The device of the fireplace is one of the interesting interior solutions that give the interior decoration of the home inner warmth, comfort and home appeal. But it is not always possible to fit a real fireplace into the design. As a rule, this is due to the inability to arrange a chimney, lack of space for storing firewood and other reasons associated with the use of open fire in the room.

There is nothing difficult to create an imitation of a fireplace without heating in an apartment with your own hands.This will require sheets of drywall, materials for exterior decoration, fantasy for the project and good mood for work. The false fireplace is ready and all that is left is to fill it with tongues of artificial flame, sit in an armchair and enjoy the play of light and shadow.

The main task of the illusion of a living fire in the hearth is to form a spectacular, most realistic feeling of a burning flame. Visualization is the main element of the task at hand, but far from the only one. For the complete perception of the picture, not only the visual component is necessary, but also the corresponding crackle and smell of burning panels, as well as a physical sensation of the heat flow. For this, there are modern techniques for creating a "cold fire" in a false fireplace.

A bit of history

The first experiments in creating a safe fire and turning household heaters into decorative elements for living quarters have been undertaken for a long time. The origins of this trend include an electric fireplace with a heating shade and a decorative panel. It was carried out in the form of glowing coals with internal illumination with a conventional incandescent lamp. Similar imitators could be found in the middle of the last century.

A little later, the backlight was given dynamism. Electrical appliances were equipped with strips of foil that rose in streams of warm air and reflected bizarre glare on the body of the device, creating the effect of a flickering flame.

The first successful illusion of living fire was the cutting of lightweight fabric.swaying in artificial air jets forced by a built-in fan. This principle of simulating open flames formed the basis for the further development of the design direction and still has the right to life.

Cold fire obtained in this way "in its pure form" has a sufficient level of entertainment, light glare whimsically and uniquely changes its position in space. But the realism of this imitation is low, since the picture looks like a hand-drawn one. To add volume and "visual vitality", a built-in system of mirrors and light filters is used, as well as electronic control of lighting elements.

In addition to electronic and mechanical methods of creating a live fire effect, digital and LCD technologies, cold vapor generators, 3D holograms with a stereo effect and other achievements are widely used today. modern development science and technology.

There are several ways to light a safe fire in an apartment fireplace. Let's consider them in more detail.

Method one. The simplest

If there is no desire or opportunity to engage in the manufacture of a complex electronic-mechanical structure, then the simplest solution to the problem can be used: to paste a photographic image of burning firewood into the fireplace hearth. To give some semblance of realism, it is necessary to install spotlights with light filters of different colors.

The lowest cost, but no less effective, will be the use of an old Christmas tree garland. To do this, the mini-shades are finished with reflective foil from the inside. A controller built into the garland will simulate the dynamics of light transmission, as from living flames. To give the picture a visual stereo volume, you can choose a holographic 3D image of an open fire of a suitable size.

Method two. Theatrical

As the name suggests, this method is borrowed from theatrical props. When, according to the plot of the play, it is necessary to make a safe fire on the stage, the decorators use just such a fire.

To light a theater fire in a fireplace, you need to stock up on the following elements:

  • silent fan of medium power;
  • halogen lamps;
  • color filters of appropriate shades;
  • white silk.

The fan casing is dismantled. Its working part is rigidly attached to the bottom of your fireplace so that the blown air flows perpendicular to the base. The electrical wiring is laid in cable channels and led out of the fireplace.

Three halogen lamps are mounted below the working plane of the fan: one along the central axis of the fan, two at an angle of 30 degrees to each side. The direction of light to the future hearth should be from bottom to top.

Remnants of a bent metal profile for gypsum boards can be used as brackets for lamps. At a distance of 1-2 cm in front of each lamp, light filters are attached. It is additionally recommended to install a blue light filter on the central luminaire, this will give the flame more exotic glare.

The next step is to simulate flames. Future flames of irregular shape are cut out of white silk and attached to the fan grill in an "artistic mess".

An open fire simulator is ready for use. It remains to adjust the fan power, the angle of inclination of the filters and fill the artificial parts of the hearth with purchased birch charcoal.

Method three. Water vapor

All of these units can be purchased at retail or removed from old concert equipment that creates a steam effect.

Mist generators are installed at the bottom of a sealed container for distilled water. Each generator in its design assumes a membrane, which, due to high-frequency vibration, creates a local reduced pressure. In conditions, low pressure, water evaporates at a temperature close to room temperature.

The fan is rigidly mounted in the active evaporation zone and drives the generated steam upwards.LED backlighting, controlled by a decoder and a controller, creates a very realistic visual sensation of the play of light and shadow of living flames.

In the lower part of the fireplace, the steam is illuminated more strongly and there is a feeling of the presence of an open flame. At the top, the illumination is less intense and creates the illusion of smoke.

To prevent the formation of excessive condensation, a diaphragm is installed in the upper part of the hearth.

Method four. Salt shade application

Salt electric lamp - this is a specific electric lamp. The plafond is made of natural crystal - salt. An ordinary incandescent lamp is installed under such a shade. Passing through the edges of the crystal at different angles, the light flux is refracted and outwardly very realistic resembles the play of living tongues of flame.

Using shades of different colors, a realistic imitation of living fire is created. And using lamps with different configurations and standard sizes, a small fire is easily imitated.

This method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the simplicity in making such an illusion, its realism. In addition, when heated from an incandescent lamp, the salt cover saturates the surrounding air with negative ions. This leads to the neutralization of positive ions, which has a positive effect on the health of its owners.

The disadvantages of this method include the very significant price of such devices and their infrequent appearance on the free market.

The fifth method. TV instead of live fire

Using a flat-panel LCD TV in a fireplace is one of the most technically simple solutions. But, it should be noted, far from being low-cost.

If the choice falls on this method of "kindling" an artificial flame in the fireplace, then at first it makes sense to choose an LCD TV, and only then, based on its size, mount the fireplace body. The TV screen is installed on a 10-12 cm recess in the fireplace hearth. Its plastic frame is hidden by decorative elements.

A recording found on the Internet is played on the screen through the USB port built into the TV. Depending on your mood and surroundings, you can choose one of several recordings: the play of tongues of flame, embers or a bright fire. The selected recording with multiple repetitions will serve as an imitation of a live fire in the hearth.

If a system of mirrors and light filters is placed along the inner planes, then the picture will visually acquire volume and will look very natural.

Decorative firewood for fireplaces

To give a finished look to the fireplace under a cold fire, it is necessary to "put" wood and coals. On the windows of specialized stores, there is a huge selection of decorative firewood made of plastic or ceramics. Such dummies exactly repeat the texture of a dry or partially burnt tree. Imitation, purchased or made by hand, will turn the hearth into a center of home warmth and comfort.

In order to obtain more realism, a backlight with red light filters is installed under the wood-burning layout. In the more expensive versions of decorative firewood, an internal lighting with a non-repeating flickering cycle is provided.

To give the picture integrity, it is recommended to fill small gaps between decorative firewood with natural charcoal.

Fire is one of the elements that has a truly magical effect on a person. It is impossible to get tired of contemplating a burning flame, which relieves fatigue, allows you to relax, or, conversely, to mobilize thoughts, to think about important things. In organizing a romantic dinner, fire plays the role of an irreplaceable addition.

A room electric fireplace can easily replace a real one, provided that the basic functions are performed with high quality: creating heat and simulating a flame. But not everyone can buy a fireplace in a style frame, three-dimensional image, a set of programs because of its high cost. Therefore, among novice craftsmen, more and more often a conversation is started about whether it is possible to make an electric fireplace with your own hands.

Just a mesmerizing sight

The manufacture of a heating element is, although troublesome, quite clear. This will require basic skills and physical knowledge. But the effect of a living flame, at first glance, seems unattainable. However, this is only a deceptive fear that prevents you from doing, doing and getting an excellent result.

Firewood layouts

Regardless of the type of construction that simulates a flame, you will always need a firewood layout. In this matter, the flight of the master's imagination is only welcome. Props can be bought in the online store. From China, you can be sent accessories for fireplaces (we will use this fact in the future). In some cases, real firewood is used. With good lighting, a good result is obtained.

But if all searches were unsuccessful, then you will have to make a dummy yourself. But then it will be doubly pleasant to look at manual work. Used as material corrugated cardboard, it can be found in boxes of household appliances. There, it is often used as a filler between sheets.

Corrugated cardboard log

Making tubes from such cardboard and painting them in brown color, we get a woodpile, to which a knot made of the same material, only with a smaller diameter and length, is attached to the tape. It remains to put the firewood in the fireplace, from a distance they look like real ones.

Initially, the fireplace in the house served exclusively as a heating function and only after that the role of interior decoration. Today, the central heating system is used as the main source of heating in an apartment or house. That is why, many began to give preference not to the classic solid fuel stove, but more modern variation called a false fireplace. Such models can be bought or made with your own hands from improvised means, since they have an exclusively decorative function.

A fireplace, the imitation of which takes place, can be assembled and designed by the hands of an experienced professional who will be able to recreate the necessary image, according to all the wishes and preferences of the customer. imitation of fire in the hearth of such a portal can be done in various ways, real flame in this case is almost never used.

Main varieties

Before installing an artificial fireplace in a house or apartment, first of all, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main varieties and variations that you can both assemble with your own hands and meet in specialized stores:

  • Fireplace simulated fire can be compiled and reproduced without fire hazard sources, environmentally friendly and durable materials. You can assemble a drywall or polystyrene portal with your own hands at home. Such materials are affordable and easy to use. To work with them, you do not need an expensive and professional tool... The finished product will be lightweight, which is extremely important, especially when installed in an apartment or on the second floor of a private house. Due to its small mass, such a false fireplace should not be decorated and made out with heavy objects and purchased fireboxes. Drywall is heat-resistant, which in turn allows you to decorate its hearth and shelves with candles. The fireplace with candles looks very elegant and charming;
  • A fireplace, an apartment with which will look original, can be assembled from plywood. The plywood fireplace portal is notable for its budget. However, it is not very stable and reliable. A plywood fireplace requires high-quality surface protection, since the material quickly absorbs moisture, swells and deforms. The advantages include environmental friendliness and naturalness of the material;
  • A fireplace, stone or brick for which they serve as a base will be more reliable and maximally fireproof. Such materials withstand high temperatures well, their sharp drops, are durable and durable. Particularly large and bulky fireplace portals may require a foundation. The price of a brick fireplace is quite high, and construction is time consuming. However, an electric fireplace can be installed in such a portal, if desired. Since the cost of natural stone is quite high, the facing of the portal can be done with artificial minerals.

Creating a hearth

A decorative fireplace can be decorated with a garland. Such a garland fits both in the hearth and can be located along its perimeter, or in a chaotic manner. It is recommended to choose garlands with traditional classic colors of burning lamps. To give an imitation of a fire burning in the hearth, you can add ceramic logs to the hearth.

You can complement a false fireplace with tree branches. You can arrange them in any way. Alternatively: wrap the branches with foil and lace, and then glue various stones, shells and other decor. At the exit, you will have lace branches, which can be placed either completely apart or in vases.

Lace can be located both along the length of the entire branch, and only in a certain area, an interval. After gluing, it is necessary to allow the product to dry completely and only after that, use the decor to decorate a false fireplace. If desired, such branches can also be painted or supplemented with glitter. Alternatively, place them in the fireplace and illuminate them with an LED string.

You can also use candles for decoration. They can be placed separately or in various openwork candlesticks, candelabra. Install them inside the hearth or a mantel can also be added. You should not place candles in a stone of white, beige, cream shades, since during the operation of the decor, ugly black traces and prints from candles will remain on the surface of the portal and in the hearth.

Simulating fire in a fireplace can be done in one very interesting way. At the exit you will receive a fireplace with candles. To do this, find 2-3 beautiful logs of the correct shape and cut 2-3 holes in each of them. Dip one candle into the resulting holes. It is important that the candles are in candlesticks or in special protective frames. This will prevent the logs from catching fire while the candles are burning.

As a more expensive option, you can decorate the fireplace with a salt lamp. Such a device will look stylish and impressive. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost. The main advantages are the health benefits of salts, creating a cozy atmosphere in the house or apartment.

An electric fireplace can also perform an exclusively decorative function. It can be equipped with a steam generator and even a humidifier!

Modern technologies and fresh solutions

Electric fireplace live fire is the most realistic way to simulate a flame. In this case, imitation is performed using modern technologies, namely the LCD screen with a voluminous and high-quality picture and animation.

To make any flame more voluminous and effective, you can install several large mirrors opposite and on the sides of the hearth, at a slight tilt. A fireplace with a mirror will create the illusion that the fire is real. You can also install mirrors in the hearth itself.

If you like to create various things with your own hands and want to get the best result, we recommend building an imitation of logs. To do this, we need decorative firewood, an LED garland or lamp, fabric and a number of other materials at hand.

The basis of our firewood is cardboard. Each log needs to be cut out of cardboard and given volume, glued. The surface can be painted with acrylic, gouache or watercolors of your choice, and then let the wood dry. The firewood is glued together in the shape of a well and placed in the hearth. If desired, such cardboard logs can be replaced with real ones. In this case, construction glue is used for gluing.

To create volume and characteristic shades, you need to buy an LED lamp in advance, which will flicker in different shades. It is recommended to give preference to the characteristic color spectrum - yellow, red, orange. A translucent white fabric is used as a shade, and the frame is constructed of four strong wires, the length of which will be 150-300 millimeters.

The light bulb is fixed inside the hearth, right above the imitation. A wire frame is installed in the center of the well and is complemented by a translucent fabric. When turned on, a rather realistic effect of a flame burning in the hearth will be created.

Realistic simulations

One of the most realistic options for creating an imitation is the so-called box of fire. To create this effect, you need to buy LED lamps, preferably red, yellow and blue tint... The reflective surface can be selected small mirror, foil. Also, for this effect, you will need fabric or its scraps (silk). The so called fire will be placed in the box.

At the first stage, we decorate the base itself (box), after which we act according to the following step-by-step guide:

  • We place the fan in the box;
  • LED bulbs are located and fixed next to each other;
  • The space around the fan is supplemented with rags.

Such a box of fire is placed inside fireplace portal and allows you to reproduce a fairly realistic effect.

You can also simulate using an aquarium. More specifically, you will need to prepare an aquarium that is large enough to sit in the hearth. After that, a garland with LEDs is placed inside the aquarium and fixed, the container is filled with water. When you turn on the garland, the effect of blazing water will be created, which looks very original.

The interior of the aquarium can be decorated with shells, stones, algae and other elements of your choice.

The category of the most realistic and difficult to implement variations is the creation of the illusion of a flame burning in the hearth with the help of steam. To generate steam, you will need to buy 2-3 fog-generating devices (ultrasonic).

You will also need to prepare a fan, a reservoir into which water will be poured, a frame for placing an imitation and an RGB lamp.

Devices that generate fog are installed in the inner part of the box together with a fan, then we place the lamps, and we install a prepared reservoir on the generators for pouring water. This effect is very realistic, but at the same time it is quite expensive to recreate it.

A fireplace in the interior of your apartment for a home will become a real hearth and fill the living room, bedroom with comfort. The floor-standing fireplace can be either wall-mounted or island, corner, depending on your wishes and preferences. The false hearth is quite simple to install, it has small dimensions and optimal weight, and some models can be rearranged from place to place. To simulate a flame, you will need mainly inexpensive materials at hand, and the structure itself does not require the construction of an additional foundation and a chimney.

Such a hearth will allow you to arrange cozy family evenings in the company of friends and family over a cup of warm tea.

In this video clip, you can see what an imitation of fire in a fireplace looks like with your own hands:

Option one

We simulate fire in the fireplace ourselves

Simulating fire for a fireplace will take very little time. To do this, first of all, we need to make a small lamp, which will perform the main function - the burning effect.

Materials for making a dummy:

  1. White silk scraps;
  2. Reflective halogen lamps - 3 pieces;
  3. Medium bowl;
  4. Big fan.

A container for the future flame is a previously prepared bowl

It is important to remember that it should be of the same size as the fan.

Having picked up a container that is suitable in terms of its size and characteristics, it is necessary to fix a fan on its bottom. It must be fixed in such a way that, when switched on, the air flow is directed outward. In the same container, it is necessary to fix the halogen lamps, of which there should be three.

This is necessary for uniform illumination of our dummy. The axis of fixing the bulbs must be strictly one. The bulbs are located above the fixed fan and at all edges.

Simulating a fire in a fireplace without heating, if all these rules are strictly followed, will be simply amazing!

Bio fireplace stylish interior solution

In rooms where it is not possible to equip a classic fireplace, their “brothers in fire” will be especially relevant. They will create a unique cosiness and atmosphere that promotes relaxation and intimate atmosphere.

The mobility of the biofireplace is noteworthy: at any time it can be rearranged to another place. Often, ceramic decorative firewood, cones or stones are placed in the hearth, which successfully emphasize and complement the picture of naturalness.

On the market now you can buy the most diverse and original models of biofireplaces, including in high-tech style, so everyone can choose a biofireplace for themselves. Both monumental floor models and babies find their owners who can easily fit on a small coffee table... The hearth is guaranteed to bring a special mood to the room.

Wall mounted bio fireplace

Wall mounted bio fireplace

Floor-standing corner biofireplace

Floor-standing corner biofireplace

Bio fireplace device

Its basis is a firebox, in which a stainless steel biofuel tank and special burners are mounted. When fuel is burned, a bright and clean flame is formed that does not emit sparks, carbon deposits, soot and smoke. The burning intensity is easily adjustable. For this, a slider cover is used with which the heating unit is equipped.

It should be noted the convenience of refueling the heating block. Thanks to the "offset" filling system, it is convenient to add liquid fuel to it. This minimizes the risk of fire and burns. The heating block is made of two-millimeter stainless steel. Due to this (at high temperatures) it does not deform

It is important that the device of the block helps to reduce the return of the flame, and also excludes the formation of the so-called "explosive cloud"

The biofireplace is decorated and faced with fire-resistant glass, painted steel, granite, marble, veneer and other materials. As a result, a biofireplace can have the most incredible outlines that even professional decorators and lovers of the most extravagant interiors liked it.

Floor standing biofireplace

Floor standing biofireplace

Glass floor biofireplace

Glass table biofireplace

Fuel and heat transfer of biofireplace

The hearth is filled with special fuel, based on ethanol - ordinary alcohol. But since the free sale of purified ethanol is prohibited, denatured alcohol is used as biofuel. It is not hazardous to the environment. Burning ethanol is accompanied by the release of heat, carbon dioxide and water vapor. These substances are relatively harmless, but you still need to open the window a little and periodically ventilate the room.

Biofuel for biofireplace

It all depends on the size of the biofireplace, because a large outdoor biofireplace during active operation is able to emit a significant amount of carbon dioxide, in contrast to a small version, the volume of CO2 emitted from which is comparable to normal human breathing. The process of burning denatured alcohol looks beautiful and forms spectacular tongues of fire.

Biofuels are mainly produced in cans with a capacity of 2.5 and 5 liters. On average, 0.36 liters of fuel are consumed per one hour of combustion. It follows from this that a biofireplace with a 2.5-liter heating block will burn continuously for about 10 hours. Since the efficiency of the heating unit is more than 95%, then almost all the generated heat will remain in the room. The thermal performance of the biofireplace heating unit, which runs on denatured alcohol, is approximately 4 kilowatts per hour (equivalent to two ordinary electric heaters).

Several arguments in favor of the sustainability of bio fireplaces

  • clean, environmentally friendly raw materials - bioethanol are used as fuel;
  • it is fed for combustion to a patented burner, which prevents the evaporation of liquid fuel;
  • the flame of the biofireplace does not emit soot and smoke;
  • biofuels are not hazardous to human health and the environment. It does not lead to allergic reactions and is non-toxic;
  • the combustion of biofuel occurs with the release of a minimum of carbon dioxide (approximately as much as is formed from the combustion of two paraffin candles);
  • biofireplaces can be used for aromatherapy (matching kits are sold).

Several arguments for the safety of biofireplaces

Having analyzed the types of fireplaces for safety, you can make the following rating:

  • The first place is occupied by all types of electric fireplaces, since they are not sources of open fire.
  • The second place among fireplaces in general and the first among open fires, where a real flame is formed behind a biofireplace. Fire from burners in it is reliably protected by a fire shield. It should be remembered that it is dangerous to keep flammable objects closer than half a meter from any source of fire.
  • The third place was taken by gas fireplaces. In terms of safety, they outperform conventional ones, but we must not forget that gas is also an explosive substance.
  • Last but not least on safety is the traditional fireplace. Sparks, soot, a defective chimney valve are all risk factors. In addition, it is in the first place in terms of the laboriousness of installation and maintenance - its owner will have to regularly remove ash and clean the chimney every year.

Safety rules cannot be neglected when using all types of fireplaces and any equipment in general!

Ceramic firewood and logs in a bio fireplace cannot be immediately distinguished from real ones

Step-by-step instructions for making an electric fireplace portal

The question arises, how to make an electric fireplace with steam with your own hands? Let's figure it out. Models of electric fireplaces are different and they are made from different materials. For example, such as: drywall, stone, noble wood species, chipboard, plywood and many others.

Do-it-yourself electric fireplace, step-by-step instructions for which are presented, can be made without any problems. The fact that it is divided into parts is only a plus, since you can choose the most optimal option based on your preferences and capabilities. Read also about on our website.

In order to create a portal to an electric fireplace with your own hands from drywall, special skills and any specialized tools are not required. Facing the portal of the electric fireplace with your own hands is performed in this case from finishing tiles, although other options are possible.

Before making a portal, you should:

  • choose a place where the electric fireplace will be installed;
  • buy or create an electrical element of the hearth;
  • draw a drawing;
  • prepare necessary materials and tools.

In order to make a portal for an electric fireplace from plasterboard, you will need the following materials:

  • metal profile, for creating a structure and fastening drywall;
  • drywall sheets;
  • putty diluted with water;
  • primer;
  • mesh for seams;
  • insulation;
  • a previously created drawing;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corner for fixing corners;
  • facing tiles;
  • furniture board;
  • special glue.

We have previously written about the manufacture and recommended to bookmark the article.

Required tool:

  • spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • scissors for metal.

Types and models of fireplace portals, features of their installation, recommendations and useful tips for those who want to create a cozy recreation area with a home in their apartment.

After preparation necessary tools and materials you can get to work:

Stage 1. Preparation of metal profiles and drywall. Cut to sizes that have been thought out in advance. A drawing was built on their basis;

Stage 2. Installation of the metal profile according to the drawing;

Stage 3. Securing drywall with self-tapping screws to the metal profile;

Stage 4. We completely sew up the frame with plasterboard according to the drawing;

Stage 5. Putty mixture carefully and carefully seal all seams and corners;

Stage 6. After the putty dries, you should go to sandpaper to remove all the bumps;

Stage 7. At the corners on top of the drywall, install the corner metal profile;

Stage 11. The portal for the electric fireplace is ready.

Placing decorative firewood

Special attention should be paid to the location of firewood in the fireplace niche. You can do this with your own hands and give the hearth a more aesthetic look, it will become more believable.
To place a dummy of logs in a fireplace niche, you need to decide on the installation option .. The imitation of firewood looks quite impressive in combination with other decorative elements, such as stones or candles

Set the logs in the form of a "house".
Arrange the wood in a cone.
In a chaotic manner, as your fantasy suggests.

Imitation of firewood in combination with other decorative elements, such as stones or candles, looks quite impressive.

If, for some reason, it is impossible to place artificial firewood in the depth of the firebox, you can place a separate emphasis on firewood by placing them outside the hearth.

In addition, you can build a firebox with your own hands, in which decorative firewood is placed.

With a harmonious selection of furnace equipment and decor for it, you can turn the hearth into an object of great attention. The combination of firewood and fire, regardless of whether they are natural or artificial, will give any interior a unique charm and comfort.

Caution will not interfere with the peculiarities of using biofireplaces

  • The room in which the biofireplace is located must be ventilated.
  • To light a fire in bio fireplaces, you must use a special lighter. It is not recommended to use paper and other materials at hand.
  • Install the biofireplace away from curtains, curtains and fabric chairs.
  • Do not touch the fireplace during operation. Keep children and animals away from it.
  • It is forbidden to add fuel while the heating unit is in operation!
  • To refuel, extinguish the flame and wait for the unit to cool down (at least 15 minutes).
  • There is no place for a biofuel canister next to a working fireplace!
  • Care must be taken to have a fire extinguisher in the room.

If you adhere to all the rules for operating a bio fireplace, then it is able to work properly for many years. All these years he will delight his owners with a bewitching, lively, open flame, and bring peace, harmony and comfort to their lives.

Outdoor bio fireplace

Outdoor bio fireplace

Biofireplace table

Biofireplace table

Automatic biofireplace line

Automatic biofireplace line

Tags: Biofireplace, biofuel biofireplace

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Firewood imitation options and materials

In stores, you can find many options for similar products. They can be made of plastic or ceramic. Any imitation, purchased or made with your own hands, is designed to give realism to an artificial hearth, to help you feel all the charm of home comfort and warmth.

The imitation of wood or coal, made of plastic, has a very simple principle of operation. Usually such objects are illuminated with red bulbs.

Such an option is also possible when a light bulb is inside each element. Of course, this is not entirely realistic, but still.

For more expensive fireplace models, a flickering picture or imitation of tongues of artificial flame is characteristic, which occurs due to a special mechanism in which elements rotate around the lamp, with alternating transparent and shaded sectors. This type of lighting can be located either behind the dummy firewood, or inside it.

The exact same lighting system can be used to achieve a burning effect using real coal, which is placed in a fireplace niche.

In this case, the dummy and coals are illuminated from the bottom. The imitation of plastic firewood and coals is certainly not perfect, and it has its own errors.

In order to hide all the flaws as much as possible, artificial firewood with lighting is placed as deep as possible in the fireplace niche, and the hearth is decorated with a fireplace grate, which serves as a mask for shortcomings.

In expensive models of electric fireplaces, you can find several methods of simulating fire. For the realism of the picture, they use not only dummies of firewood, but also mirrors, with strips of foil or ribbons, in which backlighting lights are colored, creating the illusion of tongues of flame. In addition to all the models are equipped with various functions, by dispensing steam that simulates smoke from a fire; a sound device that produces sounds similar to the crackling of wood.

If your financial capabilities are not enough for such items, then as an option, you can try to make dummies of firewood with your own hands.

The final stage - fixing the structure

It should not only look as natural as possible, but also be additionally fixed. To do this, we use several flaps of previously prepared tissue. For strengthening, it is best to use white silk, since throughout the structure and color, it harmoniously fits into the overall picture of the dummy and conveys all light effects well.

You need to fix the shreds next to the fan, so when it is working, they will perform rhythmic oscillations.

This completes the imitation of fire in a false fireplace. In order to reproduce this effect, you just need to connect the fan to the network. The advantages of this visualization are guaranteed safety, high realism and minimal production time.

How to make an artificial fire in a fireplace with your own hands, simple methods

Many people enjoy looking at a fire in a fireplace. The sight of the flame calms, allows you to relax and immerse yourself in your own thoughts. However, it is not always possible to put a real fireplace in your home; it is especially problematic for city dwellers, whose stress level is very high and who, like no one else, need an effective way to relax.

Fortunately, we can build a false fireplace in our apartment, which will adequately replace the real analogue. At the same time, it can have a real fire if biofuel is used, or an imitation of fire in a fireplace, which you can also do yourself. In this article we will talk about how to make an imitation of fire in a fireplace with our own hands, we will analyze the most popular methods.

False fireplace with a skillfully filled firebox

Available options

A decorative false fireplace is created from various materials, you can use cardboard, gypsum, polystyrene, drywall, plywood, chipboard and even brick.

In most cases, these materials are flammable, so it is worth remembering the norms fire safety and do not place real fire in furnaces.

If you plan to build a biofireplace burner into the firebox, which will create a real flame, then the choice of materials for construction should be taken more seriously. For example, build a brick structure, sheathe the firebox with metal sheets.

We will consider options when it is required to make an imitation of fire, which would be remotely or very similar to a real flame. And the simplest idea that immediately comes to mind is to create a suitable drawing. Anyone can draw a picture, but how this fire will look on canvas depends on the talent of the artist.

Painted hearth inside a fake fireplace

There are many other options to create a fake fire in a fireplace that is more realistic than a painted one, and the most interesting of them are the following:

  • using a steam generator is a modern way;
  • the use of fabric and a fan is a theatrical solution;
  • the use of LCD displays, TVs is an effective option;
  • original lighting with a salt lamp is a useful technique;
  • lighting with garlands is a simple method;
  • use of candles, candle fireplace - design approach.

If you want to create a high-quality imitation of fire in the fireplace, you can use any of available optionshowever, remember that each method has its merits and demerits. To understand which fire for a fireplace is easiest for you to do with your own hands, let's look at all these methods in order.

General description of popular methods

One of the most difficult methods is to create artificial fire using generated water vapor, and we will start with this method.


To create a steam installation inside your raised fireplace, you will need certain accessories and electrical skills. You can look for a ready-made solution, but it will be difficult to find it.

To build a steam generator, we need the following components:

  • small quiet fan;
  • DMX-controller and DMX-decoder - devices that allow transferring digital data and balancing the operation of all generator systems;
  • lED lamp (LED);
  • ultrasonic fog generators;
  • pure water;
  • suitable box, box.

Installation diagram for creating simulated fire from steam

The principle of the steam system is very simple. Fog generators are installed in a suitable box or box.

Clean, distilled water is poured into them, which, under the influence of a fan and an ultrasonic oscillator, begins to gradually evaporate. Note that the evaporation of water occurs at room temperature, and the vapor itself is cold.

Rising steam from water evaporation is illuminated lED lampThis is how you get the effect of a real flame in the fireplace.

What are they needed for

Many will ask the question - why are such dummies needed? Well, first of all, it's a matter of aesthetics. And secondly, you don't need deep knowledge in the field of stove equipment to notice the difference between a hearth with an electric heating element and a wood-burning fireplace.

Due to the absence of smoke and quick warm-up premises, electric fireplaces are in the black when compared with a wood-burning hearth. But with all this, a certain naturalness of the hearth is lost, its charm and charm are lost. If you add a dummy of firewood to such a structure, the picture of the fireplace changes radically.

Since ancient times, people have installed fireplaces in their homes, both for heating and for cooking or lighting a room. Today, these issues are solved by the heating system and household appliances, and the presence of a hearth is often decorative. An imitation fireplace is a good addition to the interior of your home, which fills it with beauty and comfort.

What is a false fireplace, and why is it needed

It is impossible to equip a full-fledged fireplace in a city apartment. This is due to the lack of chimneys, as well as the inability of the floors to withstand heavy loads. Alternatively, simulate fire is used, which can be done with your own hands without special skills.

Someone buys ready-made electric false fireplaces - they are inexpensive and do not require complex installation. However, creating an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands is a more interesting way of interior decoration, which allows you to embody any design ideas and imagination, turning the living room into the most comfortable part of the apartment.

Decorative fire has the following advantages:

  1. Affordable cost. All costs are associated only with the purchase of materials.
  2. The versatility of the decor. A false fireplace can be used for a whole year, and if desired, it can be modified by changing appearance.
  3. Stylish appearance and combination with any interior style.

Types of decorative fireplaces

A wide selection of ready-made designs is available for sale. If you are not considering the option of making an electric fireplace with the effect of live fire with your own hands, you can choose one of the following solutions:

  1. Cardboard or foam portal. It is the most affordable product. In addition, you can create it yourself with minimal cost time and effort. Given the flammability of the materials, it is impossible to place a fire in them. It is also not recommended to install heavy decorative objects on the structure, because the foam will not be able to withstand them.
  2. Plasterboard fireplace. It is quite simple to make an imitation fire from this raw material. The material lends itself well to processing and is inexpensive. Unlike foam or cardboard, drywall is fire resistant. This allows candles to be used to simulate a flame.
  3. Plywood option. Is different stylish design and environmental safety. But in order to preserve the appearance of the portal and extend its service life, it is necessary to isolate the material from moisture.
  4. Brick and stone fireplaces. These types are highly decorative and durable. To create a hearth, you need to have basic skills in laying bricks or stones. You will also need to spend a considerable amount on the purchase of materials. Before installing the structure, you should make sure that flooring will be able to withstand such a weighty building.

How to make a simulated fire in a fireplace

When creating a simulated fire in a fireplace, you need to understand that it will only be used for interior decoration, but not for heating. If you are looking for a stylish decorative element that creates a cozy atmosphere in your home, you should consider the following options:

  1. Application modern equipmentgenerating water vapor.
  2. Use of fabric and ventilation systems.
  3. Using LCD panels or televisions.
  4. Salt lamp illumination.
  5. Illumination with garlands.
  6. The use of candles.

To make an artificial fire, it is allowed to use any of the listed options. But before that, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

Fire with LCD screen

The method is considered one of the most popular, because it creates a high-quality imitation of a hearth using a TV, tablet, electronic photo frame or LCD panel. The only drawback is the high cost of equipment.

But there are special displays available on the market that are designed specifically for this purpose. The user just needs to place the device in the right place and turn on the finished fire recording.

To increase the realism of the invention, you can use optical systems made of light filters. They give the picture a lively hue, making it three-dimensional.

Another imitation fireplace can be improved with mirrors. This option is often found in theaters. If you place mirrored surfaces on the walls of the firebox and on the bottom, the simulated fire will get a special volume and realism.

Simulating fire using holograms

For the most subtle connoisseurs, there are holographic devices capable of showing a copy of a flame in three dimensions. Such systems are not cheap, but this is justified by the depth of the picture and the impressive visual effect.

Cold fire with a fan

Simulating a flame using ventilation devices is an affordable and easy way to create a false fireplace. For such a project, you will need to prepare a number of materials:

  1. Box frame made of cardboard or tin.
  2. Patchwork fabric.
  3. Ventilation devices.
  4. LED bulbs with different colors.
  5. 3 small mirrors.
  6. Optical filters.

A fan must be placed on a cardboard frame so that the air flow is directed upward. Then you need to install LED bulbs and optical filters in the corners. Mirror surfaces are fixed on the sides of the frame.

Fire using a steam generator.

When creating an artificial fire based on a steam generator, you will need to prepare the following components:

  1. 3 ultrasonic fog generators.
  2. Water tank.
  3. Purified liquid.
  4. Cardboard construction.
  5. RGB lighting.
  6. Ventilation devices.

Place ultrasonic fog generators inside the cardboard container and fix the fan. Then you need to pour liquid into a special tank and start the fog generator. Availability lighting fixtures will create a realistic flame effect.

Silk fabric

To make a false fireplace from scraps of fabric, you must follow these instructions:

  1. A small fan should be installed in a cardboard box, and multi-colored LEDs should be fixed above it.
  2. Pieces of mirrors are placed above the diodes - they will be used to create highlights.
  3. Pieces of silk are fixed near the fan.
  4. The box is decorated and placed inside the fireplace.

3D image

Artificial flame looks unusual when using 3D holograms. To realize such an idea, it is necessary to give a flat picture a three-dimensional shape using optical systems and LED lamps.

Artificial wood for a false fireplace

If an electric fireplace is installed in the room, which performs the function of heating, you will need to create an imitation of firewood. For this purpose, you can use finished products made of ceramics or other heat-resistant material. Together with LED-backlighting, such a solution looks particularly elegant.

You can also place traditional firewood near the fireplace - they will not be able to catch fire from the heat of the fireplace and are safe to use.

Artificial fireplace fire: salt lamp

Interesting and useful way Arrangement of an artificial fireplace in the house is a salt lamp. Such an accessory appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already become widespread and popular. This is due to its stylish design and great health benefits.

A large lump of salt with an LED lamp is used to create a salt lamp. In the neglected state, the lamp heats up, as a result of which the salt cover heats up and emits negative ions into the environment. When combined with positive ions, they neutralize them. This fills the house with favorable living conditions.

To do the installation of a salt lamp with your own hands, you do not need to have any special skills. The main thing is to purchase such a device, decide on the colors and complete the decorative part of the work.

Decorative firewood for fireplace

To decorate a false fireplace beautifully, you need to purchase artificial firewood. They should make the design as similar as possible to the classic analogue, which operates on solid fuel.

Stylish decorative items made of ceramics, plastic and other materials are available for sale. Since they do not emit smoke and heat during operation, this is environmentally friendly.

To give the fireplace stove maximum realism, firewood can be equipped with light filters with a red tint. More expensive options include an internal backlight with a special flicker cycle.


Modern faux fireplaces not only replicate the look of natural options, but also have some interesting effects.

The scent of a burning fireplace

The main task of the false fireplace is to imitate the hearth of the flame in the apartment. To improve the realism of sensations when contacting such a structure, it is necessary to provide the aroma of burning wood in the room.

To do this, you will need to purchase any suitable incense or set fire to thin splinters, having previously protected the room from ignition.

It is better to place the combustion chamber under the outer panel in a closed container. It is also equipped with a forced ventilation system.

Crackling dry logs

An indispensable attribute of the simulated fire realism is the characteristic sound of crackling firewood. It can be provided by recording the sound of a fire or downloading a finished audio file. Having chosen a natural volume level, it is necessary to turn on this sound on the MP3 player and install it in the general scheme of the fireplace. When the structure is connected to the electrical network, the crackling will start automatically.

Real warmth from a cold fire

When setting up a simulated flame in a home, most people install a fireplace without heating. However, it is problematic to achieve a realistic focus without a thermal effect. Therefore, an air conditioning system can be installed above the fireplace. However, the presence of characteristic noise can impair the resting atmosphere.

Alternatively, a silent air heater is suitable, which will not only improve the realism of the simulation, but also become additional source heat.

Do-it-yourself decorative false fireplace

Creating a false fireplace is a laborious process that requires some skill and experience in construction. To build a beautiful and robust design, which will serve without deformation for a long time, you should correctly draw up a drawing, calculate the amount of consumables and carefully study the step-by-step guide.

How to make a drawing and choose the right parameters

When creating a drawing of a fireplace structure, it is necessary to take into account both the size of the room and the future decor element. The classic floor-to-wall oven has the following parameters: the width of the lower part is 1500 mm, the depth is 345 mm, and the width of the upper part is 1490 mm.

What materials will be required

Depending on the type of fireplace, you will need to prepare a number of materials and tools for their processing. When it comes to drywall product, you need to buy drywall sheets. When choosing a material, you should be guided by the characteristics of the facing layer. When finishing with a slab, it is necessary to consider the option of a moisture-resistant modification. Then you need to buy support profiles, on the basis of which the fireplace frame will be assembled.

To connect the frame elements, you should purchase self-tapping screws. The optimal length of the fasteners is 1.4-1.6 cm. You should also prepare countersunk head screws - with their help, the sheets will be fixed. You will also need dowel nails to attach the profiles.

Depending on the finish finishing works choose wallpaper, paints and varnishes or primers and putties. When decorating with tiles, you need to buy tile adhesive and grout.

The amount of consumables is determined by the size of the decorative structure.

Polyurethane fireplace

The option of erecting an artificial hearth made of polyurethane is one of the most affordable and fastest. For the upcoming work, you will need to buy a polyurethane portal, calculate the dimensions and perform installation.

If used electrical device with the image of fire on the screen, you should measure it from all sides, and then create a wireframe based on the obtained data. It is also important to provide for ways of connecting to the electrical network and the reliability of the ventilation system.

Plywood construction

Plywood portals are especially in demand when hiding any defects in a room, including an old heating battery. To create a frame, you should use wooden blocks, and then sheathe it with plywood.

The appearance of a fireplace is determined by personal preference and interior style.

Imitation of a plasterboard fireplace

It is more difficult to build a decorative hearth based on drywall than using other materials. But in conditions of limited space, a corner plasterboard option may become the most optimal. To create the frame, a thin metallic profile, in which holes are made for dowels or screws. Then drywall is attached to the base, giving it the required shape.

New life of old furniture

Available creation option decorative fireplace is the transformation of old furniture. If the house has an unnecessary closet or sideboard, you should not throw it in the trash. With minimal imagination, you can make a good imitation of a fireplace stove out of this piece of wood.

Stages of work

To simplify the process of erecting a false fireplace, it is necessary to study the sequence of actions and get to work. You will need to prepare drawings and calculations, then collect the necessary materials and tools, and start creating a frame. Further, it is important to provide for a communication connection diagram and perform the decorative part of the work.
