Induction heating boilers create tangible competition for gas and heating elements. On the market, they are positioned as one of the most economical. They began to use them back in the eighties for industrial purposes. Household models were first introduced in the mid-90s, and for more than thirty years of history, they have undergone many changes.

First meeting

Induction boiler in operation

The name itself suggests that the boiler is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. To understand the essence of the process, it is enough to pass a large current through a coil of thick wire. A strong electromagnetic field is bound to be generated around the device. And if you put any ferromagnet in it (a metal that is attracted), then it will quickly heat up.

The simplest example of an induction heat source is a coil wound around a dielectric tube. You just need to place a steel core inside. A coil connected to a source of electricity will heat the metal rod. Now it remains to connect the device to the line through which the coolant circulates, and the primitive induction boiler will begin to generate heat.

The whole principle of work can be described in several sentences. Electrical energy generates an electromagnetic field. The metal core heats up under the influence of electromagnetic waves. Excessive heat from the rod is transferred to a heat transfer medium (ethylene glycol, oil or water).

Intense heating of the liquid generates convection flows. The hot coolant tends upward, and its strength is sufficient to operate a small circuit. In long lines, a circulation pump must be installed.

Truth and myths

In specialized stores, you can often hear amazing characteristics that are attributed to this heating equipment. Unfortunately, not all of them are true. For the sake of increasing sales, department managers sometimes dissemble. It's time to consider the main theses with which they operate.


Claim: Cutting-edge innovation based on physics principles.

  • Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831.
  • In industry, since the second half of the 20th century, induction furnaces have been successfully used to melt steel.

Since then, no innovations, let alone innovative technologies, have been implemented. This is a well-known principle that has found new applications and helped manufacturers to occupy a previously vacant niche.


Vortex induction heaters

Claim: induction boilers use 20-30% less energy than other electrical counterparts.

  1. Any heating device converts 100% of the energy used into heat - provided that it does not perform mechanical work. The efficiency may be less. It all depends on the heat dissipation around the heating device.
  2. The time to reach the required temperature of the coolant directly depends on the efficiency of the heating element. Any statements that induction models consume less electricity are nothing more than gimmicks. The law of conservation of energy is unshakable. To obtain one kilowatt of heat, it is necessary to spend at least 1 kW of electricity.
  3. Some of the heat will inevitably be wasted. For example, the coil itself heats up, since the resistance of the conductor is not zero. However, losses in any case remain in the house, and do not fly away through the chimney channels.

The conclusions are quite obvious - the manager who makes such statements is engaged in blatant swindle, or he himself was deceived.


Statement: the equipment has been working reliably for at least a quarter of a century. Its reliability is incomparable with other electrical counterparts.

  1. Mechanical wear of boilers of this type is impossible in principle, since they have no moving parts.
  2. The copper winding has a decent margin of safety. Provided it is properly cooled, it can last indefinitely. Insulation breakdowns are not terrible for her either. The fact is that the turns are wound not end-to-end, but at small intervals.
  3. The core will gradually collapse anyway. It can be affected by aggressive impurities, does not impart strength and a constant heating-cooling cycle. However, this process is so extended in time that more than a dozen years may pass before its completion.
  4. The control circuit includes several transistors. It is they who determine the uptime of all equipment. Component manufacturers usually declare a ten-year warranty. However, there are often cases when they worked without problems for 30 years or more - it all depends on the technological process.

Thus, induction boilers will in any case work much longer than heating elements analogs. The heating elements of the latter may require replacement after a few years.

Indispensable characteristics

New generation induction boilers

Claim: appliances with traditional heating elements lose power through the formation of scale. This process is absent here, and the technical parameters have not changed for decades.

  • The influence of scale is somewhat exaggerated. Firstly, the lime layer itself is not characterized by high thermal insulation qualities. Secondly, the formation of a large amount of lime deposits in a closed vortex is unlikely.
  • With regard to the core of the induction boiler, the content of the thesis is true. It is impossible to form scale on it, even if the coolant is oversaturated with lime inclusions.

Deposits simply cannot stick to a surface that constantly vibrates under the influence of an electromagnetic field. In addition, water bubbles regularly form on the core, which destroy any scale. Obviously, this statement is true for induction boilers, but not true for other electrical heating devices.


Statement: there is absolutely no noise during the operation of induction equipment. This compares favorably with other electrical analogs.

Vortex induction boiler
  • Any electric boiler does not make noise when heating water, because there are simply no acoustic vibrations.
  • Only circulation pumps can generate noise. However, if the operation of the heating system is based on the use of convection flows, then this noise will be excluded.
  • If the hydraulic resistance forces us to resort to forced circulation, then on the market today there are many silent pumps for heating systems. So the statements of the sellers in this case are quite fair.


Statement: the dimensions of induction boilers are small, which allows them to be installed in any room.

Realities: in fact, it is. The devices are a piece of pipe that does not require a separate space. The thesis does not in the least distort reality.


Statement: the boiler is absolutely safe.

Reality: in the event of a coolant leak, the electromagnetic field will not automatically disappear. The core will continue to heat up, and if the power supply is not cut off, the mount and body will melt in a few seconds.

Therefore, during installation, it is necessary to provide for an automatic shutdown of the boiler in such a situation. So the safety of the boiler is at the same level as in heating elements.

The abundance of advertising and the complex technical component of heating equipment often do not help, but only complicate the choice. What is more profitable, what is more convenient, which manufacturer has the best service, how complicated and expensive is the installation? All these and a lot of additional questions will have to be answered by everyone who is going to repair the old or create a new heating system. In this article, we will talk about what an induction heating boiler is and consider what techniques marketers use to achieve their main goal - sales.

The article will be of interest to homeowners who decide to modernize their heating system and install a backup boiler, especially those who have one source of heat - electricity and the choice is only behind the type of electric heating. After reading, you will be able to communicate professionally with equipment sellers and installers, and do not be fooled by overconfident entrepreneurs in the market.

What is Electric Heating

Let's figure it out. Electric heating is an artificial process of increasing temperature due to external energy supplied. There are several ways of converting electrical energy into thermal energy: without contact with the heated object (induction-heat carrier) and in contact with the heated object (heating element-heat carrier). It is in comparison with the heating element boiler that enterprising marketers manage to "intelligibly convey" information about the "incredible" induction boiler to the potential buyer. By the way, such a boiler used for household needs, you cannot find in any European country.

The use of the induction heating method is limited exclusively to the processes of heating metal and other conductive materials.

The principle of operation of an induction boiler

Induction heating is carried out by means of the energy of an alternating magnetic field, which the heated object absorbs and converts into heat. Therefore, this is heating of products made of conductive materials. To convert electrical energy into heat, you need to have three components:

  • alternating current (standard electrical network 220V, 50Hz);
  • inductor, i.e. multi-turn cylindrical coil (usually copper);
  • a core made of any ferromagnet (material to which the magnet sticks, more often metal).

Induction boiler device diagram

Now let's take a look at the principle of operation of induction heating step by step:

  1. Variable electricitypassing through the inductor creates a magnetic field around the coil;
  2. The magnetic field creates Foucault eddy currents on the surface of the core, which heat the workpiece under the influence of Joule heat (Joule-Lenz law);
  3. Heat from the heated core is transferred to the coolant that washes it due to the thermal conductivity of the material.

To put it simply, this is a step-down transformer that was installed in a pipe.

Thus, electrical energy is transmitted only to the core, without the use of contacts, and the heated core (steel pipe) is still in contact with the coolant. And yes, particles can also settle on the surface of the core and impair heat transfer. Marketers often talk about cavitation (oscillation) of the core and, consequently, the difficult formation of "scale". In practice, it will be difficult to make sure of this, and is this the most important advantage? The steel core has sufficient surface area for efficient heat dissipation even when deposits are present.

The video demonstrates the principle of operation of a hot-water induction heat generator. Many scammers and ignoramuses foist such devices on gullible customers under the guise of CE heaters.

How not to become a victim of cheating when buying an electric boiler for heating

Heat generator safety

When choosing a boiler, its safety is of paramount importance. In cheap heating elements, one of the main problems is current leakage. This is due to poor quality heating elements. By using certified accessories, leakage currents are minimized.

In induction boilers, electric shock is possible in the event of a power failure in the heat generator and a system leak, because any method of direct contact of the coolant (conductor) with a current or magnetic field is unsafe. It makes no sense to describe complex processes. The risk of electric shock when using cheap electric boilers is very high. This is the main reason to be skeptical about induction cats.

In order to reduce these risks, when choosing a boiler, pay attention to the quality of the electrical switch (machine), thermostat, temperature sensor and flow. If these elements are made in China and even their appearance does not inspire confidence, you should not count on the high build quality of such a heat generator.

Meet on the market of heating equipment domestic induction electric boilers heating that would be equipped with ABB, Moeller or Schneider circuit breakers is almost unrealistic. This is worth thinking about. If you have high-quality wiring in your house, then you and the manufacturer have different requirements for the quality of electrical equipment.

If you install any electrical appliance with a power of more than 1.5 kW, do not spare the money for the purchase of an RCD cut-off circuit breaker and be sure to make grounding, as indicated in the instructions for any electric boiler

It will not be superfluous to buy a voltage stabilizer. Turning on high-power electrical equipment affects the network parameters in the house, which can lead to malfunctions in modern household appliances and other devices. When using "miracle boilers", the RCD-switch works constantly, this indicates stray currents and, of course, the risk of electric shock. Consider whether your home needs a heat source of dubious quality that uses a powerful magnetic field?

When choosing heating equipment, preference should be given to products from well-known companies with international standards, a service center in your region and a legal basis for responding to customer claims. In my practice, there has not been a single case in which the manufacturer of "wonderful" boilers "made in the CIS" would be really responsible for defective goods. The chain of resellers, the absence of a real warranty and service centers based on private enterprises make warranty service almost impossible.

Declared and actual efficiency

All electrical energy is transmitted with almost 100% efficiency in any electric boiler and heat loss can only be due to poor insulation of the boiler body. Manufacturers of induction boilers often manipulate the indicators of a decrease in the efficiency of heating elements for heating elements, explaining this by the appearance of scale on the surface of heating elements, but this is absolute nonsense. First, calcium deposits are heat conductors. Secondly, if we consider the deposits as an insulator, then the efficiency will be unchanged, only the heating agent heating time to the specified parameters will change.

The most important thing to understand once and for all: there are no miracles! There are no innovations from scientific institutes during the Cold War and technologies of submarines with spaceships, the efficiency of which exceeds 100%.

Note! Any electrical heating has an efficiency close to 100%. There are no, for example, electrical household water heatersusing the "induction" heating method. This is due primarily to consumer protection from electric shock. And if once again the sellers will tell you by rote phrases about saving up to 30% and about high efficiency, then ask where the unused energy will go if the boiler efficiency is less than 100%. IN gas boilers the heat goes out through the chimney, but what happens to the electric boiler? Light trolling will let the seller know that you are in the subject, and he will stop seeing you as a truant physics in grade 9.

Noise, compactness and weight

All electric boilers operate silently, noise may appear in the following cases:

  • pump cavitation (oscillation),
  • overheating of the boiler,
  • narrowing of the section of the pipeline.

All electric boilers are of approximately the same volume. An induction electric boiler for heating weighs more than a heating element, so it is necessary to provide for the correct fasteners for it, not forgetting about the cavitation of the heat generator.

Temperature control

If you really want to save energy, then pay attention to the way you adjust the room temperature. Experts recommend not regulating the temperature of the water supply to the radiators, but the temperature in the room. To do this, you can use an external room thermostat or thermostats on radiators. Pay attention to the weekly programmable thermostat - chronothermostat, with which you can set different temperature conditions during the day or for another specified period of time. The efficiency of the heating system is characterized by the KIT (fuel utilization factor), and not the boiler efficiency. That is, the room should be fully heated only when it is really necessary. For example, when no one is at home, the temperature can be reduced to + 16C.

Disadvantages of induction electric boilers

Do you need a powerful magnetic field in your home?

Advantages of induction boilers in comparison with heating elements

  1. Increased requirements for the coolant at the heating element boiler. Indeed, water for a heating system, in which a heating element is used, in order to extend the life of heating elements, it is necessary to prepare, reduce the content of calcium and magnesium, ideally pass it through reverse osmosis. In practice, a fairly good 5 micron polypropylene filter.
  2. Power regulation (voltage surges) is less noticeable in an induction boiler, but only with rheostat regulation. This advantage is significant only in comparison with cheap heating elements boilers of domestic or Chinese production, which work on the principle of "ON" or "OFF". In developed countries, such an attitude to regulation is unacceptable, therefore, in modern boilers, the heating elements are divided into groups and are turned on one by one.
  3. The induction boiler consists of fewer parts and has more simple designtherefore it costs less and lasts longer. A minimum of components and the most simple device allows you to make an induction heating boiler yourself.

Homemade induction heating boiler: diagram


Induction heating boilers consume as much kW of heat as heating elements. There are no miracles. The induction heating method has a number of advantages and is widely used only in industry.

The use of induction heating in domestic conditions requires high quality components and assembly of the heat generator. To do this, it is necessary to increase the level of production capacity of domestic enterprises engaged in the production of induction boilers, to introduce international standards and quality control methods.

When buying a heating boiler, pay attention to the fact that the manufacturer has the ISO 9001 standard - a quality management system standard and other international certificates and international awards

Be sure to inquire about the terms of warranty service for the heat generator. And do not hesitate to ask a question about legal liability in case of electric shock. Believe the unsubstantiated assurances of sellers that there hasn't been anything like this in 30 years. You need specific answers to questions, who is responsible and in what documents it is spelled out. Do not forget that all permits for the use of an electric heater in fire-hazardous premises must be confirmed by the appropriate certificates.

Video: induction boiler

The process of home heating seems to be one of the most important for any person. When building a house, overhaul, updating the pipeline is very important to accurately determine the source of heating. If the homeowner lives in a gasified area, then there will be no unnecessary questions with the choice of a heating boiler. A gas appliance is the optimal solution available in terms of quality level and cost.

It will be more difficult for those people whose housing construction is located in places far from the gas supply lines, and the purchase of cylinders is intermittent. In such a situation, it is logical to pay attention to an electric induction heating boiler. User reviews and the opinion of independent experts will provide us with invaluable service in the study and selection of the device.

First acquaintance with the heat generator

Based on the name, it becomes clear that its operation is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. What is its essence? Let's try to pass current through a coil of thick wire. A strong electromagnetic field is immediately generated around the device. If you put a ferromagnet (an attractive metal) inside, it will heat up very quickly.

The simplest heating is a wire coil with a dielectric tube, inside which is a steel rod. By powering the device from the electrical network, we will get the core heating. It remains only to connect the resulting coil to the heating main and you get a primitive heating system.

In other words, electrical energy produces an electromagnetic field, the waves of which heat the metal base. And from it, the high temperature is transferred to the coolant (water or antifreeze). The intense heating of the liquid creates convection currents. Their capacity is sufficient for the efficient operation of a small heating circuit. In systems with long pipe runs, it is recommended to install a circulation pump.

Internally device

Structurally, induction heating is a transformer enclosed in a welded metal shell. There is a heat insulating layer under the casing. The coil is located in a separate compartment, hermetically sealed from the working space. This placement is safe because it completely excludes contact with the coolant. The core consists of thin steel tubes with a toroidal winding.

Please note that an induction hob heating boiler does not fundamentally differ from traditional heat generators equipped with heating elements. Its design features ensure uninterrupted, highly efficient operation of the heating system for a very long period of time.

Long-term operation of the heating system is ensured design feature, which is distinguished by an induction heating boiler. User reviews indicate that such units work equally effectively at any current frequency. That is, devices can be powered not only from a household electrical network, but also from high-frequency converters. Built-in sensors are able to react to voltage drops and monitor heating indicators.

Induction heating boilers: reviews and complaints

Lack of information about the device and the principles of operation of heat generators creates many questions. Having consulted a specialized store, you can sometimes hear the extremely positive characteristics that induction heating boilers are awarded. Reviews of trade managers are often sly, because there are no ideal devices in the world.

By deliberately forgetting about the existing shortcomings, sellers can mislead potential buyers. To objectively understand the situation, let's consider the most common statements.

Key points

Innovative development

In fact, electromagnetic induction as a physical phenomenon was discovered by the scientist Michael Faraday back in the 19th century. And furnaces based on induction cookers have long been used for steelmaking. That is, no new technologies have been invented, and modern boilers are working on a long-known discovery.

Profitable acquisition

We are assured that an induction heating boiler can save up to 30% of electricity. Reviews of reputable experts express incomplete agreement with this thesis.

Firstly, any heating device transforms all incoming electrical energy into heat. In this case, the efficiency will not necessarily be high, because the dispersion of heated air flows can occur unevenly.

Secondly, the rate of heating of the coolant depends on the effective operation of the heating device. As much as we would not like it, the facts confirm the large amount of electricity consumed by the induction heating boiler. The reviews of any person, even a little familiar with the laws of physics, agree with the obvious fact: to obtain one kilowatt of heat, you need to spend the same amount of electricity.

Third, some of the heat generated is wasted. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that she still remains in the house, and does not fly into the chimney.

Thus, the high efficiency of the device can be considered somewhat relative.


We are assured that induction inductors are capable of uninterrupted operation for thirty to forty years. And that the reliability of devices is much higher than other types of electric boilers. Let us examine this statement in more detail.

First, induction appliances are incapable of mechanical wear. There are no moving parts in them, so there is simply nothing to break.

Secondly, the copper winding of the coil can last long enough. Even damage to the insulation will not harm its performance.

Thirdly, the steel core, despite the sufficient thickness (about 7 mm) and the strength of the base material, nevertheless gradually collapses. The constant change of heating by cooling significantly affects the strength of the rod. But the negative process is too extended in time, so it may take more than one year before the core fails completely.

Fourth, the quality of the transistors affects the duration and reliability of the heater. It depends on them how long induction heating boilers will serve flawlessly. Feedback from grateful owners confirms the fact of a ten-year warranty. In practice, there have been cases when heat generators have worked without interruptions for more than thirty years.

The above arguments unanimously recognize the actual durability of induction boilers. This advantage looks especially convincing against the background of heating elements, in which the replacement of internal parts is required after several years of operation. It is not uncommon for heating elements to not even reach their end of life.

Invariability of work parameters

Furnaces based on heating elements gradually lose power due to the formation of scale on the heating elements. In this, induction heating boilers differ significantly from them: the technical characteristics here remain unchanged over many years of operation. Let's try to figure out whether this statement is so true.

The great influence of scale on the reduction of power in boilers with heating elements is somewhat exaggerated. The fact is that limescale does not have a high level of thermal insulation. In addition, the formation of a large scale layer is impossible in a closed water heating ring.

In induction appliances, build-up is completely eliminated. Even if the core comes into contact with the coolant liquid, it will still not become overgrown with limescale. Deposits are simply physically unable to be held on the surface of the rod due to its constant vibration under the influence of the electromagnetic field. In addition, water bubbles constantly form on the hot core, which destructively affect any scale.

Thus, the immutability statement technical characteristics in induction appliances quite rightly. As for heating boilers, here the thesis is not entirely true.

Silent operation

Sales agents rush to assure us that induction appliances do not make any sounds when switched on. Is this really so?

There are no sound vibrations in any electric heaters. An insignificant level of noise can be created by additional devices - circulation pumps. The modern market offers a large selection of coercive devices, among which you can find completely silent. So, the statements of the sellers can be considered fair.


A small piece of pipe with wound wire - this is how an induction heating boiler looks like. Reviews of the owners of the heating device confirm the possibility of placing the device in any room.


It is not worth arguing that the heat generator is absolutely safe. In the event of a coolant leak, the heating of the core will still continue. If you do not turn off the device, it will melt very quickly. In order to exclude such situations, you need to take care of an additional device during installation, which automatically turns off the system in case of unforeseen circumstances. It is quite clear that the safety of all electric boilers is at the same level.

Is it possible to make an induction heating boiler with your own hands

The need to obtain inexpensive and efficient heating of the house with minimal cost for the arrangement of the heating system, prompts many consumers to think about making their own equipment. After carefully reviewing the working and design principles of the device, you can assemble a homemade induction heating boiler. The main assistant in the matter will be a schematic representation of the heating piping, which must be constantly kept near you, checking and refining the installation on it.

You don't need a high-power appliance for your home. So, for heating a room with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters it is enough to make a boiler for 10 kW. It is capable of providing rooms with a temperature of 20 degrees. An electronic programmer of operating modes can be purchased for a homemade boiler. With its help, you can plan the operation of the induction apparatus for a week in advance. It is also possible to control the temperature regime from a distance.

Where to begin

Getting started, you need to prepare necessary materials and suitable tools. For the convenience of manufacturing, it is desirable to prepare an inverter-type welding machine. With its help, the seams in the generator body will be connected and the pipelines will be attached. Also, a high-frequency converter (inverter) is needed in the heating circuit device.

From materials you may need:

  • pieces of stainless steel wire or wire rod 50 mm long and about 7 mm in diameter - material for heating in a magnetic field;
  • a piece of thick-walled plastic pipe with an inner diameter of up to 50 mm - the basis for the boiler body;
  • enameled copper wire is the main heating element;
  • adapters - connecting fasteners;
  • metal mesh - a barrier between the coil and the walls of the case.

Having prepared everything you need, we begin to make an induction heating boiler with our own hands.

Installation of a simple circuit

To increase the safety of the homemade heat generator, it is advisable to insulate open areas coils. When choosing a material for protecting a copper wire, one must take into account its electrical and thermal conductivity.

The considered scheme of an induction boiler, made with his own hand, is inexpensive for the manufacturer and can significantly increase the speed of heating water in the heating system. The disadvantages include small size equipment and nondescript appearance.

Second variant of boiler installation

You can try to make a heater increased power... Its device will cost a little more than the first option, but subsequently all costs will be fully paid off with excellent quality and high efficiency.

The construction of a complicated model is a welded joint of two pipes, which looks like a donut. The resulting part will simultaneously serve as a core and a heating element. Copper winding directly on the boiler body provides a high level of performance while maintaining the compactness and low weight of the device. The inlet and outlet connections are welded directly to the inductor. Thus, the heating of water will occur as a result of contact of the coolant with the copper winding.

Features that must be taken into account when installing a boiler.

  • Such an induction device can only be integrated into a closed heating circuit operating on forced circulation of the coolant.
  • Only plastic materials should be used in the piping system.
  • The induction device should be located in the room so that the distance from it to the nearest walls and objects is at least 300 mm. The boiler should be 800-1000mm away from the floor and ceiling.

The laborious process of installing an induction circuit will eventually result in high-quality heating of the house. A home-made heater will serve you for at least two decades without causing any worries.

Induction boiler SAV - a well-known brand of industrial apparatus

One of the varieties of factory appliances can be considered an induction heating boiler SAV. The furnace is a piping system with an integrated inductor. The manufacturer of heat generators is the Volgograd research company Velebit.

SAV thermogenerators are successfully used in several types of systems:

It is noteworthy that the SAV induction heating boiler shows high efficiency in remotely controlled automated heat supply systems. Industrial production of electrical installations of three classes with power ranges has been established: 2.5-10 kW, 15-60 kW, 100-150 kW.

Heat generators type VIN

A vortex induction heating boiler (VIN) is intended for heating and hot water supply of private residential buildings, country houses and commercial and public facilities. Depending on the power value, two types of heaters are produced: single-phase and three-phase. More powerful models can be successfully used in devices for the heating system of industrial enterprises.

Let's sum up

Induction heating boilers in Ukraine began to be used at the end of the eighties of the last century at industrial enterprises. The development of household options began around the mid-nineties. Over the past decades, electric heaters have changed many times, modernizing and improving.

Today, induction appliances compete with gas and heating elements. The trading network offers many models that differ in technical parameters and cost. The price of household appliances starts from 25 thousand rubles. are much more expensive - over 100 thousand. Making a thermogenerating apparatus with your own hands will allow you to significantly reduce the cost of arranging home heating.

The principle of operation of an induction heating boiler is based on the use of eddy currents discovered and investigated by the French physicist Foucault. A modern electric induction boiler used for heating water in heating circuits can be represented as a transformer consisting of an induction coil, a core, a primary and secondary winding, which is an inner pipe through which the heated coolant passes.

There are two types of boilers using eddy currents to heat the coolant. If, for the first type, a mains voltage of 220 to 50 hertz is applied to the primary winding, then for another type, the voltage is supplied through an inverter that converts the mains voltage into high-frequency currents, of the order of tens of kilohertz. There is a difference in the material used. For example, if an induction boiler SAV has a heat exchanger made of a closed system of steel pipes, then a heat exchanger made of ferromagnetic material is used for vortex induction boilers.

Why do you need an inverter

Many people still remember color tube televisions, which weighed 60 kilograms. It was possible to reduce their dimensions and weight thanks to the use of inverters in power supplies. The inverter converted the mains voltage with a frequency of 50 hertz into a high frequency voltage of several tens of kilohertz. This voltage was applied to the transformer, distinctive feature which was a core made of a special ferromagnetic alloy. The physical properties of the applied ferromagnetic material made it possible to significantly reduce the dimensions and weight of the power transformer. Conversion of mains voltage 50 hertz into high-frequency is used in vortex induction boilers - these are induction boilers of a new generation for heating homes.

The voltage is supplied to them from the inverter, the transformer coil is the winding on the central pipe made of a ferromagnetic alloy, and the secondary short-circuited winding is the pipe and the body of the induction boiler. Such technical solution allowed to make the boiler compact, reliable and economical. But on the other hand, the use of expensive copper for winding and special alloys for heat exchangers, automation unit and inverter made the cost of the product high. Therefore, for any induction boiler, the price will be significantly higher than for an electric heating element boiler.

Features of the installation of induction boilers

Modern induction electric boilers for home heating are designed for installation only in closed circuits, with a circulation pump. Forced circulation is necessary, first of all, because the small volume of the heat exchanger and intensive heating prevent the creation of natural circulation. The water will boil before the conditions for gravitational circulation are created.

If an induction electric boiler for heating is used as a heat generator, it is recommended to use plastic pipelines in the circuit or isolate from the boiler by installing plastic fittings. The boiler requires mandatory and high-quality grounding. Installation requirements are common for electric boilers: from the floor or ceiling - 0.8 m, from the wall - 0.3 m. The installation of a safety unit, which consists of a pressure gauge, air and safety valves, is mandatory as for any closed heating system.

Advantages of electric induction boilers for heating

The efficiency of an induction boiler is very high and close to 98%, like that of heating elements or electrode boilers. It is no secret that the price for induction electric boilers for heating a private house is higher than for conventional heating boilers. Material, automation and inverter costs add to the cost of the unit. Like any technical device, induction heating boilers have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of induction boilers:

The disadvantage is a large weight - from 30 to 40 kilograms and the fact that induction prices for electric boilers are much higher than for heating elements.

The main types of induction boilers

Before buying an induction electric heating boiler for a home, you need to choose which type is most suitable.

There are two types on sale - induction boilers SAV and vortex boilers (VIN), which have characteristic differences.

Induction heating boilers SAV

Boilers of this type do not require an inverter. Mains voltage of 50 hertz is applied to the winding (inductor). Secondary winding system metal pipes the heat exchanger is very quickly heated by Foucault currents. The heated coolant moves in the circuit forcibly with the help. Boilers for voltages of 220V and 380V are produced. A 2.5 kW boiler heats a room up to 30 m2, and you can buy an induction electric heating boiler complete with a control and automation unit for a price of about 30 thousand rubles.

VIN induction boilers (vortex)

These are induction boilers of a new generation for their operation, an inverter is required - a frequency converter of the electrical network. This technical solution made it possible to make the device compact and lighter than boilers of the SAV type. The heat exchanger is made of ferromagnetic material, and the magnetic core and the secondary winding are not only the heat exchanger, but also the boiler body.

A VIN type boiler with a power of 3 kW can provide 40 m2 of heat.

The kit includes an automation unit, a pump and a circulation pump, so the price for an electric induction heating boiler is the highest, about 38 thousand rubles.

Induction boiler is the best source of heat

From any point of view, there is nothing simpler, more reliable and better for heating than an electric boiler. Reviews found on the network for induction boilers for heating a private house emphasize only one drawback - the price of electricity, if it were comparable to the price of gas, 99% of the population would forever refuse to use gas boilers. In addition, many are intimidated by the possibility of a sudden power outage. But a modern induction electric heating boiler finds its buyer. Electric boilers are installed as a backup in private houses and for heating in offices and shopping pavilions.

Induction heating boilers appeared on sale recently and immediately competed with the usual electric boilers with heating elements. With similar dimensions and power consumption, induction heaters are able to warm up the system much faster, in addition, they can operate in systems with a low quality of the coolant and require less maintenance. Applying knowledge in electrical engineering and ingenuity, you can make an induction heating boiler with your own hands.

The operation of induction boilers and other heating devices of this type is based on the ability of conductive materials to heat up under the influence of eddy currents created as a result of electromagnetic induction.

The source of induction is a high-frequency alternating current passing through the primary winding of the heating device, made in the form of a coil. A heating element placed inside the coil acts as a secondary short-circuited winding. It converts electromagnetic energy into thermal energy.

Eddy currents also occur at an industrial frequency of 50 Hz, but the efficiency of the heater will be low, and the operation of the device will be accompanied by strong hum and vibration. As the frequency rises to 10 kHz and higher, the noise disappears, vibration becomes imperceptible, and heating increases.


An industrial induction boiler consists of a core, the role of which is played by a heat exchanger, around which a toroidal winding is wound, connected to a high-frequency converter. When current passes through the winding, an alternating electromagnetic field is created, as a result of which eddy currents are generated, passing through the core.

The winding is connected to a high-frequency converter, in which a signal from the control unit creates a current of the required frequency. Modern boilers have a high level of automation, which allows not only to create an optimal heating mode for the coolant, but also to turn off the device in case of an emergency.

The heat transfer medium is located inside the heat exchanger core. Under the influence of eddy currents, it heats up to high temperatures. Due to the difference between the temperature of the coolant at the inlet and outlet, from the boiler, the coolant circulates through the system continuously, even without connecting the pump. Therefore, induction boilers can be used in systems with forced and natural circulation.

The coolant can be both water and antifreeze, antifreeze, oil. In this case, the quality of the liquid does not matter: the constant vibration of the system, imperceptible by a person, makes it impossible for scale and other impurities to settle on the walls of the thermal circuit.

Outer shell - a metal case equipped with a thermal and electrical insulation system.

Boiler shape it can be any, as well as the method of its installation: due to the absence of a tank inside the boiler, its dimensions are usually small, and its mass does not exceed 50 kg.

An induction boiler cannot even be switched on for a short time without filling the system with a coolant! Overheating of the boiler and failure of its elements may occur!


  • High efficiency. Most manufacturers give the numbers 95-98%;
  • A large selection of models of various powers for single-phase voltage ~ 220 V or three-phase ~ 380 V;
  • Rapid heating of the heating system at startup;
  • They can work with any coolant;
  • The circuit through which the coolant passes inside the boiler is absolutely sealed, which excludes leaks and related malfunctions;
  • Long-term operation without the formation of limescale and deposits. It is this phenomenon that over time reduces the efficiency of boilers with heating elements and is a frequent cause of their breakdown due to overheating of the heating elements;
  • The service life declared by the manufacturers is from 25 to 30 years.

Heaters are not devoid of disadvantages, the most significant of which is the high price. This factor usually prompts a prudent owner to assemble a homemade induction boiler from scrap materials and appliances. Despite the complexity of the processes taking place in boilers of this type, it is possible to create a structure that does not lag behind industrial-made boiler in terms of basic parameters, and to make an induction boiler with your own hands.

Boiler powered by a welding inverter

The design of such a homemade boiler is quite simple. The most difficult block for independent execution, requiring knowledge of the basics of electronics and electrical engineering, is a high-frequency converter. Its function is perfectly performed by a modern-type welding inverter, capable of producing an output signal with a frequency of 20-50 kHz.

In addition, installation will require:

  • copper wire in enamel insulation with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm;
  • insulated wire with terminals for connecting the winding to the inverter;
  • trims of stainless steel wire with a diameter of 3-5 mm, a length of 5 cm;
  • fine stainless steel mesh;
  • a section of a water pipe made of sewn polyethylene or polypropylene for hot water supply and heating systems with a diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 8.4 mm, length - 1 m;
  • adapters from a 50 mm pipe to pipes used in an existing or projected heating system, a tee for connecting an emergency valve and two ball valves;
  • pCB strips for fastening the winding;
  • epoxy adhesive for winding insulation;
  • the body of a homemade boiler, it can be made from a distribution metal or plastic cabinet, in which you can install an inverter and fix a heating element.

The sequence of assembly and installation of elements:

  1. On a piece of polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, 4 strips of textolite 8-10 mm wide are attached with epoxy glue, departing from the ends of the pipe by 70-100 mm. A winding will be wound around them. To fix the extreme turns of the winding in the PCB, you can make grooves.
  2. 50-100 turns of copper wire in enamel insulation are wound. The turns should be approximately 0.3-0.6 mm apart at an equal distance. The exact number of turns depends on the diameter of the wire used and its resistivity, as well as the output parameters of the inverter.
  3. When installing a homemade boiler in a residential area, it is recommended to perform a toroidal winding to reduce the external electromagnetic field. The toroidal winding consists of the same number of oppositely directed turns, while the electromagnetic fluxes are mutually compensated and pass only along the inner loop.
  4. A stainless steel mesh is inserted inside the pipe from one end of it and tightly packed on the other side with pieces of stainless wire - it will heat up under the influence of eddy currents. It is recommended to use stainless steel so that corrosive destruction of the wire does not occur over time, but theoretically, any conductive metal, including wire rod, is suitable. The other end of the pipe is also covered with a mesh.
  5. On both ends of the pipes, polypropylene adapters are soldered to the diameter used in the heating system. Ball valves are installed on them to shut off the circulation and remove the heat exchanger for revision.
  6. An emergency pressure relief valve is installed on the side of the upper outlet adapter.
    The winding is coated with epoxy glue to ensure high-quality electrical insulation of the winding. It is recommended to make glue with a slight deviation from the instructions, adding 10-15% less hardener. This will make the insulation less brittle.
  7. Fastened to the terminals of the winding wire in insulation using crimp terminals. The other end of the wire must be equipped with terminals for connecting to the inverter. The wire diameter must be suitable for the maximum output current of the inverter.
  8. Install the heat exchanger in the cabinet, fixing it on brackets made of heat-resistant, non-conductive material. You can use textolite.
  9. Connect the heater to the system and fill it with water.
  10. An inverter is placed in the lower part of the cabinet. Connect the terminals to it and include it in the network. The boiler is started and the mode is set.
The metal cabinet body must be grounded!

From induction hob

An induction boiler can also be made on the basis of an induction hob. To do this, disassemble the heating element of the tile and use copper wire for winding on a core made in the above way.

The tile control unit is used to power the resulting winding, setting the required power on the touch control panel.

However, this method has significant disadvantages:

  • For the successful operation of such a homemade boiler, you need to calculate the parameters of the inductance of the newly assembled coil. They may not match those for which the tile electronics are designed, as a result of which the control unit may be damaged. For calculations, you need to have good knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and be able to understand the connection diagram;
  • Most stove models are equipped with an automatic shutdown 2-3 hours after the start of the burner. This will lead to regular shutdown of the boiler;
  • Induction-type tiles usually have a power of no more than 2.5 kW, therefore, they are only suitable for converting to a low-power boiler.

Errors in the device of an induction boiler from a tile are shown in the video:

An easier way to use an induction hob, excluding disassembly of the device and installation of a new circuit - install a sealed stainless steel tank on it suitable size with inlet and outlet fittings and connecting it as a boiler to the heating system. Almost everyone can handle such a connection scheme.

If you have the necessary knowledge and ability to understand the schemes, you can follow the example of the author of the video and assemble a functional induction boiler from a tile, modifying its scheme.

Dry type heater

The principle of operation of an induction boiler involves the use of water or other liquid not only as a heat carrier, but also to cool the core. But the heating of the secondary winding, the role of which in this device is played by a pipe with water, will also occur if it consists only of metal.
The degree of heating in this case depends on the ratio of the strength of the electromagnetic field created by the winding and the mass of the core metal. Having made the calculations, you can create a dry induction heater with your own hands from metal pipes and copper windings, as shown in the video.

Using an induction boiler is cheaper than a conventional electric boiler with heating elements, and a home-made design will significantly reduce the cost of installing it. Similarly, you can assemble a water heater flow type for installation in the country, choosing a device of the required power.
