IN countryside and cottages, stoves and fireplaces are gaining popularity again. And sooner or later the moment comes when the stove and chimney need to be cleaned. Chimneys and stoves are cleaned from soot at least once every 2 months.

Why clean your chimney and stove?

Soot deposits form in the oven and on the chimney walls. Gradually, the draft becomes too weak and it is no longer possible to operate the stove normally. Waste gets into the room, which is very dangerous.

Soot and dust are the main causes of fire. Fire often starts in the chimney. Combustion products get through the cracks onto the wooden floor structures. This is how it goes.

Soot inside the chimney

The chimney can also get clogged from the top. Especially if the pipe is not covered by a deflector. In summer, birds or wasps can easily build nests there.

An increased soot content in the flue gas duct may be due to errors in the construction of the furnace. Somewhere the pipe narrows, somewhere an extra turn. The slightest mistake increases the formation of soot in such places.

To remove all combustion products and other debris from the chimney and you need to carry out regular cleaning. This will avoid the narrowing of the flue gas duct and avoid a fire.

Frequency of cleaning the chimney and stove

How often should you clean? This information can be found in the table:

Type of work and equipment When to do it
Prevention of chimney ducts and chimney (visual inspection):
Any equipment After installation, before start-up or after repair
Seasonal equipment Start of the heating season
Gas ovens and boilers At least 2 times a year, after 2 years - at least 1 time per year
Brick chimney At least once a quarter
Other types of chimneys At least once every 12 months
Chimneys of heating and heating-cooking stoves Start, end and middle of the heating season
Chimney cleaning - elimination of identified deficiencies during inspections and additionally:
B for heating and cooking (intermittently) At least once a quarter
In continuous furnaces At least once every 2 months
In ovens for continuous cooking Every month
Cleaning the heads from ice - at least once every 2 months

How to clean the chimney from soot when it is already clogged? Below are step-by-step instructions.

Mechanical and manual cleaning

For mechanical cleaning of chimneys, the same tools are used today as 200 years ago. The technology itself has not undergone major changes either. Cleaning is carried out from the side of the roof and from the side of the oven.

Tools and materials

To perform cleaning from the roof side, use:

It is important that the load has the correct center of gravity. Otherwise, it may get stuck. It is ideal to use a round metal core as a load. It is to them that the blockage breaks through. And only then the brushes are used.

If you don't have a suitable brush at hand, you can make one yourself from an old plastic bottle. Step by step instructions below.

How to make a ruff with your own hands?

There is another option for making a brush with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself brush in the form of a brush

Roof side cleaning

The whole process consists of 6 stages:

Chimney cleaning from the stove side

The previous method will allow you to clear the channel only before the first turn. Further, another tool will help to clean the stove from soot without disassembling it. You can't use gravity.

The oven must have special cleaning hatches. To do this, use another tool. An area 3 to 5 m long can be cleaned with a special brush with a tough yet flexible fiberglass cable, available at hardware stores.

There is also a more specific tool:

Chimney cleaning tool

Such a device allows you to clean a longer section. The outdoor chimney is the easiest to clean. But only if it is assembled correctly.

Step-by-step instruction:

Chemical cleaning

To simplify the process of mechanical cleaning will help regular prophylaxis using special chemicals. The principle of action of these funds is different. But the essence is the same: to clean the existing deposits and prevent the formation of new ones.

Chimney cleaning principle with chemicals

These chemicals are discussed in more detail below.


The most common means of this group is called "Smoke". Manufacturer - Ecolas firm, Russia. Under this trademark, 3 products are produced:

It is very simple to apply these funds: you just need to place them in the firebox and set them on fire. Burning down, they clear the chimney. As a result, part of the soot and other deposits will crumble, and the other part will fly into the pipe along with the smoke. Moreover, the chemical will act for another 14 days. And the effect of its use lasts for 3 months.

HANSA products

The German firm HANSA has focused its efforts on combating creosote. This is the very sticky base on which the soot sits.

The drug has a double effect. On the one hand, it promotes more complete fuel combustion. Due to this, soot is practically not formed. On the other hand, it reacts with creazote at high temperatures. As a result, he loses moisture and all growths crumble.

In our country, these chemicals are better known under the brand name "Chimney sweep". Such a product can be bought in the form of a free-flowing mixture or already packaged in bags.

Use it as follows:

  • Used for prophylaxis: 1 - 2 measuring tubes (included in the kit) are added to the fuel during the start of the furnace every 4 - 5 furnaces.
  • Used for cleaning: burned required amount in the firebox.

There is also a chimney sweep log. They put it in a heated furnace and set it on fire. It should burn out completely. This cleaning is recommended every 30 days.

Even a brick pipe can be dealt with by these chemicals. Cleaning is usually the biggest problem due to the porous structure of the brick itself.

Kominichek cleaner

Country of origin Czech Republic. The tool is also popular in Russia. It is a crystal-like mixture in 14 g sachets.

Kominichek cleaner

  • The agent turns soot into a substance that burns even at low temperatures.
  • This tool will not cope with heavy plaque. The soot layer should not exceed 2 mm.
  • Carry out processing only with tightly closed combustion chamber... The product is toxic.
  • This product is not suitable for cleaning the fireplace.

Other means

There are many similar tools. Experts recommend trying several and choosing the best one for yourself. In addition to those already described, the following are in demand:

Folk remedies for cleaning chimneys

Remove soot from the chimney folk remedies is also possible. And their effectiveness has been proven by many generations of our ancestors.

Boiling water

The simplest way to clean the pipe from soot is ordinary boiling water. He will cope even with very strong plaque. To do this, before kindling the furnace, it is enough to pour several liters of boiling water into the pipe from above. Residual soot will be ejected into the chimney along with the smoke.


Another old-fashioned way is to add a couple of handfuls of ordinary table salt to the firewood. But this remedy is only suitable for prevention. He cannot cope with strong growths.


Ordinary naphthalene will also help. It is enough to throw 1 - 2 tablets into the fire. The soot will fall off and burn. Or go out into the chimney with the smoke.

But this method has one significant drawback. Naphthalene has a very specific smell. It will not be easy to get rid of it later. And not everyone likes it.

Potato peelings

Another effective remedy for the prevention of soot build-up is regular potatoes. Usually, only peeling of this root crop is used. But you can also finely chop the potatoes themselves.

The cleanings are placed in a well-heated firebox and burned in it. The starch evaporates and effectively dissolves soot build-up. And also prevents the formation of new ones.

A mixture of coal, copper sulfate and sulfur

The recipe is as follows:

  • copper sulfate - 5 parts;
  • coal - 2 parts;
  • saltpeter - 7 parts.

Such a composition is used in small quantities, burning together with fuel. Only 200 g of funds is enough for a ton of firewood. This method of cleaning will not work for a fireplace. The vapors are toxic and must not enter the room. Therefore, the firebox door must be tightly closed.

Using special firewood

Another way to deal with carbon deposits is with special firewood. To do this, use alder or aspen. The wood burns quickly and emits special vapors during combustion. They contribute to the flaking of the soot from the walls and combustion.

Despite the fact that such firewood cannot be used for heating due to low heat transfer, it is still necessary to have a supply of it. From time to time, the furnace is completed by burning several such logs.

Sparks may be emitted from the pipe. They can get into neighboring buildings and cause a fire. Therefore, the pipe is protected from above with a deflector, and the combustion process of such firewood is controlled.

How to avoid or minimize future pipe blockages?

To minimize problems, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Too much resin is generated during the combustion of softwood. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for heating.
  • The moisture content of the wood should not exceed 12%. To do this, they are pre-dried indoors for several days. The use of crude fuels contributes to increased soot formation. And reduces heating efficiency by 30 - 40%.
  • It is advisable to use firewood of at least two years ago for the furnace.
  • The stove or fireplace must not be used to incinerate garbage.
  • Periodically, it is worth finishing the firebox by burning an armful of aspen or alder firewood. This is a good prevention against soot formation.

It is important to follow the check-up schedule above. These measures will help to avoid contamination of the chimney and create an emergency.

Prices for chimney sweeps services and where to find them?

The chimney sweep profession is again in demand due to the fact that recently there have been more frequent cases of fires in private houses. And they are connected precisely with the pollution of the chimney, as well as with its incorrect design.

It just seems that everything is easy. In fact, this profession has been trained for several years. Where can you find such masters? This is where the Internet comes to the rescue. Similar announcements are found on message boards. You need to search in the services section for your region.

Another way is to contact an oven service company. Some of them provide similar services.

Prices differ depending on the specific region and the popularity of the specialist. On average, a full range of services will cost 1000 rubles for 1 m 2 of a cleaned pipe. Vacuum cleaning of ovens will help to do without soot and dust.

Summing up

The main cause of poor draft is soot in the chimney. If an accident occurs and the chimney is clogged, then you can turn to a professional for help. But it happens that in a given area no one provides such services. Or they are too expensive.

Then you can clean the chimney yourself. And for this it does not need to be disassembled. It is enough to stock up on a tool and master some simple skills. For your own safety, you should comply with all regulatory requirements.

Cleaning the chimney of the stove - pretty dangerous occupation... Safety must come first.

If the pipe is already clogged, then it is best to clean the chimney mechanically. He is the most reliable. And it will fix the problem as quickly as possible. And also minimizes the consequences.

But as a preventive measure, it is better to use chemical cleaning. Then the emergency can be avoided. Use chemical reagents or folk remedies - here everyone chooses for himself. The main thing is to do it regularly.

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With your own hands, it often causes difficulties. On the other hand, a poorly functioning chimney in a bathhouse or residential buildings reduces household comfort - the stove begins to smoke, the heating boiler gives less heat.

Safety requirements imply that the chimney of a heating boiler or stove in a bath must always be kept in good condition. Otherwise, the risk of carbon monoxide gas returning to the inside of the room, smoke pollution of the room or ignition of soot and foreign objects in the chimney increases.

Why do you need to clean the chimney

There are many constructive answers to the question of how to clean a chimney at home. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to clean the pipe systematically, and not only in an emergency.

With a weak draft, the fuel will not completely burn out, the rotation of smoke and carbon monoxide is disrupted, it is time to clean the chimney. Experts advise not to wait for the chimney to clog up thoroughly in a house or a bathhouse - do preventive cleaning regularly.

Prevention will provide good, consistent traction. The frequency of prevention depends on the intensity of use (how much soot is released and how often).
Also do not forget about the difference between gas burners of heating boilers and burning solid fuels. In the first case, the pipe clogs up rather slowly. But the cause of the violation of patency can be the ingress of a foreign object or the "collapse" of the chimney (the stainless steel pipe was flattened, the gap disappeared). If you have installed a low-quality heating boiler pipe, it makes no sense to fix the defect. Contact the supplier, insist on dismantling the low-quality part.

Combustion of gas and liquid fuels

Gas or oil fired boilers do not leave thick smoke. As a result of combustion, transparent carbon monoxide is formed, which cannot be visually recognized (diesel fuel also leaves a little soot, which after a while is converted into soot on the walls of the chimney).

However, difficult combustion is a clear sign of weak draft and a signal that it is time to clean the chimney. In addition, there is always the possibility of deformation of the outlet pipe, which also requires measures to restore the chimney passability.

Combustion of solid fuels

Smoke is a warning sign in systems fired with wood or coal. If it does not go outside and accumulates in the room, again, the whole point is in the narrowing of the outlet pipe passage due to the formation of soot inside the pipe.

So it's time to remove this soot. In solid fuel systems, it accumulates quite quickly, and especially with frequent use or a coal stove in the house (heat is consumed not only for heating the room, but also for cooking).

Take the problem seriously. Negligence - the threat of ignition of large soot formations in the chimney.

Causes of blockages

    Before you start looking for useful videos on the Internet, you should understand the reasons why the chimney in a bathhouse or residential building is clogged:
  • non-observance of operating rules;
  • ingress of small birds, insects, foreign objects into the pipe (garbage carried by the wind - polyethylene bags, crumpled newspapers, etc.);
  • wrong masonry technology brick oven or fireplace, installation of a heating boiler in the house, proportions and connections of structural units;
  • absence of a protective "umbrella" at the end of the chimney from the street side (rain and snow penetrate the chimney, turn the soot masses into dense slurry and lumps).

All these circumstances lead to the fact that the products of combustion of the fuel of the fireplace, stove or boiler do not have time to be removed outside. They settle on the walls of the chimney in the form of soot - sometimes it is a "fluffy" light mass, and sometimes in the form of rather large flakes (typical for stoves and).

Each case is different. First, find out the nature of the blockage, the density of soot and the size of the layer on the walls of the chimney (or the presence of a foreign object in the pipe). The choice of tool and cleaning method will depend on this.

Cleaning methods with folk remedies

    For centuries, people have had the knowledge of cleaning home stoves and chimneys with simple, affordable means. These include:
  • firewood with a high combustion temperature (birch, aspen);
  • table salt or naphthalene (today they resort to naphthalene less and less, since it leaves an unpleasant long-lasting smell in the premises);
  • potato peelings.

Birch or aspen wood

    Features of the method:
  • these types of wood emit a lot of heat energy;
  • high temperature cleans stainless steel or brick chimneys well;
  • old soot formations are literally torn off the walls in rags and are forcefully carried out;
  • the method is also recommended for the prevention of pipe blockages in a house or bathhouse (at high temperatures, the chimney overgrows with soot extremely slowly).
When using this method, remove the bark from the wood. The cleaned wood burns out completely, and flaky particles remain from the bark.

Potato peelings

  • prepare in advance potato peelings in a volume of about ½ a bucket (the amount depends on the size of the furnace and the power of the chimney);
  • dry them so that there is no rot;
  • flood the stove in a bathhouse or in a house with high-calorie charcoal, placing dry potato peelings on top - the resulting hot steam contains a lot of starch, it will help soften the soot in the pipe. It will subsequently exfoliate, heavy fractions will fall down (you will remove them when you clean the furnace in a planned mode), and light flakes will fly up under the action of thrust.

Table salt

    The method is good for household and sauna chimneys, as well as for cleaning fireplaces:
  • pour 1.5 cups of ordinary table salt on hot fuel;
  • when interacting with oxygen, salt forms an environment in which the formation of soot and soot deposits is minimal.
This method is not recommended if the stove is actively operated and runs on solid fuels in large quantities. The salt method is more effective as a preventive measure.

Chemical methods

Opponents of chemistry should remember that it is used quite often for cleaning sewers in houses and apartments. In contrast to sewers, cleaning agents are supplied from below through steam (it would have to be poured into the sewer pipe from above).

Do not forget to properly follow the precautions - adherence to the indicated dosages, ventilation from vapors, protection from contact with eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

PKhK drug

This potent substance is sold at hardware and hardware stores. Suitable for solid fuel boiler and brick wood stoves of a residential building. Proceed strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

There is no need to unpack PCC - burn directly in the package.

Copper sulfate with saltpeter

  • the substance is a mixture of copper sulfate, saltpeter and powdered coke coal;
  • more than 200 g of the substance cannot be used at a time;
  • the powder is scattered over the fuel burned to the stage of red coals;
  • the chemical reaction will lead to the shedding of soot build-up from the walls of the chimney.

"Cominchek" made in the Czech Republic

  • the product is very effective, but only if the soot layer is not thicker than 2 mm;
  • one dose is 14 g, but it is enough to keep the chimney of the furnace or boiler clean for the next 3 months and maintain a high permeability.
It is enough to clean the chimney with this tool once every six months, and then maintain the condition of the pipe in a clean state through preventive measures.

Chemical log-chimney sweep

    You don't even need to watch the instructional video to use this method. Simple actions:
  • buy in a store and read the recommendations carefully;
  • put in the furnace of the stove when burning firewood;
  • the released active substances exfoliate soot build-ups well.
From the results of using such a simple tool, you will see that the traction has improved significantly. Flake delamination will be observed for another 1.5-2 weeks after cleaning.

The log contains:

  • urea;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • zinc chloride;
  • coal dust;
  • charcoal wax;
  • amorphous silica;
  • sawdust;
  • phosphorus oxide;
  • anhydrous sodium sulfate.
During the cleaning work, all harmful components evaporate with draft through the chimney to the street. Therefore, poisoning does not threaten you.

Mechanical cleaning

For this type of cleaning work - the widest opportunities. Among the advantages, one can note the availability and absolute environmental friendliness (without chemistry). The disadvantage is the danger of working at height.


    What can be used for mechanical cleaning:
  • weight on a chain. With its heavy weight, it falls into the chimney, punching through thick creosote layers (the weight is held by a strong cable, to which it is additionally recommended to attach various scratching devices);
  • hard brushes of various sizes and shapes (of course, you need to take care of the sufficient length of the handles so that they penetrate into distant places);
  • ramrod, pole or long hook;
  • all kinds of stainless steel ruffs on a long cable - by analogy with how to clean the sewer system mechanically.

You will also need a ladder to climb to the height.

The design of the device is based on understanding the essence of the method. The tool should scrape, scrape, scrape off soot build-up.

Protective and auxiliary means

    Do not forget about personal protective equipment when working with soot and soot. Prepare in advance:
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • overalls;
  • do not neglect the safety ropes for working on the roof.

For details on how to work with a cable with a ruff, watch the video - everything is painted there in steps. This advice is especially addressed to beginners.

Operating procedure

If you clean the chimney from above:

  • climb to the desired height;
  • lower the cable with a ruff into the chimney shaft and perform reciprocating movements (this is well shown in the training video);
  • it is sometimes useful to make rotational movements according to the gimbal principle.

Many in life had to clean the sewer pipe with a special twisted cable - now it is time to repeat the familiar actions exactly.

Unlike sewers, there is no moisture in chimneys. But there is inevitably a large amount of mechanical dust and particles flying out of the pipe. Be sure to use a respirator and goggles.

If you clean the chimney from below:

  • this path is typical for cleaning fireplaces - the chimney opening is very close (while in heating stoves it is practically impossible to get through the firebox to it);
  • first work with a long-handled brush, a hook, brushes;
  • then apply the rotational technique (as if there is a sewer pipe in front of you - twist the springy cable, first in one direction, then in the other direction).

If there is an opportunity to work together:

  • the ideal option is to clean with a brush on both sides. The mechanical device is dragged through the chimney completely, from the street side to the firebox itself;
  • several intense movements are made both vertically and with rotation.
Large amounts of creosote debris will fall down. Cover the surface with a dense technical material (eg tarpaulin). At the end of the work, you can easily remove the waste from the firebox.

Complex furnace designs
Often in large private houses, instead of a modern heating boiler, a complex configuration is often laid out.

    Cleaning features:
  • turns at an angle of 90 degrees - an insurmountable obstacle for ruffs, brushes and hooks;
  • find special cleaning holes (miniature doors) through which you can get into hard-to-reach places;
  • if a "walking" brick is installed instead of a door, it is best to invite a specialist who knows all the subtleties of stove masonry. Without special skills, it is very difficult to install a removable brick in place.
    It is recommended to clean the chimney in early autumn, in calm weather, and here's why:
  • in the hot summer, the stove is not heated, so it is difficult to determine the degree of permeability and effectiveness of the cleaning carried out;
  • in winter, the heating system must work properly, without any technical "interruptions". In addition, there is snow on the roof, slippery and dangerous.

There is nothing better than conscientious prevention. It will protect the chimney from premature wear, extend its service life. Heat the stove regularly for 2-3 days in a row with birch or aspen wood, peeled of bark. Do this at least 3-5 times a quarter, monitor the quality of traction.

The safe operation of stoves and fireplaces requires effective draft, provided by periodic cleaning of the pipes. The owners of heating devices know that regular maintenance is necessary.

Regardless of the design features of the stoves, decorative fireplaces, any chimneys require cleaning. In order for the heater to function and give pleasure to the owner, his family members, you need to know how to clean the chimney from soot.

The relevance of prevention: how to determine?

Chimney clogging is caused by various factors. Knowing them, you avoid problems, you can improve traction, ensure the safety of your home. Let's talk about the reasons for the appearance of deposits, why it is necessary to clean the home chimney from accumulated soot.

Start by identifying visual clues - notice the smoke. White or light gray puffs emanate from a clean pipe. The appearance of dense smoke is a signal for maintenance work. Check the color of the flame. Changing from light orange to dark orange requires cleaning work.

Remember that annual maintenance is required even under ideal operating conditions.

Causes of soot deposits

The smoke, in addition to gaseous decay components, contains mechanical particles that pollute the channel surface. The soot accumulates in the chimney and forms a black coating. The mass of sediments is saturated with water vapor and hardens. The pipe gradually clogs up. Soot covers channel bends, narrow passages, rough surfaces of brick pipes.

The volume of deposits is determined by various factors:

  • improper installation of a stove or fireplace;
  • violation of the technology of stacking product units;
  • substandard construction Materials - cracks appear on the surface;
  • clogging of the smoke exhaust system with debris;
  • incorrect design - the pipe is not equipped with an umbrella.

These factors can reduce cravings. The accumulated mass of soot quickly reduces the cross section of the pipe, which makes it difficult for fireplaces and stoves.

The rate of accumulation of deposits is determined design features heating device, fuel type, humidity. Regular cleaning of your chimney from soot deposits, condition monitoring will help to avoid negative phenomena.

Why clean your chimney

Chimney cleaning is a mandatory procedure. Gradually, the soot layer becomes powerful and can cause serious consequences:

  • a decrease in the cross-section of the flue duct, causing a decrease in draft;
  • decrease in the efficiency of the functioning of the heating device caused by a decrease in the heat capacity of the pipe;
  • the likelihood of ignition of deposits inside the chimney;
  • wear of the discharge lines.

It is problematic for the smoke to move through a clogged chimney in the correct direction. He gradually returns, filling the room with carbon monoxide, creating a danger to the health of others. Remember - soot is an excellent heat insulator, it accumulates in a thick layer, significantly reducing the efficiency of the furnace. The result is that more fuel is needed to maintain a comfortable room temperature.

Risk factors

The main danger is the likelihood of a fire, burnout of the pipe walls, and the escape of sparks. They, being red-hot solid particles of soot, can create a fire hazard for neighboring buildings and pose a serious danger.

Let's briefly describe the expediency of cleaning. Prevention provides:

  • safe operation of heating devices;
  • increased traction.

Knowing how to clean the chimney from soot can limit the likelihood of problem situations. The operation is easy to perform independently using folk ways.

Line of chemical compositions

Industrial enterprises produce several types of products that are used to clean chimney systems. The products are absolutely harmless, they can be in the form of powders, liquids or briquettes. Let's dwell on the most popular purifiers:

  • PHC compositions. Special anti-carbon powder, similar in composition to copper sulfate, is intended for filling into the heating compartment. It is recommended to use no more than 200 g of the product per 1 ton of firewood.
  • "Comedian". A powder cleaner that is catalyzed by heat treatment to reduce the combustion temperature of the soot.
  • Briquettes "Log-chimney sweep". They are used in conjunction with liquid or solid fuels. In fireplace structures, 1 log is laid for 60 days, and in large ovens - up to 2 pieces. Using the Log for the first time, inspect the chimney for debris. Burn the briquette on hot coals without removing the packaging. The active substances act for about 14 days, then the pipe is inspected and the firebox is cleaned.
  • HG is a household chimney cleaner from the formed soot, capable of efficiently removing plaque. These products for stoves and fireplaces are produced in the Netherlands. The manufacturer recommends using powdered components once every six months, filling in 2 tbsp. l for a well-burnt solid fuel.

When using any of the above chemical products, follow the manufacturer's recommendations, carefully read the instructions. The owners of summer cottages do not always have the opportunity to use a chemical cleaning agent.

The problem is solved independently, if there is an algorithm, how easy it is to clean your own chimney from soot deposits with proven folk remedies.

Traditional cleaning - proven solutions

Effective cleaning of any chimney, chimney from soot can be carried out, guided by folk recipes, proven for centuries. Let's consider the most effective options for cleaning the chimney:

Solving the problem of how to clean the furnace system or how to qualitatively clean your own chimney from deposits or soot using proven folk remedies, inspect the structure and purchase building supplies.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, take care of the tools according to the type of construction. You will need:

  • metal brush;
  • brush - square structures are more convenient to clean with a device with stiff bristles;
  • clamps made of flexible material;
  • scraper;
  • round bucket;
  • self-prepared formulations or chemical agents;
  • steel ball - should cover 2/3 of the chimney.

The kernel is used for more than just removing blockages. It allows you to weigh down the brush and brush, and cleaning a clogged chimney from deposits or soot will be effective. By connecting the elements with a metal cable and carabiners, you can adjust the length of the device.

Manual mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method of cleaning soot, soot, also refers to the folk. For a long time, kernels were used, fixed with a strong cable, piercing dense growths, ruffs of various shapes, scrapers. This option for removing deposits is a proven, effective method.

Mechanical cleaning of the chimney is carried out as follows:

  1. Close all oven doors tightly to prevent soot from falling out. When working with fireplace systems, place a damp cloth on top of the combustion compartment.
  2. Open all dampers by increasing the cross-section of the channels.
  3. Climb onto the roof with the harness on your body.
  4. Examine the flue duct. Soot, which has a layer of about 2 mm, is removed chemical compositions... If there is debris, push through it.
  5. Clean the chimney - remove the cap and, using a scraper, a stiff brush, remove layers.
  6. Keep hard-to-reach pipe areas clean with a flexible brush. It is advisable to use a cable equipped with a nozzle. Move the fixture by gently turning the handle.
  7. With the help of a suspended core, the chimney is cleared of serious blockages and soot. Move the steel ball by moving.
  8. Be careful to keep the brick intact.
  9. Remove soot by opening the smoke duct doors.
  10. Clean the combustion and blower compartments. Open fireplaces are processed from the side of the firebox with a metal brush with a long handle.

After completing the work, melt the stove, check the efficiency of the draft. Install the head, it is easy to install.

When cleaning chimney paths, take the advice of a professional chimney sweep. This will help extend the life of your fireplace or stove:

  • do not heat the stove or fireplace with softwood fuel. The rock contains ethereal resins that are deposited on the walls of the chimney;
  • do not use raw firewood - due to moisture, the degree of soot and water precipitation increases;
  • do not burn plastic or synthetic waste in the oven - they settle on the chimney;
  • stop on wood from deciduous trees. The fuel must be thoroughly dried. After burning the fuel, burn some aspen logs - so the soot will be removed from the chimney faster.

Choosing folk methods for removing sediments that violate the functionality of the furnace, home fireplace or flue pipes, test the hood.

A decrease in draft causes a return of smoke, and in this case it is advisable to apply a folk cleansing method using mechanical means.

Any chimney must be cleaned. Often the design itself suggests how often such an operation should be carried out.

Even the correct operation of the vertical channel cannot guarantee the absence of soot on the pipe walls. Therefore, the question of how to clean the chimney from black plaque does not lose its relevance to this day. If you do not carry out the prevention of the growth of a layer of soot in the pipe device, this is fraught with a violation of traction, which in turn can lead to a fire in the room.

Today, professional chimney cleaners are quite difficult to find. Only they are able to carry out work of high quality even in a hard-to-reach place. Experts clean any pipe bend, and also check the condition of the entire structure. It is incredibly difficult to achieve a good result on your own and carry out a complete canal cleaning. But still, let's figure out how to do it right.

Domestic enterprises produce special products for cleaning chimneys. All these substances do not cause any harm to the human body. They are available as:

  • powder;
  • liquids;
  • briquette.

Let's take a look at the most famous and demanded cleansers.

Compositions of PKhK

This powder, which is poured into the firebox, has anti-carbon properties. Its composition is similar copper sulfate... Approximately 200 g of such a substance is sufficient for cleaning 1 ton of wood after combustion.


It is in the form of a powder, which begins to catalyze during heat treatment. At the same time, there is a decrease in the temperature at which all the soot burns out.

"Log chimney sweep"

Produced in briquettes and used in conjunction with other types of fuel (solid, liquid). For cleaning small fireplaces, one part of the agglomerated material is laid for a period of 60 days. With large dimensions of the oven, you will need to use two briquettes.

Before you start using Polen, you need to clear the chimney from debris. The product is burned on hot coals directly in the package. Its active ingredients will last for approximately 14 days. After that, you need to inspect the chimney, then start cleaning the firebox.

HG cleaner

Made in Holland, this chemical is designed to remove plaque from domestic chimneys. The manufacturer recommends using this powder once every 6 months. It is enough to pour two tablespoons of the product on hot solid fuel.

Before using any of the above chemical products, you must carefully study the instructions that came with the product. It is imperative to comply with all these requirements.

Not every summer resident is able to use such cleaning compositions. This task can be solved in another way, turning to folk remedies.

Proven folk ways

The most effective methods include the following:

  1. Rock salt... It perfectly cleans the channel, removes accumulated soot from the walls. The substance in the amount of 100-200 g is put into the firebox in a thin layer. This technique is consistent with preventive maintenance work to remove soot in the chimney.
  2. Potato peel.This remedy gives very good results. The cleaning bucket must be placed in small parts into the burning firebox. They begin to burn together with the starch that is part of the potato. Hot air enters the duct and loosens the soot. This technology is considered preventive. The subsequent cleaning of the chimney is done manually.
  3. Load with a brush, fixed on a strong cord. This element is lowered into the pipe, cleaning the inner surface and removing existing layers.
  4. Birch or aspen logs.It is enough to heat the pipe with such pieces of wood until high temperature... As a result, the soot will begin to burn out. This technique should be used with caution. With large deposits and low strength of the chimney, dangerous situations may arise, since aspen logs have high heat transfer.
  5. Naphthalene... This chemical the inner surface of the chimney is perfectly cleaned. To use it, you must first check the pipe for cracks. If any, they must be repaired. A naphthalene tablet is thrown into the furnace. The heated soot begins to fly out of the pipe in the form of white flakes. It is important to remember that it is not safe to use mothballs, as it can destroy pipes and ignite soot deposits. One of the disadvantages of this technology is an unpleasant, pungent odor. High cleaning efficiency is achieved with a plaque thickness of no more than 10 mm.
  6. Walnut shells.It is an excellent product with high heat dissipation. No more than 2 liters of a hard nut shell should be thrown into the firebox. During combustion, the temperature rises to critical values, which can lead to deformation of the pipe and the appearance of cracks. Therefore, such a limitation is established. Due to the strong burnout, the soot is completely removed from the pipe.
  7. Aluminum. Parts made of this material burn well in high heat and prevent the formation of soot. To prevent aluminum from changing color and burning, the fire must be on coals. For example, a can made of this non-ferrous metal will take only five minutes to burn.

What tools are needed

It is important to prepare all necessary equipment for cleaning work, including the following:

The steel core is used for various purposes. Its main function is to remove blockages. But if you attach a brush to it, this element will become much heavier, respectively, the efficiency of cleaning the walls of the chimney will increase several times. If you connect all the parts with a metal cable and use carabiners, you can adjust the length of the cleaning tool.

Mechanical cleaning

This technique is also considered popular. Large steel balls have been used for many years to remove soot in pipes. Various objects were tied to them, easily coping with dense growths:

  • ruffs;
  • scrapers.

This technology for removing all kinds of deposits has long proven its effectiveness.

Mechanical cleaning sequence

  1. The oven doors must be tightly closed to prevent soot from falling out.
  2. If plaque is removed in the fireplace, a damp cloth must be placed on the combustion compartment.
  3. To make the channel cross-section larger, you need to open all available dampers.
  4. It is required to put on and fasten a safety harness on the body.
  5. A chimney inspection is carried out on the roof. If the soot layer is less than 2 mm thick, it is removed using chemicals. The trash is simply pushed down.
  6. The head is removed. All layers are removed with a stiff brush or scraper.
  7. Hard-to-reach areas are cleaned using a flexible brush. You can also use a cable that has a special nozzle at the end. With each turn of the handle, the device moves down.
  8. Moving the suspended metal ball can remove soot and other large blockages. Work must be done carefully so as not to compromise the integrity of the brickwork.
  9. After opening the chimney door, the soot layer is completely removed.
  10. The blower and combustion chamber are cleaned.

If plaque is removed in an open fireplace, the treatment is carried out with a wire brush from the side of the firebox.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to heat the stove to check the draft. Then the head is set in place.

How to blow the chimney yourself with air

Another option for cleaning the vertical channel from accumulated soot is blowing with a powerful air flow. To do this, it is necessary to create a turbulent flow in the device, which, under high pressure, will blow all the dirt out of it. This work is done only with a very powerful fan.

You can use a regular chainsaw as an air blower. The gas mixture flow must be drawn out by the device.

This technique does not remove all deposits. Strong plaque can only be cleaned mechanically.

Professional cleaning

It would seem that with the advent of the 21st century, the chimney sweep profession has disappeared forever. However, she remained and is greatly appreciated. An interesting fact is that the pipe cleaner cylinder can only be worn by the master. It will take many years of working as an apprentice for a professional to become one.

For a long period of time, the removal of soot in the chimney was carried out by the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society. Times have changed, and today such services are provided by private companies. In order for the installed chimney to function correctly, a number of procedures must be followed, including the following:

  • periodic revision;
  • cleaning;
  • prevention.

Such work is considered professional and is performed using special equipment. For example, a vacuum cleaner is connected that sucks soot through the firebox directly from the chimney.

Professional cleaning is necessary in advanced cases, which include:

  • a thick layer of solid soot covering the chimney surface;
  • serious damage to the canal walls;
  • inability to remove the formed plaque.

Potato skins can be burned regularly in the oven, which does not need to be pre-dried. This is an excellent prevention of soot formation in the vertical channel.

The same goes for nutshells. It has a high heat transfer coefficient. Only a few handfuls successfully replace half a bucket of coal.

When the design of the furnace provides for many turns in the movement of smoke, there are several bottlenecks, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely clean the soot with one go. In this case, you will have to resort to folk remedies. With the onset of autumn, using a brush, it will be necessary to rub the surface of the pipe several times and collect crumbling dirt.

The same deposits appear when plastic or synthetic items are burned in the oven. Soot covers the surface of the chimney with a thick layer, and it will be quite difficult to cope with it in the future.

Is it possible to do without cleaning the channel

Any high-quality fuel during combustion necessarily forms ash, and the combustion process itself is always accompanied by the release of soot. Exhaust gases lift it up, while part of this plaque settles on the inner walls of the chimney. Gradually the soot layer gets thicker. As a result, one of the following situations may arise:

  • narrowing of the canal;
  • reduced traction;
  • destruction of the walls of the system;
  • low boiler efficiency;
  • ignition of soot accumulated in the vertical channel.

When the draft in the stove decreases, it begins to smoke strongly. The structure will be difficult to melt even with well-dried wood.

When a large accumulation of soot occurs in the chimney, this negatively affects the combustion process itself. This situation can lead to a fire.

How can you control the quality of the procedure?

To cleaning flue gas ducts chemical methods many people are skeptical. They believe that such soot removal cannot be compared to the work of a professional chimney sweep.

Upon completion of the procedure, all masters check the quality of the manipulations done. They analyze the general condition of the cleaned tubing device. For this purpose, various tools are used, for example, quite often a mirror comes to the rescue.

Large companies that provide services in this area, as well as all kinds of service centers, use video cameras equipped with a special backlight function to control the quality of work. Such a device helps to give accurate assessment the quality of the work done and see where the soot could not be removed.


Stove business requires special attention. To make cleaning the chimney not so difficult, it is first of all forbidden to use resinous firewood for the furnace. Then it will be much easier to remove the soot using any of the above methods. It is important to remember that once a year it is necessary not only to clean the oven, but also to inspect it and, if necessary, repair it.

Unfortunately, quite often people think about cleaning the chimney when the draft disappears and the reverse appears - the smoke simply goes into the room. But this is already an extreme degree of chimney clogging. But even at the beginning of the problem, you are already breathing not only smoke, which seems safe (we all go to barbecues), but also dangerous carbon monoxide... And the soot that accumulates on the walls of the chimney can even catch fire and lead to a fire!

That is why the profession of a chimney sweep has long existed and is honored. And today's owners of private houses and baths are not at all afraid of cleaning the chimney - today a wide variety of special brushes are sold for this purpose, with a long handle or telescopic, round in the form of a brush with a load on a rope or more intricate. And believe me, there is nothing tricky in this matter!

When is the cleaning time?

It will not be possible to completely do without cleaning the chimney, no matter what material and what design it may be. Indeed, over time, due to soot, the passage in the chimneys narrows and the so-called reverse draft effect occurs, when the smoke no longer enters the street, but into the room. If you wait a little longer, then any stove will simply become unusable. Not to mention the fact that reverse thrust is dangerous even for people living inside the house!

When approaching the issue of cleaning the chimney, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Downtime, namely how long there has been no cleaning.
  2. What is the design of the chimney, how smooth its walls are and what are the lines of its operation.
  3. What kind of fuel was used, was it thrown into the firebox plastic bottles or similar rubbish.
  4. Damp firewood has not been used.
  5. Was there pine or spruce among the firewood? from them resinous substances settle on the wall of the chimney.

You can notice that your chimney needs cleaning, you can on your own by the following signs:

  • Change in smoke color. It is ideal if an almost transparent, inconspicuous white smoke comes out into the street and it is bad if it becomes dark - this indicates the presence of a large amount of soot.
  • Flame color change. The color of the fire in the firebox also signals problems: if it is light orange and the wood crackles, then everything is in order. And if the flame turns dark orange, almost orange, this is a sign that the chimney needs to be cleaned.
  • And, finally, the simplest and most logical way remains - a preventive inspection of the chimney. It's good if a professional handyman can do it, but even you can spot problems. For example, professional chimney sweeps put a special load into the chimney along the diameter of the pipe, and if it passes easily, everything is in order, if it rests, it means you have to clean it.

Moreover, the situation with soot can reach such a critical point when pollution completely blocks the chimney and ice plugs appear. And even worse - coking, when soot accumulates on the bumpers and burns out there to coarse solid fractions, similar to coal. Such fractions clog the chimney and block the draft. And in order to remove all this, a brush with a load alone will not be enough, you will have to use a special jack to raise the chimney and clean the stove. That is why it is so important to keep all sections of the chimney straight. And on rare bends, install tees with a cleaning system.

In total, today three types of methods are practiced for cleaning the chimney: mechanical, with the help of special devices that need to penetrate the chimney, biological, when natural ingredients are used, and chemical, when cleaning is performed using industrial special preparations. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Mechanical cleaning of the chimney: only in the warm season

As a rule, ordinary owners of stoves and fireplaces clean their chimney once, before each heating season, and it is good if this is enough. AND mechanical method - the oldest and even today it makes sense:

You can manually clean the chimney both from inside the house, from below, and from above, directly from the roof. And for each of the methods there is a tool.

If you chose the brush that is used from above, you need to tie a rope to it and hook a load on it, and after that run it into the chimney through the roof. This will go along the entire chimney and catch the soot from the walls with it. It is only important to lower the brush at the same time carefully and gradually, without haste, so that the soot collects efficiently and at the same time the load does not damage the chimney itself. In the same way, lower and raise the ruff several times until it becomes noticeable that the soot is cleaned and the blockage is broken.

Usually, such a brush is enough for up to three heating seasons. But this method has its drawbacks:

  • Firstly, you will need a lot of time for all this, at least an hour;
  • Secondly, if you need to clean the chimney, you will not always be able to get out onto the roof, especially when it snows and the wind is strong;
  • And, finally, it is rather difficult to clean the chimney elbows and hard-to-reach places with such a device, or the chimney itself is designed in such a way that it is generally impossible to clean it from the outside, through the roof.

And the method of cleaning the chimney from below, from the room, is much safer for humans. You can easily do all the necessary work and not risk your life. Just take the brush, place it on the flexible holder and push it through the heater or through the special inspection hole.

In addition, from the bottom, with the help of long flexible holders, the soot is easy to clean even in high bends:

So, for example, a brush with a telescopic holder is good because it is convenient to use it on the roof: you just need to insert one part into another, gradually lowering the brush down, and disassemble in the reverse order when going up:

Here is a step-by-step illustration of what is needed to mechanically clean the chimney with a brush and a load:

Cleaning with folk methods: both in the snow and in the rain

Today, many are asking the question: how to clean the chimney from soot with folk remedies in the middle of winter, without the need for mechanical cleaning, safely and reliably?

The most famous biological methods (they are usually called folk) are potato peelings. This method avoids rough mechanical removal of soot from the walls of the chimney and is ideal for those areas where the heating season is long enough, because then you do not have to stop the furnace for a long time.

The second method is dry aspen wood, which burns so fast and hot that it burns all the soot in the chimney. But you need to use this method carefully so as not to actually lead to a fire.

A third relatively cheap and reliable method to extend the life of the chimney during the heating season is to sprinkle salt on the wood. With every kindling, the salt binds the soot and prevents it from settling on the walls of the chimney.

You will be surprised, but even the usual, long-known in Russia, chimney cleaning with potato peelings is actually a rather effective method:

Just a little tip: if you want to peel raw potatoes from your chimney, you need to peel at least half a bucket of it. When the peel is burned, starch will remain from it, which will corrode the soot, and it will simply crumble down. After that, all the ash will just need to be removed from the oven.

Dry Cleaning: Caution Needed!

But it so happens that soot is difficult to clean, especially if old wood was used, and then you have to resort to the chemical method. The advantage of this method is that it does not take up your time or your energy.

A variety of special products for chimney cleaning today pleases the eye: liquids, briquettes, special powders. Their secret is that such substances are ignited in a heating device and they emit active gases, which soot is afraid of. Under their influence, it becomes fragile and begins to fall away. Moreover, some of the small particles simply fly out along with the smoke, and the rest falls down and is already removed along with the ash.

Powders are simply thrown into the firebox without unpacking, right with the firewood, and there should be a lot of firewood itself. You only need to drop one packet every two to three weeks. The only limitation of this method is that it makes sense to use a powder agent only if the soot on the walls of the chimney is no more than 2 millimeters. But, if you use such a powder constantly, you will not need to clean the chimneys at all:

But if you have a deeper problem, then you will have to use a log - this is a chemical substance in the form of a briquette, which is enough to put in the firebox once every two months, also in a package. It is used when the wood has already burned out in order to set it on fire separately. In the composition of such a log, wooden saws, urea, sodium sulfate, carbon wax, ammonium sulfate and amorphous silicon.

Such a composition of active substances is able to remove all accumulated soot in the chimney in just one time. After you burn the chemical log inside the firebox, for another two weeks, soot will fall off the walls of the chimney, and it will simply need to be removed.

Very convenient: just put the log in the fire, and the chemical gases corrode the soot not only on the surface of the chimney walls, but also inside the heater itself, even on the heat exchanger and the internal chimney. And in its own way even prevents the appearance of new soot. It is this method that removes soot in the most difficult-to-reach places of bends and knees. And, most importantly, such cleaning can be done at any time of the year - even with an active winter firebox. The only point: if the chimney has not been cleaned for a long time, there is clearly a blockage and there is almost no draft, then first you will still have to use a brush.

Here is a good example of how to clean a chimney with modern chemical means:

Professional chimney cleaning: fast, reliable and expensive

Oddly enough it sounds, all over the world the profession of a chimney sweep exists and is still appreciated. It will be interesting for you to know that the traditional chimney sweep cylinder has always been the privilege of the master only. And to become such, it was necessary to serve as an apprentice for more than one year - this specialty is so difficult.

In recent years, the profession of a chimney sweep was on the verge of extinction, and only relatively recently has it become sharply in demand. It's all about fires due to poor-quality installation of chimneys and their operation. Modern house is so expensive today that it is wiser to hire a specialist than to rely on "maybe". Indeed, it is much more logical to call a professional chimney sweep before the start of the heating season, and not a fire engine in the middle of winter.

For a long time, the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society was engaged in cleaning the chimney, but today such services are already offered more by private companies. After all, the correct operation of modern chimneys requires periodic revisions, cleaning and prevention. So there was such a thing as professional chimney cleaning, when special equipment is brought for such a purpose. For example, a special vacuum cleaner that simply sucks soot out of the chimney through the firebox. And then there is no need to drag it through the whole room (and the soot is volatile and poorly washed from furniture).

Therefore, to this day, professional cleaning simply cannot be done in the most advanced cases, when:

  • the chimney is covered with a dense layer of solid soot (especially from wet firewood);
  • chimney walls are old and damaged, and soot clings tightly to them;
  • you do not have the slightest desire to do such a dirty job.

In practice, it looks like this:

For example, in the professional cleaning of chimneys of private houses, the following special devices are used:

Modern high-speed installations, which completely clean the chimney in just an hour, cope with their task quickly enough:

How to make DIY cleaning tools

Special devices for cleaning the chimney from soot are sold in an ordinary building supermarket or specialty store, or you can make it yourself.

Let's compare a metal brush with a plastic one. To begin with, the metal brush, of course, will retain its working shape longer, but with particularly intensive cleaning it can scratch the chimney from the inside. Modern plastic brushes soft, they scratch the chimney much less, although they do not last long and at the same time they easily wrinkle, losing their working shape. That is why there is an unspoken rule among summer residents: take a metal brush for a brick chimney, and a plastic one for a metal one. Basically, these are such devices:

Plastic brush: short-lived, but gentle on the chimney

Making a plastic brush is as easy as shelling pears:

If you are going to build such a brush for cleaning the chimney, then all the work will take you no more than 15 minutes.

So, an ordinary chimney brush is a sturdy base with a brush threaded through a metal wire with a load on a chain. To all this, you will need a rope along which the brush will need to be lowered into the chimney. Instead of a load and rope, it is also sufficient to use a special holder. At least then the brush will not get stuck in the chimney and then you will not have to pull it out of there.

Plastic bottle brush: no cost

Moreover, you can even make a homemade ruff from a regular plastic bottle (at least several). Just 2-3 of these brushes are enough for one season. So, here's how to make such a bottle brush:

  • Step 1. Make round holes in the center of the cover.
  • Step 2. Cut the walls of the bottles into strips lengthwise, about 1.5 or 2 centimeters wide.
  • Step 3. Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle with a heated nail and pass a 5 mm wire through it.
  • Step 4. Now simply insert one bottle into the other through the cut strips and attach a thick wire to one end.
  • Step 5. Place two plastic bottles, press and fix them so that it is convenient to tie them with plastic wire.
  • Step 6. Spread the cut plastic strips evenly around the circle and secure the steel cable as done.

The only difficulty of such manufacture is to make sure that the load and the rope (cable) are exactly in the center, and the ruff does not twist during use.

Hard round brush: the use of scrap materials

Another great option is to make such a brush from a disc grinder brush. This brush is much stronger than the previous options and will cope even with soot itself. It is only important that the diameter of the brush is equal to the diameter of the chimney, because its bristles are stiff and bend poorly:

To such a brush, you need to hang a load with a weight of about 5 kg on a steel cable, behind which you will pull the brush down the chimney. Just in case, attach another cable to the load to help another person from inside the room to stretch the stuck brush. It is important that the load is at least a third less than the chimney, otherwise it will catch on and if you have to tinker.

You need to clean the chimney with similar homemade devices like this:

  • Step 1. Climb onto the roof, remove the damper from the chimney and lower such a brush into the chimney to the very end.
  • Step 2. Now start pulling the brush back.
  • Step 3. Lower the brush down again and pull it out again.
  • Step 4. All this needs to be done within a few minutes, keep in mind that soot will be plentifully poured down inside the room and it must also be removed.

As you can see, everything is simple!

Asymmetric wire brush: for difficult chimney sections

If your chimney does not have a large length, knees, bends and is not very clogged (for example, we are talking about a chimney in a seasonal bath), then such simple devices are also suitable for its one-time cleaning:

Telescopic brush: for working indoors

Usually, as a gesture, flexible meter sticks that twist into each other and are also called telescopic, otherwise - prefabricated, go well. Working with it is quite simple:

  • Step 1. Twist the brush onto the first handle, push it straight through the heater, push and clean one meter this way.
  • Step 2. The next step towards the end of the handle, which you still hold and which sticks out of the chimney, screw the second one and push the brush one more meter up the chimney.
  • Step 4. Repeat this entire process until you have completely cleaned the entire chimney.

See how simple everything turns out to be in practice:

The telescopic brush can penetrate very deeply into the chimney:

Such a brush is significantly more expensive than the previous version, but the advantage is that such sticks usually do not break, and they last long enough. It also makes it easier to push through the blockage in the chimney with such a rigid handle. In addition, this method is quite difficult to clean the soot in the knees of the chimney bends.

As for the choice of the size of the brush, everything is simple here: you need to select one according to the diameter of the chimney, preferably equal to it or 12 cm larger, so that the brush can easily hook on, and not slide along the walls, slightly not reaching them:

Let's summarize: no matter what device you use to clean your chimney yourself, the main thing is to do this cleaning regularly.
