Thinking about how to modify the look of your car with minimal cost, while standing out quite strongly against the background of classmates, the thought often comes to mind - to repaint the rims. After all, it is quite budgetary, and the effect is quite strong and catches the eye (although a lot depends on the chosen color). This does not require any changes to the documents, which is important.

You can paint the rims by contacting a specialized workshop. However, with this approach, budgeting immediately becomes less noticeable. Considering the relief of the part, as well as its dimensions, it is quite safe to say that painting stamped discs with your own hands is quite possible. Even if there is a minimum of equipment.

Moreover, you can do it on your own no worse than they do it in the workshop - you only need to follow the technology, attentiveness and accuracy. When everything is done correctly, then after a while the paint will not begin to “peel off”, which can be observed if the technology is violated.

How it works in production

In the production of discs, they are covered with a special enamel, which then hardens when high temperature in a special oven (where the parameters are strictly controlled). In garage conditions, repeating such a process is quite problematic, and there is no need - after all, the factory layer will already perform the necessary protection functions.

Generally there are various options painting stamped wheels. In workshops, as a rule, they repeat the factory cycle, or use powder coating with electrostatic spraying. However, this is also difficult in garage conditions. It is better to use the usual approach with a spray gun and ordinary (preferably acrylic) car enamel.

Simple Options

It is best to use an airbrush and a compressor for coating. It is good if this equipment is already available, or it can be borrowed for a while. However, if it is not there, then it will be clearly more expensive to purchase it than to use the services of specialists.

But there is another option when specialized equipment is not required - paint in aerosol cans. True, some shades, when using this method, can turn out to be paler than when using the classic version. However, this is almost imperceptible and may not be a significant factor.

You can also use standard paint, but use a swab instead of a sprayer. With a certain skill, it will turn out no worse than with a spray gun. True, it will take more time.

Getting Started

First of all, you need to acquire the necessary tools and materials. Among them:

  • The paint itself (maybe with varnish), and how to apply it;
  • Primer matching the paint;
  • Sandpaper with a small grit.


The temptation is great to paint the wheels without removing the rubber from them, or even without dismantling them from the car at all. But do not be led by laziness - the procedures for protecting elements that do not need to be painted will take more time. Yes, it will be problematic to paint the inside of the disks. And this will already lead to ambiguous results - everything will look good from a distance, but up close ...

The disc itself must be carefully inspected for damage. If there are cracks and other damage to the metal, it must be replaced. It is better to replace it, because. repair will not restore the required strength to the product responsible for safety.

Then we inspect the disk for factory defects in the coating - if there are bubbles, bumps - then they must be leveled with sandpaper with a medium grain. At the end of this procedure, we matte the entire surface of the disk using sandpaper. This will allow the new paint to adhere securely to the old coating.


Here is the first procedure that requires the use of an airbrush, spray can or swab. We apply the first layer of primer, depending on the tool used, we proceed as follows:

After applying the first layer, you must allow it to dry, or dry sufficiently. After we inspect the disc - if the scratches from sandpaper are not visible and the surface is completely painted over, then we proceed directly to painting. If there are defects, then repeat the priming, applying a second layer.

At the end, it is necessary to allow the soil layer to dry completely.


Before painting, if automobile paint is used for an airbrush, then we dilute it in the required consistency. There is a certain scope here - it is best to practice on a test surface, which can be used as an ordinary sheet of drawing paper.

Then we apply the first layer, proceeding in the same way as when priming. Then we let it dry and carefully examine it for full staining (needs good lighting). If there are unpainted areas left, then apply a second layer.

When the desired result is obtained, we either finish the work or varnish it. Varnishing is carried out in exactly the same way as painting, the main thing is to be careful and prevent smudges, because the varnish is transparent, which reduces the level of control.

After completing all the procedures, we dry the discs, according to the recommendations of the paint manufacturers. And only after that we mount them back and enjoy the views of others.

What paint to paint stamped wheels? I want to bring them into a divine form.

  1. Clean, degrease, prime and paint, color depending on the color of the car, as universal option(may be gray or silver)
  2. read out from corrosion, treat with a rust converter (orthophosphoric acid if I'm not mistaken), prime it, and paint it with paint for disks, it is sold in car dealerships. classic silver
  3. About powder, it's great, but you will need to remove all the paint from the disks ... And at the very least, you take a brush and draw on the outside with any color and any paint. . Paint berm brand sho is or sho horrible... . You can also paint in different colors... For example, I saw on a beige shoe the inside is red, and the outside is white .... Inspiring… I painted with sadolin.. There was a residue from painting the car.. . But the paint looks nice but soft. . At the tire fitting, the edges have already pokotsa ...
  4. Preparatory work
    Renewing discs is best done between seasons, in autumn or spring. Preparation must begin with a thorough cleaning of dirt, old paint t rust. Cleaning discs is best done with a metal brush nozzle for a drill or grinder.
    Further, it is best to use medium and fine sandpaper to finish the surface of the discs. It is better to spend more time preparing than to suffer with the wheels, constantly pumping up during further operation.

    Work must be done in a protective mask or goggles and preferably in a respirator. After stripping, wash the discs with water and treat with a rust converter. Please note that the transducer starts its corrosive work 30 minutes after use and at an acceptable temperature. environment. Degrease the surface of the discs with white alcohol a couple of hours after using the rust converter and allow the surface to dry. I want to give a little advice. Before you start painting the discs, it is necessary to moisten the floor with water so as not to raise dust. Install discs on 5 liter canisters filled with water.

    Before priming, shake the can with soil for 15 seconds and it is best to warm it up on a battery or in the sun before use.
    You need to prime the disc several times, taking 5 minute breaks between layers. Then let the primer dry for 24 hours. After, we clean the hooks and irregularities on the surface of the discs with fine sandpaper and water. The disc surface must be perfect.

    We paint over the discs in 2-3 layers with breaks of 5 minutes. So the wheels are painted. After an hour of rest, take an auto varnish and apply it on the painted surface of the discs from a distance of 35-40 cm in the same way, with breaks between layers. Two, three coats of auto varnish will be enough to protect the paint, but there is a small nuance, auto varnish gains maximum strength after 8-9 days after application.

    Let's summarize: the costs required for repairing disks at specialized stations can be $150-200, and do-it-yourself repair of stamped disks can cost $35-40. Saving is also a kind of earnings!

  5. Spray? Degrease, primer, paint.
  6. Good day. My husband also tried to paint his wheels himself. but after that they had enough sight for a couple of weeks. then he went to this service so he got some kind of coverage there. wheels are like new now
  7. A spray can is useless, it won't last long. Need powder coating

Surely every experienced motorist has old wheels in the garage that cannot find a use for themselves. Most likely, they take up a lot of space, but the owner cannot decide to clean it. The best option in this situation is the modernization of the old "shoes" for the car. With a little effort and ingenuity, you can give a second life to vintage wheels.

What discs can be painted with your own hands

Today we will try to figure out how to paint rims. First you need to figure out what they are and how it is necessary to paint one or another type.

There are two main types of car rims:

  • stamped (steel);
  • light alloy.

Painting of certain types is practically the same, of course, the paint must be selected differently, one that would be most suitable for the material from which the product is made.

Alloy wheels require special attention, as they are made of non-ferrous metals. They need to be processed before use. Usually such wheels are treated with a primer, then sanded and painted.

Steel wheels can also be primed to increase strength and reliability. Most often, an acrylic primer is used for this, which is not exposed to negative environmental factors. Acrylic lacquer is also used in the restoration, which provides high stability and strength. We paint wheel disks without any fear - this is a simple task that anyone can handle, even without special education.


Important! In order to qualitatively and quickly paint, you need to thoroughly prepare for this.

To do this, arm yourself with the following items and devices:

  • sandpaper;
  • protective film;
  • masking tape;
  • napkin with soft coating;
  • special degreaser for metal surfaces;
  • paint and varnish for processing wheels.

Most often, wheels are painted with silver paint - this is the most versatile color for wheels. With other colors, your car will look more original and attractive, so you can choose any color for painting. Prepare your workplace, there should be no foreign objects near you that could interfere with the work process. It is better to clean and wash the work area before starting so that small debris and dust do not get on the surface of the product.

Painting process

We paint car rims in stages and very carefully so as not to miss anything. First, we clean the disks to an ideal state:

  • remove rust;
  • level the surface;
  • remove dirt and dust;
  • get rid of imperfections.

In this you sandpaper is great. If necessary, you can use other improvised materials that will not damage the base of the disc.

Before direct painting, we polish the disc, bring it to a state of perfect cleanliness. After that, cover the tire with a protective film, attach it with a special adhesive tape. Press the film firmly against the tire so that it does not interfere with painting.

Next, we proceed to the degreasing stage, for this we thoroughly wipe the surface with a special liquid. After such processing, the paint or varnish will stay longer and more reliably on the surface, appearance wheels will be much better.

Prepare the paint for use: to do this, shake the paint thoroughly and spray it onto the surface of the disc from a distance of thirty centimeters. For the best result, it is better to paint in two or three layers. After applying each layer of paint, we allocate time for drying, it should be at least ten minutes. Use a protective respirator to protect yourself from toxic fumes from varnish and paint. It is also better to wear protective sleeves on your hands so as not to get chemical burns.

After successful painting, you can proceed to the varnishing stage. We apply the varnish in three thin layers, the interval between applying the layers should be three minutes. It is very important to spray the varnish at a distance of thirty centimeters from the surface. Finally, you can cover the tires with a special liquid to protect and improve the appearance. So, new wheels with tires are ready and it is impossible to distinguish from new wheels from production!

Benefits of self-restoration

It's just wonderful when a person has the opportunity to perform certain repair work with your own hands. This is both economical and useful for one's own development, because a person should always learn something new! In addition, creating something with your own hands brings indescribable psychological pleasure.

Just imagine how much money you need to spend to buy new wheels. Everything you need to restore discs, you probably have in the garage. If not, you can easily buy all the materials at the nearest hardware store. Just a few hours of your time, a little effort and new wheels for your car are ready!

Important! By creating new wheels with your own hands, you can realize your desires and dreams, because only you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly your car should be.

When buying materials, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer, because the durability of the product will depend on the quality of the varnish and paint. Low-quality paint materials deteriorate quickly, thereby deteriorating the appearance of the wheels. By saving on the purchase of paint, you run the risk of repeating the restoration after a short period of time. Choose acrylic paints and varnishes for your work, they provide the highest protection and attractive appearance. You can familiarize yourself with the instructions in detail by watching the video, which details all the stages and subtleties of painting. car rims.


Wheels are a very vulnerable spot in any car. It is they who take on the maximum impact: impacts of oncoming stones, curbs, tree branches. Particularly susceptible to wear alloy wheels, when hitting an obstacle, they can not only bend, but also crack or scratch in some places, and their appearance becomes unsightly. However, the situation can be corrected; for this, special paint for discs is used.

Wheel rims are painted for two main reasons:

  • if the discs have lost their original appearance and require restoration;
  • painting for decorative purposes - for example, luminous paint for wheels will give the car originality and make it stand out from the crowd.

In the second case, special colors are often used that attract attention, often they use paint for disks with the “chrome” effect.

Types of car paints

Painting wheels is not only a decorative move, but also protection. Modern coatings are able to reliably protect the metal from corrosion. There are several types of such paints, they all differ in composition and purpose.


Powder paints for painting rims are popular with motorists due to their durability and high resistance to various kinds of influences. Among the serious advantages are the possibility of applying to almost any type of titanium, steel discs.

minus powder paints the need for special equipment is considered - the dye in the form of a powder according to the technology should be melted at a temperature of about 200 degrees. That is why powder technology not suitable for aluminum - aluminum wheels can be deformed.

The staining technology involves cleaning the stamp from the old coating by sandblasting. Then the surface is thoroughly degreased, covered with primer and a dye is applied in a special spray booth.

It will take at least a day for the paint to dry completely. It is possible to do such work in garage conditions with your own hands, but it is unprofitable.


Acrylic paint works well for painting wheels. This option is the best choice. It is very convenient to use acrylic, and you can apply it yourself - the dye is sold in an aerosol, but you can also work with an airbrush. It is possible to paint disks with aerosol acrylic paint quickly and efficiently, and at the same time inexpensively.

Among the main advantages, one can single out the complete protection of the surface from the effects of precipitation. Road reagents will also not be able to harm the painted surface. But it must be borne in mind that acrylic has an average durability.

Spray paint for discs is chosen in most cases because of its affordable price and ease of use - the spray allows you to get quality result in the fastest time possible.

Before applying spray paint, it is imperative to treat the disc with abrasive materials. Next, the contents of the can are thoroughly mixed (the can must be shaken for three minutes) - this way the color uniformity is achieved. Then, without fail, a test spray is made on any other area, if the paint is sprayed well and evenly, it can also be applied to the discs.

Compared to powder dyes, the advantage here is the possibility of quick drying - the painted surface dries in just 10 minutes. Choice colors also extensive, spray paint is available in any shade, but silver paint (chrome-like) is popular.

If you add a little phosphor to acrylic, you can get luminous paint - the wheels will glow in the dark, which will attract prying eyes. The brightness of the glow depends on how strongly the phosphor is “saturated” with light.


Rubber paints are in great demand among those who like to highlight their car, tune it in every possible way. The reason for the great popularity of such coatings was their versatility. They can be used not only on metal, but also on plastic, glass. The coating can be either matte or glossy, this gives customers the opportunity to choose what they want.

On sale there is also a rubber luminescent paint that glows. The composition contains a special pigment - a phosphor, which accumulates light during the day, and begins to emit it at night. It turns out an interesting glowing effect.

Applying dye to cast wheels is very convenient. Spray aerosol paint for wheels in two or three layers of small thickness. The surface will be smooth and even. The process may take an hour or more. In this case, the primer of the discs as preparatory stage can be skipped.

In the video: painting wheels with Plasti Dip liquid rubber.

Popular products


body paints are an alkyd one-component composition, produced in aerosols. The product has increased strength and wear resistance, has good adhesion.

Body paint is distinguished by affordable cost, low consumption (the optimal number of applied layers is two or three). Ideal as a paint for stamped rims as well as cast versions. It should be applied with a spray gun. How much material is needed to paint one wheel is usually indicated on the bank, but the consumption is small.


Unlike Body enamels for Motip discs, these are acrylic-based compounds designed to give an attractive appearance. Products from Motip have all the advantages of acrylic paints, the compositions protect the surface from various impacts, have high adhesion.

The palette has black, white, golden colors. The texture can be matte or glossy. All products are supplied exclusively in cans.

How to paint: the enamel is sprayed onto a cleaned and degreased surface, holding the can at a distance of 30-40 cm. The material is ideal as a paint for alloy wheels.

As an analogue, you can use Kudo products - these are spray paints based on liquid rubber good quality.

What paint to paint depends on the goals - if you need to give the surface gloss and shine, and not just protect it from corrosion, then it is better to use acrylic and rubber coatings. Painting discs with luminous paint will make the car doubly original.

How to paint wheels yourself (2 videos)

Paints of different brands (25 photos)

Forged steel discs are great solution for driving on domestic roads, where pits or bumps are often found. They keep their shape perfectly because they are made of steel. In addition, putting them in order is not as expensive as, for example, cast ones. A modest appearance will help to correct the painting of steel wheels, which will give them a new look. To carry out these works, it is not at all necessary to contact specialists, since everything can be done by yourself. enough to cook necessary tools and follow several important steps.

Stages of work

Do-it-yourself technology does not require special knowledge; every motorist can perform it. The main steps include:

  • purchase of materials and equipment;
  • preliminary preparation;
  • primer;
  • painting;
  • additional varnishing.

Equipment and consumables

To do it yourself, you must first prepare the equipment and purchase consumables:

  • spray gun and compressor;
  • in the absence of an airbrush - aerosol cans;
  • primer;
  • acrylic type paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • a drill with a nozzle for metal brushes;
  • solvent for degreasing the surface;
  • special tape for painting;
  • personal protective equipment, as the paint is toxic.

Preparation of steel discs

Before painting rims, check their condition for scratches, cracks, damage or rust. The surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, traces of corrosion or old coatings. To do this, you can use an electric drill, and hard-to-reach bends are sanded with sandpaper.

During cleaning, the disc must be moistened several times with water. At the end of the work, the surface is thoroughly washed, degreased with a solvent and dried.

Priming and painting

In order for the painting to be of high quality, the surface should first be primed. 2-3 coats of primer are applied to rims. After they dry, the surface is treated with sandpaper. This ensures its evenness and smoothness.

Important: before applying the next layer of primer, you need to wait 5-6 minutes for complete drying.

Only after all the preparatory operations have been completed, you can start painting the disc. It is recommended to opt for acrylic paint. It is applied to the surface with a spray gun or aerosol can.

The distance between the surface and the equipment should be 30-50 cm. Painting is carried out in several layers. After each layer, it is necessary to wait for the paint to dry completely (drying time is indicated in the instructions) and only then apply a new one. To speed up the staining process, you should use a building or household hair dryer.

When the paint is completely dry, you can start varnishing the surface. Varnish will help to preserve the result of work for a long time and protect the painted surface from negative impacts. external factors. As a result, the discs will acquire a beautiful shine.

Important: the principle of applying varnish is similar to painting with paint - several layers over time to dry.

If all the steps are completed with high quality, then the new color of the steel discs will be preserved for more than one year.

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