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A Turkish proverb says: there are as many types of pilaf as there are cities in the Muslim world. We will cook beef pilaf.

Pilaf recipe on an induction cooker:

  • 500 gr. meat;
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 cup rice
  • 100 g vegetable oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of pilaf seasoning;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook pilaf on an induction cooker? Step by step recipe with photo:

Cut the meat into small pieces, carrots into strips, onions in half rings, wash the rice.

Steamed golden rice. I have a stove induction Electrolux with 14 heating modes + turbo. We put the oven on mode 14, put the pan, pour in the vegetable oil.

The oil immediately heated up, we lower the meat, fry, stirring, so as not to burn.

As the meat is browned, we lower the onion and continue stirring.

lowering the carrots

stir for a couple of minutes, decrease by 6 mode. Add rice, level,

and add hot water. Pour water 0.5 cm above the rice, no more. Salt, add seasoning.

We put the oven on mode 12, and let it boil for 10 minutes.

Then we switch to mode 5.

And it boils for 7 minutes.

Almost all of the water was absorbed into the rice. Mix the pilaf, put the garlic.

Close with a lid.

And put the oven on mode 2 for 10 minutes, then switch the oven to 1 and let it stand for 10 minutes. Switch off the oven. The pilaf remains on the stove. Let it stand for about 20 minutes. Well, that's all pilaf is ready, we serve it to the table.

The technology of cooking pilaf on a stove with burners.

Pour water into pilaf, as always. 1.5 fingers. As the pilaf boils, simmer over high heat for 6 minutes, then switch to medium heat, also simmer for 6 minutes. Stir, put the garlic, cover and turn off the burner. Let the pilaf stand for half an hour.

Our pilaf on an induction cooker is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe

As an addition, I suggest looking at delicious video pilaf recipe:

That's it for today. How do you like the recipe?

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Chefs working in the kitchens of catering establishments are already accustomed to cooking on electric (less often gas) stoves. They have long learned to take advantage of and, if possible, minimize the disadvantages of using these stoves.

However, today almost ideal induction technology is gaining more and more popularity. Electromagnetic induction cookers are the innovative future of the restaurant business. Why only restaurant? It's just that despite the fact that this phenomenon was discovered by Michael Faraday back in 1831, kitchen equipment using this technology remains to this day the most expensive... The price of a single-burner panel is about 150 thousand rubles.


In the USA, as well as in a number of European countries, induction cookers are actively equipping the kitchens of HoReCa segment establishments. This process has been going on for the last 20 years. In Russia, it is just being launched.

Of course it is expensive. But those owners who see a few steps ahead understand: spending today - tomorrow these expenses will pay off with interest.

The main difference an induction hob from a conventional electric glass-ceramic hob is based on the principle of heat generation. In a standard hotplate, heat is first transferred from the heating element to its surface. Then the bottom of the dishes heats up from it and only then the heat is transferred to the prepared product.

In an induction hob heating process is minimized... The heat is generated by a magnetic field generated from a copper coil and high frequency current. And it goes directly to the bottom of the dish. There are simply no heating elements and intermediate links. The heat from the bottom of the pot (pan) heats up the food. The temperature of the burner itself usually does not exceed 60 ºС and already in 6 minutes after turning it off it completely cools down. Whereas a gas burner will take 24 minutes to do this, and an electric one more than 50.

Hence the following advantage follows. Surrounding the air practically does not heat up... No matter how ideal kitchen ventilation is, any chef will tell you that the working temperature in a room is usually far from comfortable. By the way, in kitchens equipped with a line of induction equipment, you can save a lot just on the ventilation system. Professional ventilation is not a cheap pleasure. And its periodic cleaning (again professional) is another expense item.

Another advantage of the induction hob is wide range of heating power... It can range from 50 to 3500 watts. Moreover, it changes very smoothly with the help of a variety of cooking modes. For example, products are perfectly stewed at the minimum power (like on slow gas). But the maximum level is able to bring water to a boil much faster. gas stove... 1.5 liters boil in just 3.2 minutes.

It is interesting that with such a power drop heating accuracy provided to a degree. And this is another advantage of induction technology. The temperature change occurs instantly. If necessary, you can use the "booster" function. It allows you to transfer the power of one burner to another in a matter of minutes.

Other advantages of induction cookers include saving time, electricity and, as a result, money. First, the optimal mode is automatically selected. That is, only the bottom of the pan is heated, even if its diameter is smaller than the burner itself. Second, the system automatically adjusts previously set temperature... The programmed limit is instantly reached, and then it is maintained by turning the stove on and off. Thus, the preparation takes a minimum amount of time and significantly energy savings.

And the last two advantages are ease of maintenance and maximum safety... Since the stove practically does not heat up, it is impossible to burn anything on it. The whole cleaning process is reduced to periodically wiping the panel with a damp cloth. At the same time, the safety of the cooker is almost perfect. The hotplate will not turn on if there is an empty dish on it (without water or other food), if the diameter of the object is less than 12 cm (be it a fork or other small cutlery). Accordingly, it is impossible to get burned.


The main thing, as you already understood, is price... At a cost of a one-burner model of about 150 thousand rubles, purchasing the most optimal 6-8-burner unit will not only be expensive, but very expensive. Such a purchase is only possible for restaurants with a high price segment and establishments with author's cuisine.

Another disadvantage is the prohibition of installing induction cookers over conventional ovens, refrigerators and any devices with metal surfaces. These are the disadvantages of the electromagnetic field. If there is an acute issue with useful areathen such a problem can cause a serious dilemma.

Due to the electromagnetic field, heating on such stoves can only be special dishes with a bottom made of ferromagnetic alloy. When buying, it is easy to identify it by a special marker. It can be stainless steel, cast iron and even enameled. However, copper, brass, aluminum and thermal glass are useless in this case, since they are not suitable for induction.

A feature that can also be attributed to disadvantages is thin pan bottom... When boiling at even the lowest power, the effect of "intermittent boiling" is possible. But the problem is solved by buying a plate of a high price category (although much more expensive).

Another small drawback, again related to the so-called "inexpensive" models - light noisewhen operating at low power.


Among professionals, as usual, only high-quality imported equipment... Among the manufacturers of induction cookers, the leaders are Bartsher, Virtus, Mastro, Heidebrenner, Schooll (Germany), Electrolux, Bertos (Italy), Garland (USA).

IN last years manufacturers from Asia Better (China), Kocateq ( South Korea). And, it should be noted, they do it well. Their products are cheaper, but the quality and reliability are at the proper level. Given the already rather high cost of induction equipment, buyers often make a choice in favor of asian model.

In an effort to win the customer's trust, manufacturers are constantly improving induction technology. So, there were models on which you can cook on any metal utensils... And as a more economical option, you can purchase special liners for ordinary dishes. The electromagnetic field first heats it, and from the lining it goes to the bottom of the pot or pan.

For institutions with ethnic (oriental) cuisine, models have appeared in the range of induction cookers wok... They create the effect of cooking on a "live" fire due to high temperature... True, such plates also need appropriate dishes. For example, wok pans with a spherical bottom.

Other novelties include a mobile induction wok-cooker from the German company Heidebrenner (for catering), as well as a 4-burner induction hob-stool.

But the Whirlpool company went even further and launches a new eco-friendly induction oven... The technology is the same, but, according to the manufacturer, it can bring energy savings up to 30% compared to a conventional class A electric oven. Moreover, the cooking speed has also increased by almost 25%. The oven can gently stew food, fry (including grill), steam and bake.

It is not enough to purchase modern kitchen appliances for cooking, it is also important to learn how to operate it. Many have already appreciated the advantages of induction cookers, and most of the owners claim that they will not go back to old electric cookers, even with a glass-ceramic surface. And some are willing to sacrifice the savings they could have had they installed gas equipment (in homes where there is such an opportunity), and prefer induction cookers. Why is this kitchen appliance so popular among consumers, and how to use the induction hob correctly?

In comparison with gas and simple electric stoves, the considered type of equipment has the following advantages.

Induction hob connection

Connecting an induction-type hob requires certain knowledge and skills in electrical engineering. The choice of a place for installing the device is dictated by the following requirements:

  • installation of the slab is carried out on a flat floor / surface without distortions;
  • ventilation is provided, small gaps - the device should not overheat;
  • the plate must be grounded;
  • for connection, a cable with a cross section of 2.5mm² is used;
  • the section of wiring leading to the device must be copper;
  • the presence of an outlet near the place of the planned installation of the device;
  • household wiring must be suitable for the load level of the appliance in operation.

If the device is not supplied with a power cable, then you should purchase a power cord yourself, focusing on the characteristics of the device specified in the documentation. Consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

Induction hob connection cable

Attention! Errors at self installation induction cookers are fraught with breakdown and loss of warranty service for the device, as well as problems in household wiring.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a professional specialist about connecting an induction cooker.

Turn on and off order

An important aspect in the operation of an induction hob is the correct switching on and off of the device. Most modern models equipped with control panel... Activating the operation of such induction cookers consists of the following steps.

  1. The device is turned on by holding the "On / Off" button for several.
  2. The hob beeps and displays the control menu.
  3. Using the menu, the user needs to select a hotplate, set heating parameters and a cooking program.

Switching off the induction hob at the end of cooking is carried out using the control panel (item "Switch off"), if available. The appliance not equipped with a display is turned off with the "On / Off" button, which must be held down for a few seconds until the hob turns off.

Operating modes

The method of setting the heating power of the induction hob at different models is different. It can be:

  • touch buttons on the control panel with intuitive designations "+" and "-";
  • touch digital scale, with the help of which the degree of heating increase is carried out by swiping your finger to the right, and to reduce the power - to the left (slide control);
  • mechanical regulatorsclockwise to increase heat output and backward to decrease heat input.

In premium range cookers, the heating power of the hotplate is automatically adjusted using built-in sensors that determine the size of the pan.

The number of temperature gradations varies from 3-5 to 10 or more, depending on the class and equipment of the device.

Slider power control

For greater convenience in using an induction cooker, manufacturers equip devices with additional functions.

  1. Booster mode - transfer of energy from a free burner to a working one, which allows you to speed up the cooking process.
  2. Possibility of combining the powers of two adjacent burners when using oblong-shaped dishes such as ducklings.
  3. Cooking modes of various dishes programmed for certain parameters of time and temperature.
  4. Heating function left on the stove for a long time.
  5. Switching off the cooking zones automatically - emergency mode is triggered when liquid hits the working surface.

Some models have built-in cooking modes

Locking and unlocking surfaces

A convenient additional option is the ability to block the device from accidentally turning on the oven, changing settings by careless movements or children. When the lock mode is activated, the device does not respond to pressing the touch buttons on the control panel.

The mode is activated and deactivated by a 3-second hold key / lock pictogram buttons. The control panel should display a message stating that the lock mode is enabled / disabled. On some models, a key / padlock indicator appears instead of the lock option activation message.

To lock the panel, use a key in the form of a lock

The procedure for activating and removing protection against accidental clicks may differ from model to model. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully study the instructions for use of your particular induction hob.

Choosing cookware for an induction cooker

Cookware for induction cookers has special requirements. As with any electric stove, cookware should have thickened bottom at least 2-6 mm or, in relation to pans, a solid anti-deformation disc - this will help to avoid deformation under strong heating. In addition, the diameter of the bottom should not be less than 12 cm. It is possible to use the Turk on an induction hob only with a special adapter.

The bottom should be flat so that it fits as tightly as possible to the surface. Do not use pots and pans with a concave or damaged bottom. It is also better to abandon the utensils that were previously used on gas stoves.

Dishes must be made of ferromagnetic material - it is he who will allow her to react with copper coils.

To check whether the cookware is suitable for cooking on an induction hob, a special icon will help - a pictogram in the form of rounded zigzags or the inscription "induktion" on the bottom of the pan.

This is how the designation of cookware for an induction cooker looks like

In the absence of any signs, you can check the suitability of the dishes using an ordinary magnet.... If the bottom attracts him, then the dishes are suitable for induction. As suitable option protrudes - stainless steel, enameled and cast iron cookware.

Safety regulations

Induction hobs, in comparison with gas and conventional electric stoves, are considered less dangerous... The magnetic field created by a working stove is harmless to healthy people if you stay under its influence for no more than 3 hours. The surface of the appliance does not get hot, so you can put food in an empty space next to the boiling pot.

The surface of the appliance does not get hot

However, an induction-type cooker, like any electrical appliance, requires adherence to operating rules in order to avoid injury and damage.

  1. Remove the dishes with care, avoiding touching the heating zone to avoid burns, since the heat does not dissipate immediately. For the same reason, it is not recommended to leave the cookware unattended on the switched on burner, since if the contents evaporate completely, the pan overheats and you can get burned. It takes a short time to cool down the glass-ceramic surface.
  2. It is necessary to use special cookware that matches the diameter of the hotplate. Can not use pots with a deformed bottom.
  3. Do not allow moisture to enter the working surface of the stove.
  4. The surface of the device can only be cleaned after disconnecting from the power supply.
  5. It is contraindicated to be near a working induction cooker people with pacemakers.
  6. Observe typical precautions when working with electrical equipment.

How to care for an induction hob

As a rule, the surface of an induction hob is made of durable glass-ceramic material, it requires some maintenance.

  1. It is best to use a separate soft sponge to clean this surface.
  2. For stubborn dirt, purchase a special glass ceramic scraperbut not a metal washcloth.
  3. As detergent choose special for such a surface silicone based solutionsthat create a protective film. As a last resort, you can use liquid dishwashing detergent, but avoid using powdered formulations.
  4. After washing the surface, wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
  5. It is best to wash immediately if necessary hob after cooking.
  6. Do not allow sugar and salt to come into contact with the glass-ceramic surface. In case of contact with such loose substances, brush them off and wipe the surface.

An induction hob is a hob for cooking food that stays cold until cookware with a magnetic bottom is placed on it. It is absolutely safe and saves on electricity. How an induction cooker works and works, we will consider further.

How does an induction cooker work and how does it work?

The hob is usually made of glass ceramics or other dielectric and non-magnetic composite material. Under the surface of the induction hob are inductors made of metal with good electrical conductivity in the form of a cylinder. They look like this:

When an alternating current of high frequency begins to pass through the inductors, an alternating (pulsating) magnetic field arises. This field extends beyond the coil, including above the plate surface. If a material with magnetic properties (iron) appears on the slab, an alternating magnetic field excites a current in it. This current, passing through the conductor, experiences resistance to its movement, which heats the object on the stove.

This phenomenon (currents induced by a magnetic field in a material that has fallen into the zone of action of a magnetic field) is called electromagnetic induction (the effect was discovered by the British scientist Michael Faraday in 1831). Therefore, stoves whose work is based on this effect are called induction.

The induction cooker diagram is shown below:

The oscillation frequency of the magnetic field is between 20 and 60 kilohertz. The highest sound that an ordinary human ear can distinguish is 16 kilohertz. The efficiency of the induction hob is very high - from 80% to 90% depending on the model. This means that by getting the same dishes as on a regular stove, you will spend much less energy.

It should be noted that the surface of the stove itself during operation is heated not from the magnetic field, but only from the object on the stove. If you touch the stove during operation, the surface will be at room temperature. An exception is the area under the saucepan (frying pan). This area is heated from the bottom of the pan. But if you remove the dishes, the heating stops immediately (there is simply nothing to warm up), and the hob will cool down to ambient temperature in just a few seconds.

Induction cookers are much safer than any others - there is no risk of getting burned by carelessly putting your hand on the stove. It also reduces the likelihood of a fire - a rag or paper that gets on the hob will never ignite.

Even non-heat-resistant materials will not melt or catch fire on contact with the stove, including because even at high temperatures, after removing the kitchen utensils from the surface, their temperature drops very quickly. Therefore, a plastic bottle of infant formula or a disposable plate will never stick to the stove.

Each induction oven model has a built-in timer. With its help, you can both extremely accurately adjust the cooking mode, and simply limit the amount of energy spent on heating food. Many models have a "boil control" function, that is, a thermal sensor detects when the dish has reached a temperature of 100 degrees, the set time allows it to boil, after which the oven turns off.

The digital indicator on the control panel can indicate several parameters:

  • temperature for each hotplate (optional);
  • consumed power;
  • clock;
  • cooking time on each cooking zone.

In the event of an emergency shutdown of the oven, the indicator will also display relevant information on the sensor so that you do not get lost in guessing what happened.

There are models of hobs, where some of the burners are induction, and some are ordinary electric burners. All this is under the common glass-ceramic surface. If there are several induction cooking zones, they can work as one, together heating a large pan or a whole baking sheet, and the temperature is evenly distributed over the bottom of the container.

You can clearly see how an induction cooker works in the following video:

Induction hob features

What features are noted with such a plate arrangement, we highlight further:

  • There is no harm from cooking on such stoves and cannot be - neither during cooking, nor when eating food. This is due to the fact that there is no powerful radiation that affects the physicochemical composition of food.

It is still not worth approaching the top of the stove during operation - the effect of a rapidly fluctuating magnetic field on the human body is not well understood.

  • The manufacturability of the furnace is much higher than that of a conventional electric or gas oven... That is why induction furnaces are still more expensive.
  • One of the main positive aspects of the operation of such a stove is that there is absolutely no burning smell in your kitchen. A spiral, a case and a grate are heated on an electric stove (about the same with gas stove), and dust, oil and food particles get on all the heated parts, which are burned and give off the corresponding "aroma". And on "induction" there is simply nothing to burn.
  • Such ovens are equipped with temperature sensors that accurately maintain the set temperature regime... Thus, you can program the cooking process literally by the minute, which is impossible to achieve on a conventional gas or electric stove.
  • By using energy exclusively to raise and maintain the temperature of food, your kitchen maintains a comfortable atmosphere. During cooking, you do not overcome the heat and stuffiness, you do not need to turn on the air conditioner again.

  • Most induction ovens are controlled by touch. A simple set of a few buttons, however, gives you much more options than an electric or gas stove.
  • The oven may beep for you. If you set it up in a certain way, it will "call" you when the oil boils in the pan, or the kettle gets ready to whistle.
  • Almost all induction ovens are equipped with an additional emergency temperature sensor that monitors the surface temperature. When the temperature reaches, for example, 250 degrees Celsius, an automatic shutdown will occur. So you can not be afraid that you left the kettle on the stove on - smart electronics will back you up when all the water boils away.
  • Induction ovens are also distinguished by the fact that they maintain a given temperature much more accurately than in gas or electric stoves... This is because due to the absence of temperature disturbances for the thermoelement of the stove from gas flows or heating elements, its accuracy is much higher.
  • Can be placed directly on the surface during cooking kitchen towelsso that splashes of water and oil do not even fall on the hob;
  • Even if food particles fall or spill onto the stove during cooking, they will not burn and can be easily removed as they stop heating up.
  • If you put pots, pans and a kettle on all the burners at the same time, then the total power of the stove will be artificially reduced in order to reduce the load on the electronics in the stove and on the wiring in your house. This is a programmed function. For example, the total power of the stove is 3 kilowatts. But if you use all the burners, only 2.5 kilowatts will be consumed.

You can learn about the features, pros and cons of an induction cooker from the following video:

It is better to connect the induction hob with a separate cable from the electrical panel so that there are no problems with the wiring. Grounding is an integral part of the correct connection of the induction hob.

Where to install?

A huge plus of the induction hob is that it can be built into almost any place on the surface of the kitchen countertop, if only there is enough space. However, there are some points to keep in mind:

  1. It is undesirable that near such a furnace were close metal pipes, corners or other conductive structures are not dangerous, but they can adversely affect the operation of the oven.
  2. There must be enough space for ventilation, as the electronics inside the induction coil requires good cooling.
  3. It is not necessary to compact the location of all kitchen units too much. An induction oven saves a lot of space, but you shouldn't place it closer than 50 centimeters from a refrigerator, microwave oven and other electrical appliances. It's not even about the metal walls. The mutual influence of magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation and high temperatures can be unpredictable.

After installation, it is undesirable to leave the glass-ceramic coating without maintenance. For him, it is better to buy a special product containing silicone. This will give your stove an exquisite shine and a well-groomed look.

Which cookware should I choose for cooking on an induction hob?

An induction oven will simply not turn on and start the heating process if an item of kitchen utensils is placed on it:

  • is not a current conductor;
  • is too good a conductor;
  • has a diameter of less than 12 centimeters (about 5 inches);
  • has a temperature above a certain maximum (usually 100 degrees Celsius).

A complex of magnetic field and temperature sensors is responsible for the above conditions. The electronics even know how to regulate the power, which is distributed depending on the size of the dishes. As a result, you save electricity again.

It should be understood that any materials containing ferromagnets can be heated on an induction hob, even if the materials themselves are not magnetic. For example, stainless steel or cast iron do not have pronounced magnetic properties, but they still contain iron - the material that gave the name to the property "ferromagnet". Therefore, both stainless steel and cast iron are perfectly heated under the influence of eddy currents in an induction furnace.

On specialized cookware for induction heating, they put a special sign - several vertical loops and an inscription « Induction».

They are usually made from "white" cast iron.

The bottom of the vessel for heating by magnetic fields must be iron-containing - cast iron, steel or stainless. The bottom must be at least 2 millimeters thick. Expensive and high-quality products have a bottom about a centimeter thick and some innovative non-stick coating (for example, titanium-ceramic).

For containers with too small a bottom (Turks, saucepans), there are special iron supports-circles, which are perfectly heated on an induction furnace and transfer heat to small containers.

Ordinary enamelled iron containers are also quite suitable, although if the bottom is thin and concave, they can make unpleasant sounds. But due to the very rapid heating of the container, you will not have to endure these sounds for long.

In general, the main sign of suitability for an increase in temperature from fluctuations in a magnetic field is this: if a magnet is attracted to a dish, such dish is good, if it does not attract, it is not good.

Some non-specialized cookware may not heat up evenly. For example, the center of the frying pan may be hot, while the temperature at the walls will be fifty degrees lower. This can only be fixed by replacing the dishes.

Another disadvantage of ordinary dishes is a damaged or loose bottom. A frying pan covered with a layer of carbon from the bottom after a gas oven, when used on an induction hob, begins to emit unpleasant odors, sounds and even blows smoke, because now the temperature is rising not outside, but from the inside. In addition, a deformed bottom can scratch the surface of the slab.

Naturally, cookware made of glass, ceramics, plastic, and other materials that do not contain metals are not suitable for induction ovens. Also, copper, aluminum and other kitchen utensils made of materials that are well conductive are not suitable electricity... The fact is that for rapid heating by magnetic fields, it is required that the conductor be bad. Then the eddy currents, experiencing great resistance, cause the dishes to heat up, and the resistance increases even more from the increased temperature.

What should not be done with an induction oven?

In order not to cause malfunctions on your own, such hob, it is worth considering the following restrictions:

  • Do not work with an induction cooker for those with a built-in pacemaker, since the magnetic field can negatively affect the implant. At a distance of half a meter from the slab, the field is almost indistinguishable, but it is better not to risk it.
  • Do not allow credit cards, documents or other objects to come into contact with the magnetic field of the induction cooker. The same applies to mobile cards, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
  • Do not use aluminum foil - it gets too hot under the influence of induction currents and can provoke a fire. The same applies to foil packaging - chocolate bars, sweets, milk bags, other similar items, including decorative foil ribbons for gifts, balloons, and so on.

Why does not it work?

If the induction cooker does not work at all, you can find the cause of the breakdown as follows:

  1. Check the power cord. Most often, it breaks at the stove body or at the outlet. If, when moving the cord, the contact appears and disappears - the problem is localized, the cord must be repaired.
  2. Try to unplug the plug and plug it into a different outlet - perhaps this is the problem.
  3. Make sure the cooker power button on the back of the cooker is depressed (close to where the power cord comes in). Sometimes children or pets manage to press it and unplug the oven.

If everything is fine outside, you will have to open the countertop. First, just inspect the filling of the stove visually - whether any clearly unusual places are invisible. Here we check:

  • fuse;
  • terminals and wire connections (you can tighten the screws tighter, just for prevention);
  • diode bridge;
  • power transistor;
  • power transformer.

After that, it remains to check the controller microcircuit and transistors through which the controller signals go. If checking all of the above elements does not reveal the cause of the problem, you will have to contact a specialized workshop.

In order not to have an unnecessary headache with the repair of expensive equipment, install in advance an overvoltage protection device and connect the equipment through it.

Video: Induction cooker versus gas and electric

The following video demonstrates in a practical way which type of plate is better:

Induction hobs and surfaces are almost ideal cooking appliances. They are safe, economical, beautiful, convenient, compact, and also widely adjustable. Food is prepared and heated very quickly. In order for it to last a long time, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the installation, operation and maintenance.

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In absolutely every kitchen there is a stove, gas, electric or induction. This is an indispensable element of kitchen equipment on which we prepare food. Today we will tell you about induction cookers - how to use them, what features of cooking with it, what products are most suitable for caring for it.

Device and principle of operation

Induction cookers are the latest development kitchen appliances, associated with the trends of saving natural resources and increasing the useful space in the kitchen. Induction panels work due to the force of eddy induction currents, which occur under the influence of high-frequency magnetic fields with frequencies ranging from 20 to 100 kHz.

Using an induction cooker is even easier than using a gas cooker, you just need to turn the power knob and the panel starts working.

You regulate the heating power using a toggle switch or a touch panel, depending on your model. Induction hobs are often equipped with a control panel with a large number of pre-built programs, making it as easy to use as possible. Of the features of the use of induction cookers, one can single out the need to select suitable cookware for cooking - the material from which it is made, the size of the cookware, ease of cleaning the surface of the cooker and a very important function of blocking from children.

How to turn it on and off?

To start using the panel, you need to activate it as follows:

  • you need to hold the "Power on" button for several seconds;
  • when the panel is turned on, it will emit a characteristic sound signal and a menu will appear on the control panel;
  • for further use you choose a hotplate, set the required heating power or choose a suitable program;
  • the panel is ready for cooking.

For the subsequent shutdown after cooking, you must either select the shutdown item on the touch control panel or, if such is not provided, press the “Power on” button again for a few seconds until the touch panel is turned off - as the main visible indicator of the equipment turned on.

Some models have a touch panel lock function. After cooking, you just need to activate the panel lock and the stove cannot be accidentally started until you unlock it through the control panel, which will protect yourself, children who are so much interested in everything unknown to them, and pets, because they sometimes like to relax on horizontal surfaces (many beloved cats).

Well, in addition to this, after activating the lock, there is no need to turn off the stove if you are at home

How to cook on it?

For induction cookers, special dishes with a thick bottom made of ferromagnetic materials are used. These requirements are due to the physical principles by which the product operates. Eddy currents, which create a thermal effect on the surface of the cookware, most noticeably have their effect on products made of ferromagnetic alloys. In simple terms, this can be described so that induction-type cookers or hobs are most effective at heating dishes made of cast iron, stainless steel or other types of steel used in the food industry.

If you want to use your usual dishes and not buy specialized utensils, a device created to deceive the induction heating system - a special disk - will come to your aid. It is made of the same ferromagnetic material that you put on the induction hob, and on top of it place any utensils (glass, aluminum, etc.). It turns out that the disc, when heated, transfers thermal energy to the surface of the dishes, heats it up in the same way and maintains the required temperature for cooking.

There is a small "life hack" how to check if your cookware is suitable for use with an induction hob - take a regular magnet and bring it to the surface of the cookware, if there is a magnetic attraction force - your cookware fits.

In principle, it is much easier to cook your favorite dish on an induction cooker - cook soups, stew vegetables, fry pancakes or pancakes, you can make coffee or make pilaf in your favorite Turk. All this will be easier, since the induction cooker, with the help of power adjustment, works strictly according to the selected mode or program laid there or selected by you. Errors not in modes do not exceed 1 ° C. The cookers have a very convenient keeping warm function. It allows you to keep the prepared food warm for a long time.

This option is very useful when cooking several dishes in turn and has received great feedback from users.

Care rules

Simplicity of maintenance is considered a significant advantage of induction cookers, but despite this simplicity, not only the visual state of the cooker depends on its care, but also the operation of your induction cooker directly depends on the care of its work surface. Absence or improper care of the working surface of the stove very often causes equipment breakdowns. The operating rules clearly state the basic rules for caring for an induction hob and its surface.

When buying, you should not only read the instructions, but also carefully follow what is written in it, if, of course, you want your stove to please you with its work for a long time.

In fact, it is extremely easy to care for an induction hob, there are such basic conditions for caring for them as:

  • use cookware made of the recommended ferromagnetic materials, try not to use cookware of poor quality, which can scratch the surface; if you use dishes made of materials that are not suitable for use, use the special adapter described above;
  • try to avoid scratches on the working surface as much as possible, they not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the surface, but also threaten to disrupt the operation of the stove, it is almost impossible to remove scratches from glass-ceramic surfaces;
  • it is possible to clean the surface of the induction cooker only when it is completely cooled down, otherwise you can get cracks on the glass-ceramic surface or chips;
  • any kind of contamination must be removed as quickly as possible with special care, the operation of the equipment directly depends on this;
  • to clean the surfaces of such plates, it is necessary to use only liquid products, which are completely free of hard abrasive particles; cleaning should be done only with soft cloth; it may seem to you that it will not be possible to clean carbon deposits or other household contaminants with household liquid detergents, do not worry - it is very easy to wash foreign materials from glass ceramics;
  • when using an induction hob at home, remember that when cleaning the surface, in no case should you use brushes, scrapers, sponges made of hard material, which can leave small scratches or chips on the surface;
  • after cleaning the stove, it must be wiped with a dry soft cloth or sponge to remove any damp residues and stains, this will not only give a chic perfect shine to the work surface, but also remove possible residues of detergent from the surface, which is unknown how it might react when heated.

Important! You can buy a special liquid cleaner for the glass ceramic surfaces of induction hobs.

When applied, it not only removes dirt, but also creates a thin and transparent protective layer on the surface of the board.

Safety engineering

There are many rules for the safe operation of induction cookers, among which the following should be noted:

  • equipment connection must be carried out by a person with special knowledge, who will correctly connect the stove;
  • the ventilation holes of the stove, through which the ventilation of the inner space of the stove is carried out, must not be closed to ensure the normal operation of the equipment;
  • prevent moisture from entering the working space of the plate;
  • cleaning and maintenance of the induction cooker is necessary only after it is completely disconnected from the electrical network.

The installation of an induction hob can be above the oven. Electromagnetic waves emitted by the stove propagate no more than 3 cm from the source. If during installation the distance between the installed oven and the stove is more than this, you have nothing to fear.

For additional protection, some manufacturers install a special heat sink that isolates heat transfer to objects below the induction panel, which allows safe operation.

As with any other type of stove, you need to install an extractor hood in your kitchen. It will remove excess odors from the cooking process. This question really interests many. But everywhere you will find the same answer - there are no special exhaust systems for induction cookers. And also they do not interact with each other in any way, you will launch each of them separately.
