Preparation required first plastic bottles with the same shape and volume. Their number should be enough to cover the selected area. Usually 25 bottles is enough for a small flower bed.

Some design solutions suggest the use of bottles of different sizes.

All stickers from the surface of the bottle must be removed. In case of difficulty, the sticker can be moistened with water. Plugs must be removed. Otherwise, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, the bottle will begin to deform.

A simple flower bed of plastic bottles can be made in any shape

Further actions:

  1. The choice of the shape of the future flower bed and its size. Traditional optionround form. Plastic bottles make it possible to create a flower garden of any other shape.
  2. Choosing a place for a flower bed (part of the garden or area near the house).
  3. Marking with twine. Dig a small trench along the given lines. Lay a film of polyethylene nearby and pour dug earth on it.
  4. Installing bottles upside down in a trench around the perimeter of the flower bed. Above the ground, it is necessary to leave a part of the bottles about 10 cm.
  5. Alignment of borders with a metal rim from a bicycle. It is placed from the inside of the bottle wall. Possible use hard drive or pelvis.
  6. In order for the circle to have the correct shape, the bottles are pressed tightly against the rim. The outer perimeter of the flower bed is covered with earth and tamped down.
  7. The rim is removed and earth is poured into the flower bed. Now you can plant any flowers in it.
: decorate the garden with multi-colored "cockerels".

Read about planting and growing garden balsam.

Design nuances

Beautiful appearance flower beds are achieved by the following methods:

  1. It doesn't matter how big the bottles are. The main thing is the same shape and size. If there are not enough bottles of one container, different containers must be distributed symmetrically.
  2. Painted bottles will make the flower bed brighter. You can paint them both outside and inside. Interior painting is more complicated, but more practical. It is necessary to pour in enamel paint 10 cm high. Loosen the paint and pour it into the next bottle.

Flower bed in a container

Base selection

This is a different kind of flower bed made from plastic bottles. Its basis is the total capacity. The size of the flower bed will depend on its size. In this capacity, for example:

  • car tires stacked;
  • a large old saucepan or basin;
  • bucket.

Sequence of operations

After selecting the main tank, the following actions are performed:

  1. Plastering the container with a cement-sand mortar (2: 1). The thickness of the layer should be convenient for “sticking” bottlenecks into it. It is not necessary to plaster the entire container at once due to the rapid setting of the cement.
  2. Particular care should be taken only with the bottom layer of bottles. He will support the top ranks. It is important to stack the bottles in a checkerboard pattern so that the flower bed comes out neat.
  3. Be sure to wait for the solution with the bottle necks fixed in it to dry. If you plant flowers in a still damp flower bed, it may collapse.
  4. After filling the container with soil, the necks should be decorated. To do this, you can use any material at hand - cones, pebbles, moss, etc.
  5. The lower part of the bottle flower bed is filled with drainage from stones, pieces of expanded clay, brick, etc. The top is covered with fertile soil.
  6. If there is no bottom (tires) in the flower bed, there will be no stagnant water. If there is a bottom, drainage holes are made in it to drain excess water into the ground.
  7. A flower bed with a bottom can always be moved to another place.

What to plant

Decorating a flower bed with plants is a creative process. For tall bottles, ampelous plants are suitable: sulfinia, fuchsia, lobelia, petunia, ampelous geranium, begonia, etc.

Find out about choosing a variety, planting and caring for foxglove at.

Other ideas

animal motif

Volumetric plastic bottles (5-6 liters and more) are used for container beds in the form of various animals: elephants, piglets, hedgehogs, mice, etc.

Using a knife or large scissors, cut off one side of the bottle. Fill the hole with earth. Flowers or grass are planted in it.

Be sure to poke holes in the bottom of the container so that water does not stagnate near the roots of the plants.

The whole structure should be given a resemblance to some kind of animal, for example, a hedgehog.

Flowerbed "Hedgehog" does not require a lot of costs to complete it will not be difficult.

You need to paint the bottle in any natural color, for example, gray-pink. If desired, you can highlight the paws in a different color.

To imitate the nose of an animal, the cork is painted black. For the ears, cuts are made along the edges and pink plastic parts are inserted.

Grass is planted in the soil. Growing up, she will resemble the needles of a hedgehog. The decoration of such a flower bed can be a flower or an artificial mushroom (apple).

Plastic "Ladybug"

This flower bed will require plastic bottles of three colors: red, white and black.

If it was not possible to collect all the containers of the same size, you can get by with transparent bottles for their subsequent coloring in the appropriate shades.

It is important to choose optimal size containers. It is better to take small bottles.

Flowerbed " Ladybug» will add brightness and unusualness to your garden

In terms of color you will need:

  • two white bottles (for insect eyes);
  • black for the head and spots on the wings (the number of spots is up to you;
  • red bottles are for wings.

To avoid spilling the soil out, the perimeter of the flower bed is laid out with a border.

Soil is poured into the inside of the flower bed. It should be designed in the form of a semicircular shape along the cow's body. An image of an insect is outlined, and the bottles are placed upside down. They need to be screwed into the soil. If the color scheme is followed, the result is a ladybug.

How to decorate a flower bed with plastic flowers

From plastic bottles you can make beautiful artificial flowers for a flower bed.

Flowers from plastic bottles will decorate any landscape design

It is advisable to choose containers of different colors. And from transparent bottles you can make translucent flowers with colored tips of the petals.

Milky, yellowish or white bottles are suitable for the middle of the flower. The edges of the containers are cut in the shape of petals. Then the bottles are inserted into one another in several tiers. Layered petals are formed.

Their shape can be changed with boiling water or gas. To do this, the still cold petal is bent with tongs in the right direction. It turns out a form close to a natural flower. But fantastic solutions are also relevant here.

Options for decorating a flower bed with plastic bottles different color:

  • greens are appropriate for green petals, although any dark shade will do;
  • browns give the effect of autumn foliage;
  • dark color gives style to any part of the flower.
  • Ideas and step by step instructions for making flower beds from plastic bottles.

    Elena Timoshchuk

Do not throw away empty plastic bottles. Many useful and beautiful things can be made from them. For giving, a garden and a kitchen garden these bottles are just a godsend! For example, flower beds decorated with bottles look great. Design options are varied. To get started, to get your bearings, you can watch master classes - flower beds from plastic bottles with your own hands.

The first thing to do with each bottle before work is to wash, dry and remove all labels. How to decorate a flower bed with plastic bottles? You will find out about this very soon.

Making a fence

One of the main uses of bottles in flowerbeds is fencing. In any conceived order, the bottles are placed vertically around the flower bed.

You can put bottles in the shape of an animal, for example, such a flower bed is a swan.

Bottles of the same size should be used. If they are of different colors, then it is necessary to alternate them systematically, otherwise the flower bed will look sloppy.

You can make flowers from plastic and decorate bottle fences with them. It will be very elegant.

Beautiful flowerpot

You can arrange the bottles in the shape of a flowerpot, as in the photo.

The bottle is not an environmentally friendly material, it does not decompose well in the ground. But for the garden, this disadvantage turns into a virtue. Weed roots cannot climb through this barrier, the earth does not dry out so quickly, the barrier is stable, it lasts a long time, and if any of its elements fails, it is not difficult to replace it.

Flowerbed from a bottle

You can make small flower beds from bottles. Their strength is mobility.

A flower bed can be lined with bottles, like a picture, and be a decoration of the garden in itself, even without flowers. Here is one of the options.


Now you can take a closer look at how to make just such a flower bed. You will need transparent bottles, which will need to be painted in red, black and white.

The size is not very big. 2 bottles need to be painted white - these are the eyes. Black bottles are needed for the head and spots, and red ones for the wings.

The flower bed should have a stone border so that the soil does not wake up. Pour it inside the flower bed, giving a semicircular shape to the body of a ladybug. Draw a diagram on the ground and, according to it, screw in the bottles, cork down.

This is what the insect should look like in the end.

Similarly, you can post any pictures. We can now consider one.

artificial lake

Here are used, painted in blue, cyan and turquoise colors, bottom halves of bottles.

How bigger size I want to make a lake, the more halves you need.

Throwing away unnecessary, at first glance, things is hard: the hand does not rise. And beautiful thing throwing it out is completely unrealistic. Might be useful? Over time, beautiful bottles left over from holidays and parties begin to accumulate and spoil life. That's right, the bottles should not be in the apartment, their place is in the country. There they will quickly find a use. For example, you can make flower beds out of plastic bottles, using them as a fence or as containers in which garden plants will grow and bloom.

For fencing flower beds, it is better to take one and a half liter bottles the same shape. You can use containers of different colors, but then you have to alternate them in a certain sequence so that the finished flower bed looks neat. By the way, bottles of different volumes can also be alternated.

Bottle flower beds look very good. Elements of such a fence can be decorated with flowers, which are also cut out of plastic bottles. The shape of the future flower garden special significance does not have. It can be a circle, oval, rectangle or any other shape. The main thing is that the structure should have clearly defined boundaries and a sufficient size.

Plastic bottles make beautiful flowers that can be used to decorate a flower bed fence: delicate, bright, varied and always amazing with novelty

Vertical bottle placement

This option for using plastic bottles is the simplest and most obvious:

  • Bottles must be freed from labels, washed and dried well. Now the material for the construction of the fence is ready.
  • For better stability and structural strength, sand or earth can be poured into the bottles.
  • The finished elements of the fence are dug around the perimeter of the flower bed so that the bottle is securely fixed and does not stagger.
  • The next container is placed close to the previous one: there should be no gaps in the structure. The bottles dug in succession gradually form the entire fence.

With all the ease of execution, the result will pleasantly surprise: the flower bed looks neat and well-groomed.

Vertical fencing is easy and simple: affordable, resistant in all weather conditions and quickly erected - it will help to highlight the flower beds beautifully

There is an interesting video on the topic:

Horizontal bottle placement

It is a little more difficult to make such a flower bed, but it looks very attractive and unusual.

For a flowerpot, you definitely need a base: usually half a barrel or even stacked tires are perfect for these purposes.

Work procedure:

  • Such a flowerpot requires a foundation. To do this, you can take the old metal barrel, cut in half - already two flower beds. Even stacked car tires will do. The size of the container will become decisive for the parameters of the flower bed itself - this fact must be taken into account.
  • The bottles are clean, dry and ready for use and should be placed close to the container.
  • Let's prepare a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 2: 1. We will cover the container with them sequentially from the bottom up. The solution layer should be sufficient to ensure that the bottle neck is well fixed in it. The container must not be plastered all at once, because the solution may harden before the bottles are immersed in it.
  • Starting from the bottom row, slowly, but without delay, we fix the bottles with their necks in the solution that is applied to the container. It is important to lay the very first layer correctly, then it will be a support for the next one. The bottles stacked in a checkerboard pattern will create a spectacular frame for the flower bed.
  • The work is not difficult, but it should be treated responsibly. Let the solution set, otherwise you will have to start all over again.
  • The top layer of the bottles does not look too neat, because the “wrong side” of the work is visible - a cement screed into which the bottle necks are immersed. It is better to hide this flaw at the moment when the inside of the flower bed is filled with soil. The necks in the cement are decorated with moss, pebbles, shells or cones - any material will fit through which this part of the flower bed will not shine through.
  • In the flower bed itself, the filler must be placed in layers. The bottom layer is a drainage, for which small pebbles, expanded clay, brick fragments will fit. Top with fertile soil. It is better if the resulting flowerpot does not have a bottom: the water will not stagnate in it and the roots of the planted plants will not turn sour. If there is a bottom, you just need to remember to make a few holes in it.

A flower bed with a bottom is good for its mobility. If she gets bored in one place, she can always be moved to another.

Look, this flowerpot is a real work of art, but it is based on an old wheel and brown plastic bottles.

Benefits of using plastic containers

Plastic fencing has many advantages, the first of which, of course, is its availability. We often just throw away bottles, but here we used them, and even wisely. Such an elegant solution to the problem of garbage as decorating a flower bed with plastic bottles deserves close attention.

Discarded plastic bottles significantly pollute the environment, so correct use they are very important for maintaining ecological balance

Other advantages of this use of plastic bottles include:

  • , planted in a flower bed, will not grow beyond its limits, and the roots of weeds will not overcome the plastic barrier. This fact will greatly facilitate the work of caring for a flower bed.
  • A kind of plastic fence will not allow the earth to dry out.
  • The fence consists of individual elements, each of which can be easily replaced in case of failure.
  • Plastic containers are a threat to the environment because they do not decompose naturally. This resistance of the container, used as a barrier, can no longer be considered a disadvantage, but a virtue.

By the way, you can even make a flower bed from one plastic bottle if its capacity is large enough. It can simply be used as a flower pot. Just do not forget to make drainage holes in the bottom.

Two mice or a whole brood of piglets - all these are flowerpots or flower pots, the basis of which are ordinary plastic bottles

Flowerbed "Ladybug" made of plastic

For the flower bed "Ladybug" you need plastic bottles of red, black and white color. Since it is rather problematic to assemble such containers of the same size, we will focus on transparent bottles that will be painted in desired colors.

Bottle size matters. Using too large containers, the author of the flower bed will be forced to increase the size of the composition. This is not good, because it will take up a lot of space and will not be as elegant as we would like. Let's focus on small bottles.

  • We start by painting the bottles in the right colors. Only two white bottles are needed - these will be the eyes of the insect. We use black containers for his head and spots on the wings, and red ones for the wings themselves.
  • We lay out the perimeter of the future flower bed with a border so that the soil does not wake up outside.
  • Pour soil inside the flower bed. He needs to give a semicircular shape to the cow's body.
  • According to the scheme depicting an insect outlined on the ground, we begin to place the bottles with the cork down, screwing them into the soil.

In the process of work, we do not forget not only about accuracy, but also about the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork: after all, it should turn out to be a ladybug.

Having this scheme, it is not difficult to navigate and correctly calculate the need for bottles and paint, the scheme will also come in handy for the subsequent placement of bottles

Here is such a wonderful flower bed that can decorate your garden if you use plastic bottles that are unnecessary in the household wisely

You can make a flower bed out of bottles with your own hands in a different shape. Using bottles, we can lay out ornaments or images. The principle will be the same as for cross-stitching or knitting a pattern on knitting needles.

Oh how good garden beds, spreading delicate aromas and pleasing the eye with a riot of color. However, it is not enough just to dig up a bed and plant seeds, a real flower bed requires a competent fence that will prevent soil from shedding and protect the delicate roots of plants.

Before turning garden plot into a masterpiece landscape design, decide whether your flower bed will be temporary or if you plan to install a fence that will last more than one year.

Plastic modular fences, which are sold in gardening departments, are quite attractive in appearance and very diverse. Such "fences" are installed in a matter of minutes and just as quickly removed in the fall or, if necessary, digging the soil.

Also, profiled plastic sheets (made of PVC or polycarbonate) or cellular polycarbonate can be used as fences. It is necessary to dig a narrow trench around the perimeter of the flower bed, insert the cut plastic into it, fill it up and compact the soil.

joints plastic panels it is desirable to coat with building glue or sealant. Cellular polycarbonate is glued with a one-component transparent adhesive.

The disadvantages of such fences are the high cost of materials and their low resistance to mechanical damage. Plastic fences often warp during watering or rainfall.

If you have accumulated glass containers or plastic bottles, it's time to make a creative flower garden.

Option one - vertical single-tier

This way of arranging the fence is so simple that even a child can handle it.

Step 1. Prepare the container. Mine, remove all stickers, fill each bottle with earth / sand, screw caps.

Step 2 Measure the length of the bottle with a tape measure. The resulting value is divided in two. This result is the depth of the trench to be dug around the perimeter of the flower bed. The radius of the bottle, respectively, determines the width of the groove.

Step 3. We turn the first bottle upside down, insert it into the trench, pour in the soil, spill it from the watering can, ram it. Closely insert the second bottle and repeat the ramming operation. We continue until the entire flower bed is fenced.

It is important that the "fence" does not stagger!

It is not necessary to use the same bottles. By alternately inserting one and a half and half liter plastic bottles, you will see how the fence becomes much more interesting.

Step 4. If the bottoms sticking up do not cause joy, you can decorate the fence by painting with any paint for outdoor work. Also, as a decor, you can use flowers cut out of plastic and pasted on the fence in any desired order.

Bottle flower beds

Option two - vertical multi-tiered

Stock up on a sufficient amount of fertile soil, a shovel, a watering can and pre-prepared bottles.

To begin with, we dig a groove along the perimeter of the outer, largest ring of the flower bed. We insert a number of bottles, add soil to the level of the bottle bottoms.

The second ring is placed inside the first. The second tier will rise above the first. We carefully dig a new ditch, insert the bottles and pour soil into the center.

Narrow rings can be wired around the perimeter to reinforce the walls of the fence.

It is not recommended to make an excessively wide multi-tiered flower bed, as it will be inconvenient to plant plants in the central rings.

Tiered flower beds resemble a wedding cake. Plant low-growing flowers in them and enjoy the beauty of the garden.

Option three - horizontal

Step one. We prepare a sufficient number of clean empty glass bottles and cut iron barrel across the top. The bottom can be left by making several drainage holes in it, or cut off altogether, which is more preferable.

Step two. We prepare a cement-sand mortar. In a bucket, mix the cement with sand and water so that the solution is thick enough and does not spread.

Step three. We put the barrel in the place where the flower garden will be in the future. With a trowel we spread a small pile of solution on the outer wall of the barrel, into which we immediately insert the bottle, pressing its neck against the iron. We put a new pile of solution on the wall and insert the second bottle as close as possible. Continue until the barrel is completely framed by the first row of bottles.

Step four. We lay out the second row in the same way, laying the bottles on the first row in a checkerboard pattern. We continue until the barrel turns into a stylish flowerpot. While the cement dries (about two weeks), it is better to cover the structure with polyethylene. So the frozen solution will be much stronger, and the risk of cracking will decrease many times over.

Step five. If the flowerpot is with a bottom, then we fill it with crushed stone, broken brick or other drainage. If you cut off the bottom of the barrel, then you can immediately fill up the soil and plant the flower seeds. It is recommended to decorate the upper part of this unusual fence with beautiful colored pebbles, shells, cones, or hide a noticeable strip of cement with moss.

Even if you and your friends are not car owners and do not store deposits of old tires in the garage, then in car repair shops they will gladly sell you several suitable used tires for a penny.

How to make a flower bed

Tires can be dug into the ground vertically, subsequently painted in different colors, carving out unusual animal figures or cutting the upper part in the form of petals. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a tire from a tractor or KAMAZ, then it makes sense to place it horizontally, filling the ground inside and breaking a flower garden.

If you get several tires of different diameters, build a multi-tiered fence for the flower bed, simply placing the tires like a pyramid. Of course, soil must be filled inside each ring before installing the next, smaller diameter.

Advice! For painting, use only waterproof enamels!

Video - Do-it-yourself fences for flowerbeds from old tires

We build fences for flower beds made of bricks

If you plan to build a capital flower garden, then you should take care of a reliable fence, for example, a brick one.

Before construction, prepare the following materials: bricks, cement-sand mortar, sand, level, tape measure, pegs, cord, shovel and trowel.

Step one. We make markings on the ground, determining the perimeter of the future flower bed.

Step two. By marking, we dig a trench about 10 cm deep.

Step three. We fill the sand with a layer of 5 cm and carefully ram it, spilling it with water.

Step four. We lay out the first two rows of bricks without cementing them and leaving a gap of 0.5 cm between the bricks. This is necessary to prevent moisture stagnation in the soil and root rot. We check the evenness of the masonry with a level and knock out the bricks with a mallet.

Step five. We drive in the pegs and pull the cord so that it is more convenient to lay the masonry. The third and subsequent rows are laid out without gaps, using cement mortar. We immediately scrape off the excess from the wall. If desired, immediately after laying, you can do the jointing.

The cement will dry for about a week. During this period, it is not recommended to carry out land work and break a flower garden. When the cement sets, we fill the flower bed with a layer of drainage, fertilizers, soil, and plant plants.

Advice! If you use bricks of different colors in the construction of the fence, then the flower bed will be much more interesting.

If the flower bed is small, then the bricks can be laid without mortar at all, filling up a sand cushion. At the same time, it is not necessary to lay the brick flat; the fence made of bricks installed in a sand cushion at an angle looks original.

Also, instead of bricks, you can use natural stones and sand. Laying of stones is carried out without erecting a foundation, and the stones themselves are fastened together with a solution. It is advisable to lay out so that there are minimal gaps between the stones.

Video - Options for fencing for flower beds

Fences for flower beds made of wood

  1. Wattle is a classic of the genre. We drive in pegs or dry branches at an equal distance, which we braid with flexible willow rods. Finally, we fill the wattle with soil and plant flowers.

  2. Decorative fence made of boards. We lay out the boards in a row, nail the horizontal fastening jumpers. We collect several of these "panels" of the desired height. Dig a few holes in the ground. The distance between the pits is taken equal to the width of the panels. We insert wooden bars into the pits, treated with an antiseptic and covered with bitumen from below, after which we pour concrete and wait for it to dry, following the strict verticality of the columns.

    In conclusion, it remains only to nail the panels from the boards to the posts, add soil and paint the fence.

  3. Bar fence. Such a fence can be installed both in compliance with the same level of all the bars, and by hammering each of them into the ground to a different depth. Do not forget about the treatment of the columns with an antiseptic so that the flower bed stands as long as possible.

Don't be afraid to experiment with non-standard designs for flower beds and originally decorating the garden. An old one can act as a fence for a flower bed wooden boat, plastic and ceramic dishes, flower pots lined up, a wooden two-wheeled wheelbarrow, a large wicker basket, an antique chest without a bottom, and much more.

Also read the article on our website - how to make a flower bed with your own hands.

Video - Do-it-yourself fences for flower beds. Design Ideas

A more popular junk item than a plastic bottle is hard to come by. Sales volumes of carbonated drinks, mineral waters and light alcohol by the summer increase many times, which means that even for large structures made of plastic bottles consumable enough. Gardeners have long appreciated the practicality of this container, actively using it as jars for seedlings, boxes for small things and molds for kids to play in the sandbox. But the possibilities of using plastic containers do not end there. This material has a number of characteristics that allow you to create not only exclusive landscape decorations, but also durable practical designs.

Material Advantages

The advantages of this material in gardening practice are obvious:

  • plastic is a cheap and ubiquitous material;
  • thin plates are easily cut and glued without requiring professional equipment for processing;
  • polyethylene is easily painted;
  • plastics do not lose their shape, do not corrode, are not subject to destruction from changes in humidity or temperature;
  • plastic bottle By itself, it can withstand solid loads, and when filled with water, it becomes stronger than wood.

These qualities and freeness have made bottle plastic one of the most popular materials among lovers of exclusive country decor.

A plastic bottle is a cheap material that gives a huge scope for creativity.

How to decorate a flower bed with plastic bottles

The easiest way to organize a flower bed from plastic bottles is the elementary edging of the area prepared for planting. The container pressed into the ground will not only decorate the flower bed, but also keep the earth from being washed out. Plastic parts can be used in the "original form", leaving them the factory color, but they can also be easily dyed. Enamel or acrylic paint with the addition of color expands the horizons of fantasy. The very bottom of the bottle, designed by someone in the shape of a five-petalled flower, looks very elegant when filled with a contrasting color, turning into a camomile. A self-made flower bed made of bottles will last longer without deformation if the container is filled with water before digging into the ground. In addition, if the bottle itself was not stained, then Sun rays, refracted in water, will turn into sparkling sunbeams, scattering along the paths from a makeshift flower bed. Decorating a flower bed with plastic bottles is an interesting and exciting activity. The fence can be both multi-colored and monophonic, the flower bed itself is simple in shape or intricately indented, flat or multi-level.

Bottles dug around the perimeter of the flower garden - a finished fence

high flower beds

A higher design can be organized using the "woodpile" method. The height of such a flower bed is limited only by the desires of the gardener. In a kind of plastic "wells" you can confidently plant even plants with creeping roots, since the margin of safety of the structure is quite solid. Ordinary glue can be used as a fastening material, although many craftsmen prefer to heat-weld the structure in one piece. For such work, even a gas burner is not required, just enough heat from a candle or soldering iron.

Artistic cutting and heating turns a plastic bottle into a work of art

Those who decide to aim at complex forms will have to work a little harder. Making a flower bed from plastic bottles in the form of a ball or a boat requires preliminary cutting of the bottoms, which will require a lot. The main difficulty lies in finding the most original form for such a cavity. As a support, you can take an ordinary children's ball. Pre-prepared bottoms, which can also be pre-painted, are fastened in contact with the ball. After the volume is laid out and dried, it is enough to blow off the ball and return it to the children. The question of how to make a spherical flower bed out of bottles has been resolved. The bottom of the structure is laid out with a dense film that prevents soil from spilling out, and flowers can be planted. The same design can also be used as a large vase, as it will hold water securely. The design of a flower garden made of plastic bottles can be both plain and colorful.

Lightweight and practical plastic allows you to build a wide variety of shapes

For greater structural strength, you can cement the base of a kind of fence, but in this case the flower bed will already be stationary, and serious dismantling of the foundation will be required to transfer it to another place. An unsecured model is less durable, but also more mobile. Such a flower bed made of plastic bottles is easy to disassemble. Just don't be in a hurry to throw it away. construction material". The bottles have not lost their shape, it is enough to wash them and carefully put them away until next spring. winter months enough to come up with an even more original design for an exclusive flower garden.

Flower beds from plastic bottles in the photo

Hanging flower beds and planters

Hanging cups with greenery perfectly mask nondescript walls of garden buildings.

In addition to the flower beds, the vertical surfaces of the garden can be decorated with decorative planters made of the same material. Plastic is simply cut with the most ordinary knife, turning into a real work of art in the hands of a master. Attached to ropes or chains are mini pots of the most various forms- a great opportunity not only to place your favorite bindweeds and marigolds in a variety of ways, but also to cover them with a nondescript wall of an agricultural building. The only thing required condition design - the presence of a hole for rainwater runoff. This will keep the soil from rotting. The holes for the tapes that hold the cups themselves can be punched with a regular paper hole punch.

Even children can make such miniature homemade flower beds from plastic bottles, and the process will give them a lot of pleasure. The only danger is the possibility of injury from the sharp edges of the plastic, about which children must be warned in advance. However, this risk remains when planting flowers, but it is easy to prevent it by edging the cut edge of the bottle with insulating tape or tape. The first one will also play the role of a decorative border, thanks to the range of colors offered by manufacturers.
