Plants and stones are perfectly combined with each other, so it is worth allocating a small corner in your garden for rock garden. Some plants for the alpine slide, photos and their names, you will see in this article. Our selection will help you make the slide original and bright, it will the best decoration the entire area.

Do-it-yourself slide design (photo and diagram)

First of all, you should mark the contours of the future rock garden, remove weeds and sod. After that, inside these contours, you need to create a small recess in the ground and form the entire volume of the future rock garden. For this, not only large stones are used, but also crushed stone, construction waste, gravel. First, the largest stones are laid, then small ones, covered with sand and soil.

When the soil layer settles, you need to fill all the recesses with the same soil, then additionally spread out a 20-centimeter layer of earth, your plants will grow on it. After that, all the remaining decorative stones are laid.

The finished hill is watered, the whole structure costs two to three weeks, or more, all this time you need to actively weed out. After that, they select plants for the alpine slide, look at the photos, write out the names of the varieties they like and purchase them in specialized stores. All plants are planted either in spring or early autumn, usually September. Planting time depends on what time you manage to prepare the basis for the rock garden.

Criteria for choosing plants for an alpine slide

Ornamental plants for the slide are selected according to certain rules, they are not difficult, you can master this simple science on your own. Above you see a photo - the design of an alpine slide with your own hands. The traditional classic approach provides for the presence on the hill perennials that grow wild in the highlands. These are undersized specimens, which have a small and compact bush, undemanding to soils and the presence of moisture. As a rule, these species are winter-hardy, they are resistant to gusts of wind. Examples include plants such as dryad, awl-leaved phlox, thyme (both creeping and common, as well as alpine sapling. You will also see some flowers for the alpine slide later in the article.

Almost always on the hills there are undersized conifers, sometimes low deciduous, among which it is better to choose slowly growing varieties. Among the deciduous on the alpine hills look good:

  • a low-growing variety of barberry, the fruits of which and colored bright leaves adorn the hill until late autumn;
  • Japanese low quince;
  • some varieties of cotoneaster.

Together with decorative stones they form the basis of the whole composition. However, recently on the alpine hill you can also meet annuals, which have a long flowering period, steppe grasses and bulbous. The latter are very enliven slides in the spring and delight flower growers. It can be crocuses, snowdrops and lilies of the valley, decorative bow and a daffodil undersized varieties tulips and cyclamens.

The most popular flowers for an alpine slide

We bring to your attention some names and photos of popular plants for an alpine slide (flowers are perennials).


Iberis looks very good at the top of the hill, there are varieties that do not grow more than 10 centimeters in height. The plant blooms profusely with snow-white curtains in late spring or early summer.


Famous mountain flower, sung in literature in the wild, grows on depleted soils of rocks. Such a plant on an alpine hill is the pride of the grower, especially since it is listed in the Red Book. However, it is quite possible to grow this flower on your own from regular seeds, and then propagate in the usual way (seedlings).

Edelweiss is sun-loving and does not tolerate shading, as in the wild these plants grow on mountaintops. For better growth exotic flower, you need to make a special depleted soil mixture with fine-grained sand and small pebbles.

So, when choosing perennial flowers for an alpine slide, you cannot ignore this beautiful specimen, which, moreover, can grow in one place for up to 20 years.

Young (stone rose)

This plant is similar to rosettes, which consist of fleshy thick leaves of various sizes and shapes. Different varieties differ in their colors. There are many species and varieties among perennial flowers for an alpine slide, rosettes are burgundy and silvery green, you can choose several different specimens at once. An unpretentious plant can adapt to any living conditions and take the most uncomfortable place, including the gaps between the stones, which is ideal for an alpine slide.

Armeria maritime

This plant is not afraid of either cold or drought, but does not like waterlogging. Small bushes can release ten flower stalks at once, which have spherical inflorescences. Armeria is also good because it blooms for a very long time, practically all summer, but we must not forget to remove the old inflorescences, otherwise it will wither.


Perennial carnations are very good on an alpine hill, by the way, in the wild they grow well in the mountains. This is probably why carnations of all perennial flowers for alpine hills are the most popular. There are many suitable varieties, for example, grass, short-stemmed carnation, gray-gray, and also grayish-blue, which you go to in the photo above. Carnations are in full bloom summer season bright flowers, moreover exude a pleasant spicy aroma.

Ephedra - the basis of the alpine hill

First of all, I would like to highlight the most showy plants, for example, there is a dwarf variety of Norwegian spruce, it grows even in pots, and this is a real gem on an alpine hill. The weeping fir is also amazingly beautiful, it is dark green with a yellow tint, and its long branches bend down to the ground.

When creating an alpine slide, a mistake is often made: simply cut trees of traditional tall conifers are used. If you carefully consider the photo on the design of the alpine slide with your own hands, then you will notice that there are only varieties dwarf plants. All plants that should be big in the wild will try to be big.

Here are some types and varieties of dwarf conifers:

  1. Nevaki - Japanese pine, which belongs to real bonsai, naturally dwarf. One of the varieties is pictured above. If you cut it, it will take any shape.
  2. Pine Nana, very fluffy dark green.
  3. Panderose pine, also very fluffy with huge needles, grows even without shelter, although it comes from warm places.
  4. Velda is a creeping type of pine, shoots grow only horizontally. It must be trimmed, otherwise it will take three meters in a circle.

You can’t forget about creeping varieties, they are indispensable on alpine slides.

So, if you want to create a truly spectacular slide, then look at the photo of flowers for the alpine slide, remember the names of the plants that you like and go ahead! You can create an alpine slide with your own hands without serious financial or time expenses, and it will not take up much space. The very process of its creation is very interesting, and the result exceeds all the wildest expectations.

What plants are needed for an alpine slide - video

Currently, alpine slides have become increasingly popular. Customers can choose from a wide variety of plants. You can create such an art object yourself or by ordering it from a landscape design company.

What plants are suitable for an alpine slide?

You need to select plants for rock garden guided by your own taste and imagination, but taking into account the general style and location on the site.

There are a few basic rules to follow:

  1. It is important to take into account aspects such as:
    • Climate;
    • soil type;
    • Humidity of soil and air.
  2. Initially, you need to draw up a diagram and carefully consider the location of each type of plant. Lighting is an important aspect. Plants may not tolerate full sun or shade;
  3. Another fact that will play a significant role is the size of the plants. It should be calculated according to the size of the rock garden;
  4. It is important to remember that alpine slides are not made up of plants alone. They should not only be “diluted” with stones of various kinds and sizes, but it is also possible to equip a waterfall, a pond, etc.;
  5. You can not "overdo it" with the number of flowers, as an incorrectly calculated number of plants can lead to the fact that one species can crowd out the others if it grows too wide.

Brighter specimens are given more attention. They should be planted more apart.

  • Mini spruce;
  • firs;
  • Pines;
  • Juniper;
  • Larch;
  • Trees and shrubs "mini" size;
  • Other types of ground cover plants and perennials.

List of plants for the alpine slide

List of plants for correct device alpine slides can be composed as follows:

  1. perennials;
  2. Coniferous;
  3. Evergreens;
  4. Shade-tolerant;
  5. creeping;
  6. Creeping;
  7. Ground cover.

Among perennial plants, there are several main and most popular species:

  1. Flowers:
  2. Aubienta hybrid;
  3. Edelweiss alpine;
  4. Phlox subulate, etc.
  5. bulbous flowers:
    • Tulip late;
  6. corydalis;
  7. Hyacinth;
  8. Colchicum, etc.

Of the coniferous specimens most often used:

  1. Dwarf conifers:
  2. Black pine "Nana";
  3. Canadian spruce "Conica";
  4. Dwarf coniferous shrubs:
  5. Juniper horizontal "Blue Chip";
  6. Juniper horizontal "Golden Carper";
  7. Juniper Chinese "Expansa Variegata;
  8. Thuja western "Danica", etc.

Among the evergreens, the most popular are:

  • Saxifrage apiculata, etc.

When choosing shade-tolerant specimens, you should pay attention to:

Among creeping and creeping plants it is better to give preference to:

  • Thyme downy-woolly;
  • Lemon-smelling thyme, etc.

The most popular ground covers include:

  • Ayuga.

Alpine slide plants, photos and names


  1. Plants for an alpine slide

  2. Conifers:

  3. Evergreens:

  4. Shade-tolerant:

  5. Creeping and creeping:

  6. Ground covers:

Flowers for the Alpine slide, names and photos

Prices for plants for alpine slides

To find out exactly what the final cost of the alpine slide device will be, you need:

  • Draw up a project that includes the size of the rock garden and the exact name and number of plants. Such a project can be ordered by professionals. This will cost you an average of 1000 rubles. If you decide to make a 3D visualization, then you will additionally have to pay another 1,500 rubles or more. In addition, here you also need to add the cost of a specialist’s visit to the facility - from 250 rubles for each km and 300 rubles for measuring each hundred square meters;
  • Prepare the area. By doing it yourself, you can save money, but the workers will charge you from 300 rubles for each remote stump, 100 rubles for 1 square meter of layout;
  • Make your own hill. The company takes an average of 2,500 rubles per square meter, and when planting coniferous or deciduous trees you will have to pay approximately 20% of the cost of each.
  • If there is a reservoir, then for its design it will be necessary to pay 250 rubles or more for each square, and its installation will cost about 2500 rubles per square meter.

Location on country house or giving an alpine hill looks like a stone paradise. It stands out against the background of the general landscape design and pleases with bright shades and texture of flowers. There is an opinion that the alpine slide is created only by designers and cannot be done by yourself.

In practice, this is nonsense. You are looking for information about the composition of the soil, the shape of stones and other details in advance. Stock up on the right ingredients and make a list of plants that you want to see in your area. And as planned, you begin to plant an alpine hill with them. Consider the climatic nuances and characteristics of each plant species.

What plants are suitable for an alpine slide photo and name can be seen below. If this is not enough, look at the forums of gardeners, landscape designer, sites about plants. The desired option will be found quickly.

To create an alpine slide, choose plants that do not grow much in height. They will not only be easy to care for. They will not shade each other's light. Designers divide undersized plants into several subgroups. The plants in them are similar in terms of the principle of care and in some respects. appearance.

They got their name due to the ability to grow very quickly and occupy an area. If you do not follow this, carpet flowers will quickly take up all the free space. Basically, they are simply cut off so that they do not grow. In this case, the shoots are not completely removed. The job is like mowing the lawn.

Be careful with plants that reproduce by tendrils and root systems. When plants with tendrils ( , alpine strawberry, and others), have grown too much, the extra antennae are completely removed from the mother specimen.

And yet, plants with tendrils are not as harmful as those that reproduce by the root system (St. John's wort, yarrow (trees), alpine liana). The roots grow imperceptibly for you underground, and after a while this type of plant will occupy the entire rock garden. It will be possible to get rid of it only with the help of a complete re-equipment of the alpine slide or a thorough weeding of the earth.

Carpet plants should be cared for with care. Eg, where plants with a root type of growth grow, care must be taken not to damage the plant. It is impossible to plant saxifrages and sedums near carpet, bulbous plants.

The bottom line is that in the process of life they secrete harmful substances and toxic decay products of useful substances. The soil next to them becomes unsuitable for the growth of other plants. At the same time, saxifrages and sedums feel great in such conditions.

Different types of carpet plants rarely get along close to each other. Some gardeners are sure that they will merge into a beautiful spot and are planning an alpine slide with an emphasis on this. In practice, carpet plant species grow poorly together and compete in every possible way for every piece of soil.

Choose types of plants that will bloom at different times. It is easier to combine different varieties with each other and , your rock garden will be bright throughout the warm season.

Tuberous and bulbous plant species

They are beautiful because they bloom in spring and autumn. Choose types of plants that will bloom at different times. For example, crocus "Kogi" and crocus "Beautiful" will please with their color in the fall. Ordinary crocuses, tulips, daffodils bloom in spring.

It is better to combine plants with bulbs with carpet plants. But, plant them far away from each other. As mentioned above, some carpet plants release substances harmful to bulbous flowers into the soil.

When planting plants, consider the needs of each species and select best options. On an alpine hill you can never cover bulbous plants film. Every year the bulb shoots in different places and it's hard to guess where it will go this time. In addition, the bulbs can rot from the created greenhouse effect.

One of the most beautiful views plants for the alpine slide. There are dozens of them. The interest is that the flowers are beautiful, tolerate the neighborhood well and reproduce well vegetatively. At the same time, these flowers are demanding to care for and have different period flowering.

For an alpine slide, choose types of flowers that will bloom for a long time. For example, a variety such as Molodilo will die immediately after it blooms. These plants are beautiful, but they are a lot of work. Each time, the dead elements will need to be replaced with new plants.

How to choose a variety, what are the plants for the alpine slide photos and names, we will consider, sorting into groups below.

How to choose a plant variety for rock garden?

Dozens of different plants can fit into your alpine slide and grow actively there. Think in advance how much time you are willing to devote to caring for a stone garden? Already, based on these data, you can begin to select options. Plants can be annuals or perennials.

In the first case, you will need to plant or sow flowers every spring, wait for them to grow, give them time. Sometimes, because of the time costs, you don’t even want a beautiful garden. Perennials in this case are easier. They were planted once and the plants grow up to 7 years in one place. You will need to feed them, weed and monitor watering.

Perennial plants in the area

Many landscape designers tend to think that the garden should be natural. Plants are selected that are similar to those types of flowers that grow in nature. They naturally cover the slide and give it a well-groomed appearance. In addition to these varieties of flowers, there are dozens of beautiful , and they will also fit into the alpine hill. To create a beautiful garden, it is not necessary to follow the advice of eminent landscape designers.

Plants for one year

Annual flowers feel great among the stones. They need other conditions for development and life. When choosing flowers for one year, sort them by the color of the shoots and inflorescences, by the height of the plants. With the help of these colors, you can create whole compositions. Lobularia and alyssums look interesting on the alpine hill. In general, annual plants will suit you if you want to grow every year. the new kind alpine hill.

When creating an alpine slide, a special film or plastic containers are used. When the plant does not scatter underground shoots, it is planted in a film, cutting small holes for each unit. Thus, bulbous and rosette plants can be planted. Sometimes ivy is planted in this way, coniferous plants, phloxes.

Flowers with a root method of reproduction usually grow strongly and throughout the territory. Here they act cunningly: a cut is made crosswise in the film, a plastic container is inserted into it, which has no bottom, and flowers are planted in it. Thus, the plant cannot spread further than its capacity will allow, but it receives enough nutrients.

It’s easier not to take a container with a bottom. The plant will grow in pots with a bottom, but there will be no such contact with the ground. You will have to water the flowers more often than usual. This is not always possible, because you can be away from home for several days or weeks.

When planning an alpine slide, select plants and planting patterns in such a way that you can live freely and preserve the beauty of your garden.

Types of plants and flowers for the alpine slide

What are the plants for the alpine slide photos and names will be in this section. Additionally, you can find the necessary information on the forums of flower lovers and summer residents. Choose the best options for your stone garden.

A plant of small stature that grows in cover. They can perfectly close bare areas in an alpine hill. The plant blooms in purple, blue or white. The aroma of this rug spreads throughout the garden. The interest lies in the fact that you can make delicious tea with a pleasant aroma from thyme.

In the last century, this plant was harvested for the winter and consumed in the form of hot drinks. Those who took such tea had less flu and SARS. Thyme blooms in summer and until autumn. It is unpretentious, because in the natural conditions of nature it grows in forests on the edge, in fields, in meadows. The difference between the soil of such plots is enormous. Thyme almost does not need fertilizer.

Another plant that grows with a rug. There are folk songs about these flowers. It blooms, blue in color, and creates a dense carpet. Its green leaves with a matte sheen and small flowers of blue color. This plant grows and blooms equally well, both in the sun and in the shade.

Will close everything empty seats between the main plants. It will delight with its color from late spring to early autumn. If the autumn is warm, then it will be possible to see periwinkle flowers in early October.

The plant is perennial, adapted to the domestic climate. Handles frost well. About 12 species of this flower are used in landscape design. The most popular varieties of Armeria are soddy, Siberian, prickly and others.

The plant can be planted in small groups. With its help, not only rock gardens are created, but also stone gardens, beautiful flower beds. Armeria gets along well with plants that form a carpet or crawl. It can be planted next to thyme, ivy, creeping violet, stone quarries and others of this kind. Armetria blooms almost the entire season, which is convenient for creating an alpine slide.

It is also called the wolfberry. The plant has a lush crown, blooms profusely, and grows low. There are about 10 species of this flower. They differ in the shade of inflorescences, the shape and size of the crown, the period of color. Wolfberry smells good and can be a great addition to an alpine hill.

In addition, the wolfberry is grown in tubs and pots that are in greenhouses. It can easily grow in a flower bed or on a lawn. It is worth remembering that the juice and berries of this plant are poisonous. He must be kept away from children, who are always overly curious.

The plant is able to grow in a continuous carpet, in small groups, looks great in a set with other plants. Gentian tolerates the Russian winter well. Blooms in spring, deep blue. Landscapers love this plant for its long color life and ease of care.

Gentian can easily grow in places where there is not much sun. To create alpine slides, spring or stemless gentian is most often chosen. There is a demand for hybrids of these varieties.

This type of plant can save any alpine slide. Flowers grow on any soil up to stones. They close the most ugly, bumpy areas on the site, where other flowers simply will not survive. They can grow both in a rug and in small groups.

Each plant has its own rosette and small, dense leaves. The saxifrage blooms in spring. Its flowers can be pink, blue or golden. The neighbors of this flower can be muscari, sedums, dwarf irises and other plants that do not provide much shade.

An interesting plant for alpine slides and decoration garden paths. The flower is tenacious, well survives frost, adverse conditions. If you step on him, then nothing will happen to him. Cat's paws are planted in places of high traffic, for decoration. rocky areas, planted between the plates.

The plant grows low, only 10 centimeters in length. But in width it grows up to 45 centimeters. Cat's paws bloom in spring, delicate small flowers.

Blooms almost as soon as the snow melts. This plant will be the first to please your eyes in the spring. The flower is not afraid of frost, is almost not damaged by pests and does not get sick. Plant care is simple, it is enough to water regularly and get rid of weeds in time.

Alpine hill will look bright and juicy. In addition, the corydalis has high. Bees will be frequent guests in your garden. Corydalis is grown for the reason that it reproduces itself and it is easy to grow it.

The plant has another name - Cyclamen. Actively growing in composition with other flowers on an alpine hill. The plant will feel comfortable among bushes, stones and high flowers. Dryakva does not freeze in winter, is not afraid to grow in the shade. All you need to care for her is watering and regular weeding.

It grows well next to colchicum, crocuses, snowdrops and other bulbs and flowers.

Viola or violet for an alpine slide photo

Grows in small bushes. Each of them has a height of about 22 centimeters, a bush diameter of 5-10 centimeters. The flowering period of this plant stretches for the whole season. You will admire the violet from May to September.

In care, the plant is not whimsical, loves a bright area, but without the scorching sun. Water the plant according to the schedule. Violet tolerates very wet soil poorly and rots. There are about 8 types of violets for alpine hills. You can plant one species or combine several varieties.

Plan an alpine slide first on paper, select elements and plant varieties. Imagine already ready garden plot. How should it look? What flowers would you like to see on it? Try to keep the garden in bloom all season.

At the same time, plant care doesn't have to be complicated. Spending a lot of time working in the garden, today not everyone can afford. Once you understand what your site will be like, choosing plants will be easier. You can buy the necessary seedlings, seeds and layering at any flower shop in your city.

Alpine slide video

The stony composition, symbolizing a mountain peak, decorated with spectacular flowering plants, has a special decorative appeal. This type of flower garden serves not only as a decoration for a backyard or suburban area, but also gives everything landscape design special individuality, sophistication and naturalness. And if during the construction of a rock garden you were required to have certain knowledge in the field of design and construction, then when choosing plants for an alpine slide, try to show a sense of style and artistic taste. Knowledge in the field of floriculture will also be needed, because the choice must be made from plants that are characteristic of the subalpine and alpine belt, as well as from plants adapted to development in rocky and stony rocks.

Considering one more important feature- tiered planting of green spaces, the publication suggests not only the names of plants for the alpine hill, but also given short description most suitable species and varieties. In addition, the features of planting and caring for a flower garden throughout the season are considered.

The defining feature of this type of flower garden is not only the presence of large stones and the recreation of a mountain composition, but also the fact that it consists of mixed types of green spaces and is created for a long period. And if in case not quite good choice, any species of flowering perennials, it can be replaced without any problems, then the selection of tree, coniferous and shrub species must be approached especially thoughtfully and carefully. Searching for ready-made solutions on the Internet is ineffective, despite the abundance of colorful photographs of attractive alpine slides. When creating an artistic composition, it is important to take into account a number of factors that are typical only for your flower garden - the climatic conditions of the area, the illumination, the size and location of the stones, the number of tiers, etc.

  1. the dimensions of the selected views. The size of the rock garden and green spaces should be in proportion to each other, pay attention to compact and undersized species;
  2. quantity and colors. Do not get carried away by the number of planted species and the variety of flowers, try to preserve the natural naturalness and attractiveness. To avoid excessive variegation, carefully experiment with a combination of colors;
  3. need for care. Considering certain inconveniences of flower garden maintenance (height, hard-to-reach places), it is desirable to choose types of green spaces that are undemanding in care;
  4. correspondence climatic conditions. It is recommended to make a choice from those flowering plants that are most adapted to the given conditions of the area;
  5. flowering period. The difference between the periods of the beginning and end of flowering will provide your flower garden with attractiveness and originality throughout the season;
  6. accommodating. Groups of different plants planted in close proximity should not suppress each other, but fully grow and develop;
  7. landing tier. The flower beds, equipped in three tiers, look most attractive. Plants for the uppermost are selected sun-loving and do not require frequent watering, for the lower tiers, perennials and bulbs are suitable, which need regular watering, but are not so demanding on lighting;
  8. strengthening the soil. In order to prevent erosion of the slopes, plants are planted on them that cover the soil, with a highly developed root system.

Plants for the alpine slide are perennial

The fundamental selection criteria are short stature, compactness, undemanding care and a long flowering period. Let us consider in more detail the types of perennials that have the necessary qualities, depending on the planting tier. On the highest plane, it is desirable to place low and unpretentious plants that bloom from June to late autumn. It must be borne in mind that the soil in high areas dries out faster, so the flowers should be fairly drought-resistant.
The most common perennial plants for alpine slides are:


Representative of mountain areas Southern Europe prefers a well-lit place, rocky and sandy soil. In rock gardens, the Crimean, evergreen, Gibraltar and rocky species are more common. It is a short (15-30 cm) shrub plant with pink or white (depending on the species) inflorescences. The flowering period begins in the spring, looks especially impressive in group plantings;

carnation perennial

Refers to perennial herbs and shrubs, with leaves of a linear or linear-lanceolate shape and single delicate flowers of various colors. Decorative species are distinguished by unpretentiousness to the quality of the soil (except for acidic) and the frequency of watering, they prefer good illumination. It is recommended to plant in the upper tiers;


Better known as thyme, the pink or lilac inflorescences of which have a pleasant spicy aroma. Creeping thyme can decorate the upper tier (up to 15 cm high), while common thyme (up to 40 cm high) is best placed in the middle part of the rock garden. Both species are quite unpretentious and do not need additional feeding. More often propagated by dividing an adult bush into separate parts, less often by cuttings and seeds;


In its natural environment, it is common in mountainous and rocky areas. The plant won the love of domestic flower growers due to its special decorative appeal and the ability to grow in almost any conditions. The common name "stone rose" is fully consistent with the plant's ability to successfully develop on the rocky surface of an alpine hill. Ideal for planting in the middle and lower tiers, does not need care;

Saxifrage paniculata

Graceful, low (10-15 cm) plant, ideally grows in crevices of a rocky surface. It blooms in small but attractive paniculate inflorescences of purple or pale yellow color. Differs in excellent winter hardiness, undemanding care and decorative qualities. It is recommended to plant directly at the foot of the stones or in the crevices between them;

Edelweiss alpine

A real native of the subalpine and alpine zones. Represents herbaceous plant 10-20 cm high. Perhaps the most common plant for an alpine slide, which in its qualities fully corresponds to this type of flower garden - attractive, undemanding and beautifully flowering. Inflorescences of white or yellow color form several small baskets, the flowering period begins in the second half of May.

Plants for an alpine slide with a long flowering period

By choosing plants for an alpine slide that bloom all summer, you ensure the attractiveness of the flower garden throughout the season. An abundance of representatives decorative types perennials and annuals of various heights allow us to successfully solve this problem. To create a flowering background, ground cover creeping green spaces are used. We present a list of flowering plants that differ in the longest flowering period:


A low growing plant from the clove family. Among domestic flower growers, it is better known as a "gerbil". Low stems (10-15 cm), growing, form a continuous green carpet. Large-flowered, crimson and mountain gerbils are more often planted. All species are characterized by abundant and long flowering. Well-drained soil with sand added is preferred;


Lovers often plant Rhodiola rosea - a perennial, bushy, unpretentious plant up to 40 cm high, with a well-developed root system. small flowers yellow color form a corymbose inflorescence, flowering period June-July. In addition to its attractive appearance, it is valued for its medicinal properties;


Depending on the distinction between annual varieties and perennial varieties. In flower beds, undersized annuals are often planted, blooming before the first frost. They differ in general undemanding care, they develop well in open areas and in partial shade. You can plant both in separate groups, and in composition with other representatives of the flower garden;

Balkan geranium

Planted along the perimeter of the stones, growing, it forms continuous low thickets, emphasizing the originality of the rock garden. Red or purple flowers appear in June and usually last for a month. Prefers well-lit areas, can grow in partial shade, but in this case, the flowering period is reduced;


Armeria soddy

Herbaceous low perennial, in rock gardens, lovers often plant alpine or soddy armeria. When creating favorable conditions, separately planted armeria bushes form a continuous flowering pad up to 15 cm high. The flowering period stretches up to two months;

Echinacea purpurea

A fairly tall (80-100 cm) herbaceous plant, characterized by unpretentiousness, decorative qualities and a long (up to 2 months) flowering period. It is planted at the foot of stones in small groups. Well adapted to frosty winters and undemanding to care for. Thanks to healing properties, echinacea flowers are widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

Coniferous and shrub plants for rock garden

Coniferous plants for the Alpine slide "Prickly spruce Procumbens"

Coniferous plants for an alpine slide, like shrub species, are a must, but not the main element of a flower garden. They play the role of a kind of scenery, creating signs of the naturalness of the mountain landscape, so there should not be many of them (maximum 2-3 species). The main qualities that you need to pay attention to when choosing are short stature, unpretentiousness and the correspondence of the appearance of the plant to the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating the composition.

As a rule, when creating alpine slides, they plant:

  1. juniper. Under natural conditions, it prefers well-lit mountain plains. When selecting, give preference to undersized, dwarf juniper species: Golden Carpet, Blue Carpet, Blue Chip. Low evergreen plantations are particularly decorative and attractive throughout the year, undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need special care;
  2. decorative fir. Pay attention to the undersized (height of an adult tree up to 1 m, diameter 1.5 m) gray (Canadian) "Echiniformis" spherical spruce. Differs in decorative effect and especially slow growth;
  3. mountain pine. In rock gardens, you can often find mountain pumilio pine - a compact dwarf shrub of dwarf form. The composition of the soil is not demanding, but good drainage is necessary;
  4. cotoneaster horizontal. Not a thorny shrub, more often planted at the foot of stones or to form slopes. Distinctive characteristics - unpretentiousness, frost resistance, ease of care;
  5. Willow Boyd. It is a slow-growing small tree with a crooked trunk and small, rounded leaves. It looks especially attractive in composition with flowering ground cover or creeping coniferous species;
  6. barberry boxwood (evergreen) Nana. The height of an evergreen dwarf shrub is up to 50 cm, the diameter of a dense rounded crown is up to 80 cm. It is planted as an addition to formed groups or as an accent plant over creeping juniper. It lends itself well to formative pruning, drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

The publication presents the most common types and varieties of green spaces when creating alpine slides, but you can always supplement this list with something of your own, individual. We hope that the material will be useful in creating an original decorative composition of stones, shrubs, conifers and flowering plants.

For August 2005


As a teenager, I often went with my parents on small trips to Losiny Ostrov. There for the first time I saw Daphne - very attractive plant. But my mother strictly warned me that you need to stay away from Daphne, because. it is deadly poisonous. Over the years, that fear of the flower was forgotten, but the admiration for its beauty remained. Now daphnes live in my garden.

On walks through the unblown spring forest, you must have met a flower flickering in a pink dress. This is the deadly wolfberry (Daphne mesereum). The aroma of her perfume is irresistibly attractive. Not only for us - all the awakened flies seek to enjoy it. However, it is better not to touch the wolfberry: all parts of its "body" are deadly poisonous. And let its ripe bright red berries beckon you in August, don't be tempted!

And if now we get out of the forest, and go to the steppe a little south of Moscow. Here and now in several protected areas you can meet the sister of the forest enchantress, Daphne Julia (Daphne juliae). She is petite, and her "dress" is bright pink. There is another difference from her sister: she does not drop leaves for the winter. This daphne is found not only in our Don steppes, but also in other parts of Europe, where it is called daphne boron (Daphne cneorum).

Another daphne was called Caucasian (Daphne caucasica) - in honor of the mountains in which she lives. She is modest, but not without charm: her stems lie down, the leaves are dark and glossy, the flowers are large, milky white, exuding the same recognizable aroma!

A close relative of the Caucasian daphne is the crowded daphne (Daphne glomerata). She looks like a sister, only there are more flowers in her inflorescence (it has become like a ball), and the plant itself is squat.

In some places in the Caucasus one can meet the Circassian daphne (Daphne circassica) - miniature, graceful, abundantly bushy, living on old limestone screes. In the middle of summer, it is covered with large bright pink flowers, exuding a strong but pleasant aroma.

At the foot of the majestic Elbrus lives Daphne baksanica (Daphne baksanica), listed in the Red Book of Russia, and some limestone areas serve as a haven for Daphne pseudosericea.

If we climb into the mountains of Altai, we will see the Altai daphne (Daphne altaica), stately, blooming with white flowers. Once it was also found in some regions of the European part of Russia, however, botanists singled out European plants as a separate species, calling it Daphne Olga. And having arrived at the very edge of our country, to Kamchatka, we will be able to admire the Kamchatka daphne (Daphne kamtschatica), low, with pale yellow flowers.

Daphnes are found both in Europe and in Asian countries. Europeans, long captivated by the beauty of this plant, lovingly create hybrids and varieties, looking for white-flowered, variegated and white-edged forms. Daphne genkwa (Daphne genkwa) from China looks amazing, with elongated purple flowers, completely covering the branches of fairly tall bushes. Beautiful hill daphne (Daphne collina), which resembles our daphne Julia. And the stone daphne (Daphne petraea) from the mountains of northern Italy is an elegant creeping dwarf that loves limestone.

Daphnes are low deciduous or evergreen shrubs with oval, entire leaves, blooming profusely on last year's shoots with fragrant sessile flowers and fruiting colorful berries. The fruit is a juicy drupe red, yellow or almost black. All parts of plants are poisonous!

Unfortunately, it is still very difficult to find daphnes for sale. Only occasionally are relatively large-flowered varieties of the deadly wolfberry offered, and poachers sometimes trade plants barbarously dug up in nature. However, you should not follow their example, much less encourage their activities with a purchase. Moreover, daphnes have a hard time transplanting during the growing season. The roots of most species go deep into the soil and are severely damaged when dug up. Such plants will almost certainly die (especially if dried during transport and storage).

What to do? Seek planting material from collectors who know how to handle delicate divine creatures.

If you are still lucky enough to get a daphne, be sure to create for her the necessary conditions. If this is a forest species, plant it in partial shade; if it is a steppe or mountain species, plant it in an open place. Drainage is not required except for the deadly wolfberry, for other species, blocking is harmful. However, the drying of the entire root ball is detrimental, especially for evergreen and winter green species.

The best place for most Daphne is an alpine hill with good drainage. Provide them with fertile loose soil. You can plant daphnes in the crevices between the stones. Preference should be given to limestone, and for the Caucasian species and Julia's wolfberry, it is simply a must. In the summer drought, plants will need evening watering.

In the culture of daphne, if you create the right conditions for them, they grow for a long time and successfully. Some species even re-bloom in autumn, although less abundantly than in spring.

If the bushes become too loose or become bare from below, in September, for better tillering, pinch off the terminal (apical) buds or cut off the tops (0.5 cm) of the shoots. Just try not to abuse this procedure so as not to deplete the plants.

Daphne reproduce by seeds, cuttings and layering. Cuttings (growth of the current year), cut in mid-July-August, take root in two to three weeks in sand or vermiculite in a greenhouse. Layers can be obtained by planting a bush high or pinning branches to the ground in spring. After a year and a half, it will be possible to carefully separate the rooted branches.

It takes quite a long time to propagate daphnes by seeds: they prefer to sprout only two winters after sowing, and flowering will have to wait several years. But if there is no other way out, sow the seeds washed from the pulp immediately after harvesting (or receiving) in loose soil, sprinkling them with a layer of earth 1-1.5 cm, and water well. It is necessary to keep the soil constantly moist. Seedlings will appear only next spring (when sown outdoors) or after sowing has been kept for two to three months in the refrigerator at a temperature of about zero degrees (daphne seeds need stratification).

The roots of wolfberries are long, capable of penetrating to a depth of 1 m or more. So the plant provides itself with stability (many species prefer to grow on talus and rocks) and access to moisture, which may be absent in the upper layers of the soil. With age, the roots become woody and easily break when bent.
Lodging branches have the ability to form roots if they are in contact with the ground for a long time. The same thing happens when hilling a bush.

It is better to plant wolves immediately in a permanent place. But if there is a need to transplant plants, it is preferable to do this in the fall. In September, cool and humid weather will make it easier to transfer the rooting period. The bush must be dug up, preserving the entire root system if possible and trying to make it crumble as much as possible. less land. Probably, in this case, you will have to disassemble part of the slide.

In principle, spring and even summer transplantation is possible (for young plants), but in this case the risk of their death is very high. To reduce it, shade the transplanted specimen and create high humidity around. For example, cover with half a plastic bottle and shade with newspapers or a plywood shield. And of course, after transplanting, the plants will need to be shed well and more closely than usual, monitor the soil moisture.

By the way, when digging a bush, you should carefully examine and separate the branches that have their own roots (this often happens in mountain species and Daphne Julia). Then you will have another one, and if you're lucky, several young plants.

I have not yet noticed that my daphnes were attacked by anyone. Unless one was eaten by mice, but quickly recovered. So do not rush to remove the plant from the garden if the ground one turns out to be damaged for some reason: daphne can grow from sleeping on the buds or sprout from the roots.

How to choose Daphne companions? Wolves are non-aggressive, their aerial part does not die off for the winter, therefore, adonis, sleep-grass, gentians, ephemeroids, cushion alpines and ground cover perennials, and tall or forest species can be combined with herbs, lungwort or ferns. My deadly wolfberry lives in commonwealth with the European hoof, sedges, ostrich and maidenhair, between which are planted sprouts and kandyks. And mountain views feel great on an alpine limestone hill among other inhabitants of high altitudes. One of Julia's daphnes enjoys a simple garden loam on a slightly (20 cm) elevated place, because It's pretty damp in spring. And she feels no worse than her sisters on the hill. Gentian Oshtensky grows at its roots, other neighbors - dwarf irises and gray fescue.

Keep in mind: the neighborhood of small children and wolves on the site can turn into a disaster. It is better to refrain from planting these plants until the baby reaches a conscious age. And breaking branches into bouquets is also strongly discouraged.
