Purchasing a germinator is far from a common thing. Most often, it is bought by citizens who want to grow fresh fruits and vegetables at home. The villagers are content with what they have. And in general, the land here is quite fertile, so the villagers do not even know what a seed germinator is.

Why do you need a grower?

Citizens like to eat fresh sprouts of peas, lentils, wheat and other cereals. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. Add them to soups and salads. Scientists have proven that by eating such foods, you can restore your body to youth and former beauty. They contain special elements that can eliminate wrinkles and other skin defects.

No less useful is the juice from cereal sprouts. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to make it with the help of an ordinary juicer, since a special - auger - device is needed here. Inside there are moving particles that work like a meat grinder. The only difference is that the pulp is separated from the juice due to the special structure of the device. Nutritionists say that you need to include at least 50 ml of sprout juice in your daily diet. Due to this, immunity will be significantly strengthened, and this will also affect the appearance. It is interesting that the juice from the sprouts was valued in antiquity, used in the richest families. Thus, the seed germinator is a health treasure.

How to get sprouts?

Everyone can independently decide in what form to use sprouts. But only one question may arise: “Where can I get them?” Of course, you can buy sprouts in the store, but the point is not only that they are rarely found on sale. Buyers are skeptical about this green grass that is on the shelves. Therefore, the goods may be delayed there for several weeks. And this will not only worsen the taste of the product - all useful components will be lost. Therefore, it will be possible not only to strengthen your immunity, but to lower it. And even if fresh sprouts were bought, this does not mean that they contain a storehouse of vitamins. On the contrary, in the process of their growth, most likely, harmful drugs were used that could adversely affect the health of the consumer. Therefore, the ideal way out of this situation is to buy a seed germinator with which you can grow seedlings at home.

Sprouts Benefits

It is a great happiness to grow seedlings at home. They are plants up to 5 mm long that have just emerged from seeds. Some also eat sprouts (this is already green grass). However, you can only eat sprouts that do not exceed 15 cm in length. If they are already higher, then they do not contain the required amount useful elements. In fairness, it should be noted that when growing seedlings at home, you may encounter problems such as mold, mucus, souring, and the like.

Mini-garden: pros and cons

In an apartment or house, it is also possible to install a mini-garden where you can grow a sufficient number of seedlings. So you will all year round get ripe vegetables, fruits, and other useful plants. Installation does not take up much space, so it can easily fit even in the smallest kitchen. A homemade seed sprouter is unlikely to produce a large amount of lettuce, but there will be a sufficient number of sprouts. Would you like to have a real vegetable farm in your home? Try to get a special mini-garden that can be placed in any room. It is only necessary to take into account that it becomes damp in the room, so it is recommended to install such an object in the kitchen. But the cultivation of seedlings can be carried out both on the soil and without it. By purchasing a quality mini-garden, you can forget about the cottage. After all, such a design can partially replace it. You can also grow flowers with it, which will have to devote a sufficient amount of time.

Germinator selection

Naturally, you need to pay attention to which grain and seed germinator to buy. Indeed, in stores you can find products from different manufacturers, so many get lost and buy the first thing that catches their eye. In addition, individual germinators are designed for each class of plants: one for cereals, others for root crops. First of all, you need to be guided by your needs, not prices. Although usually the cost of such structures is fully consistent with the quality.

Types of germinators

There are several varieties of seed germinator:

  1. Ordinary. These are small containers in which you can grow a little of the necessary product. As a rule, it is enough for 2-3 times of use. This group includes clay bowls, jars, porcelain vessels and more. The main advantage of such samples is their low cost, as well as relative environmental friendliness. However, using such a seed germinator, you will have to constantly wash the planted grains. If this is not done, then mold, mucus will appear on them. Perhaps they will even begin to turn sour, so the seedlings will die.
  2. Sprouter. This is an automatic seed germinator that can be installed in any room due to its compact size. Such a device costs about 4000 rubles. If you wish, you can make it right at home, provided that fertile land is used. To make a do-it-yourself seed germinator, you just need to purchase everything necessary materials. Its device is very simple, and working with it does not take much time. Therefore, even those who do not have special skills in this matter will be able to cope with the cultivation of delicious sprouts. But we'll talk about it in more detail below.
  3. Micro farm. It's not just a grower. This is almost a real cottage. The advantage of such a device is that quite a lot of products can be grown on it at a time. However, not everyone has the opportunity to place a large device in their apartment.

Sprouters. Principle of operation

The device has a rather interesting appearance. At first glance, it looks like two pans placed parallel to each other. Water is poured into the bottom, which will nourish the seedlings that have emerged from the seeds. And trays with grain are placed in the top. In the middle of the device there is a special irrigation system. Through a small pump, water is pumped from the lower tank to the upper one, watering the seeds.

On sale you can find two types of devices: with two- and four-pointed watering cans. In addition, cheap models are significantly different from expensive ones. So, the first ones are not equipped with an automatic irrigation system. By purchasing an expensive device, you can not worry that the seeds will not be watered. By setting the timer, you can specify the time after which the seedlings will be watered. Some systems require land to operate, while others operate normally using water alone.

Also on sale you can find devices with a transparent and darkened upper tier. It is better to choose the second option, since darkness is needed for successful seed germination. If the device of the first type was purchased, it is recommended to cover it with burlap to ensure relative darkness.

The disadvantage of such sprouters is that water constantly circulates inside them. It is essential for normal seed germination. But, on the other hand, due to the increased moisture content, the grains secrete mucus. It mixes with water, after which it begins to circulate with it in a circle. And this can lead to diseases of the seedlings. Therefore, the water must be changed as often as possible, otherwise the plants will bathe in their own mucus. Cheap models are very noisy. But on the other hand, with a minimum investment of funds, a sufficient amount will be received. useful plants. Many are interested in how to make a do-it-yourself seed germinator. Very simple. You don't even have to buy any parts for this. Seeds can be spread on oilcloth, and then taken to a dark place. Don't forget to water them. The first seedlings will appear very soon.

Micro-farm: what is it

This is not just a germinator - it is almost a real farm. The principle of its work is even simpler. Now the user can simply connect the device to a drain and faucet to facilitate the process of changing water. Irrigation is carried out using a fog generator. This also has a big advantage: the water does not circulate in a circle, so the plants will not be sprayed with their own mucus, as they were in the sprouter. In addition, this device is very quiet. Also, the owner of the device can set the watering timer, which works with an accuracy of 15 minutes. And there is also the possibility of setting up additional tiers. The only drawback of such a device is its high cost. Although it is due to the quality of the goods and the characteristics of the model.

Homemade germinator

How to make a seed germinator? Yes, very simple. Fortunately, to create it, you can use improvised materials. So, you can take an ordinary plastic cup and fill it with clay so that about 2 cm is left on top. Carefully place the seeds. Water them. Lay another layer of earth about 1 mm thick on top. Do not water for about a day so that the seeds swell a little. Then irrigation should occur every 12 hours.

Automatic seed germinator: reviews

Recently, seed germinators have become very popular. Reviews about him are both positive and negative. Interestingly, almost every buyer recommends others to purchase such a device. He can even replace the cottage. This is relevant for those who do not have country house. Agree, it is much easier to purchase a germinator for 5-10 thousand rubles than to save up for several years country cottage area. Some buyers are not satisfied that these devices are noisy. But if you give a little more money and buy a quality model, then this drawback can be eliminated.

In 2011, we ordered a clay mold for germinating seeds in Germany. It is convenient, but it turned out that there are more convenient options for germinators to use. For example, like this:

Grain and seed germinator ProstoGrower- a very convenient and simple tool for germinating seeds of the most different types cereals and legumes. As well as nuts, herbs and any tasty and healthy plants.

With such a sprouter, you will spend much less time and energy preparing sprouts for yourself and your family.

Due to the design of the sprouter, the very best air circulation necessary for young germinating seeds is provided, without which they simply go out and rot. Efficient scheme drainage will not allow seedlings to experience problems from either excess or lack of moisture, and requires a minimum amount of washing. The sprouter is really very practical and efficient in its use. And the sprouts in it are fresh, very good.

Also, in the sprouter, you can keep the grown seedlings in the refrigerator for as long as possible and with high quality. The germinator is made of high-tech, durable, safe food-grade plastic Fortiflex T50-3600 HDP, which (one of the few) does not contain harmful emitted substances and is practically not subject to wear, one might say eternal. Easy to clean, including dishwasher safe. And the device weighs quite a bit - you can take it on the road, to the country, on a hike ...

The internal volume of the germinator (1 liter) allows you to simultaneously grow up to 400 g of lettuce or up to 800 g of cereal or bean sprouts in one cycle. That's a lot - enough for the whole family!

Application for soaking seeds

Attach the small seed insert to the bottom of the inner cup of the sprouter, pour the seeds into it and rinse thoroughly under running cool water. Then insert the inner glass into the outer (in the lower position) and fill it halfway with water. Place the ventilation cup upside down on top of the glass and place it out of reach of direct sun rays place for 8-12 hours.

After the specified time, it is necessary to remove the ventilation cup from the germinator, remove the inner cup from the outer one and pour out the remaining water from it. Rinse the outer glass.

For sprouting grains, seeds, nuts

Rinse the seeds pre-soaked in the sprouter under a stream of cool water, leaving them for this only in the inner glass. Then put the inner glass back into the outer (lower position) and close any of the lids.

Place the germinator upside down in the special squeeze bag and turn it clockwise 10 times. After that, take the device out of the bag, remove the lid, remove the inner glass from the outer one and drain the formed water from the outer glass.

To evenly distribute all seeds prepared for germination, tap lightly on the side of the inner glass. Then put the inner cup back into the outer cup (in the upper position) and place the ventilation cup on top of the sprouter (depending on the number of seeds, either upside down or upside down).

Put in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight for 8-12 hours and wait for the result. After the specified time, the seeds will give their first shoots, and they can be eaten.

The above procedures can be repeated 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days for legumes or for 6 days for lettuce seeds.

Sprout storage

To store the obtained seedlings, you need to remove the ventilation cup from the sprouter, place the inner glass in the outer (in the lower position), close the ventilation lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Periodically (2 times a day and before meals), the sprouts should be taken out and washed with cool water.

Enjoy your meal!

The kit includes:

  1. external glass - 1 pc.
  2. internal glass - 1 pc.
  3. insert for small seeds - 1 pc.
  4. ventilation cup - 1pc
  5. ventilation cover - 1pc
  6. sealed lid - 1pc

Prosproshchivatel for seeds ProstoRoschivatel is indispensable on the road and during long journeys. Tested in extreme expeditionary conditions!

Portable germinator

Portable Sprouter Smartsprouter will allow you to easily and quickly get a daily portion of fresh sprouts for 1-2 people. It was created by a man for whom a daily serving of sprouted cereals at the table has become an integral part of life, which is why Smartsprouter has such a well-thought-out design.

It is especially convenient because a simple change of caps turns the portable germinator into an airtight container, and the seedlings (ready, soaked or sprouting) can be taken with you to work or a trip.

Germination of grains and beans in the Smartsprouter is much faster and easier than with the traditional jar and rag method.

The design features of the portable germinator provide optimal conditions for this process: constant ventilation of the grains, their washing with air currents, and maintaining the required humidity.

No mold in the germinator, more germinated seeds, which means more fresh seedlings.

Sprouter from RawMID

Russian company RawMID offers its own line of equipment for healthy eating. The line turned out to be very interesting and extensive - in it, among other things, there is also a seed germinator.

Worthy of attention: it is beautiful, comfortable and functional. In terms of practicality, it has an optimal shape and size. The sprouter is compact enough to fit on a windowsill, but its usable area is enough to get sprouts for several people. This device can become a decorative element in any apartment, as it looks original and aesthetically pleasing. I would like to dwell on its features in more detail.

The Dream Sprouter is suitable for growing, for example, wheatgrass (wheatgrass) - the free vertical space for this purpose is 16 cm.

Automatic watering. The device has a timer that automatically starts the fogger every three hours. Irrigation is moderate and extremely uniform, the ideal level of humidity is maintained.

LED backlight. If the seeds need to grow a few more days after sprouts appear, they need enough light. Special spectrum lamps provide a healthy green look to the sprouts even in cloudy weather.

Expandability. The basic package includes two trays, which is convenient when using two types of seeds. An additional pair of trays can be purchased separately and installed above the main row. The germination area is thus doubled.

And for small seeds, a special "paper" is provided.

Home mini-farm. Several sprouters (up to 3 pieces) can be stacked on top of each other. This vertical design gives a good germination area and intelligently uses the apartment space. When buying several sprouters on the company's website, you can get a discount.

It should be noted that the germinator operates quietly and consumes a minimum of energy - only 5 watts. This is a universal sprouter that is suitable for most species. legumes, cereals and seeds. Even the smallest species can be used. On the part of the user, it is only required to introduce seeds and change the water in the container once a day. After each cycle, it is important to thoroughly wash any germinator, otherwise the next batch of seeds may become moldy.

Today, many grow vegetables, herbs and fruits at home. But not many people know what a seed germinator is, what types of it are and how to make it yourself at home. Let's talk about this further.

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What is a sprouter and its main purpose

A regular microgreen sprouter is a miniature tray made of clay, plastic, or porcelain with a mesh to place seeds and grains. It is one of the easiest tools available to get fresh sprouts. It is easy to handle and does not take up much space. It can grow any plant from seed, even spikelets of wheat. Previously, glass jars were used to do this. At the same time, the wheat was not of the best quality due to stagnant water and the formation of mold inside.


Today there are four types of greens germinator:

  1. Classic look. These include plastic pallets. They have a cheap cost, but they need special attention due to the fact that you need to change the water regularly. Sometimes the same thing happens as with glass jars.
  2. Auto seed germinator referred to as a liquid cooler sprouter. Such devices can function due to the recirculation of water in the system. For this, there is a pallet, which is located at the bottom of the system. Water is distributed by means of a pump with watering cans. This type of device operates noisily due to the mechanics of the product. This type of device includes the Dobrosad seed germinator.
  3. Micro farm or magnetic separator is the most effective device with a list of bright features, for example, with the help of a timer it can turn on and off. At the same time, water access to the system is provided by means of a water supply. Mini garden is a modernized version of the microfarm. It is suitable for anyone who likes to constantly plant seeds in huge numbers.
  4. Germinator - Aerosad is a device that is referred to as an air garden. It belongs to the most efficient technique, which fully operates on automation, controls watering and the level of illumination of plants. However, while hydroponics does not require the use of fertilizers, an aeroponics air garden requires the use of special chemicals to fertilize the seedlings.

Home air garden: its difference from other types, advantages and disadvantages

The system guarantees good harvest without unnecessary work on digging up the earth, its fertilizer, the use of substrates. Thanks to her, without any hassle, you can get a good harvest. Unlike other species, it has incomparable advantages.

Aerosad has:

  1. effective application, stylish design, simple operation.
  2. Minimum energy consumption (only 2 kilowatts, which is equal to about 5-10 rubles per month).
  3. The ability to carry out the cultivation of both useful and simple beautiful plants without earth with dirt, puddles and smudges on the window.
  4. Low cost compared to others.
  5. Simple service. It is easy to wash. The only thing that can be a disadvantage is the maintenance of the air atomizer. There may be problems with it, as it clogs over time. Reading the instructions for the germinator, you can cope with such complexity.
  6. Easy germinating seeds. All that is needed is to make a structure, load seeds into it, connect it to the network and leave it for several days.
  7. Work without water. You can simply wash the grains, load them into the device and watch how sprouts appear in them.

Of the shortcomings in the reviews of the seed germinator, many users mention noisy work. With improper use of the device, a low percentage of adult seeds is also emitted.

How to make a do-it-yourself seed sprout

A home sprouter is made from simple, cheap materials. Often, plastic containers are used for this. It is also powerful to use other materials, such as clay.

To make a germinator for wheat and green seeds, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Several plastic containers with a lid height of fifteen centimeters. Their sizes may vary, so that it is convenient to put one container in another. To the bottom of one dish from the other should be a distance of a couple of centimeters.
  • A few markers to mark up.
  • Electric screwdriver with a drill bit of two millimeters.

Making a container is very easy. It is necessary to make points along the bottom of the smaller container for future holes. Then holes are made at these points with a screwdriver. The container should resemble a colander. After that, the smaller container must be placed in a large one and covered with a lid. The simplest seed germinator is ready. You can wet the seeds and put inside. In a couple of days, the first sprouts of them will appear.

hydroponic grower

A hydroponic seed sprouter today can be purchased at all stores or made independently. The principle of its work is simple. It is based on aeration of water, that is, on the effective saturation of water with small air bubbles. Seeds are always located in an active environment and due to this, germination with cultivation is faster than a simple method.

Judging by the reviews, the Aerogarden of Health Treasure hydroponic seed germinator is universal. It differs from others in that it is easy to use, modern design and low maintenance cost. Among the advantages is also the fact that seeds of wheat and other noble crops germinate in it faster than others.

To get started, you need to fill in water, place seeds in it and plug the device into a power outlet. After nine hours, beautiful sprouts will appear, for the further growth of which it will not be necessary to add water or wash the sprouts.

Home germinator "Aerosad of health treasure x4" is made as a set of four rounded plastic rectangles. This versatile electric grower looks great in any interior at no extra cost. All you need is seeds with clean water and a few kilowatts per hour.

How to make a seed sprout with your own hands, see the video:

Seed germinators May 7th, 2013

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWdSXwo_YuI- purchased germinator.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdtdUtRaoVw- homemade grain germinator 1

How to make a sprouter (germinator) with your own hands

For germinating grains, a very simple sprouter (germinator) similar to the Easy Sprout Sprouter, popular abroad, can be easily made by hand.

For this we need:
2 plastic bottles of different diameters, with a difference in diameter of about 5-10 mm, so that one fits freely into the other. Suitable, for example, one 1-liter, preferably with a flat bottom bottle (in such vegetable oil for sale) with a diameter of 77 mm, and one 1.5-liter with a diameter of 87 mm.
plastic lid with a diameter of approximately 90 mm (usually from under the cottage cheese)
knife, pliers, scissors, awl
Using a knife, we cut the bottles at a height of about 15 cm. With scissors, carefully trim the edge so that it is approximately the same height around the entire circumference. The wide bottle will serve as an outer container. On a narrower bottle, which will serve as an inner container, on the upper edge with scissors we make 8 vertical cuts about 2 cm long, evenly distributed along the edge. We bend the resulting petals outward and crimp them with pliers along the bend line. With these petals, the inner container will rest on the edge of the outer container, forming a space about 2 cm high between its bottom and the bottom of the outer container, where the air going between the walls of the outer and inner container will penetrate.

Using an awl, we make drain holes in the bottom of the inner container, the more the better, since the more holes the faster the water will drain while washing the seedlings, and better air access. In a bottle with a flat bottom, this is very easy, much easier than in a bottle with a figured bottom, which is very thick in places and requires much more effort to pierce.

Also in plastic cover make holes with an awl.

Our sprouter is ready.

How to use the spriter

We put the grains in the inner container, filling it up to about half. Insert the inner container into the outer container. Fill the grains with water, rinse well. This is done simply by removing the inner container, while the water from the inner container is drained through the drain holes. After washing, once again fill the grains with water, this time preferably with cleaner filtered water, and leave to soak for 8-12 hours. After soaking, once again thoroughly rinse the swollen grains and drain all the water. For a more complete removal of water from the inner container, we make several circular movements with the container so that the centrifugal forces remove the remaining water. We drain all the water from the outer container, insert the inner container with grains back, cover everything with a perforated lid and leave the grains to germinate. Depending on the type of grain and the time of year, it takes 12-36 hours. Periodically, once or twice a day, it is recommended to wash the seedlings. This is done in the same usual way.

When using these methods, pots of earth are not required. Tested by gardeners, gardeners and nature lovers. After reviewing the proposed options for germinating seeds, everyone will find exactly the method that is right for him.

1 way: in rolls of film and paper

All you need is strips of transparent polyethylene, 10 cm wide and 15 cm long, a roll of toilet paper, flour paste, half-liter jars or other transparent containers, water.

Step by step, this process looks like this:

  • Spread a layer of toilet paper on a strip of polyethylene.
  • On the top edge of the paper, retreating 2-3 cm from the top, make droplets of flour paste with a brush. The distance between them is 1 cm.
  • Place a seed in each drop.
  • Cover the seeds with a layer of toilet paper and top with a plastic strip.
  • Roll the strips with seeds into a loose roll so that the sprouted sprouts do not feel cramped. Fasten with a rubber band.
  • Put the roll in a half-liter jar or other container of the appropriate size. Pour water into the bottom, 4 cm high. The seeds should be at the top of the roll.
  • Put the container with rolls in a warm, bright place.
  • The water will rise on the paper to the seeds and they will begin to germinate.
  • Change the water regularly, avoiding stagnation.
  • Cabbage sprouts in 2-3 days, eggplant and pepper - in two weeks, tomatoes - in a week, - in 5-6 days.
  • When the plants grow, the strongest are selected and transplanted into pots with earth.

This method is convenient, not dusty, suitable for many seeds.

Method 2: on foam sponges

Foam sponges are used as a basis. Germination process:

  • Moisten the sponge liberally with water.
  • Place it in a saucer or other dish. So that as it dries, you can add water to the bottom, which the sponge will absorb.
  • Place the desired seeds on the surface in one layer.
  • Cover the top with another sponge moistened with water.
  • If not covered with a second sponge, then place in a plastic bag.
  • Keep warm.

Depending on the vegetable, the seeds will germinate in a few days or weeks.

3 way: on cotton pads

To germinate seeds in this way, you need:

  • Take two cotton pads and a saucer.
  • Place one disk on a saucer and moisten with plenty of water.
  • Spread the seeds to be germinated on a cotton ball.
  • Cover with a second wet disc.
  • Place a saucer with cotton pads and seeds in a plastic bag or cover with cling film.
  • Put in a warm place for a few days.

Hatched seeds can be planted in open ground or in seedling pots.

4 way: on paper towels

It is necessary to prepare containers with lids (can be replaced with plastic wrap. Plastic, glass, ceramic containers are suitable. It is good to use paper towels, they are dense and do not sag in water. The following should be done in stages:

  • Arrange in a container, folded in two, a paper towel.
  • Moisten well with water.
  • The rest of the unabsorbed water - drain.
  • Spread the seeds.
  • Cover the top with a layer of paper towel.
  • Wet it well warm water from a spray bottle.
  • Cover with a lid or plastic wrap.
  • Put in a warm place until germination.

Important point!After seed germination, they should not be abruptly taken out into the cold or planted in cold soil. Seeds may die or stop their growth for a long time. Best of all, for seedlings, transplanted into the ground, with a temperature not lower than + 22℃.

Germinated seeds using one of the methods described above are selected for germination. Strong sprouts can be seen immediately by the thickness and length of the roots. If the seeds do not germinate for a long time or the root develops poorly, it is better not to plant such specimens.
