Starting the repair of any residential premises, we, first of all, determine its purpose. What do we want to see as a result: a spacious living room or bedroom, or maybe a combined space that is not limited to one function?

Today we’ll talk about the design and zoning of a room of 18 square meters. m. With a shortage of square meters, it is often necessary to combine several functions in one living room, for example, a living room-bedroom or a living-dining room.

It happens that in common room a teenage child lives, and he needs to arrange a comfortable workplace.

Consider several design options for a room of 18 square meters. m.

One-room apartment with a living area of ​​18 square meters

Starting an independent life, we often acquire a one-room apartment. This is the so-called start to a great life. Everyone strives to equip their first home as comfortable as possible. This is important for both singles and young families. As you know, relationships often break down on an unsettled life, which is why it is so important to perform proper zoning.

We already wrote about how to arrange it in one of the previous articles. And what other functions can be combined in one room?

For lovers of youth parties and holidays, it is important to create a relaxed and fairly spacious atmosphere in the room. It's hard to do it in small space. However, if the kitchens in your house are equipped with electric stoves, then it is possible to combine the kitchen with the living room, provided that the wall between the rooms is not load-bearing. A dining area is perfectly located between two different rooms.

Visually, two rooms can be separated by a small partition or bar counter, as well as by the texture or color of the floor and walls. And combine them with common color spots used in both rooms in order to maintain the integrity of the space.

Owners of gas equipment, obviously, were upset, thinking that it was impossible for them to “push apart” the walls between these rooms. There is a way out. Installed in the wall between the kitchen and living room. In the open state of the doors, there is no division of the premises, and at the right time, the kitchen is easily isolated from the living space.

For a young couple, the room can be divided into three zones: a common one that combines a living room and a sleeping area, as well as an office for young man and a small ladies' room - boudoir. If desired, these small rooms can be isolated, for example, with textiles or a screen.

Separately, I would like to say about transformable furniture, which is always by the way in small rooms or rooms endowed with various functions. Thanks to designers and designers who year after year work in this direction and come up with various options furniture transformation, we can significantly improve the comfort of our homes.

We equip an office or workplace in a small apartment

Often in small apartments in the living room they equip a place for a mini-office or a child's work area. It is very important that this zone does not stand out from the general space, but harmoniously fits into it.

The working area can be fenced off with a partition or a lighter structure - a rack, as if isolating it from the living room space.

Another solution for a mini-study or a small workshop in the living room is to place them in a closet or in a niche, complemented by special lighting. At the end of the work, the table and chair are moved into the interior space, the doors are closed, and the interior of the room, with an area of ​​18 square meters, again has a single function - the function of the living room.

Due to the impossibility of allocating a separate place for an office, it is often arranged in the bedroom. In order not to interfere with your other half to rest, it is still better to isolate the working area. Partieres made of dense fabric are perfect as a partition and light barrier.

Studio apartments

A distinctive feature of studio apartments, fashionable lately, is the absence of partitions. The exceptions are the partitions of bathrooms and bedrooms. Option one-room studio apartment suitable for people living alone, or for a family consisting of no more than two people, since a single space does not imply solitude - everything and everything is in sight. As a rule, such housing is chosen by creative and active people, young couples or bachelors.

A studio apartment is usually not overloaded with furniture, the room is only visually divided into zones. And initially a small living room 16-18 or even 20 square meters. m. becomes more spacious due to the addition of a kitchen and a hallway (in whole or in part).

At present, more and more often from small apartments in "Khrushchev" due to redevelopment, studio apartments are being organized. Agree that it is much more pleasant to live in a spacious room than in a closed small space squeezed by walls and ceiling.

An opening is made (after appropriate approvals) between the living room and the kitchen, the passage from the corridor to the kitchen is closed. A refrigerator is installed in the resulting niche in the kitchen, and from the side of the corridor you can make a small pantry or closet.

Try not to overload small rooms with furniture, as well as make them very dark, otherwise you will visually reduce their area even more. Give preference to light shades.

Mirrors help visually “push the walls apart”, increase the space and fill it with additional light - they are great solution for small spaces.

Extended doorway between living room and hallway with sliding doors also help to increase the space during the daytime by combining the hallway with the living room. If necessary, the room can be easily isolated.

Often our life dictates the conditions when it is necessary to reconsider the purpose of existing premises - this is the creation of a family, the birth of a child, etc. Be creative and thoughtful about redevelopment or repair with division into zones, and then even in small apartment you can live quite comfortably and amicably.

It is easy to carry out the layout of the room when there is enough space. There are no questions about what you can save on to make the room seem larger. But even with the available 18 square meters x, you can do it just fine. The main thing is to have in stock a few developments and ideas, which will be discussed in this article.

General ideas for arrangement

The room, which has an area of ​​18 m2, can be used for various purposes. It could be a living room or a bedroom. Depending on how it is used, interior design is selected. Typically, such a room has a rectangular shape, which means the paired size of the walls. In some buildings, such a room has an elongated layout, while in others it is closer to a square. It is easier to plan the design of the second option, because it is easiest to fill the space evenly. narrow room it is easier to divide into several functional areas with their own purpose.

In this embodiment, the furniture is better to make to order. At the same time, it is necessary that its width is not too large. It is better to install it not to narrow walls, because then there will be even less space, but to place it along big walls. You can visually expand the space of the room, using for this The right way laying laminate. For example, it is laid across the room, which gives more perpendicular lines in the room that the eye can catch on. Another way to increase the volume of the room is to use mirrors. They can be placed on smaller walls. They can also be made contrasting by brightening against the background of other surfaces in the room.

Advice! A special role in the planning of the room is played by lighting. For narrow and long rooms, it cannot be placed around the perimeter. The result can be a greater emphasis on elongation. the best way there will be an installation of the main source in the middle of the room. Thus, the correct emphasis will be placed.

If the room has a shape that looks more like a square, then the design method needs to be changed. Furniture can act as zoning elements in the room. You can place it not only along the walls, but also in the middle, if, for example, it concerns a sofa. For such rooms, you can use elements that have a large width. The distribution of zones in a room of 18 square meters is easy to perform using a screen, cabinet or other item that can perform not only the function of a partition, but also have a practical purpose. Except general recommendations, there are specific depending on how the room is used. This is worth talking about in more detail.


A good renovation does not begin with the dismantling of old equipment or interior decoration, but with thoughtful planning. It would be nice to sketch out a rough plan of action on a piece of paper in advance and display on it all the desired changes for the room.


The bedroom is one of the main ones, because it is in it that you can recuperate and be alone with yourself. Already this should hint at the color scheme and the way the lighting in the room. It is important to understand that in a bedroom with an area of ​​​​18 square meters or with dimensions of 4 by 4, you can place many useful things besides the bed. If the bedroom space of 18 squares has an elongated shape, then one of the corners can be taken under a large closet near the wall. It will visually reduce the room by bringing the smaller walls closer together.

For example, it can be placed indoors as shown in the photo. At the same time, the usable area is practically not lost. At the same time, a desk can be placed directly under the window. An enlarged window sill, which will act as a table, will help save even more space.

The bedroom should not be cluttered, it is better to choose minimalism for this room. An important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. In the photo above, you can see that it has rather large dimensions, which partially compensates for the dimensions of the room and will allow the owner to quickly restore strength in a dream. The bed is the focal point of the entire room. An armchair, chest of drawers or nightstand next to the bed, as well as a desk, are great additions. color scheme for the bedroom, you can choose at your own discretion, but it should not be too dark, which will create a dull mood. Do not choose bright colors. They can have an exciting effect on the body, interfering with proper rest.

Worth thinking about proper lighting in room. There should be several types of lamps. Two are best placed at the edges of the bed at the head of the bed. Some types are simply installed on the bedside table. Be sure to have an overhead light in the room. At the same time, it would be good to install walk-through switches that would allow you to turn off the overhead light directly from the bed. For side lights, separate switches are provided for each.

Note! If the bedroom has access to the loggia, then it can be made part of the room. This will not only expand the area, but also increase the intensity of natural light, which can be controlled using blinds or Roman blinds.

Living room

The living room, which has an area of ​​​​18 squares or a size of 3 by 4 meters, can also be decorated without much difficulty. It is important to remember about things that it is desirable not to use for such a room. These include:

  • massive carpets;
  • dark tones of finishing;
  • heavy curtains;
  • many pictures;
  • an abundance of ornaments;
  • A lot of furniture.

All these elements can not only clutter up the space, but also deprive the room of lightness. Massive carpets and curtains visually reduce the room, which can be emotionally depressing and interfere with a calm conversation. As the main colors for wall decoration, it is better to choose light colors. It is better not to place a closet in the living room, because it will take up too much space. It is better to move it to the bedroom or hallway. It is desirable that in the living room there should be as much as possible less furniture. If possible, it is better to leave the sofa and chest of drawers. The TV can be hung on the wall.

Looks good solutions for living rooms that repeat the Scandinavian or Japanese style as well as minimalism. As finishing materials, it is better to use wood or materials that imitate it. As floor covering it is better to use laminate or parquet, but not tiles. The latter is not able to create coziness where everyone would be comfortable.


Children's room, which has an area of ​​18 m 2 will enable the child to feel completely free. In such a space it is easy to play outdoor games. It is important to remember that such a room must be divided into three zones:

  • for classes;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

The photo above shows that the work area is the desktop. It has additional lighting in the form of a lamp, as well as shelves where textbooks and notebooks can be folded. The table is placed as close to the window as possible so that natural light prevails. This is necessary for the prevention of vision. The rest of the space can serve as a play area, for example, this photo shows that a fluffy carpet is laid in the room, on which it is comfortable to spend time. In addition, there is an ottoman-pillow.

The photo above shows that the play area a Swedish wall can be installed. Its location and design must be safe for the child. When planning a room, pay special attention to sharp corners. To be more precise, they should not be. Furniture and other elements are best chosen with smooth shapes. It is important that Decoration Materials were environmentally friendly. The children's organism is especially susceptible to various emission influences.

Color solutions for the children's room should be moderate. The nervous system in children is more active than in adults. This is accompanied by impressionability and variability of mood. The general background should be discreet, so pastel colors will do. But some areas, for example, the play area, can be accentuated. This approach will give an additional charge for an active lifestyle.

Dorm room

In some cases, you have to do the layout of the room, which is located in the hostel. In this case, only one room should combine three rooms or zones:

  • dining room;
  • sleeping room;
  • working.

At the same time, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be turned into a useful one in order to rationally use every centimeter. As a basis, you can take the project of a studio room. The best option there will be minimalism in the conditions of the dorm room. You should not have large floor cabinets in such a room. They take up too much space. It is better to make a structure that will be mounted along the entire plane of the wall, but with a shallower depth. The working area and the kitchen can be combined. For example, the main elements are hidden in the closet, as shown in the photo below.

It is good if the bed is also folding. It can hide under a pedestal or be transferred to a vertical position. With sufficient ceiling height in the room, you can take interesting solution. It consists in the fact that the bed rises above the floor by 1.5 meters. Below it is a work area with desk and computer. An example is seen in the photo below.

The photo shows another interesting solution for a room that can be applied. Steps perform a dual role. They are built in drawers in which you can store bed linen and clothes. It is better if the colors of the finish are light. The lighting in the room should be bright enough. For greater effect, you can provide a place for a mirror, which will expand the room. For example, you can mirror one or more locker doors. Instead of a large dining table, you can use the bar. She will simultaneously divide the room into zones and will be a fairly comfortable place to eat. Some Ideas design solutions for rooms can be gleaned from the video.


As you can see, furnishing a room can be a very interesting activity. But it is worth approaching this task with all seriousness. The comfort of all residents will depend on this. If we are talking about a children's room, then it is important to take into account the wishes of the child, since it is he who will be there most of the time. When designing a living room, you can resolve the issue at the family council. Everyone will be able to contribute, which will add up to the puzzle of the overall picture. It is important to move away from the foundations that have been imposed historically and not be afraid to experiment.

Competent organization of space in a limited living space is almost an art, especially when you have to combine the functionality of two rooms. Thoughtful room design 18 sq.m. for the bedroom-living room involves several solutions. Original developments proposed by experts are systematized on the site. We suggest using ready-made ideas that inspire repairs, where everything is thought out in advance.

To create a room design, you can use ready-made designer solutions

It is better to separate the bed with a partition

Zoning in a room can be done with filament curtains

Many are accustomed to the standard layout of the hall or living room of 18-19 "squares", which was the "gold standard" in the urban development of the Soviet era. Regardless of what the project was, it was considered the norm during the design - 6 "squares" for each family member (minimum of 3 people, that's where 18 sq.m. comes from).

It cannot be said that this footage is enough for a comfortable life, but everyone is used to them. Due to old stereotypes, it is purely psychologically difficult to find new approaches to transforming a room. But designers, working mainly with such a standard, have thought over the interior of the 18 sq.m bedroom-living room in order to make every centimeter of area useful. The choice of a new look depends on several factors, including the composition of the family and the lifestyle of those living in the transformed apartment.

The layout of the room depends on the number of people in the family

You can separate the bed using arches or partitions

In a small-sized apartment of the old model, you can’t turn around too much. Therefore, during repairs with modernization in Brezhnevka and Khrushchev houses, the main design techniques are used:

  • redevelopment;
  • visual expansion of space;
  • moving the entrance to the walk-through rooms to make them isolated;
  • demolition of secondary partitions;
  • joining the balcony or loggia area to adjacent rooms;
  • visual and functional zoning.

To take a different look at your old hall and reorganize it for a comfortable and functional bedroom-living room, get rid of old things and cladding. Decide on radical changes to make the interior look spectacular and stylish.

To make the layout correctly, you can use the recommendations of designers

You can separate the sleeping place using partitions or a closet.

  1. As a sample, use ready-made solutions with a photo. But you need to choose what is as close as possible to the layout of your room.
  2. If this is a studio apartment, but you need a bedroom design with a 18 m two-in-one living room converted from a standard hall, choose samples similar to your room.
  3. If you want to combine several original ideas imagine what it will look like in the end. It is better to take examples from illustrations of interiors made in the general style in order to avoid bad taste, unjustified decor or inappropriate eclecticism.
  4. It is important to think over the boundaries of zoning, decide how to distribute the space - more for a bedroom or a guest area.

Attention: The main task is a competent distinction so that casual visitors, friends or guests do not feel like they are sitting in the middle of someone else's bedroom. When laying down to rest, it is important to feel in an isolated personal space, and not in the aisle at the door.

The outlined range of problems shows that it is not so easy to combine 2 rooms with different functional load in small room for 18 "squares". It is equally important to emphasize with accessories and the type of furniture to whom the bedroom is intended.

For example, if an adult boy or teenage girl should sleep in the living room, pull-out bed can be hidden under a podium for a computer table in the work area. By night, she is brought into the position necessary for sleep, and during the day there is nothing to indicate that someone's mini-bedroom is here.

In small rooms it is better to use multifunctional furniture

Design should be considered in advance

If it should be the interior of a room of 18 square meters. m. - a living room-bedroom for an elderly person, then retractable and folding planes are inappropriate. Even if this is a grandmother who often comes to look after her grandchildren, it is better to fence off a comfortable place to sleep behind a screen or partition. The bed should stand so that the light does not fall into the eyes.

For any planning, you must follow simple rules:

  • the room should have enough light (natural and artificial);
  • allocate free space for aisles and space for movable furniture and transformation folding sofa- beds;
  • compact multifunctional furniture will give a feeling of greater freedom; the use of mirrors as a way to visually expand the space;
  • make repairs with a spectacular room design 18 sq.m bedroom living room with a balcony at minimal cost, but the overall atmosphere is more important than the unique appearance.

It is worth taking care of the lighting, it should be enough

Furniture is desirable to use multifunctional

To properly design a room, you should follow the generally accepted rules

Which style and design to choose

The room where they will rest and periodically receive guests should be cozy and comfortable. With a detailed study of the interior of the living room and bedroom in one room of 18 sq.m. it is important not to rush to extremes and stick to the golden mean.

You should not burden the perception with too bright colors, inappropriate installations or art objects, even if it is an art deco or modern apartment. Small items are best placed on glass shelves or open double-sided racks, which are recommended to be used as partitions for zoning.

Many small souvenirs or hand-made gizmos can clutter up the room, even if it is originally planned to place an exposition of handicrafts here. When they are placed everywhere, it resembles a cluttered warehouse, and not the interior design of the 18 "square" living-bedroom. Minimalism does not accept any decor, but it is acceptable to use one large picture on a free wall.

Hanging paintings or portraits within frames should not be random, but adhering to a certain geometry, if there is no symmetry. This decor is appropriate in classic, historical and retro styles.

It is undesirable to use a dark ceiling in a small space, it seems that it overhangs. However, in some modern styles acceptable stretch ceiling with a glossy (lacquer) canvas in black, with a mirror effect. The effect of "starry sky" with spot diodes is applicable when zoning the bedroom area. It is especially beautiful in combination with white furniture and a beautifully decorated window opening.

The room can be decorated in any style

Best for little one rooms fit minimalism style

For the visual expansion of space, the shape and size of windows matter. Low window sills or their absence - the so-called "French windows" look good in modern interior rooms by the type of living room-bedroom (up to 18 meters). But it makes sense if there is a picturesque panorama behind the horses - well-groomed quarters or a suburban forest. It is better to hide the industrial area outside the windows with multilayer curtains with draperies or other complex styles.

If you want more free space, you need to abandon bulky furniture and a large chandelier in the center of the room. Flat ceiling lamp, spot lighting of local areas, a diode tape near the ceiling and a floor lamp - this is quite enough for good lighting of the living room in modern style. It is recommended to install a safe lamp or “night light” above the bed or sofa bed, which can be conveniently turned off at arm's length.

Bright colors can visually expand the boundaries of the room

In small rooms it is better to use compact furniture

Very good for the living room-bedroom fit modern style

Many design methods are suitable for the visual expansion of the living room-bedroom.

large mirror

The property of "doubling" the space of the room, they are not placed in front of another mirror and window

Bright hues

The lighter the main background, the more spacious the room looks, white furniture is appropriate.

Mirrored sliding door on the cabinet front

Built-in furniture with a sliding door and a mirror does not take up space, but seems wider

Stripes and geometric contrasts

Horizontal ceiling lines, on wallpaper vertical stripes expand the walls

Glossy veneer effect

Highly reflective surfaces, but not too many

Mirror wall or panels

Functional, spectacular, diffuse reflected light, "double" the room

Large drawing on the wall

A large drawing suggests a lot of space in space, visually enlarges the wall

Photo wallpaper with illusions and 3D effect

This works with a realistic panorama of the city or a photo of nature - it “destroys” the wall

A room in bright colors will look bigger.

Spotlights, diode tape and a chandelier will create a special atmosphere in the room

Furnishing options in the bedroom-living room

With any design of a bedroom-living room of 18 square meters, the purchase of furniture should be subject to the general idea and functional areas.

  1. Bedroom + living room. In this option, there are 2 pronounced zones, which are usually delimited with the help of furniture, a clear organization of space, a partition or a textile curtain. Usually the room is divided into 2 approximately identical parts. The bedroom is removed from the door (interior and balcony), where they put a full bed, maybe a chest of drawers or a dressing table with a mirror, a small built-in wardrobe. The living room is traditionally furnished - a seating area with a coffee table. Opposite the guest area is a plasma display, shelves or cabinet with equipment.
  2. Mostly a living room, where the design of the room is 18 sq. m. with a balcony and 1 window, where there is no bedroom area. It is formed after the transformation of a folding sofa. If it is supposed to be laid out for sleeping daily, you should pay attention to the layout mechanism. I don’t really want tired people to mess with the organization every evening bed which is not very convenient. It is better to abandon a sofa with a folding bed in favor of a reliable roll-out model on a wooden box with rollers or on an electric drive (transformation from the remote control). The guest area is complemented by a wide table or bench with rollers on legs - for ease of movement when unfolding the sofa bed. The corner for receiving guests is complemented by armchairs, ottomans, a chaise longue or a couch, preferably of a common design or with the same upholstery. On the contrary - a modern TV, a glass display cabinet with a collection of antiques, a piano or an aquarium (depending on interests).

    Any room can be decorated beautifully and comfortably

    Light colors can make a room look bigger.

    The room needs to be decorated so that guests do not suspect that this is a bedroom.

  3. Living room-study with a bed. With this option, the furniture is selected so that guests or visitors do not see signs of a bedroom in the working room. It may be a respectable leather sofa with armchairs, where all units are laid out for sleeping, but in the initial position it is ordinary upholstered furniture. Required attribute - computer desk, which is complemented by shelving and hanging shelves. A folding place to sleep can be hidden under the podium, on which there is a desktop or other working devices. Perfect option for those who work at home and often have to receive guests. If the room seems empty, the design of the bedroom-living room of 18 meters can be supplemented with a dining area or a second sofa against the free wall. It is convenient to organize a dressing room behind the sliding doors of the built-in wardrobe.
  4. Living room + children's bedroom for two children. This is a common solution in two-room apartments, when the second living room is the matrimonial bedroom. From children's furniture, a compact complex on 2 levels prevails. Today bunk beds and furniture, where there is a loft bed, is presented in the catalogs in a large assortment. It is possible to choose a completely presentable option for the living room. It is important that there is a lot of space for the play area and a place or table where students will learn lessons. For guests, a smaller space is allocated with traditional upholstered furniture. It is important to pay attention to color solution, which should not overload perception. If colored furniture upholstery, then plain walls and vice versa.
  5. When combining a warm loggia with a living room in one-room apartment the bedroom can be moved to the place of "increment" of square meters. If there is any doubt that it will be warm there, make repairs taking into account the "warm floor" system and double insulation of the balcony (external and internal). You can choose a bed that is ready-made according to the size of the allocated area and order a built-in one by choosing a suitable mattress. The living room is furnished traditionally, but you can allocate space for a large closet that replaces the dressing room.

You can zone a room with partitions

To choose the right design, you can look at the options on the Internet

According to the same recommendations, you can select furniture if the bed is taken out into a niche behind the partition. Other furnishing options are also possible. For more original design rooms 18 sq. m. see photos of the bedroom-living room on the examples of our gallery.

Video: How to harmoniously create a bedroom, living room and workshop in one room

In this article I want to consider the interior design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for the living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romanyuk.The design is suitable for Khrushchev, as well as for a panel or brick house.

In all 4 hall designs 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is supposed.

The first version of the design of the hall

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony is made in bright colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance, it visually expands the space and makes the room bigger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony, it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this area, the designers decided to make a small working area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This hall design is 18 sq. m. assumed placement decorative fireplace. This is a perfect place between interior doors. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, along the opposite wall in the hall of 18 sq. corner sofa sand color.

Chocolate interior design of the hall 16-18 sq. m

The following design features bright accents chocolate color. The main rule in the design of the hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Do not forget about the presence of a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark, and the rug white color.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. To decorate the walls, the designers used beautiful photo wallpapers.

Light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the room larger. And additionally spot lighting only highlights it.

Decoration of the hall with a niche for TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a drywall niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the hall. Photo 11 White pillows on a brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is combined in three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an indispensable thing in our case.

So we examined four hall designs of 16-18 sq. m. Use our ideas to decorate your house or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale

If you have to repair, know that a room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m, you can arrange concisely, simply and very beautifully. It can be a nursery or a bedroom, a dorm room. Ways to design a room 18 sq. m., presented in the photo, as well as our tips will help you competently decorate the available space.

As a rule, a room with such an area is rectangular in shape, which can be narrowed or more like a square. Designers often use room zoning of 18 square meters. m, seeking to achieve maximum functionality of the space.

Furniture must be chosen narrow, placing it along the walls so that it takes up as little free space as possible.

The short walls of a rectangular room are decorated with bright colors or expressive decorative items that attract attention, you can use mirrors.

A floor covering that has a pattern in the form of stripes running along short walls, visually enlarge such a room. For the same purpose, sliding wardrobes with mirrored doors can be placed along the wall.

As for lighting, it is best to concentrate it in the center of the room, avoiding placement around the perimeter.

The square shape of the room - bedroom or living room 18 square meters. m. - ideal for interior decoration. Here it is better to use bulky furniture, which is located mainly in the center of the room or along the walls.

Zoning the space, you can use pieces of furniture as delimiting elements. White furniture, satin and gloss in the interior are welcome. The classic recommendation is to place upholstered furniture along the perimeter walls.

Bedroom decoration

Bedroom with an area of ​​18 sq. m, allows you to place all the furniture that is needed, and leave a work area or a small corner for relaxation. In narrow and long room you can equip a good dressing room about one and a half meters long.

Unusual cabinets and armchairs are suitable to create an original accent, interesting and bright design walls will give the room a unique charm and its own style.

The interior of the room is 18 sq. m. it is easy to improvise and embody your ideas, playing with color and focusing on contrasting combinations.

The color scheme is selected in accordance with personal preferences, but still you should not use more than three basic shades. Great idea to do color accent on one of the walls.

Avoid cluttering the bedroom with unnecessary items that do not carry a functional load. Let it be dominated by a fairly spacious, comfortable bed with a comfortable headboard.

Small bedside tables or a dressing table next to it are a necessary and quite sufficient attribute. If your bedroom has a balcony attached to it, you might want to consider how to combine it with the room. For example, make it an office or a storage area.

Lighting should be primarily functional, but can be provided additional sources lights that create a more romantic stop in the bedroom. Suitable lighting built into the head of the bed, shelves, cabinet doors.

Children's room

Children's room with an area of ​​18 sq. m. can be conditionally divided into zones - for sleeping, playing, studying. Work zone equipped with a table and chair according to the age of the child. In the play area, it is better to place upholstered furniture in the form of armchairs and pouffes, cover the floor for comfort with a fluffy carpet.

If the child loves sports and is active enough, the play area can also be equipped with a Swedish wall, where he can throw out his energy while doing physical exercises.

Traditionally, in the children's room are used: a wardrobe, a bed, a table with a chair, shelves for toys or books. Being engaged in design, think over the convenient arrangement of objects, choose furniture that is safe, without sharp corners.

Pay attention to the environmental friendliness of materials and their naturalness. Wood is perfect as a floor covering: parquet, cork.

If we talk about colors, then these are, of course, calm, pastel shades. Do not disturb the fragile nervous system small child too bright colors.

But you can bring a certain vivacity to the atmosphere by using a little bright colors in decor items, curtains or furniture.

Dorm room

Ideas for planning a dorm room 18 sq. m. should be such as to use the available space as rationally as possible.

This does not require special repair costs. You can easily arrange a room in such a way as to create several comfortable zones in it at once: a bedroom, an office and a living room.

With the help of a competent arrangement of furniture and decorative elements, you can zone the space. To get a studio room, by attaching a kitchen to the living area, combine them in a single style and decorate them in related colors.

Using transforming furniture that moves with the help of guides, the room can be transformed in a matter of seconds.

It's best to ditch conventional floor cabinets - they won't help you save space. You can successfully organize the storage of things using wardrobes, shelves and wall cabinets. Choose light shades for furniture and walls, glossy facades, mirrors.

The most suitable style for decorating a dorm room is minimalism. Let the furniture be as functional as possible, and the decor be discreet and devoid of obtrusiveness. When organizing a comfortable, tidy space for living, use only what is necessary.

Photo room 18 sq. m.
