Foam blocks are cellular concrete with excellent performance properties.

Today, houses made of such material are popular in Europe and everywhere they are gaining a significant reputation in Russia. In the USSR, they were rather skeptical about it, since it is more expensive to produce relative to ordinary concrete. The thermal insulation properties of the foamed analogue were not taken into account due to the very cheap energy carriers at that time.

Large capital developers show no less interest in this material than private owners.

Foam blocks are universal and allow you to solve many construction tasks with a minimum of extra labor.

The connection of sound-proof qualities, reduced shrinkage and water absorption coefficients, as well as fire resistance - all these properties are manifested in this material.

Nevertheless, such houses also have significant drawbacks, they are sometimes turned a blind eye, although this is highly discouraged. Brick is historically over 3000 years old, and foam concrete is only a hundred years old, of course, in this area of ​​construction, all possible technologies for preventing risks have not been fully developed.

Modern industrial production algorithms make this material environmentally friendly, but it also has its own problems.

The main pros and cons of foam concrete houses

First of all, a foam block house needs to be built only by the frame method, which means that all the disadvantages of the frames during its construction are waiting for you without fail.

Sufficiently complex measurements during installation and the complexity of design are typical companions for the start of construction. Pick up desired material for the frame and only a person with experience can monitor the quality of each connection.

The problem is reduced by the fact that such a material, for example, unlike a bar, does not give serious shrinkage and deformation from moisture.

  • He is also demanding at such a moment as isolation, you need to select it very carefully, otherwise beneficial features foam blocks will come to naught
  • The environmental friendliness of the material is quite high, however, synthetic blowing agents are sometimes used, which can not always be considered safe, although such a substance usually contains less than half a percent

Durability and water absorption

Speaking about the high hardness of concrete, one cannot ignore another important property - brittleness.

Obviously, the block can withstand a significant load in a static position, but with a sharp impact, it easily cracks. Accordingly, accuracy in every movement and reinforcement of structures is necessary. And this leads to certain additional costs of time and Money. Durability is also in doubt, given that foam blocks often break even during transportation.

Due to the porous structure, it also has significant water absorption - up to 15%.

In general, this is not so scary, but at high humidity, this effect leads to a loss in the quality of thermal insulation. It is worth fighting this with the help of a large amount of waterproofing, which actually completely separates the material from external environment which, of course, is not so simple.

Gaseous products also have a no less destructive effect: the foam block has poor vapor barrier, which can provoke increased humidity inside the room.

To form a quality foundation, only monolithic slab otherwise cracks cannot be avoided.

In addition, the foam blocks must be laid with a special adhesive, which should be correctly selected for each type of concrete. A bad decision would be to replace the glue with a mixture of cement and sand: you risk getting a seam more than 3 mm thick, which means losing significant efficiency in terms of thermal insulation, and sound insulation too.

The density of stacking blocks is one of the main parameters that guarantee the quality of construction, for a successful solution of this problem, the surfaces must be smooth.

In practice, it is often necessary to additionally grind the blocks if the material in the batch was initially of poor quality.

The shrinkage of aerated concrete is significantly less than the foam block, although, subject to all technologies, the latter does not exceed 0.1%. The main period with maximum shrinkage falls on the first month.

In addition, this is a specific material in terms of finishing, not everything is well attached to it.

When installing decor elements directly into the block, you may expect some problems: bunches and screws easily enter, this does not require extra effort, however, then they can just as easily fall out back. Inside the channel for fasteners, the material crumbles and does not hold very well. Neither wood nor brick create such problems.

Block geometry

Foam blocks can be made in a fairly compact production, some even make them in artisanal conditions on their own. It may seem to someone that this is a plus, but for modern construction standards, this approach is definitely not good for anything.

Products that do not fall under factory quality control and certification may not be exactly the right shape. In appearance, the distortions of the parameters are often completely invisible, but during construction, all the shortcomings will come up in the most unexpected places.

Incorrect proportions, again, lead to an increase in seams, which in turn creates a risk of reducing the insulation and strength of the building.

Aesthetic qualities

  • The appearance of any, even the highest quality foam block can hardly be called attractive. Glued laminated timber, for example, will find much more admirers in this regard, both ordinary people and professional builders will agree on this opinion.
  • The foam block gives dubious freedom of creativity, on its basis it is problematic to make a beautiful and original cottage that repeats the traditions of a certain style, where you can often see fairly standard options that are not too catchy
  • The color scheme, although there is, of course, absolutely meager. As already noted, additional finishing and combination is required. various materials. The foam block itself is plain and not suitable for use similar to wood-based materials.


One of the obvious disadvantages of the foam block is its lightness.

The bearing capacity of walls made from it is half that of similar brick.

Marking various types of building material will allow you to clearly understand what exactly and where you can use: you should not neglect these recommendations.

It also requires calculations of the distribution of loads on each element, otherwise the house may turn out to be flimsy, since the roof will be heavier than the walls.

In general, following the logic of technology, most of the risks of such a plan can be completely minimized.

Video about the disadvantages and advantages of foam concrete houses

Choosing a foam block as the main building material, we justify our choice with some points and try to make them objective and include both the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

The correct reaction to the minuses of the foam block

Only in this way we will be able to understand exactly how the building material suits us in all respects, considering both the pros and cons.

Let's in the article below, we will consider not only the material itself, but also the buildings built from it, we will see all the shortcomings of houses made of foam blocks, and we will also discuss the pluses, of which there are still more!

What is a foam block

Before you start looking for the pros and cons, let's decide on the product itself. porous, cellular structure.

He receives these properties due to production technologies, in which the following components take part:

  • Simple cement mortar.
  • Quarry sand.
  • Foaming agent.

In principle, we can say that this wall stone is a kind of foam concrete.


Turning to the properties of the foam block stone, we will simply mark them all neutrally, without highlighting the disadvantages of the foam block or the advantages. All to the point and to the point.

So, foam blocks:

  • Do not have high strength. However, their density allows us to build a house up to three floors in height. That is, they are perfect for low-rise construction.
  • Have excellent thermal insulation performance. This moment cannot be imperceptible, because many important nuances depend on it, starting from the method of insulation and ending with the heating system. from 0.10 to 0.38 W/(m * °C).

  • Frost resistance can reach F 50, this is a fairly high figure, but something else is interesting in relation to foam concrete. A huge number of pores in the body of the wall stone allows water to find a lot of passages for migration and freezing, respectively, it does not destroy the material during expansion.
  • With a large number of pores, we are able to talk about high soundproofing qualities. The pores filled with air here again determine the characteristics of the product.
  • moisture resistance. A solid block practically does not allow moisture to penetrate into the body, since its pores are all closed. Interestingly, the instruction according to GOST allows the product to generally be in water for more than 7 days.
  • Hygroscopicity. This is the ability of the block to "breathe", through it water vapor passes from the premises to the outside, and I must say that this is a wonderful feature of the product.

  • Naturally fire resistant. The blocks do not burn and do not support the flame, the material is ready to resist open fire for 8 hours.
  • Structure homogeneity. This moment can definitely be attributed to the plus, because such a structure allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations with the block, sawing, drilling, etc.

What about home

And here the most interesting begins, because judging by all the properties that we have described, foam concrete has practically no weaknesses. It is not for nothing that most experts unanimously single out the material as a worthy competitor to all traditional building materials.

However, there are some disadvantages of a foam block house, which we will now designate:

  • Low strength. This moment immediately catches the eye, and it concerns not only the impossibility of using a wall block in the construction of high-rise buildings. When calculating your own home, this moment is also taken into account, especially when it comes to several concrete floors and three floors.

  • All the wonderful thermal insulation qualities of the product evaporate instantly if we do not withstand a thin seam during masonry. Cold bridges are formed, which spoil all the positive aspects of the walls.
  • Despite the fact that we can build almost everything with our own hands, not all types of finishes are suitable for facing a foam block house. Due to hygroscopicity, we are forced to choose only cladding options that will leave a gap between the wall and cladding.
  • It should be noted the possibility of changes in the structure of the foam concrete itself. This option is extremely rare, but sometimes a chemical reaction can occur when carbon dioxide and cement composition interact, which leads to the formation of chalk, and, accordingly, to the fragility of the block.

And how about considering the advantage of foam blocks? Everything is much simpler here, because we have already described almost everything in the properties.

You can just make a few additions, including ease of use. The fact is that the foam block has dimensions much larger than standard brick, it is 200x300x600 mm, that is, 20 cm wide, 30 high and 60 long, and laying such a block is much more convenient, even without special skills.

Another clear advantage, especially against the background of the fact that it often fits into the minus, is the weight of the product. It fluctuates within 11 kg, and now let's think about how important this is when arranging a base for a house.

Thus, the lack of weight, strength, which does not allow us to build a high-rise building, in low-rise construction, on the contrary, is expressed as a plus.

Once again, we note the thermal insulation qualities, this is important despite the fact that they allow, firstly, to be built in many climatic zones, and secondly, to calculate many moments in a completely different way.

Important! With a standard thickness of 20 cm, the foam block is capable of replacing thermal insulation brick wall 3-4 times thicker!

In addition to huge savings on the material itself and on insulation, we will calculate the heating system for the whole house in a completely different way, and this is another point in the advantages and pluses of the product.

And finishing the conversation about the advantage, we note hygroscopicity, which we have already mentioned in the properties of the material, but for us it is interesting because it allows the atmosphere in the premises to be constantly fresh.

Wood has this property, but it is a natural material, and the foam block is a derivative of several mixed components, so the ability to constantly breathe clean air is a huge plus for the product.


As we can see, it is quite difficult to find really obvious flaws in the material that we have chosen for the house. Basically, they can be precisely in the structure of foam concrete, because, as we have already said, in the event of a change in the structure, the wall stone may lose strength.

How bad is it in masonry? In principle, if we are talking about several pieces, there will be no problems, but if a large percentage of the supporting structure undergoes changes, then the price of reconstructing and repairing the building will, of course, be high.

Otherwise, working with the material is a pleasure, and in the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

The construction of houses from cellular (lightweight) concrete (foam concrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete, fiber foam concrete, wood concrete) has justified advantages (cheap, fast, energy efficient). At the same time, foam concrete blocks are not without drawbacks.
We will try to conduct an objective assessment of the pros and cons of the foam block for the house based on the reviews and characteristics of the material.

Recommendations will also be given on how to choose and determine the quality of foam concrete blocks for walls and partitions of a cottage, garage, summer house or bath.
Foam blocks - pros and cons
Like any building material, foam concrete blocks have advantages and disadvantages.
Pros of foam blocks
compressive strength of the foam block. It is determined by the volumetric weight of foaming additives, their type. The humidity of the block has a considerable influence on this indicator. For a dry foam block, the compressive strength index is 3.5-5.0 MPa;
Note. Foam concrete gains strength during operation. Comparison of the new block and the block that was in operation for 50 years showed that the density of the latter exceeded the density characteristic of the brand by more than 3 times.
low density foam block. This indicator depends on the brand and ranges from 400 to 1,200 kg/m3. Foam block D600-800 is used for the construction of walls of a low-rise house.
foam block weight. A material that has air in its structure is lightweight. Reducing the mass of the house allows you to save on the arrangement of the foundation. The foam block with a volume of 0.036 cubic meters, with dimensions of 200x300x600 mm, has a weight of only 22 kg. This is also a significant plus for transportation;
low thermal conductivity of the foam block. Due to the presence of air in the concrete mass (40-80%), foam concrete retains heat better. In turn, this reduces the thickness of the masonry, which reduces the pressure on the foundation. And also reduces the cost of warming the house. According to the calculations of manufacturers, it is possible to avoid up to 30% of heat loss through the walls. In comparison with a brick, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the D700 foam block is 3.5 times less.
good sound insulation of foam blocks. The porous structure absorbs sound, especially low sound frequencies. 300 mm foam block wall absorbs 60 dB noise;
incombustibility. Allows you to meet the requirements fire safety buildings. In addition, foam concrete does not emit harmful compounds from the effects of fire;
environmental friendliness of foam blocks (content of natural radionuclides). This indicator for foam concrete is 2 (for brick - 10). Foam concrete does not rot and does not decompose, it is safe for human health. In the production of foam concrete, a blowing agent (on a protein or synthetic basis) is used, which does not form harmful gases for human body. Another situation is with the manufacture of gas silicate blocks, when foaming occurs in the autoclave as a result of a chemical reaction of fine particles of lime and aluminum. As a result of this reaction, hydrogen is produced, part of which remains in the pores of the gas silicate and will be released for some time;
low cost of foam block. Allows you to reduce the cost of building a house as a whole. For example, the difference in price: 1 m3. foam concrete costs 2200-2800 rubles, bricks from 3500 to 6500 rubles per 100 pieces, lumber from 4500 (solid wood) to 20000 (laminated timber).
convenience in work. Foam concrete is not heavy, but voluminous. Due to the size of the blocks, the work is done quickly, it is easy to give it any shape without the use of special tools;
house geometry. Foam concrete is amazing in that you can pre-set the necessary parameters. And the exact dimensions of the foam block are one of them. This allows you to build a house with a flat surface;
low consumption of the adhesive mixture during the construction of the house;
moisture resistance. Foam concrete practically does not absorb water. You can verify this by doing a test. A small cube of foam concrete must be placed in a container of water. It will float on the surface of the water;
frost resistance of the foam block. Due to its low hygroscopicity, closed pore structure and special additives, foam concrete is able to withstand a significant number of freeze / thaw cycles (depending on the brand) without significant damage;
the possibility of combining with other materials allows you to veneer foam concrete surfaces with any finishing materials.
Cons of foam blocks
low bending strength. According to this indicator, foam concrete is inferior to concrete and reinforced concrete. However, with an increase in the grade of foam concrete, the bending strength also increases. True, thermal insulation properties are reduced;
Note. The foam block increases strength as it stands (hardens). You need to know how long the foam block dries after manufacturing, this time is up to full curing and is 28 days.
It is not recommended to use a newly made block for construction. This is especially true in the season when foam concrete is in demand, and manufacturers are trying to make it in a volume sufficient to meet demand. In this case, there is a violation of technology (the period of drying, ripening). Eliminated by buying a foam block 3-4 weeks before the start of construction with proper storage on the site in a moisture-proof place
pore heterogeneity. The applied pore-forming agent (air-entraining additives) does not allow ensuring the uniformity of all pores in size. In practice, this leads to the fact that somewhere the material is denser and, for example, holds fasteners better, and somewhere less dense. This drawback is eliminated by using hardware (dowels, anchors) designed for fastening into the porous structure of cellular concrete;
possible deviations in density. Related to the production technology, for example, the violation of proportions or the quality of mixing. Eliminated by purchasing material from major manufacturers with the provision of appropriate documentation and warranty;
natural shrinkage of a foam concrete house within 1-2 months after construction is completed. Shrinkage can reach 2-4 mm. per running meter. This phenomenon is associated with a set of foam concrete strength. The shrinkage of the foam block is uniform, therefore it does not affect the quality of the structure, it only pushes back the beginning finishing for 3-4 months;
there are many private mini-factories for the production of foam blocks (handicraft), which cannot always guarantee the quality of the produced material. It is in the conditions of clandestine production that the recipe (proportions of foam concrete components) and the terms for strength maturation are often violated. As a result, poor quality foam blocks with all the ensuing consequences (uneven shrinkage, cracks).
How to choose foam blocks for building a house
The durability of the house, cottage, garage or bath depends on which foam block is chosen. Experts recommend when buying foam concrete blocks to pay attention to such factors as:
1. manufacturer. Large manufacturing plants will not risk their reputation and usually offer foam concrete of a stable specified quality. Such material is accompanied by quality certificates confirming the results of laboratory research (tests), complies with GOST;
2. cost. If the material is sold at a price below the market price, this may indicate violations in its production. The discount can only be due to: second grade, volume of purchase, proximity to the place of delivery. In all other cases, you should think about why the foam block is sold cheaper;
3. storage location and packaging. The storage location must be dry, protected from moisture, and the packaging undamaged.
How to check the quality of the foam block
It is possible to determine whether foam concrete is good or not by means of visual inspection. The appearance of the block can say a lot.
Pore ​​structure. Cells (pores, air cavities) in the foam block must be isolated, i.e. do not connect with each other. Otherwise, the material will absorb moisture. You can evaluate the structure by breaking the foam block. Inside and outside, it should be the same in structure.
Pore ​​size. The more air in the structure of the block, the larger its pores will be. This is easy to determine by eye. The lighter and cheaper the material will be. However, its durability will suffer.
Color. The foam block should be gray (according to the color of cement) and have a uniform color. Too light color (closer to white) indicates that specific gravity cement in mortar does not comply with GOST 25485-89 "cellular concrete".
The geometry of the foam block. A large run-up will not affect the functionality of the house, but will lead to an increase in the consumption of the adhesive mixture. To check the geometry, it is enough to put two blocks on top of each other (there must be a good fit and no swings).
The weight of the concrete block. It is checked by weighing a random block, this will make sure that the density of the foam block corresponds to the declared one.
Advice on how to check the foam block for strength. You need to try to break off a piece from the edge of the foam block with your hand, if this succeeds, then the material is of poor quality. The second option is to try to pierce the foam block with a nail, using only hand strength, if it turned out easy, then it’s bad.
It should be noted here that we are talking about structural blocks with a density of D600-900, because. there are heat-insulating blocks with a density of D300, which are easily destroyed. But, they are not intended for laying walls, but are used as a heater.
An objective review of the pros and cons of foam concrete blocks will allow you to give accurate estimate wall material. A helpful tips from practice they will tell you how to determine the quality of the foam block by outward signs(by appearance, color, structure). Most of the shortcomings are removable and are associated with improper production technology or violation of construction standards.

Foam concrete is one of the types of cellular concrete. When it is created, air microbubbles are introduced into the cement mixture. The process occurs by mixing a foaming concentrated chemical with water. Foam is generated using compressed air. For this, an aerator is used. cement mixture(cement, water, sand) is mixed with foam using a concrete mixer. Manufacturing technology determines the advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete.

Scheme of construction from aerated concrete blocks.

When adding up to 10% of the foaming component, an improvement occurs

Scheme of continuous production of foam concrete.

  • decrease in density;
  • elimination of water separation;
  • ease of plastering material;
  • possibility of pumping in cold weather;
  • preservation of properties during freezing and thawing;
  • cost reduction.

To improve the quality of the material, other components can be added to the mixture: expanded clay, vermiculite, polypropylene, foam, etc.

The use of foam blocks

The range of application of foam concrete materials is very wide. Foam blocks are used for the construction of various structures, depending on the thermal conductivity, density and strength of the types of material:

For erection bearing walls houses, interior partitions and other building elements, foam concrete blocks with a density of 700-1000 kg / m 3 are used. Using them, you can redevelop an apartment, office or house, increase the number of floors in a building.

Scheme of installation of walls made of aerated concrete.

When carrying out insulation and soundproofing work, blocks with a minimum density are used. Their light weight does not create significant loads on the foundation. They are especially practical for thermal insulation of the floor and insulation of structures without a separate one.

Insulation of the outer walls of low- and high-rise buildings is carried out using foam concrete material with a density of 400-600 kg / m 3. The density of foam concrete for the installation of reinforced floors should be 1600 kg / m 3. When choosing a material for the construction of various structures of houses, it is necessary to take into account all of them. specifications and operating conditions of the future facility.

Advantages of foam concrete

Foam concrete is superior brickwork in terms of heat and sound insulation, and in terms of environmental friendliness, the material approaches the indicators of natural wood. In multi-storey construction, preference is given to brick due to the lower strength of foam blocks. It is more practical to build load-bearing walls for such buildings from bricks, and use low-density foam concrete material as a heat-insulating layer.

The lower the density of the foam concrete material, the better its thermal insulation properties.

Both of these materials are almost equally applicable and have their own advantages, but foam blocks are easy to process and allow you to implement a variety of architectural solutions. Their masonry is much faster, because they are almost 20 times larger than bricks. The cost of foam blocks is much lower. To finish such walls, you can use plaster mixtures, artificial and a natural stone, clinker tiles, ventilated facades, all types of wall panels, etc.

Foam concrete has the following properties, which are related to the advantages:

The scheme of insulation of walls made of aerated concrete.

  • low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation properties. These qualities reduce the cost of heat and sound insulation equipment. Due to the cellular structure of the material, in terms of thermal insulation performance, they are several times superior to structures made from other materials;
  • the ratio of volume and mass of foam blocks facilitates the transportation of the required amount of material;
  • low material density. Due to the light weight of the blocks, the load on the foundation of the house is reduced and the seismic resistance of buildings is increased. Buildings can be erected on soft soils;
  • manufacturability. Ease of processing. The material is easily cut, drilled, nailed. The surface of foam concrete is suitable for various kinds finishes. The accuracy of the dimensions of the blocks allows laying with the help of special glue, which greatly speeds up the laying process;
  • breathability. Walls made of this material "breathe", improving the microclimate inside the premises;
  • resistance to freeze and thaw cycles. Structures are not deformed as a result of seasonal temperature fluctuations;
  • fire safety and environmental friendliness. Walls with a thickness of 15 cm contain the spread of fire for 4 hours. Foam concrete, unlike heavy concrete, does not crack and does not split under strong temperature exposure. According to the level of environmental safety, it is equated to wood. The composition does not contain harmful chemicals;
  • the cost of foam concrete products is much lower than the cost of heavy concrete and bricks.

Negative qualities

Scheme of a house made of aerated concrete.

The disadvantages that limit the use of foam blocks include the following properties:

  • low mechanical strength compared to expanded clay and aerated concrete and not comparable with reinforced concrete;
  • unsightly appearance of houses made of cinder blocks, requiring decorative finishing;
  • the need for external vapor barrier to prevent peeling of the finish;
  • long recruitment period and low tensile strength of structures;
  • reduction of the internal usable area in the house when used.

Designs allow the room to warm up from 0°C to 20°C in 1.5-2 hours. But when heating is stopped, the building also quickly cools down due to low thermal inertia. Water absorption of concrete is up to 14%, which contributes to the deterioration of heat-saving properties. To prevent dampness of structures, a waterproofing device is required between the foundation and walls.

When planning the construction of a private house, it is logical to weigh all the pros and cons, compare and contrast different variants and construction technology, as well as the use building materials.

Among the many organizational issues, you need to decide what is better to build a house from.
The topic is extensive and multifaceted, each material has advantages and disadvantages, but specifically in this case, wall material made of cellular concrete - foam concrete will be considered.

Pros of a foam block house

Low thermal conductivity
Aerated concrete materials (foam concrete, aerated concrete) have a unique porous structure, due to which they are good heat insulators.

Light weight
Depending on which brand of foam concrete blocks are used, the weight is 1 cubic meter. ranges from 300 to 1200 kg. This leads to softer requirements for the foundation and in practice translates into an opportunity to save on materials for the foundation for a foam block house.

Minimum hygroscopicity
In the process of manufacturing foam concrete, a method is used to form blocks by pouring them into molds. This affects the geometry of the block, but contributes to the formation of closed pores. Due to this, foam concrete does not absorb moisture from the environment. A simple test, immersing foam concrete in a container of water, can demonstrate the resistance of the block to water absorption.

Durability of foam concrete
It is due to the fact that concrete, which forms the basis of foam concrete, gains strength during operation. That is, the longer the house stands, the stronger the foam concrete will be.

fire resistance of foam concrete
According to the fire safety class, foam concrete is one of the safest building materials, since it does not burn and does not support combustion.

Ecological purity of foam concrete
For the manufacture of the foam block, water, sand, cement and foam concentrates are used. The latter can be of two types: natural and synthetic. Even if synthetic foaming agents are used, their specific gravity is not more than 0.5% of total weight, which allows us to confidently declare the environmental friendliness of the material.

High speed construction of a house from foam blocks
The installation of one block is faster than the laying of a brick of the same quadrature. Plus, the installation error will be much lower.

Ability to embody any architectural style
Foam concrete is easy to process. Sawing, drilling, grinding the block is not difficult and does not require the use of special tools. Thanks to this, even a beginner who does not have experience in construction can drive out a box of a house from a foam block.

Ease of laying communications in foam concrete
Dictated by the malleability of the blocks to processing, they are easily chiselled for laying pipes, wiring, etc.

No finishing requirements
A foam concrete house can be used for a long time without additional finishing. As a rule, cladding is performed purely for aesthetic reasons. The most popular option is decorative plaster. A foam concrete house can be finished with any of the existing materials, it is important that they are designed for foam concrete blocks and do not negative impact on the microclimate in the building. Otherwise, the ability of the house to “breathe”, which is due to its porous structure, may deteriorate.

Ease of decoration
Due to the even surface, foam concrete can be plastered or finished with a finishing material with minimal effort to prepare for finishing.

Relatively low price of foam block
Despite the fact that in absolute terms, foam concrete (35-39 rubles / piece) is more expensive than brick (6-10 rubles / piece). But, in order to close the same area, you will need one foam block (35-39 rubles / piece) and 13.5 bricks (13 * 6 = 78 rubles). The benefit is obvious. And taking into account the fact that the house does not need insulation and a strong foundation, savings can reach up to 30%.

Low cost of laying foam blocks
This aspect is relevant for those who do not plan to build a house from foam blocks with their own hands.

Cons of a foam block house

home shrinkage
A house made of foam concrete shrinks 2-3 mm per linear meter, you can start finishing only after a certain period has passed (at least six months). Shrinkage is caused by a long-term reaction between the constituent components of the foam concrete solution.

Foam concrete has a porous structure
The advantage of porosity is that it imparts low thermal conductivity to the foam block, but complicates the process of mounting fasteners into the wall. The way out is to use special fasteners designed for foam concrete. Their price practically does not differ from the cost of conventional fasteners.

Requirement for finishing material
Only special plasters and paints are used for wall decoration.

The need for reinforcement of foam concrete
The reinforcement is laid in the area of ​​the openings, and every 4-5 row of blocks is also reinforced. Without an appropriate armored belt, it is not possible to reliably install ceilings and a truss system.

High chance of buying counterfeit
The fact is that raw materials and equipment for the manufacture of foam concrete are relatively cheap, so the blocks are often made in a handicraft way, which is fraught with violations in production technology and affects the quality of the goods.

Direct relationship between strength / thermal insulation properties of the material
With an increase in strength (structural grades D 1000-1200), the thermal conductivity of the material increases. And vice versa, insulating foam block (grade D 300-500) cannot be used as a material for the construction of load-bearing walls. Especially when it comes to multi-storey buildings.

The fragility of the foam block
On the one hand, it provides simple block processing, on the other hand, it reduces load bearing capacity material.

Requirements for calculating the load on foam concrete
The need for careful calculations of the thickness of walls and partitions, taking into account all possible loads. Usually walls are erected with a margin of safety.

unaesthetic appearance foam block houses
A house built of cellular concrete is often finished precisely in order to eliminate this drawback.

The need for a shaping foundation
Those. such a foundation for a house made of foam concrete blocks, which will allow leveling the low indicative bending strength that foam concrete differs from.

Not ideal foam block geometry
Causes each block to be sanded before laying, slightly increasing construction time.
