Apple trees can be planted in early spring or mid-autumn, at your discretion. Planting apple trees in spring is preferable in the non-chernozem zone; in a dry cold autumn, it is also better to choose spring for planting trees in the ground. In other cases, autumn planting is usually carried out, since it allows the root system to recover during the dormant period and prepare for the growing season.

It is worth once planting an apple tree on your site, and it will produce tasty fruits for at least 25 years, or even twice as much. This common fruit tree seems unpretentious, but many gardeners have learned the hard way that the apple tree needs constant competent care, including grafting with other varieties, preventive measures against and other troubles. And most importantly, you need to know how to plant an apple tree correctly so that it takes root and starts growing.

In any case, no matter what time of year you choose, the seedlings must be at rest: in the spring - before the buds open, in the fall - after the leaves have fallen.

It is worth planting an apple tree on your plot once, and it will produce tasty fruits for at least 25 years.

Having started planting apple trees in the first half of October, you need to have time to complete it at least two weeks before the onset of frost. Otherwise, new roots will not have time to form.

Video about planting an apple tree

Preparing a "house" for an apple tree

Stony, gravel and marshy soils are not suitable for apple trees. It is desirable that the soil is easily permeable to air and water, and groundwater lies at least at a depth of two meters. If you are going to plant several apple trees, make a distance of 3 meters between the trees, and 6 meters between the rows.

A pit for a seedling must be prepared a month before planting. Dig a round hole in the soil with a diameter of one meter and a depth of about 0.7 meters with sheer walls. As a precaution, keep the fertile topsoil separate from the bottomsoil. It will be necessary to drive a stake up to 5 cm thick into the center of the resulting pit, so long that it protrudes 40 cm from the pit. The lower part of the stake should be burned to protect against decay.

A pit for a seedling must be prepared a month before planting.

Prepare a fertile soil mix for the apple tree by mixing the top layer of excavated soil with peat, compost, humus, rotted manure, adding organic fertilizers(Add more sand for clay soils). Pour the soil mixture into the hole to the top so that a small mound rises above the surface of the earth. This is necessary so that in a couple of years your seedling does not end up in a funnel, because the soil will still compact and shrink. Since the pit is prepared a month before planting an apple tree in the fall, you yourself will have time to see how compacted the soil is during this time. The remaining soil from the lower layer of the pit is used to form a roller around the planting pit and scatter along the aisle.

Features of the pit depending on the soil :

  • with clay soil, make the pit deeper, lay a drainage layer of stones or empty stones on the bottom cans, you can use tree trimmings, then the roots will be provided with additional nutrition and air supply for several years;
  • without a drainage layer, the pits should be made wider, about 0.4 meters deep, so that the water does not stagnate in the ground in autumn and does not impair the formation of roots;
  • For sandy soil instead of drainage, you will need a water-retaining layer of silt or clay;
  • if groundwater passes one and a half meters from the surface, there is no need to dig a deep hole, just dig the soil, apply fertilizer and place the roots of the seedling in a small depression, sprinkled with earth on top;
  • when groundwater passes close to the surface (less than one and a half meters), apple trees will have to be planted not in pits, but in mounds up to 1.5 meters high.

The crucial stage is planting a seedling in a hole

Inspect seedlings purchased or harvested independently before planting: the roots on the cuts should have White color if the color is brown, then the root system was frozen or dried. All damaged tissues will need to be cut out, healthy ones should be cut to live tissue by a couple of centimeters.

While the roots are falling asleep with earth, the seedling needs to be shaken a little.

In a hole prepared for a month, make a hole according to the size of the root system of the seedling. At the bottom of the hole, you need to form a small mound of black soil so that the roots do not get burned from fertilizers. Insert the apple seedling into the hole so that the planting stake is located south of the tree, and root neck of the trunk 5 cm above the ground. It is quite easy to determine where the root neck is located - this is the place where the greenish color of the bark changes to light brown. It is impossible to deepen the transition boundary into the ground, otherwise the apple tree will grow poorly, fruiting will begin late, and crops will be irregular. It is also undesirable to plant above the root collar - in hot weather, the roots will not have enough moisture.

It is more convenient to plant apple trees together, so that one person holds the seedling at the right height, spreading the roots along the earthen mound, and the second sprinkled the root system of the apple tree with fertile soil, carefully tamping it, especially along the edges of the planting hole. While the roots are falling asleep with earth, the seedling needs to be shaken a little, then the soil will fill the voids between the roots, otherwise they will dry out.

Video about autumn planting apple trees

The seedling is tied with a free figure eight to the planting stake with polyethylene twine so that the tree does not settle. Two or three buckets of water are poured into the hole, then the surface of the earth is mulched with humus or the remaining excavated earth. In the future, the seedling will need to be watered once a week, thereby compacting the soil. If the apple tree is deeply settled along with the soil, gently pull it up to the root neck. Watering stops in August.

Planting an apple tree does not require special skills, it is only important to properly dig a planting hole in accordance with the characteristics of the soil and accurately observe the depth of planting a tree.

Apple trees are among those few fruit trees, which can be grown in any region of our country. Without them, it is impossible to imagine any orchard.

A huge number of varieties of this tree are known, from early to late deadlines fruit ripening. And so it seems to many that growing an apple tree is not difficult. However, this is not quite true. Planting and caring for an apple tree requires knowledge and skills which not all beginners have.

A beautiful and abundantly fruiting tree is the result of the hard work of a gardener. In order to grow a healthy and productive tree, you need to know well how to plant apple tree seedlings.

If you do not take into account the features of planting, then you can wait a long time for the harvest, when the tree will delight you only with beautiful foliage, or even the seedling may die. So let's figure out how to plant apple trees correctly.

Choice of term

The main question that interests gardeners - how and when to plant apple trees? If you follow the rules of planting, then good survival and rooting are possible. throughout the season.

However, according to experienced summer residents, optimal period for most regions of Russia are early spring or mid autumn.

Complete information about that, you will receive from this rubric.



It is better to plant an apple tree in spring late March - early April, in other words, when the air temperature is already consistently above zero. On planted seedlings, the buds should not be dissolved.

At the same time, the planted trees should water abundantly without allowing the roots to dry out.

Read more about in our instructions.


The best time to plant in the fall is mid October, that is, two weeks before the onset of negative temperatures.

To protect young seedlings from freezing, seedlings planted in autumn need pile up with earth, humus or compost. Trunks desirable whitewash chalk solution. In winter, make sure that there is enough snow around the tree.

The best time to plant apple trees is in the fall.

In summer

Apple trees are planted in summer in rare cases. In this case, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for landing, do not forget fertilize, pay special attention to watering.

If you decide how to do it right, read the link.

Attention! At this time of the year, it is important to detect and take measures against caterpillars that eat young leaves in time, destroy aphids and eliminate weed grass around seedlings.

Distance selection

When planting several apple trees, the distance between them is maintained three to five meters. The removal of seedlings from each other depends on the variety. Therefore, the question is not which apple tree is better to plant, but at what distance to plant an already purchased apple tree:

  • Tall trees with a large crown are planted at a greater distance from each other;
  • Dwarf and undersized varieties are planted at a distance of 2.5 to 3 meters.

Distance between trees when planting.

Read more about that here.

Features in the regions

Moscow region

IN middle lane Russia, in particular, in the Moscow region, it is better to plant apple trees mid-September to mid-October. This period of the year is characterized by high humidity, frequent precipitation, and this favorably affects the development of the roots of the seedling, they have time to get stronger.

Planting an apple tree in autumn Leningrad region fundamental has no difference.


It is necessary to plant apple trees in Siberia no earlier than mid-May. For growing in severe winters and short cool summers, you need to carefully approach variety selection.

Large-fruited varieties will not grow in Siberia. Better to use winter-hardy varieties which can withstand low temperatures down to -50 degrees.

How to plant an apple tree with a closed root system?

If you have already decided what kind of apple tree you want to plant in the country, it is better to purchase a seedling in a nursery or a specialized store. Apple tree seedlings are better to buy with closed root system.

Advice! Plants with closed roots are not grown in open ground, but immediately in plastic containers.

The advantages of these seedlings are high survival rate, since when planting they are simply taken out of the container along with an earthen clod, as a result of which their roots are not injured. These seedlings can be planted at any time of the year: spring, summer or autumn. The question of how to choose a place for planting an apple tree, we will consider below.

Tips from experienced gardeners on how you can get here.

Planting hole preparation

Apple trees are best planted in holes that are prepared in advance. If planting is planned in the spring, pits are dug in the fall, for summer planting - in the spring, for autumn they can be dug in the summer.

At the bottom of the pit you need to leave a little humus, add phosphate and potash fertilizers, mix everything with fertile soil. This mixture should be poured in the form knoll in the middle of the pit and sprinkle it on top with a layer of soil so that the roots do not touch mineral fertilizers.

If near groundwater

In lower places, groundwater is close to the soil surface. Excess moisture can destroy the root system plants and it can rot.

In this case, seedlings are planted on artificially raised bumps up to 70 cm high. Later, earth is added to the tubercles to form a gentle slope.

The choice of apple trees depending on the level of groundwater.

Planting apple seedlings

An important condition for obtaining a beautiful and highly productive apple orchard is proper fit seedlings. First of all, you need to choose grade, which must take root and grow precisely in your climatic conditions .

important when buying young age, it should be not older than 1-2 years. How younger seedling, the faster it adapts and the easier it is to take root in the garden.

So, how to plant apple tree seedlings? When purchasing seedlings, you need to inspect tree trunk. A quality seedling should have straight, even, with a smooth bark, without damage, defects, traces of leaking resin. On the branches of a seedling leaves should not be since with blossoming leaves it will not take root well.

After planting young trees, it is IMPORTANT to provide them with the necessary care. It consists in:

  • watering;
  • Preventive work against pests and diseases;
  • In feeding.

You can see the rules for planting apple seedlings in the video:


If you decide to plant several apple trees, then the distance between them depends from variety and specific species. For different varieties different scheme planting apple trees:

  • Vigorous varieties(Antonovka ordinary, Grushovka Moscow) are placed at a distance of 3-4 m, between rows 5-6 m;
  • Undersized varieties(Melba, Welsey, Spartan) planted at a distance of 3-3.5 m, kept 4-5 m between rows;
  • Popular lately dwarf varieties planted in a row at a distance of 0.6 m, semi-dwarf after 1.2 m.

Important! Planting seedlings through a small gap leads to a lack of space for the root system of plants, and this will eventually negatively affect their condition. Dense planting complicates the process of caring for trees and harvesting, due to the lack of sun and air, diseases and pests can appear. This negatively affects the process of ripening fruits, worsens their taste.

For more information about planting apple trees, see the video:

Where to plant an apple tree on the site?

If you are concerned about the question of where it is better to plant an apple tree on the site, we answer - for planting an apple tree, you need to choose a site that meets the following conditions:

  • With enough fertile land;
  • Sunlit;
  • Protected from cold northern winds.

Since apple trees have a powerful and developed root system, they grow better on soils containing an adequate supply of nutrients. Planting apple trees is undesirable in clay soil, as well as swampy and rocky.

That's why the best option where to plant an apple tree on the site is on loose, light, chernozem soil.

Attention! It is undesirable to plant trees along the main path on garden plot. In the future, the crown of a mature tree may complicate the passage along this path.

How to plant apple trees on the site depends largely on their variety. For example, for dwarf varieties of apple trees, the warmest areas protected from the wind are chosen. They can be placed against the walls of the house or along the fences.

Many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to plant apple tree in place of the old apple tree. Doing so undesirable because the soil needs rest.

A young plant will be extremely uncomfortable in nutrient-poor soil. This can adversely affect the development of a young tree.

If you are in dire need of planting an apple tree after an apple tree, then you need to dig quite spacious landing pit- 70x80x100 cm, fill it fresh earth, you can from forest plantations by adding to it organic and mineral fertilizers(superphosphate, wood ash).

The soil

It seems that both an apple tree and a not too capricious tree, but planting and caring for it in the open field require knowledge of some nuances.

The productivity of apple trees also depends on the preparation of the soil, which must first dig deep, enrich with nutrients. Practice shows that best soil for the apple tree:

  • Light;
  • fertile;
  • slightly acidic;
  • With the proximity of groundwater at least 1.5 - 2 m from the surface.

Usually, on clay soil fruit trees grow poorly, often get sick. Then planting a tree in a hole is not recommended. It would be correct to plant an apple tree on a specially created from fertile soil. knoll with a diameter of about 1 meter and a height of about 60-80 cm. In the future, the hill must be constantly expanded.

ADVICE! Dig a shallow hole around the trunk circle and fill it with pebbles or sand. Such a drainage system will subsequently divert water from the tree during rains and snow melt.

If you follow the rules of planting, and on heavy clay soil you can get good harvest apples. And what kind of soil the apple tree loves, you already know.

Proper planting of an apple tree in a box

Over time old fruit trees reduce performance. And then the owner of the garden thinks about how to save your favorite variety of apple tree. There are several ways to propagate an apple tree.

Most often used for this cuttings and branches. If you manage to root the cutting, then you can get the same variety.

Rooting in a box.

One reliable method is rooting in a box. The rules for planting an apple tree in this way are as follows:

  1. The prepared mixture is poured into a pre-prepared box for indoor plants or earth with sawdust;
  2. Twigs are buried in the soil;
  3. The boxes are moved to a warm place. It is desirable to ventilate the room periodically;
  4. Swelling on the shoot of the kidneys means that it has taken root.

Such cuttings still very fragile roots, That's why transplant for a permanent place in the garden is necessary not in the spring, but autumn. Until that time, a box with young trees, regularly watered, can be kept in the garden. Over the summer, full-fledged seedlings will grow from them.

Saplings from old trees

You can plant your favorite apple variety by growing root-own seedling. Better get on with it spring when intensive sap flow begins:

  1. On the branch, you need to make small cuts about 1 cm, hang a plastic bag with earth on this place. The incision must be in the ground;
  2. The package is tightly closed with a rope or electrical tape. Thus, a small greenhouse is created in which young roots grow;
  3. In autumn, the package must be removed, cut off the stalk below the regrown roots and planted as an independent seedling.

Experienced gardeners claim that an apple tree can be grown on its own even from a seed. This process is troublesome and not always effective. For this you need:

  1. Remove the seeds from the apple, rinse them well under running water;
  2. Then they need to be soaked in water at room temperature for three days. In this case, you need to change the water every day;
  3. On the third day, you need to add a growth stimulator;
  4. Swollen seeds must be stratified. To do this, they must be placed in a container with wet sawdust or sand. Then this container should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a month or two;
  5. It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the seeds, to prevent the planting from drying out;
  6. Sprouted seeds must be transferred to a box or wide pot with drainage and nutrient soil laid on the bottom. Here the sprouts will get stronger and will be ready for transfer to a permanent place in the summer cottage.

As follows from the above, even an inexperienced gardener will be able to cope with this task, knowing how to plant an apple tree from an old apple tree, as a result of which your favorite varieties of apples will remain in your garden.


Knowing how to plant an apple tree correctly and what kind of care it needs, you will receive more than one year quality and bountiful harvest.

In one of our next articles, we will also look at how to properly plant an apple tree and a pear tree and whether there are differences in their planting.

In a rare garden there are no apple trees. They grow almost everywhere: almost from the Far North to the southern regions of Russia. What gardener can refuse this tree, the fruits of which are good not only processed (jam, compotes, juices, jams, marmalade), but also fresh? Apples contain a huge amount of trace elements useful for human body. In this regard, novice gardeners are concerned about important question: how to plant an apple tree and what time of the year to do it?

It is best to plant trees in early spring and late autumn. In this case, the seedlings take root well and grow quickly. Recently, however, many nurseries offer gardeners a huge range of planting material with a closed root system (in pots and containers). Such seedlings can be purchased and planted in your garden not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer period. True, in this case, you should pay attention to the weather conditions: if there is a strong heat, it is highly undesirable to plant even such seedlings. The optimal time for planting seedlings with a closed root system is May-June, August-September.

Where is the best place to plant an apple tree on the site

First of all on personal plot you need to choose the right place where the apple tree will grow. This matter must be taken seriously, it is unacceptable to plant seedlings anywhere. Pay attention to the illumination of the area. Apple tree, like many others garden plants, does not tolerate shading by other cultures. In no case should it be planted next to tall wild neighbors (oak, pine, birch, maple). The best neighbors for her there will be other apple trees, pears, plums, apricots (giving fruits with stones).

The best neighbors are other apple trees

It is necessary to remember about the distance between plants. Tall apple trees are planted 5 m apart, between medium-sized ones should be from 3 to 4 m, and undersized and dwarf apple trees can be safely planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m from neighbors.

Important! Columnar apple trees are planted even less frequently. The optimal spacing between them is 50-60 cm in a row and 1 m between rows.

Another important factor when choosing a location is that the site must be protected from cold northern winds. The southern slopes are best suited. In addition, the apple tree has a negative attitude towards groundwater located close to the soil surface. It is strongly not recommended to plant trees on swampy, saline soils. Plants will grow hard, and if they do, they will not give a big harvest.

What kind of soil does an apple tree like

The queen of the garden, as the apple tree is sometimes also called, is generally not demanding on soils. It can grow well and bear fruit perfectly on different types soil, but, as previously mentioned, it is better to avoid saline and swampy areas.

The apple tree grows well and bears fruit on sod-podzolic, gray forest, chernozem soils. However, it is recommended to bring them to a neutral state before landing. In extreme cases, the soil for the apple tree should be slightly acidic. Also, apple plantings will grow well on loamy and sandy soils.

Important! It is recommended to lay apple orchards in areas where vegetables previously grew. Experienced gardeners are advised to refrain from planting seedlings in places where similar trees have recently been uprooted. The soil should rest for 5 years. At this time, it is better to plant garden crops there.

Novice gardeners are often wondering how to plant an apple tree on clay soil? Landing in this case is somewhat different from the standard. First of all, you need to know that it is not worth digging a landing hole deep - a maximum of 50 cm. But the hole is made wide enough - about 1 m wide. All the clay soil is thrown out of the hole and fertile soil is poured into it. It is also recommended to add 3-4 buckets of humus or compost to each pit, mixing with the ground.

What kind of soil does an apple tree like

Experienced gardeners also recommend making drainage grooves through which water from the rains will flow. This should be done due to the fact that clay soil does not absorb moisture well, as a result, water will stagnate, and this will adversely affect the growth and development of almost any garden crop. Wherein drainage system do not have to. Drainage ditches or grooves will do the job well.

How to plant an apple tree in spring: a step by step guide

Most often, gardeners plant apple tree seedlings in the spring. This is explained by the fact that before the onset of low temperatures in autumn, a young plant adapts to the conditions of a particular area and will go into winter already stronger.

It is possible to start spring planting of trees when the soil thaws and warms up. It is best to do this in the second half of April - the first decade of May.

Prepare a hole

At least a week before planting, you need to prepare a hole. Dig it 60 cm deep and 60-80 cm wide. If the soil is poor, then it is first filled with good soil (compost, humus). Mineral fertilizers should also be applied, which will provide seedlings with nutrition in the first 2-3 years of their growth. To do this, 50 g of urea or ammonium nitrate and 50 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to each planting hole.

Important! It is advisable to prepare a pit for spring planting of an apple tree in the fall.

Before sending to the hole, the roots of the seedling are recommended to be placed for a day in a solution with root. During planting, the tree is not buried, since the grafting site should be 5 cm above the soil level. The planted plant is watered abundantly, 1-2 buckets of water are poured onto each seedling. After that, the hole is mulched so that moisture stays in the soil longer.

Important! It is better to install a strong peg next to the seedling, to which the tree should be tied. This is necessary so that the young apple tree is not broken strong wind.

How to plant an apple tree in autumn

Autumn planting of an apple tree is also practiced, but unlike spring planting, you should never be late with it. The seedling must get used to the new place (give new roots) before the onset of low temperatures. That is why in central Russia optimal time for planting young apple trees - early October. Most often, autumn planting is carried out in the southern regions, where there is stable warm weather throughout October. In the northern regions, planting apple trees in the fall is not recommended.

Add fertilizer

A planting hole for a seedling is prepared a month in advance or at least 2 weeks in advance. Depth and width are the same as in spring - 60 and 80 cm, respectively. If the soil is poor, then it is enriched with compost or humus. Mineral fertilizers are also added - 50 g of urea or ammonium nitrate and 50 g of phosphate fertilizers. The seedling should not be buried; the root neck should be 5 cm above the ground level. At the same time, trees must be tied to a strong support, since strong winter winds can easily break a young plant. After planting, the apple tree is watered abundantly, 2-3 buckets of water are poured onto each seedling. The soil is mulched.

Planting an apple tree with a closed root system in spring and summer

Seedlings with a closed root system have a special advantage over conventional planting material. They can be planted in open ground almost any time of the year. However, in the hot season, seedlings with a closed root system are best planted in cloudy weather or late in the evening, when the air temperature drops and the sun sets.

Preparing a pit for a seedling with a closed root system is no different from a standard planting, but there is one difference - a tree planted in summer must be protected from the bright rays of the sun at first. To do this, four strong pegs are driven around a young plant. A thin material is attached to them. An old sheet will do, but not a thick one. She will scatter Sun rays and protect the young plant from sunburn.

Note! In extreme heat, it is recommended to abandon the planting of apple trees with a closed root system. It is better to land on days when the air temperature during the daytime does not rise above 25 ° C, taking into account the long-term weather forecast

Planted seedlings with a closed root system are carefully watered. Immediately after planting, 2 buckets of water are poured onto each plant. Watering is done throughout the season: in dry weather once a week, and in cool weather - 1 in 2 weeks. At the same time, the soil should also be mulched so that moisture does not evaporate quickly.

How to plant an apple tree in the Middle lane and Yaroslavl in the spring

Start planting in Central Russia and Yaroslavl in spring time years is needed only when the soil thaws to a depth of 60 cm and warms up. As a rule, this period occurs at the end of April or at the beginning of May. Prepare a hole before planting. It is dug to a depth of 50-60 cm and 80 cm wide. The pit is filled with fertile soil, since it is no secret that many summer residents of the Moscow Region have heavy and clayey soil.

Important! If the soil is clayey, metal sheets can be driven into the ground along the edges of the planting hole. They will prevent excess moisture from getting to the root system of the tree.

Organic matter (compost, humus) and mineral fertilizers are added to each pit. Seedlings are attached to strong supports so that strong winds do not break them. Columnar apple trees don't need steam, as they don't grow too big on their own. Trees after planting are abundantly watered and mulched. As mulch, you can use sawdust, humus, compost or peat.

Features of planting an apple tree in the spring, bought in a nursery

IN last years many summer residents, including beginners, tend to buy planting material not from ordinary sellers on the market, but in special nurseries. This is explained by the fact that they will not slip a “pig in a poke” there, but they will offer the variety that the gardener was looking for. In addition, nurseries often offer interesting varieties and species.

It is also necessary to plant the seedlings purchased in the nursery correctly, first of all, by choosing them the best place in the country. The site for seedlings should be sunny and protected from strong winds. To do this, you should study the wind rose and in no case plant trees where the north wind often blows (the most dangerous for many crops). Apple trees grow well on almost all types of soil, but do not like clay, marshy and salty soils. Loamy and sandy, light soils are well suited to it. A seedling bought from a nursery is also watered abundantly and attached to a peg so that a hurricane does not break it.

The site must be sunny

Wherein experienced gardeners do not recommend grabbing seedlings in nurseries all in a row. First of all, you need to find out what varieties the garden center offers. It is advisable to write them down and calmly study them at home (on the Internet you can find descriptions and instructions for growing any variety). Next, you should pay close attention to the winter hardiness of the variety. If the seedling does not withstand harsh winters, and its planting is designed in such an area, then it is better to abandon this variety and choose a more frost-resistant one.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the age of the seedling. One-year-olds and two-year-olds take root best of all, but three-year-olds will adapt for a long time after planting. Considering all these conditions, it is easy to choose a variety that will not only accept and grow well, but will also give an excellent harvest of delicious apples in a couple of years.

Probably not a single plot, garden or yard is complete without planting apple trees. Almost every gardener knows how to plant and how to feed the soil to increase fertility. But no one can answer for sure - when to plant apple trees? Let's try to find an answer to this question.

Season selection

The basic rule for planting apple trees is dig seedlings during sleep. For young seedlings, transplanting to a new place is very stressful. Just imagine, another land, food (because the composition of your soil is different from the soil in the nursery or the soil of the neighbor from whom you purchased the seedlings). A young plant will have to get used to everything new. So the gardeners noticed that the trees in a state of sleep are much better able to transplant to a new place. After waking up, the seedlings get used to the new habitat much faster.

Based on this, it turns out that the most best time The year for planting apple trees is winter. But unfortunately this is also not an option, because the fragile root system of young trees will not withstand planting in cold, frozen ground. So when do you plant apple trees? During sleep (in winter) - it is impossible, in a hot period (in summer) - it is also not recommended. There are only two intervals suitable for planting: autumn - sleep time, spring - before the activation of vegetation processes.

Variety of varieties

Features of planting apple trees depending on the variety:

  • Columnar apple trees are best planted in the spring, as they are embedded in the ground at a shallow depth. During the growing season, the roots will have enough time to “grow” with the soil quite firmly. By winter, certain activities will have to be carried out in order to insulate the root system.
  • For planting dwarf apple trees, it is necessary to choose a season in accordance with weather conditions in certain climatic zones.

When to plant apple trees in autumn?

In any region, it is recommended to plant apple trees no later than 30 days before the onset of the first frost. In the northern regions, it is desirable to complete the planting of apple trees until the beginning of September. In central Russia, this period begins in mid-September and ends in early October. IN southern regions the climate allows planting right up to the end of October. If for some reason you did not have time to plant the seedlings within these terms, then it is better to postpone planting until spring. If you are late with the planting dates, the seedlings may freeze, as the root system will not have time to get stronger and the plant will not receive normal nutrition in winter.

When to plant apple trees in spring?

If you have decided to plant apple trees in the spring, then it is advisable not to delay this either. planting seedlings Recommended to be done in early spring before the buds begin to open. In the northern regions, this period shifts to the beginning of May. In central Russia, this period begins closer to mid-April.

Important: a month must pass before the onset of heat so that the root system is well fixed, otherwise the apple tree will hurt and grow weak.

Planting hole preparation

Landing hole size apple tree seedlings depends on the nature of the soil on the site and how it was prepared.

  • If the soil on the site is fertile, and deep digging has been carried out, then the hole can be made small so that it is suitable for placing the roots of the seedlings. The hole should be approximately 35 cm deep and 45 cm wide.
  • If the soil on the site is heavy enough, and deep digging has not been carried out, then the pit should be larger. The depth should be 70 cm and the width 100 cm.
  • If the subsoil on the site is chalk clay, crushed stone and marl, and the soil has not been prepared, then the depth of the pit should be at least 90 cm and the width 120 cm.

Desirable prepare landing pits in advance. For planting apple trees in spring, pits should be prepared in autumn. For landing in the fall, the pits need to be prepared a month before the intended landing.

landing technique

Planted an apple tree two-year-old seedlings. Their height should be at least 60 cm, with 3 shoots. However, developed annual plants even outperform biennial plants in terms of survival. At annual plant there is usually no side branch, so it should be "scanned". To do this, measure 70 cm from the ground on a seedling, count 5 well-developed buds and cut the plant above them. This procedure is carried out in the spring, if the landing was made in the fall. And if the landing was made in the spring, then the procedure is carried out immediately after landing.

A stake is placed in the center of the hole. Approximately 3/4 of the depth is covered with earth mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers, based on the pit: 100 g of potassium sulfate, 20 kg of humus, 500 g of superphosphate. The covered earth is slightly compacted and an apple tree seedling is installed on the north side of the stake. The roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with earth.

In order for the soil poured onto the roots to fit tighter, it needs to be compacted several times. This must be done very carefully. Then I make a hole around the planted seedling and water the plant. The hole diameter should be slightly over size pits. For irrigation, 5 buckets of water is enough. After the water has been absorbed, the soil is mulched with sawdust or humus (10 cm layer). To prevent the young tree from being shaken by the wind, it is tied to a stake with twine.

Now you know how and when to plant apple trees. You can choose the most suitable period and feel free to land. If you plant correctly and do not make mistakes, your tree will grow healthy. And then very soon you will be able to enjoy the taste of juicy fruits grown with your own hands.

For everyone who cannot imagine their life without gardening, apple trees are of great interest. Every year, with the advent of spring, our hands itch to renew the garden with new tenants. And for good reason: if you follow the rules for planting apple trees and correctly choose the optimal time, very soon young apple trees will delight you with the first harvest. So, today we will try to figure out how to properly plant an apple tree seedling at home so that it takes root safely.

How to choose the best landing time

Proper planting of the apple tree must be done before the buds begin to bloom on the trees. Otherwise, if you plant trees a little later, a sharp increase in temperature may not affect the seedlings in the best way - they are rapidly losing their qualities. You can determine how ready the soil for an apple tree is for planting using an ordinary garden shovel: if the bayonet enters the ground without undue effort, then the time has come. When the soil completely thaws, it will be too late to plant apple tree seedlings: now the tree will not have enough moisture, and the risk of developing diseases will increase accordingly. And the burning spring sun will mercilessly burn young leaves.

Choose a variety for your region

If you are going to plant an apple orchard with your own hands, choosing varieties according to your preferences, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, to what extent the variety you have chosen is adapted for the region of residence, and secondly, what are its productivity indicators in these climatic conditions. Another important point selection of fruit trees - the timing of fruit ripening.

Gardeners distinguish several groups:

  • summer or early apple trees - those that bear fruit in August and are stored for a very short time (for example, the well-known White filling);
  • autumn - the peak of fruiting occurs in September. Such apples can be stored for about a month;
  • winter - the harvest is harvested from the end of September, and such fruits are stored for almost half a year.

In addition, vigorous and semi-dwarf trees are distinguished, the difference between which lies in height and spreading. Having an idea about varietal varieties, you can choose best option. So, winter varieties are not suitable for the northern regions (they will not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather).

How to select the perfect seedling

Before planting an apple tree (or several apple trees) of the selected variety, you also need to pick up a quality seedling. In order for the planting material to take root and meet your expectations, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • try to purchase seedlings of fruit trees in special farms or stores - there are more chances that you will get a quality tree and will belong to the desired varietal variety;
  • the seedling should be about 1.5 m tall, have no visible damage to the bark, have several branches and a well-developed root system.

Seedling treatment before planting

In order for the planting of apple tree seedlings at home to be carried out in accordance with all the rules, it is important to know how to prepare them for the process, and not to skip such a stage of preparation as pruning.

At the same time, it is important to completely cut off the top of the seedling, leaving a few buds that will give life to the side branches. In addition, pruning must reach those buds that are directed upwards, otherwise vertical branches will grow from them that will compete with the main trunk. And one more thing: before planting an apple tree, be sure to find out what maximum height the tree can reach. This will give you the opportunity to properly prune the seedling and correctly choose a place for it on the territory of the apple orchard so that further care behind an apple tree at home was not difficult.

Soil preparation

To know how to plant an apple tree correctly, it is important to correctly complete all preparatory stages. Preparing a hole for planting an apple tree at home is a procedure that should be carried out two weeks before planting an apple tree. At the same time, the size of the planting pit for the apple tree will directly depend on the crop variety: if you chose tall tree, then prepare a hole about 1 m in diameter and at least 0.7 m deep.

The planting depth of a medium-sized apple tree will be only 60 cm, with a hole diameter of 1 m. But for dwarf trees it will be enough to prepare a planting hole measuring 50 × 90 cm. throw the more fertile soil in one direction, the deeper layers in the other. The bottom of the dug hole must be loosened and a drainage layer laid out - for example, from broken bricks. So the earth will not be washed out of the hole for the apple tree, keeping nutrients and beneficial minerals.

Landing step by step instructions

Do you want to know how to properly plant an apple tree on a plot at home, observing the optimal planting pattern? We will try to bring detailed guide by main steps:

  1. The bottom of the planting hole, previously dug and prepared, is sprinkled with a small layer of fertile soil - it will provide the necessary nutrients for the apple tree.
  2. The rest of the fertile soil is mixed with mineral fertilizers (potassium sulphate and superphosphate) and the pit is completely covered with the resulting mixture so that a small mound forms.
  3. In the very center of the resulting small hill, we install a peg-support for the seedling, place the tree itself, carefully straightening the roots.
  4. Now it's time to sprinkle the roots with earth, pressing it lightly. Here it is important to ensure that the root neck protrudes several centimeters above the soil surface.
  5. That's all, the tree is planted, it remains only to strengthen it, fixing it near the support, and water it well.

An apple tree is a rather unpretentious tree, its planting and subsequent care do not require special efforts from the gardener. Therefore, even a beginner can easily cope with the task, if he remembers some features of planting garden apple trees with a closed root system:

  • In order for the planted trees to grow evenly, they must be securely fixed. To do this, three support pegs should be installed near the planting site of the apple tree, tie an apple tree to them and leave it for the whole summer or even longer;
  • it is not enough to know how to properly plant young apple trees, they still need to be properly looked after. So, you should not fertilize the trees with fresh compost (or manure) - this increases the risk of developing diseases;
  • before planting a tree, feed the root system with a weak solution of mullein and clay - this “cocktail” will not allow the roots to dry out;
  • do not plant fruit trees mixed;
  • when choosing a place to plant, consider the characteristics of the selected apple tree: you may need additional space to raise overly sprawling branches onto the trellis.

And one more thing: sometimes novice gardeners, trying to rejuvenate Orchard practice replacing old trees with new seedlings. At the same time, experienced gardeners do not practice this. So is it possible to plant an apple tree in place of the old one?

The answer is unequivocal: this should not be done. It is necessary to follow the rules of crop rotation, and do not plant stone fruits after stone fruits (or pome fruits after pome fruits). And then, over the years of life, the old tree not only depleted the soil, but also fairly supplied it with inhibitors that will not benefit the young plant.

Video "Planting an apple tree"

From this video you will learn how to plant an apple tree.
