
What are mussels?

What are mussels, the benefits and harms to human health, as well as what they have medicinal properties And what exactly are these mollusks useful for? These questions often arise among those who care about their health, lead healthy lifestyle life and is interested in folk methods treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Mussels are bivalve marine mollusks. Their shell is smooth, about 20.0 cm long. The outer color of the shell is purple, golden brown or yellowish green, and inside it is covered with a layer of mother-of-pearl. Mussels live in large colonies on coastal rocks and feed on plankton.

They are very prolific, during spawning, each female spawns up to 20 million eggs. These mollusks easily tolerate changes in temperature and salinity of the water. Pacific mussels live for about 30 years, northern mussels - 11 - 12 years, and Black Sea mussels up to 6 years. Pearls are often found in mussel shells. Biologists call mussels active filtrates sea ​​water. They actively pass water through their body, purifying it from various contaminants. But, however, as a result of this process, various toxic substances are deposited in the body of mussels. They do no harm to mollusks.

Mussels are molluscs that tend to live in colonies. In their form, they are very similar, but the mussels are darker in color, and in addition, they can live in fresh water. The taste of oysters is considered more refined than the taste of mussels, which is why they are more expensive. In order to reach a marketable size of 7–8 cm, they must live for about 14 months.

Mankind has been eating mussels for more than 70 thousand years, as evidenced by the finds of archaeologists. Today, these seafood are classified as delicacies, which, in fact, explains their cost, but even before the middle of the 19th century, oysters and mussels were considered food for the poor.


100.0 grams of mussel meat contains 3.3 g of carbohydrates, 2.0 g of fat and 11.5 g of protein, i.e. their protein content is higher than that of fish or meat. In addition, mussels contain a lot of B, D and E vitamins, as well as mineral salts, iron and phosphorus. The benefits of mussels also lie in the fact that they contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

A high concentration of zinc in mussel meat has a beneficial effect on male potency and that is why doctors call mussels natural "Viagra". It has been proven that mussel meat strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism. Hematologists note that in some diseases, in which there is an increase in blood clotting, the meat of these mollusks has a therapeutic effect.

Mussels are very low in calories. 100.0 g of their meat contains only 77 kcal. Thanks to such a low calorie content, mussels can be eaten without fear by anyone who monitors their weight. In addition, this delicious seafood can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from obesity, diabetes. The low calorie content of mussels, combined with the fact that they contain a large amount of easily digestible protein, makes them indispensable in dietary nutrition.

As for vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements, mussel meat contains: vitamins A (0.06 mg per 100 g), PP (1.6 mg), C (1 mg) thiamine (0.1 mg), riboflavin (0.14 mg), E (0.9 mg), iron (3.2 mg), magnesium (30 mg), calcium (50 mg), potassium (310 mg), (sodium 290 mg), phosphorus ( 210 mg). Mussels also contain phosphatides - substances that improve liver function.

It is this wealth of composition that makes mussels so beneficial to human health. Regular consumption of mussels contributes to:

- strengthening the immune system;

— acceleration of metabolism (will help in getting rid of excess weight, including diabetes);

- improving the quality of blood (recommended for anemia), reducing its density and viscosity (excellent prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis in the elderly, and not only, age);

- removal of harmful toxic substances from the body, including radionuclides (a find for workers in hazardous industries);

- improving the functioning of the thyroid gland and preventing endemic goiter (associated with a lack of iodine in the environment);

- regulation of the liver, thanks to special substances - phosphatides;

– improving memory and general condition nervous system;

- reduce the risk of arthritis and alleviate the course of this disease;

— restoration of strength after illness, after great physical and mental stress (hello to athletes and students!);

— prevention of oncological diseases;

If you want to prolong the time of youth and beauty, improve the condition of your hair, skin and nails, then mussel meat will help you in this.

For women:

For the fair sex, mussels are especially useful. Firstly, their regular use significantly improves the condition of hair and nails due to the high content of phosphorus and calcium. Secondly, they are low-calorie and contain protein that is easily digestible by the body, which makes mussels an indispensable product for weight loss. What are the benefits of mussels for women yet? And finally, thirdly, seafood can enhance a woman's sexual desire. This fact has long been scientifically explained: special amino acids in the composition of mussels stimulate the production of female hormones, thereby enhancing sexual desire.

For men:

But not only women should include this product in their diet. For the representatives of the stronger sex, mussels are, first of all, a powerful aphrodisiac. Zinc in their composition enhances potency, and vitamins energize and increase endurance during intercourse. Speaking about how useful mussels are for men, it is worth recommending them to those who often and regularly play sports. The high-quality protein in mussels promotes muscle growth.


In the course of their life, mussels, like a filter, pass a huge amount of water through themselves, so they absorb all the chemical dirt from it. In this, the harm from eating them is similar to the harm to our health caused by other marine life.

In addition, they can accumulate in themselves the strongest poison - saxitoxin, which has a nerve-paralytic effect. This toxin doesn't even kill heat. Therefore, in order for the mussels to be cleansed of this poison before they get to our table, they must be in a clean place for 30 or more days. running water. If these deadlines are not met, such seafood can be very poisonous!

Mussels are contraindicated:

  • small children (because it is difficult for a fragile children's stomach to digest them);
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers (due to possible toxins).

If you do not get too carried away with these seafood, but eat them occasionally, they will not harm your body and will be beneficial to you.

How to choose:

The selection process for mussels depends on the type in which they are sold. Frozen mollusks must be evaluated according to one rule, live - according to others. Some nuances are considered common, regardless of the variety of seafood.

Which mussels are better to buy:

  • the surface of the mussel shell should be smooth, without damage or cracks;
  • the shell of fresh and high-quality mussels is always closed;
  • the mussel shell should open with a characteristic click (if the flaps open too easily, then the seafood cannot be called fresh and of high quality);
  • frozen mussels should not stick together (regardless of whether they are sold in bags or by weight);
  • the color of the mollusk itself can be white or pinkish (other shades are not allowed);
  • the size of the mussel only affects the amount of mollusk meat (according to the taste characteristics of mussels different sizes not too different)
  • fresh (live) mussels should respond to knocking (if the reaction does not occur, then the mollusk is dead and it is dangerous to eat such seafood);
  • mussels always smell like the sea (other smells should alert buyers);
  • there should be no ice on frozen mussels, but the exception is seafood sold in ice glaze (in this case, ice plays the role of “packaging”);
  • if mussels are bought in the form of preserves, then the brine should be absolutely transparent.

How to cook mussels:

How to cook river mussels if you just bought them in the store? Fresh seafood is cooked on the same day, in extreme cases, they can be put in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

Before cooking mussels, peeled from shells, they should be thoroughly washed from sand.

Now let's talk about how much to cook mussels. Tender clams should be boiled over high heat in salted water with spices: fresh - 5-7 minutes, frozen - 7-10 minutes. Sea mussels are prepared according to the same principle.

When we cook frozen mussels without a shell, we can refine their taste with lemon juice and white wine. If these products are mixed with olive oil, garlic and herbs, you get the perfect sauce for mussels.

In weight loss diets:

The low calorie content of mussels allows them to be eaten even with very strict diet. They are lower in calories than chicken meat, but the percentage of protein in them is much higher. These seafood do not contain cholesterol and fat, so mussels bring significant benefits to the body.

The inclusion of mussels in the diet of people who want to lose weight helps to speed up the metabolism. To achieve better digestibility, seafood is recommended to be poured with olive oil, serving with boiled vegetables. The health benefits of mussels are felt after a few days, when the body begins to get rid of excess body fat.

The harm of mussels with a low-calorie diet is not observed. If you follow the doctor's recommendations for effective weight loss, you can follow such a diet for an unlimited period of time.

Since ancient times, mussels beneficial features which are known to many, are bred artificially. To date, there are even specialized farms where they are grown. The process of breeding them is quite laborious, but despite this, it is very exciting. By the way, a method of growing mussels was invented back in 1234 by Irish sailors. From time immemorial, for breeding mollusks, it was necessary to lower oak pillars into the sea, on which their eggs were planted. To date, this process is more simplified, and they are drawn on special ropes or platforms located at the bottom of the sea.

But still, what are the benefits of mussels? More on this later.

Mussels: useful properties

Mussel meat contains a large amount of phosphatides, a pure protein that has excellent properties. Its use has a positive effect on liver function. In addition, this meat is quite fatty and nutritious, but it contains only polyunsaturated types of fatty acids, which improve brain function.

Mussels, the useful properties of which are quite wide, have many trace elements, namely: cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese and others. They are also saturated with such groups of vitamins as B1, B2, B6, D, E, PP and others. Mussels are considered an excellent antioxidant.

It is impossible not to note their healing characteristics. Regular consumption of mussels in food can prevent the development of cancer. Shellfish meat has the ability to prevent various joint diseases, including arthritis. Also, while eating mussels, you can significantly increase your immunity and increase the body's defenses as a whole.

Mussels, the beneficial properties of which are not only medicinal purposes, contain vitamins of groups D and B. In addition, they are quite nutritious, as they contain amino acids that are so necessary for our body. The nutritional value of mussels can be compared to chicken eggs.

It should also be noted that the taste of mussel meat is very pleasant and tender. Therefore, enjoying it, you still nourish your body with useful substances and increase your immunity.

Mussel meat contains a large amount of a mineral called glycogen. In addition, it is saturated with almost all vitamin elements. The presence of enzymes necessary to improve digestion makes mussels beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Are mussels healthy? The answer to this question is obvious. Undoubtedly! After all, their regular use will provide you with good health and help saturate the body with the necessary vitamins in the right amount.

How to cook mussels?

After the above, you may have a question about proper preparation mussel meat. Very often, experienced chefs cook it on a small grill set on hot coals. You can also perfectly cook mussels on an iron sheet or make a barbecue. It is best to marinate it in white wine or lemon juice with seasonings to taste.

Before cooking mussels, you need to remove them from the shells. In order for them to open, they must be boiled for several minutes. Then pour cold water and boil again. But in no case should you cook them for a long time, as the meat will then be too tough. Then you need to remove it from the shells with a knife.

A few things to remember important rules before cooking mussels. If the clams are freshly caught, then they need to be cleaned and cooked the same day. In case you bought frozen mussels already peeled, you should only defrost them once. Their meat spoils rather quickly. Therefore, so that the use of mussels does not cause a strong food poisoning should follow the above guidelines.

Is seafood a delicacy? Undoubtedly. It has been so for a long time, and so it is now. Among all the available seafood, mussels are considered useful for both girls, women, and guys, men.

What are the benefits of mussels? What is the key benefit of mussels? Is it safe to buy mussels in hypermarkets? Which mussels are better to choose? How to decide really fresh and useful product? All these questions are of concern to many.

Bivalve mollusks floating in the seas are mussels. It should be emphasized that the mussels that get into our dishes are bred not only in the natural environment, but also artificially. Our ancestors also started breeding useful mussels.

In total, more than thirty varieties of mussels are distinguished. Regardless of their size, mussels are very useful for human body.

All the beneficial properties of mussels are determined by their composition.

What are the benefits of mussels?

Mussels are useful because they contain:

  • Selenium. We are talking about a mineral, thanks to which the action of carcinogens is neutralized, the development of cancer is prevented.
  • Iron. Mussels perfectly protect the body from anemia. It is enough to eat only 100 gr. seafood - and you will replenish your iron supply for the day.
  • A set of vitamins (B, E, A, C, PP). Thanks to them, this seafood is considered a strong antioxidant.
  • Fatty Omega-3 acids. They stimulate the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, help lower cholesterol.
  • High quality protein. It is very easily absorbed by the human body.
  • Phosphatides, which have a beneficial effect on liver function.

Useful mussels can be eaten by those who are on a diet, who are afraid to gain extra pounds. The calorie content of mussels is low: only fifty kilocalories per one hundred grams of seafood. Therefore, in this case, we can talk about the benefits of mussels. They definitely won't do any harm to the figure.

So, mussels are really very good for health. And now you know how useful mussels are. Many nutritionists who tirelessly talk about the benefits and harms of mussels recommend eating mussels at least a couple of times a week.

So, to summarize: the mussel has a charitable effect on human health.
Mussels are useful because they:

  • tone up;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • cleanse the liver, cleanse the blood vessels;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • helps to strengthen nails, hair;
  • stimulate the process of hematopoiesis;
  • improve digestion;
  • prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, arthritis;
  • help the body recover after exhausting workouts.

The benefits of mussels are obvious.

Not without reason, in some modern diets, special attention is paid to mussels. The benefits of boiled mussels are especially high. They are recommended to eat for those who suffer from cirrhosis, cholecystitis. Now you know how mussels are useful for people in general.

How useful are mussels for representatives of the strong half of humanity?

The benefits of mussels for men are also invaluable. For them, useful mussels are primarily powerful aphrodisiac. Potency increases many times due to zinc. Men become more energetic and hardy in sex. In this regard, shellfish are especially useful. Mussels can and should be eaten by everyone involved in active sports. Thanks to high-quality protein in men, it grows faster muscle mass. Knowing how useful mussels are, you will probably want to add them to your diet. And it will correct solution. So you will personally understand how mussels are useful, and whether they are harmful.

What are the benefits of mussels for girls, women?

The benefits of seafood in general, and the benefits of mussels in particular, for the body of women have already been proven by many. What are the benefits of mussels? Or maybe they are harmful? Mussel lovers note that after eating seafood, their hair condition improves, nails become stronger. The benefits of mussels are explained by the high content of phosphorus and calcium.

In addition, as noted earlier, mussels are not high-calorie foods. With them, you will not spoil your favorite figure. For some, mussels are indispensable for weight loss.

Not less than interesting fact: studying the benefits of mussels, scientists found that these mollusks stimulate sexual desire, which is explained by the presence of special amino acids that activate the production of exclusively female hormones that significantly increase sexual desire. That is, even in sexual sphere mussels are especially useful.

What are the benefits of mussels for children?

Having decided to give mussels a try to children, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons: will the mussels be useful. They can also cause harm. It is important to remember that, like any seafood, mussels are considered the strongest allergens. Therefore, it is better not to give mussels to babies who are less than 3 years old. And in general, it is desirable to obtain permission from the pediatrician. We recommend getting a detailed consultation from a specialist on the topic "What are the benefits and harms of mussels for a child."

If the child does not have allergies, mussels will certainly bring significant benefits. The protein contained in mussels is vital for a growing organism. Mussels are useful, as they are saturated with trace elements, vitamins. And then the children's body will gladly accept them. Thanks to the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in mussels (omega 3 and 6), both the mental and physical development of the child is stimulated. This maintains good health.

Mussel is a harmful product: is it so?

There is no need to talk about the dangers of mussels, since useful qualities and the properties of this seafood are an order of magnitude greater. But still, there are cases when you should not eat mussels, although they are useful. Indeed, mussels can be dangerous, unhealthy.

Due to the fact that mussels are natural water filters, they are able to accumulate harmful microbes, no less harmful poisons and harmful toxins, which cause eating disorders in the body. The biggest danger (harm) is and is considered paralytic poisoning. How to avoid danger? If you do not want to run into a low-quality, harmful product, make purchases exclusively from trusted sellers. We should not forget that mussels, like any other product, should be thoroughly washed and cooked. Harm from additional measures there will definitely not be a warning, but you will quickly see for yourself how useful they are.

Mussels that live in the sea are considered less harmful to health than those grown in special reservoirs where there is no good water circulation. If you carefully read the information on the price tag, you will understand which mussels are less harmful. For example, mussels from Turkey and Japan are grown on farms that are located right in the sea. Therefore, it is clear that we are talking about useful, harmless mussels. And producers from Korea and China supply mussels that are grown in standing farms. Conclusions can be drawn for yourself: which mussels are useful and which are dangerous.

Harmful to health and the sand contained in the body of the mussel. Due to the hard components, tooth enamel is destroyed. Alas, it is impossible to clean mussels from sandy inclusions, as they are often deep in the tissues.

Moderate consumption of mussels, buying in specialized stores, careful processing before serving - this is what can protect you, allow you to stay healthy. So you avoid poisoning, allergic reactions and damage to your teeth. Remember that mussels are unlikely to be healthy and safe for health if they are incredibly cheap and in low-quality packaging.

The benefits of seafood are invaluable! And everyone can make sure that mussels are useful!

The waters of the oceans are inhabited by a variety of creatures. One of them, mussels, has long been recognized as tasty and wholesome food despite its unsightly appearance. Initially, they were used as food by poor fishermen, who could not afford beef and pork. Later, the unique delicate taste of these was tasted by the nobility, and mussels appeared on rich tables, complementing the extensive diet. Many people neglect these seafood because of their specific look and texture. In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties of these bivalves, their significant differences from oyster clams and the effect on the human body.

Calorie content and nutritional value

It is an ideal product for those who keep fit. Each 100 grams of these shellfish contains only 77 kilocalories.

The benefits of seafood

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this food item. Some people believe that high-protein mussel meat is becoming indispensable source of proteins and amino acids in the human diet. Others avoid this product, as mussels pass the surrounding water through their body when they get food. This leads to the fact that toxins accumulate in their pulp and heavy metals from the environment.

For men

The work of the nervous and muscular systems depends on the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body, in particular. Mussels are a reliable source of these vitamins. They strengthen muscle connections, establish neural connections, therefore, the male body is recovering. Zinc is responsible for hormonal balance. It increases the amount of the male hormone testosterone in the blood. In a man who regularly consumes these shellfish, spermatogenesis improves.

Did you know? Oysters were first included in the official classification of marine organisms in 1758. In 1822, they were assigned a separate detachment among bivalves. It is noteworthy that they have been known to mankind for a long time. Twelve thousand years ago, the American Indians used them as food, deliberately growing them on makeshift river and lake farms.

organic folic acid is responsible for metabolic processes in the cells of the tissues of the human body. It normalizes them - genetic information is more reliably protected, the probability of the appearance of healthy offspring increases. Iodine, which is found in excess in mussels, is responsible for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland protects the male body from pathogenic viruses and microorganisms, inhibiting their activity as the blood is filtered.
These mollusks have the most significant impact on male sexual function. They improve blood circulation in the reproductive system, sperm quality and increase libido. The walls of the vessels are strengthened, the blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis is more intense, and the erection is enhanced. The prostate or prostate, which is partly responsible for the production of sperm, is restored - this is an excellent prevention of prostatitis in adulthood and old age.

For women

The effect of mussels on the female body is similar to their effect on the male body. Iodine, which is part of the pulp of mussels, strengthens its own, reduces the level of harmful by increasing the level of useful. The low calorie content of these shellfish, as well as their ability to speed up metabolism, help to quickly get rid of extra pounds on a specially designed diet.

The vitamin composition of these seafood promotes beauty, skin health and strength. Vitamins and improve complexion, get rid of mimic, strengthen tooth enamel and.
The mucous tissues of the female reproductive system regenerate faster, and the uterus will be ready for embryo implantation if you eat mussels canned in oil every two days. In addition, increased sexual desire increases the chances of a good conception.

Important! The protein contained in the pulp of these mollusks, during the fermentation process, decomposes to acids, which adversely affect the elasticity of cartilage tissue. For people suffering from arthritis, this food is contraindicated.

How to eat mussels

From an unfamiliar exotic delicacy, this food has become a familiar dish, but you need to know how to handle it. Mussels - not the best handy product, so practice before eating it in public. Ready-made pulp in restaurants is already served cleaned and processed You can take it off the skewers and eat it right away. For drinks, order white wine as an option.

If you got unpeeled shellfish, then tongs and a fork must be served to them. The tongs should be held in the left hand, and the fork in the right. Clamp the clam with them and remove the pulp with a fork. You can rinse it in a special bowl with acidified water and only then eat it. Soup with shells is eaten in much the same way. First, catch, clean and eat all the clams, and then scoop out the broth with a spoon.
Raw meat can be eaten without a fork. Take open clams in your hand and drink them from the shell in a retracting motion. In order not to champ at the same time, practice a couple of times on clams home cooking. Pay attention to the liquid that accumulates in the pulp and when the shell is opened, it can splash you, the tablecloth and those who are sitting next to you. This food should not be handled hastily.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

This product has a different effect on pregnant and lactating women. It is worth noting that infants are especially prone to allergic reactions, so nursing mothers with this product should be careful. Until the child is six months old and his immunity is not strong enough, do not eat these seafood.

After six months, introduce the mussels in gradually. Eat a few shellfish and watch your baby's reaction throughout the day. If he develops an allergic rash or redness, give up shellfish for another two to three months. If the reaction is negative, you can increase the serving.

Pregnant women these seafood shown for use. As a source of complete, easily digestible protein and essential amino acids, they will serve as a good addition to. Mussels for pregnant women should be of exceptional quality. Always check them for freshness and ask the seller for a certificate of sanitary inspection.
These mollusks filter water, passing both beneficial and toxic substances through themselves, and some of them accumulate in their pulp. Unscrupulous producers can feed mussels with food waste instead of quality feed. Such products will not bring any benefit.

In any case, pregnant and lactating women are forbidden to eat raw mussels. Be sure to boil or steam them for at least twenty minutes. This way you will avoid the possibility of infection. infectious diseases and worms.

Did you know? In a day, this sea creature is able to pass through itself up to eighty liters of water. Given the tiny size of its body, such a throughput is comparable to powerful hydroelectric dams.

What is the difference between mussels and oysters

First, they differ from each other appearance . Mussels have a small, black, smooth shell, occasionally overgrown with other mollusks, and they grow in rosettes, attaching themselves in rows. Oysters have a somewhat deformed shell, similar to limestone deposits, and are attached to rocks in layers - finer ones on larger ones. Mussels can move, which distinguishes them from oysters, which settle in one place, even if it is polluted, for life. Mussels have a muscular leg that moves their shell and body over rocks.
The nutritional value they practically do not differ, but in mollusks with a black shell it contains more, and in limestone -. Both seafood and others are consumed raw, but mussels are more dangerous in this regard, as they feed on everything, including toxic waste. They should not be consumed by allergy sufferers, and oyster clams provoke digestive problems in people suffering from peptic ulcers. The price is also different - oysters are valued higher.

Contraindications and harm

The negative effect of these seafood on the body is due to their specific composition. They are not recommended for people with diseases of the joints and vertebrae, since the protein they contain is processed in the body into uric acid. The acid crystallizes after synthesis and is deposited in the form of a solid phase in cartilage tissues, causing pain.
Allergy is another reaction to the protein component of oyster pulp. It can be not only straight, but also crossed, which means that mussels can harm those who are allergic to wheat protein.

These mollusks filter the water in which they live and accumulate all sorts of toxins in themselves. If they were raised in industrial areas with polluted waters, their meat will contain a high percentage of saxitoxin, which has a paralyzing effect on the nervous system. That is why it is so important to buy seafood from a trusted supplier, avoiding Korean and Chinese products.

Did you know? Japan has given this seafood a significant symbolism. In Japanese culture, shells that are securely connected to each other denote a strong union of lovers who create a young family. No wedding celebration in the Land of the Rising Sun is complete without traditional mussel soup.

The benefits of these seafood are difficult to overestimate. Their unique vitamin and mineral composition is balanced and provides a person with everything necessary. The protein component is easily digestible, which is beneficial for people with impaired digestion and those who are recovering from a long illness. Mussels have a positive effect on the sexual function of both men and women, increasing the likelihood of a desired conception and a successful pregnancy. Careful choice quality product and proper heat treatment will ensure the good taste of these clams and make them frequent guests on your table.

Mussels are shellfish that have been harvested for hundreds of years. These are bivalve inhabitants of the waters, which can be found in almost the entire oceans. Have you already tried them?

The calorie content of mussels is 77 kcal / 100 g. Among them, 11.5 g of protein, 3.3 g of carbohydrates and 2 g of fat. Fat, which is in the composition of the product, by the way, has a very good effect on the eyes and brain of a person.

Mussels also have other, very useful and necessary micro- and macroelements, vitamins. Among the vitamins are A, C, PP and E. Also magnesium, thiamine, calcium, iron, potassium, riboflavin, sodium and phosphorus. And also phosphates, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver.

In addition to them, mussels contain omega 3 acids, antioxidants, phosphatides, glycogens, essential amino acids, good cholesterol. Also various enzymes, zinc, selenium, boron, iodine, manganese and cobalt. In addition, minerals and arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic and folic acids.

The meat of the product contains an incredible amount of vitamin B12, selenium, glycogen, sodium and manganese. 100 g already contains a fourth part daily allowance vitamin E and iron, also a third of the norm of vitamin A. And vitamin B12 in such a quantity of mussels is twice as much as a person needs to get per day.

These shellfish contain twice as much protein as eggs, beef and fish. And cobalt, a component that forms blood, is 10 times more than pork, beef and chicken liver. The nutritional value of 10 mussels is equal to a standard serving of meat, but they have fewer calories.

At a minimum, mussels are useful in that they are almost entirely composed of protein, which is very easily and quickly absorbed by the human body. In addition, the product is dietary because of this. And it is so useful that it is quite possible to replace all meat and all fish in the diet.

Scientists have long been convinced that these shellfish are very beneficial for people prone to arthritis. In addition, mussels perfectly strengthen the immune system, remove all toxins from the body. They can also restore the skin, hair and nails to a fresh and pleasant look. They speed up the metabolism, and accordingly, affect the metabolism and can help you lose weight. They even improve the condition of the blood.

Because of the protein, mussels are very useful for athletes, and because of the general composition, they are highly recommended for pregnant women. Also useful for those who live in dirty places or work in dirty jobs.

With regular use of the product, you can even prevent the formation of malignant tumors. This means that it can prevent cancer.

Mussels, like all other seafood, increase sexual desire. Therefore, sexologists often recommend adding them to the diet if there are similar problems in sexual life. It can even help to conceive a child.

The product contains the very famous vitamin B12, about which everyone says that it is simply indispensable for anything except fish. This opinion is wrong. This vitamin is found in many other foods that are more affordable for a vegetarian. But now is not about that.

Mussel meat puts the heart cycle in order, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

They help blood circulation, remove salts with radionuclides from the body, and even affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, they improve liver function, lower blood sugar, and improve the functioning of the entire digestive system.

These mollusks have a good effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system. They can stimulate the brain, relieve depression or stress or bad mood, and strengthen the nerves.

When taken regularly, shellfish can help improve eyesight, strengthen bones and teeth, improve joint health, and provide plenty of energy and the ability to keep your body in good shape. It can even help prevent the formation of malignant tumors (that is, cancer), and can prevent the development of pathologies in children.

Despite how healthy mussels are, they can be just as harmful. They do not need to eat a lot to create problems for their health.

It is enough to know that mussels are filter feeders by nature and throughout the time they are in the sea, they filter water (about 80 liters in total) in order to purify it for other inhabitants of the sea. Because of this, after a while, nerve poison is collected in the mollusks, which in large quantities can be more than dangerous to humans. To avoid this, you need to know how to choose the right product and how to cook it.

In the kitchen, only shelled mussels are used. The ideal clam should open after being cooked. If this does not happen, then you need to get rid of it.

If the shell has opened, then the mollusk, its shell, and the liquid that remains in the shell are used from it.

You need to prepare the product immediately on the day of purchase, and even faster - upon arrival home. The longer frozen mussels stand, the worse it is for them. Every minute the taste worsens, so it is worth remembering that the most delicious will be fresh clams.

As you know, seafood cannot be cooked for a long time. They become rubbery, hard and therefore unusable. Boil or stew them for no more than 5 minutes.

With these mollusks, you can do whatever your heart desires - boil, bake, salt, fry, steam, stew, smoke and marinate. In addition, you can preserve it, cook it in a pan, in the oven, and even on a fire or coals. Moreover, mussels are consumed even raw!

These clams are added to soup, salad, roast, stew, pilaf, paella, pasta, soufflé and rolls. Maybe risotto, pizza, barbecue and even pates. Most often they are served with garlic, lemon juice and wine - this is a classic.

Ready mussels are very desirable to eat immediately after cooking. If they stand and are additionally heated, then toxins are formed in them, which are better not to be consumed. Serve with olive oil, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, garlic sauce or cream. Stewed, baked, boiled or fried root vegetables, vegetables, cereals can be served as a side dish. It can be served with meat, fish or just lemon and herbs.

Canned jars often contain a lot of spices, additives, preservatives. Therefore, the product is not as tasty as it should be fresh. In addition, when canning, all the useful properties of the product are lost.

Buying canned shellfish, the buyer does not have confidence in the freshness of seafood, in their quality. Therefore, it is much better, tastier and safer to pickle mussels at home.

These mollusks have some interesting stories:

  1. The ancient Romans ate them as early as 70,000 years ago;
  2. The main markets for mussels today are in Spain, Australia, China, Scotland and Chile;
  3. By the stripes on the shell, you can find out the age of the seafood - usually from 5 to 30 years;
  4. The French considered and consider mussels "oysters for the poor", but at the same time they are served in almost every expensive restaurant;
  5. In the village of Yersek, which is located in Belgium, there is a Mussel Festival, which falls at the end of August. This is the day when you can not meet a person who does not eat them;
  6. On average for one square meter"settles" about 20 kg;
  7. When buying frozen clams in our markets or in stores, you can be sure that they have already been treated with boiling water and can be eaten immediately after the defrosting process;
  8. In mussels you can find small but proud pearls;
  9. Mollusks gather in groups called colonies. The largest colony was 100 meters in diameter, 20 meters high;
  10. The Eskimos risk their lives collecting these mollusks, as they collect it under a thick layer of ice;
  11. In Japan, mussel soup is prepared at every wedding;
  12. Today, there are already several huge mussel farms around the world. They grow on their own, without sustenance;
  13. The maximum number of pearls found in shells is 133 pieces;
  14. In restaurants in Kuwait, it is forbidden to serve closed mussels, as sometimes they contain small pearls. And this in the country was compared with gambling;
  15. For the Japanese, mussels mean love, as the two halves of the shells hold each other very tightly and symbolize lovers.

The good thing about mussels is that they are incredibly healthy and cook just as quickly! In extreme cases, they can be eaten raw, it will be no less tasty and very healthy.
