slide 1

slide 2

slide 3

“A teacher remains a teacher until he learns himself, as soon as he stops learning, the teacher dies in him” Ushinsky.

slide 4

slide 5

I know that each person is talented in his own way, and the teacher must definitely reveal his talent and not let life's difficulties "dig him into the ground." The talent of a teacher is the immensity of ideas, intuition, kindness and tactical farsightedness. After all, every day we go to the children’s class, and a miracle happens: as if on the stage of the theater a stage of a play called “Lesson” is being played, and we conquer children’s souls, sowing in them reasonable, kind, eternal.

slide 6

A teacher should have a need to occupy the mind, a need to think, think, understand what he sees ... It is hardly necessary to prove that the mind is not a luxury, but hygiene: the hygiene of spiritual health, as necessary for life as physical health. For without this spiritual health, today it is very easy to choke and drown in the rapid flow of information that daily and hourly falls on a person from all sides. Moreover, this stream brings with it not only benign spiritual food. So taking care of spiritual health also has a direct social, vital meaning for a person.

Slide 7

M - young O - mischievous L - inquisitive O - sympathetic D - good-natured O - optimists C - creators T - creators L - to mitigate life's negativity

Slide 8

It happens that a rapid stream of events compresses elastic time, and it no longer flows, but rushes like the wind, then wisdom comes to a person earlier than in calm, unhurried times. And then each of us can move mountains: write an event script overnight, prepare and hold public lesson, to make repairs in the classroom, and the more things to do, the more strength we have.

Slide 9

We believe that after unlearned lessons there will definitely be success and good grades. We believe that good will surely overcome evil and that love is the strongest, most beautiful and healing feeling on earth. And we, teachers, believe in good, honest and kind people and in miracles.

slide 10

Imagine all human knowledge in the form of a ball. Then the space outside the ball is the region of the unknown; the surface of the ball shows the boundary with the unknown. But the greater the amount of knowledge, the greater the area of ​​contact with the unknown, and each point of this surface is a new non-standard situation. The sphere of knowledge has recently begun to "inflate" dramatically, the number of new tasks that people have to face has also increased dramatically and the responsibility for their solution. A good decision - new opportunities, a bad one - new troubles, up to wars and environmental disasters. Humanity has a natural necessary need for creative teachers, because the creative resources of the mind are unlimited.

slide 11

Man is not only a biological being, but more public. His life will be incomplete if he is not inscribed in the environment with diverse connections, if he is not a participant in the life of this environment. We say: “Children are the flowers of life.” Only people who work with children know how this flower is broken and trampled at times, how many troubles and misfortunes fall on its small and fragile body, and how incredibly difficult it is to breathe warmth into its soul again.

slide 12

As a fact, it must be admitted that the majority of schoolchildren are distinguished by an objective rejection of mathematics. However, a modern person cannot do without mathematical education. The difficulty lies in creating an attractive mathematics course for students, painstakingly searching for such methods of teaching methods and organizing the educational process so that the student wants to understand and learn mathematics.

slide 13

slide 14

slide 15

slide 16

3. The success of a student can be created by a teacher who experiences the joy of success himself.

"Portrait of a Modern Teacher at the New School".

Modern teacher -

guarantor of the development of the "New School".

What tasks set by the state in this project will contribute to the formation of the New Modern Teacher?

Firstly, this is the introduction of a system of moral incentives (distribution of already established competitions - Teacher of the Year, I give my heart to children; the operation of the national project Education; expansion of competitions at the level of the subjects of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Secondly, the introduction of a system of material incentives (this is not only a further increase in wage funds, but also the creation of such a mechanism for remuneration that will allow stimulating the best teachers, regardless of their length of service, which means attracting young and talented teachers to the school.) ;

Thirdly, improving the certification of teaching and managerial personnel (qualification requirements and characteristics of teachers have been updated; principals and the best teachers should have the opportunity to study in other regions in order to have an idea of innovative experience neighbors);
Fourth, system upgrade teacher education(pedagogical universities should be gradually transformed either into large basic teacher training centers, or into faculties of classical universities, maybe this will help to avoid “random people” in the education, because, in countries with the most efficient system school education, only the best school graduates are sent to teaching professions);

And lastly, attracting teachers to the school who do not have a basic pedagogical education (having undergone psychological and pedagogical training, having mastered new educational technologies, they will be able to demonstrate to children - first of all, to high school students who have chosen a training profile, their rich professional experience). Moreover, it was this point of the program that caused the most debate in the country.

According to senior officials, through these events, the New Teacher will gradually be formed - a creative, independent, competitive, versatile, cultural, morally and spiritually developed ... a person who loves his work and his pupils ... a person close to the ideal. BUT, isn't a traditional school teacher really creative, versatile, morally and spiritually developed, doesn't love his profession? So who is the modern teacher? …let's figure it out.

I was able to discover unique data from studies that were conducted in different years about this question. The students of the 30s included in the portrait of a modern, in their opinion, teacher: 1. Knowledge of the subject and possession of the methodology. 2. Good relationship with students. 3. The ability to correctly assess the knowledge of students. 4. Create discipline. 5. Appearance. It is clear that the students of the 1930s valued more in the teacher knowledge of the subject, general erudition, and high morality.

Among the features that characterize the ideal teacher in the eyes of schoolchildren of the 60s, the following are described: 1. balance, 2. authority, strong will, 3. knowledge of the subject, the ability to speak logically and expressively, 4. pleasant appearance, understanding of their students, 5. exacting independence, love for pedagogical work. Here we already see how the personal qualities of the teacher gradually come to the fore.

In 1992, a similar survey was conducted on the basis of the schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers and students are asked to rank 58 qualities of a teacher in order of importance. These are the qualities modern children endowed the New Teacher with: talented (85 votes), interesting in communication (81), fair in requirements (80), understanding (75), respecting his students (53), educated (45), possessing a sense of humor ( 40), attentive (35), ready to help (35), handsome, kind (23). Note that the top five included only the personal characteristics of the teacher, and the level of education and knowledge of the subject moved to 6th place!!! It is also noteworthy that such a quality as love for children, schoolchildren determined one of the first places, and teachers - 28th!

In the course of studying this topic, I formulated for myself my own criteria for determining the personality of a Modern teacher, which include both personal qualities and professional characteristics. And the children helped me with this. I asked my students: how do you want to see a modern teacher? And the students gave the first places to such qualities as kindness, attentiveness, sense of humor, tact.

1. I believe that a teacher of the 21st century is one who, first of all, knows how to find a common language with his students. So he must be perfect psychologist.
2. In addition, the teacher must keep up with the times, be versatile person not be limited to the scope of your subject. 3. The teacher must have a good vocabulary. This polymath professional who knows more than just his subject. Demandingness and strictness should not obscure in the teacher his ability to be an assistant, adviser and friend of his students in the process of education. 4. He must be a modern intelligent person, be sure master new technologies. Only a teacher who keeps up with the times is able to understand his new students and be interesting to them.
5. Don't expect rewards for your work (no pay, no thanks). The work of a teacher is work for the distant future. But still, the state and society should provide teachers with decent living and working conditions. That the teacher is not aimed at satisfaction basic needs(food, clothing, housing), and in the first place exalted the needs of a higher order, i.e. social is the need for recognition, self-expression and self-realization. 6. Don't be embarrassed by your mistakes. Experiment, seek and be self-critical. 7. A gentle touch on the child's personality is the professional quality of an "exemplary" teacher. Keep to yourself humanity. Dare to be children. Think of your teaching as a way to continue your childhood and understand your students. 8. Try not to teach your child anything directly. Learn by yourself improve yourself. Let the child, looking at you, see how you can learn.
9. Help and approve the work of the child, stimulate his creative ideas, prepare for the future dynamic life so that later he becomes an independent, creative, self-confident person! 10. Believe in yourself. Manage your own time: Those who are late are punished by life. Reward yourself: Do it, do it - you will succeed! Children appreciate successful people and strive to be the same.

The project is only gaining momentum, but already now the topics: what will the New School and the New teacher be like, are the most controversial on the pages of educational sites. I will just point out a few problems, and what will be your opinion, the choice is yours.

First: What kind of school graduate is needed today, will the state demand it?” Is the New School, and, accordingly, the teacher, able to educate a competitive personality?

Second: Are teachers ready to enter the New School? What is waiting for them there? The project implies a completely different organization of teachers' work, the learning process itself, and most importantly, a reworking of the teacher's way of thinking. "Basic" knowledge turns into dimensionless. They want to make a teacher out of a service seller, manager, manager. Not all teachers are able (maybe due to psychological, maybe financial) to become ICT-competent today.

Third: How realistic is it to bring the project to its logical conclusion? In general, only the general provisions of the innovation program were announced, which today requires specific content. Russian schools have "neither the infrastructure nor the corresponding budgets" in order to implement the initiatives voiced by the authorities.

Fourth: The teaching profession is still not prestigious and low-paid, so not the best personnel in the country go to school. And now, when in order to improve profile education, people who do not have a basic pedagogical education will be invited to the New School, the staff of “random people” will only be replenished. And how this will affect the quality of education, one can only guess.

Whatever the public opinion, one thing is clear, the country needs new teaching staff and new specialists, like former school graduates, able to realize themselves in the future. And this is exactly what the innovative educational initiative “Our New School” is aimed at. As for the personality of a teacher, I think the essence of a real teacher lies in the very word "TEACHER":

At- unique, smart, successful, versatile, able to professionally present the material. H - honest, humane, sensitive, with a sense of humor. AND - sincere, individuality. T- tactful, tolerant, patient. E- natural, like-minded. L- loving children, loving his job. b- and very soft soft sign and the very word! … and this truth will be timeless.



Portrait of a creative teacher.

Creativity is the creative capabilities of a person, which can manifest itself in thinking, feelings, communication, certain types of activity, characterize the personality as a whole or its individual aspects, products of activity, the process of their creation. Most often, creativity is seen as the most important and relatively independent factor of giftedness, which is rarely reflected in intelligence tests and academic achievement. Studies by many scientists show that people with high intelligence have low creativity, but the brightest creative subjects have a fairly low IQ.

Here is a fairly common definition of creativity in the scientific literature. Creativity is the ability to surprise and learn, to find solutions in non-standard situations, it is a focus on discovering something new and the ability to deeply understand one's experience. Common to all existing definitions of creativity is that creativity is defined as the ability to be creative.

In today's rapidly changing society, creative individuals are needed. In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to teach creativity, nurture a creative personality, form experience creative activity. The answer to it may be rather negative. A creative personality cannot be formed, it can only be brought up. Education, in turn, cannot be anything other than the creation of conditions that stimulate or hinder creative activity.

Let's start with what factors hinder the development of creativity. They fall into two categories: situational and personal.



Time limit

state of stress

Increased anxiety

Desire to quickly find a solution

Too strong or weak motivation



Increased censorship


Too much confidence

Emotional depression

Avoidance of risky behavior

The dominance of the motivation to avoid failure over the motivation to strive for success

high anxiety

As a personality trait; strong personal defense mechanisms.

At all times there were people who were distinguished by non-standard behavior, originality of judgment, and a high level of fantasy. They mastered new spaces, made scientific discoveries, created works of art. What made these people oppose themselves to the rest of the world, pushed them forward into the unknown. Of course, the answer to this question is the word - creativity.

So what personality traits do creative people have? And these are the qualities that cannot be developed by transferring to finished form knowledge and skills, they can only be brought up in oneself.

Personal qualities:

Initiative, confidence, freedom of thought and judgment;

fluency (ease, productivity - the number of ideas that arise per unit of time);

Flexibility (the ability to switch from one idea to another);

Curiosity (increased sensitivity to problems that are not of interest to others);

Accuracy (harmoniousness, logicality of creative thinking, choice of an adequate solution corresponding to the goal);

Irrelevance (logical independence of judgments).

Today we are faced with the question of whether it is necessary for a teacher to be creative. We will try to determine whether a modern teacher should have this feature, does he really need it?

In my opinion, this is indisputable, the teacher should be creative, but for what?

  • to be modern;
  • to be captivating;
  • to be interesting;
  • to be successful.

Pedagogical creativity develops (I would say, is brought up) throughout pedagogical activity and is a decisive factor in his advancement to the heights of pedagogical skill. Even V. O. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that only a creative teacher is able to ignite a thirst for knowledge in students, therefore, each teacher needs to develop creativity, which is the main indicator of his professional competence.

If we define the criteria of a teacher's creativity, then in general there are 9 of them, among them are flexibility, fluency, metaphor, receptivity, originality, elaboration, resistance to closure, abstractness of the name and satisfaction.

So, the teacher can bring up a creative personality. What abilities will contribute to the fruitful education of this quality.

The ability to implement a creative approach in teaching:

Speed ​​of thinking (the number of ideas that arise per unit of time);

The ability to quickly and without internal effort to switch from one idea to another;

The ability to generate ideas that differ from the generally accepted ones (search for new forms, methods, means of educational and educational activities);

The ability to be surprised;

Openness and interest in everything new;

Ability to make decisions in a situation of uncertainty;

Do not be afraid of your own conclusions and bring them to the end, risking personal success and reputation;

Ability for flexible imaginative thinking;

Flexibility of verbal thinking, vivid figurative language;

Selectivity in learning new things;

Search-transformative style of thinking;

Creative fantasy, developed imagination;

Problematic vision of the situation;

The ability to immerse yourself deeply in your favorite activity;

The desire for inventions, creativity;

Interest in riddles, paradoxes, improvisation;

Ability to make decisions independently;

The ability to constantly develop creative pedagogical experience, competence:

Desire to improve professional competence;

The ability to quickly find and acquire new knowledge in a creative search, to expand one's professional horizons;

The ability to purposefully study a question or problem related to pedagogical activity;

A sense of satisfaction from enriching the experience of pedagogical activity and, at the same time, creative dissatisfaction with the level of achievements;

The ability to form and implement a creative strategy of pedagogical activity:

Persistent need for systematic enrichment of experience;

The ability to independently form deep and systematic knowledge in solving key educational and educational problems;

The ability to develop a flexible strategy for creative pedagogical activity based on the definition of a goal and the construction of an appropriate program;

The ability to mobilize one's own experience or quickly acquire additional competence in order to solve an important and complex pedagogical problem;

A sense of responsibility when performing creative professional tasks.

“To be creative means to dig deeper,

look better, correct mistakes,

talk to a cat, dive into the depths,

to pass through walls, to light the sun,

build a castle in the sand, welcome the future"


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Slides captions:

Portrait of a creative teacher.

Situational Personal - time limit - stress - increased anxiety - desire to quickly find a solution - too strong or weak motivation - self-doubt - fear - increased censorship - self-doubt - too strong confidence - emotional depression - avoidance of risky behavior - dominance of motivation avoidance of failures over the motivation of striving for success - high anxiety - as a personality trait; strong personal defense mechanisms. Factors hindering the development of creativity.

initiative fluency flexibility curiosity precision insignificance

Ability to implement a creative approach in teaching: - speed of thinking; - the ability to quickly and without internal effort to switch from one idea to another; - the ability to generate ideas that differ from the generally accepted ones; - the ability to be surprised; - openness and interest in everything new; - the ability to make decisions in a situation of uncertainty; - do not be afraid of your own conclusions and bring them to the end, risking personal success and reputation;

Ability for flexible imaginative thinking; - flexibility of verbal thinking, vivid figurative language; - selectivity in learning new things; - search-transformative style of thinking; - creative imagination, developed imagination; - problematic vision of the situation; - the ability to immerse yourself in your favorite activity; - the desire for inventions, creativity; - interest in riddles, paradoxes, improvisation; - ability to make decisions independently;

The ability to constantly develop creative pedagogical experience, competence: - the desire to improve professional competence; - the ability to quickly find and master new knowledge in a creative search, to expand one's professional horizons; - the ability to purposefully study an issue or problem related to pedagogical activity; - a sense of satisfaction from enriching the experience of pedagogical activity and at the same time - creative dissatisfaction with the level of achievements;

The ability to form and implement a creative strategy of pedagogical activity: - persistent need for a systematic enrichment of experience; - the ability to independently form deep and systematic knowledge in solving key educational and educational problems; - the ability to develop a flexible strategy for creative pedagogical activity based on the definition of a goal and the construction of an appropriate program; - the ability to mobilize one's own experience or quickly acquire additional competence in order to solve an important and complex pedagogical problem; - a sense of responsibility in the performance of creative professional tasks.

Master Class

for leaders of methodical associations

Image of a 21st century teacher

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

South Kazakhstan region

G. Shardara

Prepared by: Deputy Director for NMR Karyugin M.L.

L. S. Vygotsky

Master Class


Karyugina Marina Leonidovna

Image of a 21st century teacher

slide 1

Due to the expanding field information technologies, encourage teachers to reflect on the need to change approaches to teaching and learning

Learning Outcome

Teachers should:

Understand the need to change approaches in teaching and learning in accordance with global trends

Make changes to the work of methodological associations.

Know the main barriers in teaching and ways to overcome them

Key Ideas

The world is changing, we are changing, approaches to teaching and learning are changing.

We teach how to learn...

Ideal teacher, success, barrier, character, approach.

Materials and equipment

Computer, projector, screen, flipcharts, markers, stickers, posters, handouts

Lesson progress

Stages of the lesson

80-85 minutes

Teacher actions and participant actions


What a child can do today in cooperation and under guidance, tomorrow he becomes able to do independently ...

Bringing the child to this is the main task of the modern teacher.

L. S. Vygotsky

Familiarization with the topic, purpose and task

I acquaint my colleagues with the topic of the master class, I name the goal and task of the modern teacher. slide number 6

Division into groups

With the help of stickers - apples of two colors

Video display

So, the topic of our lesson: The image of the teacher of the XXI century. slide number 7


slide number 8

Group work

Create a poster

Participants create posters in which for each letter of the word “teacher” they name the quality of the teacher in groups and present them. slide number 9


Professional qualities of a modern teacher. What role does the school teacher play at the present stage of development of education? slide number 10

Looking at the slide, what kind of teacher models do you think are presented on it? slide number 11

What are the main requirements for a modern teacher. slide number 12

Warm-up exercise 1

In the first letter of the name, name your quality and wish your neighbor with the same letter


Questions for participants:

How did you feel while doing this exercise?

How do you think students will react to this exercise?

Video display

Video about the teacher. slide number 13

The coach asks:

Each group receives an individual task, to write on flipcharts the signs of an ideal student and teacher, what barriers exist in the educational environment and how to overcome them so that teachers and students are always ideal.

Participants create posters in groups and present them. slide number 14


Questions for participants:

Think about our actions and reactions that lead to this state of education (are all children actively involved in our lessons, is our lesson interesting, do we take into account the age characteristics of children, do we apply new approaches, how do we assess students, ICT, do children have critical think and apply the knowledge that we put into them in the classroom Everyday life) slide number 15


Slide #16


The modern teacher is the teacher of the 20th century

Slides #17-20

Video display

"13 Signs You're a Teacher" Slide #21


Questions for participants:

What new and useful things have you learned?

Was the content of the presentation helpful to you?

Do you think these methods can be used with colleagues and students? Slide #22

Summing up the results


Revealing the abilities of each student, educating a personality ready for life

in a high-tech, competitive world.

the main task

Improving the quality of students' knowledge so that graduates can become competitive in the future

in the adult world

the main objective

Watch the video What should a teacher be like?


What should a teacher be like in the 21st century?

What qualities unite all teachers on Earth?

teacher in love

in your subject

respectful teacher

student identity

The teacher is able to perceive the student's point of view.

A teacher who is proficient in modern ICT

Teacher - psychologist

The teacher is a companion.

What should a teacher be like in this modern, rapidly changing twenty-first century?

Group work. Create a poster

Professional qualities of a modern teacher

Looking at the slide, what do you think teacher models are presented on it?

First model

Second model

Third model

Basic requirements for teaching staff

1) Qualification of the appropriate level and profile

2) Competitiveness in the labor market

3) Competence

4) Responsibility

5) Free possession of their profession

6) Orientation in related fields of activity

7) Possession of modern pedagogical and information technologies

8) Ability for continuous professional growth

9) Social and professional mobility

Video "About the teacher"

Group work. Create a poster

What do you associate the concept of "barrier" with?

Assignment: write on a flipchart the characteristics of an ideal student and teacher, what barriers exist in the educational environment and how to overcome them so that teachers and students are always ideal.


Why do you associate the barrier with this image?

How can these barriers be overcome?

Are all children actively involved in our lessons? ---- Is our lesson interesting?

Do we take into account the age characteristics of children?

Are we taking new approaches?

How do we evaluate students?

Are children able to think critically and apply the knowledge that we put into them in the classroom in everyday life?

1. Possession of the content and methodology of the subject

2. Knowledge of the patterns of the student's cognitive processes in learning and the ability to apply them when designing a real educational process

3. Knowledge of the valueological requirements for the lesson and the ability to use them when designing the educational process

4. Possession of effective communication techniques

with children, with colleagues,

with parents

5. Possession of techniques that socialize and develop the child by means of a subject

6. Possession of management technologies ( pedagogical analysis, goal setting, planning, organization)

7. Ability to manage innovation process(design, conduct and analyze the experiment)

8. Possession of skills of generalization and transfer of one's experience

The system of professional competencies of a teacher

Knows how to get along with his students

20th century teacher

Gotta keep up with the times

Must have a good vocabulary, sense of humor

Must be modern intelligent


Don't expect a reward

for your work

Don't be embarrassed by your mistakes. Experiment, search

20th century teacher

Keep your childishness

Accept all that is in the child

Help and approve the work of the child

20th century teacher

Try nothing

do not teach the child directly. Learn by yourself

Sincerely admire everything beautiful,

what do you see around

Pedagogy of tenderness - the requirement of a harsh time

20th century teacher

Video: 13 Signs You're a Teacher

Matyukhina Natalya Vasilievna MBOU "Secondary School No. 12", Kashira - 8 Attestation work
Matyukhina Natalya Vasilievna
MBOU "Secondary School No. 12"
Kashira - 8
"Professional portrait of a modern teacher".

The teacher is a key figure in education. What professional qualities should he have?

The teacher is a key figure in
What professional
qualities he must

The professional culture of a teacher consists of several components:

reflexivity (skill
hold back,
ask for opinion
students to recognize their
Empathy (the ability to understand
student, manifestation
respect for him).
attraction (external)
appearance, demeanor
teachers who are conducive to
yourself, courtesy).
(desire to establish
trusting relationship with
children, showing interest
to their problems).
ability to cooperate
(ability to inspire children to
creative activity,
ability to listen and understand
tolerance (forbearance
working with children).
flexibility (manifestation
exactingness and rigor
along with a good attitude
to children, possession of different
ways of organizing
lesson, recognition for children
right to be wrong)

Personal qualities in the teaching profession are inseparable from professional ones. What is he, a modern teacher?

He is a man who knows a lot and
able, constantly
improving, good
proficient in teaching methods
subject and at the same time
with pleasant manners.

The teacher must be mobile,
dynamic and constructive.
The modern teacher must be able to
overcome communication
barriers to communication both with children and with
their parents, should be able to
"convey" your opinion, your knowledge to

The modern teacher is creative
person who can use
information and
communication technologies.
Every teacher wants to be
successful, respected by children and
human parents.

What mistakes in pedagogical ethics should be avoided in order to be a professionally cultured teacher?

You can’t make fun of a student, emphasize his shortcomings, it’s unprofitable
compare his achievements with those of his peers.
The teacher must do his duty without threats.
The teacher does not have the right to communicate to other persons entrusted to him by the student
Unfair treatment of a student is unacceptable.
Do not allow unflattering statements addressed to the parents of the student.
Overestimation or underestimation of ratings is unacceptable.
The teacher has no right to impose his religious views and

The teacher must remember that the critical characteristics of the qualities of the teacher's personality are:

