Boletus mushrooms can be harvested from mid-summer to mid-autumn. But not all mushroom pickers know how much to cook boletus mushrooms until cooked before frying or before freezing. For many, these mushrooms are a symbol of the forest, they are very tasty dried, have a rich aroma and taste. Boiled boletus mushrooms make a great roast, as well as delicious mushroom soup and an excellent filling for pies and pancakes.

Also boletus is also very useful. They lower cholesterol and help normalize blood pressure(by the way, you always need to know what to do at low pressure).

How much to cook boletus before frying

Fried boletus with onions and sour cream is just a delicious dish. But in order to cook it, you need to know how much to cook boletus mushrooms and how to achieve the perfect taste of these forest gifts.

Washed and peeled mushrooms need to be sorted. Separately large and medium mushrooms, separately small and cut into pieces. Pour the mushrooms with water, and bring to a boil, after which the first water is drained and poured with water again. Add a whole peeled onion, salt, Bay leaf, a couple of cloves and bring to a boil over high heat. How much time to cook boletus in the second water depends on the size. This time is 30 minutes for small mushrooms and 45 for large ones.

How much to cook boletus before freezing

Freezing mushrooms is a great way to preserve their taste and aroma, and most importantly, texture. Therefore, it is important for every real mushroom picker to know how long it takes to cook boletus mushrooms, which will then be used to prepare the filling in pies and casseroles.

The time, how much to cook boletus, in order to freeze them later, does not differ from the first method, which is the main one. Many housewives immediately make pasta or puree from boiled boletus mushrooms and freeze it in bags, so that later it would be convenient to prepare the filling for pancakes and pies.

In general, the method of preparing these mushrooms, how and how much to cook boletus, after draining the first water, is 30 minutes for small mushrooms and 45 for large ones.

How much to cook boletus before marinating

If you can cook boletus before frying almost until cooked, since the mushrooms will still undergo one heat treatment, then they should be completely ready for pickling. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor how long to cook boletus after the first water is drained.

In the water in which you will cook the mushrooms for the second time, you only need to add salt, since then all the main spices will be added to the marinade, and the boletus will be brought to taste separately. The time it takes to cook boletus mushrooms before boiling them is 45 minutes for small mushrooms and 60 minutes (or 1 hour) for medium and large ones.

If, along with the boletus, you have collected and mushrooms, then you will also be interested to know.

From mushrooms you can cook a huge number of dishes that are very tasty and fragrant. It should be borne in mind that mushrooms are heavy, and sometimes dangerous food, so you need to know how to choose the right boletus and boletus, as well as how to cook them. Now let's look at all these issues in detail.

Mushrooms today can be purchased in many stores, and in season also in the markets. Despite this, lovers of quiet hunting go in search of their families and often return with good luggage. Mushrooms cannot remain fresh for a long time, so something needs to be done with them: freeze, fry, marinate, etc.

You can use them for soup and for any other dish. Whichever option is chosen, you need to start with boiling. The thing is that it is this heat treatment that allows you to remove unnecessary substances and save the product.

Before you find out how much you need to cook boletus and boletus, we suggest learning how to choose them correctly, since not only the quality of the dish, but also its safety depends on this.

Let's start with aspen mushrooms, which can be found in many forests. They grow in groups near coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests.

It is important that there is an aspen at least a step away. It is easy to recognize them, the mushroom has a stocky leg, on which there are black scales and a wide hat. In nature, there are red, white and brown mushrooms. It is not recommended to collect too old specimens, as they are not so tasty and fragrant.

If you want to learn how to cook boletus, then you need to choose them correctly. They are distributed in all types of forests. To recognize them, you need to look at the leg, which is covered with brown scales, while it is expanded downwards. As for the hat, it has the shape of a sphere, but the color of the top is a little muted. The cap is smooth to the touch, while in the false specimen it is rough.

How to cook boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms?

Since these mushrooms are still different, the heat treatment process is slightly different. That is why we propose to consider these processes separately. It is important to say that you need to cook quickly, because upon contact with air, the mushrooms oxidize and darken.

How to cook boletus so that they do not turn black:

  1. first, remove all debris and thoroughly clean the hats and legs with a knife. Ideal for this purpose Toothbrush. Be sure to remove the film on the surface. If you wish and have time, you can soak the mushrooms for an hour;
  2. put the boletus in a saucepan and pour them cold water. Put on the stove, heat up and add salt. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. A foam will form on top, which must be removed;
  3. after boiling, cook for 20 minutes. That's just the fire should be lowered. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid, and then fill in new water. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes. There is also advice that you need to add vinegar to the water, and this will prevent blackening.

After that, you can cook boletus in any way, for example, you can cook the first and second courses, as well as freeze or close in jars.

Now let's figure out how to cook boletus:

  1. for such mushrooms, the duration of heat treatment increases. You need to start with cleaning, as in the previous version. Be sure to remove existing rotted places;
  2. transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan, cover with cold water and boil over medium heat. After that, add a decoction to taste. As for how long it takes to continue cooking, there are different versions, but the most best option– 40 min. You can also repeat the manipulation with two waters. The fact that the boletus is ready can be judged by the fact that they sink to the bottom.

Some housewives believe that if you want to fry mushrooms, then they do not need to be boiled, since such a long heat treatment will negatively affect the taste. Experts say that it is possible to refuse cooking only if the collection took place in an ecologically clean area, but since this is almost impossible, this process should not be dismissed. During cooking, existing harmful substances and the product becomes safe.

In the event that you want the dish to be tasty and very fragrant, it is recommended to boil the boletus for 10 minutes before frying. At the same time, the frying time increases and is about 20 minutes. To achieve a beautiful golden crust, it is necessary to leave the cooked product in a colander, which will allow excess liquid to drain.

How long do you need to cook boletus before freezing?

It is important to note that the frozen product can be stored for no more than six months. In addition, in no case should the process of freezing and thawing be repeated. It is best to select small specimens and only then proceed to cooking. It is recommended to use the first presented scheme, according to which the treatment should last 40 minutes. with fluid change.

After that, the boletus must be put in a colander and let the water drain. Lay them out in one layer, for example, on a board and freeze them.

When the mushrooms grab, you need to put them in a bag and send them to the storage chamber.

Many people love pickled mushrooms, which are a great snack on their own, and they can also be used in other dishes, for example, in salads. We suggest considering a recipe that is suitable for both boletus and boletus.

For each kilogram, it is necessary to prepare the following products: 120 ml of water, 40 g of salt, 5 peppercorns, 4 bay leaves, a couple of cloves and dill sprigs.

  1. mushrooms must be soaked for 5 hours, and then rinsed again in running water. After that, put them in a saucepan, fill with cold water and put on the stove. When everything boils, it is necessary to cook for 15 minutes, removing the foam;
  2. to make a brine, boil water, add spices and boil for a few minutes. Dry the boiled mushrooms, leaving in a colander. Arrange them in jars, sprinkling with salt, and then pour in the brine. Close with lids and store in a cool place. After a month, you can enjoy the taste of salted boletus.

In the season when there are no fresh boletus and boletus, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the taste and aroma of mushroom dishes.

For this purpose, you can take a dried product.

Before proceeding to heat treatment, it is necessary to pour dried mushrooms with cold water and leave them for 5 hours. This procedure will make them soft and ready for further processing.

Drain the water, rinse everything thoroughly and fill it with new warm water. Put on fire and cook for 2 hours.

Now you know how much to cook boletus for soup, before freezing and frying, to get a delicious dish. The information presented is enough to carry out the plan even a novice cook could.

It will be especially interesting for novice mushroom pickers to learn how to cook boletus mushrooms, and seasoned fans of quiet hunting will not refuse to replenish the piggy bank of recipes with new ideas. Any dish with similar mushrooms turns out fragrant, tasty and nutritious.

How to clean boletus?

Cooking boletus mushrooms for real use or harvesting mushrooms for the winter is not complete without first cleaning them. Knowing how to properly perform this stage, you will be able to cope with the task quickly and efficiently.

  1. Initially, the mushroom mass is sorted out, selecting wormy or substandard specimens.
  2. If present, the mycelium is cut off from the legs and the scaly legs are cleaned by scraping them with a knife, brush or rubbing with a clean cloth.
  3. Hats do not require cleaning: any contamination is quickly and easily washed off under running water.
  4. If boletus mushrooms are intended for drying or freezing, wipe both the legs and hats with a cloth or paper towels, avoiding contact of the mushrooms with water.

How to cook boletus?

If the prey of quiet hunting is boletus mushrooms, the recipes for preparing these valuable mushrooms will help to effectively process them and feed the family with delicious and no doubt nutritious culinary masterpieces.

  1. Any hot dish cooked with boletus boletus will delight you with its magnificent fragrance and rich mushroom taste. However, you should always remember that you can use the first broth for this only if you are sure of the quality of the base product.
  2. An excellent result is the frying of boletus. At the same time, mushrooms are often supplemented with onions, potatoes or other vegetables.
  3. Like other types, boletus boletus perfectly combines with sour cream, while fully revealing its taste and creating dishes that are delicious in all respects.

How to cook boletus?

When learning how to cook boletus, you first need to understand the technique of their cooking. The bulk of the recipes involve preliminary boiling of forest dwellers, which allows not only to bring the product to readiness, but also to negate any negative consequences associated with the use of mushrooms, which, like a sponge, absorb various and not always useful substances.


  • boletus;
  • purified water - 2 l;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Prepare, sort and clean the boletus.
  2. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and lower them into a pot of boiling salted water.
  3. When heated and in the process of boiling, be sure to remove the rising foam with a spoon.
  4. How much to cook boletus will depend on the size of the mushrooms, their maturity and quality. As a rule, the cooking process takes from 30 to 50 minutes and is considered complete when the mushroom specimens have sunk to the bottom of the pan.

Fresh boletus soup

Rich will amuse the taste buds of admirers of mushroom creations and effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger. In this case, noodles are used as a filler for hot, which, if desired, can be replaced with rice, millet, buckwheat, other cereals or a vegetable mix.


  • boletus - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots and onions - 150 g each;
  • noodles - 80 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • purified water - 2 l;
  • butter and vegetable oil - 40 g each;
  • bay leaf, allspice and black pepper, herbs, sour cream - to taste.


  1. Sliced ​​boletus mushrooms are boiled until tender, put on a sieve, rinsed.
  2. Brown the mushroom mass in butter.
  3. Potato cubes, sautéed on vegetable oil onions with carrots, fried mushrooms.
  4. Boil hot for 15 minutes, season to taste with salt, pepper, throw in the noodles and cook the dish until the latter is ready.
  5. Serve soup with herbs, seasoned with sour cream if desired.

How to fry boletus?

Fried boletus mushrooms can be served with dignity at any table, but such mushrooms are especially tasty with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. It is preferable to start frying on the first day after collecting the gifts of the forest, after cleaning them and cutting off the lower part of the legs of mature specimens. They can be dried, ground and used as a condiment.


  • boletus - 900 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onions - 250-300 g;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. In hot vegetable and butter, crushed garlic cloves are fried to a blush, they are taken out and thrown away.
  2. Add prepared mushrooms, fry until moisture evaporates.
  3. Lay the chopped onion, fry the ingredients until the latter is soft, seasoning the mass to taste in the process.

Mushroom caviar from boletus

The following recipe is for those who do not know how to cook mature boletus, harsh cut legs or other substandard. From such raw materials you can make delicious mushroom caviar. The taste of the appetizer will become more tender if you add carrots stewed to readiness, spicier with garlic and more original with tomatoes.


  • boletus - 1 kg;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Fry chopped onion in oil.
  2. Add pre-boiled mushrooms, fry until moisture evaporates.
  3. Transfer the slightly cooled mass to a blender and grind to the desired texture.
  4. Season caviar to taste, let it brew.

How to fry boletus with potatoes?

Incredibly delicious. Ideally, you need to use young mushrooms for cooking, or only the caps of mature ones, cutting them into pieces. At the end of frying, the dish can be seasoned with dry aromatic herbs or finely chopped herbs, and chopped garlic can be added instead of onions.


  • boletus - 750 g;
  • potatoes - 1.2 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil.


  1. Prepared chopped mushrooms are placed in a pan, water is added and stewed under the lid for 40 minutes.
  2. Peeled and chopped medium-sized potatoes are laid, the components are fried, stirring occasionally, until the vegetable slices are ready.
  3. Season the dish, stir in the chopped onion, heat the contents of the pan for another 5 minutes.

Boletus mushrooms with sour cream

You can cook boletus in a pan with the addition of sour cream, enjoying the result to your heart's content. Excellent taste and nutritional characteristics of the dish will be appreciated even by fastidious eaters or picky gourmets. At the end of cooking, you can season the dish with garlic or green onions.


  • boletus - 900 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper, butter.


  1. Prepared and chopped mushrooms are fried in oil until moisture evaporates and a slight blush.
  2. Add onions, fry for 10 minutes, add flour.
  3. A minute later, sour cream is laid, the food is seasoned to taste, heated over low heat, stirring, for 5 minutes.

Boletus julienne

The next mushroom dish is an invention of French chefs. Cooked boletus julienne in a frying pan with subsequent baking in the oven has long won the hearts of consumers around the world. The rich harmonious taste of the resulting dish is achieved by performing a simple technology.


  • boletus - 800 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings, herbs.


  1. Fry onions in oil.
  2. Finely chopped boletus is added, fried for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Lay sour cream, season the dish to taste, simmer, stirring, under the lid for 25 minutes.
  4. The mass is laid out in cocotte makers or molds, sprinkled with grated cheese, baked at 190 degrees for 10 minutes.
  5. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Boletus for the winter

  1. The versions of the preparation of pickled mushrooms are always relevant. jar delicious snack will make any meal more appetizing and allow you to enjoy the excellent characteristics of boletus.
  2. If there is free space in the freezer, mushrooms can be frozen.
  3. No less effective preparation is the drying of boletus. If necessary, you only need to soak a portion dried mushrooms for a couple of hours, and then apply them for their intended purpose.
  4. A practical way to process boletus will be mushroom hodgepodge prepared for the winter. From it you can quickly cook rich soup, stew or other dishes from boletus.

Marinated boletus for the winter - recipe

They are leaders in taste and nutritional properties among this kind of preparations, along with mushrooms. The only difference from the latter is the darkening of mushrooms during heat treatment, which does not affect their other characteristics in any way. The proposed recipe can be used as a base for experiments, adapting it to your taste.


  • boletus - 2 kg;
  • purified water - 1 l;
  • salt and sugar - 40 g each;
  • vinegar - 125 ml;
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice - 8-10 pcs.


  1. Prepared mushrooms are poured with water and boiled until fully cooked and lowered to the bottom.
  2. Pour the mushroom mass onto a sieve, allow to drain.
  3. Prepare a marinade for boletus mushrooms by boiling a liter of water with the addition of salt, sugar, spices and vinegar.
  4. Put the mushroom mass in a saucepan, boil for 15 minutes, lay it in jars, cork and thoroughly wrap until it cools.

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter boletus?

The optimal preparation of boletus for the winter, if there is free space in the freezer, is freezing. A prerequisite for its execution is the processing of the product within the first four hours after collection and compliance with certain rules.

  1. Selected quality specimens cannot be washed. Existing dirt should be brushed off or wiped with a clean cloth.
  2. The mushroom mass is laid out on the shelves of the chamber in a continuous layer for several hours, after which it is poured into bags and stored until the next season, using as needed.

How to dry boletus at home?

Collected mushrooms can be prepared for future use by drying them in one of the time-tested methods. Such a blank is especially effectively used for making soups, adding to other mouth-watering dishes.

  1. The mushroom mass is sorted out, selecting only high-quality specimens.
  2. It is forbidden to wash the mushrooms before drying: any dirt is washed with a cloth or scraped off with a knife.
  3. In sunny and warm weather, boletus can be dried whole, strung on skewers or threads and hung in a ventilated place.
  4. The most effective drying methods are in the oven or electric dryer. To implement the idea, the mushrooms are cut into plates, laid out in one layer and dried at 60 degrees.
  5. Store dried boletus in a dry place in bags, cloth bags or jars.

Solyanka from boletus for the winter

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to cook boletus for the winter in the form of a hodgepodge. The resulting appetizer is good for self-serving or use for making soups and rich second courses. Fresh tomatoes can be substituted for diluted in water. tomato paste, sauce or tomato juice.

In this recipe, selected and prepared young mushrooms, diced, are stewed in a pan over low heat, and then fried with onions. The total cooking time is approximately 30 minutes, then the salt is added.

Once cooked, add potatoes. Stir and re-add salt to taste. Close the lid and continue cooking over medium heat. Cooking time depends on the type of potato. Later, open the lid and fry the dish over high heat for several minutes, stir again, cover with a lid and turn off the heat, leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.

Don't stir too often, if the potato variety is soft, you may end up with a puree. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Bon appetit!

If you have porcini mushrooms, make a gorgeous soup with porcini mushrooms

How to cook fried boletus

This type of mushroom is quite tough, so for cooking as an independent dish, and making it soft, it is boiled. In addition, during the cooking process, there is an additional cleaning of all contaminants and worms.

After boiling, foam forms, it must be removed. Salt and continue cooking. Many people drain the first water after boiling and finish cooking in another, clean water. Next, remove the mushrooms from the water and cool. Cut and fry over medium heat.

Bon appetit!

Every mushroom picker should know boletus and other mushrooms so that a tasty and safe dish of these valuable forest mushrooms is on the table. All the gifts of "quiet hunting" must be brought to full readiness before serving, while not overcooking them and served properly cooked.

How much to cook boletus before frying

Before sending mushrooms with onions and potatoes to a frying pan, they must first be boiled. To do this, prepared mushrooms need to be sorted by size. Fold small and cut into pieces separately from medium and large in pans. Pour in water, bring to a boil.

Boil small mushrooms for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, and medium and large ones for 45 minutes, removing the foam. Salt and spices can be added to taste.

How much to cook boletus for freezing

Before freezing, mushrooms must be boiled until fully cooked. To do this, sort the boletus, put small and cut into pieces in a separate pan, and medium and large - in another.

Pour the mushrooms with water and bring to a boil, then cook small mushrooms for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, and medium and large ones for 45 minutes.

Remove the foam periodically, and add salt and spices to taste.

How much to cook boletus for soup

Small mushrooms look very nice in the soup, but for this they must first be boiled.

Mushrooms from boiling should be boiled until tender for 30 minutes and added to the soup at the end of cooking, along with herbs.

In the soup, boletus must be boiled raw, adding 1 hour before the end of cooking, so you get a rich mushroom broth and taste.

How much to cook boletus for pickling

Ready-made boiled mushrooms are marinated, which are cooked as described above.

Small whole and cut into pieces are boiled separately, 30 minutes from the moment the water boils.

And medium with large separately, 45 minutes from the moment of boiling, removing the foam. Salt, spices and spices can not be added, as there will be enough of them in the marinade.
