Not everyone has a fireplace, but it makes it an exclusive element of design. In addition, the design of fireplaces, as a rule, is strictly individual, with its own characteristics, and a wrought lattice will further emphasize his individuality and uniqueness.

Forged lattices, in principle, there are two species - these are ready, made by the workshop in advance, and made individually, to order. The first is a set of patterns that enjoy the greatest demand in the market, that is, about the exclusive here to speak difficult. But still they are very attractive, and if the pattern and size are suitable for you, you found your design.

Customized forged lattices to order is a truly elite product. You can choose your pattern on your own, but most likely you will have to use the services of a professional designer. The design of such a grid can be convex, concave, contain many elements and patterns. And it may be extremely minimalist, so as not to block something for which the fireplace is made - fire. Also, sometimes the fireplace is non-standard sizes, very large or very small, it depends on the size of your fireplace living room . In this case, your fireplace will also be individual as your personality.

Also, the fireplace grille can be simply decorative - that is, standing around him only when there is no fire in the fireplace. Such a lattice is made of an ordinary non-refractory metal, but have their advantages - they can be decorated with practically any materials - from decorative glass and stones to gilding. And there is no risk that the flame will spoil or pay your pattern - it is simply excluded.

You should also pay attention to the practical side of the case - besides a beautiful pattern, the fireplace lattice should be durable. And, if possible, practical - well, if it is an inlet - you will be easier to remove coal and remains of ash. And if your grill is not an appropriate, try not to do it too high. Of course, the fireplace lattice is not a cheap pleasure, but the fireplace can afford not everyone.

Without a doubt, a beautifully decorated fireplace portal fits perfectly into any living room interior. And it doesn't matter that this is a deception, because to build a real wood focus with chimney is capable not every owner of a private house, not to mention the tenants of apartments. But make a false fireplace with your own hands with your own hands, and how to do it right - read in our material.

What makes an artificial fireplace

The first thing that comes to mind is to fold the fake portal and the brick furnace to achieve maximum similarity with the original. The idea is not too good, because this building will fly into a penny and in addition loads the overlap. The imitation of brickwork can be realized by other, cheaper ways, for example, to collect a wooden frame, to strip and then put the tile for any artificial stone. But first things first.

The manufacture of pseudocamia occurs in 2 stages - the assembly of the main structure and facing. To make a portal, homemade craftsmen most often apply such materials:

  • plasterboard sheets on a frame of metal or wood;
  • Laminated chipboard and ordinary;
  • plywood, fiberboard;
  • foam plastic, polystyrene extruded.

Reference. Bouta foci during the New Year holidays can be built even from cardboard. How to make a similar fireplace from cardboard boxes, is described in.

Foamflast False Fireplace with Decor of Polyurethane Elements

The fireplace portal collected from drywall is the most popular design. It allows you to use a variety of facing - wallpapers, stucco from polyurethane, tile and decorative plaster. There are quite a few design options for the design of such homemade. The false fireplace from plywood either chipboard to crack the tiles is much more complicated, and the polymer materials are afraid of mechanical damage (for example, from feline claws).

Selection of design and drawing creation

If you decide to independently make a simulation of a classic English or another fireplace, then first determine the place. It also depends on the choice of one of the two existing structures:

  • used;
  • corner.

The artificial portal of the first type is raised near the free section of the wall, as a rule, in the living room. Often it is placed in the middle of the room, and the suspension plasma is fixed on top. If the fireplace shelf will be resting on the metal frame, then it can be placed table models of televisions, as shown in the photo.

Reference. Sometimes with the help of false foci it is possible to solve 2 questions at once - decorate the room and hide the old radiator of the heating of a terrible look, which is done in the photo:

The angular versions allow you to save area and fit well into different rooms - the hall, bedroom and even in the nursery. Build such a layout is somewhat more complicated, but the result comes out impressive.

After selecting the place and design, decide on the size of the portal and its niche imitating the furnace. The width and height of the deepening for the hearth should look in proportion to the external dimensions of the product that you assign arbitrarily. As an example, we propose to take a drawing of a decorative fireplace with an arched arch, you can create your own sketch.

The size of the angular design is also made arbitrarily, eliminating situations where the electric fireplace with imitation of the flame is necessary inside the portal. Then the magnitude of the furnace design under its dimensions, as is done below in the drawing. Also take care of summing up the File False Fireplace of Electricity and put a socket.

How to make a false firewall from drywall

For the manufacture of a simple fireplace portal from GLC, such materials will be needed:

  • galvanized UD and CD profiles or wooden bars;
  • plasterboard sheets;
  • stove for tabletop;
  • fasteners - dowel-nails and self-tapping screws 16 mm.

Installation of steel profiles on markup

Council. When installing electrocamine, the opening, imitating the furnace, is better to decide the GKLO grade plasterboard (fire-resistant, painted in pink color).

Build frame from profiles

First, make the wall markup and cutting materials on the workpiece. To do this, apply on the wall of the outline of the future portal with a pencil, using the construction level to determine the vertical and horizontal. Further work in accordance with such a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut on the sizes of UD profiles and attach them to the wall of the dowels, as done in the photo. Install the racks and horizontal jumpers, fastening them with self-draws.
  2. Collect the frame with a step from the CD profiles and screw it to the floor. The arched area of \u200b\u200bthe hearth is formed from the rail, which you need to trim and gently bend, and then fasten to the frame.
  3. Cut the frame of the sheets of GLK on the self-drawing, whose caps should be comfortable in plasterboard. For electrocamine, refer to air openings on the sides and a hole for wiring.
  4. Install the table top and screw it to the frame.

Frame cover with plasterboard sheets

Note. The inner cover of the arched arch is made by the segments of the plasterboard bands. Their ends should be hidden behind the front panel.

After assembly, it remains only to bind your decorative fireplace made by your own hands. The most popular finish option is imitation of natural stone and bricks with tiles. If you do not want to buy it, then cut the bricks from the foam and cross the portal, and turn the acrylic composition from above. Another common method is the salable of the boutic columns and stucco from polyurethane. A detailed description of the installation of plasterboard false fireplace is represented by video:

The order of assembling an angular structure is not different from the wall, only the frame is formed otherwise - the adjoining profiles is performed at an acute angle, as can be seen in the photo. The second point is the triangular form of the upper shelf, there is no difference in the rest.

Carcass of the corner pseudocamine

Hearth from the old chest

The false fireplace can also be made from old furniture made of chipboard. Consider an example of a server with a built-in mirror, which serves as an element of the decor. The height of the structure is not a hindrance, after alteration it will be reminding a street stove with a shelf for styling of firewood arranged from the bottom of the fuel.

Old Server turn into a large pseudocamin

Now about the procedure for work step by step:

  1. Remove the door and other accessories from the chest. If it is equipped with additional side sections, then they simply spire them under the desired size.
  2. Fireplace opening to form from boards, sheets of chipboard or plywood, screwing them to the walls of the servant screws. In the same way, make the bottom shelf.
  3. From above pinned a tabletop speaking by 3-5 cm for the size of the cabinet. If you wish, make a pedestal for a false fireplace.
  4. Fill out all the cracks with a putty on a tree, and after drying, align it with sandpaper. Then get the polyurethane stucco on the body and color.

Note. For finishing portal, you can use any materials that are placed on glue - plastic, foam, various decorative panels.

Artificial fireplace design

One of the common options is a candle false fireplace with a mirror on the rear wall of the opening. It is simply implemented: in front of glass, candles are put on the upper shelf and pedestrine, which are set on fire on holidays. The scenery can be supplemented with fumes of wood and iron fireplace grille. The latter bends over the drawn pattern of thick aluminum wire inserted into the chlorvinyl tube. At the end, the lattice is painted bronze paint.

A few words about how to make a flame imitation. We have already spoken about the electric fireplace, but there are other ways:

  • put on the bottom of the furnace, covered with pebbles, LED ribbon red or yellow;
  • install the safe alcohol burner in the opening (their decorative models are on sale);
  • use an electronic photo - a frame with an LCD display, where the Gif-image of the flame is loaded, after which it is placed in the mantelpiece.

So mimics the fire LED tape

How to make an artificial ecocamine with a real flame from the alcohol burner, is available on the video:


We lower the beaten phrases about the simplicity of the manufacture of a false fireplace with their own hands, and instead we will give a small advice. When you decide to throw out furniture items, an old TV or a mirror, first consider, and do not imitate the fireplace. Plasterboard system - option beautiful and reliable, but at the same time costly, and unnecessary things - the resource is free. Holding hands to them, you will get a pleasant decoration of the apartment interior or giving.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

Related records:

The fireplace grille is installed in order to provide an open fireplace fire safety feature of classic wood fireplaces is that they are fire hazard, and dealing with open fire, you need to be very careful, because it is possible to depart the sparks and ashes and their hit on the surface capable Quickly flamm. As regards to closed fireplaces, such a problem will not arise, as it comes with a special heat-resistant glass door that prevents the consequences described above.

The most sought-after fireplace lattices are those that are made for a wrinkled way and have several doors, with opening in both directions. It is not necessary to install them for the entire length of the fuel, as they can have a low and medium height.

For each type of lattice there are features:

  1. Low doors must be with a more dense pattern.
  2. The grille with medium height can be with a pattern of medium density.
  3. Accordingly, if the grille is high, then the drawing can be rare.

Compliance with this requirement is necessary in order to protect the room from the spread of Okalin and to penetrate warm air into the room, due to which its heating occurs. Forged products are considered an ideal option to enhance the fire safety of the fireplace, and will also become an excellent decor, both for the heating device and for the entire premises.

For the manufacture of the lattice, you can use such materials as:

To make a lattice for the fireplace with your own hands, the preparation of the base and metal will be required.

First creates a framework of the product, which will require the use of welding and iron bars. Next, you need to proceed to creating a decorative part of the lattice. If desired, it is a wrought design, a welder, equipment and protective uniforms will be required.

To make patterns, you can heated and bend small metal tubes.

Some prefer to simplify the work and purchase a finished lattice, because you can choose the design and size that is required at the same time, without spending time, strength and nerves. Now it is often possible to meet services for the professional manufacturer of wrought-iron grates on fireplaces. Thus, it is possible to make the interior of the room more stylish, original and unrealistic stylish.

The forged part, which makes up the lattice, is installed on the frame, after which it is attached to the fireplace case. Economical and simple variant, by means of which the fire grid can be made independently, the choice of ordinary wire is considered. At your personal discretion, you can choose a thick or thin wire.

When choosing a material it is worth remembering that the lattice must be installed at a certain distance from the fire. With too little distance and choosing a thin wire in a short time you can notice the deformation of the lattice and it will not last for too long, especially if you drown the fireplace regularly. The material for the lattice should be dark, so that there was no damage to the exterior of the product. Permanent processing of the product will not give the desired result if it is light, and therefore it is better to immediately install the dark canvases.

The lattices for the fireplace are divided into several groups. Embeddable, which are the component of the fireplace and the local, which are put on separate supports, located at a certain distance from the combustion chamber.

High-quality wrought lattice can be:

  • Ready, factory type;
  • Exclusive, made under the order or do it yourself.

The ventilation grille for the fireplace is designed for safe airflow convection

With regards to external design, there are absolutely no limitations on ornamental weave, as it all depends solely on personal choice, as well as from the creative approach of the master. If the grille is installed in order to avoid burns, and the design is not required, then you can install a simple grid taken in the usual design.

Ventilation grilles are an integral part in any fireplace. They are represented by two species in which the first is installed in the convection box under the ceiling space and is required in order to come out hot air. The second is needed for installation at the bottom and is required for the fence of cold air from the room.

Even if the lattices for the fireplace are decorative or made of simple wire, then they must first be: high-quality, durable, wear-resistant, heat-resistant. Decorative lattices can be metallic or made of plexiglas. If necessary, they can be decorated with natural or artificial stone, and also covered with gilded spraying.

Decorative grid is required to make the fireplace more concise and suitable for interior design.

If the furnace is closed with a wrought lattice, the metal must be heat-resistant and high-quality, as the poor quality products can be deformed and distorted at the first flooding of the fireplace.

The manufacture of decorative lattices is carried out by a hot way, due to which the metal is heated, and further processing is carried out. Due to this, the product becomes more durable and durable. Through this technique, stamped lattices are made for which one ornament is used, pre-installed size and canvas. In addition, the ventilation grids must be coated with a layer of anti-corrosion coating that impedes the formation of rust.

Interesting decorative lattice for the fireplace with your own hands and purchased models

Creating a grid for the fireplace with your own hands, you can immediately observe a number of requirements, however, how to have a finished product when buying a finished product? There are certain criteria that need to be clearly followed to choose the design most suitable for its fireplace.

It is strictly forbidden to buy lattices for fireplace fireplace

  1. It is necessary to evaluate the form and how many holes in the lattice.
  2. Be sure to choose correctly the dimensions of the product that must fully match the way in the fireplace. If the size is greater, it will cause too fast air movement and reduce fire safety.
  3. A thorough study of the technical documentation is required, in order to study the material and the method of processing the structure.
  4. Be sure to have a GOS certificate.

The correctly selected and installed lattice means not enough, and therefore it is worth paying special attention to its purchase or manufacture, so that you do not face the emergence of a fire or with deformation.

The lattice for the fireplace is a special accessory that prevents fire from entering and scattering firewood from an open furnace furnace.

However, the lattice functionality or, as it is also called, the screen is much wider.

We will understand what the benefits of this invention.

We increase the amount of heat

The fireplace is a decorative focus, so heat gives significantly less than a traditional oven.

However, the way to increase the temperature in the house from the work of the fireplace is: it is enough to install the ventilation grille.

With its help, air warming will occur in the room and its further movement from the casing to the house - convection.

Ventilation screens for fireplaces allow air to circulate freely. However, the successful work of the lattice can guarantee only a professional - after all, accurate measurements are important to improve the heating function of the fireplace.

There are several holes on the ventilation grille: convection is carried out through them.

Their form is of great importance: wide holes will help circulate air masses quickly, but they will not have time to warm up. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the choice of the ventilation grid carefully.

It is prohibited to use plastic for the production of lattice, because it will not withstand high temperatures and quickly comes in disrepair.

However, sometimes a similar design can be found in a construction store - however, this fact indicates a small awareness of the manufacturer in the compact furnace device.

Like the screen, the ventilation grille performs both functions - and decorative, and technical.

A few years ago, manufacturers and consumers preferred round or diamond-shaped lattice. Today at the peak of popularity trapezoidal models.

The size of the lattice is a decisive factor in the issues of conservation of heat: through a large grille and air masses will be held more.

Therefore, to achieve rapid heating such a design will help faster than a small screen.

In large holes, cold flows fall as quickly as possible, and in the house through the chimney, it is already well heated.

Of course, the installation of the lattice is not necessarily, but it is very useful. Ventilation grilles for fireplaces are able to increase the amount of heat at least 20% under the condition of high-quality thermal insulation and a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

In addition, the risk is reduced to steer the box or chimney, because the temperature in it can reach about 150 degrees.

Installation of the ventilation grille can be carried out both before and during construction.

However, it is necessary to take into account the accuracy of the calculations: the inner side of the fireplace should be hermetically arranged for the correct convection.

It is important to direct the warm air flow into the center of the room, and not into the wall bordering the design.

If smoke gets into the house through the ventilation grid - it means that it is installed incorrectly in the chimney.

However, sometimes convection in chimneys can be carried out forcibly with a fan. The box should be sealed.

Otherwise, the field of start testing the air starts will begin to fly through small holes.

Do not forget about regular cleaning: such work must be performed twice a year. If you neglect the maintenance, the ventilation grille will quickly clogging, which will make it difficult to access the air inside and its outgoing.

It is quite difficult to make a ventilation grille for the fireplace - find a high-quality heat-resistant paint with an ordinary inhabitant is hard.

Therefore, it is important that such work performed a qualified specialist - only with proper installation it is possible to obtain the maximum amount of heat from the fireplace.

How to make a lattice for the fireplace?

The wood fireplace is a pretty fire hazardous subject of the interior, because we are talking about open fire, sparks, ashes.

And a small corner, accidentally fallen from an extinct focus, can lead to tragedy.

Therefore, it is so important to provide fire safety, especially if there are small children or animals in the house. Protect the dwelling from a brigade's visit with fire extinguishers will help the screen for the fireplace.

To work will be required:

  • metal bars;
  • welding machine;
  • several electrodes;
  • steel plates to strengthen the screen.

The decorative screen can be attached to the fireplace fireplace and separately worth it.

The design is not limited to a style nor fantasy - the screen can be made of steel and heat-resistant glass and their various configurations.

Perform lattices for fireplaces in several techniques:

  • welding - from bent in half a rod, the master collects a drawing and bonded it;
  • casting;
  • forging is the most popular option, since these models are ideal for decorating.

The ideal will be the screen that combines decorative and protective functions and will organically fit into the interior of the house.

So how to make a grid for a wood fireplace with your own hands?

Women's forged lattices for the fireplace with two doors are in great demand. The reason for the popularity is simple - the convenience and preservation of heat. It consists of a construction from the base and an adhesive pattern applied to it.

It is better to use aluminum alloys, brass, copper or steel for work.

Do not forget to cut the base for the heat-resistant glass of the fireplace:

  • with the help of a welding machine, make a frame - connect the iron bars at the form of the fireplace focus;
  • screen frame for a fireplace With the help of screws, fasten on the heat-resistant glass;
  • think your design or choose your favorite photo and apply a drawing on paper;
  • transfer the image to the metal;
  • now with the help of pliers and welding you need to bend items;
  • enchant part to the screen.

There is a more economical version of the manufacturer on the fireplace. This method is distinguished by simplicity of work.

Instead of forged elements, you can take the wire - it's better to get better, and then it is to show fantasy and consolidate patterns on the heat-resistant glass.

Geometric motifs, animal images and even family coat of arms are very popular.

The screen from the wire will not interfere with the result of the maximum amount of heat and helps save aesthetic appearance.

To increase the service life, the flap for the fireplace can be coated with a special fire solve.

When installing it is worth considering the distance on which the screen is located.

If the grille is installed close to the hearth, then take a thick wire of dark color to work. Otherwise, you will have to regularly clean the screen from Gary.

To see how to make a grid for the fireplace with your own hands, you can on the video.

Whatever enough, but to have a comfortable dwelling is a completely natural desire, which is laid in us. So it turns out that we are ready to spend your strength, money and time to turn your home or apartment in such a place where it is nice to be and which is not ashamed to show others. One of the opportunities to decorate the room, make it cozy and stylish - this is a fireplace, he is homemade hearth. How nice the whole family is gathering around the fire in the house in the evening, communicate, drink tea and talk. But, there is one problem: for residents of private houses such an opportunity is quite real, but make a fireplace in the apartment with living fire will not work. If you are a resident of a multi-storey house, do not be discouraged, we found a way out for you.

In this article we will look at how to make a fireplace decorative with your own hands. This is the so-called false fireplace, which is visually identical with usual, just can be used in the apartment. You will see not only a photo, but also the instructions for making the fireplace with your own hands. This is an indispensable decorative element of your apartment.

The concept of a decorative fireplace and its necessity

Everyone knows that the combustion process is accompanied by side effects, such as soot, garbage and, most importantly, smoke. That is why the usual fireplace does not cost without a ash with chimney, which solve all the problems. In addition, such a design has an impressive weight that does not allow you to mount such a fireplace in the apartment. The slab overlap may not withstand. So it turns out that the decorative fireplace is an ideal alternative to those who want to have this element in her house. Not even having special skills in construction, you can make it with your own hands.

Note! There are so-called biocamines that are used for apartments. As raw materials, alcohol burns or other biological fuel burns. It does not form any smoke, dirt, ash, etc. there is only a process of burning and heat release. However, products are pretty expensive. But if you do not feel sorry for money, you can use this alternative.

There are even electrocameams that are easy and quickly installed. But, not everyone can afford it, in addition, the decorative fireplace will be significantly original. You put the whole soul into it, so it will be appreciated otherwise. Here your fantasy can get roaring. With such a decorative element, your neighbors will just envy.

As can be seen in the photo above, it is difficult to distinguish from the present. In addition, the design has a number of its advantages:

  1. Small cost, as you need to spend only on materials.
  2. Easy materials and their availability. Everyone can work with them, without professional skills.
  3. It is possible to change the decor as desired at any time. Everything depends on you.
  4. In decorating, at least inexpensive, but rather original and beautiful materials are used.
  5. You will get a full fireplace, which even if you do not replace the original, but will become a worthy alternative.
  6. Your room will be transformed and becomes original.

At the end, we want to draw your attention to 3 types or groups of decorative fireplaces that you can create. The first group is reliable fireplaces, which as two drops of water are similar to the real. We are talking about the size, design and design principle. Inside such a fireplace, there can even be a burner of biocamine or other versions of fire imitation. Such an option is expensive, but it looks perfect.

The second group is conditional fireplaces. They have a speaker portal from the wall. Such a design you can decorate as you like, introducing the most extravagant and unusual ideas. The hollow for the furnace is often filled with candles or firewood.

But the third group is symbolic fireplaces that are made from a variety of materials. They remotely resemble a real hearth. Most often, they practically do not go to him. It comes to the point that it is a simple wallpaper or image with a decor, just like Pope Carlo.

What can make a decorative false fireplace

You will be surprised, but more materials are more than enough. They are simple, affordable, inexpensive and beautiful. If you do everything correctly, even the cheapest material will look noble. So, here is a list of materials that you can use for this purpose:

  • plasterboard;
  • classic bricks;
  • plywood sheets;
  • wood;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • and even cardboard.

Note! If you have old furniture, then you can use it. After all, it is sorry to throw it out, and as a fireplace it will transform and serves a few more years.

Let's look at how to make decorative fireplaces with your own hands from some of the materials listed above.

Polyurethane fireplace

If you are looking for the easiest and fastest method of creating a fireplace, then hit the point. All that will be required is to purchase a portal for a fireplace from polyurethane. It remains only to choose the style and size that will fit into the room, and the rest is the case of technology. The housing of such a fireplace is lightweight, and the installation will not take much time. The photo shows what result you can get.

What will required for work?

That's all. Only step-by-step instructions remained, which will help you cope with the task. In fact, it is not necessary to build anything, since you purchased the finished portal, which remains only to fix in place to the wall. Unwinding work:

For sure by this principle, you can make a fireplace fireplace. Only here it should be noted that wooden portals are on sale, have a greater cost. However, everything looks much noble. Look at the photo, what effect can be achieved if you make an effort.

Forenery fireplace

A pretty good option if the room has a certain disadvantage or defect. Some are trying to transform an old radiator. With the help of a decorative fireplace from plywood, you can implement this idea.

To begin with, the design should be done on paper. Everyone knows what it is. You need to fulfill some calculations and create a fireplace drawing you want to do. Alternatively, you can use the ready-made project from the Internet. Here, for example, one of these options.

Dimensions, design, view - all this you can adjust yourself. Further, the hammer, drank, screwdriver and roulette go. First of all, you need to create a framework of your fireplace. For this purpose, racks or bruises are suitable.

Connect the elements between themselves in any way. Reliable if it is self-tapping screws. Although nails will also fit. After that, it remains to see the frame with plywood. As for the design and appearance of the product, you can adjust it in the process. As an option to make the Podium portal. Look at the photo, how the frame of the decorative fireplace was transformed and looked like a ready-made version.

On Broke on the back wall, you can fix the firebox, which will imitate the focus. But the surfaces that can be viewed outside, you can reap the self-taking. Here is one of the options for designing a decorative fireplace from plywood.

But the appearance of the place. In order to hide the wall, you can enclose the inner part of the same film.

The advantage of the design is that it is easy to remove, since at this stage it is not fixed to the surface. This allows you to have access to the battery. And for a better effect, you can install the rocks, pebbles or firewood on the radiator by installing a metal grid on it.

And as the final nuance, you can make a fireplace grille. Then your design practically will not differ from the natural focus. You can do it yourself or purchase in the store. Copper or aluminum wire is taken as the basis. It is easy to bend and shape. You can draw a lattice on paper in advance or print as a reference point.

To the very decorative fireplace, it is necessary to fix the wire in four places. And to hide the pipe that goes to the radiator, continue the podium of the fireplace, as shown in the photo.

Here is such an original, beautiful, noble and almost natural miracle can be obtained if you make some efforts, smell and allocate time. You can hide any other defect or simply install such a false fireplace.

Note! Exactly the same principle makes a fireplace of plasterboard. Only here it is necessary to sneak all this material. There is nothing difficult, the result is also excellent.

Decorative fireplace do it yourself from furniture

This option can be called the most budget, because almost all materials for work you already have. It remains only to transform all this into an artificial fireplace. Ideally, an old servant or wardrobe is suitable. In addition, stock tools and materials:

  • sheets of plywood;
  • acrylic paint;
  • putty;
  • lED flight;
  • stucco, decorative elements, plaster finishing stones;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinding machine;
  • electrolovka.

We begin to transform a servant or a cabinet in a false fireplace.

You can make more effort to bring the fireplace to the end and make it indistinguishable from the present. On the perimeter of the firebox inside can stick a LED tape. Ideally, yellow or red, as this is an imitation of a burning flame. On the bottom of the decorative furnace can satisfy shells, sand or pebbles.

That's all, as a result, you got a decorative fireplace, which no one has. He is nothing worse than a natural fireplace, there is only no fire. Otherwise, this is just the perfect decorative element. And the awareness of what you made it with your own hands will warm you better than any fire.

Design of the interior of the village house with their own hands
