Hello everyone!

Milk thistle appeared on the shelves of our pharmacies relatively recently, but it medicinal properties are no longer in doubt.

This medicinal herb as if specially created for the treatment of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Let's talk in more detail and thoroughly about how to take milk thistle for the liver and what beneficial properties it has.

From this article you will learn:

Milk thistle for the liver - properties and uses

Milk thistle (lat. Sílybum marianum) is a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Milk Thistle of the Asteraceae family. Gardeners in Russia often call this type of milk thistle hot-variegated. wiki

What does milk thistle look like - a brief botanical note

Milk thistle is herbaceous plant from the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae). In the genus are annual and biennial herbs, up to 1.5 m high, with large alternate leaves in white spots or stripes.

Milk thistle flowers are bisexual, tubular, purple or other shades of this color, bloom in July - September.

The fruits are compressed crested achene.

There are two types of milk thistle - Silver Milk Thistle (Silybum eburneum) and Spotted Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum).

The latter is also popularly called Milk thistle, St. Mary's thistle, Mary's Tatar, Virgin Mary's herb, Spicy-variegated.

The first species is rare, and the second - around the world. It is the second type that has an exceptionally pronounced therapeutic effect on the liver.

The chemical composition of milk thistle

IN chemical composition seeds and other parts of milk thistle includes about 400 valuable components, here are the main ones:

  • macronutrients (in mg per 1 g of raw materials): magnesium - 4.2; calcium - 16.6; potassium - 9.2; iron - 0.08;
  • trace elements (in micrograms per 1 g of raw materials): selenium - 22.9, boron - 22.4, manganese - 0.1, zinc - 0.71, copper - 1.16 iodine - 0.09, chromium - 0.15 ;
  • vitamins - vitamins A, E, K, F, D, group B;
  • oils - fatty oils (up to 32%), essential oils(up to 0.1%);
  • biogenic amines - tyramine, histamine;
  • platelet stimulator factor T;
  • flavonoids;
  • lipid complex - tocopherols, phospholipids, acylglycerols;

Main active ingredients

The main active components of the plant are flavolignans: silybin, silicristin, silidianin - they form compounds of silymarins.

It is the presence of silymarins, of which up to 12 varieties were counted in milk thistle, that determines its amazing therapeutic effect on the liver - hepatoprotective, detoxifying, regenerating.

Milk thistle herb and its beneficial properties for the liver

Let's look at the main beneficial and medicinal properties of milk thistle herb and all the ways it can be used to treat liver diseases.

Milk thistle is used for:

  • chronic hepatitis disease
  • biliary dyskinesia
  • uraturia
  • cholecystitis
  • nephrolithiasis
  • in recovery after treatment with nephrotoxic drugs
  • other toxic lesions (alcoholic, vegetable poisons, compounds heavy metals etc.).

Why is milk thistle good for the liver?

The healing effect of milk thistle on the liver is due to the function of the plant as a hepatoprotector.

Silymarin is responsible for this property of milk thistle, which has a membrane-stabilizing, antifibrotic (against the formation of connective tissue and extracellular matrix), antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

The mechanism of action of silymarin

  1. Silymarin inhibits lipid peroxidation, thus preventing the destruction of hepatocyte membranes; neutralizes free radicals in liver cells;
  2. Activates RNA polymerase, which leads to increased tissue regeneration; stimulates the synthesis of phospholipids and proteins in damaged cells and stabilizes membranes, preserving cell components.
  3. Silymarin does not allow a number of hepatotoxic substances to enter the cell, for example, the poison of the pale toadstool. Synthesizing prostaglandins, silymarin has an anti-inflammatory effect on the liver.

How to use milk thistle for the liver correctly?

Silymarin is an extremely unstable compound and is destroyed under the influence of oxygen, light from any source, temperatures above + 60 ºС.

Therefore, treatment with tea, milk thistle decoction, oil is simply impossible - Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the Samara State Medical University Braslavsky Valery Borisovich, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

How to prepare an effective medicine from milk thistle at home

On your own, with a guarantee of preserving the active substance, you can prepare a powder from the seeds and an alcohol tincture.

Seed Powder and Germinated Seeds

Grind the seed (you can use a coffee grinder) and immediately consume it for 1 s. l. per day (before meals).

For the prevention of diseases and the improvement of the liver, it is good to take 1 s. l. germinated seeds - also before meals.

Alcoholic tincture of milk thistle seeds (one of the options)

Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, quickly place in a dark glass vessel, pour alcohol or good quality vodka in a ratio of 1:5, seal tightly and place in a cool, dark place, where to infuse for 2 to 7 days.

If necessary, the tincture can be taken after a few hours.

Alcohol tincture is a potent drug, therefore it is taken with caution, after consulting a doctor, 1-2 or 15-20 drops at a time.

Preparations with milk thistle for the liver

Consider the main preparations based on milk thistle and important features their use in the treatment of the liver.

Milk thistle tablets

Milk thistle in tablets is most effective in the form of preparations "Karsil Forte" and "Karsil"; Sibektan, Salimar, Legalen. It must be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the drug.

Milk thistle powder for the liver

Milk thistle powder for the liver can be purchased as part of the Gepabene preparation, where it, together with the fume extract, is enclosed in hard gelatin capsules, which retains the active silymarin; in capsules "Phosfonciale" (plant extract); in capsules "Legalon".

NOTE!!! Milk thistle (silymarin) in seeds and capsules - organic quality from the best world producers. Very wide range, see Here

Milk thistle meal and why it may not be effective?

Milk thistle meal is a powder, flour from its seeds. Never buy ready-made milk thistle meal!

So that the meal does not lose its healing properties, it must be prepared immediately before use, avoiding prolonged exposure to light and in contact with air.

Otherwise, silymarin - the active ingredient - is destroyed.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle herb

Taking drugs based on or from an alcohol-based gut extract is not allowed when:

  • cirrhotic (alcoholic) liver disease
  • pancreatitis
  • acute cholecystitis
  • liver failure
  • allergic reactions
  • as well as asthma, epilepsy, acute and chronic mental disorders.

With caution and only after consulting a doctor, milk thistle preparations should be taken by people with diseases of the cardiovascular group, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Video about the use of milk thistle for the liver

In conclusion, be sure to watch this video about the use of milk thistle and its effects on the liver. I recommend.

Use milk thistle herb for the liver correctly and be healthy!

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Photo in the article https://depositphotos.com/ @ joannawuk and @ chasbrutlag

An aggressive weed and a valuable medicinal plant - a shrub that has been used in medical practice since ancient times combines amazing properties. The medicinal properties of milk thistle were known to the ancient healers Diascorides and Galen, the first mention of it is contained in the writings of Theophrastus, dated to the fourth century BC.

The first studies of the effects of dosage forms on humans were carried out in the Middle Ages. In Europe, already in the sixteenth century, a tincture from the seeds of the plant was used to treat diseases of the liver and spleen, hepatic colic, cholelithiasis, and jaundice. Modern substantiations of the value of natural raw materials were given in the sixties of the twentieth century by the Munich Institute of Pharmacy. For the first time, the composition of the herb was deciphered quite fully, which gave impetus to its use in official medicine.

Features of milk thistle

Today, milk thistle is one of the basic raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry. In the territory Russian Federation land for its cultivation with an area of ​​about ten thousand hectares has been created. In China, the maximum pharmacological lands of culture have been recorded - at least one hundred thousand hectares.


In the natural environment, culture takes place life cycle during two years. From the seed, a compact sprout with spreading leaves is formed, which grows rapidly. Already in the first year of vegetation, its height is sixty centimeters, after another year the stem more than doubles. The maximum grass height is one and a half meters.

Shoots are solitary or grow branched from the root. The entire surface is covered with spines. The leaves are large, often their length is fifty to eighty centimeters. The largest are located at the root, sprawling, placed alternately on the stem, variegated, with carved edges. The surface of the leaves is glossy, dark green. Often, spots of mother-of-pearl shade are scattered over it, for which the plant is popularly called milk thistle.

Starting from mid-summer, milk thistle grass is in continuous bloom. Its stems are crowned with spherical baskets, from which bright, fluffy petals peep out. They are painted in purple, pink, lilac colors, covered with small hairs. Flowering continues until the end of August, by which time fruits are formed in the baskets. Those are small achenes, each with a tuft, thanks to which the seeds are easily carried by the wind over long distances.

A synonym for milk thistle is milk thistle, both plant names are correct. However, identifying the crop with thistles is erroneous. In the family of the latter there are more than twenty plants, with different medicinal properties and generally without them.

Distribution and cultivation

The culture is extremely unpretentious, grows on any soil. It does not claim to be black soil, but, if it turns out to be on them, it quickly displaces neighbors growing nearby. For normal development, it is enough sandy soil with low levels of moisture. The only thing milk thistle makes demands on is the climate. The zone of its growth are warm climatic zones - from the Balkans to the southern part of Russia (Caucasus, Crimea).

It is cultivated in an organized manner, but plantations do not limit the distribution of the plant. His spectacular appearance causes cultivation in gardens and parks, on summer cottages. Being planted on a new site, the plant quickly runs wild, populating neighboring territories. It grows like an aggressive weed, so you can find milk thistle almost everywhere in the climate zone that suits it. She prefers wastelands, grows along roadsides, railways. It is found at dacha cooperatives and in abandoned fields, often “visits” cultivated areas, where it is mercilessly destroyed.

The plant takes root well in summer cottages and requires minimal care. Significant soil preparation is not necessary, it is enough to add lime fertilizer to it in advance. Seeds harvested from last year are planted in May, immediately in open ground. Holes are formed, where three, four grains fall asleep. When shoots appear, they are thinned out, leaving one strong shoot per hole.

Collection and preparation

The use of milk thistle in official medicine includes recommendations for the collection of seeds only. However, folk medical practice uses culture much more widely. Dosage forms based on roots and leaves are used, the entire plant is stored. Since it is not actively harvested, and the culture is extremely tenacious, the work on collecting raw materials is not reflected in reproduction and the intensity of distribution.

The grass, root and fruits of milk thistle are not stored for a long time. The herbaceous part of the plant is usually used immediately, while the seed and root have a shelf life of one year. Then the workpiece is repeated.

Composition and properties

Milk thistle is a natural source of biologically active compounds. In total, up to two hundred active components were found in its composition, including fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the main value is another component - the biologically active substance silymarin. It is it that is mined in the form of an extract of milk thistle for the pharmacological industry. According to doctors, it has a stimulating effect on groups of organs and systems.

In particular, silymarin is the only natural agent that corrects liver function. So far, its artificial analogue has not been synthesized, which is why the industrial cultivation of milk thistle is a task of a national scale. Silymarin restores the functions of liver cells, stimulates their regeneration. It is especially active against cells affected by toxins, as it neutralizes the action of hazardous substances.

Silymarin selectively acts against toxins of a different nature. It does not suppress the effects of toxins from medicines and most poisons, but supports the functions of liver cells, increasing their resistance to external factors. It is an antagonist of the pale toadstool toxin, against which it acts as a direct antidote.

Silymarin has the following effect.

  • Hepaprotective. It is provided by the neutralization of oxygen free radicals in the liver tissues, which reduces the severity of destructive processes in it caused by exposure to toxins and viruses. Stimulates the production of the enzyme RNA polymerase - the main activator of the synthesis of structural proteins of tissues, promotes regeneration. Activates metabolic processes in cells, provides accelerated excretion of waste products of the hepatitis virus, toxins.
  • Antiviral. Milk thistle treatment has a stimulating effect not only on liver cells. In 2013, the direct antiviral activity of silymarin against the hepatitis C virus was revealed. In a sufficient dosage of at least one hundred and twenty-five micromoles, it blocks the ability of viruses to bind to liposomes of hepatocytes - liver cells. As a result, the reproduction of viruses stops.

The use of silymarin, the volume of which in milk thistle meal (seed powder) is five percent, improves the quality of life of patients suffering from liver intoxication, alcoholic cirrhosis, and hepatitis. The general condition of patients improves, complaints about subjective negative sensations decrease. An increase in the percentage of survival with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, prolongation of life, often with complete relief of the disease, has been proven.

The active substance contains up to twenty percent of oils, mucus, tannin, histamine. This combination has an anti-inflammatory, enveloping effect on tissues, mucous membranes.

Use of milk thistle

An important feature of the medicinal culture is the absence of contraindications. The use of milk thistle herb is possible at any age, as part of a separate or complex therapy. If necessary, milk thistle is used in children. In rare cases, it is used to normalize the functioning of the liver, more often as an expectorant. Milk thistle during pregnancy is used on the recommendation of a doctor, however, pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to its use.

There are no contraindications for milk thistle due to the non-toxicity of the culture and its selective effect on the body. Even in high doses, it does not cause toxic effects, negative reactions are not observed with prolonged use of drugs.

Milk thistle honey is not medicinal, but dietary product. It does not contain silymarin, as well as most other active components: mucus, tannins, trace elements. It is used, like other types of honey, in the treatment of colds, to increase the overall tone of the body.

root decoction

The roots of the plant are not used in official medicine. IN folk decoction of which is used to relieve inflammation and pain. It is recommended to use for toothache and stomatitis, rinsing the affected areas. Inside, it is taken as a supportive agent for the liver in order to cleanse it of toxins, as well as for diarrhea, urinary retention.


  1. Grind the rhizome, use a tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Pour boiling water with a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Cover with a lid, put in a water bath.
  4. Simmer for thirty minutes, cool, strain.

A decoction of the roots is taken four times a day before meals in a tablespoon.

Juice from leaves, stems

The juice contains a particularly high content of mucous substances, therefore, freshly squeezed and canned, it is recommended for inflammatory processes in the colon, for stomach diseases with damage to the mucous membranes. It can also be taken as a laxative.


  1. Use large lower leaves and the fleshy part of the stem. Rinse, dry.
  2. Grind raw materials in a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the mass through gauze, remove the cake.
  4. Preserve the juice with alcohol at the rate of fifty milliliters of alcohol per liter of medicinal raw materials.

Take the drug on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before meals, immediately after waking up. Dosage - two tablespoons.

The juice has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. For the treatment of wounds, cuts on the leaves, cuts are made and applied in the form of lotions to the affected areas.

seed decoction

The use of milk thistle seeds is most common in folk medicine. A decoction is used as a hepaprotective agent to normalize liver function. At the same time, the remedy relieves pain associated with hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis.


  1. Grind the seeds into powder.
  2. Use thirty grams of raw materials (two heaping tablespoons).
  3. Pour boiling water with a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  4. Simmer over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated.
  5. Strain.

Take a decoction of seeds for a long time - for two months. Drink it in a tablespoon every hour.

Flour (meal) milk thistle

Seeds crushed into flour medicinal plant milk thistle is used to prepare a medicinal tincture or consumed in its original form. It is used for the same indications as the decoction, in particular, for the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Flour additionally reduces blood sugar levels, facilitates the course of varicose veins.

For cooking, the seeds are ground in a meat grinder into flour. Take in pure form five times a day for a teaspoon.

Milk thistle oil is also obtained from the seeds, which has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect. The oil is used externally for the treatment of burns and wounds, and internally as a hepaprotector, remedy for constipation and for weight loss.

Milk thistle is a highly valuable plant for the pharmaceutical industry. The effectiveness of its preparations has been proven through tests and clinical observations. On the basis of medicinal raw materials, drugs are produced for the treatment of liver diseases, in home medicine it is used in the form of a decoction (infusion) of seeds, roots, leaf juice. “When you see a milk thistle on your site, do not rush to pull it out,” advises herbalist Andrey Varenikov. - It is better to tear off the baskets first and prepare seeds from them. Support your liver with this amazing herbal remedy."

In view of what is often used in folk medicine. This plant is especially useful for the liver, which is associated with the peculiarities of its composition. To have an extremely positive effect on the liver, you need to know how to properly take milk thistle.

Milk thistle contains over 400 nutrients that are essential human body for normal operation. The main active ingredient that has a significant effect on the state of the liver is silymarin. The plant contains about 12 types of silymarin compounds that positively affect the liver.

In addition, the grass contains a large amount of trace elements - magnesium and iron. In less significant quantities, milk thistle contains serenium, chromium, and iodine. The composition of the plant includes vitamins of all groups, essential oils, and substances responsible for the production of amines.

Useful properties of milk thistle:

  • restorative effect on the cell membranes of the liver
  • protection from toxic substances
  • strengthening the walls of small blood vessels
  • regenerative properties
  • strengthening the immune mechanisms of the body
  • influence on metabolic processes and normalization of weight

Milk thistle is often used as a wound healing agent. Diabetics are recommended to take medicine with such a plant due to the fact that it is. It can also be used for gynecological diseases.

In general, milk thistle is characterized by many positive qualities, which is explained by the presence of a wide range of useful substances in its composition.

Milk thistle and liver disease

The presented plant is actively used in medicine as a hepatoprotector. Silymarin performs a protective function, protecting liver cells from the negative effects of toxins. The substance also activates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues, stimulating the production of certain components necessary to strengthen cell membranes. Prostaglandin produced by silymarin is characterized by anti-inflammatory action.

Reception of milk thistle is appropriate for such diseases:

  1. . Inflammation, which is inflamed gallbladder. The disease develops due to a violation of the bile outflow. The chronic form is accompanied by the formation of stones. With cholecystitis, patients have increased weakness, an unpleasant aftertaste in oral cavity, pain in the right side.
  2. . Inflammatory pathology that affects the liver tissue. As a rule, it has a viral origin, but there are autoimmune and toxic forms of the disease. Symptoms appear most often in the later stages. The most common: weakness, nausea, jaundice, pain.
  3. Obstruction of the bile ducts. A disorder resulting from improper contraction of the gallbladder and its appendages. It can also occur due to a muscle disorder of the sphincter. Accompanied by short-term pain and delays in menstruation in women.
  4. Severe poisoning. Milk thistle is recommended to be taken to restore the liver after severe intoxication. In particular, the plant is used to treat poisoning with alcoholic beverages, poisons of plant origin, mushrooms, metal compounds and various chemicals. Similarly, the plant can be used for rehabilitation after treatment with medicines providing Negative influence on the liver.

grassy annual plant, whose height is from 60 cm to 1.5 m in length is called milk thistle spotted. This plant has a slightly drooping, bare stem with spiky leaves that are shiny above and have white spots below, hence the name of the plant. Milk thistle leaves are about 80 cm long and about 30 cm wide. Sometimes the lower leaves of milk thistle good conditions growth grows up to a meter. Milk thistle blooms in the summer months, from June to September. Flowers are arranged one at a time and have all shades of purple. Milk thistle loves those places where there is a lot of sun and moisture. In the shade, the plant grows poorly, the seeds are almost not formed, the inflorescences are empty. But dried milk thistle seeds perfectly protect our body from toxins, restore liver cells affected by viral diseases.

Milk thistle reproduces only by seeds. They need to be soaked before planting. All parts of the plant can be dried in milk thistle: leaves, roots, flowers, as they all have medicinal properties. But the most medicinal seeds, as they contain a large amount of biologically active substances silymarin. It is from the seeds that valuable preparations are prepared for the treatment of various ailments. This is a universal plant, well accepted by patients, without causing side effects. You can successfully treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, varicose veins on the legs from milk thistle preparations. Dried seeds are well treated for hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the bile ducts, colitis and urolithiasis, thyroid gland, salt deposits, joint diseases. The substance contained in the dry leaves of milk thistle - silymarin, treats the most complex diseases associated with cell death, necrosis.

For treatment, decoctions, infusions, tablets from dried milk thistle blanks are used. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to dry this plant, be sure to do it. As for drying, such valuable raw materials need to be dried at the end of summer. Right before the drying process, you need to prepare raw materials. Carefully cut the leaves with a pruner, cut off all the thorns from them, while being careful, as these thorns can be severely injured. After the leaves are cooked, they should be washed well in cold water from various kinds of pollution. Then let the leaves wilt a little. For this process, use a place in the shade that is well ventilated. The drying process can take you up to 5 hours. At the same time, the leaves should be periodically mixed well so that they are dried evenly on all sides.

You can also dry the roots of milk thistle. To do this, they should be dug up, washed thoroughly from dirt and pre-grinded. Then the drying starts. Drying can take place both in an oven at a temperature of 35 degrees, and on the street in sunny place at the same temperature. Before, they need to be selected from the baskets and remove the hairs. Seed drying should take place in microwave ovens at a low temperature for about three hours, while stirring occasionally so that the seeds dry evenly. Then remove the milk thistle seeds and cool. As for the storage of dry milk thistle preparations, it is more expedient to store them in paper bags or glass jars which are hermetically sealed. When storing, it is important to ensure that the room is dry to avoid the appearance of mold and food moths. Use dry milk thistle preparations until the next harvest.

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a subspecies of the large thistle family. The white spots with which its leaves are strewn are the highlight of the flower, which separates it from all fellow flora. This miracle of nature is completely covered with numerous thorns, it is impossible to touch it. with bare hands. It can reach up to 2 meters in height. Each of the flowers is enclosed in a prickly basket and has a rich purple hue.

It blooms in the very middle of summer throughout the West and Eastern parts of Europe, in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, throughout Ukraine, Siberia, as well as in Asia and even Scotland.

Preparation and storage of milk thistle

As a material for various blanks, the seed of this unique natural gift is more often taken, healing oils and powders are prepared from them, which show their irreplaceable benefits. Leaves and roots also go into business - magic potions can be brewed from the lower parts, and juices are squeezed out of the leaves. They do not wait for the fruits to ripen and begin harvesting them when the seed is still green. The grass is simply mowed (otherwise it is possible to chip). Dry, as always in the open air, under sheds, laying on logs or other bedding. In drying chambers, the raw materials are dried in production volumes at temperatures up to 45 degrees C. The prepared raw materials are stored in paper or rag containers for up to 1 year.

Applications in the home

Silybum marianum is considered one of the most unique natural anti-aging antioxidants. It neutralizes free radicals that destroy biological structures. And these qualities allow it to be used in stunning cosmetic products with an anti-aging effect.

This crop is grown on a very large scale both in Russia and on foreign plantations. It finds the widest application in cooking, for culinary and bakery masterpieces. It is used in the production of alcohol and very famous non-alcoholic cocktails. Oils based on Silybum marianum are used in the preparation of many salads and dietary marinades.

The composition and medicinal properties of milk thistle

  1. Microelements such as zinc, selenium, copper, the entire group of fat-soluble vitamins, quercecin, flavolignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which more than two hundred components are already known, were found in milk thistle, which is why it was included in the composition of very many complex food additives. This is due to the fact that one of the most dominant components was a miraculous drug like silymarin.
  2. The results of research and experiments have proven the protective effects of milk thistle in chronic poisoning bleach, high efficiency in fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis caused by alcohol, drugs, toxins, radiation.
  3. Vitamin E found in sufficient quantities in this species contributes to the qualitative development of the reproductive system, it plays an important role in the reproductive function of production and on the processes of embryonic development of infants.
  4. At the moment, milk thistle has gained the widest popularity. As best remedy from numerous types food poisoning. Chronic intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic, chemical), during vomiting during pregnancy, immunity deficiency, AIDS. It shows an irreplaceable effect in diabetes mellitus, obesity, from a decrease in the level of visual organs, at the time of the possibility of vascular diseases heart, venous expansion, prevention of heart attacks, strokes, etc.
  5. Very powerful biological elements - silymarin, found in oil, stabilize the work of cell membranes and especially the liver. Dermatologists prefer it for high-quality treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, baldness. It ideally contributes to the healing of wounds, including burns, without scarring.
  6. Powders ground from the seed (meal) are taken when it is urgent to lower the blood sugar level, purify the blood, cure varicose veins.
  7. Honey, which is collected from the fields of Silybum marianum, is the most ideal means for normalizing the functions of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and improving bile secretion.
  8. Juices from milk thistle leaves are drunk for constipation, colitis, as a mild laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic agent. And decoctions from the roots of milk thistle are used for catarrh of the stomach, diarrhea, sciatica, convulsions, urinary retention.
  9. The use of milk thistle in folk medicine

    As magical compositions, Silybum marianum L. has been used for many centuries, and more advanced and studied methods of effective help and prevention of the development of numerous diseases have survived to this day.

    The use of raw materials (Silybum marianum) during poisoning with toxic elements

    Prepare a decoction of the herb along with the roots. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, which must be crumbled in advance, pour a glass of boiling water over night. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day, before meals.

    Oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids, cervical erosion

    The idea is very simple: juices are squeezed out of freshly chopped greens and consumed 3 times a day before meals, about 1 teaspoon is enough. When speedy healing is necessary, or a strong pathology is observed, in the complex, also sprat, also in the 1st spoon. Treatment must be continued for at least 1 month.

    Sprat from milk thistle for liver diseases

    Grains in a coffee grinder and brought to a powder state. Put the finished substance in your mouth (1 teaspoon) and quickly drink some water without gases. So 3 times a day before taking any food. The course of treatment is individual in each case, it can last from 20 to 40 days.

    Plant juice for acne and acne

    If you drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice every morning on an empty stomach, the metabolism in the body normalizes and the skin glows.

    Root decoction for indigestion, convulsions and urinary retention

    Twist about 30 seeds in a meat grinder, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat until the volume is reduced to 250 ml. Take a tablespoon, every hour, for 2 weeks.

    Alcohol tincture during the treatment of hepatitis

    Raw materials are ground, as in the previous case. Pour 50 g of the product into 1 bottle of homemade vodka. For literally a couple of weeks, it will need to be shaken for uniformity. Drink up to 5 times a day, 25-30 drops with boiled and cooled water.

    Oil for menopausal vaginitis, which is accompanied by itching

    In a small syringe, from which the needle has already been removed, 3 ml of the solution is taken and injected vaginally, overnight. After 12 such procedures, the patient begins to feel relief.

    Tea for varicose veins

    1 st. a spoonful of this plant, it is possible to take both leaves and powder. Pour boiling water over as you would brew regular tea. Drink warm in small sips. In the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon for 30 minutes. before meals and in the evening before going to bed.

    The use of milk thistle decoction to treat anemia and increase hemoglobin levels

    Crushed dry seeds (1 teaspoon) put in an enamel bowl. Pour 1 glass of boiling water here, keep the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool and filter. Add boiled water to make 1 glass of decoction. Divide the resulting broth into 4 portions of 50 ml and drink for a day. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day.

    Contraindication for use

  • If you have never used formulations from this plant before, then at first you may notice insignificant tingling in the liver area.
  • In the event that you have found stones in the gallbladder and its passage, you should start with the minimum dosages.
  • Regarding the intake of Silybum marianum L preparations - in pregnant women, no contraindications have been identified.
