The efficiency of the heating system largely depends on the insulation used for thermal insulation of walls and floors. Expanded clay or mineral wool are evaluated in terms of practicality, cost, performance.

Thermal conductivity is not the only metric used to assess the merits of thermal insulation materials. The thermal conductivity coefficient of mineral wool is about 0.04 W / (m * K), and of expanded clay - 0.1-0.18 W / (m * K). During operation, this indicator is influenced by the scope of application, the thickness of the insulation layer, the level of humidity.

The practicality of mineral wool and expanded clay granules is assessed by a number of parameters:

CharacteristicsExpanded clayMinvata
Thermal conductivity0.18 W / (m * K)0.048 W / (m * K)
Layer thickness950 mm253 mm
CondensationNotYes - vapor barrier required
475 kg / m²10.1 kg / m²
SustainabilityClay is a natural materialPhenolic resins are used in the production of mineral wool
Fire safetyIncombustibleWhen exposed to direct fire, the bonding adhesive burns, releasing phenol
BiostabilityResistant to fungi and mold. Not a habitat for insects and rodents

For insulation of a horizontal surface, mineral wool or expanded clay can be used. The vertical backfill will settle over time, expanding the walls. Moisture resistant expanded clay granules are considered the best insulation basement, basements and bathrooms. Lightweight wadded insulation is carefully insulated from living quarters to eliminate health risks.

Subject to the installation rules, manufacturers of both types of insulation guarantee a service life of more than 50 years.

Which is cheaper: comparing the cost of two materials

1 cubic meter of expanded clay gravel can be bought for 1500 rubles, 1 roll of mineral wool measuring 8200 × 1220 × 50 mm costs from 1400 rubles.

The cost estimate for insulation should include the costs of:

  • for the services of loaders - for the delivery of heavy bags of expanded clay;
  • additional consumables - timber, vapor barrier membrane, fasteners;
  • personal protective equipment - important when using mineral wool insulation.

For the simultaneous solution of the problems of thermal insulation and sound insulation, it is clear that mineral wool is better. Expanded clay is not a heater, and the cheapness of the material can be completely leveled by the need to use it in large quantities.

Reviews of expanded clay

Alexander, 42 years old, Volgograd: “I used expanded clay for floor screed in the bathroom and toilet. Waterproofing "Osnovit", a layer of 7 cm was poured with cement milk, on top of a cement-sand screed and tiles. Normal, warm. "

Alexey, 38 years old, Saratov: “I covered the roof of the old house with expanded clay with a layer of 20 cm. It became warmer, and the rain was not so audible”.

Expanded clay is a popular building material, which is produced in the form of glassy granules. For the manufacture of the material, special types of clay are used. Expanded clay is a completely natural material, but it is made artificially. It is presented in a wide variety, which expands the scope of the material.


It is very popular today, and this is due to the fact that it has a long service life, it is easy to install and it has high sound insulation characteristics. Exactly these positive traits and allowed expanded clay to become one of the most demanded. Expanded clay is an inexpensive and easy-to-use building material.

In the photo - expanded clay for construction

It has a fairly wide scope of application, among which are:

  • thermal insulation of floors, which is carried out due to low thermal conductivity;
  • thermal insulation of walls of loggias, attics and basements, since heat loss can be reduced by 70%;
  • construction of residential buildings, industrial facilities, summer cottages and baths;
  • design events at personal plot: the use of tiles, embankments;
  • are actively involved in agriculture when applied to the soil, it is possible to increase the growth rates of the plant;
  • in the manufacture of filters in sewage treatment plants;
  • in the production of lightweight concrete, when expanded clay granules act as a filler.

When choosing a quality bulk material, it is important to know what.


Before using, it is necessary to determine its basic properties. The most important thing is thermal conductivity. For the material under consideration, it ranges from 0.10 W / (m * K) to 0.18 W / (m * K). Thus, in order to obtain thermal insulation properties mineral wool - Expanded clay should fit into a thicker layer. The thermal conductivity of mineral wool and expanded clay is in a ratio of 1: 4.

The next indicator that must be taken into account when buying ceramite is water absorption. It is very important as it shows how the material will behave under the influence of water. It is a relatively stable material, and its water absorption is 8-20%.

It will also be interesting to know what expanded clay concrete blocks better for building a house:

For those who want to know what it is, you should follow the link.


Gravel is a material that is presented in the form of rounded grains. Their size can reach 2-4 cm. They have a porous structure, and are covered with grains with a strong shell. The structure of the material contains closed cells that are filled with air.

Pictured is expanded clay gravel

Due to this quality, expanded clay gravel can be used as a heater. For its manufacture, the method of swelling of light grades of clay is used. The resulting material has the best thermal insulation properties. But what are the differences between gravel and crushed stone, you can find out

Expanded clay crushed stone

Expanded clay crushed stone is a material that was taught by crushing expanded soft clay. As a result, fractions of 1-2 cm are obtained. The formed elements have an irregular shape, most often they are angular. If the composition of the heat insulator contains grains of only this type, then the heat conductivity of expanded clay will be higher. But what is the thermal conductivity of expanded clay, is described in great detail in this

In the photo, expanded clay crushed stone:

Expanded clay sand

Expanded clay sand is a by-product that is formed during the production of two main fractions. This material is presented in the form of grains. Their size reaches 0.5-1 cm. It has poor thermal insulation properties when compared with gravel and crushed stone.

In the photo, expanded clay sand

The presented type of expanded clay is actively used as a porous heat insulator, which is part of a concrete screed.

Table - Characteristics different types expanded clay

Bulk density grade Highest quality category First quality category
Strength grade Strength grade Ultimate compressive strength in the cylinder, MPa
250 P35 0,8 P25 0,6
300 P50 1 P35 0,8
350 P75 1,5 P50 1
400 P75 1,8 P50 1,2
450 P100 2,1 P75 1,5
500 P125 2,5 P75 1,8
550 P150 3,3 P100 2,1
600 P150 3,5 P125 2,5
700 P200 4,5 P150 3,3
800 P250 5,5 P200 4,5

But what are the pros and cons of a dry floor screed and what reviews exist about such a building material. help to understand the information from this

What is the cost of a dry floor screed for square meter, is described in great detail in this

In any modern construction, foam is used, but what are specifications foam 50 mm, will help to understand the information from this

Manufacturers and prices

Today expanded clay is presented in a wide range. The main thing when choosing is to pay attention to proven manufacturers.

These include:

  • Expanded clay - the price is 125 rubles per bag
  • "Klinstroydetal" - the price is 250 rubles per bag;
  • PSK Combine - the price is 100 rubles per bag;
  • "KSK Rzhevsky" - the price is 180 rubles per bag;
  • Meliz - the price is 150 rubles per bag;
  • "Experiment" - the price is 240 rubles per bag;
  • "Aleksinsky expanded clay plant" - the price is 190 rubles per bag;
  • "Belkeramzit" - the price is 170 rubles per bag.

The video shows the properties of expanded clay for the floor:

Expanded clay is a popular material that is used as thermal insulation. It has excellent thermal conductivity, sound insulation and frost resistance. It is actively used in the insulation of wooden floors, in the manufacture of filters for wells or in the production of concrete. It is necessary to buy material only from trusted manufacturers, so as not to worry about the quality of expanded clay.

The efficiency of even the most powerful and modern heating system is reduced to zero without high-quality and reliable thermal insulation, the main task of which is to reduce heat loss. Most often, expanded clay and mineral wool are used to insulate walls, roofs, floors and floors of residential buildings. Which of these materials does the best job?

The construction of buildings implies their mandatory insulation with the help of materials intended for this. From any of them, we require low thermal conductivity, light weight, soundproofing qualities, fire resistance, environmental friendliness and low cost. Before us are two of the most popular heat insulators: expanded clay and mineral wool. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending not only on their "innate" physical and technical parameters, but also on adherence to the rules for installing thermal insulation.

Expanded clay: natural and environmentally friendly

This free-flowing, porous and fairly light building material differs from its counterparts in that it is based on special clay rocks with a quartz content. According to the size and geometry of granules, expanded clay is divided into:

  • gravel (its granules are elongated);
  • crushed stone (with particles in the form of acute-angled cubes);
  • sand (with granules, the size of which does not exceed five millimeters).

The quality of expanded clay determines the bulk density, bulk density, porosity and strength. It is believed that more pores provide a better heat-saving function of the insulation.

Describing the operational advantages of expanded clay, one should highlight:

  • high capacity for thermal insulation (even a small layer of expanded clay under the floor can raise the level of thermal insulation to a new quality level);
  • light weight (due to this parameter, expanded clay insulation can be used at all stages of construction);
  • enviable soundproofing (this parameter is extremely important for housing construction);

  • non-susceptibility to decay, damage by rodents, fungus and mold);
  • strength and durability (expanded clay is chemically inert, resistant to mechanical and thermal damage);
  • flowability (that is, the ability to fill with such a heater spaces that have any shape and volume);
  • environmental safety (this is an environmentally friendly material without toxic impurities);
  • water resistance (even if moisture gets into the expanded clay layer, its granules, due to the ventilated gaps, will act no worse than high-quality drainage);
  • affordable price.

This inexpensive free-flowing insulation can be used to improve the quality of walls and floors, pitched roofs and basements. Thermal insulation of floors (and any other elements) of a residential building with expanded clay requires strict adherence to technologies.

1. We clean the floor.

2. We expose beacons around the perimeter of the room.

3. Pour a layer of expanded clay (at least 150 mm thick) onto the sand layer.

4. Level the surface with a fishing line.

5. We cover the expanded clay insulation with a waterproofing film.

6. Carefully fill in the concrete solution.

7. Regularly wet the surface with water for three to four weeks to prevent cracking.

Video: What is expanded clay? Its pros and cons

This material is suitable for those who choose environmental friendliness and naturalness, dream of achieving from indoor spaces at home with an extremely comfortable microclimate, without fear of a slight decrease in internal areas due to a sufficiently thick expanded clay layer.

Minwata: practical and affordable

This soft coarse fiber material is a product of scrap metal and carbonaceous mineral alloys. Due to its durability, fire resistance and the ability to quickly install mineral wool (in plates, rolls and mats different sizes) has become incredibly popular in the construction business. It is especially appreciated for its breathability, which makes it an ideal insulation for a wooden house.

The operational advantages of mineral wool:

  • refractoriness;
  • high soundproofing ability;
  • non-susceptibility to deformations during temperature changes;
  • acceptable price.

Disadvantages of mineral wool, which can be compensated for by proper handling of the insulation and adherence to all installation technologies:

  • fragility;
  • insufficient resistance to moisture;
  • insufficient environmental friendliness.

Material with a loose structure. It does not trap steam, therefore its inner side must be vaporized with a layer of foamed polyethylene. It is important to carefully seal the seams at the border of the insulation fragments using ordinary metallized adhesive tape.

When insulating the floor with mineral wool, keep in mind that its height will rise by about 50 mm. And remember: quality result you will only achieve it if you follow the order of insulation. As an example, we suggest floor insulation system along the logs.

1. We tamp the soil.

2. We lay a layer of crushed stone, using bituminous mastic for its waterproofing.

3. We install brick posts (longitudinal interval - 2 m, transverse - 60 m), waterproof them

4. We lay wooden logs.

5. At the bottom of each log we fix a windproof layer (first metal grid, then windscreen).

6. We put mineral wool on the foil between the logs.

7. We protect the insulation with a vapor barrier layer.

8. We seal the joints between the sheets.

9. We lay the plank floor.

Video: What is mineral wool? Its pros and cons

Mineral wool is an inexpensive, sure and quick way to warm up a room. Unfortunately, using this material, it is impossible to exclude the risk of not only harmful vapors in your home, but also rodents. Mineral wool is best suited for outdoor insulation.

Expanded clay or mineral wool?

Both the one and the other material have a relatively inexpensive cost, they can boast of a fairly simple installation process and a decent quality of insulation, therefore, you should choose between expanded clay and mineral wool, focusing on specific building conditions, technical and financial capabilities. A good solution is a combination of these materials, as they complement each other well.

The choice of insulation for the floor: mineral wool, expanded clay, expanded polystyrene?

Thermal conductivity of building materials is one of the defining parameters in construction, since maintaining a certain temperature regime indoors (residential - in particular) or the need to improve this mode is often the task of construction work.

The figure indicating the thermal conductivity of heaters is a very, very serious indicator that deserves attention.

About thermal conductivity

First of all, let's define what thermal conductivity is. It is, in fact, the ability to transfer heat from a warmer surface to a colder one. If we apply the definition to construction, we can put it this way: it is the process of transferring heat from a room to the street.

Accordingly, the higher the thermal conductivity, the easier and easier the material transfers heat from the apartment (house) to the outside. This means that we need to use materials with the lowest indicator of this parameter.

To calculate the design of a structure, the thermal conductivity coefficient is used, which is a number that indicates how much energy passes through a body with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2 and a thickness of 1 m per unit of time - W / (m * K).

Data for most building materials are summarized in thermal conductivity tables, indicating also the density of these materials, but since this parameter can vary depending on the composition of the material and the additives introduced by the manufacturer, there may be variations even within the same type.

Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation or other insulating materials, as a property, also allows you to choose the most suitable in terms of parameters, but at the same time more convenient to install material or an insulator with a smaller thickness, when it is critical.

First, we will give indicators specifically for building materials:

  • silicate hollow brick - 0.66;
  • ceramic hollow brick - 0.57;
  • clinker brick - 0.8;
  • solid brick - 0.6;
  • glued laminated timber (150 x 150 mm) - 0.1;
  • concrete (on the sand) - 0.7;
  • concrete (on crushed stone) - 1.3.

Now - a table of thermal conductivity of heaters:

Comparative table of density (average):

Now let's look briefly at each of these materials.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool comes in several varieties, including depending on the raw material from which it is produced. Distinguish between stone and slag mineral wool. The first is produced from various rocks (basalt, limestone), and the second - from metallurgical slag.

Most often, the first type is used in construction, since it is more resistant to temperature extremes and high humidity.

Mineral wool is used as a heater for walls and ceilings, as well as for thermal insulation of internal partitions; there are also industrial varieties for insulating pipelines, for example.

The thermal conductivity of mineral wool is from 0.035 W / (m * K) on average. For example, the thermal conductivity of basalt wool is 0.039 W / (m * K), while the required thickness of the insulating layer is at least 167 mm.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of basalt wool is thus slightly above average, but clearly not the maximum for this material. The maximum thermal conductivity of Rockwool mineral wool in the above comparison is also the highest among these materials.

The average price is from 1000 rubles / roll (for example, Rockwool Multirock Roll mineral wool). Thermal conductivity of Rockwool mineral wool - from 0.035 W / (m * K).


Penoplex is an extruded expanded polystyrene foam suitable for use both for construction needs (thermal insulation of foundations, floors, walls and roofs) and for industrial applications, including in road and airfield construction.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of foam is on average from 0.28 W / (m * K), for plates of different densities this indicator may differ insignificantly. Comparison of the thermal conductivity of foam with a density of 30 kg / m 3 and 45 kg / m 3 shows almost no difference at different density for compression and bending.

Considering the specified thermal conductivity of Penofol, it is more often used if a complex insulating material is needed, than just as thermal insulation.

The price of Penofol depends on the thickness (supplied as standard from 3 to 10 mm thick, but for special conditions can be up to 40 mm thick). The average minimum thickness of one-sided foiling is from 145 rubles / m2, its version of the maximum thickness of 40 mm is from 2800 rubles / m2.

Polyurethane foam (sprayed)

Polyurethane foam - has an average coefficient of thermal conductivity, the smallest among the materials described.

Also, a feature of its use is the seamless spraying technique, which allows solving heat-insulating problems with a minimum layer of insulation and achieving, if necessary, different densities. Non-toxic, resistant to fungi and mold.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of polyurethane foam is from 0.023 W / (m * K), and the cost depends on the density of the spraying and the coverage area. So, spraying 100 mm (maximum layer) on an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1000 m 2 will cost from 1320 rubles / m 3.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay - is a bulk insulation, which creates sufficient variability in thermal conductivity, since its density can also be different. Depending on the size of the expanded clay granules, it is divided into:

  • gravel;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand.

As a result, you need to choose a material with maximum size granules, since this means an increase in its porosity (respectively, a decrease in thermal conductivity). The thermal conductivity of expanded clay can also change due to its hygroscopic properties. The use of the material requires additional waterproofing.

The thermal conductivity of expanded clay varies from 0.10 W / (m * K) to 0.18 W / (m * K), that is, in order to achieve the thermal insulation properties of mineral wool, the expanded clay layer must be thicker. The thermal conductivity of expanded clay and mineral wool is approximately 1: 4, that is, the difference is 2.5 times.

The average cost of expanded clay is from 180 rubles / bag (weighing 25 kg).


Laminate is a material quite well-known as a floor covering, but it can also be an independent heat-insulating material, but the thermal conductivity of the laminate is too high - 0.1 W / (m * K). Moreover, additional thermal insulation is often mounted under the laminate (by the way, mineral wool or expanded clay can be used here).

At the same time, if you compare it with others floor coverings, then only cork floors have lower thermal conductivity. Laminate is often recommended as a "warm" floor covering, that is, its high thermal conductivity is used for additional heat transfer to the room.

Because of this, we do not consider the price of laminate in this article.

About thermal conductivity (video)



I propose to compare such heaters as expanded clay and mineral wool. These heaters are not the most expensive. And today, the cost is the first thing customers pay for when building and choosing building materials. it different materials by their structure and have different application possibilities. Thermal conductivity is also different for them.
vs ? ? ? ?

Scope of expanded clay or mineral wool

First, I propose to make a fundamental choice between the materials on this table.
region Warming Warming Warming Fill Fill Insulation Warming Filling Light Backfill Drainage
example stingrays gender facade, floors floors pipes, ventilated niches, yam, concrete ceramic wet areas, material for
neniya roofs attic walls screed ventilation facades partitions zit concrete roads, etc. gardening
expanded clay + + + + + + +
mineral wool + + + + + + (dry!)
First of all, select the specific tasks that you want to achieve using this or that material.

Comparison of the price of expanded clay and mineral wool

  • The price of expanded clay in Kharkov produced by KhKZ 480 UAH / cubic meter
  • The price of mineral wool depends on the density and fluctuates 680 to 1200 UAH / cubic meter
As you can see, expanded clay wins relative to the price! Data for 2013.

Thermal insulation characteristics of expanded clay and mineral wool

Here, of course, the championship will be for mineral wool. It has a much wider application temperature range. Minvata easily withstands +300 degrees, and in some cases up to +600. Therefore, it can be used in thermal insulation of high-temperature surfaces. The melting point of basalt wool starts from +700 degrees. This material is not flammable. Expanded clay is also not flammable, but cannot be used in such a wide range of temperatures. Heat transfer coefficient with the same thickness of insulation for expanded clay 0.1 and for cotton wool 0.04... And this is at the standard density of mineral wool. And if you use high-density mineral wool, then the heat transfer will decrease even more!

Weight of expanded clay and mineral wool

Specific gravity of a cubic meter of expanded clay from 350 to 750 kg... It all depends on the moisture content of the material, the size of the fraction, and the manufacturer. The specific gravity of dry mineral wool is from 40 to 80 kg per cubic meter. Of course, mineral wool has less stress on structures and much better thermal insulation!

The harm of mineral wool to health. Environmental friendliness of expanded clay.

  • Minvata is very harmful to health... It consists of fine fibers and forms a flying dust that is invisible to the naked eye. Such dust has an inorganic basis and therefore is not able to expand and be removed from the body.
This dust builds up in the lungs and turns to stone when wet, which can lead to stone formation and lung cancer.
  • Expanded clay is an environmentally friendly material!
Clay is used in the production of expanded clay. When the granules are heated, foaming occurs, and when rotating, the granules acquire a caked, closed crust. Expanded clay is organically resistant, fungi and rodents do not start in it. Output Minvata is very harmful; such material should be used indoors with great care. The use of mineral wool in Europe is being questioned and is being replaced by expanded clay. The choice is yours! Choose based on price, thermal insulation characteristics, weight. But the main thing is the health of you and your loved ones.
