The hare is a cute fluffy creation, capable of calling a sense of dignification, pity or tremble delight from a dream or a dream. This animal is also an personification of cowardice, which is why in some situations makes contempt or even dislike.

Such contradictions led to such a dream of a huge variety of various contradictory interpretations. Such simple and primitive at first glance is actually quite difficult to interpret. In order not to make a mistake, it is important to pay attention to the details.

Most of its interpretation of sleep, in which the hare is appeared positive.

The hare is often a harbinger of a very important purchase. It can be a purchase of housing or expensive car.

The hare in a dream can also be the harmonious wedding. Moreover, it can be like a wedding of a dream itself or a dreamy, and a joyful event in the life of someone from his or her environment.

  • Catch a hare in a dream - a favorable forever. Such a dream is a dream of a dream or a dreamy again obtaining the desired without special energy costs or efforts.
  • Hunting a hare in a dream, especially if the hunt turned out to be successful - very good sign. Such a dream promises a stable and prosperous future, the establishment of both the material and the spiritual side of the dream of a dream or a dreamy.
  • White hare in a dream - the forever of the joyful event. A dream or a dream will be accompanied by success, his or her fair fee for painstaking selfless work, which will deliver not only physical pleasure, but also morally satisfying the fruits of his labor.
  • White hare can also personify a good friend. Perhaps a dream or a dreaming does not even notice how many people around him or around it, ready to support and come to revenue in a difficult life situation.
  • If a dream or dreaming has to run away from the hare, it means, in reality, he or she had an influential patron, remaining in the shadow, but helping him or her all available in ways.
  • For newlyweds, hare in a dream is a symbol of married loyalty.

Negative interpretations of sleep with hares

However, such sleep also has a number of interpretations in a negative key.

The hare is a symbol of cowardice. His appearance in a dream is often associated with a sense of fear, haunting the very dream or a dream. The reason for this may be his own or her own negligence attitude to unavailable at first glance, but necessary in reality in tricks.

The dreams or a dreaming risks to forget the home mobile phone or wallet, do not pay bills on time, not to buy a travel pass, be late for the meeting, to sleep or become a victim of any other ridiculous accident.

Permanent running, work and homely troubles withdraw it or her from equilibrium and make it constantly feel nervous tension and discomfort. A short-term recreation or even a long vacation will help to get rid of pursuing paranoia.

Buds of the hares in a dream foreshadowed empty troubles.

Useless classes take away from a dream or a dreaming too much time and vitality, and for something more significant, neither the first, nor the second remains completely. The dream or dreaming should not be too involved: in life it is important not only to equip material well-being, but also solve your problems in personal life. It is necessary to find the golden middle and in no case to fall out of extremes in extremes.

The hare in a dream can also serve as a harbinger of illness.

Gray hare in a dream foreshadows deep longing or depression. The depressed state may be caused by failures in personal life or overwork. In both cases, the dream should be distracted in the company of friends and loved ones.

The eared animal in terms of symbolism is an amazing mixture of completely controversial things. On the one hand, he acts as a coward, ready at any time to escape from problems, on the course of changing color. At the same time it appearance Causes lunizing and genuine expression of joy from sentimental people. Apparently, for these reasons, the interpretation of dreams, which is why the hare is dreaming so ambiguous.

Where to start decoding sleep

The dreams, in which the main character is hare, are directly related to the psychology of associative experiences. The subconscious is projected by thoughts, disturbing a dream, on the image of the eared animal.

It is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams for adults and children will be different. The child perceives the hare is not as a double and fast runaway, but as a soft fluffy ears. Therefore, so different interpretations of dreams, what dreams of the hare.

Grey colour, the main paint inherent in the fluffy animal is neutral, but at the same time it has a strong energy, as it is formed by mixing red, blue and green shades.

In addition to color, when deciphering dreams, it is recommended to pay attention to such details such as the thickness and molting of fur, the behavior of the animal, the number of animals and the surrounding environment. We can not remember the size of the animal, recommended modern dreams. The big hare, as a rule, means the events predicted dream interpretation.

Eared animal in dreams

  • the hare is still - surrounded by the dream, a gossip appeared and envious;
  • large-size animal looks at the dream - in the coming days, the enemies will try to take advantage of the gullibility of sleeping in mercenary purposes; For a child, sleep means the appearance of a new toy;
  • the eared animal runs away from any danger - to betrayal from friends;
  • bunny runs in a circle - in real life a person lacks courage to adopt a fateful decision;
  • catch up with a hare - there is a risk of becoming a victim of fraudsters, for a child means the implementation of children's desire;
  • the beast hides from someone - relatives will turn out for help;
  • eashastik begging or whistles - to small trouble.

For further disclosure of the dream secrets, it is necessary to see the values \u200b\u200bof the remaining parts seen, for example, wool coloring.

Color of hare fur coat

In dreams about harets, the color is very important, it is from it that depends on the negative or positive wait for change. This is what a modern dream interpretation is interpreted about this:

  • hare gray - to vain experiences;
  • white Strest - to a romantic relationship;
  • black color - to disappointment in a close person;
  • the color is unusual, in nature is not found - to a rapid act;
  • stresty lines and changes color - to change in personal life.

Bright shades of colors and thick wool mean an occurrence of any event in the near future.

Damagious colors transfer the embodiment of the prediction of a few weeks forward. The next stage of the disclosure of the dream secretion will be the analysis of a person's actions in a dream.

Dreams in contact with a hare

If a person in a dream is not just watching what is happening around, but actively interferes with what is happening, the outcome of the future events will depend on the degree of participation in them a dream. In addition to the actions of the Divine itself, it is recommended to pay attention to the number of animals, i advise dreambook:

Only an overview of manipulations with eared animals will not give a complete picture of sleep decryption. It is recommended to pay attention to the terrain and other objects that surrounded the bunny.

Furnishing around the animal

The last stroke to the rays of the dream secrets will be an analysis of the surrounding chief hero of the situation. The values \u200b\u200bof the entourage are:

If you got when deciphering sleeping is not too joyful picture of the upcoming events, you do not need to fall into despair.

Vision only warns a sleeping person about what can happen. You can dream any, the main thing is to believe in yourself, abide by caution in actions and not lose the sense of humor. Good dreams!

ATTENTION, only today!

The hare's image that emerged in a dream, most likely, was caused by such famous folk expressions as: "You can't catch one for two hares, you can't catch one" or "a cowardish, like a hare."

Maybe in real life you encountered a two-room person and thought that he was typical of like a hare, change his color.

There is also known folk sign, which also, postponed in your subconscious, could cause the appearance of a hare in your dream: "The hare is running on the village".

Everyone knows that hare is a cowardly animal, and how he can be brave if so many predatory animals hunt it.

In a word, if you dreamed of hare, then your subconscious reminded you of such human weaknesses as cowardice and excessive shyness.

Watch in a dream behind the hare, which, hawkening, circling Nero Foxes, is a sign that before deciding on a very important act, you should think well on whether it will not be the cause of great misfortune. You will deal with the bitter experience of your loved ones to dismantle.

Draw in a dream for two hares, "means that in real life you need to follow the famous folk wisdom:" You can't catch one for two hares, you will not understand one, "that is, not to take for several things right away, because none of them you are not You can perform as it should.

To see in a dream hiding under a bush a hare - evidence that in real life you can not rely on your friend, because, in all likelihood, he will lead you.

To see a hare squeezed in a nice chick - a sign that in real life you have to be "in the shade", that is, not to interfere in any cases and try not to attract the attention of other people.

A dream says that you need to fight with your shyness, otherwise your life will be boring and unnoticed.

Watch in a dream by how the hare changes in color, - the head of your meeting with an unreliable double person who will not only deceive your expectations, but will bring you a lot of grief.

To see a hare in a cage - the prophecy of what you finally will be able to cope with your shyness.

If you have dreamed of a wounded hare, then Introduce one of your loved ones very much needs your help, but it's shy to contact you.

To see a hare running around the city in a dream, "means that in real life you should be careful with matches. There is a real threat of fire.

Interpretation of dreams from ancient dream

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See in a dream of hare

Hare to whose ingratitude. Structible hares is a dream that foreshadows monetary difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

What do dreams mean hare

Hare - how to dream of hares, then there will be sharp, unpleasant relationship with someone; It is bad: there will be some kind of loss - or lose something, or the communion, or steal. Hare see - survive any fear; There is - satisfaction; Kill a favor. If you catch a hare - losses. Heads will dream - failure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream

That in a dream means hare

Fishing hare foreshadows that you lose something valuable.

Caught the hare - win the contest.

Gently stroked the hare on the fur, it means that you are surrounded by glorious, but not intelligent pleasures.

They saw the hare pursue the dogs, "wait for a quarrel, but you can establish former friendly relationships.

If in a dream you shot a hare, then in real life you will be forced to resort to hard measures to restore your rights.

As for personal life, the dream of a hare testifies that you have seen unfavorable fears regarding marriage. In part, your jealous nature is to blame. Remember that distrust and jealousy can destroy your relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

The meaning of sleep hare

Sign of weakness. You have to survive some fear.

For newlyweds and unmarried girls, can also be a symbol of love and marital loyalty.

Running hare - dream of wealth or profits.

Run behind the hare - fortunately.

Drive on the network - to the gossip.

Catch the hare - to losses.

Feed the hare - to poverty.

White hare - marks friendship and success.

Black hare - marks chagrin.

Interpretation of dreams from the son of the XXI century

Interpretation of sleep hare

In the Basna "Rabbit and Zayas" the latter lost the race due to excessive self-confidence.

Do you show self-confidence? This can lead to trouble.

So do not forget to look close to the details and take additional measures Precautions before making a jump.

Interpretation of dreams from American dreams

What does it mean to see in a dream hare

Hare, like any small creatures and beasts, is a symbol of children.

Hunting Zaitsev symbolizes your desire to enter into sexual contact with minors.

Hare, ricking branch, carrot, reminds you of your first sexual contact.

If you caress a hare, then you may have been paying too much attention to the care of your children. If you have no children, then it talks about your desire to have a child.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Freud

In a dream to see the hare

Running man - someone helps you, while remaining in the shade. Fishing hare - all his time, must be patient. If the dream dreamed in the first half of the week - do not adhere to others, no one will appreciate. It is best to pay more attention to your own duties, you have a lot of them. If the dream dreamed in the second half of the week - you are waiting for the mysterious and uncharted pleasure.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation for women

What dreams of hare

Hare to see a hare: you are awaiting good news related to your friends.

Killing a hare: by nature you are cowardly and trying to get rid of this shortage.

See how the hare runs away: in the near future you will not be able to fulfill your plans.

It is also likely that you will succeed even with very careful thinking and planning.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Longo

See in a dream of hare

In Belarus and Macedonia, a dream of a caught hare foreshadows pregnancy and the birth of a son.

Expressions "sleep, like a hare", "Hare Sleep" in all Slavs are used to designate sensitive sleep.

So pregnant can not eat and see a hare to future child did not sleep with open eyes.

The hare can cause both sleep and insomnia.

The Summer Summer Skin is used against drowsiness, Ukrainians at insomnia avoid eating hare and do not mention the hare in general, so as not to lose sleep and that drowsiness did not attack.

With the influence of the hare on sleep connected and the image of a hare in lullaby songs.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream interpretation of the ancient Slavs

What does dream hare mean

It symbolizes a psychologically healthy state at which, however, the period of stagnation and depreciation of the individual begins.

Interpretation of dreams from a free dream

See in a dream hare

Just to see a hare in a dream means a happy turn in everyday circumstances, after which you will be more than ever, satisfied with your income. Sleep in which you see hunting for hares, foreshadows you troubles and quarrels among your loved ones, to reconcile only in your power. Shoot in the hare foreshadows the inevitability of cruel measures to which you will have to resort, in order to restore your filthy rights.

To see the killed hare - the fores of the disease or the death of someone from your friends.

See Belyaka Zaita - a sign of loyalty in love and for married, and for unseasonal; Hare Rusak - it foreshadows familiarity with simple and infertility, although not from the intellectual environment by people. To iron hares in a dream - in reality, your children will be delighted with their successes and delicate love. Running from you hares - to the loss of something very valuable than you especially value.

Catch the hare in a dream - return the lost location of a friend or a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Sleep about the hare

Characteristics of speed, jump, fright associate with intuition, mental insight, intuitive survection reveals rapid change in behavior.

Negative aspect and lies in regression with a pronounced fear in madness.

Corresponds to the archetypes of the triker, black mage.


Interpretation of dreams from psychoanalytic dreams

What does it mean in a dream hare

You can buy accommodation, son (pregnant), wedding, "horse", desired will come true // Bad, failure, death, danger, fear, unpleasant relationships, losses (steal or die ... Runner - leaving a friend, loss; hunt - happiness // Anxiety; Catch - losses; kill - deception, loss; White - success, friend; gray - chagrin; Many hares - fear; Bunny - daughter (pregnant); feed the hare - wedding; There is a habit about - with the wife's conversation secret, health, pleasure, profits // Illness; catch up - walling.

Interpretation of dreams

Beasts, birds and other creatures in dreams are especially interesting symbols for decryption.

In Gresses, as we know, symbols and signs are the usual thing. After all, there is no such sleep that would not have a hidden encrypted value.

And it is the animals most unusual and can carry a number of meanings. The hare is a character who, if in a dream, is not in vain.

This animal has a lot of features borrowed from a person's character. No wonder he is so often present in fairy tales, legends and legends of almost all peoples on Earth.

To determine what the hare dream is, it is necessary, first of all, to spend such a parallel. The hare is associated with such qualities as cowardice and modesty, but - speed, as it always eludes predators. In addition, the hare is incredibly fruit, so it can symbolize offspring.

And these cute mock animals, and many dreams connect this symbol with loyalty and devotion. To find the only true interpretation, what dreams of the hare is worth remembering all the details that were in a dream.

Dream Interpretation offers options as follows:

  • Bunny or rabbit was seen in a dream from the side.
  • Beautiful home bunny in Gresses.
  • The hare runs somewhere.
  • He gnaws something in a dream.
  • A pair of bunny in golden.
  • Rabbit or hare runs away from dogs or other animals.
  • He sits calmly.
  • The hare was in the cage.
  • White rabbit in a dream.
  • There is a rabbit or bunny of black.
  • Go in a dream after him.
  • Catch up and even catch a hare.
  • Feed the bunny.
  • You gave you a hare.
  • There is rabbit.
  • Breed rabbits in a dream.
  • Stroking his white fur.
  • Kill a hare in a dream.
  • To be among many of these animals.

As you can see, the options for "rabbit" and "hare" dreams are a huge set. It is worth carefully choosing the closest, perhaps combining several scenarios, and then find out what the hare is dreaming, it is in your case.

See Zverly

To begin with, it is worth contacting the dreams in order to find out what the hare is dreaming (or a rabbit), which was only seen in a dream.

If this is your case, in the Gresses you did not contact the animals, but just looked at him, remember, most importantly: his appearance, what he did, how he behaved. This will be the key to the vision rapidness.

1. As Dream Interpretation says, the hare in Gresses is a symbol of self-confidence and excessive "picness". Probably, this is a kind of warning - be more modest, remember that there are "predators" that can bring a lot of trouble. Evaluate your strength more real.

2. Beautiful and cute rabbit is a good sign that foreshadows the dream of the fulfillment of desires. Especially if in Gresses, looking at the animal, you experienced lunizing or joy. Know your dreams will be executed soon, you will appear excellent for this circumstance, and all that you have long wanted, will begin to realize in reality.

3. Such a dream, hare in which somewhere runs - also an excellent sign. This is to wealth and happiness. You are waiting for a new period when the financial situation will begin to improve dramatically, and easily and without special stresses.

4. And if the hare in the vision of something is gnawing - on the contrary, be prepared for the difficult period in life. Perhaps there will be some difficulties with finance, you will have to suffer, live modestly. Delive to this period patiently and wisely - this is a good and useful experience.

5. You are lucky if you saw a couple of adorable rabbits or will be involved in a dream. This is a symbol of love. In addition, not just romantic hobbies, but a real, strong love, loyalty and purity. This is a real gift that you need to take care!

6. If in Gresses, the hare ran away from all the paws from another beast - from the dog, from a wolf or fox, for example, - you will have a witness to witness some conflicts, quarrels. Try to stay aside not to get under the hot hand.

7. The hare, calmly sitting in your vision, is a successful symbol in dream. You will have an excellent chance to increase your own well-being!

The chance will be rare, and it is impossible to miss it. But it is worth seeing, notice and correctly use it! This is a very useful sleep, now you should be careful, you know what to do.

8. White or other color of the hare sitting in a cage in your dream, according to the dreams of Sulit Career Height! Perhaps this is your dream - or you just have sought it for a long time. Soon it will happen, which means that now you go in the right direction.

9. White as snow rabbit or hare promises inheritance or big money gift. Where did the dream book say, but a big amount will certainly "fall" into your pocket in the near future.

10. And the black animal is a warning symbol. Dream interpretation points to risky, dangerous situations associated with money, and advises not to risk. If a situation appears in which something is not completely clear, or you will feel doubt (and such a situation will arise) - then boldly refuse.

Do not risk, do not associate with creditors and do not play, do not give a debt. Now an inappropriate period for this, you risk meal.

Contact with fluffy

If you not only saw a cute animal, but somehow in a dream interact with him, then it is important not only what the animal looked like, but also your actions with him. They are the main part of the symbol, and they will decipher the dream book.

1. Going in Gresses Following the Zaita is a favorable symbol if you believe the dreams. He promises a big and absolutely unexpected happiness of the dream! Do not even try to predict where joy comes from, just relax and know that happiness is already near.

2. But if you caught him, or just caught up - undoubtedly, you will be waiting for a big luck on the Love Front. It can fill a happy wedding, engagement or long-awaited offer, or just a happy and strong union.

3. Feed the animal in the vision - it is also a very good sign. You are waiting for great well-being in all current affairs. Everything will be fine, and difficulties will get away without a trace.

4. Did the rabbit in a dream? This is for love, all dreams assure in this. You will find a new romantic passion, and it can grow up, perhaps in a great feeling!

5. There are rabbit - hint of some secrets or secret things. Mystery as you know, sooner or later becomes clear, remember it. Try to be honest.

6. And if you bred rabbits in Gresses - rejoice, you are waiting for wealth!

7. Stroking the animal on the soft wool is a symbol of what the reality you will be in a pleasant company. And you will receive great pleasure from communication.

8. And if a defenseless creature was killed - the interpreter says that there will be some difficulties in reality. And in order to achieve his own, it will have to make enough tough measures.

9. To be among many bunnies in Gresses is a symbol of a noisy company and fun. There is some big holiday ahead!

Now that you learned what your "hare" dream means, make the right conclusions. What is worth do - change your behavior or carefully look around so as not to miss a rare chance?

Let the intuition tell you, and the heart will not be mistaken! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

It's no secret that the hare is a symbol of cowardice and shyness. At the same time, it is also very cute, which causes great sympathy in both children and adults. We also know that the hares are inclined to change their color, so this cute animal is also associated with duplicity. Let's try to figure out what the hare is dreaming depending on the many details of sleep.

What if dreamed of hare?

Acquisition and loss

1) see the hare in a dream, which is not in a hurry and calmly settled in one place - a sign that the success and financial well-being awaits you in the future;

2) see a white hare or rabbit in a dream is a precursor that you will very soon get a major inheritance;

3) To see in a dream, how the bunny runs from you - to excellent wilds;

4) However, if the animal managed to escape from you - this is, on the contrary, an unfavorable sign that will be sustating that your plans will remain unrealized, as a result of which you will incur great losses;

5) If you managed to catch a hare - a sign that you and I will manage to discourage all losses and go out to a new level. Also, this dream states that if you participate in any competition or tournament, you have great chances to win it, but all your time;

6) if a pregnant woman in a dream dreamed of a hare, whom she managed to catch - this is a sign that she will give birth to a son, if a bunny was caught - daughter;

7) If you go to the dream following the hare is a good sign that suwls you a happy and joyful future. You definitely will favor luck, all plans will be able to implement, you will gain a new status and recognition in society.

Family and Health

1) If you are chasing the hare in a dream - this means that there is a person in your life that provides you with secret help. It is possible that you don't even know that it exists, so turn on your observation and try to reveal your secret patron;

2) If you see a bunny, which is trying to escape from dogs, is a bad sign, promising problems and scandals in the family, and they will arise literally in the same place. Each family members will consider themselves right and violently to defend their position, which will lead to a large number of conflicts and violation of family harmony. In this situation, you should manifest the initiative and first try to settle conflicts, because besides you, no one will do this;

3) if you dream of a hare in a dream - this is a sign of the deterioration of relationships in the family, the appearance of quarrels and misunderstanding;

4) If you shoot in a hare in a dream and kill it - it means that your spiritual and moral condition is broken, and you will need a lot of time to restore the usual peace and peace;

5) see this animal dead - to diseases of relatives or friends;

6) catch and take into the hands of the deceased hare - to disease. In this period of time, the dream book recommends a more carefully referring to his own health.


1) to iron a hare in a dream - a sign that among your surroundings many simple, but very good people;

2) tame the animal - soon you will meet a very reliable and faithful companion, but at the same time a very boring interlocutor;

3) To see a hut hiding in the bushes - a warning sign. Look at your own best friends, one of them is clearly not the one who gives out;

4) If you feed the animal in a dream - to some celebration, probably the wedding. Also, this dream means large spending on someone of his loved ones;

5) give the hare to another person - you can breathe with relief, you are sincerely loved;

6) To see the hare with incars - a precursor of serious change in real life.

Color and quantity matter

1) see a white hare in a dream - a good sign, promising loyal love, devotees and success in affairs;

2) if the hare was gray - this is a symbol of unsinkable dreams and unrealized plans, ahead of many disappointments and troubles;

3) Black hare is a symbol of chase and sadness. Be very careful, on your way a lot of double people and fraudsters, the likelihood of deception and unpleasant events is great;

4) To see the flock of these animals in a dream - to the impregnated Gresses, all your undertakes will not find continuing, the likelihood of suffering serious losses is great.

What dreams of the hare in the dream of Miller

See how you admire these fluffy little animals in a dream - have loyal and kind friends who, unfortunately, are not entirely intelligent;

If the hare runs away from you - to the mysterious disappearance of something important and valuable for you;

To catch a hare - to success;

See how a pack of dogs chases the village of Zaitsev - to a serious quarrel in the family, in which you eventually manage to achieve a compromise and settle misunderstandings;

See the hare of the dead - to the disease or death of the comrade;

Kill this animal in a dream - you will have to show your tough position regarding some kind of question;

If you were bitten by the hare - to the disease.

What dreams of the hare in the dream book Vangi

Famous Clairvidian Vanga believes that the image of a hare in a dream is a symbol of cowardice, timidity and doubt in decision making.

If a man saw this fluffy animal in a dream - this is a sign that he may soon acquire real estate;

If a pregnant woman saw a hare in a dream - it means that her son will be born, haunted - daughter;

If the hare runs away from you - your close comrade will come to you soon, and this will happen very unexpectedly. Also such a dream foreshadows problems in affairs, material difficulties, losses;

To see a large number of hares - the current failures keep you in constant fear and tension. It is possible that there are two-bedroom people in your environment that disseminate misunderstood rumors about you;

See a white hare - to luck, gray - to sorrow.

What dreams of the hare in the dream book Freud

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud has its interpretation of sleep, in which the hare appeared. Freud believes that this dream is dreaming of what you do not trust your second half, and for this reason your relationship is not the best. You laid the fear of treason from your beloved person, and he did not give you the slightest occasion for this. A psychologist believes that if you want to keep your union, you need to do something with your limitless and silly jealousy.

What dreams of hare in Dream Hasse

See a hare in a dream - to success and great fortune;

Kill the hare in a dream - to minor difficulties in the way;

There is this animal in a dream - to problems and quarrels in relations, which, however, will be very soon.

Dream Ezopa

The famous writer Ezop has its own point of view regarding such sleep:

To see a hare in a dream - this is your subconscious mind makes you a hint that there is a person in your environment who gives himself at all for whom it really is;

If you saw a hare in a dream, that runs by foxed holes is an important sign that is worth paying attention to. Very soon before you will be easy to choose, you will need to decide on a serious solution that will have a serious impact on your future. The prompt for you can be the fact that such a situation could have already happened to your relatives;

If you hit the two hares in a dream, it, as in the famous saying, means that it is not necessary to take a few cases at the same time, it will not lead to anything good;

See in the dream of a hitch hare - do not trust the person you are pinning big hopes, he may at any time bring you;

If you see the animal, who squeezed from fear of a lump - it means that your shyness and misinterpretation does not give you to reveal, you all stay in the shadows of the people around you, and for this reason few people pay attention for this reason. If you do not reconsider your attitude on this issue, your life will remain gray and monotonous;

If you see a hare or a rabbit that changes its color - be careful, you will soon meet a completely unreliable person that you can bring you a lot of trouble;

To see the dream of a dead hare is a warning sign. Take a look at your own, it is likely that one of them very much needs your help, but because of your shyness, they cannot be asked to ask you.
