The human body consists of various chemical elements that perform certain functions in the body. Chemical elements are in balance, which allows you to maintain the normal functions of organs and systems. Violation of this balance leads to pathological processes and various diseases.

The human body is 60% water, 34% organic matter and 6% inorganic substances. TO organic matter include carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and others. Inorganic substances contain 22 chemical elements - Fe, Ca, Mg, F, Cu, Zn, Cl, I, Se, B, K and others.
All inorganic substances are divided into microelements and macroelements. It depends on the mass fraction of the element. Micronutrients include iron, copper, zinc and others. Macroelements - calcium, sodium, potassium and others.

Iron ( Fe) refers to trace elements. Despite not a small content of iron in the body, it plays a special role in maintaining its vital functions. The lack of iron in the human body, as well as its excess, adversely affect many functions of the body and human health in general.

If the patient complains of increased fatigue, malaise, palpitations, the doctor prescribes an analysis of serum iron. This analysis helps to evaluate the iron metabolism in the body and identify many pathological processes associated with iron metabolism. In order to understand what serum iron is, why it is needed and how it appears, it is necessary to consider the functions of iron and its metabolism in the human body.

Why is iron needed in the body?

Iron is a versatile chemical element that performs vital functions in the body. The body cannot produce iron, so it gets it from food. Human nutrition should be balanced, containing the daily norm of vitamins and chemical elements. Lack or excess of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of diseases and poor health.

Iron, which is contained in the body, is divided into:

  • functional iron. Functional iron is part of hemoglobin ( iron-containing protein of erythrocytes, capturing and carrying oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body), myoglobin ( oxygen-containing protein of skeletal muscles and muscles of the heart, which creates oxygen reserves), enzymes ( specific proteins that change the rate of chemical reactions in the body). Functional iron is involved in many body processes and is constantly used.
  • Transport iron. Transport iron is the amount of an element that is transferred from the source of iron into the body to each of its cells. Transport iron is not involved in the functions of the body. It is part of the carrier proteins - transferrin ( major iron ion carrier protein in blood plasma), lactoferrin ( carrier protein found in breast milk, tears, saliva and other secretory fluids) and mobilferrin ( iron ion transport protein in the cell).
  • deposited iron. Part of the iron that enters the body is deposited “in reserve”. Iron is deposited in various organs and tissues, mainly in the liver and spleen. Iron is deposited in the form of ferritin ( water-soluble complex protein complex, which is the main intracellular depot of iron) or hemosiderin ( iron-containing pigment formed from the breakdown of hemoglobin).
  • Free iron. Free iron or free pool is iron that is not bound to proteins inside cells, formed as a result of the release of iron from the triple complex - iron, apotransferrin ( transferrin precursor protein) and receptor ( molecules on the cell surface that attach molecules of various chemicals and transmit regulatory signals). In its free form, iron is highly toxic. Therefore, free iron is transported within the cell by mobilferrin or deposited with ferritin.
By localization in the body are distinguished:
  • Heme iron ( cellular). Heme iron makes up the bulk of the total iron content in the human body - up to 70 - 75%. Participates in the internal exchange of iron ions and is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin and many enzymes ( substances that speed up chemical reactions in the body).
  • Non-heme iron. Non-heme iron is divided into extracellular and deposited iron. Extracellular iron includes free plasma iron and iron-binding transport proteins - transferrin, lactoferrin, mobilferrin. Deposited iron is found in the body in the form of two protein compounds - ferritin and hemosiderin.
The main functions of iron are:
  • transport of oxygen to tissues the composition of the erythrocyte includes hemoglobin, the molecules of which contain 4 iron atoms each; iron in the composition of hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body;
  • participation in the processes of hematopoiesis - the bone marrow uses iron to synthesize hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells;
  • detoxification of the body iron is necessary for the synthesis of liver enzymes involved in the destruction of toxins;
  • regulation of immunity and increase in body tone - iron affects the composition of the blood, the level of leukocytes needed to maintain immunity;
  • involved in the process of cell division iron is part of proteins and enzymes involved in DNA synthesis;
  • synthesis of hormones iron is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which regulates the body's metabolism;
  • supplying cells with energy iron delivers oxygen to the energy molecules of the protein.
Iron enters the human body from external environment along with food. It is found in red meat especially in rabbit meat), dark poultry meat ( especially in turkey meat), dried mushrooms, legumes, vegetables, fruits, cocoa. The daily need for iron is on average 6-40 milligrams. The toxic dose of iron is 150-200 mg, the lethal dose is 7-35 g.

daily iron requirement

Floor Age daily iron requirement
(regardless of gender)
1 – 3 years 6.8 mg per day
3 – 11 years old 10 mg per day
11 – 14 years old 12 mg per day
Female 14 – 18 years old 15 mg per day
19 - 50 years old 18 mg per day
over 50 years old 8 mg per day
Pregnant women - 38 mg per day
breastfeeding women - 33 mg per day
Male 14 – 18 years old 11 mg per day
over 19 years old 8 mg per day

Iron in the body is found in different concentrations depending on the type of iron, as well as gender.

Distribution of iron in the human body

iron type Iron concentration ( mg Fe/kg)
women men
total iron
The total iron content in the human body is 4.5 - 5 grams. 40 mg Fe/kg 50 mg Fe/kg
Functional iron
Hemoglobin ( Hb). Of the total amount of iron in the body, 75 - 80% ( 2.4 g) falls on hemoglobin iron ( hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that transports oxygen to tissues). 28 mg Fe/kg 31 mg Fe/kg
Myoglobin. The composition of myoglobin oxygen-binding protein of skeletal muscle and heart muscle) includes 5 - 10% of the total amount of iron. 4 mg Fe/kg 5 mg Fe/kg
Heme and non-heme enzymes ( chemicals that speed up chemical reactions in the human body). Respiratory enzymes account for about 1% of the total amount of iron in the body. 1 mg Fe/kg 1 mg Fe/kg
Transport iron
Transferrin ( specific protein - carrier of iron in blood plasma). 0.2) mg Fe/kg 0.2) mg Fe/kg
iron depot ( iron stores in the body). Reserve iron is 20 - 25% of the total amount of iron in the body.
Ferritin. 4 mg Fe/kg 8 mg Fe/kg
Hemosiderin. 2 mg Fe/kg 4 mg Fe/kg

Iron metabolism in the human body

Metabolism ( exchange) iron is a very well organized process. In the body, the processes of intake and recycling of iron are clearly regulated, since this is a very valuable microelement.

Iron absorption occurs in three stages. First stage - First stage (absorption in the small intestine), the second - intracellular transport with the formation of iron reserves, the third - the release of iron into the blood plasma.

Iron enters the body with food. With the intake of 10-20 milligrams of iron with food per day, only 10% of iron is absorbed, which is 1-2 milligrams. The body obtains heme iron from food meat, liver) and non-heme iron ( milk, vegetables, fruits). Heme iron enters the body as part of hemoglobin and myoglobin from meat foods and is absorbed by the body 20–30% more efficiently ( regardless of gastric acid secretion and other factors). The main dietary intake is non-heme iron ( 80 – 90% ). The absorption of such iron occurs passively and in a small amount ( 1 – 7% ). This process is also influenced by many external factors.

Substances that inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron are:

  • fittings - found in cereals, legumes, semolina and oatmeal;
  • tannins - contained in tea, cocoa, coffee, quince, dark grapes, currants;
  • phosphoproteins - complex proteins contained in milk, egg white;
  • oxalates - found in corn, rice, grains, spinach, milk;
  • some medicines - calcium supplements, oral contraceptives.
Increased absorption of iron occurs when eating:
  • vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) – found in white cabbage, spinach, red and green peppers, black currants, dried rose hips;
  • copper - found in the liver, peanuts, hazelnuts, shrimp, peas, buckwheat, lentils;
  • meat products - beef, veal, rabbit and others;
  • seafood - fish, oysters, shrimp;
  • amino acids - found in legumes, nuts, fish, meat, milk, peanuts, eggs.
In food, iron is found mainly in the oxidized state ( Fe3+) and is part of proteins and organic acids. But absorption is better than ferrous iron ( Fe2+), so in the stomach, under the action of gastric juice, ferric iron ( Fe3+) is released from food and converted to ferrous iron ( Fe2+). This process is accelerated by ascorbic acid and copper ions. Basically, iron absorption occurs in the small intestine - up to 90% in the duodenum and the initial sections of the jejunum. In diseases of the stomach and intestines, the process of normal absorption of iron is disrupted.

After the intake of ferrous iron ( Fe2+) into the sections of the small intestine, it enters the enterocytes ( epithelial cells of the small intestine). Iron absorption into enterocytes occurs with the help of special proteins - mobilferrin, integrin and others. The cells of the small intestine contain transferrin and ferritin. These two proteins regulate the absorption and distribution of iron throughout the body.

When iron enters the body through enterocytes, part of it is deposited ( stored in reserve), some is transported by the protein transferrin and used by the body to synthesize heme ( part of hemoglobin that contains iron), erythropoiesis ( formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow) and other processes.

Deposit ( reservation) iron occurs in two forms - in the composition of ferritin and hemosiderin. Ferritin is a water-soluble protein complex that is synthesized ( produced) cells of the liver, bone marrow, small intestine and spleen. The main function of this protein is the binding and temporary storage of iron in a non-toxic form for the body. Ferritin of liver cells is the main depot of iron in the body. The ferritin of the small intestine cells is responsible for the transfer of iron that has entered the enterocytes to the blood plasma transferrin. Hemosiderin is an iron-containing water-insoluble pigment that deposits excess iron in tissues.

The transport of iron in the blood plasma is carried out by a special carrier protein - transferrin. Transferrin is synthesized by liver cells. Its main function is to transport iron absorbed in the intestinal cells and iron from destroyed erythrocytes ( red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and organs) for reuse. Normally, transferrin is saturated with iron only by 33%.

The body loses iron daily - up to 1 - 2 milligrams per day. Physiological iron losses normally occur when iron is excreted in bile through the intestines, when the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract is desquamated ( gastrointestinal tract), during desquamation ( exfoliation) skin, in women with menstrual blood ( 14 mg to 140 mg per month), with hair loss and cutting nails.

What is serum iron and what is the norm of iron in the blood? Why is a serum iron test performed?

Serum or plasma iron - the concentration of iron in serum or plasma, not including iron in hemoglobin and iron in ferritin. Blood plasma is the liquid part of the blood 60% ) of light yellow color, not containing formed elements ( erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, lymphocytes and others). Blood plasma consists of water and proteins, gases, minerals, fats and others dissolved in it. Blood serum is a blood plasma that does not contain fibrinogen, a blood protein involved in the formation of a blood clot.

Iron in the blood cannot be in a free state, as it is very toxic. Therefore, the level of iron in carrier proteins, transferrin, is determined. To do this, with the help of special chemical reactions, iron is isolated from the complex with transferrin. The material for the study is venous blood. More often, a colorimetric method is used to analyze the concentration of serum iron. The essence of the method is to determine the concentration of iron in serum by the color intensity of the solution. The color intensity of the solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the colored chemical trace element. This method allows you to determine the concentration of trace elements with high accuracy.

Indications for the analysis of serum iron concentration are:

  • diagnostics, differential diagnostics ( distinguishing one pathology from another with similar symptoms) and control of anemia treatment ( a pathological condition characterized by a low content of hemoglobin in red blood cells);
  • diagnosis of hemochromatosis ( hereditary disease characterized by impaired iron metabolism);
  • diagnostics of intoxication ( poisoning) iron;
  • malnutrition, hypovitaminosis ( lack of vitamins);
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the normal absorption of iron is disrupted;
  • detected deviations in the results of a general blood test ( erythrocytes, hematocrit);
  • bleeding of various etiologies ( profuse prolonged menstruation, bleeding gums, bleeding from hemorrhoids, stomach or duodenal ulcers, and others).
Serum iron analysis is carried out for:
  • assessment of iron stores in the body;
  • calculating the percentage of saturation of transferrin with iron ( that is, determining the concentration of iron carried by the blood);
  • differential diagnosis of anemia;
  • control of anemia treatment;
  • control of treatment with iron preparations;
  • diagnosis of genetic diseases of iron metabolism disorders.

The norm of iron in the blood, depending on age and gender

Age Floor Norm of iron
female 5.1 - 22.6 µmol/l
male 5.6 - 19.9 µmol/l
from 1 to 12 months female 4.6 - 22.5 µmol/l
male 4.9 - 19.6 µmol/l
1 to 4 years female 4.6 - 18.2 µmol/l
male 5.1 - 16.2 µmol/l
4 to 7 years old female 5.0 - 16.8 µmol/l
male 4.6 - 20.5 µmol/l
7 to 10 years old female 5.5 - 18.7 µmol/l
male 4.9 - 17.3 µmol/l
10 to 13 years old female 5.8 - 18.7 µmol/l
male 5.0 – 20.0 µmol/l
13 to 16 years old female 5.5 - 19.5 µmol/l
male 4.8 - 19.8 µmol/l
16 to 18 years old female 5.8 - 18.3 µmol/l
male 4.9 - 24.8 µmol/l
> 18 years old female 8.9 - 30.4 µmol/l
male 11.6 - 30.4 µmol/l

When receiving tests, the doctor focuses on the gender and age of the patient. The results obtained may be within the normal range, below or above the norm. If the iron level is below normal, the patient has an iron deficiency. If the level of iron is higher than normal, there is an excess of iron in the patient's body. When interpreting the results obtained, many factors should be taken into account - nutrition, medication, menstrual cycle a woman and others. Do not forget about the daily fluctuation of the concentration of iron in the blood. Thus, the maximum daily concentration of iron in the blood is observed in the morning. In women, in the period before and during menstruation, the concentration of iron in the blood is higher than after the end of menstruation. Therefore, an analysis for serum iron should be taken after the cessation of menstruation. Random fluctuations in the level of iron in the blood can also be observed, for example, with a sharp increase in the consumption of meat in the patient's diet.

Drugs that increase the level of iron in the blood are:

  • acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin) – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent;
  • methotrexate - antitumor agent;
  • multivitamins containing iron;
  • oral contraceptives - birth control pills;
  • antibiotics - methicillin, chloramphenicol, cefotaxime;
  • preparations containing estrogens ( female sex hormones) .
Drugs that lower the level of iron in the blood are:
  • acetylsalicylic acid in high doses - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent;
  • allopurinol - a drug that lowers the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • cortisol - glucocorticoid hormone;
  • metformin - tableted hypoglycemic agent ( blood sugar lowering);
  • corticotropin - adrenocorticotropic hormone drug;
  • cholestyramine - lipid-lowering agent lowering blood fat levels);
  • asparaginase - antitumor agent;
  • preparations containing testosterone - male sex hormone.
In order to obtain reliable results of the level of iron in the blood, it is necessary to properly prepare the patient for diagnosis.

How to prepare for a serum iron test?

To avoid distortion of the obtained results of the concentration of iron in the blood serum, it is necessary to properly prepare the patient.

For proper preparation To diagnose the level of iron in the blood, it is necessary:

  • a week before the test for serum iron, stop taking medications and complexes of iron-containing vitamins;
  • postpone the analysis of serum iron for several days after blood transfusion ( blood transfusions);
  • explain to the patient that for the analysis of serum iron it will be necessary to take a blood sample, explain the essence of the procedure, warn about discomfort when applying a tourniquet and puncture ( piercing) veins;
  • describe the daily routine and nutrition that the patient must follow.
The general requirements for a blood test for serum iron are:
  • taking the test blood on an empty stomach;
  • exclusion of smoking, drinking alcohol and fatty foods, physical activity 12 hours before the analysis;
  • sampling of test material prior to any diagnostic procedures ( radiography, computed tomography);
  • the absence of viral and inflammatory diseases in the patient.

What should be the level of serum iron during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very important and difficult period in the life of any woman. At this time, serious physiological changes occur in the body. The fetus uses the mother's micronutrients and macronutrients as "building blocks". Therefore, it is very important for a woman to monitor her diet. It must be balanced and ensure the intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other substances in sufficient quantities. Typically, the need for these substances exceeds daily allowance non-pregnant women, as they are used for the functional needs of the mother and fetus.

The reasons for the increased need for iron during pregnancy are:

  • an increase in blood volume by 50%, and, consequently, a 2-fold increase in the need for iron for the production of hemoglobin ( iron-containing protein that transports blood);
  • significant iron intake from the mother's iron depot on the formation of the placenta, erythrocytes ( red blood cells that carry oxygen) fetus;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia ( anemia - a condition characterized by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood) before pregnancy, which exacerbates iron deficiency in pregnancy.
In addition to the normal physiological loss of iron in pregnant women, daily iron consumption increases. In the first trimester, additional iron costs are 0.8 milligrams per day, in the second trimester - 4-5 milligrams per day, in the third trimester - up to 6.5 milligrams per day. 400 milligrams of iron are needed for the development of the fetus, 50-75 milligrams of iron for the uterus that has increased in size, 100 milligrams of iron is needed for the construction of the placenta, through which the vital activity of the fetus is maintained. In general, for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth expectant mother about 800 milligrams of iron is needed additionally. During pregnancy and childbirth ( without complications) consumes about 650 milligrams of iron.

The normal level of serum iron in pregnant women is from 13 µmol/l to 30 µmol/l. The daily need for iron in pregnant women is up to 30 - 38 milligrams.

For a pregnant woman and her unborn baby, both iron deficiency and its excess are equally dangerous. If the body of a pregnant woman does not receive the necessary daily intake of iron, then its reserves are quickly depleted. This leads to iron deficiency serum iron level) and the development of iron deficiency anemia ( pathology in which the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases). As a result of anemia, both the fetus and the mother suffer from a lack of oxygen. Iron deficiency anemia leads to a weakened immune system, increased fatigue, dizziness, weakness. The development of iron deficiency anemia in the first or second trimester of pregnancy significantly increases the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth or death of the newborn.

Also, iron deficiency in the mother contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia in the newborn, which can adversely affect his mental and physical development. During childbirth, a woman can lose a large amount of blood. If there was already an iron deficiency before, then bleeding can lead to the development of severe anemia and the need for a blood transfusion. Iron deficiency has been scientifically proven to be one of the causes of postpartum depression.

Excess iron ( serum iron level > 30 µmol/l) also negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus. Excess iron can be observed in hereditary diseases with impaired iron metabolism and excessive intake of iron into the body ( uncontrolled intake of iron-containing drugs). Excessive iron levels in the blood of a pregnant woman can cause gestational diabetes ( pathology in which there is a high content of sugar in the blood of a pregnant woman), preeclampsia ( pregnancy complications after 20 weeks, characterized by high blood pressure and high protein in the urine), miscarriage. Therefore, iron supplements should be taken under the strict supervision of a physician.

Pregnancy iron deficiency is much more common than iron overload. Iron deficiency can be corrected by eating an iron-rich diet or taking iron supplements. Pregnant women should have red meat in their diet richest source of iron), rabbit meat, chicken, turkey, as well as cereals, legumes, spinach, cabbage, cereals and others.

If the intake of iron with food does not satisfy the needs of the body, the doctor may additionally prescribe iron supplements. Iron preparations are taken under strict control of serum iron. The dosage of drugs is selected by the attending physician, depending on the laboratory parameters of the patient ( serum iron, hemoglobin). Pregnant women are often prescribed calcium supplements that impair iron absorption. Therefore, during the period of treatment with iron preparations, it is worth canceling or limiting the use of calcium preparations. If this is not possible, then calcium should be taken between meals and iron supplements.

Iron preparations prescribed during pregnancy are:

  • Sorbifer durules. This drug contains 100 milligrams of iron per tablet and vitamin C to improve iron absorption from the intestines. During pregnancy, in order to prevent iron deficiency, 1 tablet per day is prescribed, for treatment - 1 tablet in the morning and evening.
  • Ferroplex. Dragees contain 50 milligrams of iron and vitamin C. Take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Totem. Totem is a solution containing 50 milligrams of iron. For prophylaxis, it is prescribed orally 1 ampoule per day from 4 months of pregnancy. In large doses, totem is prescribed only for laboratory-confirmed iron deficiency anemia. It is prescribed 2-4 ampoules per day.
  • Fenyuls. The capsules contain 45 milligrams of iron. For prevention, take 1 capsule per day from the 14th week of pregnancy. After taking the drug daily for 2 weeks, take a week break, and then continue taking the drug again.
Side effects of iron supplements are nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. The stool will also turn black, which is normal. When side effects you need to see a doctor. The doctor will reduce the dose of the iron supplement or stop it altogether ( if the patient's condition and laboratory parameters permit).

What diseases lead to a decrease in the level of iron in the blood?

Many diseases, habits and dietary habits affect the concentration of iron in the blood, namely, reduce its level in the blood.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the body

Iron deficiency leads to a deterioration in the functioning of organs and systems, a lack of oxygen, and a disruption in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. But iron deficiency does not immediately lead to symptoms. At first, the body uses iron from its reserves. Gradually, after depletion of iron stores, symptoms begin to appear, which become more pronounced over time.

There are latent ( hidden) and clear signs of iron deficiency in the blood. Latent signs appear with a slight iron deficiency. Often the serum iron level is normal or close to the borderline lower value ( women - 8.9 µmol/l, men - 11.6 µmol/l). In this case, the body uses iron reserves.

Symptoms of the latent stage of iron deficiency in the blood are:

  • decrease in working capacity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • severe malaise, weakness;
  • cardiopalmus ( tachycardia);
  • increased irritability;
  • depression;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • glossitis ( inflammation of the tongue);
  • hair loss;
  • fragility of nails;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • deterioration of memory, attention, thought processes, learning ability;
  • frequent infections respiratory tract;
With the consumption of iron from reserves and its insufficient intake into the body, many processes in the body are disrupted. The symptoms become more pronounced. Severe iron deficiency leads to disease and serious complications.

Symptoms of severe iron deficiency are:

  • decrease in immunity the patient often suffers from viral and respiratory diseases;
  • low temperature body, chilliness body temperature is below 36.6 ° C, the person feels uncomfortable at low temperatures, he has constantly cold extremities;
  • deterioration of memory, attention, learning rates - with iron deficiency, it is difficult for the patient to concentrate, remember information, there is frequent forgetfulness;
  • decrease in performance the patient constantly feels tired, "broken", even after a full sleep;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, pain in the stomach, constipation, flatulence ( excessive accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen), the appearance of belching and heartburn;
  • fatigue, muscle weakness the patient observes increased fatigue even after a short activity, also notes weakness in the muscles during physical exertion and at rest;
  • neurological disorders - increased irritability, irascibility, depressive states, tearfulness, migrating pains ( head, heart);
  • delayed mental and physical development in children - lack of iron leads to oxygen starvation, which negatively affects the central nervous system of the child, the development of the cardiovascular system and others;
  • geophagy ( food perversion) – with iron deficiency, a person may begin to eat inedible objects - chalk, earth, sand;
  • dryness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes - the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off, cracks and pronounced wrinkles appear, wounds form in the corners of the mouth ( cheilitis), stomatitis ( inflammation of the mucosal epithelium oral cavity );
  • dryness, brittleness of nails and hair - with a lack of iron, the hair becomes dull, brittle, lose shine and volume, nails exfoliate and break easily;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness fainting) – as a result of a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, the body suffers from oxygen starvation, this especially affects the brain, which is manifested by dizziness, short-term loss of consciousness, blackout in the eyes;
  • shortness of breath, palpitations iron deficiency leads to a lack of oxygen, which the body tries to compensate for by increasing breathing and heart rate.

How to increase the level of iron in the blood?

Before starting therapy for iron deficiency in the body, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it. If the cause of the loss of iron is not eliminated, then the treatment will bring only a temporary effect. This will lead to the need for repeated courses of treatment.

Before the use of iron-containing drugs or changes in nutrition, it is necessary to undergo an examination, pass an analysis for serum iron. If an iron deficiency is confirmed in a laboratory study, the doctor will individually select the treatment tactics for the patient. The principle of treatment will depend on the indicators of the level of iron, the patient's condition ( e.g. pregnancy), comorbidities ( in some diseases, increased iron loss can be observed).

With a slight lack of iron, it will be enough to adjust the patient's diet by increasing the amount of iron-rich foods in the diet. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the cost of iron in the patient's body. In some cases ( with chronic bleeding, pregnancy, breastfeeding, intensive growth) the amount of iron coming from food may not be enough. Then the therapy is supplemented with the intake of iron preparations.

In severe iron deficiency, treatment begins immediately with medication in the form of capsules, tablets and dragees. In especially severe cases, iron preparations are prescribed intravenously under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Diet for iron deficiency

With food, heme and non-heme iron enters the human body. Heme iron ( source is hemoglobin) is several times more efficiently absorbed by the body, unlike non-heme. Heme iron is obtained from meat products, while non-heme iron is obtained from plant products.

Sources of heme iron

(100 grams)

beef 2,7
pork 1,7
turkey 3,7 – 4,0
chicken 1,6 – 3,0
veal 2,8
pork liver 19,0
veal liver 5,5 – 11,0
beef kidneys 7,0
sea ​​fish 1,2
heart 6,3
mackerel 2,4
cod 0,7
shellfish 4,2
mussels 4,5
oysters 4,1
From plant products, the body receives non-heme trivalent ( Fe3+) and ferrous iron ( Fe2+). Non-heme iron is much less absorbed by the body.

Sources of non-heme iron

(100 grams)
Iron content in milligrams
apricots 2,2 – 4,8
peas 8,0 – 9,5
beans 5,6
buckwheat 8,0
nuts ( almond, hazelnut) 6,1
dried mushrooms 35
dried pear 13
beans 11,0 – 12,5
apples 0,6 – 2,3
dried apples 15,0
rose hip 11,0

For better absorption of iron, you need:
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C, B vitamins and folic acid. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron in the intestines by 6 times. Therefore, for better absorption of this trace element, it is necessary to increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin C. These foods include spinach, cauliflower, citrus fruits, broccoli and others. Sources of folic acid are peanuts, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds and others. B vitamins are found in dairy products, nuts, yeast, egg yolk.
  • Reduce tea and coffee intake. Tannin, which is found in tea and coffee, significantly reduces the absorption of iron. Therefore, you should not consume these drinks immediately after a meal, as they reduce iron absorption by 62%. Do not forget that the body normally absorbs only 10% of the iron that comes from food.
  • Limit your intake of calcium-rich foods and calcium supplements. Calcium also slows down the absorption of iron by the human body. Therefore, in the treatment of iron deficiency conditions, one should limit the consumption of hard cheese, milk, sesame seeds, greens and others. Also, if the patient is taking calcium supplements, then it should be canceled or limited. If this is not possible, calcium should be taken between meals.

Iron preparations

If it is not possible to increase the level of serum iron with the help of the diet, then the patient is prescribed iron medications. The doctor selects the dosage and duration of the course of treatment individually. Therapy with iron preparations should be carried out under the control of the level of serum iron, determined in the laboratory.

Iron supplements for iron deficiency

A drug Dose, duration of treatment
Maltofer Solution for oral administration. For the treatment of iron deficiency, take 1 vial ( 100 mg iron) 1 to 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - from 3 to 5 months. After that, continue to take 1 vial per day for 1 to 3 months to restore iron stores. For the prevention of iron deficiency, take 1 vial for 1 to 2 months.
Biofer For the treatment of iron deficiency, take 1 tablet ( 100 mg iron) 1 to 3 times a day for 3 to 5 months. Then, for several months, take 1 tablet per day to restore iron stores. For the prevention of iron deficiency, take 1 tablet for 1 to 2 months. Contains folic acid, which improves iron absorption.
Ferro-foil For the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, take 1 capsule ( 37 mg iron) 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 16 or more weeks ( depending on the severity of iron deficiency). For prevention - 1 capsule 3 times a day for a month. Contains vitamin B 12 and folic acid.
Ferretab When treating, use from 1 to 3 capsules ( 50 mg iron) per day. Treatment is continued until the level of iron in the blood is normalized. Then continue maintenance therapy for 4 weeks. Contains folic acid.
Hemopher Take orally between meals, 46 drops ( a drop contains 2 mg of iron) 2 times a day with juice or water. The duration of treatment is at least 2 months.
Sorbifer durules Inside 1 tablet ( 40 mg iron) 1-2 times a day. If necessary, the dose is increased to 3-4 tablets per day in 2 divided doses. The course of treatment is 3 - 4 months. Contains ascorbic acid.
Tardyferon Inside 1 tablet ( 80 mg iron) 2 times a day before meals or during meals. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 months.
Ferrum The injection form of this drug is used only intramuscularly. First, a test dose is administered. If there is no response, the entire dose is administered. Assign 1 - 2 ampoules ( 100 mg iron) per day.
Venofer Used intravenously. Intramuscular administration is not allowed. Administer slowly after a test dose. The dose is selected individually depending on the severity of iron deficiency. One ampoule contains 40 mg of iron.
Cosmopher Drug for intramuscular and intravenous administration. One ampoule contains 100 mg of iron. The dose and duration of treatment are selected individually.
Totem Solution for oral administration. 1 ampoule contains 50 mg of iron. Assign 1 ampoule inside 2-3 times a day for a course of treatment up to six months.
Hematogen In the form of chewable lozenges or tablets. The iron content varies. Take 1 - 2 lozenges 2 - 3 times a day.

Iron preparations are prescribed intravenously for extremely severe iron deficiency conditions. Also indications for intravenous administration are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the absorption of iron is significantly reduced. First, a test is administered - a dose to exclude adverse reactions. The introduction of the drug is carried out only in the presence of a doctor.

For the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency conditions in children, syrups, tiles and chewing plates are used.

What does an elevated iron level in the blood indicate?

The level of serum iron is considered elevated if it is more than the upper acceptable limit - 30.4 µmol / l. An increase in the level can be observed with various pathologies, as well as with an overdose of iron preparations. An increase in iron levels occurs when the intake of iron in the body exceeds its consumption and excretion.

Depending on the cause of the appearance, excess iron is divided into primary and secondary. The primary excess of iron is caused by a hereditary pathology - hemochromatosis. Diseases of the internal organs and many external factors lead to a secondary excess of iron.

Elevated levels of iron in the blood can be observed with:

  • Hemochromatosis. Hemochromatosis is a hereditary disease in which the normal metabolism of iron is disturbed with its accumulation in organs and tissues. The accumulation of iron in the organs leads to a violation of their structure and function. Subsequently, various diseases develop - cirrhosis of the liver ( replacement of healthy liver tissue with scar tissue), arthritis, diabetes and others.
  • Various types of anemia ( hemolytic, hypoplastic, aplastic, sideroblastic and others). An increase in iron content at various types anemia occurs for many reasons. It depends on the type of anemia. For example, with hemolytic anemia, there is an increased destruction of red blood cells. In this case, iron from red blood cells enters the blood. With sideroblastic anemia, the utilization of iron by the bone marrow for the synthesis of hemoglobin is impaired.
  • Thalassemias. Thalassemia is a hereditary pathology characterized by impaired synthesis of components ( chains) structures of hemoglobin. As a result, less iron is consumed for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • Acute poisoning iron. Acute iron poisoning occurs with a significant overdose of iron preparations - taking up to 200 milligrams of iron. This can be caused by uncontrolled intake of iron preparations, self-medication, intake of iron-containing preparations by children in large quantities ( whole package).
  • liver diseases ( viral hepatitis, liver necrosis), spleen, pancreas. Diseases of various organs lead to metabolic disorders, malabsorption of vitamins and microelements, and hormonal disruptions. One of the consequences is an excessive accumulation of iron in the blood.
  • Iron metabolism disorders. Various diseases and pathological processes can lead to impaired iron metabolism. This can manifest itself as a decrease in its level, and an increase.
  • Excessive intake of iron in the body. Excessive intake of iron in the body is possible with self-treatment with iron preparations. Also, with a normal intake of iron in the body and a violation of its metabolism, an increase in serum iron can be observed.
  • Premenstrual period. An increase in the level of iron in the premenstrual period is a variant of the norm. Therefore, it is better to take an analysis for serum iron after the end of menstruation.
  • Frequent blood transfusions. With frequent blood transfusions and a short interval between them, an increase in the level of serum iron is possible.

Symptoms of high iron levels in the blood are:

  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn, constipation or diarrhea;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • apathy, decreased performance;
  • the appearance of pain, swelling in the joints;
  • occurrence of arthritis inflammatory process in the joints), atherosclerosis ( deposits of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessel), diabetes ( elevated blood sugar);
  • decreased immunity;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin, gray-brown shade of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • hair loss;
  • muscle pain;
  • delay in physical and mental development child;
  • decreased libido ( sex drive).

How to lower the level of iron in the blood?

Excess iron in the blood can lead to many diseases - myocardial infarction, liver failure, diabetes, arthritis, cancer. In severe cases, even death. Therefore, with a laboratory-confirmed excess of iron in the blood, measures must be taken to reduce its level.

To lower the level of iron in the blood will help:

  • The use of special drugs. TO medicines that accelerate the excretion of iron include hepatoprotectors, zinc preparations, iron-binding drugs - deferoxamine ( desferal), calcium tetacine.
  • Compliance with a special diet. With an excess of iron, foods rich in this trace element are excluded from the diet. These are meat, beans, dried mushrooms, dried apples and pears, seafood and others. Also, do not take vitamins that improve iron absorption - B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid. It is recommended to consume more foods that impair iron absorption - coffee, tea, calcium-rich foods, calcium and zinc supplements.
  • Intermittent bleeding. The procedure consists in taking about 350 milliliters of blood from the patient weekly. If desired, the patient can become a blood donor.
  • Hirudotherapy ( leech treatment). Leech treatment can also help lower iron levels in the blood. This happens as a result of feeding leeches with human blood. In this case, hemoglobin and iron in its composition are lost.
  • Exchange transfusion. Exchange transfusion is used for severe iron poisoning. The procedure consists in the simultaneous taking of blood from the patient's bloodstream and the transfusion of the donor's blood.

Why is hemoglobin low when serum iron levels are normal?

In some pathological conditions, the hemoglobin level can be reduced with normal or elevated serum iron levels. In these cases, anemia a condition characterized by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood) develops with sufficient intake of iron in the body. When does this happen, and is it dangerous for human health? A low level of hemoglobin affects all human systems and organs in the form of oxygen starvation of cells. And in the future, this can lead to metabolic disorders in the tissues of the body. But why, at a normal level of iron in the body, does not produce enough hemoglobin?

One of the reasons for low hemoglobin with a normal level of serum iron is the lack of vitamin B 12 and folic acid in the body, which are involved in the formation of red blood cells.

The method of treatment is the intramuscular injection of a solution of vitamin B 12 at a dose of 500-1000 mcg daily for 10 days, and then the use of the drug 2-3 times a month for prophylactic purposes. Folic acid is used at a dose of 50 - 60 mg per day.

Another reason for the development of anemia with a normal iron content is the problem of an insufficient number of red blood cells or the deficiency of hemoglobin protein.

The reason for the insufficient number of red blood cells or the inferiority of the hemoglobin protein are:

  • Sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia is a congenital disease associated with a violation of the structure of hemoglobin, in which it acquires a characteristic crescent shape. Clinical manifestations of sickle cell anemia are thrombosis of vessels of various organs with sickle-shaped erythrocytes, hemolytic anemia, pallor and yellowness of the skin, repeated thrombosis of various organs, splenomegaly ( abnormal enlargement of the spleen), hepatomegaly ( enlargement of the liver), shortness of breath, general weakness and malaise. Sickle cell anemia is an incurable disease. Symptomatic treatment for a crisis is adequate hydration ( saturating the body with fluid), transfusion of erythrocyte mass ( blood product made up of red blood cells), as well as intravenous antibiotics.
  • The destruction of red blood cells under the influence of certain chemicals. The destruction of red blood cells occurs when exposed to compounds of arsenic, lead, nitrites, amines, some organic acids, foreign sera, insect and snake venoms. The mechanism of the damaging effect is due to the destruction of erythrocyte membranes and the ingress of a large amount of hemoglobin into the plasma. This leads to intense protein breakdown with subsequent damage to the excretory organs - the kidneys and liver. First aid consists in the introduction of specific antidotes, for example, for snake bites - anti-snake sera.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic organs. An insufficient number of red blood cells can be observed in some diseases of the hematopoietic organs, in particular in blood cancer - lymphosarcoma, lymphogranulomatosis and others. In such cases, pathological cells develop faster and replace the precursor cells of erythrocytes and other blood cells.

What are the consequences of iron deficiency?

About 30% of the world's population suffers from a lack of iron in the body. And at the same time, about 20% do not even know about it, having a latent ( hidden) iron deficiency. Why is this micronutrient important? human body? Iron is part of a very important protein for the body - hemoglobin, which plays the role of an oxygen carrier from the lungs to all organs and tissues. Iron deficiency leads to iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is a condition characterized by impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to insufficient iron content.

With a lack of oxygen, chronic oxygen starvation of tissues and organs occurs at the cellular level. This leads to functional and structural changes in these organs. Iron is also part of many enzyme systems, is found in the cells of the liver, spleen, muscles, and bone marrow. That is why its deficiency affects the general well-being of a person - there is a general weakness, malaise, dizziness, decreased performance ( as a result of metabolic disorders). Functional and regenerative ( restorative) the ability of organs and tissues, the production of enzymes and hormones decreases. Immunity is noticeably reduced, which is manifested by frequent colds.

At the level of the skin and their appendages, iron deficiency manifests itself in pallor and dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, which leads to dermatitis and eczema ( inflammatory and allergic skin diseases), stomatitis ( ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa), cheilites ( cracks in the corners of the mouth).

With iron deficiency, the patient often suffers from bronchitis ( inflammation of the bronchi), tracheitis ( inflammatory processes in the trachea), rhinitis ( inflammation of the nasal mucosa). At the level of the cardiovascular system, stabbing pains appear in the heart, reduced arterial pressure, shortness of breath on exertion.

With a lack of iron, thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, which is manifested by pain or burning in the tongue, taste perversion ( patients eat chalk, clay, earth, lime), the acidity of gastric juice decreases with the formation of erosions and ulcers.

Muscle weakness with iron deficiency leads to false urge to urinate, urinary incontinence when coughing, laughing, physical exertion.
In children, chronic iron deficiency anemia leads to growth retardation, impaired memory, attention, learning difficulties, nocturnal diuresis ( spontaneous urination during sleep).

In pregnant women, iron deficiency leads to premature birth, miscarriage, and stillbirth.

Iron is a vital trace element. Its deficiency or excess leads to the defeat of absolutely all organs and tissues. This negatively affects the quality of human life. In some cases, iron deficiency can lead to irreversible consequences. And severe cases of excess or lack of iron can lead to death.

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults and children are a common medical prescription. Coming to the pharmacy, a person is lost from the abundance of drugs. They differ in the valency of iron (bivalent or trivalent), in the type of iron compound (organic - huconates, malates, succinylates, chelated forms and inorganic - sulfates, chlorides, hydroxides), in the method of administration (oral - tablets, drops, syrups and parenteral - intramuscular and intravenous forms).

If in the treatment of anemia the best drug iron will be recommended to you by a doctor, then for a preventive increase in iron stores in the blood, you often have to figure out all this disgrace of diversity on your own. We will deal with the analysis of drugs that are effective in iron deficiency.

Reasons for the development of iron deficiency

The body contains 3 to 5 grams of iron. Most of it (75-80%) is in erythrocytes, part of muscle tissue(5-10%), about 1% is part of many body enzymes. The bone marrow, spleen, and liver are storage sites for reserve iron.

Iron is involved in the vital processes of our body, so it is so important to maintain a balance between its intake and loss. When the iron excretion rate is higher than the iron intake rate, various iron deficiency states develop.

If a person is healthy, then the excretion of iron from our body is insignificant. The content of iron is controlled mostly by changing the level of its absorption in the intestine. In food, iron is present in two forms: Fe III (trivalent) and Fe II (bivalent). When entering the digestive tract, inorganic iron dissolves, ions and iron chelates are formed.

Chelated forms of iron are best absorbed. Ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of iron chelates. In addition, fructose, succinic and citric acids, amino acids (for example, cysteine, lysine, histidine) help iron chelation.

Causes of iron deficiency:

  • Decrease in the efficiency of iron absorption in the digestive tract (increase in the speed of food passing through the digestive tract, the presence of inflammation in the intestines, surgical interventions on the intestines and stomach, digestive disorders, etc.);
  • An increase in the body's need for iron (during intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • Decreased iron intake due to nutritional characteristics (anorexia, vegetarianism, etc.);
  • Acute and chronic blood loss (gastric bleeding with ulcers, bleeding in the intestines, kidneys, nasal, uterine and other localizations);
  • As a result of tumor diseases, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • Decreased synthesis of iron transport proteins (for example, transferrin);
  • Destruction of blood cells with subsequent loss of iron (hemolytic anemia);
  • Increased intake of calcium in the body - more than 2 g / day;
  • Lack of trace elements (cobalt, copper).

The body constantly loses iron with feces, urine, sweat, hair, nails, during menstruation.

The male body loses 0.8-1 mg of iron per day. Women lose iron more during menstruation. For a month, women lose an additional 0.5 mg of iron. With blood loss of 30 ml, the body loses 15 mg of iron. Iron consumption is significantly increased in pregnant and lactating mothers.

Losses of iron in excess of 2 mg/day lead to the development of iron deficiency. Since the body is not able to replenish more than 2 mg of iron per day.

Iron deficiency often occurs in women also because their iron stores are 3 times less than in men. And the incoming iron does not always cover the costs.

In Russia, the hidden deficiency of iron in some areas reaches 50%. Almost 12% of girls of childbearing age have an iron deficiency condition. 75-95% of all anemias in pregnancy are iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in pregnant women can lead to weakness in labor, miscarriages, excessive blood loss during childbirth, decreased lactation, and a decrease in newborn weight.

The use of iron supplements in pregnant women to reduce the risk of developing anemia is justified in the third trimester, and the intake is continued 2-3 months after delivery. Additional sources iron is not prescribed to full-term newborns in the first 3 months. Premature babies are given iron supplements at an earlier date.

The required daily intake of iron in boys is 0.35-0.7 mg / day. In girls before the onset of menstruation - 0.3-0.45 mg.

What can reduce the intake of iron with food:

  • Excess phosphate in food;
  • Oxalic acid found in some plants;
  • Tannin, which gives a tart taste, reduces the absorption of iron;
  • Tea reduces iron intake by 60%, coffee by 40%;
  • Phytate found in wheat bran, rice, nuts and corn;
  • Too much fiber in food
  • Substances that neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - antacids;
  • Egg white, soy and milk protein;
  • Some preservatives, such as EDTA.

Rules for taking iron supplements

Iron preparations are used to reduce the risk of iron deficiency conditions, as well as complex therapy anemia.

Traditionally, treatment begins with oral tablet forms. Preference is given to drugs that can give a rapid increase in hemoglobin in the blood with a low risk of side effects.

Usually begin with the appointment of high dosages of iron: 100-200 mg / day. A similar amount of iron is able to compensate for the costs of the body for the formation of the required amount of hemoglobin. When exceeding the dosage of 200 mg / day, side effects are much more common.

If the drug is chosen correctly, hemoglobin returns to normal in 15-30 days. When the blood counts reach the desired values, the iron preparation is continued for at least 2 months to replenish iron stores (in the bone marrow, liver, spleen).

How to take iron supplements correctly:

  • Before meals or during meals. Bioavailability does not depend on the time of day, but there are recommendations to take in the evening;
  • It is recommended to drink clean water;
  • You can not drink milk, coffee, tea due to a decrease in absorption;
  • Oral iron preparations should not be combined with drugs that block the production or neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid: antacids ( baking soda, phosphalugel, almagel, gastal, rennie, etc.), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, etc.);
  • Iron preparations affect the action of some antibiotics, so taking these drugs should be separated in time by 2 hours;
  • The intake of iron supplements is not compatible with the use of alcohol. Alcohol enhances iron absorption and increases the risk of iron toxicity;
  • Iron absorption will not be affected by magnesium (magne B6, magnelis, cardiomagnyl, magnesium chelate), but extreme calcium dosages of 2 grams or more can reduce it.

Features of iron preparations

In the case of iron deficiency anemia, preparations of two (Fe II) and trivalent (Fe III) iron are taken. Preparations with Fe II have a higher bioavailability than trivalent. Molecular iron in these preparations is enclosed in organic and inorganic compounds, which also differ in their bioavailability and tolerability (frequency of side effects).

I. Inorganic ferrous salts

The most common representative of the inorganic iron compound in preparations with Fe II is ferrous sulfate. It is characterized by relatively low bioavailability (up to 10%) and frequent side effects associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Such iron preparations are usually cheaper than analogues in cost. The most popular representatives that can be found in pharmacies: Sorbifer Durules, Aktiferrin, Aktiferrin compositum, Ferro-Folgamma, Fenyuls, Tardiferon, Feroplekt. To increase the bioavailability of iron, ascorbic and folic acid are often included in the composition.

Pharmacies will provide you with a rather modest choice if you want to buy an iron preparation with ferric chloride. Ferrous iron, which is part of the inorganic salt, will not please with a bioavailability of 4%, and does not guarantee the absence of side effects. Representative: Hemofer.

II. Organic ferrous salts

Combine higher bioavailability of Fe II and organic salts, bioavailability can reach 30-40%. Less common side effects associated with the use of the iron preparation. Medications are well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation. The disadvantages include the higher cost of these drugs.

  • The combination of organic salts of iron, copper and manganese gluconates is presented in the French preparation Totem, which is available as a solution.
  • The combination of ferrous fumarate and folic acid is hidden in a capsule of Austrian origin - Ferretab.
  • A complex composition of chelated forms of ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid, synergistic herbs can be found in Iron Chelate- bad American production. It is not a drug, but serves as an excellent source of easily digestible iron with virtually no side effects.

III. Inorganic ferric compounds

They are characterized by low bioavailability of these forms of iron (up to 10%). The most common form of release is injectable.

Such a form medicines solves the problem of manifestation of side effects associated with irritation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. But it adds a number of necessary conditions for the implementation of the drug and the associated side effects and complications. They are the drugs of choice for severe forms of anemia, with pathologies of the digestive tract, leading to a decrease in iron absorption.

The route of administration (parenteral - intravenous or intramuscular injections, oral - tablets, drops, syrup or solution) does not affect the availability of iron itself. Safer - oral, parenteral prescribed according to indications.

The active substance is complexes with iron hydroxide. Folic acid is used as an excipient. Popular representatives: Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Maltofer Fall, Biofer, Ferinject, Ferroksid, Ferropol, Venofer, CosmoFer, Likferr, Monofer.

IV. Organic ferric compounds

Presented by the Spanish drug Ferlatum in two modifications: with and without folic acid. Available in the form of a solution for oral administration.

List of iron preparations for low hemoglobin for adults and children

Name /
Inorganic salts of Fe II
Sorbifer Durules /
tab. 320 mg /
Sulfate 100 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid
Aktiferrin /
caps. 300 mg/
Sulfate 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
drops /
30 ml
9.48 mg/ml
syrup /
100 ml
6.87 mg/ml
compositum /
caps /
5.9 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
folic acid,
Ferro Folgamma /
caps. /
Sulfate 37 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
folic acid,
Fenyuls /
caps. /
Sulfate 45 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
pantothenic to-ta,
Ferroplex /
dragee /
Sulfate 50 mg/dr. Ascorbic acid
Tardyferon /
tab. /
Sulfate 80 mg/tab.
Gino-Tardiferon /
16.33 Folic acid
Ferrogradumet / (Serbia) tab. /
Sulfate 105 mg/tab.
Feroplect /
tab /
Sulfate 10 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid
Gemofer / (Poland) drops /
Chloride 44 mg/ml
Organic Fe II salts
Totem /
solution /
Gluconate 50 mg/10 ml copper gluconate and
Ferretab /
caps. /
fumarate 50 mg/caps. Folic acid
Iron Chelate /
tab. /
14.52 Chelate, gluconate 25 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid,
calcium chelate,
collection of synergistic herbs
Inorganic compounds Fe III
Ferrum Lek /
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
syrup /
100 ml
50 mg/5 ml
tab. chew /
100 mg/tab
Maltofer /
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab.
syrup /
150 ml
10 mg/ml
injection solution /
100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
50 mg/ml
Maltofer Foul/
tab. /
100 mg/tab. Folic acid
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab. Folic acid
injection solution /
2/10 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 200 mg/2 ml
Organic Fe III salts
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml
Ferlatum Fall/
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml calcium folinate

Complications and side effects when taking iron supplements

The most common complications associated with the digestive tract:

  • feeling of bloating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • vomiting, feeling of nausea;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation).

The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of iron that is not absorbed in the intestine. Accordingly, the higher the bioavailability of iron in preparations, the better the tolerability of the treatment and prevention of anemia.

Iron preparations often stain the feces dark or black. Black stools, which are usually a sign of bleeding, in this case simply indicate that some part of the iron has not been absorbed and does not portend any threat.

In some cases, iron preparations affect the color of the teeth, leading to the appearance of a temporary dark plaque. This property spoils appearance teeth. To prevent plaque, it is recommended not to dilute liquid forms of iron with anything and to thoroughly brush your teeth after taking it.

There are also allergic reactions and intolerance to individual components of the drug: the appearance of itching, rash, urticaria, asthma. You should immediately stop taking the drug and seek help from a doctor.

In case of violation of the technique of administering injectable forms of drugs, it is often found:

  • the appearance of abscesses;
  • skin staining at the injection site;
  • atrophic changes;
  • the appearance of painful seals in the injection area.

When injected, an overdose of iron in the body is more common.

Excessive intake of iron can lead to an overload of the body with it - hemosiderosis. Often this condition occurs in men. They do not lose as much iron as women and often get it from some alcoholic beverages (ports, cognacs, red wines, ciders). Certain types of cider in some European countries may contain 16 or more mg of iron per liter.

Reduced hemoglobin in a complex worsens the state of the body, since in this case all organs and tissues experience oxygen starvation.

And this is complemented by an increased load on the cardiovascular system - the body simply accelerates blood flow in order to increase the flow of oxygen.

Especially dangerous is hemoglobin deficiency and anemia in children. preschool age- this often provokes the development of pathologies nervous systems which ultimately leads to mental retardation.

Factors influencing hemoglobin

The main hemoglobin is iron. It is through the process of its oxidation and reduction that oxygen is transported and absorbed in the tissues of a living organism.

iron deficiency one of the most common reasons sharp decline hemoglobin level.

However, it is not enough to simply include iron-rich foods in the diet. This trace element cannot be fully absorbed without certain factors. For example, for its splitting into derivative atoms (which then react with certain groups of proteins), vitamin C, B-group vitamins (), omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids are needed.

However, there are a number of factors that reduce the bioavailability of iron. For example, a high calcium content in the body inhibits the production of new hemoglobin molecules. If there is a deficiency of the above trace elements, iron simply will not be absorbed.

It is also worth considering that a decrease in hemoglobin levels can be provoked by a whole range of diseases and the gastrointestinal tract. That is why you should not postpone going to the doctor - it is better to immediately establish the cause of hemoglobin deficiency and eliminate this particular factor.

If the low level of hemoglobin is provoked by a micronutrient deficiency, then it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:

  1. rich in iron;
  2. rich in vitamins C, E, B-groups;
  3. rich in amino acids (preferably of animal origin);
  4. exclude those foods that reduce the bioavailability of iron.

In most cases, the above list of recommendations will be enough to normalize the composition of formed elements in the blood.

List of 20 products to increase it

The body in sufficient quantities should receive all the micronutrients, including minerals, vitamins, metals. All these elements directly or indirectly affect the hematopoietic function, which must be stimulated (hemoglobin is produced in, like erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes). So, here is a list of the 20 most effective products.

1. Liver

. Suitable beef, chicken, pork. Moreover, it is a weak roast (Rare), since in this case most of the micronutrients are preserved.

The liver contains both B-group vitamins, and iron (6.9 mg per 100 grams), and iodine - all this just contributes to an increase in hemoglobin levels.

2. Meat

The basis of any meat is a wide range of proteins and essential amino acids, which react with iron, thereby forming hemoglobin molecules.

In this plan are rabbit, pork, beef. But, again, meat should be given minimal heat treatment, ideally steamed.

3. Buckwheat

Almost all grains reduce the bioavailability of iron. The only exception is buckwheat, which acts exactly the opposite.

In addition, (almost 7 mg per 100 grams of kernels). That is why it is recommended to use it primarily as complementary foods for infants, and not semolina(which contains calcium and thus slows down the production of hemoglobin).

4. Halva

- almost 30 mg per 100 grams of product (and in tahini even more - up to 50 mg per 100 grams). That is, 50 grams of such a dessert provide daily allowance iron in the body.

But it is worth considering that there are practically no B-group vitamins and ascorbic acid in halvah. Therefore, if it is included in the diet, then taking care of a sufficient norm of other micronutrients that promote the absorption of iron.

5. Beets

Contains both iron and amino acids, vitamins that. A feature of table beets is that all micronutrients are preserved in it even during heat treatment.

Can also be included in the diet beetroot juice, but you should drink it diluted (1 part juice to 2 parts water).

6. Pomegranate

Of all the fruits, it is considered the most useful. thanks to the high content of vitamin B 6.

Iron in pomegranate seeds is also available, but in a small amount - only 1 - 1.5 milligrams per 100 grams.

7. Carrot

- it contains beta-carotene and vitamin A most of all.

And these microelements contribute to the acceleration of biochemical reactions using calcium - a decrease in its “free” level in the blood increases the bioavailability of iron (it contains only 0.5-0.7 mg per 100 grams in carrots).

8. Dried fruits

It is best to eat prunes, raisins, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries, bananas - they contain B-group vitamins, E, C.

The fact that dried fruits contain a large amount of vegetable fiber also helps to speed up the absorption of iron - this comprehensively normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

9. Nuts

Walnut, as well as pistachios, contain a considerable amount of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which accelerate a whole range of intercellular metabolic processes, including with iron.

Nuts are considered the most useful for young children - they reduce the likelihood of pathologies of the nervous system by almost 2 times.

But peanuts should be abandoned. It is extremely high in fat, which creates a high load on the gastrointestinal tract, and also slows down the absorption of iron.

See separate article.

10. Fish caviar

, as they contain iron (from 6 to 12 mg per 100 grams), as well as omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Literally 100 grams of such a product per day completely provides the body with all the necessary micronutrients to normalize the level of hemoglobin.

And most importantly, this product is easily digestible, so it can be included in the diet in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (when meat or liver are contraindicated).

11. Honey

- it contains a huge range of minerals (including rare ones that cannot be obtained from other foods), which positively affects the water-salt balance. And this is also an important point in the normalization of hemoglobin levels.

This will also help get rid of edema, which often occurs with an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system (which will definitely happen with a hemoglobin deficiency).

Nutritionists point out that you need to eat exactly buckwheat or honeydew honey in order to achieve the desired effect - they have the highest concentration of minerals.

12. Nettle

Contains a small amount of iron, as well as vitamin B 12, which increases its bioavailability for the body.

But it is worth remembering that it also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which, with gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach and / or duodenum, can aggravate the patient's condition.

13. Eggs

- they contain up to 8 mg per 100 grams of iron. And it is better to eat them fresh or boiled soft-boiled.

Fresh chicken eggs can be a source of salmonellosis. But quails also contain iron, but their shells have smaller pores through which the infection does not penetrate. Therefore, they are considered safer - they are recommended for children to include in the diet.

14. Fish

rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. And the fatter it is, the more fatty acids it contains. River in this regard is also useful, carp (mirror), pike and perch are better suited. And from the marine varieties of fish - tuna, salmon.

By the way, it is no less useful to use seaweed. It contains iodine, which normalizes the work of the endocrine system (which indirectly regulates the production of hemoglobin).

15. Chocolate

In cocoa powder, iron is up to 12 mg per 100 grams (depending on the variety and variety). Nutritionists say that you need to eat exactly. Less useful - milky, white, pink.

And it is advisable to cook chocolate yourself at home without adding butter (since it reduces the bioavailability of iron).

Chocolate also stimulates metabolic processes between cells by stimulating the production of endorphins. But you should not abuse this property, since the body is prone to increasing the need for the same serotonin. That is, over time, addiction develops and a kind of dependence.

16. Rosehip

Among - it is precisely the largest source of ascorbic acid, which is used in biochemical processes involving iron.

It is better to use wild rose in the form of a decoction (50 grams of fresh or dried berries per 300 milliliters of boiling water) or jelly.

Although rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, so these berries can be included in the diet for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

17. Currant

Contains slightly less ascorbic acid than rose hips. It is better to use it - it has less tannin than red (tannin is a tannin and slows down the production of hemoglobin).

Currant leaves are no less useful, from which you can prepare fragrant and tasty tea. Its use is also an excellent prevention of immunodeficiency.

18. Strawberry

rich in vitamin C, it also contains a small amount of iron (from 0.2 to 1 mg per 100 grams, depending on the variety, as well as the cultivation method).

Only strawberries should be consumed whole or with sugar or honey, but not with sour cream, yogurt or cream.

19. Turmeric

Of the spices, it contains the most iron - about 35-50 mg per 100 grams. And most importantly - it is great for cooking almost any dish, even for some desserts.

During pregnancy, turmeric should not be abused, as it can provoke spasms of smooth muscles. In critical cases, this will even lead to premature birth. Doctors in most cases warn about this.

20. Parsley

From iron-containing greens -. But it should be consumed fresh, so it is better to add it to salads, and not to soups. Contains about 2 mg of iron per 100 grams.

Parsley root is no less useful. It is also used as a spice.

Also check out the product table:

General nutrition rules

For a faster and more effective increase in hemoglobin, nutritionists recommend following these tips:

  1. Observe fractional nutrition. You need to eat in small portions, but as often as possible. Optimally - at least 6 times a day.
  2. Refuse cereals (except buckwheat) and sour-milk products- all of them interfere with the production of formed elements and hemoglobin.
  3. Walk outdoors as often as possible- a sufficient balance of oxygen in the blood also indirectly stimulates the renewal of hemoglobin molecules, prevents the oxidation and destruction of red blood cells. Ideally, take a walk in the fresh air after each meal (this will also help to significantly speed up the metabolism).
  4. Refuse tea and. Better, as well as homemade compotes, fruit and vegetable juices.
  5. Do not eat 2-3 hours before scheduled sleep. Metabolic processes during sleep slow down significantly, so iron and vitamins are practically not absorbed during this period (but the load on the gastric mucosa increases, as the utilization of gastric juice slows down).

Features of the diet for certain groups of patients

The rules of nutrition for low hemoglobin for different groups of patients are somewhat different. Nutritionists point out:

  1. Adults. The norm of iron for adults is about 12 mg per day. Adults are much easier to understand meat products, animal offal (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart). It is recommended to include them in the diet every day at least in a minimal amount.
  2. Children. The norm of iron in children is from 8 to 11 milligrams per day. Preference should be given to herbal products. But milk should not be abused, especially fatty, as it dramatically reduces the level of hemoglobin, slows down the absorption of iron. It is also recommended to include buckwheat, fish, a small amount of chocolate and halva in the diet.
  3. Pregnant. The need for iron in pregnant women is the highest and reaches 20 mg per day. As a rule, they are prescribed specialized vitamin complexes to normalize hemoglobin. It is also recommended to eat fish, red caviar, carrots. But from turmeric, parsley and most other spices that stimulate smooth muscle spasm, it is better to refuse. The doctor with whom the woman becomes registered must tell about all this in detail.
  4. Elderly. They have the smallest need for iron - only 6 - 8 mg per day, which is explained by a natural slowdown in the functionality of the cardiovascular system and bone marrow. Doctors also recommend that older people eat fish, chicken fillet(breast, since there is practically no fat in it), as well as pomegranate, beetroot juice.

Folk remedies and vitamin complexes

If the inclusion of the above products in the diet did not bring the desired effect, then you can use folk remedies increase in hemoglobin levels. Many of them are extremely effective and are recommended for use even by doctors. The most popular of these methods are:

  1. A decoction of dandelion roots. Helps to normalize the biochemical composition of the blood, accelerate the removal of toxins. To prepare, mix 30 grams of grated fresh dandelion roots with 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for at least 2 hours (until completely cooled). Use 1 teaspoon, diluted in a glass of water with honey. Take 2 times a day.
  2. Infusion of wild rose and honey. For cooking, mix 10 grams of dry grated rose hips, 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of boiling water. Insist 30 - 40 minutes, take as a tea 2 times a day. The course is no more than 2 weeks (if more, then there may be an excess of iron in the body, which also negatively affects health).
  3. Infusion of St. John's wort, blackberry leaves and medicinal chamomile. Mix 1 teaspoon of dry base of herbs, add 300 milliliters of water and infuse for 2 hours. Take 50 milliliters 3 times a day until hemoglobin levels normalize (but not more than 4 weeks).

If folk methods treatment does not bring the desired effect, then drug therapy is prescribed. As a rule, these are multivitamin complexes with a high content of iron, B-group vitamins, and ascorbic acid. But calcium in such preparations is either completely absent or contained in a very small amount. Popular vitamin complexes of this group:

  • Decamevit;
  • Aevit;
  • Complivit;
  • Dopel-Hertz (with iron).

You should only check with your doctor for the recommended dosage, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

Now let's take a look at the video:


In total, in most cases, it is possible to normalize the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood by a banal change in the diet. But this is not always enough, so you should not postpone going to the doctor. And the advanced stage of anemia is an extremely dangerous disease that can provoke both pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. This is especially important for infants. That is why it is recommended to donate blood for analysis at least once every 3 months in order to determine the concentration of hemoglobin and the presence of vitamin deficiency.

Doctors also say that in almost 70% of cases, the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin is precisely the non-compliance with a healthy diet.

Considering the question of how to increase iron in the blood with folk remedies, phytotherapists recommend taking into account that this trace element plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to all human organs and tissues, being integral part hemoglobin. A reduced level of this “dye” of red blood cells leads to the appearance of asthenic symptoms: tinnitus and headaches in the morning, dizziness, weakness or excessive fatigue after a working day.

List of ferrous products

Human body weight is an index, depending on which the daily amount of iron needed varies from 20 to 30 micrograms.

Nutritionists consider the leaders of the grocery list (with a saturation of more than 4 micrograms of a microelement per 100 g):

  • bovine liver (preferably beef);
  • turkey meat;
  • beef tongue;

  • powdered cocoa, in a hot drink (or chocolate bar), which can instantly increase hemoglobin;
  • caviar of salmon species of fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, trout and Pacific, Atlantic, Caspian salmon);
  • buckwheat, which in the form of porridge should be consumed every week and more often;
  • legumes (beans and low-calorie peas - an ideal ingredient for cereals, first courses and assorted vegetables);
  • mushrooms;
  • blueberries, renewing the blood and stimulating the restoration of the health of many organs.

The second place in terms of the presence of iron (from 2 to 4 mcg / 100 g) is occupied by:

  1. Egg yolks (quails and chickens).
  2. Rabbit meat.
  3. Kashi (oatmeal and millet).
  4. Wine red natural.
  5. Fruits: quince (fresh and in jam), apples, figs, persimmons.
  6. Dogwood berries.
  7. Spinach.
  8. All types of nuts, including pecans.

The third place is occupied by various gifts of nature and bread with a minimum amount of iron (less than 2 micrograms per 100 g):

  • Bee Honey;
  • vegetables: beets and carrots, any cabbage (including red cabbage);
  • Borodino bread (based on natural ingredients);
  • fruits: peach, kiwi, plum, pomegranate (and juice from it);
  • berries of summer varieties: cherries, black and red currants and others;
  • algae: fucus and kelp.

If a person has low hemoglobin, then it must be increased, first of all, by providing nutrition with these products and combining them in the diet.

Improve iron absorption

By including iron-containing foods and supplements in your diet, you need to create conditions for the absorption of the most important hematopoietic element. Animal protein, along with vitamin C and water, is the best way to help the absorption and absorption of iron in the digestive tract. Beef (meat), tongue or liver are ideal components to help ensure high hemoglobin, especially when combined with berries, vegetables and fruits rich in ascorbic acid.

However, there is an element that can block the buildup of iron for the hematopoietic system due to food.

Calcium is the main "enemy" of increasing hemoglobin in the blood. But this does not mean that you need to exclude its consumption - it is no less important for the body than iron. Just foods rich in it - milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, sesame seeds, tofu, poppy seeds, almonds and others - should be consumed without mixing with ferro-containing food.

Passion for strong tea or coffee during the day also adversely affects the absorption of iron, so you can eliminate this violation by drinking herbal teas or weakly brewed drinks.

It is especially important to think about how to raise hemoglobin for expectant mothers:

  • You can consume 200 ml of pomegranate juice daily.
  • There are assorted, mixing carrots, apples and beets (or grated), with berries and nuts.

  • Honey (if not allergic) is also an excellent source of iron during this period.
  • If buckwheat porridge for a pregnant woman is an unloved dish, then to get iron, cereals can be ground into powder (in a coffee grinder) and sprinkled on fruit salad, eaten as a powder, 50 g per day, washed down with water or eat in the form of halva. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 g each: buckwheat powder, nuts and honey.
  • Drink in any amount of rosehip infusion.

Reduced hemoglobin prevents the transport of many nutrients and oxygen from blood vessels to the tissues of the human body, so it is vital to ensure the intake and absorption of iron.

Traditional medicine: recipes

In the "grandmother's" pharmacy, a lot of useful advice in the form of recipes on how to increase iron in the blood with folk remedies, each of which can be prepared and drunk not only for adults, but also for children:

  • mix equally: fresh blackcurrant, cranberry and lemon, add beetroot juice and the same amount of honey. Set aside in a dark cool place (but not in the refrigerator!) for 3 days. Next, transfer the healing mixture to the refrigerator and you can use it three times in 1 tbsp. l.;
  • arbitrarily brew strawberry leaves, you can add berry juices and honey before drinking;
  • rosehip infusion with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice to taste. Children - the norm - 100 ml, adults - 200 ml;
  • sprouted wheat grains with sprouts - 50 g (2 tablespoons) can be chewed before breakfast, or can be added to dried apricots with nuts and honey;
  • in the morning, replace the traditional sandwich with a salad of cabbage, carrots, dill and green onions. Beet or pumpkin (pumpkin can be steamed or boiled) salad is also a great source of iron for breakfast, which can be seasoned with herbs and cold-pressed oil (olive);
  • in carrot fresh (2 parts), you can add one serving of freshly squeezed apple and beetroot juice, which you need to drink immediately after cooking an hour or half an hour before meals, and first eat a spoonful of sour cream (tablespoon). Half portions are prepared for children, diluting the sugary drink with water;
  • in cereals - buckwheat and millet - instead of sugar put dried fruits, pumpkin, honey.

The intake of ferro-containing supplements should be discussed with a doctor. "Ferroglobin-B12" in the form of syrup (for children), tablets or capsules, "Maltofer" - chewable tablets or drops, "Ferlatum" and "Fenuls", "Aktiferrin" and "Totem" - is prescribed only by a specialist. Such drugs are taken for at least 30 days in order to obtain a stable rate of hemoglobin in the blood.

If properly treated and apply folk methods, they will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms anemia in adults and children.
