Today I want to tell you how to make a table for a jigsaw with your own hands. Perhaps some will say: why, after all, you can cut on any table. With such success, we can ask: why can an electric jigsaw be sawed with an ordinary, manual one.

When you saw with an electric jigsaw, the nail file leads to the side. I looked on the Internet and, initially, I wanted to band saw, there is no possibility to buy it, and it is very difficult and costly to make it. So I decided to make a table for an electric bobzik.

First of all, let's decide on the material for the table and its size.

I found chipboard in the garage, so I will make a table from it and a cover for it. I will make the bar itself from profile pipe the size of which is 25 × 25 × 25 and a height of 110 mm, a length of 515 mm, a length of a perpendicular corner of 20 mm.

To the part of the fixture where the saw clamp is located, in other words the lock, I used two bearings. I fixed the metal bar with a “lamb”, so that it would be possible to adjust the level of elevation in height, the part that we cut.

We turn to the manufacture of the table. Table size: length 540 mm, width-400 mm, base 435 mm, depth 350 mm. and height 250mm.

Under the table, I attached a jigsaw to the screws and washers. I left the front of the table open, there should be access in order to replace the file if necessary, adjust the speed or amplitude, in a word, to make different settings for the jigsaw. Of course, in the future I plan to improve the table by making doors to it, this is not only for aesthetics, well, then the noise will decrease.

For greater convenience when cutting, I made a ruler-stop. I made it small, after all, when we saw at the table, no special efforts are made (compared to a circular saw, where a more powerful ruler is needed to cut the parts evenly). The device of the ruler is very simple; here I used an 8 furniture nut, and on the other hand, a screw, which is easily tightened with a screwdriver. It can be screwed to the table manually, but if we do this with a screwdriver it will be more reliable.

The ruler moves freely on the table, which is convenient when cutting.

The table - the machine for the electric jigsaw is ready, you see there is nothing complicated in its manufacture.

Step by step making a table for a jigsaw

The process of figured or straight cutting of a large volume of materials, even of small thickness, can be very energy-intensive and time-consuming. In this case, to replace the usual manual jigsaw, its more advanced, stationary counterpart comes out, which has the necessary performance for confident work. In this article we will consider: how a jigsaw is arranged, what characteristics it has and how wide it can have functionality. Also, at the end of the publication, we will give a rating of high-quality, inexpensive models suitable for amateur and professional use.

What is a jigsaw machine

The desktop jigsaw is a powerful device for longitudinal and figured cutting of wood and other materials of small thickness. It consists of a rectangular base with a work surface and a rigid, metal frame. An electric motor located at the base transmits the movements to the file according to the principle of a crank mechanism. The principle of operation of a jigsaw machine resembles a sewing machine, which became the prototype for the creation of this device.

The scope of the stationary jigsaw is as similar as possible to its more primitive manual ancestor, except that the first is used for more professional work. If we do not take into account the obvious design differences, and focus only on the capabilities of the devices, we can highlight several significant features.

  • When working on a jigsaw machine, unlike a manual one, the operator has both hands free, which allows you to more accurately control the position of the product during cutting.
  • The effectiveness of using a manual jigsaw depends on the skill and physical data of a person. Prolonged work with such a tool is significantly exhausting.
  • Most models of jigsaws are equipped with an inclined work surface, which allows you to cut the workpiece at a certain angle. The exact execution of such a task by a manual analogue requires a certain amount of experience.

Jigsaw blades

The most important working element that requires the most frequent replacement during operation is the saw blade. The duration of its use and the quality of the final result depend on the characteristics of this consumable. To work on a jigsaw, files with flat ends are used. Unlike a manual jigsaw, blades for the machine have pins installed at the ends, for more convenient installation and tension. Otherwise, the files installed in the manual and stationary jigsaw are identical in size and shape.

A more detailed description of the types of saw blades for a manual jigsaw and a selection guide, we have provided in a separate publication on our website.

Main characteristics

There are several generally accepted indicators that determine the capabilities and effectiveness of a jigsaw. Before choosing a device according to certain data, you should set clear criteria in advance and determine the approximate scope of work in which an electric desktop jigsaw will be used. It is worth answering whether you need a powerful and expensive machine capable of cutting thick bars and sheets of metal, or will it be enough budget option high speed sawing of small workpieces. The more specific the answer to this question, the more profitable purchase you can make. To select the most optimal device, we provide the following data.


One of the most important indicators that affect the operation of an electric jigsaw is the power of its engine. The higher its value, the thicker and denser materials it can cut. The average power rating for models costing up to 10,000 rubles is only 90 watts. Compared to a conventional electric jigsaw, where the average value is 450 watts, the stationary analogue does not seem serious, but in fact, this power is enough to confidently cut wood up to 50 mm thick.

Although the power rating plays an important role when buying, in order to understand how to choose a jigsaw that meets your requirements, you need to understand the rest of the characteristics.

Cutting depth

Another important indicator that determines the maximum thickness of the sawn material. In most cases, the maximum value for wooden blanks is 50 mm. Basically, this thickness is determined design features device, whose frame simply does not physically allow you to place more overall product. However, when it comes to working with metals or plastics, the power in the depth of cut plays a key role. The average values ​​in budget models are 6 mm for steel and 15 mm for PVC.

Number of moves

The value of this parameter determines the speed and accuracy of sawing the workpiece. The more reciprocating movements your machine makes per minute, the less chips are formed on the wood, and the cut line is smoother. Average number of moves for most stationary jigsaws worth up to 10,000 rubles, is 1,500 per minute. When using special saw blades (with a double missing tooth), this value is enough to get a clean line.

If you intend to produce high-quality products and you need a good desktop jigsaw for artistic cutting, you should pay special attention to the speed of the saw blade. The higher this indicator, the better.

Desktop dimensions

The convenience of working with large workpieces depends on the size of the desktop of the jigsaw machine. This indicator does not determine maximum length cut (this is indicated by the value of the clearance to the frame), but greatly facilitates the manipulation of large sheets of materials. The average desktop size of budget stationary jigsaws is approximately 350 mm long and 250 wide. You should pay attention to the dimensions of the site if you plan to work with materials large sizes.

Additional functionality

The presence of additional functionality expands the capabilities of any device, and a jigsaw machine is no exception. this rule. Special regulators and fixtures make the device more versatile, increasing its cost, but at the same time labor efficiency. For the convenience of performing certain operations, stationary wood jigsaws are equipped with a pedal, backlight, dust collector, desktop tilt mechanism and even an engraver. Let's take a closer look at all the delights of modern jigsaw installations.

Speed ​​control

One of the most common additional features, most often found in desktop jigsaws. Speed ​​control allows you to adjust the frequency of reciprocating movements made by the saw blade in one minute. This feature makes the device more versatile, allowing high-quality cutting of materials of various degrees of density. For example: with wood and its derivatives, you can work on top speed, for PVC it ​​is better to set the average value, and it will be more correct to cut metal at minimum speed, in order to extend the life of the saw blade.

There are two types of speed controller: smooth and stepped. The first type allows you to set the most accurate frequency of movements, and with the help of the second you can only switch between several speeds provided by the manufacturer. Both options have a right to exist, but in the case of the second one, it is worth paying attention that there are at least 4 speeds. Sometimes there are models of jigsaw machines with a speed controller of only 2 speeds, which does not really expand the capabilities of the device.

Work surface slope

When the product requires cutting at a certain angle, the function of tilting the working surface comes in handy. This mechanism allows you to set required angle inclination of a desktop, up to 45 °. In most budget models of desktop jigsaws, the slope is only in one direction. In more professional devices, this function works in both directions. The ability to set the cutting angle, in modern machines, is becoming more common, but there are also models where it is not available.


The sawing process is much more efficient in a well-lit room. If it is not possible to illuminate the entire room brightly enough, the built-in backlight comes to the rescue. This simple feature, found on some jigsaws, greatly simplifies the workflow, saves your eyesight and saves you time that you could spend on organizing your own lighting. working area. Of course, this function is not decisive in choosing a stationary jigsaw, since if you wish, you can do it yourself, but a neat, spotlight will be an undoubted advantage of any model.

Dust extraction

When sawing, even a small amount of material, a fair amount of sawdust forms on its surface. In addition to the fact that these wastes of the working process close the sawn contour, they partially enter the air from the vibration of the machine and Airways operator. In order to ensure a comfortable workflow without dust and chips, many models of stationary jigsaws are equipped with special dust outlets, to which a vacuum cleaner can be connected to suck up sawdust.

An additional option for removing sawing waste is a flexible rubber tube. This element is connected to a small compressor, and unlike a dust extractor, it does not suck dust into itself, but blows it away in a set direction. It is better to work on a machine with a similar function in a respirator. Many models of desktop jigsaws have both sawdust removal functions at the same time.

Flexible shaft (engraver)

One of the most interesting and useful features, in most cases inherent in professional models. Allows drilling, grinding and polishing of products without the use of third-party tools. The main advantage of a flexible shaft is the almost complete absence of vibration. Of the minuses, one can note a single drive that starts the saw blade and the engraver at the same time. For safety reasons, when working with a flexible shaft, you should remove the saw blade from the fastener. The average number of revolutions of the nozzles per minute is 2500, which can be reduced or increased using the stroke rate regulator.

Table jigsaw rating

Among the large number of products offered, it is quite difficult for an inexperienced buyer to make an unambiguous choice of a tool that meets all requirements. By and large, this statement refers to such technologically complex devices as jigsaws. When choosing this device, it is necessary to have clear requirements for technical specifications and additional functionality. In addition, it is worth reading the reviews of previous buyers, comparing the opinions of people with their own expectations.

To facilitate the selection process, we have collected 5 proven models of budget jigsaws, costing up to 10,000 rubles. The devices below belong to the budget category, but they cope with their task by 100, or even 150 percent.


One of the most budgetary models of a jigsaw machine from a domestic manufacturer. Quite noisy in operation and has a decent vibration. Great for cutting plywood, chipboard and thin wood. Suitable for amateur and home use. It fully justifies its cost.

Guarantee: 5 years
Price: 6000 rubles

ENCOR Corvette-88

Fairly quiet desktop jigsaw with a minimum of vibration. It has a design with a large overhang of the frame for working with overall workpieces. Has adjustable stroke rate with two speeds, which allows you to use it for working with plastic. There is no dust collector, but there is a pump for blowing sawdust. Optimal and inexpensive option for longitudinal, oblique and figured sawing of massive products.

Guarantee: 12 months
Price: 7500 rubles

Dremel Moto-Saw (MS20-1/5)

Very smart, electric desktop mini jigsaw from an American manufacturer. Thanks to the prefabricated structure, it can be used as a machine and as a portable tool. It has a meager course of the saw blade, due to which, the cutting line is very smooth and accurate. Primarily intended for decorative and figured cutting small parts made of wood, plastic and metal, but can also be used to solve more practical, everyday tasks.

Guarantee: 2 years
Price: 7800 rubles

Einhell TC-SS 405 E

Decent jigsaw for straight, shaped, bevel and cross cuts various materials. It has an average level of noise and vibration, which is significantly reduced by fixing the device on a workbench. The working surface is made of plastic, albeit of quite high quality. It is equipped with good additional functionality, which makes this jigsaw universal in its field of application.

Guarantee: 2 years
Price: 8500 rubles


Perhaps the most reliable representative of budget desktop jigsaws. Has the strong cast case and an aluminum working surface. Distinctive feature this model, is the ability to use files with pins and without. During operation, the machine produces a small level of noise and vibration, acceptable for comfortable operation. Worthy and functional option for home workshop.

Guarantee: 2 years
Price: 9000 rubles

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If you are into carving and making figures or parts out of wood, plastic or similar material, you cannot do without a tool whose name is reminiscent of the distant Soviet past: this is a jigsaw.

Jigsaw jigsaw strife, now on sale are both "pioneer" elementary manual models, and electric modern instruments, only remotely resembling the usual files.

You can also make a jigsaw yourself: in the technical literature and the network, many diagrams and drawings of electric jigsaws are offered.

It is not difficult to make such a device, and you will get significant benefits from it. You will be able to independently engage in the production of furniture you need and implement the most daring creative ideas for the interior.

An example of the manufacture of a jigsaw machine.

Homemade jigsaw for you to professionally make smooth details of the most bizarre shapes. First you need to decide on the most suitable design for you.

Technical description and components

The schematic diagram of any jigsaw machine is the same for different models.

It must include the following parts:

  • file;
  • drive with a power of about 150 W;
  • rocker for tensioning the file;
  • working surface with graduation;
  • drilling block, etc.

Consumables are fixed on the working surface. In advanced models, there are special devices for rotary movements of the part, in which the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

The dimensions of the surface will depend on your production and creative plans: the larger the parts you are going to cut, the larger your production table should be. Traditional sizes are usually around 30 - 40 cm.

The types of saw blades are varied. They depend primarily on consumable. The dimensions of the parts for cutting are also important. Conventional saw blades for working with wood have a length of about 35 - 40 cm. They are able to saw parts made of wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

WITH different types materials, the files also change, this mainly concerns their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Files can vary in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in special device for their tension and smooth sawing. To do this, they have spring-type springs.

Another important one: the crank assembly. Its function is difficult to overestimate: it is he who transmits the movement from the drive to the file, turning the rotational movement into translational.

Assembly drawing of a jigsaw machine.

Due to this, the file begins to oscillate with a high frequency, the speed of such oscillations is on average about 800 - 1000 rpm. It is important to remember about the amplitude of vertical vibrations, it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern jigsaw models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumable. Most desktop models operate in two speed modes. Most often it is 600 and 1000 rpm.

Model range of jigsaw machines

Most often, in its electric drive power, the range of values ​​​​is huge: from 90 to 500 watts.

Also, these devices are divided into varieties based on their fundamental design:

  • universal;
  • on suspension;
  • with graduation;
  • with a caliper in the lower position;
  • with double support.

Jigsaws with bottom support

Scheme of machine design elements.

The most used and popular models are machines with a lower support. Their feature is the division of the working frame into the upper and lower parts.

While the upper section contains only one sawing and cleaning device, the lower section contains many working elements: an electric motor, a switch, a transmission unit and a control unit. This design makes it possible to cut sheets of materials of almost any size.

Machines with double support

A home-made jigsaw with a double caliper differs from the lower caliper by the presence in the upper section of a special additional bar and desktop with the ability to change the angle of inclination and overall height.

These models are designed to work with oversized parts. Such a machine is easier to make than the previous model. There are limitations in the materials with which you can work on it: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Hanging machines

The name speaks for itself: the model is mobile, it works without a frame. The fundamental point in this design is the movement of the cutting file, and not the consumable. The module itself is attached to the ceiling, the saw is set in motion manually.

All this gives serious advantages: in this way you can create the most complex patterns, the surface dimensions are not limited by anything.

Graduated devices

The presence of stops and a degree scale make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest error.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called electric jigsaw. Their feature is the ability to perform several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands?

We will not stop at the manufacture of the simplest machines: you can easily find such manuals with video support on the net. Let's talk about homemade machines from an electric jigsaw.

Assembling the machine with your own hands.

Here is the sequence of work for their manufacture:

  • We make a bed from plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness should not be less than 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a working surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.
  • We place a special rocking chair with an eccentric on the opposite side.
    We connect them using a metal bar with bearings. All fasteners in the design are screw.
  • We make installation of an intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, put the pulley on the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully fasten it with screws. Similar actions are performed with an eccentric.
  • At the rocking chair, the amplitude of movements should change.
    To do this, you need to change the place of attachment of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes should be located at different distances from the axis. With a change in the place of attachment of the screw, the swing of the amplitude of the rocking chair will change.
  • We make a rocking chair: this is nothing more than wooden rocker arms, into whose rear ends the screws that you built in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws.
    The rocker arms themselves are hinged to the rack. We fix the file on the front ends of the rocker arms. The previous and present stages must be carried out with special attention and care. The fact is that fastening the file is a fundamentally important thing. Rocker arms with plates are subjected to constant loads during movement due to their rigid screed with screws.
  • For a rocking chair you need a stand.
    It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. From the lower end we have a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Your . We wish you cool ideas and their high-quality implementation.

The article will primarily be useful to those people who often work with wood as a hobby, without making money from it. The author presents a fairly budgetary project of a desktop jigsaw, which can be assembled in one day, with minimal cost for materials.

To create a machine, you will need the following materials:
- Working manual jigsaw;
- Plywood;
- Self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
- Guides of furniture boxes;
- Two bearings;
- Tension spring;
- Spray can with paint;
- Self-adhesive paper.

Materials and tools are standard, available in each workshop.

Step 1. Case.
The first step is to create a body for a manual jigsaw from plywood. Here it is necessary to think in advance where the holes for the switch and the speed controller will be located.
It should come out like this:

Step 2. Table top.
It is better to take a thick piece of chipboard with good coverage, since workpieces will be rubbed on it during the operation of the machine.

A hole is drilled in the chipboard for the file. The jigsaw itself will be attached to the back of the countertop.
An extension for fastening the boom is also made from furniture rails:

Here's what it looks like assembled:

And the tabletop is attached to the body:

Step 3. Arrow.
The arrow itself will be made of two furniture rails. They are bolted together to increase rigidity.

The boom supports are made of chipboard. Before painting and installing them, the point of attachment of the boom to the support is measured. Before that, they must be installed in their place:

After that, it is necessary to drill holes in the support for the bearing seats.

Step 4. Painting.
Prepared supports are painted from a can.

While they dry, the machine itself is glued with self-adhesive.

Step 5. Assembly.
Bearings are inserted into the supports, and they are screwed into place.

The boom mounting axis will be made of two bolts screwed into the guides as shown in the photo. The diameter of the bolts is selected in accordance with the diameter of the inner race of the bearing.

The bolts are securely tightened, after which the two halves are screwed to each other.

Here is a visual illustration of how the arrow will be fixed in the supports:

The boom is installed in its place and fixed with nuts.

The next step is to install the tension spring. It is necessary in order to return the arrow to its original position after the jigsaw pulls it down. Thus, the reciprocating motion of the file will be performed. It must be adjusted so that it is not too soft (this will complicate the operation of the machine) and too hard (this can lead to overheating of the jigsaw motor).

How to fix it is shown in the photo:

Then, from a thin strip of metal (1 mm), it is necessary to make the attachment of the file to the arrow. They must rotate freely on the axis, because during operation the arrow changes the angle of inclination to the jigsaw, and if they are static, this can lead to breakage of the file.

Here's what the mounts should look like:

The boom supports are additionally reinforced with a long bolt, it can be seen in the photo:

Step 6. Electronic part.
Since access to a manual jigsaw is limited, it is necessary to bring the controls to the outside of the case.

To adjust the speed of the jigsaw motor, the author used a phase power controller. Here is his wiring diagram.

What to do when you need a jigsaw, but there is no need to buy it? You can make a jigsaw with your own hands. There are many ways to make or repair such a tool. Consider the simplest and most accessible of them.

Manual jigsaw - simple, fast and affordable

How to make a jigsaw quickly from available and inexpensive materials? Here is the easiest way.

List of tools and materials:

  • plywood sheet (10 mm);
  • plywood sheet (4 mm);
  • steel sheet (2 mm);
  • bolts and nuts;
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • sanding paper;
  • file.

The base of the manual jigsaw is a bracket, it should be prepared from a plywood sheet (10 mm). Further, it is recommended to make thickenings for the tool handle from thinner plywood (4 mm). These thickenings must be glued to the handle on both sides, which will provide more convenient in the future. The bracket and handle are well processed with sanding paper and a file. It is necessary to cut out the steel plate with a chisel, and then clean the clamping jaws with a file. After that, drill slots in the jaws with a drill, and then cut out notches inside the clamping jaws with a sharp chisel. In the left clamping jaw, modify the slot for the bolt, for this you need to make a thread. Attach the jaws to the bracket, then screw the bolts into the left clamp, securing them with nuts.

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Desktop jigsaw: two manufacturing options

A desktop fixture can be made both new and with the help of refinement or repair of improvised means.

Making a new desktop mechanical jigsaw will require the following tools and materials:

  • duralumin pipe;
  • plastic base;
  • clamps;
  • screws;
  • copper sheet;
  • drill.

First you need to prepare the frame, for this purpose it is better to use an duralumin pipe. In the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to provide a passage through which a cord will be laid to provide power. The copper sheet should be taken for the manufacture of a U-shaped frame, which subsequently will need to be attached to the frame itself. At the junction of the frame with the handle of the jigsaw, screw the frame with screws. In the plastic base, drill a hole for the file with a drill, as well as slots for fasteners. On the prepared plastic, fix the jigsaw so that the file passes through the hole. Using clamps, attach the finished tool to a flat surface, such as a table.

A hand-held device based on sewing machine, This perfect option if repair sewing machine not as important as the manufacture of such a tool. List of tools and materials:

  • sewing machine (both foot and manual models can be used);
  • file;
  • file;
  • drill.

Having unscrewed the bolts at the bottom of the sewing machine, you should remove the entire thread handling system. Next, knock out the metal fixing rod and remove the drive shaft of the threading system. The panel covering the parts of the sewing machine can be easily removed by unscrewing 2 more bolts. Carefully remove the needle. The needle slot needs a little repair - it should be widened so that a file can be placed in it. To do this, it is better to cut the hole with a needle file, focusing on the size of the file itself. After that, adjust its size to the maximum possible size of the needle by cutting off the upper part of the file. After grinding the upper teeth with a file, and the lower part on the tip, you can proceed to the next step. The prepared file must be put in place of the former needle - in the needle holder. After that, turn the wheel and check:

  • so that the saw does not come into contact with the panel and with the presser foot;
  • so that in the upper position the plywood passes freely under the saw;
  • so that the material flows smoothly.

Such a jigsaw is suitable for working with plywood, balsa wood and plastic materials, and if you use an electric machine, you get an electric jigsaw.
