Concrete fences are designed for arranging fences for residential buildings, enterprises, social and cultural facilities. Shape, height, presence or absence design solution determined by the type of development, location, operation, technical and economic indicators, etc. Fences in private areas are the first stage of arrangement for your comfort and a source of pride for the owner.

For the manufacture of fences, the injection method is used, it is most effective in the production of products of small thickness (including roofing tiles, paving and facing tiles, fixed formwork, MAFs, etc.).

For the manufacture of concrete fences are used:

  • Portland cement M500D0 (without additives);
  • sand with a fineness modulus of more than Mcr 2.0 ( perfect option- fraction 2.5), the content of clay particles in the sand is not more than 3%;
  • crushed granite grade over 800, fraction 5-10 mm;
  • plasticizing additives;
  • water;
  • fittings: for the frame - Vr-1 steel, diameter from 4mm, for pillars: 0.5m - V-1 4mm, 1m - Vr-1 4mm, 1.5m - 6mm, 2.0m - 8mm, 2.5m - A3 10mm.

For the production of concrete fence panels, this mortar formulation is also used.

The concrete mixture should be prepared in a special mixer, then it will have high mobility, non-separation, excellent casting qualities, and, as a result, the products themselves will be durable, frost-resistant and have a long service life.

Manufacturing technology of concrete fences

The loading of the ingredients of the solution must be carried out in the sequence: sand - cement - water.

Pillars. Rinse the gravel in a concrete mixer, drain the water. Add sand, after cement. Knead everything dry until smooth. Pour water in portions, the humidity level is checked visually (squeeze the mixture in the palm of your hand).

Attention! The mixture on the pillars, is made drier than on the plates, visually should be lumpy. If, during vibration, the solution in the molds begins to “boil”, it means that there is excess moisture, which will lead to the “sagging” of the products, which is not desirable for the pillars (when setting, the inside sags).

Add half of the calculated amount of crushed stone, a plasticizer solution and about half of the total amount of water to the mixer, mix for a minute. Next, fill in the calculated amount of cement (see table) and repeat the action for another 1 minute. After adding the rest of all components (crushed stone, sand). The total time of the whole process is 10-20 minutes depending on the volume.

Plates. The solution can be made in a forced mixer, provided that it is unloaded from a height of no more than half a meter.

How to determine the quality of concrete?

There should be no dry inclusions in the mixture, delamination during vibration. It is easy to roll a ball from it (it has the consistency of a soft dough).

Quality Options:

  1. Density - 2200 kg\cubic meters. (GOST 26633-91 "Concrete heavy and fine-grained").
  2. Compressive strength class - not less than M200 (GOST 18105-86 "Rules for strength control").
  3. Frost resistance - not less than F50 (GOST 100060.1-95 "Concrete - the basic method for determining strength").

Technology for the production of concrete fences and poles for them

Subject to the spatial separation of the agitator and vibrating tables, the mixture is unloaded into hand carts. Otherwise, the best option- a sheet of tin under the mixer.

Fences. Start the manufacturing process as follows: place the molds on a vibrating table, apply the release agent manually, with a special tool using a brush or spray (the second method is more economical). If excess grease is formed, drain it.

Fill the matrices with semi-dry concrete mixture to a third of the capacity. Turn on the vibrating table for about 30 seconds to compact. Lay the reinforcement, restart the vibrations. After the reinforcing wires are completely immersed, rub the surface to a smooth state.

Pillars. Place the mold on the vibrating table, insert the side inserts and secure with bolts. Lubricate. Pour a third of the concrete, turn on the table for 30 seconds, install 2 reinforcing rods, add the second third of the mixture and 2 more rods, pour the remaining solution. Between all actions, start the vibrating table. After complete filling, the inner insert is laid. The end is deepened with a board across the form. Vibrating table included. Smooth the surface around the groove with a trowel, holding the board in line with the shape. Vibrations are turned off, the shape is finally smoothed out.

In the manufacture of pillars, during the final filling of the form, it is necessary to install the upper groove former.

    The demoulding process takes place by tipping the form onto wooden pallets. Then slowly raise first one, then the other side until the product is completely separated, remove the matrix, visually check the quality.

    After all the work, the matrices are cleaned of adhering pieces with brushes, in extreme cases with Barracuda or a weak solution of hydrochloric acid.

    Hardening occurs due to the heat of cement hydration. All products are installed on pallets, the latter are stacked no more than 10 pieces on top of each other. At room temperature below 5°C, cover with foil. Do not give in piece heat treatment!

    Transportation can be carried out with a set of at least 70% strength. Panels should be stored vertically, posts should be stored horizontally.

    Paint with facade paint.

    Compositions of concrete mix
    (rates of consumption of raw materials and materials, per 1 m 3 of concrete mix)

    Optimum concrete compositions are offered for specific operating conditions, ensuring maximum durability of products. The recommended compositions of the concrete mixture are presented in the table.

    Name of raw materials, materials heavy concrete
    (pavement coverings)
    Fine-grained concrete
    (pavement coverings)
    Lightweight concrete
    (front coverings)

    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Cement, kg 485 16 580 20 500 16
    Sand, kg 930-890 24 1480-1435 40 640-600 16
    Crushed stone (expanded clay), kg 850 24 - - 450 32
    Plasticizing additive consumption depending on the additive used
    Water, l 160 5,5 195 6,5 170 5,5

    For any questions, please contact our consultants. We will advise, we will help, we will advise!

Choosing a fence for your suburban area, home or cottage, many try to keep up with the times. IN last years concrete fences are very popular. And these are no longer bulky gray plates with smooth lines and outlines, thanks to technology, sections of various colors, shapes and sizes can be made.

It is worth noting the advantages of such a fence:

  • reliably protects the territory from the intrusion of strangers;
  • has an acceptable price;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long service life;
  • does not require additional care.

To make sections for a concrete fence, special forms are required. Moreover, they are divided into several types, thanks to them the products compare favorably with each other:

  • For the manufacture of spans that have clear, even lines and regular geometric shapes, use polyurethane and durable plastic molds.
  • Forms allow you to create a textured base, reliefs and bulges fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

It should be noted that the strength of the fence will depend on the quality of the form in which it was made, and the mixture of the desired consistency.

Types of forms, their advantages and differences


Not so long ago, double-sided polyurethane forms appeared on the construction market. They have great strength, due to rigidity they have a long service life (withstand up to 100 cycles of laying concrete mixtures). Thanks to them, the fence has a beautiful appearance on both sides.

Such forms provide almost any pattern and relief. Often the sections made in them look like decorative stone which is perfectly combined with metal, plastic and other materials.

At the same time, there are shortcomings that cannot be closed eyes to:

  • the high cost of the material itself;
  • chips often occur, due to which the pattern of the fence is obtained with noticeable defects;
  • the product is poorly obtained from such forms, so there is a large percentage of defects.

Creating sections of the fence in such forms is quite simple. To do this, a special solution of fiber-reinforced concrete is poured into them and vertically installed on a vibrating table. Later 12 hours the product is completely frozen.


Perhaps the most widely used form. This is due to their low cost. In addition, there are a number of advantages:

  • a large assortment;
  • practically no marriage;
  • high quality of the finished product;
  • durable (allow you to perform 100 fills);
  • fire resistance.

The finished span must dry at least a day(In this case, it is desirable to use a drying chamber). In order not to interrupt the manufacturing process, a sufficiently large number of molds will be needed. Required condition- the form should have handles to make it convenient to transfer it from the vibrating table to the drying shelf.

Thanks to them, you can get plates various shapes, structures and colors. There is a possibility of dressing under granite or marble.


They are suitable for those who are ready to start painting the section after its production and installation. In the process of creating a plate, it is technically impossible to change its color, since when a dye is added to the mixture, the strength of the product is violated. When removing it from the mold, there are chips and various defects.

Such forms have a thickness of at least 8 mm, framed around the perimeter with a metal frame, to which handles are welded. They are designed for easy portability. Plates can be made both by the method of rapid ejection and by drying during the day. The second method is usually not used. It is considered unprofitable.

ABS plastic

At enterprises engaged in the manufacture of concrete fences, these forms are mainly used. They have a number of advantages that distinguish them from other options:

  • high strength of finished products;
  • long period of operation 200 pouring processes);
  • durable, as they are made of chemically resistant plastic;
  • the flexibility of the form makes it easy to remove the product;
  • when assembled, they have a compact size;
  • do not require additional processing before pouring the concrete mixture.

What to choose?

  • Forms for the production of concrete panels from ABS plastic and PVC are cost-effective, but the extraction of the finished product is possible only after the mixture has completely solidified and dried. Therefore, they will be convenient only if there is the right number of such forms. When working with ABS plastic, a vibrating table and a special drying room are not required, it does not need to be coated with grease.
  • Fiberglass molds are very durable, absolutely not afraid of ultraviolet rays. The product, which has not yet hardened, is placed on the surface of an iron pallet and left to harden.
  • Polyurethane molds appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, so they are not very popular. The repulsive factor is the high price.

Many people wonder if it is possible to make such forms with their own hands. The answer is obvious - no. To create such products, you need:

  • special material;
  • special equipment;
  • a huge store of knowledge;
  • chemicals that are unsafe to work with.

How to install concrete fence posts - see this article.

How to make concrete blocks for the fence with your own hands, read here.

Manufacturing technology of concrete sections

There are several technologies that specialists use to make decorative concrete spans for fences. The most popular is quick release method. It allows you to make about 20 sections per day.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. The form must be installed on a vibrating table, impregnated with lubricant, loaded with ready-mixed concrete, turned on the vibration.
  2. When the solution fills the mold by more than half, the product is reinforced with a flat steel wire frame.
  3. Add the solution to the base, while not turning off the vibrating table. The plate is leveled with a spatula, the excess is removed.
  4. When the back side acquires a smooth surface, the product is removed. With the help of special handles, the form is transferred to an iron tray for drying, placed vertically on its side, and the product is turned over with cotton. At the same time, it can already be used to make the next plate.

The process of work can be clearly seen in the following video:

In order for the process to be continuous, you need to take care of the racks on which the finished products will dry. It is better to do this in a special room in which a certain temperature regime, the level of moisture corresponds to the norms, there are no drafts.

Supporting concrete pillars are made in a similar way. The process is the same in time, but the material is consumed half as much. You need to understand that drying shelves will also be needed for supports.

Another nuance that should be taken into account is that finished products will only have a natural color (gray), dyes will not work in this case. Experts have proven that the addition of colored pigments adversely affects the process of concreting and hardening of the finished product. In the end, you may end up with a plate with chips and other defects. This may affect the strength of the entire fence, and will also entail additional financial costs.

But the situation can be corrected. To do this, it is enough to paint after the installation of the entire structure.

To initially get the colored sections, you can use another method. It is not very common, as it requires a lot of time for the manufacture and solidification of the plates. The technology is as follows:

  1. The desired forms are filled with concrete mortar, leveled, excess is removed with a spatula.
  2. Leave for 24 hours until completely solidified, while the form can not be moved.
  3. The finished product is carefully removed from the mold.

With the advent of the fast ejection method, this technology is used less and less. It is considered unprofitable and is only suitable for creating sections at home, when you have a lot of time and fence installation can wait.

It is better to entrust the creation of sections to professionals and purchase ready-made products. In this case, you will be sure of the quality, reliability and durability of the structure.

Modern fences are not just a means of protecting a summer residence from intrusion, but also an opportunity to declare one's status and good taste. Make reliable decorative fence with your own hands, the easiest way is from prefabricated concrete sections.

Decorative concrete fence with stacked posts

What are Fence Sections?

Decorative fences are made of the same material as ordinary concrete fences. The main difference between decorative sections is the method of production. With the help of specialized casting molds, concrete panels are given a different texture or openwork shape.

This is what concrete sections look like for a type-setting concrete fence

Sections decorative fencing are made up of horizontal narrow panels (about 50 cm) stacked on top of each other. Thanks to individual sections, you can create an exclusive fence by assembling fence panels in different ways. It can be a solid canvas under a stone, brick, wood or a fence with openwork carved inserts.

The division of the fence fabric into separate sections facilitates the process of transportation and loading and unloading. It also greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation of the fence. Another advantage of decorative sectional fences is the ability to adjust the height from low flower beds inside the cottage to impregnable four-meter fences.

Advantages and disadvantages of a decorative fence

Among positive qualities sectional fencing is worth noting:

Finding flaws in such a fence is difficult, but still possible:

  1. Concrete road fences compared to fences made of metal mesh or tree.
  2. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products from unscrupulous manufacturers.

A concrete fence will be truly reliable and durable if high quality raw materials are used for its production and a responsible approach to the production process is used.

Shape and pattern for concrete fence sections

To be sure that the technology was observed at all stages of production, fence panels for summer cottages can be made independently.

Forms for decorative fences

Decorative fence panels are produced by vibrocasting from high-quality Portland cement, refined sand, gravel, rebar. Often in cement mixture Dyes are added to give different colors to finished products.

Direct casting is carried out in specialized molds-matrices, which give the sections various textures and patterns. Forms for sections can be purchased at hardware stores, ordered online, or made according to an individual sketch.

Types of forms for decorative sections

Matrices for concrete panels can be made of various materials:

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

One of the most popular and affordable options is PVC matrices.

They are flexible, provide high quality ready-made concrete panels and are fireproof. Such forms are often used in rooms that have high fire safety requirements.

PVC forms are presented in a wide range and have a good service life (they can withstand about 100-150 production cycles).

The price of PVC molds is low and depends on the complexity of the texture and pattern. Such products are well suited for work on a production scale.

ABS plastic

ABS molds are very durable and made from tough, chemically resistant plastic. Most often they are used to obtain concrete panels with a clear pattern, the high rigidity of the forms ensures the geometric correctness of the finished product.

ABS matrices have the following advantages:


Polyurethane forms allow you to reproduce the most complex textures on concrete: natural stone, slate, wood. Thanks to increased elasticity material, all the details of the pattern are very clearly drawn. Most often, polyurethane is used to create decorative double-sided fences, and can withstand up to a thousand production cycles.

The disadvantages of the material include the following points:


Fiberglass molds are very productive - even with one matrix, up to 50 products can be produced per shift using the rapid demoulding technology. Therefore, for the production of sections, it is not necessary to acquire a large number of molds. Quick demoulding is facilitated by the full metal frame and comfortable handles.

The disadvantage of a quick ejection is the impossibility of manufacturing painted panels. Pigments reduce the strength of concrete and, when stripping, defects and damage are possible. Painting is carried out only after the installation of reinforced concrete fencing.

Production of decorative fences

The process of manufacturing decorative sections is simple, the main difficulty lies in the preparation necessary materials and tools.

Necessary equipment

  • molds for concrete sections;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table for the formation of concrete products;
  • vibrating sieve for cement and sand;
  • pallets for drying finished sections.

For the production of concrete sections on an industrial scale, the most expensive expense item is the purchase of molds. They require a lot to provide a variety and a normal volume of products per shift. For the manufacture of decorative sections for own needs you can buy one or two forms, and they are not very expensive.

Another important tool for creating decorative sections is a vibrating table. With the help of vibrations, the concrete in the molds is compacted and gets rid of air bubbles and voids that reduce the strength of the concrete structure. The vibrating table can be bought, rented or made independently. On the Internet, you can find ready-made drawings of a homemade vibrating table.

It looks like a vibrating table for casting concrete products

In the manufacture of concrete products, the use of a concrete mixer is preferable to manual mixing, in which the components are mixed more thoroughly. Mechanical vibrating sieve is designed to clean sand and cement from debris. For small volumes, bulk materials can be sifted by hand.

Raw materials

For the manufacture of decorative sections you will need the following materials:

  • Portland cement brand 500;
  • wire fittings;
  • quartz sand GOST 8736-93;
  • crushed stone;
  • various plasticizers to speed up the setting process.

Stages of making a decorative fence

Instant stripping

For the technology of instant stripping, fiberglass high-strength matrices are used with metal frame. Special handles are convenient for quick ejection of products. For this technology, the use of plasticizers is highly desirable, and the mold should be lubricated before pouring. All these actions will reduce the amount of scrap when removing the section.
The sequence of operations for instant stripping:

  • a greased form is installed on the vibrating table;
  • concrete mixture is poured;
  • fittings are laid;
  • the product is compacted on a vibrating table;
  • the concrete section is laid out on the stripping table;
  • section drying.

Features of exposure casting

The main difference between the technology of exposition stripping is that the curing of concrete occurs in the form.

Exposure casting mold

Matrices are used for casting quality materials with high-precision drawings: PVC, ABS, polyurethane. From the moment of compaction on the vibrating table to the demoulding of the section, at least a day must pass. Subject to technological requirements, the surface of concrete panels made by exposure casting is smooth, with a clear pattern and does not require additional processing.

Drying of concrete products should take place at a temperature not lower than +15 degrees. After about 5 days, the panels can be considered ready for transportation and installation. Although the full maturity of concrete products will come only after 28 days.

Drying concrete fence sections

Making a decorative and reliable fence for a summer residence is not difficult even for a person without special skills. Armed with knowledge, the necessary equipment and the desire to create, you can create a fence that will please you with high strength and aesthetics, combined with low cost.

Many who want to put a concrete decorative fence around their site have the idea to make it on their own. This desire is usually dictated not by cost savings (most often the cost of a finished product and a self-made one is not much different), but by the desire to be sure of the quality of the concrete mix and reinforcement. The use of only high-quality materials and careful attention to the manufacturing process is a guarantee of the durability of the fence. Some go to this laborious process for the sake of making a unique unusual product.

Solid original concrete fence.

What is a concrete decorative fence made of?

A concrete fence structurally consists of several elements that can be made independently. This:

  • section plates,
  • pillars,
  • caps for finials on poles.
  1. Plates for sections differ in shape, patterns, texture, color. It is possible to make single-sided and double-sided plates.
  2. Poles can be made in one piece and inlaid, with grooves located opposite each other and at an angle of 90 degrees for corner posts or without a groove at all, as well as with a different pattern.
  3. Caps can be ordinary pitched, round, dome view, square, with small architectural forms - with balls, spears, rhombuses, etc. at the top. In the caps, it is possible immediately at the level of the casting to provide for a hole for the output of a cable for lighting or communications.

A cap with a ball gives the fence a finished look.

Casting molds

For the manufacture of any elements of a concrete fence, casting molds will be required. A wide variety of forms can be seen on sale. Forms available from

  • polyurethane,
  • polyurethane with plasticizers,
  • silicone
  • fiberglass,
  • formoplasty,
  • aluminum, etc.

Traditional polyurethane molds are durable, easy to use, tear resistant, and flexible. Buying ready-made forms is the best option for those who are satisfied with a typical fence, but who want to control the quality of materials for manufacturing and the technological process on their own.

Fiberglass molds for casting.

For those who dream of an exclusive fence, there is nothing left but to make forms on their own.

How to make a matrix for a mold

To make a mold from polyurethane or silicone, you need a matrix. The matrix on one side represents the print in a mirror image of the outer side of the form. It is inserted into a box made of metal or wood, into which it will be poured concrete mortar. The sides of the matrix must have a flat, smooth surface.

Formoplast for mold making.

In order to make a matrix shape, you need to find a product whose shape and relief will be repeated on the surface of the fence: it can be a brick, a wide variety of stones, wood, as well as patterns made, for example, from a rod or forging. These relief products are laid on the surface of the base and filled with liquid forming material.

The matrix is ​​treated with an anti-adhesive.

The material for making molds must be strong, smooth, wear-resistant, able to withstand high temperatures. Such materials are traditional PVC and modern ABS plastic. PVC molds have been indispensable in this market for a long time, but recently they have been replaced by ABS molds. Their ABC forms are distinguished by durability, rigidity, wear resistance, and maintainability. To date, this is the most best option in terms of price / quality ratio during the construction of "euro-fences".

ABS molds.

Texture samples are laid out on a small pedestal, the gaps between them and the surface are carefully sealed with silicone sealant so that no bubbles form in future forms. All surfaces must be treated with a separator so that the form can then be easily removed without damage.

Filling a mold with a wooden texture.

The material for casting the matrix can be one-component or two-component. When preparing a two-component solution, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, stir the material with a low-speed drill or manually, so that air bubbles do not get into the material. The life time of the fluid material before the start of gelation is 10-15 minutes, during which it is necessary to fill in the mold matrix.

Mixing of the composition must be done at low speeds.

To obtain a large product, polyurethane is poured onto the matrix neatly from one corner. It is necessary to ensure that the material spreads evenly over the plane. To do this, from the pouring side, you can slightly raise the stand, and when the material spreads over the entire surface, again align the horizontal level. Open surface casting is most often used for the manufacture of flat products with a small height difference. This is the simplest form of molding.

Open surface fill.

There is another method used for small items. The model is rigidly installed in the formwork. With a soft brush, the mixture is applied to the model to draw the relief and “force out” the air. The mass is poured in such a way that the thickness of the future form is 10 mm. After hardening, the form should be aged for two days so that its edges do not collapse. Polyurethane has memory and remembers the shape in the first 48 hours. If during this period the form is bent, then it will then remain so.

Finished "stone" form.

The main advantages of open filling:

  • simplicity,
  • the ability to see air inclusions.

There is another way to fill - closed. To work with this method, a casing is poured, which ensures the manufacture of a thin uniform shape. This method is more laborious, but thanks to its application, higher quality molds are made, thinner, which can be removed by rolling.

Pallet manufacturing

In the manufacture of pallets for large products, the supporting elements of the frame are adjusted carefully to the shape and carefully fixed on the pallet, eliminating the appearance of gaps. In the manufacture of non-removable corrugated or irregularly shaped pallets, you will need a rigid lateral tight-fitting bottom support, which can be done using polyurethane foam. Such molds have precise surfaces of high quality. Products will be obtained with a clean surface such as that of marble or granite. And if coloring pigments are added to concrete during manufacture, then it is possible to achieve a visual imitation of natural materials.

Making molds for eurofence is not a particularly difficult task. Your reward will be a durable and reliable concrete fence.

Fence panels

Among the owners country houses, cottages and townhouses decorative concrete fences are very popular. The demand for such products is so great that many are beginning to consider the production of concrete fences as one of the main ways to earn money.

In our article, we will try to describe the technological process for the production of poured cement fences as clearly as possible, and also dwell on a few nuances, the observance of which depends on the quality of the finished product.

Necessary equipment and raw materials

When planning the organization of the production of cast sections for concrete fences, it is necessary to take care of the presence of three elements:

  • Manufacturing technologies.
  • Equipment.
  • Raw materials for production.

And if there is enough information regarding the technology (including this material itself, as well as the video in this article), then serious investments will be required to purchase tools and raw materials.

What equipment for the production of reinforced concrete fences is included in the minimum set? In order to start the manufacturing process, we need:

Vibrating table - equipment for the production of concrete fences

  • A set of matrix forms. It includes both molds for the slabs themselves and molds for the pillars. Different production technologies involve the use of molds different type, therefore, we will dwell on their design in more detail in the corresponding section.
  • Vibrating sieve. Designed for cleaning cement, sand, etc. from impurities. The cleaner the raw materials used, the higher the mechanical and aesthetic characteristics of the fence.
  • The forming vibrating table is a key part in the whole set of equipment. This is due to the fact that it is by vibration casting that we remove air bubbles from the panel, which means that we provide it with the necessary strength.
  • As for the concrete mixer, experts recommend using forced models to improve product quality.

vibrating sieve

Also, to organize the process of manufacturing cement fences, we need a room. The optimal area is about 200 m2, since a significant amount of space is required for drying finished products.

Instant stripping

Materials used

Concrete panels used for the construction of fences are produced using the vibrocassette casting method. In this case, two different technological schemes can be used: “exposure” and “instant stripping”. For an inexperienced reader, the difference in these technological schemes is small, but the final product is very different in quality and performance.

Panel Mold

"Instant demoulding" involves casting a specially prepared mixture into high-strength matrices. In order to work effectively, it is necessary that we have a sufficient number of stripping pallets at our disposal.

Note! The required number of pallets can be calculated by multiplying the planned daily number of cast slabs by two.

As a rule, for the production of fencing slabs using this technology, fiberglass matrices with metal frame. Such forms for the production of concrete fences have a sufficient margin of safety and weigh more than 50 kg.

Preparation of mortar in a concrete mixer

For the production of fences in this way, a special casting mixture is used:

  • Concrete brand M300 and above.
  • The ratio of water-cement - 0.35.
  • Filler - crushed stone no more than 5 mm.

If it is planned to produce panels for fences, then the use of plasticizers is mandatory. You can also use fillers that speed up the curing process and give the finished panel different shades.

To lubricate the molds, you can use compositions such as Lerossin, Separen and the like. It is also possible to make homemade lubricant mixtures based on mineral oils with used motor oils, fuel oils or diesel fuel, however, the surface quality of the plate in this case is quite low.

Sequence of operations

The production process of fences using the "instant stripping" technology takes place according to the following scheme:

  • On the vibrating table, included in the operating mode, the form is installed. The form must be pre-cleaned and lubricated to avoid cement sticking and the formation of a defective surface.
  • A mixture of the desired consistency is poured into the mold. Excess mixture is cut with a long rule flush with the sides of the form.
  • A reinforcing mesh of rods is laid on the pouring surface, after which, under the influence of vibration, it is pressed deep into the plate. You should try to place the reinforcement as close to the center of the part as possible.
  • When the sealing process is completed (this is evidenced by the absence of bubbles on the pouring surface), the table is turned off.
  • two workers lift the form and lay out the finished section of the fence on the formwork pallet.
  • The form is cleared of concrete residues, washed and lubricated for the next filling.

Product drying

Making a concrete fence with your own hands by demoulding on a pallet involves obtaining a fairly cheap material, which, however, does not have high aesthetic characteristics.

If you are more impressed with the high-tech production of concrete fences, then you should consider the technology of exposure casting.

exposure casting

Technology Differences

In general terms, the technologies of instant stripping and exposure casting are similar, but if you are planning to make concrete fences with your own hands, then you should carefully study all the differences in the operations performed.

And the main of these differences is the fact that the process of curing takes place directly in the form itself. The front surface of the slab is formed at the point of contact of the material with the mating surface of the matrix, which means that only high-quality molds for the manufacture of concrete fences should be used for exposition production.

PVC matrix

As a rule, today injection molds made of either PVC or ABS plastic are used for this purpose:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) molds are made from a material with a thickness of 0.75 - 1.2 mm. The smooth inner surface makes it possible to produce decorative plates for fences, as well as poles, pedestals, monuments, etc. The strength of PVC molds is sufficient to work with concrete mix, and wear resistance is about 50 cycles.

Decorative matrix

Note! Pallets for working with PVC molding dies should be made with the most exact observance of dimensions, excluding the slightest deformation of the plate. This is due to the fact that thin walls made of polyvinyl chloride have practically no load-bearing capacity.

  • ABS plastic (acrylonitrite - butadiene - styrene) is superior to PVC in the first place in terms of durability. Acrylonitrite matrices can withstand up to 200 pouring and stripping cycles, so if you plan to make concrete fences with your own hands on an industrial scale, then ABS should be chosen.
  • The thickness of the polymer sheets used in this case is 2.2 mm. This allows the use of less durable (and therefore lighter) pallets. At the same time, the price of ABS is not much higher than the cost of a PVC mold, so this material should be chosen if possible.

ABS molding die

Advice! Acrylonitrite sheet forms are produced by corner gluing, so it is worth monitoring the condition of the glue joints in the cleaning and lubrication process. The appearance of cracks or cracks in the corners is the first sign that the matrix will soon fail.

Exposure casting process

Making a concrete fence with your own hands using the exposure method is also quite simple. The instruction describing the sequence of our actions is given below:

  • From durable wooden beam with a cross section of up to 60 mm we make a stretcher pallet. The design of the stretcher must exclude the displacement of the form during pouring and demoulding.
  • For panels of complex shape with decorative elements, foam can be used in the manufacture of the pallet, polyurethane foam etc. These materials are designed to support the lower part of the matrix and protect parts from displacement and squeezing.

Distribution of the solution in the matrix

  • The matrix is ​​installed in a wooden pallet, lubricated and served on a vibrating table. For processing inner surface experts recommend using the K-222 stripping compound, since due to its characteristics it almost completely eliminates the contact of plastic and the casting mixture.
  • We serve the filling mixture into the greased form, after which we align it along the edge as a rule.
  • We sink the reinforcement into the fill, after which we carry out vibration compaction until the formation of bubbles on the surface stops.
  • We remove the stretcher with filling from the vibrating table and transport it to the place of drying. At least a day must pass from the moment the compaction is completed to the demoulding. In this case, the filling mixture is constantly inside the mold, and the fence acquires the necessary configuration.

Photo of the finished product

With strict adherence technological process the result is a flat and smooth concrete fence section, the surface of which looks very attractive even without additional processing. The introduction of a decorative filler or pigment into the composition of the casting mixture allows you to create imitations of granite and marble with your own hands.

Making a concrete fence with your own hands is a difficult and rather costly task. At the same time, if you carefully follow the instructions, the quality of the finished product should be at its best. This means that due to the high demand, your investment will pay off pretty quickly.

Among the owners of country houses, cottages and townhouses are very popular. The demand for such products is so great that many are beginning to consider the production of concrete fences as one of the main ways to earn money.

In our article, we will try to describe the technological process for the production of poured cement fences as clearly as possible, and also dwell on a few nuances, the observance of which depends on the quality of the finished product.

Necessary equipment and raw materials

When planning the organization of the production of cast sections for concrete fences, it is necessary to take care of the presence of three elements:

  • Manufacturing technologies.
  • Equipment.
  • Raw materials for production.

And if there is enough information regarding the technology (including this material itself, as well as the video in this article), then serious investments will be required to purchase tools and raw materials.

What equipment for production is included in the minimum set? In order to start the manufacturing process, we need:

Vibrating table - equipment for the production of concrete fences

  • A set of matrix forms. It includes both molds for the slabs themselves and molds for the pillars. Different production technologies involve the use of different types of molds, therefore we will dwell on their design in more detail in the corresponding section.
  • Vibrating sieve. Designed for cleaning cement, sand, etc. from impurities. The cleaner the raw materials used, the higher the mechanical and aesthetic characteristics of the fence.
  • The forming vibrating table is a key part in the whole set of equipment. This is due to the fact that it is by vibration casting that we remove air bubbles from the panel, which means that we provide it with the necessary strength.
  • As for the concrete mixer, experts recommend using forced models to improve product quality.

Also, to organize the process of manufacturing cement fences, we need a room. The optimal area is about 200 m2, since a significant amount of space is required for drying finished products.

Instant stripping

Materials used

Produced by the method of vibrocassette casting. In this case, two different technological schemes can be used: “exposure” and “instant stripping”. For an inexperienced reader, the difference in these technological schemes is small, but the final product is very different in quality and performance.

"Instant demoulding" involves casting a specially prepared mixture into high-strength matrices. In order to work effectively, it is necessary that we have a sufficient number of stripping pallets at our disposal.

Note! The required number of pallets can be calculated by multiplying the planned daily number of cast slabs by two.

As a rule, for the production of fencing slabs using this technology, fiberglass matrices with a metal frame are used. Such forms for the production of concrete fences have a sufficient margin of safety and weigh more than 50 kg.

For the production of fences in this way, a special casting mixture is used:

  • Concrete brand M300 and above.
  • The ratio of water-cement is 0.35.
  • Filler - crushed stone no more than 5 mm.

If it is planned to produce panels for fences, then the use of plasticizers is mandatory. You can also use fillers that speed up the curing process and give the finished panel different shades.

To lubricate the molds, you can use compositions such as Lerossin, Separen and the like. It is also possible to make homemade lubricant mixtures based on mineral oils with used motor oils, fuel oils or diesel fuel, however, the surface quality of the plate in this case is quite low.

Sequence of operations

The production process of fences using the "instant stripping" technology takes place according to the following scheme:

  • On the vibrating table, included in the operating mode, the form is installed. The form must be pre-cleaned and lubricated to avoid cement sticking and the formation of a defective surface.
  • A mixture of the desired consistency is poured into the mold. Excess mixture is cut with a long rule flush with the sides of the form.
  • A reinforcing mesh of rods is laid on the pouring surface, after which, under the influence of vibration, it is pressed deep into the plate. You should try to place the reinforcement as close to the center of the part as possible.
  • When the sealing process is completed (this is evidenced by the absence of bubbles on the pouring surface), the table is turned off.
  • two workers lift the form and lay out the finished section of the fence on the formwork pallet.
  • The form is cleared of concrete residues, washed and lubricated for the next filling.

Making a concrete fence with your own hands by demoulding on a pallet involves obtaining a fairly cheap material, which, however, does not have high aesthetic characteristics.

If you are more impressed with the high-tech production of concrete fences, then you should consider the technology of exposure casting.

exposure casting

Technology Differences

In general terms, the technologies of instant stripping and exposure casting are similar, but if you are planning to make concrete fences with your own hands, then you should carefully study all the differences in the operations performed.

And the main of these differences is the fact that the process of curing takes place directly in the form itself. The front surface of the slab is formed at the point of contact of the material with the mating surface of the matrix, which means that only high-quality molds for the manufacture of concrete fences should be used for exposition production.

As a rule, today injection molds made of either PVC or ABS plastic are used for this purpose:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) molds are made from a material with a thickness of 0.75 - 1.2 mm. The smooth inner surface makes it possible to produce decorative plates for fences, as well as poles, pedestals, monuments, etc. The strength of PVC molds is sufficient to work with concrete mix, and wear resistance is about 50 cycles.

Note! Pallets for working with PVC molding dies should be made with the most exact observance of dimensions, excluding the slightest deformation of the plate. This is due to the fact that thin walls made of polyvinyl chloride have practically no load-bearing capacity.

  • ABS plastic (acrylonitrite - butadiene - styrene) is superior to PVC in the first place in terms of durability. Acrylonitrite matrices can withstand up to 200 pouring and stripping cycles, so if you plan to make concrete fences with your own hands on an industrial scale, then ABS should be chosen.
  • The thickness of the polymer sheets used in this case is 2.2 mm. This allows the use of less durable (and therefore lighter) pallets. At the same time, the price of ABS is not much higher than the cost of a PVC mold, so this material should be chosen if possible.

Advice! Acrylonitrite sheet forms are produced by corner gluing, so it is worth monitoring the condition of the glue joints in the cleaning and lubrication process. The appearance of cracks or cracks in the corners is the first sign that the matrix will soon fail.

Exposure casting process

Making a concrete fence with your own hands using the exposure method is also quite simple. The instruction describing the sequence of our actions is given below:

  • We make a stretcher pallet from a durable wooden beam with a cross section of up to 60 mm. The design of the stretcher must exclude the displacement of the form during pouring and demoulding.
  • For panels of complex shape with decorative elements, foam plastic, polyurethane foam, etc. can be used in the manufacture of the pallet. These materials are designed to support the lower part of the matrix and protect parts from displacement and squeezing.

  • The matrix is ​​installed in a wooden pallet, lubricated and served on a vibrating table. For the treatment of the inner surface, experts recommend using the stripping compound K-222, since due to its characteristics it almost completely eliminates the contact of the plastic and the pouring mixture.
  • We serve the filling mixture into the greased form, after which we align it along the edge as a rule.
  • We sink the reinforcement into the fill, after which we carry out vibration compaction until the formation of bubbles on the surface stops.
  • We remove the stretcher with filling from the vibrating table and transport it to the place of drying. At least a day must pass from the moment the compaction is completed to the demoulding. In this case, the filling mixture is constantly inside the mold, and the fence acquires the necessary configuration.

With strict adherence to the technological process, as a result, we get a flat and smooth section for a concrete fence, the surface of which looks very attractive even without additional processing. The introduction of a decorative filler or pigment into the composition of the casting mixture allows you to create imitations of granite and marble with your own hands.

Making a concrete fence with your own hands is a difficult and rather costly task. At the same time, if you carefully follow the instructions, the quality of the finished product should be at its best. This means that due to the high demand, your investment will pay off pretty quickly.

Modern fences are not just a means of protecting a summer residence from intrusion, but also an opportunity to declare one's status and good taste. It is easiest to make a reliable decorative fence with your own hands from typesetting concrete sections.

Decorative concrete fence with stacked posts

Decorative fences are made of the same material as ordinary concrete fences. The main difference between decorative sections is the method of production. With the help of specialized casting molds, concrete panels are given a different texture or openwork shape.

This is what concrete sections look like for a type-setting concrete fence
Sections of decorative fencing are made up of horizontal narrow panels (about 50 cm) stacked on top of each other. Thanks to individual sections, you can create an exclusive fence by assembling fence panels in different ways. It can be a solid canvas under a stone, brick, wood or a fence with openwork carved inserts.

The division of the fence fabric into separate sections facilitates the process of transportation and loading and unloading. It also greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation of the fence. Another advantage of decorative sectional fences is the ability to adjust the height from low flower beds inside the cottage to impregnable four-meter fences.

Advantages and disadvantages of a decorative fence

Among the positive qualities of sectional fencing, it is worth noting:

Finding flaws in such a fence is difficult, but still possible:

  1. Concrete fences are expensive compared to or wood.
  2. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of purchasing low-quality products from unscrupulous manufacturers.

A concrete fence will be truly reliable and durable if high quality raw materials are used for its production and a responsible approach to the production process is used.

Shape and pattern for concrete fence sections

To be sure that the technology was observed at all stages of production, fence panels for summer cottages can be made independently.

Forms for decorative fences

Decorative fence panels are produced by vibrocasting from high-quality Portland cement, refined sand, gravel, rebar. Often, dyes are added to the cement mixture to give finished products different colors.

Direct casting is carried out in specialized molds-matrices, which give the sections various textures and patterns. Forms for sections can be purchased at hardware stores, ordered online, or made according to an individual sketch.

Types of forms for decorative sections

Matrices for concrete panels can be made of various materials:

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

One of the most popular and affordable options is PVC matrices.

They are flexible, provide high quality ready-made concrete panels and are fireproof. Such forms are often used in rooms that have high fire safety requirements.

PVC forms are presented in a wide range and have a good service life (they can withstand about 100-150 production cycles).

Production of decorative fences

The process of manufacturing decorative sections is simple, the main difficulty lies in the preparation of the necessary materials and tools.

Necessary equipment

  • molds for concrete sections;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating table for the formation of concrete products;
  • vibrating sieve for cement and sand;
  • pallets for drying finished sections.

For the production of concrete sections on an industrial scale, the most expensive expense item is the purchase of molds. They require a lot to provide a variety and a normal volume of products per shift. To make decorative sections for your own use, you can buy one or two molds, and they are not very expensive.

Another important tool for creating decorative sections is a vibrating table. With the help of vibrations, the concrete in the molds is compacted and gets rid of air bubbles and voids that reduce the strength of the concrete structure. The vibrating table can be bought, rented or made independently. On the Internet, you can find ready-made drawings of a homemade vibrating table.

It looks like a vibrating table for casting concrete products

In the manufacture of concrete products, the use of a concrete mixer is preferable to manual mixing, in which the components are mixed more thoroughly. Mechanical vibrating sieve is designed to clean sand and cement from debris. For small volumes, bulk materials can be sifted by hand.

When choosing a fence for a summer cottage, each owner tries to find the most durable and durable structure that does not need to be regularly repaired and tinted.

At the same time, I want the cost of a fence for a summer residence to be affordable for the household budget, and its installation does not require the use of special lifting equipment. All of these requirements are met by concrete sectional fences - easy-to-assemble and reliable structures that can be found today on every summer cottage.

It is not difficult to make a concrete fence for a summer residence on your own, since all the necessary technologies and materials are presented on the building envelope market.

IN Soviet time the only option for such a fence was a solid reinforced concrete slab - a heavy and inexpressive structure, more suitable for industrial enterprises and warehouses.

Nowadays, the most popular fences are made of small 2-meter sections, which are installed in the grooves of concrete pillars. The modular principle of their construction allows the owner to easily choose not only the height, but also the appearance of the fence. For this, two types of concrete sections are produced - solid and openwork (transmitting light).

There is a huge variety of options for the texture of such concrete slabs, which allows you to build a fence that imitates brickwork, a natural stone or surface wooden board. The upper part of the sectional concrete fence is usually finished decorative section curvilinear outline.

Manufacturers of sectional fences are trying to give their products original look and hide visible longitudinal seams.

To do this, they make sections in which the seam goes along the uneven junction of the "masonry". As a result, a decorative concrete fence looks like a single monolith, made of wild stone. The pillars connecting the slabs are also not left unattended and cast in molds that imitate a three-dimensional stone texture.

In addition to fence sections, in which only one side has a decorative texture, double-sided fence plates are sold on the market today. The fence made of them looks equally beautiful, both from the outside and from the inside.

The cost of sectional concrete fences is fully consistent with their durability and strength. In terms of a 50-year service life, such a dacha fence will cost no more than a metal profile, mesh or picket fence.

Estimated prices for a standard section 2 meters long and 0.5 meters high are in the average range from 350 to 600 rubles.

For a smooth pole, designed for the installation of four panels (total height 2 meters), manufacturers ask from 600 rubles. Exactly the same pillar, but with a textured surface, it will cost you an average of 1400 rubles.

We make a sectional concrete fence with our own hands

The simplicity and relatively low cost of poured concrete technology, as well as the availability of the necessary equipment on the market, make affordable option self-manufacturing fence sections.

At the same time, it should be noted that the costs of molds and a vibrating table will pay off only if the length of the fence is at least 120 meters (the area of ​​​​the plot is from 8 acres).

To get started, you need to purchase three or four single-sided molds for concrete fences made of PVC or fiberglass. Depending on the quality and thickness of the plastic, their cost ranges from 2000 rubles. for 1 piece The cost of a mold for with grooves 2.8 meters long is from 3,500 to 4,200 rubles.

It is impossible to make high-quality intake concrete blocks and pillars without using. On it, the concrete mixture is well compacted and fills all the elements of the textured surface of the form. The price of a vibrating table averages from 23 to 37 thousand rubles.

In addition, the manufacture of a concrete fence requires the use of a concrete mixer. It will be needed not only for the preparation of a casting mixture for molds, but also for mixing concrete for embedding pillars.

Stages of installation of a concrete sectional fence

A crew of three can do this job well, since the installation of concrete sections in the guide grooves of the pillars does not require the use of a crane.

For installation, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Shovel and crowbar;
  • Building level and cord;
  • 10-16 wooden template rails (each 201 cm long). They are necessary to accurately fix the distance between concrete pillars when installing them.

If the installation of the type-setting concrete fence of the dacha will be carried out on a site with a large slope, then a level will be needed to accurately determine the height of the fence steps.

Do-it-yourself sectional concrete fence is mounted in two stages.

The first includes the following operations:

    • A beacon cord is stretched along the perimeter of the fence at a height of 0.4-0.5 m from the ground;
    • To the depth of concreting of the pillars, pits are dug in increments of 2 meters;
    • A pole is lowered into each pit, leveled with a level and fixed with large rubble or brick fragments;
    • A wooden template rail is inserted into the groove of the installed post, and its other end rests against the groove of the next fence post.
    • The building level, which is applied to the template rail, determines the level of penetration of the pillars and, if necessary, pour soil under them or further deepen the pit.
    • After making sure that the distance between adjacent posts in the upper and lower parts is the same (the template rail does not fall into the groove, but stays in it), the posts are fixed in the pit and proceed to the second stage of installation.

  • Knead a concrete mixture of sand, fine gravel, cement in a ratio of 3: 2: 1 and fill all the pits with it.
  • After concreting with a level, the verticality of the pillars is checked again.
  • Installing fence panels summer period can be started 1 day after concreting, and in spring or autumn after 3-4 days.

Often the installation of a concrete fence is completed by painting the slabs. To do this, use a primer for concrete and facade paint with the addition of the desired color pigment.

However, this work is not mandatory, since even an unpainted concrete fence can withstand atmospheric moisture and temperature changes perfectly.
