The taiga winter hut plays an important role in the life of every hunter-fisherman. Since the main hunting takes place in winter, the need for such winter quarters is very great. A hunter-hunter, who has at his disposal a certain area of ​​the forest, arranges a network of such winter quarters. The network consists of a base hut, in which the hunter lives, and track huts, in which the hunter only spends the night along the way through his lands. Since his route is very long and it takes days, or maybe even weeks, to go around all the lands, for each overnight stay the hunter must build a winter hut in the taiga, the distance from them should be equal to the daily winter transition.

But, in addition to hunters-hunters, the taiga winter hut is extremely necessary for life in the taiga for the taiga hermit, who decided to leave all the benefits of civilization and go to live in the forest. Also, indigenous peoples of the north live in such forest huts, for example, the Mansi people. They know how to build them very quickly and, as a rule, put up a hut only for the winter, and in the summer they live in tents. But some families have already weaned from their traditional dwellings- plagues and live in huts all the time.

Preparing for the construction of a winter hut

If for a good, solid hut the forest should be harvested in advance (recommended in December), then raw logs can be used immediately for a simple hunting winter hut. Since the hunter spends the night in this winter hut, maybe two or three at most, and goes further along the path. It is not beauty that is important here, but, first of all, simply the ability to spend the night in a warm place, cook your own food and process sable skins.

Whether you are a hunter-hunter or a hermit, you will choose a winter hut, not a hut. Building a winter hut is much easier than building a solid Russian hut. For a hunter, the main thing is simplicity and reliability, because he has not one such winter hut in the forest, but several. And the basis of the house where his family lives is in a nearby village or city. the hermit big house to nothing, because it is also important for him to quickly build a dwelling for himself and already begin to live in it, because the hermit will have enough other worries. But suppose with you that the hermit will use this winter hut as a temporary hut while he is building a solid hut. What will it look like...

So, before building a taiga cabin, our hermit or hunter chooses a suitable place. This is either a small clearing, or a plot right in the middle of the forest. There must be a source of water within easy reach.

If this is not a clearing, then you will have to clear a place for construction, the forest at the same time will go to the crowns. The problem will be with the stumps - they are usually just burned out.

We prepared the place, pulled out the grass - and now we need to think about the first crown of the future winter hut. In general, by and large, you can put the first one that comes along if this winter hut is not very expensive for you, but if you are going to live there for a long time, then it is better to take this issue more seriously. The first crown of winter hut is recommended to be made from larch, since it rots very slowly compared to other trees, but if it is not nearby, then from what is. You can put stones under the crown, or you can put logs directly on the ground.

Coniferous trees serve as material for construction. Pine, larch is well suited, but spruce and fir can also be used. You can also use the cedar and cut it without undue pity, because such thinning sanitary felling, on the contrary, clears the place for larger and stronger cedars. Thick trees should not be cut, 15-25 cm in diameter will be optimal. The first two or three crowns are best made from thicker ones, and the rest from less. You can also drag logs to a place alone, without a partner. Raw pine with a diameter of 25 cm per meter will weigh about 40 kg (an experienced taiga resident suggested). Log lengths, i.e. the length of the wall of your winter hut will be enough for you about 3-4 meters per person. It turns out that a 4-meter log with a diameter of 25 cm will weigh about 120 kg. But you will not lift the whole log, but only one side of it, the other you will drag. It's still hard, but it's doable for one person. If it’s really hard, then you can cut thinner trees, you just need a little more of them - that’s all. How to fell a tree is shown in the figure:

Laying crowns

Before laying the crowns, the logs must be debarked, i.e. remove the bark from them. Of course, you can not do this, but are you going to live there for a long time? For debarking, you can use a pointed shovel, scraper, your own taiga ax for hopelessness. Approximately at the beginning of May, the bark should come off the tree well, it also comes off better from already dried logs harvested in winter. Dried logs are more difficult to process than raw logs, but they are lighter.

There are two main types of crowns: "in the bowl" and "in the paw". There is also a simpler version of the "in the paw" method, widely used by hunters - "half a tree". The following photos show winter huts with crowns laid by these methods.

Laying "in the bowl"

Laying "in the paw"

Laying "half-tree"

The simplest method is "half-tree". With the "bowl" method, the logs fit better together, and therefore there is less chance of cracks in the walls. Moss is laid between the logs, which is abundant in the taiga. And wet moss is much better than dry. Dry moss crumbles and is blown away by the wind, while wet moss lays down well. Don't worry that the moisture from the moss will contribute to rotting, everything will soon dry out on its own, along with our damp logs. Moreover, the moss contains a lot of natural preservatives that slow down the decay of the tree. You should sew the crowns of your taiga winter hut well! Moss is not worth regretting at all! Otherwise, it may not be pleasant for you at all, since in winter every tiny crack brings a lot of problems when cold air is blown into it.

The photo shows an example of crowns folded according to the "half-tree" method and their removal. It can be seen that the first crown is covered with earth and longitudinal grooves are made at the logs.

Longitudinal grooves are not necessary at all. In this photo they were taken with a chainsaw, but you are unlikely to have it available. You can just cut it off with an ax and put more moss on this place. Actually, the whole point is in the moss, the more of it, the better!

How many logs will be required for construction? Well, in general, a lot, but this, of course, is not the answer, and therefore let's calculate with you. The height of the walls will be, roughly speaking, 180 cm, i.e. so that a person of average height does not have to bend down. Divide 180 by 20 and get 9 logs per wall. Multiply by 4 walls = 36 logs. But after all, the winter hut must still have both a roof and a floor. This will require boards, about them later.

It is difficult to say how many logs for boards will be required. If you cut down a forest with a margin, then this residue will come in handy somewhere else. The forest will not become very poor, given that you will cut mainly as a sanitary felling. Also, do not forget about windows with doors - for them you will need to make cuts in the logs, and it would be desirable to fix the logs themselves with a spike. To do this, you will need to drill through the logs and hammer a wooden spike into this hole so that the logs do not disperse.

How to make boards?

Naturally, you will not have the opportunity to buy boards and bring them into the forest, and this is useless. Boards are made on site. To do this, it will be necessary to select the most straight-layered trees, without twisting and bending the trunk. For the manufacture of boards, only an ax is required, and everything else is already done with it. You will need to cut a couple of wedges with which you will chop the log. The board obtained by this method is called "Dran". First, with an ax we make small incisions at the base of the trunk, and then with the butt of the same ax we simply drive our stakes there, in turn: first one, then the second. So that the stakes touch the entire diameter of the trunk. And with this method, carefully, we dissolve the log into boards that will be much stronger than those sawn with a saw, because all the fibers are preserved, but we prick along them. You can also use a wooden sledgehammer instead of an ax, then the blows will be softer.

In the photo, the boards are sawn with a chainsaw, but it will look about the same.

In the photo, Karelian Robinson Victor from the Peterhunt forum

How to make a roof?

The roofs of the winter quarters are of two types: with and without an attic. Attic roofs are single-pitched and gable. In principle, you can build any of them. Below you can see examples of these roofs.

Roof with attic

Roof without attic

Roof with attic, shed

What is an attic for? Firstly, it can be used as a pantry, putting various things there, to dry herbs in the summer. Secondly, the attic is warmer, especially when the attic is closed, as the roof becomes smaller and warm air rises. And the lower the roof, the easier it is to keep warm in such a winter hut. Most hunters build their winter quarters with an attic. But without an attic it is easier to build, this will require much less material.

The attic roof is, in fact, two roofs: one is located at an angle of 90 ° to the walls, and the second is already above it. From the bottom photo, we see that the first roof can be laid not even with boards, but directly with small logs or their halves.

Moss will also need to be laid between the logs, and earth should be poured on top or covered with roofing material (polyethylene). But for an intermediate roof (ceiling), a film is not at all necessary. The photo below shows mineral wool, but instead of it there will be moss and earth. In the photo we see two vertical supports attached to the walls with brackets, a roof ridge and 6 sleds.

Boards are laid on top of the slegs, and without much beauty, since it will be necessary to cover the top with a film. It is difficult to drag the roofing material, so you can take a plastic film instead. The main thing is to protect from rain, and the lower roof will protect you from heat transfer. To lay the floor in the same way from the same cloth.

Winter hut oven

The most important element of any taiga winter hut is a stove. Without it, the winter hut will protect only from the wind, but it will be impossible to live in it. Most often, hunters use iron stoves. Some even make their own from scrap materials. What is good iron stove? The fact that it quickly gives heat. When the hunter came from the road, he needs to quickly heat the hut and cook food. With a brick stove, this would be much more difficult, because you had to wait until it warmed up. An iron stove is good for a winter hut, but not for a residential one, in which a person plans to live happily ever after. Because the iron stove both heats up quickly and cools down quickly, and you have to get up every hour to add firewood, otherwise the house can cool down quickly. Therefore, for a settled life, you will need a good brick oven or, at worst, you will have to properly line the iron oven with bricks / stones. But it is better to spend time and still build a brick oven. The thermal conductivity of brick, like stone, is low, and therefore it heats up slowly and, of course, cools slowly. It is worth being patient for a while while the stove is heated, but then you will sleep like a baby until the morning.

For a small winter hut, it is not at all necessary to build a large Russian stove with benches and different compartments. Enough to build a small one. Here is an example of such a small brick oven in the next photo.

As you can see, not so many bricks are needed to make a furnace. Above is the cooking surface. This will be quite enough for a small taiga wintering hermit. You can, of course, have more if you wish. The only question is the material. Where to get a brick for the oven? You can make it yourself from clay and assemble an oven from raw bricks.

In principle, I told you all the main things, in any case, you will have to gain your experience and rely only on your own strength. Somewhere you decide to do it your own way, but somewhere you make mistakes. Learn from mistakes. The main thing is to learn the basics and have an idea about the construction in your head, and then it's up to you.

The night sounds of the forest, the cozy crackle of a fire and sparks flying up to the starry sky... Perhaps there is not a single person who will not be touched by such a picture. The romance of distant wanderings, halts with lodging for the night in the wilderness, hunters, fishing huts, many read adventure novels in childhood, which tells about this way of life. But there are many people for whom such romance is an integral part of their everyday life. Geologists, fishermen, commercial hunters. It is about such fishermen and how they live in the taiga that will be discussed further.

life in taiga

Of course, life and work in the taiga does not consist of only romantic moments. This is hard, daily work, and there is very little time left for romance. Nevertheless, a person needs rest from time to time. Eat, sleep, and if we are talking about the rainy season or winter, which is very severe in the Siberian taiga? You need somewhere to dry off, warm up, cook food. After all, you won’t clear the area from deep snow every time for a fire. Yes, and supplies need to be stored somewhere, and for this you need a dugout or a hut in the taiga, the photo of which is presented in this article.


The simplest and fastest solution would be to build a dugout. Yes, the equipment of such a shelter does not require much time, any special skills and significant efforts. It is also warm enough. But there are many downsides as well. In such a shelter it is dark, damp and it is quite problematic to equip a normal stove for heating. The dugout is more suitable for a temporary shelter. After all, a fisherman bypassing his site will often need places to sleep. Moreover, the area of ​​​​the site can be of such size that a complete detour will last not one day or two, but a week or more. In this case, temporary dugouts are arranged at a distance of a day's march. Well, as the main dwelling, a real taiga dweller will definitely build a log hut in the taiga.

taiga hut

There is no point in arguing about the advantages of a log cabin as a winter hut. It will perfectly protect from autumn slush and winter cold. It is dry, warm, light and definitely more comfortable and cozy than in a dugout. In addition, a wooden hut will serve not only as protection from weather conditions, but also from wild animals. In general, both a hunter-fisherman and an ordinary hermit who has chosen unity with nature as the main housing instead of human fuss, and any sane person will prefer a log building.

Before building a hut in the taiga

Before starting and building a log house, one should not forget that any land has its own owner. And if you don’t want to find the ashes some time after returning to the hut, or even be detained and fined, you first need to meet with this owner and get permission to cut down the forest and build a hut. It can be any hunting economy, forestry or similar organization. Better to be in trouble with the law.

Location selection

So, permission has been received, and the next step is to choose a place for future construction. It is desirable that it be a small clearing near a reservoir or at least some source of water. If such a clearing could not be found, then you will have to independently clear a place for construction. Felled trees are immediately useful as building material, and knots and branches will go to firewood. You will have to suffer a little with the stumps left after cutting down, but no one in their right mind will manually uproot the stumps. Better to burn them. You also need to take into account the fact that tall and dry trees are not close to the hunting hut in the taiga, since they can fall from a strong wind and overwhelm the building. We must not forget that it is impossible to build a hut in a lowland due to dampness and possible flooding. It is not necessary to build a building on a bare hill, because due to its being blown by cold winds there will be a problem with heat saving. And in general, taiga housing, if not necessarily carefully disguised, then more or less hidden from prying eyes its worth it. And you never know, different people can roam the taiga.

Selection of trees for construction

Usually the construction of huts in the taiga comes from coniferous trees. Of course, larch would be more suitable, since it rots much more slowly than conifers, but it still needs to be found in sufficient quantities. As a last resort, from hardwood lay out the first crown of trees, and then continue with conifers. Cedar is also perfect for this purpose, since in a hut with cedar walls the air has a healing effect. No need to choose very thick trees. It will be quite enough logs with a thickness of fifteen to twenty-five centimeters. Practice shows that a raw pine log up to 25 cm thick and up to 4 m long will weigh about 120 kg. And since you will not lift the whole log, but only one of its edges, then such a weight will be quite feasible for an adult and healthy man. If, nevertheless, such a weight seems heavy, you can choose thinner trees. Of course, in this case, they will need more.

Log house laying

So, we start laying the log cabin of the future hut in the taiga. The first crown can be placed immediately on the ground, but it will be much more reliable to dig a recess of fifty centimeters around the perimeter, and fill it with medium-sized stones for two-thirds. The stones are to be rammed, and the first crown is already laid on top. For the first 2-3 crowns, it is better to use thicker logs. Before laying the logs must be cleaned of bark. There are several ways to stack logs. The most famous are in the paw, in the bowl and in half a tree. The easiest way to build a hut in the taiga is cutting half a tree. In this case, the grooves in the logs are not made at the corners, but the floor of the log is simply removed, and the trunk treated in the same way is placed on top. Here you can also drill a hole in the logs and additionally secure them with a wooden spike. Cutting into a bowl looks a little more complicated. In this case, a transverse hollow is hollowed out in the upper log, with which it lies across the lower log. If desired, here you can also strengthen the logs with spikes, but this is not so necessary, since the crowns themselves turn out to be well fixed. Well, the last way - cutting in the paw. This is the most complicated method and without some carpentry training, a beginner will not be able to do it. By the way, in places where there will be windows and a door, despite the longitudinal hollow in the logs, it is imperative to strengthen the joints with wooden spikes. Since in most cases hunting lodges are built from raw wood, in order to avoid significant deformation of the walls after drying, it is desirable, despite the type of log house, to additionally strengthen the logs with spikes. Well, the walls are more or less clear. But there are also windows, doors, floor, ceiling and roof. Building a hut in the taiga without boards is possible, but it will no longer be quite a hut. And where in the forest can I get boards? Do not carry with you. You will have to make them yourself.

We make boards

Of course, we do not have to rely on even and relatively smooth boards that are made at sawmills. Nevertheless, the product is quite similar to them and which is not ashamed to be called a board, we are quite capable of making it. All that is required for this is only a sharp ax, and for greater convenience, you can make a wooden sledgehammer. It is necessary to choose a tree that is straight, without large knots and twists of the trunk, cut a few wooden wedges, make a small notch at the base of the trunk and drive a wooden wedge there, gradually splitting the log along the fibers. A second incision is made nearby and a wedge is driven in again. Further, the whole deck is split into boards, or, as they are called, shreds. By the way, these boards have much more strength than those made at the sawmill in the usual way, since they are not damaged. wood fibers. In this way, you can secure yourself necessary quantity boards for the construction of the roof, doors, floor and other necessary details.


A hut in the taiga can have either a single or a double roof with an attic. Single - it is done faster and easier, but with an attic it is many times more convenient and practical. Firstly, in the hut it becomes many times warmer, and secondly, there is an additional place for storing various things, supplies. In the warm season, you can dry hay and all kinds of herbs there. The roof is made as follows. First, the ceiling is laid out from the shreds. The gaps between the boards are caulked with moss. From above, you can sprinkle it with earth or cover it with plastic wrap. Further, in front and behind the hut, two supports are attached from above, a ridge rests on them and on the sides, two or three slabs on each side. Then we cover the entire structure with shreds, we also caulk the cracks with moss, you don’t need to feel sorry for the moss, and on top everything is covered with plastic wrap. It is not heavy, and you can take it with you in sufficient quantities.


The stove is one of the most basic internal elements of a hunting hut in the taiga. It happens in two types, metal (potbelly stove) or brick. The stove can be heated both in black (without a chimney), which is extremely inconvenient, and in white - with a chimney. Installing a metal potbelly stove is quite simple and does not require any special skills. building brick oven- the matter is not very simple, and besides, you first need to make it from clay, which can be found near the nearest reservoir. In terms of its qualities, a potbelly stove differs from a brick one in that it heats up very quickly. Accordingly, the room quickly warms up from it. But after the fire goes out, it cools down just as quickly. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor that the fire does not go out. But the brick oven, on the contrary, warms up the room not so quickly, but it also cools down much longer, as a result, the heat does not leave the room for a long time. The stove is best placed in the middle of the room. So it will warm up the hut faster and more evenly, plus it will be convenient to dry things around it. Yes, and in terms of fire protection, this accommodation option is safer. Photos of hunting huts in the taiga with and without a stove can be easily found and viewed in the article.

Mice and larger animals

The hut should be equipped with a tightly closed door, locked from the inside, to prevent the free access of wild animals. Also, hooks for hanging supplies should be equipped on the ceiling inside, since by placing them on shelves or hanging on the wall, you risk losing everything, because the mice are excellent acrobats, and in this case they can easily get to the food. For catching mice, you can use one and a half liter plastic bottles. They need to be strengthened at an angle near the corner and the wall with the neck up. The mouse will surely climb inside the bottle, but it will not be able to get out.

Unwritten rules of behavior in hunting huts

For a long time there have been unwritten rules for those who hunt in the taiga and hunting huts, left unattended for some time, in accordance with these rules, they must have a supply of firewood, salt, matches and essentials. It is not customary to lock such houses. The door must be tightly closed, but not locked. Perhaps someday someone will be able to save their life thanks to this. Also, if you need to spend the night in such a hut, behave decently in it, as if visiting a good friend. Do not litter, be careful with other people's property. Before leaving, clean up after yourself, hang supplies from the ceiling, and if you have your own with you, do not take the master's. Refresh your wood supply. The hunter's hut in the taiga must be ready to meet the next wanderer. Also someday some traveler - taiga will take care of your house. In the taiga, it is customary to help and rescue each other.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? For experienced hunters-fishers, this is not difficult. Passionate about their work or their favorite pastime, people build cozy and warm houses in the deep forest with everything necessary for spending the night along the way or even staying for some time if an unforeseen situation happened.


Any hunter-fisherman who has a piece of forest at his disposal sets up a network of winter quarters. Usually the network consists of the main hut, where you can live permanently, and small winter quarters, where you can spend the night along the way. Therefore, the distance between winter quarters should be equal to one day's march.

The main purpose of the hunter's hut is a roof over his head and strong walls that can hide from severe frost, an evil blizzard, torrential wind (a common option for wall insulation with moss is shown in the figure below) and the dangers of the night taiga (including bears, so you need to think about additional house protection). In the winter hut there is always some durable food and a supply of firewood for a week. The doors in such houses are not closed so that every hunter, forester, mushroom picker or tourist who gets lost in the taiga can survive in harsh conditions.

By the way, not only hunters live in small huts, but also hermits or indigenous peoples of the north, who know how to build a hut in the forest very quickly. More often, of course, it is the hunters-traders who are engaged in the construction of winter quarters.

Site preparation for construction

How to build a winter hut in the forest with your own hands? First of all, you need to pay attention to finding a suitable place for building a house. The main enemies of the hunting base are people and bears. It is desirable that the house in general be accessible only to the person who built it, at most - to his immediate environment (friends, relatives).

You need to build in a secluded place. The hut should not stand on the banks of the river, on a path or road, the house should not be visible from vehicles passing nearby. So, a remote site is required. Separately, it is necessary to take into account the visibility of the space, depending on the presence or absence of foliage on the trees. These rules are difficult to comply with in relatively populated areas. In general, a fishing hut hidden from prying eyes can only be in a deserted and wild taiga, it is very difficult to hide in other forests.

The house should not be visible from the air. It is desirable that a helicopter could not land nearby. For this, logs for construction are taken not entirely near the hut, but part is nearby, the rest - in other places. The most reliable way to hide the house better is to move 20-25 kilometers away from the nearest road. This is about a day's march.

The approach to the winter hut from a relatively visited place should not stand out in any way. There should be no path or road. The path to the hunting lodge can run, for example, over stones in the bed of a dry stream or through a spruce forest, where a springy bedding of pine needles lies under your feet. Some especially cautious hunters even go to their winter hut by a different path each time.

It is advisable to choose a place on a small edge, protected from strong winds, in a pit. This will protect the lower crowns from heavy torrential rains and spring floods. In no case should you build a hut in a ravine. It is permissible to build a house only on a small hill or flat terrain. Nearby there should be a source of clean drinking water (stream or river).

Selection and preparation of materials

How to build a hunting house in the forest? The construction site must be cleared, if necessary. The forest will go to the crowns, and the stumps are usually burned out. The first crown of a small hut is best made from larch, because this tree rots more slowly than the rest. If there is no larch nearby, then from what is. Under the crown, you can put stones or put logs immediately on the ground.

The main material for building a house is coniferous trees. Pine and larch are great, but spruce or fir, cedar can also be used. Cedar can be felled without mercy, because thinning sanitary felling clears space for stronger and larger trees. Thick trees don't fit optimal diameter- 15-25 cm. The first few crowns are best made from thicker logs, and then use less thick ones.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands, that is, without anyone's help? It's more difficult, but quite possible. Logs can be dragged to the construction site alone. Experienced taiga residents say that raw pine (25 cm in diameter) will weigh about 40 kg per meter. For one person, a length of 3-4 meters is enough. A four-meter log will weigh about 120 kg.

There is no need to lift the whole log, it is easier to drag it with a drag. It's hard, but it's doable for one person. If it’s very difficult, then you can cut thinner trees, but then more materials will be needed in quantitative terms. The figure below shows how to fell a tree.

How many materials will be required for construction? The optimal height of the walls is 180 cm. So a person of average height will not have to bend down. It turns out 9 logs per wall (180: 20 = 9). Four walls - 36 logs. Additionally, wood is needed for the floor and roof. The forest can be cut with a margin.

Different methods of laying crowns

How to build a hut? From prepared materials, that is, logs, you first need to remove the bark. A sharpened shovel is used for debarking, taiga ax or scraper. At the beginning of May, the bark already departs well, but it is still better to use trees harvested in winter. Dried logs are harder to handle, but much lighter.

Crowns can be laid "in the paw" or "in the bowl." A simpler option is “in half a tree”. The "in the bowl" method allows you to achieve a better fit of the logs to each other, that is, the likelihood of cracks is significantly reduced. Moss is placed between the logs. It is better to use it raw, because it does not crumble, dries along with the logs and is a natural preservative that will slow down the decay of the tree. Moss needs to be used more so that no gaps remain.

Additionally, you need to strengthen the corners and window shutters. In the dense taiga forests, bears live, which often break the house precisely “from the corner”. To the wall, window sills, along the corners, behind the threshold and on the threshold, boards with bristling points are often laid. Hunters call them "hedgehogs".

How to make floor and roof boards

How to build a hunting hut in the forest? The walls are just the beginning. Next, you need to lay the floor, make windows and doors, build a roof. For the floor you need boards that are made on site. You need to pick straight-layered trees. The log must be carefully dissolved on the boards. First, small cuts are made with an ax at the base of the trunk, then wedges are hammered into it so that they touch the entire diameter of the log. These boards are much stronger than sawn boards because the fibers are retained.

Floor insulation and boarding

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? After the walls were erected, it was left to the floor and the roof. Floorboards are not laid on damp ground. The bottom layer is covered with loose earth or sand mixed with moss, stones different sizes, polyethylene or any available insulation. Moss is again laid directly under the boards so that there are no gaps.

How to build and insulate a roof

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? The most difficult thing for inexperienced hunters who started building a winter hut is the roof. Roofs are single-pitched and double-pitched, with or without an attic. It is better to build with an attic, because in summer you can dry herbs there, and in winter it is warmer. At any time of the year, the attic can be used as a storage room.

The attic roof can be laid not with boards, but with small logs or halves. Moss should be laid between them, and earth should be poured on top and covered with polyethylene. For an intermediate roof (this is the floor of the attic), the film is optional, but then you need to use more moss to protect well from rain. The cold is no longer so terrible, because due to the roof attic, in fact, two are obtained.

How to quickly build a hut in the forest? If you need to build a house quickly, then you can build an ordinary roof without an attic, but it will be colder in such a room. From above, it is better to lay logs with moss and cover them with earth in order to somehow keep more heat inside.

If desired and if necessary, you can mask the roof with a special camouflage net. This can also be done on your own. You need any mesh for weaving the base (rope or fishing line, but not fishing line, because this design will not last long), pieces of moss, leaves, rags, dense ribbons of dark green, gray, brown or white color. Camouflage elements are woven into the structure of the network. It is desirable to tie each one not in the center, but with a tendency to asymmetry.

The stove is the main element of any winter hut

How to build a hunting house with your own hands? The roof, floor and walls are there. Why not a house? But still, the main element of any hunting lodge is a stove. Otherwise, the hut will protect only from the wind, and it will be impossible to spend the night in it. Hunters often use iron stoves, which quickly give heat, but just as quickly cool down. We'll have to throw up firewood every hour so that the whole house does not cool down.

Brick ovens take longer to heat up, but retain heat better. For a settled life, a good brick stove is required, but an iron stove can be overlaid with bricks and stones. This will keep the heat in for much longer. You don’t need a lot of bricks, it’s enough to build a small oven with hob for convenient food preparation.

How to quickly build a hut? How long does this process generally take? Construction takes from several weeks to months. Much depends on the skill of the hunter in carpentry, because the main material (wood) is harvested on site. A person, even without a special tool, but with great practical experience, will build a hunting lodge quite quickly, but sometimes it happens that the whole day is spent on fitting the groove of one crown.

After the construction of the furnace, you can proceed to internal work. In the winter hut, you need light from a lamp or a kerosene lamp, but you must strictly follow the safety rules, because the housing is wooden. You also need to leave a supply of food and chop firewood.

Important Legal Issues

All land where forest-type vegetation is located, areas without forest, but created for its restoration (glades, clearings), lands in the forest and next to it belong to the state. The federal government develops forestry policy, sends out documents to the field, maintains a cadastre of forest lands and makes a decision to change the category of plots.

Is it possible to build a hut in the forest? Officially, a building plot in the forest can only be obtained if the category of land is changed. In the constituent entities, this is done by the Department of Forestry, and the transfer of land in the undelimited territory is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To re-register the land, you need to collect a large package of documents that will be considered at the local, subject and federal levels. The entire process can take up to a year or more. The process is complex and long. There are no guarantees of results with self-submission.

In many cases, land for construction in the forest is easier to rent for 10-49 years. The tenant's responsibilities include improving the condition of the land, recultivating the soil, environmentally friendly nature management, and making timely payments. On the leased land, you can grow seedlings, conduct scientific research, collect healing herbs and edible resources, establish apiaries, hunt, cut down trees.

Free use of forest areas is possible. Upon application, you can get a plot for a period specified in the legislation (usually up to 10 years). Religious servants, northern peoples, ordinary people for a certain type of activity (beekeepers can use land for up to 5 years), employees of organizations close to forest protection and defense have the right to use land free of charge.

Hunting cabins outlawed?

The issue of building winter quarters on an undelimited territory is an imperfection of the legislation. Hunters-traders work under a contract and quite officially, hunting or fishing plots are assigned to them. In these territories, it is permissible to erect temporary residential buildings for spending the night. Another thing is if the houses are used illegally (by poachers) or for year-round use.

It turns out that it is possible to build a winter hut in the forest, although the current legislation on this issue is still ambiguous. But for the construction of a house intended for long-term residence, you need to rent or buy land, and only then begin construction.

Of course, there are many illegal structures in Russian forests. Some of them are even used for year-round living, but they were built by no one knows who and when, they are not registered anywhere, which means that they are illegal and have no owner. Such buildings can be appropriated or demolished with impunity.

"Today we will go to the remote taiga to build a hunting lodge. A small hut in the forest serves as a second home to the hunter and he must build it himself, with his own hands. The story and photo of the taiga hunter, as well as his friend Maxim with whom they built a hunting hut together ... The winter hut is built at a great distance from the permanent settlement of people in the depths of an impenetrable taiga or forest, where human life is least present, where the beast is not frightened by people .

The main purpose of the hunting hut is, of course, a roof over the hunter's head, strong and reliable walls that can shelter the taiga from severe frost, heavy rain and an evil blizzard, the taiga has its own laws and they are very severe! In the hut, the traveler can rest, warm up and kindle the stove, cook a meal, as well as sleep and gain strength.

By the way, they do not hang locks on such houses, but only cover the door .. -You ask why? The answer is simple .. so that every person, be it a hunter, fisherman, tourist, mushroom picker, lost, could simply survive in harsh conditions. In the winter hut there is always a supply of firewood for at least a week, some food (stew, canned food, cereals, salt and matches). If you had to survive in a hunting hut and she saved you, then please replenish your supply of firewood and provisions if possible, who knows with whom else misfortune may happen in the taiga.

Choosing a place for construction occurs as follows, the first step is to choose the most suitable place in the forest, preferably on a small edge protected from strong winds. There must be a source of clean drinking water nearby, whether it be a stream or a river, because in case of illness a person could get to the water and not perish from dehydration. The hut should be located on a small hill in the pit, preferably of natural origin, this will protect the lower crowns from spring floods and heavy torrential rains. In no case should you build a dwelling in a ravine, only on a flat area or elevation.

The hunting hut lasts from several weeks to a month, it all depends on the skills and craftsmanship of a person in carpentry. The material for the construction is taken naturally on the spot, the best way is to harvest pine, larch, and the lower very first crown should be cut from oak and put on oak stumps dug into the ground - this is a kind of columnar foundation. Cutting a log house is oh .., not simple and delicate .., I'll tell you friends) Sometimes it can take all day to fit the groove of just one crown. Types of connecting logs are of several types (paw, dovetail) Harvesting of wood, logs felled and cleared of branches and branches must be cleaned of bark without fail, because various “friends” live under the bark who will grind off your logs if you do not. The cleaned wood must dry!!! Raw log house will warp! The mezhventsovy joint a groove is warmed with freshly picked and damp moss, WET MOSS!!! The height of the hut is mostly small, so that a person of average height can stand in height (an example is like in a bathhouse, the same) The roof is strictly gable covered with a light roofing material(roofing material, mica, if possible metal)

This is the heart of a hunting hut, it will warm in inclement and frosty weather, dry clothes that are soaked to the skin, and you can also cook food on it. Basically, hunters put light metal stoves in winter huts and cover them with stones collected in the vicinity, thus increasing the efficiency of the stove, namely, the heated stones then slowly and evenly give off heat. But if it is not possible to deliver the stove deep into the forest, then you will have to lay it yourself out of stone and clay.

And so on, let's move on to the stand of the winter hut built by one of the taiga hunters and his friend Maxim. background it all started back in 1995, the older and middle generations remember those terrible years very well, when everyone survived as best they could, so my friend Maxim and I were still teenagers of 15-16 years old at that time and began to master the profession of a commercial hunter, caught game in The taiga lived by this, they gathered cranberries, blueberries, mushrooms, nuts, the taiga generously endowed us and took care of us in its own way. With Max, far from our village, we built our first hut, it’s better to call it even a hut, because we knocked it together from poles, boards, and stuffed it with old blankets inside, in winter it certainly froze through the horse, but we really liked it even despite all shortcomings. Many years have passed since then and we grew up, we started families ourselves, but we don’t forget that native place where our hut stood, and in 2009 we decided to put a capital hut there. In the photo, the owner of the hut and his friend Maxim.
The place where the hut was located has not been visited by anyone for a long time, and some hooligans set fire to the building itself. It hurts to watch, of course, but hoping for the best, we start building, clearing the clearing.
At the place where the hut stood there is a small depression, the first crown of larch was cut down, it is resistant to moisture, and before that oak logs were dug in as a foundation.
Then we immediately proceed to the formation doorway.
Sawing logs with a chainsaw "Partner" worked for 14 hours a day without breakdowns, checked the inexpensive tool for strength, the saw did not let us down)
The weather was not always sunny, on the second day of work it began to rain and I had to hastily make a canopy from galvanized sheet.
It began to rain a little, but we continued to work.
The rain dispersed and we had to put on chemical protection raincoats and work on, because we didn’t have much time, and there was a lot of work ahead.

And now the outlines of the future hut are already visible, the log house was connected into a dovetail, but it turned out what happened)

In parallel, the creation of the roof and the truss system of the hut was going on.
The markup was made with a homemade tool, called a "line"

First, a longitudinal groove is cut, then transverse cuts and are selected with an ax.
We cut transverse cuts.
Freshly picked wet moss is laid between the crowns. Attention! Moss should not contain foreign materials (sticks, twigs, etc.) only pure moss!
The board was delivered from mainland, namely, on a timber truck, friends threw it to the nearest quarry, and then Maxim and I dragged boards on ourselves through the forest, only 65 pieces, it was very hard and it took us 4 whole days. 17 forty and 48 inch. Sorokovka on the floors and ceiling, inch on the roof sheathing, bunks, table, benches.
The floors, the ceiling are laid and we move on to rafter system, roof in two slopes. There is a lot of snow in the taiga in winter, and if you make one slope, it can crush the boards, and it’s much more reliable.
Then we move on to sawing a window opening in the wall of the hut, glass with a frame was found in one of the abandoned quarries, so they adjusted it to the finished frame.

In autumn, there is an abundance of mushrooms in the taiga, which are just not there: boletus, boletus, porcini, mushrooms, there are even podolkhovniki (see the photo below) grow in alder thickets.
We lay the boards close to each other and immediately make a hole for the outlet of the chimney.
Furnace and chimney installed.
We pass to the second half of the roof. Pay attention to the door! It is small in size, this is done so that the hut does not get cold when opened, but it is better to cut down a small canopy or woodcutter before entering the hut.
We saw off the excess protruding parts of the rafters with a chainsaw.
Soon Maxim left and the owners completed the hut together.
A magnificent woman, she helps her husband build a hunting hut, a real wife!
We coat the joints of the roofing material with molten tar.
Installed the stove, flooded, everything is just fine)
After the construction was completed, it was urgently necessary to return home to the city, because a lot of work had accumulated during the absence and rest in the forest. My wife and I returned to the taiga only in autumn with the opening of duck hunting. Arriving at the place, the first thing they examined was the hut, were there any guests, was everything in place, surprisingly it was in perfect order, it just often happens that the beast is naughty, or ignorant passers-by) It was in the evening, there was nothing to do, they took pictures for memory, melted oven, had dinner and went to bed until morning, and at 4 o'clock went hunting to the lake.

In the morning we moved to the lake, along the way we took photos against the backdrop of the rising sun.
Returning from the hunt, they kindled the stove, prepared a meal, hung the clothes to dry. wife went to bed, and I took care of the housework)
While I had free time, I took up the insulation of the ceiling and the sealing of the pipe, chimney sprinkled with loam from under the uprooted larch.
The embankment was made in this way, everything is fireproof.
It remains to sew up the attic of the hut with a board, so that strong wind did not blow out cotton wool and did not flood with rain and snow.
We managed to build such a winter hut in the taiga forest, now it has become very convenient and comfortable to go fishing and hunting, there is a place where to relax, warm up and spend the night, you don’t need to carry a tent with you. Thus, one more hunting hut in the taiga became more.

Every child needs toys for their full development. You don't have to buy them from the store. It is enough to know how to make the same house with your own hands in order to please your baby with a new toy, with which he will fiddle and not make noise for a long time.

Most available material for manufacturing - cardboard, paper, plasticine. But you can also make a house out of pumpkins, chestnuts, zucchini, eggplant, clothespins and various shoe boxes, household appliances and appliances.

What kind of house can you make

You can see a lot of photos on the theme of crafts "House". The following wonderful toys for your child are made from improvised means:

  • Hut on Chicken Legs - from clothespins;
  • Hut of the Old Man-Lesovichka;
  • Hut in a clearing, decorated with chestnuts;
  • Forester's hut made of natural materials;
  • Build a pumpkin house
  • Using twigs, weave a teremok.

There are a lot of ideas and all kinds of instructions for making houses, fantasy is limitless. A little skill, patience - and the craft will be ready!

Consider the most popular models and try to make them together.

Understanding what these toys can be made of and how to start this simple process, you can make a work of art. Let the house be far from perfect the first time, but every time everything will turn out better and better!

A hut on chicken legs

Children love fairy tale characters. And they will be happy to help in making a house for their beloved Baba Yaga. For such a craft, we need the following components:

  • dried moss;
  • Open spruce or pine cones;
  • Pre-prepared (ironed) leaves;
  • dry berries;
  • Clothespins;
  • Plasticine;
  • Glue.

We make a Hut on Chicken Legs with our own hands

We will show a simple scheme by which you can assemble this beautiful house for Baba Yaga. You can use other patterns, but this one is the simplest and will not cause difficulties in making either an adult or a child.

So, step by step instructions:

  • We disassemble the chips and glue the house. It is best to use "liquid nails" for this;
  • We install the assembled Hut of Baba Yaga on a cardboard, glue the space around it with moss;
  • Glue the berries on the roof. We also place the remains of moss there;
  • We paint the cones in green color, glue them also to the cardboard. These will be our Christmas trees;
  • We sculpt a variety of animals - bunnies, squirrels from plasticine.

The scenery and the creation of the atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest are important here, because we are creating the hut of Baba Yaga, which, according to the fairy tale, is located in a place inaccessible to outsiders.

Hut of the Old Man-Lesovichka

Making such a house together with a child can take several days. Such a joint pastime brings the parent and his child together. So what can such a craft be made of?

Let's list the main components that we need, and start the process:

  • You will need confectionery packaging from under the cake or cookies. We decorate it with the remnants of old wallpaper, create an autumn forest background. With the help of matches, acorns, cones, we make forest dwellers - Lesovichka himself and his friend hedgehog.
  • We make a house out of a kefir box, glue the walls themselves to create the effect of logs with large dill sticks. The hedgehog will live under stumps, which can be made from cut branches.
  • We make the path leading from the house to the pond with the help of colored semolina and bean grains. We create the effect of water with the help of colored paper, pebbles - with the help of plum stones.
  • We decorate the forest and the clearing with pieces of moss, dry twigs and leaves.

Hut in the meadow

We will conduct another master class on crafts on the theme "House". This time the design will be more complicated, and the pleasure can be stretched for a long time.

For this we need:

  • Scotch;
  • Cardboard box;
  • A couple of kilograms of chestnuts;
  • dry branches;
  • Glue;
  • Berries;
  • Pen;
  • Multi-colored fallen leaves;
  • Scissors;
  • Needles;
  • Wire.

Hut in the clearing: we make it step by step

We start the next production of crafts together with our child, we instill in him useful skills and curiosity.

We assemble this toy in the following sequence:

We make the foundation on which our house will stand. To do this, use a cardboard box. We prepare a square of 400x400 mm. We cut out the elements of the house from cardboard, connect them with adhesive tape. We attach to the base.

From pieces of snow-white paper we cut out windows and doors. Glue. Draw curtains by hand. We decorate all the walls with chestnuts. We make the design of the roof and the ground around the house, using colorful leaves, needles and berries.

Thus, it is possible to make a house from almost any material, connecting the necessary components into one with adhesive tape and glue. Or - cut from pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant.

On the Internet there are many manuals and master classes on this topic. Many lessons are accompanied by excellent explanations of what and how to do in order to assemble a good and high-quality toy.

A new joint pastime will delight the child, and he will enthusiastically help in collecting it for a long time. And then - have fun playing!

Photo crafts houses
