away.

Note! I cut the top of the pyramid down to 25mm.

I bought brass hinges and a snap hook. Then he drilled holes for screws in the wood and screwed the hinges to the body and lid.

Advice! You can make the bait yourself, or you can buy it in household goods stores. I do not specifically mention the names, since local manufacturers produce them for your area.

And finally, the results of the work for the week - all seven days the flycatcher stood on the lawn by the gazebo, and the flies did not bother us at all.

There were a lot of dead flies. I even wanted to evaluate the result with mathematical precision, and for this I made some measurements:

To begin with, I poured them into empty plastic containers.
- Then I weighed it on an electronic scale. The result is 2.3 kg!

Two and a half kilograms per week, and the flies died from dehydration and their weight was significantly reduced.

By simple calculations and intermediate weighing, I calculated that in just a week my flycatcher caught 1800 flies! Can you imagine how this whole crowd would spoil my rest, if not for the flycatcher?

Are fruit flies getting to the fruit bowl faster than you? If annoying insects have settled in your home, these unwanted guests are unlikely to leave it voluntarily. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to get rid of fruit flies and keep them from returning.


Using a paper funnel

    Get a tall jar, wine or sugary bottle, or vase. This will be the base of your trap. Almost any bank will do.

    Put the bait. Fruit flies love sweets, so you have many options. You can use fruit, juice, sugary drink, or any other sweet food that will lure flies into the container. Below we give a few examples of baits in decreasing order of effectiveness:

    • Overripe or rotten fruit, cut into pieces. You can put a crushed banana, rotten berries, or a peach.
    • Honey, maple or corn syrup.
    • Any fruit juice or sweet drink. It is better to use regular carbonated water - low-calorie water will not work.
    • Apple cider vinegar or soy sauce.
    • Leftover wine or beer in the bottle will also work. Fruit flies fly to the sugar found in alcohol.
  1. Roll a sheet of paper into a tube and insert into a container. A funnel with a small hole will allow the flies to get in, but they will not be able to get out. Secure the funnel with tape to keep it in shape. Place it in the neck of the container with the narrow side down. The tip of the funnel should not touch the bait.

    • You can use any unnecessary paper or even rip out a page from an old magazine.
    • You can also take a coffee filter and use a toothpick to poke a hole in the bottom of the filter.
  2. Set up a trap in an area full of flies. Place the trap near a kitchen sink, trash can, or next to a fruit basket. If the flies are in multiple parts of the kitchen, you will need to use multiple traps.

    Destroy the caught flies. Pour warm water mixed with dish soap into a container. The detergent will reduce the surface tension of the water and drown the flies. Wait 1–2 minutes, then pour out the contents of the jar.

    • If there are still live flies left in the trap, take the trap outside and only then remove the tube.
    • Rinse the container under hot water. You can use it again or make a new trap out of something else.
  3. Repeat until the trap is empty. Fruit flies reproduce quickly. Their life cycle can last only 8 days. For this reason, you will most likely have to repeat everything several times to get rid of the flies completely.

    Seek professional help. If you have a large number of fruit flies that you cannot handle, call a pest control officer to treat the fly habitat with special products. However, this is unlikely to be necessary if you pack food tightly and keep your kitchen clean. Search the internet for the phone numbers of local disinfection services.

How to get rid of eggs

    Know why flies are shown. Fruit flies lay their eggs where food and moisture are present (eg, decaying fruit, damp shells, trash cans). To get rid of eggs, you need to understand where flies find food in your kitchen.

    • Flies often gather near packages or baskets of rotting fruit. Even if you bought fresh fruit, you may be storing it in a bowl that has rot marks that attract flies.
    • If you store compost in the kitchen, it can be a food source for fly larvae.
    • An open trash can also attract flies, especially if there are unwashed cans of beer or soda.
    • When was the last time you washed your trash can? Even if you regularly take out the trash, the remains of old trash at the bottom of the tank can be causing the problem.
    • Flies often accumulate in the sink, as pieces of food often remain in the drain, which begin to rot.
    • Damp sponges and rags are a good breeding ground for flies.
  1. Pack food carefully. If you have flies, do not leave food on the table at room temperature. Store them in an airtight bag or refrigerator until the problem is resolved. One piece of overripe fruit can cause a fly infestation, as it will provide an excellent breeding ground.

    • Do not dispose of leftover fruit in the trash. Unless you take out the trash every day, don't put peach pits, apple cores, and other fruit cleanings in your kitchen trash can, as they will attract fruit flies. Take fruit scraps outside immediately.
  2. Flush out all trash cans. Flies can lay eggs in garbage cans. All tanks in the house should be rinsed with hot water and detergent if you see eggs in there. Throw away your trash more often so the problem doesn't recur.

    • Continue to wash containers weekly, especially in late summer when fruit flies are in abundance.
    • Before throwing away bottles and cans, rinse them with hot water. Leftover food and liquids can spill onto the sides of the dustbin, causing more flies to grow.
    • All tanks should have lids that close tightly.
  3. Clean the gutter. To check for flies in the drain, cover it with a piece of cling film, after smearing it with honey. Put the film on the honey side and come back in an hour. If you see that flies are stuck to the film, then there are eggs in the drain.

    • Check if the drain is working well. If it is clogged or the food residue chopper does not work, there could be a lot of rotting food residue that will attract flies.
    • To get rid of the eggs, pour boiling water mixed with detergent into the drain. Scrub the drain with a brush.
    • Do not put chlorine bleach into the drain. Not only will this not help, but it will also be harmful to the environment.
  4. Get rid of other possible sources of flies. Old dish sponges, damp rags, old rugs, and other things you use to wipe surfaces and floors can contain fly eggs. Throw them away or machine wash at high temperature.

  5. Wipe down all surfaces in the kitchen. Wipe the surfaces with a cloth dampened with hot soapy water. Treat all cracks and depressions where eggs may be laid. Wipe down drawers, pantry shelves, and all areas where you store fruits, juices, and other sugary foods.

    • Check the floor as well. If you spill a drink under the refrigerator, this could be causing the problem. Wipe off any areas that seem sticky.
    • Keep your kitchen surfaces clean daily. Wipe down all surfaces after every meal.
    • Wash the dishes immediately after eating. Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink. If you have a dishwasher, put the dishes in it and close the door.
  • If you decide to use vinegar, make sure you choose the right one. White vinegar won't work. Malt and red vinegar will work, but not as well as apple vinegar... You can also use beer and balsamic vinegar. Wine attracts flies very well, so you can catch them in a wine bottle (with a little wine on the bottom) without any additional tweaks.
  • If fruit flies start in a pot of houseplant, let the soil dry completely between waterings. This will kill most of the larvae, and the adults do not live long and will soon disappear. Check the soil for dryness and water plants with tough leaves as they can dry out and die.
  • Close alcohol bottles very tightly. If the bottle cap has a spout, cover it with cellophane. Every other day, wash the bottles from the outside up to the spout using an ammonia-based cleaner.
  • Hang duct tape around the fly areas. It doesn't look very pretty, but it is very effective. Some types of adhesive tape contain poisonous substances. Use the tapes with care and out of the reach of children.
  • Fruit flies also lay eggs in the faeces of domestic animals. Clean up after your pets as soon as possible.


  • Some toxic detergents, for example, containing chlorine compounds, are recommended to be sprayed only in well-ventilated areas. Try to wear a protective mask while doing this. It is not recommended to use such products if you are worried about the presence of toxic substances in the air.
  • Never touch the waste grinder with your hands. Use a wooden spoon or similar to push through something. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

There are a huge number of various fly traps from domestic, imported manufacturers. They differ in the principle of operation, design, efficiency, price. You can easily make a fly trap with your own hands from improvised means or with minimal financial costs.

Types of traps, principle of operation

Fly traps do not harm human health, are environmentally friendly, and are not inferior in efficiency to purchased drugs. The devices are easy to use, sold throughout the warmer months throughout the affordable price... There are tons of tips on the internet for making homemade traps effortlessly.

Popular types of traps are:

  • insecticidal fly exterminator;
  • ultraviolet destroyer;
  • electronic fly swatter;
  • window fly trap;
  • bait trap.

In the process of selecting a trap, it is imperative to take into account the radius of influence, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the device will be used.

  • Ultraviolet fly exterminators are lured with ultraviolet light. Flying up to the device, the insect receives a discharge of current from the grid behind which the lamps are located. When flies die, they accumulate in a pull-out tray that is easy to clean.
  • A fly trap is made on the basis of a container with a bait inside. Does not consist of poisons, others harmful substances... Once trapped, the fly cannot get out. Some types of traps are supported by the thermal effect or emit carbon dioxide, mimicking human breathing. This is how pests are attracted.
  • The electric swatter is a subspecies of fly killers. The principle of operation is identical. Due to the glow, it attracts insects to itself, after which it kills them with a current discharge. The device is safe for people to use.
  • Window fly traps are made to fit. A sticky compound is applied to both sides of the trap. One side of the trap is attached to the window, the other duct tape attracts flies to itself. It is recommended for the best effect to cling to windows from the sunny side of the house. Change as insects stick. The manufacturer indicates that such a device is enough for six months.

On a note!

The principle of operation of absolutely all traps is to attract insects. The destruction process itself is different. They attract flies with warmth, smells, light. Based on the mechanism of action of purchased devices, structures, you can make them yourself.

They are conventionally divided into two types - baits, Velcro. You need to put a favorite treat of flies inside the baits. They use jam, rotten fruits, vegetables, honey. It is better not to use fish, meat because it quickly begins to emit a fetid odor. For flies, such aromas are a joy, but it is impossible for a person to be near such bait.

You can show ingenuity, come up with your own effective design.

Electric fly trap at home

In most cases, the device is bought, but you can make it yourself.

You will need:

  • housekeeper light;
  • high-voltage module;
  • insulating tape;
  • hot glue;
  • finger battery.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Disassemble the light bulb so that there is a plastic case, a bulb with tubes that are attached to the case.
  2. Make a through hole in the plastic, take an aluminum wire, thread it through one of the holes.
  3. Wrap the wire around the light bulb, remove all unnecessary. Do the same with the second hole.
  4. There are 2 wires inside the base. Wrap one on the tip of the wire and bend, there will be 2 contacts.
  5. Connect the high-voltage module to the finger-type battery through the switch.
  6. Make holes, insert the switch, the module into the case.
  7. It is necessary to solder the wiring, wrap the soldered module wires to the battery with electrical tape, and glue the module to the base with hot glue.
  8. Insert a light bulb into the base so that the contacts touch the contacts of the module, screw in and turn on the device.

On a note!

Flying into the light of an electric trap, pests upon contact with it will be struck by a current discharge. The method is very effective, but also dangerous. Not recommended for use near small children, pets. There is one drawback - as soon as the battery runs out, the device needs to be redone. Not everyone will want to mess around with preparing a complex structure. Most people prefer to buy a ready-made appliance.

Popular commercial fly traps

When choosing effective means pay attention to the following products:

  • Destroyer Pomel DUO LT-60 (Poland). A trap that uses removable sticky paper cartridges instead of electrical discharge. Emitting ultraviolet light, it lures insects to itself, which, when ingested, stick to paper. Due to the absence of a spark, this destroyer can be used on explosive objects. It receives power from a 220 V network. In the middle there are 4 lamps of 15 W each, 2 replaceable sticky paper cartridges. Dimensions of the device 350x470x120 mm. The price is about 2000 rubles.
  • Light trap Economy 14 w (Poland). Effectively fights flies, mosquitoes. Inside is an adhesive paper cartridge. Insects, flying into the light, fall into the trap, immediately sticking to the trap. Ideal for children's rooms, bedrooms, kitchens. Range of action up to 40 sq. m. Powered by an outlet. The parameters of the device are 65x280x330 mm. The cost is about 2500 rubles.
  • Destroyer N'oveen IKN-36 IPX4 (Poland). The principle of operation is the same as that of other exterminators. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. It is waterproof, so destruction takes place even in rainy weather. For the best effect, you need to hang it away from other light sources at a height of up to 2 m. The radius of action is up to 120 sq. m.Dimensions 510х135х310 mm. The price is about 3000 rubles.
  • Vaco window trap (Poland). Attached to the window with the adhesive side. Insects are attracted by the pheromones that come from this trap, and when they sit on it, they stick tightly. Change as the tape sticks to flies. Valid for up to 6 months. The price is about 50 rubles.

What traps to use indoors: purchased or homemade - an individual solution. It is necessary to focus on efficiency, safety, ease of use. The electric fly trap is more powerful, but also the most expensive for the price.

One of the most annoying and ubiquitous insects is the fly, which often flies into our homes. Sitting on a variety of surfaces and food, it carries on its paws a mass of pathogenic bacteria that can harm human health. The intrusive buzzing of an intruder often irritates us. However, not everyone can destroy the fast and agile fly with the help of a fly swatter. In this case, simple and convenient fly traps that you can make yourself will come to the rescue.

Simple homemade flycatchers

Before you start hunting flies, you need to determine what attracts them to our homes. First of all, these are products that are an optimal breeding environment and a source of nutrition. Slightly spoiled meat and fish with a smell will instantly attract the attention of flies seeking to lay their eggs. It is for this reason that most often we cannot do without such baits.

There are the simplest fly traps that can be made from scrap materials without having any special skills:

  • bait-based traps;
  • traps with poisonous baits;
  • sticky traps;
  • flycatcher-electroshock.

However, the process of creating an electroshock flycatcher is not simple and requires certain experience and professional skills.

Trapped by their plastic bottle

It is not difficult to make a flytrap from an ordinary plastic bottle... To attract the insect, an edible bait with a fragrant smell is used:

  • liquid jam;
  • coca Cola;
  • any sugar-containing liquid that has undergone a fermentation process. For this purpose, you can add a little yeast to sweetened water;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • rotten fruits.

Council. Do not use meat and fish products as bait, the stench will quickly spread throughout the room.

To make a trap you will need:

  1. Cut the plastic bottle into two equal parts.
  2. Turn the upper part of the bottle, resembling a funnel, upside down and set in the lower part. In this case, the neck of the bottle should not touch its bottom. For best results, keep in mind that the ratio of the height of the top and bottom of the bottle should be 1: 2.
  3. To ensure the strength of the structure, secure the funnel using a stapler or tape.
  4. Pour liquid bait on the bottom of the bottle.
  5. Set up the trap where insects are most likely to occur.

Council. If you add ground pepper or any granular insecticidal preparation to the sweet liquid, it will turn into a poisonous bait for flies caught in the trap.

Video: making a trap from a plastic bottle

Glass jar trap

A similar trap can be made from glass jars and a plastic funnel:

  1. Take a jar suitable size, and put slightly rotten sweet fruits on the bottom.
  2. Turn the funnel over with its narrow end down and place it on the jar in the form of a makeshift lid.
  3. Secure the funnel with tape or tape, trying to seal all the cracks.

The jar can be placed near the trash can or on the windowsill, because flies always fly towards the light.

With the help of such a trap, you can catch not only flies, but also wasps and mosquitoes.

Plastic container trap

A small transparent plastic container can be useful for making a simple and reliable fly trap. For this purpose, you can use plastic cups or special containers for food:

  1. Place an edible bait on the bottom of the container.
  2. Tighten the top of the container with cling film, punching small holes in it with a knife.

The fly, sensing the smell of food, will try to penetrate into the plastic container through the holes in the film, however, the insect will no longer be able to get free.

Important! Try to dispose of the contents of the traps from time to time by removing captured insects and changing baits. Otherwise, such structures will become sources of unsanitary conditions.

Duct tape

Adhesive tapes are especially popular with fly hunters.
Prepare a composition from the following components:

  • rosin or pine resin, previously melted in a water bath - 2 parts;
  • flaxseed or castor oil - 1 part;
  • sugar syrup or honey - a small amount for taste.


  1. Mix all the ingredients listed.
  2. Using parchment, kraft paper, or oilcloth, cut the strips 3-4 cm thick.
  3. Apply the adhesive to the paper tapes.
  4. Hang the ribbons where insects are most concentrated.

Video: "mittens" sticky fly trap

Council. As an adhesive, you can also use a specialized glue ALT, designed to combat rodents.

"Folk" fly repellents - plastic bags with water

Another way to keep flies away from your home is to use plastic bags of water that are hung near doors and open windows. The inventor of this method is a Swedish citizen named Sten Lindqvist, who claims that the effectiveness of this method is comparable to that of mosquito nets.
To create this kind of bleach you will need:

  • transparent cellophane bag;
  • pure water;
  • several coins.


  1. Pour water into the bag.
  2. Dip shiny small coins into the bag.
  3. Tie the bag tightly.
  4. Hang it from the side of the street near front door or an open window.

The principle of operation of such a device is based on the specifics of insect vision. Perhaps the sunlight hitting the coins through the water column blinds the flies, making your home invisible to them.

Video: the most harmless way to get rid of flies

However, reviews about the effectiveness of such a repeller are very contradictory.

On the weekend I went hunting with a friend on his estate, a huge wooden building (round timber), many rooms and living rooms. So, entering the living room, he butted his forehead on a transparent cellophane bag with water tied to the ceiling. On a silent question, a friend's wife explained that this scares off flies which are innumerable this winter. This she spied on in Spain in butchers, where they sell jamon. So what happened next showed that there were no flies in the rooms with packages, in others (without packages) they flew listlessly in sufficient quantities.

The Mythbusters in Season 10 (Issue 157) refuted the myth that a hanging transparent bag of water scares off flies. They conducted a test, it turned out that the package, on the contrary, attracts!

CD Trap

Another option for a homemade trap is a device made from a regular CD and an adhesive base. To make it you will need:

  • CD;
  • A small piece of rope;
  • Honey or any other sticky and edible adhesive that can attract flies.


  1. Pass a rope through the hole on the CD and tie it in a loop. With this loop, you can hang the trap anywhere.
  2. Apply honey or any other insect-attracting adhesive to the CD on both sides.
  3. Place the CD in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  4. After the sticky layer freezes, hang the trap where the flies congregate.

Council. If the room temperature is high enough and the sticky compound starts to melt violently, return the CD to the freezer.

How to make an electric fly trap

With certain technical skills, you can create more complex and effective trap designs at home. With the help of such devices, it is possible to catch various flying insects both indoors and outdoors.

Electric jump

Electric jump - homemade device, in which the light emanating from the light bulb acts as a bait, and the insect itself is drawn inward due to the operation of the fan.
To create such a trap, you need:

  • a small electric motor with a power of 10–20 W (for example, from any class III electric player);
  • an electric light bulb with a socket;
  • two cans of various diameters;
  • aluminum plate 20x100 mm;
  • two thick plastic washers;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • two strips of metal;
  • screws;
  • screws M4;
  • round wooden base;
  • trap pouch made of nylon stocking;
  • rubber ring;
  • power source, which can be a battery.

Electric pumping device diagram: 1 - rubber ring, 2 - electric motor, 3 - housing, 4 - fan, 5 - cover, 6 - suspension, 7 - strip-bracket, 8 - M4 screw, 9 - washers, 10 - nylon bag


  1. Using a 20x100mm aluminum plate, cut out some of the fan blades. In the center of the plate, make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the motor shaft.
  2. Then install an improvised propeller made of two plastic washers on the shaft, while bending the fan blades at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. For reliability, it is recommended to fix the "hub" using epoxy glue.
  4. Fix the lamp holder securely with the screws on wooden base round shape.
  5. Then connect it with a pair of metal bracket strips to the motor starter. Please note that the length of the strips should allow a gap of 50 mm and located between the motor shaft and the bottom point of the light bulb.
  6. We set the resulting construction to tin canby fixing it with M4 screws so that the fan itself is about 15 mm below the edge of the can.
  7. The base of the lamp holder is covered with a cover made from a second can. In this case, a gap of 50 mm should remain between the edges of the main body of the device and the cover. Thanks to it, the insect will see the bright part of the structure, which acts as a light bait.
  8. Using a nylon stocking, make a trap pouch by putting it on the lower part of the body. A rubber ring can be used as a retainer.
  9. Connect the light bulb and motor to a power source by placing the unit under the ceiling of the room.


You can also use a homemade electric shock flytrap to kill flies indoors. To create such a device you will need:

  • housekeeper light;
  • high voltage module;
  • finger battery.


  1. Initially, you should disassemble the light bulb, which may not be working. We leave the glass part of the lamp and the plastic cap.
  2. Drill two holes on the sides of the plastic base of the light bulb, one opposite the other.
  3. First, insert a soft aluminum wire and carefully wind it around the light bulb in one hole, and then in the other - the same wire, too.
  4. One of the wires coming out of the neon lamp must be connected to one of the aluminum rods.
  5. The remaining two free from each other outputs must be connected to the high-voltage module.
  6. For the convenience of using the device, it is desirable to connect the high-voltage module to the power source through a switch. To do this, a rectangular hole should be made in the plastic cap left after disassembling the light bulb using a sharp clerical knife. Install a button into it, after which you can insert the high-voltage module into the lid, unsoldering all the necessary wiring.
  7. Then you need to solder the battery to the high-voltage module, securely fastening it with electrical tape.
  8. To ensure a more reliable fixing, it is necessary to glue the high-voltage module to the plastic case using hot melt glue.
  9. Then put a neon tab with a high-voltage winding on the high-voltage module so that the two wires located in the product body and in the light bulb touch each other.
  10. To prevent killed insects from falling to the floor, you can attach a plastic cap to the top of the light bulb using hot melt glue.
  11. When you turn on the device, a neon light will light up, attracting a flying insect. A light touch will strike the fly with an electrical discharge.

Video: the process of creating an electroshock flycatcher

With a minimum of effort and money, it turns out that everyone can get rid of annoying flies from their home. Although the only drawback of such designs may be the lack of a guarantee of one hundred percent result, as well as unaesthetic appearance.

Attracted by interesting smells, they fly into houses and apartments, verandas and sheds. In addition to the fact that their presence in the room annoys residents, flies on their paws carry germs and dirt, which can cause damage to food and poisoning people. A fly trap can solve the problem of annoying insects.

What attracts flies

Before getting rid of flies, you need to understand what has become the source of their attention. They may be attracted to smells:

  • sweet jam, honey, syrup;
  • ripe fruits and vegetables;
  • meat and fish;
  • food waste in the form of scraps and peels;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, sweet flavors and additives;
  • manure and sewerage;
  • spoiled food.

By getting rid of potential fly baits, you can avoid or significantly reduce their numbers in the home. But in some situations, the invasion of flies may be associated with the presence of a nearby source of their attention and it is impossible to influence it. Then it remains to trust the traps or special poisonous insect repellent.

On a note!

Insecticides are also naturally based and safe for humans. The line contains poisons based on pyrethrum.

Unlike pesticides and synthetic insecticides based on Thiamethoxam (, Aktara), safe traps can be used in close proximity to people and animals without fear for their health. The main principle of such a trap is to attract the fly to the bait and prevent it from leaving the trap. There are three types of traps:

  1. Velcro - sheets of cardboard or tape covered with a sticky mixture that has a pleasant sweetish smell. Flies land on such baits and stick. Advantages of adhesive tape: easy to make and cheap to buy from a store, convenient to use anywhere, easy to clean up and dispose of along with stuck insects. The disadvantages include the unpleasant appearance of hanging traps in the room, the risk of hitting the head with a sticky bait suspended from the ceiling.
  2. Trap traps with bait are made from improvised means. Insects fly into a certain compartment with a bait, but they cannot fly back. You can use jam, honey, sweet water, pieces of fruit or meat as bait. The advantages of this method of catching flies are the ease of manufacturing the product and its effectiveness. The disadvantages of homemade products include bad smell spoiled food that lures flies, and the potential for the container to be knocked over by curious pets or a child.
  3. ... Devices requiring supplies in the form of an insecticide in a bottle or from a special plate with a poisonous substance. Plus: work without misfires. Minus: depending on the composition of the insecticide, it is sometimes necessary to ventilate the room after use.
  4. Electric fly traps are special devices that run on electricity. They attract insects with ultraviolet light and heat, but when flies come into contact with a certain surface, they are killed by a discharge of current. Such a blow is not capable of injuring a person, but for small flying insects it is fatal. Other electronic traps work differently - they suck in closely flying insects. The advantages of the electric trap are its stylish appearance, additional source light in the dark, high efficiency, safety for others. The disadvantages include the high price of electric fly exterminators, power consumption, and bulky devices.
  5. ... When connected to the network, they emit a sound inaudible to the human ear, which should make the flies stay away. Cons: does not always work; pets hearing ultrasound may be against it.

Homemade traps

A person often uses his ingenuity to achieve certain goals. The fight against insects was no exception. Annoying flies can irritate even the calmest person. To kill insects, especially enterprising people make homemade traps.

To make homemade products, you will need an ordinary plastic bottle 1 or 1.5 liters, scissors or a knife, any sweet filling, scotch tape.

  1. The upper part is cut off from the bottle at a distance of 7-8 cm from the edge of the neck.
  2. At the bottom of the resulting container, bait is placed: jam, honey, syrup.
  3. The cut off funnel-shaped neck is pushed into the container with the neck down.
  4. The wide edge of the funnel and the upper edge of the container are fixed with tape or electrical tape.

On a note!

The narrow edge of the neck should not touch the sweet filling. Flies should not reach the sweetness without flying into the bottle.

Such a fly trap from a plastic bottle can catch other sweet-tooth insects: wasps, bees, midges. Simple and affordable way making a trap allows you to throw it out with a large accumulation of insects inside and make a new one.

Glass flycatcher

You can make a fly trap from a regular glass or plastic cup and cling film. Put a teaspoon of honey or jam at the bottom of the glass. Cling film it is necessary to cover the cup and tighten it tightly, fixing the edges of the film with tape. Make 2-3 holes in the film so that the insect can penetrate into the glass. You can make several such homemade products and place them throughout the house.

Glass Jar Trap

In places where large flies congregate, you need a more serious bait - spoiled meat or fruits. They have a pungent strong smell and will attract more flying gnats.

  1. A liter glass jar with a wide neck is taken as a container.
  2. Several pieces of bait are put inside.
  3. A wide funnel is installed on top with a narrow neck down.
  4. The edges of the container and the wide edges of the funnel are fastened together with electrical tape or wide mounting tape for structural reliability.

On a note!

The strong smell of rotten vegetables, fruits or meat will be very unpleasant for household members and interesting for cats and dogs. Therefore, it is recommended to use such a flycatcher to catch flies on open verandas and place it in places inaccessible to animals.

Instead of a glass container, you can use a container made of dense plastic with a wide neck. The main condition for a reliable flycatcher is that there are no gaps between the funnel and the jar. Otherwise, flies can crawl out. These traps work well if you place them around the perimeter of the lot.

Duct tape

One of the most popular fly traps is sticky tape. It is sold in any hardware store and costs from 20 to 50 rubles apiece. But if it is not possible to purchase goods in the store, you can do it at home. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of rosin with a tablespoon of castor or linseed oil... Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir for 5 minutes. Then add jam and cool. Apply the adhesive mass to long strips of thick paper and hang in places where flies are often found.

If you follow the recipe, homemade glue remains sticky for a long time and is able to reliably hold insects attracted by the smell of jam on itself.

For people who do not have time to make homemade products, but want to quickly and efficiently get rid of flying gnats, there are electric fly traps. These devices are made of a metal housing with a fireproof plastic coating, and have several UV lamps, the bright light of which attracts insects. On the way to the lamps, the flies fall on the grid, through which the current flows, and immediately die. The conductive element is protected by an additional coarse mesh to prevent accidental contact with a person or pet. Such devices also help get rid of mosquitoes and midges.

Pest killer

Electric device for the destruction of flying insects. Two 20W ultraviolet lamps act as bait. Near the lamps passes metal gridconducting current. The trap is designed for flies and mosquitoes. For the correct functioning of the device it is necessary:

  • set the trap on a flat surface;
  • connect to AC power;
  • make sure that moisture does not get on the device;
  • periodically clean the dead insect tray.

The price of the device is about 3500 rubles. The device is durable and correct use will last for several years. The radius of the trap is up to 120 m 2. Power consumption 15 W. dimensions: 51x31.5x10.5 cm; weight 2.3 kg.


Industrial electric traps are widely used in shops, warehouses, markets against flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The device is mounted on a wall 2 meters above the floor. The product includes ultraviolet lamps, the light of which attracts insects to itself. Flying close to the lamp, they fall on the conductive grid and die.

Main settings electric trap Well:

  • area of \u200b\u200baction up to 50 sq. m .;
  • weight 3.3 kg;
  • dimensions: 34x28x13;
  • lamp power 8 W;
  • body material - plastic;
  • power consumption - 25 W;
  • the price is 6800 rubles.
