Aubrieta, or aubration, is one of the types herbaceous plants, which belong to the Cabbage family, and is an evergreen, creeping perennial shrub. It is found both in European countries, for example, in Italy, France, and in the countries of South America. Habitats are different everywhere. Aubrieta can be seen on the rocks, along the banks of rivers, in gardens or rock gardens. The plant received this name thanks to the famous illustrator Claude Aubrier, who wrote his works in the botanical genre. During flowering, shaving resembles a continuous green carpet. A distinctive individual feature of the plant is the ability to produce healthy and rich foliage all year round.

Description of the shaving flower

Small, elongated leaves have serrated ends and a rough surface. The calyx of the flower consists of four petals, which reach a diameter of about 1 cm. Their color is the most diverse. All flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Orbieta blooms profusely throughout the season. If you follow the regular care of the plant, following the advice of gardeners, you can also observe re-blooming in the fall. Fruit by outward signs resembles a bean pod, in which small brown seeds ripen.

To start growing this amazing flower on your garden plot, you need to learn how to plant seedlings, and only after that transfer it to open ground. Below we will look at how the plant reproduces, its diseases, methods of protection against insects and the rules for caring for a flower.

Propagation by seed for this type of plant gives fairly high seedlings. However, it is best to take advantage of growing seedlings, which can then be transplanted, since sowing seeds directly into the soil can cause splitting of the variety. In this case, you can expect the beginning of flowering shaving only in the spring. Seeds are sold in stores selling products for the garden.

It is best to sow before the onset of the spring thaw. This time falls approximately at the end of February. They are sown in small pots, which are filled with a mixture of peat and humus. From these containers, young seedlings will then be planted in open ground. Before planting, the soil is pre-moistened, then seeds are laid on its surface, which are sprinkled with a small amount of sand. From above it also needs to be watered. Planted crops are covered with a protective film. In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature, which should be from 18 to 21 degrees.

Rules for caring for seedlings shaving

As a rule, sowing seedlings from seeds requires a lot of time, and care must be taken with great care. Do not forget to ventilate and water every day. The first shoots begin to appear after a few weeks. As soon as green leaves become visible, you can remove the protective film. Try not to overwater the seedlings, as the sheath does not tolerate an excess of moisture. If you feel that the seedlings are not yet fully grown for transplantation and are not developing enough, then in this case the plant can be fed. For these purposes, a mixture of mineral fertilizers diluted in low concentrations is used.

Aubrieta is hard to take root during transplantation and most often dies. In this regard, a flower grown at home on a windowsill is not suitable for picking. If there is a desire to completely eliminate the intermediate transplantation of seedlings, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in different pots.

As soon as the spring frosts recede, you can begin to transplant the shaving from the seedling container. Choosing a territory for growing a flower should be done with all responsibility. Consider the fact that this plant loves the bright sun and does not tolerate shade. To achieve intensive and long flowering, it is necessary to prepare a site for planting seedlings, which will be located on the sunny side of the garden or garden. Even the most meager soil is suitable for growing shaving. It grows well on any rocky terrain and is picky about the choice of soil. However, the soil should absorb moisture well and contain ash or peat. A small slightly alkaline or neutral soil environment is allowed.

You can plant shaving in a flower bed as you like. The plant is quite malleable and flexible. The size and length of the roots of seedlings affect the depth of planting. The width of the hole must be made half the width of the seedling pot. When growing a flower in a plastic container, the dishes must be lowered into water so as not to damage the plant when removed. After air bubbles rise to the surface of the pot, the seedling is carefully removed and placed in the hole. A plot of soil around it is pressed a little and sprinkled with sand, then watered.

Shaving care in the garden

Aubrieta is pretty unpretentious flower and does not require any special care. Adult specimens may not need watering for a long time, the only exception is dry and hot summers. As a rule, under normal temperature conditions, excessive watering can cause excessive greening of the plant, which, in turn, drowns out flowering. Young shoots need to be watered a little more often until they are fully grown. Irrigation is considered the most optimal way glaze. The soil in the flower bed must be constantly loosened and weeds removed.

During the flowering period, the soil around the plant is sprinkled with sand to retain root moisture. In early spring or autumn, shaving is required to be fed with special mineral fertilizers, which are used by gardeners when growing perennial varieties of plants.

It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive pruning of all green shoots after the vegetative spring season ends at the shaving. Thanks to such measures, young green stems and leaves will soon begin to appear. They will be a wonderful addition to the flowers growing in the neighborhood in the flower bed. Such a flower carpet will retain its beauty until the next autumn bloom.

As mentioned earlier, the seed propagation method does not make it possible to preserve seedlings of varietal properties. Nevertheless, if the task is to collect seeds, then for this, during pruning, it is necessary to leave several shoots with ovaries on the bush. After the pods ripen and darken, they need to be cut. The husked seeds are dried and well ventilated. Then they are used for sowing in the manner described above.

Preparing the shaving for winter

After spring bloom experienced gardeners are usually pruned. In the case of another flowering that occurs in autumn, it is recommended to leave all leaves and shoots intact for the winter. Re-pruning is best done next season. adult perennial can easily endure the winter if there is sufficient snow cover. Under more severe conditions, it is necessary to cover the bush with dry foliage and spruce branches to protect it from death and freezing.

Aubrieta flower can be propagated by any convenient ways because the plant is unpretentious in this regard. The method of propagation by seeds or cuttings is mainly used. Growing shaving from seedlings was described in detail by us a little earlier. Gardeners who have extensive experience in breeding various flower crops choose the seed propagation method. Before planting, the flower bed area is cleared of weeds, small stones and dug up. A mixture of fertilizers is introduced into the prepared soil, then it is sprinkled with wood ash and chalk and moistened. Seeds are planted at some distance from each other, after which they are sprinkled with sand and watered. If planting was carried out in the spring, then the first shoots can be expected after 10-20 days. When autumn planting seeds, young shoots will appear only next year.

Reproduction by cuttings

The method of propagation by cuttings is widespread. When pruning shaving in the summer, as a rule, a large number of green shoots remain, on which there are no flowers. A greenhouse is used for planting cuttings. Prepared soil is poured into it in advance, consisting of peat and sand. Cuttings that have taken root are transplanted into a flower bed. In areas where low winter temperatures prevail, the seedlings are left in the greenhouse until the arrival of spring, so that they can properly get stronger and take root.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is carried out both in spring and autumn, but the plant is quite difficult to tolerate such an event. Often it is carried out in a certain sequence. Initially, it is required to dig up a shaving bush and divide it into equal parts, in which strong shoots and roots will be present. Then they are planted in different holes. It should be noted that this method of reproduction is not always successful. The divided parts of the plant are difficult to take root, so gardeners prefer growing shaving from seeds or cuttings.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a resistant ornamental plant to the effects of any diseases and pests. Occasionally there are cases of infection with powdery mildew. This fungal disease causes white coating, which occurs on leaves and flowers, which becomes brown over time. Due to illness, the flower loses its attractiveness. The plant gradually begins to fade and blacken. To stop the further spread of the disease, the bushes are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

The greatest danger to shaving is the aphid, which takes away the strength of the plant and feeds on its cell sap. Aphids are carriers of various viral diseases. To destroy it, drugs such as Fufanon or Karbofos are used. If the number of pests is too high, then the treatment is repeated several times to completely get rid of insects.

The obriet flower, which grows in rocky terrain, is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

To date, there are about 12 species of this flower, including cultivars. In our area, such species as white shaving, graceful shaving, Kolumka shaving are rarely found. Here, for example, the deltoid shaving, which looks like a low-growing perennial green plant, has become more widespread. The leaves are serrated at the edges and gray-green in color. small purple flowers gather in racemose inflorescences resembling a lilac bush. The flowering period begins in late spring and lasts about a month. This variety of obrieta is considered the first cultivated type of flower bred.

Aubrieta hybrid or cultivated is a plant that reaches a height of about 20 cm, which can winter well. The leaves with serrated ends are elongated, the flowers are purple in color with a small diameter. Aubrieta cultivated is propagated by seeds. The most popular are the following varieties:

  • Aubrieta cascade, having flowers of various colors and gray-green leaves. A bush of this variety retains greenery even for the winter.
  • Charming Morocco is graceful flower with large cups of blue, red or pink color.
  • Côte d'Azur is a variety of shaving, which is characterized by abundant and frequent flowering throughout the year.
  • The giant waterfall is a perennial hybrid of purple, pink or red, grows up to 15 cm and has small flowers.

There are other less famous varieties shavings: Carnival, Gloriosa, Wanda, Blue King, Queen, Royal Keskade, Triumfant and others.

Aubrieta - growing a flower in the garden (video)

Everyone who has ever seen hanging carpets of flowers was immediately captivated by this splendor. A plant that strews walls with dense cascades, and small stones and lawn strips with carpets, this is obrieta.

About the origin of this miracle of floristry and landscapes, botanists and flower growers argue stubbornly. Some consider the Middle East to be the birthplace of the flower, others consider the countries of the Mediterranean, there are versions about Asian roots.

But be that as it may, for the first time the plant was described by the French artist Claude Aubrier, who was also an avid gardener. And it was from France that the triumphal procession of shaving through the gardens, parks, flower beds, flower beds and lawns of Europe and the rest of the world began.

Description and features of shaving

Even on photo of obrieta impressive, what can we say about this magnificence, a flowering wave descending along the wall or casually lying down by the path.

Russian suburban areas these flowers began to appear along with the change intended use land, when the beds began to give way to flower beds and lawns.

obriet flowers- This is a herbaceous, perennial plant, which is characterized by ground cover, like many members of the cruciferous family. If a flower is planted on level ground and generally not restrained by anything, it will grow over the entire area.

But the height of the plant is miniature - from 10 to 35 cm. If you can see the leaves under a hat of many small, neat flowers, then they will turn out to be just as clear, concise in shape and with noticeable pubescence.

The flower overwinters beautifully, and without shedding foliage. On winter days, you can observe a shrunken rug of blue, curled, but not dried leaves.

In some terry hybrid varieties, the leaves in the cold, on the contrary, become bright, saturated, poisonous green. Such a picture adds spice to the landscape of the winter garden.

However, in severe frosts, over 25-30 degrees, the flower still needs shelter. The colors of the shaving flowers are deep, clean, saturated. These are white, pink, blue, burgundy, purple and many of their shades.

Particularly interesting shaving cascade looks in the period of ripening "fruits". Actually, like all flowers, the fruits are seeds, but they are in pods, quite long and dense, bright in color. Therefore, during the period of seed ripening, the plant looks like a large green hedgehog.

Planting and breeding shaving

For shaving planting Neutral low-alkaline soils with a small amount of organic matter are best suited. The flower will not grow if the earth:


    has a lot of peat;

    too wet, swampy;

    acidic or alkaline.

Aubrieta loves open places with a moderate, not scorching sun, ledges, banks, all kinds of walls and everything that she can “go down”.

Immediately after seed germination or seedling planting, it is not necessary to water the flower, it is enough to spray it with a spray bottle, as watering can damage the still weak root system of a small plant.

plant and grow shaving from seeds you can either sow them immediately in open ground in the fall. In October, or, having germinated and planted already germinated in the spring, at the end of April or in May.

Very comfortable to plant shaving seedlings, this method allows you to accurately compose the future flower arrangement, which is very important when using a flowering perennial in the landscape.

At planting shaving in the ground no effort is required, no seeds or seedlings need to be buried deep, there should not be any abundance of water, and in order to reduce the acidity of the soil, you can pour ash, lime or special mineral fertilizers into the holes.

The distance between the holes should not be less than 15-20 cm. The flower propagates by seeds, takes root well when cutting. But it is impossible to divide the bush, the plant does not tolerate this at all.

Care, diseases and pests of shaving

Although, shaving sowing completely elementary, difficulties may arise in caring for a flower. The most terrible scourge for flower growers who are fascinated shaving cultivation, it's torrential rains.

Water can both wash and damage the roots of the flower, and cause them to rot, and, accordingly, the death of the plant. If the rains are expected to be prolonged, it is better to cover the flowers with a polyethylene canopy, and wide enough so that water does not flow to the roots of the shaving.

The second headache for flower growers is diseases and garden pests. This flower is adored by all types of garden aphids, and is often susceptible to powdery mildew, even when other garden inhabitants show no signs of disease.

You need to deal with these problems with the help of chemicals sold in stores, no folk ways, for example, shag or spraying with potassium permanganate will not help. Regular preventive treatment of flowers is also necessary in order to prevent diseases.

As for watering, it is needed only during severe drought. At normal humidity, spraying is enough for the flower. aubrieta care does not require, except for monitoring health and moisture levels. However, if desired, the flower can be trimmed, the plant is positive about such manipulations.

Types and varieties of shaving

Today you can buy shaving both in seeds and in seedlings, with a sufficiently large selection of plant varieties. Among the most popular among flower growers and professional landscape designers are the following varieties:

    Aubrieta Cascading or giant waterfall

This variety is for those who want beautiful waves coming down from somewhere above. At the same time, the height of the plant itself is from 15 to 20 cm, and the flowers are all shades of blue and pink, with a small bright yellow "eye" and four petals.

The variety tolerates shade well and, unlike others, is not picky about the acidity of the soil and its alkaline indicators. However, conditions regarding peat, organics and excess water are valid for this species. Flowering later, blooms in mid-summer.

    Aubrieta Enchanting Morocco

This is a hybrid variety, with pink and blue flowers with longitudinal stripes on the petals and a large diameter - 1.5-2 cm. The height of the plant is 20-25 cm, and it blooms in May or early June.

    Aubrieta Fruit platter

This is a bizarre variety, the fantasy of breeders. Bloom on one plant different shade flowers ranging from translucent pink to deep red. The height of the flower is about 20 cm, but the diameter varies - from 1 to 2.5 cm.

    Aubrieta Royal Cascade

Hanging branches are extremely interesting, their length is up to 25 cm, but at the same time, shoots extend from each side, also by 25 cm. The color is pale pink, the flower diameter is 2 cm, the height of the plant is 20-25 cm.

    Aubrieta Alix Brett

Hybrid variety, semi-double flowers, bright saturated raspberry color. The height of the bush is up to 20 cm, it tolerates partial shade well.

    Aubrieta Bressingham Pink

Hybrid, flowers are very voluminous, double, large, up to 3 cm in diameter, bright pink. Leaves with a grayish tint. It has a good immunity to diseases, compared with other representatives of these plants.

    Aubrieta Lizzie

The smallest, the height of the bush is up to 15 cm, and the diameter of bright, blood-red flowers is within 1 cm. Ideal for balconies and window planters.

In general, it is not difficult to grow a shaving, the germination of the seeds of this plant approaches one hundred percent, and there are a lot of them in each of the pods. The only thing that beginners in breeding shaving face is not even aphids or other troubles, it's watering.

It is quite difficult for gardeners to get used to the fact that a profusely flowering, lush bush does not tolerate water in large quantities. Subconsciously, all the time I want to water the plant so that it does not wither.

Aubrieta (lat. Aubrieta) is a perennial evergreen creeping plant, belongs to the Cabbage family. In nature, there are more than 12 species growing in southern Europe and America. It owes its name to the artist Claude Aubrier. During flowering, the obrieta is a solid carpet of gray-green leaves and many small flowers of purple, blue, violet, white flowers and their shades with a yellow or orange eye in the center of the four petals.

plant care

Aubrieta is unpretentious. However, for long and rapid flowering, it is necessary to create favorable conditions.

The soil

Preference should be given to poor soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction– pH 6.0-7.0.

The soil should be loose with good water permeability. Before planting, the area intended for planting shaving should be dug up, if necessary, sand can be added, as well as peat and ash. In the case of an acidic reaction, the earth can be deoxidized by adding lime.


Under natural conditions, the plant grows mainly in the south, where a lot of sun. In southern latitudes, it is desirable to plant a flower in semi-shaded places. It is preferable if the shade is at lunchtime. However, in temperate climatic zones and to the north, it must be planted only in sunny areas.

With a lack of lighting, it stretches in length, the leaves become smaller and less often located, and flowering may not occur or few flowers will appear. A sufficient amount sun rays will increase the nutrition of the plant and, as a result, abundant flowering.


The plant practically does not need watering.. Shave enough rainfall. Small irrigation is allowed in the evening or morning, and only during particularly dry periods. Watering is carried out with settled warm water.

Also, the flower should be watered in the case of growing in closed systems and very carefully, avoiding flooding. In the case of an excess of moisture, it is affected by diseases that are quite difficult to fight. In addition, the number of flowers is reduced, and they become smaller.

top dressing

Flower growers do not recommend abusing top dressing. They should be started only in the second year and no more than once or twice per season during the flowering period and only with mineral fertilizers. The dissolved compounds should be applied as close to the root system as possible and after the application is completed, the flower must be watered to ensure their even distribution in the soil.

Using organic fertilizers, they should be diluted with water at the rate of 300 g per 10 l and defended for two weeks. Then dilute 500 g of the resulting liquid in water in a ratio of 1 x 10. More concentrated solutions contain a significant amount of nitrogen, which can destroy the flower.

Preparing for the winter

Even in a cold climate, obrieta winters well under the snow. In case of fear that the winter will not be snowy, the flower should be covered with a special material.

It is allowed to use sawdust or needles. Fallen leaves of trees and shrubs can carry fungal spores or other diseases, which will lead to the destruction of the plant.

When preparing for winter, shaving should not be pruned, since a significant amount of sugars and nutrients from the root pass into the foliage and stem, and the liquid is expelled from the plant so that the plant cells are not damaged when it gets cold. And cutting will deprive the flower of the nutrients necessary for growth and development in the spring, and, therefore, will lead to death.

Maintaining a decorative appearance

After the appearance of young shoots, old and damaged ones must be removed. Mulch with sand 2-3 cm from the ground level and already in May it will be possible to enjoy a flowering carpet. Flowering, depending on the variety and compliance with the rules of care, continues for a long time. Withered flowers and damaged leaves are recommended to be carefully removed to avoid a sloppy look.

After flowering is completed, pruning should be done, leaving only a few leaves at the base of the root. This will provoke abundant leaf growth and by August the next wave of flowering will appear, which can be admired until hard frosts.

Pests and diseases

Very rarely, obrieta is affected by diseases or pests. When plants are flooded with water, they may appear fungal diseases . Sometimes it gets hurt. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, the damaged parts of the plant and leaves should be removed and treated with fungicides.

Of the pests, succulent leaves can be eaten. To combat these harmful insects, it is necessary to use special insecticides. Since shaving is rarely cut and not all varieties are suitable for these purposes, insecticides can be used periodically for prevention, but not more than 4 times.

Planting and reproduction

Obrieta seeds have a very high germination rate. Since flowering begins only in the second year of the plant's life, planting can be done in early autumn.

Sowing outdoors, when to sow

It is advisable to sow seeds in September. For planting, prepare the soil. Fertilizers may not be applied. Seeds are evenly poured onto the surface intended for cultivation (they are not covered), after which mulching is carried out with sand with a layer thickness of 3-5 cm. Afterwards, moisturizing is carried out. Planting is recommended to be done in the first half of the month, so that shoots appear, and they have time to collect sugar for wintering. In case of delay in sowing, seedlings may appear in early spring.

You can also sow the seed in the spring, in the same way, starting from mid-April. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks.

To accelerate growth and increase the deciduous mass, the flower can be fed with mineral fertilizers, following the requirements set forth in the instructions.

Most gardeners prefer this particular method of growing, because obrieta does not tolerate transplants well and some of the plants die. Therefore, it is not recommended to propagate it by dividing the bush. The transplanted plant does not take root very well.

Growing seedlings

To ensure flowering in the spring, you can use the seedling method of growing. To do this, the prepared soil is poured into separate containers, plastic or peat cups. Sowing is carried out with a small amount of seeds on the surface without incorporation, and mulched with sand from above. Humidification is carried out with a spray bottle. Then the top is covered with polyethylene or glass.

Ventilation is carried out daily. Watering is done only when needed.. When the time for night frosts passes and the plant gains sufficient mass, it is transplanted to a permanent place. In doing so, care must be taken. Peat cups are immediately placed in moist soil. Other containers can be cut and a clod of earth, along with flowers, is transferred to the site.

Reproduction by cuttings

A common way to increase the number of obrieta is propagation by cuttings. It allows you to keep varietal characteristics indefinitely. To do this, after spring pruning, a large number of cuttings are obtained, which are used for further cultivation.

The cut parts of the plant without flowers are planted in moist soil (you can use a greenhouse or other structure where you can create a greenhouse effect), to a depth of 2-3 cm. They are covered with a transparent film from above, which is slightly opened during the day for ventilation. The soil needs to be moistened without drying out.
In August, a stronger plant is transplanted to a permanent place. It is allowed to leave the shaving in the greenhouse until spring and only at the end of April transfer it to the site.

The division of the bush

This method requires certain skills and caution. Part of the plants, carefully, so as not to damage the root system, are dug out with a special spatula from the ground along with part of the soil and transplanted to a new place. Of course, this method will preserve all species and varietal characteristics, but it requires a very delicate approach and is practically not used.

Use in landscape design

Designers, gardeners and just lovers of beauty grow shaving mainly in, for decorating borders and paths. With this use, the flower is ideally combined with other undersized plants:

  • rocky;
  • rezuha;
  • we keep silent;
  • dwarf;
  • phlox and Pozharsky.

The carpet from shaving looks great, but you should follow its length and not allow it to grow much. Along the perimeter, the shape of the flower bed can be created from a special stone or other low enclosing structures.

Many connoisseurs grow shaving on walls and fences. A thick, blooming, hanging cascade is sure to attract attention and will delight and delight the eye.

Subspecies and varieties

In culture, the flower has been cultivated since the 18th century. Since that time, a large number of ornamental varieties have been bred. Very popular among gardeners and designers are:

  • deltoid. Purple or blue flowers grow to a height of 15-20 cm. The subspecies served as the basis for the selection of other varieties. A popular variety is Bougainvillea.
  • cultural. Winter hardy subspecies. Easily tolerates the lowest temperatures. When propagated by seeds, it retains varietal characteristics. Popular varieties: Cascading, Charming Morocco, Cote d'Azur, Giant Waterfall.

Aubrieta or aubration - popular flowering plant, which is often used for decorative design gardens and park areas. Obrieta flowers are very bright, presented in white, pink, purple, blue shades. They look very impressive in the garden and when decorating the area can be grown in the form of bushes, as well as a charming creeping or falling “living carpet”. The article discusses the rules for planting obriet flowers and the secrets of growing a plant.

Growing seedlings shaving

Aubrieta propagates by seeds, and since it has a fairly high level of frost resistance, it can immediately land in open ground. However, in regions characterized by frequent spring frosts, it is recommended to first sow the seeds for seedlings and only then plant the plants in the soil on the site. This method must also be used in cases where you need to create a certain decor with the help of shaving.

Did you know?One of the unique features of shaving is that the plant does not shed its leaves for the winter. All year round it remains the same charming green, even in severe frosts.

The best time to sow seeds for seedlings

Shaving seeds for growing seedlings are best sown a couple of months before the end of night frosts. In regions with an earlier and warmer spring, this will be the beginning of February, and in areas where night frosts last longer, it will be mid-February.

Sowing seed shaving

For sowing seeds, you will need to prepare separate containers and soil. Peat tablets or pots are best, or ordinary flower pots, disposable cups. Peat containers are good because they contribute to the development of a strong root system in sprouts, pass oxygen well, significantly reduce the risk of seedling rotting, and reduce the risk of damage to the roots when transplanting plants into open ground to zero. However, such pleasure is not cheap.

Important! The root system of flowers is delicate and sensitive, and when disconnected, the roots can be damaged. Therefore, it is recommended to sow the seeds as rarely as possible and in separate containers.

Boxes and trays are the least suitable for growing seedlings of these plants. . In the process of development of sprouts, there is a high probability that their roots will intertwine and be damaged during transplantation. Ordinary flower pots are the most the best option. There must be holes at the bottom to remove excess moisture. No more than four seeds should be placed in one pot with a diameter of 15 cm.

As for the soil, loose, well-drained sandy loamy soil is most suitable for shaving. It can be purchased at the store or you can make it yourself (garden soil must be mixed with peat or sand). Also, it will not be superfluous to add a small amount of sawdust. Clay heavy soil is categorically not suitable for such plants.

Did you know?If you add a little to the soil eggshell or lime, seedlings will grow faster.

A layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of the containers, then fill the soil. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, then sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. Before sowing, the soil is slightly moistened (best done by spraying). After sowing, the container is covered with a film, which is removed after the sprouts emerge.

Optimal conditions for seed germination

Aubrieta loves the sun. Therefore, containers with planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place, but avoiding direct sunlight. Plants tolerate cool well, but optimal temperature regime indoors is +18...+22 °C.

Important!Periodically, the room where the seed containers are located should be ventilated, avoiding drafts, and if in the evening they continue to be illuminated with lamps, the seeds will germinate faster.

seedling care

The most important thing in caring for seedlings is to water in time and loosen the soil. It is recommended to water with settled water at room temperature in the evening. Make sure that a dry crust does not form on the surface, at the same time, the earth must not be flooded. When weeds appear, they must be removed immediately. The room with seedlings must be periodically ventilated.

Seedling picking

Picking involves planting sprouts in separate containers. This process is carried out to strengthen the root system and improve the nutrition of the sprouts. The shaving pick is performed after three or four pairs of true leaves appear on the sprouts.

Seedlings should be dived very carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots. The day before transplanting, the soil should be moistened. With the help of a pencil, the sprout is dug up, then gently removed from the ground and immediately planted in the ground.

Planting seedlings of shaving in open ground

Aubrieta doesn't like transplants. In order for the seedlings to take root well, it is important not to damage the roots. Before disembarking, you should decide on a place on the site, as well as prepare necessary materials:

  • hoe for the formation of holes;
  • sand for mulching;
  • container with water;
  • gardening gloves.

Did you know? The leaves of obrieta are used in cooking in boiled and raw form. They are great for decorating dishes, preparing salads, soups.

The best time to plant seedlings

Seedlings are placed in open ground immediately after night frosts have passed. best month May is considered, so if we look more specifically at when the shaving is planted, then with an early warm spring, mid-May is the ideal time for planting.

Choice of landing site

The question "Where to plant a shaving?" is very important, since it is necessary to comply with all the basic requirements for good growth and plant development. That is why for planting you need to choose a well-lit place, without drafts.

Important!Even with a slight dimming, the plants may not bloom.

Aubrieta is demanding on the soil. Heavy clay and acidic soils are not suitable for its cultivation, but sandy, loose, well-drained soil will become ideal option. In addition, flowers take root well in rocky areas, which means they can be planted next to borders and on rocky slopes.

Planting seedlings on the site

Before planting, the soil should be slightly moistened, loosened, and weeds should be removed from the site. Then holes are formed with the help of a hoe. The depth of the pits should correspond to the length of the root, and the width should be twice as large as the earthen ball that remained on the root of the seedlings. The distance between seedlings should be at least 5 cm.

Did you know? Obiretu can be planted between steps, along terraces and in cracks. stone walls. Falling carpets of flowers, planted on top of fences and stone coasters, look very beautiful.

Seedlings are placed in the center of the hole and, holding with one hand, are strengthened with earth. After planting seedlings, the soil should be sprinkled with a small layer of sand and wood ash. At the end of the process, the plants need to be watered.

Care and cultivation of shaving

Aubrieta is not too demanding to care. The main thing is to ensure that the soil does not dry out, pests and diseases do not attack the plants, and regular loosening of the soil, periodic top dressing and mulching should also be mandatory. For this obrieta will thank you with abundant bright flowering.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Aubrieta does not like a lot of moisture. Young seedlings are watered a little more often, and when the plant has taken root well - only in case of drought. It is recommended to add a little sodium humate to the water for irrigation, which helps to strengthen the root system.

Important!Excessive watering can lead to rotting of the plant or to the fact that the leaves themselves will grow, and the shaving will not bloom.

In order to prevent rotting of shaving, it is recommended to mulch the soil with sand or sawdust once every 10 days. In addition, the site must be regularly cleared of weeds by weeding and loosening. Weeds soak up from the soil nutrients, which significantly slows down the growth of flowers. Loosening contributes to the saturation of the soil with oxygen, which is necessary for the development of roots.

Plant nutrition

Feed the plant several times during the growing season. For the first time, top dressing is carried out no earlier than a week after planting the seedlings in the ground and until the buds form. The second time - after trimming. As top dressing, complex fertilizers for flowering perennials are well suited.

Trimming shaving

Aubrieta blooms for about a month and a half. To enjoy the re-flowering of the plant, after it has faded, it is necessary to prune (to the root). Then the soil is fertilized and mulched with river sand. After the second flowering, the shave does not need to be cut in order to winter period the roots are not dead.

Did you know?Aubrieta begins to bloom only in the second year after sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

The combination of shaving with other plants

Aubrieta is often used in landscape design. With its help, you can create charming "living carpets" and magnificent falling cascades. Often the plant is used for alpine slides and rockeries. Aubrieta in a flower bed goes well with undersized plants. The best neighbors yellow alissums, iberis, phloxes, multicolored euphorbias are considered.

Important!There should be no trees or bushes near the shaving site. They will only shade the plant.

Pests and diseases of shaving

The most common pest Aubrieta is an aphid - very small bugs of black, yellow, brown or red color. They feed on the juice of the plant, taking away all the useful substances from it. You can recognize the pest by glossy shiny leaves and pale inflorescences, and the aphid itself can be found under the leaves of shaving. To combat the insect, the plants are sprayed with nettle infusion (to prepare it, a kilogram of fresh nettle leaves is poured into 10 liters of water and insisted for a day). Insecticides should only be used as a last resort.

Did you know? To prevent aphids, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with wood ash after planting seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. This procedure should be repeated once a month.

Of the diseases, the plant is most susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot. Basically, these diseases are the result of excessive waterlogging. Powdery mildew appears as a brown coating on foliage and stems. The disease spreads rapidly and eventually leads to the death of flowers. To combat the disease, plants are sprayed with a 0.3% solution of colloidal sulfur. Other fungicides are used only in advanced cases. If the plants are badly damaged, the bushes are best removed.

Root rot is manifested by brown spots that cover all parts of the plant. If such signs are detected, watering should be completely stopped, the soil should be sprinkled with sand and sawdust, and the plant should be treated with colloidal sulfur.

When to collect and how to store shaving seeds

Obrieta seeds are harvested after spring flowering. To do this, in the process of pruning, you need to leave five or six shoots on which ovaries have formed. After the seeds darken, the stems must be cut off, and the seeds should be husked into a cardboard box or cloth bag.

After collection, the seeds must be dried for a couple of days in a well-lit, well-ventilated place. However, avoid direct sunlight. After that, the material is packed in boxes or fabric bags and stored in a dark place at a temperature of +18...+20 °C, periodically opening for ventilation.

Wintering shaving

Aubrieta is a surprisingly frost-resistant plant. It tolerates winter frosts well, and in order to prepare the plants for wintering, in autumn the bushes do not need to be cut, only yellowed, damaged leaves are removed. It is also recommended to cover the plant for the winter with dry leaves so that they are warmer.

Other ways to propagate shaving

In addition to the seedling method, shaving can be propagated and grown by sowing seeds in open ground or cuttings. Among gardeners the most the best option considered sowing seeds immediately on the site.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

Seeds in open ground can be planted in mid-May or September. Before sowing, the land must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds, moistened and loosened to a depth of 15 cm. Then it is recommended to add wood ash and a little lime to the soil. You can also add complex mineral fertilizers. Seeds are sown not densely. In no case are they buried in the ground, but placed on the surface and sprinkled with a thin layer of river sand. Seeds need a lot of sunlight to germinate. After sowing, the soil is slightly moistened, but it is better to use the spraying method.

Important!Feeding the soil before sowing seeds with manure is highly discouraged.

Shaving cuttings

During pruning, after the first flowering, you will get a lot of residue. Such stems of shaving without flowers can be used to propagate the plant by cuttings. They are planted in a well-lit warm place, which can be a greenhouse or containers placed on the veranda. The ideal soil for planting usually consists of equal parts peat and sand. At the end of summer, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. In October, it is recommended to cover them for the winter with dry foliage.

Growing shaving from seeds is the most common and reliable way to propagate it, so this article outlined the basic rules for sowing shaving seeds and presented detailed description plant care routine. Following these rules will help you decorate your garden with charming carpets and cascades of shaving flowers.

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Aubrieta - very popular and surprisingly decorative garden plant. This perennial outwardly is a low shrub, covered with many bright flowers in summer and autumn. The use of ground cover shaving in the garden landscape is wide: you can use the plant for borders, single plantings, group and other garden design options.

This plant gives personality to the garden, emphasizes the beauty of the surrounding landscape, and its cultivation does not complicate the gardener's life too much. In the article, we will consider the features of growing shaving: we will learn how to properly plant a plant, and how to take care of it. In addition, we will get acquainted with the most popular varieties of this ornamental shrub.


The plant has another name - aubration. This perennial is most often grown as a decorative ornament in the garden landscape. The plant has the properties of a ground cover, since when it grows it forms a continuous carpet on the ground, strewn with bright flowers. For this feature, shaving is especially appreciated by gardeners, and they find a worthy application for this property.

In the photo - shaving:

Cote d'Azur

In this case, the bushes are compact in size (14-16 cm), and the flowers amaze with their decorative effect and delicate lilac color. But what are fast-growing shrubs for hedges, and how they look, you can look at

Charming Morocco

This variety of shaving is distinguished by especially large flowers, which reach a diameter of one and a half centimeters. The color of the petals is different: it varies from pale blue to red. The bushes of the plant reach a height of 10 cm, and are very fond of sunny clearings. But what are, and how they look in the garden, you can see in this video.

Charming Morocco


The bush of a plant of this variety is about 15 cm high, and has flowers of a purple-lilac hue. Individual flowers are collected in decorative inflorescences, outwardly resembling lilacs. In the people, this variety is called “lilac bush”.


Site and soil requirements

Aubrieta can be planted in open ground as early as mid-spring. But only after the threat of night frost has passed. In most regions of our country, this period falls on mid-April-May.

The shrub requires careful selection of a planting site: it loves the sun, and loves well-lit areas. The more sunny the clearing you choose for, the more lush and bright flowering you will get.

As for the soil, obrieta needs light, loose, medium fertility soil. If lime or chalk is present in the composition of the soil, the plant will like this circumstance. Heavy, clayey soils are not suitable for shaving: in this case, it may not take root at all. If the soil has a pronounced acid reaction, then it is recommended to add lime or ash to the soil to reduce the level of acidity.

On the video - growing flowers:

Aubrieta is best planted on a hill or on a plain. Lowlands are not suitable for the plant, as water usually accumulates in such places.

Seedlings are buried in the holes for the entire length of the root. The distance between the bushes - 5 cm, and more. Aubrieta is usually planted arbitrarily, not maintaining strict rows, since subsequently the shrub grows strongly anyway.


Aubrieta can be propagated by both seeds and cuttings. Let's consider both methods in more detail.


After the plant has successfully overwintered, it is pruned in the spring. After that, the most healthy and strong cuttings are selected and placed in a sand-peat mixture in a greenhouse. Here they take root, take root, grow stronger: this is how the summer passes.

And already before the beginning of autumn, cuttings from the greenhouse are transplanted into open ground. It is important to transplant plants at the very beginning of autumn, so that they have time to adapt on the street, and then be able to safely winter.


Aubrieta can be propagated in both seedling and seedless ways. The first one is more time-consuming and troublesome, but brings good results. The second method is simple, and does not take much effort, but an impressive positive result is not guaranteed either.

In open ground

In this case, shaving seeds are sown in spring or at the end of winter. It is important to carry out planting about a month before the end of frost. Before placing the seeds in the ground, the bed must be dug to a depth of 15 cm, cleaned of debris and stones, and weeds removed.

After the seeds are placed in the ground, the bed is covered with a film to create a more favorable microclimate for germination. After the seedlings appear, the film must be removed. Shoots usually appear 3-4 weeks after placing the seeds in the ground.

Seeds can also be planted before winter: in this case, the plant will turn out to be more hardened, and will bloom next year. Minus - not all seeds will survive.


By this method, propagating shaving is more profitable and predictable, although more troublesome. Seeds are sown for seedlings in February, and by May, already strong, strong seedlings are transferred to open ground.

It is undesirable to pick seedlings - the plant does not tolerate such manipulations. That is why it is also recommended to plant seeds immediately in peat pots so as not to affect the delicate roots of the plant when transplanted into open ground.

In this case, it is undesirable to carry out reproduction by dividing the bush: this method is used only as a last resort. Division mature plant tolerates painfully, so it is better to choose more gentle breeding methods.


I must say that in general the plant is unpretentious, and does not cause much trouble for the gardener. Consider the main points of caring for shaving.

The plant needs to be watered very sparingly. Abundant watering is carried out the only time immediately after planting in open ground for the fastest rooting. But in the future, watering is done in small portions, and quite rarely. The plant really does not like waterlogged soil and, moreover, stagnation of moisture in the soil. If you ignore this recommendation and overdo it with watering, the flowers may fall off the shaving, which will greatly worsen its decorative qualities. After reading this, you can find out which household water pumps for irrigation are the best.

On the video - growing and caring for flowers:

As a rule, rainwater is enough for shaving, and watering is not required at all in damp climates. Keep in mind that after rain or watering, the bed with the plant needs to be loosened to provide good air exchange to the soil.

The plant also does not like severe drought, so it is recommended to mulch the soil in the garden: a layer of mulch will retain moisture at the roots and also prevent weeds from growing.

It is important to remove dried inflorescences in time to appearance plants remained attractive. And at the end of the first flowering period, the bushes must be cut: this measure will enhance the abundance and splendor of the next decorative period. After the second flowering, the bushes no longer need to be cut.

Aubrieta is an evergreen plant, retains the bright color of the leaves in winter. However, if the climate is frosty, it is recommended to cover the bushes with dry foliage or grass for the winter, so in severe frosts, shaving can shed foliage.

IN frequent feeding the plant does not need: it is recommended to fertilize twice during the warm season, and no more. Aubrieta prefers mineral compositions with a high content of potassium. From organic matter, you can fertilize the plant with wood ash. Feeding can only be done before flowering, and not during it. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not recommended in this case.

Pests and diseases

Aubrieta, in general, is resistant to diseases, as well as to damage by harmful insects. What can really harm her is excessive watering. Incorrectly selected soil also sometimes causes wilting and shaving disease. Of the insects, the most she has to fear aphids. The insect is dangerous because it sucks plant juices and carries some diseases. Appropriate insecticides will help to destroy aphids: Fufanon, Biotlin, Karbofos and others.

Sometimes the plant becomes sick with powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself as a grayish coating on the leaves, which then leads to wilting. This scourge should be fought with the help of colloidal sulfur, which is sprayed on the foliage.

On the video - flower pests:

Application in landscape gardening

Aubrieta is usually used as a ground cover due to the thick bright carpet that it forms. Combines wonderfully with the following plants:

  • we keep silent;
  • alyssum;
  • rezuha;
  • soap dish.

Many gardeners and landscape designers varieties of obrieta are selected according to the color of the petals. Thus, you can create whole picturesque canvases in the garden: bright and decorative. The plant is great for border decoration, looks good in rock gardens, and as a background for taller flowers.
