At the entrance, the guys are met by Harry Potter and Hermione. After passing through a brick wall, they find themselves in Diagon Alley, where they purchase what they need to study at Hogwarts from Professor McGonagall. Having comprehended the basics of the arcane art, the children go to the table, where a magical treat awaits them.


The development of children's creative abilities, the ability to analyze, the creation of a "magic" atmosphere of the holiday.


  • The entrance is framed by a curtain, painted brick wall. Above is a sign that reads "Hogwarts Express 9 ¾".
  • The first room is designed in the form of a store of magical things: hats, wands, brooms, stuffed animals, jars of potions, bags of powders.
  • The next room is the training room. This is a corner of magic - on the table there are elements for decorating the mantle. Potions corner - on the table there are edible ingredients, disposable cups, spoons, straws for a cocktail. Also, white tennis balls and one yellow one are hidden in the room in advance. The door to the next room is hidden behind a curtain.
  • Dragon lair. Decorated with images of dragons, bats, spiders.

Required attributes:

  • transparent robes, hats and magic wands, on the tips of which magnets are glued, for each child;
  • Sorting Hat, in which there are notes with the names of faculties;
  • Glue, decor for mantles;
  • Various juices, puree, fruits, berries for potions;
  • Pouches and dried herbs;
  • small metal objects for the competition "The most dexterous";
  • Dragon poster, darts;
  • tennis balls, one yellow ball - Snitch;
  • A small hoop for the Flying Snitch contest;
  • Attributes for tricks;
  • Notebooks and "magic" pens for the winners;
  • Figures of fairy-tale creatures: owls, dragon eggs and dragons, snakes, frogs, spiders, rats;
  • Brooms.


  • Harry Potter
  • Hermione
  • Professor McGonagall

Event progress

Children at the entrance are met by Harry Potter and Hermione. The entrance is covered with a curtain imitating a brick wall. Above is a sign saying "Hogwarts Express, 9 ¾".

Hermione: Hi guys! I'm Hermione and this is my friend Harry Potter.

Harry Potter: Hello! Remember how my adventures in the magical world began?

The children answer.

McGonagall: I see you did a great job. Now your mantle transmits only your energy and protects you from any danger. Let's start our first lesson - Potions. The potion can be prepared for various purposes: to bewitch, heal, lull, make beautiful, young. What potion would you like to create?

The children answer. Then carried out contest between faculties "New Recipe". The guys mix various ingredients, come up with a name for the resulting drug and tell what it is for. Juices, purees, fruits, berries are taken as ingredients so that children can not only prepare a potion, but also try it. Based on the results of the competition, the teams are awarded points.

McGonagall: We know how to brew potions. Now we will learn how to make a soothing powder.

Children led by McGonagall fill bags with fragrant dried herbs (mint, lemon balm), crushed orange and lemon peels.

McGonagall: It is a powerful deterrent of blues and boredom. When you feel sad and lonely, inhale the aroma of herbs. You will feel better, it will become easier to breathe. Do you feel?

The children answer.

McGonagall: The potion, the powders are gone. But I am sure that you are eager to learn how to control another magical item - a wand. Our next lesson is Controlling the Magic Wand.

Held contest "Most dexterous". Children must use magic wands to collect as many objects from the floor as possible into the basket. The secret lies in the fact that a magnet is attached to the tip of the sticks, and the objects on the floor are metal. How many items a team picks up, so many points it earns.

McGonagall: Well done, deftly managed with a magic wand. But that's not all that a real wizard should be able to do. You need to be able to defend yourself. And we are going to fight the dragon. But in order to get to him through a secret door, you need to guess the password.

Conducts contest "Password". The task of the players is to guess the word that "opens" the secret door. You can ask leading questions, which are expected to have an unequivocal answer: either “yes” or “no”.

Sample questions:

  • Is it edible?
  • Is it red?
  • Is it with the letter "N"?
  • Is it a rhinoceros?

The winning team receives bonus points. After guessing the password, all participants go to the adjacent room - the lair of dragons. There is a poster with a dragon on it. The poster is lined with circles, as in a game of darts. Each circle corresponds to a certain number of points. The competition "Defeat the dragon" is held. Teams take turns throwing darts at the dragon and earn points. The final number is obtained by adding up all the points received by the participants of one team. After that, the players return to the room.

McGonagall: You must be tired. Now I propose to play the favorite game of the students of our school - Quidditch. And the Hogwarts students already familiar to you - Hermione and Potter - will help us deal with the rules.

Held Quidditch competition. In the room, white tennis balls are hidden in advance and one golden one - painted in yellow. The golden ball, or Snitch, gives each team 50 points, while the white ball only gives 10. All team members begin to search the room until the Snitch is found. After that, the number of points earned by the team is calculated. Immediately after this, you can flying snitch game. A small hoop is installed in the middle of the room. The task of the participants is to get into it at a certain distance. Depending on the number of hits, the winning team is determined, which will receive an additional 10 points.

McGonagall: Well, now I would like you, Harry, to show what you have learned during your long years of study at Hogwarts.

Harry Potter shows a few simple tricks. For example, the trick with the disappearing coin. There is a sheet of cardboard on the table, on it is a glass, next to the glass is a coin. Harry covers the glass with a handkerchief, picks it up and places it on top of the coin. He removes the handkerchief - the coin has disappeared. The secret of the trick is that a circle of the same color as the cardboard is glued to the surface of the glass. When you install it on a coin, the cardboard simply closes it. A scarf is needed to hide the glued circle and give some mystery to the action.

McGonagall: Great, Potter. You really did not study in vain at school! Well, now I propose to sum up the results of our competition of faculties.

The winning team is given colorful notebooks and "magic" pens for writing spells. Then the children go to the table, where all the treats are prepared in the spirit of Hogwarts.

McGonagall: Our classes are over for today. I say goodbye to you. But Hermione and Potter will have some more fun. Goodbye (leaves).

After tea is game "Hunting for fabulous creatures". Throughout the room, you can pre-arrange small figures of fabulous creatures: owls, dragon eggs and dragons, snakes, frogs, spiders, rats. Each participant receives a list of those who need to be found. Who will complete the task faster?

It is also possible to conduct relay races on magic brooms, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows.

Harry Potter: Guys, today we plunged into the world of mystery and magic. I hope that you will never forget these fabulous moments. But it's time for us to say goodbye too!

Hermione: We will return through the familiar to us brick door. And as a memory of today, you will have your magical accessories that you purchased at the beginning of our journey. Goodbye, guys (accompany the children to the door)!

The creators of the DrQuest site express their deep gratitude to Elena Ledeneva, who sent us a report on her wonderful quest for children in the style of Harry Potter. In our opinion, this is one of the best quests held on our site, the quest is very balanced and has everything! And an interestingly twisted plot and tasks on the street, and tasks to search for objects, and inventory that you need to find at the very beginning of the quest and use during the game, and sweet tasks for eating pizza. Parents of children are also involved in the quest. Ideas from this quest can be used not only for children's quests, but also for adult quests. Thanks again Elena for sharing this wonderful story with us!

When Sasha's guests gathered, in the room instead of a set table, there was a table with a laptop and a green envelope addressed to Sasha and her guests. In the envelope there is a note with a link to DrQuest

And there is a letter from the director of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Minerva McGonagall

The red box was found quickly. It contained messages. For each his own: for Masha - a book, for Gleb - the code "dancing men", for Vlad - a candle and matches, for Sasha - a sealed envelope with the inscription "I open at the end ...", as well as a bag with coins, a notebook and a pen. Yes, even small chocolates, just to maintain vitality)))

I encoded the number of turns of the time flywheel in a simple formula:

G - Gleb - 11 years old, V - Vlad - 11 years old, S - Sasha -11 years old, M - Masha - 10 years old, G.P. Harry Potter is 11 years old. Figured it out quickly.

Here, too, everything was simple. Only the question with candles did not immediately succumb

Here, too, everything is simple: Gleb, Masha and Vlad were born on the 16th, and Sasha on the 25th

At this level, the guys had to look for the recipe for the Polyjuice Potion in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This was the only way to find an extra ingredient - mistletoe berries.

Again, to move to a new level, you need to make easy calculations.

Here I sent the guys to my friend Sonya (part-time mother of one of the children). Sonya has a green envelope with the inscription "Give it back if they sing"

On the tablet was prepared the song of Potap and Nastya Kamenskaya "Everything is in a bundle." This tablet was given to the guys. They sang together and almost next to the notes. But since Sonya is a creative person with absolute pitch, the children were asked to name 11 composers to correct slight “roughness” in their performance. Only after that they were given a letter.

The letter seems to be an empty sheet and a note “Guess what needs to be done? No? Then ask k169em for a hint?

It was the number of the car of another friend of mine (and also a part-time mother). As for the license plate number of the car, they did not immediately figure it out, but nevertheless they came to Yulia. And Yulia is also a green envelope with the inscription "Give it only for Snickers"

They had to dress up and stomp to the kiosk for a chocolate bar. A bag of coins from a red box came in handy.

The letter contained a hint, “Light a candle. Hold the letter above the flame." Which is what was done.

The letter was written in milk, and after it was smoked, the Finita Morato spell appeared on it.

Again, you need to find the number of turns of the flywheel of time to go to the next level.

We had to find a box of tea. The number was written on the label of one of the 100 bags. Found, of course.

This is where the message was encoded. The book that Masha received at the beginning of the quest from the red box was supposed to help decipher. Deciphered, it turned out "in the refrigerator"

And in the fridge is a box of pizza labeled "Eat Me" and a bottle of lemonade labeled "Drink Me". Forgot to take a picture in the hustle :(

At the bottom of the box under the pizza are sticky notes - one with a spell, and the rest are emoticons.

At the bottom of the bottle was a note with the word "highly contemplative" on it. One of the longest words in Russian - 35 letters

Here the level began with a fragment of the movie "Hary Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". It's great that you can add videos!

The children had to guess what to look for in Pushkin's book "Ruslan and Lyudmila". There was a message, encrypted by "dancing little men." Gleb at the beginning of the game from the red box received the key to the cipher. So there were no problems. "Naruni protego".

I'm sending it back to my parents. Another friend and mother. Another Julia. Another green envelope. Now with the inscription "Give only for" Mars ". I had to run for chocolate again))

Inside is a note "Look in the car." First, they searched all the cars and machines: washing, dishwasher, toys. Then they came to ask to open the car in the parking lot in front of the house. In the car were Balloons with notes. They were bursting with great enthusiasm under the triggering alarms of neighboring cars.

All the notes were humorous like “Not here”, “Try again”, etc. Only in one - the number of revolutions is 14

The answer "Orion", to my surprise, sounded immediately. Our kids are smarter than I thought

Everyone remembered the Alohomora spell right away!

The whole room was turned over, the box was found.

The box was filled with M&M's and Skittles, and a note was taped at the bottom with the number of turns "7"

Sasha at the beginning of the game received an envelope with the inscription "I open at the end ...". Should have opened it

In the envelope there is a fragment of the inscription and a note “Half of the note is missing? She needs to be found. Enter the word "search"

This is the courtyard of our house and the horizontal bar, where I glued the other half of the note on one of the crossbars. The guys rushed into the yard and, of course, found it. Two halves folded into the inscription "Happy birthday"

This is how the quest turned out. The kids loved it! Thanks to the creators of the site!

The template for this quest is in the section Quest templates, we can easily copy it to ourselves and edit it for ourselves.

  • Birthday script. Spy School. 8-10-12 years old.
  • Birthday script. Pirate Party.
  • Birthday script. Myths of ancient Greece.
  • Scenario of a children's holiday. "Birthday of Sherlock Holmes"
  • Viking Adventures Birthday Scenarios
  • Birthday at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • The script of the film about the graduation lesson in the 4th grade

at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Visiting Harry Potter.

Invitations. Make your party invitations on antique white paper or beige colour write the following words:

“We hereby have the honor to inform you that you are enrolled in Hogwarts - School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to celebrate the birthday of _____________________ on the day of ______ at ______ hours. It is located on the third of four parts of the path between gates 9 and 10 (write in your address), where you will find an enchanted door that only Hogwarts students and their families can see. The outfit should be suitable for both indoor entertainment and outdoor activities. The best option clothes: a work robe and a hat of a wizard or witch, a magic wand. We expect your return owl or Muggle phone call to principal (insert your phone number) no later than _____ (date)"

Ideas for decorating a children's holiday.

1. Make a sorting hat. To do this, you can buy a roll of wallpaper in a suitable color and cut a cone out of it, which is then glued in the form of a cap.

2. Inflate balloons and tie them to chairs as well as door handles at the entrance to the room.

3. Hang some toy owls around the room.

4. Cut out the sign of lightning from the drawing paper, paint it with silver paint and attach it to the door that leads to the room where the holiday will take place.

5. Cut out various mythological creatures (unicorns, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, etc.), a stand with a class schedule (in two languages), a Hogwarts plan, an Anthem and an emblem of Hogwarts.

6. In the room, hang on the walls the names of the faculties, the deans and the director of the school, the "song of the hat", the runic alphabet, images of the ghosts of each faculty. On the doors, attach - the names of various special rooms and classes, for example: "potions class", "great hall", "help-room", "prefects' bathroom", "trophy hall", etc. Next to the pointer to the "forbidden forest" hang spiders.

"Platform 9 3/4" (hang on the gate) and "Welcome to Hogwarts!" (above the entrance to the house).

7. Use Harry Potter soundtracks as background music.

Ideas for the menu.

When it's time to eat, your guests are likely to be happy with any treat, including pizza. But if you want to surprise everyone with Harry Potter-style snacks, here are some ideas for you:

1. Bake lightning shaped cookies;

2. Make chocolate frogs - melt chocolate and dip gummy frogs in it, which are now sold in all major shopping centers;

3. Serve a magic potion - freeze cubes of cranberry or grapefruit juice before the party, and during the holiday, invite guests to change the color of their clear drinks (sprite or mineral water) using these cubes.

4. Remember that the Harry Potter book mentions quite everyday foods that can be served for your holiday - chocolate balls (chocolate-covered strawberries), sherbet balls, chocolate eclairs and licorice worms.

5. Order a delicious cake.

To meet "students": caps, magic wands, thick felt-tip pens and ordinary notebooks in bright covers.

Host: You are entering the School of Magic. We start our classes.

Lesson 1

Leading: In order to manifest the ability to magic, you need to eat a magic potion. But first you need to cook it. And for that you need a recipe. And the hint where to look is hidden in the crossword puzzle. We solve the crossword.

Scenario of a children's birthday in the style of Harry Potter

Mac Gonagall: Commendable, you earned the first 10 points.

Sibyl Trelawney: Before we move on to testing the wizarding disciplines, I'd like to see how you've settled into your disciplines, the Muggle ones. Professor McGonagall will give out bags to each of you. They contain a needle, thread, a cloth, a button and a small set of puzzles. In five minutes, you must all put together the puzzles and each sew your own button to the rag with 10 stitches. I keep time.

Competition "Make a miracle"

Mac Gonagall: Time is up. Let's see how well you did the job. Everyone gets points for their work. The sum of your points is one more step to save from Voldemort. (gives children points from 2 to 5 for completed tasks, writes points on the board).

Sibyl Trelawney: It's impossible to be so tense, you need to relax a little. Yes, what am I talking about. And 1-2-3, 1-2-3, thought come. Ah, come. I have a magic bag, it contains a lot of different junk. Whom I fool is the one who puts on what I get.

Competition "Collective portrait"

Mac Gonagall: Well, since you're all dressed up, we're getting to the big point. Now our birthday boy will say a secret spell and he will receive many gifts.

Mac Gonagall whispers a spell in his ear, the birthday boy repeats aloud. (

Presentation of gifts.

Sibyl Trelawney: And now we need to eat as quickly as possible and many other difficult tests await us.

Mac Gonagall: Congratulations, you've earned 10 more points.

Children eat. A quiz is being held.

Mac Gonagall: You've probably already settled into our school. So I want to know how well you know Hogwarts.


Sibyl Trelawney: Professor McGonagall, I ask you to hurry the children.

So what am I talking about. 1-2-3, 1-2-3 thought come. Aha has arrived. We need to unravel the secret of the secret room.

The children are given a note signed by Dumbledore, which tells them where to find the next note. At the end they find a notebook, but it is locked, the children open it and read the next task. (they are invited to the ball)

Disco 10 minutes.

Sibyl Trelawney: I insist that for the good performance of the dance composition, I insist that Gryffendor and Kogchedui be given 10 points each.

McGonagall: The Quidditch Qualifier starts in five minutes. We already have a team, so I suggest taking a magic broom.

Sibyl Trelawney: Professor McGonagall, you can't play wkiditch after we've dealt with the one you can't talk about.

Mac Gonagall: I know one proven way to defeat the evil wizard, we need to become like him, and this roll of paper will help us in this, it is not simple, but the magical Professor Snow enchanted him.

The Return of Voldemort game

Sibyl Trelawney: What's wrong with me, dark forces knock me out of my thoughts.

The Sibyl makes faces, gets frightened, trembles.

Mac Gonagall: Sibyl hold on, I know a potion that will help remove Voldemort's spell.

The game "Spell of the Sibyl"

Sibyl Trelawney: Finally, I thought I was done, the end already.

gong sounds

Sibyl Trelawney: (fearful) What is this?

Mac Gonagall: This Quidditch game is about to start, grab your broom.

Quidditch game

Sibyl Trelawney: And now I will teach our birthday boy one very strong spell. (whispers in ear)

The birthday boy says it out loud and they take out the cake.

Mac Gonagall: I see you learned a lot and learned a lot at Hogwarts. Therefore, the Sibyl will take your exam now.

Sibyl is doing a crossword puzzle.

Sibyl Trelawney: Well, since the one who cannot be spoken of is defeated, I propose to celebrate this event and arrange a ball.

Harry Potter Party Scenario!

Friends, hello! I recently started a series of articles with tips for throwing kids themed parties! And he already wrote the first article, which he named for the children's holiday. Today I will continue and I want to offer you party script for kids Harry Potter style! Come often to we have a lot of interesting stuff! so, let's begin

Party decorations

Magic style decorations are easy to make yourself, or you can buy something!

  • Hang owl bats, spider webs, little witches and fairy hats.
  • Everywhere hang hand-made pointers-arrows to Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Coggerwan, Slytherin, and Diagon Alley.
  • Place brooms and brooms in the room.
  • Hang some twinkling garlands, glow-in-the-dark stars, the moon, and, of course, lightning.
  • Sprinkle the table with small golden stars.
  • You can also make ghosts with your own hands and place them in unexpected places. Making a ghost is very simple: buy a white helium-filled balloon, draw eyes and a sinister smile with a marker, stick white tape on the bottom! Such a cast will complement the interior of the bathroom or hallway!

If it's Halloween, you can find inspiration in your nearest gift shop, they'll be full of decorative things to suit you!

It is best to use gilded plates and mugs, forks and spoons must be metal.

It is also desirable to decorate the dishes with stars!

Be sure to turn on soft music for the background, choose a New Age style, it will accurately convey the atmosphere

Party invitations

Invitations can be made in a bright crimson envelope, and on the invitation itself you need to write:

  1. Guest name
  2. What occasion is the party
  3. Venue address

Write the invitation in green ink, it would also be great to seal the envelope with sealing wax.

Also be sure to include the following information:

  • Will the guest be given a special name at the party?
  • Are themed costumes required?
  • Is the child allergic to something? (be sure to check)

Also assign exact time meeting and warn that in no case should you be late, because the clock is enchanted and will punish those who are late.

Party treats for kids!

If you're non-vegetarian and want a truly authentic Hogwarts-style banquet in the Great Hall, then be sure to make:

  • Roast beef
  • Roast chicken
  • Pork chops
  • Rack of lamb
  • sausages
  • Bacon
  • Steak
  • Boiled and fried potatoes
  • Yorkshire pudding
  • Peas
  • Carrot
  • Sauces and ketchup

Poor Harry was deprived of cakes as a child, so in his honor, make a beautiful chocolate cake decorated in magical motifs with brooms and Quidditch balls.

Magic potions are the obvious choice of drinks: come up with various colored juices, pour them into glass jars or jugs. Let the kids mix their own magical drinks!

Another drink idea:

Prepare concentrated grape, strawberry or raspberry juice. Pour into star-shaped ice cube mold and freeze. Have the kids add these stars to their drink and it will gradually change color as the ice melts!

With my own hands!

Make and decorate magical hats.

If you know how to sew, then sew a few raincoats - invisible, it's not difficult, and the children can decorate them! Or, let's say all the kids can decorate one raincoat, which will then be a souvenir for the one who wins the most contests!

You can give the children a special card, let them draw small lightning bolts on each other's foreheads, like Harry Potter. Don't forget to mark the most beautiful creations!

Give the kids ribbons, glitter, special paint and a broom! Let them prepare her for Quidditch! You can also invite children to depict the symbol of the Harry Potter Quidditch team on a white T-shirt, it can also become a souvenir for games.

Think, party script for kids in the style of Harry Potter, your children will love it! Give them a real holiday! And pay attention to other scenarios, we have a lot of them! And there will be even more! Here, for example, is an entertainment script for children, but an entertainment script for children, creative for children or musical children's scenario, choose and delight your children more often!

Children's holiday in the style of Harry Potter - return to Hogwarts (holiday scenario)

A little about text formatting. In theory, the internal content should correspond to the annual invitation from McGonagall for the new academic year. All inscriptions must be made in green ink and it is advisable to draw a green coat of arms of the school of magicians at the top of the message. And if you don't know how to use pen and ink, create an invitation in regular Microsoft Word using the Blackadder ITC font and green fill.

And the text itself:

Dear Mr. Potter [addressing each guest personally]

Welcome to another school year at Hogwarts! We hope you can join us!

We will again wear magical clothes, play matches, prepare potions and perform magic. You know that Hogwarts and its surroundings are well protected. But if you miss the Express to School, you won't get into training!

We are waiting for your answer! If you are unable to communicate your decision with an owl, please write to us at _______ (email address), or contact us via the Muggle telephony system at _____ (phone number).

We look forward to your arrival at Hogwarts.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

hogwarts academy

And for everyone who is interested, a small master class on the topic handmade print.

I made hogwarts seal from the usual polymer clay(Before that, I dried a lump of clay in the oven a little). Then - with a sewing needle (or an ordinary toothpick) I applied a pattern of the coat of arms of the school of magicians. The grooves should be made not so much deep as wide. Then the pattern on the sealing wax will be clearer.

2. Playground decoration, scenery for real magicians

a) Platform 9, 3/4. Express to Hogwarts. The place of departure of the disciples, the place where the most fabulous adventures!

Of course, this sign was simply destined to become part of our holiday!

Our dad undertook to make a sign. For the sign, he used a piece of plywood, drilled holes for hanging. Then - primed for painting. All inscriptions are made with acrylic paint in white, black, red and gold colors. A circle with numbers can be circled under a regular portioned plate.

With an inscription "Hogwarts Express" everything is much more complicated. Before you paint the letters, you need to make a pattern (Microsoft Word using Perpetua Titling MT font 180pt and format it as an outline). Circle the letters on the board along the contours of the pattern. And then - draw the outline with gold paint.

b) Platform 9, 3/4 - Brick wall. The brick wall through which the wizards passed, on the way to the school of magicians.

To "disguise" the entrance to our house, I decided to make a real red brick wall. The most economical option is to buy a roll of red brick wallpaper on the market (or in a building supply store). But, unfortunately, I didn't find anything suitable for me. Because - I decided to make a wall with my own hands. And, since you already have to spend time on this, it’s better to make a “wall” not out of paper, but out of fabric (so that you can use ready-made props sometime later).

In a fabric store, I bought an ordinary dark brown fabric bathroom curtain (its advantage is that there are ready-made loops at the top, with which it will be easy to hang the “wall” at the door). It is best to draw bricks on the canvas with a kitchen sponge using fabric paint.

When the orange base was ready, I took a brush and with darker paint (you can even use brown!) Draw the divisions between the bricks! This is what my finished one looked like Brick wall.

c) Diagon Alley. All new students of the school of magic were sent here to get everything they needed for training - magic wands, books, powders, uniforms.

Under "Diagon Alley" We decorated our son's room. Removed all his things, and left only what is needed for a magical holiday.

To fill the shelves, we bought stuffed owls, toads, rats and cats.

And we attached a real broom to the window (before that, hiding the wooden handle with gold paint) and signed "Nimbus 2000".

Scenario of a children's birthday in the style of Harry Potter - articles

The first one is invitations. We collect and print them in green, with the name of each invited guest, in the style of invitations to Hogwarts, as Harry himself received at the beginning of the first book. The exact text of the invitation can be copied from the invitation from the book, at least the beginning. But at the end, instead of a list of books and necessary supplies, we attribute: "The necessary supplies can be purchased locally." In the upper corner of the letter and on the envelope (like a seal) we make the coat of arms of Hogwarts (this picture can be found on the Internet). We end the invitation with the words: "So, the Hogwarts express leaves platform (your address) at (for example) 16:00 on Friday, March 10 ...

For decorating an apartment we search on the Internet and print pictures with unicorns, mermaids, dragons. We attach them to the walls with adhesive tape that does not leave a mark. We hang everywhere air balloons- black and gold. We also hang white and silver balls on which we draw faces - these will be "ghosts".

In the corner we arrange a "corner of potions": we put there transparent disposable glasses and small bottles with fruit drinks different colors(the inscriptions on the bottles: "dragon's blood", "tears of a frog", "unicorn horn", "snake venom", "phoenix beak"), these "potions" can be freely poured and mixed if desired.

At the entrance, we give each guest a tall black hat and a "magic wand", which we immediately offer to decorate to your taste (for this we prepare in advance silver star stickers, sparkles of different colors and shapes, shiny ribbons, glue, etc.).

After decorating the sticks, we begin games and entertainment:

- "transformations": the old well-known game, when everyone takes turns depicting some animal or object (without sounds), and the rest guess who it is or what it is, usually this game is called "pantomime";

- "disappearance" and then "appearance" of children: the same old favorite game where the participants are divided into pairs, each pair gets a roll of toilet paper, and one wraps the other in paper from head to toe, competing to see which pair finishes the fastest, usually known as "mummies";

- guess how many chewing gums(of course, we call them something like "Drubl's exploding chewing gum") is in a transparent jar: everyone in turn expresses his version, and after that the entire contents of the jar are poured onto a plate and recounted aloud, whose version is closest to the real number - that receives everything, of course, if desired, can share with everyone else;

- Hogwarts treasure hunt we give the children the first coded note, a mirror for reading mirror letters, a sheet with Morse code, a sheet with a special secret code(each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a symbol), a gray felt-tip pen for the manifestation of invisible messages (you can buy a pair: a white felt-tip pen - for writing invisible messages and a gray one - with which an invisible message is drawn to decipher it), each note leads in turn to the next ( "Look somewhere"), at the end the children find a bag of sweets for everyone, the most important thing is that each note is encrypted in a special way;

- "Dragon Hunt": a picture with a dragon is attached to the wall, each of the children is blindfolded in turn and given a "spear" - a stick with a sticky plasticine ball on the end, spun around its axis a couple of times and sent to try to get into the dragon's eye; a similar game is often arranged, for example, it is necessary to attach a nose to a clown or a tail to a donkey;

- Quidditch(search for the "golden snitch"): small white tennis balls with the inscribed number of points are prepared and hidden in different corners of the room - several of 10, 20 and 30 each, and one ball - the "snitch" painted in gold - is hidden especially carefully , 150 points are given for him, the game ends as soon as someone has found him, after that they calculate who scored how many points;

For the Hogwarts gallery, all visitors leave their self-portraits, and we announce that everyone should draw themselves blindfolded, and then sign and leave at Hogwarts, i.e. birthday girl as a keepsake (each is blindfolded and given a simple pencil).

During the break between games, when we see that the children are slightly hungry, we invite them to the table. We also make all the treats according to style:

chocolate mice(we sculpt them from the mass for chocolate balls and sprinkle with coconut, eyes and mouth - from pieces of colored marmalade, ears - from almond slices, inedible long tail - from a drinking straw),

worms(from meringue, with nuts or chocolate eyes), "golden hats"; a lake-shaped tray decorated with a mermaid (which can be made from a doll by blinding her tail), on which are located: chocolate frogs (from the same mass for chocolate balls), fish-shaped pies, "rubber" candy sharks and snakes. We also give some ticking names on the topic to the sweets that will be on the table.

In between, you can still show a few simple tricks, of course, with the participation of a magic wand. But, such things must be carefully rehearsed. And at the very beginning of the holiday, when everyone decorates the sticks, the birthday girl takes out her own “magic wand” in front of everyone effectively: pulling it out of a half-sized box (the secret of this trick is quite simple: there is a hole in the box at one end, and part of the wand is hidden in the sleeve the hand holding the box).

We put the cake and candles on the table at the very end of the holiday. It is better to make the cake yourself and in the form of a palace, i.e. Hogwarts. Hogwarts, of course, should be in dark colors, so the cake can be covered with chocolate cream.

When leaving, as a "birthday souvenir", children can be invited to take with them a hat and a "magic wand" (which they received at the very beginning), as well as "ghost" balloons.

In principle, by slightly changing the script and competitions, you can make a holiday for a boy or for a mixed company of children.

Boy's birthday script 11 years old: harry potter - birthday scripts - birthday - home holiday


It is not in vain that the script is intended for the birthday of boys of 11 years old - it is from this age that young wizards begin their studies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Instill in children a love of reading.

Develop their creativity and imagination.

Teach them to think, to reflect.

Contribute to the rallying of children, strengthening friendship between them.

Professor Dumbledore can be made the host of the evening as the director of Hogwarts.

All guests need to send out invitations in advance in envelopes.

Invitation text:

"Dear Mr/Miss...(child's name)

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to Hogwarts Castle for the Wizards' Party. The form of clothing is mage. Be sure to have a magic wand with you. Parents are allowed to come in Muggle attire.

The celebration begins on … the number of … hours.

Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore Headmaster"

If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into groups-faculties using a distributing hat (each child selects a note from the hat with the name of the faculty).

Place: any spacious room that can be decorated for a holiday.

Members: cheerful, creative people who love and believe in magic.

Dress code: magic wands, black robes of wizards, you can tie bags of cloth to your belt - for potions and potions. The leader must also be dressed appropriately for the status.

Attributes: a sorting hat, a broom in the corner, a magic ball for predictions, bottles and cones with potions (pour tinted water), scrolls of parchment, a large picture frame - for a portrait of a fat lady. Hang toy owls and flying mice everywhere. You can wrap several books in a frightening cover and spread them everywhere - imitating spell books. Balloon ghosts will look funny. To do this, you need to bind helium balloons to the chairs. Throw a light white cloth over each ball, lightly secure with pins. Eyes and mouth can be painted with glowing in the dark paints (such as a phosphor) to intimidate.

The predominant colors in the interior are black and gold.

Menu: must be magical - chocolate frogs, pumpkin cookies, jelly candies, Bertie Botts dragees with different flavors (any colored dragees), licorice sticks (they can easily be replaced by wafer rolls), butter beer (milkshakes) and pumpkin juice. Edible golden snitches - you can buy round sweets in a golden wrapper, or you can make your own from a potato cake and fondant wings.

It’s good to bake a birthday cake in the form of a Hogwarts castle - the turrets are most easily obtained from purchased ice cream cones.

Competitions and entertainment:

1).Decorate the magical invisibility cloak. Participants are given transparent fabrics, stickers, sequins, sequins, glue and are invited to decorate the robe as they wish.

2). Prepare a potion and tell what it is intended for (lovely, healing, soporific, etc.). Young wizards are provided with various juices, fruit purees, milk, fruits, berries and whipped cream for decoration, shakers.

3). Guess the password to the portrait fat lady in pink.

The portrait of the fat lady was the entrance to the Gryffindor tower. The password to it was constantly changing and many students did not always know it, so they could not get into the tower.

The essence of the competition is to guess the password from 1-2 words. Young wizards can ask the lady leading questions, to which she can only answer with the words "yes" or "no".

For example:

Is it an animated object?

Is it edible?

Is it sweet?

It's an "M" word.

Is it made from cocoa beans?

Is it chocolate?

4). Catch the dragon. For the competition, you need to hang identical opaque bags on strings, put a candy or a lollipop in each, and hide a dragon figurine in one. Participants take turns trying to “catch” the dragon - they cut off the bag blindfolded, they take any prize from the cut bag for themselves.

5). Quidditch- the most popular game among wizards. You need to prepare for this competition in advance. Quidditch swords can be tennis balls, one of which needs to be painted gold - this will be the Snitch. The balls need to be hidden in different parts of the house - the competition will be in their search. Participants are given pieces of paper with tips.

For each white ball found, the team is awarded 10 points, for finding the golden snitch - 50.

6). Patronus. The essence of the competition is to draw your patronus, as a person imagines it. After all, according to the book, it is different for everyone, only close relatives can match.

Participants are given paper for drawing, markers, colored pencils, gel pens.

7). Levitation- the art of soaring in the air. For the competition, participants need to distribute soap bubbles. The winner is the team whose bubble hangs in the air the longest and does not burst.

8). Transfiguration is the art of transforming one object into another. The host invites the participants to turn first into animals, then into pieces of furniture, then into sweets, etc. They, in turn, show the result of the transformation in pantomime - so that the presenter guesses what they turned into.

9). Philosopher's Stone- one of the difficult tests of the evening, but, on the other hand, it was not easy for Harry Potter either.

The host says the following words: “You will fight for the right to possess the philosopher's stone. Only the very best deserve it. And to prove it, try to pass a serious exam. I will read to you the wise thoughts of the greatest minds of mankind, and you must finish these phrases. Whoever is more accurate wins."

Participants write their answers on a card in order. Whoever completes smart sayings more correctly - for that, the philosopher's stone will “light up” (you need to find a lamp in the form of a crystal in advance, turn it on for the winner at the end of the competition).

I want to live to learn, not to learn to live. (F. Bacon)

Our mind is lazier than ours body. (F. De La Rochefoucauld)

It is necessary to develop the mind by reading a lot, not a lot authors. (Quintilian M.F.)

If you can, be smarter than others, but don't show it. (Chesterfield)

A smart person sometimes rushes, but does nothing in a hurry. (Chesterfield)

A smart person can learn a lot from enemy. (Aristophanes)

Have the courage to use your own mind.(I. Kant)

Pitiful is the student who does not exceed his teachers. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Wisdom is the mind infused with conscience. (Fazil Iskander)

Without examples, it is impossible to teach correctly or successfully. study. (L. Columella)

People stop thinking when they stop read. (D. Diderot)

A smart person is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who knows himself. (I. Goethe)

And, of course, no wizard party is complete without magic. It is not necessary to invite professional magicians and conjurers, you can create magic yourself.

For example, trick with the appearance of a magic wand.

For the trick, you will need a matchbox and a stick with a diameter of no more than 10 mm. IN matchbox cut one of the side walls. The stick is inserted into the left sleeve, fixed on the arm under the sleeve with a thin elastic band. During the demonstration, you take out the boxes from your right pocket, trying to hide the hole from the public. Shift it to your left hand, while putting the box on the stick. Open the box and pull out the wand in full view of the astonished audience! You hide the box in your left pocket.

There are a lot of simple tricks - you can surprise guests all evening, the main thing is a little preparation.

Have a magical holiday!

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Holiday scenarios -

Matchmakers knock on the door, but the doors do not open immediately. They knock again, and only then the doors are opened for them. The matchmaker throws a ball of thread inside. If a private house- then immediately through the gate, firmly holding the thread.

Native brides say: “Who are you, why are you knocking, what do you need?”, And the matchmaker replies: “We are from afar, but a thread from a ball brought us here. Our prince (the name of the groom) saw a beautiful firebird in these parts. She shone so brightly and let out sparks that she hit one of them in the heart (the name of the groom). Yes, but there is a problem - the firebird flew home, but this feather remained in his hands.

The feather is shown.

Relatives of the bride: “Yes, it’s impossible to say for sure by the feather. Firebirds are different, each beautiful in its own way. Guess which one was - well, and we will agree then!

The matchmakers enter the house. They stop at the next door, from under which three ribbons of different colors peek out.

Relatives say: “Pull the matchmakers by the end of the ribbons - whose one you take, take that one down the aisle!”.

Matchmakers begin to pull the first ribbon, a friend or sister of the bride comes out of the door. Family responds:

Well, is our firebird good? After all, she is not deprived of either mind or body!

The matchmaker quickly replies:

Good and pretty, but that's just our firebird is not visible!

The matchmaker pulls the next tape - a little girl comes out. The bride’s relatives say: “Now you have a small bird, also beautiful and interesting!”. The matchmaker replies:

She is good, but only the trouble is small! Let her grow up a little, her other prince is waiting!

They begin to pull the 3rd tape - an adult, already married, woman comes out.

Family responds:

Well, look, matchmakers. Maybe you need her? Also look how majestic and good!

Matchmaker says:

Maybe it’s good, only this firebird is already ringed!

Bride's Family:

Here are the matchmakers - nothing to please! Come into the room, maybe we'll find something to surprise you with.

Matchmakers enter a room where 3 people are sitting covered with their heads - among them there is a bride. Relatives put a chair in front of the matchmakers, on which stands a saucer, and says:

If you are looking for a firebird, try it, feed it!

Matchmakers throw coins and small ones in a saucer and say:

Chick-chick, ghoul-ghoul!

Family responds:

Is this food? It is quite possible to stretch the wings from such treats. Pour something fatter, matchmakers!

Matchmakers put in big money. Relatives take the saucer and bring it to each person in turn. Efforts are useless, as no one reacts.

The bride's family says:

Well, you still need to redeem all three, otherwise you won’t find the firebird!

Bargaining begins for each seated. You can plant and men, then you can not avoid funny jokes. Finally, the bride is found, the groom gives a bouquet of flowers and hugs.

Now the groom's mother says:

And let me test our firebird, suddenly it flies badly, or does something wrong. Let's see how she flaps her wings!

Coins spill out of the bag onto the floor. The bride needs to collect everything-everything-everything. You can also use a broom on a scoop.

The groom's mother says:

And now let's see how the firebird cooks, can in case the right word to say!

The groom's mother begins to ask various everyday and tricky questions, and the bride modestly answers:

How much rice do you need for borscht?

And in borscht, the risk is not put at all!

The husband is standing hungry, will you give him a plate?

I'll give him dinner on a plate, not just an empty plate!

The mother of the groom concludes by saying:

We love this firebird! She knows how to cook, and she herself is a beauty! Take the caravan. Take beauty, cut!

The bride cuts the loaf into 4 parts, but it is impossible to twist the loaf and remove it from the towel. Two halves are given to the groom, and she keeps two for herself.

Matchmaker asks:

What will you call the bride's parents?

The groom gives a piece of bread to the bride's parents and says:

Mom and Dad!

The bride's parents kiss the groom.

The matchmaker addresses the bride, and the bride replies:

What will you call the groom's parents?

Mom and Dad!

The bride also gives one piece of bread.

The groom's parents kiss the bride, the towel is rolled up and kept by the young, as a memory of this day.

It was the turn to say to the bride's relatives:

Let's now test the prince! Can it contain our firebird, is it capable of knocking with a hammer?

A hammer, a log and a thick board are given. One nail holds the father-in-law, the other nail - the mother-in-law. Mother-in-law's nail can be slightly filed so that it does not drive into the board, but only bends strongly. The groom must first drive in the nail of the father-in-law, then the mother-in-law.

We see you are a very serious guy. I was able to conquer our demanding firebird. Now come to the table dear, it's time to taste sweet wine.

The matchmakers sit down at the table, and the matchmaker begins to say:

We give the hosts overseas fruits, sweet wines - accept with a warm bow. We want to take your firebird, so we have prepared a contract!

Trays of fruit are placed on the table, and the matchmaker continues:

Let's now get to know each other better, the parents of the bride, the groom, brothers, aunts, uncles and grandmothers, and even neighbors!

The bride gets up and calls her relatives and neighbors by name. The groom does the same - he introduces his relatives.

Now continue the acquaintance sitting at the table. The mother of the groom gets up first:

Mother-in-law we give a soft pillow

So that she takes care of our fiance, like a darling

To sleep on the pillow and get enough sleep

Always kind word responded!

The mother-in-law is given a soft pillow.

The father of the groom gets up and says:

I give the future father-in-law a hammer!

So that he always has a good income!

The father-in-law is given a hammer.

The line for the sister or brother of the groom:

Take a barrel of honey - for the sisters and brothers of the bride, let them eat sweets, but do not harm anyone.

Children - sisters and brothers of the bride - are given honey or sweets.

The matchmaker says next:

We give good Blooming tree!

Let it grow like your wealth

Protect and water it.

Then your fortune will multiply.

The tree is not simple.

The tree is money.

The bride and groom are given a plant in a pot, money is tied to the branches.

The mother of the bride rises:

Dear matchmakers! You gave us gifts

The words were spoken. Now we have an answer for you!

My father and I decided to give our firebird to you as a wife!

The matchmaker gets up with joy:

Firebird, my bright light!

Accept a golden ring from our fiance!

The groom gets up and says:

In front of witnesses (friends of the groom stand up and assent)

I sincerely tell you

That I love my firebird very much!

I give her a ring as a sign of mine.

The child knows the story almost by heart:) Films are reviewed several times, books are read and re-read. In the summer we decided to come up with a scenario for the celebration of the Decade and got down to business. They came up with a quiz and contests, prepared props, made invitations. I post the script, maybe someone will be interested and useful :)
The theme is a tour of Hogwarts.

First, distribution had to be made. But here everything is standard. Magic hat, cards with the coats of arms of the faculties. We left three faculties. There were not so many places in the cafe, and it was more convenient to divide 15 people into 3, not 4 :) We tried to evenly distribute forces. There were 3 little guests - preschoolers - they were scattered into teams.

So, lesson one. "History of Magic" Teams must remember as many magical creatures or great wizards or potion ingredients as possible. Then we came up with a quiz based on Rowling's books. I won’t write questions, there are a lot of them on the Internet, and it’s not difficult to come up with them yourself.
Next lesson - "Potion making". Here we had 2 options
- 1. 4 recipes - 1 per team, common cauldron with ingredients. Children one by one approach the common cauldron and choose the necessary ingredient. The ingredients on the recipes are encrypted. For example - Claw running from the ship, it was necessary to find a rat. The bone of a long-extinct animal - a dinosaur. There were a few that were the same for all components - a Potion Vessel, a Wizard's Tool, a Brighter Fire. And don't forget the sand hourglass).

- 2. Also 4 recipes with 10 ingredients. but a memory game. A person from the team reads the recipe for 30 seconds. then tries to remember the maximum number of components
Lesson "Spells" We made a chain of spells from paper clips. Each team was given a box of paper clips. Whose chain is longer, those are well done.
Lesson "Ancient Runes" We make small words from the name Harry James Potter.

Lesson " Defense Against the Dark Arts. Turn a boggart into a mummy. Well, everyone knows how to make a mummy out of toilet paper. It was fun :)
P.S. Boggart is a type of ghost. No one knows what he really looks like, because the boggart changes its shape depending on who is standing in front of it. In the role of a boggart - team members.

Quidditchwe train to fly on a broomstick. The second part of Quidditch is the famous Turkish game of bocha or petanque.

Big balls passed for Bludgers. Instead of a Snitch, I took a Ping Pong ball and painted it gold. The rules are simple - we throw the Snitch, each team throws its Bludger, Whose ball falls closer to the Snitch wins.

Relay race "The Magic Eye of Moody" Again, ping pong balls and 4 plastic spoons were used. On the balls, we drew an eye with indelible markers. Moody would be very unhappy if his eye was dropped :)

Caring for Magical Creatures feed the monster. We made two cute monsters out of two large boxes and fed them with plastic balls from a dry pool. You can’t get close to the monsters - they bite, the balls are simply thrown into the open mouth.

Then there was cake! With chocolate frogs, a booklet and a snitch :) What pleased the cake was not only beautiful, but also delicious :) When you click on the second picture, you will be taken to the author's page. :))

A Harry Potter-style birthday party is incredibly popular today. If your child turns 9-11 years old, this holiday will be great entertainment for him and his little friends. A Harry Potter-themed birthday will appeal to adults as well. They, too, will happily relax and have fun. Kids will be able to complete a wide variety of themed tasks, "fighting with Voldemort."

Harry Potter birthday. Wonderful quest

So, in more detail. A Harry Potter themed birthday can be a great adventure for your kids. One of the best and perfectly balanced holidays will be just such a party. A Harry Potter-themed birthday can be characterized by a twisted plot, indoor and outdoor tasks, games, "sweet tasks". In addition, parents can be involved in the quest. And in general, ideas can be used even for adult parties.

It all starts with a letter

How is a birthday organized? The script can be anything. As soon as the guests gather, they must be led into a room where a green envelope addressed to the birthday man and his friends will lie on the table. It contains a letter from Minerva McGonagall. The content says that the time has come for young wizards to go to Hogwarts. However, Volan de Mort will put various obstacles in their way, which they need to overcome. First you need to find a red box in this room.

After the children find the box, they will find a new message in it. And some hint. For example, a flower (children should guess that the next letter should be looked for in the garden), a book (in the library), a notepad and a pen (in desk), etc. You can also leave various ciphers, puzzles. In general, everything is up to you. Children will definitely be interested. At the end of the quest, the guys "become students of Hogwarts", receive awards and sit down at festive table.

You can do without an animator

In any case, kids will not be able to appreciate such a birthday. The script is much more interesting to develop on your own, taking into account all the wishes of the birthday man. The help of an animator is completely optional. Moreover, you will save a lot of money.

By the way, after the party, you can process the pictures in Photoshop. The birthday boy will appear in the form of a little wizard with a scar on his forehead. Each child will "receive" a magic wand. For everyone, you need to print a personal portrait and a general picture. The guys will be thrilled.

Lessons at Hogwarts

Celebrating a children's birthday in the style of Harry Potter, you can organize educational activities for the kids. Think carefully about their schedule.

The first lesson is Potions. Divide salad ingredients into separate bowls. Just sign the dishes with ordinary products somehow interesting. For example, “mandrake root”, “gillweeds”, “dragon eggs”, etc. Everyone will make their own “potion” for themselves and have a snack.

The second lesson can be the manufacture of magic wands. They are made from sushi sticks, beads and glue.

For a spell lesson, you need to compile and print a list of them. For example, "Sonorus" - the voice becomes a thunderous roar; "Levikorpus" - the enemy is suspended upside down; "Riktusempra" - tickling, etc. Everyone in turn casts a spell, and everyone else portrays necessary actions. As a result, children receive Gryffindor badges made using photo printing and pins.

The next lesson is protection from dark forces. In this lesson, the kids should draw Voldemort blindfolded.

The fifth lesson is predictions. The point is to rhyme. It rhymes in two lines, the second of which sounds like this: "Voldemort is to blame."

The sixth lesson is the history of magic. There is a quiz for kids. Any subject can be chosen.

After that, the children go to herbology. They need to "cut the Whomping Willow." Prizes are hung on ropes, and the children cut them off at random blindfolded.

The end of the holiday

After classes, all the kids receive gifts in the style of Harry Potter. It is very easy to make them with your own hands. These can be cardboard hats, mantles, figurines of fantastic creatures, etc. You can give a knitted

After that, Mom, in the role of Professor McGonagall, goes to wash the dishes. And the children can play for a few more hours, watch TV, draw, climb the Swedish wall, etc. In general, this is all that is so lacking in children's cafes.


Of course, with great impatience, the birthday boy will be looking forward to the appearance of the cake in the style of Harry Potter. It might be the most favorite treat your child, but made in an unusual shape. For example, in the form of a hat, a dragon, a golden snitch, etc.

In addition, other dishes known from the famous Rowling book should be served on the table. pumpkin juice- the perfect addition to the party. Of course, it can be replaced with orange juice.

Chocolate frogs are a wonderful option. To prepare them, you can purchase special forms, melt chocolate, pour it into them and freeze.

Naturally, the pudding must also be prepared. Every kid will love this treat.

No holiday table is complete without butterbeer. To prepare it, you will need to melt a little toffee syrup and butter in the microwave (literally one minute), then add cream soda.

Fragrant beans "Bertie Boots" can be replaced with a variety of candies. In a word, show your imagination!


An important point. Each guest must receive an invitation in the style of Harry Potter. What can it be?

Friends can be invited to Hoggwarts very original way. Write the official text of the invitation on white paper in green ink. Put in a few spots of iced coffee or tea. Dry the paper, fold it and tie it with red ribbon. You can also seal with red wax, putting the letter "X" on the seal.

You can print invitations on your computer. To do this, you need a color printer. The Hogwarts icon can be easily found in any search engine. It is inserted in the upper right corner, where the address is written. The official invitation is printed at the bottom.

You can send letters to friends with an invitation to Hogwarts for the Owl Party. Instead of the guest's name, you can specify the name of one of the heroes of the book. For example: Dear Ron, etc. Make sure there are enough heroes for all the guests. Print out the images of the owls and glue them on top.

adult roles

For completing various tasks, the professor (adult) should reward the kids with Gryffindor points: 1, 5, 3, 10, 30 or 50. Warn them that points can be lost. In each game, they must be written down, and at the end of the party, they must be counted. Adults can also change into costumes. For example, mom can play the role of Professor McGonagall, and dad can play the role of Professor Snape.

Yes, and more. Do not forget to come up with an original greeting in the style of Harry Potter. Show your imagination. Praise the birthday person for his achievements for the next lived year. Reward an additional 100 points!

Harry Potter-style birthday contests involve quite unusual ones. In addition to the above quests and "lessons", you can do other things. For example, astronomy. Cut out printed planets and hide them throughout your home. Give the children ten minutes to look for them all.

The hit of the party can be creating your own spells. To do this, find a Latin dictionary and make a list of verbs and nouns for guests. They will have to include them in their spells. It was Latin that was used in the Potter books. Children will be able to practice with each other in duels. By the way, glowing wands can be used as magic wands.

There are also many good board games about the adventures of Harry Potter. If not only you, but also your guests have such games, ask them to take them with you.

Have the children prepare the potion. Take plenty of berries and sodas. The guests are divided into pairs and take a "cauldron" (large bowls). Now all the ingredients can be mixed. Dad, dressed as Snape, will try every potion he makes. 10 points are given for the first place, 5 - for the second, 3 - for the third. The remaining couples receive one point each.

You can also choose a crossword about Harry Potter for children. Or else make your own. This will give everyone even more pleasure.

And here's another great fun. Call it "Harry Potter robs bags." Fill the bags with a variety of items. Make a list of the following items: a pair of chocolate gold coins, a pair of trading cards, a pair of badges, a small toy dragon. At the end of the holiday, you can arrange a hunt for them. However, no matter what is on the list, children can take whatever they find with them.

Home decoration

What else will be required? What do you need to keep in mind when organizing a Harry Potter-themed birthday party? The design, of course, must be appropriate. Any special decorations, in principle, are not needed. Unless, of course, the party is dedicated to a specific theme. You can make various posters with your own hands, hang “pictures” around Hogwarts, pick up curtains to match the color of Gryffindor.

Prepare a place to watch TV. After the party is over, the kids can get some rest by watching one of the Harry movies.

If you're hosting a sleepover, turn your bedroom into a dorm. Decorate it with the colors of Gryffindor - gold and red, put extra beds, or lay sleeping bags on the floor.

After spending the night, as a rule, breakfast is also all together. Come up with something interesting. Decorate, for example, the kitchen, like Dumbledore's office, treat the children to pancakes with butter, discuss the last party.

A Harry Potter-style room should be furnished in a special way. Remember, he lived in a closet under the stairs. Create the right environment. Don't forget to include the soundtrack from the Potter movie. You can try to dress like your favorite characters.

A great offer - a game of Quidditch in the yard of a private house. Just don't forget to ask guests to bring brooms (maybe even brooms) with them. It is unlikely that you will find so many “sports equipment” at home. Each team consists of three hunters, two beaters, a keeper and a seeker. You can come up with many variations of this game. Just turn on your imagination.

Can be stuck on the ceiling big stars. Thus, the room will become similar to the Great Hall.

If you live in a private house and there is a swimming pool in the courtyard, you can arrange a Triwizard Tournament for children. In the pool, you can install a variety of barriers and obstacles. You can use your dog to play dragons. Let the kids try to catch it. Inflatable high walls are used to build a labyrinth.

And you can also arrange a real one. Warn the guests to come in chic costumes. Girls can do unusual makeup. It remains only to turn on the music louder and dance! You need to play both fast and slow songs. As well as the theme songs of Hogwarts. You will have a magnificent Christmas ball.

Guests can bring their own sticks with them. Or make them right at the party, as mentioned above. It is not necessary to use beads. You can stop at felt-tip pens and paints.


Give holiday guests some warnings. For example: clothing in the style of Harry Potter is welcome. Those who ignore this remark face terrible curses.

Dangerous spells can also be used against those guests who refuse to leave the party on time. This is a Harry Potter party, so anything can happen here.

Please note that disagreements may arise among the birthday guests. Let's say you decide to use the Gryffindor theme with the Harry Potter posters, in gold and red. However, among the guys, perhaps there will be Slytherin fans. To avoid contradictions, break the room into several sections. If you're planning a sleepover, do the same various sections for sleep.

Just try not to use anything dangerous. Don't let the children come back from the holiday injured. Make sure, for example, that nothing happens to the beaters during a game of Quidditch. Hit the ball gently and lightly.

In a word, if you want to please the child and his friends, a Harry Potter-themed birthday is exactly what you need. Children will be just happy, have a great time, have a lot of fun. For all fans of films and books about a little brave wizard - an ideal option. Kids will appreciate this gesture and will be very grateful to you. Have a nice holiday!
