Flies are the most common and annoying insects that live side by side with humans. Getting rid of them sometimes becomes a real problem, and often you can not do without special tools, one of which is a fly trap. Of course, you can buy it, but it's easy to do it yourself.

Is it necessary to fight flies and why

These insects not only bother with their buzzing - their neighborhood is much more dangerous than it might seem. Flies are carriers of pathogens of various diseases - intestinal infections, eye diseases, tuberculosis. Also, on their paws, they often lay eggs of worms on the products they sit on. That is why the fight against them indoors is an important task for ensuring sanitation and maintaining human health.

The main types of traps, their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages

One of the most versatile means for exterminating unwanted neighbors is a fly trap. With your own hands, you can make many options for its execution from improvised materials.

The simplest is from a plastic bottle with sweet bait (it also helps against wasps)

Trap out plastic bottle

Ease of manufacture is its main advantage. To do this, you need one empty plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5–2 liters.

In order to make a trap, you need:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that a small part of the insects can leave the trap, and you also need to constantly change the bait with the caught flies. Fermented bait can smell bad.

Glass jar option

The principle of catching a flycatcher from glass jar the same as in the bottle version.

It is made as follows:

  1. In a jar with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters, put fruit or pour sugar-containing liquid.
  2. Insert the funnel for pouring liquid with a narrow end into the neck of the jar and secure it with tape.
  3. Place the trap where you want to catch the insects.

The effectiveness of this flytrap is comparable to that of a bottle trap. Periodically it is necessary to change the bait and remove the caught insects.

Analogue from any container and cling film

For the manufacture of this flytrap is used Plastic container any shape - round or square. The trap is done like this:

The principle of operation of the trap is the same as the previous ones. Some flies may leave the trap, and its effectiveness will depend on how attractive the bait is to the insects.

Household adhesive tape

The advantage of this trap is that the flies do not need to get inside closed space, which scares some insects, so its effectiveness is higher than the previous options presented. You can make it yourself as follows:

  1. Mix 2 parts pine resin with 1 part linseed oil and a small amount of sugar syrup.
  2. Cut strips of plastic film 3-4 cm wide.
  3. Apply the prepared adhesive mixture with a brush to the tapes.
  4. Hang traps in the room where you want to destroy insects.

One of the disadvantages of adhesive tapes is their poor aesthetics.

"People's" insect repellers - plastic bags with water

A simple, albeit somewhat controversial fly protection solution. In order to make such a repeller, you need the following:

The inventor claims that this device can be compared in efficiency with mosquito nets, but this is a rather controversial issue.

Velcro pendant from CD

To make this trap, you need the following:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that it is periodically necessary to clean the disk of flies, lubricate it with an adhesive base and send it to the freezer.

How to make an electric fly trap

For the manufacture of this category of traps, you must have electrical skills. In addition, you need to have a list necessary materials, which will not be in every home.

Electric landing net: manufacturing instructions

The principle of operation of this electric trap is based on the belief that flies will fly to the light of the lamp, however, even professional flytraps using lamps to lure turn out to be more effective against mosquitoes, while flies, according to user reviews, often bypass the trap.

To make this flytrap, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Pliers;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • A small electric motor from the player;
  • Ordinary light bulb with a cartridge;
  • A pair of cans with different diameters;
  • Aluminum or tin strip 20x100 mm in size;
  • 2 washers made of plastic;
  • Epoxy resin with a thickener;
  • metal strips;
  • Screws and bolts M4;
  • Round base made of wood;
  • Nylon stocking;
  • rubber ring;
  • The power source is a pair of AA batteries.
As you can see, this device is not the latest invention, but also Soviet

You need to make a trap as follows:

The disadvantage of this trap is the complexity of its manufacture and low efficiency for catching flies in comparison with other traps.

Electric shock flytrap

To lure insects in this flycatcher, the light of a lamp is also used, which in practice is far from always effective against flies. To make it, you will need the following materials:

  • Bulb housekeeper;
  • Ordinary finger battery or "Krona".
  • high voltage module.
  • aluminum wire.

The electric shock is made as follows:

  1. Disassemble the housekeeper and drill two holes opposite each other on the sides of the plastic base.
  2. Insert an aluminum wire into each hole and wrap it around the body.
  3. Connect one of the wires that come out of the neon lamp with the end of the wire.
  4. Connect the remaining two contacts of the neon bulb to the high-voltage module.
  5. Connect the high voltage module to the batteries through the switch button.
  6. Fix the module and batteries on the bulb body with electrical tape.
  7. Turn on the device - insects attracted by light when touched aluminum wire will be amazed electric shock.

The disadvantage of this trap is that it is also unsafe for a person if, inadvertently, touching a bare wire, it also has low efficiency compared to traps that use sugar-containing substances or pheromones as bait.

Plants that are eaten for flies

Predatory plants are quite an exotic way to catch flies, but they can still help get rid of a few annoying insects. Most often in room conditions the following species are grown:

Industrial traps for rooms and garden

There are also industrial versions of fly traps.

  • Aeroxon. glue trap, which composition of a bait includes environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • DELUX AKL-31. A trap whose principle is based on attracting insects with ultraviolet light. Flies flying up to her are struck by an electric shock. Although the manufacturer positions it as a universal device against mosquitoes, mosquitoes and flies, the latter rarely become trophies of this trap.
  • FC001. A mechanical trap, inside which it is necessary to insert a tablet with an attracting substance, which includes synthesized (Z) -9-Tricosin - a pheromone secreted by flies to attract individuals of the opposite sex during mating. The action of the tablet is very long - 2-3 tablets may be enough for one season.

Professional traps vary in cost, and they are also superior in convenience and efficiency to home-made options.

The cutest option is the Australian bollard trap

This trap can be used outdoors - for example, near the dining table under a canopy in the country, as its trapping capacity is quite high, and maintenance operations are extremely rare.

Outwardly, the flycatcher looks like a bedside table from wooden frame with small legs, covered on all sides with a fine mesh, under the bottom of which a saucer with a sugar-containing liquid is placed. The secret of catching flies lies in the pyramidal shape of the mesh bottom of the trap, in which there is a hole. As a rule, having satiated, the flies fly up, not paying attention to the transparent mesh.. As a result, insects enter the flycatcher through a hole in the bottom.

For the manufacture will require the following materials:

The process of making a flycatcher is as follows:

  1. From wooden planks, assemble the frame in such a way that the whole structure stands on legs about 5 cm high, attach the upper part to the canopies and equip it with a hook.
  2. Cover all sides, except the bottom, with a metal mesh.
  3. To make a pyramidal bottom of the trap from the mesh, connecting the seams of the mesh with metal screws, you can also use staples for a furniture stapler for this.
  4. At the top of the pyramidal bottom, cut a hole 2 cm in diameter so that the flies enter the trap through it.
  5. Lubricate all joints between the mesh and wooden planks with sealant.
  6. Place the trap in the required place, after placing a saucer under it with an alluring liquid - sugar syrup or jam. Industrial fly attractants can also be used.

The advantage of this flytrap is that maintenance is rare, because sometimes it is only necessary to release the flies from the trap, and also to replace the attracting liquid in the saucer.

Prevention of the appearance of flies in the house

In order for the flies not to annoy, it is necessary to constantly adhere to preventive measures that prevent their appearance:

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the number of annoying insects. It is also recommended to install traps even in rooms where the number of insects is negligible.

To combat them, you can use various methods, including traps, which have the following advantages:

However, the use of traps also has some negative sides, the main ones are:

  1. Low degree of effectiveness compared to the use of insecticides, which allow you to virtually instantly destroy entire populations.
  2. No protective effect. Only those individuals that fall into the traps will be destroyed.
  3. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the fly pays attention to the trap and falls into it., while some other methods allow you to immediately proceed to the destruction of pests.

Types of traps

The classification of such devices is carried out according to the principle of their action today, in accordance with this criterion, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. Glue traps are one of the most well-known and common varieties, and their popularity is due to their simple design, which makes them easy to use and low cost. You can use houses or adhesive tapes that are attached to any surface. This type of device has a double effect, since it allows you to catch both flying and crawling insects. However, it is recommended to use hanging adhesive tapes directly for the extermination of flies. Despite the fact that crawling insects cannot fall into such traps, they will be one of the most effective means against flies.
  2. Devices containing baits poisoned with various types of insecticides. They are considered traps only formally, since in fact they are not intended to catch flies, but to attract their attention with food bait in order to cause poisoning and subsequent death. They are usually used to kill cockroaches or ant, fly control devices are not so widespread, since other options have a much higher degree of effectiveness.
  3. Mechanical traps with various baits designed to collect trapped insects. Devices of this type are used to catch virtually all types of insects and flies in this case are no exception. Exist various options, but they all work in the same way: flies get inside a special container, attracted by the bait, but can no longer get out on their own.
  4. Electric traps are the most innovative way to fight, there are models designed to destroy various kinds insects. To attract mosquitoes and butterflies, special lamps are usually used, into the light of which they fly, while for flies, devices with fragrant bait are suitable, which will attract them with their smell. After getting inside the trap, the insect will receive an electrical discharge that is fatal to insects, while it is not capable of causing any harm to humans or pets. Electric models are the most expensive, but they are designed for long-term use, because the traps only need to be cleaned of dead insects from time to time, after which they will be ready for use again. To date, there are two types of electrical devices: functioning after being connected to the home electrical network or powered by replaceable batteries. The second option is usually used for catching flies outdoors.

Traps Overview

Given the wide range of modern fly catching devices, it can be quite difficult to choose the most suitable option.

To make this process as easy as possible, the following is an overview of the most effective tools:

Aeroxon sticky tape is made in Germany and is the simplest fly trap. Its use does not require any additional costs, it contains only cellulose and ordinary glue, the device is environmentally friendly. Sold in sets, which include four skeins of tape at once, the price is 100 rubles.

The HELP trap also has an adhesive element in its design, designed to be placed on windows, so flies are caught shortly after entering the room. The main advantage is the almost complete invisibility of this device, which can be purchased you can for 80-100 rubles.

The Raptor trap can is especially effective for catching flies and other flying insects outdoors. It is enough to place the bait that comes with the kit inside the tank, and then close the roof. The jar can be placed on any surface or hung on tree branches, and insects that have got inside will no longer be able to get out. The approximate cost is 300-350 rubles.

FC001 is a mechanical fly trap. It starts working after a special tablet is inserted into it, after which the device produces heat and smells that attract insects. It is enough to have no more than 2-3 tablets in stock, this amount will be enough for the entire warm season. The price is about 3500 rubles.

The Excalibur Aqua 80 IPX4 ZSP005 is a unique tool and trap designed specifically for flies, which has no analogues on the market today. The device is recommended for installation in places Catering, in large enterprises or logistics centers, although it can also be used in residential areas. The basic principle of operation is to defeat insects with deadly electrical discharges. The body is made of high-quality and high-strength polycarbonate, and the trap itself is provided with a moisture protection system, which makes it unpretentious to environmental conditions. The approximate cost is 50,000 rubles.

"SKAT 23" is a trap of domestic production, which, in addition to flies, allows you to destroy mosquitoes, which makes it a multifunctional device. The design includes lamps of a special type that do not emit heat, but attract flying insects. As soon as they touch the protective grid, they receive a deadly electric shock. The device is environmentally friendly, silent and does not emit any third-party odors, while its the price is only about 4000 rubles.

Flypod ZF050 is not only highly efficient in operation, but also attractive design, which allows the device to harmoniously fit into virtually any interior. The combination of this factor with small dimensions and features of functioning makes the trap look like a small decorative lamp. Best suited for placement in public areas, cafes or living rooms where you don't want to use duct tapes that don't look very attractive. Insects die when they get inside and come into contact with an adhesive liner, which can then be replaced with a new one. The approximate cost is 8500 rubles.

Fly Web Fly Trap is a trap that has not yet become widespread in the domestic market, but it can be ordered via the Internet. It has several effects, including light, which allows you to attract not only flies, but also a number of other flying insects. The device is a consumer of energy, so it can only function after being connected to the mains. The only drawback is the fact that it is extremely attractive to butterflies, moths and other harmless insects, which are also likely to fall into it. The cost of such a trap, excluding delivery, is about 2000 rubles.

The Sterling Rescue Outdoor Fly Catcher Trap is also currently an online-only model. Outwardly, it is a reservoir bag made of durable plastic. To start operation, you need to add a small amount of water inside, and then hang the device in the apartment or on the street. Inside it is a special attractant, which is quite attractive to flies and attracts them to itself. . The captives who got inside will no longer be able to get out, one trap is designed for 20,000 flies, after which it is disposed of. It must be used carefully so as not to damage the tank, and also place them in safe places, because over time, larvae may begin to breed inside. The approximate cost is 800 rubles, excluding delivery, two devices are supplied in the kit at once.

A plant called Venus flytrap is not a deterrent, but a real fly trap. In its natural environment, it grows mainly in swampy areas, where the soil is not fertile and actually does not contain nutrients. To compensate for them, this flycatcher eats insects, and flies form the basis of the diet. Such a plant can be planted in the territory garden plot or grow in a pot like indoor plant. It is recommended to keep it on the windows from the sunniest side and the Venus flytrap will not only decorate the apartment, but also a real thunderstorm of flies that have flown into it.

DIY fly traps

The purchase of store fixtures is not prerequisite because there are a number of ways self-manufacturing traps.

To implement this idea, you must use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a small glass jar in which you need to pour the juice. It should fill no more than a third of the container.
  2. Add a few drops of soap or dishwashing liquid to the liquid bait, which will eliminate the possibility of a possible escape of caught insects.
  3. Fold a piece of paper like this so that it takes the form of a cone, the diameter of one of the holes of which should not be more than 5-8 mm.
  4. Paper cone is inserted narrow side inside the jar.
  5. Flies will get inside homemade device through a small hole, after which they will either sink into the liquid or remain sitting on the inner walls of the jar.

To do this, you will need to repeat the following sequence of actions:

  1. Mix equal amounts of castor oil and rosin.
  2. Melt the mixture and add a small amount of honey and jam to it, which will be the main bait.
  3. Cut out paper strips, the recommended width should be 5-8 cm.
  4. Process both sides of the cut strips prepared mixture.
  5. Hang a homemade trap in places, where a large number of flies usually live, after which they will begin to stick to its surface.

Everyone loves summer, but we're sure no one likes the sudden increase in creepy insects that breed at an alarming rate during the warmer months.

At the same time, no matter how clean you keep your house, there are flying aliens who stubbornly try to get into it and with varying degrees of difficulty they sometimes succeed.

And after that, the insects simply do not want to leave the comfortable dwelling of a person. Therefore, people have to invent the most different ways to get rid of uninvited guests. And here the ability to think creatively often comes to the rescue.

For example, Imgur user Donkey1521 came up with a simple fly trap made from a regular plastic bottle. It is easy to make and non-toxic, while fighting the most different types flies - from large dung to small fruit flies.

In order to get started, you only need a few things: for the trap itself, you need a plastic water bottle, and for the bait, a banana and granulated sugar.
First, you need to cut the bottle in two using scissors or a sharp knife. To do this, mark the cut at a distance of about two-thirds of the height of the bottle from the bottom, and then go around the circumference with a cutting tool. When you're done, you should have two pieces: a smaller one with a lid and a larger one that can sit on a table.

Pour about one tablespoon of granulated sugar into the larger part of the bottle until the bottom is coated. Then cut ripe or slightly overripe bananas into small pieces.

Place the sliced ​​banana on the sugar in the bottle; this sweet mix will help lure flies that feed on decay products and decaying organic matter.

Once you have the banana and sugar in the bottle, lightly mash them together to form a sort of puree. Add about 4 centimeters of warm water to the puree and lightly stir the mixture. warm water and sugar will cause the banana to rot faster, making it a more powerful fly bait.

Now that most of the bottle is done, it's time to move on to the smaller part. unscrew plastic cover and turn the smaller part upside down. Then place the smaller portion inside the larger one so that the hole is in or directly above the banana mixture. Your trap is now ready for use.

This trap can be used for about a week. During this time, its lower part should be filled with flies. After a few days, it may start to look a little nasty, but it's worth it to get rid of any flies in your home.

Here's a close-up of how a fly trap works. The flies move down through the neck of the bottle at the bottom towards the banana bait. After that, they struggle to get out through the hole and drown inside the bottle. Cruel, but it does its job!


One of the most annoying and ubiquitous insects is the fly, which often flies into our homes. Sitting on a variety of surfaces and food, it carries on its paws a lot of pathogenic bacteria that can harm human health. The obsessive buzzing of an intruder often irritates us. However, not everyone can destroy a fast and agile fly with a fly swatter. In this case, simple and convenient fly traps will come to the rescue, which you can make yourself.

Simple homemade flycatchers

Before you start hunting for flies, you need to determine what attracts them to our homes. First of all, these are products that are the optimal breeding ground and source of nutrition. Slightly spoiled meat and fish, which have a smell, will instantly attract the attention of flies eager to lay their eggs. It is for this reason that we most often cannot do without such baits.

There are simple fly traps that can be made from improvised materials without special skills:

  • traps operating on the basis of baits;
  • traps with poisonous baits;
  • sticky traps;
  • electric shock flycatcher.

However, the process of creating an electric shock flytrap is not simple and requires certain experience and professional skills.

Trap them plastic bottle

It is easy to make a flytrap from an ordinary plastic bottle. To attract an insect, an edible bait with a fragrant smell is used:

  • liquid jam;
  • Coca Cola;
  • any sugar-containing liquid that has undergone a fermentation process. For this purpose, you can add a little yeast to sweetened water;
  • wine;
  • beer;
  • rotten fruits.

Advice. Do not use meat and fish products as bait, the stench will quickly spread throughout the room.

To make a trap you will need:

  1. Cut a plastic bottle into two equal parts.
  2. Turn the upper part of the bottle, resembling a funnel, upside down and place it in the lower part. In this case, the neck of the bottle should not touch its bottom. For best results, keep in mind that the ratio of the height of the top and bottom of the bottle should be 1:2.
  3. To ensure structural strength, secure the funnel using a stapler or tape.
  4. Pour liquid bait into the bottom of the bottle.
  5. Set up the trap where the insects are most likely to be.

Advice. If you add ground pepper or any granular insecticidal preparation to the sweet liquid, it will turn into a poisonous bait for the flies that have fallen into the trap.

Video: making a trap from a plastic bottle

Glass jar trap

A similar trap can be made from a glass jar and a plastic funnel:

  1. Take a jar right size, and put slightly rotten sweet fruits on its bottom.
  2. Turn the funnel upside down and place it on the jar in the form of a makeshift lid.
  3. Secure the funnel with duct tape or duct tape, trying to seal all the cracks.

The jar can be installed near the trash can or on the windowsill, because flies always fly towards the light.

With the help of such a trap, you can catch not only flies, but also wasps and mosquitoes.

Plastic container trap

To make a simple and reliable fly trap, a small transparent plastic container can come in handy. For this purpose, you can use plastic cups or special containers for food:

  1. Place edible bait at the bottom of the container.
  2. Tighten the top of the container with cling film, making small holes in it with a knife.

The fly, smelling the food, will try to penetrate the plastic container through the holes in the film, however, the insect will not be able to get out.

Important! Try to dispose of the contents of the traps from time to time by removing trapped insects and changing baits. Otherwise, such structures will become sources of unsanitary conditions.

Duct tape

Sticky tapes are especially popular among fly hunters.
Prepare a composition of the following components:

  • rosin or pine resin, previously melted in a water bath - 2 parts;
  • linen or Castor oil- 1 part;
  • sugar syrup or honey - a small amount for taste.


  1. Mix all of the above ingredients.
  2. Using parchment, craft paper or oilcloth, cut ribbons 3-4 cm thick.
  3. Apply adhesive to paper tapes.
  4. Hang the ribbons in places where insects are most likely to be found.

Video: sticky mitten fly trap

Advice. As an adhesive, you can also use specialized ALT glue, designed to control rodents.

"Folk" fly repellers - plastic bags with water

Another way to keep flies away from your home is to hang plastic water bags near doors and open windows. The inventor of this method is a Swedish citizen named Sten Lindqvist, who claims that the effectiveness of this method is comparable to that of mosquito nets.
To create such a bleach, you will need:

  • transparent cellophane bag;
  • pure water;
  • a few coins.


  1. Pour water into the bag.
  2. Dip the shiny small coins into the bag.
  3. Tie the bag tightly.
  4. Hang it from the side of the street near front door or an open window.

The principle of operation of such a device is based on the specifics of the vision of an insect. Perhaps the sunlight that hits the coins through the water column blinds the flies, making your house invisible to them.

Video: the most harmless way to get rid of flies

However, reviews about the effectiveness of such a repeller are very contradictory.

At the weekend I was hunting with a friend in his estate, a huge wooden building (timber timber) with many rooms and living rooms. So, entering the living room, he butted a transparent plastic bag with water tied to the ceiling with his forehead. To a silent question, the friend's wife explained that this repels flies, which are countless in this winter. She saw this in Spain butcher shops where they sell jamon. So the further showed that there were no flies in the rooms with packages, in others (without packages) they sluggishly flew in sufficient numbers.


Mythbusters in season 10 (episode 157) disproved the myth that hanging a transparent bag of water repels flies. They conducted a test, it turned out that the package, on the contrary, lures!


CD trap

Another option for a homemade trap is a device made from a regular CD and an adhesive base. For its manufacture you will need:

  • CD;
  • A small piece of rope;
  • Honey or any other sticky and edible adhesive that can attract flies.


  1. Thread the rope through the hole in the CD and tie it into a loop. With this loop, you can hang the trap anywhere.
  2. Apply honey or any other insect-attracting adhesive to the CD on both sides.
  3. Put the CD in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  4. After the sticky layer has frozen, hang the trap in places where flies accumulate.

Advice. If the room temperature is high enough that the sticky composition begins to melt strongly, put the CD back in the freezer.

How to make an electric fly trap

With certain technical skills, you can create more complex effective trap designs at home. With the help of such devices, it is possible to catch various flying insects both indoors and outdoors.

electric net

Electric landing net - homemade device, in which the light emanating from the light bulb acts as a bait, and the insect itself is drawn in due to the operation of the fan.
To create such a trap, you will need:

  • a small electric motor with a power of 10–20 W (for example, from any class III electric player);
  • light bulb with cartridge;
  • two cans of different diameters;
  • aluminum plate 20x100 mm;
  • two thick plastic washers;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • two strips of metal;
  • screws;
  • screws M4;
  • round wooden base;
  • a bag-trap made of a kapron stocking;
  • rubber ring;
  • power source, which can be a battery.

Diagram of the device of the electric net: 1 - rubber ring, 2 - electric motor, 3 - housing, 4 - fan, 5 - cover, 6 - suspension, 7 - bracket strip, 8 - M4 screw, 9 - washers, 10 - nylon bag


  1. Using a 20x100mm aluminum plate, cut out some fan blades. In the center of the plate, make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the motor shaft.
  2. Then install an improvised propeller from two plastic washers on the shaft, while bending the fan blades at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. For reliability, it is recommended to fix the "hub" using epoxy glue.
  4. Fix the lamp holder securely with screws on wooden base round shape.
  5. Then connect it with a pair of metal strips-brackets to the motor starter. Please note that the length of the strips should allow a gap of 50 mm to form between the motor shaft and the lowest point of the light bulb.
  6. We install the resulting structure in tin can, fixing it with M4 screws so that the fan itself is approximately 15 mm below the edge of the can.
  7. The base of the lamp socket is covered with a lid made from the second can. In this case, a gap of 50 mm must remain between the edges of the main body of the device and the cover. Thanks to him, the insect will see the bright part of the structure, which acts as a light lure.
  8. Using a nylon stocking, make a trap bag by putting it on the lower part of the body. A rubber ring can be used as a retainer.
  9. Connect the light bulb and the motor to the power source by placing the device under the ceiling of the room.

Electric shock flytrap

To destroy flies indoors, you can also use a homemade electric shock flycatcher. To create such a device you will need:

  • light bulb housekeeper;
  • high voltage module;
  • finger battery.


  1. Initially, you should disassemble the light bulb, which may not be working. We leave the glass part of the lamp and the plastic cap.
  2. Drill two holes in the sides of the light bulb's plastic base, one opposite the other.
  3. First, insert a soft aluminum wire and carefully wind it around the light bulb in one hole, and then in the second - the same wire in the same way.
  4. One of the wires coming out of the neon bulb must be connected to one of the aluminum bars.
  5. The remaining two free outputs must be connected to the high voltage module.
  6. For ease of use of the device, it is desirable to connect the high-voltage module to the power source through a switch. To do this, in the plastic cap left after disassembling the light bulb, a rectangular hole should be made with a sharp clerical knife. Install a button in it, after which you can insert the high-voltage module into the cap, soldering all the necessary wiring.
  7. Then you need to solder the battery to the high-voltage module, securely winding it with electrical tape.
  8. To ensure a more reliable fixation, it is necessary to glue the high-voltage module to the plastic case using hot glue.
  9. Then put a neon paw with a high-voltage winding on the high-voltage module so that the two wires located in the product case and in the bulb come into contact with each other.
  10. To prevent dead insects from falling to the floor, you can attach a plastic cap to the top of the light bulb using hot glue.
  11. When you turn on the device, the neon light will light up, attracting a flying insect. With a light touch, the fly will be struck by an electrical discharge.

Video: the process of creating an electric shock flytrap

With a minimum of effort and money, as it turns out, everyone can rid their home of annoying flies. Although the only disadvantage of such structures may be the lack of a guarantee of a 100% result, as well as unaesthetic appearance.

Attracted by interesting smells, they fly into houses and apartments, verandas and sheds. Besides the fact that their presence in the room irritates residents, flies carry germs and dirt on their paws, which can cause food to spoil and poison people. A fly trap can solve the problem of annoying insects.

What attracts flies

Before you get rid of the flies, you need to understand what became the source of their attention. They may be attracted to smells:

  • sweet jam, honey, syrup;
  • ripe fruits and vegetables;
  • meat and fish;
  • food waste in the form of scraps and peel;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, sweet flavors and additives;
  • manure and sewerage;
  • damaged products.

By getting rid of potential fly baits, you can avoid them in the house or significantly reduce their numbers. But in some situations, the invasion of flies may be due to the presence of a source of their attention in the neighborhood and it is impossible to influence it. Then it remains to trust the traps or special poisonous insect repellents.

On a note!

Insecticides are also based on natural substances and are safe for humans. The line contains poisons based on pyrethrum.

Unlike pesticides and synthetic insecticides based on Thiamethoxam (, Aktara), safe traps can be used in close proximity to people and animals without fear for their health. The basic principle of such a trap is to attract a fly to the bait and prevent it from leaving the trap. There are three types of traps:

  1. Velcro - sheets of cardboard or tape coated with a sticky mixture that has a pleasant sweetish smell. Flies sit on such baits and stick. The advantages of sticky tape: easy to make and cheap to buy in the store, convenient to use anywhere, easy to clean and dispose of along with adhering insects. The disadvantages include the unpleasant appearance of hanging traps in the room, the risk of hitting the head with a sticky bait suspended from the ceiling.
  2. Traps with bait are made from improvised means. Insects fly into a certain compartment with a bait, but cannot fly back. As bait, you can use jam, honey, sweet water, pieces of fruit or meat. The advantages of this method of catching flies are the ease of manufacture of the product and its effectiveness. The disadvantages of homemade include bad smell spoiled food that acts as a bait for flies, and the possibility of tipping over the container by curious pets or a child.
  3. . Devices requiring Supplies in the form of an insecticide in a vial or from a special plate with a poisonous substance. Plus: work without misfires. Minus: depending on the composition of the insecticide, airing the room after use is sometimes required.
  4. Electric fly traps are special devices powered by electricity. They attract insects with ultraviolet light and heat, but when flies come into contact with a certain surface, they are killed by an electric discharge. Such a blow is not capable of injuring a person, but for small flying insects it is fatal. Other electronic traps work differently - they suck in close-flying insects. The advantages of electric traps are stylish appearance, additional source light at night, high efficiency, safety for others. The disadvantages include the high price of electric fly exterminators, power consumption, bulky dimensions of the devices.
  5. . When plugged in, they emit a sound that is inaudible to the human ear, which should keep the flies away. Cons: does not always work; pets hearing ultrasound may be opposed.

Homemade traps

A person often uses his ingenuity to achieve certain goals. Was no exception and the fight against insects. Annoying flies can piss off even the calmest person. For the destruction of insects, especially enterprising people make homemade traps.

To make a homemade product, you need the usual plastic bottle volume of 1 or 1.5 liters, scissors or a knife, any sweet filling, scotch tape.

  1. The upper part is cut off from the bottle at a distance of 7-8 cm from the edge of the neck.
  2. A bait is placed at the bottom of the resulting container: jam, honey, syrup.
  3. The cut off neck in the form of a funnel is thrust into the container with the neck down.
  4. The wide edge of the funnel and the upper edge of the container are fixed with tape or electrical tape.

On a note!

The narrow edge of the neck should not touch the sweet filling. Flies should not get the sweetness without flying inside the bottle.

Such a fly trap from a plastic bottle can also catch other sweet-toothed insects: wasps, bees, midges. simple and affordable way making a trap allows you to throw it away with a large accumulation of insects inside and make a new one.

Flycatcher from a glass

You can make a fly trap from an ordinary glass or plastic cup and transparent food film. At the bottom of the glass put a teaspoon of honey or jam. cling film it is necessary to cover the cup and pull it tightly, fixing the edges of the film with adhesive tape. Make 2-3 holes in the film so that the insect can get inside the glass. You can make several such homemade products and arrange them throughout the house.

Trap from a glass jar

In places of accumulation of large flies, a more serious bait is needed - spoiled meat or fruit. They have a pungent strong odor and will attract more flying gnats.

  1. A liter glass jar with a wide neck is taken as a container.
  2. A few pieces of bait are placed inside.
  3. A wide funnel is installed on top with a narrow neck down.
  4. The edges of the container and the wide edges of the funnel are fastened together with electrical tape or wide mounting tape for structural reliability.

On a note!

The strong smell of rotten vegetables, fruits or meat will be very unpleasant for households and interesting for cats and dogs. Therefore, such a flycatcher is recommended to be used to catch flies on open verandas and placed in places inaccessible to animals.

Instead of a glass container, you can use a container made of thick plastic with a wide mouth. The main condition for a reliable flycatcher is the absence of gaps between the funnel and the jar. Otherwise, flies can get out. Such traps are well suited for if placed around the perimeter of the site.

Duct tape

One of the most popular fly traps is duct tape. It is sold in any hardware store and costs from 20 to 50 rubles apiece. But if it is not possible to purchase goods in the store, you can at home. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of rosin with a tablespoon of castor or linseed oil. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir for 5 minutes. Then add jam and chill. Apply the sticky mass on long strips of thick paper and hang it in places where flies are often found.

If the recipe is followed, homemade glue remains sticky for a long time and is able to reliably hold insects attracted by the smell of jam.

For people who do not have time to make homemade products, but want to quickly and effectively get rid of the flying midges, there are electric fly traps. These devices are made of a metal case with a fire-resistant plastic coating, have several UV lamps, the bright light of which attracts insects. On the way to the lamps, the flies fall on the grid through which the current passes, and immediately die. The conductive element is protected by an additional coarse mesh to prevent accidental contact by a person or pet. Such devices also help to get rid of mosquitoes, midges.

pest killer

Electric device for killing flying insects. Two 20W ultraviolet lamps act as bait. Passes near the lamps metal grid, conducting current. The electric trap is designed for flies and mosquitoes. For the correct functioning of the device, it is necessary:

  • set the trap on a flat surface;
  • connect to AC power;
  • make sure that moisture does not get on the device;
  • periodically clean the dead insect tray.

The price of the device is about 3500 rubles. The device is durable and correct use will last for several years. The range of the electric trap is up to 120 m 2 . Power consumption 15 W. dimensions: 51x31.5x10.5 cm; weight 2.3 kg.


Electric traps of industrial importance are widely used in shops, warehouses, markets against flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The device is mounted on the wall at a height of 2 meters above the floor. The composition of the product includes ultraviolet lamps, the light of which attracts insects to itself. Flying close to the lamp, they fall on the conductive grid and die.

Main parameters of Well electric trap:

  • coverage up to 50 sq. m.;
  • weight 3.3 kg;
  • dimensions: 34x28x13;
  • lamp power 8 W;
  • body material - plastic;
  • power consumption - 25 W;
  • price 6800 rubles.
