Often in a forest or park after rain you can find unusual mushrooms nesting in wet grass in small groups of white balls. different sizes. Raincoats belong to the genus of mushrooms of the champignon family and grow in the temperate latitudes of the country. fruit culture has a pleasant taste, therefore it is widely used in cooking, and due to the unique composition, the puffball mushroom has healing properties and is used to treat various diseases.

Characteristics and varieties

Instances of mushroom culture have many names, for example: hare potato, tobacco mushroom, dust, bee sponge, fluff. They ripen in late August - early September. Raincoats can be found during the autumn period throughout Russia, except for the northern regions with a cold climate. Some representatives of the species prefer to grow in the forest more often, while others can be found near roads and paths, in meadows, in gardens and clearings.

Features of unusual mushrooms

It should not be forgotten that only recently grown mushrooms should be used for cooking, then you can fully enjoy their taste and enrich your body with the necessary vitamins present in their composition.

Among the representatives of the genus, there are also poisonous specimens unsuitable for eating. These include false types of raincoats, very similar to edible ones. To distinguish dangerous fruits from useful ones, you need to know what a raincoat mushroom looks like, calling for poisoning:

So that false raincoats do not fall into the basket during mushroom picking, it is necessary to cut one of them and check the inside. Instances suitable for eating will have a white and dense body with an odor fresh mushrooms and without the unpleasant and putrid notes accompanying poisonous fruits.

Healing properties

Unusual mushrooms have an excellent taste and saturate the human body with useful substances, and due to the presence of medicinal components, they are used in the fight against many diseases. Therefore, raincoats are used in official and traditional medicine for the preparation of medicines.

The composition of the flue

Peel potatoes, cut and boil in salted water. After the end of cooking, drain the water from it.

Rinse raincoats thoroughly, cut and fry in a pan with oil for 30 minutes.

Peel the onion, then cut into small cubes and fry until golden brown. Combine mushrooms and onions, salt, add pepper and simmer for another 20 minutes. By the end of frying, put sour cream in the pan, mix everything well and turn off the heat after 2-3 minutes.

Stewed mushrooms should be laid out on plates along with boiled potatoes. Separately, it is recommended to serve sour cream and chopped tomatoes.

Raincoats are very interesting and tasty mushrooms. Unfortunately, many people are afraid to collect them, because they have no idea of ​​the many advantages. useful fruits. But if you cook them correctly, you can get a great dish that will appeal to all supporters of a healthy diet.

Mushroom puffball: useful information for beginner mushroom pickers.

  • grandfather's tobacco
  • wolf tobacco
  • gypsy powder
  • fluff
  • damn apple
  • hare potatoes and many others

They are found in different sizes: the size of a pea, an apple, and even the size of a huge pumpkin. The nutritional components of the pulp are not inferior in their merits porcini mushroom and are highly rated by connoisseurs. Just like porcini mushrooms, after heat treatment or drying, they remain beautiful white color. Their main advantage is considered to be healing qualities - the mushroom gleba, attached to the cut, relieves bleeding, disinfects and contributes to its instant scarring.

Puffball mushroom: edible or not, what does it look like?

One type of mushroom

The most common types of edible puffballs to which this vernacular name may apply include:

  • Pear-shaped puffball (Lycoperdon pyriforme). It has a small size of about 5.5 cm in length and width. The young pear-shaped body is covered with a double shell, from which a small false leg extends with small streaks of light mycelium. The outer layer is white, slightly covered with cracks, scales or spikes. In an adult fungus, this layer cracks and the inner gray-brown or yellowish shell is exposed, covering the spores that seep through the holes at the top of the fruiting body after ripening.
  • Prickly puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum). It is showered with pronounced cone-shaped spikes. The color is snow-white or cream with a mesh pattern. Has an aromatic smell. Gleba is dense.
  • Langermannia giant (Langermannia gigantean). The huge size of the mushroom reaches 8 kg of weight. Covered with smooth, slightly flaky skin. As it matures, the color of the gleba changes from white to dirty green. The skin of mature mushrooms is similar to parchment paper. The pulp is crumbly, similar to homemade cheese.
  • Golovach oblong (Calvatia excipuliformis). It looks like an inflated bubble, pulled together at the bottom. It is covered with inconspicuous thin and delicate spikes, which makes it almost smooth in appearance. Gleba (pulp), in a newly appeared mushroom, is white, in an adult it is dark steel, sometimes almost black. The combination of a pronounced deficiency of pseudopods and needles, which are not inherent in raincoats, but are characteristic of false raincoats, gives reason for inexperienced mushroom pickers to confuse them with false individuals.

Raincoat mushroom false: what does it look like, can it be eaten?

Main differences

Puffball (Scleroderma citrinum) in Russia it is considered inedible or poisonous. In the West, it is recognized only as inedible, specifying that in the manufacture of sausages they replace truffles. Despite the possibility of using false raincoat as a spicy seasoning for meat dishes, with the use of a large number of mushrooms, a health hazard is likely to occur.

This species is not difficult to distinguish from edible mushrooms. In young pseudo-puffballs, in contrast to genuine ones, the fruiting body is smooth, has a whitish, whitish-gray or icteric color. Further, as it grows, it acquires stains in the form of cracks, growths or scales of a dark ocher color. The ripe mushroom bursts, but the spores do not spill out, but accumulate in the depths of the cracked cavity.

Important: The main difference between the false puffball and the edible bigheads is expressed in the possession of a hard skin and a lilac-brown shade of aging flesh, with a rich unpleasant aroma.

Scleroderma citrinum often grows in clusters.
In order to prevent the false puffball from getting into the basket of an inexperienced mushroom hunter, it is necessary to incise the fungus and check its suitability by the presence of snow-white gleba and not the appearance of a sharp spirit of rotten raw potatoes.

Video: False raincoat (Scleroderma aurantiacum) - description.

Raincoat mushroom: medicinal properties

Mushroom spore treatment finds its use in classical and home treatments.
Mushroom gleba contains elements of calvacin, which have antibacterial and anti-cancer properties.

Means made on the basis of mushroom pulp are actively removed from the body:

  1. radionuclides
  2. heavy metals
  3. toxic fluorine and chlorine compounds
  4. toxins, as a result of infection with helminths or hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, severe inflammation of the kidneys
  • Mushroom chaff compresses are an excellent remedy for the treatment and pain relief of deep cuts and malignant wounds resulting from cancer.

Infusions and broths from young flies are used:

  1. to lower the temperature
  2. in order to relieve inflammatory processes: with chronic tonsillitis, throat bumps, with severe ailments in the kidneys
  3. to slow the growth of malignant tumors and the progression of leukemia
  4. to reduce blood viscosity
  5. at high pressure, angina pectoris
  6. for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
  7. to strengthen immunity
  • Pharmacy products made on the basis of mushroom mycelium help with problems:
  1. in lymph nodes and sarcoidosis
  2. with endocrine processes: goiter formation, diabetes, adrenal dysfunction
  3. with the respiratory system: tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma

What can be cooked from raincoat mushroom: recipes

Porkhovik with potatoes in sour cream sauce


  • Mushroom harvest - 1 kg
  • Fresh potato tubers - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Cream or sour cream - 250 g
  • Sunflower oil - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Young sprigs of dill - 5-6 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste


  1. We release the heads from the prickly skin, wash
  2. Boil in salted water for 5-7 minutes
  3. Then rinse in a colander under running water. cold water, let it drain a little
  4. Put in a hot pan, keep on medium heat, until all the moisture has evaporated
  5. Add oil, add heat, fry with constant stirring
  6. Mushrooms are considered ready when they begin to crackle in a pan.
  7. To the finished mushrooms, add the potatoes cut into thin slices, salt
  8. Fry until half cooked, sprinkle with finely chopped onion
  9. We continue to cook the dish until the potatoes are fully cooked.
  10. 5 minutes before readiness, pour sour cream, flavor with chopped dill, cover with a lid
  11. Turn off the stove, keep under the lid for another 10 minutes

Roast with mushrooms and potatoes

mushroom schnitzel


  • Giant golovach - 0.7 kg
  • Fatty milk - 0.6 l
  • Flour - 90 g
  • Fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mushrooms are washed, cut into plates of medium thickness
  2. Blot excess moisture with a paper towel
  3. Sift flour into a bowl
  4. In the center we make a hole, into which we pour a little salt and break the egg, stir
  5. The resulting mass is diluted with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. Dip mushroom plastics in batter, fry on both sides in heated vegetable oil

Golovach in batter

Mushroom soup with puffballs


  • Young fluffs - 7 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Small carrot - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper, salt - depending on preferences

Cooking like this:

  1. Raincoats are cleaned of prickly skin and forest debris, washed, cut into cubes
  2. Pour 1.5 liters into the pan. cold water, pour mushrooms there
  3. Boil for 10-15 minutes, periodically remove the foam
  4. We peel the potatoes, chop into even cubes, fall asleep in the broth with mushrooms
  5. Cook until potatoes are half cooked
  6. Cut carrots and onions into small squares, sauté in butter, put in soup
  7. Salt, cook until the potatoes are ready
  8. Serve with sour cream

Soup with powder

Fried eggs with raincoats in Hungarian


  • Green onions with small heads - 3 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 0.4 kg
  • Fresh eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Grated cheese - 90 g
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cream - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Parsley, salt and ground sweet red pepper - to taste

Technological process:

  1. Mushrooms washed, cut into slices
  2. Then boil in a hot pan until the juice is completely evaporated.
  3. Next, add 1 tbsp. oil, add chopped onion, fry a little
  4. Remove the pan from the stove, pour the cream into the mushrooms, mix
  5. We shift the onion-mushroom mass to a baking sheet with high sides.
  6. We make 5 holes in it, break an egg into each
  7. Salt, sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley
  8. Bake for 10-15 minutes

Hungarian dish with heads

Italian raincoat roast

For cooking you will need:

  • Grandfather's tobacco - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Cream 15% - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

The main stages of the process:

  1. Cut the head of the vegetable into half rings
  2. We free raincoats from the top skin, cut into pieces
  3. In cow's oil, first fry the onion half rings, then add the mushrooms
  4. When the secreted mushroom juice has evaporated by half, add a thin stream of cream
  5. After boiling, add spices and salt, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes
  6. Spray before serving lemon juice sprinkle with herbs

Italian mushroom delicacy

Video: Raincoat (mushroom) fried with garlic

How much to cook puffball mushroom?

  • A young crop can be cooked without pre-boiling
  • Adult raincoats, before frying, boil for 6-7 minutes
  • When using boiled mushrooms, for full readiness, cook for at least 15 minutes

Raincoat mushroom: how to cook for the winter?

1 option

  • We clean the fresh mushroom crop from litter
  • Without washing, cut across
  • Lay out on a baking sheet in a single layer.
  • Dry in the sun (in hot weather) or in an oven, as follows:
  1. First, set the temperature to 50 ° C
  2. After 1-2 hours, we increase the degrees to 70-80 ° C
  3. Then lower to 55 ° C, hold for about 2 hours
  4. Do not forget to periodically mix the blanks and take out dry mushrooms

Important: When white drops (protein substances) appear on the mushrooms, reduce the temperature, remove the baking sheet from the oven. After the temperature drops, we send raincoats for further drying. Otherwise, the workpiece will take on a black, unsightly appearance.

Dried golovach

Option 2

Preparing in advance:

  • Raincoats - 1 kg
  • Salt - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 6% and water - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper - 6 peas
  • Carnation - 2 stars
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Let's move on to the preparation process:

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned, sorted
  2. Pour the marinade into an enameled pan, put the mushrooms, bring to a boil
  3. Cook stirring for 15-20 minutes
  4. When cooked, mushrooms secrete juice and everything is covered with liquid.
  5. Remove foam with a slotted spoon
  6. Ready mushrooms sink to the bottom, the marinade becomes transparent
  7. Next, put the mushrooms tightly in jars, pour sunflower oil
  8. Close with plastic lids

Pickled puffball

Video: Drying raincoats. Rules for quality processing.

Mushroom raincoat: why people call hare potatoes: interesting information

Most often, this is what I call young mushrooms. When they appear above the ground, they are shaped like young potatoes.

So, based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that there are a lot of benefits from a raincoat, and in vain some mushroom pickers underestimate it.

Video: Raincoats - delicious mushrooms. Where do they grow and how to collect?

The puffball mushroom is known to everyone - it grows almost everywhere. But few people know that this plant has unique healing and beneficial properties that are actively used in folk and traditional medicine.

Mushroom puffball giant and its description

Synonyms: giant golovach.
A description is proposed in which the giant puffball mushroom will appear in a completely new light.

Cultural-historical and other interesting information. Strange, but despite the fact that calvacin, the bioactive component of the giant raincoat, was discovered back in the 1960s, and its anti-cancer and antibacterial activity was confirmed, and the use of this fungus in folk medicine against dozens of serious diseases has been known for many centuries, no serious laboratory biochemical studies of the active substances of Langermann have been carried out so far. At least, such studies are unknown to me. Why? No answer.

Look at the raincoat mushroom in the photo, which shows the various stages of development:

This raincoat is characterized by the possibility (extremely rare among other mushrooms) - use for the treatment of pets.

In Nepal, in the Dolpa region, where communication between mountain villages is possible only with the help of beasts of burden, most of them suffer from open, poorly healing wounds arising from the constant friction of the harness with the load. When such a wound or chafing occurs, local residents prepare a mixture of giant raincoat spores and water and treat the wound surface with it. Fruiting bodies are specially harvested for veterinary purposes and stored in homes. It takes about half of the mushroom to process one donkey.

And in the Crimea and Ukraine, Langermann powder is used to treat lichen in animals.

What does a raincoat mushroom look like: description and photo
The following is a description and photo of the raincoat mushroom, from which you can learn about how it looks.

The fruit body is very large, spherical-flattened, 20-50 cm in diameter and weighing up to 10 kg. The outer shell is white, smooth, falling off with age. The inner shell is papery, yellowish-brown in mature mushrooms, breaking down into irregular fragments to release spores. The young flesh is white, elastic, with a very pleasant taste and smell, yellowish-olive as it ripens, and finally brown-brown.

It occurs throughout the temperate climatic zone of Russia on rich soils, prefers open spaces - fields, meadows, pastures, parks, sometimes grows along the edges of the forest, in forest glades in small groups, semicircles, and individual specimens can stand quite far from each other. A giant raincoat over the years rarely grows in the same place twice, but in the case of a successful season, it can give out two or even three waves of fruiting. Grows from late May to early November.

Next, you can see how the raincoat mushroom looks in the photo that I illustrate appearance:

Similar types. In adulthood, such a large mushroom cannot be confused with other raincoats. Young, still medium-sized Langermanns are similar to the immature leathery mycenastrum (Mycenastrum corium), which, when ripe, breaks from above in a star-like manner, which distinguishes it well from a giant puffball.

What is useful raincoat mushroom: medicinal and beneficial properties
In order to understand how useful the puffball mushroom is, you should know that calvacin, which has antibiotic (bacteria, fungi) and anticancer effects, was found in the pulp of the fruiting bodies. Pure mycelial cultures show high antitumor activity.

Preparations from spores contribute to the removal of radionuclides, heavy metals, toxic fluorine and chlorine compounds, toxins after helminthiases, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, acute inflammation of the kidneys. The healing properties of puffball mushroom are widely used in traditional and folk medicine.

The pulp of the fungus is used externally and internally. Externally, the pulp is applied to wounds or malignant ulcers that form with skin cancer. Internally, a decoction or vodka tincture of young fruiting bodies of the fungus is used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory in chronic tonsillitis, throat tumors, kidney diseases and to suppress the development of malignant tumors and leukemia.

Traditional medicine preparations based on Langermann spores effectively reduce blood viscosity, high blood pressure, help with angina pectoris, gastrointestinal diseases, and strengthen immunity in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors. In Bulgarian medicine, water infusions of spores are used internally for diseases of the bladder, including bladder cancer. Beneficial features raincoat fungus can effectively increase the level of the body's immune defenses.

Spores can be safely applied to the bleeding surface of the wound and used externally as an anesthetic and for the healing of festering wounds and malignant skin ulcers.

Spore preparations are also used for diseases of the lymphatic system and sarcoidosis, endocrine diseases (goiter, diabetes, adrenal dysfunction), pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis intoxication, pleurisy, bronchial asthma.

Puffball mushroom tincture for treatment
Puffball mushroom is used in the treatment of various diseases in the form of pre-prepared preparations. The most commonly used tincture of raincoat fungus, which is based on alcohol of various concentrations.

Some possible ways preparation and use:

Powder: take 1 teaspoon of spore powder with water, 1 time per day, in the evening before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 months, in severe cases (poisoning) - 1/2 tsp. powder 6-8 times a day.

In diseases of the lymphatic system (lymph nodes) and sarcoidosis - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, the course is until cured.

Infusion: 1 dec. pour a spoonful of spore powder of the fungus with a glass of hot water (70 ° C) and insist under the lid in a porcelain or glass dish for 40 minutes, take 1/2 cup 2 times a day before meals in small sips.

Tincture: prepared on vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse spores in a dark warm place for 2 weeks. Take tincture inside 1-2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals. Course - 3-4 weeks with a mandatory week break.

For oncological diseases: pour 1 glass of spore powder into 0.5 liters of vodka, close the jar with a nylon lid and bury it in the ground to a depth of 30 cm. After 24 days, dig it out without shaking, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

To prevent the formation of kidney stones and bladder inside they take bread sprinkled with spore powder of a raincoat.

With postpartum hemorrhage: 3 teaspoons of spore powder per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

. Fully ripened mushrooms are harvested for the preparation of spore powder or young fruiting bodies with completely white flesh.

Is it possible to eat puffball mushrooms: is this species edible?
Many mushroom pickers do not know the exact answer to the question of whether the puffball mushroom is edible. We will try to answer in detail whether it is possible to eat raincoat mushrooms, and if so, in what form. Edible at a young age (as long as the flesh of the fruiting body is pure white). Unlike many other mushrooms, langermannia keeps well. Even without a refrigerator, a fresh mushroom can lie for at least a day. Before use, the shell is removed from it. The young firm and white inside pulp is not only edible, but also tasty. It can be fried like a steak, breaded in large thin pieces.

It turns out well a mushroom fried in dough. The dough is prepared as for pancakes. Mushroom slices are dipped in it and fried on both sides in any oil. This raincoat should not be boiled, because during cooking it absorbs a large amount of water and becomes like a wet rag. Great for drying. It dries easily, and when cooked, it gives a clear, light decoction with a mushroom flavor.

Raincoat prickly
Family: Rainflies (Lycoperdaceae).
Synonyms: black-shaped raincoat, needle-shaped raincoat.

The fruiting body is pear-shaped, 2-6 cm, with a very small sterile lower part in the form of a short false stalk, with characteristic long, pointed and often curved spines, 3-6 mm tall, falling off with time. The flesh is white at a young age, with a pleasant smell and taste, becoming grayish or brown-violet with age.

Grows in temperate forest zone, everywhere, but not abundantly, on soil and litter in forests different type, often among green mosses or on decaying wood, singly or in small groups.

Fruits in July-September.

Similar species. Very young fruiting bodies can be confused with a pearl puffball (L. perlatum), while mature mushrooms are very characteristic and do not have twins.

. Methanol extract of the fungus showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria pathogenic for humans such as Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Although the substances themselves responsible for this effect have not yet been identified, chemical analysis showed the presence of terpenoids, the presence of which is also associated with antibacterial activity.

. In folk medicine, mushrooms are used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent. For this, either thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates of young fruiting bodies, or mature spore powder (as a powder) are used.

Rules for collection and procurement for medicinal purposes. Collect young, white fruiting bodies on the cut, or dry spore mass from fully ripened mushrooms.

. Prickly raincoat is edible at a young age, does not require preliminary boiling. The pulp of a young fungus is white, with a strong pleasant smell that does not disappear when dried. It is used for frying, cooking broth and drying.

Pear-shaped raincoat
Family: Rainflies (Lycoperdaceae).

Fruiting body 3-7 cm high, 1-4 cm across, ovoid, plum- or pear-shaped, white, gray or even brown, with a gradually darkening tubercle at the apex, smooth or fine-grained, with a well-defined false stalk that can hide in substrate. The flesh is pure white when young, brown-olive when mature. The spore powder is purple-brown.

The fungus is found throughout the forest zone of Russia, except for the Far North. Grows in forests of any type, can grow on the ground and litter, but especially prefers rotten wood. It develops massively on old clearings, loves deadwood, rotten stumps, bases of trunks. Fruiting from May to November.

Similar types. Very young fruiting bodies can be confused with a pearl puffball (L. perlatum), while mature mushrooms are very characteristic and do not have twins.

Pharmacological and medical properties. Calvacin (calvatic acid) was found in the fruiting bodies, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-cancer properties, as well as a hemostatic effect.

Traditional and folk medicine. In folk medicine, pear-shaped raincoat is used externally as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent, as well as against malignant ulcers and frostbite. For this, either thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates of young fruiting bodies, or mature spore powder (as a powder) are used. Internal use (vodka tinctures) is intended to combat leukemia.

Rules for collection and procurement for medicinal purposes. Collect young, white fruiting bodies on the cut or dry spore mass from fully ripened mushrooms.

Nutritional use, culinary recommendations. Edible at a young age, does not require pre-boiling. It is used for cooking first and second courses, snacks and fillings, suitable for drying, preparing mushroom powder.

Raincoat mushrooms are edible mushrooms of oval or round shape, white in color, with closed fruiting bodies. The size of fruit bodies can reach from 1.5 to 24 cm. Fruits are formed from May to November, in bunches or groups. Raincoats feed on rotting organic debris. They reproduce by dusty spores that form in autumn. These mushrooms are found in many areas of the European part of Russia and not only. They grow in forests, meadows, settle on various soils and even on rotten wood.

Useful properties of raincoats
In a number of Western European countries, puffball mushrooms are considered a delicacy, they are even equated with champignons. Fruiting bodies contain leucine, tyrosine, lipoids and enzymes. The calvacic acid present in the fungus helps the human body get rid of various pathogenic bacteria. When dried, raincoats do not lose their taste and medicinal qualities, they can be stored in a dense plastic bag.

Before drying, mushrooms should be boiled slightly, because they can crumble into dust. For storage, it is better to choose young mushrooms and cut them into translucent slices.

Raincoat edible
Most types of puffballs are edible, but there are also non-edible types that can be easily poisoned if you do not have basic knowledge. There are several main signs of the edibility of the mushroom. The most important of these is the presence of white flesh without any shades, it should be dense and firm. Another important feature is that the inner pulp of the mushroom should be of a uniform consistency. Raincoats differ from ordinary mushrooms in that they do not have a long stem, plate, hat, and the like.

Application of puffball mushrooms

The medicinal properties of puffball mushroom are well known and have long been used in folk medicine. A raincoat is used for venous congestion, anemia, indigestion, and skin eczema. Young and mature shoots are used to stop bleeding. A piece of a young mushroom is applied to the wound or sprinkled with dust - raincoat spores, fixing it with a bandage. The wound heals quickly and does not fester.

Young fruits are used as an antitumor agent, their immature core has an antibacterial property. Some types of raincoats have a psychotropic effect. Use a raincoat to remove fluorine and chlorine compounds from the body. The mushroom shows good results with cosmetic use. The skin becomes firm and elastic, acquires a matte color, that is, healthy and beautiful.

Tincture: fill a liter jar with mushrooms, then pour them with diluted vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. It is recommended to drink the remedy one tablespoon with water three times a day before meals.

Infusion: put 1 tablespoon of calamus roots and 5 tablespoons of raincoat fungus spores in an enamel bowl, pour everything warm water about 40-50 ° C and insist overnight. Then the calamus roots need to be ground through a meat grinder, add 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers and pour the first composition again. It should be insisted for two days, then strain through cheesecloth and take 250 ml half an hour before meals and an hour after.

Contraindications to the use of raincoats
For use in food or for medicinal purposes, puffball mushrooms should not be collected in ecologically polluted areas and along roadsides. Mushrooms are able to absorb toxic substances and radionuclides, so there is a high probability of poisoning. Raincoats are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The intake of mushrooms is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney diseases and individual intolerance to the substances that make up raincoats.

How to cook puffball mushroom
1. Wash the mushroom in cool water and let it dry.
2. Peel off the skin, which resembles something eggshell, only it is thinner and more elastic. Takes off very easily.
3. Cut the mushroom in half and then into smaller pieces, 1-2 cm thick. Inside, it looks very interesting. Reminds me of Adyghe cheese

4. Salt, pepper and roll in breadcrumbs.

5. Fry in a hot pan, in butter. Although I am not a fan of fried food, but this time I made an exception. And usually I cook in the oven or carcass.
Fry on both sides until golden brown.

The raincoat mushroom is prepared very quickly and tastes just delicious! Reminiscent of very tender meat, some kind of delicacy! You can serve with any side dish and with any sauce.
I cooked only one half of the mushroom, and cut the second into small strips and dried. I'll make soup with it in the winter!

Puffball mushroom was met by many in meadows, city parks and deciduous forests. It grows after the summer rains, from July to September. There are many types of raincoats, most of them are edible. From the article you can find out detailed description raincoats, their medicinal properties and original culinary recipes.

Mushroom puffball, photo and description, varieties

Raincoat mushroom, the photo and description of which will interest mushroom pickers, belongs to the Champignon family. It has an unusual appearance - it has no legs and hats. Its fruiting body is round, sometimes pear-shaped, of a closed structure. Most varieties are small or medium in size, but giants are also found.

Types of puffball mushrooms:

Prickly or pearl puffballs are one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms. The fruit body is small, up to 9 cm high and up to 4 cm wide. On the shell of the fungus, small soft spikes or warts are visible. Young mushrooms, suitable for food, have white dense pulp. If you fry these mushrooms raw, they have a pleasant, strong aroma.

Of particular interest is the giant raincoat mushroom, which some mushroom pickers bypass, mistaking for a mutant because of its large sizes. It looks like a big white ball, easily lifted off the ground. These "balls" weigh up to 10 kg. The white dense pulp of young mushrooms is similar to Adyghe cheese or marshmallows.

If you see a giant puffball with ripe spores, do not step on it or kick it with your feet. From there, a whole cloud of small spores will fly out, which can lead to bronchospasm and respiratory arrest.

Mushrooms puffballs hedgehog, meadow and pear-shaped are also edible. Only false raincoats cannot be eaten, they differ from other varieties in the yellowish color of the pulp.

How to make raincoats

Mushrooms with white dense pulp are used for food. If the flesh begins to turn yellow, the mushroom is not suitable for food. Before cooking, mushrooms are washed and peeled.

Mushroom soup

An unusual soup can be prepared with melted cheese and mushrooms. The food combination is very tasty.


  • raincoat mushroom - 400 g;
  • processed cheese - 150 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 3 branches;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Peeled and washed mushrooms cut into small cubes, fry with onions in a frying pan in oil.
  2. IN hot water put melted cheese, salt. After two minutes, add the fried mushrooms.
  3. Serve the soup with finely chopped herbs.

Breaded fried mushrooms

This delicacy resembles tender meat and cooks very quickly.


  • raincoat mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 90 ml;
  • breadcrumbs - 180 g;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • salt, pepper, paprika - to taste.


  1. Cut the prepared mushrooms into slices, about 1 cm thick.
  2. For the batter, beat the egg with milk.
  3. Salt and pepper the mushroom plates, dip in batter, and then in breadcrumbs on both sides.
  4. Fry breaded mushrooms in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

For this recipe, mushrooms can be pre-boiled in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then breaded and fried.

In addition to the proposed recipes, raincoat mushrooms are fried with carrots and onions, boiled, stewed in sour cream. They can also be dried to be used as mushroom seasoning in cooking.

Mushroom broth from a raincoat is very useful, it is given to debilitated patients to speed up recovery.

Healing properties of puffball mushroom

Raincoat mushroom, the medicinal properties of which are used by folk healers, is easily digested, removes from the body harmful substances normalizes bowel activity. These mushrooms contain a valuable substance - calvacin, which has an antitumor effect. It inhibits the growth of benign and malignant tumors.

Young mushrooms are used externally to stop bleeding. To do this, peeled and washed mushroom pulp is applied to the wound. Due to the antibacterial properties of the fungus, the wound heals quickly and does not become inflamed. The raincoat is also used in home cosmetology, masks from it return skin elasticity and healthy color.

The recipe for healing tincture from raincoats is simple. To prepare it, you need to fill a half-liter jar of mushrooms with vodka, put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain the finished tincture, squeeze the mushrooms and discard. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Mushroom tincture is used to treat anemia, venous congestion, eczema and other diseases.

The mushroom is effective for the treatment of fibroids and thyroid diseases.

With the help of its extract, toxins are removed from the body in case of hepatitis and kidney diseases. A raincoat helps to quickly cure an upset bowel.

A lot of mushroom pickers undeservedly bypass these mushrooms, and completely in vain. Young raincoats are very tasty and healthy mushrooms. And most often they are among the first to appear in the spring forest, so for lovers of just such gifts of the forest, they will be a pleasant variety in the diet after a long winter, when dishes from fresh mushrooms collected in the forest are still a rarity on the table.

Raincoats belong to the mushroom family. The fruiting bodies of these fungi different types have a rounded pear-shaped shape, most often white. Many of them have a pronounced false foot, and their sizes can be medium or large (like giant puffballs).

In young mushrooms, the entire cap is covered with small growths, similar to thorns, which fall off over time. The spores of this ripen inside the fruiting body, when they ripen, an opening opens at the top of the fruiting body, through which the spores spread around the fungus. The color of mature spores can be from green with an olive tint to brown.

Popular names for this type of fungus:

  • bee sponge;
  • rabbit potato.

And raincoats, in which spores are fully ripe in the fruiting body, are called:

  • fluff;
  • pyrkhovka;
  • duster;
  • grandfather tobacco;
  • wolf tobacco;
  • tobacco fungus, etc.

Raincoats belong to the mushroom family

Edible types of raincoat

Raincoats include the following common groups of fungi:

  • true raincoats;
  • bigheads;
  • fluff.

Typical raincoats are small (5-6 cm in height, 2.5-3 cm in radius). Their fruiting bodies are closed, in young individuals they are covered with a double membrane. The outer layer of the shell of the fruiting body may be covered with cracks, small scales or spines. As the fungus ages, the outer layer falls off, exposing the inner - brown or ocher - layer, which covers the ripening ones.

Gallery: raincoat mushrooms (25 photos)

Where raincoats grow (video)

Raincoats meadow, pear-shaped and pearl

All of the above types of true puffballs are the most common category 4 mushrooms in the central regions and middle lane our country. They are very similar to each other, and the pearl species is also called real, or edible. It is covered with large thorns, which makes it look like goblin mushrooms.


Mushrooms of this genus are similar to raincoats, some mushroom pickers often confuse them. The main differences between golovaches and raincoats:

  • larger sizes (at least 7 cm in height and 3.5 cm in radius);
  • the fruiting body of these mushrooms, after the spores ripen, is torn much more strongly than that of ordinary raincoats.

Otherwise, they look about the same as raincoats. The most common species of golovach are described below.


Golovach baggy

Popular names for this variety of raincoat:

  • Golovach is vesiculate;
  • The golovach is rounded;
  • The golovach is bag-shaped;
  • Raincoat hare;
  • The golovach is belly-shaped.

The fruiting body of such a bighead can be 10 to 20 cm in diameter, rounded, slightly flattened from above, fine-grained inside, tapering downwards. Young golovachs of light milky color, growing up, become brown with a gray tint. Cracks pass through the fruiting body of an adult golovache, and tubercles similar to warts will appear. Old mushrooms in the upper part open up, becoming like bowls with torn parts.

This mushroom belongs to the 4th category; only young golovachs are used for food.

Golovach baggy

Golovach oblong (elongated raincoat)

Synonyms - golovach marsupial. This species has a fruiting body of a peculiar shape - pin-shaped or club-like. The pseudopod is elongated, the top looks like a half of a ball. The height of the fruiting body, together with the pseudopod, is from 8 to 14 cm; in rainy and warm weather, it can grow even more. The thickness of the upper part of the pseudopod is about 4 cm, and the lower part is about 6-7 cm. But different sources indicate different values ​​​​of these indicators.

Young mushrooms are white in color, which eventually turns yellow and then brown. Spikes are located on the entire surface of the fruiting body. The flesh of young mushrooms is white, turns yellow over time, fades, then turns brown. The upper spherical part of the fruiting body opens, and a brown spore powder falls out. The young oblong golovach is quite edible.

Golovach oblong (elongated raincoat)

Golovach giant

This mushroom is the largest among all varieties of golovach. Some of its specimens can grow in height up to 0.5 m, and weight reaches 18-20 kg. It is this representative of the golovachi genus that is considered the most delicious of all representatives of the genus. But, unfortunately, giant gobies always grow alone, and do not appear in one place, and this is considered their main drawback.

How to collect raincoats (video)

Poison False Raincoats

But in the family under consideration there are also inedible species, some of which are also slightly poisonous.

False puffball warty

This mushroom belongs to the category of inedible mushrooms from the genus Sclerodermaaceae. Usually grows in "families" in deciduous forests and groves (especially on the edges or forest clearings), occurs in meadows in the grass and on roadsides. Growth period - from the first decade of August to mid-October. The fruit body is 3–5 cm in diameter, tuberous in shape, the color of the outer shell is brownish. The outer shell is leathery, corky, leathery.

False puffball warty

False raincoat ordinary

The fruit body of this fungus is tuberous in shape, 5–6 cm in diameter, the shell can be smooth or covered with small scales. The color of this raincoat is dirty yellow. When the shell cracks, small warts appear.

Medicinal properties of puffball mushroom

Not all mushroom pickers know that raincoats have unique healing properties. They are able to stop bleeding, and also have a healing effect. In the case of a severe cut, you can simply break this freshly picked mushroom and apply the pulp to the wound - the blood will stop very quickly. Similarly, it can be used to treat other skin diseases:

  • severe burns;
  • poorly healing purulent wounds;
  • acne;
  • hives, etc.

Raincoats have unique healing properties

Decoctions are prepared from mushrooms, which are used to treat inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract:

  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • laryngitis.

Giant golovach has the ability to prevent the growth of malignant cells, therefore, on the basis of this fungus, the medicine calvacin was made, which helps in the fight against malignant tumors in different parts of the human body.

So that this useful mushroom is always at hand, it is harvested for future use (pickled, dried).

raincoat habitats

Varieties of raincoats can grow in different places. The baggy golovach usually occurs from the last ten days of May to mid-September on open sunny places- forest edges or clearings, in shallow ravines, pastures. Most often grows singly.

The elongated raincoat appears in the forests, on the edges or forest clearings from the second decade of July. The last mushrooms of this species are found in mid-October.

How to cook raincoat mushrooms (video)

Raincoat Mushroom Cooking Options

Only young mushrooms should be used for cooking. They can be fried, stewed, cooked first courses.

Stuffed zucchini

Peel young zucchini, cut into rings 2.5-3 cm thick. Remove the middle (together with seeds), boil in salted water until half cooked, put in a colander to drain the water. Then roll in flour and fry sunflower oil. Pass young mushrooms through a meat grinder along with onions and fry in sunflower oil. Fill zucchini with minced mushrooms.

Vermicelli casserole

Vermicelli is boiled in salt water, thrown into a colander. Raincoats are finely chopped, fried in butter until tender. Then the fried mushrooms are mixed with vermicelli and raw eggs, spread in a form greased with oil and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs and placed in an oven heated to 170 - 180 degrees for 1/3 hour. Pepper is added to this dish to taste.

Although raincoats belong to category 4, you can cook a lot of delicious and tasty treats from them. healthy meals. Fried young mushrooms are especially tasty.

Gallery: raincoat mushrooms (35 photos)
