Aphrodisiacs are substances that help people of any age to increase sexual desire, disturbed by hard work, poor health or simple autumn apathy. There is no need to immediately run to the pharmacy for a synthetic miracle remedy, you can prepare an aphrodisiac at home.

Aphrodisiac essential oils

To prepare an aphrodisiac from essential oils, you need to study their properties and principles of combination well. But in order for the prepared remedy to be effective, you need to delve into the aromatic preferences of your partner or the person you want to attract no less carefully. Make sure that fragrances suitable for erotic mixtures not only do not cause allergies and hostility in him, but also clearly attract him.

When you find your partner's benevolent attitude towards the smell of a certain oil, you can:

  • add 1-2 drops of it to the bath, after combining it with an emulsifier (honey, cream, sea ​​salt) so that it spreads in a seductive plume from the surface of your skin;
  • rinse bed linen in water with the desired aroma dissolved in it;
  • apply perfume from a mixture of positively acting essential oils to the skin.

Simple perfume from a mixture of oils

A mixture of several types of essential oils, which are considered the most attractive for men, has long gained popularity. You can try it as the first aphrodisiac prepared at home.

Aroma "Aphrodite"

  • ylang-ylang - 3;
  • rosemary - 3;

How to make this aphrodisiac at home? The ingredients are sequentially mixed and closed in an airtight container, or better, they are applied to the skin of the wrists and the area behind the ears, bordering the hairline.

If you want the fragrance to last for a long time, use only high-quality essential oils. It is better to buy not in pharmacies and hypermarkets, but in specialized online stores. You can also order from the excellent overseas IHerb store (there you will find more than just essential oils). Read more about how to order from IHerb and get an eternal discount.

As you increase your knowledge of the exciting properties of essential oils and study the tastes of your partner, you need to change the components, developing the combination that is most effective in your case.

The simplest aphrodisiac

Essential oils (number of drops):

  • ginger - 3;
  • patchouli - 2;
  • cinnamon - 2.

Combine with 10 drops of base oil (olive, grape), store in a tightly closed container, apply a little on the area of ​​​​perfume and a little on the hair.

Complex aromatic aphrodisiac

Making this luxurious (no exaggeration!) aphrodisiac at home will take a little more time, effort and money, but it's worth it!

In addition to essential oils, you will need solid vegetable oils, which can be bought at pharmacies or online stores selling raw materials for soap making.

"Flower Butter Nougat"

Essential oils (number of drops):

  • ylang-ylang - 6;

Solid ingredients in the amount of 1/3 teaspoon:

  • beeswax;
  • Coconut oil;
  • macadamia oil;
  • Shea Butter.


  1. soften the solid ingredients in a ceramic container in a "water bath";
  2. wait for them to cool down naturally to 50 C (pleasantly warm to the touch);
  3. add liquid essential oils;
  4. pour into a sealed container.

Application: apply the perfume with your finger on the skin of the body, from the heat of which they will melt. Subtle fragrance, combined with your individual scent, will create an attractive fragrant areola.

Aphrodisiacs with components of animal origin

There are substances that have been used for centuries as stimulating components of perfumes, they must certainly be included in the composition of aphrodisiacs prepared at home.

Many of these substances have analogues of plant origin, but to achieve a true aphrodisiac effect, you should choose only products derived from animals!


The pungent secretion of the musk gland of male musk deer (a small deer-like animal) is called musk and is the most expensive animal product on Earth.

In the only musk gland of an adult animal, there are only 10-20 grams of this substance. To extract it from a sedated animal, a silver spatula with a groove is inserted into the bag that closes the duct of the gland, along which precious musk flows.

Therefore, do not be surprised at the high cost of natural musk! Of course, there are its synthetic analogues, they are several orders of magnitude cheaper, but their effectiveness as aphrodisiacs is very conditional.

Plant musk, extracted from hibiscus seeds and angelica root, will not work either, alas, it is not a pheromone and does not act as an aphrodisiac at all.

From the natural animal secretion of the musk gland, 3 main types of musk are produced: white, red and black.

Black musk is the most powerful male pheromone and aphrodisiac, its juicy rich smell has a strong stimulating effect on women, it is perceived by them as a sign of an alpha male.

Men smelling the aroma of black musk emanating from another man, on a subconscious level, information is transmitted about his dominance among them.

You can buy natural musk in the form of essences or infusions. Apply musk, not exceeding its concentration in the created fragrances, for 100 ml of finished perfume, a maximum of 15 drops of essence or infusion.


The substance that comes out of the digestive tract of the sperm whale and floats in the waters of the seas and oceans for hundreds of years is called ambergris, the longer it floated, the richer its aroma and the higher the cost.

The most valuable ambergris is white, it emits a slightly tart marine aroma with hints of earth and tobacco. The smell of amber aroma transfers to a warm penetrating atmosphere of voluptuousness and sensuality.

Although ambergris is considered a female aphrodisiac, with an incredible attraction for men, its notes in men's perfumes cause a quick feeling of sympathy in women.

The addition of amber in perfume enhances spicy, woody and floral scents.

You can buy natural ambergris in the form of dry pieces, from which an alcohol or oil solution is prepared.

To obtain an alcohol solution, approximately 20 g of dry matter is softened in alcohol, crushed into small pieces, which are infused in 100 ml of alcohol for 14 days. The resulting infusion is filtered and used in proportion: for 100 ml of perfume, no more than 15 drops of the solution.

If you are preparing an oil perfume, prepare an amber oil solution. 20 g of powdered ambergris pour 1/2 cup of warm olive oil and insist 14 days, shaking daily.

How to make aphrodisiacs with musk and amber at home?

Love fragrances (to attract men)


- infusion of ambergris - 3;

- infusion of musk - 1;

- ethyl alcohol - 20 ml.

- anise - 4;

- jasmine - 4;

- ylang-ylang - 4;

- rosemary - 4;

- fennel - 4.


- sandalwood - 6;

- cinnamon - 4;

- carnation - 4;

- verbena - 6.

Love fragrances (to attract women)


Base, ingredients (number of drops):

- infusion of ambergris - 1;

- infusion of musk - 3;

- ethyl alcohol - 20 ml.

Supplement, essential oils (number of drops):

- bergamot - 6;

- rosemary - 4;

- neroli - 3;

- ylang-ylang - 4;

- cinnamon - 3.


Add essential oils to the same base (number of drops):

- eucalyptus - 3;

- sandalwood - 6;

- cedar - 6;

- cinnamon - 3.

In addition to aromas, do not forget to use such aphrodisiacs prepared at home: cozy atmosphere, pleasant music, timely and deliciously prepared dinner, sincere “I love you!” the person you so passionately desire.

Female individuals who at least once faced the problem of sexual impotence of their partners, or male individuals who notice a noticeable deterioration in their sexual function, ask themselves the question - how to prepare a male pathogen at home. Impotence can occur rapidly, provoked by many external and internal factors.

We increase male power

The factors of the disappearance of male power may be accompanied by an insecure attitude towards oneself, fear of the formation of new relationships, and systematic quarrels in the family. In order to avoid such pathologies, it is necessary to know the recipe for the preparation of available pathogens at home.

The world knows a lot of smells, products that excite taste buds that can stimulate an active sexual desire in males. If you use recipes that have been proven over the years, a woman can not only help her partner, you can also improve sexual life which, in turn, will lead to a peaceful family life.

The benefits of aphrodisiacs to increase libido in men

Maintaining the health of the penis, and the whole organism as a whole, is not difficult, you only need the desire to make a male pathogen. In nature, there are a huge number of different products, certain substances and recipes that significantly affect sexual desire, improving male potency.

Increasing male desire

Such substances are called aphrodisiacs. They tend to have an exciting effect on the male, both on the genitals and on the central nervous system, so the erectile function is strengthened, and sexual desire reaches its peak due to the command from the brain center.

The amount of trace elements contained in aphrodisiacs contributes to the high-quality production of the hormone testosterone in the plasma of a man. Vitamin complexes tend to significantly improve stress resistance, help to relax and tune in to sexual intercourse in order to have fun.

Rating of products that qualitatively affect male sexual desire

How to make a causative agent of male power at home? The recipe of dishes, the constituent components of which are aphrodisiacs, help many men renew their sexual qualities, bring sexual intercourse to the ideal efficiency of erectile function. There is a rating list of products showing the most exciting, lasting results. Most of the pathogens are made from them.

Nuts with honey
  • Marine products. Promotes a qualitative improvement in the production of the hormone testosterone, increase sexual desire. If you add oysters, squids, mussels to the dish, it will definitely become a wonderful decor for a festive family dinner, and also quickly and effectively prepare your sexual partner for the upcoming sexual intercourse, helping to excite him sooner.
  • Celery roots. They are considered one of the best herbal herbs that can increase male potency and attraction. There are a huge number of recipes for drinks, as well as foods that provide for the component presence of this pathogen.
  • Vegetables such as parsley leaves, dill, spinach - contribute to the speedy production of ejaculates that excite male dignity.
  • Products of bee origin. Honey products give a man not only a stimulating effect, they also provide a general strengthening stimulus to the male organs, develop, strengthen immune system, increases resistance to the bacterial environment.
  • Ginger root is a product unique in nature, which has been used by Eastern folk healers since ancient times. Ginger is able to stimulate blood flow everywhere, including the pelvic area, and the flow of quality, healthy plasma to the penis is guaranteed to improve erectile function, promote semen production and prolong the act of intercourse.

Recipes of folk origin to enhance libido

Healing recipes left by the ancestors to increase offspring are abundant in various tinctures, herbal decoctions, as well as the amount of dried fruits that can act as an aphrodisiac. The male pathogen at home suggests a recipe that would be simple but effective.

Therefore, potency can be enhanced even by the simplest methods, such as:

Using these recipes will help a man gain sexual strength and significantly improve the dishes he eats.

Aphrodisiacs came to our culture relatively recently, while they have been known to Asian peoples since ancient times. Oriental women since ancient times they knew the secrets of seduction and used them to attract men, regardless of age and duration of sexual relations.

What are aphrodisiacs

The very concept of "aphrodisiac" includes a variety of components that can invigorate, excite, cause sexual desire. These substances have a special aroma, which is unusual, rich. They have a specific taste.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that increase libido, and their preparation does not always require expensive products or perfumes. Few people know that the most common and everyday products can act as pathogens. Today we will reveal the secrets of some of them and offer some simple but very effective recipes.

The most common aphrodisiacs include foods such as: chicken and quail eggs, celery root and leaves, some seafood, such as mussels. The list can be continued with chocolate, nuts, spices, infusions of some herbs.

Aphrodisiacs affect the following:

  • Increase sex drive.
  • Increase the sensitivity of a person.
  • Remove stiffness in sexual intercourse.
  • They have relaxing and antidepressant qualities.
  • They act on the body as a tonic.

Pheromones, which are captured by the sense of smell, have a special effect on the body.

Preparation of aphrodisiacs at home

If you want to renew intimate relationships, refresh and enhance sensuality, you need to prepare an aphrodisiac yourself. This will require love for the cause, exceptionally positive emotions and a set of fairly familiar products. Add unusual savory notes to your everyday dinner, and you will see an exciting effect and a change in mood in a positive direction.

To prepare an erotic dessert dish, you will need 6 fresh quail eggs, one tablespoon of honey, raspberries and gelatin. The way to prepare the dessert is not complicated:

  • Beat the egg yolks and honey so that a strong foam is obtained.
  • Add crushed raspberries or strawberries.
  • Soak gelatin (a teaspoon) and wait until it swells.
  • Cool and combine with proteins.
  • Connect all parts and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

An erotic salad that can warm up desire

Chop spinach greens, mushrooms, avocado and cheese. Season the mixture with vinegar, olive oil, sugar and salt. In order for the salad not to look corny, decorate it with fruit slices and green leaves.

Male aromatic stimulants

All known aromatic recipes are the results of many years of observation of people's reactions to this or that aphrodisiac, aroma or mixture of aromas. For the freshness of erotic feelings and desires, you can buy ready-made compositions in specialized stores, but exciting mixtures can also be prepared with your own hands.

Aroma of Aphrodite

A mixture of essential oils makes an exciting and attractive aphrodisiac, to which men react strongly. You will need ether ylang - ylang and rosemary three drops each and patchouli extract - two drops. Store the mixture in a closed container.

Geisha scent

The fragrance is based on 3 drops of amber infusion, 1 drop of musk, 20 ml of ethyl alcohol. To this base, you can add a variety of esters of 4 drops. You can take anise, jasmine, rosemary, ylang-ylang.

Female aphrodisiacs

All known "gadgets" such as flowers and beautiful courtship, of course, will break any obstinate lady, but when a man smells like a hot alpha male, the chances of resisting are zero.

Aroma "Pharaoh"

It is based on a drop of ambergris infusion, 3 caps. musk, and 20 ml of alcohol, as well as 6 drops of bergamot, 3 drops of cinnamon.

Aroma "Atlant"

To the base, which is described above, 6 drops of sandalwood ether and 3 drops of cinnamon are added.

Contraindications and precautions

Not everyone can stand the intense taste and concentrated smell, especially people with the following ailments:

  • Chronic respiratory diseases;
  • STDs;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Strip operations;
  • Mental illness.

It is necessary to remember the precautions and follow the rules for the preparation of aphrodisiacs. Some people may experience an allergic reaction, swelling respiratory tract. Do not get carried away with aromas and remember that many people have individual intolerance to many of these components and substances. In case of an allergic reaction, it is important to provide timely assistance to the victim, otherwise a serious edema can be fatal.

According to a study by scientists, a significant part of the female population does not get an orgasm by having sex with a man. Since dissatisfaction leads to physical and psychological illness, these women use aphrodisiacs to stimulate sensual desire. In addition, aphrodisiacs have a good effect on the potency of the male part of the population and on the libido of the female part.

Natural aphrodisiacs are those foods that stimulate sexual desire and are found everywhere in nature. Since ancient times, they have been carefully studied; in the Middle Ages, several treatises were published on proper nutrition in which the properties of natural aphrodisiacs were glorified. In those distant times, to raise libido, people went to any lengths.

In medieval treatises, not only food and drink, but also incense and oils were considered aphrodisiacs. Absinthe was considered the strongest aphrodisiac at that time because of the combination of herbs that stimulate male power. Another no less powerful aphrodisiac was ambergris, which is now part of many lines of perfumes, as well as chocolate candies, awakening love yearning.

Aphrodisiacs were also considered powders of precious stones, from which love potions were prepared.

You should also remember that when preparing a dish with a natural aphrodisiac, you should be in good location spirit. After all, dishes with the same ingredients, cooked different people will always taste different. Do not forget that the effect depends on the dosage of the aphrodisiac.

How an aphrodisiac works

Scientists believe that aphrodisiacs affect either the brain or certain areas of our body. There are a number of aphrodisiacs that cause blood flow to the genitals, which in turn stimulates the production of necessary hormones and chemical substances, to increase libido.

Types of aphrodisiacs

Despite the variety of aphrodisiacs, that universal remedy has not yet been found that would have the same effect on men and women. Despite this, there are several types of aphrodisiacs: animal and vegetable, physical and chemical, as well as mineral origin. And, of course, food.

The vegetable type of aphrodisiacs includes substances contained in the composition of herbs. Like ginseng or basil. Some of them should be prepared before use, some can be eaten immediately.

Natural female aphrodisiacs

  • Arginine- an acid found in milk, cheese, coconuts and other products. It promotes blood flow to the genitals and is considered a remedy for aging, as it rejuvenates the body. It also enhances male sperm motility and is used in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. An overdose of arginine leads to outbreaks of aggression and the appearance of herpes.
  • Damiana- an aphrodisiac plant growing in Mexico. Contains alkaloids, increases potency, is used to increase psycho-emotional tone. For women, it is recommended to use its infusion a few hours before sex. Men smoke it.
  • Fenugreek- Another medicinal plant, actively used by the Egyptians and Romans. It contains oils necessary for the synthesis of the necessary sex hormones. Concubines in harems ate it to enlarge their breasts. It also improves the quality of breast milk. In Chinese medicine, it has been used to treat problems with the male reproductive system and kidneys.
  • Ginseng- is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, is a stimulant of physical and mental activity, adds strength and increases a person's endurance. It also helps the hormonal background to recover, the metabolism to speed up, and the blood to flow where necessary.
  • lychee berries They are dried and drunk like tea. Increase reproductive and sexual functions.
  • Antler In China, deer antler powder has been used for more than five hundred kinds of diseases. They have an adaptogenic effect, reduce fatigue, increase resistance to disease.
  • Pine nuts increase the level of hormones in the blood.
  • Vanilla in essence, it is not an aphrodisiac, but relieves fatigue and stress, allows you to relax.
  • Hot peppers increases the production of endorphins, which add to the spice of sensations.
  • figs increases blood circulation and sensations during sex.
  • Celery- an aphrodisiac for men.
  • Basil accelerates blood circulation in the abdomen.
  • Parsley, although it is a diuretic, which means it mainly affects the kidneys, it also contributes to the production of endorphins. It has the same effect asparagus.
  • Strawberries and raspberries stimulate testosterone production.
  • Nutmeg increases potency in men.
  • Rose, jasmine, violet and lilac are aromatic aphrodisiacs and will be a great addition to a romantic dinner with your loved one. The main thing in such important point do not overeat so that the body spends energy on sex, and not on the digestion of plentiful food.

Aphrodisiac Recipes


In half a liter of dry white wine, add orange juice, two or three tbsp. spoons of honey, a little cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Infuse in the refrigerator for two weeks. Do not take more than fifty grams.

Aphrodisiac for men

Five grams of chopped celery, fifteen grams of angelica, ten grams of anise, the same amount of coriander and five grams of dill pour vodka. Three months to insist in a dark place. May be diluted with use.


Soak one tablespoon of gelatin for an hour in a glass of water, then put on fire and boil until the gelatin dissolves. Let the gelatin cool down, during this time we beat the quail eggs with honey, add the pureed raspberries to this mixture. In the resulting mixture, add gelatin, lay out in bowls and put in the refrigerator to solidify.

Meat in greens with marinade

Half a kilo of pork cut into circles and put in an enamel bowl. Fall asleep with chopped dill, basil, parsley and tarragon with garlic cloves. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Then add coriander to the meat, first fry on both sides until golden brown, then simmer until tender.

Spinach with tomatoes

In a salad bowl we put one hundred and twenty grams of champignons, chopped spinach, two hundred and twenty grams of chopped avocado pulp, one hundred and twenty-five grams of cherry tomatoes, two hundred grams of chopped cheese. Fill with dressing from two tbsp. spoons of olive oil, st. tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt.

Shrimp with olives as an appetizer

Slice one cucumber, peel twenty shrimp. Prick a shrimp, a cucumber circle and an olive on each toothpick.

Celery as a puree soup

Boil two medium celery roots in two liters of water and one tablespoon of butter with the addition of st. tablespoons butter, one small carrot, parsley root and potatoes. Mix part of this broth with egg yolks. From the other part and vegetables, make a puree, boil, pour in the part with the yolks. Season with herbs and sour cream.

Wings in honey

Pour six hundred grams of chicken wings with one hundred grams of chicken broth, four hundred grams of tomato paste, add three or four cloves of garlic, two tbsp. spoons of honey and soy sauce. Simmer until done. As a side dish, two hundred grams of rice with the addition of canned peas or corn.

Dates stuffed with cottage cheese

We clean twenty dates from stones. We grind one hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese with a drop of almond essence and two tbsp. spoons of honey. We stuff the dates with this mass. Top with toasted almonds.

Mixture of honey and nuts

We mix one hundred grams of walnuts with one tablespoon of honey, use one spoonful three or hours before bedtime, since this is not a fast-acting mixture.

Video lessons

Aphrodisiac - a set of biologically active substances that increase the sexual desire of people of both sexes. Their effect on the libido has been known for a long time, which is confirmed by the name itself, which comes from the name of the Greek goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. Also, over many centuries of studying aphrodisiacs, it has been noticed that they have a positive effect on the body of a man or woman as a whole, giving it new strength, vigor, and help in strengthening physical health.

In this article, you will learn about the types and variety of products with a high level of stimulants, tips on how to prepare an aphrodisiac at home and how to make your own perfume from essential oils for men and women, which will attract a sexual partner and give a vivid sensation. during sex.

Principle of operation

These substances have different effects on the human body, which is closely related to neurohumoral regulation. Some create a powerful blood flow to the genitals, thereby activating the intensive production of male or female hormones. Some, in turn, give a signal to the pituitary gland, which starts the work of other endocrine glands, which leads to an increase in body performance and sexual desire. Others directly affect the functioning of the brain or improve the trophism of the tissues of the central nervous system, which relieves a person of fatigue and helps to restore strength.

Types of origin

An aphrodisiac can be either plant or animal origin.

Aphrodisiacs of plant origin:

  • Ginseng - is one of the powerful tonic. Helps with a decrease in mental and physical performance, increases stamina in stressful situations, fights well with sexual disorders and quickly restores impaired metabolism.
  • Nutmeg. Tones and positively affects male potency.
  • Figs. Improves blood supply to tissues, and also enhances tactile sensations during sex.
  • Asparagus, parsley, pepper, honey and chocolate. Increase the concentration of endorphins in the blood.
  • Celery, strawberries, raspberries, dates and mangoes. Stimulate the production of male hormones.
  • Violet, lilac, jasmine and rose. An essential oil concentrate is made from them, which increases sexual desire.
  • Fenugreek, damiana and lychee berries. They improve the functioning of the reproductive system, increase the production of sex hormones and stimulate the nervous system.

Animal products:

  • Musk. The most powerful aphrodisiac and pheromone for men.
  • Ambergris. A substance that comes out of the gastrointestinal tract of a sperm whale and stays in the waters of the seas or oceans for a long time. Its aroma will be appreciated by a man and a woman, but it has a more powerful effect on the male sex.
  • Deer horns. Horn powder is used in the treatment of many diseases, increases the body's resistance to stress and improves metabolism.

How to prepare an aphrodisiac

Today, preparations, perfumes, tinctures or essential oils with a high content of tonic substances are not uncommon on the world market, but their price is correspondingly high, which many will not be able to afford. Do not be disappointed, because everyone can prepare a female or male aphrodisiac on their own at home, and they will not be inferior in quality and effectiveness to many well-known brands.

Making perfumes at home with your own hands that will suit women is not so difficult, so you can easily compose any compositions yourself at home.

Below are recipes for cooking the most popular fragrances at home (the dosage of ingredients is calculated in drops).

Aroma "Geisha" for women. You will need for the base of the recipe: musk tincture - 3, ethyl alcohol - 20 ml, ambergris tincture - 1. The aromatic composition itself includes essential oils of jasmine, ylang-ylang, rosemary, fennel, anise - each 4.

Victoria perfume recipe, which is perfect for women. The basis is similar to "Geisha". Additionally, you will need cinnamon essential oil - 4, cloves - 4, as well as verbena and sandalwood - 6 each.

Recipe for men's fragrance "Atlant". The base includes: ambergris tincture - 1, musk tincture - 3, ethyl alcohol - 20 ml. The composition consists of extracts of cinnamon and eucalyptus - 3 each, sandalwood and cedar - 6 each.

Pharaoh fragrance recipe. The basis is the same as in Atlanta. Additionally, you will need essential oils: rosemary and ylang-ylang - 4 each, neroli, cinnamon - 3 each, bergamot - 6.

Romance by candlelight

If you are planning to have your romantic dinner at home, you need to use some recipes and prepare the dishes below. For example, cottage cheese with dates would be an ideal dessert. In 150 g of cottage cheese, add two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. Then, having cleared 20 dates from the stones, each dried fruit should be filled with the resulting mass. You can also offer walnuts with honey as a sweet. One tablespoon of honey should be mixed with 100 g walnut and mix thoroughly.

For a snack, you can cook shrimp, olives and cucumber canapes at home, which will appeal to all women without exception. The recipe is quite simple: you just need to cut the cucumber into thin circles, peel a few shrimp, and then put it on a toothpick, on top of which place an olive.

As a main dish and an aphrodisiac, offer your partner stewed chicken wings in honey. According to the recipe, you need to put a couple of wings in the broth, 400 g tomato paste, 2 tablespoons of honey, a couple of cloves of garlic, soy sauce and seasoning to taste. It should be simmered until fully cooked. Celery soup is also perfect. In 2 liters of water, add potatoes, parsley, two celery roots, a spoonful of butter and grated carrots. The liquid part of the soup must be mixed with egg yolks, and puree from vegetables in a blender. Mix them, bring to a boil, add herbs and seasonings to taste. Can be used with sour cream.

For daily stimulation, keeping the body in good shape and active sexual life, men and women are recommended to use at home not only healthy, but also tasty tincture - a strong aphrodisiac. It is necessary to add orange juice, a couple of tablespoons of honey, nutmeg, ginger and a pinch of cinnamon to 500 ml of white or red wine. Leave for 14-16 days and take this tincture no more than 50 g per day.

You can also figure out how to prepare an aphrodisiac yourself at home.
