More recently in cities, and in rural areas there was only one type of heating - a furnace. Moved for their technical condition specially trained people - chipper. They checked the chimneys for the presence of cracks, followed the burden and purified from soot. Today, private houses are equipped with a variety of furnaces, stoves, fireplaces. It is necessary to serve them with their own hands - clean the chimney and follow the technical condition.

The chimney device, what is its cleaning and how often it needs to be carried out

The first cleaning of the chimney should be carried out 1.5-2 years after the start of operation of the furnace. During this time, a layer of soot is accumulated in a pipe of more than 2 mm, which is a guide for cleaning. In the future, the chimney is allowed to be cleaned 1-2 times in the season. It is best to do in spring and autumn. In order to facilitate this process, it is necessary to apply the prophylactic measures to be mentioned below.

Chimney in the process of firebox is covered with soot. It appears gradually from the combustion products and the layer behind the layer is postponed on the walls of the pipe, gradually narrowing the passage. And since the soot is a very good thermal insulator, the furnace canal is heated much weaker and the heating requires a much larger amount of firewood.

The thick layer of soot reduces the craving, which means that the number of condensate increases, which, in turn, contributes to the fastest formation of new layers. The pipe is accumulated by non-corrosive solid particles that can easily ignite when the gas flows are lifted. This leads to a quick troughing of the pipe walls and increases the risk of fire. Especially in severe frosts, when a large amount of firewood is used for home heating and the temperature in the firebox is very high, sparks and even small lights are flying out of the chimney. And it threatens the fire of household buildings and even neighboring houses.

In the case of a strong cloth, the likelihood of reverse thrust increases - smoke partially or completely goes to the room and the likelihood increases to poison combustion products.

The flushing of the chimney is, first of all, in the release of surfaces of the pipe from soot, garbage (after summer season There may be small branches, dry leaves, and even bird jets). At the same time, all elements of the furnace are checked and clean. Lastly, the furnace and the ash tick are cleaned.

With the timely cleaning of the chimney, you significantly reduce the consumption of firewood, you will be confident in your own security, and the chimney will not need an emergency repair.

Methods and adaptations of chimney cleaners do it yourself

There are three basic ways to clean the chimney: chemical, biological and mechanical. Biological I. chemical methods Rather prophylactic, preventing the formation of a too thick layer of soot. All these methods can be implemented independently without resorting to the help of specialists, following certain rules.

Biological (potato cleaning, starch, firewood, etc.)

One of the easiest and most common ways is widely used in the people due to the ease of use and availability of the necessary funds. AT more than It is prophylactic - prevents the appearance of a thick layer of soot. For this method use aspen firewood, salt, potato cleaning, shell walnut, Naphthalene, Blue mixture.

Potato cleaning must be pre-prepared. It will take about half a bucket of well-dried cleaning. They need to be poured directly on the heat so that they immediately burned down. When combustion, a large amount of starch is formed, which softens South. You can apply this method before proceeding with mechanical cleaning - it will be much easier to remove the soot layer.

Stone Salt - to a greater degree to the formation of soot. A small handy is poured on firewood to the extract. Sodium chloride pairs destroy viscous deposits in the pipe.

Aspen firewood - The most effective means. Since the aspen has a high combustion temperature, wood should be used at the end of the furnace. The evaporation generated during the burning is peeled from the chimney walls and during a strong heat she burns. Therefore, when using aspen, you need to ensure that the sparks do not fly from the chimney. Alternative - Birch Firewood, pre-purified from the crust. The effect will be about the same.

Walnut shell is a great detergent to clean the chimney. It has a very high combustion temperature, so one-liter cannot be used in one sunset. Alternative to Osinov Firewood.

Naphthalene is a good prophylactic agent. It is enough to throw one pill in the fire, like soot will start peeling and go out with smoke. But the smell of naphthalene is very resistant and then it is very difficult to get rid of it.

Blue mix - easy to prepare yourself if there are required components. 5 parts of the copper sulfate are mixed, 7 parts of the Selitra and 2 parts of coal (coke). About 20 grams of the mixture are sprinkled in a preheated oven and close the door tightly. This mixture should not be used to clean the open-type foci.

Chemical method

Like biological, does not solve the question of the complete cleaning of the chimney and is preventive. In stores for sale a large number of a wide variety of compositions for cleaning the chimney: lamps, briquettes, pills, solutions. The principle of operation - the harmless gas allocated during burning decomposes the combustion products and their components, which could further turn into a sage.

Almost in all cases there is a detailed instruction for use, dosage. Presentation portions, which is very convenient. As a rule, together with packaging is placed in the furnace and burn either separately or together with firewood. If the chimney is very clogged, either several packages are used simultaneously or several times in a row.

"Pulleted is a chipper" - a small bar or briquette, consists of ammonium sulphate, coal wax, phosphorus oxide and several more components. Prevents the formation of a car and removing previously accumulated soot. With a permanent operation of the furnace for the season, you need to burn only 2 linen. If the furnace is token 1-2 times a week, then one bar is enough.

"Kominichk" - applies only if the soot layer is up to 2 mm. The package contains 5 packages of 15 grams. Active substance - copper chloride. It converts soot into oxide, which allows it to burn at a lower temperature without the formation of fire. Since chlorine includes, it cannot be used for open furnaces. When used tightly close the door and at the end of the furnace "comiccom" to air the room.

PCC is an anti-chamber chemical composition. Powder is burned along with paper packaging together with firewood or separately from them. On a ton of firewood powder consumption is 150-200 g

Since there are quite a lot of funds and produced both in our country and abroad, you can always choose the best option, trying several types.

Mechanical method

It is applied in cases if the chimney is very clogged. The soot layer, as mentioned earlier, is more than 2 mm. Before proceeding to this type of work, you should prepare a furnace. Pre-protruding using potato cleaning, aspen firewood or walnut shell to soften the soot and exfoliate it from the chimney walls. This will greatly facilitate further work.

Required tools:

  • Chimney cleaning with a diameter of 1.2-1.3 times larger than the diameter of the plastic or metal pipe;
  • A flexible cable with a handle (similar to the plumbing) or a solid rope;
  • Hard brush with a long handle (or with the ability to increase it);
  • Metal load or kernel, which can be attached to the rod. Must be centered so as not to damage the chimney, and the diameter is 2 times less than the diameter of the pipe;
  • Metal scraper with handle.

Cleaning the chimney can be carried out both from above, on the side of the pipe and below - if it is a fireplace or an open furnace. To perform a pipe cleaning work on top, prepare a small staircase, which can be strengthened on the roof. To eliminate the fall from the roof, use the safety cable. All tools that may be needed, lift the roof immediately to once again not descend.

  • Shoes should be non-slip, hand protect gloves.
  • Use the respirator so that the combustion products do not fall into the respiratory tract.
  • Getting to work only in dry weak weather.
  • Before starting work, do not take drugs that reduce the reaction, and alcohol.

Before the start of work, the furnace should completely cool. Fake camera Fully free from the short-reaching flights and ash. Pre-close the flue, cleaner and coil doors so that the soot can not get into the room. Open furnaces Curtain with a dense wet cloth, which will not be sorry to throw. The dampers need to be discovered completely, otherwise the soot will be poured onto them and can lead to a new blockage.

From the chimney pipe, remove the headpoint to provide access. Carefully inspect the pipe and proceed to clean. Start work with a core attached to the cable. This will help immediately eliminate large blockages and show the distance to which the chimney can be cleaned. If the nagar layer is very large, to clean the walls, it is better to immediately apply a scraper with a long handle and work to them, and then clean the walls using a yarshik with a core attached to it. Make sure that the kernel is in the center of the chimney and could not damage the pipe.

If the oven with an open firebox, after cleaning from above, proceed to clean the chimney from below. Use a rush or a brush with a long flexible handle that can be increasing.

The furnace camera is cleaned later. You need to collect soot using a special vacuum cleaner or a special brush.

If it happened so that you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special fuck, it can be done from plastic bottle.

Video: How to make a plastic bottle lubshik

In some regions, the flushing of the chimney is common using chainsaws or leaved (benzoplazos to collect foliage). Of course, in such a way to clear the chimney simply simply using a special snail nozzle with an air duct. Of course, in terms of ecology, this method cannot be called correct.

Video: How to clean the chimney with chainsaw

Technological elements for chimney cleaning

In many ways, it is possible to simplify the chimney care if you provide for cleaning methods at the design stage. As a rule, now chimneys are made from sandwich pipes or metal. It is not always installed strictly vertically, and sometimes serves several stoves in the house at the same time. In this case, cleaning from soot will complicate at the expense of the corners. And if the horizontal portion of the pipe goes from the furnace, it is better to use a tee to connect. One of its sides is opened with a lid on a thread. Through the hole you can remove moisture and clean the riser. In some cases, a special removable glass can be provided.

In the furnaces, isolated from the brick, necessarily include hatches for cleaning. In some stoves, hatches can be several.

Chimney pipe clogging prevention

What do you need to do so that the chimney does not clog so fast? Proper to use the stove. The rules are simple, but if they follow, it will simplify care and will help to use firewood economically.

  • For the furnace, do not use firewood from coniferous wood - they contain a lot of resin, which will remain on the walls of the chimney. Give preference to deciduous rocks. At the end of the furnace, add aspen lanes or any other folk remedies.
  • Top oven only dry firewood - wet give a lot of soot.
  • On the pipe must be a headband. It will not only protect the pipe from garbage from entering, but also from precipitation.
  • To reduce the accumulation of condensate, the pipe must be insulated.
  • Do not turn the stove in place to burn garbage. Plastic, polyethylene, rubber melted and remain in the stove and on its walls. The garbage is better to throw into a container or burn out on the street.
  • Do not use flammable liquids for ignition.
  • In a severe frost, sometimes the fire arises due to the fact that the stove fused. Try not to overheat it.
  • Timely conduct preventive work, carefully follow the state of deposits on the walls.

With properly spent and constantly following the rules of the furnace, the furnace and chimney will serve for a long time and will not require special care, and sometimes unexpected repairs.

Each owner of the house sooner or later faces the question how to clean the oven. And specifically chimney in the furnace. As the oven is polluted, the thrust becomes smaller and the whole smoke goes to the house. If you do not take measures on time, the stove will be in disrepair and it will have to be disassembled and collecting from scratch, and this process is very heavy and time-consuming, so it is necessary to clean the furnace as dirty, at least once in the season.

How to determine that the furnace needs cleaning

The time that will be needed to work without cleaning every furnace is different. It also depends on how to rub the stove correctly than and how often. If the owner of the furnace does not allow such rough mistakes As burning in the furnace of unnecessary things, rubbish, plastic bottles and other material, unsuitable for the furnace, the furnace will last long. You can turn the furnace only wood and coal, and everything else threatens the ovens by chimney chimney.

However, firewood can also lead to clogging. It happens if the firewood is not indifferent in the furnace. It is unacceptable, because raw firewood can be in two cases:

  • If the tree has just spill and firewood did not have time to dry by naturally.
  • If the firewood was stored in a wet or wet room or in the rain.

To reduce the pollution of the furnace, you need to use dry firewood at the maximum, which not just cut down, and which were lariped in a dry place for more than a year.

As for wood varieties, this fact has great importance, just like the fact that it is impossible to heat the wet wood. For example, such varieties like spruce, pine is difficult to dry due to the presence inside the resin. With the furnace, this resin will clog the chimney, and therefore this type of wood is not suitable, but such fruit trees, like a cherry, apple tree, apricot and plum will fully fit the firebox.

How to understand that the furnace is time to clean

How to clean the chimney. Ways to clean the chimney

  • First you need to explore the chimney. To do this, omit in the chimney of the girc. If it passes normally, it means that the chimney is not clogged. And if it is stuck, then there is a lot of soot in chimney.
  • Check craving. If there are no traction, it means you need to clean the stove from soot.

You can use folk remedies in order to try to cure the oven from the soot without cleaning mechanically.

There are two ways for this.

Folk ways to clean the chimney

  1. Throw to the furnace of cleaning the potatoes. When they blunt, starch will be distinguished, which will go into the chimney and clean the stove from soot.
  2. Throw in the oven aspen dry lamps. They increasing the furnace to the maximum temperature, and thanks to this, the soot makes its way and flies out of the furnace. However, for such a procedure, you need a strong oven.

Methods of mechanical cleaning furnace:

  • The furnace is token on three sides, holes
  • At first, a long pole is inserted through the chimney, at the end of which can be put on a metallic enshik. It is necessary to promote the pole as much as possible.
  • The work of the carpillary is dirty, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the soot can be stained not only the pipeline itself, but also the room in which the furnace is located. To do this, it is necessary to close the stove in the oven and close the door so that soot through these holes does not penetrate into the room.
  • After cleaning the pipe, the soot will drop closer to the furnace. You need to carefully open the door and clean the soot from the bottom through the bottom compartment, where firewood is laid.

The cause of pollution can be not only soot, but hitting the chimney of foreign objects. For example, there, in the chimney of birds can arrange nests. Delete the socket you need through the cleaning door. To do this, you will need to push the rod through the chimney is a socket, and then delete.

In order not to wise instruments for cleaning manually. You can buy a universal brush to clean the chimney.

Cleaning the chimney with their own hands is the procedure troublesome and tedious. But to turn such work. You need to spend all day. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the wash after cleaning also needs to be spent a lot of time. Professionals make it faster and easier because I have many special devicesAnd also have skills in cleaning. But it is also possible to clean it yourself, especially if you do it together, because alone is not quite comfortable, and even boring.

How to check Ventkanal to the concept of pollution

In any apartment there is ventilation. Old houses were built over 50 years ago, and no one checked ventilation in most cases. And you need to do, because the direct administration of ventilation is ventilating, and if dirt has been hammered in the channel, it is missing.

To check the ventilation, you need to pull the match to the hole and check the craving. If there is a traction, the channel is most likely open and not needed to be cleaned. And if there is no traction, then urgently need to start cleaning.

Cleaning chimneys and ventkanalov occurs according to one principle. A thin long rod is taken, it is desirable solid, that is, a metallic, so as not begun. For this, the thick wire is suitable. Then the wire is encouraged into the hole and cleales. In practice, more than two buckets of garbage can be extended from the vent hole. There and leaves, and dust, and foreign objects, and fragments of bricks and dried solutions. People living on the upper floors sometimes making repairs in their apartments, can pollute Ventkanals. Over the years, the entire garbage accumulates and leads the design into disrepair.

If you can recover the ventilation channel annually, it will allow you to be in the apartment without the risk of what people will breathe dirty air, soot and other mutability, which at first glance is not visible and the person does not feel it.

Modern technologies allow cleaning chimney gas stove With the help of a special vacuum cleaner. Such devices are very effective, however, they only have specialists. And to clean the chimney alone, you can consider the length of the chimney and the degree of pollution. It is selected a rod of a certain size, it is cling to it and the trumpet is cleaned with simple movements there. Cleaning the chimney of the gas boiler - the process is very responsible and must be made on time, in accordance with pollution. With gas, it is better not to joke and therefore responsibly refer to the gas furnace, that is, to operate it in accordance with the rules.

The chimney cleaning tool is a metallic ERS. In addition, a scraper can be applied. It is necessary in order to clean a very clogged chimney from a dense layer of soot. And there is also such a tool as the steel core. It falls into the chimney on the steel rope to break through the dense contamination. And then the ERS and scraper applies. They completely clean the chimney walls from soot.

After the soot is pought from above and tolkan down, it should be screamed from the oven. This is dirty work and very complicated. And the complexity is that soot can smear everything that is near the stove and himself. And it's not so easy to launder. Therefore, before cleaning the furnace, you need to dress, respectively, in robe and equipped with gloves and easily detergent, shoes and cap.

One of the newest cleaning methods is the vacuum cleaning of chimneys. However, such methods do not always help, especially if the contamination is complex, and there is no experience in cleaning. One of the folk and simple ways Is such a way: to pour 3 liters of boiling water from the top of the pipe. Such a type of cleaning can break through the plug of pollution and wash off a soot that donkey on the walls of the pipes.

A very effective way to clean pipes - lamps. Length for chimney cleaners is a special floor, made of powder with adding chemical substanceswhich, when burning, settled on the chimney and do not extend so much for several months. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times the season. You can use several lanes for burning. Put them on hot corners and burned.

After burning in the room can be nasty smellwhich needs to be told. This method of cleaning is less laborious, can be a good alternative to mechanical cleaning. But if it does not help it, then you need to break the contamination from the top of the hero, and then pour it into the furnace. This is probably cleanse the chimney.

The safe and comfortable use of furnaces and fireplaces is impossible without a good thrust, which, in turn, depends on the state of the chimney. How to clean the chimney from soot and prevent its clogging, you will learn from this article.

At first glance, it seems that after combustion of firewood, the smoke will disappear without a trace, but it is not so at all. In addition to gaseous combustion products, smoke contains solid particles, it is they settled on the walls chimney, forming a gray or black flare. Water pairs, which are also kept in smoke, fasten the soot, and the flare becomes dense and solid. Especially subject to clogging narrow places, turns of the chimney, as well as the rough walls of brick pipes.

Say deposits in a pipe

In addition, mechanical stools are possible: the garbage leaves, the bird nests falling into the tube, the bird nests or bricks dropped out of masonry. Even a small blockage is capable of worsening cravings, and the soot embarked on the foreign object quickly clogs the chimney, making it impossible to further exploit the furnace. Clean the chimney from soot and blockages can be in several ways that are described below.

Ways to clean the chimney: what to choose?

Chimney cleaning methods and chimney pipe Pretty diverse, from people's methods, proven in centuries, to modern, based on scientific developers. Consider more of them all.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors knew well the features of different types of wood. Coniferous firewood contains a large number of resins allocated together with smoke. A poorly dried, raw wood is smoldering, gives little heat, and at the same time highlights water vapor, which settles on the walls of the pipe, tumping loose soot into the monolith. It is best for the furnace of furnaces to fit drywood of hardwood: birch, alder, aspen. They burn with high heat transfer, almost do not give soot and soot and do not clog the pipe.

To clean the chimney in the antique, aspen firewood was used, burning with the formation of a high roast flame. When heating the walls of the chimney of the soot, it breaks down and roasts, and its residues are taken out through the pipe along with the smoke. In the same principle, many are founded modern methods Purification of pipes that are described below. For the prevention and periodic cleaning of the chimney, you can use this ancient way, throwing into a heated firebox a few dry oxine lanes. It is necessary to comply with fire safety and prevent overheating of pipes.

Another interesting people's method Chimney purification is burning dried potato cleaning. When they are combustion with smoke, substances are distinguished, baking soot and allow it to be easily removed through the cleaner holes.

Video - People's Method of Chimney Cleaning

Folk ways are interesting, but sometimes ineffective, especially when the plot has already been formed. In this case, it is wiser to resort to the means of chemical cleaning of pipes.

Chemical purification of chimney

In landstores, a large selection of various means allowing you to clean the chimney from soot without unnecessary trouble. These funds are in the form of powders, tablets, liquids or briquettes, mimicing lamps or pellets. The use of them is pretty simple: it is necessary to put the packaging in the furnace or fireplace and burn, together with firewood or separately. detailed instructions Usually indicated on the package, like the dosage.

Powder cleaning agents are usually packed in silent dosage bags, depending on the degree of contamination of the pipe and chimney, one or more packets may be needed. They are thrown into the fire after the cross stove, without opening. The appearance of painted in blue or green color The flame suggests that the tool works and highlights chemical-active substances that split the sage and fall.

Chemical cleaning agents

More convenient to use cleansing pellets or lamps, they are simply placed in a fireplace or a furnace right in the package and ignite, after which the furnace furnace continues for one or two hours. During this time, the resin and creosote that fasten the soot in the chimney are decomposed, and the small particles are taken out with the smoke outside, and large blocks fall down. Therefore, after cleaning and cooling the furnace, it is recommended to conduct an audit of the smoke channel through the door specifically designed for this.

Cleaning the chimney for preventing breakdowns spend several times a year. If the furnace is used no more than once a week, it is enough to use these means a couple of times a year. With a daily furnace furnace or the use of poor-quality firewood, prevention is carried out more often, every two months, without waiting for the ingrowth of the chimney soot.

Mechanical purification of chimney

With severe stamps caused by the strong narrowing of the lumen or in the trough of the garbage, chemicals may be powerless. Operation of the furnace becomes impossible and is very dangerous - deposits on the walls of the chimney when overheating light up, and together with smoke from the pipe, sparks or even flames are broken. In dry weather it can cause a fire. If there is no traction at all in your oven, and smoke goes inside the room, it must be cleaned mechanically using a special tool.

Fixtures designed to clean the chimney from soot and soot are very diverse: these are brushes, scrapers, ershos of different configurations and size, as well as kernels on a strong cable, which are punched by dense blockages. They can be purchased in specialized stores or make it yourself.

Video - how to make a hero to clean the chimney do it yourself

Cleaning the chimney is usually carried out from top to bottom: blockages are punched in the chimney, clean it with scrapers, jersoys and brushes, after which the smoke channels are clean through the cleaner doors, and the flaps and the flake itself are clean, as well as the ash tank. Fireplace pipes of simple configuration can be brushed from below, using a tower on a long handle. How to clean the chimney mechanical method, told below.

Technology cleaning chimney

1. Before you take on the role of a pipeline, take care of your own security. Need to install on the roof comfortable staircase And take care of insurance that will not allow you to fall. When cleaning the chimney, you need to use the respirator.

Security measures when working

2. The valves open, otherwise the soot will accumulate on them, which can lead to an even larger. But the doors are flue, ash and cleaned - you need to close tightly so as not to stain the soot furniture and floors. Open fireplaces of fireplaces are better to drown a damp cloth, which is not sorry to throw away - to wash it, most likely it will not work.

3. Cleaning starts from above, with chimney. Before you start cleaning, you need to remove a headband with a pipe, a scraper or a rigid brush to remove soot at an affordable distance. The tool can be lengthened using the knob enhanced.

Purge starting with pipes

4. Inaccessible parts of the chickens are clean using a flexible hero - cable with a nozzle at one end and a knob for rotation on the other. The diameter of the nozzle must exceed the diameter of the pipe in 1.2-1.3 times. The cable is injected inside the chimney and begin to gently promote, rotating the handle.

Flexible ERS for cleaning pipes from soot

5. If the ERS is stuck, it means that a serious block formed in chimney, and it is possible to break through with the kernel. The core on the cable is sharply lowered into the chimney, trying not to touch the walls so as not to lend a brick. Eliminating the blockage, continue to clean the hero.

Core for pipe cleaning

6. After cleaning the pipe, it is embarrassed to remove soot through the cleaner doors. In a complex furnace, they are usually somewhat, and they are located in the places of turns of the smoke channel. First, it is absorbed by South, falling on top, then the chimney itself can be cleaned with scrapers and hero. At the same time moving from top to bottom, to the furnace. In the fireplaces with direct chimney of the clean door may not be completely, and all the soot immediately falls into the furnace.

Cleaning smoke channels from soot

7. The furnace and the roller cleans the last turn. Final cleaning can be performed using a vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a tissue bag for collecting dust, it is better to buy a disposable paper for this purpose, since it is impossible to clean it from soot.

Removal of soot from the grain of the vacuum cleaner

8. Clear the furnace and check the craving. If cleaning eliminated the blockage, then after cooling the oven it is put back the head. If the thrust has not improved, it may be clogged by the smoke canal in hard to reach placeAnd without the help of a qualified binder can no longer do.

9. In the future, when using the furnace, you should not neglect the prevention of blockages with the help of the people described above, or modern methods.

So that the chimney does not bother the soot, you need to stick to a few simple rules:

  • It is better to use dry firewood from deciduous trees as fuel, and at the end of the furnace periodically put in the oxin furnace or the means of prevention.
  • It is impossible to burn in the furnace trash, especially plastic, polyethylene, packaging paper.
  • To reduce moisture condensation, the chimney must be inspired, especially if it is made of metal. Usually use ready-made double tubes of the "sandwich" type with a layer of non-combustible insulation.
  • It is necessary to put on the tank on the pipe that protects it from random trash or precipitation.

With the right use of the furnace, the question "how to clean the chimney from soot" will arise very rarely, and you can fully enjoy a bright flame and warmth.

Patency of flue channels is crucial for normal operation of heating systems. This is especially important for solid fuel thermal units. Chimneys tend to climb the combustion products, while the efficiency of fuel use is reduced and the likelihood of situations that threaten not only the integrity of the property, but also lives in the house of people increases.

How and what to clean the chimney from soot

Heating in a private house is a vital system, which depends not only comfortable accommodationBut often the property and the life of living. A special role is played by the system for removing fuel combustion products from the room - chimney. Its inner surface is gradually contaminated with condensate and soot, while the cross section of the chimney channel decreases, the thrust decreases, and the full-fledged output of the smoke from the room is broken.

Over time, the chimney is clogged with soot, and its ability to divert the combustion products is reduced

Why the chimney is contaminated

The clogging of the smoke channel occurs during the combustion of fuel, when vapor and solid products endured by the flow of furnace gases are distinguished from it. But under certain conditions, they are not completely flying into the pipe. This happens under the following circumstances:

Signs of clogging of chimney

When the flue gas removal can be clogged, it will immediately be visible. The main signs of the Channel Channel will be such phenomena:

What to do if the chimney has been scored

Before the start of the heating season, it is necessary to inspect the chimney from the inside for clogging. In the warm time of the year there may be poultry with a nest or a garbage that is covered in the wind of the wind may appear. To avoid this, the smoke tube should be at the installation stage equipped with a grid with a grid that impedes such situations.

On a similar case in the house there should always be a backup heating unit in the form of a canorridge or a built-in heating system electric heater.

Provided itself with warmth with its help in the cold season, you can thoroughly consider the situation and think over the options out of it.

The presence of thrust in the firebox must be checked at each risi of the furnace - the flame must be rejected towards the chimney

How to clean the chimney

The meaning of this operation lies in the timely cleaning of the walls from the layers of soot and the inward garbage (in the offseason period). When cleaning, it is necessary to check all the separations of the chimney and the oven itself. Lastly it is cleaned by the cleaning of the ashbar and fireboxes. Timely cleaning of the chimney reduces fuel consumption and makes the operation of the furnace safe.

In practice, three basic purification methods are used, two of which are preventive:

  1. Chemical and biological methods. Applied as prevention using compounds, softening soot and leading to its partial removal from the smoke channel.
  2. Mechanical. It is directly affected by the soot layer with various tools in order to remove it.

If you use such a means correctly and in a timely manner, you can avoid involving a third-party chimney to clean the chimney.

Biological methods of chimney cleaning

All biological methods are based on the addition of any substances in the burning fire. Among the distributed products, you can consider the following:

  • potato peelings. This is an old folk agent for the prevention of the formation of the particulate wheels, the simplest and always affordable. The peel must be prepared in advance, accumulating the minimum half of the bucket. It must be dried and deposited in the furnace at the end of the Bookmark burning. Burning, potatoes highlight starch, which softens the soot layer well. It happens that it simply falls down the layers or pieces, part of it is taken out with the furnace gases. This operation is also recommended for mechanical cleaning before performing mechanical cleaning;
  • rock salt. The method is applied when the furnace is ignited. The compound softened when the salt heated is well softened by a layer of soot. A tablespoon of salt must be poured over the fuel laying;
  • aspen firewood. Firewood from the tree of this breed is distinguished by high heat combustion, so they are laid at the end of the furnace. Hot chicken gases are simply burned directly on the walls of the chimney. The danger of the method is that large layers of soot during the combustion at high self-temperature are able to destroy the chimney and cause a serious fire. Therefore, this method must be applied regularly, laying aspen firewood with small portions. With the same purpose, birch firewood purified from the bark can be used;
  • shell of walnuts. The use of this means is also associated with the high temperature of their combustion. Therefore, they can serve as an alternative to aspen wood. But the shell can be used in the amount of no more than two liters at a time. Otherwise, a chimney overheating with predictable consequences is possible.

Photo Gallery: Folk remedies for chimney

The shell of walnuts can not be burned in large quantities - it can steal the chimney burning of the dried cleaning destroys the soot layer due to the selection of starch, the stone salt releases substances, softening the tag on the chimney walls of the aspen firewood burned on the chimney walls due to very high combustion temperatures

Chemicals to remove soot deposition

There are several such funds, and they can be divided into two groups: household goods and special chemicals. The first group can be attributed to:

  1. Naphthalene. This is an efficient and quite reliable tool. Under its impact, the soot is separated and endured in the furnace. It is placed in the oven on the flavored firewood. A significant disadvantage is the remaining indoors of the indoor unpleasant odor.Therefore, it is not used in open foci and fireplaces.
  2. Blue mixture. It is easy to make it easily independently, if there are several common components at hand. Need to mix:
    • five parts of the copper mood;
    • seven parts of Selitra;
    • two parts of the coke of the middle fraction.

Special chemicals are used to clean chimneys also with a prophylactic goal. Considering the available demand, the industry produces a variety of compounds intended purposefully to combat soot. The form of release can be briquettes, similarity of laminy, powders or solutions. Their action is based on the decomposition of smoke in the furnace on the components that do not form soot.

The convenience is that the methods of their application are described in detail in the instructions for use, and they are divided into portion pieces. You can burn this product with packaging, which is also very convenient. The following products are popular:

There are quite a lot of funds from Nagara on the market, so you can choose by samples for yourself the best way.

Photo Gallery: Chemicals for Chimney Cleaning

Tablets "Cheerful Pediffle" will help get rid of the soot in the chimney is not worse than a vocational master of the pipeline. The blue mixture must be prepared independently of the three not the most common components. This remedy is recommended to be used only in closed combustion chambers naphthalene leaves after an unpleasant odor that will dislike for several Days

Video: Cleaning of chimney with special chemicals

Mechanical methods of cleaning

Mechanical methods are radical and are recommended for use at least twice a year. They are produced from the top of the pipe with various brushes or nozzles to the power tools, and the final purification is made from below from the hearth, a fireplace or furnace furnace.

Petroppers use special rams on a long cable

As preparatory events Before cleaning the thick (from two millimeters), the soot layer is combed to burn potato cleaning or other means listed.

At the same time, the following materials and tools may be needed:

To clean the pipe cleaning, you need to use the roofing staircase, well fixed on the roof . Under any conditions need reliable safety rope.

Work at the height can be performed only with dry windy weather. Before the rise on the roof, it is impossible to take preparations that reduce the reaction, and even more so alcoholic beverages.

Before starting work, the furnace needs to be cooled. The heatpace is completely released from the immesorous residues of fuel and ash. The door of the furnace, pissed, and covers hobs Tightly close and drill a wet rag to prevent the seas in the room. Schieber must be discovered completely to avoid re-clogging the channel of the creaked soot.

The chimney pipe must be released from the head, after which:

Video: Cleaning chimney from the side of the room

Russh with their own hands

If, by virtue of some reasons, there was no shrine at hand, it can be done "on the go" from a plastic bottle. To do this, it is necessary to cut into the case several tiers of strips up to 12-15 millimeters in such a way that they bent vertically. For the weighting device on the bottom you can pour sand.

Nice chimney cleaning can be made of plastic bottle

Stainless Steel Pipe Cleaning

Feature of the product is high quality internal surface chimney. It does not allow a considerable amount of soot to settle on the walls. Naturally, this is true for a properly made chimney while compliance with the furnace firebox rules. If a steady nagar was formed - it is necessary to clean urgently. For this use such ways:

In order not to carry out additional "experiments", you need to stir the furnace only with a suitable fuel - well-leaked hardwood products. At the end of each furnace you need to add one aspen is calculated for the prevention.

Video: Cleaning of stainless steel pipe

Cleaning from stainless sandwich pipes

Cleaning the inner sandwich pipe with its proper operation will be needed very rarely. Nevertheless, if such a need arises, you can use the elongated thin pile of a slim pile. A flexible composite hose receives rotation from the electrician, cleaning is performed through a tee below. Thin peers are not damaged by the surface of the pipe, effectively cleaning the surface.

Such chimney is easy to dismantle and clean each pipe separately.

Special chimney cleaning

Some chimney cleaning situations require separate consideration.

How to clean the chimney pipe in a private house

Briefly above the entire process of clearing the chimney was already described. To this, you only need to add that with a strong clogging of the smoke channel, the first operation is the punching of Nagar with a nucleus without additional devices. Only after that brushes are sequentially used. various size and structures.

When performing work, it should be collected by creating safe conditions for work.

When working at height, it is necessary to be fastened by the safety cable

Video: How to clean the chimney in a private house

Clean the chimney in the bath

Chimney in the bath is usually designed easier. And most often it is made of stainless pipes, which requires a special relationship to its cleaning. In order not to reduce it, its main advantage is the high quality of the inner surface - it should be cleaned only with soft plastic or brushes made from natural materials. It is easiest to be managed with direct pipelines, and if you have a knee - we will remind you that there should be no more than two, - perhaps you will have to dismantle the chimney if it is not possible in it when installing is not provided special windows For cleaning.

In the rest, prophylactic techniques and cleaning are made in the same way.

Cleaning the chimney pipe from resin

Considering the composition of flue gases, you need to pay attention to the two main components - it is water vapor from fuel and a pair of difficult to burn creosote. Mixing and settled on the walls of the smoke channel, they form a resin, which is difficult to remove due to its viscosity and good adhesion to surfaces different species.

The only one effective way Fighting with resten deposits is the prevention of its education. For this, various funds produced for this case are applied.

The drug Hansa effectively protects the walls of the chimney from the formation of resins

For example, the well-known composition of Hansa is a small crystalline substance. Part it turns wood in the resin and water vapor, and the second, reacting with the substance of the resin, contributes to its decomposition and combustion at temperatures in the furnace. The residues of the resin on the walls are converted into a fragile crystalline composition, sweeping inside the furnace.

This composition is placed inside the burning firebox. The frequency of use at the beginning of operation of the thermal unit is daily, then you can go to use once a week.

Cleaning curved chimney

The bends of the smoke channel are always a forced measure caused by the design features of the building. Nevertheless, their periodic cleaning is necessary. To do this, elements are provided in the design of the pipeline using which this operation can be performed easily and simply. These are special hatches, when opening which the possibility of accessing the direct portion of bending appears. The length of oblique sites is not recommended to do more than a meter. The number of bends on one pipe should not exceed two.

If there is no winding window on the leaning knee, then the chimney will have to disassemble

How to clear the chimney of the gas column

The reason for cleaning the chimney of the gas column is its banal clogging with a deterioration of thrust. Under the conditions of the urban apartment, this is the more dangerous that the threat arises for many people at the same time. One of the signs of deterioration of thrust is the "flaking" of the stamp of the column.

The process of cleaning the exhaust pipe from the gas unit is practically no different from such an operation with conventional smoke trumpets. Used the same RURSH. Recently, special design vacuum cleaners are often used, reliably cleaning the surface of the pipe and collect pollution products. In difficult cases, when the layers are not to be removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner, special chemicals are used to soften and eliminate them. Given that the use of prophylactic agents on the speaker pipe is impossible, it is necessary to make urgent measures when the signs of clogging are found.

It must be recognized that the success of the use of solid fuel furnace equipment in the largest degreely depends on the proper operation of aggregates and a thorough selection of fuel for it. In addition, it is necessary to regularly use prophylactic agents and know how to get rid of problems with the clogging of chimneys. Then the stoves and fireplaces will rejoice you for a long time in the house. I wish you success!

Overestimate the value of the chimney for optimal operation of the thermal unit is difficult. The main task of this device is the withdrawal of combustion products from the furnace to the atmosphere. At the same time, the following tasks should be solved;

  1. Getting uniform during the day of the thermal regime in the house.
  2. The optimal mode of combustion of fuel taking into account its economical spending.
  3. High-quality removal of combustion products from the furnace and the prevention of their getting into the residential zone of the building.

The solution of this trice problem is ensured by the right constructive solution of the thermal unit itself and its quality maintenance during operation.

An important role is given to the chimney. The effectiveness of this device is determined by several important factors:

  1. The correct selection of sections and the size of the chimney. With a square or rectangular shape of the pipe, the flue gases, which rises up the helix, forms stagnant zones in the corners. They are formed by plaque Say in the first place. The channel size should be one and a half times larger in the furnace, the minimum dimensions of the square smoke channel are 140x140 millimeters, and the round sequence area should be at least than square in the specified sizes. The total length of the chimney is needed more than 5 meters. The length of the horizontal site is allowed not more than one meter.

To improve the thrust in the smoke channel of a square or rectangular section, inserts are often installed, which to some extent reduces the formation of soot.

  1. The material from which the chimney is arranged. In this case, two factors have a value - the quality of the inner surface of the smoke channel and the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is manufactured. In the first case, the effect of irregularities, in addition to the reduction of the flow rate, affects the ability to precipitate soot. The high thermal conductivity of the pipe material contributes to the rapid cooling of the furnace gases, and consequently to increased condensation and sedimentation of the soot on the wall.

  1. The level of thermal loss during operation. The insufficiency of thrust in the chimney adversely affects the degree of combustion of fuel, which leads to enhanced planting of the smoke channel. And sunbathing soot in the pipe is often tantamount to natural disaster.

The aggregate and interaction of the above factors and determines the success of the smoke system.

We intentionally omit a number of rules and important factors of the chimney device, concentrating the reader's attention precisely for the causes and consequences of the formation of the particulate aircraft.

What is soot and how it is formed

Saya is a fuel combustion product. It is contained in flue gases in the form of fine unburned particles. In addition, it contains water vapors from moisture contained in the fuel, carbon monoxide (CO2) and other fuel oxidation products. For high temperatures A chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which there are already a pair of hydrochloric and coal acids.

Hot smoke condenses on the inner surface, in the form of an oily bad smelling fluid. It includes solid not burnt substances, in consequence of which condensate condensate over time turns into a resilnese precipitate. In case of non-compliance with a number of rules for using the thermal unit, this precipitate accumulates rather quickly, reducing the cross-section of the chimney until its complete closure.

It should be noted that certain conditions are needed for condensation. One of them is the temperature at which it starts. There is even a term for this - "dew point". Obviously, when having heated the chimney, it will spread above in the chimney channel.

There may be such a situation when the "dew point" will be outside the chimney, and condensation occurs already in the open space. It suggests that the conclusion is suggested that it is impossible to avoid the formation of soot on the walls of the chimney. But the correctly arranged furnace gas removal system significantly increases the frequency of cleaning.

About the prevention of the chimney pipe

In the process of development, the heating systems became increasingly perfect. Some techniques have been developed experimentally, allowing to significantly reduce soot formation, such as:

  1. Hearth chimney. This is performed in the following ways: plastering the surface of brick pipes; The shelter of the outer surface with various rolled or slave insulation with the subsequent installation of protection from a foil film, metal sheet and other materials; Use for a smoke-free device of special insulated blocks with ceramic pipes; Protective devices for sheltering the outlet of the chimney from garbage and nesting birds; The use of two-layer "sandwich pipes" from metal with a layer of insulation.

The purpose of all these events is to create conditions for quick warm warming The smoke channel, as a result of which the dew point in the process rises above, up to access to the environment.

  1. The greatest amount of soot is formed on the bends of the chimney, so in the design you need to use no more than one knee with an extreme need to change its direction.
  2. When the chimney device is mandatory, the internal surface shall be made in order to reduce the number of irregularities that contribute to the deposition of soot.
  3. Use with the furnace of chemical or biological methods for cleaning the inner surface of chimneys.

Chemical methods cleaning

What to protrude the oven to clean the chimney? These substances can be attributed as follows:

  1. Naphthalene. It is made on the surface of fuel well preheated oven. At the same time, naphthalene evaporates, and its pairs destroy the holistic layer of the scene. It is made in the form of flakes into the atmosphere. The disadvantage of the method is the unpleasant smell of this drug remaining indoors. Therefore, it is not used to clean pipes where an open source of ignition is used (for example, a fireplace).

  1. Made with its own hands from simple and affordable ingredients a mixture of blue. Read the composition:
    • 1/5 copper vigor;
    • 1/7 Selitras;
    • 1/2 Coke of the middle fraction.

The mixture is brought into a well-warmed firebox. Evaporation products as well as in the first case are destroyed by a layer of soot leaving with smoke gases outside. The amount of mixture introduced for one cleaners is about 20 grams, the periodicity of use is 1-2 times a month. The furnace door after making the mixture you need to cover tightly.

  1. To combat soot deposits, firewood is used from aspen, which are entered into the maximum preheated furnace in the amount of 1-2 lanes of the medium size. The combustion temperature of such firewood is higher than that of the usually used fuel, and minor sediments are burned right during the firebox. With significant deposits, this method does not apply to not provoke a fire. It is recommended to produce regularly with a couple of times in 7 days.

  1. Shell from walnut. Its combustion also occurs at a large temperature and the principle of operation is the same in the previous case. One-time dose of the shell must be no more than three liters.

  1. Salt stone. It is brought into the furnace when the furnace is ignited in the amount of 1-2 spoors. The evaporation from it softens the layer of soot in the pipe, which peels off the walls and falls into the drive.
  2. Potato peelings. They are used by entering into the furnace in an amount of up to 5 kilograms in a dry form. Couples starch effectively softening soot, and it falls off from the walls of the pipe literally to pieces. The means is used as accumulated.

It can also be used to clean the chimney starch in the amount of one spoon on the furnace.

  1. Chemical substance to protect chimneys. They are manufactured in the industry purposefully for the protection of flue pipes from Nagara and Soota. Forms of release are different from imitation of wood or briquettes to powder or liquid compositions. We indicate some of them most popular:
    • "Pulling is a pipeline." It is performed as a small size of briquettes. It consists of ammonium sulfate, phosphorus oxide, coal wax, and other chemically active components may also be present. For the heating season, it is enough to use 1-2 full, to maintain the chimney in good condition. The tool eliminates the formation of soot in the furnace, and the old nagar is breaking and removed from the walls. Release form - briquettes for chimney cleaning. Not to be confused with a facility-chipper, also effective tool - cleaner.

    • "Comineek" - powder substance, contains 5 bags of 15 grams in one package. The basis is copper chloride, which contributes to the flameless combustion of Gary and Sopot at a small temperature without flame. It is recommended to use at a thickness of a nagar layer no more than 2 millimeters. When applying, it is necessary to carefully air the room.

    • Anti-barbecue chemical composition - (PCC). The tool is burned directly in the bags in the furnace. You need about 200 grams. by 1 tons of fire.

Nagar removal tools are presented in stores in a wide range, and you can always choose suitable option For any situation.

When using purchased tools from planting smoke pipes, it is necessary to fully implement the manufacturer's recommendations, especially in terms of safety requirements.

Mechanical methods of cleaning from soot

This is usually cardinal intervention and it is produced at least once a year at the beginning of the heating season. This is caused by the need not only to remove the soot layer, but also a garbage caused by the wind. And sometimes you have to get the bird nests that appeared during the downtime of the thermal unit.

Cleaning mechanically produced on top of pipes using various tools and devices, both manually and using drives from electric drills or chainsaws.

If the lumen of the pipe is strongly clogged with soot, the initial breakdown needs to be produced by a clean core to collapse in Nagar, and then continue with brushes and brushes to pure walls.

Before starting work, it is desirable to protrude the furnace with potato cleaning or starch for softening soot. After cooling the furnace, its surface must be covered with a wet web to eliminate the seas in the room when it is collapsed if it happens - the cleaning of the room will take more than one month. You also need to close the windshield tightly and pissed, and the Sewber open completely.

Works need to be done using roofing staircase, if necessary, to establish a fencing. Before lifting to height, it is impossible to take potent medicinal preparations. Alcohol intake is eliminated categorically. Otherwise, the pipeline risks his health.

All work needs to be performed with dry windless weather in the bright time of the day.

Watch video - Easy cleaning method

During the production of chimney cleaning, the following materials and tools are used:

  1. ERS for cleaning the lumen of the chimney. It can be made of plastic or metal with a size of 1.5-2 times more than size Channel.
  2. A flexible cable with a handle for rotation (similar to the sanitary), as well as a sufficiently durable rope.
  3. Rigid brush with bristles from synthetic material on a long handle. It is necessary to provide for its additional extension, because we remember that the length of the chimney is at least 5 meters.
  4. Metal cargo, in classic design in the form of a bowl. It is trained to the rope below the brush. The size of the ball is selected no more than half of the size of the chimney.
  5. Metal scraper to remove sugared soot stains.

Cleaning work should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Cleaning begins using the cargo with the hero. The primary punching of the internal lumen is produced. When performing this operation, the device cannot be swinging so as not to damage the walls of the chimney.
  2. With a thick layer of Nagar first, it is better to work with a metal scraper to remove protrusions and spots of soot.
  3. Clean cleaning must be performed with a brush with rigid bristles.
  4. Further, the ovens with open fireboxes can be removed from the bottom, removing the soot through the heatpace. The walls are cleaned with a brush with a long pile, at the end, cleaning the chimney with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Currently, a vacuum chimney purifier appeared on the market. His dignity consists in high-quality cleaning. For the price is a tool for professionals.

If, by virtue of some reasons, it did not have a hash of the desired size, it can be made on a plastic bottle. For this, its walls are cut vertically on a strip of 15-20 millimeters wide in such a way that they are rejected by vertical. Such a home-made tool works no worse than standard.

When cleaning the chimney with chainsaw it is used as a drive for the traditional tool

Features of the cleaning of stainless steel pipe

Such chimneys are characterized by high quality of the inner surface. This property allows condensate freely to drain down into the condensate collector, from where it is periodically drained and disposed. The lack of condensate prevents the formation of soot. But Nagar, for various reasons, still forms and need to be cleaned. This is as follows:

  1. Through the hole in the tee in the pipes, a round brush on a flexible shaft is started. Nagar is cleaned by rotating the brush from the electric drill. As the drive shaft is promoted, the length is increasing in length to clean the pipe along the entire length.
  2. When sustained in Naigar, cleaning can be burning with a soldering lamp. To do this, it needs to dismantle the chimney and burn it. At a temperature of 800-900 degrees sufficient for the target, even the colors of victories will not appear on a high-quality stainless pipe.
  3. At the end of purification, the chimney is desirable to warm up to lead the dew point beyond the chimney.

The described option is suitable only for an austenitic class stainless steel. If you sold pipes made of steel ferrite or half-improverite class, they will most likely not have the necessary operational qualities. Determine the correspondence is simple - normal stainless steel is not magnetic.

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The need to clean the inner surface of the pipe sandwich arises not often - the condensate follows it properly. But if you suddenly need to make this procedure, then you need to use an elongated cylindrical brush on a flexible drive cable resulting rotation from the electric motor.

You can also disassemble chimney and clean each pipe separately.

Cleaning chimney from smiling sediments

Some types of fuel form viscous components from condensate and hard-threshable creature components. It is very difficult to fight them, but it is difficult to clean.

To reduce the likelihood of such precipitation, use chemical preparation Hansa, which is a crystalline substance. It has a complex composition, one part of which contributes to the decomposition of wood on the resin and water vapor, and the second - decomposes the resin on the lego growing components that are also burned here. Previously postponed resin spots on the walls of the chimney are also decomposed on small crystals and shivened in the furnace.

Hansa is loaded into the burning fire. At the beginning of the heating period, it should be used daily, then periodically. Details on packaging.

Clearance of curved chimney from soot

Setting the smoke with a bend is the last solution to which it is worth contacting. This is mainly the feature of the house design. Cleaning the knee of the pipe is not difficult if it was concerned in the installation of observation luchkov during installation.

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Through them, the pipe can be cleared without much difficulty. However, arrange more than two knees on one chimney undesirable. Installing the tricks for cleaning must be mandatory.

Cleaning the chimney of the gas boiler or column

The reason for the execution of such an operation will be reduced traction. This is a considerable danger, especially when it comes to the adaptation in apartment house. In such a situation, danger is not only inhabitants of one apartment.

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Determine the reduction of thrust will not be a pipe. The signal can be a slamming of the lobby. Cleaning the chimney of the gas column is similar to the cleaning of a conventional chimney.

As a result of the long use of heating furnaces, gas boilers, etc., a number of rules aimed at the efficient use of heat devices were developed naturally. The main ones are:

  • It is not recommended to use for the firewood stove of the firewood of resinous wood, such as pine, spruce and other similar, as well as raw. In this case, there is an intensive formation of soot and resins.
  • The furnace can not be imparted by trimming of composite materials, including plywood, chipboard, OSP, organity and other similarities. The composite materials used in their manufacture are actively clogged with chimney by hardwood precipitation on the walls.
  • When used as coal fuel (for most structures wood stoves It suits) you need to choose the right variety. One of the best is the anthracite fraction of the "nut", which does not release a large number of particulate components. A good fuel is metallurgical coke. It is made from high-grade anthracite by burning in coke batteries. At the same time, all the harmful elements burn out, so coal burns smoothly and hot. The disadvantage is difficult fire. Therefore, it is better to use a mixture of coke and anthracite. The cheapest and "harmful" fuel of this class are the grade of gas coal ("combustion"). They burn faster and distinguish a large number of planning components. Well burns and highlights little soot briquetted coal
  • In solid fuel stoves, it is categorically not recommended to use household garbage as fuel, especially plastic. When the garbage is intimidated by the guarantee of the rapid formation of the particulate sediments on the walls of the pipe.
  • When installing the chimney channel, it is necessary to clearly comply with the requirements that provide maximum traction. This, first of all, refers to the rules for installing pipes in height.

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and operational qualities. Now knowing than to turn to clean the chimney, it is easy to contain it in working condition at least during the heating season. But cleaning at its beginning of the heating season is still a real and inevitable need. However, success to you!
