Summer has not yet come, and mushroom pickers are already preparing baskets. And no wonder, because quiet hunting can be practiced from May until late autumn. And if picking mushrooms in early May is for connoisseurs, then by the middle of the month you can meet all the well-known and beloved boletus boletus, and there, you see, the boletus has ripened. These spongy mushrooms, along with porcini, are considered elite. They are fried, boiled into soup, sauces are prepared, stewed, dried, marinated - mushrooms are suitable for any cooking method. But before that, the mushrooms need to be cleaned.

Not postponing for later

Mushroom pickers know that preliminary cleaning of mushrooms must be done in the forest. Even if you are a supporter of picking mushrooms by twisting them out of the mycelium, take a knife with you into the forest. It is useful for pre-treatment of the crop.

  1. Before putting the mushroom in the basket, remove the remnants of the earth, adhering twigs, leaves and needles from it.
  2. Remove the wormy pulp, otherwise the worms will damage neighboring mushrooms.
  3. Get rid of poisonous and simply dubious mushrooms. It is better to throw out ten questionable ones than to have one poisonous one in your basket.
  4. In mature mushrooms with a loose sponge, it is better to remove it on the spot, anyway, then you have to throw it away. And once in the basket, the sponge tubes can tightly stick to the caps of neighboring mushrooms and add problems to you during subsequent cleaning.
  5. Old and rotten mushrooms are best thrown away on the spot. Their taste and aroma leaves much to be desired, and a shapeless slippery mass instead of a mushroom can survive before processing.

This processing in the forest can be limited, the rest of the work is done at home.

Time to collect and time to clean

Unprocessed mushrooms are stored for only 6-8 hours from the moment of collection, so after a forest walk the rest will have to be postponed. The cleaning process is much less exciting than picking, but it is not worth removing it from the mushroom processing process in order to preserve the collected one and at the same time not get food poisoning.

If it is not possible to clean the mushrooms immediately, place them in a cool place, you can in the refrigerator. The optimum temperature for such storage is + 2- + 6 degrees. Do not put mushrooms in bags and closed dishes; air should have free access to them. Mushrooms intended for cooking can be poured cold water.

Cleaning Instructions

Both dry and wet cleaning methods are used. For cooking and frying, mushrooms are cleaned in a wet way.

Wet cleaning method

  1. First of all, the harvested crop must be sorted by type and size, and old mushrooms should be separated from young ones. Decide what the mushrooms will do, the method of processing depends on it.
  2. The legs must be separated from the hats, checking for wormholes along the way. Soak slightly wormy mushrooms in salt water - 2 tablespoons of salt are taken per 1 liter of water. In such a font, uninvited guests will leave the mushrooms.
  3. Clean the legs of the outer fibers by scraping with a knife. Many people think that cleaning the legs is not necessary.

    Yes, this does not affect the taste of the dish, but it should be remembered that mushrooms have the ability to absorb all impurities and, first of all, they concentrate on the outer layer. In addition, when cooking unpeeled legs, the broth will begin to turn black.

  4. Remove the wormy and darkened flesh.
  5. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove debris and dirt from the caps. The skin is not removed from them.
  6. In mature mushrooms, the sponge is cut off. The fact is that mushroom mosquito larvae often lay in it. And the sponge of mature mushrooms itself accumulates spores that are poorly digested. And when cooked, the sponge becomes like slime.
  7. Peeled mushrooms are cut into pieces and washed running water.

Advice! Dirt from mushroom caps is removed more easily if they are soaked in cold water. After 30 minutes or one hour, the dirt will easily come off. You can soak only young strong mushrooms, the old ones strongly absorb water and become limp.

Video: how to clean mushrooms

The nuances of further processing for different cooking methods

  • The boletus and boletus intended for drying are processed in a dry way, they cannot be washed or soaked. Mushrooms saturated with water will be impossible to dry, they will become sour and deteriorate. Hats and legs are thoroughly cleaned with a dry cloth or brush. For drying, only young and not wormy mushrooms with dense pulp are selected.
  • Before freezing fresh mushrooms also do not wash or soak. The absorbed water during freezing will break the fibers of the mushrooms and their quality will deteriorate. If boiled mushrooms are frozen, they are processed as usual.
  • In boletus intended for frying, it is better to remove the skin from the cap - when frying, it becomes stiff.
  • Fresh mushrooms will last longer without heat treatment if they are washed, allowed to drain, then scalded with boiling water. After that, lay in glass or enameled dishes in layers, sprinkling with salt. Put the bowl on ice. It is believed that in this form the mushrooms will last a week. Such mushrooms are used for cooking and frying, they cannot be dried and frozen.

Dry processing of mushrooms

This method is used for mushrooms intended for drying and freezing.

  1. With a dry sponge or brush, clean off small debris, lumps of earth, needles, leaves.
  2. Remove strongly adhering leaves and rubbish from the hat with a knife. It happens that the sponge does not cope with this task.
  3. Scrape the leg, scraping off the top layer.
  4. Cut off parts that are damaged and eaten by insects and rodents.

After that, the mushrooms can be cut and dried or frozen.

This is interesting! It is believed that eating boletus helps cleanse the blood and lower cholesterol. Boletus is recommended for use in diseases of the kidneys.

Video: how to clean and prepare boletus and boletus for pickling

When picking mushrooms, be careful. How delicious these forest guests are, so insidious. Mushroom poisoning, even edible ones, is not uncommon. That is why it is so important not to bring a poisonous mushroom in a basket, as well as to process the harvested crop correctly and on time.

Aspen mushrooms are not uncommon for Russian forests, and mushroom pickers, after picking, often think about how to process them. The use of canning recipes and the manufacture of marinades allows you to store the product for a long time, always having it on hand. delicious snack. To eliminate the risk of spoilage of mushrooms due to proper cooking it is recommended to find out how you can pickle boletus for the winter.

The name is associated with the place of growth and features of the appearance of mushrooms. The surface of the cap has a characteristic reddish color, reminiscent of the color of autumn foliage. It is for this feature that boletus is often called "red-headed".

100 grams of the product contains 22 kilocalories. Aspen mushrooms have, in comparison with other types of mushrooms, the greatest ability to absorb various types of heavy metals and radionuclides. The composition contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, a lot of potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Aspen mushrooms are the richest source of amino acids, and their nutritional value is compared with meat. A greater number of such elements are found in the caps of young boletus. The inclusion of boletus in the diet improves a person's condition with the following problems:

  • anemia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • wounds, the need for rapid tissue regeneration;
  • the period of rehabilitation after diseases of an infectious nature.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Today there are a fairly large number of recipes with boletus. They are dried, boiled and fried. To preserve for a long period, aspen mushrooms are pickled and preserved, while they do not lose their natural color and structure.

An important condition for obtaining tasty preparations is right choice and preparation of raw materials. A feature of the boletus is that they deteriorate quite quickly, so they need to be processed in the first 2 days. Before using as a raw material for harvesting, mushrooms must be thoroughly washed.

Their hat is covered with a thin film that needs to be removed. Pre-soaking for 1 hour can facilitate the process - this method will also allow you to carefully and quickly remove foreign debris. Some people prefer to wash the surface of the caps with a regular sponge, as prolonged soaking leads to the fact that the spongy structure strongly absorbs moisture.

Features of harvesting boletus

Today, there are several options for preparing blanks from boletus for the winter. Can be used for cooking various kinds containers, the choice of which depends on the volume of raw materials and the shape of the product. Most recipes involve boiling, and today the following methods are most often used:

  • long - aspen mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes;
  • double - the cooking process is divided into 2 stages: on the first day they are boiled for 15 minutes, and the process is repeated on the second day.

The boiled product can be eaten immediately. Cold methods of preparing blanks from boletus are used less frequently, but such mushrooms are not inferior to canned ones in terms of taste criteria.

In the bank

Cooking in a jar is convenient when small size aspen mushrooms and a small amount of raw materials. Aspen mushrooms are placed in jars and poured with marinade. There are recipes that involve the sterilization of containers with the product and without such a procedure.

It is important to check the liquid level before closing - the boletus must be completely in brine. The tightness of the workpiece is of no small importance - if the lids are screwed poorly, air will enter inside, which will lead to damage to the product.

in a saucepan

Using the option with a saucepan allows you to quickly cook a large amount of workpieces. The bottom line is to boil the boletus, add the main ingredients and further lay out in jars. After closing the roofs, the containers are turned over and cleaned under a warm blanket. The workpieces are placed in the place of permanent storage only after complete cooling.

This method assumes cold way preparation of preparations. Mushrooms are laid out in layers and sprinkled with salt. An oppression is placed on top and a bucket is removed for storage for several weeks. In the process, juice is released, the boletus is soaked in marinade and acquire a special taste.

It is important, when salting under oppression, to ensure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise mold may appear and putrefactive processes may begin. Water cans are often additionally used to increase weight.

Popular mushroom recipes

Today, there are many recipes for preparing blanks with aspen mushrooms. For each, any of them can become “ideal”, therefore, to choose the most delicious, it is recommended to try several options at once.

In a classic marinade in jars

Pickled mushrooms in jars are convenient, as a small volume allows you to use the product after opening the lid in a short time. The classic recipe involves the use of salt in the amount of 45 grams for every 1 kilogram of raw materials. For the recipe you need:

  • boletus - 3 kilograms;
  • salt - 140 grams;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaves - 3 pieces;
  • cloves - 3 pieces;
  • pepper - 10 peas;
  • citric acid - ¼ teaspoon.

Aspen mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, after which seasonings and salt are added, mixed well. Mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars, poured with the juice remaining from cooking. The top is closed with lids, and after 15 days the product is ready for use.

cold way

Using the method of cold preservation allows you to preserve as much as possible beneficial features mushrooms. Some note that such a recipe provides the product with a natural forest aroma and taste. Since the recipe does not involve boiling, it is required to responsibly approach the process of washing and processing raw materials. The recipe requires:

  • boletus - 4 kilograms;
  • salt - 200 grams;
  • currant leaves;
  • Bay leaf- 4 pieces;
  • cloves - 6 pieces;
  • fresh dill.

Instead of currants, it is permissible to use oak or cherry leaves. Leaves are laid out at the bottom, 50 grams of salt, chopped dill. Mushrooms are successively laid out in layers, sprinkling with seasonings and salt. The top is covered with leaves, and the product is placed under oppression. The container is cleaned in a cool room and the condition is checked after 6 days. The mass should give juice, and the mushrooms, under the weight of pressure, should sag. If the liquid is slightly released, then add a saline solution of water to the desired level. Aspen mushrooms will be ready in 40 days.

hot way

The hot method involves boiling raw materials for 20 minutes. For blanks, medium-sized aspen mushrooms are chosen, large trunks and hats are cut into pieces. It should be noted that the initial volume of raw materials changes significantly as a result of boiling mushrooms. The process requires:

  • boletus - 3 kilograms;
  • salt - 150 grams;
  • pepper - 20 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • water - 200 milliliters;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;

Mushrooms are boiled in water with the addition of citric acid, which allows them to retain their natural color. In the process, the resulting foam is removed from the surface, after 20 minutes the flame is turned off. Aspen mushrooms are placed in a colander and wait for excess moisture to drain.

Currant leaves are placed at the bottom of a sterilized jar. Consistently lay out a layer of aspen mushrooms - 5 centimeters, after which they put a bay leaf, cloves and 40 grams of salt. The process is repeated until the container is filled. Water is added, currant leaves are laid on top and oppression is placed on top. After 15 days, the mushroom will be ready for use.

with garlic

Garlic in this recipe gives the mushrooms a piquant taste, and seasonings add a special flavor. The option involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • boletus - 4 kilograms;
  • salt - 150 grams;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens - 100 grams;
  • pepper - 25 pieces.

Mushrooms are boiled in salt water for 45 minutes, put in a colander to drain excess liquid. The mixture is placed in clean containers, evenly adding greens, garlic, pepper. Banks are closed with nylon lids and cleaned in a cold place for 25 days.

With cloves

Clove marinade enhances the taste and aroma of forest mushrooms. For cooking you will need:

  • boletus - 2.5 kilograms;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • cloves - 8 pieces;
  • Lavrushka - 5 pieces;
  • pepper - 10 peas.

Step by step action plan:

  • raw materials are thoroughly cleaned by rinsing under running water;
  • carry out the separation of hats from the legs, grind the mushroom mass with a knife;
  • pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add salt and put on the flame;
  • at the moment of boiling the brine, boletus and spices are added, boiled for 25 minutes;
  • mushrooms are laid out in jars and poured with marinade.

Rolled cans can be opened after 30 days. The storage place should be cool; keep it out of the sun.

with rosemary

Rosemary, or tarragon, has a bright, memorable aroma, so salting with such a plant acquires notes of fragrant grass and an unusual fresh taste. You need to add seasoning at the very end of cooking, its excess can spoil the taste of the blanks and give them bitterness.

For the recipe you will need:

  • boletus - 500 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • rosemary - 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • lemon - ½ piece.

Mushrooms cut large parts and place in a frying pan with hot oil. When a sufficient degree of roasting is reached, salt and seasonings are added to the mixture, lemon juice is squeezed out and mixed, and then left under the lid for a couple of minutes. The finished dish should be juicy, and the mushrooms should be soft.

With dill and chili

You can pickle boletus with chili pepper and dill, you can add cinnamon and coriander. To do this, take as a basis classic recipe canning boletus and add fragrant seasonings. You should not overdo it with additional ingredients, as they have a strong taste and aroma and can overpower the natural taste of mushrooms.

Seasonings are added when cooking mushrooms, at the end of the process. Dill is laid out on the bottom of the jar or the layers of the mushroom mixture are poured with herbs. Not only the leaves of the plant can be used, but also umbrellas, after they are fully ripe.

with mustard

The recipe involves a combination of hot and cold methods of working with mushrooms. For the recipe you need:

  • boletus mushrooms - 3 kilograms;
  • salt - 130 grams;
  • mustard grains - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic cloves - 10 pieces;
  • vinegar 9% - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Lavrushka - 5 pieces;
  • dill in umbrellas - 3 pieces.

It is necessary to salt mushrooms using a cold method. Mushrooms are laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt and spices every 5 centimeters. Mustard can be ground or used in grains. From above, the mass is pressed down with oppression and sent to a cold place for 1.5 weeks.

Having endured the necessary time, the brine is drained, and the mushrooms are washed under running water. Fresh brine is prepared from a liter of water and 1.5 tablespoons of edible salt. Aspen mushrooms are boiled in it for 8 minutes and transferred to jars. Boiling brine is poured into a container to the level of the neck, at least 2 centimeters should remain on top. Vinegar is poured in and the jar is sent for sterilization for 30 minutes, after which it is rolled up.

Salted mushrooms in combination with tomato paste acquire an unusual taste. This delicacy is used as an independent dish, warmed up, as a snack, it is a great addition to various side dishes.

First, prepare a brine with the calculation of 20 grams of salt per 1 liter of water. At the moment of boiling, mushrooms are lowered into it and boiled for 20 minutes.

The recipe proportions are as follows:

  • boletus mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 20 grams;
  • paste - 200 grams;
  • water - 200 grams;
  • lavrushka - 4 sheets;
  • sunflower oil - 50 grams;
  • vinegar 5% -2 tablespoons.

Boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander and the liquid is allowed to drain. The mass is placed in a well-heated pan and added tomato paste, bay leaf, pour in water. It is possible to use a tomato in the amount of 1 kilogram, in which case the diced tomatoes are stewed separately. At the end of the stew, salt and vinegar are added.

Mushrooms are laid out in well-sterilized jars, 1/2 of the neck should remain to the top. The workpiece is sterilized in water for 30 minutes and rolled up.

Prescription without sterilization

The recipe involves long-term cooking of mushrooms, which in the future, in combination with vinegar, ensures long-term storage. For cooking you will need:

  • boletus mushrooms - 2 kilograms;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 milliliters;
  • sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • spices in the form of allspice and black pepper, bay leaf.

A brine is prepared from salt, sugar and seasonings, then mushrooms are carefully lowered into boiling water. Cook the mass for 40 minutes, periodically removing foam from the surface. Further, boletus mushrooms are laid out in carefully sterilized jars, boiling marinade, vinegar are added and rolled up with lids.

How to determine the readiness of mushrooms

The readiness of mushrooms is a guarantor of the safe use of the dish and the absence of negative reactions from the body. When cooking a product, determining such a moment is quite simple.

Firstly, for cooking, it is necessary to withstand the minimum time, which for boletus should be at least 20 minutes. Secondly, readiness can be determined by appearance and consistency of the solution.

At the beginning of the process, a gradual turbidity of the liquid is observed; when boiling, foam is actively formed on the surface, which must be removed. As the marinade is ready, it begins to lighten, and at the moment of readiness, the mushrooms stop floating. A well-boiled product can be consumed immediately after preparation.

When frying, the degree of readiness is determined, focusing on the time and appearance of the product. The average time depends on the volume of the mass; to ensure good frying, do not put a lot of mushrooms in the pan. In most cases, a heat treatment of 40 minutes is sufficient.

At the moment of readiness, aspen mushrooms radically change their natural color and become dark, while cooking is accompanied by a rich mushroom aroma.

The most difficult thing is to determine the readiness of salted mushrooms. The time depends on the volume of the container and the amount of salt and vinegar in the recipe. The greater the number of such ingredients, the less short will be the period from the start of work with the workpiece to the moment the product can be consumed. On average, it is from 2 to 4 weeks. Ready mushrooms acquire marinade flavors, their structure changes and becomes soft.

Collecting forest mushrooms is the best time for lovers of quiet hunting. Fragrant, tasty, sometimes not even inferior meat products in my own way nutritional composition, forest gifts are welcome guests on our tables. Mushrooms occupy one of the leading places in the human diet. You can cook many great dishes from them. But how to do it right to preserve the taste and aroma of mushrooms? It all depends on the species, of course. How to process and how much to cook boletus is the topic of the article.

boletus mushroom

There are several types of boletus, but almost all of them have common features. Firstly, it is a large red hat, which can be seen from afar. Secondly, it is a thick, stocky leg and dense flesh. Aspen mushrooms are very tasty, because they belong to the second category. edible mushrooms. Among them there are yellow-brown, red, oak, pine and spruce representatives. The cap of this mushroom can reach 30 centimeters in diameter.

In young representatives, it has a spherical shape and is tightly pressed to the leg. In an adult mushroom, it is slightly separated from the stem and resembles a round pillow. The pulp of the boletus has a pleasant smell and turns blue on the break. Some species are so rare that they are already listed in the Red Book.

mushroom preparation

Any mushrooms, including boletus, require special care both during collection and during processing. The most important rule is: if you don’t know what species the find belongs to, then it’s better not to cut it off. The collected boletus must be sorted out again, removing the old, suspicious and wormy ones. Then you need to divide the mushrooms depending on the size, since their cooking time will be different.

And one more important point. Before wetting the mushrooms, remove any possible debris. As long as it's dry, it's much easier to do this. The cleaning process itself is not very laborious. At each boletus, we clean the hat from debris with a brush. Then we cut off the edge of the leg, on which dirt and earth may still remain. We wash the whole mushroom under running water. Sometimes it is recommended to remove the film from the cap of the boletus, but this is at your discretion.

The composition of the boletus

The life of this fungus is short. He can gain up to 10-12 grams of weight per day. The composition of the boletus includes many useful substances. These are fiber, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, amino acids, vitamins and proteins. That's why you need to know how much to cook boletus - in order to save the maximum useful.

By itself, this mushroom is not high-calorie. There are only 22 kcal per 100 grams of product. Therefore, it can be used without fear of harming the figure. But, of course, as in everything, here you need to know when to stop. Mushrooms take a very long time to digest in the human body. Therefore, if you eat too much of them, you can feel some heaviness.

Aspen mushrooms in cooking

From these mushrooms you can cook a lot of delicious and fragrant dishes. They are fried, dried, pickled, salted and boiled. As you know, on the cut, this mushroom quickly darkens. To avoid this, it is necessary to soak the boletus in a solution of citric acid (a third of a small spoon in a bucket of water). Dried boletus mushrooms have a very pleasant and rather expressive aroma. Therefore, they are often used to make soups, sauces and as an additional ingredient in various dishes. But you must definitely know how long to cook boletus.

The nuances of cooking

Sorting mushrooms is necessary first of all for their proper preparation. How much to cook boletus mushrooms depends on their age. The old ones have a looser structure and can boil soft during prolonged processing. They must be cleaned and cooked first, as they deteriorate faster. Young mushrooms have a denser structure, and they can be cooked longer.

In addition, the size of the mushrooms also plays an important role. It is better if they are the same, then they will cook evenly. Cooking time also depends on the final goal. This can only be pre-treatment, for example, before frying. How much you need to cook boletus mushrooms depends on the dish itself.

Mushroom cooking

This is a classic method suitable for many further cooking options. This stage can be called preliminary preparation. So, how much to cook boletus mushrooms? Times may vary depending on their size. We spread the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan and fill them with cold water. Turn on the fire and wait for the water to boil. Foam may form during the process and must be removed.

When the water boils, it must be drained and filled with new. Put the pot back on the fire and cook the contents until tender. This moment will come when the mushrooms settle to the bottom. Usually the cooking process takes about 20-25 minutes if the mushrooms are not large or cut into pieces. And how much to cook whole boletus? We increase the processing time to 40-50 minutes. During the entire cooking process, the water should be slightly salty.

Processing mushrooms before frying

Aspen mushrooms are very tasty when fried. It turns out a fragrant and nutritious dish. But first they need to be prepared. How much to cook boletus before frying? As usual, we clean them of debris and rinse. Then put in a saucepan and fill with water. Add some salt and put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam and cook for about 5 minutes. Then we drain the water, and the mushrooms are subjected to further processing.

We spread the boletus on a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and fry them for about 40 minutes. You can cover the pan with a lid and lightly stew the dish. Salt and spices are added at the end of cooking. But keep in mind that aspen mushrooms have an amazing aroma, which should not be interrupted with spices. Tasty dish obtained without much hassle. The main thing is to know how much to cook the boletus before frying, so that they are tender and do not boil.

mushroom soup

Mushroom soup is one of the most delicious and fragrant first courses, especially if it is cooked with real forest mushrooms. It has a complete set of balanced ingredients that blend perfectly with each other. How much to cook boletus for soup? This is where the cooking begins with the cooking process. Take 5-6 large boletus, one onion, one carrot, 3 potatoes, bay leaf, some fresh parsley, vegetable oil, pepper and salt. From the minimum amount of products you can cook a delicious dish.

We clean the mushrooms and cut into arbitrary pieces. Then fill them with two liters of water and put on fire. Cook until tender about 20 minutes. Then we put a bay leaf in the mushroom broth and reduce the heat so that the liquid boils slightly. Onions and carrots are peeled, finely chopped and lightly fried in vegetable oil. Cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the pot. After 10 minutes, put the fried vegetables and herbs. After another 5 minutes, turn off the fire. That's how much you need to cook boletus. In general, this is about 40 minutes. Mushrooms will give all their taste and aroma to the broth, and the soup will turn out to be very appetizing.

Dried and frozen mushrooms

There are not always fresh boletus on hand. The harvest season doesn't last that long. But experienced housewives prepare this product for the future, freezing or drying. How much to cook boletus in this form? dried mushrooms you have to know how to cook them so they don't get tough. To begin with, they are soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours. Then the water is drained, and the boletus is boiled in the usual way. By the way, the dried product is in no way inferior to the fresh one. Frozen mushrooms are first thawed. Do it better at natural temperature. But if time is very short, then use the special microwave mode. Then the melt water is drained, the mushrooms are cut into the desired pieces and subjected to heat treatment. The cooking option is suitable for any of the above. How much to cook thawed boletus mushrooms? Cooking time is 20-30 minutes after boiling. But always remember that it depends on the size of the mushrooms and their age.

When autumn is on the nose, mushroom pickers are happy to go to the forests in search of fresh beautiful mushrooms. You can cook a variety of goodies from them, but mushrooms in sour cream will always be a traditional Russian dish. If you have collected a whole basket of boletus and boletus for the first time, and do not know how to turn them into a luxurious dish, it's time to seek help from experienced chefs. They certainly know how to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms so that all your household members not only eat them with appetite, but also lick the plate.


  • potatoes - 0.4 kg .;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • fresh sour cream - 0.1 kg;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare such a dish, special attention should be paid to cleaning boletus and boletus. Take a good look at the lower parts of the legs, they need to be cut completely or half. Try to clean the cap well, namely, cut off its porous outer part. Pour the washed mushrooms with running water, rinse well again, and then cut into small pieces.
  2. Next, the peeled boletus mushrooms, together with the boletus mushrooms, should be placed in a deep saucepan with cold water, seasoned with a little salt, supplemented with one large onion, which must first be cleaned and then boiled. Then you need to cook forest mushrooms for about 5-7 minutes. Onion not only make the dish more tender and tasty, but also act as an indicator of the quality of the mushrooms. If a white onion acquires a characteristic blue or red color during the cooking process, this will mean that poisonous products have been mixed up among the boletus and boletus. Better to stop using them.
  3. Ready mushrooms should be freed from water, this can be realized by throwing them into a colander. While the main ingredient is drying, place a deep frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. When it's hot, add chopped onion. It should become soft and transparent, after which you can add mushrooms to the frying surface. Simmer food for half an hour, reducing the heat to a minimum. At the end of cooking, you need to add a little sour cream, more salt, if necessary, and your favorite spices. Then be sure to mix all the ingredients and cook them under the lid for about 5 minutes.
  4. Potatoes need to be peeled, washed well, and then boiled until half cooked in lightly salted water. Remove the potatoes from the water and pat dry with a paper towel. It remains only to cut it into small pieces and fry in a pan until golden brown. This must be done separately from the mushrooms. Serve hot or slightly chilled. A tandem of boletus and boletus in sour cream will definitely suit your taste. Bon appetit!

Salad with rice and mushrooms


  • fresh mushrooms - 0.4 kg;
  • long-grain rice - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 0.1 kg;
  • olive oil to taste;
  • parsley for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to properly cook the rice. This should be done in such a way that it turns out to be crumbly and sufficiently boiled. Follow the proportions: one part rice and two parts water.
  2. Carrots and onions must be peeled, rinsed, and then finely chopped or grated. Fry the vegetables in a skillet with hot olive oil until ruddy.
  3. This cooking recipe involves careful pre-treatment of mushrooms. Boletus and boletus should be washed, thoroughly cleaned and cut off problem areas. Only after that they are cut into small slices and sent to a frying pan with fried onions and carrots. Cover with a lid and fry until the product is fully cooked. Then the mixture must be removed from the pan and cooled.
  4. Cut pickled cucumbers into neat strips. In a deep bowl, mix mushrooms with cucumbers and cold rice. Dress the salad with boletus with mayonnaise or its combination with a small amount of sour cream. Serve on a flat platter in the shape of a slide, and do not forget to decorate it with boiled egg halves and sprigs of greens. Cooking boletus and boletus in this way is very simple and tasty.

Wild mushroom cutlets


  • fresh boletus and boletus - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 0.05 kg;
  • stale bread - a few pieces;
  • milk - 0.15 l.;
  • onion - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • chopped greens to taste;
  • breading;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. To cook cutlets from boletus or any other forest mushrooms, you first need to soak stale bread in milk. It should completely soften.
  2. Boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms should be washed and cleaned very carefully, and then fried in a pan with warmed butter for 15-20 minutes so that they acquire a delicious golden crust. Mushrooms need to be chilled. Chopped onions can be fried together with mushrooms or separately from them.
  3. Then chilled onions and wild mushrooms should be passed through a meat grinder, and then softened stale bread should be sent there. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, add them with chopped herbs, chicken eggs as well as salt and spices. For this, a dense consistency is very important for boletus dishes so that the cutlets do not fall apart during the cooking process. Knead the minced mushroom well, and then place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

It will be much easier to form cutlets from chilled minced meat. Each must be generously rolled in breadcrumbs for breading. Then fry them in hot sunflower oil on each side. Serve with potatoes. Bon appetit!
